Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1861)
9 I 0 H A VINES. MY Slock of native vines comprise all the vcrit ble varieties wilh which I am acquaint-;-!. The lants hare been prod uced with great care,ur;dcr the most. favorable circumstances ir healthy dcvelop--mcct,auJ surpass in excellency acy that 1 ha?e here tofore been able to offer. Far the fall trade, only a limited supply of Union .Village, Ioir,( Lincoln,) raulino,El.ingbnrg, Tay lor (or Bullitt,) and Allen's lljbrid is offered. Of u best Delaware layers, al?, the supply is not large, but quality unequalei. The stock from Delaware, single eyes grown both .In boose and open air, is largs and fine. For Tine yard planting some strong Tines, eraftod on Cataw ba and Isabella stocks, are offered at a low price roots very strong. Very large layers of Diana, Uerbemont, and Oon ' cord, frown with eecial care for immediate bear ing. Good layers of Anna, Holers' Hybrid, 12 kinds also Clara, Cassidy, To Kaion, Rebecca, Miller's Louisa, Logan, Emily, Canby'i August, Hudson, II. Prolific, Cuyahoga. Ao. ' A general assortmont of foreign rarietios for ti aeries. . Of Downing'! Everbearing Mulberry the supply fs not large, and a great part of the trees already ordered. They are very rigorous, and the wood . well grown and matured. . . . Wklwale descriptive list eent to those who wish to form club, on application. List also sent to dealer. Fourth edition of Illustrated Catalogue ent for two three-eent stamps It is designed to be a full and comprehensive treatise on the tnanage inrat of the vine, giving such information as pur chasers and growers are supposed to need. 1 artic alar directions are given for the preparation of the soil and planting, and the directions for tra ning are illustrated by many carefully prepared en ;rav- JD?he descriptions of the varieties will be found accurate and trustworthy, being drawn from person al knowcled?e. and very extensive observation. C . W. GRANT. IONA, NEAR PEEKSKILL. . TTcstcIi ester Co.. Xcw York. "H. A. TERRY, m Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Garden, Field and FIotTer Seeds, ALSO GRAPE YKTES, G0CSE2E2SIES, Currants. Raspberries. Blackberries. ' Rot and Ornamental Shrubbery Generally. CRESCENT CITY IOWA. OHIO IIURSERIES, . S3 Or G 1ST AS the season Is now approaching for transplanting trees. . we call attention of Tree ueaier., xru Growers, and otters wiaUinto beautify their grounds . to our stock of , . Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Grape Vines, - m m v 0. SfiruDDery, noses, o, c. .. . . a. I Jlna ...iaHAJ . Currants, Gooseberries, Blackberries, . Raspberries, Strawberries, &c, &c, &c. Of which we"aave a lanre stock, and we offer them very low for theFall Trade I86l,and would solicit the orders . of those wishing to purchase. Enclose sump, and send for Catalrue and Price List. EMSIGX k FORD, AvSnSS-Pvni Olito Nurseries, Toledo, O. GROCERIES. .' A select ttock of light Groceries constantly on band and for sale at reduced rates at the new store cf J. J. THUBMAK, Browiiville, April II, '61. nlO-yly HARD TIMES IIADE EASY mm m mm TO FARMERS Of Nebraska and N. W. Missouri: AGAIN I would call the attentioe of the farmers of ebra!a and Missouri, to tte fact that I have on baud and m coiittaiitly manufacturing, at my Flow Factory, in Oregon, 3lu., wagons, and every pattern I plows, to-wit : PRAIIIIC Pr,OTTS, One and Two IlorsePlowi, Sliovel riotvs, Hots ,IIarrvs,o Corn Planters, And Harrow Teeth Together with everything in this line used by a farmer I take the responsibility of saying that ii;y two horse plows will do better work, in stubble or any kind of rough ground, than any I manufactory or sold in this upper country, aly two-horse and prairie piows will be sold, forca-h on terms, such as will j lace them in the reach of every farmer. My Plow can be obtained from my apent at lows Point, K. T., Brownville, Nodaway county, Marietta, Buh Bottom, Holt county, BrownviUe. K.T.. and For est City. MARTIK HOFFilAM. X. B. All kinds of repairing done with neatness and dispatch, cn liberal terms. Oreeon,Mo., May, 1860. Theodore Hill, Agent At Browuville, N". T., keeps oLhiad a general assort ment of Huffman's Plows. Brownville May, 1S60. 'T ATTENTION I BEE-KEEPERS. Kidder's new system of Bee Management, where by a swarm of Bes will collect from one to three hundred pound of honey in ono se ason. Bees can be made to swarm any neason, or prevented from do in" so. Can Le prevented from flyinr to the fores. inswarmicg-time. Jtoe-robbery easily prevented. Moth miller prevented effectually. Never loe bees 1 will send my ntw book oirca r,cDniaiuiug r . r in anv Jfuo.k'cciwr that will parres, iiww ivbi . " ( tents of Bo k in full, and gives general explantions, and cuts cf the Patent Compound Hive. Or, I will send Kidder's G uide to Apiarian Science on the receipt of 57 cents, in postage stamps, which 1 11 y C lull iAOivuian lu uv v o - "... . f : i i i i : :v. -. All orders lor cirruiare, uuum, i iju, il .... 1 . I .laaa r VP WmnrR Vtnrlin-rtn Vt aa m. aaaa4f ..ttukw-j GOOD NEWS FOS THE UXDIPLOYED 1000 CIi2iicc3 To Hake Honey! oruatiJ Association ; ir.TATiT7TTrrr. n JUL rt C I Ut I III Ait ! j i w-. j - n: ith i'iwnf Afif Pm'Wm.i IMktnjttt. and especially or the Cure of Viseatet of tht Sexual urrant. nr'nTiTr' a T. a TXTT n.T1. riven aratis. bvthe Actlne Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description af thai, nniiririTi iirp (Ml 'Mini iim. i viLBut inc. md incases of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhea, and other dis eases of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW RKMK mr omr,lnT1 in the DiBMnfarv. tent to the afflicted in dialed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage will be acceptable. no jt srn.T.lV HorfiHTOJf. Acting Sur vrno a- a m - - - - r geon. Howard Association. No. 2, outh Ninth Street, Philadeitnia, ra. xsy omer m ,u? jhcv . y EZRA D. HE ARTWELL, Pres. Geo. Fairchild, Sec'y. October 18, 1S60. nl5-yly'a Xik -1 IN J u U 5 L h q AfAa.Aa. a x.i 7 f ' . -r-T- , ,rt -i- in hla line. t'J CCJ " vw ' TaVaa nliasTirA In flnn..iiTiHnff thai tiA ri,l.4 TlnW nn Lail'I. a iart j tki i mi ri Of all the improved patters; t : Plyn.ouiDr.--i, CLa.icr OakVailcy i--orgecv10ven, TOHN A- rj . lit,: ! . his Old Stand ' on tte IiOTe? ViAlTITBT'S IT JJW BLOCS, MAIN STREET, BROWZVILE iVr. 51 Where he has opened up a a. ConsistizLS of STAPIaE AXD FAXCY DRY rGOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family (Or IT 0 C G1?GZ j lit .1 t' rr - f t1 e 1 . . it. , ir c;t : -: f '.rfi. rue i 1 v.jiBju rr of SIG5 s " - . t "... 1 these imPrt-V fur the wrst caesof Gravel. certain remedy .arnin2 of the Uo irorrrn, by disiootfi-- fa crealUres ad eU the slimy matter" to n. Flour, CONSISTING OF Box aad Parlor Stoves of an endle variety, sn-i of whi-th are en'trely new flcsistnB, viz . Cook and Parlor btoves, souieibiu? very Bice iudeed for buia:l Umlljes A Combined And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 3 to 22 gallons. Coal ana Lara Oil xamps ; ira-a Ui'pper, ana si-ecfc irua ww", wvwW - J A P A ATTF,D W A RE. Oft ... .... . . , i i ,1 T? . ti ; r-in v wV.iTi T rail til A I have procured tnengni to mannraciure a laie simpie auu impru.m - attention of the public. All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates and on as accomodating terms as jut oincr esiiiunfuuieui iu iui itmuuui mc ujuuuj t ,..,.4 , ., nn .nKiriri nr snnntin'T nii n ntsor xTnric of my line at the shortest notice, ana in a . ... V : T ... . n : . . A I' .'.'.. n 1 pieage myseti noi w do unaorsoia in ino uppei touuiry- - - jtrownviiie, Augusi, &j iodo ILATIEST NEWS. JUST 22.35: A JIILLIOX DOLLARS W0TTH OP WATCHES, JEWELRY AND Silver Plated Ware, TD tZ DISPOSED OF OS AN ENTIRELY NEW A1 ORIGINAL PLAN! 210 Ilffi WiT All persons desiring te secure an Agency in this Should send on their names at once, enclosing a 3 cent stamp to pay postage, and receive by return mail . . A PREMIUM CATALOGUE Containing onr L OTHE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CLOTHING Ever offered in this Market. KO DOUBT ABOUT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THE Batimore Cotliiug Store, EROWirVTLIiE, IT. T. DAVID SEICsEL, Announce to the public that he has opened out a stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR, &c, Sic, &c. Unprecedented in quantity, quality and prices. He Is determined his prices snau corretpona wuu mo times, and therefore offer here in the West, at just as low rates as sues gooas can bo purcnasea iojwuer in the Cnited States. As a sample of his prices he will mention that be sells Coats from $1,25 up to $15f Pants from $1 to $7, Vests from $1 to $5. Hvii fKnm TTatu Tans. Fancv and White Shirts. Sus- ders, Neckties, Socks, Handkerchiefs, &c., in the same proportion. The proprietor emorace inisopporiuuny 01 rcvuis thanks for past patronage, and promise to spare no ef forts in tue future to give enure wusincuou. Oa-IJL and. aoo liiiaa. DAVID bEiUEL. Brownville, June 18, lS61.-ly 0 r3 r5x i 0 J 13 L3 ssiiti 9 mS" eisL-2 rj Which afford A RARE CI1AACE TO MAKE MONEY ! "Withoui risk, together with .FULL PARTICULARS Relative te this HOVEL PLAIT. To insure prompt and satisfactory dealings, direct all orders to GEORGE G. EVAirS, 439, Chestnut Street, PHILADELPHIA. . 00,000 L.US TTOOIa TTAXTED. ST. JOSEPH, JIO. Ttto Extensive Woclea Factories are la SUCCESSFUL OrERAlOX, ONE NEW AND FITTED UP lnth all the Latest Fine Improvements. We are prepared to manufacture to order, and bare lor aaie me lonowing vooas: Satinets. Heavy and Light, JFAXS TWEEDS, FLJIXJfELS WHITE, COLORED, STUirED AD PLAIN ZiInao7aa Tailed linseys, Colored TThlte end Juixed, 1 1-2 - Yards xcide. FULLED CLOTH, Blankets cf z Kinds and all Qualities, TARNS OF ALL SIZES AND COLORS, Warranted all Goods of the best material. fcgr-We wO exchange the ahove Goods for Wool or cash. , rnnrr Drlnsr to Order. Wa wi'l r,avcash for any amount Of Wool, at . - 'Varkpt 1 Vices. Flour coni-tanllj on Landfcrsale. The best price raid for wheat. JiBUEL& SON. EUELL & DIXON. An. rust, 23, 1860. FcrEale. The mjchinery, &.c, to the Steam Ferry Boat "Otoe," consisting of one eunic complete, an' part' of the machinery for another. Arvly to II. M. AlXIKSOy, Receiver. - ErowiiTille, May 30, 1SC1. Dissolution. The nsrtnership heretofore existing; under the name and style of Lnsbbaugh t Carton at Brownville, Ne braska, was, on the first day of November, dissolved by mutual concent, by the withdrawal or a. r. L,ufHDaugn John L. Carson will settle the unnnisnei Business or the old firm and contine the Banking and Real Estate Arency business as heretofore at the old stand. Xov. 1st, 1SG0. JOaX. L. CARSON' in avarnr mr tininaa rnmievion with m v late part ner, Ideemtbisa proper ppononuy oi eiprwwim in thanks for the patronage bestowed upon our firm, during . v, a nAn.u, tn i.i. i ri k m worn T : HTIIl m uubiubd. fcUW " - " ' C - ( It affords mi mucti pleasure Hiso w orameii'i hi i....iil..ntU.r.ti,ii..l IK. friprids nf th old firm mv ncrenaor in aunness, air. waroii, a ptfiii.ciuau m cn way wormy or ine connaence ana support oi mx.'"" inating public. OREGON NURSERY. E. n. BCRCIIES & CO., PROPRIKTORS. Oregon, Holt Co., Ho. The undersigned have lonp since been convince the want of a rtt class Nursery in the West, where TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, &C, Can be adapted to our climate and soil. In view of these facts, we have established one at this place, and have now in successful ctltivaton. which we of fer for sale at Wholesale or Retail, The coming season, a large and well .selected stock suited to this climate, I Apples, standard and dwarf ; Tears, standard and dwarf; Cherries, standard and dwarf: Peaches, Plums, Apricots, Nectarines, Quince, Graper, Currents, Gooseberries, Pjispberries i raw Mm es aad Hlacabern es. Evergreens, Ornamental Trees, and Shrubs. Greenhouse and Bedding Hants, Roses, Dahlias, Lc- Ac.. Ac. To which we would bee leave to call the attention of tho peoj le of Western Jlinsouri, Nebraska, Kan sas and Iowa. li?0ur terms willbe aslow as any reliable east ern Nursery. Dy purchhsinj of us theerpenseof transportation from the cast can be saved. All trees and plants are carefully labeled and packed in the best manner for any part of the Unit ed States, for which a charre of the actnal cost only will ba maie. Io charge will be made for thedeli very of packages onboard Iteamboa'g. Allcommnnicationsaddressed to the undersigned will rwpim nrnrnnt attentirn. I E. II. BURCKE3 A CO. LI t f I A W All f? ms Tr. JEWEL EY. Ear Rings, Shirt Buttons, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Breast Pins, &c, Sec. Come and see and Secure Bargains. THE WMJLi. Brownyille, August, 30, 1SG0. BROWNVILLE i 1 n m m m f 3 ' rxeasai i t ' lllllTiifsa ' 4hsii5sd ll II I i H ' I t! i Ml 1,T. v, 1 ; Takes measure in announcin;? to the citizens cf Brovrnviib ' I vic:n:iy, Le has jus, opened a nov LIVERY STABLE, ui,:r ready to furnish gentlemen wl: ! . Oxrrioc:? etc., etc. CHARGES REASONABLE. . ' JOHN A. SMALL. Brovrnville, June 19th, 1SG1. (n5(My) Cofiee, Tea, CHOICE BOTILEIO -OWJOHfiS, Ham, Bacon Sugar, Llolasses Salt. Cheess, Candles, And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc. ALSO, A well selected Stock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. QUEENSWARE, &b Cl Cl 1 37 3T 3 Boots and Shoes. HrS knowledge of the trade and wants of the people of Boownville and vicinity enables him to make judici ous purchases expressly for this market. He asks .n examination of his Stock, feeling assured he will be able to satisfy in quality, style and prices. liffTfOEST ii m WHITNEY'S BLOCK 1861 McCOKMICK'S Eeaper & Mower. Ma rfufacturocl lay c. ii. Mccormick & niios., CHICAGO, ILLS. Ti.. 3 ! ' r: IT rij UT'follir.iC are,omeUr tte dis'-rein? var.ey LTAbLe1 LIFE MEDICINES' rtU It-own oS,eSSn.lng the first and sf Dyspef': cand creatinpafiow cf Vb'?V ,nd stoiaaeu, BM l(i kinj Flatulency, Ia of Ap instead of the st. le ldl(he( Eestlessne, lil-temper. i'eiie, Hearcbons, Melancholy, which are ibe gen- ,.rai symprs of Dyspep- . cieansin? the , wi.v,nnt violence , .uuV.Vur;v. f:!':ve wuhi. two all violent purges leave. days. . . . .in2the m Fevers, of all kinds, ny resto. - f . "Pir""" i ui 'circulation, through the proe9 0t intestinal such cases, and the thorough soluiwa heum- Ahstruction in oiuers. -?re Jn. . The Life Medicines have been known 10 cv ,r ... tt.w oil Hv in thrw week ana uu v. ua I, ,t ime by remcvin? local Inflarumation from v M.rid 'isaments from the joints. 8 i eles and kinds, by freeing and strenirthPu jjruJ9iK9 . .iii., . a r.srftt must tht kidneys anu "r? w. - h ,vp ever been , ly on found A bow here. .... ;nr3, lr theperfect Scurvy, Ulcer and Jnref era. o- he bloo1 and purity which these Life iiedibiue elve aud aLl the humors. v-s.i- by neir a" Scorbutic Eruptions and bad complexion e ttirf and ternafive effects upon the fluids that feed tu c0ln- the ruorbm state oi wnicn oer,asin n eiun. ex plaint?.. sallow,clouly, andother disagreeablecoa The use of these pills for avery short tfrae. will effect an entirecure of Salt Rheum aud a striking mprove- .... 1. ' r..n.n...n 3.1 .'1 meut in tne clearness ov ice siliu. iajuiuwu, Influenza will always be cured by one dose, or by two In the worst cases. PILES. The original proprietor of these medicines, was cured of piles of thirty-nve years standing, by the use of the Life Medicines alone. Fever and Ague For this scourge of the Western Country, these Medicines will be found a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to areturn of the disease a cure by these medi ritiM fa nerriiafipnt-f r- tlianv b satisfied and be cured " ii: ii.. p j t inn rvimnl.iir.t. -fiprwral De Jlliv.9 aun uici r bility. loss of appetite, and Disea2?i cf females tte Medicines have been used with the most beneficial re sult! in cases of this description: Kings Evil, aud Scrof- . - . . i i vr ; ; vi.Kt iui anion ui lucm? icuiaikiuic acui.iucs. Kervous debility, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Pal pitation of the heart, Painter's Colic, are speedily cur ed. Mercurial Disease. Persons whose constitutions have become impaired by the injudicious use of Mercury will Ond these Medicines a perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicate from the system, all the effects of the Mercury, infinitely sooner than the most powerful prep arations of Sarsaparilla. W. B. MOFFaT. 335, Broadway, New York. July 5, IS60, ly VIU. s-1. BROjVN v DE. JOHK l TXCE3 to tl.e pntnt1)t3 b4 ASKOv the Citr z Store, iu Erov R. Bron. rgely i tiereto. alo auuea la TUi: BCT SELECTS 1 Anu ', perhaps, tte ' LARGEST STOCj? OF'BRtG? Ever txousat abave 5t-JC3cpi, Twenty-five Thousand Sold During the last sis yoars. An Aceraje of over 4,000 each Tear. Sal? have increased from 1600 in '54 to 5,000 in '60. A3 a Reaper, the "McCormick" has teen befcre the American public for the last twenty years, and during that time has gained a reputation which is "World-Wide." Notwithstanding the yearly in creasing competition, and thehostof inventors en gaged in the development of Reaping Machines, the ".McCormick" leads the van the acknowledged su perior of all in the march for practical improve ments. The representations made by other manufactur- that the McCormick was "once" a noted Reaper, but is now antiquated, is simply ridiculous, as the in creasing demand will prove. No single establish ment in the WORLD', manafactures so largely of these implements, and none expends equal money time or talent in reliable improvements. Many changes have been effected during the past season, and for 1861, the 'McCormick" is presented greater attractio us than ever belore. As a Reaper SIMPLICITY, STRENGTH AND DU RABILITY command it to the farmer, while its capacity fcr work, with economy of power, give it the preference over all others. The compacting the framo, thus securing a more perfect balance to the machine : the position of tie raker, in the rear of the driver, thug placing tie weight where it should be, and relieving the weak er paits of tho machine; the decreased weight, and slight indentation of the sickle, the Cantor whe-;I, and other improvements added, have materially les sened the direct draught, and eo obviated the i'.f dranght that many assure us that it does not now vxist The draught of the Reaper is 'so light hat in numerous instances the largo four-horse machiuo is worked with but two horses. FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL TREES, AND Small Fruits Cultivated and for Sale AT TH5 OLIVE BRANCH NURSERY Sixteen miles east of Cincinnati, CLERMONT COUNTY, OHIO 103,000 APPLE TREES 5 TO 7 TEST HIGH. Leading sorts at $00.00 per M., regularly aborted to the trade ; $elected, $10.00 per hundred; retail. Peaches, $12.00 per hundred, retail. Plums, 40 cents each, retail. Cherries, 25 cents ea'h, retail. Quinces, 25 cents each, retail. Gooseberries. 75 cent per dz.f IToughton Seedl'g Pear trees, 40 cent each. S'-andard. Pear tree.SO cent each. Dwar lilaekberrics, 1.0 0 per d itn. LawMn. Straw berries, 2 imr M. Rhubarb, $10,00 per hundred. Linnaeus. The above named trees are nw growing upon our own grounds, and we consider them very tine. The proprietor's attention has been given for the last fifteen years almost entirely to the propagation of Nurseries, the cultivating and marketing of Fruits ; and during this time, have made it a business to collect from the most correct sources varieties espe eialled adapted to this climate. All orders, accompanied by cash, attended to promptly; and, if necessary, delivered in Cincinnati, and forwarded free of cort, except moderate charges when orders are boxed or baled. Ad,lres. W. C. DOLE, Olive Branch, Clermont co., O. consists cf the following trUo', h2; jj's .. will sell elieap fur w-sh: "Mte Lead, Castor Oil, Pure '4ir.cL:, Ccd Liver (ft I Frencu - , uck Sw(et 0;,' ; China j.ul, Raw ar,J ... Spanish vTu 3" . Turpentine, r, Linseed Oil, n a Tanner's Oil, Cough Candy - Soar. arnisu Fancy Soap, Tooth brushes. Patent medicines, J-etT?tr White Varnish, Hair brushes, Tcoth brushes, Paint brushes Stationery, Steel Pens, Candies, Gold Pens, tfut Pencils, Raisins, Hair oil, kc. ij. 'Prulet Soap, : LiL'iera;e, : 8-, Also, a Splendlil Issortacnt of Perfumeries, Comprising Lyon's Katharion, Cnhve, Pow.mti Pennine ox marrow, bear cree-e, and on m'i.-i a4 ecences of all kind, and of the finest Quality. STATIONERY. Foolscip paper, fiucy letter paper, ji!t Ul b- Im, aud envelopes, plain, fancy, and emosed. per.t ptm. and pen-h.)iders, inks vt all kiud., mki'mU. mt'ir and sealing-wax. THE PEOPLE'S PATP.iOTiO FiCTURE GALLERY. Just P cells hid in splendid Style. 1. POETSATT OF JIAJOS AXUE2S0N. the Hero of Sumter, 25 2. rORTEAIT OP MAJOR-GEN. BUTLE2, 25 3. POSTSAIT OF COL. ELISWOEIH, cf the New York Fire Zouaves, aassinated at Al exandria, after hauling djwn the Kehel flag. 25 4. THE B0SISASDXEXT OF FOST SU1T TEH, a magnifl.-entjlarge, richly colored en- eravin. 25 5. THE MASS. EEGI1TENT Eghtin- their way through the streets of Baltimore. A most spirited picture, giving a very correct idea of that bloody transaction. 25 6. "ST AH SPANGLED BAJTXE2." GOD DESS OF LIB EST Y. A heart-stirring de sion, exquisitely colored. 21 6. THE UNION VOLUNTEERS. The brave soldier represented in the act of trampling underfoot the traito-'s banner, and unfur ling in its place the glorious old stars and stripes" forever in triumph to wave." 8. THE DEFENDERS OF OUR UNION, s mammoth lithogradhic picture, brilliantly colored, representing the various crack regi ments in the United States service, in sull dress, and equipped and armed for active service, being one of the most magnificent pictures of that kind ever got up in this country. Among the military represented, are the New Y'ork 7th, Mass. 8th, the Fire men Zouaves, Col.Duryee's Advance Guard, l?t German Rifles, French Zouaves, Billy Wilson's Zonaves, etc., etc, Price 59 Any single picture will be sent by mail, postpaid everywhere on receipt of price. As A Mower, The machine "f lSfil will b - f ni l fi'lr e 'aii to nuy tet that it raiy be suUn-'-! f . T ' y'iL'" indentatin of the Sickl. its i -.-i s,i 1 nui.; nationwith the Vain and finder, si' . in ;ri?retM! of motion not rrn,ti' nr!.? in rther iiii''i,ins, th ;i enablingus to 'nynod ftrl; ;l i -;,,w t ru, x en, even, workin? wll. Our Improved Guard aud Patent Clever. effectually prevents cboki:. n matffr w!,.it rv condition of the ?ra, while onr nW divider separates badly iTdijd and tangld clever '.rgra -, whrre other machines fail. There is also a preat advartnt'-; in m: serr-. i:I sickle edge over the smooth. i i)"s nr-t rr ;:''r'' sharpening so often, thus saving time. OarS!'-!; will frequently run through an entire harvt with out once grinding, while the smooth edge must be ground once each day, if not oftener. With asraoth edge the draught increrses as the knife become dull. Our draught is uniform, and in repeated trials du ring the season of I860, proved far lighter than sin gle Mowers, cutting at the same time from twelve t eighteen inches wider. Our Mower can be used with or without the roel this is important, and without the reel, weighs but about 670 pounds. ' In addition to the very liberal warrantee given to all pcrohasers, we would say4 as heretofore, hat far mers who may desire it, are at liberty to work our machine through the harvest, with any ther, aad keep, and pay for, the one preferred. Famphlew with full description of improvement testimonials, Ac, can be had by application to THEODORE HILL, Agent. Brownville, Eebraska. April 1S.1S51. Pare Bred Fancy Poultry. For sale Black Spanish, White Dorkings, Golden and Spangled Poland, Sebright, Black African, red and white Bantams, white and wild Turkey3. Pea Fowls, white and brown Uong Kong, Bremen and will Geese, White "Crested" aylesburgh and Mus covy Ducks. Common and Madagascar Rabeits. All animals sold will be tarefuily boxed with th cecesiBry feed, an 1 delivered at the Express office. Addrea W. A. GOODING, Oak Lawn p37v5 Lockport, Will Co. ONE DOLLAR ARRANGEMENT FOR ONE DOLLAR! FOR ONE DOLLAR! FOR OXE DOLLAR! We will send the complete set of 8 pictures to any part ot tne LnUed r"ale-, xstae pud. for oxi: dollar ? FOR OM: DOLLAR! rou o::i: dollar: FOR ON F, DOLLAR ! j V.'.' will f:: 3 fcy",, rr..-t- i, f L ft,ilcar;ng si-tcf i Ua' 'Ti ii- ti- : ... , r. .. , . i . i r: ? ixt i t the I Ci'izeu ii r. 2. 25 ?j :o i.C: d a r.d Ucica Enrelsjes, eatirely PURE LIQUORS Holland Gin, Irish TTbisky. BonrVm WiiT, Qiarw Brandy. Cordial. Tjrt Wine, Madeira, Wine, Wbittw.aa and Malaga Wiue. 2?ninscni2?TiOTa. Beinn a reeuiar rri.lnit and practic.r? rs!din, the public mjy depend np-.u rreat c r e aaJ jeeur jcj to wmr.nn.iir) prescriptions. Brownville, April 25. ttO-ly. SADDLERY ... Saddles, Eridlcs, Collars Whip, Lashes, Lines, Girths, Surcingles, j Stirrups and Leathers, SnaJJle,' Curb and Port Bills, Rir.g Bradoons, Buggy Trimming! Plastering Hair Constantly on Hani- In order to suit all, I maze harness frgo $ per set. i I have collars from 65 cents to $2 each. Halters from 75c. lo $l.T5eac&. 1 wlLiL SELIj A3 LOW, if not lo than any one north of St. Joseph, and tho wishing anything in xny line will find it W their advantage to give me a call before bsi ing elsewhere, JOHN W. MIDDLETON, ROWXVILL.E, 2V. T. Notice New Firm- The rnder-: 'ti-.l i . - i-r- in thi'y Brownville. N i rn-k i.'.i r r - ,i nvl ? " 01 SEIOEL. UUr,ESAOi I ., h it: ...Id th ir; tiro interest in the Cl-thn .-c,.f.j t.Iv 1 who will hereafter can :h- luim-.- at tts stand. SAVr.TL SEI'KL. . Junp 20th, 1M1. JO-r;! II iMITU. tin p r-i I li i AjYI) 1 HI!!: I iTAVTl '.'ii r !t:. t. : .:t ::.c Vu-i. '. ;i: .' ilea I r .n tru mu-h neeJeiartit pirates Trere m Stare "a .r; z.A V, APORATOI?? rr-!-ir"r.-i with v'' -' ;, in i-tf tr-tf)'-""' :. u' jfil pk:" : -1 'p '. j . 1 tscj" c-T Mill. kvoTilnri, he-. h thar:uerso .ti ret.i.-nwi;a - " led fie F:r-t Freiiiam at we v e hish't ben.-r 3. :Le I'aited 3. : ;r1ue TTn:n 71 e?. ! -t. Xo. 4i..f our picture gai'.ery, (Th3 Crmbardaiciit cl umter.) 5. Xo. 5 of our picture gallery, (The Massachusetts Sixth. ) 6. The splendid picture ''The Defenders of our Union." FOR ONE DOLLAR ! FOR ONE DOLLAR! FOR ONE DOLLAR ! We will send the following, post-paid : Portrait of the jouthful Col Ellsworth, assassinated afc Alexandria, a martyr in the cause of liberty. 25 assorted Union Envel -pes. The splendid picture entitl d "The Defenders of our nion. A magnificent Gold Union Pin, the most elejrantyet got up valued at ?l 50. Envelopes witlc tbo newest de?i?na and every de scription of Union G.xjvLj can be procured of us cheaper than any where elje. Sample seat free, to dealers on application. Ailess ail letters an 1 order. L- J. Y0IGT & CO.. n50w2 12 tr.n Street. New ort. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. nil? ATTicnltrir.l S.-.-'ptt 9 i'r redal. I sm coi. FirTiracf Ke!?ra?ta. 5.ins. Njrtberti M uso JTra SoVr.ern !'Tjt'.n as! pa eiher to sult.taeb 6;: eitftfr 13 prir 9 : r Capacity and Price cf Taree Iron Kellers in Stron; Ina Fraif- 0 0 Oa Hore Vertical Mill pre efron 24 to 30 gallon of Juice per b or ; prxe do 1 One horse Vertical pren?e from 15 to 40 tal vu of J'ice per hour ; price Simt a Sn 1 ; extra heavy, do 2 Tim horse Vertical pree from 35 ts W gallons of Juica per hour ; libt drift do 3 Twohure Vertical flozMe ? !are'l) pret es frooi 33 to 60 gallons juic per hocr,beary draft do 4 Two hore Tertlca! (ilrsc ieare1)pre- es from 50 to IS gallon of juice per twtu heavy drait do 5 Four borse Vertical Oinsrle ear'jd)caj city from !OOto li5Kllon per hoar do 6 To horse Horizontal (ba- k reared) suit ble to attaca to Thre?hinn Mac'.ne r o'-Ser power, presies from 40 to 60(aii-ns of juice per hour do 7 Two b re Horixontal, with vertical si1 to apply lever to. wortel by horse lame 45 criitai,prees o w gallon pr do 3 Four horse Horizontal (back feared "Jit- 1 able to attain toThreshic atju:hiaeorotat; , power, prees TSto 100 lallons per ho'r ; do 3 Six horse Horizontal iback (teare-lcaicu lated for water or steam power, reur 'oT tte belt, ami witi capacity to work.oifacroP jj; j of from 15 to CD acres of Caie. II. Y. ri'It-VAS, -4S x' 1; ft 1 I I J I4 10 Ayer's Ague Cure. -