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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (June 27, 1861)
II j UL -A ' 1 ;i r.r re-: ...... f i f) , : t. -.. .:. i 12" 31') ! ! f . r . ' 1 t I .' . J ' r -e U i i: j- ' f l. M 1 n ITT -'. 7 ? r . " III ..... I:: r j a - i . . . i . VOL. V. n s i :; k s s o a ii i) s o ill f i M ... ... -i t I -i. 4 j. i L - . a. .- .... -r --, v, . , t. a .4, - I t 97 1 - It H V" H .V' . ' s s fr s A. -II JU'tfT ; inhnson & Scliocnhcit cnUCITOr.SAl? CIIAICCr-PwV, -.'tin - " 1,c:)t..,...I Ihur.7 r"; 't'Pl T' Life Iiioiirancc Coihtkiih' t.ury.rcUi hj tie. .f7, r C 5. Ca;:n;ir riot !l 71:1, Nr. r u ; ;tff . -ir- 13 It O W 1 $ I I iJ la JL-i !r ii vr X1 J I it I "m; ; , ""' Tv uouadxw -v. a ... t f'l- ' ' . ,. -( ,f,:. c ( tl I" " (Jo.'.',: ! r' .;r of i b i . j'' A' 'J' .'J ' ' t.. (i. ;.i ,,... A. '. a"r;i!A -r,t. A !r... U I . J-T nT. tir.t.r.!, J. . ' i-!f V.. J'. !'i ' e j 1 1 v. '. -h t. --..': :; t ,n .1 ..:'.; O V v . . - - -' V.- A E t i i; Mtr.iTiA, C. y. J. :. I'. Jl c. crJ t: ; :, :i r r , : ( . 1 f V c ;rv i:, !:. L.:..l i.- ...... ;. ' . 2 .r:s- ki VcI-jr.'-.-t n a r-. oris. r. ! t: rt:. I-.'. et O.;; il'.a wit!. : .t !iy, v.!..;t.. i:;-y vnil . 'V t;. 1' .. ! :.t . t; v, TiPTon . Attorney at Law, rDTHTTHOLIPSON, " :u?U(t ,ti' tlni l4nt: and Conveyancer, JOHN L C ARC Oil (Sr.r..r to Ll,' i'Tb h. Crt.on. T5 rr i (W Lncurriht . -on Harrar'li. Ilirfiavct. and GJJ Dust m s ntrrr. ii (M i i'ix s si:iiu i s : l a. J 1 1 I r'Vf !' t-.iy'T3 mi ! KPi'Il-C fx- ,-, ..alliiT i'. ti' t '"Uvl hi .!!,(! , ..'c t ,il ...ri'.,Ttil r.n'ilt lWllo, ;iI ,1 ,,..Al. t pi:.. I In xr ;.t t turrfi.l HtM. t j. .l. f -! " currrnt niunt, ftinl iutert-tt 1- A. ...:;. l.n . ': I . t..M. rcc.fiv d ! v K. . . 1 i I - A Apt (,-.tV ' !:.".''ni:u. ".T. Johns & Crcdov, ')LB MiM I' u I ! I.: H IT T.TK i Ui'LL.'.'VIP CELIBIIT HOOPING, , ,e CV.-;t.v -,-.-' woo dmalh ilv-f.v.$ it is Finn .1X1) ii'JTi:n moor It can t a; ,' : i t i.f ' -i'i 1 !,' J FK 1- of a: I k'!i , TliC cr.vl Is cj::Iv'c;:;c-ll!iiI a I Tin, apt! I t t fe e v. -i tit .mMc. p;iT (.rcfrvlf a t.-.l rev;:ri:- la !! ;!.it nc'sl roN .f f-vfrp Sr-r: : : ' i :i, If' Hi H V r 11 1 - :n ;t T a v. -t. i i jii'f ! ty f f j t r f. ; i n bik! ft; i. r.t n uf ir,e'i. fch'J Will i'J erode in roll ir Kir.i i i vrarm j Tf;pr mMorUU J.iv u ! l.'-r ): !y tpitcl In Cw Tcf k !.! '! vrti .f tl.e ,--i,!1ftr fci.i V. c icrii tt aiid ran give mmn-Unt i.-ro. oi kit wo c.'.'-ici totbeir Tiif-y B'e re:.iy a; i -oJ t y ot.J.nary 1; U.rer, at ttiA- U!"'NO HEAT IS REQUIRED.' Tlicse laatninH arc j-vt rp rialy fit vie and for Shijj'incr to a!!, parts of the Country, villi Jail I directum for njj lication. Fv!l ilcscrijfivc circihirs v:ll le fw rtiihdl on api lirution mail, or in prr-, ion, at our principal c. 510, BliOADVAT, JOHNS ii CROSLLY. V . ,' 0 ' -1 3 u:,i j " i i r v ; . rv r li T 1',: rr-0! l!ie:i il il.-i iTtt-i l-rlit lilt - 1 -a ;3 1 ; f !' ' I i J J - Q TaL"C3 Measure in anna ycc'in? to tlv1 citizens-cf Erownville and vicinity, tLat bo has jus: cpened a nevs LIVERY STABLE, uhere ho will always Le ready lo furnish gentlemen with i' ; . t U 0; j !;:.-,. s Mny, 1-31, -.viii .- r-rt-J:;ii".ni ;:uv- r:.:r. : the Army cf t'' Ui;it'-i S':;r.c r.;..i t;4 jTt 7 jrtin and tr,'a:;izdii.:i cf each am will to as ful 1 ju'j : 1. I"r A5TitY. Rir.-.'-ni3 cf Volunteer Infantry will 1; 3 raLo J. Each Ri-tH-nt will cc-iiilct cf cf tn cc-rr.j-..ii.io3 at. i euli cciTipmy wiii Le crg-inized as fellows ; rIinr'iir.u::i. Maximum. 1 Captain 1 Captain 1 Ut Lieu-enmt 1 1st Li',t 1 en! L:-t..-.cnar.t 1 CrJ Licut-Tar.t 1 Ut S,t;t ant 1 1st Sor-caiit O" IT CHARGES REASONABLE. JOHN A. SHALL. Brov.-nville, June 19th. 1S01. (n-SO-ly) - t , r "l'llic's I'cali, or Uust." ,--w ' - I - 1 , ; -:. HEW 1 Se-r :-'; a DL3 8 Corporals 2 Musiciani I Wa:p.-;: r 82 Privates 101 AcLTrorrato' 4 Sor-cantj 8 Corporals 2 Musicians 1 Warcner Ci Privates S3 Acrtrrctrato Th3 comnnssicriPU olacerscf the com pany will Le appointed ty the Governor cf the State furnishing it, and the non commissioned cHlcers untill the company fchallle cinloJicd in a Regiment will le appointed by the Captain, afterwards by the Colonel, onrccoiaecJation of the Cap tain. Each Regiment will be organized 13 Maximum 1,010 company of ficers and enlisted IC - , T. an'.i i.i t;:1 C: r:v l- ' . (. .. s afi u,il I :.,t . f; at" : frc ;n t!.. II":;:' .:.t ty C 1.: Ko:;e l;t i.::-a cf ij ...I .,..1 u..:i : . ....I . . 1 ' I( . 1. . . u, no tci.ij ar.y will be r.i; t .2 1 . r .' : .ll.r ; 1 1 h'.' , f 1 ... - m: v t. 1. ivir a n;ir.;:.ii;.:i c; lie u; t:.:.r ci crj.t:. lion. A s far a 3 practical le te c::r.r:.i.l: .v ill preui'; th.':....!ves with ,.:;:::.t cl th f-:r pie ant uie nnl caJ. w i:h a Llar.!i:.t if r -.-ilb as it v. ill be ti-.;e t,Ure t:.. j;Tcr:::aor.t can fur:.:.! unite nr. 3 for the lrjhacr.t. C. ar..!- rs c f co;r.p it.i: j r. : .v c: iiir.g a;.d still iwCmpitte willr-.; -rt ly letter to t:.e Adjutant General el th y Territ ;ry without delay e-ati:.;; the state cf femurdne.-.s of the cr::ar.;.'L:ti,n a:, 1 . . . . . . . j . - ! -L . - 1 & . . a . . . . . I 1 V.i. tly filled. ALVIN SAUDEIIS, Co mtnitide r-in- Chief. Jony ll:Cc:nut, Adj't General, Minnimtirn SoO company of ficers and enlist- r d p"1 r " ui k Cr.'i., . 1. S O-t r.f I rm.T iLiiL-n. k-q.. I?-V , x, K;P1,., I.-M-. AH'yatl., s (, I.ieiaAwl. t. 5.T. ,1 ,.r k. Kricsft, tfi , ,r. Thi n i rrU, on. Jaj. U. Ci", - ii h.n.'i, I.q.; rrc'l 8. IU.. ,1. iif. h- u;r. A'y i. ,.i sio.lUnibif itiuttl J kn-w Ii, D. C. Cfc'.rppi, 111. M. 1mi., Afo. A 1illi'lXl IK, Mi. Si eri-er'U'jr J'a liu. Tto n, ML H a 4 1. a, A l: l.i. N,.v 8 IvJ-ll. JAMKS S. lillDrOKD ATTOltNKY AT LAW, .AND- M-f: re -r. s-icihT In ( !;:cry. -ir.ov.:;viLir. ir. t.- PE.SE cr: FOVLEH, , BLACKSMITHS. DllOU NMUdl, :;i;iiRAK A. ' ft j .r i t; .-.'.i.' f li i-'.r v.- K VI i'.' "' ' '' . 1,..(1. ; ii. !-.!. t. r I If.' M II' M' I'lM.I li I , . -. -.'.ii i i w u.n riiiE ; i. a c K mV r ir TOOLfc SAINT -lOSKPll. .MO. vtM h ff flulS-. L. i. 1",'"" I' !"' fl'll. .i. i i'or crap Iron. TV f 1 1 r v A ' ncorl on PIKL33r PEAK GOLD! -.-ii) . Mint fiti't aif tisit. Ir. tl! caf. I i' . .,',n t. i.,lrj r-;uri, f t I nite J tai - M is J N D . L . C A R SON. MRS. HEWETTj LIMIT STREET, Annonnrm to ti e lad.c-i of E r.iwnvi'.Ie eni vicli lty ILkt alie La Ju-t roffivtJ Lcr SPUING STOCK iMTLLlNEKY GOODS. To wt.l.-h t.efn i-artiou-ar 'tTi'.if.n. Hr. ateot ll.o viy lj!f;l J leUil hip i v ' i- li re BUOWN VILLE, KttSRAMiA. i,,LH4 T. M.T.VLV.OTT. DENTAL SURGED T, l v 4 l . ir.l uiUi--!t tu i.r-w a, N. T., ton . - l rlnli'l, 11 .-Vv, W' tli'tK's Jewelry ' j. scinrrz ry Wont.' nu..ti'.-.tb- 'Uitenn ef Brjwrrl'.te Vl ..ll VH !!,: tliil .t ! l.-tMtp.t titllif in L j ro a n v : le, o. :nm ' koi r i'f a t ui I 'r t. 'i y fvf r;".!,:rc in . liue.-f t'UMi,i, tti.b ill kvr,li..,rri-li. I! r i lo .to ail kiinU f I e iinl uf ckKi. waK!,e :..! :t!ry . All -rk r. r--M. fSv.lS'r CV7 lOilOO Jiiw3. r o TvTE-"3 ' MiuivMiLLi:. xi:nn.isi:Jt r.r-io -TnilT hif.,1!-'' f cui!" f ( ''"' 8,1,1 .ii ih,t 't, . , i - in --i il t'Mi.i.:. ..ry t .v-t i.m:-1,. :u .'. .nj : i - t v :tcMi..ii ..! . . i... i. .i . !,.. t .I..H- v.'"""' U" . ,k l- ! f !. ! I f. ..: . -i . all ?- m'l-l.i, i ,1 ii-k I' , 4 i -:v i w.,rfc ". in S I f."" C.f k'B t-t (..vfi.rai .1 n.r ,i. .n . : 11 atr et, b-ffta f-cu .'.! ti. 1 tt j' fT l,..v.i,M.ip ;i,v ? 1 Cl Ir I ! ,...5t-ii. il.e 1 .i:;T, I- i.'t i ia Lis-'"- ,.J,.V ,.f .il--r: t i-'-n) l..vo u ia.. vinaJor tin f tin i.f r " ' ""T ''r f "1 re:t t:e m:...-li. i tiun of the. Agricultural Implement A S P sunn nrsiNrss, Ttiry nt 'tv I ; on l.-u t f u!I Ft;ryy.f Lar,.!r.tVs Vntrmn.t-.l Uc.rJei ?ci$, ',! I r'., ' t tV. y.-ar's ;r wt!:.. To ,fo;,i,r!i..J t. tli at I'ta! vlih hi. anl o.-t.f.a.' '' -r th- if t;;i-,!-:i ik'u .!X.:Ju- irt tl i ILcv wi.l k ; v -ry If.r ftr ol h;:!;.:r::!s crJ .h'ic.'T'.ifry 1.1 tif. ECKACIV i A 1.1 TH ITiMNJ AKTICLKS 1' TIZS TKAI'I'i CF TKS PV.-'-T KiMFAcrrs::. Thcr t Yi : tlo c .rti:,uc 1 cut',tn of tleir fiicTiaH, Hr.i of at! t !.- bo Uivcji-Htt ttb Irsnbtom of Lam f.;:tii A Son, at t. Iui. Our j-rir ba!' be tcry l.w. ia -.'c,i..ti,c with t.e ti;nc, al w" t.j e t.. f:,t:-!j h'.l tb Ci.'.l ('l US R to U.9 ;SVJ erior qua'.hj of t.urt: ft.ati-i tl i' 1-rLn. Odr 7iT"'f l'. ' ' r to eorrfpjnl. JOHN GAR MITT & CO., T2nl T. LOLT.T1, MO. Nov Eating Saloon. 4ji-i4.J U.i a. J. a-i, lias a riw Eating iIoc?-3 on ''n stifct, next dtur to tbe U. S. Lui OHica ia UiuwiiTiiU-, hcr CAN BE II AD A T A L L II O li II S . AU V ituh of gnmo acrTei up a ?' m-T. ' hot'tuit notice. OyMcr?, Quail3. Trrn'r Fish, Vtnison, Pies, Co (fee. SSweet bi,,1 - . -Mill-, Mu-diaiid Milk, and all s-t cb. Oi-Mn iiULCX JIoo HTLlTTd EOT7I7VILLB, IT. T. Iav-'ut cc.mi'lPtcl thtir row t)uslnesn hotie on 'r ..n s. (Mt. n tr the I'.S. Land (MT.-e. In Brownviile :it re i ;,f y h ivc ..icned out ai,d jjre.tlf riDj on tbe niort ,iV,r:iMc n-visiR Dry Goods. Provisions, Of nil Kinis, F l.( )UR, CO N V I1CT1 0 NARIES, Choice Liquors, Cipars, Antl a "tts-jUr-anJ ami one," other thin? evrybodj' Deotlf . CALL AND FA'AMINE OUR STOCX Lit utr.ant . Lieutenant 1 Assistant Sar- 1 Assistant peon . .. p:poi 1 SprLTPant Major 1 Sprtrrant Major 1 Rpjrml Q ?.I Ser- 1 Regml QM Str- creant gpant 1 Re-rm'l Q1M com- I Reeml QM cc'm-mi-arv Srat mi-arv Sert 1 Hospital Swart 1 Hospital Stewart 2 Princ'p MuMc'n 2 Princ'p Mmichi 21 Music's for Dand 21 Music's for B'r.d Dj Vi'c rio;v Tor. Sucli was cf the qu .-'tun s se ::;;: sl ed as an appropriate sulj-.ct for :t r.e; Cieay. It li "a p.i-:ti:n ti c;u tul '. ; iirpjrtanco, cn 1 cailvd out twcho tu-.- vj . One cf thiun wa3 a ward el the prue, a:. 1 pulli;h:d in the February Lumttr. 'I !.e other cleve i Csuays are bofore v zi.l i: will nut be unintcrc'stii; to tebu.e j at ..;;. t" d x. ! . ;5 ., ,1 .. ! i i': . . r. t , : U 1 ' f .1 U I 2 1 ut f: "u - d. : ', ! nl : t:. ;u lb:v, ;. Iv c- -. f..r fatten, W. ;. t it ij: N- - r ir.-t ;.' u l. dp, leeuu: ;t . ; d, fret cbvut v.!. it y..u c-.:s y.ut can i. !p k, il j. juu! ,:'l t '. in tl. : :.. ' .t . . . . i --.. i i 4 1 I . . 4 - Vt - i. . . . I.I. .... - . a f :u t.'e '. ' ' J i . t . 1 1 '' v -' r T :.y. ' v,v;: Vf., t-. t ' A . i t . i e ; . frai: : : d, ;.'t tb 1 :t r.. ' t . . : . t t: tl cr d . '. rr aid ;.i i.:.' ::. r tl . u t: v f '. t t " '. t ) i. , :. '. . . . t'.' Ir...1.. Ilev.iia; rrct ab-j: r w th 1 n, u .ll e.i t: : 1 t ) am:r,T thj 20 A2urTate 10 10 Arrnrecrate Thn fi dd -triors of th- Rim-nt. vu , cJ L,; Lt3 r 5t, lsliCS . n V th IjOVP niOF 01 Uif l-.--1, r-ftti-'"-- '1m' ii"Mrrifnt. I ). ! vr 1 (-1 : - t ,t I " T cf the rrinripal reasons aui't: J fer t:.: 3 1 , ,, . 1 , - . . " ,'s ' V?' 1 . . 1 e . 1 .. 1 ! 1 . . a. 1 u j. iw-.v ;j Lury in . v. v. -2, grii.;.f o . . ! , 1 . . r 1 1 . . t 't . , . -, . , l w . , . X , t 1 I . i . 1 ... 2. Ve n -n ' 1.- . ,t , latid. Aii ti( . '.ij u. - c clayey na-ure, have a tonden.-y to c n toli ;ate, and icon leceiij.j tu-. linn and tompaet, iir the tender, i.ewr-h'ie rc.s i f yuu!ii' piant to enter. The tii may contain all the p 'ant-food required, but it i it 13 to hard that the ro.H cannot pene trate, it will be of no avail. It ii hhed up; PloAinj is the key inL.hi the jitore-houi j. The j low is ii.fefur to the spade, lecveu-e it uo:s n '. brcah u;u:J pulverise the soil no thure ,'hly, if we bad a iliju: '-machine thet 1:0.. Id be v. ;rh e-t ::. : t rn n 1 . ive i L y th ; r r u h' side, be b.ard a ru d( an : th j 1. He aid V) lhn;v ':, " Tl.:re j j shall b iv- t t r.- i.iany,, ;t 1 r j 1 i bh-e Uetb-s. Ihl I. ih:;." So I . cr-. r . al an. tt h 3 '.I' (JUt Ui ( .. . : v..: c .; ... .1 . ., . 1 ... :u, 1 to be ,!:. II; out kj th.; v. ty tv.a !j cry, cud Jul 11 ;.?-',.'-,'-..., t t .' , .5. witli the j ai;., iu. 1 hi l.u je j y . . h-. d 1 p, t-.d he u-i3 tlliud ulie ivf n ut.; three d v, 3. lb r4 - ' 1 : t J Ua ... k. . ( i.M l! I M JiiJ TheUndersi I;-.', rrnpp, Dr. I). !w:n, tinarivii'e. Funiiture Jlanufaetory. IhliiJii 1, y A . : . s t 1 "T- - -7 t- t" J a -v i w. a COUNCIL FLUFFS. 10 VA. I . I ? 1 'li GUiiTLEi.IilLi'S eJilil JACOB MAItOUN, I .21. -i 1 1 e, t i H' U'-'.tl T . . .. ... . . a , a . . t - . 1 a E. t;..i..i.i, Uaa jwl ntr: lirvui r't.Lvuiu v iih :i tuurc r.cvr tuit cf LATEST STYLES Of CoJii fi-r -pri .U'-,u 'n, h w'" Ria'no t, rr lcr at th c rt th lice, ar.i ia iir.ner l.e varr&ntJ to I t iti-Ut :r. li. tl -k c..!--e-;.i ia srt cfl'.i'., f-t.-i-ft atsl p-.isol cV.'uf t I'.'i.U;, c-.,rl at. 1 t'i:u I t)('-i:r,i; I V, r.Urt .1, Ur y ji miicj C - U:vri ; Ca Kciit a 1-y J. :t". Ci-ccVii. Ctti t a-lc. l.tpeo, crit Y.rr'.i' : e i' .::., : r i, It .-a'. .1 , ., t: i 1 ?. r- r.l- Apr ii rt u.irr ; ' - V v .o tbe r-r. of this I j:i.v-eat..t ti U: f- r tl.-' r t't L.U't tr-.T?. r, ) i tri r--- !'v i ;.rri O.f J c'.l at -1 ex.--:ae j t.'.s r tf f. -.' c.. II? f i' - --f - t .it 10 t; 9 li. t a t n I i i ,-T. I? v . . 8 . 1 J . . -' r c. i . .tu AND BROVNVILLE, NEBRASKA. RO GEES Cz BEOTHEE, AKKOrKCES to the rnte'.i: 'bat be baa porclip.t the t.tvftv mMeinl I''k f rmrriy owrfi y V.u,iast It ,.m 11 ;ir.1 a.l !c 1 tlicreto f.c nt.-cSC, an 1 U cow ljrcj'ar M to aiTotoaivoUte t-e pall;c 'i"U Cairb'.rre?, Buggies, SrJhics, . Saddles Ilorics o.C h.c. ti'.h travIllkis fueud Can Cn-f at h. Stable unpte accotst:'5ations for Kr, Kule or cit'. sFJu: & joMtrA r.ex;i:r.s. Brownvinf , Oct. 18, lv.;.i. gned having opened a shop at the BROWXVILLE STEAM MILL, Are rrrrrca to ptt np all kind cf bUUIi HIT WORK 1850. 1859. iiaamrai fiST. JCu:?:i Toor.tor, et tbort rotics. We will manufacture BUREAUS SAFES DESKS TABLES STANDS LOUNGES CRIB CRADLES ROCKING OFFICE CHAIRS CHAIRS WINDOW LOUNGES CHAIRS kc. Sec, Wears a'5 rrrrirei to fr.rc;!:b C .ff.i.a wUh the ct Uis; ati-tk. Ve h ive on fcanJ well artip.l Bl.v v?nut lunger f.-r ttat vn.-r-t-e wetir? ti c iv.u tie. 4.f furniture c::ear aa It can t rutn-.-heni eA.r.ut, as s artiilil all if irorlt. We ioticit tte patror.3.-e cf the cctntntaitx. We in tits In crct.irse for &-e an lln-N tt firm rn-dr.-e. Ti c i !?!.'; f-i4 f-.r batter, e;-., Siiivl J UI te pi-l l-e euiire ha?.;3. Thp n'.r,-crpnii:-?ionfd s'aff will be r ti .1 or t. u: . Tt-t.M .t? th, (Vl-'n-l fmm th n-n-cen- i . " 3 . . '- ' j u. , . i t ter, titrw. ITi ! ! 1ni I i ... ' I I ili'J j'l ia'ca 'i w - ' m m and the rnraecii se create' wi.l If by appointment, as is prcribud a rove. 4 MEMORANBOM The ofTicer3 non-commissioned oiheers and p riv?,te.,orLTanizcd as above t e forih, will in all Tesperts he placed on tne potiric ! ty piow:rr, I.arrov.-ir-, rln Lar;': lee ui . i :. . . u : c i r. e: all p--.rcu , i 11 u iu;ar are ieru ia t' . 1- vinef, L'.-.r.uee tne v. at .r his a-eu j uy to'tue; tut cru.h it and let ;h : water get at an iti pari.tici, ar. .i t-.y ; j ..' ili2:-tivcl wr.i r?(zt rari iu". i cl t.:i soil if it 13 in iun.rr, the nir'A I cr der the 1 .;l cf a i li 1 t -i .t v- A Ui . i i - r; 1 e? tiru e uj i :ru.:u.3 b'.v.u I at it. Lit! i,,e -n it ana rereier it ; uiu A . as to rnv ar l allowances cf similar corps of the Regular Arm: Froru!eI( a raendnl by General Orders making the ahovtcrce in all re?pf'Ct3 the same as in tbe regular 5erviie.)That their allowance for clo'hir shall be 2 oO pr month for Infantry, and C-3 pe r month for Cavalry and that each non-commissioned chrcers, private, mns'ician, and artificer of Cavalry shall furnb-h hi 3 own horse and horse equip ments nn-1 shall recieveoO cents p -r day for their uss pnd ri;lc except ihat in ca.-e the horse shall become disabled cr shall di the allowance shall cease untill the di'alillitvte removed cr another horse Erownvi'.:e. l. if- FALL ATtr-.ttCUF.ilKNTS. M?rr!r,if Train feve St. J;.(.pi h at - - 6. ):..(! ,i ;TrsiC lcnc e ct - - 6.13 St. J,'eptia rei.-r.Pd tie Wetfrn :.-ire L.i-e. Pasenr. time an-H If taii'C ! y f-a--..te. DiiT coanpeJion msie s". nn;i.S itl i Jjteto st;tSftn r. silroa. ar d P . ieu. JTD lbtrwoon, S rp't.. Han:.: 1 ah I) C S.wis, General Arent, St. Joe P B Gsoat, G. Ti:et A ;ent. Ilan'l al Tiiro. Hill, G. T. Ai, Frownvihe t'-tc-it er 21. tK3. REM ESTATE A X U bo supplied. Evory Cavalry Volunteer who shall not keep him-elf provided a serviceable horse shall serve on toot. N Every r:ilunK--e'r, non-commiicned cf fleer, prirctenu-ician. and artificer who enters tbe r Jrvice cf the United State ander thit plan, nd may be wounu-d cr disabled in the service shall be entitled the air will be brco.;ht in ccr.tiaet with the pirtitle-i cf enjur,; r..att( r, and le coinpcte then. It will ti,o di-unt-rate the inorganic matter of the ul, and ren der more or le.3 cf it avail uh le ai fr vd for plant . It mu t vA Le fc r-.-tten, t:o, that the roots cf "plant 3 need. a,r. The air con! 1 ins arn:v:ha :u. 1 c.-rluui: acid, and it is a w 11 !,;;' a e! ih at porou3 bodies will attract tl.. s r Thus Tf-odore de S.r: -or. f . charcoal heated torcdn 3 3:.d pluu-..".-J . - if t ivh.le r.ot into mercury, a:.u i.i; rv,;.ra, ui,... , 1 ft th. that r.. tjc. i: ! 'i I A I 1 " " , J , . - i c -t 1 hi..: I ch-- can c ue rt bn : t. c -t t I . , f . . t : t . I ' hi ucf. i . ,1- . 'Lei :.. t-U yu;,!' nl 1 th; tu;h "I:i u v...- he- . .. :, .:): cor c . - - i - Iv:r- ru. 1 11: 1 rrli '..-e -; .t - t . '.I .... ' , .... 1 , , . . 4. ' i , !j eta e e ' . u a:: tin, i:i wi; 1 v.h; n '.ve c.... : v V, ihre- anl :.: . v u up; i n'l th .1 tr.-d lu hive j- t t; :lt t; th ; A J i - a . t c: :ve te . -: : t t i i ' .4 i . j I I . iO v. .U wT,' Utme t il when Co d, w:;hout Lou. t; i e a atmospn-re.piunoa into am: i-er. 'ui:e3, absorbed ammonia equal .j r.:u . iy ti.-.-u. i its vclume. Thet i. to sav, a : f ,t cf charcoal would abicrb cr.e he . lied a dri: htf v...: r, v. ,.- If v. v. ,r.t ttue cfch end et it. V.'e c.tu't u ; an r.-h t) :p anl - th : :li Our l it reu:uM .r. T,.--.. th: :u thleut tothp bfniuts uhicn have beeo cr maj te t:cnferr-.'J on persons di:ao!?l rn th, pz-ular s.-rviep; and the h'lral heirs ef $ ch as die or may be killed in servi:r.ui d lition to all arrears of pay ani ael-ra bwaii-n shall recieve the tu:n ' cf one hundred ch liars. Th Funds cf Regime nt3 cf Infantry ir.d t f the Rr--:mr nt of Caralry vnll l Oi. Al.witfJl .I..O..J iiwSClU CT. J i . . ii CJ it-. ' ! , , . . - I , ' .. t , -t , . . , I I O . ...... . . .. . I J I .. i , , .. pouriJs o. amrnonu. c r si no: ;, as t'-ri r.'t t - ' - -- t ' ' - ... ten cf ordinary Larn-yird t;: an ere cun-i-ru ! - 1 r- t T tarn- Lbe lower or fre,h chare, al lerUj;,c.r c.r F-l,.ra hv.l v.u::':.aeel a,: rbir- nudccndt-n-m-aiiunufh-i ijd.j e;t F' c .f h t;!, end wo 1 e--to its pouty . Spcn-y cr r reu, r leti- f.hik-; hiui c". 1 th: :. I V, : k ' zr - j rurnw,.l:i'-ros m,.c;a bylr-n -as jhic v.i.h y,u. Vc.i t-'.e cr. M . - v 4fc. t'... i-ov;, wnne a pvtus seu pes -ettes no turn power, thre tan Le lit tle clou! i that it dof? al ere. -i -nlaand ether tribes Lv the mera auricir-n v huh cm? article cf r:ntt-r h f r aneth-r. Thh paw.-r is in proportir,n to th am: unt c: sur: i ex; to tl;-; air, a:. I cj . ... - , i r i ? rn ' ::A::r-r3 UeUU 4j JaW-tl J -IvlU. ml T, U:U:,:,lC,,,n.r...rySir,r? t'.'.jjui.'i V.i-.:'.' Irl:;i 5-0;,';- .' -ir--'"-'-" ' '' i!..j.,r.v,,ti. -v.f i')!(.l V:.V'jr-,on--'t-ii;!rrt;et.;iriyania!:i..v.-.f a!r.--.-.!cr d.-y tt-.y, cvf :v c' f .:.'.". S 0 .Z r;7" r,"r., COOII STOVES .,.1,., hV.W.,-..;. ...... it'ri .i,t, ,;. nrc.;c(?,,..,:,)i! ;;r,--... . y - fc .i- - or t'ae utta-a ,.- i.t-vs.v.-i j-itt-rts e I hi. r ! panv Q-iari- rma.-vr S-'-mt t. fi, itut r ..e-.-r cf cl:y ta r,l .r.rh r-.r.euvuh '- V - 1 ' - :a:;iMiA err v. ni:i::;:ca. 0-.TV" lf a Srr1:,t cf C:iv:l! fr::i t!i:ri3 lr i. r. v;:ety;- : .ppr?. . r--lr-? ! . ::! ro,.-;r 7aorif... (v( T.9.v!Vw:r!sr:,,!ry. , , t r, . th f r-,.ee cf n d.-! : :li; ..t:cf h..: V.h;: : rV.U-V-.--4-'.V.' V- ' M 5 !, Tv1?r'-" ; J ,r ; rhe'h;:.::.. ;d 1 Kv,r;iUf;ei(f U7a u.f.- T ... r.r. r,l-Mal!1LV't;D:itu.f J.- T;:,rf. ,v;:i 311 . ;Vi d trli R.-.-nt L1 ah.u.le, tullj thi- h - - r- . -I isiccr.. rrct;. neu.u.u.iu u.k..!5. s Ai.u..,.,;4,:a , ; 5 1 -1 . ; , i. , J. c. L w-: -... . - , , ciie Ci..1. t ! e'-LU 'e.h '.i.i te sp peitD.! : -1 by the c: the rr:li;;.t: -i - ; :- 1' I 'Tit Y C-.NLY TUie (.1MIM-. .N'.ltej. J.t.-ULLM-N. J.- r.l 11, le.l. Ll) J,J j -..--U. ,1-1. Ji . ' ' Intlc!:!:tr rjdrnJIon fliers l; ihc lie. .ununuics- 1 t ' a;s t. avi.ry. will ti'. yeurs.ferl t'u :a t th 1 c r r-: r : 1 ... .j , ? u, t .. . c ri ht t. LT r. i i w nt aft-.-r the cue : - ii f ' li T . ; . I r f I n n rfn!pi!i- cne-fourth of each nil! ; ru-ntlv th - re the shl i; .-.Ir. i. - lZ Vi', I-hV Vi t 1 1 II W U ,v iil j rt-ci -v.1 :h- pay and a.iowac-es cr yr i the m u-- it is broken up an 1 Fu-u-d, the f.v.. 2- t f . . , . ,. . or j cean'3 Eueriuecr cf 1 her; cne-fr -rih it-r r.ill - is j c-. er of attr:. :u u:. V-'c !'v h-VA. ca 7" t V"" th-.-se -f Orr-.rzh cf Entr'sner s:ldiers, d.F.'-t sod a!-o,c-n iln tu:..-:.-.- v.l 1 1.V. - i ,". :.V. .'. , " " ""iPO NVi'LLC: N EilRASKA. ar 1 the ren.nmr-ha.f tne-e cf pmate bwatb mirul athmiy fer a;..;.uuh ' " " X:i lAt e a:,,! First Struts. cf Er zi 'e-r s .1 h rs cf th Ft chfs. Pr.f. Way ays: . ' V" , i 11 wmTrmers er.J saua..-rs wnl re- I f n i th it cui7 m rr&T-dv c; ?rrt ciVve tr.e r'-V and alien an-: cs cl Lurpor- rn- n:a that, if a:r cuarr-. d uuh car: an mo: ; i, s as t ' - . r i !)