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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Sept. 12, 1861)
I i 11$ ADVERTISER. 0WNVILLE, SEPT, X, O C A L. 12. 1S61. joi cc & CO. d Minting Material of all Kicfo 7 6",une puiWUt's, XewTorx. and Brown'alroi 1 03-f- Buildii.8. PbUaoeipiiia. ., pT Rre anthemed AgenU lor the f TTyiimcr and Advertiser. I -Ttiikk & AiinoTT, ',B- t-cc-ESSORS TO IIOfcLT, Slates and Forn Newspaper Advertising Agency, , BROADWAY, NEW YORK. 1 cc r.i t r the "NEBRASKA ADVEX- r.4y "- , - . a Rf T.mi1fl Vf PtTM A'iv v v O'UusooHCT, General Advert ii-ins, ITN'"'''-nlCiniiinA?e:.t.s 45 Olive St. Lou:, f ;!(V"!ed'tei struts in that city, and they are au 'f"3r,t receive advertisements for both theAJrer t''r armrr ud collect bills for the wme. tiin - . ..-w'-- rp,s4 ACEST FOB THE ADVERTISER AKD TUta w jj . E ITarvev, Esq. ii our regular r.v l. traveling Agent for the Advert iter and Far- Be 'H advertining patronage. He it ' ,ljnrjied to contract and ue our came in bUBi- ' ?ftr Jactiou cunaec'ted with our publications. I The " Advertiser" Office has provided ! juelf with Fh? cats, and also, those Tor ! rriuiic J various kinds of National Envel I opes, and is naw prepared to fill orders ) wholesale or retail. Apply at the Ad ! yeriiier" oCice, or Post Office. A?cnls for the Advertiser. The following gentlemen are aithorized agents Turtwtu the Adeerttr an J Farmer : A P. Jnsss, Omtiha, N. T. ,'H. WATTLF.s.Bellcvue, " Ii' U WflKFLEK,natt."nH.uLh, " . J.W. Blis, Teru. L JpbvS Nemaha City, j'j. M'Cahj.anp. Pawnee Cify, : UVJinidSus, Table Kock, ;''. V'. Parker, Auotin & Beatrice, i t f'onriV, 'JVumseh. .'. K. Mi v;f R. Klkhorn, I 'ii!umus, O.H. ItiisTi. Dwatiir, V. II. James. Dakotah, J.Tafke, Ota.idi, d. M. !!XBT,Sonrora5 P. A. Thomfson, Rck Port, A. M. Baknfs. Xortb Star, A., Centre Grove, u a u M u a Mo. 44 44 rrodocc Subscriptions Tor llic Ad Tcrtiscr. We offer the following inducements to thse vlo desire to subscribe for the Ad rcrilscr, ari pay for it in produce: Advertiser one year for 4 bush do do do do do do do do six mo s three do one year six mo's three da one year six mo's three do wheal, do do corn. do do 2 do 1 do . 8 do 4 do 2 do 6 do Potatoes 3 do do 11-2 do do Those wishing the Farmer, also, can lave it one year for 2 bushels of wheat, 4 of corn, or 3 of potatoes. All other kinds of produce taken at the L'hest :mafket price. Browkville, N. T., ) Sept. 9th, 1S61. J In pursuance to a call of the citizens of the Nemaha Land District to meet at this city on Monday the 9th inst., at 12 o'clock, M., .a meeting was held at Dr. MTherson's Hall. TIip mpptincr vrn rnHpd tn ordfr hv appointing J. E. Crowe. Chairman, and J. H. Maun, Secretary. Dr. M'Ptersoto ttas tailed bpotito ex plain the object of the meeting; which was ti the effect of organizing the cm Mas of this Land District into a military organization for home protection. The meeting was severally addressed ly Dr. Buckarrt, of Rockport, Rev. Mr. Parker, Hon. S. G. Daily and O. B. Kewettj tvhc mdved the adoption of the following pfe-amble and resolutions. Whereas; The recent atrocious acts of certain lawless bands cf armed men io the North West part of Missouri, in "leir wanton destruction of the lives and property cf peaceful and loyal citizens; ad assembling together in large num krs for the avowed purpose of carrying fttf a scheme of indiscriminate warfare 5d robbery against Union men and fiends of the United Stats Government, indicate the danger to which the loyal People cf Southern Nebraska are ex posed left as they are to their own re juices and means of protection and sur rounded by hostile forces, at a lime when know net what dangers a day may r-ng therefore Resolved, That we the loyal people of Souihefn Nebraska deem it expedient m necessary lhat all the available rnih kry force of the Territory should at once be called into active service for our pro motion 'and defence. Resolved. That at least one reciment should be immediately raised in this and &e adjoining' counties, and armed and vqmpped with such means as we can 3mmand. hesolved. That a committee of five be tppointed by this meeting to confer with u-e proper authorities upon the expedi ency of calling out he military force of territory ; and, also, for immediate 'J orranizintr such force as mav bp nn hcrized by the Territorial Law; and to take such further steps as may seem cessary in the premises with the ap- r'UTai ot the proper authorities, and Htsolved. That the Committee be re Vjted to report what facts they may be ta ascertain in connection with this Jair to the meeting to-morrow ; and a aot organization. 'hich were, on motion, carried, after fcme further remarks by R. F. Barrett The Chair appointed R. F. Barret, O Aievvett. R- W. rums.! s r. niw - - 9 " wt MAJ d J S. Minick, as such committee. After which, . a motion of R. W. Furnas, The meeting adjrjurned to meet to-mor- at 12 o'clock. M.t at the same place. . ' . J. E. CROWE, Ch'm. J- U. Mkcv, Sec. Browkville, N. T., ) Sep:. 10th, 1SG1. At cdjourned meeting, the Chairman being absent, On motiori of R. W. Furnas, Judge Hall was called to the Chair. Tha proceedings of last meeting were calk-d for, read and approved. After which the aforesaid Committee made their report as follows : The committee have considered the matters refer: ed to by the meeting, and submit the following report. In regard to the condition of affairs in North Missouri, which has occasioned our apprehensions of danger, and on ac count of which we deem it necessary to take some measures for our protection, your committee believe the following to be the facta: Until about two weeks ago, there was a considerable force of United States troops at St. Joseph, stationed there for the of protecting the persons and property of loyal citizori3 in the North west portion of the State, and to restrain certain lawless snd treasonable men who were disposed to disturb the peace, and also to keep open a way of communica tion between the States and the Western Territories, via the Hannibal and Saint Jteph Railroad and the Missouri river. The citizens of St. Jo became dissat isfied wiih the burden of 'supporting the troop?, believing that the Union men were strong enough iri that vicinity to protect themselves, and preserve public order and and believing further, since' all parties had entered into an agreement to sustain the laws and preserve the peace, that there was no occasion that the troops should remain' longer, requested the coin mind iug General to remove them: It was generally believed at the time of the request that all occasion of further dis turbance was removed. It was known that parlies in Atchisori, Holt, Andrew-, and Buchanan counties; who had been the mosi active in these disturbances had entered into a formal agreement with the Union men to that effect, had ratified their agreement by taking the oath of al legiance to the United States, and swern to sustain the Constitution and Laws of the State of Missouri, under these cir cumstances, and pursuant to the request of thp citizens of St. Joseph, the troops were removed. Scarcely had they left their encampment, when the city wa3 be leguered and taken in possession; the H &. St. Jo. Railroad was taken; the bridges destroyed, and the Missouri blockaded by armed bands of marauders. The following passage from the St. Jo. Journal, of the 7th inst., gives a view of the present condition Cf affairs in that city: "We had been in hopes that the waves of revolution would have passed by us and that we shonld have been spared the horrors of civil strife. But such is not the case. A walk through our city tells the melancholy tale. Many of our hoh est merchants have closed their stores and with their families hive fled away for safety. Where but a few days since bu siness and bustle was at its height, silence now prevails. Very many cf our best citizens have fled, leaving their homes to the mercy of the soldiers. "We think they were too hasty in thus leaving. As yet, nothing has been done in the city to endanger families. Wilh merchants it is different ; some of their goods were pressed, and it was presuma ble more would be, hence their hasty leaving to Omaha and other points. "Our advice to all non-combattants, is to go slow, give no heed to rumor. We cannot think that war with all its horrors can be visited upon them. St. Jo. Jour. Sept. 7. Acording to the best information we can obtain, there are from three to five thousand men in and about St. Joseph banded together in small companies with out any organization, and without a lead- der, each band being independent, and all acting together as a sort of mob. There are about 1000 men of the same charac ter this side of Oregon, and on their way to Rotkport ; and about 3000 further in the interior in Gentry County, making in all about six to nine thousand men, unor ganized, except in small bands, without eaders, and acting m concert as for a i common purpose, and in accordance to some well arranged and well conducted plan. The purpose ho doubt is to get pos session and control of (he whole northern portion cf the State, and hold it if they can, in order to control ihe Slate election. which is to take place or the first Mon day in November, called by the action of the late State. Convention; to elect a uov ernor, Lieut Governci, Secretary of State and Members of the Legislature, which offices were vacated by the same act of the Ccmvehtiori. The Convention also passed an ordi nance repealing trnd abrogating certain laws end acts of the late Lerisla!ure. which laws were passed in secret session. And that they may be understood, wo do here present the Ordinance of the Con vention, in full, which if in words as fol low s i An Ordinance concerning the Re peal- and Abrogation or certain Laws, and tor other Purposes. Whereas, The General Assembly of the State of Missouri, did in secret ses sion, contrary to the known wishes of their constituents, in violation of the Constitu tion, and the dearest rights and interests of the people, and for the pnrpose of dis solving the political relations of this State to the Government of the United States, and subverting the institutions of this State, enact certain odious laws, herein after enumerated; therefore, 1st. Be it Ordained tv ihe People of -Missouri, tn Lonveniwn Jlssembled. Ihat an act entitled "An act to provide for the organization, government and support of the military forces cf the State of Mlssou ri," approved May 14, 1SG1, also, an act to create a military fund for the State, entitled "An act to raise money to arm the State, repel invasion, and protect the lives and properly of the people of Mis souri," approved ;uay 11, also an aci en titled "An act to auteorize the appoint ment of one Major General for the Mis souri Militia, approved May 16, 1961 ; also, a joint resolution to suspend the ap portionment of the State School money, for the year 1S61, approved May 11, 1S61 ; also an act entitled "An act to per petuate friendly relations with Indian tribes' approved May 11, lS01t be, and the same are hereby repealed and declar ed of no effect. 2. That all cornmissiens issued or ap pointments made under the authority of the above recited acts, or any of them r and the same are hereby annulled; and ; soldiers and other persons serving or ployed under any of said acts, are L. by disbanded and disehirrged from sj employment 3. And be it further ordained. That for the purpose of organizing the militia the State, the following act, entitled "An act to govern and regulate the vol unteer militia of the State," approved December 31st, 1S59, be and the same is hereby revived and declared to be in full force and effect." The Convention also passed an ordi nance providing for an election as above stated and submitting all their acts to a vote of the people at that election for their approval or reiection. It will thiu j be seen that the. coming t'lectiori in Mis souri is one of the utmost importance. It is in fact; to decide the question of uni on or secession. And we believe the present movements of the secessionists in Missouri, are but a pari cf a secret and well-contrived scheme to prevent a free and fair expression of the people on the questions submitted to their decision by the convention. The first movement in their plan, so far as it concerns North western Missouri, was, no doubt, to have the U. S. troops removed from Saint Jo seph. In this they succeeded, perhaps earlier and easier than they expected. The next step is to prevent the Union men from uniting ic any force or form ing any military organization, and thus prevent the people from responding to the recent call of Governor Gamble for State volunteers. It is probbable, how ever, that they may also have other de signs in their movements. How far they are influenced by their love of plunder and violence we are unable to state. But whatever their purposes af e, we think that prudence will dictate that we ought to prepare for the worst. It is possible that these men may have no present purpose unfriendly lo the peo ple of Nebraska; that their purposes are for the present confined to the limits of their own State, yet, when their present purposes are accomplished, we know not what new schemes of violence and law lesness they may undertake. Men who act upon their principles, and from their motives, are not to be trusted. Men wlfo will destroy their own agreements and pledges, who openly and purposely take upon themselves the most solemn oaths only to violate -them; who are living m open and violent rebellion against their own laws, and plundering their fellow citizens and neighbors, when their pres ent purposes are obtained, will not long wait for a pretense to do anything which a love of plunder and licentious riot may suggest. Besides, threats have been openly made against the lives and property of some of our citizens by persons now known to be acting with these men. And it has been recently avowed by them, that after they shall hSve "carelled" the Union men in Atchison County, they' purpose to vent their epjeen upon certain citizens of Ne maha County. -. We are informed that citizens of St. Joseph are daily expecting the arrival of United States troop3 to release the city from its present unhappy condition; and rumor reports that six thousand men were within two days march of that city on last Sunday. Whether this is the case or not does hot change the aspect of affairs so far as we are concerned. Fcr, upon the first alarm of the approach of troops at St. Joseph, the mob will doubtless move up the river, seeking its pleasure at any and every place where good and loyal men are unprepared and unprotected. And this prospect only enhances the ne cessity of completing our arrangements of defense. The committee therefore recommend that immediate action be taken to enroll and arm such forces as we can, and re quest that the companies notv organized, as soon as they have enrolled forty mem bers, to report to the committee, and as fast as the companies are reported, steps will be taken to organiza them in batal ions. Also, that new companies be form ed as sgeedily as possible. 0 B HEWETT; Chairmon. S G DAILY, R F BARRET, . R. W. FURNAS, J S MINICK. On motion, The Report of the Committee was put and carried unanimously. After which Mr. Barret addressed the meeting. R. W. Furnas then addressed the meet ing and explained that the organization to be formed would be in strict accord ance with and governed by the Law of the Territory and under exclusive con trol of the military authority thereof; Dr. Holladay being called for addressed the meeting. Rev. S. L. Collins being called upon ad dressed the meeting. R. W. Furnas moved that a regiment be Jofmed fo-morrow, and that the heads of the different companies in this hnd district meet at this pla6e to-morrow at 1 o'clock for that purpose. Carried; On motion, adjourned. J. W. HALL, Ch'rrt. J. II. Ma TTN Sec. es on Friday, the 13th of September and ends next Thursday. B. B. Deputy :o:irsoN, Drownville. The U county " of C tl : ru. 1 will do i" H. T. V ; IT V G Reading A N Norris E Griffin M Stowell, J C LoWRY OP Root A Davidson a J ... . . . K. J. Cti i acccrrspanied th 3 a tobla sei c f duty in an 0 n from this ""ompany -.mer the tr cf v. to Pe Loys, and T'cncy.' Srockman Probate Notice. WHEREAS, H. M. Remolds, haa been a;rin-c3 General Administrator of tha estate of Joteoh Proud, deceased, late of G t;e County ; notice is hereby pivca that I have apry intt Tuesday the thirteenth (13) day of Anvnst A, I). lb$I, as the day for hearing claims ag.i;!i-t siJ c?tate. All pe. suns having claims against sai i rotate are Lsrety couaed to' have vheia on file on or I - r .-e ttat day or they may forever be debarred from rec-v,: .: j xh a ciaUns C:-.t-.i : vr rv band and ,fficial ea!. ttn f'th. ay cf ii v--, A. L. 161. Wfl. BLAKEI.YI i. 48-1-n f) Prot)t.C S:,lt. JCH.V M I L P Roe Natii'l RusselL M V Bowman E Lowry P C Richards C II Gibbons W Armstrong. Newspaper Change J- n. Maun, Esq., Editor and publisher of the " Union published in this city, has sold the entire concern to T. R. Fisher, E.q., who will continue its publication. e are sorry to part with friend Maun and the Doc tor. But so it i3 all alongahe journey of life. : Mr. Fisher is well known in this community, and will make a paper wor thy of patronage. Being a practical prin ter, and a man without a family, he is just the man to run a newspaper success- ully these hard times. PCSlagC Stamps The following in structions have been received at the Brownvirie PcstOface from the Post OfSce Department Post-Master BroWnTille. You will receive herewith a supply of stamped envelops, which yoa observe are of a new style differing in design and color of stamps from those hitherto used. You will immediately give notice through the newspapers and otherwise; that you arei prepared to exchange stamps of the new style; for an equivalent araour.t o the old issue, during a period of six days from the date of the notice. And that . ... the latter win not be received in pay ment of Postage on letters sent from your office." The stamps are now ready for de livery. The period of six days corn.rr.eiic- SEED POTATOES. Woodstock, Ash Leaf, Kiilner, Pink Eves, Scotch Blues and Blue Rusty One Dollar per bush el delivered at the Office of the "Nebraska Farmer." 100 Varieties Grape Vines. The Largest Collection West of Keio York. Delaware, Diana. Rebecca, Tlerbemont, Hartford Prolific, Concord, Union Village, Franklin, Outanic, Cugahoga, Canadian Chief, Taylors Bullett, Jlexa taway, Creveling, Clolinta and over 70 other kinds at eastern catalogue rates. Isabella, (Jatawba and Clinton at -'Seta eaca, per dozen, 10 per 100. Aug. ISQl. AtSLJlAUAAtKatKI. 30 VARIETIES STRAWBERRIES. Amonsr which are Wilson's Albany, $1 per 100 or $5 per 1000 ; Jenny Lind, $1,50 per 100 ; Triomphe de'Uand, $2 per 100 ; Boston Fine, Hoveys Seedling, Hookers, Black Prince, May Queen and 25 other kinds at $1 per 100. . .. Hants of liandolph l'ine sprinly or Mbi at z per doz. Aug. Ib61. JN.JllAHAJNUli5i!.Kl . NOTICE OF ATTACHMENT, Civil action. Justice Court Gage county, Nebraska. Geo F Wilson, V3 Wells, Farrell & Co, orFarrcll.WellsCo ) Ihe sa:d defendants will take notice that trie said plaintiff did on the 21st day of June A D 1861, file iu3 affidavit and petition before Wm Blakely, Justice of the Peace ex officio in and for Gage County, Ne braska, for an order of attachment in the above en titled action and caused a summons and order of at tachment to be issued therein against the said de fendants. That the deputy Constable by virtue of said order did on the 22d day of June A d 1861, at tach the following described property belonging to aid defendants, to-wit: One heavy freight wagon. The said qummons was duly returned not found as to defendants. Now, if said defendants do not ap pear and answer said petition at my office on Satur day the 31st day of August AD 1861, at 2 o'clock, P if, judgment will be rendered against them lot the sum of $12, together with the costs, as being the amount claimed by the said pla:nLiff as due fcr ser vices rendered said defendaiste ftt frryif5g raen and teams and getting wagon put of Ulue River as per agreement with said defendants. Given under my hand in the said county of Gage, this Sdday of July AD 1861. rvl.L. I , Ex-o3icio Justice of the Peace. Ordered that the above be published in the Ne- bra?kavict,rer4'cr for three successive weeks. WM. BLAKELY, Ex-officio Justice of the Peace. Aug. 15; 1SG1. n6-3t-$3 00 3 9 C -5 ? ss a a 11 Pix..-ce?.. f a. . ' t- 9 "S3: S3 o -f t2 S?;90 -061 a as Z --2 S-2 a p o s tx . "' J- e O"1 3 3 S o-o a. a- a " o m o 2 5 e" s . 5-3 5 O 3 S -s o i; a x O M u H 5 C5 Bu" C -B w , 7T . 5 - 52x3- -f: T. . -1 " 3 r. - i o JCi r - H 3 a, .5 to o-o,3!e5'-.a e X o w O a oiiJ o a x 2 l5ssStt3&5:Ss S. 5 -3 a O a . " r - a a. h ? 5 o. t -r 2 S 5 ? a 'Q fc.Q C ' O- -j 2 d 6 w W " S a - c j- X ftl d M 0 aicQ ?3 3oS - a a 5. c Cfi OtC s. a m i n fl c 30 m U r; k" 3 ie 3 t bo 9 a 1 t. a VJ T- -1-3 o 8 La en i I- k i C4J BO v 3 1- a a. C3 3 II a a rf5 -a-5 -o3 itS-15-2 ft a Ti 7! A ' C, S M O o -. ft A 2 3 3 cp m - .s o"?seii uGAL NOTICE. c: Jo: L.1V 5 . m m s -Ssi u -g - 5 i - 2 - 5 o j 2a r-J .s-5 SiSHSS-'-Seizes "Sri;?J OfcoS5i:Sc'5 ftS3S- .3 3r . l a a ': r".i?koll3. Administrator of the estate of n I. (ueever, deceased, Elita'eth Snodgrars. v. :"'iolrasj. Peter (ireeter, Susan Greever, ij, tSrcevcr. Sareh Greever, Andrew Greever, William Greever and tsamuelll. raiTord, htirs of the said Charles M. Greever, will take notice that Stephen F. Xuckolls, as plaintiff, did on the 8th day of Augu IS'31, file a petition in the Di triciCoUrt of N'niala county, Nebraska Terrkory, agVinjt them as defemiauts, tDnting lwrth that the said CLu ies M Greever did o?i the 26lh day of IK"ccm'cr, ISC'7,- make and deliver to thesaid piaintid acertain coaa or contract whereby the said Greever bound biaelf, his heirs and aios to ruuke within tv years fivm the date of said iiistruununt a deed to the said S. K. Xuckol's to certaia lraoiional ri..ii.ion of action 35 in township 4 north cf r.mge 1, alio of section 31 in toivutbij) 4 north of ranje 17, east. The said de fendants will al.o take nul:'-e inat Uor,stoi Nucktdls did cu the same day and in the same Court t'e his pftition against tie same defendants setting forth that the said Ciuis. M. Greev er did at the fame time make a similar lostii'ment of wilting whereby he bouud himself, his heirs and assigns tf nwketo the aid Houston Nuckolls a deed to iracLiomil portions of land ljing in the same sections above described ; all ot said land is fciiiiaied in the said county of -Ne maha. Said petitions seek a pcrrormarii-e of siid contracts and ;k that a decree be made which shall partition and set oST the lands to be convyed and vest the title completely in said plaintiuV. f?aid del'eudants are rcf(uirei to answer said pe tition on or bei'ure the 2Ja day of Sep;einoer, IStS 1. . Vv".'l ll'J:.:AS, Att'y tor i' eo-5w-512 n m KSrVOUSL CURE w CUR! I I rs rt t-z 3 QV , Concord Grapevines I have the largest and best supply of genuine Con cord Grapevines in the United States, and I will fill orders for Xurseries, Vineyards or otherwise, at.low er rates than apy other reliable dealer. Sngle vines, three years old, now bearing fruit, or tw- do. one year old, will be sent by mail, postpaid, for $1, and warranted to grow. One year old vines perdoien, by Ex.n!y $3 13 Two do do do do 4 la Three 3a do do do 6 (0 A great redaction from these prices will be made to those who buy by the hundred or thousand. A gents wanted ia all sections to ee'l these vines en comroissicn. Act person who procures purchasers for vines' gets tp a cltfb tfiH receive two vines freo fof eac a dc:en ordered. Cutting; with twaor fourbUus,one dollar pet toz. sent by rr.rvl, postpaid or by express, I U0 for five ool lar?: 503 f r f "teen dollars; 1000 for 25 dollars. O.;tolcr i-1 bet month to set them, but will do slor? ?' '" - I is unfrozen. . .. , All i . ; . .tatmyri-ik. A year's oredit Till be giTea to a : ; ..-'ble j -- "n who desires it to4 who rirJ.'r 10 tii "ir -frf r;'' The Conccrl is I T '. I fatauy, taartet and wine grape n r kno" u. ripens nnitoraiiy as far north a L aa;ul33. A circular with more full details sent free to all applicants. T. B. MI.NNER, Clinton, Oaoida Co. Y., ' ( Late Editor and Proprietor of the "Kural Amiri can-") i Ayer's Cathartic Pills. Legal Notice. T. W. Bedford, vs James B. Fleming Lmi&c Co a James B. Fleming and lsaae Co are hereby noti fied that T. W. Bedford did on the 6th day of Au- Bt .r tl ee pills tha trrlodx attack f outor Sick lleaiachi cnybe rrSvcn'.el; an l if tcn t the cmicfiic-'nie:a of an stt.i-S Itnarethate relief from rain anJ icl.nes w ill te ottai'iP't- They seldom fii;i in ronirtvins the Xansei md Aeai ache tu which fen.iles .re so subject. They act gentlj upon the bcwela rcmorlrjt Cosfir. fM- - For Literary ITM. S'udents, Delicate Fe-u'es, ni nil persons cf iecer.tert liabifs. tdey are vainioie m i Ldxalive. improving tie appetite, frivir.;; tone ars? ri gor to the ttUe-tive organs, an l restoring tae natural elasticitr n strfn'j'h t tie whule sytem. TheCEPHAtilil PILLS are the resalt of lotijr invstl pation a:M carei'nUy conducted experiment.-; havma been in tise many years, dnrinj which i?ne tr?ey hse prevented hrt l relieved a Ta-t amtufit of pa:n nd si:f- . i feringfroni neaiacbe. whether oriijiiiatiDir ii tne pcr- tom cysteoi er from ieranzed f'ate of the MioT.atn They are entirely veftat-le ia their curipositiwi. and may be taken at ill times with perfect siifcfy, withr-ui making any chanseof d et, and the absence of a y d; anreabte taste rundera it easy to administer ft children. Beware of The Pennine fe flvs tigaatr.res of Iienry C. Sral.ling on each but. Sold by Drnr;'Utr.d' all' other Dealers la McHdces. A box will be -pr.t by mail nrenaid on receiptof the 25 cents. District Court of Nemaha f county, Kebraaksi Territory. gust, a. d. 1861. file his petition in the District Court of Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, against the said James B. Fleming and Isaac Coe, defendants, setting forth that the said James B. Fleming on the 30th day of July, a. d 1359, gave to the said L?aac Coe a deed of tiu?ton the south west quarter of section 3 township 4 north of range 14 east of the 6th principal meridian, Nebraska Territory! and in said county of Nemaha to secure the payment of two hundred and fifty dollars according to a certain promissory note referred to in said Deed cf Trust, which said note and deed of trust was afterward as signed by the said Isaac Coe to the said T. W. Bed lord, plaintiff, and praying in said petition that the said James B. Fleming pny to plaintiff the sun; now claimed to be due on said note amounting to $250 with interest from the SOth day of July, A. D. 1S59, at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, ami that the said premises be sold to pay the sum ; and notice is hereby given to the said James B. Fleming atd Isaac Coe that they are required to appear and ans wer or demur tc. said petition on or before the 23d day of September, a. d. 1861. O. B. IIEWETT, Att'y for PiT. n5-5w-$9 GUARDIAN'S SALS, Petition to soli Real ) Estate. Hezaklah B, Strong, Guar diaa of Wm. Opelt, vs Wm. Opelt, his Ward, John Opelt. and others. This 5th day of August 1861, came the saidneza- kiah B. Strong, as Guardian of William Opelt, and filed his petition duly verified, the object and prayer of which is to obtain license for the sale of the follow ing real estate, to-wit . south west quarter of north west quarter and north west quarter of south west quarter of section 13 township 4 range 15, Nemaha countyj Nebraska Territory, as. the property of said Vard. It is thereupon ordered and directed bv the Court of Probate of said county that the said Ward, John Opelt, Joseph Opelt, Alfred Opelt and sister of said Ward, now residing in the State of Califor nia, married, wose name is unknown to the petition er, and all other persons who claim and may have an interest in said premises, as next of Kin to said Ward or otherwise, to appear before siiid Court at Brown ville in this county pa the 9th diy of September, 1 sol, at 12 o clock, ana suow cause why licence should not be granted for the sale of said preiiisc?. It is further ordered thnt before said day of hearing this order b published for three consecutive weeks in the 'Nebraska Advertiser"a newspaper published insaid county. C. W. WHEELER, Probate Judge. Aug. 8, 1861. n5-3w-$6 Notice of Attachment. S3 TERRITORY OF NEBRASKA, Pawnee County. f To B. P. Beeby, you are hereby notified that an Or der of Attachment was issued against you on the 5th day of July by U. G.Lore, Justice of the Peace in said county, and your property a ttiiched to satisfy the demand af J. B. idorton, amounting fo thirty-eight dollars, and costs not to exceed 30 dollars: Now, unless you shall appear before H. G.Lore, Justice of the Peitceinand for said County et his ofiie.onthe 21th day of August, a. d. 1S61, at 12 o'clock, M., judgment will be rendered against you and your property sold to pay the debt. Jft1y3Ist,S6I. n5-3w-?6 Commissioners Notice. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of Wm. McNeal, deceased, or any- Wise interested in said estate to appear before the undersigned Commissioners at the house of Hiram Billing , in Pawnee eounty,N.T., on the 15th day of September next, and present them for .adjustment, or they may be debarred of the benefit of said estate. Given under our hands and seals, Pawnee county, N. T.. Aug. 13th, a.d., 1S61. f 9 oi counterfeits : Price Elf Bill All ordersOfKjM be v'jrpssedto HENRY C. SPALDING, 43, Cedar Street, New York. Pv.6. 18f0. ti'.'2-Iv THE FO LLOIVIXG ESVOR SEMZXTS OF SPALDING'S II A L I G PILLS. Will oonvince all who sutfer from A D A C 2-2 IS , THAT A Speedy and Sure Cure IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. Ath' Tentlmonialiwere unsolicited by Mr. SPAL DIXO, they ajford HnqnentionaUe jironf of t - efficacy cf this truly $eientiic discovery. Beverly, Mas., Dec. 11, 1SG3 n C Spalpixo, Esq. I wiih for somo circulars or large show bills, to bring your Cephalic Pills more particularly before my customers. If you have anything of the kind, plea30 cend to me One of my customers, who is subject to severe Sick Headache, (usually Listing two days,) tra cured of nnattack in onehour byyonr PilU, which I sent her. Respectfully yours, W B WILKES. Reynold thurg, Franklin Co,, O.I January 9, led f IlBT C Spaldixo, No 43 Cedw St, N T Dear sir: Inclosed find twenty-five cents, (25.) for which send box of "Cephalio Pills." Send to address cf Rev WmC Filler, Ufynotdsbarg, Franklin Co, Ohio. Your PilU vorlc like a charm cure Headache al mott inntantert Truly yons, WM C FULLER. Maionville, Conn., Feb 5, ISO I. Mr. Spaldixo: . Siri ' .' i I have trid your Cephalic Pills, and lilce thm to Kell that I want you tcsendme two dollars worth more. Part of tHeso are for the neighbors, to whom I gave a! few ontof .the Crft box I got from yoa. Send the Pills by mail, and oblige Tour ob't servant, JAMES KENNEDY. , . .. Saverford, 'a, Fob. C, 1SG1. Mb. Spalding. Sir: I wish you to send me one more bix of yonr Ce phalic Pills, I have received a grert deal of len'jlt from them. Yours, respectfully, MARY ANN STOIIOIOUSE. Sruce Creel; Huntington Co., Pa.,) January 13, 1851. J H. C. Spalding. Sir: Yoa will please send me two boxes of your Cephal ic Pills. Send thein immediately. Respectfully yonrs, . JNO. B. SIMONS. P S I have, used one lox of your Pill, and Jind them excellent. ; Belle Vernon, Ohio, Jan, 15, 1S31. IIevrt C. Spalding, Esq. . Please find inclosed twenty-five cents, for which send me nnothcr box of your Cephalic Pills. They dr truly the 6lf Pills I hare ever tried. . Direct A. STOVER, PM. Bel'e Vernon, Wyandot Co.,0. I3J-A single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times its costannuallyjg SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. j. K. COOK, l S Aug. 15, 136L HIRAM BILLINGS, (r c( Commissioners, n8-4t-$5 , Legal Notice . B c istrirt Court of Xexnaha county, Kebraska Terri tory. Theodore W. Bedford, PI . ; VS. , Tr-omad Williams, O. Bewett and Dan'l L. He Gary, Defendants. Thomas Williams and Daniel L. JlcGiry are hereby notified that Theodore W. Bedford did on the 26th day of July A.D. 1861, Cl his petition in the District court of Nemaha county, 2.bra.-ka Territory, pgainxt the said Tli. mas Williams, O. B. llewctt and Danisl h. Mc Qarv, Defendants, setting forth that the said Thomas Williams on the 11 tb day of February A. D. 1860. gave to the said Q. B. Hewett and Daniel L. McGary a mortgage on t lie undivided half of the Xorth-west quar ter of section. I'o. 12, in Township No. 6, North of Range 13, fast, in said ronnty of Nemaha, to secure the payment of $43 70-100 according to a certain promissory Bote referred to in said mortgage, which said note and mortgage was afterwards as?gned by the said McGary and Hewelt to the said.Theodore W. Bedford, Plaintiff, and praying in said petition that the said Thomas Wil liams pay to plaintiff the sum now claimed to be due on said note, amounting to $4310-100 with interest from the 11th day of February A. D. 160 at the rate of ten per cent, per annum, and that the said premises be sold to pay the same, and notice lis hereby given to the said Thomas Williams and Daniel L.,AlcGary that they are required to appear and answer or demnr to aaid pe tition on or before the third Monday after the list day of August, 181. O. B. IIEWETT. August, 1st, ISSl. fn4w4) Att'y for P'ff, Notice of Attachment. At my instance an aitachment was this lay issued by C. W. Wheeler, ex-officio Justice of the Peace of Ne maha' County, against the property and effects of John Hatcter, Sen., an absconding debtor of said Conn ty. July 1st, TS6I. 6w . CO. MINICK. Notice to Pre-Emptors. Nemaha Land 03ce, Aug. t!h, 1851. To John Hopkins and Asa H. Batler, Yoa are here bv notified to apnear at the Land Office at Brown ville, N. TwUhia thirty tlays frcm the oateoT this notice to make further proof in relation to your pre empt?6n claims in accordance with instructions from the ueaeral Land office at v asnmgton. PJC HARD F. BABJiETT, Register. C.B. SMITH, Receiver. FOUND. A Coll Fob Chain. The owner can have by de- ser;...i;g same ana paving for this advertisement. Brownville, June 27. SAMUEL CALLLEN. NOTICE. All those inde3teI to ine bv Note or Pook Acconct will pleas? couie forwa.d andsetMe by complying with. the aSovc oner before the So of August, win obiice the subscriber. . WM. T. DEN. Brownville, Ansust 1, 1S61. PARTICULARLY TO RANCHMEN. 1 desire to say to Ranchmen anywhere between the Missouri river and Mountains, that ray stock for whole' saling to them i now complete embracing everything desirable or profitable to trade in, and at prices unheard of cheap. Call or send your orders, which wi'.l meet with prompt attention. THEO. HILL Erownv-ille, April 25tb, 1561. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. RATE THE PIECES ECOKOMT ! DISPATCH ! txT"A &ieh n Time Save Nine T'gJ As accident! will happen, even ia well regulated families, it is very desirable to have some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toy?, Crock ery, do SPALDlfttx S riiUi'AKLLi ULUL meets all suc'a emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it It is always ready, and up to the sticking point "USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE. N B A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price, 25 cents Address HENRY C SPALDING, No 43 Cedar Street, New York. CAUTION. As certain unprincipled persons are attempting to palm off on the unsuspecting public, imitations of my PREPARED GLUE, I would caution all persons to examine before purchasing, and see that tae xu'.I name fjTSPALDING'S PREPARED ULUL is on the outride wrapper; ail others are swindling counterfeits ... Strawberries. 2Pn.X3NTGZ3 cJb CO.,' FLUSHING. N. Y. Will send theif new Strawberry Cntalcjue, com prising 150 varieties, and new Catalogues of Bul bous Flowers' and Grapes to applicants enclosing stamps. .. , ... ' . .... Prince's Scarici Mignute Triomphe do'Gand, Hooker's Jenny Linl, and 20 other varieties, $1 per 100 and $ J per 1003. Wilson's Albany, 75cts per 100", $4 per 1003, $10 for 3000. Austin's SeeP.lag $IperDfen. For other splendid varieties see Catalogues. Aug. n8-It Scrofula, or King's Evil, is a constitutional d'scao, a c..rrr L.,a cf th- blood, by width this iiuid fcrc" ,s vitiated, weak, and poor. B-:in in the t.rtu'-ition, i: pervades the wfcolo bodr, ar.l m.ij bvrst c;. in disease on any part of it. No ortpn h frr? frcm iU attaLks.'nor is ftere ere whi-h. it rr.-r 100,000 OSIER WILLOW CUTTJXGS, EifYariety Perpurea for live fsnce. I will cut, bundle and deliver the Cutting! at Brownville for $5 per eighty rods ; ling bat a little over tieo dollar per thousand. This is from one to three dollars less than ever offcrsd before. All orders at these prices mu3t bo sect ia before the 1st of October, 1S31. Send orders by mail with cash, to R. O. THOMPSON, Nebraska CiVy.N.T. NEMAHA NURSERY, 1 13 miles West of Nebraska City,V August l.-n3-tf On new Air Line Kearney Read.) not destroy. The scrofulous taint is v? Cau.sed by mercurial disease, low 1 v;r., i. ordered or unLeaithy food, impura air, til ii and filthy habits, the depresir, vices, end, above all, by the venereal i-fction. What ever be its origin, it is here ' iry in tlie con stitution, dtsccndinj from p arent to chiUr-.u natd the third and fourth generation ; - indeed, it secm3 to bs the rod of IILii who .), "I will visit the iniquities cf tha iti.cii ?o:t their children." Its elct.j by deposition from the' blood of corrupt cr ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal orran. is termed tubercles; in the glands, sweliLn-s ; sr.-1 on the surface, eruptions or sore. This f ml cor ruption, which penders intlie blood, d-precs ihe energies of lue, so that scroiuloui constitu tions not only sutfer from 6crcfaIou3 ccm plaLntJ, but they have far less pon cr to with stand the attacks of otlier diseases : conse quently vast numbers perish by disord-.r which, although not scrofulous in their r.alurc-, are still rendered fatal by this tuir.t in lh System.- Most Cf the consurrption w! ich d--eimates tl; human Cuuily has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination; ar.l luany destructive diseases of the liver, kidneys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arij fo:n or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrcfitlous ; their persons are invaded by this lurkinsr in fection, and their health is undermln?.! by ir. To cleanse it from the system we must Ttr.iivit? the blood by an alterative medicine, and Li vigorate it by healthy food " and excrcU?.- Sucli a medicine rre supply L AYER'S - CcmpDimd Extract cf Sauaiavi!b, the most effectual remedy whivh the medical ' skill of our times can devise f r this every where prevailing and fatal mslady. It is com bined from the most active rernedia's that havj' been discovered for tlie expurgation of this foul disorder from the blcod, and tha rescue cf the . system from i'? destructive . llence it shonld be employed for the cure cf -not only Scrofula, but also thoe other fuTec tions which arise frcm it, such ss Ep.vptiyb and Sii Diss.Oe?, 8t. Anthony's Tire, Rose, or Ertsipeias, Fimpie, rtsrctEs, Bi-otch2s, Blains and Hon s, Tl mohs Tetttii and Salt Hhki-k, ScaId Head, Ht.vowonM, Ehecjcatisx, SrPHiLitic ar.dJlE?.cvniAi.Dis xasss, Dropst, DvsPErsiA, Debility, sr.d, indeed, all Complaints arising tkom Vitia ted oa Impvhi Hlood. The popular belief in "impurity of the bbod" is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the bio o J. Th i particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsapa riila is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is Lxpossibla irr coataaiinated constitutions.- "ACER'S " Agn roa tux speedy crjaE oi Intermittent Pvtr, orTevir tndA(rn, Remittent Fever, Clilll Fever, Dumb Ague, Periodical Hitdarhe, er Hillorti Headache, ncl lilllona I'evem, liultrd. for the whole claaa of dlituci originat ing In biliary derangement, cantett by tUe Malaria of 2Ilauatlc Countries. We are etjabled here to offer the community a remedy which, while it cures the above complaints with certainty, is still perfectly harmless m any quantity. Such a remedy is invaluable in districts where ' these atliicting disorders prevail. Tkia Ccrb" expels the miasmatic poison of Fbveh X-d Aoce from the system, and prevents the de velopment of the disease, if taken on the 6rt p- ; proach of its presnonitcrry symptoms. It is not ou.y the best remedy ever yet discovered for this class of complaints, but also the cheapest. The large quantity we supply for a dollar brings it within tho reach of every body ; and in bilicus districts, where Fever and Ague prevails, every body shoil have it and U3e ii freely both for cure and protec tion. A great superiority of this remedy over any other ever discovered for the speedy and certain core of Intermittcnts is that it contains no Quinine or mineral, consequently it produces no quinism or other injurious effects whatever upon the constitu tion. Ihose cured by it are left as healthy ss if they had never had the disease. , , Fever and Ague is not alone the consequence of the miasmatic poison. A great variety of disor ders arise from, its irritation, amor? which are Neuralgia, Rheumatism, Goi;t, Hcacfochc, Blind' nest, "Toothache, Earache, Catarrh, Atihma, Pal pitation, Painful A ffiction of tha Spleen, Hytr tcs, Pain in the Bowels, Cohc, Paralysii and De rangement of the Stomach, all of which, when originating in this cause, put on the intermittent type, or become periodical. This " CtritE " expHa' the poison frcTn the blood, and consequently ceres them all alike. It is an invaluable protection to immigrants and persons travelling or temporarily residing in the malarious districts. If taken occa sionally or daily while exposed to the infection, that will be excreted from the system, and cannot accumulate in sufficient quantity to ripen into dis ease. Hence it is even more valuable for protec tion than cure, and few will ever suffer from Inter- mittents if they avail themselves of the protection this remedy affords. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYE2 & CO., Lowell, Hass. For sale by joiin crim. j. j. tiiurman, Druggists, Brownville, N. T. Wheat! Wheat! Wheat! Farmers Look to Your interest! Vv ru. X1. X3oxa, is paying and will continua to p7 the nigtiet Mxket Price for WHEAT arid PRODUCE. in goods. M j stock of a.x,Us consuti of BOOTS and SHOES, HATS and CAPS, DRV GOODS and GROCERIES,' HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, . . NAILS, tfOORS anJ WINDOW SASH, GLASS and TUTTY PLASTERING HAIR, 30c rr bu.t TUBS and BUCKETS, flour, Bacon, MEAL and POTATOES. 1 also, rem a well selectci ,Mt ot Calf. Xiv. C w arxl Soie Letter for manuficturinj BOOTS and SFIOES, which I wi'.l warrant to aive satisfaction. I will eii my present itclc of Goods at price to suit the times, which will becbeaper than rAis tive beei sold bera before, for Cash, Hides, Wheat or Pra-i of any but no credit will be given. , . VT T. DSX. Brcwavllle, August lt, ISSl. n 4tf Xctice to Pre-l'mptors. ALSO. To John Belfry. James, C. Catron, Henry G. Smith Charles T.Corneil and Thomas Maddox. You are hereby notified to appear n't the land of fice at Brownvill e, within 30 days frcm this data to make farther proof in relation" to yrur pre-emption claims in accordance with instructions from the General Land Office at Washington RICHARD F. BAHUET.Bc-tst-r-CIFAELES B. S1I1TL', Receiver. July2otn. ISol. Ayer's Cherry PectoraL MRS. IIEWETT, , I.IAIIT STHEET, Announces to the lajiesof Erownviile and vicinity that aba ha just received hr SPRING STOCK ' MILLINERY GOODS. To which the calls atteilia. Her are-of the very Uiest ty lc ai"l are cisreJ at unuualiy low prices. April4lSG0. . Boots, Shoes, IJafs and Caps. Jfy anpply cf Eoots, ShcC', H;ta and Car never wm a large, nor was 1 ever prepared to c.ior aeh hrfj'.Dj. TUcO. liiu BroTmville April 25th, 1SCI. Fiirnitiire ! Furnitiii'O ! ! The most complete sr. c rf Faraifnre ev?r trrored irj this upper country just reviT'l by T. Htl.U. Brownville, Atrii 0tb, ISSl.