Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, September 12, 1861, Image 1
.1 i i . I: ssEtwM 'm ADVERTISER, " . " " .. J"2Lc.UZV 2 VERT TUUIliJPA Y ET PUJINAS & -LYANNA, i c r.d- Hcry- Sirickler's BJdcik, Mxin Street, '-.r ... . ... ! v v : s 41 ' .-. " ' TERMS': If ironeyear, If paid in advance, - - - - j.2 00 " if paid at the endof 6 months 2 60 , " " 12 3 oo rub of 12 or jaare will be furnished at $1 60 per onnm. p'ovUed tbeca.-b accompanies the order, not alter T'e'- CVfV If - M I f i I 1 LvJj RTJSEK, r 7, 'A .'t V .1 i j ! ? it n i s i) 6 i1 i " LIBERT? AIT! 7EnABLI!, 170 v7 AIID FOttEV"nt. VOL. VI. )u9S1Tijre(19I!-s.jrle$c3in3rt:os, . i m!;- -c-rtion, 0J One square, o-. , nfa, ....... j $ Eviaiesjr .ic;stl1Jiarli1t.ayar, - 6 04 '!'" - t. - - - - - - . - Co 6.) K. IV3..:- --- ear, , 09 0:iee.,;;t!j C . j-ear, ..... 14 oy OBShalJCohisix u;jnt. - - - . OaefoartiC '2naix sen:'., - - . . -1900 uae c igau L.ann jh rici.ij, - 8 Ca One Col una three ruoitli j, ...... t3ri Oaa balf Columa three tnc; 3, . - - . . n o,j Oaerourth Column threeraun::!!, . - - .' 10 ( 9 Oaeeistuh Colnmn three mo-'ls, . . . . ., 1 ri .tiajuactazcandiJatesf rolce(la adai. .). g , 3 BROWNVILLE, NEBt Business cards. HURSDAY, SEPT, 12, 1861. p. t:. JOHNSOH A. SCHOEKHEIT Johnson & Scliocnhcit ATTORNEYS AT LAW, A X I) SOLICITORS IN CHANCERY, . Corner First and Main Streets, Urownvillc. - - - nil d (jwix, ... , -ruanentlj' located in v.- NEBRASKA, Havin? pe 'o "Ed Surgery, ton- ' BUOWNVILLi., x"lLz yvT iYt TUL'fio i Medici. " A.S.1I0LLADAT, M. BP-pi-(ftiI!y iiirarmn his in R mvlli. .ueiii' f n ijiiiy ibat Uc has e.l)el tlie prewire . ftflclnc, Surgery, &, Obstetrics k) j'pp-i.i'.vtru-t attention to li is prof e- ion, t receive tM '' patocaite tie'"etofoi e extend eci to hiiu . In niec iv i'wiiii'-'.rexie'iient. a oresciipiion 'eUviv ;frt City Drugstore' 1859 UAAWimr. & ST. JOSEPH R. n. Boo: FALL ARP.AXtiEMEVTS Morning Train Iravres St. Joseph at i a oo Kveiu Train leaves c!o do i :40 St. J .sephis readied tr -e Te-stern S atte Line Pasjet,Kcrs aaTetime and tlre-unte Haein ly tbi-route. Dx lvc,nnpct1(.ilf made at Hannibal with alJ-Eahtern fUKlSo.ithem Kailroad and Packet. "..ahiern J T D Haywood, Sup't.. Hannibal. D C Sar in, General Agent, St. Joe P 13 Groat, G. Ticket Agent, Han'lal Theo. Hill, G. T. Ag't, Brownrille N'ovpiuiier 24. IP59. . " NO. 10.. Pi! 9 r v . f . "5 . 1 f'.h'.- V 4 and pn 'DT0f New Supplnaf Stauce I hav jut r.coired a new mpplv of . COOK STOVES Of the latest and most improved pattern?, which I -cose to sell nt such prices as cannot be eompUin The public are invited to call and examine, -i my stock of Tin, Sheet Iron t nd Copper - uu vi uijr own manufacture. J.C. DUESER. n40-yy 1 t J i m-J oh. A usui. Ware is large April 11, 1S1. T. W.'iK T --nr. Attorney at .jjK 0 WJfVILLE, JV. "xdTN. THOMPSON, Justice of the Peace and Convoyftiicor, BR0WXV1LLE, NEBRASKA tam rkn.,wleflpen.eDta of Peel.. Marries People nL flrBt door sooth of Maun Co's &. Dru 0- v.' k., 8l-:- . . -,.wnille. Jne 1''t 860 JOHII L GAES0H (Slirc.e-sor to Luslit.anph K Carbon, "S jSl. !T X-SL US SL a,T iii, Incur rwl .Mn-yy, L i nun if '7 M VlN S t'ii '- I , h.Ti'.-e K-u tt.e !ue t te i" ,,.,, ooid Silver, uacurrtnt BUlr. ana DrUi'-- rercivwl on current .ccunt. and i.aert -1 lowed ..n.cianieii.-i4;. O 1 F 1 1 h , mm m-w wr .ua. a - L,;a tii SEU1-JLVU1L iSTATUi.Ir, ho-102- CAPITOL and SURPLUS $932,302.98. AND 'CI brown VIl.. " ROGERS & .ttOTHEK. '"iircliasfltl the ANNOCNCES to the puMic that he hd , William Livery Stable and Stock formerly owned b ,nar. Kosseil and ad!el thereto flue fli t, and li now pr.. ed to accommodate the public wi'n talkies, Saddles Horses &.c. &c. THE TiiAVELLtfiS PUDL'O Can find at his Stable ample accommodations for horse, mi'es or cattle. 15EXJAMIN Hl JOSltCA ROGERS Brownviile, Oct. 15, 1860. nlo-yly Conu Tk.T,y lot- IGOl. Cash and cash items .... Loans well secured - - Keal Estate - . 2H26 shares Hartford BunV Sfnv. !M25 ' KewYork " . 1010 ' Boston " " . ton other r . . . United State and State " " Harttd & N ITaven R.R. bonds " -U'ord City Bonds - . iver uo. at U.K. Co. Stock - $79 659 78 66 253 20 15 000 00 274 6o9 00 133 350 00 100 750 00 63 085 00 73 867 00 39 700 00 26 750 00 4 600 00 -s TotaV Assb Totai linhiliu es $32.302 93 73.244 27 "or details itf in. -ei'.n,en,B eee 'null Cardt and Cir- d Q this old and suhatantial cnla is. Ins lira i. Company ou RET ERE X CES: Linda. Brother . P'.uleUi,. Pa. v W'(i:t:lr f" Baltimore, Md. I oiins h. Carson. . Jej.Tli.mrs"nMi"n,Cd'T.'f Port, win. T. Smith, Esq.., Washinptor, D. C. I T i.i-pn. Eu.. Atl'vutLaw, jno. S.inllalier, Uie3d And. U. S.T. Trlr & KriPVih. Banker, MeCl;iaiid Pye x co., Hon. Thomas G Pratt, U m.Ja O. Carson, V. B. Stnali, Esq., Pres't S. Bank, Col. 'ieo. Srtilry, A'y at Lw, Col. 5ni Uamliletor Att'y at Law, . JudceTlios. rei ry, i'ruf. U. Tutwilcr, Chicafto, 111. St. Louis, Mo Annapolis, Md Meicersburts Pa llapertown, Md Esston, Md. Cumberland, Md Havana, Alabrua. N,v 8, lS60-tf. JMi:S S. UEDl'OltD ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND Master romm'ifnei- In i-'nvery. -"BSOV.TTVILLE, M. T. PFASE-& FOWLER, BLACKSMITHS, Water dtroox, BROWNN1LLE. NEliRAhKA. Have recently located in this place and Solicit a share . - Ti,ir ni k nd prices cannot tmi W,gre fatisfarucn. Prices for shoeing fc' 1,b A with new tboes. vec. au, am ' uutni( aa v v. - ces may be cfTeci. very avoritbic tc. CAESOaY,. BROWN riLLi, erty insured lor a . J3I)weninps and Farm 'y to V T. J0IL L. of yeari &t very lwr rates Ft e i ' .uir;v,A', FEED YOU US EL 'ES ! New Eating Saloon. BENJ. WBYTE, Man oiened a now E itinj H -'i.-"!- oil MniaHrt et, next door to the U. S. Lmd OiBci- in lin.wnviuo, where CAN BE HAD AT ALL HOURS. AM kinds of game served up as desired, at the ;hortest nti(?e. Ojihis, Quails. Prairie Chickens, Fii.h, Venison, Pies. Cakes, Hoi CuflVe. Sweet and Butter Milk, MuAand Milk, and nil such. Johns & Crosle. D S0LB MAKCFACTCRERS OK THE IMPR0 CiL'TA 1I2ULC;II4 CEMENT PROOFING, Is the Cheapest and most durable Roofing IT IS FIRE AND WATER PROOF V can be applied to new and old roofs of all kinds, and to shincle ri-ots withi ut removing the shingles. Tliccost is only one-third of Tin, and Is twice as durable. Gutta Fercha Cement For presfrvl'K aid rep tirina tin and other inetalroofs of evero et ci ;p;t"ii, irom i! gve-it elasticity is not In jured r-.v ' be c nt r.iC'i-.n am! expansion or metals, and IV ii I i.ot crack in ceil or Run in warm weal her. Thesi vi : t j i.'"s have been thoroughly tested in Kew To k a-':- .i i-s "i the S-.nthern and Western states, and wc c:t: abundant priKjf of ail we claim intheir '"toov are readily applied by ordinary laborers, at trifl i i'K exi-oo-e . KO HEAT IS REQUIRED." These tn at f rials are jmt vp ready for use and for Shipping to all part s of the Covvtryi with full printed directions for application. Full descriptive circulars will he fur nished on application iy mail, or in per- S07i, at our principal opice. 510, BROAD Vv H. x , (Opposite St. SU-hol s 11. tel ) NEW YORC, JOHNS & CKOSLEY. Feb. 23, 1861. AGE.vTS WANTiJlJ. o mo ;oiym . r obTTr ll. D. A. CONSTABLE IMPOXtF A5t DEALER IJ IRON, STEEL, NAILS CASTINGS, SPRINGS, AXLES, FILE BETjIjOWS, BL A C K SMITH'S TOOLS Also: Hubs, Spokes, and Bent Stuff. Third Street, between Felix and Edmond, SAINT JOSEPH, MO. Which he sella at St. Louis pricesfor cash. HiRhest Price Paid for Scrap Iron. December 1, 1SS9.-1 y. Moil cyA rlvniicprt ori PIKESPEAK GOLD! i,w.v Ppk Oold nd advance mmer ,mn . he ame -nd pay over ba.ance .f pnee-.s UHoonas Mint ,etrV re had. In nil caes lt exhibit th ..riniiretim- of he Cited MatesiMin jr Akkay office. . J XO : I. CARSON BULLION AND EXCIMNGK BROivftlt BROWNVil.l.f. V'.HK.. REAL ESTATE AND Collection Office X8. W. Bedford, inoWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Jfain. Brlween Levre and First Streets. Particular attention piven to tlic I'urcliase and fcaie 01 Lstato, rIakin? Col lection and Payment of Taxes lor Xon-Rcsl- ucniN. LAND TV ARK ANTS FOR SALE, for cash and on LAND WATlUANTS LOCATED forEafternCap- itolift on lands selected trm personal examinnuou, -,i . ,nitn Townshin Map. allowing Streams, Timber, Ac, forward, d with the Certificate of loca- tl15rownv;ile.N.T. .Tan. 3. ISfil. yl Furniture Manufactory. . T. M.TVI..0TT. DENTAL SURGEON, - .j.i TV UudtTfUti. tl having opfnea a ?uo at th TiliOWXVILLE STEAM MILL. ' v . i be Prairie Farmer. 1 ' r. IJ. iarjisli's Grnpes.'-. Ees. 1'E.tiKiE Fabsier: I send you a letter I Lave jut ';rcired from-II.- L. Bruth, of Ottavva, 'which I beg yoa to puUish. I am truly jjbd to. know that the Catawba and .Ilei:aviues, at Otta wa, are net killed; though I was told that all were "dead to the ground, and many ki led root and branch," iu 'J6 or '57. I Lave forgotten which: and Mr. Krush does not say. whether any were killed or noi before he &dupttd ihe p!u of cov ering the vines io--ihi Autumn; ours Wi r-: we lost'i.vt r 20.-:.s-,. -t o f jeais.uiu a,jQ U, Wrtfd-, lu ijQ and 'J7 : ev..ry piaut ui ih. twt year olds u ... ou light, root and iop Since '17 w. have not hud many to kill, nur haVn juat any to .-peak of, by wian-r.k.L m, eveii wl en left prouti n. I have, however, lived Linr fhoi.aL i Illiiioi.s, to It am that though t .ndtr things occasionally atacd our wmtcri for four or five, and sometimes ten years or more as is me case of the peach theV are nev er tafe with protection in wintr-r the flower buds more especially. And I am by no means sorry for my misannfehen sion, and consequent misstatement, in re gard to the Catawba and Isabellas, at Ottaway; for it has brought out two facts of no little importance to vine growers, iz : mat nair nardy vines should be bur ried, to save the half of the plant and coin tender and hardy sorts, "to retard, eight or ten days, the bursting buds," and thus save the crop from late Spring irosts. xuy mistake, and friend Brush's correction of it may do a heap of good, if people will only what we have writ ten. JnO. IvENNTrn-TT Peah Doctoii It is not surprising V-r the old Doctor of the Grove that t. otn-rt.h valley, but oiie who has Vi Ltild labor under a time iu .ix yen. 'tj: 8i ftgards our 'v iiii.-aj prtljt risio. fe. "!8 in viw tulture. d wine, in progrc- "Hide on grapes an. -ay In an v ani I arm.-r. von ! No 2, of the ri0 viuevard. but nlas. 'once Lad a pro1-, Uabellas went the Lis Catnvbas and - tinw Hur.Mir ip way of all half Lardy neW3 tQ us late cold winters. Ifns . rhe vineyard.- in this vicinit, rich, creamy look. Do not preserve or Use the curd of the rennet, a3 it gives the cheese a bad flavor, it is most of jeo tionabie. B; sure your salt iY pure, and free from all lime or other impurities,' otherwise your cheese maybe ducilond, or greatly deteriorated in value ; f :r thu same reason, see that no p?.in r:t? c'S from your tub or vut. Do not fr?jf to to-i sufficient salt to preserve the cheto un der any and all circum.tances, hut avoid a dry and m aly cheese bv oeraaltitiy. Scald evenly and thoroughly. Work ti-.e curd well in the tub. Get out all of hc h-.-y; u-- a siren? rrfsa.' Above ail lhiiiiT.. !- net make iack t-ihed, slack M alJ. :. jofi and muiht-y cheese, neither I'oroos ii- r p. iiy ; have them well cur- d, r.c , h in bu mt ilow, mild and clan, AHvort-j uri. -in .oih. I right, handsome "X', a'id tJ.en you Lave the nerfrc. unnatural growth by th? appropriate use cf a carpenter's three-fourths or inch STuge; either manipulated with the hand alon?, or assisted by the gentle U2D cf a liilht mallet. With a rn npr L-rnwlPiU cf the pans involved in the operation and doe care, there nerd be nofcirs of open-in- the art-culat capsule. Leaving the surface of the bone es smooth as possi ble, the anls of the s'iin are brought firmly togerhi-r by means of a strong nee dle find cord, of the siz cf a lender fuh'.nt line. A few slsns of adhpsivp planter will add much to the security cf the dressing, and -consequ mly la tbc more speedy healing of the wound. To these ends, also, the quietude of the horf e will contribute greatly. Over this a few turns cf bandajje may be thrown and firmly secured. Should the parts be come swollen, tepid water and whiskey may be freely applied by pouring every eight or ten hours, until the swelln-Mir.. CllCSter Wblte IIOS. ?ides- Weether there is anything new Amoh2- the important charactenstirs ,n tbls 1 do not pretend to sav: but this , iij , .-. j tion ol good :he 'se. Yalnafclc Rr : Every family should keepa'saliaii'ari Jtity of chlorate of potash, - Vi'o h- never found anything1 equal to it for a urnple ulcerated sore 'threat Dissolve a small t?2?poonful cf it ia a tumbler cf water, and then occasionally- take a tea spoonful cf the solution, so as to gargle the throat. It is nearly tasteless, inl not at all offensive to take, and ia heccu well adapted to children ' : Nothing is better than this for d,apd' or cracked hands. Wash them ia th weak sobticn, and they will soon be welk I: is also g:od fcr 3 rough, pimply, or ' chapped face. It rray be had 91 any druggists. of this remarkable aptitude to fatten at 1 do knov, that by this safe and simnl any age and without being fed upon grain. Fpraton, I saw a horse cured of the On good pasture, with the ordinary 'slop' "rinone" within the space of two or from the kitchen and dairy, the "Ches- . e weeks where previous to the oper ter" will at all times keep sleek and fat ; at3on e could scarcely mark the ground in fact, our farmers frequently have trou- w,th ttie UP hoof, so great wa3 his ute in Keeping tneir breeding sows in auAiC1'us V . , 1 .. I sumcientiy low condition, when running to pasture witn nothing but water to drink AshCS for flTihiQ With, this aptitude to fatte for the "Chesters.,) that th.u w;n f. - manure can be applied to cabbage duce more pork upon the same amount of 1 18 ore saItary in its effects than food than any other breed, consequently jWOoa V e. worra which so Sequent- .1 t , . 1 . . J I IV Anil fnfnlltT infaoto k ..... uiey are more voiuabie and profitable to J , , . ' lAiC outs or tne -is . I VO frnto KI a a .11. J 1 t - . tne iarmer than any other breed. A en- 1 ' 7 1 c" CiPeuea by liberal nine Lhester . when wel cared for. will rr v-iuom or mis article. average, one pound weiVht " common be mixed with it, say i.. 1 rour quarts of salt to one bushel nf gain ou an ner Hhv till iivn known to reach one thousand pounds bv I Vm.ali quantity of urine or wash ui.uage, wnen pusned by hio-h feed my. 1 r"'Ju'" cjuiuMeuuequeni- id.r a desirable, however VI 0 er ana ar?.und tne Pi"', the growth of the crop will be ffreatlv promoted bv i The cabbage is an excellent vegetable which many find difficult to cultivate. p ouen losing a crop as gaining one. some fif- Uqvj Shoe Shop. 13 RO IVNl 1L L E, NEBRASKA, ;,f,.rma urn ritiipns f thi- tl.iceanJ vicinity th:.t he hs c .nimenae-l me " " B.ts and shoes in Hvi.wnvuie, " ""i" - - ana care to a iliure -f inhiio i,it'inige. '' strtkiall .f the het quality.. il his wrk all war- ranted to "give sat ir-fcuon or no p:iy. All xtylesV work. fr..m .1 r. . i nnc r.u to a cane brogau, and at puce bo luw.Daw mu ... complain. , K...n Givemeacati ai my snop. on m i- Main and Water. Brownville, May , isei iy EDWAED W. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAV , AND S licitor in Chancery. Office corner of Main and first Streets. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. "Iike'8 Peak, or Cust." KEW AND TORE housand teen, averaging Iromone to two i. vines, mo&ily Catawba, will compar vorably with the vm-i-clad hills of Cinc.'i I .1 .J ...ill. hn h I natl. l.v.ty viu.- l. wauf-u h iui luciiu- est clustt n I .nr.-nw; tle Delawares, with their dtlitate truil, are looking splei.didly. I Lav. in bearing fifteen va rieties oi hardy grape, ana, aunougu iLey have 11 in & veral winter engag mujus iLey l ave eomeout better than ti.e brave N w York Zouaves. Vines should be I uri. d every winter, whether hardy or half hardy, c -Id or mild winters as the object U not only to protect a- gainst the severest cold, but to retard for eight or ten days the turning buds. We think we have hit upon the right time for lifting the vines: some protect well, but uncover too early.. Our exp. rince has fixd the time from the lira to the fifih Map. The blossoms thus kept back suf fer no injuiy from occasional frosts fre quently as late as the 12th of May. My Clintons wero lifted 20ih of April, grew ranidlv, and the tender blossoms expos ed to ihe fro?l the 7ih day of May, were mrlv all destroyed. A few vines of Clitjii n ltlud ten days later are leadtd with fruit. It does not cost much to pro- iprt im acre of vitifs. I s-tiall iin.Tra&e .-invnri! am,li:illv nul fr. l lt.Mll' a III V U' I I rt?t h .- ii.-sible ti.e D. la a a;.., and Cou urd. TLv iai- .- arismg 1 h r a vine yard is row.- hve ieel aj .trt 111 the rows. a ake tor each vine, two or mree vues through each row, attached with wire staple" to each stake. The vines, trained on the wires, fruit has a better exposure The breaking out of latterals. and sub sequent cultivation, is facilitated. iVheat, com. and oats, more than an average. Apples a fair crop. Peaches noi.. Grains hnve never been equalled e do not conidr a desirable, however nor is it profitable to attempt to reach a very great weight. From 3C0 to 400 weight makes the best pork, and a well fed Chesu r is sure to make this weight at nine to twelve months eld. At l-t weeks whi his the proper age for Sew Plan for COOklnjJ FOOd for eigi.. ana mey should never be sent shipping, l,r shoats measure about abroad erirlie.. 'ugth, and weigh about Tfi'ivn... 1 i t i 1 r? ft u I? Are prepared to put np all kinds of DHY GOODS HOUSE. 2NTO. 2.X, IVIn-ixx etroot, TtPTiWTTVILLE. II. T. AW w - T thirty inches iii lt finy pounds. -tized by our TV following are recog 'he estab best bri filr? he'e as some rf 1 'lit .'I t.on.i.-.'" ll;is tt.ek : L.'ni lli ini .-ii .rt a iil broad, iSce .vvli dii:eil w 1 jV ! vt w t t-ti the eyes oniev n. 1 i t" A i,m f Lnrs ine and thin, siandmg tnd jowi. - .. . . , well out from :-,J ana poinnj-gior- ward (never droo?.) n-ck rhort and thick, well set uu h shoulders, which are prominent and full. Sidt'fc carrying their lull width oacw lunr ; ,j ed, swelling out behind and at the side, and presenting a full round appearance on all sides. Back Mraiuht and broad A pig that has low shoulders or sinks in the back, should b- at once rejected as a breeder. Color Clear white, and when well washed presents frequently a silky ap pearance. The least spot, or approach to a sandy color, indicates a "grade" an imal. Stock. L.D. NORTH WESTLRJT FaBMM: On page 4-2, I-ebruary No., 1 SGI, I find a communication signed, 'Henry S. Chase ' on nog leeoing; and as 1 think his plan can be considerably improved on, I will try to show how. As I suppose that the . 1 j . . 1 t . -Mmicaai wno sets about cooking food ts, has a building of some sort to u. . ; let hun procure a moderate sized kettle. -n d. . spt . l 1 . " -v. mum,ftuu ttiiiiusi any ci.c ni.. -i one side and near the u. oor ; let the brick ,,03 above the Very truly yours, II. L. B. ".. . . , J. ( IUTT''. !l. i he I. Tl 1 be..ld iw f..V.-j-h. nw: i..U ali Snu -i ie Hiinixr .,f -luck. atlheUJ ielry Vil s r. rntpl. PIONBEHtl nizic? BOOK : BIITDERY, COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. WILLIAM F. KITEIt. fy 17, I860. FAIRBANKS' 17. ft q n a t 1 ..-.ier. at ihort notice We will mmufactnTO HURKAUS SAFES DESKS TABLES STANDS LOUNGES CRIB CRADLES ROCKING Oi l ICE CHAIRS CHAIRS WINDOW LOUNGES CHAIRS . &.c. &c. We are also prepared to furnish Coffins with the nt riiMiatch. We have on band well peaone0 Black Walnut lumber for that purpose. We have tlie facili ties of making furniture as cheap as it can bo furnihet In this couutry, w tien uuramiity is tacen in.o in e ac count, as we warrant all of our work. We lolicit tb patronage of the community. arm -m .v in exchange for fnrnHure all kinds o; farm prodnre. The highest rrices fr butter, eggs, and lard will be paid the entire cot f easou. CHAMBERS & NOTES. Brownville. May 30, Iy. OF AU KIKES. IV! LAKE ST.. CHICAGO, Jl4 corner of Main & Walnut Sts. St. Louis EBCV OKLY THE GENUINE. THOMAS DAVIS, ECLECTICPHYSICIAR SURGEON, LADLE ROCK, NEBRASKA UofVreoce, Dr. D. Gwin, Erownville. April II, 'CI. niO-Iy Have Inst completed thtir new onslneK honse bn Mam Street, ne;ir the U.S. i-aim ornvr. m 1 where they have opened c ut and areoffering on the moxt favorable term. for your confi'-rnU'-.n tome lcw stigneti rns lhni I Lope will rciv atte'ntii.'n. You are undoubtedly -a Dry Qooas, provisions, Of ail Kinds, FLOUR, CONFECTION ARIES, GilKfiVAD DRIEUmOTS, Choice Liquors, Cigars, And a ' thonsand and one,'' other things everybody need. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Brownville, April 26, ly EEELVIIT MILLS. KEMVIIA CITY, NEBRSKA. p .:.i,n -rPiiiiorniod that at Melviu's Mills that 8"t.90ter.tsch is bei'i? ril for itood merchantaole wheat. Also wheat auu coi u grouu.. "'" 'll2 J.t. Mr.l.vii. LEWIS WALDTER, HOISE. SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL GL.UZER AND PAPER HANGER. UHOWNVlLLrJ, M. VTcstern tfesme Cheese. Milo SutlifT. a cheese dealer, of Cleve land, iues the following instructions lo dairymen: "Wishing to impress upon your minds the importance of the Cheese Trade, and the manner in which it can be pre erved and inrn-as. d. I g leave to offer lcis and e your a if.. rfc that a large ihare ot ihe lest cheese oi the Stat- of New Ynrk has for years past be-n shipped to Eugland. The ship ments of last yar came nearer to my English standard of good quality, than those of any former year, ihe tngnsn bnnw what frood cheese is, and are wil- . .. . . r . .1 ling to pay liberally lor u. uur rneese dairymen cannot bear it too strongly in mind, that It get mgn prices in xjigiauu, the'eheese must be good ana arrive in rood condition. That yon may tally un derstand what kind of cheese and pack inf are required fur the Eogliph niar ket, I beg lave to offer some Sugges tions in regard to the nanufactire and manner of shippinu. It is not so much to communicate anything new, as to the manufacture of cheese, that I address you, as it is to impress you with the im portance of attending to the old tnd the well-known rules like the following : "Take care to keep the milk tool and sweef derive it of all animal lat be- the manufacture. i- Pair. Soh, thin on back and belly, more thickly set on the sides, and fre quently a intle curled. Boms Small and fine. Tail fine, tapi ring and curled. Citron Saute, r.-T pnre your Citron, cut in square or ditto. . r rhsipul pieces, asy. u phase, aod j A..V-, in a l itiss kettle. To twelve pounds oi citron add one pint of water, boil until cooked through not too sou taking care not to mash the citron while boiling. Skim out the citron add the sugar, three quarters of a pound white snar to one pound of citron when di- xnlved add the citron with three lemons rut into thin slices. Grate the outside peel off the lemon, then boil slow for three hours, until the citron becomes tmnr.srent. and the svrupclear. When done, pour into a jar, then add a little lemon extract, and you have sauce beau tiful to the eye and delicious to the taste. Prairie Farmer. ,vrirr rim fnnr nr fitfP irtPi. top of the kettle ; insert, levci w , ,the top of the kmtle, the end of a ieao ,n,P ' which pipe must be long en )ugh to r.jac.i a good way round the building. L t ft rtout rack, 18 in. high, be built, with the r-nJ cloje to, or near the brick work, in which the kettle is set, and to extend arounJ by the wall as far as necessary. Place on this frame, a number of strong, tight boxes, or wide tubs, with close fit ting lids; have the lead pipe to pass underneath the whole of them, with a short branch from it, through the bottom of each. In this branch must be. a stop cock, or plug, similar to the spigot of a beer barrel. The brick work around the top of the kettle being made tight and smooth, with cement, and a close fitting iid you have a full rigged steaming ap- i .ij..jte paratus, ana can mix ine ioou ueiore aooking; and while one tub is being emptied, another can be getting ready. Very little fuel will, by this mctnoa, if properly arranged, cook for almost any amount of stock. The cost and labor are triflinr. in comparison to the boiling pro cess, and in cold weather, the food that had been previously cooked, can be easi ly warmed if necessary. Care should be taken mat tne pipe is so arranged that it can be emptied of what ever water may accumulate from conden sation of steam ; wherever it can be so arranged, it is best to have the kettle low enough for the water to now DacK into . If water remains in the pipe in cold weather, it may burst. H. M. T&omso. All soils are suiiod to the cultivation of kohl-rabi, but it prefers heavy lands, ' even thosg approaching to stiff clays, and it can be grown where turnips cannot. Give your swine s-:!rhur: cr v-Ati-, brimstone every fortnight; also char- ' coal in fine powder, with a little salt. The object of cutting cfT strawberry runners is to give the fruit and original plant all the nutriment furnished bv the . roots. They should be cut away as fast as they form. " Farmers generally do not know how much they lose by not having a rollerfor doing what the plow nor harrow can per form. - , A bridle has been invented in France which closes a runaway horsed nostrils suddenly an effectual method, it is said, to stop the animal. All concentrated mnures !uSnr.M L used sparingly ata time. and nr?;! the surface. The value of the ox. as a labor. ' rail, becoming every day better under- SlOOd. Sour milk sprinkled upon vines will effectually prevent the ravages of th9 striped qug. SEEDS AND MaCHIHES, No. I t, North Main Street, ST. LOUIS. MO. Sign of tht Gilt Phw, . AndNVg..203 North Fourth St., or2l9 Broadway.. PLANT & BROTHER: ARE HECEIVINO a Urn assortment of . Plows, Harrows, Cultivators, Hoe. Rakea, Shovels, Spades. Pick?, Asps, Hatrhet Scythes. Snaths, Cra.leis, Forks, Grindstones, Cahor.n a Broadcast Seed Sowera, Seed Drill, Ilay, Straw and Crn Stock Cuttera, Thresher, Corn Shelters. Punipa. v. - y ' KIrby's American Iron Hancstcrv Revolving and Sprinir tooth Horse Hay Hakes, Krauser's Cider and Wine Mills with Press, Sugar Cane Crushers and Evaporators, Mott's Portable Fnrna'-e and Caldron, Purtable Engines and Horse Powers, Portable Flour and Corn Meal Jlilis, "Wood and Iron Working Machinery, Mortising and Tenoning Machines, Lathers, Bolt Cutters, Coach Screws, Lantern Q-ieen's Portable Porie and Bellows Leather and Bobber Belting. Lace Leather and Stesm Packing, Frenche's Washing Machine, Steelyards, Scales ' GAB.DEX, GRASS A.D OTHER SEEDS. S3Send for Circulara.-Ca Orders solicited and promptlr executed oy PLANT & BUOTHElit March, 1351. (Fn4-4tn-An3S-4m) ( DRUB STDRR. IN 33R0V7irraiLi:, "WTiitne'a Block, Uafa Street. LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF THE ELK HORN and MORTAR, Thf nrul Rest 1 . , r....iUr v fore romm -iicing week In the UOUSKIKH.D .lOL'KS L. V-- F.-.;r ; voj, n ,,ft. ,.f the skimmer. C olr the Cent. A r.cxf song by steca Glover, a; ; an m j fcJ,gntly with aunatto, to give it a HInt3 on Big Frnlt. The GarJeeer'a Chronicle has the fol lowing: 'If vou wish to have big pears or oth or fruit, itibt work on the stalk that bears them. ihe. point of an adjoining shoot ; then vou shall 3ee what pou will see. So sav-. h French amateur enthusiast in the fruit hoe. If you want big gourds, rest bore a little gimlet hole in the rind when the fruit is a few weeks oldt ;nd push in a long piece of coiton wivh the loose end in a pan cf water. The cotton will suck up the water, ibe gourd will suck up the cotton, and by the time your fruit is ripe, you will have the hugest pumpkin that you ever saw a pumpkin, we suppose sucn as was made into Cinderella's carriage. So says soni" genii- man. called by an architect at Ghent, by the harmonious name of Cucurbitomauiac, Ringbone Curable, Dr. Thompson writes to the Ohio Far mer, that to cure the semi-oseous depos it, called ringbone, the animal must be thrown and well secured; with a strong scalpel make a crucial incision over the highest part of the tumor. Haying dis sected the four angels of the skin, back to a line corresponding with the base of the tumor, expose th surface ct the morbid mass to vitMv. Th" r- -x it ; in tlift is the removal oi t Strained Hcnej My mode of extracting hone frcm the ccmb is ihi3: Take a tin p? and lay two sticks cr reds across 't'ne top, and set another pan on top, with holes in the bottom or sides. Then lake the comb, and with a sharp knife cut the cells in two, or at least cut the caps off so as to let the honey run out, and put it in the upper pan, and so on until the pan is nearly full. Then put it near cr over the stove, so as to keep it about luke-warm, and it will drain out nearly all. I then put it out. and let the bees take the rest. I sometimes use an old server, and put the comb on it, and set it a little slanting, and the honey runs out ovr one side into a dish below. nwpr nress or strain it, as that causes the bee bread to mix with it Bu Jour, J. J. THURMAIT, ANNOUNCES to the citiiens of Browsrilla ai I TicitTity that be has removed bis Dtoj Strre. from Sidney, lowa, to the City or urownrui, &ca nana; added thereto an extensive stock of , Fresh Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, ... . . . ; Paints and Oils,. , ...' Pure Wines and Liqscrs, ' For Medical Purposes, ; . Hair and Tooth brushes,. Perfumery . . Fine Toilet Soap, ' - lCf LCy aV I svC lavitei the public fitrcms9. . rPbyjfcian's Prescriptions attended to at all tours both by day and night. Brownville, Aprii Ilth, 138 1 b 3-yIj : ' ' What 13 meant by capillary attraction in its connection with agriculture, is thus lucidly explained by an intelligent writer: "The minute interstices between the particles composing the soil are, to all in tents and purposes small tubes, and act as such iti elevating moisture from below th surface. The particle held in solu tion ly the water are likewise elevated wilh it and ar; lt-ft on ih' evaporation : -, ? i r ; Jj .'ri!i?e hr: Oil. r- For the Fall Trade. Tie subscriber bas for i&lo tie corn's; Antunn the following : 500 Hongbton's Secdliaj and Cla3ter Gociebsry. 1.000 Red Dutch Currant:. 2,000 New Roehel'.e Blackberry. . 200 Red Antwarp Raspberry. 200 Brirckle'g Orarge u 100 White Graye C arrant. ' 500 Victoria Rhubarb. 500 Isabella Umpe. 500 Catawba Grape. 100 Concord Grape. - - -. - ' 100 TuttlVs Red Grape (Sew and fee.) Also: a Hre a??ortruent of Ornamental Sfcrj-b- bery, for which see priced li?t, waica, will be for warded raii3oa application. AJJre.j, n.A.TE?.?vT. Aug. IS5I. Crescent; City, Io' Aycr's Cathartic 'Filbi; !