1 rut ADVERTISER. n-;viLLK-AfG. S. 1S61. 1,0 O A L . JOY, L- - M'ii'rrin1.! MaU'rwlcf all X.r.th ..i"? ' NnwYcrk. auJ Crown's Iroi j ' . ......... n l ur.io.r ai' - . -l ,.i:s T H ELY. v., Sates "art fcrrin Newspaper Advertising Agency, i -M ADU-AY, NEW YORK. ..-'" J . . . .... V FRTt ASC A ADVKR- i -,i-m:!s lor uie -oris' in St. Lcui". Messrs, :- . o-u'tsooHii:, .ei,e:! A-ivertWriK, rs':1 .'.( ,.!:,, .,.,. Af'Tits, 45 -Olive St. I.uis, '.!' ...'iV-i-ntx in iliit city. ilieyareaa. i" - ... o v...ii..'::ii':its r.rl.-B tli-e Jiurcr- :T. ayl' collect tii! tor U.e :ai::C. Hungarian Grass We want a few loads of Hungarian Grass. Will some body bring it along soon. 41 Hole hog" is informed that the gen tleman who he attempted to dissuade from subscribing for tLe Advertiser, caine to town and ordered two copies, saying he wanted no better recommendation of a man or paper than to know of such men's opposition. " Go on with your show" old fellow. Our "Phunny Phellow" wants to know why delinquent subscribers are like the rebel commander Pillow? Because they "show no quarters I" AGIMT I'M THE'ADVEKHSrR A Ni ,. V. :J.K II An V ev K'ij. in cur i-iiu!r u- ., . ,vt-.'.;i s Afont f-ir iliC Advert ttrr ni t ar 1 j: ... rt!y vi-i't the Kdstcrn otic lor the , j, ruuiiK b'Ivpi ti.-itig patronage. He i 1 ,, ..j t,, (.ntrart .nd ni-e vnr name ia busi- ... ic !i!:(-te'l with our put'.icatiuus. &S ENVELOPES ' -r- Advertiser" O.F.ce ha? provided . 'f with Flag cuts an( a's0 lhcse for kinds of National Lnvel- r vane -, an i ii now prepared to fill order: ; j.-.-al'.' 'r rt'tail. Apply at the " Ad t -;Ut'1 crfic-s or Po4 Office. SfliOOl LXlliHion'. Oie of the I j !ra.-aijt ar.d interesting entertain 3 .;. that ever lock place in this city - - iLt- School exhibition at the Congrc t;;,:jUl Church, on 'Tuesday evening last ill. r the superintendent of Prof. O. F. V'.Kt. I' u'as gratifying to see such an ;Ju!iCe on the part of citizens; ma r were unable to get into the house. The ihl. ii consisted of declamations, corn r itiuii;, addresses and dialogues. The tJcritsfcctuiited themselves in inoct ad orable style, rtilectingmuch credit upon l-ir Tea-her, Mr. Lake. l:xli c.v!;iliiions are productive of great .oi in n.any respects', and ought by all t a:r tu le encouraged and sustain d. being the first of the kind Iht we z !; u:i.J to know it met with iniai It is hirh lime candidates for office this fall was placing their names before tbe "dear people." Owing to the hot weather, hard limes, had state of the roads, prospect of failure of corn crcp nnd other reasons "too tedious to men tion" we have concluded to reduce the price for announcing candidates from So to 82 50, payable in cash or good country produce. . The corner stones of the new Masonic and Odd Fellow's Halls in Nebraska City were laid on Saturday with appropri ate ceremonies. The building when completed will be an ornament to the city and reflect honor upon the orders and citizens of our sister city. We see that the Otoe Co Bible Society has presented each member cf the com pany from that place composing the 1st. Nebraska Regiment with a copy of the Bible New Testament and Psalms. Will the Neuaha County Bible Society follow the example, and present the brave boys from Nemaha County with like books." What say you Bro. Iloadly? r(T()'!aI --0n Tuesday evening lact, rc hud the pleasure of meeting and pass r.T an agreeable hour with the locals of X Iras!, inn and u:s, G. W. Rust, ;: J A. F. H aim.vv, Jh-o?, who have been 3.. --J;- i x:edition" with the portion of ?' ! !-av4a Ui-ginu'iH. now bei-r.v a nd i v.-..r..ii!g io their "posts." They t .re I !': ::j"go )d eotiditioiv," gave evi- h-y could "t.'ite a carts idgo;" Will the owners of Reaping Machines in Nemaha county be good enough to re port to us the number of acres wheat and other grain cut by each this season. We are proparinir a satitim! report for th Vviieuaui ;il Dcpuruiii.nl j1 Hie Patent olhce at Washington, and desire all and as accurate imforrnaticn as ws can get as to the small grain crop in this county, nn?'.:try" both I V "inclination" and r--" ;;ud 6..-' they iiad ru hesitari v. r in Julanng th -.r prefer- ! U! tr-f. k for flaming accounts of .it? f iho N( 1 raska so- MoUniflJl. Last week we announced that two of S. V. Kennedy's children wt-re poi.--;ui'd by eating the phosphorus liri.n iuatihes, and that one had died but tlie ether recovered. We were mistaken. TheV both died.- v who was on the ground La i :.e:--s. ibirviy -Left, left, hft, left, U. S. Army .ill. cf the t I (".:; . II i.li.ns, aiid Lieut Howaed 0 . N. i iv.rka Regiment Vidunteers, 1 ! ; J ov- r Lore,' on Tuesday night, on l..'-;r u-jv lo Oniaha and Council BiufT, l i;'. Mi iiiuLL goes to the BluiTs for t o p ; rose of mustering into service the 1 a UeHinent rendezvousing at that .?. hi. ;:t TJajoks of Company "C," 1st -iitr.ent Nebraska ""olunteers, we see 13 Lun :o-day. L. Suii.Lis, Lsq., of the Glcnwood hi.) Times, called on us yesterday. He tu his v.ay lo Ft. Leavenworth as a I'.rin the Iowa Regiment. He in : -rms ua that he closed up his ofiice and vith all the hands therein volunteer i far the war. Hon. II. W. Dtruv, agent for the iTnee Indians passed down on the i i-iiiiiy yesterday on his was to St. Joseph, -ie reports the Pawnees now loyal and ceubly disposed ; but that they have : : t a terribly tampered with by the rebel I Major Baker from the Indian Res- . '-"vation was in town last week on his . y to St. Joseph. He reports all quiet ; v'.'h his Indians and hones to be able '-keep tbem so. Dou't feiget that we take corn, oats, Ipsiatoes, butler, eggs, cheese, lumber all such, on subscription at this office The .UrcrtiMT and Farmer will be -nished one year for five bushels of ! !---at. COiilC Rack Hon. W. A. Finney one of the first settlers of Nemaha coun ty and who removed to California two years ago last spring, returned to this place on Friday last. We are triad to see our old friend look so well. It is sin gular that all who once reside in Nemaha comity, should they leave us to hunt new locations, are sure to return. Mr. Hatfield of this place and Mr. Beard of Mo. who went with Mr. Finney also returned with him. Administrator's Sale. PURSUANT to an or Jer of ike Probate Court of Nemaba county, Nebraska, I will oJfar for sale on tbe fid, day of Aurruit, A D IS5I. at ID o'clock P. M. on tbe promises, tho following described real prop erty to wit : tbe wet half of the north west quar ter of section No. Le,in toTrnshipNo. six, of raco No. tfteen, east, Mtuato in said court v. JOSEPH LOVGI ELLOVr, Administratorof tbe estate of Nehcmiah Sti'.cj doc. Browi.ville, July IS, 18G1, u2 iir. $25t) EDWARD W. THOMAS, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND Solicitor in Chancery. Onjce corner or Main and First Streets. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. EX 11 1 5 IT Of t!:cnecof tsairdIxpcRditircs oi" A'cmaliii County, Acbraslia Territory, Tor the Fiscal Year ending July 1st, ISGf. Ksr-P!"itun9 and appropriations' for ItoaJi ami b: i.!?oii ... S12 OS xponunuies mr scuoois lnaepcnjt nt or tax l;i irtiunaieuts,) - For Printing Couiuy r.erords, and OiSce Sta tionery Elections ..... DiNtritt Cocrt - ... - . County CoininisMoners' Court Fees anJ CutU ia taes where County was i:iade liaUlc .... County Clc-ks - Sbentr - - " - I'rubatc Jui'ge - -ltesis(er - Treasu-er, (independent of per conta:je) 1'anpers ..... Constaliles' Fees - - - -InciJei-tal - S3 OC E5C 27 612 77 1U3 OC 113 CO '.4j a 2 IS 7!) eo oi) 47 6c 100 30 JG 70 400 87 Total expenditures dimi)!? tLe current ye.ir To!a! amount of Coun'y-Warrants isueil from July 1st, liiuo to July 1st, 1661, anil remaining un paid .... $1015 13 County Warrants i--i,cd previous to July 1st 1SC0, anJ .remaining unpaid - - 1013 C6 Indebtedness of Xcmalii Connty :iy 1st 13S1 $:CC3 25 Amount of revenue to be derived fr,m Coun ty tax (exclusively; levied f-r 1301 $3277 07 Auiount-of delinquent Coun'y uix, non-resident and inVreit on same. - S"iA CO Poll Tax fjr IsjI - - -715 CO Total -Totnl expenditure fr tbo yo;ir 13,'iO S 13 12 67 51-535 74 SHERIFFS SALE. JJan A. Ponn, Pljintiff, vs J. V. Edwards. Defendant ji ico 1? litre by given t'.at in Hrr-tvncc '! t.n execution issued ly tli clerk of t'te District; Court of Nemaha County. Nebraska Territory, air i'inM the defendant J. V. Edwards, in the above enittcd case, tind in favor of the lainti!f ther.n, John A. Ponn, for tbe sum of sevcnty-f'uur dollars and sixty-two rents, .$7-1,2 and tlic costs of suit, amoumincj to five dollars and eiirbt -fives cint.J. Lio.Sjt I, V. S. Horn. Coroner and cx-ofTicio sher IT of said county in Paid Territory, have levied ujhui and will oS'.r f..r sale at ublic auction, at the door of tbe lioi e in which ihe last terra of the said district court tor said county was held, on Wednesday t lie 1'ourleer . h day of A n 411st. a I 1SG1, hetwec n beliouriof 1 A. li o'clock, v. M. of said d iy. and will sell tolhahih J : 1. r f..r ca-!i in hand, 4 he f il'ow ax desc i iled j.roj vr;y, to-wit : one lot of 1-ind, bein, to-wit Ibu .-oulli ha"f of the southwest quarter of the the south we.-t ;uurter of section No thirteen 13, township five ( 5 ), range fifteen ( 15), east of the sixth irinei pnl meridian, containing twenty acres of land, more or less, taken as the j.roperty of J. V. Edwards, to satisfy nti execution against biin and in favor of John A IVnn. W. S. IiOKN, Ex-OfU'do Sheriff of Nemaha County. I?y J. W. COLEMAN, Deputy. Urownville, July ISth, 1801. n2-i.w-$9 I 0 i NEMAHA CITY, NEDKSKA. Octslx for wlieat, Tbe pniilic are liitormed tbaL at ileivm's Milts that B-itoUO cents cash is being paid for good mcrcbant.ible wheat. Alao wlieat and corn ground for toll as usual. No22 J. G. MEL YIN. Notice of Attachment. At ray instance en attachment was this d y i-snc 1 by C. NV. Yi'iiceier, ex-oflVio J u.-tiee of the Peace of Xe liuba County, asaiost tbe property and efl'ects of John U.itcUer Sen., aa ab.-conding debtor of s..:id ConOy. July l.st, ISOI. 6tv 11. O. 11 IMC C. A Ilac "GoaK." The iioh log" man gives as a reason for discontinuing his paper that he feared its " immoral influence" in his family! Oh! M-o-s-e-s! ! To those intimately acquainted with the fellow's own morals the hugeness oi the "goak" cannot fail to he "visible to the naked eye." Wonder if he ever thinks cf the morals of his little three year old, who he teaches to utter the most profane oaths; or of the hoveit impressions form ed ly allowing the boy present about the mill when he tolls his pairovs grists ? Religions. Preaching may be ex pected next Sabbath in the Presbyterian Church of this City, by Rev. H. II. Dob bins, at 19 1-2 o'clock A. M. and 3 P. M. Also, one week from next Sabbath, August IS, by the same, in Nemaha City at 10 1-2 A. M., and in Fairview (or the Kennedy School house) at 4 P. LI. Accident. A Mr. Campbell was quite seriously injured at Sprinkle's steam mill in this city yesterday, by the break ing of a lare rope with which logs wtre b ing drawn out of the rivt-r. II was standing near where the rope broke and in the recoil was struck i - j TliO DariC'C On Friiy evening for '' 1 ' in; fn t.f the JJ.md was a most mag- ; i.t t:fair say all who attended. r", prt-itier. and most handsomely at :r '1 ladn-s than were ever before congre--' d iu this city; music better; more soci 'l'ily; warmer 'weather, and more t:'"'-'y :h..!lt d out for the Band boys. "&oi ftiough.' hVary" SCSesIl, Jos. Schutz de us to say that he is now, always ai.d intends to remain a full-blooded, 'fc-breafcted Union man, reports of wl tunics to tho contrary nctwithstanJ- wy ibat the weather just now is t 'U.veys but a poor idea of the true 4 " 'f affairs. Were it not for Woiitii lf"' s.-coo ice"' anil .his various liquified -IvulifuM commonly sucked through 'a'iVN don't know what would become cf Whew! . Five companies of an Iowa Regiment passed here yesterday on the Emily. They are under orders to repair to Fort Leavenworth. They are a hardy, robust m kin:: --'".i cf nun capable cf doing rViCe. Notice to Prc-Etaptors. New An a Land Office, r.rownvillc, N.T. Juty Sth 1SG1. f To David D. St.-oek, Michael K. Quintan, Penj'n Jb.'.sion, John It. UUery. Jesse (Jrhanl, David D, Young. Mathew Dodge, William D. A. Carter, James Quintan, John Durgert, Daid Straub, John D. Corey ami Levi M. Wilsie. You are hereby notified tnnp po;ir a" the Land ofJSce at Prownville, N, T. w'.thin thirty days from tbe date of this notice and taake addtional Proof in Relation to your proof in rela tion to your Pre-Emptions cntricf in accordance with iiu-tructionj from the Commissioner of the General Lund tUhce at Washington. Notice is also piven to Joseph Kaufman. James Wright, Michael ilclliner John It Ktlly,and Isaac S. Clark. RICHARD F. EARRET, Register. C. R. SMITH, Rec iver. Douglas' Improved PnjlSL'.'.I SLG1R 3IIL.I.S. JIuskingv.m JVorhs. Zanesville, Ohio. We are now nrepared to manufacture our Premit Sunar-Cane Mills, either Vertical or Horizontal, will be able to supply the dematid, however larce. We arc also uianufactnnii)! Do'itrlas' Improved Kvap- orator. and also D mglas Steam Sucar Evaporator, and are prepared to lurmsu every article of the best rniaii ty. and at noxleiate rates, required in the munui,icijr "pniCES $50$Cl, $S0 SUM), and upwards. Prict of Furnaces and K a;oraiors. $60 to $100. Circulars and Pamphlets furnished on appl:ca!i:n All orders addiesscd to the undersigned will he prompt lv m tended to.' DOUGLAS L'KOTWFoS " . an'l-ly Zanesville, Ohio. K 3 - ; til. r- 1 T 1 - T : a - s a ei '.'.--"-:r'-o:c:5 5 " 2 ! .6-: -s a r : ; ' ? c2 & . 2 " 1. 5 " I 1 1 ?. & 5. 2 1? . rr i t - - . Xt -' . w . o " w s fe j a - r - Z " s Z O i. r 5 t f? a"" - 2 3 . - J r. -i a - - . n - !" O ' O b it tc a - : z ' - k c :a ' r . e. 5 & i 2 C2 - s o - , O 3 J C 4 - - "2 5 5 ? "5 ? ? 2 S z 2 ' 1 5 a ci ii la 11 -III 5 .. o a - t. - - - e i t u sco j-ootta tS: .- '--; i 5' i s- o 0 ;2f 2;I -i:- .-ut:8c ia h, - - - . j C -i. X. w s o CJ i - - 5 s - ' i o , s Z I " .5 Vr, ft --7-ic-S:-r?i'sl;c5: ;SDs53-??.,, -S2;:ub:Oi o Prolate Notice. Heath Nuckolls administrator- of the e.-tattj oi Charles. M (Jreever, deceased, v. j Probate Court ef.Se- Klizabeth Snodras?, John G. inaha County, Ne Simdgras.i, Peter Greever, ! bra.-ka Territory, rSnsan Greever, Lavina Gree- petition to sell ltjal ver, Sarah (Jreever, Joseph j Estate. Greever, Andrew Greever, j Wiu. Gioevorarrd Sanruel R. i'alTord. H To Eiir.abcth Suodrass, John G. Snr.dgras?, Pe ter Greever, Susan Grceycr, Lavina Giecvcr, Sarah Saran Greever, Josej.h Greever, Wi.liain Greever, Andrew Greever and Samuel R. PaCoid w'nose j.lace of resilience is unknown you are hereby notified tim Heath Nuckolls aiministratcr of tiio Estato of Cbaries M. (ireever, deceased, on the 2olh day of June A. D. 18ol; fihd his j.ctitioii in the Probate C.jurt within and for the county of Nemaha and Territory of Nebraska. allein that the personal es t.tte i f s..i.l d-'Ci-deot is insuiih-iiMit to pay his dchts and t!:c charges of adioioi-iratin his o.-tnte, t h .i be died Sci zed in It-o simi le of the iV'oiwiu d' scribed real estate iu the couutiesof Neiuaha, Uioh ardson and Otoe and Territory of Nebraska, to-wit : the undivided half of the south-west quarter of the south-wtst quarter of section twenty-five; 2") ) town ship four i -1 ) Range sixteen (16) and lot No. two (2)andlot No. three 3, section twenty-five town-.-hipfour i ranjre pixtccn 1G and the north-west quarter of the north-west quarter an I the south west quarter of the northwest qr and tbe southeast quartcrof tho north-west quarter and the north-cast quarter of the north-west quartcrof section thirty six : township four (4), Kane bixteeu 16J, less iaii ..if iu townsitjS SD-l 00 acres, whkh leaves a bfilance of 302 P(.t-100 a.:re.-s, tho undivided half in sccliun thirty-six 3fi, township four 4, Range six teen, (10), lliO 3'J-10t) acres: (also, lot four of sec tion thirty-one, township four, range seventeen, and lot No. three and lot No two and lot No 1, section thirty-one, township four, range seventeen and tho north-west quarter of the south-west quarter and the south-west quartcrof the southwest qr and the north-cart quarter of the south-west quarter.section thirty-one, township four, range seventeen oOd 20 100 acres less 8: yj-lOO acres laid oil' townsite of lot No four and the north-west quarter of the south West qr of section thirty-one, ton us nip fonr, range seventeen KJ U'J-100 acres, 222 81-ln) f-res balance,) the undivided Lalf of the south huii section one, township thiec, range sixteen, l)2'J ccras, and west half of section seven, township tliree, range seven teen, 320 acre.--, and bouse ami 12 lots in St. Dcroin, block thirty-five, and lot No. 1, block 31 and stable in St. Deroiii.and the undivided two-te iths of St. Deroin townsite, and lot No 6, block 'Jl and lot D, b'otk No 2 in Nebraska City, Otoe County, N. T. The prayer of the petition is foran orderauthorizing him as administrator of said Charles M. (Jreever deceased, to soil said premises for the r ayrneut cf the debts and charges aforesaid. Said petition will he f .r hearing on the 29 day of JulyA. D. 1 SGI at 10 o'clock forenoon or as soon thereat ter as Counsel can be heard, urderea tuat tne foregoing be published four consecutive weeks in the Nebraska "Advertiser." Given under my hand and the seal of snid court. C. W. WHEELER, July 1st, ISol. Probate Judge. . D.iring th-? thunder storm thisraorning the house of Mr. Jacob Rogers in Mid dle Brownville, was struck with lightning His mother, an elderly lady was quite seriously shocked. Caralrj Companies. We under stand the war department has called for two companies of Cavalry from Nebras ka. We are not advised as to details; will be, undoubtedly by our next issue, and if so will inform our readers. its On the first page will be found the "Confiscation Bill," and the ''Pawnee County Delinquent Tax List." County Jail. Sealed proposal will be received at the rTi"e of County CVrk in Rrownvilte, until the 5th day of August, 1 S -1 1 , f. r the erection of a County Jail. Spccifi "at 'On and terms of contract to be seea at the Clerk's 0ee. T. W. LEDEOKD. Couity Clerk. Sheriff Sale. C C Johnson, 1 vs. Nathan Harmon. NOTICE rs hereby given that I will offer fertile at publt3 auction at the door of the House in which the last term t.f the Nemaha County District C urt Nebraska Territory was held, in Brownville, in said countv of Nemaha on the twentysixth nay of Au gust, A 1) 1801, at one o'clock, P. M. of said day, the following real estate, sitnated in the said coun ty of Nemaha and Territory ef Nebraska, to-wit lots Nov nire, ten and eleven. 9, 10 & 11 of tho souih east fractional quarter of section No. thirty-one (31) in township No. sir, d.) north of range No. sixteen, 1(5,1 east of the fiih principal raridirtn, with the exception of so much thereof as biking lo Joseph Cadenbjh. described as follows, to-wit, cc mun n cing at the South-west corner of the above named lot Number nine 9 thence corth forty ',) rods thence east one hundred and sixty rods thence north forty V rods alonthu Missouri river thence east to the phu"e of begianirg, taken as the rofr ty of Nathan Harmon, on an execution in favor of C C. Johnson, issued by the said Nemaha county DLtrict Court and to me directed, asjthe ShernTof the said county of Nemaha. Witness tuy hand this the 23d clay of July. A. D I SGI. ' V. S. HORN, Ex-OHieio Shcrifi. by J. W. COLEMAN, Denary S urifT. Hrownvilie. Julv 25. LSSt). ( r.3lj;-fJ i FRUIT &, ORfJAMEfoTAL TREES, Small Fruits Cultivated and for Sale AT TEE OLIVE BRANCH NURSERY Sixteen miles, east of Cincinnati, CLERMONT COUNTY, OHIO 100.COO APPLE TEEES 5 TO 7 FEET HIGH. Leading sorts at S '.O.OO per M., regularly ussortcd to the trade : selected, il0.(!0 per huuared, retail. Peaches, S 12.00 per hundred, retail. Plums, 40 cents each, retail. Cherries, 25 cents each, retail. Quinces. 25 cents each, retail. Gooseberries, 75 cents per doz., Houghton Scedl'g rear trees, 40 cents each. Standard. Pcr.r trees, 30 cents each. Dwarf. Poac'c berries, 1.00 per doicn, Laivton. Strawberripa. 2 per M. Rhubarb, $10,00 per hundred, Linr.rcns. The above named trees are now growing upon onr own grounds, and we consider them very line. The proprietor's attention has been given for the las ii!L n years almost cntirel y to the propagation of Nurseries, the cultivating and mnrketic-g of Fruits ; an d during this time, have made it a business to collect from the most correct sources varieties cspe cialb'd adapted to this climate. All orders, accompanied by cash, attended to promptly; and, if necessary, delivered in Cin:inriati, and lorwarb.d free of eoft, except moderate chargt s when orders are boiTed or baled. Address. W. C. DOLE, , Olive Brarxh, Clermont co., O. In pursuance of a decretal order made by the Dis trict Court, held within and for Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, sitting in chancery, bearing date May lGth, iNl, in a certain case pending in said court, wherein Samuel A. Chambers, executor of the estate of Willis Dill, deceased, is complainant and Little P. Iliatt,etal, are defendants, I will, on Mon day the 5th day of August. ISS1, at 10 o'clock A. M., of said day, at the door of the building in which s:tid oourt was last held for said - uu'y, in the city of Rrownville, offer f.r s;;t3 the f-j (owing described premises, viz. Lots fve. six, se Win and eight (5,, 7 and 8, in block sixty six (.,; in Nemaha City in said County and Territory. Terms, cash in band. J. S. V.'KDFORD, n51io5 Ma-tor in Chancery. IIW I11G STORE IN EROWITVILLE, "VTLitney's Block, Main Street. LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF THE ELK II0M and MORTAR J. J. THURMAN, ANNOUNCES to the citizen? of Rrownville and vicinity that he has removed his Dnsg Store f r un Sidney, Ijwa, to the City of Drownviiie, and having added thereto an extensive stock of Fresh Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Sufis, Paints and Oils, Pure Wines and Li-.juors, For Medical Purposes, Hair and Tooth brushes, Perfumery, Fine Toilet Soap, St., U.C. Invifcs the pv.I nc patronage. !T!rrajician's Prescriptions attended to at all hours Loth by day and uijrht. Rrownville, Aprii IIwh.ISGI. n lO-yly MASTER'S SALE. In pursuance of a deoretsl cr ier made by the District Court, in and for Nem iha County, Nebras ka T ;rritory, bearnig date May 15, ISdl, sitting in Chancery in a certain ease ending in said Court, whfrein Tio.mas Ilea.ty is o..mt? .inant and Henry Ncimicrai.d Cathiiii.io NciiaieV, are respondents. I "Saturday the.2Uh dny of August, 1S61, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day in front of the room where the District C-jnrf of Xtniaha County held its la t term, in the town of U ruTCnville, Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, offer tor sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described re al estate to-wit: the -north weft quarter of section sixteen, towns-hip six north of range Ct'tceti. ea.-t of the sixth principal merid.ar.. Nemaha enmity, Nebraska Tcrrkorv, l;.-:s the f.rtvse en acres sold R. W. Frame. " J . S. LEDFOuD. Mi.s.er in Chancery. Rrownville, Judy 13, 1&38. Meter's Sale. Ia pursuance of a d t-taloider u.ideby the Dis-triL-t Cocrt, held :.' et.i ; r Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, si;';.iginch;'- lery, bearing date May 13th. ISdl, in a ctai:j eae pending in said court, wherein D.J. Jtiu & Co., are complainant? nnd Samnel Calhm, Claries Lr s and Mnrgart J. Hess are defendants, I will, c.i IV'-. ay the 2d day of July, at 10 o'clock A. M. of s.iii day, at. the door of thc'buii-ling ia which said co':ri, was last Lebl f-.r said c- t::;ty', in tbe i ' f IJ'T.wavi'.Ie, offer for sate at j.ub'.ii auction the i .-vicg described premises, to-'ut: The north-wcit quart?r of the south-west quarter of section N-. twery-two (22,) Township No. six (6), north of L-hge Jv. fifteen (15) east of the 6th principal merdn, sr.n.ited in Nemaha Co. Nebraska Territory. Tcrtn-- ca-h ia hand. J. S.LEDFJUP, Mter in Chancery. June 20th, 1SC1. n50?ow5j 1SG0. "TAXI'S. iSGO. NOTICE. DellnT.ient Tax Payers f. r the j'car ISGO are here by notified that such d-Y.L--irr.rj niust. be paid by tho lath inst., this i; t.3 u.lysrd last notice, and if not heeded, the prx'ci f-d by Law for the collection of delinquent ta.i-M Ti!l be enforced. Attention is also ca'.b'd t . the pccial Schorl Tax levied in school District X. I, Township 5, Ran re 15. Nemaha City S,-ho -l DiS'riet and in Sch'Mil Districts 1, 2. 3 and 4, Tnnskip 6, Range 14, as said special iaxis uiast oe ;yu i. Furniture ! Furniture ! ! Ttie most complete stock of Fnrnitare ever t.Tcred in this upper country ja..t received Ly lilLL. Brownville, April Coth, IS6I. Tlie Union Mus shall be Preserved!" AND DEN WILL SELL GOODS ON SUCH TERMS AS WILL SURE LY BRING ABOUT THIS RESULT. EBESH AQBIVAL 03? Boots and shoss, IBlZhtZS ZZpil plpO JJ.-Hiiets Misses Hats, EJry Croods and -m m -i -v -mft-! 4 HARDWARE, QUEENS WARE, CUTLERY, NAILS, IRON, fie, A Gt'nral Assortment of all the above. II ivi:i ilete- iiiineil to ensaae in peneral mercrian tile buine-s. 1 have this Spring brought on, aniltpcn e l out an extensive and varied assortment of every thing nec !e l.y pureli isers in this or any other country ; con sisting of Boots, Sliues, Hats, Caps, Bonnets of every grille and stle ; Lry Goods in endless variety, cassi niei s. Cloths. Jeans, Saltinets, Tweets, Vestiucs, Cali cos, Lawns, Merinos, Cambrics, brown ami bluish mus lins ; Groceries, fancy and staple; Iron, Nails, Hard ware, Quoensware, 6c. 1 am determined to open np a "new era" in 3fcrclijm tile lu-ine-s. and will, therefore sell at figures nnpre ceoentivllv low. for csh or count rv produce. CUSTOM WORK. 1 h:ve on hand a splendid assortnieuk of French Kip atidc' ilf Skins Jor home manutact are, to order, on the m ost rcsoua' le terms. All work warranted or no piy WANTED: Tlides, Pelts and Turs, for which the highest prices at all times will le paid. To Le Brief, If you wish to purchase Roods on ttc most favorable terms, or dispose of your produce to the best possible advantage. Be sure and call at DEN.S .CHEAP ST0SE. Brownville, April, 4, 1SC1. PARTICULARLY TO KAXC1DIEX. 1 desire to s iy to Koichmen anywhere between ti e Missouri rier ainl Mountains, 1h.it my stock for whote s.ilin!; to them is n..w complete "intiracini everythio' C?esiribie or protitable to trade in, arid at pi ices unheard of cheap. Call or seud your orders, which wi'. I meet wittr ?ronvrt attention. TUEO. U1LL. Erownville, Ap.il io'h, 1SC1. To All THiom it May Cozsccrn. All persons indebted to Wm. T. DEN, either on book account, or cyr.ote, nro hereby notified to call aud pay upon or before the 10th day of .March 1SG1, and thereby save themselves trouble and cost. P.rownviiie, Feb. 21 WM. T.DEN. LhneL Lime!! Lime!!! The un lersicned whose kilns are situated nine miles west of Brownville, on the road leadinu to Ft. Keimey, keeps constantly on hand a very superior article of lime, to which he invites the attention of those wish ir.s The Lime will be delivered at thekilu or at auy other point in ihecounty, asdesired. Feb. 9. IStiO 6m E. M. LONG. July, 4th, 1 SCI. JiCOD STRICKLER, n. -- bounty lreasurer. t LEVIS WALDTSR, HOUSE. SIG AN- OIIXAMENTAL GLAIZERT:it) PIPJ: HANGER. DROW-WiaL', N. T. The Newest r.ivi Ilest Music Roth Vocal nnd intrant - and Europenn corp-v- . I by the best American Mr-rs regular! v every LEGAL NOTICE. TTcatri Xul.kolis as Administrator of t estate of Josfeph Beruiu de- ceased J Fetition to Sell vs Cathinno. William Margarctt, 1 Amop 6;. B oon Ieroin. J To Catharine, A illiam, MarRaret't, Amop, and Earon Be K in. who are heirs and legal representatives of Jo seph Beroin. decei-ed. you are hereby informed that on the J.li day of June A. D. ISO! said adniinistrimr 11 led his petition iu the Probate Court if Xeraalii Coun ty N'ebra.-U.i Territory. Tho object anil pi aver of which retrb.n is to obtain an order on the 29:'a fay of June, A'- B. 1961 at 1') o'clock, A.M., at ray ( if.ee in Brown ville in said cunty, ur the sale of the foth.wiiis real c.-tate. of which the said Joseph Beroin died st ized, to- wit: The nri'h vi ird one-tenth of the Townsite of St. Deroin. ia Nemaha County, X. T., at which time all persons interested may attend and show cause why the pi aver of said petition should not be cranted. Witness roy han i and ihe seal cf the Probaie Court of Nemaha county, Nebraska. Territory. iii-ir C. W. WHEELtlt, probate Judge. June 4. 1361. Probate Notice. wriETlE AS, n. M. Iteynolds, has been appointed General Administrator of the estate of Jnsep'a Proud, deceased, late of Gat'e County; notice is hereby civer that I have appoint! Tuesday the thirteenth (13) day of Att?ust A, i). 1331. as the day for bearing claims against said estate. All persons having claims atiiiiist siid estate are hsrehy notitied to have them on tilt on of before that .'.ay or they may forever be detuned from recvering s'.!?it i laiais Given uri'ier uiv huiid aud offici il sp.il. this 10th day or Al i.e. A. D. WM. BLAKEl.Vr lf.-l-j:;.i Probate Ju.V.'e. Master's Sale In pursuance of a decretal order made by the Dis trict Court held within and lot Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, sitting in Chancery, bearing date 'lay 10th, Istil, in a certain case pei.di-s la said court wherein Jackson Lynes iscoiuplainant and l.T Whjte, Sarah irhyte,"inHiam Hoblitzell and Martha Hoblitzell re defendants, I will, on Friday the ?:'th Ji ly. ISH.at 10 o'clock A.M. of said diy, ; toe d.KT of the building in which the last term f said District d m was held for said Couuty, in the ci'y of lirownvide, oS'cr for sale at- public auc tion the following described jremises, to-wit: The Sonth-ei.st quarter of section No. fen (10), Town ship No. live (5) North of ltango No. tfteen (15) east of the (i:h principal meridian situate in Nema ha count 7, Nebraska Territory. Terrc. crsh ia hand. J. S. BEDFORD. !Ij;tcr in Chancery. June 20, 1301. ' n50.;o5 TTJT77 STOCK GENTLEMEN'S WEAK. JACOB MAROHN, fvlEHOHANT TAILOR. BP.O VI'X VI L LK, X E Ei U .4 SILA , lias just returned from St. Louis with an cnlira new stock of LATEST STYLES Of Good' for Gentlemen's wear, which he will make to order at short notice, and ia a iaan-ior La warrants to be satisfactory. Ilis sto.k consists ia part of biiek, colored ani mixed cloths ; black, colored and mixd dc.-'kinJ ; black, colored, taicy and mixed Cuss-liners; fine Kentucky Jeans, Checks, Cofr;.n.iics. Li. ens, drii ics. duck, Satins Vesting. Braids, I tt tons cord ic. lie returns his thank .u the l Ufiwn of this place and vicinity f..r their p:st I.-Trd r-itr'-nrr.?, and respect fully invites them to call an t ex unnc his new stock. He feels con3d-n that in t1 e fij.- ttire as itetaa past, he wia boa.deto'.ve . t . V. m m w-v X ,c. fcvCrVUMwlECUUUWlv By the n-e of tliose Pills the periodic attacks of An p Odi or SUk llradecke may be prevented ; and if t.ken t the commeiiceuient or an attar's immediate relief from pain an 1 idcknes j will be obtained. They seld "ii rail in removing the Xaxict and Head acl.e to which female are so subject. They act gcutly upjn tliC bywels removing Cosite- For Lilerarj Men. Slu fcn.'s, Bclieate Females, and al persons of tedfntar-i hallts. they are valaabie as a Lnxalive. improving the appetite, pivini tone and ci t tir t tbe digestive orif.ms. and reU.rin the natural elasticity and streir-'tli of trie wh le system. TheCEPIIAMi: PILLS are the result of Ions investi-r-tioii and carefully conducted experiments; having been in r.se nian.v years, during -which time they hare prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and ut tering from Headache, whether oi i-tinatinc in thencr vous system er ft m a deran.'ed state of the stomach They are entirety vegetable in their composition. ancT may b taken at all times with perrect safety, without makimr auv change of diet, an d the ahaenre of a- y dis 0'ireablc taste renders it eaij to administer lUeni tt children. Eeware cf counterfeits! Tlie 7encine lave Ave signatures of Henry C. SpaMin-3 on each hot. S.i;d by Brnc-ists and all other Deale'sin Medicines. A box will be s?at by mail prepaid on receiptor lue Price 23 cents. Ail orilersshonl l be addressed to HENRY C. SPALDING, 43, Cedar Street, New York. Pee. fi. 1 ?.(). n221v THE FOLLOWING EA'DOR.'E.VE.VTS OF SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS, Will convince ail who sutler from HEADACHE, THAT A Speedy ciiid Sure Cure IS WITHIN THEIR REACH Ah the T-jxtirn'Miial were n o,'c ,Vf ly Mr. SPAL LIS(7,thcij tjTrl uuquei-tionahfe prvf of the ijjlcui-i of Lulu truly Hctentific disco'cery. B.ccrlj, Hat., Dec. 11, 1S60 II C Spaltmxo, Esq. I wish lbr some circulars or larc show bills, to briii yoar Cephalic Pills more particularly before my customers. If you have unj thirr of the kind, please rend to me One of my customers, who is subject tn severe Sick Headache, (usually lasting two days,) vni currd of un attack in onthvurb't your ', which I sent her. Kespectfullv your, W IJ WILKES. ileyuoUvl'iinj, Franklin Co,, 0. January 9, 1351 f IIeniiy C Spalpino, No -13 Cedar St, N Y Dear sir: Inclosed Cnd twenty-five cents, (2j.) for which send box of 'Cephalic Pills." Send to address of Rev WmC Filler. W-vnoldsbur, Franklin Co, Ohio. Your I'iilt irork like a charm cure llmdache ul Iloaf infaitcr. Truly yours, W.l C FULLER. JJ'isoiiciU:; Conn., Feb 5,lSul. llu. SrALBiNt;. Sir: I h;ire tried your Cephalic Pills, and I He thfin go Kell that I want you to send me two dullars worth more. ' Part of these are for the neighbor?, to whom I gave a few ontof the lint box I got from you. Send tho Pills by mail, and obii;;3 Your ob't servant, JAMES KENNEDY. iTavcrford, I'a., Feb. 0, lSl'.l. Mr. SrALnix3. St: I wish you to send me one more box of your C phalic Pills have rcccictd a yrtrt deal of It nf jit from iJum. Yotrs. respectfully, MARY ANN STOlKnOUSE. Spruce Cruel; I In t tin yf on Co., Pa.,) January 13, lotil. f II. C. SrALI)I0. Sir: You will please send me two boxes of your Cephal ic Pills'. Send them immediately. Kespectfullv yours, JNO. 15. SIMONS. P S I hire vied one Vox of your 1'illi, and find them excellent. It rile rnto, Ohio, Jan. 15, 1SGI. n f.n'rv C. SPAi.rtNO, Esq. Please lied inclosed twenty-five cents, for which send me another box of your Cephalic Pills. Tkr-j are truly the Lent Villa Ihare erertri-d. Direct A. STOVER, I'M. Rele Vernon, Wyanuot Co-,0. in-'o bottle of SPALDINU ri PREPARED CLUE will save ten times its cost annually (51 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. PAVE THE PIECES! xcono:iy I dispatch! Ziy"'''A Stich in Time S'lrni Xiire I".f:Z As accidents will happen, even in well regulated families, it is very desirable to have some cheap and convenknt way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crock ery, f "! SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emcrireneie.s and co household can afford to be without it It is always ready, aud up to tne sticking point "USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." N P A Druih accompanies each bottle. Price, 2j ccnt3 Address HLXUY C SPALDING, No -16 Cedar Street, Ner Ycrk. CAUTION. As certain unprincij.lcl persons are nltenptin to palm r nr the urupee?in. mbiie. imitations of my PREPARED GLUE, I would cautiouall persons to examino before purchaoinj, and sec that the full nj':'xr SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE ? is n the outsido wrapper; ail others are swindling ounterfeita "rilic's Tcali, or Uust.'J AND DliY GOODS HOUSE. To. H, HVTfiixx street, EROWIIVILLE, IT. T. 3. MmiWS &, Co TTave Just complrtel thsir new husines house on Main Street, near the C.S Land Office, in Brov-rviile where they have opened out and areortcrin on the most fav.rabie termi, Dry Goods, Provisions, Of all Kinds, FLOUR, CONFECTIONARIES, Choice Liquors, Cigars, And a "tHousand and oce," other tilings everybody needs. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Erownviiie, Apri' 5, ly THE PEOPLE'S PATRIOTIC PICTURE GALLERY Just Plxlisiied in srixxDiD Stile. r0ST2AXT C? 2IAJ03 AN2E250N. the Hero of S ni ter, rOSISAIT 07 HAJ0S-CinT. BTJTLZ2, PC?.TRAIT Cr COL.- ULLSWOSTH, of the New York Fire Zouaves, assassinated at Al exandria, after Laulins down tha Rebel lb' 2- . THE BCHUATIDIIENT 0? fCTT ST73I TZ3, a iua,-Lifi.-:Lt,lan;e-, richly coforcd en graving. THE 1IAS3. EEGISirT fizhtin their way through tho streeis of Ralliinore. A tmt ?piriU-J picture, sivin a very corroe ide of that bloody transaction. "7TAH SPANGLED EA3TNES" C03-DE-53 OF LIBESTY. A heart-surrias do tion, estitiisitcly colored. THE TJUI0:i VOLUNTEERS. The brave soldier represented in tho act or trampMD -undcrfoot tha traito-'s banner, ind unfur ling iu its lice the glorious old stars aud sinpes" forever in triumph to -wave." 8.' THE DEFENDERS OF OUR UNION. mammoth lithogradhrc picnM, briiliautly colored, representing the rarioua crack regi ments ia the United Sutcj service, in sull dress, and eijuipped and arsicd for active service, boin one of the uroet magniaccnt pictures of that kiud ever got i3 this country. Amouj the military represented, are the New York "th, Mass. 6th, the Fire men Zouaves, C l.Duryee's Advance Guard, 1st lierman Kiiles, i rencn aruaves,- iniy Wilson's Zouaves, etc., etc. Price 23 23 n 23 59' ev Ary sirvsjle picture will be sent by mail, postpaid ery where on receipt of price. 0 "EJ S ONE DOLLAR ARRAMGEMEI3T FOR ONE DOLLxVR ! FOR ONE DOLLAR! l-OP. 0XE DOLLAR! We will send the complete set of S pictures to inf fart of the United States, postage paid. FOR ONE DOLLAR ! FOR ONE DOLLAR! FOR ONE DOLLAR.' FOR ONE DOLLAR! V.'c will send by mail, post-paid, the following sctof Union Goods : 1. One copy Hardee's Tactics, the Text Dook for the Citizen Soldier. 2. 2i splendid assorted Union Envelopes, entirety new devices. ?. 21 sheets superfine Union paper. 1. No. 4 of our picture gallery, (Tho Bombardment of Sumter.) 5. No. 5 of our picture gallery, (The Massachusetts Sixth.) C. The splendid picture The Defenders of our Union." FOR ONE DOLLAR ! FOR ONE DOLLAR! FOR ONE DOLLAR Wo will send the following, post-paid : Portrait of the jouthful Col Ellsworth, nssss-dnated! at Alexandria, a martyr in the cause of liberty. 2j assorted Union Envelopes. Tho splendid picture enlitl d ''The Defenders of our Union." A in iguificcnt Cold Union Tin, the most elegant ycd got up valued at H 50. Envelopes vitTs tho newest designs and! every de scription of Uniorr Goods can be procured of os" cheaper than any where else. Sample tint free, to1 dealers on application. Address all letters ami order. nSOwJ L. J. Y0IGT & CO.. 12 .Inn Street, New York, ATTcMION I-BEE-KEEFFRS. Kidder's new system of Bee Management, where by a Ewarin of Bees will collect from one to three hundred pounds of honey in one season. Bees can be mado to swarm any season, or prevented from do ing so: Can be preyented from flying to the forests in swarming-time. Bee-robbery easily prevented. Moth millers prevented effectually. Never low bcc by thechillof widteropothcrwise. 1 will send my new Book Circular, containrrigS-J paes, free of postage, to any 2,'ee-Keeper that will send m'e bis Tosf-Otllce address. It gives" the con tents of Book in full, and gives general explantions and cuts cf the Patent Compound Hive." . . Or. I will send Kidder's Guide to Apiarian Science' on the receipt of 57 cents, in postage stamp, which will gife full particulars in the Culture and- n.a3ge' ageinent of the oney Reo. All orders for circulars, books, hives, right ic, promptly attended to. Address. K. P. KIDDER, Burlington', Yt. lsf act ton. Pro wr. vi r. h 1, IS'.'I.-ly week la the HOUSLli-'lLD Jd-RNAL. Price F. ar Cents. Anew singly S 'jbca Glover, appears iu No, 1, Vol 2. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. A fi ll Fob Ch.t'n. TLe own-T ni btve by do scribing sm and :rii,g K,r th; ndv. rc: ma r. Rr o w n v i, 1 c L . J u, i ezi. SAMUEL CAL1.LEN. DOORS AND SASH. Form ex-oilcnt and cheap or:iclo of Pin3 Dor at 1 S.i;'a call ;it the- nnw st-re of J.J. TEUR.'JAN. Browcvillc, Aiiil II, XI. nl yly SHERIFFS SALE, risk, Knight it Company,! Moore &. Smith. ) By virtue of an order of sale to nred-ireetcJ from the District Court of Nemaha county, Nebraska Ter ritory, dated on the 17th day of July a D 13GI. I, W. S. Horn," Coroner, and ex-oflicio Sheriff, will on Saturday, the 315 day of August, 1SG1. between the hours of ten o'clock, A. M. and five r m,. on that day, in front of the house wheie the Dis trict Court held its List Term, in thetownof Brown ville, Nebraska Territory, offer for sale the follow ingdesoribel real cHate situated in said eoanty, to- -wit tho southeast quarter of section 13, in township j, north of range 15, cast of the 6thrrincipal roe ridian, in Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, the-' above described property, bein the property here tofore attached in thecase of Fiske, Knight Si Com pany, vs Moore &. Smith, for the sum of five hun dred and scnty-Cve dollars and forty cents $575,li) .. debt and cost amounting to fourteen dollars and ao ' cruing costs and interest from May 13, a DISC I aft" the rate often per cent, per annum, all said land lying and being in Nemaha, county, Nebraska Ter ritory. W. S. UORN, F,i-ofhoio Sheriff, byJ W CditXkS, Der t'T Ju!y 25th, 18C1. a3 5w?L Strayed or Stolen From tbe undersigned, s yoke of large oxen. Their age was about H yeurs : color red, with whitfV tails; one had white on the back. One of them had, on a bell when they 1 :ft. A liberal reward will be paid' to any one girinj information, that will lead to their discovery, to tb subscriber, 21-2 miles south vrcst of Brownville. B. II. MOORE. July 21, 1SJI. Notice to rrc-Eciptors. ALSa. To JonrtBei?ry. JamerC. Catraa, ITeiry O. Suit Li Charles T.Corneil and Thosaas jfa IdoiT. You aro hereby notified t aj pear at the land of fice at Brownvill c, witkin CO days from this date to cake further proof in relation to your pre-emption claims encorance w;th instructions from the Geceral Lsrd Oftlcc at Wahitigton. RICHARD F. BARRET, Register; CHARLES B. SMITH, Receiver. -. Ja!y2ta. 1301. THE EMPIRE CITY AT ONE VIEW, Ia a splendid Colored Engraving of IE CITY OF IE YOE Showing the entire city, and forming a COMPLETE BIRDTS-EYE VIEW of it f.n a sheet oi sitperfice drswing paper 21 by.. 3d inches ail sarefully colored by hand. This fine picture baa just baen puMihed at Three Dollars per-, copy, but bv an arniii'-ment pffcted we are enabled to VfTer r" TO EVERY SURSCIDERS to the' ' HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL, who forwards ns$2.ia retnrn f.,rwhi-b we w:!l m ill trfe, a copy of tlie above enyraTtror ( don" up with r I!r t . presenre i") and also the HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL f.'r one year. Sa"?:k Cr;r. of the Engravings can be. seen at ouro.Ticf. Ail -o 1 cuin'r,) bills, or postage. s'amii-', taken at par as remittance. Address at) c :ut.iii"i-af.n.- to th Pi blithers and Proprietors of tu litiVUOl.Ir JOURNAL A. HARTHIRL CO., 2J North Wi.li-m sl.-.'et, N. w V.-rk. Of Idl kuiui, iur talc at this olRca.