Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, July 18, 1861, Image 3

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EKOWy V1LLE, JULY 13, 16G1.
l o c .a iT
,rVL printing Material of all Kindi
At -Lhrti Bulldincs, Kew Tork, and Brown's Iroi
Offlc,TrBnB,diw Philadelphia.
, re autliomed Asi nU for tbe
-rTrnnn & ADIJOTT,
ivied-States and Fcrdgn Newspaper
" A. J A "
..i.i rntft for toe iMS.iiAoia. una-
. , -f;;-nir A rents iu kjfc.AJwu.xo.
a; k O'DoMOHCl, General Advertising,
PnJni and Amenta, 45 Olive St. Louis,
: C !2erfdited amenta in tuat city, and tbey are au
' ,T L Werr aJrertiaamenU for butn tbe Af eer-
mJUI-nC.I BAETT,Eq. U cnrresnlar eu
Lid traveling A-ent for the Advertiser and Fr-
He will bort'r viflt tbe Baatern cltiea for the
nrpoee of procuring advertising patronage. He ta
fUMTauthoriied to contract and ue our name in but.
M transaction connected with our publications.
The "Advertiser" Office has provided
jtjelf with FUg cuts, and also, those for
printing various kinds of National Envel
. cpes, tnd is now prepared to fill orders
'wholesale or retail. Apply at the Ad
rerriser" office, or Post Office.
Crops In Xcmalia County. We
tare taken considerable pains to inform
'burs elf in regard to the wheat crop of
5emata county this year, and think we
We safe itf yinS lbere are l2'000 acres
in wheat which will average 15 bushels
to the acre. This" will give us a wheat
crop of 180.000 bushels. Take into con
tideratioa that we are but a six year old
coucty; a popjjlauon of on.'v 3,500 and
n area of onry 245.700 acrs. and we
ask in all seriousness can we be beat?
We tare rpoke above only the
wheat crop. The com, oat, and p.ntotoe
crcps cerer were better any where. Sup
pose we ay there are half as many more
acres, of corn than wheat in the county.
and that it will average 40 bushels to the
acre, and we have" a crop of 720,000
bushels.- Suppose again, we put the
price of wheat at 40 cents and corn at
20. cents nd we have the snug little sum
ot 216.000 for our wheat and corn crop.
Tine WtCat Wk. Reed who has a
farm near Nemaha City in this county,
I Las left jn out office a specimen of spring
wheat which excels anything we havebe
l fore seen. It is a new variety in this
j country, called China wheat; is a large
wE'ue rilump crain, may of the heads 8
I inches long. Mr. Reed which will average
acre. Those who want
1 letter call on Mr. Reed
has ten acres of
SO bushels per
good seed had
He will
i lave at all threshed out next week.
TfcC DanCC in Den's new building,
Friday evening was a little the nicest af
fair of the kind that has corns off in this
region for "some considerable length of
time." Lots of pretty ladies present and
aU socialibility and enjoyment. Buck,
Dye and Marsh handled the stringed in
ternments with "neatness and dispatch."
Prof. Dye with his Brass Band was on
hand and performed most admirably.
May the "gay and festive" have many
more such pleasant gatherings hereabouts.
Fourth or July In Nematia City
"We owe the good- people of Nemaha
City and vicinity an apology for saying
that they had gone abroad to celebrate the
4ih. We was led into the error by in
formation derived from one of her citizens.
We are glad to know that they had
a celebration of their own which was
largely attended. Enihusism and good
sound Union feeling prevailed and they
had a general good time The Declara
tion was read by Capt. Fairbrother,
and the oration delived by Hon. Jonas
IlaCEEK. .'. W'e intended to publish the
price dings in lat weeks piper, but was
aWnt until just ns our paper was going
to prt-ss. '
TKePhunny. Phellovv" who sent back
half sheet Advertiser a couple of weeks
since giving a his reason that he couldn't
"tah half a Dost1 returned the "hole
-Ao this week.-. Satisfactory evidence
that it wasn't the half theet that hurt you
before. Bitter take the St. Jo Gazette,
Charleston Mercury or Richmond En
quirer. They'll give " the Gd dd
'A-," to suit you Melvin.
"Rip slap; set 'em up again."
in a
Unfortunate Jcur Prlntcnj a
couple cf the Jldvcrtistr Jours the p&s
week met with mishaps that place them
prominently on tue list cr " v-v-v-very
uc-for-for-for-unfertunate men." One
the " married man" and "poeic" for the
concern took it into his head, that as he
had been gardening this season he was
quite a farmer, and therefore must make
his dehul in the harvest field. So out he
went to "Dads" and "pitched" into
game of cradling and binding wheat.
Result: came home next dny wrapped up
in a blanket. Had the ague and flux,
and his face, hands, back and arms minus
the hide. He has since been taken as a
life-like represenlation of the fag-end of
an ill-spent fortune. He is good pluck
however, and rather concludes he'll fol
low farming for a living hereafter, and
now wants to purchase a yoke of oxen.
The other Jour invested largely
small, but handsome, gay, full-blooded,
and respectable "dorz" net a "burn."
but full grown "dorg." "Pinkey" was a
learned "dorg;" do most any thing you
tell her." By means of a string attach
ed to her neck she could be made to jump
over a stick, through a hoop and upon the
"bank;" would lay down when whipped
and get up again with only a gentle ap
plication of a tin of water. She was
death on fresh beef; in fact the aforemen
tioned jour became scared, and declared
he must stop "chawin' tobackej" or sell
out his interest in the "dor?." He was
however made the victim of misplaced
confidence and lost his "Pinkey." He
trusted her to "walk out alone" and she
"vamoosed the ranche." A valuable re
ward will be given for her, or informa
tion that will lead to her recovery. See
Advertisement with a "dog cut."
P. S. The Jour rather suspects
Pinkey" has been "carelled" by some
evil disposed person or, unlawful assem-
of individuals.
Resigned- At the last meeting of the
City Council Mayor Bratton resigned
his office. We don't know the reason for
resignation ; but reckon he learned the
fact that holding "thank-ee" offices is
"not what its cracked up to be."
We call attention to the card cf E. W.
Thomas, Esq., in to-days paper. Mr.
T. is a young Lawyer well known in this
community, and has established for him
self on enviable reputation in his profession.
Wllssa Firm Ecaicr. "We com
mena tue introduction cf this series cf
lieaaers into every school in the land, and
an avto-de-Je cf all previous ones, with
total disregard to their costs." Nod
lork Txmtt.
Sergeant McPherson of company
C." 1st Regiment Nebraska Volunteers
has been in our city tot a few days past
on furlough. We are glad to see that
Charley stands " soldierin" bo well. -
IlanK Marsh who has been out to
the mountains all spring and summer re
turned last week, in "good order and
well condition." We never saw him look
We hope farm subscribers who are to
pay in produce will not forget us after
harvest. We are particularly anxions to
lay in a stock of wheat for winter flour.
Army Regulations We are in-
debted to Harper & Brothers Franklin
square, New York, for a copy cf the
"Regulations of the Army of the United
States, 1SG1." It is an invaluable took
of 500 pages, containing the army regu
lations complete and in detail. It should
be extensively circulated and read. We
are not informed es to the price.
Philip M. Marti w, long an efficient
nd popular clerk in the house of D. J.
Martik &, Co., in this city, left here on
P J m .1 . m w
uesaay xor me juouniaius. iie goes
put to take charge of the stock of goods
tent out by the above named firm. Phi
is a capital good fellow and we wish him
pleasaut trip and " success in life."
High times at the City Council the
wher eight. Big speeches and sich.
Things did'nt go right" tomehow. Go
W gentlemen; you'll get used to bein
Clly fathers after awhile, and then
"everything will be so pleasant,"
is al
Peterson's Magazine The
number of this Dopalar Monthly
ready on our table. In addition
usual quantity of Stories, Poetry, House
hold Receipts, Steel Engravings, Fashion
Plates, and Patterns for the Work-Table,
f contains Two Splendid Colored Pat-
ternn, one ot wnicn is a "stars ana
Stripes" Bed-Quilt. Every ladj ought
to have a number, so as to work one of
these Quilts. As a new volume begins
with July, this is a good opportunity to
subscribe. The price of '
only two dollars a year
or a
T ft
reterson is
dollar less
than magazines of its class. It is just the
one, therefore, for the times. To clubs,
the terms are cheaper still, viz: three
copies for five dollars, or eight copies for
ten dollars, with a superb Premium to the
person getting up a club. Adress,
206 Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
Specimens sent gratis to person de
sirous of getting up clubs.
Regimental Colors. The patriotic
ladies of Nebraska have determined to
present the Nebraska Regiment with a
full stand of colors. To this end commit
tees have been appointed in every town
in the Territory to solicit .funds, Mrs
McPherson and Mrs Tipton compose the
committee for Brownville, Mrs Daily for
Peru, and Mrs Small for Nemaha City.-
ue notice that the committee of this
place went immediately to work, and we
are glad to add have been very successful.
The colors have been ordered from the
East and when ready for presentation no
tice will be given and general invitation
we suppose, extended.
Woodrcortfa'8 Tooths' Cabinet-An
interesting magazine moral, hig-h-toned,
and useful periodical for the little folks.
Terms, $100 per annum; J. M. Stearns,
Publisher, 116, Nassau St. New York.
"STAirnirro Collars" Can be had at
Seigel's. We presume they are
excellent quality as Dave keeps no
kind nf articles.
In pur?nance cf decretal orlcr made by the
District Court, In and for Nemaha County, Nebras
ka Territory, bearr-idata May 16, lSCIsiiting in
Chancery in a certain case pending in said Court,
wbersin Tb. mas Heady is complainant nni Henry
Js'eimier and Catharine Neiinier. areresnTilint T
rill on
Saturday the 21A day of Jluzust. 1S61.
at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day in front of the room
wnere tbe Uittnct Court of Nemaha Couuty held
itala-tterm, in the town of Brownville. Nemaha
county, Nebraska Territory, offer tor sale to the
highest bidder for cash the following described re
al estate to-wit: the northwest quarter of section
sixteen, township eix north of ranse fifteen, east
or the sixth principal meridian, Nemaha county,
Nebraska Territory, less the fortv-aeTen acres sold
R. W. Frame. J. S. REM FORD
Master in Chancery.
Brownville, July 18. 1883.
John A. Ponn, Plaintiff, 1
VB i
. V. Edwards. Defendant. )
Notice is hereby iriven that in rnrfnanca of in
execution iaed by tbe clerk of the District Court
of Nemaha County, Nebraska Territory, aminsttho
defendant J. V. Edwards, in the above enilled case,
and in favor of tbe plaintiff therein, John A. Ponn,
for the sum of seventy-four dollars and sixty-two
cents, $74,62 and the costs of suit, amocnting to
five dollars and eighty-flra cents. J$5,85 I, W. S.
Horn. Coroner and ex-oEcio sheriff of said county
in said Territory, have levied upon and will offor
for sale at public auction, at the door of the house
in which the last term of the said district court for
said county was held, on Wednesday the fourteenth
day of August, ad 1861, between the hours of I A3
o'clock, r. H. of said day, and will sell to the high
est bidder for cash in hand, the following described
property, to-wit: one lot of land, bein sr. to-wit: the
south half of the southwest quarter of the the south
west quarter or section No thirteen 13,J township
five (5), range fifteen ( 15 east of the sixth princi
pal meridian, containing twenty acres of land, more
or les?, taken as the property of J. V. Edwards, to
satisfy an execution against him and in favor of John
A Ponn. W. S. HORN,
Ex-Officio Sheriff of Nemaha County.
By J. W. COLEMAN, Deputy.
Brownville, July 18th, 1361. n2-5w-$ 9
". That new military evolution introduced
Bock at the dance the other night was
"much admired."
horning visits. All
fae rort.
still makes its
Plenty more
Vanity Fair This humorous weekly
has ever been a favorite with lovers of fun.
Since the war commenced it has been
particularly tnfercsfing on account of its
many real witticisms. It preserve a high
tone ; sustains our nationality, and strikes
at corruption or shams in high or low
places. It is a perfect nine of wit, and
is the only original illustrated paper in
America. Artemas Ward writes exclu
sirely for Vanity Fair.
Terms Single copy, postage unpaid
iz,out postage paid fcii.uu. rive copies
S10. Call at this office and see specimen
numbers, and then somebody make up a
club. Address,
ICO Nassau st., New York.
Hill's new ware house is progressing
rapidly. Sprinkle's mill will be Tannine:
in a few days.
Serios of School and Family Rea
ders. A Series of School and Family Readers, aiming at the
highest degree of usefulness, acid splendidly illus
trated. Consisting of a Primer and Seven Readers.
By MARCUS WILSOU. The Primer, and tbe First,
Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Readers are now
Tbe leading objects aimed at on the part of tbe au
thor have been to Construct a Series of Readers tbat
ebi'.l not only presout the very best means and methods
of teaching Reading a an Art, but which shall also
contain a large amount of useful and entertaining
The Primer and First and Second Readers mainly aim
at the attainment of the first object by larina- tbe foun
dation of correct habits of Reading at tbe verj beginning
of the pupil's course, while the more advanced reader
still keeping rhetorical instruction Jn view, especially
aim to popularize, to tbe caDacltiea of children, the
'Higher Englih Branches" of study, so that some use
ful knowledge of the variorg rieDarttnenta of Natural
History and Natural Science may be obtained by all tbe
pupils in our schools.
Th leading I'ointt of merit claimed for tkete Rea-
dr art :
1st. Tbey present an unusual Variety In matter and
manner, and will prove exceedingly interesting to chil
dren. . .
2d They wifl secure tbe highest degree of practical
Instruction in the art of reading.
34. Tbey will impart a great amount of useful Infor
mation, which in no oth?r way can be brought before
tbe great mas of Children in our Schools:
4ih. In Illustrations, and in paper, Printing, and In
durability of binding they greatly excel otner Readers,
while the prices are extremely low.
TI1E riioicitu 'Introductory.
43 Pages, large 12 mo, Price IS cents.
Beginning with the Alphabet, extends to words of four
letters. The conversational style is adopted to a con-
kHerable extent, and mark are given to denote the
pruper inflections, tbat tbe child, aided by tbe teacher,
may begin to read naturally, and thus avoid those bad
habile which are so difficult of correction.
Wilson's First Reader.
B4 Pages, large 12mo, Price 20 cents.
Bejlhaing with easy words of four letters, extends
to easy worts Of six letters; and a few easy worda of
two and thres syllables. In this Reader, also, tbe con
versational style is frequently introduced, and the sys
tem of inCectiocs is continued.
Vinson's Second Header.
153 Pages, large I2mo. Price SO cents.
Is divided into seven parts, each preceded by one or
more Elocutionary Rules, designed for tbe use or tbe
Teacher only, and to en orce upon him tbe importance
of requiring ptipils to read a. directed by the inflec
tions. Superior illustrative engravings are made tbe
subjects of a large cumber of reading lessons.
Wilson's Third Reader;
254 Pages, large 12roo, Price 60 cents.
Contain, first, a brief synopsis of the "Elements of
Ehcutiiin." Part first, "Stories frm the Bib lo." Part
Second; "Moral Le-ons." Part Third; Takes up the
great division of Animal Life, tbe "Mammalia," most
ly Quadrnpeds. This ponton is made exceedingly In
tel esting. and tbe lllnstrationa are unsurpassed in any
work on Natural History. Fart Fourth; "fillscellane-
Wilson's Fonrtli Reader;
. S60 Pages, large 12mo, Price 66 cents.
Contain, after the "filemenU of Elocntion." Part I.
"Human Physiology and Health ' Part It resume the
subject of Animal Life in the division which treats of
Ornithology or Birda. the same as with Quadrupeds,
the ICadidg species of the several Classes or Orders of
Birds are grouted in cuts which show their relative
sizes, and many of the most beautiful poetic gems in
our language illustrate tbe descriptive portions, arid
give Variety to the Reading lessons. Part III, "Vege
table Physiology, or Botany." ParOV. "Miscellane
ous." In Part V. Natural Philosophy w look in on
tbe school at ' Glenwild." and listen U trie conversa
tions fceld in a "Volunteer Philosophy Class," Part VI
"Sketches from Sacred History," contains some of the
flnet selections of sacred Poetry, with beautiful illus
trations Wilsan's Fifth Reader.
540 Pages, large 12mo. $1 00
Contains, Part I., "Elocutionary," Jn which tbe prin
ciple f Elocution are developed in a series of Conver
sations, with nnmerous examples. Part II.. "Heroet-
ology. or Reptiles" (the Third Division of Zoolosry,) with
a rawing 01 u ppecie. rars m., jumn Physiology
and Health" continued from the Fourth Reader with
IS illustrations. Part IT., "Botany." coniinned from
the Fourth Reader, with drawings of nearly 200 opecles
of plants, grouped in families, in accordance with the
'Natural Method." Part V., "Icthsology or Pishes"
the Fourth division of Zoology, with drawings of 124
species. Part VI. "Civil Architecture." appn priately
illustrated with the different orders, &e. Tart VI'.,
"Chemistry." Part VIII., "Geology," with Geologi.
cal Chart and Drawings of Extinct Animals." Part
IX., Ancient History, with Illustrative Poetical Selec
tion. There are also ten "Miscellaneous" Divisions, each
Choice selections, In a great part poetical have been
gathered from more than two hundred different writer,
to give interest and illpatr.ite the scientific divisions,
and thereby furnish a suitable variety for reading purpose.
Ta PBtKCiFAia or SchioiR, who wii-h single copies
tor examination, who a view to Introduction the
books win fcerem, postace prepaid t.u receipt t h if
tbe prices above ramed. To other person thcr wi!i be
sent, p.sace piepaid, on receipt ot the fiill -Vi
F'TTerisof Introduction, and for A?pnrit;. !t ' e-
their care.
Publitbedby HABPER & BEOTHLEBS. .
Franklin Square, New Toik.
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Probate Notice.
Probate Court ef Ne
maha County, Ne-
y braska T e r ri tory,
petition tasell Keal
Heath Nuokolls administrator
of the estate of Charles il.
Ureever, deceased,
Elisabeth Snodgrass, John Q.
fenodgrasg, Feter Ureever,
Susan Grcever, Lavina Gree-
ver, barah Ureever, Joseph
i.j... i'- i.
Wm. Ureever and Samuel K. Pafford.
To Elizabeth Snodrass, John Q. Snodrras9, Pe
ter Greever, Susan Ureever, Lavina Greever, Sarah
Sarah Greever, Joseph Greever, William Greever,
Andrew Greever and Samuel It. Pafford whose place
of residence is unknown voa are hereby notified
that Heath Nuckolls administrator of the Estato of
Charies M. Greever, deceased, on the 26th day of
June A. D. 1351; filed his petition in the Probate
Court within and for the county of Nemaha and
Territory of Nebraska, alleging that the personal es
tate oi s&ia decedent is insufficient to pay his debts
and the charges of administrating his estate, that
be died sei ced in fee simple of the following da
scribed real estate in the counties of Nemaha, Rich
ardson and Otoe and Territory of Nebraska, to-wit :
the undivided half of tbe south-west quarter of tha
south-west quarter of section twenty-five 25) town
ship four (4) Range sixteen (16) and lot No. two
2 land lot Iso. three IS, section twenty-five town
ship four 4 range sixteen 15 and the north-west
quarter of the north-west quarter and the south
west quarter of the northwest qr and tbe southeast
quarter of the north-west quarter and the north-east
quarter of the north-west quarter of section thirty
six 361 township four (4), Range sixteen 16, less
laid on in townsitea 80-100 acres, which leaves a
balance of 302 80-100 acres, the undivided half in
section thirty-six 36, township four 4, Range six
teen,! in , iju a-iuu acres; ( also, lot tourer sec
tion thirty-one, township four, range seventeen, and
lot No. three and lot No two and lot No 1, lection
thirty-one, township four, range seventeen and the
north-west quarter of the south-west quarter and
the south-west quarter of the southwest qr and tha
north-east quarter of the south-west quarter, section
thirty-one, township four, range seventeen 303 20-
100 acres less 83 39-100 acres laid off townsite of lot
No four and the north-west quarter of the south
west qr of seotion thirty-one, township four, range
seventeen 83 39-100 acres, 222 81-100 acres balance,)
tbe undivided half or the south half section one,
township three, range sixteen, 320 acres, and west
h-if of section seven, township three, range seven
teen. 320 acres, and house and 12 lots in St. Deroin,
block ibir'T-five, bnd lot No. 1, block 34 and stable
in St. Deroin, andthe undivided two-tenths of St.
Deroin townsite, and lot No 5, block VI and lot 9,
block No 2 in Nebraska City, Otoe County, N. T.
The prayer of the petition is for an order authorizing
him as administrator of said Charles M. Greever
deceased, to sell said premises for the payment of the
debts and charges aforesaid.
Said petition will he for hearing on the 29 day of
July A. D. 1861 at 10 o'clock forenoon or as soon
thereafter as Counsel can be heard. Ordered tbat the
foregoing bo published four consecutive weeks in the
Nebraska "Advertiser." Given under my band and
the seal of said court. C. W. WHEELER,
. July 1st, 1861. Probate Judge.
Master's Sale.
In pursuance of a decretal order made by the Dis
trict Court, held within and for Nemaha County,
Nebraska Territory, sitting in chancery, bearing date
May 10th, 1861, in certain caSe pending in said
court, wherein Smnel A. Chambers, executor of the
estate of Willis Hill, deceased, ia complainant and
Little P. niatt,etal, are defendants, I will, en Mon
day the 5th day of August,I861,atlO o'clock A. M,
of said day, at the door of the building in which
said oourt was last held for said county, in the city
of Brownville, offer for sale the following described
premises, vis. Lots -five, six, seven and eight (5,6,
7 and 8, ' in block sixty-six (66, tin Nemaha City in
.said County and Territory. Terms, cash in hand.
J. S. UbVUVKD, t
n51$6w5 Master in Chancery.
Territory of Nebraska, 1
vs V
C. E.L. Holmes. )
By virtue of a writ of sale to ino directed from
the District Court of Nemaha eounty, Nebraska Ter
ritory, I will offer for sale at the door of M'Pherson's
Store the place whee the District Court held its
last Term, in the town of Brownville, f?ebrska Ter
ritory, on
JUonday, the 2nd day of July, 1S61.
at the hour of 2 o'clock, rv, the following lands and
tenement?, to-wit: Lot No six (6) and seven (7), in
Township four(4), Range sixteen (16 east, contain
ing 77 90-1 CO, all lying and being in Nemaha coun
ty. Nebraska Territory.
J B WELL3 Sheriff;
by J W Coliuas, Dept'y
June 13th, 1SS1. nSOwSJll -
Master's Sale.
In pursuance of a decretal order made by the Dis
trict Court, held within and for Nemaha county,
Nebraska Territory, sitting in chancery, bearing date
May 13th. 1SGI, in a certain cVse pending in said
court, wherein D.J. Martin & Co., are eonSpleinants
and Samuel Cellan, Charles Hess, and Margart J.
Hess are defendants, I will, on Friday tho 26-day of
July, at 10 o'clock A. M. of said day, at the door of
the building in which said court was last held for
said county, in the city of Brownville, offer for sale
at publis auction tie following described premises,
to-wit : The north-west quarter of the south-west
quarter cf section No. twenty-twrj (22;) Township
No. six (6), north of Range No. fifteen (15) east of
the Cth principal meridian, situated in Nemaha Co.
Nebraska Territory. Terms eah in hand.
J. S. BEDFORD, Master in Chancery.
June 20th, 1851. n50$6w5j
isCO TAXES. 1860.
Delinquent Tax Payers for the year I860 are here
by notified that such delinquency must be paid by
the 15th inst., this is the otly and last notice, and
if not heeded, the process required by Lw for the
collection of delinquent taxes will be enforced.
Attention is also called to tha special School Tax
levied in school District No. 1, Township 5, Range
15. Nemaha City School District and in School
Districts 1, 2, 3 and 4, Township 6, Range 14, as
said special Taxes must be paid.
July, 4th, 1861. n52w2 County Treasurer.
Haln Street.
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vek : the lit)t.-lri
CciiU. A bulJ
No, 1, Vol 2.
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TTtiiney's E!oc?r
ANNOUNCES to the citiiens of Brownville and
vicinity thai he has removed his Drug Store from
Sidney, Iowa, to the City of Brownville, and having
added thereto an extensive stock of
Fresh Drugs,
Dye Stuflfe,
Paints and Oils,
Pare WinPs and Liquors,
For Medical Purposes,
Hair and Tooth brushes,
Fine Toilet Soap,
&c, &c, &.. he.
Invites the public patronage.
Pbysiclan's Prescriptions attended to at all hoars
both by day and night.
Brownville, Aprii IIth,l85I. n40-yly
Furniture ! Furniture ! !
The most complete stocx of Furniture ever offered In
this upper country Just received by T. HILL.
Brownville, April 25th, 1861.
"The Union Must and
shall be Preserved!"
and shoes,
Bjnnets, Misses Flats,
IQry Goods and
IRON, &c,
A General Assortment of all the above.
Having determined to engage Ic general merchan
tlle business, I have this Spring brought on. and open
ed out an extensive and varied assortment of everything
needed by purchasers in this or any other Country ; con
sisting of Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps, Bonnets of every
grade and style ; Dry Goods in endless variety, cassl
mers, Cloths, Jeans, Saltinets, Tweeds, Testings, Cali
cos, Lawns, Merinos, Cambrics, brown and bluish mus
lins ; Groceries, fancy and staple; Iron, Nails, Hard
ware, Queen s ware, &.C.
1 am determined to open up a "new era" In If erchan
tile business, and will, therefore sell at figures unpre
eedentedly low, for cash or country produce.
I nave on hand a splendid assortment of French tip
and Calf skins for home manufacture, to order, on the
most resuu&hle terms. All work warranted or no py.
Hides, Pelts and Furs, for which the highest prices at
all times will be paid.
To be Brief,
If yon wish to purchase goods on the most favorable
terms, or dispose of your produce to the best possible
advantage. Be sure and call at
Brownville, April, 4, 1861.
I desire to say to Ranchmen anywhere between the
Missouri river and Mountains, that my stock for whole
saling to them Is now complete embracing everything
desirable or profitable to trade in, and at prices unheard
of cheap. Call or send your orders, which wl'.l meet
with prompt attention. THEO HILL.
Erownville, April 25th, 1361.
To All TFliom It Slay Concern.
All persons indebted to Wn. T DEN, either on
book account, or by note, are hereby notified to call
and pay up on or before the 10th day of March 1881,
and thereby save themselves trouble and cost.
Brownville, Feb. 21 Wil.T.DEN.
Lime! Lime!! Lime!!T!
The undersigned whose kilns are situated niue miles
westof Brownville, on tbe road leading toFt. Kearney,
keeps constantly on hand a very superior article of
lime, to which he Invites the attention of those wish
in? Tbe Lime will be delivered at thekiln or at any
other point in the county, as desired.
Feb. 9. I860 6m K. it. LOKGt.
Petition to Sell
Heath NnbkoLs as Administrator
of the estate of Joseph Deroin ce-
Catharine. William Margarett
Imnn fc Baron DArnin.
To Catharine, William, Margarett, A mop, and Baron
Deioin. who are heirs and legal representatives of Jo
seph Deroin, deceased, Tou are hereby informed tbat
on tbe 4th day of June A. D. 1861 said administrator
filed his petition in the Protrite Court of Nemaha Coun
ty Nebraska Territory. The object and prayer of which
petition is to obtain an order on the 29tb day of June,
A- D. 1361, at 10 o'clock, A.M., at my office in Brown
ville in said county, tor the sale of the following real
et-tate, of which tbe said Joseph Deroin died sei2ed, to
wit: The undivided one-teutb cf the Townsite of St.
Deroin, li Nemaha County, N. T., at which time all
persons interested may attend ami show cause why the
prayer of sale! petition should not be granted.
Witness mr band and tbe seal of the Probate Court of
Nemaba. county, Nebraska. Territory. . ,
n4S-iw C. W. WilEELEB, probate Judge.
June 4. IS51.
Probata Notice.
WHERE A.3, H. M. Reynolds, has been appointed
General Administrator of tbe estato of Joseph Prend,
deceased, late of Gage County; notice is hereby given
that I have appointed Tuesday tbe thirteenth (13) day
of August A, D. 1331, as tbe day for hearing claim
against said estate. All persona having claims against
said estate are hsreby notified to have them on file on
or before that day or they may forever be debarred from
recovering such claims
Given under my band and ofilcial seal, this loth day
of May, A. D. 1561. WM. BLAKF.LTr
46-latpf Prob'a Jadge.
Master's Sale.
In pursnnnee cf a decretal crder made by the Dis
trict Court held within and fot Nemaha County,
Nebraska Territory, sitting in Chancery, bearing
data Ma7 10th, 18M, in a certain case isdL?' ia
said court wherein Jackson Lynesiscomplainantsnd
I.T Whyte, Sarah 1Tbyte, Hllliam HobliUell and
Martha Iloblitiell re defendants, I will, on Friday
the 2Sth July;.tS31,at Iff o'clock A.M. of said day.
at the d.-wr of the building in which the last term
of said District Court was held for said eounty, ia
the city of Brownville, offer for sale at rablio ano-
tion the following described premises, to-wit : The
South-east quarter of section Na ten (10), Town
ship Ko. five (5) . North of Fvouge No. fifteen (15)
east o: the 6th principal meridian situate in Nema-
ebraska Territory. Terms, cash ia
Master ia Chancery.
" n5056w5
ha county,
band, -
, A Gold Fob Chain. Tbe owner can be by de
scTibirS ssnvi and paving for toi adveriMeiacnf .
Bnwnville. June 27. HAMCELCAUJ.FN.
by dwjMii
i v -
i tin r :r
x -i; :i riiok i :
Brownville, April II, 131.
.-V cune
mm w w
By the use of nese Pills the periodic attacks ef A'r
cos or Sick Keadncht may be prevented; and If taken
tt the commencement of an attack Immediate relief
from pain and sickness will be obtained.
Tbey seldom fall In removing tbe Ifausta and Etad
cche to which fexales are so subject.
Tbey act gently upon the boweia removitj Costive-nut.
For Literary Tien, Studentt, Delicate Female, tad
all persons of tedentary habit, they are valuable as a
Laxative, improving the appetite, giving tone and ti
por to the digestive organs, and restoring the natural
elasticity and strength of tte whole syxtem.
The CEPHALIC? PILLS are tha result of long investi
gation and carefully conducted experiments; having
been In use many years, during which time they have
prevented and relieved a vast amount of paia and suf
fering from Headache, whether originating Is the ner-
01 system er from a deranged stats cf the itomach
They are entirely vegetable iatbelr composition, and
may be talea at aii times with perfect safety, without
making any change of diet, andthe absence cf as ytfia
aareable taste rendert it tavj to administer them.
Beware of counterfeits !
The genuine have five signatures of EenryC. Spalding
on each box.
Sold by Druggists and all other Dealers In Xedidnos.
v A box will be seat by mail prepaid on receipt of tbe
Prico 25 cents.
All orders sbon Id be addressed to
48, Cedar Street, New York.
Deo.o, 18C0. B22-1J
Will convince all who suffer from
Speedy and Sure Cure
Ae thete Testimonials were unsolicited ly lit. SPAL
DING, thy afford unquestionable proof of the
efilcacy of this truly scientific discovery.
Severty, 2fatt., Doo.ll,lS23
H C Spaxhtso, Esq.
I wish for some circulars or large show bills, to
bring your Cephalio Pills more particularly before
my customers. If you hare anything of the kind,
please rend to me
One of my customers, who is subject to severe Sick
Headache, (usually lasting two days,) wot currd of
an attack in one hour by your PxSXs, which I sent ber.
liaspectfullv yours,
Iteynoldsburg, Franklin CoH 0.1
January 9, 1851 f
fluntY C Spaldiso,
No 43 Cedar St, N T
Dear sir:
Inclosed find twenty-five centf, ("5,) for which
send box of "Cephalio Pills." Send to address of
Rev Win C Filler, Ikynoldsburg, Franklin Co, Ohio.
Your Pills work Hie a charm cur Headache al
most instanter.
Truly yonrs, .
ilasonville, Cbnn, Feb 5,1391.
Ma. Sfaldi"(J.
Sir :
t have tried yonr Cephalio Pills, and lile them
eo weU that I want you to send me two dollars worth
Part of these are for the neighbors, to whom I gave
a few ont of the firrt box I got from you.
Send the Pills by mail, and oblige
Tour ob't servant, . .
Ma. SriLDixa.
Eaverford, Pa, Feb. 6, 1381.
I wish, you to. send me one more box of yonr Ce
phalio Pills, have received a grert deal of lenejit
from them.
YourS. respectfully,
H. C. SPALBiya
Creel, tTuntinon Co., Pa.,)
January 13, 1861. J
You will please send me two boxes of your Cephal
io Pills. Send them immediately.
Respectfully yours.
P S I have uied one lox of your Fills, and ju-A
therfi exczlUnt.
B'lle TVnois, Ohio, Jan, 15, 1351.
Hzxbt C. Spalding, E&3.
Please find inclosed twenty-five eenta, for which
send me another box cf your Cephalio Pills. They
are truly the lest Pills Ikane evr tried.
Direct A. STOVER, PM.
Telle Tefnon, Wyandot Ca,0.
ETA (nngle bottle of SPALDING'S FRF7PARED
GLUE will sate tea times its cost acnP.aIlyJT
rcoyroMT! dispatch!
tr"A Zuc in Time Saves Nine rVJ
As accents will happen, even in well regulated
familip-it is very desirable to have some cheaptand
convenient way lot repairing Furniture, Toys, Crock-
meets all inch emergencies, and no household can
afford to hi without it It is always ready, and up
to tha sticking point
- N R A BrUih accompanies each bottle. Price
25 cents Address '
No 43 Cedar Street, New York.
A rfa"n nnr.rinf!;.l-il prrs are attrnrt'n' y
PATiuOTiu r:DiiT.: r
1 in t V - -r , . .
Hero cf Suaisr,
2T't' r- .
. A -J Mi nUi V .. w-- .
. X J M.-Ail V 4. V kAM A , I w. Ai
ew iorn i ire icuvm, a
A 1 Ai v m.Ixm, a-.o A v a A -
TZ2, a aan;i ;jrjt,U.-g?, rkh'y c
way through the streets of L..'.M3cre. A
nrcst spirited picture, fiivlrg a very ex.rrc
idea cf that bloody tran;a;.i:ii.
C7 LIZZ217. A fcurt-f UirSrj da
sion, eiqiiailsly cclwed.
. f - w4am4 i .-w. i.i trva
oliior represented ii Ueactcf t-:rrr':cg'
asisrfoot tha traito-'s baanar, er.i ua'ar
lin ia iU jLvce the g'.oricvis old l:t ai
tripes Mforev?r in triuzzjh to wave."
mamrticlh licgraihi3 picftrre, br::--i'Jy
colored, representing tb9 varicas erw.:. r
menta in the Cnited Sutcs lervica, ia i i'.i
dress, and equipped sl a.-r.el f.r ac;ir
service, bein$ one cf the most cs-l'cLt
pictures of that kind ever got up ia li
country. Among tha military reprieitcd,
are the New York 7th, M&is. 6lh, the fire
men Zouaves, Col. Uaryee's Advance Ci'irf,
1st German Ri"os, French Z"uive, V.'.ij
WiLson's Zouaves, etc etj. Price
Any sins!a picture will be sent by e;'!. poa;iJ
ererywheraon receipt of price.
o U
que dollar arra;::;:.:;:it
We will lend the complete sot of 8 pictures to any
art of us Lmted butes, postage paid.
We will send by mail, poet-paid, tbe fallowing eolof
Union Goods :
1. One copy Hardee's Tactics, the Text Dock far the
Citizen Soldier.
2. 25 splendid assorted Union- Ecre'opos, entirely
new devices.
S. li sheets superfine Union paper.
4. No. 4 of our picture gallery, (The Bomtsrdjssst
of Sumter.)
5. No. 6 of our picture gallery, (The 2!auacli3MtU
8. The splendid picture ''The Dtfandsri of ear
We will send the following, post-paid i
Portrait of the jouthfal Col Ellsworth, aawlnat!
at Alexandria, a martyr in the cause of liberty.
25 assorted Union Envelopes.
The splendid picture entitl.d "The Defenders of our
A magnificent Gold Union Fin, the most ekgtstyet
got up valued at $1 50.
Envelopes witk the newest designs and every de
scription of Union Goods can be procured tf n
cheaper than any where eUe, Samjle sent free, to
dealers on application.
Addreas all lettars and ord5Tv,
L J. YOiGT & CO..
n50w2 12 Ann Street, New York.
Something New
L. P. E. C. & C.
Ladies' Patent Eleotro Collars and Cuff.
8 Sets for (0 centi.
G. P. E. C.
Gents' Patens Enameled Collars.
10 Collars for 33 cents.
We have cow in stock s fall and complete ttscrU
ment cf all styles of Plain and Fancy Goods, manu
factured by us under our several Patents, and we .
particularly invite the attention of the trade to the
goods tow on exhibition at onr store.
P. S. The 'Union" goods are especially aiaptei
to the times.
Kidder's new system of Dee SlanJg'jracaV where
by a swarm of Bees will collect from one te threw
hundred pounds of honey in one season. Bees can
be made to swarm any season, or prevented from do
ing eo. Can be prevented froa flyisg to the forest!
in swarming-time. Bee-robbery easily prevent!,
Moth millers prevented effectually. Never loja tee
by the chill of widteror otherwise.
1 will send nry new Book Cir-alar.ecrilalrsrj
pflges, free of postage, to ir.J le-KsepT fa at will
send me his Post-OiSce address. It gives the con
tents of Book in full, and gives gr.iral explantlonj,
and cuts ef the Patent Compound, Hive.
Or, I will send Kidder's Guide to Apiarian Sc'esffe
on the receipt of 67 eents, ia potas starrps, which
will give full particulars in tha Ciliareaa-Ica-t-ageraent
of the Taney Ree.
All orders for circulars, beds, tires, rkV.!, li.
promptly attended to. Address.
K. P. KIDDE2, Earllrs, Yt.
Thirty purs of New Matter, wl ih, ixprtw
of 1850 and '61, bing the mct ltfiTyTtant rrtcf the
work. Indispensable to all ORAl'S- GROWEPJ
Sent by mai, free of postage, on receipt of the prio,
50 cents, a stamps. AdJrs.
william EiGrrr.
Box 1331Tiila4elph:a,P.OP.
A Double-pse
Map of tho World,
Will be tnvn free along with the first easier cf the
a splendid Colored Ec gravis j cf
Shoiisg the entire tlij, arid fcrairg a '
of it (on a she'st o? superf se d.vwiig p;er 2 1 by
25 inches, all sarefclly eolored by baad. Tiis Zz
picture has just baen published at Thre DoL'ars p?r
copy, but by an arran?mnt effected we arflOEit'ed
to offer it TO EVivp.y SZSCIDZT.S to tha
HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL, who forwards cs tin
return fur which we will mail free, a ecpy cf ths
al-ve eng-aviriT ( dr.ns up wuh roller to prestrve it)
and also the HOUSEHOLD JOURNAL f.r eaeyear.
S Aiin.B COPII3 of tho Eogravirgj ti ha
seen at our oMce. AU gwl couatrp xa3, or testa -
nrxy taken at pnr s r;initUnoe. Adir3 all
fli.'ationj to th Publishers and Pr"ri?ti-rj of
23 North Wi.ItAai street, New York. - -
..i'7..:t) j L V
iil emirs axe
Oron Wanted.
S"rr:..- i :i ot tJ:ni three y
f ' ' , - ' - -t- .1 . x.r., cr.c-;V:- j
Or we take Cattle oa dolts.