Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 31, 1861, Image 4
FRUIT Si ORNAMENTAL TREES, AM) Snail Fruits Cultivated and for Sale AT THE 01 TVF RRANCH NURSERY . Sixteen miles east oj Ltncinnali, CLEKMONT COUNTY, OHIO 100,000 APPLE TEEES 5 TO 7 FEET HIGH. leading sorts at $o0.00 per M., regularly assorted to the trade : rejected, $10.00 per hundred retail. JYwlsc?. $12.00 per hundred, reUil. l'luuis, 40 cent each, retail. Cherries, 2S i-cnis each, retail. Quinces 25 cents each, retail. Gooseberries 75 cents per dot., Houghton SeeJl'g J eitr trees, 4U cents each, nVandard. . I'ear tree?, 30 cents each. Dwarf. Ulackberries, 1.00 per doien, Lawton. Strawberries, 2 per If. Rhubarb, $10,00 per hundred, Linnscus. The above named treee are now growing upon our own grounds, and we consider them very fine, The proprietor's attention hu been given fur the lart lijteen years alinot entirely to the propngation ol V'urf cries, the cultivating and marketing of Fruits : and during this time, have made it a business to VUimt Hum tuiKb IV'IICVI ouuivvo i.iiki. - Ci a! led adapted to this climate. All orders, accompanied by cash, attended to promptly; and, if neoessary.delirered in Cincinnati, and forwarded free of co.'t. except moderate charges w hea orders are boxed or baled. Address, W. C. DOLE, Olive Branch, Clermont co., O. I 0 N A VINES. MY-Stock of native vines comprise all the verit ble varieties with which I am acquainted. The lasts have been produced with great care, under the tBost favorable circumstances for healthy develop xuent,and surpass in excellency any that I have here tofore been able to offer. For the fall trade, only a limited supply of Union Villaze. Lenoir. ( Lincoln. 1 I'auIine.Elsinsrbnrff. Tay lor (or Bullitt,) and Allen's Hybrid is offered. Of test Uelaware layers, also, the supply is not large, but quality unequaled. The stock from Delaware, single eyes grown both in house and open air, is large and fine. For vine yard planting Bome strong vines, grafted on Cataw and Isabel; stocks, are offered at a low price roots very strong. cord, grown with especial care for immediate bear ing. Good layers of Anna, Rogers' Hybrid, 12 kinds also Clara, Casridy, To Kalon, Rebecca, Miller's Louisa, Logan, Emily, Canby's August, Hudson, H. Prolific, Cuyahoga. Ac. A general assortment of foreign varieties for vi Jieries. Of Downing! Everbearing Mulberry thesupjly is not large, and a great part of the trees already ordered. They are very vigorous, and the wood well gnwn and matured. Wholesale descriptive list sent to those who wish to form clubs, on application. List also sent to dealers. Fourth edition cf Illustrated Catalogue sent for two three cent stamps It is designed to be s full and comprehensive treatise on the manage ment of the vine, giving such information as pur chasers nd growers are supHsed to need. I'artio ular directions are given for the preparation of the soil and planting, and the directions for training are illustrated by many carefully prepared engrav ings. The descriptions of the varieties will be found accurate and trustworthy, being drawn from perton- w tuowoicuge, anu very extensive onservation. C . W. GRANT. IONA, NEAR PEEKSKILL. Wcstclicslcr Co.. Sew York. John Garnett, William Kooning, and James I B'.unden. (the latter, long a seedsman in the em ploy cf Messrs Landreth it Son) have united under the firm of JOHN GARNETT & CO. rOK THE PBOSECCTION OF THE A gicultural Implement AND SEED BUSINESS. They will constantly keep on hand a full supply of L,anarein s warranted uarden Seeds, all fresh, and of the last year's growth, . To be obtained at the old house at Philadelphia, and will confine their sales of Garden Kwia .i.. Fire to those. They will keep a very large stock of iu implements and .Machinery in Use, EXEKACING ALL TDK LEAPING AKTICLE3 IH THE TRADE. f)V TUt RVST UIVTIirang They solicit the continued custom of their friends, and of all those who bar dalt at the branch house of Lanpreth & Sox, at St. Louis. Our prices shall be very low, in with the times, and we u.p to satisfy all who call on ns, as to the superior V4 vwi eiuvftfBuu iac prices. UJttlU UUKSEBIES, .flS. th vm ' now approaching for transplanting r w cmiuu ui Tree aeiers Fruit rorourestockortLer" , .utify their grounds Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Grape Vines, . . ijt uout-Ty, jwses, eye. Also: all the leading varieties of Currants, Gooseberries, Blackberries, ; Raspberries, Strawberries, .. &c-i &c., &c. -rder.7 !nclos suiup, ana send for Ctloen and Price List .,, . EilSIGX FORD, Ar6n3S-Fvan3 0Uio Kur.ertes, Toledo, O 100,000 OSIER WILLOW CUTTLVGS, Variety l'erpureu for live fence. I will cut, bundle and deliver the Cuttings at Brownvilhs for $5 per eighty rods ; being but a little over ttco dollar per thousand. This is from one to three dollars less than ever offered before. All orders at these prices must be sent in before the 1st of October, lb6l. Sond orders by mail with cvh, to 11. O. THOMPSON. ,.T,. Nebraska City, X. T. .NEMAHA NURSERY", ) 1 8 miles West cf Neb-aska City.V August l.-nS-tf On new Air Line Kearney Road.) Oregon Nursery. ye best to call the attention cf the public to the Flo ral aepsrtment of uf Establishment, which we now have in full and suoceesfLl operation. Our stock of Greenhouse, bedding and Flowering Plants, Shrubs fcc., con Bitting in part of Geraneums, Verbenas, Dah lias, Peloxes, Peonies, Heliotropes. &c, we offer for Ml the coming Spring at lower price than usual, there by placing them within the reach of all. Mctt of these Plants flower all Summer, and for size, color. furm and fragrance of flower cannot be excelled fcnn-ilSiM dv',n,u,;e of class propagating iouse and it appendages, which affords us facilities for iuvreasing our stock tonieetanv demand, pat ties tLo'd ' nave no fears of getting what they want by handing In .their orders early. . VT attend to the Propasatinp Department ourselves, and warrant every article purchased of us to be good, trong, healthy, well rooted plant, and tree to name, Our descriptive and priced catalogues will be out lu April, and will be forwarded by mail to all applicants. J. A. VAXARSDALE.&. CO., St. Joseph Agricultural House, and B. W. FL'KXAS, Farmer OBlce, Brownvilte, N. T.. are our authorized Asents. All orders left with them will receive prompt atieni ion. ' . r. n BURcnES & co. P. 5. Having forcing pits speciallv for the purpose, we will tare SWEET POTATOK plants for sale by the million, at reduced prices. E. H. B k. O . Oregon, lo. Eeb. 1861 Feb 1661 Isabella Grapo Vines Strongly Rooted Plants, 3 to 4 years old, Hany of thea ftlre4y fruiting in the nursery, are now offered at $10 per hundred or $?5 per thou sand. ' TIio Fi cncli asp b crry. At $4 per 100. Large quantities at great!y re duced rates. It needs no winter protection and bears two annual crops of fruit. : Young Catalpa, 4 to 6 feet $4 per hundred : 5 to 7 feet 43 per 100. ' Hardy Climbing Roses, Fragrant Iloney Suckles, n4 nursery stock in general at the lowest rates. RICHARD M. CON KLIN. mWirsery, Cold Spring Harbor . ioyq ISLAND. COLORED PLATES OF FP.UITS AND FLOWERS." VII have artixts constantly employed in painting .specimens of all kinds of Fruits, Shrubs, Evergreeug and Flowers, and can supply nurtery axenu or others ' with any quantity, either bound or In ehcet. Onr bound volumes are Intended to contain all that an agent win require la selling a lUtof general Nursery products. We ojer them mnrh under the nnual priee, and can furnish the bound volumes very low; and we hsve no .becltaury in saying that the execution of the artist and likeness to nature are not surpassed by any ia the country. Call at the Jldvcrtiter oiB"e and nee speci ' men Uvk. ENSIGN' & FORD, iv5aSJ-FS3 Obio Nurseries, Toledo, Ono A nentvolrnt Intt UvJion titalluhed by tptcial En dovmer.t.for the Relief of the Sick and Lhttreticd, cmctfdicith Virulent and Epidemic Ditfatt. nnd tsj'ccial!? for the Cure cf Vuetuet of the Sexual Oraont. MllDICAIi ADVICE Pi ven gTSt is, by the Acting Snrce-n. to all who apply by letter, with a description of tbeir condition, (dge. icc ipation, habits of life, &c) and tnca-e of extreme poverty, Aledicines furnished free of rli irce. Va!'ji.:e Kpirts on Sperniorrhapi. and ther Jm esses of tl.e S.', and on the SEW 11E.HE DIES emplovcd in thf- Pispeasary, sent to the afl.icted intealed ic:tcr er.vel is. rrce of charge. Twoor three S:enips for r.uce will be acceptable. Address DR. J. .SK.1L1.IN H'JLG IITON, Actin Sur seon. HV.arJ Association, No. 2. South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Director. l:ZUA D. I1EAUTWELL, Pres. GEo. Fairchild, Sec'y. October IS, IstW. nl5-yly "TOTl-YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CLOTHING Ever offered in this Market. IVO DOIBT ABOUT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THE Batimore Cotliing Store, . BROWNVILLB, N. T. DAVID SEKGEL Announce to the public that he baa opened out a stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS. GENTLMEN'S UNDERWEAR, Unprecedented In quantify, qualify and prices, lie is determined bis price t-ha'l correspond with the time, and therefore offer here in the West, at just as low rtes as such goo-is can fee purchased anywhere in tbo United States. As a sample of Ills prices he will mention that he pells Coats from $1,2& up to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, - Vests from $1 to $5. RIiops. flats. Cd. Fancv and White Shirts. Sus- dcrs, Neckties, Sotks, Handkerchiefs, &-c, in the same proportron. The proprietor embrace this opportunity or returning thaukb for past patronage, and promise to spare no ef forts in the future to give entire satisfaction. Call .xxcl oo l-rixxx. DAVID SEIGEL. Erownvllle, June 13, lSGl.-ly O E3 G- G JLu 5 ii 7T1TT1 Tl nmrrr nrrnTi Tfn ill HiUV vualiA TO FARMERS OJ Nebraska and ir. W. Missouri: AGAIN I would call the attention of tho farmers of Nebraska and Mitioourl, to the fact that I have on hand and am constantly manufacturing, at my Plow Factory, in Oregon, Mo., Wagons, and every pattern of plows, to-wit: rniiuii: ploits, One and Two Horse Ploirs, Shovel Plows, llocs ,IIarrws,o Corn Planters, Ana Harrow Teeln Together with everything in tbia line used by a farmer I take the rcponBibility ofying that my two horse plows will do better work, in stubble or ary kind of ronsh ground, than any 1 manufactured or sold in this upper country. My two-hor?e and prairie piows will be sold, for cash uu terms, such as will place them in the reach of every farmer. My Plows can be obtained from my agent at Iowa Point, K. T., Brownville, Nodaway county, Marietta, Rush Bottom, Holt county, Brownville. N.T., and For est City. MARTIN HOFFMAM. N. B. All kinds of repairing done with neatness and dUpatcb, on liberal terms. Orenn,Mo., May, 1860. Theodore Hill, Agent At Brownville, N. T., keeps on hand a general assort ment of Huffman's Plows. Brownville, May, 1360, ly For Sale. The machinery, &c, belonging to the Steam Ferry Boat "Otoe," consisting of one engine complete, aud part of the machinery for another. Apply to II. M. ATKINSON, Receiver. Brownville, May 30, 1861. GROCERIES. A selecl stock cf li?ht firnfrrtMi w.ni2.r.Llv ta hand and for sale at reduced rates ai the new store of J. J. THUKILAK. ErownvUle, April II, '61. n40-yly ROOT. W. FPRXAS, NOTARY PUBLIC , BROWVILLEN N. T SADDLEEY. Saddles, Bridles, Collars, Trhips, Lashes, Lines, Girths, Surcingles, Stirrvps and Leathers, Snojjle, Curb and Port Bitls, Ring Bradoons, Buggy Trimmings. Flastering Hair Constantly on Hand. In order to suit all, I make harness from $ 45 per set. I have collars from 65 cents to $2 eacV Halters from T5c. to $1.75 each. 1 wiLL SELL AS LOW, if not lowe than anyone north of St. Joseph, and those wishing anything in my line will find it to their advantage to give me a call before fcuy ing elsewhere, JOHN W. M1DDLET0N, ee? RUOWXTILLK, X. T. THE OPORTO GRAPE. . The Oporto is a very strong grower, and 13 per fectly hardy, having fruited annually for more than ten years. It is very productive, old vines hav ing produced from five to over ten bushels each, in a single season. Two vines, two years planted in Ia Salle county, Illinois, were uninjured by the cold, and fruited lat ecan. The wine finds a rea dy sale from two to four dollirs per gallon. Read what the public, s-ty of the Oporto. "It is-esteemed by Thysieisns a good Port TVino. It is soncewhat astringent, rich and of fine body. The vines are unfailing and good bearers." Kcv. Dr. Lounshury. I have six different kinds tf Grapes, nnd tho Oporto is the best of cither of them for wine, and better than any other grape that I am acquainted with." A. Devereao, in the Rural. "for several yrars we have mado wine from the Oporto Grape, and find a rcidv sale at one dollar per bottle, selling SO bottles forsiile orders." Sylves ter Clark. b J Strong vines $1 to $1. Fr.r vines or circular address E. WARE SYVESTEIi Lyons, N V. n37v5-tf. pi j 0 rrra n n TT. ?"J ruN U l U 0 L il MAIN STREET. BROWNVILLE. N. T. Takes pleasure in announcing that he has now on hand, a larce and select stock of every art cle in his line, ooeL. STOVSS ,n , Of all the improved pat'ers ; viz : Plymouth Rock, Charter Oak, Valley r'oige, Klevated Oven, &.C, A combined Box and Parlor Stoves of an endless varietv. some of which are entirely new designs, viz : Cook and Parlor stoves, something very nice indeed for small families HEAVY SHEET IRON EOil SUGAR BOILERS And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal and Lard Oil Linips; Brass Copper, aud sLect Iron Ware; lanterns, Shovels, &c JAPANNED WARE, Si G ii m (TV Pa V 2 I have procured therlpht to manufacture a l.ite simple and improved self-healing Fruit Can to which I call the attention of the public. Allot which I plcl-'e myself to sell at as fair rates and on as accomodating terms as any other establishment in this re-lun of the c i-.intry I am prepared to put up sfi-tteriti? an.l sp; .:i:d all other work of my line atthe shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant i pivc tutisiact:.n. I plelse myfelf ni to be un l irsoM in the upper cuui.try J. C. DEUSEIt. Brownville, Appust, 30 16G0. l? t- n ri n LATEST NEWS. 0 I 723 ' -1SS:, HI I' i 9 !i t-f cu i r r a i a n b. f 1LJ f l y o ii il o Go? kkja0i- HOICE xBOTILED) m irfi! SOOT S3 S3 a ncl O a io b J E WE LEY. Ear Rings, Shirt Buttons, Finder It Bracelets, in 23, Breast Pins, &c, &c. Come and see and Brownville, August, SO, 1SG0. Secure Bargains. TME HULL. BROWNVILLE . ' I . V ' 11 "..71 "4 1 (J JOHN A. PONN, Has Removed Frcm his Old Stand cn the Levee to WHITNEY'S NEW BLOCK, MAIN STREET, BROWXVILE JS T. Where he has opeuel up a 'MESH SOCIK.8 Consisting of STAPI.E AXD TAX CY DRY :GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family rocerie CONSISTING OF Flour, Ham, Bacon Sugar, Molasses Cofiee, Tea, Salt, Cheese, Candles, And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc. ALSO, A ice selected Stock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. (JUEENSWARE, Saddlery, Boots and Sh es. ""IcCOlLMICK'S Ecaper & Hower. 3VI,ixxxf,ct-ur'ocl lay c. ii. Mccormick & bros., CHICAGO, ILLS. Twenty-five Thousand Sold Durirg the last &i.2Z 3rotx3 An Average of over 4,000 each Tear. Silei have increated from 1C0O ' '54 to 5,000 " 'GO. As a Roaper, the "McCormick" haj bean before the American public for the last twenty vears. and during that time has gained a reputation which is "World-Wide.' Notwithstanding the yearly ia creasingcompetition, and thehostof invsntors en gaged in the devclcpccst of Reapinjr Machines, the "AIcOormick"lead3 the van the acknowledged su perior of all iu the march for praotical improvements. The representations mada bv other manufsx:tur- that the ilcUormick was "onca" a noted Reaner. but is now antiquated,i3 simply ridiculous, as the in creasing demand will prove. Jio single establish ment in the WORLD, nianafactures so largely of these implements, and none expends equal money . i t : iM - . uuio ur laioui ill rtuci'jie improvements. Many cnangea have been effected dun ns tho past season, and for 1361, tho 4iIcC'ormick" i3 presented greater attractio ns than ever before. A a Roaper its SIMPLICITY. STRENGTH AND DU RABILITY comm-nd it to the farmer, while its capacity for worn, witn economy ol power, givo it the preference over all others. The compacting the frame, thus securing a more perlect balance to the machine: the position of the raker, in the rear of the driver, thus placing the weight where it should be, nnd relieving the weak er part? of the machine; the decreased weight, and Elight indentation of the sickle, the Castor wheel. ana other improvements aaaertjtiave materially les sened tho direct draught, and eo obviated the tide draught that many assure us that it does not now vxist. The draught of the Reaper is 'so liht hat in numerous instances the large four-aorso machine is worked with but two horses. LIofTafs Life PCENIX BITTERS, These medicines have now beu before the public for a period of thirty year, ana unng mat time navg maintained a hUlicLiractcr in almost every par. oi me Globe, fcr their extraordinary and immedidt. power o restoring perrect to persons suuerms ouutr near ly every kind of disease to wLich tho human frame is lUW-e. .... . . . . The foiiGwir.sf are some or ice aisire--.siu Tarieiyoi human diseaes in which tn? VEGETABLE LIFE 311jlJlUiiS JLb Are well known r ne miaiiioie. Dijspcpua, by thnrouchly cleansing me nrsi ani sec- niid btomaehs, and creating a flow r pure neaitny one, instead of the stale acrid kind , i iaiuiency, loss ui p- peeite, Heartburn, neioacre, r.esiiw.sties3, m-icurr, Anxietv, Laneuor, aim jeiancnoiy, wuitu i mo (,cu eral symptoms of Dysreps'a, will vanish, as anatual consequence of its cure. Costivme, by Cleansing tne wioie lenzm or mein- testines with a solvent process, and wwhout violence ; all violent purges leave the dowqIs costive within two day. Fcvert, of all kind, by restoring tne blood to areo lar circulation, through the proeess of perspiration in such cases, and the thorough solution of all intestinal obstruction in others. The Lite Medicines have been known to cure nieuni tism permanently in three weeks, and Gout in half that time by removing local inflammation from the mus cles and ligaments from the joints. Vropsiet Of all kinds, by freem? and strengthening the kidneys and bladder they operate most deiishtful ly on these important organs, and hence have ever been found a certain remedy for the worsr, caes of Gravel. Also Worms, by fris lodging from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter ti which these creatures ad here. Scurvy, Ulcers and Inveterate Sores, by the perfect parity which these Lire give to the blood, and and all the humors. Scorbutic Eruptions and bad complexions, by their al ternative effects upon tho fluid t'uat feed the skin, and the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive com plaints, sallow,, andother disa?reeablecomplex ions, The use of these pills for a very short time, will effect an entire cure of Salt Khenm aud a striking improve ment in the clearness of the skin. Common Colds and Intlucnza will always be cured by one dose, or by two in the worsi cases. PILES. The original proprietor of these medicines, wascuredof piles of thirty-tlve years standing, by the use of the Life Medicines alone. Fever and Ague. Fur this scourge cf the Western Country, thee Medicines will be focud a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicine j leave the system subject to a return of the disease a cure by these medi cines is permanent try them, bo satisfied and be curea unions Fevers and Liver Complaints. General De bility, loss of appetite, and Diseases of Females the Medicines have been used with the most benefit-ill re sults in cjses of misdescription: Kings Evil, aud Scrof ula in ils worst forms, yields to the mild, yet power ful actionof these remarkable Medicines. Ni.cht Swcts Xervous debility, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Pal pitation of the heart, Painter's Colic, are speedily cur ed. Mercurial Diseaifi. Persons whose constitutions have become impaired by the injudicious use of Mercury will Cud these Medicines a perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicate from the system, all the effects of the Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful prep arations of Sarsaparilla. W.B. MOFFaT. 313, Broadway, N'ew York July 5, 1SC0, ly THE PEOPLE'S PATRIOTIC PICTURE GALLERY, Just Published in splesdid Style. E. II. 151EC1K3 4 to ' "OFIUETOns. ureson h Holt Co., n. I where TREES, SIIPa-ES,. FLOp, i Can be adapted toourcrmt. , lC ' these facts,U have eVtS- !a,J Wholesale or ''" The coming season, a lar-,ar1 . ? suited to this climate, . S'iHr ! Apples, standard and dwarf- V;, Pearj.standari an.l dwarf. " ' 4 Peaches, ' ""UdCJ nd j t 1UD13, Apri ?ots, Nectarines, Qain?e, Grap? Current, tioojebe S traw rerries aid KverTreens,Oraair,en!alT. ' . . Greenhouse and Bcddi- PlantV V io wr.;-.n we would of the people of Western Missoad sas and Iowa. ' -,el)r? r?r0ur terms will be as low a? anv- em urscry. ur..u;rf!Jrj Uypurchhsingof us the eTDc-. ' " I i be saved. ' M15,- from the east can All trees and plants are carTa i " manner ii.r a !7 lab-;. it nrrniv . . . -wr , ed States, for whfch a cbai-e tW" '''1 .:b Cf 1 Mil.- 1 - very f Facka-es on h.ard gtcamK,v. AllcirumtiniL,atiirs!i.Hr,.- i .. " ,i - x V" , J taa ;ti.ciTt prouipi aitention. oris:; 70,000 APPLETIIEe?! AT FAIR VIEW KURSESY ti J A TTT T U'l'CT r I .Ulijli IILO Ui N hrv w i Tncse trees nre the lar-st of th.;r a.-, U , ' '.Strata- they are adapts t, the I 2,,eU0 4 year old trees, U choice, 2d si2' la cents c;uh ' !CJ 2 year eld trcej (tacy ar3 n;-., each 43.C cents e iuit or iru:t '.ud-, la cents en.h ftua jear oid Kc'l Dutch Curra Duds, 1 j cents each 1000 1 year oid Red and V.'hito D at til cants each. iuu i year old Ooncord Gra" V Luis i.i'j uct Known rai'9 1 year oil Isabella Grapu Tinej'at Vt Ja'-s fun , j,"-. HiS knowledge of the trade and wants of the people of Doownville and vicinity enables him to make judici ous purchases expressly for this market. He asks an examination of his Stock, feeling assured he will be able to satisfy in o,ua!Uy, style and prices. TWIT IS W WHITNEY'S BLOCK 23 25 25 25 25 1. POSTILS-IT OF MAJ02 ANDE2S0U". tho Hero of Sumter, 2. PORTRAIT OF MAJ0S-GEH". EUTLE2, 3. P0ETEAIT OF COL. ELLSW02TU, of the "ew York Fire Zouaves, assassinated at Al exandria, after hauling down the Kcbel 4. THE E0HSAELXE2TT OF F0ET STJH- TES, a magnioent,large, richly colored en graving. 5. THE MASS. EEGIHEITr f-hting their way through tho streets of Laltiinore. A most spirited picture, giving a very correct idea of that bloody tran?action. 6. "STAR SPANGLED BAHNER" GOD DESS OF LIBERTY. A heart-stirring de- sion, exquisitely colored. 25 6. THE TJMI0N VOLUNTEERS. The brave soldier represented in the act of trampling underfoot the traito-'s banner, and unfur ling in its place the glorious oli stars and stripes" forever in triumph to wave." 8. THE DEFENDERS OF OUIt US ION. a mammoth lithogradhic picfare, brilliantly colored, representing the various crack regi ments in the United States service, in sull dress, and equipped and armed for active service, being one of the most magnificent pictures of that kind ever got up in this country. Among the military represented, are the New York 7th, Mass. 6th, the Fire men Zouaves, Col. iJuryee's Advance Guard. 1st German Ride?,. French Zouares, Billy ' Wilson s Zonave. etc., etc, rnce Amy pit ill b sent by rxuJL' postpaid every whero on receiptor price. . ; c icr OME DOLLAR ARRANQEMEHT FOR 0TR DOT J. AT? f FOR ' ONE DOLLAR! FOR OXE DOLLAR! We will send the complete set of 8 pictures to any part oi tua Lnueu otate?, postage paia. 2U0 each Standard nnd Dwarf Tears at 55 eta each In exchange for the aWe, I will ui, u-v, t lour at the Mdncy market price, or I teicst utlx tea perceAU i From present indications we will hare Wet ' and those that wish to set out Orchsrds till io - to come and get trees. ilarch It, 'til. n:;5-tf HEXBT BP.0T5. ATTEXTIOXr BEE-KEEPES3, Kid.ler's new oystem of Bee Management, ,;,, by a swarm of l!ees will collect trm one hundred pounds of honey in one w-ioD. Ba a, be made to swarm any season, or prevent fp,s w ing so. Can be prevented from flrin to th f,. .v in swarming-time. l'.ee-robl.ery easi'v prtvu! Moth millers prevented eJeetuaHy. 'eTloiWr,s by the chill of widteror otherwise. " 1 will send my new took Circular, wntainV"! pages, free of postage, to any L'.'.a Kvyr thV send me bis I'ost-Ufilce address. It give-j thee tents of Hook in full, and gives g"n! exp'aaliv I and cuts cf tho Patent Cooipound Hive Or, I will send Kidder's Guide to Apiarian Sew on the receipt of 57 cent?, in postazs stam-o will give full particulars in the Cuicurea . d nuia agement of tho FI-,acj Kee. All orders for circulars. b,k. Lives, ri.-it ! promptly attended to. Addre-;-:. K. P. KIDDKU. T, :i I ,-v.n, Ti Concord Grapevines. I have l.i Urg- -t and h-t ;) ;,- r. c ri inaiK v.i.e in tf tni.ed . H t f . X" - - - ,Tuer. .uriies, Y meyardsor Mt: mi tr mf.-. .than Any other nliabio d.-nl in. ,, tl.rt; yer old, now bearin ' li ii't,!, cno year Id. will bo sent by and warran'cd to gruw. 0u3 year old vines per duaen, by Ex. only Two do d. d., d.j Tbreo d d') d,. rt, mad, p II ii FOR OKE DOLLAR ! FOR ONE DOLLAR! FOR ONE" DOLLAR ! FOR ONE DOLLAR! We will send by mail, post-paid, the following set of Union uoods : 1. One copy Hardee's Tactics, the Text Dock for the Citizen noldier. 2. 25 splendid aborted Union Envelopes, entirely new devices. 3. 21 sheets superfino Union paper. 4. No. 4 of our picture gallery, (The Bombardment ot Sumter.; 5. No. 5 of our picture gallery, (The Massachusetts Sixtn.j 6. Tho splendid picture ''The Defenders of Union." our FOR ONE DOLLAR ! FOR ONV. "DOTT, AT? ! - M-..i.M.v . omaa rruits iurranis, uovn-" FOR ONE DOLLAR ! "?C3-kberries,4c.,mu;.hlowerthaD,'r A great rcuuctinn from these rri-ei will hm.i to thoe who buy by the hundred cr t.Wsn.J. i gents wanted in all sections tj sc.'i the- via a commission. Any person who pn-?:ircj purlin for vines gets up a club will rccci79 two ts frt for each dozen ordered. Cuttings with twoorfjurbud.-'.ooo d-.'S.irr-r U sent by mail, postpnid (-rby express. 1 00 I r Cve i-- Iars; 500 for fifteen dollars; H)i;0 for 23 d-!W. October is tne best month to set tberu. Lu. as long as the ground is unfrozen. All money sent at my rLik. A rer's ore.l ! il be given to any responsible person who deairesi:, who order 10 dollars worth or more. The Concord is decidedly the be t fnni!r,a. and wine grape now known. It ripens uaiwx- as far north as Canada3. A circular with more full d-faili s-nt free tofc applicants. t. ;. .MINNKit, Clinton, Oncid. (. ! (Late Editor and Proprietor tf tlij "Jlarsi Aaier- can. ) Flowerc, Fruits, &c. JOHN A. tho Grove West Northficld, 111. .has ready forde!ive7 :, ., Eulbs, c.'peeiaily Tulips, at the lo rite A per 100. and S20 per thousand for la-g roots. Strawberrin.4. of nil the most arDroved vand: from 2 to 4 tloll.irs a thousand for mut, a ft lika Wilson'. Alhanv-hi-rber Evertreens 23 cents per foot, according to variety and form rage25cent3. . , Fruit Trees in ?ood variety. Applo at from 15doIlars per 10J and the ema'Jer tiio cherr better for distant customers. - - - Wo will send the followinj, post-Daid : Portrait of the jouthful Col Ellsworth, assassinated at Alexandria, a mtrtyr in tho cause of liberty. 25 assorted Union Envelopes. The splendid picture entitl :d "The Defenders of onr Union." A magnificent Gold Union Pin, tho most elegant yet got up vaiuea ai fi su. As A Mower, Themachinaof 13111 will be found fully eiual to vny test that it may be submitted to. The slight indentation of the Sickla, its lightness and combi nation with the beam nnd fingers, nl!ow? ari in?.-'.a' of motion not pr.ict.-cable in oher machines, tats enablingus to o gand icorl, with a a dow teuin, ox en, even, working well. 0ir Improved Guard ami Patent Cleaner. effectually prevents choking, no matter what the condition of the grass, wbilo our new divider point separates badly lodged and tangled clover or grass, where other machines fail. There is also a great advantaje in our serrated sickleedge over the smooth, as it does not require sharpening so often, thus saving time. Our Sickle will frequently run through an entire harvest whh- cnt once grinding, while the smooth edge must be ground once each day, if not oftener. With asmoth edge the draught increr3es as the knifa become dull. Our draught is uniform, and in rer-eatcd trials du ring the season of 1360. Droved far lishter than sin gle Mowers, cutting at the same time from twelve U eighteen inches wider. Our Mower can be used with or without the r,l this is important, and without the reel, weighs but about 670 pounds. In addition to the verv liberal warrantee riven to an pcrcnasers, we would say4 as heretofore, hat fs.r- i- - i .. ujers woo mj aesire it, are at noertv to work our machine through the harvest, with any thcr, aud Keep, ana pay lor, the one preferred. T 1.1 ., ... . . . . . Ti. . . i ampuieis wun iuii description of improvements ..-.v. m uuuuuiivui" ui uic; mucus ui Jjrownvme ana VlCinilV, mat ne Ha3 esinoniai3,sc-can be haa by application to Envelopes witk tho newest designs and every de scription of Union Good3 can be procured of us cheaper than ny where else. Sample sent free, to 5a autumn than spring. ueaiers on application. Address all letter and ordr. L- J. Y0IGT & CO.. n50w2 12 inn Street. New York. Ornamental Trees. Roses an 1 due? uifuj . a- bory. in great variety and abundancj; an'l i ' mall to large r.Iant3 of Upright H..ny.flici,-- aci.Spireas, DeutxiaScabr. Prim, c.,t ,r'" ' 1ft Ivor knnJraJ .! I, kontiflll Uul I "-r oWii and other choice peren nials at from I rf'' per dozen, and common thin?s all dtfJ.rwi- about half price. . Catalogues by mail on application ; d CT ?j thing safely packed for distant tran';' Tts!"" 5 asa rulo most things soldi jutteiipercBk-' jDissolution- VERY A ' R 1 il sl rr 33 if lrfr .-fffS f? jus: opened a nevv LIVERY STABLE, where he will always be ready to furnish gentlemen with taaaio dorses, Sussle: TIIE0D0RE HILL, Agent. Brownville, Nebraska, April 18. 1681. Brownville, June 10th. 1551 Csfcira-iiasecv Uo., etc. CHARGES REASONABLE. JOHN A. SMALL. (n-50-ly) Pare Bred Fancy Poultry. Ff-r sa! Black Spanish, Whits Dorkings, Goldon nd Spangled Polaads, Sebright, Llack African, rod and white Bantams, white arid wild Turkeys, i'e i Fowls, white and brown Ilor.g Kong, Bremen ard wild Gaese, White toCrei ted" Ayle3burgh and Mus covy Ducks. Common and Madagascar Rabtits. All animals scld will ba earefully boxed with the necesfBry feed, and delivered at the Express oucj. Address W. A. CO0DIXG. Oak Lawa n37r5 Ljckport, Will Co. ine parinersnip nereiorore existing ono'er tne name anUktyle of Lusbbausa & parson at Brownville, Ke- uraisKa, was, on me nri uay ot ovenifyer. dis!lveU by mmaai con.sem, oy me wimirawai or u. r. Lnhbbangh jonn i uarson win oettie tne unriniftheiJ business of the old firm and contine the banking aud Real Estate Agency business a heretofore at tne old tml. B. . IXSHBAGn Nov. 1st, 1860. JOILX. L. CARSOV. In severtnit my business connexion with my late part ner, I deem this a proper opportunity of exprewsinj my thanks for the patronage bestowed upon our rlrm, during the period in which we were engaged in busings. It affords me m neb. pleasure also to commend to the favorable consideration of the friends of the old Arm my successor in business, il r. Carson, a gent'eman In every way worthy of the confidence and o?port t f a discrim inating public. B. F. LCSIIBAUGH. GHAPE VINES, Too Large 1o S nd Ly JIail. T C Llaswell & Bro's, Geneva, IT Y INVITE particular attention to their extensive stock of NATIVE GRAPE VINES, one and two years o!J, strong plants, prown in the open air, and ia large pets under glsss Delaware, Diana, Concord, liebecca, Hertford .Prolific, etc., la quantities to suit purchasers. Extra Large Plants at I-Ioderata Prices. For cultivation under fc as, of the be. t sorts Golden ITaaiburK, Bowood Muscat, Black llainourgr, Lioflndal, Kcyal 3f nscvline, GolJen CLa-i-elas, and thirty otter hct and old sorts, one aJ two yetrs eld, at preatly re-duL-eJ prices. A fine lot of extra large pUnti grwa In extra large pota for lmrr.eiilate fruiting. A quantity of ttese, Xaiive and Foreign, are In the cellars, and may be packet aud dipped at any pleasant tine durinz Winter or early Spring, witb safety. Par ticular attention ftiven to packing vines secureiy for all parti of tbe country. Send for Otslojncs. T. C. MAXWELL fc DR03.. Av5EC3-fv2n33 fceneva, Cutarij Co., X. X. WILLOW CB-K . of 15, I 25,000 Standard Apple tree. approved varieties, three and f-ur years old, from flre to I per 100 p " l eight feet hiKh ant.oo ?w w Goeberries, Houghton's W Strawberries Sec Pine, he best . variety known W McAvory So 1 Jennies Seedl'z. Gen?ee, crimvin l.OO Lawton Blackberry, per dozen $2.00 Franconia Baspberry " 60 Falxtaff " Sutch Hybrid Pie Plant, none better4 00 Victoria 5W Red Duch Cnrrant. p. doren 00 fi.00 Black Kaoies Curr't 2.CQ one year oidappie eiiinis vi-i- Also namram other artic' e.-rttained lr seneraliy, Bose. Dah;i. Phioxei. ac.w . WUlow Creek, Let Ca., 15.00 For the Fall Trade. Aa The tho following : 500 Hou-L-Ln's S H-r Ealo the couurj ed:inrand Cluster 5o 1.000 lied I)ut.-h Cumut. 2.000 ew Rochelle Bl.xckberry.. 2.!0 Red Antwarp Raspberry. 210 Drinoi-la's Orange " 100 White Grape Current. 500 Victoria Rhubarb. 500 Isabella Grape. 500 CaUwh Gripe. ICO Concord Uraoe- , 100 TufJe's HeJ Grape ana nnc. Also: a Kirs assortment of Om.iru-'a j bery, for which see priced list, whk- warded gratii oa application. . H. A. TTRRT. Aug. ISjI. CresccatCi.J,! Sin a