THEjfi); RTiSER, BSOWNVILLE, JULY 25. IS61. l, o cl a jl. joyT cok & co. . 1'' ' '. . -n..tKiin vwvork. and Brown's Iro l)!Iire.Tnl'u,,,l1iuKSf-r,l;U,il.,piljl. farmer and Advertiser. 31 u c-ssos to n o r.LT, iyrd Stales and Fori-fen Newspaper imOADWA?, NEW YORK lorijpd scent for tbe "NEBRASKA ADVE ' "SKBHASKA FARMER." " i 006HVE. General Adverting, unJ.ndComuM.M.mApent,, 45 Olive St. Im., tu",riditrtKCi.Mlnthat city. end they re au tre our vp hoth tX Advtr- UU?v Farmer, ana collect bills jjhc sjime. Toelio Acr nt roa The Advertiser Axd EK.Wil.K DikviTi E.-j. is ourrejruWr au-tbo-iied travcliin Awnt f tie Advertiser and Far wer u vill sh'-nly virit the Eastern cities for the ,,url' f rrocurins advertising patronage. Be is ,u..j- .nth .riiH to contract and use cur name In busi traction connectc-l with "rMic fMS&ENVELOPJSS TLe " Advertiser" Gifice has provided itielf with Flag cuts, and 'also, those for printing1 various Lmcfe of National Envel opes, and ii now prepared to fill orders wLulewiTe or retail. Apply at the " Ad vertiser" office, or Pobt Office. To Wicm It may Concern." Our letter-half reminds us that a supply of green corn to put up for winter use must be' locked after, and also Grapes and riums. Those therefore who wish to pay up their subscription in this kind of provender, or to become new subscribers on the some terms, will please report .themselves at an early day " armed and equiped as the law directs." Nebraska Regiment Full The Nelmka Regiment is full; the tenth company was &vorn in on Monday last. The cemjanies were all mustered in with the minimum numher.S-l. Col. Thater ivSorms us that he intends to fill up each company to the maximum limit, 101. If there are others "vvho desire to volunteer in the Nebraska Regiment there is yet an oportunity. Capt. TllOIIlpSOn, of company Brownville company is' in our city on furlough. He is in good health and fine spirits, and reports the company all "in a like good condition." The captain will please accept our special thanks for the very latest Omaha and Nebraska City Bulletins. It 13 rumored here for two days past that the notorious secessionist Harris or a portion of his men, numbering between 1000 and 1600 are in Nodaway count'; Missouri, and that large Home Forces in Southern Iowa had gone down to route them. The report comes in a very good shape, yet lacks full confirmation. Some of the cowardly rebels on the other side of the river have sent us word that ourself together with one or two other citizens of this place, who have kept a close eye upon their deviltry, will get "cold lead" the first time we set foot on that shore ; and that if we don't "dry up" about them, we'd "better look cut for the Printing Office." The scoundrels could only injure one in some such way : waylaying, or committing incendiary acts. Whenever we have business over in Atchison county we arc going there, and run the risk of "cold lead." As to interfering wi;h our office, the scamps when they undertake that job had better make their wills before starting.and bring their coffins alonrr. The War news tells its own story ; we have no heart to comment. This much we believe, however, that for every Uni on man killed at Manasas the North will furnish ten, in time for a second attack upon that point. It must and will be taken. -'(?00d tO Eat' Uncle Ben Whyte s:k1 is prepared to furuit,Vfcfood for man" on sbcrt notice. Anything in ihe eating line you may call for, Uncle Ben will pro vide fat you. T. S. That Butter-milk and sweets Jitto, with a piece of Worthing's cool ice in it ''ain't tad to take." 1. S. No. 2. Everybody says Uncle Ben makes the best ice cream in town: ftCt too. We see by the St. Joseph Journal that Major Peabody left that city on Sunday, with several hundred volunteers, and two pieces of artillery, to pay his respects to secessionists in Holt County. The Jour nal says: The day for children's play is at an end; but it seems nothing but the sad reality of whistling bullets will stop se cession madmen in their folly. We are assured that depredators may expect no leniency. The forbearance of the Gov ernment is no longer to be tampered with and it behooves every one now to take care of himself. As he sows ho will surely reap." When Maj. Peabody gets through in Huh County, he will do a God's service by coming up into Atchison and settling a few rebels there who are particularly troublesome to Union men. Letter from lion. James Craig. LibertV, Mo., June 21, '61. Hen. James Orairrln rirnrriinprit Rr D I cessionist here to-day, denied that the lasi congress nad organized any Ternto rial Governments without the slavery re striction. 1 told him it had organized all of our Territories, which had not previously been the same way, viz: tvithoc.t the slavery restric tion. Will you please state to me the facts in the case, as it may do good ? - JJo tnis as soon as you can, and oblige E. M. SAMUEL. 1. 0. 0 F- The members of Brown ti.'le Lodge I. O. O. F., arid all mem btrs in cood standing in the county, are urgently Teijuesied to meet at the Ma sonic Hall in Drovuville on Saturday evening, July 27ih. The Republican at Omaha and the Press at Nebraska City, have been selected in which to publish the general acts of Con gress for the next two years. ; m mm . , j "The Only Two Papers.' . It see,ms that the Omaha Republicau anJ People's Press are to be hereafter ; th-e "only two papers in Nebraska." How ! (Joes ihe Brownville Advertiser like the style. Ncu-i. Well, we may say the change is for ; the letter, and that we hope and believe that the nra "only two papers in Nefcras i ka" will conduct themselves with mure j p:4it iral honor and dignity than have the 5cnVcnes heretofore. The Republican and .Yebraskian at Omaha think that we at Brownville in desiring;, and making efforts to pracure a portion of the Nebraska Regiment at this place, are actuated by the same mo tives they are, viz: selling beef, clothing and provisions to the soldiers at exhorbi tant prices. In the exercise of their characteristic desire tosAtn somebody tln-y vsern to forget that the proper use of a regiment, or any other given number of stfdiers is to protect the lives and property . of citizens. Chaplain of Xcbra&a Regiment . The numerous warm friends of Rev. T. W. Tir-TON of this place will rejoice to known that he has been elected aud c-nmiissioned as chaplain of the Nebraska Rt'cimeut. We venture the assertion T that no better selection could have been iCiade. Himself filled to overflowing j 'ith enthusiasm, patriotism and devotion 5 to the the country, and a happy faculty of ; parting toothers, he is certainly most lmirably qualified for that position. The ; officers upon w hom the selection devolved , ku'e doubly honored themselves. First. ; h' rejecting J. Stickney Haskell, and se wod, by electing Mr. Tipton. I Mr. Tipton, who has been absent at a'aha for . several weeks past, reached ! lce last nirhL Delegate from Colorado We are please to see that Judge II. P. Bennett formerly of this Territory, but now of Col orado, has been nominated by the Un ionists as a candidate for Delegate to Congress for lhat Territory. Judge B. was one of our best men, and if elected, which e hope arid believe he will be, he will make Colorado a useful and influen tial Delegate. Congressional Representation. The following communication of the Secretary of the Interior announces the apportionment of Representatives among the several States under the Eighth Cen sus : Department of the Interior, ) Washington, July 5, 1S61. " To ihe Speaker of the House of Repre sejttaiives : "I, Caleb B. Smith, Secretary f;f the Interior, do hereby certify that, in the discharge of the duty devolved on me by the provisions of an act of Congress, ap proved May 23, 1S-50, entitled 'An act providing tor the taking of the seventh and subsequent censustr of the United States, and to fix the number of the mem bers of the House of representatives, and to provide for the future apportionment among the States,' I have apportioned the Representatives for th-e Thirty-eighth Congress among the several States as is provided by law. And I do hereby fur ther certify that the following is a correct statement of the number of Representa tives opportioned to each State under the last, or eighth, enumeration of the popu lation of the United States taken in ac cordance with the act approved 23d May above referred to: j Kev. T. W. Tipton, of Brownville, 1 VT was yesterday elecied Chaplain of j l"e 1st Nebraska regiment. We are I CratiF.f.d to learn that a man of Mr. Tip j 'wth.has been elevated to this im I jftit position in our regiment, and can re the officers and soldiers that they I selected a man of high moral excel j '"uCe anJ undoubted piety. Omaha Tel. hThe Steamer Omana is again J 1D3 regular trips. The Hannibal and - Joseph- Railroad is in running order, "trough connection again established hSioui3. Alabama California C m'-'tii-ut JMiiware r'lwrida Georgia" Illinois TO THE STATE OF 7 U It 5 1 8 5 5 5 J.Iiiin'f'ita Mississippi Missouri New Hampshire New JtTsej Nw Yrk North Carolina-- 1 5 y 3 5 31 Ohio On'jron Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina T' uncsse Texas Vermont '-10 j Virginia 0 i lsounsin 18 t 1 4 .-8 . 4 2 11 . 6 Indiana Iowa Kansas " Kentucky Iniiiiana M.nna . . . . Maryland M msm-hufetts Mi'-higan The aggregate bjing two hurrdred and and thirty-three Representatives. In testimony whereof I have hereunto subscribed my name and caused the seal of the Department of the Interior to be affixed this fifth day of July, in the. year of our Lord 1SG1. CALEB B. SMITH. Larsc Gooseberries H. A. Terry, Esq., of Crescent City, will please ac cept cur thanks for a specimen of the "Whitesmith Gooseberry." We took the pains to meagre one which mtasured three and three-fourths inches around the largest way. They are certainly the largest variety of Gooseberries we ever saw. Mr. Terry sa)'s that he has culti vated them two years, and is of the opin ion that they are well adapted to this soil and climate. Council Bhffs Bugle. We "knock under" to friend Terry in almost everything that grows; but we can beat his gooseberries a little. Wre raised a few very large ones in our own garden this season one of which measured in circumference Jour inches, large. St. Joseph, June 21. Dear Sir In February last, after a fight of about thirteen years, the Repub lican party backed down from the Wilmot Proviso, and passed bills organizing Col orado, Dacotah, and Nevada Territories, without any restriction on slavery. All properly, slaves included, now goes into these Territories upon the same footing. These bills, as you will see by consulting the record, eeceived the entire vote of the Republican party, except, perhaps, half a dozen Abolitionists, such as Love- joy, of Illinois. Eli Thayer, of Mass., was cur leader in the session before the last one, in defeating all the Territorial bills, because they contain the Wilmot Proviso. A large portion of the Repub licans veted for the Constitutional Amend ment passed at the last session, which provides that the United S;ates Constitu tion shall never be so amended as to give Congress the right to interfere with slave ry in the States, unless the . proposition should be made by a Save State, and be voted for by . every Slave State in the Union. lours, in haste, JAMES CRAIG. E. M. Samuel, Esq. P. S. -You will remember that, with more than twenty majority in the present House of Representatives, a large ma jority in the Senate, Ihe supreme Court with us, and Abe Lincoln without power to form his Cabinet or pass an ap propriotion to draw his own salary, or do anything to injure the South, our South em brethren abandoned their seats, and left us in a hopeless minority. J. C. SHERIFF'S SALE. John A. Ponn, Plaintiff, 1 . vs , V. Edrards, PefrnJant. ) Notice is hereby civen that in pursuance of an execution issued by the clerk of tho District Court of Nenwiha County, Nebraska Territory, against the defendant J. V. Edwards, in the above enitled case, and in favor of the plaintiff therein, John A. l'onn, for the- Fiim of seventy-four dollars and sixty-two rents, fS74,G21 and the costs of suit, amounting to fire dollars and eighty-fivJ cents. $R,S5 I, W. S. Horn, Coroner and ex-o&cio sheriff of said county in said Territory, have levied upon and will offer for sale at public auction, at tho door of the house in which the last term of tho said district court for said county was held, on Wednesday the fourteenth day of August, AD 1861, between the hours of 1 &3 o'clock, r. M. of said day, and will sell to the high est bidder for cash in hand, tho following described property, to-wit : one lot of land, being, to-wit : the south half of tho southwest quarter of the tho south west quarter of section No thirteen 13, township fire(5), range fifteen (15"), east of the sixth princi pal meridian, containing twenty acre of land, more or ps.s, taken as the property of J. V. Edwards, to satisfy an execution against him and in favor of John A I'oun. W. S. HORN', Ex-Officio PhprhT of Nemaha County. Py J. V. COLEMAN, Deputy. Urownrille, July ISth, IS51. n2-5w-$9 WILSON'S Series of School and Family Rea ders. A Series cf School and Family Readers, aiming at the highest depree of usefulness, and splendidly illus trated. C'nMstinfr of a Primer and Seven Readers. By MARCUS WILSOX. The Primer, and tbe First, Second, Ihird, Fourth, and Fifth Readers are now ready. The leading objects aimed at on the part of tie au thor lihve been to construct a Seiies'of Readcra that fdiail not only present the very best means and methods of teathing Reittfinpr a an Art, but which ehall also contain a large amount of useful and entertaining know Ichiro. The I'riner und First and Second Readers mainly aim at the atuiumeii: of the first object by laying the foun dation of correct habita of Reding ar. the very beginning of the pupil's course, while the more advanced readers still keeping rhetorical instruction in view, especially aim to popularize, to the capacities of children, the "Higher English Branches" of study, so that some use ful knowledge of the various departments of .Natural History aut Xatural Science may be obtained by nil the pupils in our schools. The hading J'oiutt of merit claimed for these Rea der ore : 1st. Th-?y present an unusual Variety in matter and manner, ai.d will prove exceedingly interesting to chil dren. 2d Tbpy will secure the highest degree of practical instruction in the art of reading. 3d. Thry will impart a great amount of useful infor mation, which in no other way can be brought before tte gtvMt mass or Children In our Schools. 4th.. la Illustrations, and in Paper, Printing, and in durability of binding they greatly excel otner Readers, white tte prices are extremely lor. T1IJE 1II23J Hit. Introductory. 45 Pdges, large 12ruo, Price '5 cents. Rrginnin : with the Alphabet, extends to words of four letters. The conversational style is adapted to a con siderable extent, and marks are given to denote the proper inSeciiors, that the child, aided by the teacher, iuhv beuin to read natural ty, and thus avoid those bad habils which are so riifiicult at correction. IVilson's First Header. . , fst Pdiea, large 12mo, Price 20 cents. Btg.cning with easy words of four letters, extends to eafy mrds of six letters, and a few easy words of two mid three syllable. In this Reader, also, the con versational style is frequently introduced, and the sys tem of inflections is continued. Wilson's Second Reader. 156 Pages, large ISmo. Price 30 cents. Is divided into seven parts, each preceded by one or more Ek;utiouary Rules, dcsiKued for the use or the Teacher 'jnly, and to en orce upon him the importance of requiring pupils to read as directed by the inflec tion. Superior illustrative eugraving are made the subjects of a lrge uumber of reading lessons. Wilson's Third Reader. 254 Pages, largo I2mo, Price 50 cents. Contains, first, a brief synapsis of the "Elements of Elocution." Part first, "Stories fivm the Bible." Part Seoml; JI ral Lessons." Part Third; Takes ap the grest division of Animal Lite tho 'iTauirrraira," most ly QnairrTrpeJs This portion is made exceedingly ir. tei esting. and the illustrations are unsurpassed in auy wotkon Natural History. Tart Fourth; "Miscellane ous." Wilson's Ton rlt Reader. 3C0 Paces, large 12rao. Price 66 cents. Curtains, after the Eiementj of Kiocction," Fa. 1 1, "Hunan Physiology and Health " Part II resumes the subject of Animal Life in the division which treats of Ornithology or Birds. The same as witb Quadrupeds, the lead-dg species of the several Classes or OrCers of Birds are gn.i.ped iu cuts which show their relative sizes, and many of the most beautiful poetic gems irf our lanzume illustrate the descriptive portiors, and give vniety to the Reading lessor. Prt III. 'Vege table Frysii.lopy. or Botany." Fart'lV. ' Miscellane ous." iu Part Y, ' Natural Philosophy," w look in on the school at Glenwild." and liften to the conversa tion held in a "Voluutser Philosophy Class." Part VI "Sketches from Sacred History." contains some of the finest selections of sacred Poetry, with beautiful illus trations Wiisan's Firth Reader. 540 Pages, large 12mo. $1 00 Contains. Part I., Elocutionary." in which theprln cipleso Ebcution are developed in a series of Conver sations, with numerous example. Part II., "Herpet ology, or Reptiles" (the Third Division of Zoology,) with drawings of 40 species. Part III., "Human Physiology and Health" continued frcm the Fourth ReadeT with 1 illustrations. Part IV.. "Botany." conlinnod from the Fourth Realer, with drawings of nearly 200 jpecies of plant s, grouped in families, in accordance with the Natural Method " Part V., -Ictheology or risces" the Fourth division of Zoology, with drawings of 124 species. Part VI. "Civil Architecture." appropriately illustrated with the different orders, &c. PanVIt. "Ctemistry." Part VIII., "Geology," with Geologi cal Chart and Drawings of Extinct Animals." Part IX., Ancient History, with Illustrative Poetical Selec tion. &.C. Tliere are also ten "Miscellaneous" Dirisicnn, each ill um mied. Choice ,-elections, in a great pirt poetical, have been gathered from more than two herd red different writers, to give interest and illustrate the scientific divisions, and thereby furnish a suitable variety for reading pur poses. To Trtncipali of Schools, who wish single copies for examination with a view to Introduction, the above books will besent, postage prepaid cn receipt of half tte pri:es above nunivl. To other persons they will be ser.t p state rrepaid. on receipt of the full price. Fr Terms of Inirod-icUos, and for AcenHes. ad Iress HARPER & BROTHERS, or J4ARCCS WILSON, to their care. Published by U.ABPER ft BROTHERS. Frrtklin Square, New Tork. W3 r. - z. s a a P c S O 5 2 D St fc TZ c j S " h o ,Si 2 ere fe- -S 2- i Cm O Jo e, r. .t - .-., 5 a i:"2 ' S a s ,2a; -3 a a c 3 9 s " - !' - a. a 1-3 -S C -3 -g-2- ,-o2 -2S E?2oiiea -S2 s s 9tg ;-3: 3 o o a ? 2 9 5 M . ? rt H -r - Se5 ii s . lis .5 a -a a a -H a c3 o K 2 9 i "3 5 9 - - 7, sE3 - .-; M;c CM 1 c H Sat. eEn - ? 2 C -3 H 9. .5 a o f '- z - in ri 3 I. L w .3 3 3 3 5 ax 3" .a a 2-C k Ha m o 2 S- 5 Z - ti 9, 2 ! s 3 5. 1 3 5,1 s o o 2.1 3 S -2 a 7 2 b ? 2 . r as c 3 o a J3J .JO S a c OS S 3 - S 2 a 5 "3 3 3 . S a S 8 K E5 " la M S J3 - s 111? 3 r s 5 " .3 j X - T. r o .5 00 3i Si5 .-133 y P T 4 3 no -3 JO S eS J A a S 66 a - n 2-3 5a S n ?5 a A! 3 9 Sr 5.--IaI !?- 1 o i - a, - 5 " -3 a a ?' S .: i a C 3 ' i u s ja J o 2 c j g, O IS " o ta a s . a - 3 a Probate Notice. Probate Court ef Ne maha County, Ne- j- braska T e r ri tory, petition to sell iieal Estate. 'afford. Ileatli Nurkolls administrator "I of the estate of Charles Al. Oreever, deceased, V3. Eliiabeth Snodgrass, Jphn G. Snodgrass, Peter Qreever, Susan Greever, Lavina Greo ver, Sarah Greever, Joseph Greever, Andrew Greever, & YY'm. Greever and Samuel R." To Elizabeth Snodgra?s, John G-Snodgrass, Pe ter Greever, Susan Greever, Lavina "(Jreever,' Sarah Sarah Greever, Joseph Greever, William Greever, Andrew Greever and Samuel R. Pafford whote place of residence is unknown you are hereby notified that Heath Nuckolls administrator f the Estato of Charies M. Greever, deceased, on the 26th day of June A. D. 1861; filed bis petition in the Probate Court within and for tho county of Nernaba and Territory of Nebraska, alleging that tho personal es tate of said decedent i3 insufficient to pay his debts and the charges of administrating his estate, that he died aei zed in . fee simple of the following da scribed real estate in the counties of Nemaha, Rich ardson and Otoo and Territory of Nebraska, to-wit : the undivided half of the south-west quarter of the south-west quarter of section twenty-fivof 25 J town ship four ( 4) Rango sixteen (18) and lot No. two (2) and lot No. three 3, section twenty-five town ship four 4 range sixteen IC and the north-west quarter of the north-west quarter and the south west quarter of the northwest qr and the southeast quarterof the north-west quarter and tbe north-east quarter of the nortb-west quarterof section thirty six 36 township four (4), Range sixteen 16, less Iaidott'in townsite8 60-100 acres, which leaves a balance of 302 90-100 acres, tho undivided half in section thirty-six 36, township four 4, Range six teen, (16), 130 39-100 acres; (also, lot four of sec tion thirty-one, township four, range seventeen, and lot No. three and lot No two and lot No 1, section thirty-one, township four, ranga seventeen and the north-west quarter tf tho south-west quarter and the south-west quarterof the southwest qr and the north-east quarter of the south-west quarter, section thirty-one, townehip four, range seventeen 305 20 100 acres less 83 39-100 acres laid off townsite of lot No four and the north-west quarter of the south west qr of section thirty-one, township four, range seventeen 83 39-100 acres, 222 81-100 aorcs balance,) the undivided half of the south half section one, township .hree, range sixteen, 32!) acres, and west half of section seven, township three, range seven teen, 320 acres, and house and 12 lots in St. Dcroin, block thirty-five, and lot No. 1, block 34 and stable in St. Deroin,andtbe undivided two-tenths of St. Deroin townsite, and lot No ft, block 91 and lot 9, block No 2 in Nebraska City, Otoo County, N. T. Tho prayer of the petition is for an order authorizing him as administrator of said Charles M. Greever deceased, to sell said premises for the payment of tho debts and charges aforesaid. Said petition will he for hearing on the 29 day of July A. D. 1861 at 10 o'clock forenoon or as soon thereafter as Counsel can bcheaM. Ordered that the foregoing be published consecutive weeks in the Nebraska "Advertiser." Given under my hand and the seal of said court. C. V. WHEELER, July 1st, 1S61. Probate Judze. Master's Sale. Tn of a decretal order made hv the Dis trict Court, held within and for Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, sitting in chancery, bearing date Wxv 10th. 1S61. in a certain case riondmir in auid j ' ' j o court, wherein Samuel A. Chambers, executor of the estate of Willis Hill, deceased, is complainant and Little P. JIiatt,etal, are defendants, I will, on Mon day the 5th dayef August, IS51, at 10 o'clock A. M.. fif snid dav. at the door of the buildim? in whi"h said oourt wai last held for said county, in tbe city f t, : i T rc e , . 1 r .n j : i . 1 Ol lrowii nicjouor ior suits iue louowing ueaunoeu premises, viz. Lots five, six, seven and eight (5,6, 7 and 8. in block sixtv six ( 66. i in Nemaha Cirv in said County and Territory. Terms, cash in band. n51$6w5 Master in Cbancery. MASTER'S SALE. In pursuance of a decretal or !er made by the District Court, in and for Nemaha County, Nebras ka Territory, bearnij date Mav 16, 1S6I, sitting in Chancery in a certain case jKmding in said Court, wherein ihr-mas Heady is complainant and Henry Ncimier aud Catharine Neicaier, arc respondents. I will on Saturday the 24A day of August, 1S61, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day in front of the room where the District Court of Aemnha Cont'f held its lat term, in the town of Hrownville, Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, offer tor sale to the highest bidder for cash the following described re al estato to-wit: the northwest quarter of section sixteen, township six north ff range fifteen, east of tbe sixth principal meridian, Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, less the forty-soven acres sold R. W. Frame. . . , ,- - J. S. BEDFORD, - : ' Master in ChaEfiery. Brownville, July IS, 1853. Master's Sale. In pursuance of a decre tal order made by the Dis trict Court, held within and for Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, sitting in chancery, bearing date May 13th. 1851, in acertsia ca.e peudicg i?l ?a?3 court, wherein D.J. Martin & Co., are complainants and Samuel Callan, Charles IIes and Margart J. Hess are defendants, I will, on Friday tbe ?d day of July, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the dxr of the building in which said court was last heii. for said county, in tho city of Brownville, offer for sa'e at publh .auction tbe tlk'wir,g described premises, to-wit : The north-west quarter of the south-west quarter of section No. twenty-two (22,) Township No. six (6), north of Range No. fifteen CIS) east of tho Cth principal meridian, situated in Nemaha Co. Nebraska Territory. Terra eah in hand. J. S." BEDFORD, Master in Chancery. June 20th, 1S01. n50$5w5j mo. TAXEsT 1S80. NOTICE. Delinquent Tax Payers for the year IS60 are here by notified th5t such delinquency trust be paid by the 15ta inst., this 13 tho and last notice, and if not heeded, the procefs required by Law for the collection of delinquent taxes will be enforced. Attention i3 also called to tho special School Tai levied in school 'District No.l, Township 5, Range 15. Nernaba City School Distriet and in School Districts 1, 2. 3 .an J 4, Township 6, Range 14, as said special Taxes must be paid. JACOB STRICKLER, July, 4th, IS5I. n52w2 CoHnty Treasurer. LEWIS WALDTER, HOUSE, SIGN AXD 011XA5IEXTAL GLAIZER AM) PAPER HANGER. BROWNVILLE, N. T. 1 1 tT!ie Xeivest and Best Music Both Vocal and intrumental by tho best Amcrioan and European composers, appear regularly every week In the HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL. Price Four Cent?.- Anew sonby StepUci Glover, appears ia No, 1, Vol 2. DEW BUG STOS IN EnOWITVILLE, VThitney's Block, Main Street- LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF THE ELK II 0M and MORTAR J. J. THURHAN, ANNOUNCES to the citizens of Brownville and vicinity that be has removed his Drug Store from Sidney, Iowa, to the City of Brownville, and having added thereto an extensile stock" of Fresh Drus, .Chemicals, . Dye Stuffs, .Faints and Oils, Pure Wines and Liquors, " For Medical Purposes, Hair and Tooth brushes, Perfumery, ... Fine Toilet Soap, &.c, &c, &.C . Invites the public pttrcnage. J3"11jysician'6 Prescriptions attended to at all hours both by day and night. Brownville, Aprii IIth,I86I. n40-yly Furniture ! Furniture ! ! The most complete stock of Furniture ever effered in this upper country just received by T. 1LILL. Brownville, April 25th, 1S61. "The Union Must and shall he Preserved! 3? UU Lv!i XC? KervousHeadaclie THE PEOPLE'S PATRIOTIC PICTURE GALLERY. JCST FcELKIilD IN M'LENDID Sn'LC t? n ait V CURE A TTi AND DEN WILL SELL GOODS ON SUCH TERMS AS WILL SURE LY BRING ABOUT THIS RESULT. FEESH AQMVAL Boots and-shoes, Bonnets, Misses Flats, Dry Qoods and Groceries, HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, CUTLERY, NAILS. - 'IRON, Sec, A General Assortment of all the above. ilavinpr determined to 'eneafto in general merchan tile business, 1 have this Spring brought on, and open ed out an extensive and varied assortment of everything needed by purchasers in this or any other country ; con sisting of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps. Bonnets of every grade and style ; Dry Gixxls in endless variety, wssi- mers, Cloths, Jeans, Sattinets, Tweeus, estm;, uau cos. Lawns. Merinos, Cambrics, brown and bluish mus lins ; Groceries, fancy and staple; Iron, Nails, Hard ware, Quecnsware, itc. 1 am determined to open up a "new era" in Mercan tile business, and will, therefore sell at figures unpre- cedcntedly low, for cash or country produce. CUSTOM WORK. I have on hand a splendid assortment of French Kip and Calf skins for home manufacture, to order, on the most resonalle terms. All work warranted or no p iy WANTED Hides, Pelfs and Furs, for which the" highest prices at all times will be paid. To be Brief If you wish to purchase goods on the most favorable terms, or dispose of your produce to tho best possible advantage. Be sure and call at BEN.S CHEAP STOEE. Brownville, April, 4, 1361. PARTICULARLY TO RAMIIMEN. I desire to say to Ranchmen anywhere between the Missouri river and Mountains, that my stock for whole saling to them is now complete embracing everything desirable or profitable to trade in, and at prices unheard of cheap Call or send your orders, which wi'.l meet with prompt attention. - TI1EO II ILL. Erownville, April 25th, 1861. To All Wliom It May Concern. All persons indebted to Wm. T DEN, eir.her on book account, or ty note, are hereby notified to call and pay up on 6r before the 10th day of March 18G1, and thereby save themselves trouble and cost. Brownville, Feb. 21 "WM. T.DEN. Lime! Lime!! Lime!!! The undersigned whore kilns aresitnated ninemiles westof Brownville, on the road leading toFt. Kearney, keeps constantly on hand a very superior article of lime, to which he invites the attention of those wish ing The Lime will be delivered at thekiln or at any other point in tbecounty, asdesire3. Feb. 9. 1SC0 6ni K. M. LONG. LEGAL NOTICE. ITeath Xnbkohs as Administrator of the estate ol Joseph Deroin de- ceased. vs Catharine. 'Vriniam Margaret! Amop & Baron Deroin. To Catharine. IV illiam. Marcarett, Amr.p, and Baron who are heirs and legal representatives of Jo seph Deroin, dece. iscd. you are hereby Informed that on the 4th day of June A. D. 1R61 said administrator filed his petition in the Probate Court of Nemaha Coun ty Nebraska Territory. The object and prayer of which petition is to obtain ah order 'on the 29th day of June, A,D. 1961. at 10 o'clock, A.M., at Biy office in Brown viiie in said county, tor the salo of the following real eTite, of which the said Joseph Deroin died seized, to wit: The undivided onc-tcuth of tho Townsite of St. Deroin, ia Nemaha County, N. T., at which time all persons interested may attend and show cause why tbe prayer of said petition should not be granted. Witness my hand and tbe seal of the Probate Court of Nemaha county, Nebraska. Territory. . n48-4w C. W. WHEELER, Probate Judge. June 4; ISol. Petition to Sell Prohate Notice. "WIIEREA.S, n. M. Reynolds, has been appointed General Administrator of the estate of Joseph Proud, deceased, late of Gage County; notice is hereby Riven that I have appointed Tuesday the thirteenth (1) day of August A, D. 1331. as the day for hearing claimj sgaiuat said estate. All persons having elaims against sj-.'d estate are hseby notified to have them on file on or before that day or they may forever be debarred from recovering such claims Given under mv hand and HifGcisl seal, this 10th day of May, A. D. IbtU. WM. BLAKELYf 16-U'tpf Probate Judge. Master's Sale- Tn of a decretal order Cade by tho Dis trict Court held within and ft Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, sitting ia Chancery, bearing date May 10th, 1 SI 1, in a certain case pending in paid rurfc whercrn Jackson Lyneslscomp'ainantand 1. T Vhyte,.Sara'a IFI.jte IFiliiam Hobiitzcll aud Martha Iloblitiell re defendants, I will, on Friday the 20th July; 1351, at 10 o'clock A.M. of said day, at the ditr of the buildics ia which the last term of said District Court was bell for laid county, in the city of Brownvillo, offer for sale at public auc tion the following described premises, tc-wit : The South-east quarter of section No. fen (10), Town ship No. five (5) North of Range No. fifteen (15) ea?t of the Cth principal meridian situate iti Nema ha county, Nebraska Territory. Terms. cash in band. J.S.BEDFORD. Jlaster in Chancery. June 20, 1S'"1. n505t5w5 F0FXD. A fJoid Fc ! Chain. The own?r can have by de scribing same and paying for this advertisement. Brownville, June 2J. SAMUEL CALIJ.EN. DOOES AND SASH. For an excellent and cheap article of l'ine Door and Sash call at the new store of J.J. TIIUR1IAN. Brownvillo, April II, '61. n4-jl By the use of these Pills the periodic attacks of A'rp- ous or Sick Headache may be prevent e.1 , ami ir iaRi" at the commencement of an attack immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seidom fail iu removing the Xause a and KeaJ ache to which females are bo subject. They act gently upon th bowel remjving Csstivt net. For Literary 3fn, Students, Delicate Females, and all persons of sedentary habits, they are valuable a a Laxative, improving the appetite, giving tone and ri t;or to tbe digestive organs, and restoring the natural elasticity arxl strength of tte whole system. Tha Ci.'PUALIC PILLS arc the result of long investi gation and carefully conducted experiments; having been In use many years, during which time they have prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suf fering from Headache, whether originating iu the nr voiu system er from a deranged state of the stomach They are entirely vegetable iu their com ion, and may be taken at ali tiir.ea with perfect safety, without making any change of diet, and the of a' p dif ayreab'e taste renders it easy to administer them tc children. Beware of counterfeits! The genuine iave five signatures of ITenry C. Spalding on each box. Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers in Medicines. A box will be sent by mail prepaid on receipt of the Pries 25 cents. Ail orders shonld be addressed fa HENRY C, SPALDING, 48, Cedar Street, New York. Dec. 6, 1S50. n22-ly THE FOLLO WING ENDORSEMENTS OF SPALDING'S CEPHALIC PILLS, Will convince all who suffer from HEADACHE, THAT A Speedy and Sure Cure WITHIN THEIR REiWn. As thte Testimonials were unsolicited by .Vr. SPA L DIXO, they afford unquextionable prvof of the efficacy of this truly-scientific discovery. B:cerly, 2Iass., Dec. 11, 1SG0 II C Spaldixg, Esq. I wish for some circulars or large show bills, to bring your Cephalic Bills more particularly before my customers. If you have anything of the kind, please send to me One of my customers, who is subject to severe Pick Headache, ( usually lasting two days,) -i enrrd of ctnattack tn one hour by your Vi,wh;ch 1 sent her. Respectfully yours. V B WILKES IicynoUsburj, Franllin Co O.' January 9, 1361 ) IIexry C Spalding, No 43 Cedar St, N T Dear sirs Inclosed find twenty-fivo cents, (23.) for which send box of "Cephalic Pills." Send to address of Rev WmC Filler, R-vnoldsburg, Franklin Co, Ohio. Your Pille work lile a charm cure Headache al most instance r. Truly yours, WM C FULLER. Jlasonville, Conn, Feb 5, 1S61. Mb. Spalding. ;ir : I have tried your Cephalic Fills, and 1 1 iic them so xcdl that I w ant you to send me two dollars worth mortf. Part of these are for the neighbors to whom I gave a few ont of the firt box I got from you. Send the Pills by mail, and obligo Your ob't servant, JAMES KENNEDY. Mb. Spalding. tiaverford, Ai4 Feb. 6, 1SG1. S: I wish you to send me one more box of your Ce phalic Pills, have received a yrcrt deal of benrjll from them: Yours, respectfully, - J1ARY ANN STOIKII0U3E. Spruce Creel; JTuntinnfon Co., Taj Jaauary 13, i86I. f n. C. Spalding. Sir: You will plense send rac two boxes of your Cephal ic Pills. Send them immediately. Respectfully yours. JNO.B. SIMONS. P S Ihnve used oncbox of your PiiU, rmifud them excellent. Sdle TrH, (Xi to, Jan. 1 5, 1 SG 1 . Henry C. Spalding, Esq. Please Cad inclosed twenty-five. cents, for which end me another box of your Cephalic IMI3. They are truly the beet PiUs thai evrtrifd. Direct A. STOVER, P M. Belle Yernon, Wyandot Co,0. t3TABpi'a bottloof SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times its cost annually SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SAYE THE PIECES t economy! dispatch-! Xz'iTuA Stick- in Time Saves Sine l"J2 As accidents will happen, even in well regulated families, it is very desirable to have some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture-, Toys, Crock ery. f-3 . , SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meet.? all such emergencies, and no household can afford to be without it It is always ready, and up to the sticking point "USEFUL li; EVERY HOUSE." . N B A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price, 25 cents Addresi . HENRY C SPALDING, No 43 Cedar Street, New York. CAUTION. Ap certain unprincipled persons are attempting to talm off on 1 the unsuspecting public, imitations ofmy 'kEPARED GLL'E, I would enutionall person to examine before purchasing, and see that the full namo ri7"PALDLNG-S PREPARED GLUE.irj is ou the mUIJo wrapper; all others axe ewmiiiag counterfeits --. 1. PORTRAIT 0? 1IAJ02 AUTL Hero cf Sumter, 2. P0HTHAIT CI" :vIAJ02-GZ:7. IUTLX2, 3. r02T2AII 01 COL. ZLL3WC2T2I, of fha New York Fire Zouaves, assassinated at Al exandria, after hauling down the Rebel (lag. 4. THE BOnBASEHTNT CT STJII- TEH, a mgniSjcntjIarg-, rich! eu? rcd en graving. 5. THE MACS. ETGITLEXT fitting their way through the streets cf Baltimore. A most spirited picture, sirini a very eorrret idea of that bloody transaction. 6. "STAR SPANGLED GOD DESS OF LI2ESTY. A twart-aiirrir-jj de sion, exquisitely colored. 6. THE TJHIOH YCLUnTIHTlS. The bnr-r ' soldier represented in tho act of traarp!?! underfoot the traito-.'s banner, and unfur ling iu its place the glorious old stars asri gtripes" forever in triumph to wave." 8. THE DEFENDERS- OF OUR UNION, a raammoth lithogradaic ticturo, brilliantly eclored, representing the various crack regi ments in tho United States soiviee, in su'.l dress, and equipped and armed for activo service, being ono of tho most magniikent pictures of that kind ever got up in IhU eouatry. Among tho military re; relented, are tho New York 7th, Mass. blh, tho Fire men Zouaves, Col.Duryee's Advance Guard, 1st German Rifles, i ranch Zouaves, Ri'.ly Wilson's Zouaves, etc., etc. Prica Any single picture will be sea ly mail, postpaid everywhere on receipt of price. 5J OriE COLLAR ARRANGEMENT FOR ONE DOLLAR ! FOR ONE DOLLAR! FOR 0XE DOLLAR! Y'e will send the complete set of 8 pictures to aoy jartof tha Lmtcd btate?, postage paid. . FOR ONE DOLLAR ! m a ' FOR ONE DOLLAR! FOR ONE DOLLAR! FOR ONE DOLLAR ! We will send by mail, post-paid, tbe following set of Union Good : 1. One copy Hardee's Tactics, the Tcit Cook for tha Citizen Soldier. 2. 23 splendid assorted Union Envelopes, entirely new devices. 3. 21 sheets superfine Un'wn paper. 4. No. 4 of ortr pietnre gallery, (The Bombardment of Sumter.) 5. No. 5 of our picture gallery, (The Mjisaehtfsetta Sixth.) 6. The splendid picture ''Tha Defenders of otir Union." FOR ONE DOLLAR ! FOR ONE DOLLAR ! FOR ONE DOLLAR 1 We will send the following, post-paid : Portrait of the jouthful Col Ellsworth, assassinate J at Alexandria, a ruartyr in the cause of liberty. 25 assorted Union Envelope. The splendid picture cntitl .d "The Defenders of our" Union." A magnificent Gold Union Pin, the most elogmt jet got up valued at $1 5(7. Envelopes witk tli!) newest designs snd every de scription of Union Goods can bo procured of u cheaper than any where else. Saiuplo sect free, Ur dealers on application. Address all letters and order. L. J. Y0IGT & CO.. n30wd 12 Ann Street, New York. Something New L. P. E. C. & C. Ladies' Patent Electro Collars and Cuffs. 6 Sets for 50 cents. . G. P. E. C. Gents' Tatcrt Enameled Collars: 10 Collars for 30 cents. We have how in stock a full and complete assort-", morrt of ail styles of Plain and Fancy G oods, m.nvi facturcd by us under out several Patents, and we particularly invite tbe attention of tho trado to the goods now on exhibition atonr store. LOCivWOOD MANUF'G CO., 071 BROADWAY.- P. S. The '"Union" goods are especially adapud" to tho times. ATTcXTIOX! EEE-KErERS. Kidder's new system of Deft Management, wlrrry by a swarm of Rccs will collect from ono ta three, handred pounds of honey in one season. Dees can bo made toswarni any season, or prevented from do ingso. Can bo prevented from flying to the forest j in swarming-time. Rec-robbcry easily prevented. Moth millers prevented effectaally. Never foe bees by the chill of widtcror otherwise. 1 will send my new Book Circular, containing 32 pages, free of any L'ce-Keepcr that.wi'1 send me his address. It gives the con- tents of Bovik in full, and gives g"ncTaI Cxplantlon and cuts cf the Patent Compound Hive. Or, I will send Kidder's Guide to Apiarian Scicnr on the receipt of 57 cents, in postage stamps, which wi'.l give full parti ralars in tho Culture atd nncaj'V . agement of the Jluocy Rce. All orders for circulars, books, hire?, rig'.f.i, i;. promptly attended to. Ad lrsj. K. P. KIDDER, Burlington, Yt. BRIGHT ON GRAPE CULTURE. SECOND iD!T10-T, Thirty puges of New Matter, with th-7cxpcrievj of 1S30 and 'CI, bingtbeiiKstiairrtntprtof tha work. Independable to all GRAPE GROWERS. Sent by mail, freecf postage, on receipt of the price,. 50 cents, in staa:T. Address WILLUM CRIGIIT. Box 1.13 Philadelphia, P.O., Pa. .A Double-page Map of the World, ON MERCATOR'S PROJECTION, Will be rrrn fre al"nz with th? firt number of th HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL, now ready THE EMPIRE CITY AT IfNC VIEW, In a splendid Colorel Engrarin f . a r. Tl CITY WW YfiS Snowing the entire city, and forming a COMPLETE BIRD'S-EYE TIEW of it ( on a sheet of superGno drawing paper 21 by ' 31 inches, all sarefu'Jy cdored by band. This fine picture has just boen published at Three Dollars per ' copy, but by an arrangement effected w areenablei to offer it TO EVERY SUBSCIRER3 to th HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL, who forwards us$2.ia return for which we will mnil free, a ecpy of th . above engraving ( dne up with roller to preserve i;) and also the HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL for one year, S AMn.B CoriE3 of the Engravings can b -seen at our otSe. All good countrp bills, or postage . stamr, tak"i at pr s remittances. Address all commnnicationc to the Publishers and Pronrietors of tho HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL, A. HAIiTUILL & CO, 20 North William street, New York. Oxen Yanted. Tie subscribers are desirous of buj in? three yoke of ?'!, he.ivj- thre four or tive ver-!ri oxea. ne-tii castv anl baiauce csh in six Eioiiih, or payiUle ia gix!s oniJelivery of Catte. Or we will taio Cattle on tlebt. l). J. i.'.V271X &. Ca