Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 19, 1861, Image 2

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tThe "Wat "forthe Uuiou.
Clarksduhg. Va.. Sent 12.
. A baltle took place about three o'clock
en Tuesday afternoon, nearSornrr.crville.
Gen. Rosecrans, after making a recon
naissance, found Floyd's army 5,000
trong, ty'th sixteen Held pieces, cntrench
it3 -in a powerful position on the top of a
mountain, at Carnix Ferry, on the west
" isirle cf Babley river. The rear and ex
treme of both Hanks were inaccessible,
scd the front was marked by heavy
"forests and close jungle. Col. Lytle's
Tenth Ohio Regiment of Benharn s brig
ade wa in the advance and drove a strong
detachment of the enemy out of the
ramp this tide of the position, the she of
which was unknown. Shortly afterward
fcis scouts, consisting of four companies,
"suddenly discovered themselves in the
lace oi a parapet Liute ry uuu a imc
. of .palisades for rifleman, when the bntile
". opened fiercely. The remainder of the
Tenth and Thirteenth Ohio were brought
'into action successfully ly Gen. Henham,
: and the . Twelfth Ohio afterward lyCapt.
HartiufT, whose object was an armed re-
The enemy played upon our forces ler
. rificaliy with musketry, rifle?, canister
' end thell, causing some casualiiies.
.. Col. Lyile led several companies of his
. Irish to charge the battery, when he was
brought down by a ehct in the leg.
Col.. Smith's Thirteenth Ohio engaged
the enemy on the left and Col. Lowe's
Twelfth Ohio directly in front. Col.
Lpwe fell dead at the head of his regi
ment early in the hottest fire, by a ball
' in the forehead.
McMullen's howitzer battery and Sni
. der's two field pieces, in the meantime,
were got into the best position possible
.under the circumstances, and soon silenc
,ed two of the rebel guns. The fire slack
ened at. intervals but grew more furious
nsnieht approached, when the German
brigade was led gallantly into action by
UoL iMcUODif, under me direction or Ad
jutant Gen. Hartsuir, but, after a furious
fight of three hours, night compelled the
recall of the troops, aud the men lay on
their arms within a short distance of the
enemy, each ready to resume the contest
nw'thp riPit mnrnimr. Flovd fled durtmr
c j a
the night and sunk the boats in the river
and destroyed the temporary bridge which
he had :nade when he first occupied the
position. '-
The ' turbulence of the river, and ex
haustion of the troops made it impossible
td follow him. He left his camp equip
age, wagons, horses, a large quan'ity of
ammunition and fifty head of cattle. Our
loss is fifteen killed and about seventy
xvounded, generally flesh wounds. The
rebel loss is not ascertained as they car
ried their dead and wounded with them,
but it was certainly serious. Capt. Mc
Groaty, of Cincinnati, Capt. McMullen
and Lieut. Si'der, of Ohio, are among
the wounded, but not dangerously. Twenty-five
men of Col. Tyler's who were
taken by Floyd at Cross Lanes, were recaptured.
11U)U C pci2JliU t" wiiil Ilia l. ui
his ofiicers, was taken. Gen. Benham's
brigade, which suffered most was com
manded by him in person, and McCook
led his brigade. Generals Rosecrans
and Benham, Col's. McCook, Lytle and
Lowe, Capts. Hartsuff, Snyder and JIc
Mullen, Major Burke, of the Tenth Ohio,
and other ofiicers, displayed conspicuous
personal gallantry; the troops were ex
clusively from Ohio, and showed great
Louisville, Sept. 12.
A special to the Journal, from Wash
ington, says Gen. McCk-llao has carried
Hall's Hill, losing 15 killed. Gen. Banks'
command is within a sirrrt distance, and
n general engagement is expected tomorrow.
Tbn up with nur 11 i ! let it stream on tho air!
Though our father arerol.l in their grave,
Tbey Lad hand that could strike, they had souls
thnt could dure,
And their eon were not born to bo slaves!
L'p. p witb that banner! where'er itinuycal!,
Our millions shall rally nr. and ;
A nation of freeinen tint uvun .Mil hull fall
When iu star nbull be trailed on the ground.
Frankfort, Ky., Sept. 11.
"M a .TTmtco !i ic mnininrr q A r-. 1 n, 1 roe
jtrlutron directing the Governor to issue a
proclamation ordering the confederate
troops to evacuate Kentucky toil. The
vote stood 71 against 2G.
CAino, Sept. 10.
-The. gunboats Conestogo and Lexing
ton. -reconnoitering down the Mississippi
river to-day came in contact with sixteen
gnns. at ; Lucas' Bend, on the Missouri
jshnr ntifi Iwn tpKpI fiinVmats. Thpv
tilenced the batteries on shore and. dis
abled the rebel gunboat Yankee, and
would have captured her had she not been
supported by batteries on the shore near
Columbus.- One man on the Conestoga
waV". slightly injured. Rebel loss not
'200 scouts were driven into Col, Og
lesby's camp at-Norfolk by-two hundred
rebel troops, No less than 15.000 are
encamped at Columbus. They were
iargely reinforced yesterday. Surgeon
'eterson of the Eighth Missouri Volun
teers was shot to-day noon by II C Kelly
the correspondent of the Missonn Demo
crat. Peterson is not considered mortal
ly woupded.. The difficulty arose .from
an article which appeared irjaha. Zouave
Register at Cape Giradeau.
A- lett in the Bahimore . American
Irom a citizen of Leesburg says that a
whole Missisippi Repiment stationed
.there revolted on Saturday, broke their
muskets to peices and started home.
We learn from reliable source that
Gar. H M Stewart is raisin"1 a reriment
for active service and will soon have it
in the field.
Onr Reappearance. fv ;
After a weeks suspension we again
resume ihe publication--of our paper.
Having been forced to suspend by a squad
f armed men belonging to the camps at
. that time in possession of the city, the
suppression of our paper wa$ but one of
the mauy acts of lawlessness eummitted
by them, of which we shall have more
to sav hereafter. Suffice to sav that for
ii-week our city was a scene of.. lawless
ness, never before witnessed in this sec
lion. Stores were broken dpen, goods
I ressed, private arms aud horses taken,
, fud con federate scrip tendered for. the
fame. Iti many cases even this was not
done; the goods taken and no receipt
whatever given" for them. Upcn the
errival of Col. Smith, of the 10:h Illi
nois, order was restored. Saturday vas
a qinct day, all the stores being closed by
ns request, Capt. Wells liaviuz been ap
Missouri Affairs.
Since cur last, sese:-h if; Atchison coun
ty. Mo., in fact all northern Missouri
has well nigh "numbered itself among
the things that were." On Saturday last
the forces under Col. Thompson, for some
days past in camp on the bank of the
river opposite this place, marched for the
purpose of exterminating the rebels in
that county, and then joining Col. Cranor's
command. The rebels, becoming satis
fied they were outnumbered, sent a
special messenger to meet Col. Thompson
and ask another ''compromise." A few
were in favor of entering into a compro
mise to the effect that the rebels would
surrender their arms and ammunition and
give in a list of their names. The great
majority however were opposed even to
this. The messenger was therefore re
tained in camp and a well armed force
immediately dispatched to route the ene
my. They getting wind of their ap
proach, "scattered" dispersed in every
direction. This is the usual mode adopt
ed by the rebels when likely to meet an
equal number.
During the several skirmishes over the
river but two or three men have, thus far,
Leen killed, that we have heard of.
With the exception of a few small
roving bands who stay about in the bushes
there are now but few secessionists in
arms north of St.. Joseph. They have
all been driven below and will be pursued,
and most likely captured, as we under
stand there will be no means of crossing
the river. The St. Joseph Journal, speak
ing of affairs there aud below, says:
It is the intention to follow them un-'
til reached, and if they get to Price and
Rains then the whole lorce in the State
under Fremont will commence the for
ward movement to the Gulf by way of
Memphis, driving the rebels before them.
Fremont has finessed admirably and
has succeeded in getting the rebels all
together, and will now iu forth all Lis
energies and force, and march onward to
Memphis and New Orleans.
written law would be to lose the law it
self, with life, liberty, property, and all
those who are enjoying them with us ; so
sacrificing the end to the mean.
"From these examples and principles
you may see what I think on the question
proposed. They do not go to the case of
persons charged with petty duties, where
consequences are trilling and time al
lowed for t. legal course, nor to authorize
them to take such cases out of the writ
ten law. In these the example of over
leaping the law is of greater evil, than a
strict adherence to its imperfect provis
ions. It is incumueni on musu uniy wwu
The Brownville correspondent of the
Nebraska City News, in speaking of one
of .he meetings held in this city, recently
says :
"Following these S. G. Daily, Rcbt.
W. Furnas, and R. F. Barret, addressed
the meeting advocating the immediate
organization of the militia and a thorough
and complete preparation for any emer
gency that may" arise. Mr Daily was
decidedly in favor of rendering the as
itance asked for by the union men cf
Atchison county if necessary although a
majority cf our citizens are strongly op-
accept of great charges to rk themselves f posed to our interfering with affairs in
on great occasions, when the sah-ty ol
the nation or some of its very high inter
ests are at stake."
"Ro-nulus" says ; "ere one rumor is
thoroughly masiicatci and digested, an
other of a startling character, arrives;
thus furnishing our male citizens with
abundant matter fcr ciscussion." .
Wonder if there is as much nourishment
in that kind of "grub" as in the lacteal
wealth drained from lacteal glands of the
feminine cvnia IvjmsI Is it "spcon vic
tuals," or is it used in chuncks ?" It
will be seen it is only intended for, and
used by "mae citizens," so the ladies bet
ter be careful, and not "chaw" any of it.
If the food resembles "the thin vapors of
a dungeon," of which we read, reckon it
will not hurt either sex.
"Romulus," it will be recolJected, was
an illegitimate fellow, and who being cnt
cfT in the Tiber, fell in with a she wolf,
from whom hO derived nourishment by
sucking her like any other infantile ca
nine, lie aho slew his brother Remus
for speaking light of a little d itch Rom ulus
had dug, and over which Remus leap-
ed, without any particular effort, and cut
up many other didos we will not men
tion. One of his successors in name, the
Brownville correspondent of the Nebras
ka City News, is imitating the example
of his "illustrious predecessor," as re
spects the little one and the she wolf, by
'freezing' to that paper. We hope the
teat is agreeable and the nourishment
abundant, and that after he grows to be a
bis: do?, he and hi? owner will have a
happy time.
It sounds so pretty, and really is
so consistent to hear men prate about
"invading Missouri." because, forsooth
a few men here nnd there along the riv
er go over to help the Union men in that
State, but not a word against the action
of the Southern Confederacy in appropri
ating a million and a half of dollars and
sending a hundred thousand men into her
borders, to control the coming election,
and force that State out of the Union con
trary to the expressed will of her people!
Oh, no ! There is nothing wrong in that.
But uont you go from Nebraska over there
to assist in repelling those rpal invaders !
You might arouse the ill will of the trai
tors to your country.
We understand that a knowing sympathi
zer with the disunion movement said the
other day "We dont intend to kill any
body, nor destroy any property belonging
to Union men, we only want to control
the election this fall !" Exactly so! Only
want to control the election." Well, sir.
do you know what the issue in the com
ing election in Missouri, is ? It is "only"
that the state will either remain in the
Union, or go out of it! That's all. And
if Missouri goes out or rather, is forced
out, away sops with her Kansas, and that
portion of Nebraska south of the North
Missouri line.
The Higher Duty.
Who has not heard it said a thousand
times since the war commenced, "The
Administration has oversteped the "Con
ilithlional limits. "xou are not going
according to law." .This all souods well,
or would in ordinary times, and had we
to deal with men who themselves paid any
respect to the Constitution or laws. Talk
about a strict adherence to Constitution
and laws when you have to do with a set
of traitors who have from the start, and
in every step they have made, trampled
both under foot! Is instituting a new,
and independent government within the
boundaries of the UnJ.ted States; rob
ing the treasure by the millions; steal
ing Government arms and snips; be
traying commands; firing into, and de
stroying our forts; organizing piracy on
the high" seas, and " an hundred other
such acts, keeping within ihe bounds of
the Constitution and law? And must
the tedious process of law be only relied
upon to meet puch an emergency Inter
arma silent teges. "In war the law slum
bers." This very matter was up for
consideration during the Barr conspiracy.
It will be recollected that General Wil
kinson at New Orleans, refused to obey
the writ of habeas corpu?. . Mr. Jeffer
son sustained him, and in September,
1810, in explanation cf the principle, he
wrote to J. B. Colvin as follows :
"The question you propose, whether
circumstances do not sometimes occur
which make it difficult in erne rs of high
trust to assume authority beyond the law,
is easy of solution in principle, but some
times embarrassing in practice. A strict
observance of the written hws is doutt
less one of-the highest duties of a good j
"The female portion of community, to
their credit he it said, receive these re
ports with the greatest sang froid, nnd
reason dispassionately upon the probabil
ity of their faUity.' Romtlus.
Well posted m regard to the "female
portion of community." In fact, "Rom
lus" might safely be set down as a regu
lar "old granny" himself. That sang
froid is quite a compliment to the "female
portion of community," surely; charac
terizing them as cold Hooded. Lookout,
young man ; your fortune is not yd made
"Many a slip, 'iwixt cup and lip," you
Missouri and are disposed to let the U
nion men with U. S. troops work out
their own salvation in that State.
We venture the assertion that there is
not an able-bodied man in Nemaha coun-ty-unlesshe
be a seecessionist, or a sym
pathizer therewith who would not "if
necessary go to the relief of Union men
in Missouri or elsewhere, if in their
power to render aid. There are none
we know of who propose to go into At
chison county, until it docs become neces
sary, and then not in any claimed capac
ty that might in the leat involve the mil
itary or. civil authorities of Nebraska.
A great deal has baen said in regard to
this "meddling with Missouri affairs cf
late, by a few persons, both in Nebraska
City and this place. We have found the
croakers invariably' to be ither ignorant
of what they were talking about, cow
rds, or rebels.
God save the patriot who thinks more
of some li'.tle business he may be engag
ed in than lie does of. his country; who
would stand with folded arms, and because
the Missouri river ran between, would see
the liberties of his neighbors, his own
blood relations, trampled under foot; his
property destroyed, and he driven out cf
the country, merely because he is a loy
al citizen.
These same men are continually cryiug
"lets make peace compromise, nnd stop
this war. It will break us all up." They
would compromise with traitors; ack
nowledge the independence of the South
ern Confederacy; submit to a dissolution
of the Union; in short do almost anything
however detrimental to the country, or
destructive of the principles of a free
Government, only so their individual in
terests were not directly interfered with,
or they called upon to pay a mite of tax
to support the Union.
Observance and Enforcement of
It appears that some time since Mar
shall McDowell United States Marshall
for Kansas, addressed a letter to the Uni
ted States Attorney General stating that
he did not deem it his duty to return fugi
tives to Missouri until she become more
loj-al and asking for advice on the subject.
The following was the reply :
.Jltlorneij Generals Office July 23 1SG1.
J. L. McDowell U S Marshall Kansas.
Sir: Your letter of the 11th July re
ceived 19thunder frank of Senator
Lane of Kansas! asks advice whether
or not you should give your official ser-
Sars vp Abilla This tropics! root ba a repntation
iffl.ctmaiikt i-a reputation too which erf "
ihi test jniMote we pose.-s fur ocrs.'nlous boniplaiuis.
trated and combined wiib other "J'"'
its ower reliable compound or this cUjrdaer
,E Kb "Ve.!l mihecmmunlty. M?
i t Vr A y Fit's Sar.satianl.a in r olmiiu-, and wo
iLJ-it ,111 .... enc,niu-.n rrnrn "VV y"
coniience in what be trTers. Organ. Sj atute,. x.
Legal ITctics.
of the
vices m the execution
jSYare Law
It is the Presidents constitutional dutv i
to "take care that the lairs be faithfully
executed." That means all the laws.
He has no right to discriminate no
right to execute the laws h3 likes and
leave unexecuted those he dislikes. And
of courso you and I, his subordinates, can j
have no wider latitude of discretion than1
ho has. Missouri is a State in, ihe Union.
The insurrectionary disorders in Missou
ri are but individual crimes and do not
i change the legal status cf the State, nur
change its rights and obligations as a
member of the Union.
A refusal by a ministerial officer to
execute any Imv which properly belongs
to his office is cflici .l misdemeanor, of
which I do not doubt the President would
take notice. Very respectfully,
Inward Rates.
Fairbash-s SCALES.-It U a slzniarant fact, which
tl.eiut.lic will appreciate, that whenever
are pat ioa the market, as large numbers have been
from time to ti:uo Uuring tho last thirty rears it
ecm to be the first and chief aim cf the makers to
how th.u they are the same as FairtwikV cr like
them, or have taken premiums over tueru. thus recrg-j
niz.r x tl e latter as the sumlar-l Jor excellence. aiH j
Eh-jwin.? the stronghold tlcy liave np..u tl.e public 0,1.- 1
iidence. It is a wei!-kn..wn fait ihjt while mot if,
ti.eso ecaics hive, otter in-re r ! iU V''
maitly out of ue, Fjiil '' bave B-ue fti'ai!i j I--r-v.-aid,
ine'oasins iu pu'olic fuvcr year arte jeir, ai.
are now much more penerally ucd than !l .-iher- 1
i.n .y in this country, but wherever A:ne. ivn cum
has l.ecn can iM. This c n!d n..r be x if :hf.v wr.-c
all that is claimed fr tl.em i-.i mrcci 10 :U i ; ""
t.ilit.r? well as convenience a.iu accuracy C'i rao
Conrad Sinitb.
S. F.,
VoSFNutk .h,: Toil re lerehr
has been corunieii-ed a aiint v 1 !lut
Smi'h before A. P. F .rnry, , ju,t.ce'-.fVh. ,",M
iu. K'chanlsoi: C-hu:j N. T It m, -'fll
i r 1 .-. luicu 1 1 oi 1 up-11 ;i . 1 5 -j 1 n
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yoke of c.,tle Las b- e at- ci ni t... ' ,
01 the !ue. l.'u;- y-.i p e d, ,I(1'. ')'
came on or ber. re the I9:h ii v . f ()-. 'i r r-"L, f.
o'clm-k r it. l!.s. uie wi.l bukfiV r" ' i
ment rHi!rrC'! hccmIii my. Cun
On!ei Cd that ti e tx.7e bo rMW a.?1' "
viile Adverti-er thres cuntecimvr w- .. ' b a
- Srpterofer 13 iFCl. vv" i. p
n:t J
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Mote ok. Such is ihe crurse purti e-' 'r
v.iln.:b!o rteilirir!1. They t-ver ce-i- ''
pi i t:-I-., ward, leiievihic il.e u !i aiid C'-:i'.'v'! '
and i.'iseasc. Tue wondertuS tiu- tli it u
by Otrti ?yrr.p vt Siss.ifras are r-,i'y l:r 1 v..
Co2l;.s, c ;!.;. hwae:;e.-S' r.K':i cv?ii
begins to tio:i:bte when it c mc m e jumc. wi
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Ur.i iiivit is f niiiiKir to eve: y faint ty in U.e c.-un;ry f .r
the t:Kr.y tienjSis they b.-vo received fr -iu it am. It
is well t-ir e-ery fau'.'y t be provide I ; tbcycann .t tell
what hour they r.ay rc ire i u.-o. T. e-c mr.ik'inos
t Hit. bisili, and are ied by I'latiy re-peo' ible vhysiclans
of cx-wmc see advertise incut iu aather
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Tlie Military la Semalia County.
The past week has heen decidedly
"some military." in this county.
Tne"Pi:ru Home Guards.'! Cnpt. Hick
man, and the Nemaha City Home Guards
Capt. FAinuROTiiEn, have been giving
extraordinary attention to drill, and per
fecting their organization. We had not
tliH pleasure of witnessing their opera
tions, but are told they are doing finely.
The "Nemaha Couny Cavalry," dpt.
Minnick, have for some time devoted
much attention to drill, and have become
quite perfect. They paraded in our city
last I riday evening, The company is
composed principally of farmers, and are
all of the right kind for any emergency,
in behalf of their country.
The "Paddock Guards," Capt. Mat
thews, and the Home Guards," Capt.
Hewett, of this city, are both compa
nies of which we may well be proud.
We venture the assertion, that no sett of
men anywhere, are more studious, or
make more tapid advancement in becom
ing proficient in drill.
So far, but cne ccinpar.y, the "Home
Guards," of this city, has been provided
with arms by the Territory. The others
have been using ordiuary shot guns and
4,Has Gov. Saunders authorized the
organization of the regiment now forming
at Brownville to enter into the service of
the Territory to be paid out of the Terri
torial Treasury? Or has he telegraphed
to Col. Furnas asking him whether he
had belter call out a regiment. JVcfi.
City Yews.
We will say for the benefit of the
JVcics and also its able Brownville corres
pondent who ha3 discovered a mare's
nest in the item of expense, that the peo
ple of Brownville have paid all the ex
penses connected with the organization
of a Regiment in this part of the Territo
ry, and that neither the Territory or
"Romulus" will ever be called upon to
aid in the matter. It is not our style Mr
News to rely upon gov.erment or Territo
rial aid in such mailers. The people in
this county are not beggars, nor do they
intend to shirk any of the duties devol
ving upon them as American citizens, in
sustaining the government; they will
pay the direct tax when required of them
without growling about it "like a bear
with a sore head" as you have been do
ing for seme time past.
Religions Notice.
On Friday the 27:h Septpnibrr, there will be prcach
iiiK at the Presbyterian Church. Service will com
mence at half past seven, P. M. Sermon by Iter. Mr.
Giltner, of Nebrnska City.
A leo, cn Saturday, 2Sth Inst., preaching al halfp.vst
two o'c'uck, at tho r-anie place; and on tho Sabbath,
September 29 ; tervices in the n.ornins and evening,
commencing at half past ten and at half past seven
Itcv. Mr. GiltnerwiH be pres-ent, and it i expected
the ?acrament wil' be administered.
All are invited to attend fhe above appointm'tita.
September 20, Day of Prayer.
On Thursday, September 2G fhe dy appointed bytho
Pre-ident fur faMnK and prayer. Key. II. II. Dobbin
will preach at half pist It) o'clock. Prayer meeting
wiil be held at the same plai e (Pi esbyterian Church.)
We cannot help hoping, with another that Ibis call to
prayer will meet a repoiise from every heirt, and the of our eople will breath itself into the ear of
Heavenly niercv ! In this day of rebuke we should de
serve and prov. ke ihe uulipialion of Heaven if any of
our people peri tin their scheme of factions partisan-t-hip,
and will rot unite in teching from the Lord the
i-alvaiion of tnr country.
?"N;imv.f Cunili Jilted announced until day tf
cli riii.ii tor $2.50
VTe are a'ltb.oriz'vl o arm un e 'he name of O B.
ITewett as a candidate for the iffloe or Proscuiing
Attorney for Nemaha county.
We are authorized to announce the name of CnAJlLES
(i Porsey ai a ctnrfid te for the wffle of Piorecaiiiirf
Attorney lor Nemaha County
A National Fast.
By ihe President of the United Slates.
Whereas, a joint Committee of both
Houses of Congress has waited on the
President of the United States, and re
quested him to recommend a dav of Pub
lie humiliation, prajvr and fasting, to be
observed by the pt-opie of the united
States with reliyious solemnities, and the
offering of frrvent supplications to Al
mighty God for the sa'ety and welfare .f
the United States, His blessings on their
arms, and a speedy res-toration of peace.
And whertas, it is fit and becoming to
all people at all times to aclitiowh dge
and revere the Supreme Government of
God, to bow iu humble sul mission to hi
chastisements, to confess and dplor
their sins and-transgressions in the lull
conviction that the fear of the Lord is
the beginning of wisdom, and to pray
with all fervor and cantrition for the par
don of their past olfences, and for a bles
"sing upon their present and prospective
And whereas. When our beloved coun
try, once by the blessing of God, united,
prosperous and happy, is now afflicted
with faction and civil war, it is peculiar
ly fit for us to recognize the hand ot
God in this visitation, and in sorrowful
remembrance of our own faults and
crimes as a nation and as individuals, to
humble ourselves before Him. and to urav
for His mercy to pray that we may l e tjuxiu u.D.iiui.
i e .l , . i - , ' We aro autborjrd to iir i;i tl e lame rf D IT
spared further punishment, though justly , ki.lm. as a candidate fur tiiet-m.-eor c,ni'y emmi,-'
deserved; tnat our arms may be Ursseu
and made effectual for the re-e.-tulii-h-
ment of law, order and pea(v throo -i vw
1., , i i
our country, ana mat we i.u .-tn j c
boon of civil and religious liberty, turn-;
ed under his guidance and Meting b
the labor and sufferings of our fn Ultra,
may be restored in all its original ex
cellence. Therefore, I, Abraham Lin
coln, President of the United State.?, do
appoint tho
next, as a day of humiliation, prayer
and fasting for all the people of th; ni
tion, and I do earnestly recommend to
all tho people, and especially to ail the
ministers and teachers of religion of all
denominations, and to all head j of fami
lies to observe and ke-p that d-i y Ac
cording to their several creeds aud modes
of HAitrroiiD,
Ths Frails of t.V n.z.iis
A-e m .nire-t in th fol!owia s'nt-m - it , ( Fv
and Fgmc.hoi,)S t :ca:uo i.,t t-iu i. '. ,'
. 1 r
r. .!. ti r 1 11 t . . s -1 . ... nt .... 1 : .
I n ., I
.I.mln I1... n...f r...... .1
uu..u fovu. j -:.; a uoctaut.a:r,-
Well Tried Corporation.
SUG7 CO--10,:
?, 77 5,)..
27.r,22 i)4--6i).l71
8.6ti:) 10...
9.7G5 00-.
3t,05 3(3...
4.1.05 1 90-.
20.S.52 53...
27.0 8:J...
22.S:5'J 4:U-.
3.DSI 68...
555 55".
.... IOWA
. kentucky .
- tknnesskf:..
- -ALAliAMA..
34:r u
: I n
Wil 10
2404 ."5
1 1:2 j;.
' ioi ii
In.anrsmrei olicited.nn 1 pti-ii i.tuvl ardrnof.
ctl iu this leading Cor.r.itiMii, r fair ro,.- 1
l.s.J-.'iit A,?nt.
Brownville, Sept. 5, lAjtf.
We are authorized to annonnre tlie name of E. L.
OnuiB .s a Cin'i.late for ttieolQceoi Couniy Survey
or of ICeniaha Ciuity-
TVe a-e ariihoriz-l to annov.nre the name of Joht
KcPhiesos as a caivii.lare for C omcilnian from Nc
niilia aol J..Iiti-ou Counties, to fiU tf.e vacancy occa
fcioiiel by the resicntititui ff T. W. Tinton.
JaiJoI in townsiteS StJ-100 n-r..
(I.-.1 li.iit in ottiori thirty I '.')!. t
tj n-.n,!. .-ii-xt.-'-i , 15 .". ttiui'o i.J'-nl.-"i.
t!io inliviil.l lit' .Pi. .t !i. hi
.i,towt.shiii'i ii r, r. ,) evi;,; mi. .. .
linf! lot N'i two i . t It. I .V, t:r !
t.iwi.S M,! t'.-ir. r:n'! ri v. n't;.- i "if,"1!.
i ; ii l r . I' ll.o rt r n
i;i. .i" r t. I..M, ;!. i . a...;
.,u ' fl.o ?.. !'' v- i;i ; i.
" l' " i ' . "" : ( ' ....'
1'i Vi K a a
-a :. C
The Omaha J"drasliian, recently came
out in a long tirade of abuse of S. G.
Daily, accusing him of defeating the
the confirmation of Secretary Paddock,
for the purpose of securiug the appoint
ment of E. S. Dundy. The article is one of
the JSTebraskians peculiar kind of "cock
and bull stories, gotten up for a purpose.
The facts are; that when the list of ap
pointments for confirmation, for Nebras
ka was made out by the Clerk of the U.
S. Senate, the name of Secretary Pad
dock was acci'dentally omitted. This ren
dered a new appointment necessary, and
th President .immediately re-appointed
Mr. Paddock. Mr. Daily knew nothing
of the matter until he saw the aunounc
ment yf Mr. Paddock re-appointment.
Mr Daily'gaVe the Department at
Washington before Mr Paddock's ap
pointment, to understand that with that
appointment he was. perfectly saiisfh-d
At an early day of the last session, Mr
all 1
linnihty, ar.d with ail
Trumbull, Chairman of the committee,
The failure to secure arms of (having the matter in hand, called unon
course has operated as ijuite a drawback, Mr Daily to know if he had, cr knew
pointed Provost Martial, we may now laws of necessity, of self-preservation,
predict & speedy return to the regular j of &a irsr our country when in danger,
routine of buMr.ess.'uri l our city v. per its are of higher olliVation. To lose "iotir
UMual tpiiet acpect. i. Jonph Journal. : country ly a scrupulous p.dhesioo to the ! ed to make the connection.
and dampened in no small degree, their
energies. The recent excited state of
affairs in this region, however, has. fully
aroused the different companies, and the
prospect now is that they will be fully
nrmed before long. ' Assistant Adjt. H.
II. Harding, was in our place on an of
ficial visit on Friday and Saturday last,
for the purpose of ascertaining our wants
and htrensth. He informs us that the
provabilities are that in three or four
weeks the companies wiil all be equipped
We notice that several of our old as
sociates in this Territory hare been ele
vated n position in the new Territory of
II. P. Bennett, formerly of this Ter
ritory, as we stated last week, is elected
delega'.e to Congress by 2S9-1 mnjori'y.
C. P. Iloliy. E. S. Wilhite, and G. M.
Chilcott, also of Nebraska, were elected
to the Home branch of the Legislature.
Geo. A.Hinsdale, W. L. Clancy, B. R.
lytrram, and J. l. inwen 'run but lau-
of any objections to Mr Paddock's con
firmation. He informed him he had
none nor knew of none
Mr: Paddock's duties, since he has
been in office, have been arduous, but
faithfully and satisfactorily perforrcedv
and we believe were the matter submit
ted to a vote of the people of Nebraska,
he would be the choice two to one over
any other man heretofore spoken of in
connection with that office. .
We see by the Denver JVcws that in
the organization of the First Regiment
Colorado Volunteers Rev. J. M. Cniv
ixctos, formerly of this section cf Ne
braska, was tlected Major. Mr. C. is a
whole team;' can preach, pray and fight.
He was both n '-soldier cf the cro3" ar.d
musket, throigh the war.
oi wor.-nip in
religious solemnity, and to the end that
the united prayer of the nation may as
cend to lh;2 Throne of Grace, and bring
down plentiful blessings upon our own
In testimony whereof I have hereunto
set my hand, and caused the great seal
of the United States to be utlixid, thij
12th day of August, A. D. 1SG1. and of
the Independence of the United Stales
of America, the eijrhty-sixih.
Wm. It. Seward, Sco'y State.
The following petition tn regard to the
observance of a National Fast day, set
apart by the President of the United
States, has been circulated in this place
and the names of business men attach
ed. In view of the present deplorable con
dition of our country, we, the uinlHrijn
ed, citizens of Brownviilo and vicinity. I
agree to lay asitle. so far as ppictirald.
our secular pmplnymeiii on Thursday, the
2Gih of September, which, ihruii,rh the
recommendation of Congress, has been
appointed by 'he President of the Unittd
Slates to be observed as a day of humili
ation before God on account of our na
tional sins. r.nJ in prayer to him that he
wo. ild have mercy on us. and avert the
calamities with which our nation is now
"We respectfully ask the co-operation
of all who desire God's bles.inir on our
nation, and on this community in ihet ob
servance of that day.
"I will yet for this be inquired of by the house
of Israel, to do it for iliem."
O F Lake John McTherson.
Sam'l Bauserman Hiram AUermsn
Z. 1 . J s I.
; " y. it. Friroa : I';.- .ir:v
W. COLKM X ? a -aj.-l.ilai-J
: I."
N ().
We are antliorizr-il to inn..rcnc 'ho n ,nc ! a f)
Williamson us a canili'l.ite f .r itie RI e .-r sin-tl r
.'e ti ilu Cj iu;y.
tniTori ADvcrtTisra. r.e.i.-c
of ANOUKW It SCOvIl.Lt H .i
flee el ttionir oi Neiiiuiiu c.-iit! y .
I i.
. .r I - ! .. .
t Ii J . i i v o S
i r ii .1 i.- ,i ( -t i i !ti. .. i
I -. :. rv 1 T N l a' i. ri n:
: -I -..ii Mi '.. i. r 'i i. . !
' j'.?i i. n i;i:in4 .'" ;o;i
1' i . : ? ?i V ii. I !: !;!;: I
or t lio'it ' "'. .') ni-.r;, A !
W" nre an' li rizct to amti rit.rp II. iiru Jii l
Vj&irAL f t- it 1.CUUIC lor iLe if.Ue of Sl.e U7 oi
JvClilalia t. l'll:y.
Xn f'DlTon Von wi;l inn mnce my nam.? as
a C . ml ill lie for i (election to iii, fiuu . i Pi, bate J .oigo
of e:uatii C'oim:y. C. W. VVlltLLEK.
JIr. Kditor: Please atinotuiop tte n.mie of Jonas
Kaiklru- a caiitlidrtU-lor tliefilcf of Pn li.,: J.nle
for Nciu.iha Connty, X. T. JIAXV VOTKltS.
1 1,
;.! . f ';....! -
a j ir'iiin ol n.iit t ' i.'-o
M. t 'r .-t or, :(. ;!-(.
I'-Tm-, i (i j ill t.I ii !. ui.l. o.-. 1 1; , i i in i in' a-n
s r j 1 fin) d i l.i mci in niri'' r; i-i r " - . f!n .ijiututj to bo
sl .-i'. . J I' y ii! .i f .i .at tlie r in ; -
At : tlio f.'.iwin p'oj i rty h.-lor.f" tt. ths -'ate
of b l .T.ia, ilu e i, t'. t'o- ui. ii
vii'-il on-teni !i of the towniti oi'St. I u- ' t ri, .!
1.. JwcJl.ns Ii ihsj anl or
We ,ire antlioi !zfl to announce tlie name of A. S.
ITolla hay m a (Jaoiioime f'r Kepi e.sentatlve iu tlie from Xc-iuul.a County.
We are anth rizM to nnnnnnre tt.e rume of JonjfP.
Crotheti a't a randiilate fur Kepi eseuutive iu tbe
Le.-'ismture Imai Neniatia County.
Wo are am liorizpil foannonnt-e tlie name of Jessee
John as u pjnditlate for Representative from I.'cinaUa
We are auth irizrii toannounce thenimof S L. Col
lins .h a camL'a;e for liepreseatative from Kemaba
We are aiithoi izcfl to anmnnc the nine f W. G.
'SlAscow as a e for Representative frou ' Xe
nalia County.
We are rrij ipel t. ,inm'in"e the na-ne of Oi Smith
is a c itiUaie for Kepresentative in Nciiinha enntv.
weare an'tiorize.i to announce Ih. name of TitOMA'
iiLFLS as j cji 'Uate lor lieprtdernative
Neman a County.
We are authorizii to announce tlie name of George
BEanK as a candidate lor IU prest-iiiativ e iroiu Xe
malia cotmly.
AiitnlBl.'tmN.r t-T fha ' of 'h;irl"i M. Cf.-cr-cr
rliv-oa-Jt-iJ nn.l .1. Ieroin deeoiiseJ.
Sej-tnh-r 5, Hit. ,t $12
AS theie are Wnr Timet w9 will tnk "Vt'h'at,
Cuttle, or anything elo it a fir rri ;e on our debt.
Wiir yiy 50 euuta Tor aice elrftn on del.'.
An. 4th, 1S61. ni-4r
We a-e aulliorizcd to anuoitnre the name of D. C.
HASiitns ax a for the uilce Cuuiy T.eas-
ui er of N'crimiia l!miiiiv
, We are still without newspaper rr.ailo
from ihe East.
Alhert Mead
James R Dye
John Barnes
Robert Teare
J H Coleman
A Coleman
Jolin C Deuser
J Marohn
R V Furna3
Joeph Sheets
R J Whitney
Jesse John
U C Johnson
E Worthing
John Crim
J Tenish
() B Hrweit
J Q A Smtth
N A Coleman
Theodore Hill
CG Deray
E W Thoma?
J II II Hewttt
A Sihoenheit
A S Holhulay
John II Maun
K B.Mtvti
E II John
W P Cop
Jacob Sirickler
B McDanniel
Vr T Den
Louij Hill
E K Stout
J A Small.
J T Bed for.!
James Bcrrv
William II Hoover
E Berry
H Welharn
S Simmons.
Vv a'eati hori7d to armonoce the nurne of Steph
IN P ItANCS of Su f.j cniuiy as a candotate for the
Mice of Ten it. .rial Aiolitur.
J-tf,. Iimlll II Utl.ill i.jj ifyfCT
ril-P In tliiM rity.n T'iO-d.y Sopt. 18:h, of acute
Iljp,.ti U Jtn iiallS. I!alliNa5, aged 3. yearg.
Rrqu'etcat in pace."
In ti.ii. Oi'r i n ihe 1" h of Spemher. of C.le-a
Intantuni. WaLTRr KOGAR II ARR1S05, aited five
III -.'III lis
The father ia a member of c mpany ' CV 1st regiment
ybr,-ski voTniifeern, an ! now in the field in the !ervice
of lii country The bereaved mother tLe ynjpa
tii ie oi ihe community
"I take tl.ei-e little lanibi, said He,
And lay them in my breaxt ; ,
Prote.-ti'.n they shall find in me ;
In me te ever ble-:"
To the Army and Citizens
We will sell from this date.. go-..d Fer, at $r,5J j,er
Toll fjr custom grimlinf, or.c-.-ixili re: Barbel.
Flonr exrhanscd for Wheat.
Corn Meal for Sale.
Our Fl .nr l k--pt C .ntntiy on hand at tbe U-IU
the principle .tore in B.own vil e.
MflviD M.!!.
0 TJ S S3 -
BROWNVILLE. .... - .V. T.
Notice i. licriliy tfiv.-n thnt n sfi u-r:il ehftlrn wi l
bj held nt the el.-i-tion iireeincta f N ma! a ( Vinty h.
... O . t. 1 a V . . .. . . -'Jill
n incatn n iy on n:r.i,r. IS il. ln-in tli Tu'--.1
y of ni I in .nth. for the j.urx sa "of electing the
following i CS -ers. to-wit :
I Territorial Au.litor.
I TvrritorinJ Treiiurer,
I C .on loTt-rr t rial L-jjN'n'ure.
4 :.'tirfioiitativss to Territorial L-iilature,
1 IVoliatO -lu'J
1 I'rosecutin ; Atti.rnfjr.
2 'oun'jr C 'tu:ui.'.''i.iriera,
1 'Ji nn'y Treasurer,
1 Stieri.r,
1 Cunty Clerk,
1 C'-unty Snrveji r,
5 .fiiti-. i.f t!n IVi"" f r Pr-e!ri"t.
2 Cu-xK- f.r 1
im h mnn.
Annnnn to tbe pnbii; t.- fu recei-fir t.-k"
Katmjt Il .te in Br. nvit!e r..rmer?y r-nd ,ctr d 'or
mew dkx Vriiiri;.
And harimc.nip e'r'T rem.vatr-1 lie r-ra..i er:
u nun..! i.. .v., .mm pa'rrn. I Ii t' d -
! meal, or week n it bft ye l'-er aU v.- Ii
i ! -evifl Hi r. oil' i'ttel XU'e--: a in."
H'Uiuievf.r ihar purp.. ail i P fjorM t tuv'i
lterVitb i.veoient an.1 e:'. vemi t'lr .no
lii iuvue li e patronage of ihe fiuhlie aiJ p.f ase
Iii in ei' ; re ho i" '''ler ,-f a.
Ur..wnvi!ie. A i.ftoi.1 2? h I 1 .
TUe.Hl..lliit, , IBff-.'e Je J .hi', S . P., '
VJ S maha Cjuc;. Nebraska TVrr.-
Gor.l .i. n.' TTiV. t ) tor'v. ,
Ot the 13 )i ..y of tu.'u-t A. P. !3H.'. l
i-si;ed an .rdvr of a".j. !.iao:i' i;v lie aN-ve a,tif
It e -vim rf 31 and cirn. o.l .-..-e wiil ? tr-el
berft-h. IC6I. K V.' . TiIOIA 1 1' f-r I'i. i--
Jr..wnviilc, Auuit HWi, i- il. S-3 J
I A -..-- r f ..r ' ir. h l'r ei :.:.
1 Iru j'ervi?t rf-r M-h l; .'i,i Iij'ri,l.
T. Vv'. r.i:iiR):.J. t ooii-j r,
.1 :
Sstray Kotico.
On or aN nt lb" flrrt o'ly f Scpre roi er 1S3I, 1 t v !;
Ttj at thx r-.oenre in t-.wa-!.. ? 5 5. Ct.'T O ':r'r.
N'br.iki a darkly mare. It v. 10 yeitsou 13 tand
hi;:h. n rtite stripe in her face, an.l both h'Pd foet wlne
Af?raisc.l a; $30, ty II. B. Austiu ana II. vr. Pa'ker
Tcri? Creek, Cliy County, Serteni&er Cii 1SCI $2
V. T. ;'" "
! i. rty rf i-i to: ii ."
ia.i! i.i n'tti . '
reet r i ;n'c witli iu-ir '
' v ' : V . i . Ah '-
, . , i. i.i T. ! : i'Mil - JI
, . , ( 1 1 ,. .-I ,'trr i . u a' ! ' a
i:i . . ' ; r v ri V.
fc ' . i . . '.
,f ;hii v-ofi.-o .ik''
i i'.-,--Fi: 'i '
f . n tie C .'!lUi:J-'oy-;
of rh, iJ.-new! f-'-.-l Of. n? v. r-n.. . ;
i;iCiT.;.i.r.i:Ai-.i.if, u'-
C. ii. S:iITiI, Iv.v.iver.
Tn pursanncc of :m onlVr in vie by tho Trante
Court of N'-iji ih; C.-nrr, N k T-rritrjl iii
off for s;i!t atj.nlnie uctii-n, tn th.) twemv-ix;
day Sejjteuiher, Idil, bet A-icn tht- .u.r l un
o'clm-k A.M. an I loi-.r o c!o!c, 1'. M in tte city of
Hrownvi'le, l.-foro the otli.-eot' tlie fmj I'nbate
Jude, ilia fo.lowin ik'-MVib -.i r-ni eta:-, itiut4
in theCouiiiy i t Neiftitha, lo-wit:
tin- iin.Kviil. .i h-',f i f t he i.atl: v;c: e.mirer'i f the
!outli-vt?tqu;irter ol (tt"-iivii tvt..'nty -fci u, Jj . ui:
shi) f.nir 4 i Ii.vnrii .txfe..r I'i; ;iti I I t N .. to
(2 jnnJ lot .Y.; . .-t .o.-j. twejity-f yt toan
bifi.ur fij r.in0-e njtta"i 13 ah I ibu y.rt'i-w.-t
qimrer o! lh.s n-.r'.h wost ijinrtr 1 tin- .u'h-we.-t
ijU.-irtcr of th-- north ww. jr iit.ii tin--.i I . i-t
(juartvrot tbe north-W"st ( uart.:r and tiif i rth-.-a-t
iiiinr'er of th-f.rt--w.'.-"t quart.-rof -cci n n th r j
rtX f 'iT fowii-biti "our ' 4 . '.i:i six e n li'i'. ! .
' i I ,. .-I.
r !'
r.'V ".! iii'
: f .. i; i i
. , '.t. ll-i IjJ
I.Ml 111 !
'.;.!'. I'l'"
r t ," j-