Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, October 31, 1861, Image 3

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Qyy'li.LE, OCT. 31, ISC1.
"iTo Q -A. L.
" "jOV; cob & c.
si'iiTrintir?; JMaR-rial of all Kind.,
:T .., r i.t.iMinu's, New Yttk. arid Br.iwu's Iroi
l. ''T: i'.,-,,..i'u-, l'l ila.lrlphia.
frei;Uiri7cJ Aleuts for tht
y,:nn(r and Jldcirtiacr.
i Tin: ft & A KROTT,
' .m ( K.SOliS TO JI i ELY,
::itc.s ?.!J:1 Foivfen Newspaper
" Advertising: Agency,
! .-i-en! f'T The "XflUP ASKA A DVKIi
" -;r.T A fronts in Rt. Louis. .M,
A'"'. Iri .Mniurt, ticnernl Ailvprti-in?,
11 ' - ; -): Asciita, 45 Olive St. Louis,
; ii t ! :t city. bh. thtynreau-
;, r'. 'l. ::! C iilf-ct t-KJs f.T the r3!liC
. -o Ar.nvT ion The Auvehtiser Akd
vf.K IlAnvcv, E-q. is ourrojruUr au-
. . I. nut f ..f ' tin Arl.',. ..A v..
y,t f!;- rtly 'Vi-it the Jlsytc'rn cities for the
r1:i !i'Jvevtiinp ritr.diHpe. lie is
Atlantic Monllllj-, for November, we
have received. Have Dot had time lo
rcruse it closely. The following: table
of contents indicate an interesting num
ber :
George Sand ; Hair-Chains; The Flo-.v-er
of Liberty; Alexis de Tocqueville ;
Agnes of Sorrento; Health in the Camp;
"The Stormy Petrel ;" A story tf To-
Day ; Concerning; People who carried
Weight in Life; Why has the North felt
aggrieved with England ; The Wild En
dive ; The Contrabands at Fortress Mon
roe ; The Washers of the Shroud.
LadiCS Repository, for November,
is on our table, a most excellent periodi
cal, and this a superb number.
-1 t-jt-niraetuml ' ant name in busi-
... u c : o.;t'tM with our publications.
Harper, for November, is on hand.
Leading and Illustrated articles, Bene
dict Arnold; The Tenement House;
Making Money ; The Women of Weins
berg and the Editor's Drawer. This
number completes the 23 volume of this
standard monthly. Now is the time to
eription. Terms, S3.
ies, S'2. Address
wi.h Ftag rut?t and ril.o, thc for j IIajifkr & Bros., Franklin Square, New
virions IJnds- of National Envel-; yorj-.
!.'-.. is jjV'V prepared to fill ord rs j mmm
';, .,'.:! or retail.. Apply nt the ' Ad
On the feventh of S , t-r.-.Vr, 131!, THE XEV
VOUIv WEEKLY T til iiC.N' Id cointn-nsed tlio
twenty-first year of its cti.-tence ; THE DAILY
I HI HUNK being some months cider ana THE SEMI- j
WEEKLY Tahsl'AK aoinowlwt younger. For
m-jte than twenty ears tin journal Las labored iu
what iU conductors Lave ft U to be tile oau.10 of II a
uijiiil v, Jusiioe anJ FreoJotn, ca laavoriii t ni'.-li-
orate tlie condition of the cpn-j.-cJ ami uui'.jrtunatc
to hon'ir and Dt't ul e.terti.iii iu whatever hcre
and, to promote by all uiums the nura.I,iii!.o!ltj:turtl
and iiiatt'rial ad v:tiic-!iifnt of orr country. It b:is
aimed f) be rjiit ratLcr than jmpuiir imd to es
jKiuse ar.l coiuiii'jnd to-uuy tLo truth oiiu:
may not willing to acoojit till toinuvnYow. la
puriiiin this coui j niiti-k s Ii.tve doubtless hpii
m:ic aud faults co;nuitteiI: bat bavin' in all rv.m
A-ivTtifer.M OiTjco has rrovi JeJ i Three or more
r,.r o.Ti' ', or Post Oifice.
ztni fr tilvcrtiuer.
Fork Up. Quite a number of candi
dates are behind with us, for their an-
I n'infotrif-nts and ticket bills. One aspi-
. : . C . . 1. C C .i.l . l .i?
X. T.
f H .! NTS. S ITI." ''.
1 J'l!. WaTTI-V.--.:; v-ve.
; ;. . i'.Wio 1 1.: i:. 1'i i .r-iii'.u:i. "
i !!iK!v A ('!.. Ntbra-ka City, X T.
! ' ! V !-..! IV.i. . "
I, '.l.'v- v. N.-iu-i'-.a City,
! ,iV i.tN, I'.iwuH' Ci.'y, "
I V- 'o:'i i. Titl.Ie L' "k.- "
5.!! V. Takkvh. Au-unA Leatriee,
'; K. ('::! v. T- ii n-'-h .
' . T.T. K.s ' '!
! . ?; i. :. : 1 ,-it ,.r. .
I . . ..' I I . . 1.. , 1,
.W.'J r F. i ii, .
(, M. I'.'xnv. ''.n .r.i. M i.
A.M. !;akm S N"r;k, "
A. '1 v;.i:k. CcMre Grove, "
1'. ('. Johnson, ESQ. We regret to
' i.r'e the fact that this gentleman has
.:.!;! v.fc-n a change of location. He
' iiy on Tuesday' last, and locates
::IYoria, Iil. Mr. Jonxsox came to this
-.,:v in the spring cf 1S?57, and established
l;;;;?e)f in the practice of law, a profes-
nhcLad fitted himself for, by long and
r ,!ions application. . He at once ran into
f xcr hent practice, giving as near um-
crrni satiifiiction is, perhaps, pos
t '!e for any 'one to do. At the fall
m of 1S"9 he was elected District
.':siv.iry for the Second Judicial District
i: Nt IrasacoTipoicd of the counties of
' e, NtTiiaha, Richardson, Pawnee,
l.ncrn. Clay and Cage, which position
creditably h 1J until that o(Tice was abol
r e l by. the Legiilature, and the office of
rejivdiaicd his bill, the other day, giving
as a reason that as he was not elected, he
thought he ought not to pay. We mace
him a present of his account, and promis e
that next time he runs for ofiice, he'll get
beautifully ventillated, and pay for what
printing lie gets of us, in advance.
Masked Batteries A combination
cf female spie?, one of whom leaves
Wajhingtcn every other night' to carry
information to the enemy. Cannot those
batteries be stormed and carried?
Washington Paper.
Spike their guns, and unlimber, and
see if that will not silence them.
Capt. J. D. N. Thompson, of Company
"C," First Nebraska Regiment, reached
this place yesterday by steamer Omaha.
The Capt. is. we are sorry to announce,
in very poor health, and has bee:: for
some time. He is on furlough for tha
purpose of recruiting his health. We
trust he may speedily recover and rejoin
his company, now in the field in Missouri.
Many TliankS to our friend. Dr. J:
A. Kennicott, of the Grove Nurseries,
111., for a huge box of bulbs and plants.
We have been favored repeatedly with
boxes and packages from the Doctor, and
have invariably found everything of the
best varieties, number one quality, and
put up which, by the way. is a very im
portant item in a mariner unsurpassed
by any other establishment ; we have
never lost a ree or a plant received from
the Grove. Those in Kansas and Ne
braska who want to be sure everything
will be rifTht nnd in rrwvl nrdor vi!I nnt
l '".,, " j incited our re:tdv.'i!' to think niidjuc'ge lor tiieiri.-i'lvcs
be disappointed by ordering from Dr. J. ; rather than adopt Wiutliy our ,-. n or other c.i;-iu-A
1 ' . -T n- . i sions we beieive wo mnj I'.uriv cl.iii for
A. Kpsmcott, Grore ISursery, est , the cmlit of U;,vi,,rit r,., i,r3 Jdt
Northficld, 111. a ml expose even its own errors. To uevr!o; the.
j miiids of thoyo:inr by the Ljot general thorough
1 ' ' j and j.r'ieii -: Edu.-itiun :;il t. oiiuoir.i. an I slim-
lirnzilllan Ton Corn. Last spring ,'lV:-,.iT'Ui,rliv luy nul
1 ' 3 ; 1 iiblu! La:; I-t a-tu:u soi.!;rs r.:i I cuitivutors :.d
a friend of ours, Dr. Philips, of Missis- j ah-c through the j.i-ot wti.-.M.f iin:i;:ttur or jxvj'.i
t;rv: - .., - e :--ti -M- . n. arity cx-d br .-hc f.-wi i-; p-.wcrful Jorei'n
0,n" JUU I-'"' grains urazuiian 1'op compfiitiea arj iU..i tko ai-as to v-hich tbi.-jo.r
Com, savinfr: "It is ens of ibp nrrtli- ! nfca aa.icjod tnro,1! .odar.l bid report
est little things now above ground. I
had a few seed sent me by a friend, who
has long been guilty of hunting up good
and rare things and sending to me. I enly
had 29 stalks. I counted 2o0 ears, and
since gathering, hare found a few others
overlooked on the Lilliputian stalks."
We planted CO grains, from which we
obtained SCO stalks, bearing 910 cars. It
surely is "one of the prettiest little things
above ground," and we believe will be
found very valuallc to be raised for fod-
t. . i .ii t i , ! e:r:-e.-t tfT-.rts of loval heir' ntvl h
uer. it siocis oui uxe wneat, eacn stocii j;s ,;VtriL:w.
perfect in itself. Each grain produced
from 5 to 11 stalks ; does not rrev much
taller than good wheat, and is a dense
mass of blades from the ground pp.
Ao A INf
Dy Prime, A. No.
PIIII IIS! H Ja IfifHiiiilfJiliifiSlllll
OF HARTFORD, i Z -gi Ti B ; sSif 1 tiJ A 5
Tttz Fruits of 1hi rtcniv p 2 J.l - gf If
cJ V; v
d in .he e,taal ; g . - 2 - - t Z 1 I
; iUOit.intw.Iri.c- - .zZ'' --lx--7----z---
C3 ? 5' ?' 7 3-: 2 5 a -
Are ni inifest in tlie foiiowin stateiueiit of Fa.?tj ; .3-2eirs'" -f5, ii'":2
ami I- '-Mres. snow in t tno ;iri.iLi!.t ounliri?il to r.nh :. ts - Z z o z . - - - 7 '
oeni l;:, in t!.e tliapo ot losses ja:
I South, durln the past fuur y-.-aw
ord oi a
WpII Tried Corporaticrj.
t-H 6-f
r-l - ies
S1.157 CO
4ii,:i77 5."-
?l.lo7 00 !
oiiio -iti:-::- 4i I n
-INDIANA 27.C2J f 4 i T -
w J ?
:tFs - - t C-
, -a - ,
? i . irn--:-i-u-i-v
C'.M7i 5J .1LLI.N01S Gy.l716ot &t-2i:T- i - - ' J Z I c
:J,t'.70 OS MIL' AIUAN" 42 r7D uS ! r " E"'rs2i.;1".--r'P:-"?2
34,'.'20 1 '. WISCONSIN 3 1.220 n ! 7 5 ' "- '- f - - -- - - v - 3 "i - r .2
i;i.::2.J 31 IOWA l :;; ml'-' 2 ?. 2 a 1 z ?: "J3 i.:
"It is one of the nrctti-1 a'1'!CJ0'1 l!,'-ruii'; jr' 1 bid report
' 1 1. W hi, I :i, -VI'.jIIII'I- I I -l M '." it li"',' j.r.
i'-m and philanthropy.
A3 to ttia Cvii War nox ti?rastulln j cur couni-y
we hold it ty have ori:ii:i ted in a Uebviliou wore
wnijton, v, i hcd. inexeUifth'.e. th in v,:i ever bvfro
known a Keheliion in the intermit or tho t'-.r a u-it
th(j many--a. UeVi.-llioii iteeittci to raise higher the
walls of east 3 and tighten ti.e ehiiiis of oppre.-i in.
Hiving do:;3 ail v;- eoa! i without a, sjrra.i i;r d vi
tal j rii.eip'c t nveid t!:;-- Whir a.iul witnessed the
f..rV cars nee, ti;ec!;uc$? nr. 1 'o.ij-aufiVring with which
the Federal GoverMiilLt s;iMj:it to i vert ili horro.-i
we hold it our clear duty, w i.'a tliatof every o;hcr
citizen, to .etftnd by the u.nioaan-l iti f:iir!y ahsen
ruliTiund ts se.j.ind vi.o ;:;i i ir eneritj iheir tf
forta to upheld tu 3 Cniwii, th C ju'itutioii and t'u-3
si-,;-e::iii?y i fthc Lnw?. Ar. 1 thr-n fi the Kobe'dnm
ha become thrjnvi-, nn-rp ,ti'.:i d--eep?ion terrorism
ud fjM-ilaliou feurfuMy str n 1 v"e beiicve th 1 Aiuer
iem llepi'.h!:.; far f troi.j- r nnd tint th j un.MIti.ui
I ; I in":re
i':it oi ail rji'!iis r;T- t!; r lie
ol'je.-Ii the .-cope and din- ah ;! of th: most ex'.:-..r.r-';: 10
9.7;'. b 00
4:;.0.H I'll
Jll.NALsOi A s.fh.:; 10 j
KANSAS 0,7'ij t'O I
KENTUCKY 31.0.V1 :'; I
illMMfi'l IU.S.',2 ti
?7? cure xe
27.:-.:..1 MISSOURI 27,'JH 8:1 J 2; j - 'i s
22,.;9 4! ARKANSAS 22.g 4:1 ? ?' i f - s "? - 7 t i 5 2 .
o.tiol (H TEXAS '.!,' I -'-S i I " - - f 2
.---- ....... r . ' ..... t Z - T2-ZZ'--Z?
O.iJ .)o - . A I A. 'I A OJJ .'J 1 -fj.
Insurances soiieited, u:id jwdieiej ined aiiel reneit j f 5
ed iu tUh l.'r.Jiiig Cor'M.riittnn, af f.iir rates by 'A. r-
- -
z i
TJrownviHe, Sert. 5,
Iiesident A-Rt.
Wheat! Wheat! Wheat!! 53 1
Farmers Look to Your Interest! -Iz't
V57i2a. "27. I3cn,
XCbraslwl Salt, Quite a number of
persons from this county and Atchison
county, Mn., have been out to the Salt
Springs in Saline and Lancaster counties,
this Territory, sixty miles west of this
city, manufacturing salt for winter use.
They all returned with their warrens
j -V.i.:y rroscunbg 'Attorney established niled with the .very lot quality cf salt.
Ti.c salt r.T; -fsc-.urr at tf.--'? sr r-'-'r'.Ls
l . ihs placH. Ina-ilsiioa to Lis legal at
t .;..neiit, a
iioralle tareer as
rrecis-dv it;ch w?
TVih i. - r A lirri triViaficl t.. i 1 .
, ....v- ...... .v ...o called "table ait.
f t .
i i.:'.-.s of tlie J'ar, Mr. J. was possessed
i ."ir.o " i:.l qualities, which never failed
t r.:ai;e him ftiends wherever he associ
i .J. Asa particular and intimate as-
is:-'.' and friend, we regret to part with
lt:i.t::d in doing so, speak for him in
1 r.ew hiitr.o, the friendship and patron
!:.' tj rhich he is justly entitled.
revised Army Regulations. We
i' 1 tin favored by' the publishers, J.
M-nr:NtoTT 5c Co., 22 mi l 21 North
I -wrili street, Philadelphia, with a copy
f "(' iatc Revised Army R-gulati.ns,
i-Wu:.. Am-.. 10, 1-(1. This book
;-J'''J be iu th. lands of every soldier
'" fart ( ii,,'t hurt anybody now-a-;
;- ThoM' regulation j says the Sec
r'3rv of War shall be strictly observed
j-iVtole and standing authority upon
f 0 matter therein contained, and nothing
; v.rary to their tenor will be enjoined
! -at.y part of the forces of the United
h's, ly ajiy comtnauler." Price,
l:-! - .'
& 4
I Daiue at Xcnialia City. On r
yi.iht we enjoyed the privelege of a
'- H.'' ticket at a social dance gotten
ly E. I Cuitdb, Proprietor of the
j 'piain House,"" Nemaha City. There
j re more pretty ladies present and gal-
: '' Uaux, than we have "fell in" with
rsjiue time. The "Paddocks" from
-owmvjlle went down in uniform we
- "soine'militarv" in Brownville, and
."Paddocks" are somcr and added no
f to the appearances on the occasion.
Iir.usic was "gotten up to order" by
-.o Dvts, and of course was number one.
-ue supper was good and lots of it an
f irtaat essential, by the way and did
pJit to the proprietor; juitly entititeling
ra to the plaudit, "you know how to
4 K
j i ' p a iiotcl.
I i . s. We were detected doing violence
'i:e Quaker proclivities of our pedal
.'"'feniities on the occasion referred to,
4l ha. been the case on scverial other oc
; ions sicce'ihe military fever has been
Hereafter there will be but little salt
brought up the river for this region of
PcrSOiial. Adjt. Silas A-Sthick-unr,
of the First Nebraska Regiment,
passed litre on the steamer Omaha, cn
Friday last, on his way to join the Regi
ment. He had been above on business
connected with the military affairs of the
Dr. G. 1J. Chaff, ex-Agent for the
Omaha Indians, was also aboard on his
wry to Baltimore.
Kj.ith. of the Douglas House, Omaha,
was ioir." below for a "stcck" with which
to feed the "Hungry Legislature" this
winter. He knows how to do those
G'OIie. Rev. T. W. Tiftox, Chaplain
of the Nebraska Regiment, left on the
steamer Omaha on Friday last, to rejoin
his Regiment. His family accompanied
him as far as St. ' Louis, on their way to
Dayton, Ohio, where they intend spend
ing the winter.
Very handsome additions have been
made to the population of this city of late.
Dr. Tn crm an, from Aspinwall, changed
his location to this ploce, the past week.
Can't help it if people do like'.Io ;
its a kind of natural result with all who
visit the place.
We noticed some cotton-wood flour
barrels, filled with flour and on sale at
our stores this week. They were made
in this county. Who says cotton-wood is
not some timber after all ? We've seen
some of the white variety before now,
sawed cut with an old-fashioned upright
saw, from which a good crop of vrool
such as it is might have been had by
shearing ! ! !
- NCV GOOSS, The Steamer Emma
reached our wharf yesterday, and put off
more new goods of all kinds, for cur
merchants, than the people can possibly
carry ofTfor the next three months.
Dnx has a magnificent Mock, consist
ing cf a good deal of everything which he
proposes to sell at figures that cannot fail
to secure purchasers. All who know
De.v, know that he will sell goods and
please the people, and keep p:ice in every
respect with the times'. Try him on.
Berry cc Co.. have received cn extra
ordinary large and varied stock of Dry
Goods, Groceries, &c, some of Jim's
special purchasing for this special trade,
and these special times. They cantiot
fail to suit, and Jim and Ed will do their
prettiest to be polite and accomodating.
Jno. A. Ponn, who keeps as keen an
eye to trade, and what suits this locality,
as any other man, has also received a
"bulging" stock, and is prepared to retail
it out to suit purchasers.
Citizens of this and adjoining counties,
now have a favorable opportunity of lay
ing in their fall and winter supplies.
Ccrue right-along; Biowmille is the
"plac D lo get your is-jy's worth,"
d'.utiry ennf'-.-t we dT;- t,
: ' y!; .m t;iO Ahe 1-
That axLC-i-le.. honor alh .clL!.f ur. cotem
porary, the Omaha Republican, inregard
to those "1300 sold Ur is "all regular,"
so far as it goes. Pieas'j, howevergive
Nemaha county credit for one hundred
and Hiirly-s'uc more.
P. S. The "wiggle" on the words
"h here" was convincing evidenccof
journalistic acumen of a No. I order.
NCY Elevator. Wc are glad to
learn that one of out most enterprising
Warehouse firms is about commencing a
new Elevator on the North Branch, to
be used mainly, we believe, for receiving
grain which comes in over the Chicago
and Northwestern Railroad. It will be
of the largest size, and built in the most
substantial manner, and will be complet
ed at an early day. It will be furnished
with ten of Faitbandk's five hundred
bushel Hopper Scales, each one of which,
so perfect will be the machinery, can be
loaded to its full capacity and the load
discharged in a few minutes. This
shows the immense amount of grain which
can be handled in this Elevator, and is a
sufficient guaranty to farmers as well as
receivers and shippers, that correct weight
will be given. Chicago Tribune.
50,000 L,S WOOL, WASTED.
Two Ex'i;:b:T Wrolcn Factories are in
With all the Latest Fine Improvements.
Wo are pre n red to manufacture to order, and
have fi r .:i1e the iVdowin Goods:
Satinets. Heavy and Light,
"Li ZZ xx s o y o
Fulled lanseys, Colored TYSiit
and .Mixed 11-2 Yards wide.
Blankets of a!i Kinds r.nd all Qualities,
Warranted all Goods of tha best material.
jjVe will exchange the above Goods for Woo!
or ca.-h.
Fancy Os iu?? to Order.
J We wi'l juve U l'r auy auiount of Wool, at
At.irkc t 1 rieoi. '
Ercuiivillc BaliT jliill Arrange-! nciiiiii. ufi. Theb.:tt.ii
;:kg!gs trees and shrubs.
I 'tc a few choice v.irin. ant! rtra fine trees ot
, ' ' 'ti-at..! tine l'i"verini su-nt, I wi.tiM exelian go
i"--,.-.!). oeMrinc u.fiu. i..r w,k-.1, wheat, corn, teet
j ' t. ant 1 deliver-1 anytime.
L a f(w !io':-.iiiiil'oiie pnj two tout Blrx-lc Locnt
i--iLi. Mm kberries, and fine Varieties Kaslcr-
rr. iv. rrnxAs,
1 uC T'lniln. Mr. Joun Swiy,
1 .1 "
j l:s piace, left in our Fa net cm a turnip
niCTuS- A new arrangement has boon
made by the Post Oflice Department in
regard to our Daily Mail from here to
Rock Tort, Mo. It now arrives from
Rock Port, at S o'clock in the morn
ing, instead of four o'clock in the after
noon, as heretofore ; and leaves at two
o'clock in the afternoon, in place of nine
o'clock in the morning.
The old contractor on this route, who
turned out traitor, has been removed and
Wm. Bayles, Esq.. of Peru, a sound
Union Man, appointed in his place.
About one hundred jrood winter cab
j -;g 10 3,4 pounds, and measuring j lae3 would fce very acceptable about
cirn:., v., .i... I these 3i?trins. cow shortly.
:rcu:hfercnce CO inches.
p'd fi.r
August, 2 t, IS3
I take t lis met nut to retain thatkf. to the cUirensnt
Brownville an l vicinity for their former libeial p.ur, n
e, aal to iiifnrm them that I have so'.J Eiy block of
Drugi and ilerliitine in tNe
I urn now o Fitrnted and p epnreil as to ' 'ievete cy
entire attectiou v r.iy v,rofcsijnal business as a
PhyMc'an and Surgeon,
and as stK-'rt, will he readyat nil tlmosto visit, nr.! wi'.U
the be? t nf rare anJ skill Assist the sKk and wounded -a
their rtfT.icti'in. oa the tuost literal teraiS.
My i f3oe at present is at J. J. Thrrman's DrnjStor?
at the sign of the jlcrtar aud "k Horns.
jonx csijr, m. d.
E.-cwnviHe, A'JSt,2a, 1SC1.
Furniture! Furniture!!
The raoft c.niti'ete g:-clt of Fcrniture eer i-rf-re.! in
this upper country just reeeive.t ty T. HILL.
Kroanville, April Z5h, IS!.
car. iVof le li:ire clothed v i'li au'.lior ty Lidding u
n ty ;f .urnisi- and of tutif.n iudisycnsiaic iu so
grave an tiueenej.
In :i crisis lii.o the proont our e.-lunns rr.i.-t
largely engnvsrd vith the current i.i.'toi'j of thj
Wur for the Union n.nj with elueidittiotH of its
mora striking ineidc-n's. W c sh.iil tiot hoiever,
rciiiit th.ttattei:(iou to J.;f.?r.iture M For?i:i Aiir
to Acri-'.iljr.rn' l'n'.c.-s fi Cro;-s ? In rt.-r Ae..
wbl-h has already wo wn'.-or TUii T!-:ii:L'.NE
an hoiK.rnl'.j y : ;ti.iii nui".: its e irein -.:r.!r!.'s.
Oar main ohject is nnd si-a!! ; u pn.dn-.-c a
rehcisite nen-sjpcr fsoni wiiii-'i it earo!';il r v:d -r
ui:y jrleiiin a vivid atid fti'liful Li-fory , f !'.;e times
i)t mercy in the tl.-.muin r A -t-oii but in th-ti of
Oj iuinn als. i. As our f ivi'i ',:! aeonirin iiif.T
i!iiitin with yeir.s. wo trust n ini-
rn i !ii,nt in the et.ot- !;'.- t t ur journal is j.-ereej.-liidc
it!! 1 tl);it in the v;i;-; fyai:d fiiilnes.s i f inieiii
gfii e;i!r.jrd"(l we in ty .-ti;l h.ijm t siuiko eae'u d ijr
a critic on the last," in tb's v.e s'uieit, a v.n
titsuanee of t-io in 'sartj of i u'.ron:i;
bithtlto aceolded t. ur ! u
J'AILY TPJrNT.airi's-W rcraarurO VJ!.Y- 1"! i-.-a'-- ; 'r aunuui) '..1
WKKK'I.V, .") i-.-ij'-s r-r a:,i:Ji.,i i'l
To t'Ll'Bs - Srini- H' J:ly: 'iw c;iie f.r v j : live
f r 1 1 11.3: t- L cn',i;j t rm-: vllrimt fr u i
any i.irgi-r uuui'er at the inter r.itu. "'r a club of
twenty :ui extri. copy will be .-'"iif. Tor a club of
forty we 5rr;d T;!r: Daly :'r.;:-L'NE yrsti.s eueycar.
li v: Three copies for S5: eilit c-iea fcr slO
.ird :i:y I irrr number at the rate ot M - each
t:er );it tuthe rmj-er r- pf pi' lr..'-'"d to c-xch ?ub-senb-.-r.
Tti club.- of Tweniy w j S'-nd a?i extra copy.
Twenty ootids to v.iie Ln f ;r S2J with o;.e ex
tra to binr v, t:o sci.di u.s the c;u'i. For eaeli ( i.o
hundrep The Daiiy Tribuno wiil bo sent gratis for
Whrn drifts cftn be r,rncnrc 1 it is rnue!i safer than
te remit ll. i.h Hills. The nam of th.j A-0.Tije
f.ii'1 Sr nf'-? s!' .i;!d in all .vis. s b-s plainly wr.t'.en,
I'nvm-iit nt ways iu adx.iiv.
JVo. 15 t A't -if A" ic York.
"" -r. -.
'- i . -
Ts -4vinff and wi!I cuiitii.ue to pay the Highest Mi'tict O r
in ?T (ts. Mj stix'k of G.,o'!i consists of
-"ill; it?.
5 : - sl-i s t
t i
c --. .a ; - -
is I - - - Z V r 7 j
'- e Z x '- -:- i 'i -
Ty ti..' u-e of thes rills th? periolicattjn.k of AVr -out
or Sid H'Oii.-.cis tuyha preeafe J if f tta
t ti e c:macueev.:at cf at attjclt imnieiUat teilef
fren p.-iin rntl icX-.Ci win ot'.aine-t.
Tt.oy sfi.ljni tjit iii rem tivi r.c t be A'caf and HfJl
a. ht tu wtucli fe:ns:e3 a-e no street.
T .ey not gen:iy cpan the bo-.Te: remerlr.g Cotiivt
ntsi. K r Literary Men. S.'y,;n. re!irto retn. iai
s:i e'son ef edi r,tcrg fubtii. iher re t1ujM a a
.trifiw. ir,Br,orin; i':e appetite, givir tone nd i
f'.T to the distirp., nd rtnriua the natarl
e:.ivr!-itv an t s: rench i f tie h!e iiytem.
TSeCErn.Lt : FILLS arc the revolt of iratiorrJtl
er.Ti. n an't ca-ef-.:l!y c, n iv.rted rxi'nricnnts; hrla?
tet-n in b- riTy pirs, I'r.rir:? wtith fin they bae
rro-enel jti I rei:r-vei a Tat am -ent or paia ai l m'
ferir.? f rtim lie !' iche, vi-.eiher erisina'iD In the ntr
tvm system rr fr:m i tic s'ate ot tfce j.'jnjc.V
Tiry ar, rntire'r t!iM? In '.hrl1 Cjicpiition. r..1
rnjy he uk"Tj t aii tim-s wi?n ri'fe-t .'frr. wit.nt
m-iliin? any cnar.eacf diet, nnd tha entente cf yrfi
crreble teste rtnJenit enty to adminitiir them f
R.3ware of counterfeits!
The pnp.nie iave Etc disnstures of Henry C. Srtt!l3f
t:i C4iU tor.
S-'M by nrccrritts an I all nfbf De!rln ilcyllins.
A Vox will be sent by pren.iid on recelptuf the
Price 23 cents.
Ail orOerrRhn'iIJ f- adrnsne-Jto
45, Ceihr Street, New York.
77r roLi.o'tVisr. r.woRsr.vr.xTSor
To Ml Tiltora it .'lay P U !j Ij M T I P D T I T ?
AH per,i-!.n.'-e.U,v.. T VUS, cirher tn j ?. li M fl ll 8 1 fl l A
bf?i.?i rcH..;:i.i,c !.r;ly in.ti:d -o.-'l , J - A,-J u w f
v m c nv;n'e ;ui wrm yn 'r inm
j and p iv up on v :;:'i-re the t',':-h ti.iv if M ir-h TV
m ! th, :' th- 'reives tr: ub!
-M'.vitvi i ". r i
v.;i. T.i;;:x.
: A compound r?Tncdr, designed to be the most
effectual Alterative that can be made. It is
a concentrated extract of Fara Sarsap?.rill3L,
so combined n-ith ther Etibstancea of Ptill
Vf' keep a welt feie.-ed -t-ck or c.i'.f, Kip, Upper, greater alterative power as to afford on effec-
aiiU ioie Let her for manufacturing , . xx, t, .,,
. tive antidote for the diseases oarsapnrula is
bOOTS and SHOES, reputed to etire. It i? believed that such a
r2ciy and Suro Cure
I .!?''- T.-t.:iiitilir.r; unoli'-ited 0 Mr. SPAL-
ll.'f, t'i J nl "d irtfUftinnn'ift proof of t A
ts". :"vy i.j thl" t"-tj n-'ieutlilc discovery.
n-rrrb; Mxi., Dec. 11, 10
II C. Spaitiw. Es-.
I ;.-! i' r s..:n- et.-e' r Iter show bl!t. to
1 Mn.. i i "m.1 Pi ! j Tii.i.-.. i ', t , rl v Vif .
hnii I will warrant to nive saisf:ietion. I will remedy IS wanted by thoe "Who SUfTer from I rtv .n.,.rY It nm b ive anrrh': of tha kind
t. r .n. ..... ei vnl. l ..1 , ....:.!...:. O l. T - A - J.I . - ,,.,, ' ' J "
"""v. ,...h, ul i.j m.ii in.; 1 1 oirumoiw coiinnuus, anu mat one wr.icn wia
whim v.i.1 b? Cheaper tir.l Kf!- have It eo sold i:t-e nlltVS tl,..V onra m-net i-a,--. r ;rr,n...
i..wiiij siu itii li j i -i i 1 U I i Ji.VJ
, service to this largrj claw of our nffiictcd fallow
citizens. How completely this compound will
do it ha3 b?cn proven by experiment oa many
. ot the worst cases to be lounu ot tn-2 foovtin
OOJL2L SorG 2 j crinpTaints:
' ScnorcL.v axd Scnorci.ovs Compt.a.:xt?.
EituPTioxs and EnxrnvE BisE vsi:-;, Uixr.n.'s,
bet re, fr.r C"i-n, liid., '.Vhejt. or Prouiwe tf a;:y kuij
but no credit wilt be given
!! civnvine. .Vi:'"!-t lt, 1C1
n 41
1 ;i ;i ri rd t.'t m
'i'1 d" m v ",!?: n"r'. who : snVf -et to jerere
Patented February 11th, 13C0
Salesroom, 510 Broadway,
NF.W YORK. . ,
This Machine is eonstriu-tetl on un entirely new
prin.i 'e f m n liinery, p..-vin many r:;re and vnl
im'nlo im-rtivtmentj. having been examined by the
mot pr.;fuur. 1 ex nerl.-, nnd pnnrn P'-ed to be JIM
The. following are the principal oujcction3 urged
ajriinet Sewing .Machin"3 .
I. Excessive fitiguo to 4. InenpaHty to sow
every de.--tripti;n of
l)i-Tigreeable nri?c
i hiiu iu operdtiuD.
the Cer:it.;r.
2. Liabii.iiy to gut out of
3 Exper.fe, trouble a nd
lo:3 oi time in repair-in?.
The Fmpire Sc-Tiing Maclilnc Is Exempt
frcni all l!;ce ftclions.
t has n etrn'irlit needle pin-'! li mlar ntin
rnn'ies the LOClv oc SlIL 1' fl-'. S fi'Jlt, wliieh will
M-; IT HE It Kli' ner KAVEL, nnd U alike en bt.'h
sides : performs pjrt'eo sjwiii ni every dji.-ri;ion
of latViri.U, tromfjetther tt thj Tmer-t Xanij.,k Mu
liu, with cotton, linen or silk t'urc:id, from the ct r
scpt to the fniost niimbcr.
lUving neither CAM nor C01 WHEEL, n ml the
the- least posaillo lrictioii, it run.s as suiy-Ally
gla??, and is
Kmr-Ii-atically a Noseless M iene!
It requires twcnty-Cvc per cent, l-1? power to
drive it than any other Machine in market. A .'ri 1 1
of twelve ye.irs of a?e ciin work it steadily, without
fati'r!ieor injury to Li itlt
Its strength an I WONUERrri, SIMPLICITY" nf
con;trueti;.n render it aim it. impossible t get it out
of order, and U tlL'AItANTEEU by the company to
give entire satisfaction.
We respectfully invito all those who may dcire to
supply themselves with a suue.ritT article, to call and
esainino this U.N RIVALLEl) MAC'lINE.
IJut in a more special maimer do we iolieit the
patronage c.f
Merchant Tailor?, Dh-s Makers
Coach d;ik'Ji-i, Cor-ct Maker.--,
Hoop-Skirt Manufacturer?, tiaiter Fitters,
Shirt and 15"s,.iu .M.tkers. ; Shoe Hinders,
Vert and Pantaloon Maker.
37"Re'.ic:i iis Mid Charitable Institutions will be
liberally d. alt w:.:'a.
Price of Jlacliincs, Goraplcto:
Xo. T, or Family Machine; . 51a ,00; Xo.a Small
?:zed .Miinufaetiirin?. $"D,eO ; Xe. 3 Largg sized
Manufaeturinp, $76,10.
CibiLcts in Every Variety.
We want A'ots. lor all towns in thi United, where i m-ii s aro irt alr.'f ly e.t.ibii.h;ti.
to wh ;tn a lib-ral d-se mat will be gicn, bui wo
make no e r.-in men : s.
T. J. McAHTEUR & Co.,
510 llroaiiivay, Jcwloik.
Sheriff Sale.
0. F. T ake, and 3. P. Jfuckull? )
Jaine McPenaM 3
XOTICE is hereby piven that I will oiT-r for
atpublij uTtion at the d' r i.f the !! us. in wtii-5,
the last term of the Xcriai.:i Couuty Li-fn:t C.urt
Nelraskri Territ. ry was held, in Prownville. i:i ai.l
tountv i.f NVm ih on th ) ci 'ht -en'ii 1 v of Ai-
i T" t rn TT T "T -LMtuPTioxs and LacrTn
j j JL jJ J S jr ! riMPLTts, Blotches, Tcmoki. Svlt Hhki;,
Ol'.Hl) illiAIJ, OlfUILH AN D D1PHIL1TIU ilF-
Merchant "Tailor,
ti f- r i; l tJtVl ti' I'vh'i i 1 I 1 fi P ill Ha vi.i i w 1 1 ni i I
And take in pay
At thehiL-hp-U market nrit-e,
Brownville, 29Ui. 18G1.
mw. nunp. wm
1-3 n VI L Li u u u i u n 11 ini wori
Whitney's Block, TIaia Street.
WO y nil(l 1ft) 111 'A Tt thr?y nat ouI contain little, 'if any, Sampa-
tepsia am) Indigestion, I'ijviit.lvs, Itoss
on Sr. Anthomv's Fire, nnl iaJil th : vvhola
class of co.nplu'uitj ari?i;i3 from Imi-cuuv op
the llr.oon.
TliU compound reHl Tvi fj'ttiil n great pro
motor of health, v.h:ti tak :n in the spring, to
expel the fou'i huir.ort wliieh fjstr in th.2
blood at that eoa-n-i of tlie yctir. I'y t!ioti n?
ly expulsion of tht'it many ranViIn j tI'. ;ort!cr3
are nij.jic.l in V.i hvA. Multitmlj.-t can, hy
tho aid of tliisj remedy, spare thcr.iidvc t f:o-;i
the endurnncj of foul eruption? and iilccro.n
aore, through whish th? rst'vm wiil ..i iv, to
rid itself of corruptions, if not ns.-i lto do
this thro'ii' t'i r.-.'.if. -l cha: ' t'iolx ly
hy tfrt sN r'i'ire r; " . Cl'T; tint the
ritlcitc-J blood wht-n'tv: r n !i 1 1 i's r'puritta
bursting thrn-'h th-; -!.;n i:i ;-:t!tpl . cri.iption',
or ?or?s; it when yoa lhul ii i o'
strujtcd and hluisli in th veins ; cloansa it
whenever it is f x, and your fueling-, v-i!l till
voti when. I'rcn where no particular ui -order
j ii Lit, people enjoy better health, nnd live
longer, iir cicannij the blood. Keep the
blood healthy, and all i.s well; but with this of lilj di-.ordjred, tlicva can be no
la-stiii lualth. Sooner or later something
must c wron, and the jrrcat machinery ci
lij'j is dlaordertd or overthrown.
Sar?aparllla has, nnd deserves rrrach, tT;e
ni of neeonmiwhins the-e ends. Jtut
d has been crciiously deceived by
preparations of i, partly because the dru.2j
lion?" has not all the virtue that i claimed
tor it, but more becaue many preparations,
pretending to l coT:eMitrated extracts of it,
contain but Utile of the, vii'tuo S-r-rprilla,
or any thing cLe.
During late years the public have been mi.3-L-d
bylanre boUles, pru-tending to give a quart
of Extract of Sare.T);r.iIla fir one d-jilar.
of these Lave been f auds upon the -ick, fjr
AXMOUXCrS to the citizen? of Ttrownville and
vicinity that lie has removed his Dm Sttrc fr-m
Si le y, L.w.i, to the City of IJroivnville, and having'
ad-led thereto nn extensive sto--k of
Frch DrtifTs,
Dye Stuffs.
Paints and" Oils.
Pure Wines ami Liquors,
For Medical Purposes,
Hair nnd Tooth brushes,
Fine Toilet Soap,
&,c, Sc., &.:.
Invites the public pitronngc.
JnjPbJ'ifian'H Prescriptions attended to at all hours
fcoih by day and niht.
Brownville, Aprii Ilth, 1(51. nIO-yly
Jill iBI, JS
cr. li.nee, l::,ter ana p:i:n:ui disappointment;
has followed the n o of the various extracts of
tjuvsaparilri which Hood the market, until tha
.name itself is justly despised, and ha become
synonymous with imposition nnd cheat. Still
we call tin's compound Sarsaparilia., and intend
to supply pucli a remedy as shall rescue the from tlri load of obloquy which rc-to
ujion it. And wa think we have ground for
believing it has virtues which ar- irresistible
by the ordinary run of the diseases it is intend
ed to cure. In order to secure; their complete
eradication from the system, the? remedy should
bo judiciously taken according lo directions cn
the bottle.
DR. J. cVaVEB & CO.
Trice, $1 cv Voiilc j Six Uotllcs for 33.
Aycr's Clicrry Pectoral
h,?.? wort for if'elf such a rencirn firth-? cure cf
every varieiy of and Lunj C ;u:'l.'i:it, tiit
it is entirely unncrsary for n t f recount the
evid'-neo t.f its virtues wh-rcver it has been em
ployed. As it h:is 1:;i?t licen l i con-.tant use
t!irouj;lieiit t'.iis Fcetio::, v.e need not d i mors tiian
ris-itne the :eople its nua'.i'y is k"pt no ti the Lest
it ever Ins Ikc a, and th; t it wy le relied on to
do fur their relief all i: has ever Lcca found to do.
Ayer's Cathartic Pills,
rcit TT2 CUE" 07
CjsI!-". Jami'licc, DypsjKta, In'!'r;e:!iot
'V'r r t",) wo enrt'i nf
i .':?:' i 'in in i. r f y i"r fi'ti, w hich I sent hor.
i'er:;e:fu!!v vour,
r'jttijubiin. r.-iniKn co u.
January 3, 1S31
IIentt C FrAtrtvG,
No 43 St, ?T Y
Dear s-ir:
Ii'loed fla t t-.T"n'y-5va eenf., (-.) f-r which
send l.-iX 'f "Cep'iiilia'l'iii-." SnJ to ftddroM of
Kev 'tVrnO Filler. ItVrnoM -our?, Fr:inklia Co, Ohio.
Y'nr uork Vie a vhirm curt IJeadach a
noxt intiiirAer. yenri , " ' ...
v.u c ruLLnr..
.I'lMsriViV, (.bn.iFeb 5,1 SCI.
Vs. ?riw:o.
I hnvy rT vo ir Cr; !"'.ll? Tilhs, nnl I HI f ."
o r.-t7 that I want yoa to?en.l rco ixo dV.i.Ti woria
l'arttif thee r ror the pp:shbr, to whom I give
a ff w out of the fir t hox I g it fr'n you.
Send tho Pills by mail, nnd eblio
Your it't iervaat,
nerford, Pa., Feb. 6, 1531. .
Ma. Spalding.
T wish yon n fond m" on? tncro br of yar Ce
jbi!ie Pi. is Aare rcceieed a 'jrtrt dial of lewfA
front them.
Your?, r'sreetfultv.
maky a.v.n srouvrrorsf:.
Sprve C'!1; Ilin'inyton CoI'a.,im - ,
' Januaiy 13, taol.
Y.-'t wilfpV-rt er 1 r" -" rro h-tej of your Cephal
ie i'ills. Send tho a immediately.
Kc.-u-eeffiil! v your.
J.NU. H. SIM0X3.
P S v.l onelfv of your Pt'li, anAJintl
ihrm erc'lmt.
ZN7 Yi-rnon, Oliio, Jan. 15, 133 1.
ITfnhy C. PrAi.msQ, !.?. ;
ri .aeCr;d irei':ied twf-n'y-fve eents, for wliich
--?-l tr.- nn-ft'or hi.x rf your Cepb !ij Pills. ltty
are truly the Lest Ftili I Iffe er-r trUH.
Di.-tet A. STOVER, P 11.
Pi.l Vernon, Wyandot Co0.
IZT tonz'o VtMa of Si'AL!M.'3'S FitMPAKKD
UL'JE wdi savo tea tiutei iu coit azr.UjJ
rroxoMY ! DispATcn !
IIHT "A S' in Time Snret 3ine rjfF
As accidents will happen, even in well reulat-d
f.MOiiies, it is very tleir ifi!o to h ire some cbenp and
v- .nvenient way for repairing Furniture, ToysCrock-
mets r!1 'ieh evrrac.'-.s Pi.t iio Uonabo'.d ea
n!Trd to bj without it It is always ready, Rnd up
to the iri'd ii? polt
N 15 A Crush :icet monies each bottle. Pric, ;
25 SlttJ Ad irei-s
13 fed.-r Htrr-t, N- Yctk.
A; certain unrrinipl'.'d persons ar? atterny-tir
rilmtlTon th" a no p.- et'iD putt', ic, itn;Utins of my
i'ltKPAr.ED Ci.UL", I wou.d caution all ptnons to
ermine beioro pureliasing, ?nd 529 that tho fuil
Mr-'PAhr);yfrs rnnPAP.rD r,irr.j?ci
i 1 1 t'j'j -'tt-:do w raj per; others a.-e twiud.icj
cua?erfcit s
K E Turnsr J ii F-aricr 1 District C"rt of S
II J. V-'uiiiias, aa Tutcer 2nl .e-cil Diftrtet 5
Frazer . 0. auja Cunty.
vs , f
AS Hi:i3i!f. Banja I Trrlt-ry of Xetrtii
rein Ho!!alr e.rA other
w ' Dyscntcr-, I'oit!. Siomzcft, Ery-pett, llatazhe I Tt:e tefemUat Beajarali hst!, iu ve wr.r
; ? ' I-tcer Coinpfmnt, Ih-vpsy, itucr, Tern,? cr.J '. ciianeorr. in tat C'.er' odv ot airt Conrt. Tr eb-
, ' '" I iy'ilt Ii'ini.i, Ii-:.t G'j Xevatyt at a . jct ?i.i prayer ct wt.i'-"i siil fe'itiea l t- oUn
T!nVl' nni 9 7 C nn Dinner V,U, r.r.;fr Parlf-jinj le Hwis ..lC..:rtia Urorof ..J?' t;.!
ThOhH, COLttflANt CO,, They are ,..,,rcd. so the ntost X'T
tire can take tneoi pleasantly, ani tftey are t.a B,3ta tr.,m tLe B.t: ,.t s.jPtent-er, a-1 ot 'a
Annnnnce to tfce traveling public Hut iheir fpicn.'.id oest Bpeneftt in toe tvor.a lor an luc purposes oi a , cior??M precU-?s U.-vt'.. L t c-3 c.C.
iJIlUiy pnvs C. : exrp' tn leet froui ana Sfvri'y -p. on i- nor; a
Pri33 5 "cents per ler; Tin loses for C1.C0. ! ' ' VXl,iltl
- . . .rt -nt . i,f s;.j tietit, b so! h tn'l ti e ci-eJs the.e- o L;i;ir4
Grcatnunhen o. Clcrzyraen, h(. r ;ymt.nt of ,ajl! f;fM in!er84l tMh3 .
men. and eminent personages, have lent their , tirT an,1 CI,is tiier.n. rccnl :ov..t Ba.'j-n.o U-iij-
and c'mm .tlious Steam Ferry rnniiiris across irt-ia
rri.vnvli!c, - Ne';rnsk.i
.' .v.v... ,ni, ti, T-n, names to certify the unparalleled mefulnets of the?
lCiilUtt.O, U.l. Iti HCi3 Il-J. i j i ., i.c . i.i.t.c i j;.i'j.n.. . U
'l.'.y tj.e amot.t't cf his c;-iei ted I'ict in I 'iii'.'rs
I . : T t, 13 .... n. . V . va'.t.T,i. . - I, T- . -.-
. U 1 O , . .lit . lft.,.t.IK' . 1 .itlri .I'l- i Ki. I t Lt . in' 7 "'r. iht. -i.ij. vt.v-'OJ.fc..
..CTiooi,on.Cciuu.1i.T..".... - I g0fnatnoti-ewi'lblo6ti:iw:iitia. insertion cf thetn. The Acenfci below uama iur- j cairn Lien on -.a r ee. n any, aocrciui t
Ue fll.twlris renler-;te,tued m.ineju.4 coun- r, b,lrt, o3 r n.c river a-e lam ami wei; - nish trratisour Amswcajj Almanac in which they iheir p-iJr..;es rf-pr-ive.
ty t.f XrinnuA and T.Tnfjrr cf ibraka.. to-wt r, .v:.h TPrfters r.n!.;3inz unnecresary as is -.hs re o-ivn ; xriti tirt full liescrintions of the above Tq .e'er...r.r. n-..ladjy w;.: t.sie fnrtber
S.Btb-ea.t qr. ..f ...nth-eet quarter f eeti n four- t w )5t o!bPr ,erriea. comolunts, nud tlie treatment "that should be fol n";!;'. te w reQ.:;.e.l t. ..wtr orple t ..i4
tfcn, Town flve, Kause fl.';-n cut. o.atsmH.a forty v f ol t,epn:er:,;rci , t0 d:-n:ties at or n-ar tJ i r rtArt- rn4 petitien oa or tc.-jre t, Sy of D.-et?-r, 131.
acre'; leviM on as as th- property t J.a.ea ii.;- ti.J, everyh .lv a this re-.iea. on b,,h w n, f rt ho tf" n T bv urinei-d J'rs tra -'OliSSO.N & SCaojEXHSI?.
n.mild, bv vi-.r.e cf tu esccaiio;., r.e tn favor of S. , rixJ'u t.jT tUi v.ti.M the Hr,:s k!r.-!. not bc P"." 01 r unnne.o.ea u.a.s tr 3 , PUintiiTt Attorney.
P.Knckoils. ...1 the other of t F Ik-f-r the ;Je t C0V- IV'n I'oru the.-e hard t;s.f--3rc t er : 5- '" preparatron. taev ma more pro.-t on. , 0:',5er 17. I5l-fw-$t3
SFNeck ais. iut.i hy 'he Hi-u-ict c.'ir: ot tniir..i
V;vw-j, X:r:'ka 'ierntory. aul to nie Uirootoil as fcher
i J of taivi cun; y.
J. W.TOLE MAX, Sheriff.
Erownrille, Oct 17, 13)1,-$J CJ
Xoticc to Prc-Ec3plcr5.
To J.iTV..Yr. J : C. C t . FTer.ry G. SzaUh
Charles T.Corr.cii ar.d Thots M idlox.
Yoa herely n.dltrl ti aprcar at th lit.d r.f.
Gee rt, vrithia .10 t'ty from this date
tomalie furthc-r prfi'i rei-.t'-.n to yiur yre-emp-tii.n
claims in nenrdan"0 vitii instructions from the
Gcii.Tal La.iid 0 '!.- nt V.'a. hiivrton.
n:rTA:r v. uAnujiT.nten
(.IIAPI.LS U. i"dITil, Uecciver.
.Tuly2otn. lbZl. V
Ayers SarsapUriiia. Ayers Ague Cuit.
ttian at anyotlir rr-ft-ia-r.
Troc'.e."" ff'.-nt it. iSj t. I''T:i rt'-' '.h ? r ! -t wi'l f n 1
tl is tti a nt-iet ami hert r. trei-' t-r- - rxrek'T. -
r-rrv-nrine. KchraiUt, Sept. 21 st, 13il. -
:iC3 of Attachment.
V r-'-ro Jes -e Johrt, Jn
dtftl the Peace
T J D.-wbr, j ff
Tha defcr.ds'nt YTro. Muns-in will fr.'re rr'i-o teat
an ac-ii n kas 1 en er.mmree4 en the 2nd d iy cf
icq cl i
Demand Ati:u'-. and take no others, ihs fiek
w;tnt the best aid there is for them, and they should
have it.
All our remedies an for sale by
1 oi' it i . t y
john ::aun.
j. j. thurman,
Diu-gi.t?, Brcwnvii!, N. T.
sr-,-3 rrri Ch "ntTT "Tn
Stnterober, 15 1. Jfse John. Jontlce c-f tlie ; ThetKtore mil,
IV, m. H-fiinat h:.n and m fnvor cf the rl iuitij U r ! s.
iref.tre Jr-( J .hr J.
tmi Cvucty, Ne. ralj Tcrri-
Counsellor at Law.
General ami Co.IoctinT .Iprrnt.
V71LL rrcf:?3 in t5:3 eve:sl Courts in Gaa ai d
cdjeirip ;';ii:."te, ac-1 will give j r..ropt attenticn
to all 1 i cntru.sN ! to bim. C'.Il-.''i."rs protrps-
ei t
ifv-ei-ht d.d'nraud tB" r.ty-e:-l , cnts, od 'i it ! Gt!r,: 111 n- Ta'cot. ) ry. ly tt.-t;..-u;.ir attcati--:i crn to
u .eVtyhM been allied and that the .antic is .cVe 1- cu iends carefu.y t.-U:t.
,t for taring Novetuber ' the ?ft a U e;, he tr:,t o- i L;,- 23. Ml. n'2-yly
Ayert Ch-3rrv Pectoral.
Brcvicviiic, ArsnstW;, r;3-3