ION A VINES. Sfnirk V'f rstirf -ino" "iiniri-e tire Vrit ."rdc vnr'u lie r iib nlkh 1 r.m iu-)ii.iind. The ' plants have been produced with ;rrfftti:ire, under the Uiust favor.-iWo ci.''S fr haJlhy dere'.op meul.aiiti in ex'-ellcn-y uny that 1 bare here tofore lx;en bI'Ic to ,2er. F,r the fall trade, only a limited npp!y of Union . Viilaffe, rnoir,L'n''lf!,,iI,au;i(i',,Kl.-inburr,Ty-l(.r T Bullitt,) and Allen'j II) brid ii olfered. Of lct 'Delaware layer, also, the supply is not large, but quality Uneiiualvd. The fctork fro:a Delaware, F;i:gie eye grown both in house and opin air, is Urgo and Hue. torvine " yard planting fome strong vines, grafted on C'ataw " ba end Isabella etock.5, are offered at a low price roMs rcry strong. Very lnre layers of Diana, Ilerbemnnt, and Con cord, prow n with especial care for immediate bear- in: Good layers c.I Anna, Rogers Hybrid, 12 kinds also Clara, Ca?i-Jy, To Kalon, Rebecca, Miller's Inuisa, Logan, Emily, Canby 'a August, Hudson, II. IVolifiCjCuyahrga. A-c. A general assui tuient of foreign varieties for vi neries. . '. Of Downing' Evcrbcpring Mulberry the supply 13 not large, and a great iart cf the trees already ordered. They are very vigorous, and the wood well grown and matured.. Wholesale descriptive list sent to tboso who wish ' to form clubs, on application. List also sent to dealers. Fourth edition of Illustrated Catalogue pent for two three cent stamps It is designed to be a full and comprehensive treatise on the manage ment of tho vine, giving such information as pur chasers and growers are supposed to need. Partic -ular directions are given for the preparation of tha .soil and planting, and the directions for training are illustrated by many carefully prepared engrav ings, " The descriptions of the varieties will be found accurate and trustworthy, being drawn from person al Lnoweledge, and very extensive observation. C . W. GRANT. IONA, NEAR PEEKSKILL, .ircsltlicslcr Com IV'ow l'ork. H. A. TERRY, Wholesale and Rdail Dealer in Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, ALSO -'--GRAPE VI1TE3, GO0SE2IT..SIE3, Currants, llaspberries. Blackberries. Rote. cn,l Ornamental Shrubbery Generally. . CRLSCKNT..C1TY IOWA. OREGON NURSERY. E. ir CCRCHES & CO., propiuktoiis. Oregon, Holt Co., Ho. .The undersigned have long sinct been convinced the want of a firt class Nursery in the West, whero TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, &.C., Can be adapted to our climate and soil. In view of thes facts, we have established one at this place, and have now ia successful cultivakin. which we of fer for sale at lVhqhsah or Retail, The coming season, a largo and well selected stock uited to this climate, of Apples, standard and dwarf; Pears, standard an 1 dwarf ; Cherries, standard and dwarf : FearJic?, ITum, Apricot?, Nectarines, Quince, Grape, Currents, Gooseberries, Raspberries StrawbcrriesaaJ Blackberries, Evergreens, Ornamental Trees, and Shrubs, Greenhouse and Bedding Hants, Koses, Dahlias, 4c, 4c, 4c To which we won Id beg leave to call the attention of tho people of Western 3Iissouri, Nebraska, Kan sas and Iowa. J3T"0ur terms willbe aslow as any reliable east ern Nursery. By -purchhsing of us theerpenseof transportation from the east can bo saved. All trees and plants are carefully labeled and packed in the best manner for any part of tho Unit ed States, for w hich a charge of the actual cost only will be made. No charge will be made for the deli very of packages on board steamboa s. All communications addressed to the undersigned ill receive-prompt attention. E.II.BURCHES&CO. GROCERIES. A eelect stock of light Groceries constantly on band and for sale at reduced rates ai the new store of J. J.THURMAN, Brownvilie, April II, '61. n40-yly HARD TIMES HADE EASY GOOD NEWS FOR THE UXIMPLOYED 1000 Chances To Make Money ! A MILLION DOLLARS WOTTII or WATCHES, JEWELRY AND Silver Plated Ware, TO EE riSPOSED OF OS AN ENTIRELY NEW AND ORIGINAL PLAN! 2.SQ0 MIIS WIT! All persons desiring to seeure an Agency in this TvJ"ow mn torpriso, Should send cn thtir names at once, enclosing a 3 cent stamp to "pay pjsta&er and receive by return mail A PREMIUM CATALOGUE . Containing cur InauceinerLts, Which afford A HARE CII.IXCE TO MAKE MONEY ! "Without risk, together with . FULL PARTICULARS Relative to this 1T0VEL PL AH. To innre prompt and satisfactory dealicgSjCirect all orders to GEORGE G. EVAITS, 439, Chestnut SCrccf, PHILADELPHIA. For Sale. Te nrn.linerr. Kc ., heloticing lo the Steam Ferry ciTiMvtini? of one engine complete, and wrl of liie mav tiiiiery l"r another. Apply to II. M. ATK.1XS0N, Receiver. lirowmille. Mar 30, 1S61. lod; to Ycaa interests! . STEAM FERRY BOAT AT Brownvilie, Nebraska. 7othoein the States contemplating going to the Nebraska nnd Kansas GOLD MINES, The undersigned desire to say , and in so doin z will not practice deceptioujthat ttore are advantages to be secured in Crossing the Missouri river at Rrowcviile, and outfitting at, and starting from that point, not to be found at any otherplace cn the Missouri Ri ver. In the Crst place, on both sides of the river are large extentsof bottom lards in which gras makes a much earlierstart than on the uplands, and ia much more abundant, being inexhaustible the entire season. Here, then, is a icsirabla place to recruit stock beforcatarting on the Plains.- Stock can also be purchased here on very favorable terms The Rrownville Steam Ferry boat, beir.gthe best on the River,offers pcculiarinduccmcnts lor cross- mgat this point. It lslarge anl commodious; with powerful machinery, which enables the proprietors to ferry emigrantsand others i a the most expedi tious manner. IPor OxxtilttiaxG: We undertake to say that the busmen men of Brownvilie areas well prepared to serve those wish ing supplies, withasupariorquilityand on as fav orable tcrmsas can be found elsewhere. Everything desirable can be purchased in Rrownville, such as Provisions, Clothing, Mining Imple ments, &c, &c. The Route from Rrownville to the Mines is nni rersally admitted by those who have traveled it and others, to be superior in every respect. Rrownville is about midway between St. Jo. and Omaha. As to distance, an examination of the map is all that is necessary to prove to a ny one that it is nearer from here to the mines than from any other point on the Missouri. On this route wood and water abound thecntire disttnce.whi'.o on many others, wood has to bo hauled for many days. The foregoing facts are fully indsatisfactorilycs tablished by the immense travel of last year, and thoso who adopt it the present, season will have no cause toregret having done so. Therefoie Cross the Missouri Rirerat and start from Brownvilie. J0HNT CODDINGTON & CO., Proprietors Steam Ferry Boat. SUGAR CHS HIILS AXD EVAPORATORS I HAVE made arrancements with DOUGLAS BROTHERS, Zanesville, Ohio, the only establihment in the United States, enpa? ed exclusively in themanu factnre of Srgho Supar Mills, Evaiorators, &.c.,by which I can furnish the.'armersin this region with those much needed articles. Ulie Douglas Suear Mill and Ap paratus were awarded the First Premium at the Ohio State Fair; and the highest boner at the United States Agricultural Society, a silver riedal. I am confident Farmers of Nebraska. Kansas, Northern .Missouri and Southern Iowa can find no other to suit them better either in price or otherwir-e. Capacity and Price of Mills. fmee Iron Rollers in Strong Iron Frame. y0 0 One Dorse Vertical Mill presses from25 to 30 gallons of juice per hour ; price $5( d0 1 One horse Vertical presses from 25 to 40 pallons of juce per hour ; price 6C Same as No 1 ; extra heavy, 65 do C Two horse Vertical prees from 35 to 60 rallons of juica per hour: light drift 80 do 3 Two horse Vertical (double geared) press es from 35 to 50 gal Ions juice per hour, heavy draft 80 do 4 Two horse Vertical (single?cared)press es from 60 to 75 gallons of juice per hour ; heavy draft 100 do 5 Four horse Vertical (sing'.e searedjeapa- citv from 100 to 125 gallons per hour 140 do 6 To horbe Horizontal (b:i-k eeared) suita ble to attach to Threshing Machine orother power, presses from 40 to 60 gallons of juice per honr 100 do 7 Two borse Horizontal Tith vertical shaft to apply lever to. worked by horses same as Vertical. presses 40 to 60 gallons per hour 100 to lit do 8 Four horse Horizontal (hack geared) suit able to attach toThreshu.g Machine or other power, presses 73 to 100 tallons per hours I5f do 9 Six horse Horizontal (back geared) calcu lated for water or steam power, ready for the belt, and with capacity to workToff a crop of from 15 20 aces of Cane, I5C It. IV. FURXAS, As't. oiuavi SVesocitttion A Benevolent Inst itvtion estcblithed ly tpecial En dowment, for the Relief of the i:c and vmrestea, afflicted vith Virulent and Epidemic Diteatef, and especially for the Cure of DUeaset of the Sexual Organ. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (;ige, occupa'ion, habits of life, &.c.,) and In cases of extreme poverty, Aieaicmes xurnisnea free of charge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other dis ease of the Sexual Organs, and on theXEw REME DIES employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Twoor three Stamps for postage will bo acceptable Address DR. J. SKILLIN II JKi HTON, Acting sur geon, Iiowara Association, z, somn . mm aireei, Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Directors. EZRA D. HEAUTWJSLL.,i'reS. Geo. Fairchild, Sec'y. October IS, 1660. nl5-yly L0THE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CLOTHING Ever offered in this Market. XO DOURT ABOUT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THE Batimore Cotliing Store, BROWNVILLE, IT. T. DAVID SMGEL Announce to the pcblic that he has opened cut a stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GEjNTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR, &.C., &C, &.C. Unprecedented in qninTitr, rnality and prices, ne lsdetermined his prices sna:l correp.ind with the times, and therefore offer here in the Wct-t, at just as low rates as such goods can be purchased anywhere in the United States. As a sample of his prices he will niention that he .e'.is Coats from $1,25 up to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, Vests from $1 to $5. Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Fancy and White Shirts, Sns ders, Neckties, Socks, Handkerchiefs, fcc., In the same proportion. The proprietor embrace this opportunity of returning thanks for past patronage, and promise to spare no ef fort in the future to give entire satisfaction. OfvXl ctxxc3L ie liim. r DAVID SEiUEL. Brownvilie, June IS, lS61.-ly Dissolution. The partnership heretofore existing under the name and style of Lusbbausa ts. Carson at Brownvilie, Xe bratkt, was, on the first ua? of November, dissolved by mutual consent, by the wittdrawal of B. F. Lusbbaugh. John L. Carson wil! settle the unfinished business of the old Arm and contine tl:e Banking and Real Estate Agency business as heretofore at the old stand. B. F. IXSHBAflH Nov. 1st, 1SC0. JOHN. L. CARSON. Tn severing my business connexion with my late part ner, I deem this a proper opportunity of expressing my tbanks for the patronage bestowed spon our firm, during the period in which we were engaged in businss. It affords me much pleasure ali-o to commend to the favorable consideration of the friends of the old firm my ucce.sor in buiness, Mr. Carson, a gent'eman in every way worthy of the and support of a discrim inating public. B. F. LCSHBAVGn. J M y lu lii 9 MAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE, N. T. Takes pleasure in announcing that he has now on hand, a large nnd select ti-k of every art cle in his line, COOK SBQIES n t Of all the Improved pat'ers : viz: Plymouth Rock, Charter Oak. Valley Forge. Klevated Oven, &c, Box and Parlor Stoves of an endless variety, some of which are entirely new desiens, viz : A combined Cook and Parlor stoves, something very nice indeed for small families Iiscllsji32 eon HEAVY SHEET IKON EOli SUGAR BOILERS And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal and Lard Oil Lamps Brass Copper, and sheet Iron Ware; Lanterns, Shovels, &c JAPANNED WARE, I have procured the right to manufacture a late simple and" improved self-sealing Fruit Can to which I call the attention of the public. All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates and on as accomodating terms as any other establishment in this region of the cduntry I am prepared to put up guttering and spoutiu? and all other work of my line at the shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which 1 warrant io &;ive satisfaction. I pledge myself not to be undorsold in the upper country J C. DEUSER. Brownvilie, August. 30 1SG0. EjATB3! IT K Y i r . n Tat Aug hmm ''-VsC tE.M q t'-r if t, : . . 4 iM II 1 CMOICIS BOTTLEI5 I, ASS W ABM, OH GOODS, t-3 Y . J E Ear Rings, Shirt Buttons, WELE Finger Rings, Bracelets, Breast Pins, &.C., &c. Come and see and Secure Bargains. THE FULL. Brownvilie. August. 30. 1SG0. BRO W N V T L L E Of la I kinds, for sale at tnis olnce. L 1 S t JOHN A. PONN, lias Removed From his Old Stand on the Levee to WHITNEY'S NEW ELOCK. MAIN STREET, BROWXVILE X. T. Where he has opened up a Consistlns of STAPLE AXD FA?; CY DRY GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family G- roc osrl s Fldur, coxsisTixa op Ham, Bacon Su-ar, CoOce, Tea, Salt, W W Candles, ctc.etc, And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc ALSO, A well selected Stock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. (JUEEXSWARE, Boots aud Shoes. 1861 McCOltiUlCK'S Eeape r C. & mover. 3VIo.xJLXxrctxix-ccl toy II. 3IcCOR3HfI. &UIMiS.,. CHICAGO, ILLS. Sold Duriug tie Twenty-five Tiiou.smd lzvet sis. yorvx-s. An Average, of over 4,000 each Year. Sde Anv increased from 1CC0 in 5 1 1 o 5,C0O . '60. ITlS knowledge of the trade and wants of the people of Boownville and vicinity enables him to make judici ous purchases expressly for this market. He asks an examination of his Stock, feclinfj assure1 he will be able to satisfy in quality, style and prices. iiras tie m WHITNEY'S BLOCK ll It Pnre Bred Fancy Poultry. For sale Iilack Spanish, White Dorkings, Golden and Spangled Polands, Sebright, 15!ack African, red and white Bantams, white and wild Turkeys, 'ea- Fowls, white and brown Hong Kong, llremen and wild Geese, White "Crei'ted" Aylesburgh and Mus covy Ducks. Common and Madagascar Knbbits. All animal's S' Id will be can-fully boxed with the necessnry feed, and delivered at the Express officei Address W. A. liUUDIMi, Oak Lawn n37v5 ' Lockport. Will Co. AND 9 Takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of Brownvilie and vicinity, that he has jusi opened a new LIVERY STABLE, uhere he will always be ready to furnish gentlemen with CHARGES REASONABLE JOHN: A. SMALL. Brownvilie, June 19th, ISol. (noO-ly) AJC aspcrient and Stomachic preparation of IRON' Purified of Oxygen and Carbon by combustion in Hydro Pen. Sanctioned by the highest Medical Authorities, both in Europe and the United States, and prescribed In their practice. The experience of thousands daily proves that no preparation of Iron can be compared with it. Impuri ties of the blood, depression or vital energy, pale and otherwise sickly complexion indicate its uecesty in almost every conceivable case. Innoxious in all maladies in which it has been tried, has proved absolutely curative in each oi the following complaints, viz: In Debility, Acrrous AITeciIons, Emaciation, Dyspepsia, Consti pation, Scroinliis Tuberculosis, Malt Ilheuni, illismenstruation, lVIiites, Chlorosis, Liver Com plaints, Ilheumatisni, Chronic IIea!aclies, Intermittent Fevers, Pimples on the rate, &c. lncasesof GENERAL DEBlLITr whether the result of acute disease, or of C"!ii:nueLdimin'i:ioii ( n.' vi.u- and muscular enertry f r un o i :c . 'oil" a i i.h i.. of thjs restorative pr .tc i -ri'j. t.. .u . x : whtch no de cripfii pi no n:i f. .itit;iti..!. w-i;ij render credible. Invalid-ko .. u. iitd-i iuden a- i. tiive ' become forgotten in tlieiroivn neiljO i; u-hkIk baveud denly re-appeatied in the b'l.y w..i ! ir j it rei'ii ned from protracted travel in Ui.-i nt iand. Some very sipnal instances t this kind ate attested of female sufferers, emaciated victici of npyatent m-iraiitiu". sanguineous exhaustion critical haijses and ttjt ct m- : clication of nervous and dyspeptic aver. Mon to air and ! exercise for which (he physician tiasiin name. I NERVOUS AFFECTIONS ..f all kinds and tor reasons familiar tonndical men the oppi -arton i f this j preparation of iron must neiessariiy b- sailarj. fr- ; unlike the oid oxides, it i-t vmoroiisiy ti.nir, wniiottt i being exciting and overheating; and gently, regularly aperient, even in the most obstinate cases of cvstivenes without ever being a gastric purgative, or inflicting a disagreeable sensation. It is this latter property, amon? othet'-i. which makes it so remarkably effectual and perwanent a remciy for Piles, upon which it alsoappears to exert aoisiinct and specific action, by dispersiLg the Icca: tendency forms them In DVSPEPSIA innumerable as are itsca't-es, a sinicle box of these Chalybeate Pills hasof.en ."iiftlced f. r the most habitual cas inclnding tre atte'idant Costrvenvs: In unchecked Dl AltRlIf'EA. eveu wbeu adv.uued ts DYSEXTART. co'itlrmed. rmaci ititig. an l Hp;.arently 'naiit;nant. the effects have been equally decisive ann astonishing. In the local pains. loss of Beh anil stren'.th. debilli atiegcough. and remittent hectic, which generally in dicate INCIPIENT CONSUMPTION, tbis remedy has allayed the alarm of friends and physicians, in several very gratifving and interesting instances. In SCROFULOCS TUBERCULOSIS, tbis medicated iron has had far m re than the goods effects of the mcst cautiously balanced preparations of iodine, without any or their well known liabilities. The attention of females cannot be too confidently in vited to this remedy and restorative, in the cases pecu liarly affecting them. In RHEUMATISM, both chronic and inflammatory in the latter, however, more decidedly it has been invari bly well reported, both as alleviating pain and reducing the swellings and stiffness of the joints and muscles. In INTERMITTENT FEVERS it ninst necessarily be a great remedy and energetic restorative, and its pro gress in the new settlements of the West, will probably be one of hish renown and usefulness. No remedy has ever been discovered in the whole his tory of medirin, which exerts such prompt, happy, avA fully restorative effects Go-! appetite complete tion, rapid acquisition of stTencth, with an unusual dis position for active and cheerful exercise. Put up in fiat metal boxes containiu; 60 pills, price 50 cants per box; for sale by dru?jists and dealer-. Wiil be sent free to anv address oa receipt of the price. All letters, orders, etc., should be addressed to II. B. LOCKE & CO., GEN'. AGENTS. 20 Cedar st., N. T. August 2. '60 ly. As a Reaper, th "McCormick" bad been berore the .American public for the last twentj years. and daring that time has gained a reputation which ia u World-Wide." Notwithstanding the yearly in creasing "competition, and the host of inventors en gaged in the development of Reaping Machines, the "McOormick" leads the van the acknowledged su perior of all iu the march fur practical improve ment. The rejresentation3 made by other minufaotur that the McCormk-k was "once" a noted Reaper, but is now antiquated. is simply ridiculous, as the in creasing demand will prove. No single establish ment in the WORLl), m-innfactures so largely of these implements, and nono expends equal money time or talent in rdiahle improvement. Many changes have been effected during thepsst season, and tor ISol, the ".UeUormick n presentnl greater attraction than ever belore. A a Reaper SIMPLICITY, STRENGTH AND DU RABILITY command it to tbsfarmrr, while its capacity fo work, with economy of poicer, give it the prefcren' over all others. 1 he compacting the trnmo, tliu scaring a more perfect balance to the machine: the position of the raker, in the rear the driver, thus niacin' the weight where it should b" and relieving the we-ik erpaitsof the machine: the decreased weight and slight indentation of the and other improvements add. sencd the direct draught, aud so .bvi.urd tsa id arangnt tuat many :inre ns that it does not now Tho draught of the Reaper is so liht h:t in numerous instances the large four-hi,rs.e machine ia worked with but to horses. SEEDS AUD HAChST; No. 14, Kona M;a SJ. I ST. 10115,310. rv m . .sign oj tat (Jill pi And Xo's. 2C3 Xorth yourth St PLAINT & icr ' OT2''3 P.; BROTE A TIT! T? T? fTTT'TT' W r . , . Plows. Harrows, Cultivators, II Shovels, Spades. Picks, Axes, Hatc! Scythes. Snaths, Cradels, f.jrti G-i-'. Cahton's Broadcast Seed Sowers' HJn''' Hay, Straw and Corn Stock Cut'er Tnrehers, Corn Shelters. PumM ' S :1:1c. tilts Castor wh- d, h-ive materially ! As A Irlovrsr, the machine of 1S:1 will be found fully eoual to itiiy test that it may be submitted to. The slight indentation of the Sickh;, its lightness and combi nation with the benrj and Pnrs, allows an increas of motion not pract-cnblo in other m.ichines, thus enablingns to o ytmd trod; withaa slow team,ox- en. even, working well. Our Improved Guard aud Patent Cleaver, etfeetuiilly prevents choking, no matter what the condition of the grass while ,ur new divider point separates badly I IgeJ and tangled clover or grais, wh-re other machines fail. Tbero is also a great advantage in our serrated .:..m. -j. -i . . i-..Mrv'igo vi toe smooia. as it does not require sharpening so often, thus saving time. Onr Sickle will frequently run through an entire harvest with out once grinding, while the smooth edgo must b-? ground oncee.ich d:iy, if not of tenor. With a smoth edge tho draught increrses as the knift? beeomo dull. Our draugot is uniform, and in repeated trials du ring the season of ISt0. proved far lighter than sin gle Mowers, cuttiug at the same time from twelve ti eighteen inches wider. Our Mower can be used with cr without the reol tnis is important, and without the reel, weighs but about biO pounds. In addition to the very liberal warrantee given to all pcrehasers, we would s:vy' as heretofore, thai far- iuo! nuu mn uwire u.areai tioeriy to work our machine through the harvest, with any other, and keep, and pay for. the one preferred. F'smphlcts with full description of improvements testimonials, tc. can be had by application to THEODORE KILL, A Brownvilie, Iebra,ka, April 18. IsM. cut. McCat's Life Pills AND PIKE XIX BITTERS, These medicines have now been before the public for a period of thirty years, and during that time have maintained a hi'h character in almost everv nart nf tha Globe, f'-r their extraordinary and inimediat. newer o restoring perfect health to personssoC'eriiig under near ly every mud of disease to which the hum. in rraion i ilable. The following are some of the distrnssinz variPtf human diseases in which the VEGETABLE LIFE MEDICINES Are well known to be infallible. Dyspepsia, by thoroughly cleansing the first and spc- ond st.miaehs, and creating a fl.w of pure healthy bile, instead of thestale acrid kind, Flatulency. Loss of Ap peeite. Ileanburn. Headache, Restlessness IU-temner. Anxiety, Languor, and Melancholy, which are lhe cen tral symptoms or uyspeps'a, will vanish, as a nitual coiiseauence of its cure. Coativnes, by cleansing the whole length of thein tesiiues wnn a solvent process, ami an violent purges leave the bowels ""s;ive within two days. rM-M . I -111:, i i . . . . . x tio j, oi an moos, uy resioring tne Dlool to a regu lar circu laaon, ttiro'ii;h the process of nprnirarion in such cases, ami the thorough solution of ail intestinal oustructii'n m others. The Life Medicines have been known to cure Rheum 'ism permanently, in .nree weeks and Oout in half mat time by removing locai nirl unmation from the mns cles and ligaments from the joints Dropsies jfall kinds, by freeiiiu and strencthenincr in kiuiipj s ami nta ider : ti;ey operate ni..t de.i 'htful ly on tupse important organs, and hence have evpr hmrn roiiiuia cert mi remedy fo;. the worst n.xo.i ;r-.i ii T r ' , , . a'.so irurmj, y ns longing the turn inn of th howeis the slimy nutter to which these creatures ad- bere. Scurvy. "Vrr?T;d Inveterate Sores bv thrrrfnoi pun. ".i" uiese i.ue jiPdiMnesgive to tho blood ahd arnl an trie numors. See; hn'ic Eruption anI b-,d 'i.m'exi .s hv their al ternative effects t-j. ;i the fluids that teed the kin, and iur m o w.., i-. jic n m an ii oc.-.i-i .ns a 1 1 ernt'tive com plaints.. sallow,c;ou !y, aiidother disa.reeab ecomples- 10 IIS, Thenseof these pilN for a very short time, will effprt an entire cure of Salt Rheuni and a striking mprove ment in the clearness of the skin. Common Colds and Influenza will always be cured by one dose, or by two id the worsj cases. PILES TheoriTiml pr. irietor of these medirinpq wascuredof piles ot thii ty-ilve years standing, by the use of the Life Medicines al mp. Fever and Anue yr this stource of tv frtm Country, these Medicines will be fvwi a safe, speedy md certain remedy. Other me-iu mes !eve the system subject to a return of the ilisease a cure by these medi cines is permanert try them, be s-Hi-fied and be etirpd i Liver Complaint. General De. bility. loss of appetitt. and Diseases f Female the Medicines have been n-ed with the most beneficial re sults iu c,,es of thi-des-.-riptlon: Kings Kvil. and Scrof. ula in its worst forms, yieldi to the tuild, yet piwer fulactionof the-e rematk.iMe Medicines. NizhtSwets Xervous debility Nervous Complaints of all kind. Pal pitation of the heart. Painter's Colic, are speedily cur ed y'errvritil Disemrs pr,,ns woe constitution have become imiM-el by he i; iu.iici .iis u-e ..f Mercury will Cm! ft c e MiHi 'i'ic. a l ei.'ect cue is they never i.iii :o f raoe. ire r-c in in -y-teni aii ilie eiyincts of the Me-cuvy infinitely ':ier lu in the most n erftil prep- uraiionsoi oarsapa 1 1 1 ia . w. K .ll)KF.T. 335 Broadway. New Toi k. Jnly6 I860 ly OHIO NURSERIES, toijEuo, omo. AS the season is now approaching t a isplanting tree tic. we call attention of TVee ! 1 Kriut Gr. wers. and others wishing to benfity riieir s. iitiN tt our sto-k of Fmitand Ornamental Tries. Grape. Vines. Shrubbery, Roses, &r. Also: all the leading varieties of Currants, GoorjHrrip. Il.jrUHrrj. . Rasil'rris. Si raw r -rno. &c. . &i-.. . Of wliich we have a I cp stock a id we .flri r t'w m vp v ..w f r t!ieF! T' ad istjl .uid w- t ,t . ,,j ;;(. ,r;(-" ; of lhoe wihiiivJ io i;ri b i -. j Knciose staiu;i ;;i I -cm I i cf r! -'f 'n I P ice Li -t KMM.iN 5 I (iRD Av5:i33-Fv2ii3 - Ohio .Vur.-triM. Toledo, O. Klrbj's American Iron Carrel ! Revolving and Spring tooth Horse Hv a., K" ! Kranser's Cider and Wine Mill wi;ap-J, ' , Soiar Cane Crushers ana Evar.rator3 ! Mott's Potrable Fi.rr.ce and Caldrms' - Portable Engines and Horse Powers.. ' 1 Portable Floiirand Corn Meal Mills 1 "'! mm iron o King naiTii:.ery Mortising and Tenoning Machines ' j.iincis. ooii tuners oacn bcrow, ? n,.aa,.. D.i...i. r ... . .. ..' "Oj t O o r. i ir ,aLor- f'SC flll'I UetlOW limiuci iiu ivnui'trr ufriun Lace Leather and Steam Packing, Frenrhe's Wishins M ichitie S p'eV1Vi CARDEX. GRASS AXD OTHER iri 53-Send lor f!ircn-a A Orders solicited and prompt !v ericovy March 1?61. (Fiil-4:n-Ai?S-4:r,) CITY DRUG STCPi i SIGX OF THE 3IOI1 1 AIL . lorncr of 'Main iml Second BROWNVILLE, N. T. . DR. JOHN CRIM I AXX0UXCE3 to the pr.blic that he , 3-.rV, R. Bro vn, the City rrg Store, in BrowLr v7 I i i THE BEST SELECTED And, perhaps, the LARGEST STOCIC OF LRl'GX Ever brought above St. Joscrll His stock consists of the following a-ticlei, i. t a will sell cheap forca.-fc: Pure White Lead, French Zinck, China Zinck, Red Lead, Castor Oil Cod Liver 0:i. Sivoct O.i. Venitian Red, fji . Raw and b't iimlr r, F;; Spanish whitirc;, Turpentine, Chalk. Linseed 0.1, Couh Candy, Tanner's Oil, Copal Varnish CAStile Soap, Fancy Soap, Toilet Soap. Tooth brushes, Liiherae, Patent medicines, Let.pnr.-r H'hite Varnisi'i. 'Ink, Hair brushes. Tooth brushes. Paint brush? Stationery. Candies. .Nits Raisin? Sieel Pens, Gold Pens, Penci.s, TT xiair o i il. &.e. i' . ic. Also, a Splendid Assortment of Comprising Lyon's Katharion Co! genuine ox marrow. b-ar greee ami esceuces of all kinds, and of the nnt': 'tie, Di'i-t -' q'!a;.1y. STATIONERY. Foolscap paper, fancy letter paper, ei!t e.':t"I s and enveloiie-, plaia. fancy and emoo'-c! r'1 f ' and pen-holders, inks of all kinds, inkitar-ls, l'r' and sealing-wax. PURE LIQUORS Ilolland Oin. Tr(h VMit, tlnnrhdH Wh.-rv. I s Brandy. Cordial. Port Wine. Madeira. Wine, H'tii -' j and Malaga Wine. ! Reing a Teenlar Tadnj o,l nnrti:ng PV thepnblic may depend op-n great cai e i"1 ct'jrl';- ' mpounding prescriptions. Brownvilie. April 25. tt'.T i SABBLSEY. Saddles, Rrldlcn, Collars ThiPv Lash. Lines G.ti.hs, . Surdrr Sirmjis ami Leathers, Sua', Curb and Port Dills, Ring Pi: loops. Cuzzy Trit.imingt- Constantly, on Ilacd- FT Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. My snrply of Boots, Shoes, n.Tts anl C-ts never was s large, ncr was I ever prepared to otfer such b-rza:.ns. THEO. HILL. Brewnvi'.le. April S5th, 16I. 50,000 MIS WOO 3a WAMCD. ST. JOSEPH, JO. Two ExtenMvr Woolen Factories are in SUCCESSFUL 0PFRA1OX. ONE NEW AND FITTED UP With all the Latest Fine Improvements. We are irej.ared to manufacture to order, and hare for sale the following Goods: Satinets. Heavy and Light, JEAXS TWEEDS, FLA XX ELS WHITE, COLORED, STRIPED AND PLAIN X Insoyn, Fulled limeys, Colored TThlte and .Mixed, 11-2 Yards wide. ' FULLED CLOTH, Blankets cf a!i Kinds and a!I Qualities, YARNS OF ALL SIZES AND COLOLS, Warranted all Uoods of the best material. J3;We will exchange the above Goods for Wool or cash. Fancy Dyinjy to Order. We will pnvciih for any umouct of Wool, at Market Priee. Flour constactly on Land fcrsale. Thebestprice paid f(.r w'leat. N. DUEL i. SON. EULLL i DIXON. In oi-ir per el. lo n iii a' I make harneff trCn f AtivUst, 103. I have collar from 65 cents to $2 eac Halters from TSc. lo eacb- 9 1 wlLI. SELL AS LOT, if not lo tliiin anyone north of St. Joserh. iod ti0J wisliins any t bins in my line will find i their advantage to give raa scall bei?r9 tsT ins elsswhcre, J0ILV W. MIDDLET0X, '?iottxtii.m; a, t. Notice New Firin. The rr.-l?rsisne.l d-in- bu.-ineM in the "j? nr.)wnvil. Nebnka. urder name and Vif.VI i.l'l t V I l rt -t CO.. h: ' ". t;r . 5n.r..- It th Cli'lhiri' St..r-f . t" Pv irhn w:!I Lereafter carrv on the 1. SA VI r.L i; c of Bt:in-1 1 at t3a- r;MiACr, June ;n;h,l??l. jySEFIiSMHil..