ION A VINES. MY Stock of native vines comprise all tlic vcrit Ue vnrieties with which I am acquainted. The Ur.t have been produced with great care, uiub-r Iho 't t favorable eircuntances ti-r htviltby dcvelup ' 'nt,iid surpa. incwcilcucy any that I havchere- t.-r' Ixt n able to offer. . Fr th fall trIc, n!y a limited supply of Uniou V i'Ug Lrmoir. IiTrv!n.) Pau'iine.Elsinglmrg.Tay Mr (r BaUitt,) ami Allen's Hybrid is o'Jcred. Of '"st Delaware layer, also, tho supply is Dot large, 1ut quality ineualcd. The tock fn'ja Delaware, single eyes grown both vi .house and opn air, is large and fine. Forrinc :ird planting some strong vines, grafted on Cataw V.i and Isabella stocks, arc offered at a low price ,rts very ?tr rig.'. j -Very large layers of Iian Ilcrbemnnt, and Con f"rd, pruwn with especial care fi-r immediate bear , ing. Good la vera of Anna, Uiers' Hybrid, 12 kinds !so Clara, Caidy, To Kalon, Rebecca, Miller's ', Ijogan, Emily, Caul y's August, Hudson, II. i Prolific. Cu vahoira, Aic. A general 'assortment cf foreign varieties for Ti leries. Of Dowmrig's Everbearing Mulberry the supply ' i not l&rrc. and zrent mrt of tho trees already ordered. Thev ire vcrv virrurou?. aid tho wood . well crown and matured. Wholesale descriptive list sent to those who wL-h to form clubs, on arnlication. List also sent to dealers. Fourth edition of Illustrated Catalogue sett for two three-cent stamps It is designed to to u full and comprehensive treatise on tho manage ment of the vine, giving such information as pur- . chasers and growers aro supposed to need. Partic nlar directions arc given for the preparation of tho , foFl and planting, and the directions for training ' are Illustrated by many carefully prepared engrav iug. The descriptions of tlic varieties will bo found "accurate and trustworthy, being drawn from persoii ' "al knowclcdge, and very extensive observation. C . V. GRANT. ION A", NEAR PEEKSKILL, IVcstcIicstcr Co., Xcw York. 2rL H C3r oisr EMPIRE PLOW MB TO FARMER Of Nebraska ami N. W. Missouri: AGAIN" I would call the attention of the farmers of Nebtafka and Missouri, to the fact that I have on hand and am constantly manufacturing, at nsy Plow Factory, in Oregon, ilo., wagons, and every pattern of plows, to-wit : FIMIIUE FLO ITS, One am! Two Horse Flows, Shovel Flows, lluvs ,tIarrws,o Corn Planters, A nil Harrow Teeth Together with everything in this line used ly a farmer I take the responsibility of saying that my two horse plows will do better work, in stubble or any kind of 'onpli ground, than any I manufactured or sold in this ni'icr country. My two-horse and prairie plows will Le sold, for ca?h. on terms, such as will place them iu the reach of every farmer. My Plows can bo obtained from my spent at Iowa Point, K. T., Brownville, Nodaway county. Marietta, Rush Bottom, Holt county, Browinille. X. T.. and For- stCity. MAUTIX HOFFMAM. X. B. All kinds of repairing done with, neatness and dispatch, on liberal terms. Orcein, Mo., May,lSG0. Theodore Hill, Agent At Brownville, X. T., keens on hand a general assort ment of Huffman's Plows. Brownville. May, 1S60. lv r H. A. TERRY, - Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Garden, Ficldand Flower Seeds, ALSO GRATE VIXES, GOCSLEESSIES, Currants, llaspbcrrics. Blackberries, Jloscs, and Ornamental Shrubbery Generally. CIIISSCI2NT CITY IOWA. OHIO IIURSERIES, TOIiUDO, AS the season i now approaching for transplants Ireos. &.c. we call attention of Tree dealers, Fruit Grower,- and others wisl.ingto beautify their grounds t" our stock of and Ornamental Trees, Grape Vines, ' '. , Shrulbcrtf, Roses, ftc. Also:, all the 'leading varieties of Currants, Gooseberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, ' Sec, Sec, &c. Of which wetave a latce Btock, and we offer them very Vw for thcFall Trade lSCl,.and would 6olicit the orders f those wishing to purchase. Enclose stamp, and 6cud for Catalopue and Price List EMSIGX &. FORD, f Av5n33-Pvgn3 Ohio Nurseries. Toledo. O. GROCERIES. A pcloct Etock of light Groceries constantly on hand and for sale at reduced rates at the new store gf J. J. TIlURilAN, Brownville, April II, '61. n40-yly HARD TIMES HADE EASY GOODNEWS FOR THE UXUirLOYED ATTENTION ! BEE-KEErERS. Kidder's new system of Coo Management, whero by a swarm of Ilees wtll c lloct from ono to three hundred txmnds of honey in ono season. Bees can bo made to swarm any season, or prevented irom uo intjso. Can bo prevented from flying to tho forests m swarmin-timo. ltec-robbery easily prevented Moth millers prevented effectually. 2over loo bees bv thochillof widtcror otherwise. 1 will Bend my new Uook iireuiar,eontaimng3J page?, free of postage, to any fco-Kcepcr that will send mo his 1'ost-Omeo address. It gives tho con tents of Book in full, and gives general cxplantions, and cuts cf the Patent Compound Hive. Or. I will send Kidder s Uuido to Apiananticicnco on the receipt of 57 cents, in postago stamps, wnicn will cive full particulars in the Cuiture andmanago- aToment of tho 7oney Reo. All orders for circulars, books, hivoH, rights, 4c., rromptly attended to. Address. K. P. KIDDER, Burlington, Yt. Cjoiucu'i) Association XXZI3jXi.3D33Xa A Benevolent Inst ilution established ly tpeeial En dowment, for the Relief of the Sick and Distressed, cjilictcd icith Virulent and Eidemic Diseases, and cpecial!y for the Cure of Discasct of the Sexual Oroans. HtDICAIi ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (ace, occupation, hablt6 0i me, &c., and incases of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charce. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other dis eases of the Sexual Organs, and on the XtW Kr. Mi. DIES employed in the Dispensary, Bent to the afllicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamns for wstace will be acceptable. Address DR. i. SK1LLIX HOUGHTON", Acting Sur peon, Howard Association, Xo. 2, South Xinth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEART WELL, Pres. Geo. FAiRcniLD, Sec'y. October 13, 1S60. n!5-yly LOTHE YOURSELVES. 1000 Chances To sialic Money! A 3IILLI0. DOLURS WOTTH OF WATCHES, JEWELRY AND Silver Plated Ware, - TO ES DISPOSED OF ON AN ENTIRELY NEW AND OEIGINAL PLAN! CHEAPEST CLOTHING Ever offered in this Market. XO DOUDT ABOUT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THE Batimore Cotliing Store, BROWNVILLE, N. T. DAVID EIGEl 5 mi mm All persons desiring to secure an Agency in this 2J"ov7- Enterprise, Should send on their names at once, enclosing a 3 nt 6tamp to 'pay jKjstago. and receive by return mail A PREMIUM CATALOGUE Containing our Inducein cnts, Which afford A RARE CIIAXCE TO MAKE MONEY ! Without risk, together with JPULL PARTICULARS . Relative to this HOVEL PLAIT. To insure rrct and satisfactory dealings, direct all orders t GSORGE G. EVANS, . 439, Chestnut Street, PHIIiADEIiFIIIA. ' 50,000 L.DS TFOOI 1YAXTED . ST. JOSEPH, MO. Two Extensive Woolen Factories are in SUCCESSFUL CTEuAlON, ONE NEW AND FITTED UP ' With all the Latest Fine Improvements Wo are projred to manufacture to order, and caye lor sale me lonowing trooas: Satinets, Heavy and Light, JEM'S TWEEDS, FLJ1WELS WHITE, COLORED, STRirED AND PLAIN Fulled linseys, Colored lYhltc and JIixed, I l-li lards trtac. FULLED CLOTH, Blankets of ali Kinds and all Qualities ' YARNS OP ALL SIZES AND COLORS, . . Warranted all Goods of tho host matpriaJ. tlT'We will exchango the above Goods for Wool or csa. Panev TlTlnsr in ftnlfr. We will rmy each for any amount of Wool, at Market l'ricc. Hour constantly on hau J forEale. The best price N:pUEL&S0N. EUELL&OIXOS. B..J?."c,'cry' c 'oniuK to the Steam Ferry l art uY l;,'is"'u,1C w ono cnciiiO couiplot uiid Annonnce to the public that be has opened out a stc;:k of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR, &.C., &c, &c. rnpreceJcnteil in ntiantity, quality and prices, ne s determined his prices bhall correspond with the times, and therefore ofler here in the west, at just as low rates as fucU Roods can be purchised anywhere in the United States. As a Eamide of his prices he will mention that he tells Coats from $1,25 up to $15, Pante from $1 to $7, Vests from $1 to $5. Boots, Shoes.nats, Caps, Fancy and White Shirts, Sns- ders, Neckties, Sucks, Handkerchief, iu:., in the same proportion. The proprietor embrace this opportunity of returning thanks for past patronage, and pronii.-.o to Kpare no ef forts in the future to give entire satisfaction. Call soo liii-ML. DAVID SE1GEL. Brownville, June 13, lS61.-ly Dissolution. The partnership heretofore existing under the name and style of Lushbauh & Carson at Brownville, Ne- brai-ika, was, on the first day of November, dissolved by mutual consent, by the withdrawal of JJ. F. Lu.-dibaugh. John 1.. Carson will settle the unfinished business of the old linn and continc the Banking and Real Estate Agency business as heretofore at the old stand. Nov. It, 1SC0. JOIIN. L. CARSON. In severing my business connexion wi;h my late part ner, I deem this a proper opportunity of cxpressinc my thanks for the patronace bestowed uion onr flnn, during the period in which we were engaged in businss. It affords me ninch pleasure also to commend to the favorable consideration of the friends of the old firm my successor in business, Mr. Carsou, a gentleman in every way worthy of tho conlldcnco and support of a discrim inating public. Is. F. I.USUBAUUU. p ra n l u0 r CP' OREGON NURSERY. MAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE, N. T. Takes pleasure in announcing that he has now on hand, a largo and select mock woitrfg-uiu-ti 0O0- STOVES n . Of all the improved papers ; viz : Plymouth Ilock, Charter Oak, Valley Forge, Elevated Oven, &c.. Box and Parlor Stoves of an endless variety, some or whiea are entirely new ucsirub, Cook and Parlor stoves, something very nice indeed for small families HEAVY SHKKT fHON KOli SUGAR BOILERS And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal and Lard Oil Lamps; Brass Copper, and 6heet Iron Ware; Lanterns, Shovels, &c JAPANNED WARE, I have procured therlht to manufacture a late simple and improved self-sealing Fruit Can to which I call the attention of the public. All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates and on as accomodating terms as any other establishment in this region of tho country - I am prepared to rut up guttering and spoutiug and all other work of my line at tho shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant io give satisfaction. I pledge myself not to be undorsold in the upper country J. C. DEUSEU. Brownville, August, 30 1SG0. E. H. LURCHES & CO., PKOPItlETORS. Oregon, Holt Co., Ho. The un Jcrpigncd have lon since been convinced the want of a fint class Nursery in the West, where TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, &C, Can bo adapted to our climate nnd soil. In view of these facts, we have established one at this place, and have now in successful cultivaton. which we of fer for sale at JVholesale or Retail, The coming season, a large and well selected stock suited to this climate, of JLpples, standard and dwarf; Tears, standard and dwarf; Cherries, standard and dwarf: reaches, Plums, Apricots, Nectarines', Quince, Grapes, Currents, Gooseberries, Raspborrics btrawpcmcsaad Iilackbcrncs, EverCToens, Ornamental Trocs, and Shrubs, Greenhouse and Bedding Hants, Loses, Dahlias, &c, vc, 4c. To which wo would bci lcavo to call the attention of tho rcoplo of Western Missouri, Nebraska, Kan sas and Iowa. J5?"Our terms willbe aslow as anj rcliablooaat ern Nur3erv. By purchhsing of as the expense of transportation from the east can bo saved. All trees and plants aro carcf ury labeled and packed in the bet manner for any part of the Unit ed State3, for which a chargo of the actual cost only wul le raado. io charge willbe made for the deli very of packages on board stcamboa's. All communications addressed to the undesigned 'vill rectivu prompt attention. E.U.UUIiUUES&CO. ILATJEOT NEWS. n rp i n n n n n n n r r 0 9 CHOICE IBOTTILEP ILIQtUJOMg, r J J Ear Rings, Shirt Buttons, JEWELRY. Finger Rings, Bracelets, Breast Pins, &c, &c. Come and see and Secure Bargains. TELE MULL. Brownville, August, 30, 18C0. BROWNVILLE Ijg P f a 13 l : i JL. 1ST JZ i wmm- r i j r'NMi, i ' '- 1 mr Takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Brownville and vicinity, that he has just opened a new LIVERY STABLE, where hewill always bo ready to furnish gentlemen with Sctc2Lc2.1o 03T303, 23iis;ios, 0a.rra,es, o"to,, etc. CHARGES REASONABLE. Brownville, Juse l'Jth, 1SG1. (u-50-ly) JOHN A. SMALL. JOHN A. PONN, Has Removed Prom his Old Stand on ths Levee to WHITNEY'S NEW BLOCK, MAIN STREET, BROWNVILE N. T. Where he has opened np a FIBMHOTOCEk Consisting or STAPLE AXD FAXCY DRY :GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family & roc erie s 9 consistixg'op Flour, Ham, Bacon Sugar, Molasses CoSco, Tea, Salt, Cheese, Candles, etc., etc., And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as ' Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc. ALSO, A well selected Slock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. QUEENjSWARE, d d 1 37" s Moffat's Life Fills PII(ENIXMBITTERS, These medicines hare now been before the public for period of thirty years, and daring that time have maintained a high character iu almobt every part of the riobe for their extraordinary ami inimcliat. power o rVstorins perfect health to person suffering under near ly every kind of itiscaso to which the Luniau frame is Urbhe following are some of tho distressing variety of hnman diseases in which the TTTOT Tr,c VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be infallible. Duipevsia, by thoroughly cleansing the first and ec onKmaehs, and creating a flow of pure healthy bile, Sea of the stale acrid kind, Flatulency, Iws of Ap peclte lloartburn, Headache, Restlessne, -9t, Anxletr Languor and Melancholy, which arc Ihe gen nSwtomot bySpepsia, will vanish, as anatual tPtiiipi with a soivcni rrocc&, - - tcstiucs wiui h,i,..wpla ccsUvo within two ttllYWieufc yu.ib.o v'v Severs, of alUindby resiorin, the blood to a re,- larcirculalion, tlirougn uib v ',: int-stinal cases, and tho thorough solution cf all intaim" obstruction in omers. vhmw.a- The Life Medicines have been Known v' 'f n half turn permanently in three weeks and g' t;m hv rpmovinc local inflammation from tlio inns cles and lisaments from the joints. Dropsies Of all, oy ireeing anu lilt Kiuur j o anu v vvw - 7 - -j - m ly on these important organs, and hence have cverbeei.1 found a certain remeuy iuruiew vov . Alo Tforfli, by dislodging from the tnrninps of the bowels the slimy matter to which these creatures ad- bcLel ttj..v. Tn-Keter-nte Sores, by theoerfect scurvy f iiccfaanu - ' - . purity which the?e Life iledibincs give to the blood, and and all tho numors. Scorbutic Eruptions and bad complexions, by their al ternative effects upon the fluids that feci the skin, and the morbid state of which occasions all eruptive com plaints, 8allow,cloudy, audother disagrecablecomplcx- lTh'e use of these rills for a very short time, will effect a&entirecnreof Salt Rheum aud a striking improve ment in the clearness of the skin. Common Colds and Influenza will always be cured by cue dose, or by two in the worsi cases. . riLES. The original proprietor of these medicines, wascuredof piles of thirty-uve years standing, by the use of the Life Medicines alone. Fever and Ague.Vvr this scourge of the Western Country, these Medicines will be found a sare, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave the system subject to a return of the disease a cure by these medi cines is permanent try them, be satisfied and be cured Bilious Fevers and Liver Complaints. General De bility, loss of appetite, and Diseases of Females the Miwiirines have been used with the most beneficial re sults in cases of this description: Kings Evil, aiJ Scrof ..i . i it j u.-,.ri f,,rnw vioiii t the mild, yet power II Id ' 0 V 1 J - ' - 1 . (1 ...i ,.t romirVililil Mf-iltfinfS. StluS.VetS I III uetiOlft ui w v - Nervous debility, Nervous Complaints of all kinds, Pal pitation of the heart, raiuicr s oiic, mc eycvunj vui Mercurial Diseases. Persons whose constitutions have become impaired by the injudicious use of Mercury will Ond these Medicines a perfect cure, as they never . . . - .. I 1 . V. A n.Vn. . - . . . fall to eradicate iroin in! system, an vuwio i mc Mercury, iulinitely sooner than the most powerful prep . . o in.. iir u mni'ii'iT araiious ui oiieu iaiiii. ....... 335, Broadway, New York. July 5, 1SC0, ly CITY DETJG STORE, SIG7 Or TIIH 3IORTA17,. t omcT cf Mam SeconI street brownville; n. t! DK. JOHN CKILI ' AKNOCNCS to the public thst ho haa pnrcHse4c. R. Broirn, the City Urtig Store, in Brownvi.l! also added largaly thereto, TIIH I-ST SELECTErr An I, perhaps, the . LARGEST STOCK OF DR UGS". Ever tronglit above- St. Joseph Boots aod Shoes. IIlS knowledge of the trade and wants of the people of Boownville and vicinity enaDies mm 10 mase judici ous purchases expressly for this market. lie asks an examination of his Stock, feeling assure! he will be able to satisfy in quality, style and prices. li'TfBiT Til WS WHITNEY'S BLOCK 1861 McCOItMlCK'S Ecaper & Mower. Ma nxifactixrod Toy C. II. MCCOR3IICK & BROS., CHICAGO, ILLS. Twenty-five Thousand Sold During the last six yoarsa An Average, of ovet 4,000 each Year. Sides Jiave increased from 1600 in '51 to 5,000 in '60. As a Reaper, the "McCormick" has been before the American public for the last twenty years, and during that time has gained a reputation which is " World' W nie" notwithstanding the yearly in creasing competition, and tho host of inventors en gaged in the development of Reaping Machines, tho "MeOonnick" leads tho van tho acknowledged su perior of all in tho march for practical improve ments. Tho representations mado by other manufactur that the McOormick was "once" a noted Reaper, but is now anliquatcd,a simply ridiculous, as the in creasing demand will prove. Ji'o singlo establish ment in the WORLD, manafactures so largely of these implements, and none expends equal money time or talent in reliable improvements. Manychangos have been effected during tho past season, and for 1861, the "McCormick" is presented greater attractions than ever before. A a Reaper SIMPLICITY, STRENGTH AND DU RABILITY comnrnd it to tho farmer, wbHo its capacity for work, with economy of jnicer, givo it tho preference over all others. The compacting tho frame, thu3 scenrin? a raoro perfect balance to tho machine: the position of tho raker, in the rear of the driver, thus placing tho weight whero it should be, and relieving tho weak er paits of the machine; tho decreased weight, and slight indentation of tho sickle tho Casior wheel, and other improvements added, havo materially les sened tho direct draught, and so obviated tho side draught that many assure us that it docs not now vxist. The draught of tho Reaper is 'so light that in numerous instances the largo four-horso machino is worked with but two horses. FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL TREES, AND Small Fruits Cultivated and for Sale AT THE OLIVE BRANCH NURSERY Sixteen miles east of Cincinnati, CLERMONT COUNTY, OHIO 100,000 APPLE TREES 5 TO 7 FEET HIGH. Leading sorts at $50.00 ncrM, regularly assorted to the tnulo : selected, $10.00 per hundred, retail. Fcaehcs, $12.00 nor hundred, retail. Flums, 40 cents each, retail. Cherries, 25 cents each, retail. Quinces, 25 cents each, retail. Gooseberries, 75 cents per doa., Tloughtoa Sccdl'g Tear trcc3, 40 cent each, S'Jindard. Tear trccs,30 cents each. Dwarf. Wackbcrries, 1.00 per dozen, Lowton. Strawberries, 2 per M. Rhubarb, $ 10,00 per hundred, LimuTtis. T'he above named trees aro now growing upon our nirn ounls. and we consider them very fine. The rrorneW' attention has been given for the last hi teen Jiursc: a n A r ii ri n rr 1 i v collect from the mo correct sources Tanctics cspe ciallod adapted to this.' climate. All orders, accompanied l. ". attended to promptly; and, if necessary, delivered in Cincinnati, and forwarded freo of co?t, exoerfc moderate charge when orders are boicd or baled. Address, W. C. IOLE, Olive Branch, Clermont CP- O. Jlis stock cocsiiifsef tfce followins articles; which tg. will svli eheap for cash: rure White Lead, Castor Oil, French Zinck, Cod Liver OU,', China Zinck', Sweet Oil, Red Lead, Putty, Venitian Red, Glue,. Raw and b't UiTioer, Fi,, : Spanish whiticcj, Turpentine, . ' . Chalk. Linseed Oil, ; . Cough Candy, Tanner's Oil, Copal Varnish Ca stile Soap, Fancy Soap, Toilet Soap, Tooth hrushe?, Lith-era ge, ' -Patent medicines, , White Varnish, . Ink, Hair brushes, . ! Tooth brushes, ; . ! Paint brushes. . . Stationery. ". ' Steel Pens, Candies, ' Gold Pens, Nuts, Pencils, Raisins, Hair oil, ' &c. &c &c, Sec. Also, a Splcndia Assortment of. Perfum osrles, i Comprising Lyon's KatLariun, Colupne, PommVa ? genuine ox marruw, bear Rreese, anj ells, mnl sai i ecencsuf all kinds, aodol the tinest quality. ; yCars, aUlJL'SW I'UUmj . ivj'gaiuu ui ries,tho .culhrating ana marKeting oi rniu ; 'mc.caro maao n a oudinesd w THE PEOPLE'S PATRIOTIC PICTURE GALLERY. JCST PuELISnED IN SPLENDID SlY LE. STATIOHEEY. Foolscap paper, fancy letter rapr, gilt efgeif notev ami cuveloie9, plain, fancy, and emoossel, pen pencil j and pen-holders, inks of all klnda, inlstanUs, iier ( and sealing-wax. PURE LIQUORS- I7ol?aml Grn, Irish TThisky, Bmrbon TTnisky, Cmepr Brandy, I'orilial, Port Wine, Jalcira,Wtae, White win and Malaga Wine. Beirs: a rejnlar gTadnate and practiclDi? Fbysiciaa, the public may depend npon great care aod acraraey a r-ompounding prescriptions. . brownville, April 23. n-1?. As A Llowcr, The machine of 1S61 will bo found fullv c.inal to ny test that it may bo submitted to. Tho slight indentation of tho Sidle, its lightness and combi nation with the beam and finsrera, allows an incrcaso of motion not practscablo in other machines, thu3 enabling us to do goorf tcerl; with a a slow team, ox en, even, working well. Our Improved Guard and Patznt Cleaner, effectually prorents chotincr, no matter what tho condition of the grass, while our new divider point separates badly lodged and tangled clover or grcss, whoro other machines fail. There 13 also a great advantage in our "serrated sickloedgo over tho smooth, aj it docs not require sharpening so often, thus saving timo. OurSicklo will Ircqucntiv run through an ennro harvest with out once grinding, while the smooth edgo must bo ground once each day, if not oftener. With asmoth edge tho draught incrcrses as tho knifo become dull. Our drausht is uniform, and in repeated trials du ring the season of I860, proved far lighter than sin gle Mowers, cuttiug at the same timo from twelve It olzhtcen inches wider. Our Mower can bo used with or without the reel this is important, and without tho reel, weighs but about 670 pounds. In addition to tho very liberal warrantee given to all pcrchasers, we would say as heretofore, - h at far mers who may desire it, aro at liberty to work our machino through the harvest, with any thcr, and keep, and pay lor, the one preferred. Pamphlets with full description of improvements testimonials, Ac, can bo had by application to TIIEODOUE HILL, Agent. Brownvil'-e, Nebraska, April 18, 1S61. Pare Bred Fancy Tonltry. For sale Elack Spanish, White Dorkings, Golden And Spangled Poland, Sebright, Elack African, red and whito Bantams, white and wild Turkeys, Pea Fowls, whito and brown Ilong Kong, Bremen and wild Geese, White "Crested" Aylcsburgh and Mus covy Ducks. Common and Madagascar Rabbit3. All animals sold will bo carefully boxed with the noccssury feod, and delivered at the Express oflico. Addrecs W. A. GOODING, Oak La n j h3Jy5 L..:Vport,VillUo. 1. POr.TILA.IT OF MAJOR A2TOERS0U". the Hero of bumter, 25 2. P0KT2AIT OF MAJ0S-GEIT. BUTLEE, 25 3. PORTRAIT OF COL. ELLSWORTH, of the 'ew York Fire Zouaves, assassinated at Al exandria, after hauling down tho Itcbcl flag. 25 4. THE B0HBARDHE3T OF FORT SITM- TER, a magnificent, large, richly colored en graving. 25 5. THE MASS. REGIMENT fighting their way through the streets of Baltimore. A most spirited picture, giving a very correct idea of that bloody transaction. 25 6. 4,STAR SPANGLED BANNER" GOD DESS OP LIBERTY. A heart-stirring de sion, exquisitely colored. ' 25 6. THE UNION VOLUNTEERS. Tho brave soldier represented in tho act of trampling underfoot tho traito-'s banner, and unfur ling in its placo the glorious old stars and stripes" forever in triumph to wave." 8. THE DEFENDERS OF OUR UNION, a mammoth lithogradhic picture, brilliantly eclorcd. representing tho various crack regi ments in tho United States service, in sull dress, and equipped and armed for active service, being ono of tho most magnificent pictures of that kind over got up in thia country. Among tho military represented, aro tho New York 7th, Mass. 6th, tho Fire men Zouaves, Col. Duryco's Advance Guard, 1st German Rifles, French Zouaves, Billy Wilson's Zonaves, etc., etc. Price 59 Any singlo picture will bo sent by mail, postpaid every whero on receipt of price. C TJ JFL ONE DOLLAR ARRAJ1QEMEHT FOR ONE DOLLAR ! FOR ONE DOLLAR! FOR 0SE DOLLAR! We will send tho comploto set of 8 pictures to any pari oi tnc united otatcs, postage paia. SADBL HEY . Saddles, Bridles, Collars, TFiiipf, Lashes, Lines, Grihs, Surcingle3t Stirrups and Leathers, SnaJle, Curb and Port Biil3, Ring : Rradoons, Buggy Trimmings. Plastering Hair Constantly on .Hand. In order to sail all, I make harness frcm $ tUS per set. I have collars from 65 cents to $2 each. Halters from 75c. to $1.75 each. 1 wlXL SELL AS LOW, if not Iowa any one north of St. Joseph, and tho39 wishing anything in my line will find t to their advantaga to giTe 9 a call befgTO bo J ing elsewhere, John w. middletqn;: imoTvxYii,M, rv. t. i i i : ! ( i t C5- I 5 ; t t : . 1 i 1 FOR ONE DOLLAR ! FOR ONE DOLLAR! FOR ONE DOLLAR! FOR ONE DOLLAR! Wo will send by mail, post-paid, tho following set of Union Goods : 1. Ono copy Hardee's Tactic3, tho Text Eook for the Citizen Soldier. 2. 25 splendid assoitcd Union Envelopes, entirely new devices. 3. 21 sheets suporflno Union paper. 4. Xo. 4 of our picturo gallery, (The Bombardment of Sumter.) 5. No. 5 of our picture gallery, (Tho Massachusetts Sixth.) 6. Tho splendid pictuo The Defenders of our Union." FOR ONE DOLLAR ! FOR ONE DOLLAR! FOR ONE DOLLAR ! We will send tho following, post-paid . Portrait of tho jouthful Col Ellsworth, assassinated at Alexandria, a martvr in tho causo of lih.rtv 25 assorted Union Envelopes. Tho splendid picture entitkd "Tho Dcfendcra of our Union." A magnificent Gold Union Pin, tho most elegant vet guh up vaiucu at $1.00. Envelopes witk tho newest designs and evcrv de scription of U nion Goods can bo TrfW"nrtil fi" .is cheaper than any whero else. Samplo sent free, to dealers on application. ii .... .aoi-css au tettcr3 and order?, L. J. Y0IGT & CO.. I5.50w2 V? Ann Krrrf Vw VV Ayer's Sarsaparilla. NoticeNew Firm. The Cndcrsigncd doing business in the city of Erownville, Nebraska, under name and stylo of SEIUEL, GREEXAUM & CO, havo ld their en tiro interest m the Clothing Store to David Se'el, who will hereof ter carry on tho busing at thetld' stand. SAMUEL SEIGEL, MAP.KS GI5EENBAU3I, June 20th, 1SG1. JOSEPH SMITH. sugar sjyji miy EVAPOEATORS m i V ma,e arraneeineutd witk DOJ'fJUA" liltOTIIERS. Zanesville. Ohio. ihani.,.i,'ii.k,.,i intnelnitod State, ensased exclusively in thcnaau factnre of Sorgho Sicar Mills. Evaporator, kc.,br which I caufuruish the farmers iu this region with those much needed articles. The D..naia Sntrf vm paratns were awar.le-1 the First Premsum at the Ohio State Fair; and the highest huur at the Cnite-1 SUtes Asricnltural Society, a silver iixMal. I am'conalent Farmers of Nebraska, Kansas. Northern Miuarl jtnd; Southern Iosva can Ami no other to suit ttem better1 either in price or otherwise. Capacity ana .Price oi ilills. Tnree Iron Rollers in Stro.i Iron Frame. Xo 0 One Horse Tertical Mill presses from 25 to 30 gallons of jnice rer hour ; price do 1 One horse Tertical prosse from &5 to 40 gallons of juce per hour prica Same as No 1 ; extra heavy, do 2 Two horse Vertical presses from 35 to 0 gallons of jnice per hour; light drift do 3 Two horse Vertical ('louble geared) press es from 33 to 50 gal Ions juice per hour, heavy draft a 4-rTwo horse Vertical jingle geared) press es from 60 to 75 gallons of juice per hour ; heavy draft do 5 Four horse Vertical ins!e gpared) capa city from 100 to 123 gallons per hour Uo 6 To horse Horizontal (hack geared) suita ble to attach to Threshing Machine tr other power, presses from 40 to 60 gallons I ' jnice per hour do 7 Tvo horse Horizontal, with vertical shaft to apply lever to. worked by tones same as Vertical, presses 40 to 60 gallons per hour TTl or j . ! i $50 80. 80 10O 100 Pii t 5 i f i to V.t do 3 Fonr horse ITorizontal pack geareO) snit-, able to attach toThrc.-hir. ifachine or other, power, presses 73 to 10Q sal ions rer hours ' J5J do SI Six horse Horizontal (back cearcu) calcu lated for water or steam power, rtiy for - tho belt, and with capacity to work oil a crop of from 15 to 20 nore of Cane. ' . 153 10O ; Ayer's Ague Cur