'.IOH A VINES. : ITT Stock of native tine eomprb all lie rent able rariebea wita wkicn I ea svrqnajnt!- The -fiaeU hava keen frodaced with jrrtat car, an I r tie OjuI favcrab'.e eireamstaace I 'A healthy develop ment, a uJ arpa! ia excellency a-j iLat I Latc Lere Vfare bea al' t '.SV r. Foe tie fall trade, cu'.j a limited rerrJy cf Uci oa ViZaje, LwwrLswwlo. rVaTine.ELjicrricrr.Tay lor for BcIIItt,) an-i Allea'i Iljtrli u cfi- Of Wt Delaware Uyr, .'., tit fu:j U tot Ure, Lot qaallty fcaeqsI.l. Tbe ttxk frwi Delaware, slants eye gnwn V.ta La k(ni tad ca air, is Ue;re artl Cae. FiTtine nri fiaatins; some rtf.Ti rices, trrafted -n Ci. taw La ax.1 Iaal;:a it xks, are cSrci ai a Lf trice rcr-U rery t trr., .... , " t ery Urr u vers a Lhasa, liCTt'i'm--.t:i, am v,jq- rrown with ereeiai eare fr imzte.:.te war- cf Anna.E.Trrs Li ytn 1,12 a-J Hirer's :n, II. eocd, inr. Jx4 la vers aim Oar, Cawiij, To Kakn, ReJbeeea, Losl, Emily, Caniye Aojnit, Ila IV:.ic,tByB'a.Ae. A enteral aaeriiici cf f;reja nrleUea f,r ti er. Of PowticVi ETerbcaria? Mnlberry tie settly ijotIaryan4 a irreat Tart cf tie trees "J rlertd. They are Tery ri-jrvts, and the sretj mwn aad nttrd. Wndeaale dearrirlire fit feat to tioe wto wua t foem cHba, cn aricatloo. LiJt also sent to dealers. Fourth edition Llaitrated Cata.vgne eat f,r two three-eett iUm;s It ii darnel to be a fall and enrprhe-iTe treats en tie ma.na;re szteatof tie rice, t-ri-Z IUC "'rmi:!'a " Pp" chaaenand grower are rorr'-.sed to need. Fartte lrdireetk.B art firm for tie reparation f the oil and jaatisj, and tie directive f a training are Clastrated t y a-an j caref-lly jrepaxed enjrar- Tie descriptions cf tie rarieties wi3 be f.un-1 a-rate ari trcitwcni j, Ulzg drawn from y.nou al ksowelfie, tii rtry eitetsre cberraUoa. C . W. GRA1TT. ' ION'A, NEAR PEEKS KILL, TTestciitster Co Xciv TorlL. H. A. TERRY, mduclt and Retail Dealer in Garden, ricldand riowcr Seeds ALSO . GEATI VTSIS, C0CST2Z2SrE3, Curranta, BasTberrie Blackeme?, tMd B4 OnmmSl SJmAbrrj Ciercj. CRIiSCENT CITY IOWA. OREGON NURSERY. E. H. LURCHES & CO., PKOPKIKTOIIS. Oregon, Holt Co., IIo. Tie niderr:?ael bare lot? rise been eonriBced tie watt cf a frrt cla 'arserj in tie West, wire TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, Can be a.Ja;-teI to c elisiate and K.-il. In riew cf tiefacU,we bare erubliibed one at tiU piace, . aad iiare now la mif6l cnluraUin. wiici we of fer for sale at lVholaale or Retail, TieefttcB)rfeaon,a UrjeanJ well .(elected liock uitei to till e!:c:at, cf Af-IftJ. Uadari anl dwaif; rfcir,txEdani atl dwarf ; Cierris, tailAri and dwxrf : Pearfce. . AfTlffOtS, JTectarise, Qainee, Grape, . CiirrtEts, Gooseberrie?, Eafberriei RtrawVerrietaadinackbeTTies, rTerjreenf .OrnataetUl Tret,aaJ rimis, Greetl.oniet3id Be.iiiE; FlaaW, R-o-e;, Dailiai, Ac,, Ae, A:. To wbieh w would beg lcare to call tie ttectioa cf tie people cf Western Hiijoari, Nebraika, Kan u and Iowa. t5T"Oor tnzs will be u'cw ai asy reliable eait em Sinerj. By parcbtiieg of c tie exjme of transportation f r'.m Lh jt rn be fared. All treei aad plants are carefully Iabe.ei aci l a;i- :w!y IEtL 13 G- O 3XT EDPI1 PI0I7 WDRKS TO FARMER ! Of Nebraska end N. TV. lliuouri: AG ATS" I woiM cili tke ::erti"B s ti frtier cf e-r-t ao4 Jti-ri, v tte r:t t!is I -T 0 til atkl am otjr:;:y iaaaifa:tiriiXt ai CT F..sw Tari7, ia iTt?,i, Jtj., vu, aui eTry . jaiiera of j t-i : ! PUAIUIE PLOTF.S One and.Tuo IlorscPIog, j hovel flown, J IIoe ,IIarnrK,o Corn Planters, And IXarroiT Teeth T:etir with frjt.? ia Hi Iiie a4f Ij a lanoer 1 Yakeibe re-i -"i'y irirj: tiit cj tUm plow will do t:;tr wri, ia t!irt;e r ar rora prwi,tha ty I jaaaartareJ nr U in ILU cyTr OiBatrr- two-lrte a-i priirie piiw wil! be foe ea.a term, aci a will ylate ttea ia tae reiei cf eery faraier. Kr Pici caa te crL-tiir 1 fron cr ssett at Ifywa P4ct. K. T., ErfwBTi'.Ie, Sodinj- wa.;;, Marietta, Ecja fcAtota, ILjItcotatf, BrowaTt::e. K.T.. airf Psr-eitCiST- KAETIX E0F7XAJC. X. B. Allkia-Itf repalriaj done wiU. teamen aad d;;ilr-b, ca nterl term. Ore n,M ifay, ISJ. Theodore Hill, Agent At B"wrTil!e, X. T., keep oaLaa4 a teiieral art-B.--TTii:e- 3tj, lyoO. ATIEXTIOX ! BEE-KEEPERS. Kilier'i new yrrteta cf Ce 3Iaria-?ient, where by a i warm tf 15 will collect frcta one t tiree tutire-I p-jnijcf honey ia one en. Be can be cade to iwana ary ean, or prercnted fron do ing to. Can be prerentei froa Cyia? to tie foreats ia f wanniag-tiaie. Bee-rcbLery eailj preTenteL Moth allien presented e5or:oa.ly. ii'exex lose bee ty tie eiill cf wii:ercc tierwie. lwill feni my new Eot-k e.rrcTar. containing 32 psea, free cf pjrftar.to any ZTee-keeper tiat wiJ ferine his I'urt-Ore adlreaj. Itire tieeon teats cf B-x,k ia fuH.and re reTierU erplaaticnj, n,i ccU cf tie Patent Ccnjoond IliTe. Or, I will f ead Kiiier Oaile to Apianan Science on Le receipt ci t c-i. ia j-x- i cu:(e, wuiu will rive f&U pxrticclar? in tie Calicre ad njaaage- ag?ment cf tie ney Eee. All orders for eircnlars, books, lir, rigits, Jtc, rrocattly attended to. Ad1re. earked in thebest manner lor any t-art fit tae ed Fut, f r which a eia.r?e cf tie actual eo-:t willberaide. 'eha?rewillbeE;a.le fr tied-i.i rerr cf racka?e cn board rteanaba i. Allcommanieaiioniad irejed to tie undersigned will receiTe iron:rtattLtion. . E.ILBCT.CnESiCO. sum gaijb mm EVAPORATOES I HAVE nle arraneenaenti -.:h DOUGLAS E2.0THEE5, ZneTille, Oiio, the only e1at!i-hinent ia tte Caued State. eririrM exclusively ia ttenann- factare cf Sorgho Ssxr Hill. ETapratorf. ttc, ty wtich I caa farnish tte ' araiers in tti resiw with tVe much needed article. Tte Dr:?:i Sar JtiU aa;J Ap- tartTi were awrc!ed tte Tirx PremiBm at tte Ohio State Pair; and tte highest honor at te United States Ayriccltnral &iety, a ttlTer mertai. I aa ctiUient Parmerict Xebrarka, Kansas, Xorttem Xissoari and Sattem low caa CcJ no ctaer to rcit ttem tetter either ta price or otlerwue. Capacity and Fries ot I.TilTs. Tmee Iron Rollers to Strops Iron Frame. C One II r Tertical Kill r'eifMfrom23 to U gallon cfjnice per nour, price 4a 1 One tor- Vertical j rease from 25 to 40 rallwUf cf jnee per c-ar , price fi-i ac Xo 1 : extra heary. da 5 Two Lorse Tertical 5 res es from 15 to 60 ra!!on cf jcico Tver tour; ligtt drift 3 TwotirM! Tert.cal i uble earel) pre- e frcxa Z5 to 6Q gaiioa. uice ser aour, neavy ?ra:t 3 4 Two hsrM Tertical imffie re.J) pre j- e frota 50 to "0 galiun ti jsuce per nour ; beary draft 5 F nr t,,r4 Vertical sln.e reared) capa- c.:y froni 100 to 120 taitns per Bonr fio 6 T L-.re H rii-nta! (t 1 :k ??ared) cita ble to attach to Ttret:n?Jiacnjne or otner power, presses frotaOtoi tOfalionaof jaice per tocr io 1 Two torse noraontal, with rerocal f haft to trp'.ylererto. workei ty arae as Vertical, presses 40 to CO gallou per hoar to lie 3 3 porr horse nritntal tack f earel)a.t- at!e to attach t.Tret;ns Kactine or otter Tv.ier. rreee Ttu ! rtlions per tonri I5C do 9 Six Lorse II oriental C- gearec) ca:cu- Ute-1 for witer or tteASi p.iwcr, reiy I r tte belt, aad with capacity to vork o;J a crop tf t riia 15 t.i 20 crei of Cane, I5C R. IT. FlIl.VAS, Ag-1. $5C CO SO to 100 140 190 100 groceries. 3ou?arti Vs0Octatum itflck cf I;zbt Giricenes cctstastly cn J A select stock cf I;eht Or-jcenes constantly cn tan! and ijt aaleni rtiaced rates ai the r ew tre Cf J. J. TIIURMAX, ErownTiUe, Kfl II, 'CL 1 10-yIy HARD TIMES HADE EASY GOODXEWS FOR THE OLlirLOIED 1000 Chances To I.Taftc Lloncy ! I-" 1 lT.T.ATTrTiP A BrnctsltrJ Inst it-i:.iyn ttiellithtt! ly rp'del Zn- inemtT.t.ftrr tie KtlitJ ef lie zusan v.tirttw, ejfiuttd kU Virulent and Epidemic D.xtmit a4 ttpeciaHj Jar tie Cure cf fraetuet cf tke Struct Ore. ilEDICAI ADTICS men p-a.U,tj tte Acting Srse-n, to all w-o app'T ty letter, wits a Jecnptiin cf tfceir c,ntitin, f jge, ccccptti.-,o, eawt or tiie, aur., xrA utaiM ci extrtiae p3Terty, Jladicme farnuted free cf ctar;e. Talnat'.e Errrt ?i Sperstaf-rracsa, ani ctcer a ex'C of tte Spinal Oraar.s, an-I cn tse ZW BrSB lIESem'Icyed la tte Dipenary, ?nt to the aJTicted ine!el ietter CRTep-ei. f ree of ctafje. Twoor three Stamr for j"cta?e w-.ll te aocertafcl'8. Andrew DK. J. ES.ILL.li JIULutua, Acxmg car peon, Jlowara AScia--i'ja, no. s, ajuio cum, PLiUielphia, Pa. By orrter cf tte r irertora. t.i. Y.A. v. itAi&i vi ill, Jrrt . Geo. PainrmLD, Sec'y. Ocuer 13, lb60. nlS-yly LOTHE YOURSELVES. ' l a 1861 McCOltMlCK'S JOHN A. PONIT, Prca ti3 Old Stasd cn tie Levee to wmTinrrs iujvt block, MAI'S STREET, BROWXYILE N. LiOTrer. iSeaper Sla rinlactureci Ly IX. JIcCOIlIICII iiDKOS CIHCAGO, ILLS. TTrertr-Cre Ttol ScIJ Dinr tie Vtere te has cpexci trs a Xajst six yoarfl. . Jrr'ij'S 0 orer dyCC ) e xt Tiar. &fe taerea:tf r '54 U 513 a o (1 III fillLlieiLO r" i tat nmriTiT-irn DDATrMVT I ,v 'I' Tikes pleajre ia aanoaaaae tfci te has rww on tanJ. a larte an.1 select ttxk cfeTery art c.e in Lis ie, -.1 .v. ; VTrT.ZrT .r B.i. i-Sinfr Oik. Vatley iorae, fcierate-i Orea, &e.. parlor Stove of enJle variety, wee cf which are eatirely newtira. tix . a wu, Ck and Parr .toTes, ocieadn very nice Ludeei f-r sasail laaiiie FMESM STOCK Cor "d Hti or STAPLE A2D rACST DRY :GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family HF.AVY SHKKT FH0N F0K SUGAll EOILERS And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal aaJ Lard Oil Laa:? ; Bras Copper, aad aheet Ircn Ware; Laatema, s-OTets, -c JAPANNED WARE, I hire procured therijit to naaifartnre a late simple and improve! elf-ei!ir.g rtnit Can to waica 1 can me attectin of tte pEtltc. All tf which I p:e-l?e myself to ten at aj tair rae uioa - .ttuuiwi V t T : V aw M.t t tt.ia rcri.. n a f f.D r.ntfT I ai nrenared t nut no cntterisz asd rpoatinz aai a:i otner wora ci c.j u-b i - - workmanlike manner, which I warrant i give jatiiiactiisn. I p tfr!?e rayelf not to he nrvtimM ia tte cp;r onatry . Eruwuvilie, Anast, 30 13. J. C. Drusra. 12 C ILATiH! IT MBWI cossisnss op Flour, Ham, Bacon Sugar, Llolassss Cofiee, Tea, Salt, Cheese, Candles, etc.eta, And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaralus, Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc. ALSO, A veil selected Sloch of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. QUEENSWARE, $ TEJ sir a? PY T 0 1 I id Vaar, 'wi a r Urn U i ii L U d 1 11 i L L il al '1 M M - v. CTTal PRIES. 5 si&Q 5T HPT m 5 e' N f3 ?! v- trr &a U i. W v Shi SJ o lb A MHU0N DOLLARS WOTTH OP WATCHES, JEWELRY AND Silver Plated Ware, to ei msrnerD op ox AN ENTIRELY NEW ASD ORIGINAL PLAN! 2.500 ffflffS WIffl! All personj dedrins to secure an Agency ia this Shonld send on their names at once, enclosing a 3 cent stanaD to r ay postare. and receire ty retorn xoail A PREHIOH CATALOGUE Containing cur Tnriiic om eixto , Which aford 3 A RARE CllACE TO MAKE . MONEY ! Without risk, together with . FULL PARTICULARS Eelatire ta this HOVEL PLAIT. CHEAPEST CLOTHniG Ever offered in this Market. SO DOUBT AC OUT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THE Batimore Cothing Store, BROWIHTTLLE, IT. T. DAVID SEIGEi. Annonnce to tte pntllc tiat hs has opened oat a rtock r-f READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS. CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR, &c.(&c.,&c. Unprecedented la Qnantity. cnallty i price. Be U determined ti. pncei ahall 0 Jat time. n,l therefore oCer here In the West Jat a. low rates aa .ach good, cn a T!. In the Tnited Statea. As a .ample of to. pnc be will mention that ha aella Coat3 fron ia UP Pants from $1 to $7, Veeta from al to 15. w. natCap.Paacyai.lWhitShlrt,Saf- de7i7K eckUea, SocXa, Eaadkerchiefs ta the aame tbAnki for pat patrooape, and priKiae to .pare na ef fort, la the future to Eire entire Katir action. Coll azicl sco ItIttt. DAVID SEIGEL. Brcwnrir.e, JnnelS. 1561.-ly rar l!Tt "0k if r-- f-- fa M 1 Ear Rings, Shirt Buttons, JEWEL BY Finger Rings, . Bracelets, 3 y Breast Pins, &.c, &c. Gome and see and Brownville, August, 30, I860. Secure Bargains. THE MSEJL. BROW N VI L L E To insure prompt and satiAfactory dcang?, direct all orders to GECItGE G. EVAirS, 31, Clicstaut Street, rniLADELpniA. For Sale. TVe Tuevtlnery, t&c., bclvrnyiug to tie Steam Ferry JVo t Ki ," tviincUn ut wue euKine complete auU tn u. M. ATS.IX50N. Keceher. Ii..r,ll(, art, --X1. Dissolution. The partaeriap heretofore exliting nn3erthe name and style f Lahtaagh At Carn at Browarille, Xe traka, wa, on tbe first dy cf NoTemtr, diMolTed by mctnal cnt.ect, by the withdrawal of B. P. Lnshbacga. Jota L. Carai-n will settle the cnSai&he4 bniinea of theoU firm and contine the Bal king and Beal Eatata Agency tuineaa aa Leretcf ore at the old rtsnd. ,B. P. LrSEBAfH IfoT. It, 153. JOUS. L.CABSOS. In everlre rr.y bnlnes connexion with my late part ner, 1 ilcetn ills a proper opportunity of expressing my tb&nks f.r tte r-itrrn.?e bettiwel npoa oar Arm, daring tfce peri yl la which we were erii.ped ta basinta. It affvrdi me mm h picar.re a o to commend to the faroratlecv'nsi leration tf the friends of the old tra ray . nceeor la bn&ir.e, Mr. Carsoa, a gent'eman ia every way worthy c! the coaadence aal snprt of a discrim inating paUic. E. F. LCSHBArGS. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. 1 L sal 3 HTA S L Wssssll J. TSI 23 Takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens cf BrownTille and Ticinity, that he has jus: cpened a new LIVERY STABLE, where he will always be ready to furnish gentlemen with Sa,clcXlo Eorses, Buggies, Carriages, o"to., etc. CHARGES REASONABLE. JOHN A. SMALL. As a EeaTr, tia "lliOttlcl" las beea btT.n. thn Aceri-.-an rab'ic fjr tie list twenty years, sad da ring that tiaie kaa ejined a re;aaUvn which is ll'on'-i- Wilt." "otwiJkjta&iLE ' the yeariy ia- er!ai-5ecEcj:etiti.in, and thekoftcf iarmtoes ea- Z rel ia tie JiTekrraent of i-aptrz ilactiaea, tie -JiA-Cvmkk'iea.ls the ran the aekaowled-ed. sn- pei.-ior cf all ia the CArch f-r f ractisad ix;rirc c; tints. The ret re?r:?ai;i:-c3 made ty ether dnn.ractsr- th t tha ilcUonakk was "once"" a rote-1 IitM-per, tut is now atijnau4,i r!mjly ridlffa!u, as ths ia- erics ceatani w.a rrrTe. smrle eu:.ih- n ;r.t in ihs WORLD, EtacaTactare to larrIy f tlesa icEpIenientj, and nne eiyen.it etal rsiaey time cr talent in rdiall intrroTesent. llaay chants tare been ef acted darirg the past sean, and for Ii 'I, the -JlcConnick' is pre4tted rreater attractions than erer blire. A a lUarer SIMPLICITY, STRENGTH AND DU RABILITY e:cmta is xo tse iaraer, :.; iU eipncntr f jr work, with eooy of jor,giTe it theTerene c rerall other?. The eontraitins the frame, thus secariss a more .rrfect tIance to the machine : the position of the riier, in the rear cf the firirer, thas pLaciA? the w eizht where it should b-e, and rtllerirr the weak- t'T pai t s cf the machine; the decreased weight aad J..iit inJentat;on of the nckue. the Li tor wheel and ether lnrproTemcfiU al JM, taTe xaatenaZy le pencd the direct draaht, aad eo obTiatd tha dranght that many assure as that it dies not cow t xut. The drasht cf the Earr is so liht tLat ta namercus instances the larre f jar-h.re ii worked wilh bat two horses. SEEDS AIID IIACHrrr IS o. 1 1, North ilsia S ire? st. ions, no. Sin cf lt Cut PJ-T. PLAIiT & BROTHER ASS TIZZ CmVTTT Q a ii-r tiwy Piw. Harrow. C-.Ttnr, R e. 54.Te, P:-rt-s 1th. HuiI 5cyiie, Siai. Cr!e P t. Gnkti. Caijt'. Br-at Sd 5-e tj j, Boots and Shoes. TJiS knowleze of the trale and wants of tie people cf B-wnTiIle and ricinity enable him to make jaiici ona pnrctase expressly for this market, ne aka aa examinati a c-f Lis St-:r, feeiin? aire-l he will te ahle to jatiefy la caality, style aad pricei. YTrEY's block As A Uovrer, iae machine or licit wul b4 fjcid fa!!y eyraal tawny teat that it may b jabahted to. The'ilirht indenutionof the Sickle, iu lightness and combi nation wi.a ine want ani Lsrn.ailowj M iarrease if motion not rractcable in ether machine., thnn mablingiis toiagoo-i tcorl, wi&n iW teaa.ox- - - 1 'Ziij cTtra, wormac weii. uar Improved Guard aud PaterJ Geantr tdixtj rrcTenti ehekmr. no matter what tie K tdition of the grass, while enr new di rider point sejarates badly lodged and tangled cloTer crgraA, wl.tv oiier ciacmea i an. l nere is a a great aTantae ia oar serrated wB!aw,iafajii ace not reraire iharfenin so c ften, thai sarirj time. O or S k kle will freqaently ma throngh an entire harreft with- eut cr.ee griiiiirs, while tie snth e!re mart be erocsd once each day, if not cftener. With a iracth fli the draaht increnes as the knife become dall. uar craaght u mulorm, and ia repeated trivia da rinj the season cf prered far lighter than nn- g.e i.wers,eaUiasat the same txe L-czi t aelre U e:?-teen inches wiler. Oar Mower can be used with cr without the r-il tiisis impcrtant,ai:.iin-J:oat the reel, weighs bat aavni ou (anxs. In adlition to tee Ter? liberal warratte L- pcrcbaier?, we wonld say as heretofore, tiat fsr- who may desire it, are at liberty to work onr all mers machine threnzh the harrest, with any other, aad keep., and pay for, the one preferred. Pamphlets with, fail description cf i3rroTen:eals tesuxioniais, ac, can be tad by appIieatLia to THEODORE HILL, 1-ent. April 13, ls51. 3 J J i Ji a,.,. aa 5 1 1 o U UJaJiiJr- 0 MEDICINES CHOICE BOTTLE ILITOMS, Pare Bred Faner Ponltn. For sale Black Sraniih, 'White D.rkinzs, Gulden and Spanned PoIanJs, Sebright, Clack African, red aad white Bantams, white and wild Tarkeys, Pea- FowL?, white and brown iloc? L-org, Bremen aal wild Gee?e, White Cres-ted" ajlcbnr-h and Mas- coTy Ducks. Common and Jladacax Latins. All animals sold will be rartfn-.j boxed wit a tee necessrry feed, and delirered at the Lxpress o-.ee. Address tt.A.OUUUi-M,uu iawa n37r5 Lockpcrt, Will Co. Brownville, June 10th, 1SG1. (noO-ly) ajf perlent aad Stomachic preparation of IR03T Panned of Oxygen and Carbon by ccmboation ia Hydro- Pen. Sanctioned by the highest Jtedical AnthontiW. both ia Ear ope and the United States, and preicriteu in their practice. Tte experience of thoasands daily proxes that n preparation cf Iron caa be compared with it. Impari ties of the blood, depression of Tital energy, pale and otherwise sickly complexion indicate ita necessity in alntoct eTery conceiTafcie case. Ianoxioas la all maladies ia which it has fceea tried, has proved absolutely cnratiTe in each of the following complaint., tii: In Debilltr, ferrous AaTccllons, Emaciation, Dyspepsia, Consti pation, Scrofaios Tuberculosis, Salt lilienm, Misxnenstruation, TJIiites, Chlorosis, LlTer Com nlaints. Rheumatism, Chronic Headaches, Intermittent Fevers, PimDles on tne ace, &c. la caaesof GEXZ3AL DEEILITT, whether the resaH of acute diseaae, or of continued diminution of nerron.1 and Tnaacular enerry from chrontc complaints, one tria of thji restoratire has proTeJ snccefal to an extent which no description nor written attestation woaM render credible. InTalids so lonp hed-riddea as to have become forgotten in their owa neighborhoods, t.Te so-i- den It re-appeaned in the busy world as if jast returned from protracted travel ia a distint land. Some Tery sienal instance of this kind are attesteacf fenia.c rufTerers, emaciated Tictims cf arparent msrxsmns, sanaineocs exhaustion, critical changes, and tUat ct, ap plication of nerroas and dyspeptic areriaa to air and exercise for which tne physician Las no name. Ia XEHYOrS AiTCT10X3 of all kinds, and for reaeons familiar to medical men, the cperatioa of ttn preparatioa of iron must necessarily l salutary, for- unlike the oid oxides, it Is Tigoronily tonic, witioat bein? excitirg and oTerheating; and gently, reralar!y aperient, even ia the most obstinate cases of costiTenesi without ever being a gastric parjative, or inSictizg a disagreeable seasauon. It is this latter property, anon? others, which make- it so remarkiDly enectnal aad perwsnent a Temedy f t Pile, upon which it also appears to exert a distinct ami sreciSe action, ty Cisper.inz the local tendency which forms them. Ia DVSPZPSIA, Innumerable as are its caues. a sin?!e box of these Chalybeate Pills has often so9ced for the most haV.taal cases, incln-ling the attendant Ccttivems la uaciecked DiABSHlEA, even when advanced t DTSEXTAiT, con armed, emaciating, and apparently malignant, the electa have been equally deceive ana aat-jnishing. . . , , Ia the local pains, loss of flesh and strenpta. oecu .i aatingconeh, aad remittent teetic, which generally in dicate IXCIPIXXT COXSrXPTIOX, this remeay can allayed the alarm of friend, and physiciaaa, ia sever. Tery (rratifrinj and tat eretin Instance. Ia SCROFULOUS TCBKaCCJUOoLS. this meu.ca.ed Irm h t.xd fxr more thaa the gwid. e recta of the most cautiously balanced preparauoM of iodine, without any of their well known liatUiue. -,., The attention of females cannot be too cor.3 Jent.y in-Tite-i to this remedy and resf draftee, in the case, pecu liarly a?ectin; taem. la RHEUMATISM, both chronic and infiammatory in the latter, howeTer, more decidedly it has been lavan- tly well reported, both aa alleviating paia aau re-icice the swellinrs and stiTnes of the ints and mnscles. la IXTEJCITTEXT FETEBS it must necessarily te a great remedy and energetic restorative, and its pro gress ia the new settlements of tie est, wm protas.y be one cf higa renown ana useiniaes. Xo remedy has ever been discovered ia te whole his tory cf meiirin.. which exerts men prompt, happy, and fully restorative efTects Gocd apatite complete i;e ti"a, rapid accnisitioa of strength, wna a nausual di positioa for active and cheerfal exercise. Put nt ia cat metal boxt ccnuiaiag 50 pills, price 50 cants per box ; for sale ty dix;its and dealers. Will be Mat free to any aJdress on receipt ot the price. Al- letters, orders, etc., stocid J-e a.Uressed to II. II. sLOUIkC&CO., GEX. AGEXT3, 20 Ceiar t., X. T. Auit 2, '60-ly. UoSat's Lifs Pills AJED PECENIX BITTERS, These medicines have new been before the rt!:! f.vr a periud of tnirty years, and daring that tn have rr.tir.tair.ed a high character ia a:mt every part of the restoring perfect health to persons sa'ering under near ly every kiM f disease to which the haia 'rame u liable. - The following arevrmeof the distrassinr nxietvof numaa ai.rees in wmca me VEGETABLE LIFE Are well known to te tnalUhle. Djtpeptia, by thoronshly cleansing the frst aadseo- I ond t.mae!i, and creating a Cow of pare hea?thy btle, instead cf tte stale aend kind, i7atry, Loss of Ap- peeite, Eearitarn, HeJache, Reit:eae!a.lll-iemner. I Anxiety, languor, and X elancholy, which are Ihe gea enl symptoms cf Dynepsia, wia Tanish, as a natual cone;5ence of its care. Coitvnrt, ty cleansing the wko'.elenrth o theia- tesunes with a solvent rrocesa, and without violence ; all violent purges leave the bowels costive witiia two days. revert, of all kinds, ty restoring the blood to a resra iar circulation, through the proeess of persplratioo ta sch cases, an 1 the thorough solution of all ir tMtmil obstruction in ethers. Tte Life X edicines have Seen known ta er.r Ltnu. lira permanent.y in three weeks, and Govt ia half that time by removing local inf animation from the mas- c;es aau ligaments from tte joints. Vroptse Of ail kin-ls, fcy freeing and strerarthenin tht kidneys and bladder ; they operate most ce neutral ly on these important organs, aad hence have ever been focna a certain remedy fr the worst cases of Gravel. Also H orau, by dislodrisc from the taminjia of tha bowels the slimy matter to which these creature ad- cere. Scarry, Vlcrrt Inveterate Sore, tr theserfed purity wtich these Life X edibines giTe to the biood, and Scorbutic Eru; tions and bid complexion, by their ai ternaive ec"ecu upon the Bails that feed the tkin. and the mor&i'i sate of which occasions all ernntiTe ertn- plainu, sal.owjclondy, and other diaagreeahle complex ions, The use of these pills for a very short time, will erect uruuiciurew unenm atia strikinz improve ment ia me cieirness of the skia. Common Colds and mccenxawiii always be cured by one dose, or ty twein the worn cases. PILLS. Tie original proprietor of these medicines. wacaredGf pile of thirty-nve years standing, by the ueri vae uie ecuanes aivne. ever cn A7ve.F(.r this scoarre of the Western Country, these Jfedicines will be foand a safe, speedy and certain remedy. Other medicines leave tae srstem snhjecxto aretam of the dieae aeureby these medi cines is permanent try them, be satisfied and be cared BiUoua Fevers and Liver CompIaints.-Jeaeral De bility, los of appetite, and Diseases of Female the Hedicinea have beea used with tbe mot beneacial re sulta ia cases of thiadescriptioo: Kings Evil, aad Scrof ula ia Ha worst forms, yields to the mild, yet poorer- fa! action of tbese remarkable Jledicinw. XightSweta Xerrous debility, X'ervonsComplalnuof all kinds, Pal pitation of the heart, Painter's Colic, are speedily cur ed. ilercinu Dueate. Persons whose constitutions have become impaired by the Injudicious ase I Mercury win these .xedianes a perfect cure, as they never fail to eradicate from the system, all the electa cf the Mercury, infinitely sooner than the roost ?werfal prep- araiiwas oi sarsapariiia. w . b. JIOFPaT. 103, Broadway, Xew Tork. July 5, 1350, Iy OHIO HUESEBIES, to: HDO, AS the season ia now approaching for transplanting trees, ice. we ca.l ai'ei-tiun tf Tree dealers, Prmt Growers, and other wiping to besutify the.rgroan'iJ tocurstxkef Fruit and OrnazierJal Trees, Grape Vims, SJirvllery, Roses, fire. "Also: all the leading varieties cf Currants, Gooseberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Of which weTsave a lai ze stock, and we orrer thexj very low for theFall Trade 156 1. .and waldioUdt Unorders at tlote wiihinz to rorchJe. Inclose stamp, aad sead for I ataswe and sice Iist. Av5n33-Pv2r:3 Ohio XaTseries, Toledo, O. Elrbj's ina?rKaa Iron Bancster. Eraaaer's Ciler as.i iae wi;- w;U Pre, Stmt Case Crrsters a""! E -T- Xai'i Pr,nai!e F?a.ac aa.1 v a-draS Pvi-Uhie Psiaea aaa Ilrv Pi Petahle P"ur aad Cm Xk'l It-i Vooi and Iroa Wt L--.S X aci. "aery, Xmiainy aa.1 Ts3aiax Xachi.""ea, Lathers, B.tt Canrs Co:a 5c.-ewt, L wv Q-seea Ptrti5 Fvrre and Bellows, Leather and Satter Be.ar.?. Lac Leather and Steaa Packi-g. Preeac:Vs Waf.:c MacJiiae, S-,'n"rfi. Vs'm GA3XLX. GRASS AM) Q TILLS SILLS. 133 end icr CnrcIarsDJ Orders tocued ui pr-np :t exeai t Xarca, 1S1. (Tat-ta-AiJS-ia:) CITY DETJG &T0m sigt or tilt: noiiTiK, Icnci cf Mih ail Seccii street BROWNVILLE, N. T. DR. JOHN CERI AXXOrXCXS ta e p-.5Ue thu he ka pirtlwel &. Br wm. the Oty Tra Store, la Srowav;.; w also addfrd lartely there'-, ' THE BEST SELECTED And, perhaps, tie IiRGEST STOCK OF DRUGS Ever trough above St. Joseph, Ills stock consists cf tie f;:.wir irtx!e?, iraick l will se.l cheap for cash: Caster 0;!, Coi Lirer OJ. Sweet Oil, Pitty. - Glue, Pare "White Lead, French Zinc, China Zinc!t, Red Lead, Venitian Red, Raw and b'tcrer, SjarJsh whiting, Terpentine, Chalk, Linseed Oil, Cocgh Canir, Tanner's Oil, Ccpal Varnish CAStila Sp, Fancy Scap, Toilet Soap, Tooth brushes, Liih?ra;e, Patent medicines, Let-paper Whits Varnish, Ink, Hair bmshes. Tooth brsies, Paint brushes Steel Pens, Gold Pens, Pencils, Hair oil, Stationery, Candies, Nuts, Raisi: Also, a Splendid lsiortnest cf Comprising Lynn's Katharion, Colocne, Timiitii genuine ox marrow, bear gree!e, aad wl. aI escencea of all kads, aalal the net qaaUty. STATI0ITERY. Foolscap psper. fancy letter paper, mtt rd and envekts, plain, fancy, aad eaet V pe a and pea-hoiders, inks of all kind, inksials, a aad seaUng-wax. PURE LIQUORS- rMIand G:a. Trih irhiky. Brtirboe lriMrr- CisTf Bran.ty. Ct-rdial. Port Wiae, Madeira, Wine, Wk.:e and Malaga Wine. Beine a regular graduate an! prcfid8 rkr"- the public may drpefvl upon Krrat care aad aurw7 compoaa-tirf prescrlpti-us. Browavilie, April 25. ' saddlery"- Saddles, Bridles, Cellars, TTblp lushes, Lines, Girihs, Srcir.$hh Slimvs tT2 J LezLhcrs, Snqflsx ' Curb 'crJ Pari BUts, Xing Bradcons, B'jgzy Trimmings Plastering Hair ConstanUj ca Hi- Ia order ta suit all, cake kirxria fr per set. 4 50,000 LES TTOOl- WAITED. ST. JOSEPH, MO. Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. My supi-Ty v.1 Cx.u. Shoes. Hits ani C3t never lre, i.vr wai I ever ptepaied to caer such lMr.-iaj I1U.O. HLLL. Biwnnvt'le. Ajrili5;h, 1SCI. Two Exieiire i oolea Factories axe u SUCCESSFUL OrERAlO.Y, ONE NEW AND FITTED UP JViL all the Latest Fir.e lmrrrozemerds. We are prepared to manufacture to order, and have for sale the following Goods:. Satinets, Heavy and LMht, JE.l.YS T WEEDS, i LA. ,LLS TTI1ITE, COLORED, STUtFLD AD FLALN Tjlxispy B, Fulled linsejs, coxorea .imie and Mixed, 1 I-J lards vide. FULLED CLOTH, Blankets of ali Kbi acd all Qualities, YARNS OF ALL SIZES AND COLOr, Warranted all Goods cf the best material, r We will eichar -a the a&oTO GIj fur WocJ cr cib. Fancy Dyln? to Order. We wi.l p aj ciili f .-r any amount of Wool, at Market IVk-rt. H...ur consuntlj ca tjci fcrsale. The best jricc iid f.-r hrat. . LL ELA SOV. BULIXA UliOi. Aujru--t,2J, IscO. ' I have totlars frem eeaUtt3 eac. II alters from oc. o ci-t 1 vIZJj BEUj A-3 X.OY7, if apt la thm. ary one tarva or St. Jcsera, Pt wiahing anytiing in my line will tad tiei? avd-raatase to rrir ne s :r!?T? b pf vzg elsewhere, JOHN -W. MIDDLETOX, bbottxtiijlj:, 5. t. . w- ? Notice New Finn- TV rJr?-r!eii dim? bosiaeifS ia nwi.ti:. Wh.r;ks axder came aaa tieei tle o SEIGL-L, GREEN A'AUVI A CO tare svld "S. tire inwnt ia U.e tiatamj j - " i ftw SAM I Lb r""-t-,r MAKKS rHrKSAUJi aUnd. June 1?3I. -'UiEI U SilJTB,