i T1i iDYEPJISER, rw"1 TjBNAS &' LI? ANNA, ,4 tay Stricklcr. Ulock. Main Street. pnoitxviLi-i:, x. t. V ...Aim in;. - ., . ' ii II tfr nv IT THE ADVERTISER, A ak Ay Ay Ayfov i r a ax '.i- "."J fht'cwk aoc-uauief rir. not "Free to Form ana Herniate ALL (heir Domestic Institutions In tliclr cn Trar, subject onlj to tie Constltntlon of the Dittcd States. Jae trt(ie ilaor !; jairUf a, f l r , Ka-:a t-i.ti-jQ! tatvrtioa, --- 4 tD KJ3rt, OS Uo&'.h, - - - - - t I aiB Ci i ti uaer ti ae yewr, - $ n . out C j! asm en jer, - fc i Oce-fcalf Colaraa k&erear. ii t O-t fva.'ia Ci4m& ne J'. - - - Oaee.itia CVl aiua vne year, I f- Oae-foiii-aasii rjo:i. . )! bII Co!i:iI ll BKB'fc, Wrt Oue foorta CjUsb ; e.ai, 19 Ou ncbil Colaaa at ra.tU. IU one Colisn larae ta cilt, -- fir Oaa ;f C-lni6 :Lr Kiutlh. - . U W una fvirta O l naa &- ewa:li, - 13 '. Oaa lubia Coivni tlrae aswotat. W .44u.atan.u.utefarSc;:alTaa.)- 4 W VOL,. VI. ,,r''"'-'y-' . A. CtlOlfcrtXIT Crfc Schociiheit ':X0ENBYS AT LAV BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JULY 11, 1861. NO. 1. Liir'lTORS IX CIIAKCnRV, OUCn''1 . ,i Main BW.. I Com" I . . Xfllliis!ta 1' . , .t.. (,'inf -I'd tin V ! V to the ffi.cud. Ji. " ... in B' .-i.vi!l iif !. rvl ' .. ,4 j .i-l '' .p ,,p ,1., fX'fn-U-'. t" 'mil Hi CHARTER OAK Life Insurance Company, narlford, Conm Incorporated by (he Sldte of Conntciicvi. Capital Stock $200,000. VTi tKi.r.-and inrr:airKorilof receipt Mf re ly inrMfd nJT the eaDction and aj-pruraUf lb CcniitroUerof ruLhc Accoulii. OFFICF.RS AND DIRKCTOUS: JACKS';. W A fiK'KY, I'rc.dent. JiMIN Ui'CK, Vic I'residfDt. i:M V.S i;H.L. .-ccri-lary. E.D.UIOiCUMAXicneralAgtnt. B 11 O W NV.ILLE Trj Jlulclilng. By mulching, the inexperienced reader will understand that we mean the niacin'1' of leaves, straw, refuse hy, grass, or other material, upon the surface of the soil, around the base of fruit trees, and vanou3 other plants. We hone ererv reader of the Agricultural will look into the benefits of this rruc-ss. It is Dosiible. doubtless, tr orer-rate the importance of the practice, but there i little danger of it. To our new, it is one of the moit U3:ful projees in otcI;aid and garden culture. Of course, it is n if t.i -m. ployed wi:h u'. r-gard to tiru aiid seuou. lis value aj j,t ars chietiy ia t.mcs ot drouih, prescrvinjf ah.-aiiii;ul myitjre of the fcunare of the soil. Jtalaves Loe- labor in keeping down wetdsand scaaify inj the earth about trees and plants. If a fruit-garden is not carefully tilled Ssa in mid-sumrner, the ground becomes hard aD r' an( an army of weeds invade it, tt'KirK ilia Ai rsw . r .1 pump the soil still drier than it would be if bare of vegetation. But cover the ground between and around the trees with a few inches thick of forest-leaves, or straw, or tan-bark, and the soil will con tinue moist, arid few weeds will appear. The tress, too, will make a better growth. xetmulcning should be applied with some care and discrimination. For in stance; it should seldom be us-jd in early Summer, except in the case of newly planted trees. Jrrom April to Junu it would be better to kee n the soil clean and loose with the cultivator and hoe ; for, if covered earlier, it would keep out the genial heat of the sun, and so retard the growth of both leaves and roots. Wait until the ground gets well warmed and vivified, until the manures have been well worked into the soil Ly the hoe, and until the ordinary rains and dews of early Summer seem insufficient to keep the ground properly mo:st; then put on the blanket of leaves, or straw, or refu?e hay. or cut weeds. So treated, it will maiter litter whether it rains or not, lor several weeks at a time, for the mulch will urret the moisture always riing Irom the mi! si '.l and prevent its evaporation. The hoe. too, may ctae its fL'ht of the wet da for a long tune. A.frM oni, K.l:v.'zM, X. tVliciiUii) . DiarcTOUD: I mil 1 i'i .Ulii-e, J V.nL.nare, J. A.l'.rl-r. F. I. Ii 1 0 rnun S..m.C i. Nelson lloliuter, J,iui r C. WaVitlcj. R tVw. Tipxori Attorney at Lav, 7b: H. THOMPSON, . . r dim Pmu'n mn 't,i , t ,1 M.,r ...uth ol M.uu C-'afc. l-ra . M J.ir !'"l. JOHN L 0AES01I fT"f().. nmrrrnt Mory, Land hrranU. Errhane. and Cold Dud . t.,t K.ivrr. wn'urreiit huk J.!l, and f..ur.l tn x-Ul t curM t tatea. .Trl M . rariml .ccounl, aud luierwt al- oTFICB. KTRi:r-T. in:Tirn: the rclrar.u M1 1,,c t Tlrsr;ivii KEFEK EXCES: I ( 41. nil h c in. iih' -,i,..ii '", crr.f rvrt, i T Smuti- 11. H nker. J,, (.ii.ji.c-, U'e J AuJ. L'- S. I J' a k I'ii. lUnker, rii.inin' l'it. :u o i ...u, j Vu.'i- r.- . r-A't Sink, S'ti .it, A t Li, .m lUn.l.,1-1 l4U'jr at Lw, . Tii rr-iy, U Tr.'iirr, tliimure, UJ. raMilticton, t". C. Chlrnsn. til. St . Iiiii, M X 1 . ii .1 1 1 1 - , U .1. Vf eft cIhii a r Il.;orld u, Mil C iiiilri I iii I. 1JJ H ivn. A 1 tl uiii V ,v 8 ISCO-lf jMr.s s. liiiDroui) t roll K Y AT LAW, t f P ' . Tn fVoti-ri-r ilVff 1 ' I''..J -VHiil i ..c.ivC.J- ' . - B IjWNVILLE. k. t.- PfKr. A FOWIJ-R. LAOKSMITMS, Wotor j3trcot, r.a;i.Mi.Li:. m:huaka. rpTprp;' 1 t, f in IM r' te mxl no'.lfMt a .iTr i",iniji.i,ifp. Tu.ii r. ;k ami ?'! "hh ' f,, mui'ih 11. i" f .1 ' i is li'ir-fKf.' i t.l r..iind m 1 . It iirw hn. " X A. C O S T A If E , I tupiivtrii n I'tALLB in 0N, STEEL, NAILS Miv;.vi.nv;s. vxlvxfili: j ncijijowo, I AMI h A C KSM 1 T H o T I) t) u & vt e"., '..'t pfn Felix ami E-lmoiMl. ' A. S. IIo2lady.M I), V.-li.-al Kffttnlnen XpT'Iio -tioriirt-ccifiiL n.V.'.Kl'UNAS.As't. Jjrowtitill, .T. Johns & Croslev, sou: mam K iantKiis or Tn rc imPhoved ci i t ii:a:cxiA CEMENT ROOFING, It the Cheapest and most durable Hoofing tn use IT IS FJREJ1XD WATEtl PROOF tt rm Ii ar.n!ti'1 to tirw sn l oil rf of all kinJ, ana ii t-lii ut'e r'i itniiit rfiimvliiK tbft liinlff. TZictosI iftonly xc-i!iirc!orTin, and twice an dnranica Gutta Pcrcha Cement r, r.ri.c(.rrlnir and rrnaii ina llu an J other inetal roofs ..f VPt II .wcriniion. from lis rroii elasticity Is not in- ii ml l.y tlie cuiiirac;i u urn rxiuumi vi nicm, u Will not crack xn cold cr nun tn warm weather. Tlire mutrrlali .tp been tborotichly le-f ted In New Totk anil all .rt ! me nnuiierii mm -' -lait i.. ami e can give atiuiidiiru jrooi hi an we tiiui iu men They rft rea lily arpuea ty ordinary iaiwrer, mi nu- l!itt'X.f"e. nnrnriTir II "NO HE AT lb KHitiULU. These materials are put vp ready for vse and for Shipping to all parts of the Country, u'UfiJull primca uiruuuns jur application. Full descriptive circulars will be fur nished on application ly mail, or in per son, at our principal ojlice. 510, BROAD WAX, MnpoBlte St. Nil-noun Hotel ) NKW TOTIK. JOHNS & CHOSLEY. Fe'. 23 ISri. AGENTS WANTLiU. o mo- 1 i !.ER STA1L fa fisi7n a-? v. rTFl rrTU (W ammmmm li am ... - .. ... 1 4 . Takes pleasure in announcing to the citizens of lirownville and vicinity, mat ne cas t 1 1 ti r r a fa T n 1 1 :ll T - Vy jus, opened a new l.iviiin: siauiiL, nere ne win aiwuya ue rt-ady to furnish gentlemen with ;c3.cLlo Horses, Sussies, CHARGES REASONABLE. JOHN A. SMALL. Brownville, June 19th. i8Gl. (n50-ly) JOSKIMJ. MO '" '' t Si L.inm pMredfor rnti. U : 1 : : M . , p4i t lor Scrap lrou . "i- 1 is',? ,? IKESrPEAK GOLD! '"'"'.Tt fiWe' Pi'tX G M n1 .l-n-e " "'e taiiir. m liMVover balance f pr.ee1e '.. tcmkii, pre ,a,i. In all r'ei. I 1'' iuittr!arft vi tte fttiteJ SUteMa', J'0. CARSON. AM) EXCIMXGE.BUOKEU - JkOWyviLLE, .NEBRASKA. , Wot'lHt RENTAL SURGEON, s i x-atra tiiuisr'.f in Ur..w nv i.U. . T.,tcu ' ifM...Bl rrices to tltc community. ' J"l warranted. MRS. IIEWETT, MAIN STREET, Ai,noi,mH- to tlie Uuiof Brownville and Yluuity tUal r-lie Ii tvvwwl tier b I U I N 0 STOCK a Tra MILL1NKKY GOODS, Ti.wl.W-h fl.ecj.IU rsrtlcnlar attmtlon Tier poods rc , t the ety Utest nj Vc ana are oflereJ at unicualiy li.w p1 ir' xcvv hzG iihtp. nnOll'M'lLLE. XEBRJSh'J, n.n-!rii:r inr.ntii ti e cri7en of thi pUce an! vi. i.mv II, il 'lie l. c..uiini"ui'. Hie m iniilacioiy of u. ,'..,1.1 ii. Rr.vi.ni:. Mini Ii tn'sby ntioniion ..i...... .. . ,J ir.h natron-e. His noi v 1 1 v " ii ' t . - . ft. t k 1-all f Hie he-t i'mli'y. anJ l:t wuik all war Pu.w..i 1 tvm . . i.i it.ii ni no nT." AilKtvle, ..1 w..k lr.ni a X 1. 1, flue c!f kin boot. to a c-mr briaau aii.1 at pi ices o low ibat nonj can ;ive me ac ill at my fbp on FirH treet, between liaili Hlul W i ff. win ilie My9 lPf.l ly .Tobn (iarueit, Uinmui h i"i a id Jame P. ii..n.i..n ihn LiiiiHT. Inns' m (ifrtl Miwu in theetn- 1 l. v of .J-r liMuJivtU X .Son) have united under l In- trtn f j j:;h giV.nett & co. run the rRrcCTioN ir the Asricultural Iraplement AND SEED BUSINESS, They will con-taiiMv kei-i m hand a full ftirJ of Landnth s Warranted harden Zxcds, '.l frt-h. and of tin- lunt Tr rrowth. To t3 obtiiu. d at t'leol l house at I'hiladelpliia. and will cnfiin' their ri- I luirdcn .Seeds exclu- Y7 YOUKtiEL YS ! New Eating Saloon. BENJ. WHYTB, IT.is rpened a new Eating IIou on J'ain street, next door to the U. S. Laud Office in Uiowaville, where vv arm 3Tovls CAN BE IIAD AT ALL HOURS. All kind of game eerved up a dosirtd, nt the hbortcat uotiee. Oystf-rs, Qnails. Erairie Chi. -kens. Fieh, V-ni O , Tie, Cali-, Hot CutlVe. Sweet anil E'utUT "I'lkc's I'cak, or Bust." PfYiSISN STORE AND DRY GOODS HOUSE. No. ilt IVTrvlia eaittoot, 5 A en in 1 inn cJ-11-...U ; iS U O W Im V 1 L L L. H . 1 . be re moved before the cloe of the s-t-ason. - ' 1 re 1 11 wept on jate intoAutumn.it will serve -w TrwrnrrNnnrvr n lu het'I' UJtJ grounu about me roots ot tnt ey LlU ilti ji Q H.vO trees warm and moist, and so excite con- n. . iti ih.ir f bn,ine house on tiuued growih at a time when it should M;iin street, near the u.3. Lan.i offlee. in Brownviiie have Ceased, and the forces of the tree where they h ive opened out auo areoiirring on me mom worted together which are matched atout in tht3 same way. It is not an easy mat ter to find a pair of horses well not to say perfectly matched in every respect; and we regard the thtnj as impossible, unless they are of the same Hood on loth sidf. In market it is essential to a pood price that horses offered in rairs should le of equal size, similarity cf lui!d, and colored alike to a shade. These qualities are of importance e.s affecting the market val je of horses offered for sale as match ed pairs, Lut there are, ia our opinion other considerations of vastly mere im portance as affecting the real value of matched horses. They should hare the same temperament; that is, one should not le quii k and nervous, always ready to itart at the first signal, and the oih r ilo v and rhf Ignntic. ntver ready to move until started ly the whip; and a pair of horses perfectly matched in size and color, but of different actions, are ill matched. Therefore a span of well matched horses should have the same spirit, action, tem perament, gait and disposition, a? well as color, from and size. Then again matched horses should b caited alike when they walk or trot. Many horses that will together cannot walk together, because one may niturally walk fast and the other slow, and the fnst walker takes more than his share of the load, while the othefis greatly worried to keep pace with his mate, and ambition and courage never can make up for a natural slow walking gait; and although a pair of horses may move along together when upon a walk because the slow walk er has the disposition to keep up with his mate, yet he is worried in periorming what his mate does with the most perfect ease. In matching, or selecting a pair of match ed horses, there are many things to le taken into account, besides color, size, &.c. As we nave said above, it is a difficult thing to get a pair of horses well match ed unless they are the same Hood on loth sides. A spirited, sprightly ambitious nervous Morgan never will work well with a dead mettled dunghill. Thorough brids of the same stock have a similarity .f temperament, disposition and gait, if not of size and o-lir; and when they are found to ma' h in color and size, the same distrepfneies do not exit between ilum as between dunghills. Take ihe differ nt families of Morgans, and if kt pure. they will be found to possess the same general leading characteristics, and when trot together make valuable pairs. In this view of the subject of horse raising, who can doubt that the wisest, cheupe&t and lea: to bestow great care upon the stock used for breeders? -American Slock Jjumul. lavoralile ferin. Dry Goods, Provisions, Of all Kitv!, FLOUR, C0NFECT10NARIES, giik.:x axd nnici fiiuits, Choice Liquors, Cigars, Anl a "thousand and one," other things everybody need. be sp.nt in ripening off is wood prepar atorv to intr. Tho neclect of this precaution may account, in part, for the winter-killing of many fine dwarf and other ptar trees. There is another rea son, too, for this if the mulch of hay or sttaw he left around young trees in Win ter, it will be quite sure to afford a neat- Wool. Tha following' suggestions in reference to the woo! trade cf the West are msda ia Walter Erowa'a 2ew Vcrk Circubrcf the 1st instant : For cur numerous friench in th? W z,, who may I -j interested ia tha rev !;p, . we wcdJ remark tl at the prtspect for a home dtmand for their wed sctms rsry discouraging, owing to the great scarcity cf mor.ey amonz manufactures, ard vata the Eank loth East and West. Must cf those who hare in former seasons ririttd the West to lay in their stocks, bar either been forced ly the stagnation ia trade to step their mills, cr at least can only manage to buy in market fr their immedhte wants. The entire uncertain ly cf tin future clearly prescribes tho latter as he enly prudent course, even if the 'former were practicable. In pros perous times the trade farmer or store keeper in Ohio or Michigan may ficd a buyer at hi door almost any fine racrn ing in tho shason; but when, as al pres ent, the whole business cf the country is in a great measure paralyzed, the littlo remaining vitality is only to be found ia the great commercial centers. It seems, tharefore evident that tho best way to sell wool will be to send it to the market where consumers must necessarily, in tho regular course of their business, como in contract wi;h it. As to prices which ouht to be paid for wool and which grow ers ought to expect, we think that such portion of the wool as is sold in the West at clipping time, will range in price frcrn 2-j to 33c for the usual qualities in pood condition most of the better lots prcba lly selling for about 30c, and very choice . clip3 going es high as Sue. Tha last aro ' not at present desirable, and we pretune a large portion of the best dips will be wisely held by growers for an improved demand. Our annexed quotations aro probably from 2 to 3c per pound above what cculd be realized for new wool, onafullma-ket. Lots arriving early may bring nearly cr quite cur quotations. Ml I . CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK ,no"PIace for niica. Let it .hen he re B'on-pvil'.e April "6 1r Milk. Miishand Milk, arid all such. Como rind fcioo .li. i. IMll. AND Kks, ratdies& Jewell v. J. SCHITTZ W M a. onii ina..iureirtm.:itifn of BrwnTllle y ' u-miiT ma ne n !ocMed hlnuelf In '3rownTi!le. ai.liutfn4.irrmi:iliiltMon I ' ' erjthinp m liisllnmr tuiMuet. tiUii will I ' 'ortih. Ilewtll lodo all kinds ,.f re- awuenajeaeirjr. All m,uk ar, . 3itlSlr PIONEEB book . BIIIDERY, C2TNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. t vviLLIAM F. IIITEH. 'i, lv BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. ROGERS & BROTHER.. a vvnrxrrs to the rublic that he his porchse.l the Mvery Stable and Si.a fortiier.T owoeu oy Miiuaiu K.-e.l and ad.led thereto One stoci, ana u nw prepar five to those. They willki'cp a very lare stock of (hijo accommodate the public with All Implements and .Machinery tn I Cairi; tMBUACINii ALL THE LK APING AKTICLKS IS TUK TllM?. or THS BEST M VM'KACTI RE. They a ilioit tho eontinaeJ custom of tlicir friends, ami of all thive who tirtve a-.-a.il at in-' urancu iiou: of Lm uftu A Son. at St, Iav. Our K'iee nhalt he vrr l..w. in avs.d.in -e with the lime?, and we .. . -i . : hope to i-ajtslj all who call ou us ai w mo fujwnur qi'ftlnj f ouri-toek,utl tue jrice. Our Tcrmmr Cm-1, and prim tit rowpoaa. JOHN GARNETT &. CO., T:ni ST. LOUIS, MO. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR- JACOB MA 110 UN, msrciia.it tailor. HROUWILLC, KCIIKASILA, lias ju?t returned Irvm St. Louis iUi a totiro new ttock of LATEST STYLES Of Good for Gentlemen's wear, which he will ruaVe to order at rhort notice, and in a manner he warrants to be aatufactory. ;igCS, Buggies, Sulkies, Saddles Horses THE TRAVELLING FU3LIC Can flrl at hi ?!iM ample accommoJationa for norse, mulei or esttie Brownrllle, Oct. 14. I860. nl5-yly B M 1859. looy. II 1WIK II, & ST. JOSEril Is. H. THOMAS DAVIS. ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN STTliGEOX, TAMi: HOCK, a EB It ASK A. i:. !.T.Mice, lir. 1. 'I n, DrownviUe. Ai rtl 1 1, T.I. nt) ly inovru, miv ainiut tne uiidiiie ot -ri' in a ner or nrt of October. Ivtrly in NoVf-in-htr, supply its place wi:h a hill nk of common soil around the trunk, to repel vermin. As already in?imatfd. mulchir jf i. very importaiit in the ca.-e of newly plint'd trers, irubs, aud vioei. The inanhd rot wry toon eIld fF .ill the ni iture thtj' po-seMi, cr eari g.itl.i-r frvin the sor rouudiii soil, and it r v ry i.op rtant t supply thfir lac!c ar.iw-i.iily, tnitil they jrl re-estahlihed, anl i.i a coisuition to iinlliiip it 9IAP F. w I'.ii it- . . 1 1-. . I lut g" n a , ll. . I. I . ft.'t III IIIO' III 3. A.1U.CIJ The Undersigned having opened a hhop he lIone .th-r bv wateri;i?.he not fre quently, or by mulching them. Th fi ri m. thod every ezperienC' d danter knows Furniture Munui'nctory. at the BROWNVILLE STEAM MILL, Are prepared to pnt rp all kinds of CAB I BET WORK. Ta order, at short notics. We wilt nunufacturt BUREAUS SAFES DESKS TABLES STANDS LOUNGES CRIB CRADLES ROCKING OFFICE CHAIRS CHAIRS WINDOW LOUNGES CHAIRS &.c. &c. Wer a1s p'eriTeil to fnrnish f rf?!n with te tit-Tnotli-ptrh. We have n bf! eaioneil Black Walnut lumber f .r tit purje We have theUcili tie "f makinir furnitaie a cheip a it e.m he farnli-hed in iMo.nr.try. ben iurabiiiTT taken UU Ihe ac count, as e warrant ail X our wrk. We la'icit tte patron? of the community. W will Ut9 in ftchanee for fnrnitnre all kin-Is : farm pr.-dnce. T e hUte't pMce- f r hatter, tgi, and laid ill he paid the entire hot aeaton. CHAJlBTItS & SOTZS. I FALL ARRAXGEAIEXTS. STorntni Trsln leaver St. Joseph at - - :00 ErentnK Train leaves 6o do - - 6:40 st J.eDhis reached fcy the Western Stase Line. Paooncer svetime ana -.ireonie insin uu-rouir. ll.nnihal with all'EabtcrD . ,i vv.iiuv. - UiS stuck eniU in ivari ot Mack, eilorea ana fcll(inth.rn"R.iIroaJani!Pitciets mixed cloth. : Uack, colored and mixed doecKins idack. colored. tan-T and mixed taimers: fine Kentucky Jean. Checks, C uttonsdcs, Iiinens, dnl- lin ducks. Stn. VetinTs, Braids. Uuttons, cords e. 11 returns hi thanks o the cntlom-n of this l laceamt vicinity fr tlu-ir pnt liberal patronne, Brownville. Xr S ly. REAL ESTATE A 5 D FAIRBANKS' SCALES Or ALL KJXDI. l-llit: KT CII1CAUO. Jr cf Uaan AAVtlnut. St. Kt. Louis. ar.d re.cflfu'ily invitcji thf in to call and examine Lis new utoek. ll f-vls emjC lcnt tliat In the fu ture as in the pust.be will be aUe to gire eatire st- istartii.n. Hr. w.iriM. Mrn ;i.t.VIy IdELVIi-J LULLS. M-:.MII. C1TV. NEUUSKA. Ociraii. for Wlioat, The P'"i tc m e uitu' mt-J thai ai eiio' Jii'.'s thit SiiWOten: ca) t heini piit j.r c.1 wercbs ntable wheat. AIm wbeal aud corn (round for toll a nnal. .No-22. J.G.JJELV1N. j T D Hatwood, Sop't.. Hannibal. D C Sawis, General Agent, St. Joe P B Gro vt, G. Ticket Agent, Han't al Tnco. Hill. G. T. Ag't. Brownville yovember 54, lc59. Collection Office o r lTVILLE. NEBRASKA. .If.rf'r. Erlvecn LfTe and Ftrst Slrecfs. rarlfcularatfrntlon Slvcn to llic , purchase antl aic ci ncai NcmSnuulimfSiaucs KoU S I I hTe just reivel a new rorrlj f COOK STOVES Of the Utest and mo?t improved patterns, whi. h I prop-vse to sell at nch prices as cannot be complain ed j J. The public are incited Ui call and examine. As usual my ftock of Tin, Shet Ip.n and Copper Ware is large and of my oi mmnfuetur. J. C. DCZSEH. April 11, 1S31, bM-j:j is open to many orjciinris ; it is an un natural remedy, it usually jacks the ground too mucli.it is laborious, and ia not always successful. The latter has every thinrr to recommend it: it is nature's plan for protecting roots, it is easily and quick ly djne, and is generally successful. Water may perhaps be wisely ar plied once, at the time of replanting, but it will seldom be needed again. Among de cidous trees, there is none that demands this treatment more than the cherry. From neglect of it, many fine collections perish every year. And if deciduous trees require nnicw m2 muca mere cti;n:nia. uv foliage always fully expanaea, seres to evaporate the moisture of the roots vry fast. At the time of re-settirg, they hould be rletifullv watered, and then the soil over the roots thou'd be covered with leaves and flat stone lo keeptnem down, or with spent tanbark. With this little - .a. W a -II care, eren the fas'idious Iterator, will ac commodate itself to new foil ar.d expo sures. For shading groin! about newly planted shrubs, grapevines, strawberries. cuttings and the like, nothing is better than chopped straw, cr (which looks bet ter newly mown grats. If water is ap plied soon from a watering pot, it will make the mulch lie flat upon the ground. and it will remain there all Summer. American Agriculturist. PairaentorTaxc lor .oa-RcsI-I c ii 1 LAND AHKANTS t ORSALE.fer eh and nn tr'i.m.nn laml M'etel frm p-?rs.i.-l exAmluatluO. ard av complete Townhip Map, bwin? Streams Timber, Ac, forwarded ua me vu-4w 01 ioc tU2icwnr;r.e,X. T. Jan. S, 1S31. jl diameter Is Power. Beniamin Franklin aitributed his sue cess as a public man, not alone to his talents, nnr to his power of t pea king which was but moderate but to his known integrity of character. "Hence it was" he ys, "that 1 had so much weight with my fellow-citizens. I was but a bad peaker, never loquent, sulj-ct to much heitation in the clioice of my words, hardly torreit in my langtae, and ytt Igfirally carried my poiiu' Character craies tntidence in men in hih stations, as well as inhuman lite. It was tiaid of the fir.-t Alexander ot Ru- tia, that his persnnel character waseijual to a rontitutiin. During the wars of the Fronde, .Moii'ague was the only man among the French gentry uhoktpthia riutle i:ate unbarred ; and it is taid ot him that his personal c.'ia ratter was wor.h more to him th in a regiment of horse. I hat vharacter is power, is true in a much higher senbe than that knowledge isp-nv . Mind without heart, intelligence without conduct, cleverness without good- tiess, are powers, if they may be pow ers, only lor mischief. e may be in struct d or amused ly them; t-ut it is sometime as difficult to admire them, as it would be to admire the dexterity of i pickpocket, or the horsemanship of a high wayman. 1 ruiilituloets, integrity, ami goodness qualities that fang out on any man s breath form the es-ence ot man Iv character, cr, a ore t f our writer hts i, ' that inbnd loyahy into virtue, that can s-rveher witheut livery." When Sttphen of Colona fell inta the hands of his t ase a?jai!ant. and they aked him in deri?i'n, "Where is your fortre.-s ?" "Here," was his bold rt ply, p!a ii g his harid upon his htart. It is in mifortune that the character cf the upright man shines forth wi:h the greatest lustre. and when all else f Jib, he takes hi &:and upon his integrity and courage. Watering Pot Flowers, In the operation of watering potted plants per;-on-i not familiar with plant cul tore are Bpt to make serious mistakes. Cultivators find by experience that a ex cess of water at the roots is very iniuri to almost all plants, and hence it is usual to direct that great ciutionbe used in tha application of water, efpecally in tho winter. The result i., that frequently the opposite extreme is fallen into, to tho great injury of the plants. From the moment that the soil becomes so far dried that the fibres of the roots cannct absorb moisture. Some plants can bear this loss of water wuh more in. puniiy than others; tome again, and the erica family araonj thu rest, ore in this way destroyed. Th object in watering thculd be to prevent thissfjge cf dryness being reached, at iea;t during the time the plant iscrowirrr. and at all times in the case cf these of very rii;id structure ; at tho tame time that excess v.hich would sodden th soil and gorge tho plants is alio avoided. nhui these Ji. nits the most experienced persons may follow sound directions for the application of water with safety, bu whatever water is given to pot p!ant enough fhould be employed to wet tho .-oil thoroughly, and the difference be tween j burs that require more or less water jould be mad by watering mora or less frequently, and not by giving greater or 1-sa quantities at one lira. Matched Horses. V vcpII rerolieet the renlv of an intel ligent farmer, when asked if his horses M mitrhpd: "Yes" said he. Preserqins Slrawlierrle?. The Rural New Yorker, in reply to on inuuiry, pays: "Strawberries require more heating to preserve them than any other fruit we have put, and more sugar. If only scald'!, or just brought to a boil ing point, like o a fruit, thy will not spoil, but lo3e their color, and look, when .1. . V, ,-V.a n lfiAil'Vi tVipv my come upon wiw, - had been soaked in water, and quite de ficient in flavor. After some trials, we found that, when slowly boiltd for about five minute, with, say about a quarter of Kill the Fleas. Clcan'.inesj, and frequent yprinMirg cf the room w ith a simple decoction of worm wood or sas-afras, will soon extirpate tho whole breed of these troublesome vermin; and the best remedy to expel them from bed-clothe-i, is a bag filled with drymos, th-f odor of which is to them extremely olIYniive. Fi-.aj may be easily destroyed by covering the floors of the rooms with the leaves cf the alder while the dew is on the foliage, to which these insects foudy adhere. - Fumigation with th? leaves cf penny royal, or tho freih gathered foliage of the.'e plan's, sewed vp in a big, and laid, in the bed, are alio remedies pointed cut for the expulsion of fieas. Ant taring the skin of cat and degs. with sweet oil, will effectually secure them from the persecution of their ver min. The fleas and lice of poultry are des troyed by decoctions cf tassafras wocd. To Hake Eaabarb Wine- . To one gallon cf water add four pctrnds of ripe rhubarb, thoroughly bruised ; let it stand in the tub four days; tir it fre quently, then strain it; to ens plica cf liquor, put four pound of good cctTee su gar, the juica cf one, and the peel cf cs half alerncn; to every ten gallcts, cna ounce cf isinglass and one pintcf braxdy, put it in. a cask; after the fernentatica is over, bung it t:ght, let it stand one year or acre, and then bottle it fcr use. If kept three cr four years, it will eparkla - J -t r-- . . :c ... , 11 I I i ry rr ra rrvo f.if7ri"ii 7?i-ruri sealed, thpy preserved both cobr and flivor. with the sli'hts! rharg afirr le ing p it up. Lit year we pr.-rvd t .vi ...v m,t-r,.l first rate. One of i bushel and now have t!i-m in perfeni -n them is willing to do all the work, ar.d an i i.ot a , bott.e injured, ll.ie whahav.- ; the other is willing he should. im is Hay Ecr.ulreil to Keep a Horse. A c.-.rre;-tenuni "f V,";.cr'!i.vn Far- rr, w-o In t;iVi 5 -.ritin ttj t f - ,hat W )Ui J not w el, e:peci.i'!y by a riT" who has C .1 proper regard .or r.is ovu uiu.i ..rmr r,l -H- f lip' Li an:rnal, V:t there are a reat in&r.y rd:r! Cl horses nr the c i?t tnv ve.r-- a. :i ii 1-rcd well roi.ch- : hav.- furn!hfd m5raMe crks. entirely w unfit for the purpose, ttir.j full of large 1 1 irsit r-rprv rork isi tracd be- u fr,T -r-, -vrrf.iij irr nd Tf-tPCt all old .'I C, ai.a i.J i'T. "IV rorko' that are net perfect." j k,-ep on co... .vS.. u. j- ct. .s.iy ti. it nv-r p i .. i y-f- f.:t'-pM p u:j'J. - r -.a 7 :-. ";i.iiilo: 'I'ln al, cr i i t j.-i r: rvill U- p a i- ! c . r. litjnn f er a II r a ' . : ny 'ii d .arm i-.CI-Lt. Seine will