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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 15, 1861)
! i i '. if r i i f 10 N A VINES. MY fctock of mtire vims ocmiri-ic 'i liic vcrjt ' nhf varieties with liich lam mvjr.ninte 1. Tikj )lants have bocn produced with (Treat cure, undVr the runt favorable circuun-tanctas for healthy Uev.dop - iT.-ut.jiuJ sutjkiss in rxcriitu. y any that I have here to:. .rv h'K-ii al la to filer. . lor the fall trade, only a limited "'I'l 'T f,f Iruou Vi-iac, Lenoir,( Linc.ihu) I iui:iDe,Liinr.ur;r, Ir. v l..r or Bullitt,) and Allen's Ilyl.ral is offered. Of lt. Delaware l.iycr, ulsa, the sujn.!yii dA I.ire, I. ut quality nncjualod. The stock from Delaware, single cyc3 grown both fri house and ov2n air, is Jaro and fine. Fi.rvir.e tent!nj: some strong ines, praTted on (Maw if.i and Isabella stocks, are offered at a Iw price rooU vory strong. Very largo Ltyersof Diana, Hcrbemont, and Con cord, growD with cspeJal care for immediate bear- injr. Uood layers of Anna, Rogers' Hybrid, 12 kinds nUo'Clsra, Cawidy, To Kalon, Bibccca, ililKr s Louisa, Logan, Emily, Canby's August, liu lsen, II. ' Prolific, Cuyahoga. Ac. ' A general assortment of foreign varieties fur i Bcries. Of Downing's Ercrbeariuj Mulberry tlcsupjly is not large, and a grent part of the trees already ordered. They are Very vigorous, and the wuoJ well grown and matured. Wholesalo descriptive list sent to those who wi-.i t form clubs, on application. List also sent to dealers. Fourth edition cf Illustrate-! Catalogue ecnt fur two three cent stamps It is designed to be a full and comprehensive treatise on the manage ment of the t ins, giring such iiiformition as iur thascrs and growers are fujiposed to need. Panic -l.iLwtinn .ri riven for the preparation of th-s -oil and planting, and the directions for training areiHubtratcd by many carefully prepared enjrav i wrs. The descriptions of the varieties will be found accurate and trustworthy, being drawn from person al knoWelcdge, and very extensive observation. C . W. GRANT. IONA, NEAR PEEKSKILL, Yl'csl Chester Co., Xcw York. H. A. TERRY, . Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, ALSO GRAPE VH7E3, C0CSEEEUP.IE3, Currants, Haspberrios, Blackberries, Rotes, and Ornamentai Shrubbery Gencrady. CKKSC15NT CITY IOWA. OREGON NURSERY. E. n. BFRCIIES & CO., PIlOPItllSTOKS. Oregon, Holt Co., EIo. The undersigned have lonr s;nc6 been convinced the want of a first class Nursery in the West, where. TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, Can b adapted to our climate and soil. In view of then facts, wo have established one at this place, and have now in successful cultivaton. which we of fer for Bale at . . . UTiolcsale or Retail, The coming season, a large and well selected stock suited to this climate, of Apples, standard and dwarf; Pears,stan?ard and dwarf; Cherries, standard and dwarf: Fcaehei, . . Plums, Apricots, Nectarines, Quince, . Grapes, .' " Currents, ' . Gooseberries, Raspberries Strawberries aad Blackberries. Evergreens, Ornamental Trees, and Shrubs, Greenhouse and Bedding Plants, Roses, Dahlias, &c., Lc, Ac. . To wbicb we would beg leave to call the attention of the people of Western Missouri, Nebraska, Kan f.ns and Iowa. ' J57Our terms will be as low as any reliable east ern Nursery. Ry purchhsing of us theexpenseof transportation from the east can be saved. AH trees and plants are carefully labeled and packed in the best manner for any part of the Unit ed States, for which a charge of the actual cost only will bs made. No charge will be made for the deli Very of packages on board steamboats. Alicommunicationsaddresscd to the undersigned will receive prompt attention. E.II.BURCnES iCO. - GROCERIES. A select stock of light Groceries constantly on Land and for sale at reduced rates at the new store of J. J. TIIURMAN, Rrownville, April II, 'CI. n 10-yly HARD TIMES HADE EASY GOOD NEWS FOR THE IXDIPLOYED 1000 Chances To Make Money! A MILLION DOLLARS WOTTII OF .. WATCHES, JEWELRY AND : . Silver Plated Ware, " to ee risroSEi OF ON - AN ENTIRELY NEW . ORIGINAL PLAN! Mid!! Wlffi! All persons desiring to sccuro an Agency in this K"ow TZti torprltao, Should send on their names at once, enclosing a 3 cent stamp to 'pay postage, and receive by return XD&U A PREMIUM CATALOGUE Containing our Which afford A RAKE CIIAYCE TO MAKE MONEY ! Without riik, together witb FULL PARTICULARS Relative to this HOVEL PLAIT. To Insure prompt and satisfactory dealing, direct all orders to GEORGE G. EVANS, . 439, Chestnut Sircef, PHILADELPHIA. Tor Sale. me maetlncry, &c, Klnping to the Steam Kerry-B-iit "Oioe " cnsisting of one i'"me complete, and X''u. 5" AXSOX, Bcccivcr. ' UruwuTillc, May SO, 1661. LOOK TO YGSKUNTSiOSTS! STEAI.T FURRY BOAT AT Biuwnii;e, r- r Xtl)fa.vka. Tothoscin the cunteinjlating going to the Aehr-iska ml Kansas GOLT3 IINES, The Eiidersipred ilr.sire to?ny. r.r;i. in so doing tvill n-jt practice ococptiun:thtt thcro arc advantages to be secured in Crossing the Missouri river ntttrowuvJHe, and oulfiuiiig at, and Dtartir'j fr(;n that pciLt,ndt t'j be fnunl at any other pi K:e on the Jiis;.uri Ri ver. In the fir."t yilace, on loth sides t f the river are large extcutsof hottom lands in w hich gru? makes a muuh earlierslart than in the uj.lsrids,Rnd is much moro abundant, being i-iexhuustiblo the entire sci.-n. Here, thru, is a ijsirablo place to recruit beforeftarting on the I'iains. .tock can also bo purchased here on very fdvcrnble terms The 1'rjwnville ftefrm F erry boat. Icing the best en the RiTer, oiTcr peculiariudncemeuts for cross inat this jint. It islare and oinmcdious: wi:h pow erful in:ichincry, which enables the proprietors to ferry emigrant sand othcrsin the most expedi tious manrrr. We undertake to- s;ty that the ou.-ines men of UrownviIIe areas well prepared toscrvc those wish ing supplies, w ith a superior quality and on as fav orable tcricfas can be found elsev here. Everything desirable can be purchased in l'rownville,such as Provisions, Clothing, Mining Imple ments, &c, S;c. The Route from Rrownville to :hc Mines is uni versally admitted by those who buret raveled it and others,to be superior in every respect. Rrownville is about midway between ht. ic. and Umar.a. As to distance, an examination of the map is all that is necessary to prove to any one that it is nearer from hero to the mines than frotaany other point on the Missouri. On this route wood and water abound the entire dipt ince,whilo on many others. wood has to be hauled for many days. The foregoing facts arc fully ard satisfactorily es tablished by the immense travel of last year, and those who adopt it the present season will have no cause torcgret having done so. Therefore Cross the Missouri River at and start from Brownville. JOHN COPUIXGTOX f- CO., Proprietors .Steam Ferry Roal. mi mm EVAPORATORS I HAVE made arrangements with DOUGLAS EKOTilEUS, Znesville, Ohio, the only establishment iu the United States. cnca?ed exclnsively in tbemanu- facture of Sorgho Sugar Hills, Evaporators, &.c, by whkn I can furnj.-a the :armersintliis resir.n with those much needed articles. Ihe Don?:as Sugar Mill and Ap paratus were awarded the First Premium at the Ohio StatcKair; and the highest honor . -it the tnitea states Agricultural Society, a silver medal. I am confident Farmers ct Kebraska, Kansas, Northern Missouri and Southern Iowa can find no otter suit them better either iu price or otherwise. Capacity and Price cf Mills. fmce Iron Kollers in Strong Iron Frame. No 0 One Ilorse Vertical Mill presses f roni 25 to 30 pallons of juice per hour ; price do j One huri-e Vertical prcsM from 25 to 40 gallons of jnce rer hcur; price Same as No 1 ; extra heavy, do 2 Two horse Verticil presses from 35 to 60 rations of juica per hour; l.ght drift do 3 Twoborse Vertical (double seared)press- es from 35 to 50 gallonb juice per hour, heavy draft do 4 Two horse Vertical (dngleftearedjpress es from 50 to 75 gallons of ;uice per hour ; heavy draft do 5 Four horse Vertical (single seared)capa city from 100 to 125 gallons per hour do 6 To horse Horizontal (bari geared) suita ble to attach to Threshing Xachine or other power, presses from 40 to CO gallons of juice per hour do 7 Two horse Horizontal, wilh vertical shaft to apply lever to. worked by horses same as Vertical . presses 40 to 60 gallons per hour to 12! do 8 Four hcrse Horizontal (back reared) suit alle to attach toThrefhiLS Machineor other power, presses 73 to 100 saMons per hours I5( do 9 Six horse Horizontal (back geared) calcu lated for water or steam power, ready for the belt, and with capacity to work off a crop of from 15 to 20 acres of Cane, I5C r. xy. riiaAS, Agr't. $5( 60 65 80 80 100 140 100 100 ijotvarii sedation LiXXTT V A benevolent Inst ittition etfnblithed ly special En dowment, for the Relief of the istck and Distressed, afflicted uuth Virulent and Epidemic Diseases, end especially for the Cure of Discasct of the Sexual Organs. MlCDICAIi ADVICE Riven gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, fcc.,) and in cases of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. Valuable Keports on Spermatorrhoea, and other dis eases of the Sexual Orcnns, aixKon the NEW UEME DIKS employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postace will be acceptable. Address DR. J. SKILLIN HOUGHTON', Acting Sur geon, Howard Association, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. KZHA D. lZiAl.i .Li, Pres. Ceo. FAinrniLD, Sec'y. October 13, 1S00. nl5-yly L 0THE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CLOTHING Ever offered in this Market. XO DOUIJT ABOUT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THE Batimore Colliing Store, BROWNVILLE, N. T. DAVID GEL. Announce to the public that bo has opened out a READY-MADE CLOTHING, LOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CArS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR, &.c.,&c.,&c. Cnr-recedentM n qnsntify, quality and prices. He Is determined bis prices Mia'l correpojid with the time, and therefore offer here in tbe West, at just as low rates as such goods can fce purrrias-M anywhere in the I'nitel States. As a sample of his prices Le will mention that he sell Coats from $1,25 up to $15. Pants from $1 to $7, Vests from $1 to $5. Brots. Shoes, Hats, Caps, Fancy and White Shirts, Sus ders, Neckties, Socks, UaiiOken Liefs, &.c, iu the same proportion. The proprietor embrace this opportunity of returning thanks for past patronage, and promise to Epare no ef forts in the future to give entire satisfaction. Call and. sco laim. DAVID SEIGEL. Brownville, June 13, ISCl.-ly - Dissolution. Trio nor in 1 n-?..; rt r r nn- f V noma and style of Lihbaugh & Carson at Brownville, Xe braski, was, on the Cist day of November, dissolved hy, by the withdrawal of B. F. Lushbangh John L. Carson will settle the unfinished business of the old firm a:id contine the Hunting and Real Estate Agency busn.ei-n a& heretofore ut t'ie old Maud. B. F. IXSlIBAOn Nov. 1st, 1SC0. JOHN. L.CARSON". In severing my business connexion with my late part ner, 1 deem this a proper opportunity of expressing ray thanks for the patronage bestowed upon our Arm, during the period in which we were engaged in businss. It affords we much pleasure also to commend to the favorable consideration of the friends of the old firm my successor in business, Mr. Carson, a gerit'.eniin iu every way worthy c.f the contldetice and support of a discrim inating public. ' b. f. i.rsiiEAi'fiir. Ayer's Sarsaparilla. in -3 ! , - i 3 -i si U -1 ) ... ; 3 Hi jonri 1L 1L- t Rer.iov Dim, j 0 p a i fi! h r MAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE. N. T. J Takes pleasure in announcing that be has now on hand, a larro and select Ftocl; of every art c!c iu his line, COOK SOVHS n , Of all the improved pat'ors ; viz: Plymouiu R. c'.;, Charter Oak. Valley iorge, Kievated Oven, &c, Box and Parlor Stoves of an endies variety, some of which are entirely new design, viz Cook and Parljr stoves, something very nice indeed for small families v A combined HEAVY SHEET IKON i'Oii SUGAlt JJ01LERS And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal and Lard Oil Lamps J Brass Copper, and sheet Iron Yrarcj Lantern.?, Siiovcls, &c i k-B FA : ; t r.- . ILATjEST IlWg. I JltJIB t' 3 BY t n 1 n i I U 0 v'; J fi 1 S I U U U L-Z3 wrc : Z r.'&- V frial ,-yr? Mi am J 5 -1, n CHOICE 6si 7 crr t i. "FT 5 Tt, 'iti? iiii' liLiV 'a Y . Ear Rins, Shirt Rutions, JEWE1E Finger Rings, Bracelets, Come and and Ssenre Breast Pins, iiargains. Brownville, August, 30, 1SG0. BRO W NVILLE 1 11 Q A O rrcra his Old Stand ora the Lcvcc lo WllZZllJrZ'S NEW BLOCII, MAIN STREET, BROWXVILE 21 T. Where be has opeue.l up a ST. JAPANNED WARE. I have procured theright to manufacture a late simple and improved r-c'.f-.-caHng Fruit Can to which I call the attention of the public. All or which, 1 pledge myself to.--ell at as fair rates and on as accomodating terms as any other establishment In this region of the country I am prepared to put up guttering and spouting and all other work of my line at the shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant io cive satisfaction. I pledge myself not to be undersold in the upper country J.- C. DEUSER. Brownville, August, 30 lSt;0. DRY : GOODS ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family riour, COKSISTINO OP Ham, Bacon Sugar, LTolacses Colic Tc?., Candles, And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as rpice. Peppers, Soda, Salaratu?, Ginger, Allspice, etc., ALSO, e:c. ' A well selected Slock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. Q TIE ENS WA R E, frr c; t-l o "fi'9 w. vw. Boo' JtJ and CO. IIlS knowledge o' tTie traile and wants cf the pe:plc of Jjoownvilie and vicinity cu.ib'es him to make judici ous purchases cxpres-'ly for this i.i-irket. He a'5 an examination of his Slock, feeling assnrcl he will be able to satisfy in quality, sty ie and prices. 112 F? ' I'l mm T ph"5j r mi WHITNEY'S BLOCK n 'i P rih iLli ij Vita Ttirc iJ'cd Fancy Poultry. For salo I'-lack hnni.-.'.', Yhite Dorkings GoIJen ami Spangled l'olands, t;cbri-Kt, Ulack African, rod nnd white JJantams, white ."ml V'ld Turkeys, I'ca Fnwls, white and brown lion? Kon, Urcmcn and wild Iteese, White fcCrcsteA"' Aylesi'urgh n covy Ducks. Common and Mad.i?ascat' Uabki's All animals sold will bo rurcfully boxed with I jo nccccsrry feed, and dclivcrcl at tho Express pCije. Address W. A. GUODIXG, Oak n.ji va Loekn'.rt, til I o. 3 "-.--" J..JI 18(31 McCOiLMIOK'S . Mower, iiiiractiirc cl Toy CHICAGO, ILLS. SolJ Darin " - j - -a Arertrj? ff oreT 4,C00 the iiierenscil from CC-0 i't '51 to j 'ik'9 llCIYC oco : 'co. , a KearT, the !-CornJck" has I'sen before the American publi.; f,r tho l.isS twenty year?. and durin" that time has rained a rtutatioa which is "World-Wide." Xy. withstanding the jcarly in creasin?"corcretit:on,find the host of inventors en in' the devehTinent of Rear in? M v hines, tho "!. -Gormick" leads the van the a :no'.Icd?ej sn- pcri.Tof all in the march fr practical li-rjc-mcntj. The rercrentatims made by ether mnnfaewr that tho .Mct'iirmick was "once" a noted R?spft.r, but is now nntijrn:il,li simply ridiculous, as the in crca?ir.? deumnd will jireve. io singlo establish ment iii the WORLD, laanafacture? to largely of these imidements, and none expends c-)ual money time or talent in reliable improvements. JIany change? have been effected during the past ?ea?on, and fi-r I-Sol, tho '.'dcCormick" is presented greater attraotioi.3 than ever before. AaReaper sblPLICITY, STRENGTH AND DU RABILITY ornm-nd it to tho farmer, while its capacity for Wurk, with economy of potcer, give it tho preference, over all others. Tho compacting tho frame, thu3 securing a more perfect balance to the machine : the position of the raker, in the rear of the driver, thus placing the weight where it should be, and relieving the weak erpaitsof tho machine: tho decreased weight and slight indentation of the sickle, tho Cutor wheel, and other improvements added, lrivo materially les soned the direct draught, and so obvmto l the tide dranght that many assure ns that it do?. rot now vxist. Thcdruight of tho Ui ipr is jo light in r.u;icrous instance? the largo fonr-liorso machine is worked wUh but t .vo horses. As A Llowcr, The machin? of 1 -1 1 will bo found Tilly enal to vny test that it may bo submitted to. TheMi'ght indentation of tho Sickle, its lightness and combi nation with tho beam nnd fingers, allows an increase of motion not practicable in other machines, thus eriab'in-us to ' jr,0l trot-'.-, with aa slow tcam,oi cu, even, working well. Our Improved Guard and Patent Clearer, effectually prevents choking, no matter what the condition of the gras, whiie our new divider separates badly lodged and tangled clover or grass, where other machines fail. There is also a great advantage in our serrated Kklecdge over tho smooth, as is decs not require sharpening so often, thus saving time. Oar Sickle will frequently run thmugh an entire harvest with out enco grinding, while the smooth edge must be ground once each day, if not oftencr. With asmoth edge the draught inercrscs as tho knife become dull. Our draught is uniform, and in repeated trials du ring tho season of I?S0. proved far li-hter fhnn ,:n. gle .Mowers, cutting at tho s.imo ti mo from twelve U eighteen inches wider. Our Mower can be used wilh or without the reel this is important, and without tho red, wci -hs but about 670 pounds. In adJit'u n to the very liberal warrantee civen to leKMsns, we would say4 as !, that far ..v .u.v -'-' n,.i.o u uocuy to worn our macrano tlimngfi tho harvest, with any other, and --T l-'J i-r, one pre torn.-... I'...l,l... -.'.l. e n , . I ..Ull-Il.eiS U.l IU UOSeriT-rif-!! .t iirr.wr.imnntj testimonials, etc., can bo had rr by application to Tilii'JBOKH UllU A . ., 1C r.ow-Il"l:e. Nebraska, April IS, lo 1. cut. Lie uutuuiis; 'ills sing variety of MEDICINES iOTl H t ii AN" asperient and StomaeVic preparation of IKON Punned of Oxygen and Carbon by combustion in Hydro gen. Sanctioned by the nienest Jlcdical Aiithorit:-?s both in Europe and the United States, and prescribed in their practice. The experience of thousarus daily proves that, no preparation of Iron can be compared with it. Impuri ties of the blood, depression of vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly complexion indicate its necessity in almost every conceivable ca e. Innoxious in all maladies in whicTi it has been tried, has proved absolutely curative in each of ihcfollov.ii complaints, viz Bis lcL?IIry, Servos Affections, pation, gcioluiux Tu!;crctil.ii, halt Ilkciurj, 3Iis:ijeiislr;i:ilicdii, Wliltcs, Chlorosis, Iivcr C'oi:!!- plainls, Illiei::i2alif ::s, C'Iavosa3c ISeauacIies, jiiierciiiticiil l evers, lncasesof GENKUAL DEUiLtTl , whether fierenil! cf acute tilrcas-e, or of ct.ntinucd dipiiii'itioi of nerv. i; ar.'.T muscular energy from car. me c iiii;.iaiuts. one tria' of tl-.js restorative has proved successful t an c-st ml which no description nor wii'ten aUe.-tatb-u would reader credible. Invalids so ioi.p hed-ridden a toh ive become forgotten in their own nei--lib ; hoo is, have sud denly re-a; in the busy world as if just returned from protracted travel in a di-daut land. Some very signal instances of this kind are attf-stcd of fena! sanjruineous exhaustion, critical chiin-cs, an 1 that c-jm- I 3 HI!? il I K , . K ! M -I OZLiZUXJO, OHIO. PIICENIX BITTERS, These medicines have now been before the public f,.r a period of thirty years, and during that time have maintained a hi-h character in ali.ioot every part of the (rlobe, fi r their extraordinary and immrdiat. power o restoring perfect health to persons suffering order near-I- every kiud of disease to which tho human frame is liable. ine following are sonic or the tlisfro hnni in diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE Are well known to b; infallible. Dyipcps-a, by thoroughly elcansinj the first and sec ond stomachs, and creating a flow of pure healthy bile, instead of the stale acrid kind, Flatulency. Loss of Ap peeire, Heartburn, Headache, Kest!essne. Ill-temper, Anxiety, Languor, and .Melancholy, which arc ihe gen eral symptoms of Dyspepsia, will vanish, as a r.atual consequence of its rure. Costivme.-s, by cleansing tho wfcole length of thein tcstiues with a solvent process, and without violence; !! violent purses leave the bowels oeiive within two da:."."' Fe?t'S, of aHtir.-::,byretorinjtheb!.v.M! to a rc?u ha circul'ton, thrcn;;h the process of perspiration In such c.'cs, ad tho thorough solution of all intestinal obstruct i.." i others. The Life Adicinsliavc liccn known to cure Ithcumti permanent'? i:l three weeks, ami Ooitt in half that time by remo,";n? local ind imuiatioii from tho mus cles and ligaments tr,.r the joints. Dropsies Or all kinds, by frcei'v? and strenplhcnln? tht kidneys and bladder; the operate most deii-M ful ly en thee important orcan:'. licnfe have ever beea found a certain remedy for tho woi'.' cases of Gravel. A No Worns, by dNlodxiir-r from thb turn?Q;;s of the bowels the slimy matter to which these" preatcre ad here. Scurvy, L7ccrand Inveterate Sores, by the perfect parity wcich these Life JJedibines give to the blood, ami ail uio iniuna-.s. Scorbutic Kruptions and bad coniplexioni. bv their al- tornafive eitects up n tlio fluids that feed the t kin, and th.T morbid state of which occasions all eruntivn com plaints, sallow,clouJy, andother disajrceablecomplex- icns, The use cf these pi IN for a verv short time, will effect ar entire cure of Salt Kiieuia and- a striking improve nirut in the clearness of the skin. Common Colds and imiupiizawill always be cure 1 ty onedose, or by two in the w.rsi caes. PILES. Tho original proprietor r.f these medicines. wsscuvctor pi!e of thirty-ilve years standing, by the u-eof the Life .Medicines a lone. rtver and Avi i'or this sconrne of the VPirn Country, the-1- .M O'lkinrs will be found as.ife, speedy i:id cei tain remedy. Oilier medicinrs le.-w.-. t).. .i.m "'ojeti i a return of the t!e a. e i cure bv tbe.-o medi cn:e. I'frmanert trv tbr-ra. be s:,tKilo.l :..! t.n ...-.! l-.U ous i cfors an I Liver (' r.cnentl l. oiiny, io.-,s or a nr-e'ire, and i)',-ease .f F,i:ia! !ie Jiciciues nave been uc-l with the most beneficial re Its in Cjses of thtdo--Tiptioii: K:r--s Kvil. and Sen f. u i. in us urM loriiis. yiP!.-i io ine nil l. Tet power ful acti- nor t no-e remai kabi .'ledicines. Xi-!i! Sw.-ts Xervors ilebilits", N'orvo: c'ompl iij;ts of all kinds, al- PK.uioii of ti:c heart, i'auiter' s Colic, are speedily cur- eu. JHCrcuriai JJiicnies. P?r "ns whose con-dHufion. have become impaired bv the iuiudii i..i:s i:. f Mrn ni-v will t'n l liie-e Medi'-ines a ; erlect cure, as they never fail to eradicate fr..m the sy-te-n. .ill t),e f flr-: (,f too .Mercury, infinitely sooner thalMhe mo.-.f wn.-orfu aiaii'jjiaui o.l.l,'aiIiia. V.iS. aiUi 33j, Broadway, New r.rk July 5, IsCO, Iy SEEDS No. Sign miu IrUCHlHE u- 0aiaia Street S7. Lens, 3io. ' oj tut Gi.7 Jc. jvt X,,'s. 203 Xjrtb Fourth : PLANT ".or:;? Br,.,. - beotbtS Plows. Harrows, Cultivator. RtH, if Shovels, Spades. Picks, Axes, 01.-'-' Si yit es. Snathe Cr a 'els. Forks C,-'i-''t C.;l-. .n's a-i-o.a it Seed Sowp-j, Sc.j n. "T.' Hay, Straw and Corn Stock Cutters" ''''' Thre.-hers, Corn Sheilers. Pucij.' ..fei;w. Tj. j j Klrfcy's AxnerlnauJiron Ilarvcs4 ? nevlvir.T ard Snrins to.oth Horse Oiys,i j I ' n , . I 1 1 - i r . T . ... ' ' : Sujrar Crushers and Evaporators ' Mott's Porvble Fnrnnce and Caldrons' Portable Knlt'cs and IIore Powers, ' Portable Flour ard Corn Meal .Mii;, "Wood and Iron Woi kin? Machinery, Alortiing nd Tenori.i5 Jtachines, Lathes, Bolt Cutters. Coach Screw, I j-..,.-Quec'i's Portable Force acd Bellows --i-Leather and Rubber Bel'mv, Lace Leather and Steam Pjik!,;;, Frenetic's Washing Machine. Ste-itrr.U U-J GAKDE.V, GRASS A.D OTHES. Srf?t ' ' " for Circulars.1"" Orders solicited aud prompts execuiiiV PLAIiT & BLQT-nyn ' March, 1S61. (Fnl-in-AnSS-lo.)- . w CITY DRUG ST02E sigx or THE torncr of Main and SccorJ Greets, BROWNVILLE, N. T. DR. JOHN CEILI ANXOCXCES to the public that he hM.onrr'-w.i R. Brovn. the City Rn Store, iu Browuv,i;e ali added largely thereto, J THE BEST SELECTED And, perhapo, the LARGEST STOCK OF DRUGS Ever brought above St. JoscpV His stock consists nf the will sell ct following ar!:rle, w.Ji i Cup for ca.-ti ; S n.ini Cantor Oil, ' CuI I.ivcrO; " S-vPHt Oi!. rutty. (ilue, Pure V'hi:e Lead, French Zinclc, China ZincJc, Hod Lead, Venitiaa Red, Raw and b't umber. ;h whilinj,' Turpentine, ' - Chalk, Linseed Oil, Couijh Candy, Tanner's Oil, . Copal Varnish Castile 8cap, Fancy Soap, Toilet Soap, Tooth brushes, Lithe.age, Fatent medicine?, Let.pajr White Varnish, Lk, Hair brushes, ' Tooth, ' . Sleel Fens, Gold Fens, Pencils, Hair oil, Taint jxt.sae3 Stationery, Candies, fee. Ihisis?. &c. i; Alio, a Splendid Assortment cf C'tn prKiiij I.yon' rnnine ox marrow, Csccnccs of all kiud s Kadarir.n, Coh'trne, Pomr hp.r iree-e, and ..N, mn.i uduf the tincst (juality. STATI0ITEBY. F'lolscap i-arcr, fanry letter paper, R.!t cl:t '1"IK and envelopes, j.l tin. fatny, and enioo'Mtd. pen V""" and pen-holders, j:iis Of all kiuds, iat.taJ"is, ' and scaiiiia-wax. : prep- Tou" 5wC U?- . t sr, 7f-S ls'ri it- .. U , S Mil 4 it' r --1 ";,T A Takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Rrownville and vicinity, that he has jas: opened a new LIVERY STABLE, uhere he will always be ready to furnish gentlemen with CHARGES R LSOMBLS. .TOIKi A p.icaiionoi nervous ana avvpep uc aver.-ion lo air tmi exercise for whi- li the physician hns no name. Ia XEUVOUS AFFECTIONS of all ki:; !s, and lor reasons familiar to medical n en, ihe operation cf this preparation of iron must nece--oiiily ho saiutarv. ?..r- unlike the oid oxides, it is vigorously tonic, without lieinc; exciting and overheating; ?.ni;:en!Iv, re-'ulfrlv aperient, even in the most ob.-filiate of c ..-five: : riiuouiever t'CiUo a frasiric purgative, or liioicLiia a disagreeable ben::ation. It is this latter property, arajr? others, which ria!:e it so reniarkaL:y tr actual anil per v. .merit a reo.elv tor Piles, upon which it also appear? tf cscrt a distinct t sj.ecinc action, ny aisper-sins tae icai ictiiency wt.ich forms them. mm m cima. inuTunerayieas are r -cart ? a ':r e l x ( f these Chalybeate 1'ills has " . s.i;-ed for I if cio-t ?-a'..iiuai cases, inc!B-lii '. !i.e a. t e : i 1 : t ("i-s v. n 'si I:i uncjecked UlAItUtltEA, ev-'-n v,-i;.. Hdv m. o... t- DWEXTART, Ciitt'.rrnc-i, eruaci-iti-!?. nn-l inc.tly wat'nant, the eU't-cts have hcen f i ia'.iy oe:i -ive aim asioii-smg. I the local pains, loss of fiefh aid slron-lh, .'rhilli- titincoueh. an 1 remittent hertic. whi.-h penervliy ia- licue INClFiaXf CONiCiiPl'loN-. this rcn.vdy to- allayed tt e alarm of friends and piiy .ieians, in evcral j very pratifvii::; and interetint iu.-ji.ccs. J In SC.'iUFL'LnrS TL'UEKCl'I.OsIS. this medir.itod iron has had f ir more than the "ris etiocts or the nio.-i cautiously balanced preparations of iodine, without any of their well known liabilities. The atteniionof females cannot te too confidently i i vite I to this remedy and reitorativc, iu the cu.-es pec i liariy aft'ectini rheni. In KilECMATISM, both chronic arid ir f!.imniatory in ti e latter, however, more decidedly it been invi; -i-My well reported, fc.db. as allevi tti'ii iisi:n au! ri-dccin the Kwllire- an I s'il'.ie-s f M;e joint-, and mnscict . In IXTEP.M1TTEXT KEVKR3 it must nec.---.-ari' j he a Kreat remedy and cnersretie restorative, ,"i:d its pro press in tho new settlements of the West, will prol.ii ly be one of hiL-h renown and u.-ef nlae.-s. Xo remedy has eve r been discovered ia the whole to-y of n:edi iii, whic'a exerts sa-.-U ; r-.,;.i, h. .:.,.-, .u,,; fully rest.-rative etTects Uk1 uppcti'-e complete uiiits tion, rapid a.-quir-iti.-u ! strength, wit, an uau.-.ual d.o-p...-iii )ii f..r active and c-fceetfni eserci: . Pat up in Hat metal boxes contaitiiiiT Z) ills. pric- cants per box; for sa'e ty U.-i'34'i-.ts and r 1 ..--. . M'i!i fn ent free i an v add e.-s on rec.'i ; t of ilicpuce. Ail letters, orders, of'"., should l.e ad ivo.-.-e.i t., kt . llW. .111. ? (.Kit. AUEXXS, -d C-.iar --i-, X- Y Atttt 2, 'CO ly. AS the sei. on is no v a;or tree.'-, cc. wo call atteri: i.,n veers, an-1 others wi,li.' it-.r t...-kof ..n-iiii: traiHpl intin? of Treo dealers. Fruit to be..utify their grounds Fruit and Orv.amsr.tnl Tree?, Grape Vines, . in i v ut. A!-o: all t t.e Ir idic vj: t- C, mts, (ioo.seberries, F!.u. Lbcrrics, Ftasnberrics, Straw berries. ice., Of w! ii h we h ve a I i,..v f r iv-r .1 1 Tri ; i- ti.-e wi ,hi:u t i pari stai.K), ao l .1 vo;i33-i'vi!i3 fee. PURE LIQUOES: IT .Hand Gin. Iri-h Wiiikr. B-.nrbon MTii-kT. r"r' BrnMy. Cor.Ii.,1, Port Wine, ii adeira, Wue, Wkrte - and Malaga W inc. Bein? a reinlar s.' the public may dt'p-tid upon compounding pre-'Tiotiou. Drownville, April 25. and prartirlns Fh.J. 1 v.- 1 we offo- tho.o vr r ltd o.o i. the 'jru.-c end for C EMr'.MX . Xursci e and Pri . Fn.ti. le-i, Tole-i e Li.-t. , ). ST. JOSEPH, MO. Two Extensive Vi'oolcn Factories ere te st'rcTs:-iT, orrriAio.v. ONE NEW AND FITTED UP re-.l to manufacture to crJcr,auJ all Viz are 1-rep SA33DLEBY. SaIIlcs, Ki Idlcx, Collars, m"!"' Lashes, Lines, Gtilhs, Surcirghh Stirrups and Leathers, SuJy(t Curb and Port Rills, Ring -Rradcoas, Fuggy Triiii.r.W'p: IJanA SMALL. ! Boots, Shoes, Hats ami Caps. Urownville. Juue 19.h. lfi'l. (n--a-Iy) My so-p!y 1.11 IO, l i-l I ja I v cr I es, ci Op- i. ,-r :-ti. ' iLI. Dawuiltc.- April, Yv" Lavc for sale the following ( Satinets. Heavy and Light, JEAJVS T WEEDS, rL. . . L LS white, ror.ou::i, stpjitd and i-laix riillc liii.-fj. -CHiii vni:c VixrJ, l-J. lanf-i wide. FULLED CLOTH, of n'i Kin ;s nn l c!I OjnYdks, VAUXS Or AT.!. i'-'t'.U. AM) 'oi.ti;s, ';. nic. I ail C is . f tae l".-t Tl" v, e v. ill eivLaa t'io ubovc tlooI.i lor t. o 5 rta.-ti. a wiU nay c.u-a iur au ac.ouiit v Vnx.l, st .tr-;ct I 'rices. V: rcoT:-t".r.:'y on Iiar.-.l irs.i! Tl: lest price id I r rtlieat. v. ! i i I. X M 'N. I,l'i;LL L'iXOX- Aa -Md, 2-:, I fo). EL and rias'tcrirg- Hair Constantly on In order to fcuit all, I. mae harness froi $ i,erci. I have collars from Co crit b. $ 2 eat!. m IIuHcrs from "?. o SI-"7 cad- 1 wll.1. SiXI. AS LOW, if not lo than anyone north of St. Joseph, and wishing any t hies in my Lino will find w their advantaso to give zxxe a call befortf ty ins elsewhere, MIDDLET0N, J0IIX Notice New Firm- 1.M Trie r.i.K-rn. I vloinr bustrc-s i:r..nvi!i. Ni!.r:i.-1, urJer msnia i 'i I : ck CO.. Lave t tiro interest in tho ('lot'iiiy", Store 1. . ... .. ..n Oll.- liCll.,lcl lao; - , S V Ml r.U Mt I'-f .. .llTlf t: 'l. JtrLi u who will ji.lUii. h-.- ?. Iil their at tno