Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, August 08, 1861, Image 2

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    ,. .. - - - " - I
rnrrtf TM7TDrnTai?T)
iiirj iiu viiiitiioiit.
lr. nr itl tt. lumrrl where'er it way ea'I,
. Our iDuli-'ti? Ax'l raHv around ;
A r!iurV f fivrin'n. that evident ha!I fall
When i'j itarball be trailed oa the ground. "up vrill. r.ur C S let it stream on tho air !
Tiioulrh our fatliei nro-i.IJ in their grave?,
They hud hands that could strike, they Lad souls
that con M ilnre,
And their fjus were not born to he slaves !
Sliiill Vest) Lines I)c Drawn?
' Tor one, and to speak our individual
convictions, we 'answer no! Wc can see
no crocd to come from such a course, but
h;m the contrary much evil may, and
iuo.t lila'Iy will. In the present struggle
to si1-tain the rovernmeut and overthrow
rttcllicn," party lines aud issues have
.r .. .1 - ..... i . v -Li:.
and raw si necessarily, in cur opinion, re
gain so until it is ended. Patriots what
ever may heretofore have been their po
. liiical preferences or affiliations have
.thrown them aside and stand upon a com:
won-platform for the preservation and
perpetuity of our government, which
rises high above party lines or distinc
tions. Tho emergency requires the
united. eflort of every lover of this coun
try be he Whls Democrat, Republican or
American; foreign or native born; be he
a resident of Ohio, Pennsylvania, New
York or Nebraska. Wo can see no issue
now other than for or against the govern
ment. These we repeat are our individ
ual convictions. If the people of this
county and Territory thus feel and are in
clined to enter into any harmonious ar
rangement by which the best men can be
selected to fill our cilices, we cannot see
why it would not be for the better. It
can in our humble opinion be done with
out any sacrifice cf political opinions or
principles. But if good faith be not ex
ercised, and the object be to advance the
particular promotion or interest of this
that or the other individual or locality, why
then we say "hands off." Better be
beaten than humbugged any time.
We have conversed with quite a num
ber of leading men from various portions
of nnr rann'v nnrl tvp finlipvA th rroner.
al Opinion is adverse to lha. drawing of
party lines this fall.
In the selection of men to fill offices of
honor, trust or profit, from fence-viewer
to the Legislature, we insist upon the peo
ple, as they value their best interests, to
? . . . t . . i
hnow not oniy now aspirants now stand,
but how they have stood upon the great
question for, or against the government.
Antecedants in this matter should be
everything, present pledges, but little if
anything. Let no man who is in the
least tinctured with secession have any
place however humble, among us.
The better way, we think, to get at a
harmonious action is to call a convention
of all who are in favor of the uncondi
tional)' preservation of the Union, and
the maintanancc of the integrity of the
National government and who will aid
the administration in its efforts to carry
out these objects.
Since writing the above the communi
cation of "Union" has been handed in.
He, it will be seen, takes about the same
view of matters.
call into requisition all our patriotism in
genuity and resources. There is no mis
take about it, and we may as well look
the matter square in the face, and pre
pare ourselves as speedily as possible,
for any and every emergency. Our last
cent may be required in the struggle, and
surely our means and even' lives could not
be expended to a more sacred or holy
Twenty-nine thousand dollars to be
raked annually by the people of Nebras
ka ; her people, possessed as they gen
erally are, of very limited means, will
require a mighty effort, and yet we be
lieve they will do it cheerfrlly for the
purposes for which it is designed. But,
we repeat, let every other burthen not
essential to their existence be taken from
The Direct Tax Bill.
' The bill in Congress providing for a
direct tax to sustain the war for the pres
.erration of the Union, distributes the
S30,000,000 to be raised annually, as
' follows :
Main $331,329 Indiana $1 337,313
New Hampshire BIO I tlinoi 1,819,727
Vermont, 316. 002 Missouri 1,H!.6:1
Khofle 1-I;inl 173.4 15! Arkansas
' nneoticit 4G: 3JI Michipan 732. 6-45
MS9-huetU l,236,S8-2 Florida 116.2SG
X'ew Voik 8 :05 stS Texas f.r2,i;60
JCewJer.-C? C73 201 Iowa 76,132
. J'eniiM lvaui 2.920.07! Wisconsin 779 &03
Pelaware 1 12 025 California 462 321
Maryland C3o 231 Minnesota 1G2.780
." Yirpiaia l,4i5.323 Oregon 62.711
North Carolina t-4 2'.'2 New Mesioo A3, 972
South Carolina . M 233 Utah 40,473
Georpia 876 551 Washington 11.633
. Alabama 703 b0 Nevada 6 8S9
Mississippi C 19,637 ColorAdj 81 333
Louisiana t"S SH3 Dakotah 4,663
Ohio 2.350 GS5 Diit. Columbia 74.153
. Keuluckr 1 070.343 Kansas 107 605
TeuccMe 1.004 271 Nebraska 23,908
" No Quarters."
Gen. Fillow commanding the rebel
forces from Tennessee, Kentucky and
Mississippi no A' in the southern part of
Missouri, to aid Jackson and Price in
murdering and running Union men out of
that State, has issued his proclamation in
which these cowardly and heathenish
declarator s are made:
He then assumes that the Stars and
Stripes is a banner on which is ioribed
" Beauty and Booty" and says:
This is the bold position now taken by
the traitors who are in arms to overthrow
a republican form of government and sub
stitute in its place a monarchy or military
despostism ! Declared to the world ia a
proclamation by one of the leaders. Are
Union men any longer in doubt as to the
mission of' these desparadoes, and will
the people longer permit rebels and sym
pathisers in their midst to act as spies
and aid such devils in their work of de
struction ? Self-preservation will net per
mit it, even if there were no ether con
sideration involved. The time in fast ap
proaching when the friends and foes of
the country must take their active posi
tions on their respective sides of the line
the rebels themselves have drawn. If
we are to be driven to such an extremity,
the sooner adopted the better, and the
sooner the contest will be ended. Arouse
freemen, and to your posts! Either
crush out treason, or sink beneath its iron
heel in iheattempi. Let it not be said
"you knew you duty but did it not."
Nebraska Regiment
We noticed last week that five compa
nies of the Nebraska Regiment had gone
down the River on the Steamer West
WTind. There destination was not known
at the time. It appears they were as far
as Independence, Mo., where they had
a little brush with "seseshers." They
dispersed an organization of rebels at that
place, and liberated a number of Union
men who had been taken prisoners, and
were confined in jail. They then return
ed to St. Joseph, where they now are
and to which place the balance of the re
giment has been ordered by Gen. Fre
mont. They may remain there for a
while at least ; but we presume they will
soon be called into active service at Cairo
Wherever the Nebraska Regiment may
go, or in what service they may be en
gaged, we have no fears but that they'll
do their duty as brave loyal soldiers, and
be justly entitled to the plaudit "well
done, good and faithful servants."
The remainder of the Regiment will
be down on the West Wind to-day or to
By reference to the above it will be
seen that the tax on Nebraska will be, in
round numbers, 620,000. In view of
of this large sum of money, and the im
portance of its being promptly raised we
.trust the Territorial and County author
ities will dispeuse for the present, with
every other tax, not really essential to
our extence.
Not only do we think that this should
be done, but we think that the Legisla
ture should suspend the courts for the
trm-e being except in criminal matter;
let every burthen possible be taken from
'the people that 'they may be the better
Able to contribute to sustain the General
Government in its efforts to preserve and
perpetuate our liberties and cur national
existence. Too many are disposed to look
ipoathe rebellion as of less magnitude
than it really is. When we consider the
fact that it has been fostered for thirty
ypars, p.-ut and gathering strength from
year to year, month to month, and day to
Oay, we cmnot fail to see and acknowl
l'at t s of r.nt magnitude ; to
h-'-k pu.1. overthrow v.hi;h is 'join 7 to
Frank Admission.
The Neu's in reply to our suggestion
that he give some account of 4he missing
arms this Territory, and stir up the ex
officials for allowing thetn to be stolen
says :
"We don't know but iust now we have
a disposition to gratify the erratic tastes
of our friend of the Advertiser, but
having so often spoken in such coinpli
mentary terms of LVGovernor Black, we
cannot now with propriety, turn to villify
and abuse the man, without losing our
self-respect, and our reputation for con
That's very frank on your part, Bro.
Reynolds ; and according to the same
system of reasoning, we suppose, to main
tain your "reputation for consistency"
you would not "pitch into" a murderer
because you might have once spoken of
him in "complimentary terms."
Black List
The following Republican papers of
the Territory sanction the Fraud perpe
trated upon the people of Nebraska, by
Gov. Black, in which S. G. Daily was
pa'riiceps crininis. Let their names be
placed on the scroll of infamy, and re
membered by an outraged people:
XcbrcsUa Republican.
People's Press.
IZrovrnvIHc Advertiser.
Platte Valley Ilcralcl.
Anxious to assist the JS'clraskian in
ventillating its "Black List" we give it
nn insertion. Will that paper give the
public a list of the papers that condemn
Gov. Black for carrying out the will cf
the people ns expressed through the ballot-box?
Hav'nt you included about all
! .. ,t, tv :.
in the above list? ;
''The King or the Tree Metal."
The Union men of Holt county, Mo.
held a large and enthusiastic meeting at
Oregon oa the-19th, ult., at whkh the
following, among other strong resolutions
were adopted: ;
Resolved, That wc, the Union men of
Holt Co., mutually agree and pledge our
selves to a firm adherance to the Constitu
tion of the United States and the State of
Missouri, and are determined come what
may to bear true allegiance to the Gov
ernment of the United States,
Resolved, That we will resist to the
death any attempt to absolve us from cur
allegiance to the Government of our
choice or to force us into a confederacy
which we regard as dangerous to our
Resolved, That we endorse the course
of the General Government, in station
ing troops in Missouri for the protection
of the persons and property of all loyal
citizens. -
Resolved, That we condemn the action
of C. F. Jackson, late Governor of the
State in levying war against the Govern
ment of the United States by issueing a
proclamation for fifty thousand troops to
repel what he is pleased to call an inva
sion of Missouri, by the United States
Brigadier General Cae.
On Thursday last an election was held
in this city for the selection of a Briga
dier General, in the place of General
Downs, who has now gene into the reg
ular service as Lieut. Col. Quite a
spirited time was witnessed. There be
ing, after the election of a General, a
general C(h)ampaign, in which there
were a great many disabled. The can
didates were Isaac Coe, Esq., of this
citjT, and Col. Robert W. Furnas, Brown
ville. Mr. Coe was the favorite individ
ual chosen: others who participated in
the conflict were not elevated to the same
position. We congratulate the militia of
the Territory upon the excellent choice
made. We know Mr. Coe 'like a book,'
and know him to be a most thorough, and
energetic and accomplished gentleman.
He also has lots of money, and is not
gingerly and stingy in its disbursement.
Whatevei Coe undertakes is bound to go
through. Here is success and our US?"
to Gen. Coe. ,
In this connection we- with pleasure
say, had our brother of the quill, Colonel
Furnas, been selected, the position would
have been more honored than the Col.
Foremost in every good word and work,
enterprising and industrious, Col. Fur
nas possesses many qualities recogniza
ble in his more successful competitor.
Brig. Gen. Coe. Nebraska City News.
We suggest most respectfully to Gen.
Coe that he proceed to organize the dis
trict composing his brigade, say each
county on the river, and those west as a
regiment. The necessary number of
companies are already, or soon can
be organized for this purpose. Concert
of action and efficiency can thus be se
cured, that we are convinced, can be had
in no other way. Then see that the In
dians on our Western borders are not on
ly loyal and true, but that in case of in
vasion they can be relied on. for assis
tance. It will not do to rely much upon
General Government for aid in this cri
sis, in case hostilities extend within our
borders. We know not what a day may
bring forth. These are times without
a precedent in the history of our coun
try, and it becomes us to be thoroughly
prepared to do the work ourselves if oc
casion should require.
Military Affairs In Atchison County,
On Friday and Saturday last the Lfnion
men of Atchison county, Mo., held a two
days encampment and drill at Nishina
bottana bridge, about half way between
this place anJ Rockport. It was a grand
Union demonstration. The number pres
ent and the determination manifested
ought to satisfy the rebels of that county
that the sooner they quiet themselves
and remain so the better it will be for
them. The Union men in that, and Holt
county both, have been tampered with as
long and as much as they will stand.
They have been disposed to bear with
very much abuse and annoyance rather
than take up arms ; but now they feel
that their own safety, and the ultimate
peace and quiet, and prosperity depends
upon their prompt and decisive action.
About four hundred of the bone and
sinew of Atchison county met as above
mentioned, for the purpose cf drilling and
a mutual understanding and consultation.
They organized themselves in-military
companies distributed through the county,
and are prepared to take the bull by the
horns. Go on in your good work. You
have the numerical strength to defend
yourselves and property, and if forced
to it to rout the last traitor from your
midst. Though Claib. Jackson, Jeff
Thompson, Ben McColloch, Gid Pillow
and other smaller fry traitors and demons
do swear to make you bite the dust, right
and God is on your side ; fear not.
"Wolves In Sheep's Clothing."
Scarcely a disunionist could be found in
Atchir,on County on Friday and Saturday
last. All claimed to be Union men
some carried Union flags on the drill
ground. That, we understand is the game
played by the seseshers down in Holt
county when the Military came up from
St. Joseph. It won't win. Can't fool old
birds with chaff. The Union men over
there kcow you all. and will keep a close
eye on you hereafter.
TheNebraska Regiment under Col.
Thayer has been ordered by Gen. Fre
mont to the command of operations in
and about St. Joseph.
The Weather and Corn Crop.
For near a.month past we have had no
rain in this section of Nebraska, and du
ring that time the weather has been not
only very warm, but excessively hot.
Some of the time the thermometer stood
at 109 in the shade. Vegetation in many,
instances has been litteraly burned up.
We picked tomatoes from vines in our
oxn garden a3 perfectly cooked as though
they had been in boiling water. The
corn crop which but a few weeks ago
bid fair to be the best ever known in this
country, the prospect now is entirely re
versed, and may be an entire failure, sod
corn will be; rain cannot save it. Corn
that was planted early and deep will es
cape entire destruction though we have
no more rain.
To-day, since the above was in type,
we have been favored with z most glori
ous soaking ram just in time.
Missouri Union omeials-
. The Missouri State Convention now in
session has declared vacant the offices
of Governor, Lieut. Governor and Secre
tary of State, and elected as Governor
Hon. Hamilton R. Gamble of St. Louis,
Lieut. Gov Wrillard P. Hall of St. Joseph
and Mordecai Oliver Secretary of State.
They also repealed the obnoxious Mil
itary Bills passed at the last session of
the Legislature.
Muster Roll
Company "C" 1st Regiment Nebraska
Volunteers, from Nemaha County :
; Captain J D N Thompson,
1st Lieut T J Majors,
2d " R C Berger,
, 1st Sargt W A Polock,
2d " ED Smith,
3d TH Griffin,
4th " R Noyes,
5th " H M Lull,
1st Corp. C McPherson, 1
2d " Levi Butler,
3d J M Rogers,
4th " G D Doolittle,
5th " W E Majors,
6th " W II Tucker,
7th " Samuel Shaw,
8th " Rob't Little,
Musician Geo Belden,
" W Ckrk,
Wragoner S W Bennett.
Arnold, T Arnold, L
Arnold, A P Aubrey, A J
August, C
Blanchard, D L Boyles, G W
Brown, John Buckley, Stephen
Burnes, Ed
Caldwell, IT Caldwell, Eli
Callen, II T Campbell, R M
Canaga, Jacob Chamberlain, F
Chapin, E M Chase, Dewitt L
Conover, R C
Dickerson, Ira L
Ennis, G W
Fritk, C H
Gibson, Rob't - Gillespie, W M
Green, F B Graves, E A
Grice, L R
Hacker, F A Hartmus, G B
Hester, R Hill, G W
Hillman, John Hughes, G W
Hardin, W J Howe, Ira
Jeffers, Isaac Johnson, E L
Martin, J C Mason, T J
Mauck, Isaac Medley, Frank
.Miller, J C Mills, Win
Myers, David Myers, Davidson
Myers, G W' McAuley, Frank
McAuley, T B McDonald, Wr
McGill, J T McKee, Wm
McLeod, Thos McMoore.John
Neely, David
Opelt, John C O'Brian, J W
Powers, Thos Prouty, A B
Riley, Patrick
Sayle, John W Shaffer, John W
Snyder, Henry Sprague, G W
Stanley, Samuel Stanley, Frank
Stewart, John M
Thomas, W M Tidwell, John W
Tucker, J H
Walker, Dan Wells, J 3
Wells, J R Williamson, II
Winkleman, L
Nebraska Regiment
The following is the official list of the
commissioned officers of the Nebraska
Colonel, John M. Thayer,
Lieut. Col., H P Downs,
Major, W D McCord,
Adjutant, S A Strickland,
Act Qr Master, Lieut A FMcKinney
Surgeon, Enos Lowe,
Assist. Surgeon, Wm McClelland,
Chaplain, Rev. T W Tipton,
Sergeant Major, W W Ivory,
Qr. Master Sergeant, John Gillespie,
Com. Sergeant, Charles Schmidt.
Joseph Brown, leader and principal
Robert Collins, Fife Major.
Co. A: Capt R R Livingston; 1st Lt.
A F. McKinney; 2d Lt. J A Sharpen
Co. B: Capt Wra Baumer; 1st Lt. P
Wralter; 2d do II Kenig.
Co. C: Capt. J D N Thompson; 1st
Lt T J Majors; 2d do R C Berger.
Co. D Capt Allen Blacker; 1st Lt. P
Gillette, 2d do Charles E Provost.
Co. E: W G Hollins; 1st Lt, S. M.
Curran ; 2d do J N H Patrick.
Co F. Capt F. W. Bowen ; 1st Lt G
W Burns; 2d do Alex Scott.
Co. G: Capt John McConihe; 1st Lt
J. Y. Clopper; 2nd Lt T. J. Weather
wax. Co. II: Capt. Geo F. Kenedy,; 1st Lt
S M Sawyer.
Co. I : Capt Jacob Butler; 1st Lt II. II
Ribble ; 2d do Lt. F F Cramer.
Co K: Capt J W Paddock; 1st Lt R A
Howard; 2d do M. Lawler.
2d Lt W H' Whitten,
2d Lt W T Clarke,
(On special service with artillery.)
The St. Joseph papers speak in the
highest terms of that portion of the Ne
braska Regiment now in that city.
For the Nebraska Advertiser.
- Mr. Editor: I noticed a few days
since, an account of the proceeding: cf
the Republican Central State Committee
of Ohio, which met in Columbus on the
25 cf July, to consider upon the course
they should pursue, in calling a convention
for the purpose of nominating officers to
be chosen at their coming State election,
when it was resolved by that body, that
itwas inexpedient in the present juncture
of national afiair3 to call a convention of
the Republican party of that State, and
that the Democratic Central Committee
of Ohio be requested to unite with them
in a call for a joint delegate convention
for the purpose of nominating a suitable
State ticket. The reasons for such ac
tion by said committee are obvious and
commendable. They did not consider it
a time for party strife and political excite
ment when our Country and Government
is in danger of being destroyed. They
did not consider it expedient to resuscitate
the old bitter partisan feeling of former
but more auspicious days of our National
existence, in this hour cf our country's
deepest peril when our liberties and free
institutions are menaced by a formidable
band of traitors and revolutionists seek
ing to overthrow the best government
that the wisdom of man could conceive
or the providence of God vouchsafe to a
people. Saiu committee considered it the
duty of all loyal citizens regardless of
former political associations or proclivities
to throw aside party feeling, and unke in
putting down rebellion, and punishing
treason. If the government is to be sus
tained there must be a concert of action
among its supporters until its power is
acknowledged, the partisan should be
buried in the patriot and the voice and
efforts of the people should be as a unit
in sustaining our institutions and main
taining the dignity and power of the
Government. Party strife would have a
tendency to divert the efforts, energies
and attention of the people from a vigor
ous prosecution of the War which the in
terests of the country demand. Such
undoubtedly were in part the reasons
which the Republican Central Committee
of Ohio assigned for their action in the
matter before referred to, and as the same
duty of laying aside for the present all
party feeling and excitement and uniting
in support of the government is equaly
incumbent upon the citizens of this Terri
tory I would suggest the propriety of the
respective party Central Committees of
this county uniting in a call at the proper
time, for a Union Convention to be held
at such time and place as they may agree
upon for the purpose of nominating candi
dates for county officers and members of
the Legislature. It would perhaps be
expedient for said committees to call a
Union Mass Meeting where the proposi
tion can be discussed, and if agreed to,
let a Union central committee be appoint
ed in lieu of the old committees consisting
of as many members as there are pre
cincts in the county. This committee can
then order an election' for joint delegates
to a convention, which shall meet at such
time and place as said committee may
direct for the purpose of making the ne
cessary nominations. The delegates can
be appointed to the several precincts,
pro-rata to the whole vote cast in same
last year. The basis of representation
to be fixed by said committee. The com
mittee to be appointed and delegates to
be elected irrespective of party, but care
should be taken that they are Union men
who will select men of undoubted loyalty
to the government, riot that a secessionist
could do any particular harm in any of the
offices to be filled, but to demonotrate to
such, that traitors and treason cannot
flourish in our midst. - By pursuing &uch
a course in the coming canvass we can
avoid the excitement of party strife and
the campaign will pass off without any
hard feeling on the part of either of the
quondam belligerant political parties.
Now is the time when Union men of all
parties'should bury their political feuds,
we have a higher and nobler duty toper
form than that of sustaining old party
organizations it is that of preserving our
government and protecting our liberties
which are being violently assailed by a
rebellious faction in the Southern States.
When peace and quiet shall again re
sume its sway incur now distracted coun
try, then new parties will undoubtedly
spring up, and upon new and what are to
us now unknown issues. Will the citi
zens of Nemaha county consider and act
upon this proposition for a Union Conven
tion. Uxion.
Joe Johnsox of border newspaper no
teriety, and Mormon proclivities, whose
last effort was the publication of the
Huntsman's Echo at Wood River Centre,
Buffalo County has got his back up at the
"Republican reign of terror, blood, tyran
ny and oppression;" pulled up stakes and
struck out for Utah. He says:
"We go from turmoil, strife and blood
shed to seek quiet ia the happy, peaceful
vales of Utah."
Wonder if Joe takes with him all three
of his "affinities?"
foreigners, and two regiments of cavalry
J .1 nor, "Pillow is m com-
wen equipeu. vv.".
maud;- men in Missouri at once.
Washington, August I.
;Th? covernnent has made arrange
ments with four ' manufactories to have
GO rilled cannon turneu . cut per wee:.
The firm contract for 00 0.
Cairo. August J.
firn.v Fremont and staff and fleet ar
rived here at 5 o'clock, this afternoon.
it. --.-a n.n.f pnihiiiiastica lv received r.y
HO t u j ttivu v-- - j -
the soldiers and citizens. A salute was
fired from Ft. Prentiss.
Tr troons were landed at Bird s 1 omt
swelling the force at that camp to about
W a s:i 1 ' c to , A ug. J .
Official despatches to Gen. Patterson,
will :ni-ft k that the entire blame for the
defeat of our force at Bull's Run is due. j
and was entirely his neglect of positive
orders: he was directed first to engage
Johnston, to get between him and Manas
sas, and prevent a junction of his forces
with Beauregard. And if unable to ful
fill either of theso orders, he was tohar
rass Johnston in front and keep him be
fore Winchester. Fourth, if he could
do neither of these things, then ha was
to make all haste to Washington, and to
join McDowell as soon as Johnson could
join Beauregard. It will be seen that
Gen. Patterson disregarded each of these
orders, and that had he obeyed either
he would have prevented the disaster at
Bull's run, and at ence have entirely de
stroyed the rebellion, or removed the sett
of war beyond the confines of Virginia.
Sauza We have luiis supposed this ce'.ebrateJ druj
Lad come to an exploit humbu?, b't we are assured by
those skilled in the heali:ig art, that not the Sarsapa
ri'la itself is to be blamed fur this conclusion, but the
miserable worthless preparations which contain about
as much of its real virtues as they do of Gold dust.
It is a commercial fact that almost ail of the Sarsapa
rilla gathered in the world is consumed in the old coun
tries or Europe, where the science of medicine has
reached its highest ierfci;tiin, and where they know
the bet what to employ for the ma.-tery of disease
lleuce we are glad to find that we are now to have a
compound o,f this excellent alterative, which can le re
lied on, add our community will nt ueed to be assured
that anything Doctor AYfclt makes is worthy of their
confluence. He has been for years e itr.':-eJ in ehminat'
ingthis remedy (see advertising columns) desiiiing to
make it his "chief d' entire ' which should add the crown
nine glory to bis already enviable refutation. Ameri
can Celt, yew York.'
IlezakiabD". Stronr. GuarO ' .
Jiaa cf Wia. Ope;;, j
Wei. OpoU, Lia tt'arl,
John Opelt. acd others
1hi 5'h Au.-'U
r. 1 . 1 1. ' , ... - . .. . u Vr
Wcit Quarter 011J rinrth wt nnT-.-,'. .
quarter of sectioD i:j township i raa-Vll V
county, Nebraska Territory, a. tbo i,rV- 7
Ward. It is thereuj rn ordered ar. 1 Ll-l. l
.-.f l'r.,.l.,l,.f 1 - ...... .v t:
John Opelt, Joseph Opelt, Allied. Owlv 1
of iaid W3!"5- now roiJ:rs in the State of
rr.a, married, ho.-n r.atau n unknown toth.,.1
- - -j.w .-..if r,j j,
in t riMl r--ti, ti-r:f eintK ....
- -i ..... fLHva n . ' :. i.t .
i.ur.rt ot 1 robite of -Mid muh't fiat s. .. . J
il),!t A,..i n.'I. i , . l-J
Ki.nwx tui (,iutf persons wno ciairn and rraj K.
interest ia said premises, 53 r.eit of kin to u'd'y1 "
cr ctherwis?, to appear before ?aid Cna;tit V
Til! in this county en tho Jth iwnfi,-. T1'
1351, at 12 o. l
not bo rra n ted
k. and sou'.v can-; who'; .. .
for th-, .,!., or :V: :.6n'
- " ' I f'l.UtU (
further ord-rcd that before said d..y'.,f .Uif' "
ord.-rb-j pui.'.Uhtd f.-.r tLree conseeuti.-e C(.4 T
'Nbraiki Advertiser" a cewsr arrrrcb '
ccauty. C. V.Vwin-irr',. 541
Au ' 8
, l )t. r.3-3w-$-S - . p-
fAIUBANK'S SCALES. It is a fisnifleaut fact, which
the public will appreciate, that whenever new s-calo
are put upon the market, s lure numbers have been
from time to tine dnrinn the 1 . t r t thirty years, it
seems to he the first and chief aim cf the makers, to
show that they are the s.nue as Fairbanks,' or lik'
them, or cave taken premiums over men, thus reu-s-niziag
the latter as the standard for excellence, aud
showing the stronghold they have upon the public con
fidence. It is a w?!l-known fact that while most of
these ccales have, after inoro or less trial, passed
mainly out of use, Fairbanks' have gene steadily for
ward, increasinj in public favor year after year, and
are now much more ceuerally u.ed than all others, nut
only in this country, but wherever American commerce
has been carried. This could uot be so if they were net
all that is claimed for them in respect to their dura
bility, as well as convenience and accuracy. Chicago
Notice of Attachment,'
F-iwnee Couaty. f &V
To P. r. r..-c:.-7, y.u ar- hereby notiScd tb.tttnp. "
dcrcf A:taehtii.r,i issued a -ain-it y)a on the i i
day of July by Loiv, Jui.j 0f ;ht. Pea'. ;
s:ii ! county, an 1 y.-ir property attached to sati-,'"
demand at" J. I'.. M .rroa, aitv.untin?to thir-j..w
doit irs, nud costs n t to exceed o) dollars: XuW 0Qp.
you shall pr-rear before II. G. Lore. JuitkVof
i:ieoinand r.rsai i County at bis cfTi J. on the "p's '
diyof Au-aa.d.lsOt, at 12 o'clock. li;,ja.Jent
wi.l be ret. lered amidst you and your troWt m't
to pay the debt. y v Jlu"1
Kotice to Prc-EHptors "
Nemaha Land OiTice. An ?.Sth,lSCI
To John Ilopk'ns and Asa II. Butjer, Y'0B weiie'r,.
by notified to appear at tho Land Office at Brown.
ville.N. T within thirty days from th date of thj
notice to make further proof in rel.uii 3 toyourps
einplion claim in ccord.tn3 with iajtraetiocj froa
ihe General Land offioeat Washington.
C. B. SMITH, Receiver. - ' '
mv v.
t "
$932,302.98; .
2X.3r lat. ICOl.
iTovE ON. Such is the course pursued tj Curtis
valuable msJi-ines. They never cease doing good bu
press forward, relievins the sick and crippled from pain
and disease. The wonderful cures that are performed
by Curtis' Syrup cf Sassafras are really marvelous.
Coughs, colds, hoarseness, measles, even Consumption
begins to tremble when it comes in contact wi:n if,rnd
soon the tleathly grasp is loosened. Curtis' Xatueluke
Liniment is familiar to every family in the duflry for
the many benefits they Lave received from its use. It
Is well for every family to be provided ; theyeannot tell
what hour they may require its use. T!u"-e mrdK ines
stand hi?h, and are Used by many rervtaule physicians
of extensive practice. See advertisement in ano ther
Cash and cash items -
I.u.nj well secured - -
Heal Estate ....
2U shares Hartford Bank Stocks -
212.J " Xc York " " -
1010 " Ho.-toU " '
607 ' other " -
T'nited Stite rd Sfate " "
Hurttd &. N Haven R.R. bonds "
Hartford t'iiy l;on.l
Conn. Kivcr C. i U.K. Co. Stock -
Total Ass:s - - - -Total
liabilities -
. M
' 39
w b-w - mm w v
The war news just now is meager.
No fighting more than the accounts of
which will be found in the telegraphic
column. Preparations are going on vig
orously throughout the country.
The War for the Union.
Hannibal, Augnst 2.
In consequence of the arrest of Joshua
Gentry, one of the oldest citizens of this
county, and President of the Hannibal
and St. Joseph railroad, by the rebels,
Gen. Hurlbut has ordered five of the most
prominent secessionists in this place to be
arrested, and in case any .violence in of
fered Mr. Gentry is to retaliate by shoot
ing ail five of, the secessionists here.
His orders have been carried cut. It is
reported that the rebels on the line of the
railroad have expressed their determina
tion to arrest all the Union men they can
Cairo, August 2.
Scouts just in report that JtiT. Thomp
son's command, G.OCO strong, are iat
miles from Charleston, Mo., and about
CO miles from Bird's Point. 3.C00 rebels
are encamped between New Madrid and
Thompson's camp, and 11. COO at New
Madrid. They are well armed ai;d
drilled, have five batteries of ten pound
field pieces, officered and manned by
AS tliee arc War Times' we wi;t lake Wii 'at,
Cuttle, or anything else at ti lair I'nco uu our ueou.
Will ay ju ceLts ior liieecioiwi W heat on liebts.
Aug. 4:b, liGt. l5-4w
IK-ath Xii'.-kuiis. Administrator of -the estate of
Charles Al. Lireever, deceased, Llizaleth Suodrn.-s,
JoLii i. Suodrass. i'eter tiruevcr, etan Gitver,
Livma. Ureever, Sarah Ureever, Andrew (Jreever,
William Greerer ai.d Samuel li. 1'ad'ord, heirs of tho
said Chides Al. Oreever, will take totieo that
iStei.hea t". Nuckolls, us laiulilT, did on the iith day
of August, ISjI, Hie a jjetition iu the Di trice CcUrt
of Neiaahaeoantjr, Nebraska Territory, against them
as dcfondAiils, seiti;j forth that tha said Cua, les M
tireever did on tho 25lh day of December, IS57,
make and deliver to the said jiiaintiif a certain bond
or contract whereby the aid Greever bound hiaiseif,
his heirs and assigns to make within tiro years froiu
the date of said instrument a deed to the aid S. F.
Nuckolls to certain fractional portions of section
iu township 4 north of range 10, ulsa of sectiou oL
in township 4 north of rauge 17, east. The said de
fendants will aliOtake notice that Houston NuckoNa
did oa the eatne day and in the uuit Court tile hid
peiitioa against the same defendants betting forth
that the Siud Chad. Al. Greever did at the eaiua lime
make a similar instrument of wiiting whereby he
bound himself, his heirs and assigns lt make to the
said Houston Mackolls a deed to fractional portions
of land lying in tho sam.j sections above described ;
alJ of said land is situated in the said county of .Ne
maha. Said petitions seek a perioriuaneo of sai l
contracts and ask that a decree be, made whicn shall
partition and set oj the lands to bo conveyed, ami
vest the title completely in said plaibtii's.
Said defendants are required to auser said pe
tition on or before tUe 21d day of September, Isol.
E. W. illUMA-!,
Att'y ier 1 luintiif.
Lcal If ctico.
T. W. Ucdford, 1
vs J DLtriet Court of "XemaLa
Janes U. Fleming county, Nebraska Territory.
Isaac Cue J
James li. Fleming and Isaac Coe are hereby noti
fied that T. W. Bedford did on the tith day of Au
gust, a. d. lodl, file bis petition in the District Court
of Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, against the
eaid James li. Fleming and Isaac Coe, defendants,
setting forth that tho sai I James li. Fleming on the
30th day of July, a.d. 139, gave to the said Isaac
Coe a deed of tiust oa the south west quarter of
section 3 township 4 north of rane 11 east of the
Ct'u principal meridian, Nebraska Territory, ad in
said county of Nemaha to secure thi payment of
two hundred and fifty dollars according- to a certain
promissory note referred to in said Deed of Trust,
w hich said n ;te and deed of trust was afterward as
signed by the said Isaac Coe to the said T. V. Bed-
I . : .r .... i : .. . ; . .. . i . - . . . ,
ui'a, Milieu, 3ti praying in saia peir.ion me
said James B. Fleming p y to plai.-.tilf the suu; now
claimed to be due on sai 1 not'3 aiaomtin to $2J)
with interest from the COth day of July, A. D. 169,
at the rate of ten per cent. j.r annux and that the
said premises be sold to pay the sum ; and notieo is
Lereby given to the sa.d James B. Fleming aid
Isaac Coe that they are r .mired to appear are! ans
wer or demur to suiJ petition oa or before- the 2J1
day of September, a. d. IvJl.
. li. iltlWHTT, AU'y for VI.
ITolico cf Attachment.
Legal Notice.
Theo'Iirre W. Bedford, PI'?.")
Ti. District f!..nt 0f Williams. O. . B county, Jetir5 Irrl
Ileweit anJ Uau'l L. 31c j iviy. .
Gary, DcleuJan(9. J " '
TIjotius William an! Daniel L. Mcflary are betrty
Botide-l th it Toi.lore V. BetiTorJ d:J on t'j tfi
or July A. U. l:oi, li'.e ,U letui.-n in liP.-tr:c:uu
or Ner,:..l.a county. Cbrka Ierrit-ry aint
aia Tt.ra V.M:en, O. 15. newett nl Dan:?l L. -'
.up. Ueii-i.l.iu's, heiti'-K forth tLt the ku1 Tajn.o
WU!), oa Ibe 1Kb day of February A. . 1- r"
to tLe sa.. O. U. Ilewett and Daniol L. Hii'-1
mortfr.teo on tlie onlivi:ed balf cf Hi ortb-wei a-'
ter or section So. 12 in Tjwa-n:? -o. i, A"ortt w 13, ea.t. ia said eounry of e!iit. ia ecur ta
payment l $u 70-100 . cord:riS to a cci aia vroiHor
note relerrvlto ic said nor:.-?e. wl.ica said Bote m
niui tra.-e w.i-s aterwar-N 3 i-i.fl t.y tts said M.fiarr
an! Ur.veit to Le sai I Theodore W. U dfor. -PI
iiiJu-,1v!v;i:i ,ii.i re'itioa tat :1.6 Taoinas
i iiai.:.- i-jy plaii-titr the sum now cla.aied to be !:
: 01 a 'r, .n' ii'.io:. u 54. ,u-PiU nai:,iFit"""
i tiie li ii .1 iv of Feb. uarT A. D. 1SCJ a; tt. rate
?4 7i
ji 0 (XT
?.')9 '
X e uu
''JO 'JO
:.) 00
60U 00
4 I.T. i
For details of investments, see small Cari ad Cu-cal.i-s.
I.iurar.ces miy be f ffecf ed in this old a'id
Couipaiiy on very favor-olo terms.
A p r, JOIIX L. CARSO.V, .tst-
JT" Dwpl Huts and Farm Property inure( tor te is
of years at very low rates lyuolj .
All th 'se itole (ted to nie by Note or Bof.dt Acrowt
win jif 1.0 t'oiiii f..rwa d and settle by coinpi ym
the .:t've oiioi- before tue 25 of Auj:ut. will ob.ieiu
subscriber. . Wjl.-T.tli;'
Biwaville, August 1, 1SC1.
Wheat! Wheat!." WheaU
Farmers Look to Your Interest!
Is pdvir.? and will continue to pay the Iligaes Ma t
in gooOi. 31 stock of Go l3 consists of
HATS and CAPS, .'.
PLASTERING HAIR, 30c per bu.,
I a'-o, k"ep a well seie-fed V cX of Calf, ti?, C??r
ai.U iioie Leiberfor L-ia.'iLi.'actunu.f
wliicli I wi:i warrant to give satisfact.on. 'iwiil
ioy lue.-ent sto. k of (.,n!4 a pntes to suit Wie t"
w:.;lu will te cheaper than cikJ- fcavt teea'sold te:
before, for Ca-!i, Hides. Wheat orPrvlJeeof tsy
but no credit wiii beiven.
W T.'DX'.
Brcwuville, August I.t, 1S61. no't'.f :
Uefore Je-io John. Justlee
of the 1'eaee of Nemaha eo.,
I that th-j i J ;remie b "
Is Leriiy sien to ,B
0 Daniei L. Hilary tait W
i i ii-iwr -r tin'ir t. "''
tii...n ou or l.etM;e iluviay f:.jr the
Auu.-t. 1'Gt. . O. H IIEWETT
Air J-t, 1:!, If 61. nlvr4 m jUf
per cet. per annual, a:
in y t.ij s.i a . and
saiii ijc'iius Wii.utu-i a'
are rem red t-j ;.?:,?
David J. Martin,
Stephen F. Xaefc"!
iltath Nuekohs,
Johnllateher J
On the Sl.-ti'ayof July, l?oI, said Justice i?aed J
anOrdi-rof Attaebment at the uit of the .!.'int:T. '
doi n.2 bii.ine's as D.J. J-lartin & (J cj.any, f.r the j
sum if ST.od w'u!i ii.tert.'T at t.'teen .er cent, per j
cruuuri from Feb. 2oih, I' ll, nn-I vst. Said ease I
will be- tried Sc;.te;ni.rr l::h. I -'51. at It) o'clock. A. !
M. L. W.I COMAS, Atfy lor I'J.
An?. Zst,
Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
j JL. w
jchcpwsa, tie follo-
The nnd-ri?r.c-!
i.U'.-i.r..Liilti.ii .-.tare, v.2: . .
X'.v qr. f tie X ; qi-. ; jseetioii ;7,"twnsaip 4,Kaas
IS contatr.i!..; i ) ja. .
The Sw ,,r . .' tLe Xe qr cf .eeii.'ti'r:, Town 4't
18-c.-Lt....;..i tJ ,,ore... . -
Tbe Xe.r ,.f V, or if sx'.i Z7, Tiwa i. B-9 '
-Ouai,.:i,i',.' iJ aerf:t. . .
T!:e ( I ti;C. 2 (..- of Secti :; 27 Vo- a 4 1U::f.i'
C..rit.iil,i:.; jJ mev . .
AWy ty letter v.-ia v-n t 'r
X l-
An-. 1-f,
St. Ierj
X emaba Co.
Ayer's Agu;