6 . -I O H A-VIIIES. KI fctoe of Citlr vine comprise aH the verit b.a vrnetist iri'.h which I cm acquainted. The ' ,in4 have been prodord with reatcare,unl?r the CkNt ravorab'a circumstances lor healthy derolon taeatytixl iorpa in excellency toy that I havehere- vor r &en to oer. Fur tbe fall trade, only a limited tnpply of Union Tillage, LooirjCLineolrJPaa'.ine.ElaiDgbar, Tay lor (r Bullitt,) and Alien' II jbrid is offored. Of vn ye.awara la vers, also, tie iar-plia not large, bat quality nneaaaled. . The f tock from Delaware, aingle eye grown Ijoth . In home and opea f.ir, is Urge and fine. Furviue- yara Tant;njf Kme atror vines, crafted on Lataw ba and Isabella stocks, are Cored at a low price n- very strong. Very lire layers of Diana, IlerbemonL an J Con eorl, rrewn with especial ear for immediate bear- , In?. Good layers of Anna, Rogers' Hybrid, 12 kinds aUo Clam, CasfiJy, To Kalon, Rebecca, Miller's IjOoicj., ltn, Lmily, Canbva August, Hudson, U I'roliSc, Cuyahoga, io. 'A fsn oral assortment of foreign varieties for vi neries. Of Downing' Ererbeariug Mulberry the supply is not large, and a great part of the trees already ordered- iney are very rigorous, ana tne wooa weM ffown and matared. Wholesale descriptive list sent to those who wish to form elaba, on application. List also sent to dealers.- Fourth edition of Illustrated Catalogue sent for two three-cent stamps It is designed to be a full and comprehensive treatise on the manage- c meat of the- rino, giving such information as pur ehaaera and growers are snpposed to need, I'artic nlar directions are given for the preparation of the ' aull and planting, and the directions for training are illustrated by many carefully prepared engrav ing. The descriptions of the varieties will be found so urate and trustworthy, being drawn from persou al knowriedge, nd very extensive observation. C . W. GRANT. ION A, NEAR PEEKSKILL, . YTcslcbcstcr Co., lYew York. Fcr Sale.. . . ThJ machinery, & , belonging- to the Steam Ferry Bat "Otoe," .consisting of cue eoKiae complete and part of tbe machinery fv another. arPlyta D. M. ATKIXSOX, Receiver. Krownvtlle, May 30, 1S61. GROCERIES. " A select stork of light Groceries constantly on . land and Lit sale at reduced rates av, the new store of J.J.THCRUAN, Brownville, April II, '61. n40-jly Apple Trees. ft At - m t 1 i m . ujjtt yoang ana i iraigut .appio a roe?, in twenty tardy varieties, at $3 per hundred. X7iinrD Twenty-five bogs from 40to 60 lbs. weight at high, prices, to be paid for in Nursery Stock at low prices. Orinoco Tobacco Seed. . Put op in papers sufficient to plant five acres at J'eUjared stamp to be enclosed to pay return postage. Wanted. 20 bofhebi seed spring Wheat at 75cts per bushel All the above to be dallvcred at lirownviile. Acg. IbXI. R. 0. THOMPSON. Tbe subscriber Las for sale the coming Autumn the following: . ... 400 Houghton' Seedling and Cluster Gooscbery. I.C00 lied Dutch Currant. 2.000 ?ew Rochelle Ulackberrv. 200 Rtd Anl warp Epberry. 200 Ilrinckle's Orange 100 White Grape Currant. 00 Victoria Rhubarb. &00 Isabella Grape. 500 Catawba Grape. 100 Concord Grape. 1C0 TntUe'f Red Grape (New and fine.) Also: a large assortment of Ornamental Shrub bery, for which see priced list, which will be for warded gratis on application. Addre?, II. A. TERRY, Ang. 1851. - Crescent City, Iowa. H. A. TERRY, lYlt-olcsalt and Retail Dealer in Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, ALSO CHAFE VINES, GOOSEEOEIES, Currants, Raspberries, Blackberries, Rot rt Mjf i. t ....t j a.- mm .ly CRESCENT CITY IOWA. OH-SCr O XI r, OHIO IITJKSERIES, toxjUdo, AS tbe aeasoa is now approaching for transplanting trees, fee. we call attention of Tree dealers, Fruit Growers, and others wishing to beautify their grounds to our stock of Fruit and Ornamental Trees. Grape Vines, . Shrubbery, Roses, Sfc. Also: all the leading varieties of Currants, Gooseberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, &c, &.c, &c. Of which we "have a lape stock, and we offer them very lw for tneFall Trade l&6I,;and would solicit the orders or (bos wishing to purchase. Enclose stamps, and aeni for Catalogue and Price List. KMSIGN A FOUD, At5os3-FV2ii3 Ohio Kurstries, Toledo, O. True Delswaro Graps Vines PEOPAQATED FROM TEE OHIGINAIi STOCK. Strong, Wttt-roottd One Year Old Virtet $1; Two . gear old $1.60 to $2.00. A few extra large iayer$, irtf bearing wood, 2 to f S. Smaller lay ere, l to $1.53. AI.SO fine rinw of Allen's new white Hybrid, Anna. Clara, Concord, Clinton, Cusadr, Diana, Herbemont, Ilartford, Proline, Logan, Le Noir, Lydia, Louisa, On tario, Rebecca, Rogers's new Hybrids, Taylor's Bullitt, Te-taton, Cntoa Village, Ac. Compactly grown Pelawires, with abundant fine, tbroua roots, caretally packed In moaa, enveloped in oil ilk, and aent jot paid, to any part of the Union, on receipt of $1 each. . Isabellas and Catawba 4 cme and two years' growth, foreign vinea for Graperiea, Raspberries, Blackberries, Strawberries, Ko., all at the lowest rates, EJ-Send (or a circular. . GEO. W. CAMPBELL, Delaware, O. Oct. IS, 1860. nl&-Sm. Flov7ersr Fruits, &c. JOHN A. KEXITICOTT, at the Grove Nursery, nest Northfield, I!!., has ready for delivery : Bulbs, especially Tulips, at the low rate of $2,50 Ter 100. and 120 per thousand for larre roots. . . Strawberries, of all the most approved varieties, from 2 to 4 dollars a thousand for most, a few sorts like Wilson' Albany, higher Evergreen 20 to 40 cent per foot, according to variety and form--avers r 2i cents. Vnslt Tree in good variety. Apple at from 8 to 15 dollars per 100 and the smaller the cheaper and better for distant customers. Email Fruits Currants, Elougbton Gooseberry, Itaspberriea,L;ackberries, Ac., much lower than ever tiered be Core. Ornamental Trees,Roes and other Hardy Shrub bery, in great variety and abundance; and 10,000 small to large plants of Upright Honeysucklos, Lit ci, Spireaa, Deutsia Scabra, Prim, Ac, at from 1 to 10 per hundred. And the beautiful Dithytra Spec abali and other eboiee perennial at from 1 50 to 2 per dosen, and common things all desirable at about half price. ' Catalogue by nail on application ; and every thing safely packed for distant transportation ; and at a rule most things sold 1 1 a ont ten per eent. less in automu i&aa pncg. i-no-i-vi Eiffil m MB TO FARMERS Of Nebraska and N. W. Jfissouri: AO-All! I would call the atteo'lenof tho farmers of Nebraska and Kis.-tonri, to the f;;ct that I nave on hand aud am constantly manufacturing, at isy Plow Factory, in Oregon, Ho., wagons, and every pattern of piows, to-wit : 1'IiAIKIC PI.OT5 S, One and.Two IforsePloiTS, feiiovcl I'loivs, Iloes ,IIarrvs,o Coxn I'innters, And Harrow Teeth Tvgellier with everything in this line usel by a rarmer I take the responsibility of saying that toy two torse plows will do better work, in stubble or any kiDd ot rough ground, than any I manufactured or sold In thia upper country, afy two-horse and prairie plows will be old, for earn, on terms, such aa will plice them in the reach of every farmer. JSy Plows can be obtained from my atcent at Iowa Point. K. T., Brownville, Nodaway county, Marietta, kush Bottom, noitcounty, Brownville. N. T.. and For est City. ilAUTIN HOFFJfAM. K. B. All kind of repairing done with ueatnessand dispatch, on liberal terms. Oreeon,Mo., Jiay, IS60. Theodore Hill, Agent At Brownville, X. T., keeps on hand a geaeral assort ment of Huffman's Plows. Brownville. Way, 1SG0. Iv ATTENTION I BEE-KEEPEKS. Kidder's new system of Bee Uanagement, where by a swarm of Bees will collect from cne to three hundred pounds of honey in one season. Bees can be made to swarm any season, or prevented from do ing so. Can be prevented from flying to the forests in swarming-tiine. Bee-robbery easily prevented. Moth millers prevented effectually. ever lose bees by the chill of wiJter or otherwise. 1 will send my new Book Circular, containing 32 pares, free of postage, to any Z?ce-Keeper that will send me bis Bost-0 f3ee address. It gives the con tents of Book in full, and gives trencral oxplantions, and cuts cf the Patent Compound llive. Or, I will send Kidder s uuide to Apiarian bcience on the roceintof 57 cents, in postage Etninps, which will give full particulars in the Culture SEdmanage agcraent of the oney Kee. All orders for circulars, books, hives, rights, Ac, promptly attended to. Addre.'s. )oivavi) dissociation 3PTT I TiTiA PZZXj2T2: A Ecnevolent Intt itution established by upecial En dowment, for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, ' ojflicted with Virulent and Epidemic LUeatet, and especially for the Cvr of Uiseasct of the Sexual Organs. MEDICAL) ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, hab.tsof life, Ac.,) and in cases of exticuie poverty, Medicines furnished free of cbarpe. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other dis eases of ta Sexual Organs, and on the XKW KEMK DIES employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in scaled letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. Address DR. J. SKILLIX HOUGHTON", Acting Sur geon, Iloward Association, Xo. 2, South Kiuth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By or.ler of the Directors. EZRA D. HE ARTW ELL, Pres. Ceo. Fairchild, Sec'y. October 18, 18C3. nl5-ylr L 0THE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CLOTHING Ever offered in this Market. KO DOUBT ABOUT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT TITE Batimore Cotliing Store, BROWNVILLE, N. T. DAVIE) SEIQEL : Isabella Grapo Vines CtrcTirfy Rooted Plants, 3 to 4 years eld, Many cf tbem already fruiting in the nursery, and. . Tbe Tien 1 aspberry. At taper 100. Large quantities at greatly re daeed rates. It needs no winter protection and tears two annual crop of fruit. Yokes- Catalpa, 4 te 6 feet 1 per hundred ; 5 to 7 ft ii per ICO. ' Hardy Climbing Roses, Fragrant Honey Suckles, and aorscry stock ia general at the lowen rates ... RICHARD M. CONKLIN. Evergreen Nursery, Cold Spring Harbor . ' . LQgQ ISLAKD. . Strawberries. FLUSHING. N. Y. Will snd their new Strawberry Catalogue, em- Criwur 10 variet ie. end new Catalogues of Pul sus Howtr and Grapes to applicants enclosing namr. Irice'f Scarlet llarnate Triomtihe deGand. nker's Jenny Lind, and 23 other varieties, 51 per ion and per 1000. Wilson's Albany, 76cts per ' 1M, t per 10CD, 110 for SCQO. Austin's Becdlin SI ?r roten. vr other splendid varieties see Catalogues. Aug. ii3-lt r.CIIT. W. NOTARY PUBLIC, nuovviLLi:N N.T Announce to the public that he has opened out a stock of ready-made -clothi ng, boots and shoes, hats and caps, carpet sacks, gentlmen's un DERWEAR, &c, Sec, tScc. ruprecedented in inantity, quality and prices. Be is determined his prices shall correspoud with tbe times, and therefore offer here in the VTcst, at Just as low rates as such goods can be purchased anywhere in the Vtiited States. Aa a sample or his prices lie will mention that he sells Goats from $1,25 up to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, Vests from $1 to $5. Boots, STioes, Ilata, Caps, Fancy and White Shirts, Sun ders, K oca ties, Socks, Handkerchiefs, Ac., in the same proportion. The proprietor embrace this opportunity of returning thanks for past pntronace, and promise to spare no ef forts in tbe future to give eutire satist acJon. Co?l autl boo 3xim. DAVID SE1GEL. Brownville, June 18, 1861.-ly Dissolution- The partnership heretofore existing under the name and style of Lushbaugh & Carson at Brownville, Ne braska, was, on the first day of November, dissolved by mutual consent, by the withdrawal of B. F. Lushbaugh. John L. Carson will settle the unfinished business of the old firm and con tine the Banking and Real Estate Agency business as heretofore at the old stand. B. F. LUSHBAGH Nov. 1st, 1860. JOHK. L. CARSON. In severing my business connexion with my late part ner, I deem this a proper opportunity of expressing ray thanks for the patronage bestowed upen our firm, during tbe period In which we were engaged In businss. It affords me much pleasure also to commend to the favorable consideration of the friends of the old firm ny successor in business, Mr. Carson, a gent'.eman in every way worthy of the confidence and support of a discrim inating public. B. F. LFSHBACGH. OREGON 1MURSERY. E. II. BDRCIIES & CO., PROPRIETORS. Oregon, Holt Co., Ho. The undersigned have lonr sinct teen convinced the want of a first class Kurgery in the West, where TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, &C, Can be adapted to our climate nnd soil. In view of these facts, we have established one at this place, and have now in successful cultivates, which we of fer for sale at IVhohsale or Retail, The coming season, a large and wU selected stock suited to this climate, i Apples. standArd and dwarf; Pears, standard and dwarf; Cherries, standard and dwarf: Peaches, Plums, Apricots, Nectarines, - - - -. Quince, Grapes, Current?, Gooseberries, ; Raspberries . Strawberriesaadr.lackberries, Evergreens. Ornamental Trees, and Shrubs, Greenhouse and Bedding Hants, Koses, Dahlias, Ac, kc, Ac. To which we would beg lnve to call the attention of tbe people of Western Missouri, Nebraska, Kan sas and Iowa. C5?0ur terms willbe aslow as sry reliableeast ern Nursery. By purchasing of us the exper.se of transportation from the east can be saved. Ail trees and plants are carefully labeled and packed in the best manner for any pr-rt of the Unit ed States, for which a charge of the actual cost only will be made. No charge will be male for the deli very of packages onboard stennibuJ s. Ailcomu)unication3adJrcs3cd to tie undersigned will receive prompt attention. II . II. BUIICIIES & (X). - -L. l r I I 3 mm tl 1J M MAIN STREET. BROWNVILLE. N. Takes pleasure in announcing that he has now on hand, a large and select stock of every art clo in his line, Of all the Improved patters ; vii : Plyiuoutn BocH, Charter Oat. Valiey Korge, Elevated Oven, &c, u 111 ill tl Li Vi MS 71 p lln T. ' Box and Parlor Stoves of an endless variety, some of which are entirely new designs, viz Cook and Parlor stoves, something very nice indeed for small faiuiliea v mm A combined ' HEAVY SHEET IKON 1011 SUGAli E0ILERS And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal ur.d Lard Oil Lamps Brass Copper, and sheet Iron Ware; Lanterns, Shovel, Ac JAPANNED WARE, 'WiiLiiiiiC lib all Lai CJ KZ I have procured the right to mannfactr.re a late simple and improved self-sealing Fruit Can to which I call the attention of the public. All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates and on as accomodating terms as any other establishment In this region ci' tbe country I am prepared to put up guttering ana 6poutiug and all other work of my line atthe shortest notice, and In a workmanlike manner, which J warrant io give satisfaction. I pledge myself not to be undersold in the upper country J. C. DEUSER. Brownville, August, 30 1SGO. 2T1 r S vT-tai r--v -i r f- hi? fl i h?t Wl WISH B J NEWS. i ii 1 T JOHN A. PONIT, Has Removed . From his Old Stand ca the LeTeo to wniTiiinrs hew block, MAIN STREET, BROWXVILE X. T. ' Where he has opened c? a TTI' Consisting of STAPLE AISD FAX CY DRY :GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family CONSISTING o? Flour, Ham, Bacon Sugar, Molasses Ccfieo, Tea, Salt, Cheese, Candles, 00) CtCe And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc. ALSO, Jl well selected Stock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. ( UEENS WA R E, 3 lJ) I (j U II J ivsa (Rm. ss. v rr5is I U Li Li I ii .ji 5 "J I s2! u-l Q. & i w EsJ MICI3 BOTLIBB5 . MC&UOIISS &m&-i USK? Vii' i-A'J J E WEI ET. saa r?3 Ear Rings, Shirt Buttons, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Breast Pins, &c. &c. Come and see and Secure Bargains. MIS MIILEi. Brou-nville, August, 30, 1SC0. B R O W NT ILLE 1 ots and Slices. ITiS knowledge of the trade and wants of the people of Duownville and vicinity enables him to make judici ous purchases expressly ror this nLirfcut. lie asks an examination of his Stock, feeling assured he will be able to satisfy in quality, style and prices. 1ITFIIT Tl If WHITNEY'S BLOCK SI M n a j : tk -nr. w ai ku fi 18(31 McCOllMICK'3 " Lloffat's Life Pills rncnxix BITTERS, Tese medicines have now be.n before the publie for a leriod ot thirty years, aud uurias that time have maintained a hih character ia almost every part cf tbe Globe, fir their extraordinary aud iramcdiat. power o restoring perfect health to personssu tiering under near ly every kind cf disease to which the human fra&o Is il.iMe. Tho followinj are some ot tLo Ciatressinj variety of hrniiti (lipases i-i vrhiob the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Ave weil known t-j bo infallibio. Vjspfpsia, by thoroughly cleanslnj the first ar.it sec ond etnwacas, aua creating Sow of pure health7 bile, instead of the stale acrid kind, Flalalencj, Loss of Ap Ptcite, IIea.r.bum, ileadacbe. Uestlessness, Ill-temper, A lxitty, Languor! aud ileiai.ch jly, which are ih gen eral symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a natual consequence of its cure. Cuitio '.aei-t, ly cleansing the wio'.eler.jtb of thein test iue- with a solvent process, and without violence j all violent purges leave the bowels caative within two diy. Fcvert , of all kinds, by restoring the blood to a regu lar circulation, through the prcee of perspiration tn stich cases, aad tho thoroaa'h solution of all Intestinal ot:st mciiou iu others. The Life Jlciicineshave been known to cnreil-eania-tisn permanently in three weeks and Gout ia half t,at time by removing local inrlamuiation from the mus cles and ligaments from the joint3. Liropsiet Of all kinJs, by freeia and strengthening ti:t kiUueys aud bladder ; they operate most delintitf al ly on these important orxaus, aud hence have ever been found a certain remedy for tho worst case of Gravel. Also Worms, by dislodins from the turnings of the bowels the slimy matter to whlh theso creatures ad here. Scurvy, Ulcers and Inveterate Sores, by the perfect parity which these Lite iiedibinessive lo the blood, and aad ail the humors. Scoi buiio Eruptions and bad complexions, by their al turnafive eiiects up.iu the fluids that feed tho f kin, and the morbid state cf which occasions all eruptive com plaints, sai!ow,cloilJy, audoiher disagreeablecompiex iniiS, The useof these pills for a very short time, will effect tu entire cure of Salt Kheuni aud a striking improve ment in the clearness of the skia. Common Colas and Influenza will always be cured by one dose, or by two in the worsi cases. riLES. The orieinal proprietor of these medicines, wascuredof piles or thirty-tive years standing, by the useof the Life Medicines alone. Fever and Ague For this scourge of the Western Country, these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a return of the disease a cure by these medi tines is permanent try (hem, be satisfied and be cured Bilious Fevers and Liver Complaints. General Dc bility. loss of appetite, and Diseases of Females the Medicir.es hflve been used with the mst beneilcial re sults in cases or this description: Kings Evil, and Scrof ula in its worst forms, yieiiis to the mild, yet power ful action of these remarkable Medicines. 'i?ht Swets Nervous debility, Xervous Complaints of all kinds, Pal pitation of the heart, Painter's Colic, arc speedily cur ed. Mercurial Diseases. Psrsons -whose constitutions have become impaired by the injudicious use of Mercury will Ond these Medicines a perfect cure, as they never tail to eradicate from the system, all the eS'ecu of tho Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful prep arations of Sarsaparilla. V. li. MOFFaT. 335, Broadway, New fork. July 5, 1S60, ly THE PEOPLE'S PATRiOTiC PICTURE GALLERY. Just .Published in splendid Style, 2. POSTEAIT OP 1IAJC2 ANESSSO. the Hero cf Sumter, 3. P0HTEAIT OF KAJ0E-GE3T. BT7TLEH, 3. P02TEAIT OF COL. ELLST70STH, of the ' .New York Fire Zouavce, assassinated at Al exandria, after hauling down the Kcbel flag. . , 4. THE L033AP.I3irE7rr CF TOUT ST72I- TES, a xnagnifij:nt,Urge, rich' j colored cu-graving. LIAS 3. r.rGIiIENT tfehtiasr their A :Ct 25 25 way through the streets of JUiititniTe. mwt spirited picture, ivin a very corr iJc:i of thnt bloody transaction. 25 la '0k ce. Cct OSIER VSILLO',7 CUTTn 1 wiu cut, tualla and djUVer r, P.rown villa fur rn.i-U... i . ' over ftco tlouar, pw- thousand. Thu 'f ' three dollars les tian ever oJored b" 0E',t All crde at these r-riccs ai he "m . the 1st of October, ISil. , , Kilt Vf3r Send crdcrs by u.ail wi'h evb. to NEATTA NUnSEEr. Cii7, .T. T. 13 miles 'tst.jf Xtb'wki City ', in , , On new Air Lino Knunej Head j SEED P0TAT0FC Wl Vood stock, A?h Leaf, Kidney, Pi,.v r Blues andl:iu8Ku?tvl,oaUatta(.h , Ttcfc el delivered at the OSce of tbe - " f ba- a r irxtr " 100 Varieties Grape YI-c3, The Larj-.t. Cdltctioi. We.t of Y,m r Delaware, Diac Rebecca, Ilarbemr n . Prulili,!, Concord, Union Ville, FnTJfJ Cugahoira, Canadian Chief, Taylors Pa;;;,?",3'''' taway. Creveling, C.ol'nta and over 70 at eastern catalogue nro. " Isabella., C.iUwU nd Clinton at 2i-ts v . Au?- lm- At yrMAHA NUF.?2r.Y 30 VARIETIES STiiAWBiSg; 4 - V ? t. rr., .... nuiwr wcicii art? i iMon V A';inr IF 91 per iy(!o; Jenny Lind, tl'H per leg - frCL ? da'Oand, $2 per It,) , Bcron Pi Ho.7 S Hookers, black Prince, i!ay (ia-ea ,ci ier IfJO. $l t Plants of I per dci. Auz. ISfil. 'J cf 1553 at l SEMAsniizai. Concord Grapevines. 1 nave the lar.rest acd best ssi-ri. ,c vui;e(i stales, aad I orders for ursenes, meyardi or otherwise, . Hi er rates than any other reliable dealer. "C" vines, three years old, now tearing fruit, 0r t n i cne year old, will be sent by mail, rctsd ' , ft and warranted to stow. 1 ' ' 51 zrow. On3 year old vines perdojen, by Ex. only 09 :d, ' dj d I'D'- A great reduction from these price will be mad. to Uose who buy by the hundred or tiwmaal A gents wanted in all sections to sell these" viae, commission. Any person who procure rnn'-tei? vn.es-gcts nP a ciub-wiU rcecivo tn-oi free for each dozza ord?rd. . Cuttings with f.roor four buds.one dsllarrerd-x sent by mail, postpaid or by eirren, 100 for fin lars; 00 fur fifteen doIUrs; lC0:)fr 25 doilarj T October is the best month to set them, but rj da as bn the gn.uad is unfr';z?n. Ail money sent at my risk. A y-ar's omtlit w:'t be g.ven to any responsible person whodesirtjit mi who order 10 dellars worth or more. ' The Coniord is decidedly the best fatally, market and wine grape now known. Jt ripcas u'aitormilv' as far north as Canadas. ' A cirtuLir'with ini-ra full details sent f 1 apphcantj. T. U. 3II.ER Clinton, Onoida Co. X Y ' (Lato Editor and Proprietor of the T.araj American.") G. "STAU SPANGLED EANXEJT GOD- Eeape r er. c. II. MCCOR3IICR &BROS., CHICAGO, ILLS. Twenty-five Thousand Sold During the An Acerafje of over 4,000 each Year. Sales have increased from 1000 in '54 to 5,000 ; 'CO. A3 a Reaper, the "McCormick" has beet before the American public for the last twenty years, and during that time has gained a reputation which is " World' Wide." Notwithstandicg the yearly in creasing competition, and thehostof inventors en gaged in the development oi leaping aiaenines, tne "McCormick"lead3 the van the acknowledged su perior of all in the march for practical improvements. The representations made by other manufactur- that the McCormick was "once" a noted Reaper, butii now antiquatcd,is simply ridiculous, aa the in creasing demand will prove, iso single estaoiisn- inent in the OKLD, manafactures so largely of these implements, and none expends equad money time or talent m rehable improvements. Manyeuanges have been ellected during tne pas season, and for 18GI,.the 'McCormick" is presented greater attractions than ever before. A a Keaper its SIMPLICITY, STRENGTH AND DU RABILITY command it to the farmer, while its capacity for work, with economy of power, give it the preference over all others. - The compacting the frame, thus seenrinr a more perfect balance to the machine: the position of the raker, in the rear of the driver, thus placing the weight where it should be, and relieving the weak er naits of the machine; the decreased weight, and flight indentation of the sickle, the Castor wheel. and other improvements added, have materially Ies sened the direct draught, and so obviated the id dranght that many assure us that it does not now vxist. Ihedraugntot tne ueapcr is "so lignt hat n numerous instances the large four-horse machine is worked with but two horses. DES3 OF LI222IY. A heirt-sturing de- - sion, exquisitely colored. 23 6. THE TJ5ICIT VOLUNTEERS. The brave soldier represented in tho net cf trampling underfoot the traito-'s banner, and unfur ling in its place tho glorious old stars and stripes" forever in tricicph to wave." 3. THE DEFENDERS CF OUR UNION, ft mammoth lithogradhic picture, brilliantly cclored. representing tho various crack regi ments in the United iStates service, in sail dress, and equipped and armed for activo service, being one cf tho most magnificent pictures of that kind ever got up in tliij country. Among tho military represented, are the New York 7th, Mas. 6th, the Fire men Zouaves, Col. Duryeo's Advance Guard, 1st German Rifles, French Zuuave3, Lilly Wilson's Zonaves, etc., etc. Price 59 Any siDgle picture will bo sent by maiL postpaid everywhere on receipt of price. G TT jFS. ONE DOLLAR ABRAKGEMEHT FOR ONE DOLLAR! FOR ONE DOLLAR I FOR OXE D0LLAH! We will send the complete set of S pictures to any fart of the United States, postage paid. IBUi Mm inWllBii IIMIll I. i mHm 9 Takes pleasure in aunouncing to tha citizens of Brownville and vicinity, that he Las just opened a new LIVERY STABLE, where he will always be ' ready to furnish gentlemen with , StcLc3JL , Horses,: 33"ULSs:1og, : Carriages, etc., etc. CHARGES REASONABLE. JOHN A. SMALL, Urowuvillj.-JuLe'lO'h.-lSCL (t:50-ly) As A Mower, The machine of 1831 will ba found fu'Iy equal to miv te?t that it may be submitted to. The slight indentation of the Sickle, its lightness and combi nation with the beam and finger?, allows an increase cf motion not practf cable in other machines, thus enabling us to 'o good icorl:, with a a slow team, ox en, even, working woll. Our Improved Guard and Patent Cleaner, effectually prevents choking, no matter what th condition of the grass, while cur new divider point separates badly lodged and tangled clover or grass, where other machines fail. There is also a great advantage la our "serrated fickle edge oter the smooth, as it doea not require sharpening so often, thus saving time. OurSickle wiil frequently run through an entire harvest with out once grinding, while the smocth edge must be ground once each day, if not oftener. AVith asmoth edge the draught increrses as the knife become dull. Our dranght is uniform, and in repeated trials da ricg the season of 1360. proved far lighter than sin gle Mowers, cnttiu; at the same time from twelve U eighteen inches wider. Our Slower can bensed with or without the reel tl. is is important, and without theretd, weighs but about 670 pounds. In addition to the very liberal warrantee given to all purchasers, we woiild say aj heretofore, bat far mers who m.y desire it, are at liberty to work our machine through the Harvest, wua any iner, ana keep, and pay Ur, the one preferred. Pamphlets with full description of improvements testimonials, &c, can bo had by application to THEODORE HILL, Agent. Erownvilie, Nebraska, April IS, lb'Jl. Pure Bred Fancy Poultry. For sale Black Spanish, White Dorkings, Golden and Spangled Folands, Sebright, Black African, red nnd white Eantairs, white and wiid Turkeys, Pea Fowl?, white and brown Ilong Kong, P-renien and wild Gee:-e, White "Crested" Ayleabargh and Mas cevv Ducks. Common and jradascar Uabkits. All animals sold will be enrefully boxed with the ncccs'vry feed, and delivered at the Express office. W. A. GOODING, Oak Iad t.::7vj Lockpert, Will Co-, " FOR ONE DOLLAR ! FOR ONE DOLLAR! FOR ONE DOLLAR! FOR ONE DOLLAR! We will send by mail, post-paid, the following set of i Union Uoods: 1. One copy Hardee's Tactics, the Text Cook for the Citizen huldier. 2. 25 splendid assorted Union Envelopes, entirely new devices. 3. 21 sheets superfine Union paper. 4. Xo. 4 of our picture gallery, (The Bombardment of fciuinter.; 5. No. 5 of our picture gallery, (The Massachusetts butn.; fry a i m v .m t. ine epienaia picture "ine leienaors of our Union." CHEAP FLOWERS & FRUITS. I will send, by miT. postpaid, 101 small bil2.s mostly mixed TULIPS, for cue dJUr, and Lr,' Dulbs of game, for 2. Cthor L'ulbs, uamJ, lV enough. : . IiEUDACEOUS PEKENXIALS. of 10 ... rts 5ns mixed P.OSLS and ether nAP.DY SAUl'SBKiV by exj ress, or railroad, 4 to 3 dollars per 100. p and cunicE sokxs, about double pr;.:p; atdtuors in small selected )ts in all, 500 va-le'.i-.'i. 'mall FRCiTd"of ail3crtd,ir,c!udin;DEHTAEB and Cuxcoi'.n (Jsafss, t-ru;i!ly rn-onab!e. PttviT and Cun aaiextal TmiLa, 2i per cc!it.low cr than ucual. All aaftly packed, to LoLp a muUi, at purchasers cost. AJJre..i, JOI1X A. K1XXIC0TT, The Grove P. O., Cook Co, His. S AD DIE SY. Saddles, Bridles, Collars, T5'hli, Lashes, Lir.es, Giths, Surcingles, Stirrups and Leathers, SnajjU, Curb and Port Biih, Ring Bradoons, Buggy Trimmings. Plastering Hair Constantly on Hand. In order to STiit all, I mate harness per set. I have collar from 65ccr,tsto$2 eac Halters from 75c. to $1.73 each. 1 WILL SELL AS LO"W, if tot lowe than anyone north, of Et. Josejli, and these wishing anythins in my lino will flni it to their advantao to give xne acsll tefore tcy ing elsewhere, JOHN W. MIDDLETON, HROTYXTILLr, 3T. T. FOR ONE DOLLAR ! FOR ONE DOLLAR! FOR ONE DOLLAR ! We will send the following, post-paid : Portrait of the joutbful Col Ellsworth, assassinated at Alexandria, a n.artyr in the cause of Liberty. 2.) assorted Union Envelopes. Tbe splendid picture entitled "The Defenders of onr Lnion. A magni5cent Gold Union Pin, the most clcgantyet got up valued at $1 iU. Envelopes witk tho newest designs and every de- ?npticn of Lnion (joods can bo procured ot ua cheaper than any where else. Sample sent free, to dealers on application. Address all letters and orW., L J. Y0IGT& CO.. n.r0r2 12 Ann Strfet. Xew York. 70,000 AFPLETREE3 For Sale, ;VT FAIR VIEW NURSERY, HALF A MILE WEST OF SIDNEY IOWA. These trees are the largest of their age to be found in the State they are adapted to the soil and climate 2.),0C0 4. year old trees, lit choice, 20 cents each 1 size. 15 cents eardi 45,000 2 year o! J trees (they are nice ones) at 10 cents each 400 2 year c Id Houghton Seedling Gooseberry, full of fruit buds, 15 cents ea-h 800 2 year old lied Dutch Currants, full of fruit buds 15 cents each 10C0 1 year old Hcd and White Dutch Currants, at 10 cants each 200 1 year old Concord Grape Vines at 50 eents, each, this is the bst known grape MO 1 year old Isabella (Jrape ines at -' cona Standard and Dwarf Pears at i.) cts eae i In exehang? f.r the above, I will take heat and loiirat th""k--.1n'v rar.rket rriee, cr yourg Cattle, .uuibcr, Cah, cr low notes with ten percent in- teipst and to come end ?ct trees. !arc'n llol. aZi-tr HLKX t;u'J .. Rce-Kcepingr Explained The best practicil work yet pnts.ishe-I. Soot for one dollar. Eees 'or s-ile cy the swarm wita Italian Qaecn Gia hmty boxes, ice, &c Circulars witt particu lars sent tall appliianu. Mre JoLoiville, X. T. Jan. '1. Ayer's Ague Cure. :egs r'rom present indtcations we will !nve a wet season d thos'5 th it wi.-h to set out Orchards will do well Notice New Firm. The endersizned doin business in the eity of Brownville, Nebraska, otder name and s'jle of SEIGEL, GREEN CAUM CO., have sold their en tire interest in the ClothiEjr. Store to Darid St'JfU who wiil hereafter carrv on the business at the oil stand. SAMUEL SEIGEL. MARKS GLEENUAT3I, Juno 20th, 1361. JOSEPH SMITH. SUGAR UE illffi EVAPORATORS I HAVE made arrnneementi with DCl'GLia BHOTllERS, Zane.ville, Onio. tlie only euil.thiaeal in tbe United states, ersaed excluiely In thi)nn" facture of SurKho Suetr Milli. EvaDoratori. ac.,fcr wbicta I canfarnidb tliearmert ia tbit region wl:& rkoe. much Deeiel articles. Tbe DongU Sagtr Mill nd Ap paratns were awardet the First Premium at the Obi State Fair; and the tighest honor atthe l'nite-1 3'" Agricultural Society, a allver medal. I am c- nflJenl Farmers of N'ebra.ska, Kansas, Xorthern Jli;arl and . Southern low can nud no other to suit them better either in price or otherwUe. Capacity and Pncs of l:lill3. Tcree Iron Kellers in Strong Iron Fras?.- Xo 0 One H..rse Vertical Mil! pree trutn'lb t caliuiii of j:iice per hor.r : j.rire do 1 One h.r.se Vertical prec. rroin 23 tt 40 fral lous of jnce pr h.u' ; price Same as So 1 i extra bry. ao 2 Two borie Vertical p e-s from 25 to S3 callous o jnica per hour; lu'ht drift do 3 Two horse Verti :al ('! .utile geared) prew- es from 35to5'JgaI!jnjuieeperhuar,beary dratt do 4 Two hore Vertical (jingle eared) pre- et from 60 to 75 gal Ions of juice per hour , heavy draft do 6 Four horse Vertical -iin?!e eared)caja- citv from lOOto li3BIl.n per hour do ft To horse Horizontal ( tteareil) auiU- ble to attach to Tbreslii;;? Jtarnme orotaor power, prestes t torn 40 to 60 gallon ot Jnire per hour do 7 Two br.e Hnriann-wirn veyucar Qan to apply leer io. wone-i oy aorses arae aa Tarucal. pre.ei iO to 60 gallons cer hour Io Ui do 8 Four home Horizontal (hack f eare);t- able to attach tThre-hiT.g Macbiaor other sower, nre.ses 73 to 100 sallocs per hours ' I5d do 9 Ss horse Horiuntai (back eeareil) ealca lated for water or itteani pf.wcr, reaiy for the belt. aaJ wuh capacity to work off acron of from !5 to 20 acre of CaD. I3C ,70 60 SO 80 too no 100 J?0 Electric Weather Indicator. This neat and ctiricus intrurocnt foretells tie weather from 12 to 2 1 bour in ad an,". See f9 bv mail on receipt of 50 cnts bj the manufac:urer? LEE & CO., Newark, J. liberal discount W Agents. IUSRCEUSIIS ! I R15PCER2IES ! nu Isoa river $2 per doi, cia each. Frsn::r,.i 2 Fa'.sUJT 130 - 25 Allen 2 " u H u ii Au, White and IJd Aurwarp $2 per dos. Anorican 1'uril? Cane 2 2nAKA MITSUI. -