OREGON NURSERY. " i ir. BIRCHES I CO.. I'iiOl'KIilOJJH. Oregon, Holt Co., Ho. T v:i'rtiv4hi loif reeri ronrir red tf lb ct of tU" -,'a"fr lD tL VeJt TR.KES. SHRUBS. FLOWERS, Ca .e s-lar-ted tnoareiimsteawd soil. Intiewof ib ('', we lave bii,iej oo at tSi fdare, o l rvarc now ia u Pitiful cwltiratoa. wl-iib we fcf fr (i sale at . Ultotaah or Rtlail, Tteoiflicjf eeeou, Urjjeand well selected ttock U tfcii elitnat, f lpt!e. standard il werf; rar, standard and dwarf; Cterfitt, iUaiaJi ni dwarf: reaches, Ke,- ' " Ajrieoti, 'clarlne, Qsio'e, Curretlf, Gooseberries, IUspberrles ; r Wrr! e i 1 VS. 'kberrie. rTerrret,Ori)rDeol1 Trecs.ei.d SM, Oresniloose and Iieddio InU, Kosei, Di..ai, T. -tkh we, would be Ja t call tbe attention . the tor'.e of ..'e.Urn ii-isoari, lraka, ;r"Oor terms will be mIcw ai anj reliable eagt- ? pon bbific of oi theetpcDieoT tra.nporUtIon tf m the t&A can be saved. I1 trees ee 1 j.! ants' art csrefaHy labeled and perktl it. tbeb-t mannr rf jr any fart of tht Unit ,tl h bates, for which attar-je of the svtoaleost only wiil t.a wade. 'o charge wiil be taiJa for thedeli rery of j ake on board itambo-i. All oota'namcaiariiali.-effoJ to the undersigned will receive i-roicj I Attention. ii.H.cnicnESACo. WILLOW CREEK .3 y I M S.00 M 60 6.00 85.000 Siandard Apple trees, of tbe inst barfly and approved vane lie a, three aod foot years old, from live to per 100 v CM p 1000 e'rht led fci'h l 00 to t0 60 00 'fcir-Trie. Nec Ttttt, tb tctt vrftjr known W KrATOrr No 1 75 Jfi.!ie Sce-)1'. Cf), rrlmoii 1. 00 I.avton HIkHttj, rtf d-xeo 1 00 KinoiMa Kfopbrrry " 60 K.cL nrbrid Tit runt, none teller 00 Dutrti Currant, p. W7.fi $1.00 .0O hin t N.j.le Cnrr't 2 W A lo nuMTouot.er riicli ronlalnM In ffarierlc . (antral ir, K c, L-Biias I'bloxc, fcr, iMrrii, M. K. BACCSi n uivw Crttk, Lte Co., III. 15.00 25.C0 70,000 APPLE TREES . Tor Sals, AT FAIR VIEW NURSERY, HALF A MILE WEST OF SIDNEY IOWA. Tbee trre are tbe lur-fi f tbtir ap! to be found In If" Stato- tbij arc ada jtei U the soil and climate 5,CC0-4 year td treci, 1st choice, 20 cenU each 2d ite. 15 ccnU each . 43,000 2 year tIJ treei (they are nice ones) at 10 cent wh . iOO 2 year oil Houghton Scedlinj Gooseberry, fn!I of fruit bud, 15 cent eah . 00 2 year old Hed Dutch Curranti, full of fruit kad, 14 eenti each !(00 1 year old lied and 7hite Dutch CttrranU, ' At 10 cant each 200 I year old Concord Grape Yinei At 50 cenU, eab thU la tbe bent known gr p . 200 1 year old Isabella Grapo inei at 25 cenU 4' t. Ptandnrd and Dwarf Teart at 60 eta ah - In exchange ftr tbe aWe, I will Uke neai ana . Hour at the Sidney market jriee, or young Cattle, ' Lumber, t'h, or flow notei with tea per cent in- t8f-t Tnim preent Indications we will bare a wet season ,aod ih.otha.t wih to set out Oabards will do well to cetue and iret trees. March 14, -fll. n33-tf IIEXRY ERQTy. 'lrabclliGrapo Vines Strongly Rooted Wants, 3 to A years old, ' Mjbt cf them already fruiting ia tbe nursery, i ar now onercu ai uuuv.. v Tlic ricncli Raspberry At $4 per 100. Large quantitiei at greatly ra duee4 rates. It neods no winter protectioa and bears two annual crops of fruit. Youns? Catalpa, 4 to 6 feet $1 per hundred ; 5 to "7 fret $3 r 100. " Hardy Climbing Roses, Fragrant Honey Suckles, and nursery stock in general at the lowest rats. RICHARD M. CONKL1N. Evergreen Nursery, Cold Spring Harbor . b- LONG 1SLAKD. S0T00O Wilson's Albany Strawberry Plants for Sale. Trice per thonsMidfS:500 for $2,50 100 $l.Larg . cr cuaniilies tLan 1000 at reduced rates. These -'pUiiU ara of superior quality, being grown upon '. strong li-amv soil. m r lea, orders Uh WILIiLK, tMEUY CO.,. or 5no7 Grapo Vines. Orders for Yiues of tbi really drliciow and early Omp ace-mpJLnied by to a will receive prompi aatntlun. . ' . ... , (VmhI ena yepr iocs, SOa each, $4 per cloien. ' Good twb yvarVii.es, Sl.OOt ach. $ . pcrdfien. ' ' 1. M. OOODWIN &, 11UO., 2r.3- Kingston, Lmernc Co-.JVi. nubbard "'Squash Seeds. A UmtteJ snn'T f fe f b! celel.rateJ variety cf tcna-hst 50 ceiui rer 100 ec-i rj umu. i-. tie. v airauiea iuia 'Crcvclins" Jan. 1SCI, :n-T' Orders fhouiil be rnt m early. U. A. TERRT, CrecentClty, Iowa Oxen Wanted. The sabn-ribers are oerou. of buying three yoke of .aod bearr tbree f.r or nveje.r.id oxen, ooa-thlnt fionoeiiety of CUe. ' ii - i . J.M 1. nil fi A! klS . ir 'wiu v - - P. J. MARTIN li CO. Txno Pclcwaro Grape Vines rnorAGATED pijom-the original Sraar WrU-roetti One Year Ofrf Vinet l ; Two ear 'o.'i fl N) fo ? 00. rw txtra Inryf avers, i-if feearmy vood, ito $J. Smaller laytrt, 1 o ALSOtnlxM cf AUen'twewwhitellTb'M. Anna. Cava, Cutiird. Clinton, Canly, Plana, lTereinn;t, ruiiford, Pi.l;c, Wan, L Noir. Lvji. Iuia. t)n til .",r. Re'" new Hybrids, TayU'a Bullul, Tn-tal'0. rnmli Villaee, &.C. Cwa-liaci r Delaware, with abundant flna, ' fl hrou rooia. caremf.y pae! i" na' enveioixsl to oil asik .andseM l t ri. " uJr I nion, on reiPt r $1 ejKh. Incella aod CjIw l" "dtwo year rroato, fortri vtnea K-r tiraperle. RA.itrriea, B;acibrne, i.errie, N., all at tue oel rates, vt ,j cr a lrcntar. "t . CIO. W.CJtirrDCT.L.relaware.O. 15, - nia-Jia. O-1. ; - Flowers, Fruits, &c. "JOHN' A. KHNXICOTT.at the Grore Nursery, Vat NotatV.d. r.l .bas ready fdclivery : Itnlhs, r-ciUy Tulips, at tbe low rate of J2,M Mr 10 and $2J thousand for large roots. jitraberriosf ail the uut approved rarieties, fna t to 4 dollars a thousand fruiot, a few sorts hk Wil.o AlbaoT, higher KTcrgreers 20 to 40 cent pef rdiB l TrictJ nJ fortu--ara-rre 2ieeijts. ' - Fruit Trees In good Tanety. App' fron to ; lidoilars per 10 J and the smaller the cheaper and better for dxttut eastoraers. ;n'l Fruits Currants Houghton Gooseberry, ' TU. bem.Ulatkberries, Aemuch lower than ever 5"red btfi-r. OrpmenUl Trees, Roses and other Hardy Shrub " Wy.in froat tariety and abundance; and 10.000 mull tdlare plant .f I'prt1 Uoneysacklot, Lil a I.Spirea.s Deutxia Scabra, l'rim. Ac at from 1 to lO.Ver hundred. And the t-eautiful DUlytra Sjm ' Wi'i and other choice perennials at from 1 50 to 2 par C-m, and common things all dcsir&Ue at about bJf price. Catalyses by tnaU on appVication ; and rery . -thin; salelT packed ford'utaut tranporUtion ; and v as a ralo uioyt things s.,ld at about ten jr cent, leas ia aatmnn than spring f-no-l-Tl Llammotli Cabbage. Tho ho de;re to raise the lar-et cslbag- ia the world, b..uid procure the MarbU-hea 1 Maannoth Irtic:hcad. Tbe Calbafe arcraes CO ptndi to lba UaLand pla&tsbart ben groan wc; ,-hrg over ft 9 roun laud ui?airiog 70 it.cl.ci' rui, i tbe solid fca l. Tbe tr U U ;rg a gxd dcl larger than a C'Le la' kn-e if V.irb!eheI Mammoth, 25 cent', t jt.'lii ouedt.'.Ur. 1 U n't st-il ihe Mimmcth t-7 vtigtt. Dealer supplied at a liberal discuLt. 1 wrri.t all teed n-nt tnrea'j the pw re h awr, JAiins J.n. ciir.t o:;Y, i7tJ MrVl l.-ad, Mavs. LOOK TO YOUHJNTERESTS! STEAM FERRY BOAT Erci7cvii!c, rv-Ia Xcii Toth'iMin tba ?iat?s coateirjlatin; going to the braike s td Ksni 1 GOLD IMIISTES, The vMcn'iftti desire toay, and in so doiap will nt pfacti iiun,ttit ibere are adran ge to b tecureJ ia . Crossing the Ilrssuririver alRrowntille, and ooliitip? tt,asjdtartitj from that point, not t-j be f .otd at aty olberj; iaca els tbe iliiouri Ki rer. Ia tbe frst place, D btl) sidesof tbnvtr arslarge extettiof bottt in Iw li in which grass toaket a mu-b etr'.icrslart thin t.n tbe nj.!i nds,ani Is much more abi&4ar.t, bcic;j; iriexhauii'-ible the utire season. litre, tfc b, ': a 4cirabl pLi to recruit ivk LefortJtsrtitg cn the l Uii. iuxk can al.o be pare Laced btre on ti ry faTorabls t eras Tbe Ilrswovilie cteaia Ferryboat, being tht best on the I;ier,cftrs j ecu IsrirJ jcerie-t? i . r erosv ingat this pr.int. It itlsr't ani cca-.iu'Kl.o'JS: with powerful machinery, which ccaViei the proprietors to ferry eojigraats and others iu the xnotteipedi tious manner. ror GxxtTittlTirx . We undertake to ssy that tin bunos rata 01 LrowcTilleareos we!!prcpire l to serre those wish ing supplies, with a super iorqiu'ity and on as faT orable termras can be found tl v-Lere. I'rcryxhing desirable can be purchased in lirownriile.sath as Prorliions, tloiLir, Minted In;!c r.cnts, tic., he. The Route from Browaville to the Mines It unl rersaliy admitted by these wholiavetrareled Hand others. to be torcrif r in crerj recpec Brownville is about midway bttween tt. Jo. and Omaha. As to distance, an eiainiaatkn cf the map isa'.l that is necessary to pr-jve to n j oni that it is rearer from hera to tbe mines Shao from any other point ontha iionri. On this roate wood and water aboufid theentiredictanre, while on many ethers, wood baa to be bal'- l fr many days. The foregoing facts arc f ally iind jatif ictorily es tablished by tbe imm-Efrtravel of last year, and tbo.'e wboa'doj t it the j resent season wi.lhs.reno cause toregrtt l.aicg d' re so. TLcrefota Cross the Missouri River at acd start from Urownville. " JOHN' CODDINGTOJ? & CO., l'roprietor.s Steam Ferry Uoat. SUGAR CfifIB MILLS EVAPORATORS I TTAVE maul arraneiuents with DOI.'GLAS BROTHERS, Zneville, Ohio, ht only establishment Id tbe L'nite.1 States, entrasred excliihively iu tbe'nianu facture of &rtb Supxr MiH. Evaporators, Ac, by mtiich Icanfafllihtbe:arJ)eriBttl repionwith tboe much needed article. Ine Oi.ui:'aSupar Hill and Ap paratus were awards! tbe Firft Pretniom at the Ohio State Fair; and the bisbet bonar at the United States Axricultural S.ciety, aslUer medal. I am c4inCUent Farmers of N'eliraska. Kansas, Jiortbern Wissourt and Southern Iowa can find no othet to suit them better e!tfcr in price or otherwise. Capacity and Price of Mill Tnrce Iron Rollers in Siron Iron Frame. 0 One rrorne Tertical Mill presces from 25 to 30 call .ins of Juice per tour ; price to l One borna Vertical proe from 25 to 40 aalluns of Juce per bu'( price Same aa No 1 extra heavy, do J -Two borne Verticil pulses from 85 to CO fa I Ions of jutctf per hour; llcht drift j0 Twohore Vertical (double reared) press- et from 36 toot) gallon juice per hour, heavy draft do4 Two horse Vertical (iinsle Reared) press es from 50 to 79 gallons cf juice per hour ( heavy draft do 5 Foar horse Vertical single eared)capa city from 100 to 126 c1 ions per hoc r do 8 To horse Horizontal bi It geared) snlta bleto attach toTbre.-liii.R Madine or oilier power , presses from 40 to 60 gallons of juice per hour do 7 Two horse Horizontal, with vertical shaft to apply lever to. worked ty horses same as Vortical .nreKsei 40 to 60 rations per hour to lit do 3 Four horse Horizontal (back reared) soit- able to attach toThreiilt.s Mstblneorotber power, preei 73 to 100 nations per hours IS( d six horse If orlzonta I (buck Beared) calcu lated for water or steam power, ready for the belt, and with capaiit y to work off a crop ' of from 14 to 20 acre of Csne, 15C .. It. w. ruiixis, Atft. $5( 6f 6 80 80 100 140 100 100 l)otxai"t Association A Benevolent Inst itution ettnbHthed by tvtrial En dowment, for the Relief of the Sick end littreeted, mm,,,, a . Virulent mnd rpidemic Dneaeet and eipecially for the Curt cf Dueaxet of the Sexual Organ. MEDICATj ADVICE riyen gratis, by the Acting Surceon, to all wo ajrpiy cy letter, witti a uescripuon of their condition. (te, occupation, habitsof life, H.c) and incases of extieme overtj-, iledicincs fqrnished free of jhar". Valuable Renrt8 on Spermatcrrhces, and other dls. esKe of the Sexual Oritan, and on tbe NEW RF.MR DIF.S emploved in tbe DiMeitary, sent to the afflicted in sealed letter envelopes, free of rharge. Two or three Stamps for rxwtaze will be acceptable Addre DR. J. SKI I.I.I N HOUU4ITOW. Actlnfr Sur- re.n, Howard Asictatif.n, No. 2, South Ninth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. BJ order of Tie Director. EZRA D. fJEARTW'ELL.rres. Geo. FAinrrtiLD, Sec'y. October H. ItsGO. nl5-yly BLIPIRE .Biff WORKS TO FARMERS 0 KchrasJca and JY. IK Missouri: AOAIN 1 would call the attention of tte farmers of Nelfaka and Miirurl. to tbe fact that I have on hand and au contantly matuitacturine, at niy Flo Factory, in Oregon, Ito., wagom.. aod every pattern of plow, to-wit : iiiAiiiir plows, One and Two Horse PIotTS, Shovel Plows Ilors IIarrws,o Corn Planfcrn, And Harrow Teeth Tottether with everything in :bi line UM-d by a farmer I take tbe refponMbility of ea : i;u that my two horse plows will do better work. In fti.bble or any kind of rmi:h ground, than any I nianur.ictured or sold iu this upper couotry. My two-hor and prairie piowsnil! be old. for rash on terms, uci as will place item in tbe reach of every farmer. ilv Plows can te obtained from my aceot at Iowa Point. K . T., Hrownville, Notlaway county, Marietta, Rnh Uottoin, Holt county, Btonviiie. . T.. and For est City. JJAKT1N IiOKFMASI. N. B. AUkin.lscf rerairirg Coat with ucatnessand dliit! b, en liberal terms, urrgoa, Mo., May, isei). Theodore Hill, Agent At UrownviUe, N. T., keept, on hand a general assrt Dicnl of Huffman's Pl w. Browaville. May, 1S00. It Oregon Nursery. tTe beg to call the attention f tlie public to the Flo ral department of our KstaHicbnient, which we now hsveinfull and svtcccs'ftl . operation. Our stock of tireenbouse, beddint: and F owerina Planta, Shrubs, a.c, roniting in part of (eraneums. Verbenas. Dah lias, Foidies, Feoules. nctiotrcpe. Kc, effer for ale the Oomlng ?prmcat luwtr j rt-s than ttial. there by pi. tunc them within tbe roach of all. M.t of these p: acts flower til Summer, auil fjruze. color, form. and I rsrnre cf Cower cannot L excelled. Having the advantaire of a fl rt class propagating house aod its appendages, wblvk aSorJ us facilities for increasing our ttck tocieet.my iemsnj. p.irtics Kbo'd have no rears of gettirg what it ry waul by hanlicg in tbeir orders early. We attend to tbe PTopajatitig Tepartmer.t ourselres, and warrant every article pi;rctaed of ns to be good, strong, hea!tby. ell rootevl tlaits. and true to name, ,Our descriptive and priced dialogues win be out iu Ap-il and will be forwarded by mail to all apvlicanta. J. A. VANARSDAl.K. A CO.. St. Jceph ApicultBral House, and &. W. FCKN S, Farmer oace, Urcwnville, X.T.. areour autborited Agtwt. All orders left witu them will receive prompt attention. a. n BCP-cncs . co. P. S. Havica forcin pit sieial!y for tha purpo, we will have SWEKT FOTAIUK plants for naie by the mi liion, at reduced prices. . H. B. & C . Orecnn, Mo. Eel. 1SHI Feb 161 OHIO IIURSERIES, TOIIHDO, AS tte season is now approah:riir for transplanting trees. 4.c. we rall'atiention ti Tree dea'.er. Fruit Growers, and others wisUug U beaut.fy tLe.rgrouads to our st-x-lk of " Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Grape Vines, Shrnll-ery, Hoses, Src. Alc-o: all tbe leacing Tarieties of Currants, Gooseberries, Blackberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Of wh!-h we f.ave a la ze strck, and we orer thera very k'w fgr tbe Fal I Trade l"6l, and would solicit theorders of tliife wishing to j urc.ae. Enclusa ausip, aaJ od X r r itabxroe s-1 Pi ice List. 1 MSUiV FOKD. 4 HOi.iJ ri?r.IJ Olio Nsre:ie, T.lio, O T - - ' ' ar-v , V i x " ... :i ' ' 1 . 1 '1 .- " i :TI I! 0! it -i- I -r- " , J lUvu ' i - -y -. . . fi n w il 5 T. MAIN STREET, BROWNYILLE, N. Take pleasure Is announcing fJjat be has now on hand, a large and select stock of every art cle la his line, . Of all the improved pat'ers Viz: Plymouth Kock, Cbarter oak. Valley Fv,rge, Elevate! 0en, .e.. crraTpt7v t a"! 1 a-l hi 3 ril 9 Box and Pari sr Stores cf an dles variety, some of which re entirely new dMirr-s, Tlz C joS aad Parlor atoves, somethiu? very nice indeed for sma.l fawnics A combined Miiscellarseous. HEAVY SHEET IRON FOR SUGAR BOILERS And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal and Lard Oil Lamps Brass Copper, and sheet Iron. Ware; Lanterns, Saovels, fcc JAPANNED WARE, I have procured the right to mnnnfactnre a late simple and improved self-sealing Fruit Can to which I call the .ttMitinti of thetmbiic. Allot which I pledge royelf tosell at as fair ratea audon as accomodating terms as I.iilkhniiit In tMiwinii af thA Count! V I am prepared to put up puttering and spoutius and all other work of my line atthe shortest notice, and In a workmanlike manner, which I warrant 10 give satisfaction. I ple-l?e myself not to be undmsold in the upper country J. C. delseh. Brown vi lie, August, 30 3890. 'IL AT JEST HEWS. or tr,"-Ji M fll 1 M as H tnpa ai sn JL i , J j To Your Real Interests ! Citizens of Brown villc And the Rest of HarIsd LOOK OUT FOR THE ID COME AND EUY CHEAPER GOODS AND iilotrc of uTI)cm, Than was ever before ciTered in this Market ! i j. mm & a. AT THE Pioneer Store B OW NYILLE, We Have Just Received and Opened Most Magnificent a Stock of Croods ! LADIES DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, ZEPHYR HOODS. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, UNDER SHIRTS, DRAWERS, SHAWLS AND SCARFS. JOHN A. PONIT, Frcra hie OiJ tacd ca the Levee to viiiTiiirrs IIEV7 elccii, MAIN STREET, BR0VTSV1LE X T. TTtere te has q; ened cp a IS ill Ji vUjwX STAPLE A7JD IMXCY DRY .-GOODS, ALSO A Large Stocl; of Choice Family LpbsJIsmmI 5 U U ill iLu'W il alL mm w w Mm" asCssji sat) jPS i choice isottled: LIUOBS, Catawba Wine, Champnigne Wine, Claret U'ine. - OURye, Old Bourbon. Irith Whiskey, Porter, Gin Cock Tail, Saddle Bag Whisky, Blue Lick, Bokers Bitters, Pale Brandy, Curraco, &c, C J i.l Dishes, Plates, Cups saucers, BSowIs, Oi u J O OSI lii? 9 Bar Tumblers Decanters, Gcblets, Wine Glasses, Fruit Dishes, Pitchers S;c., . SRY :OOOD.S, . . - a- Ear Rings, Shirt Buttons, - JEWELRY Finger Rings, Bracelets, . . .... Breast Pins, &.C., fee. Cutiery and Quecnswarc. Glassware - Anti" Choice COSSISTINO OF Flonr, Hani, Bacon Llolassos CcSco, Tea, Salt, Cheese, Candlc3, etc.cta, " And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc. ALSO, A xccll selected Slock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. QUEENSWARE, Saddlery Boots and Shoes. HiS knowleU;e of the trade and wants of tbe people of bouwnville and vicinity enables him to nuke jodiri ons purchases exprely for this market. lie ak4 an rxatnination of his Stik. feeling a.-Msre't he will be able to satisfy in qua lty, ty le and prices. IffTlSST TI m WLLITNEY'S BLOCK G 11 O C E Pi I E S Largest ABsortment of Ecad jilladc ilotliing Boots, Shoes, Eats, Caps,etc. Ever opened in Brovcnville and no mistake ! Caps from 25cts to $3,50. We can Fit Gents ia Suite fiom $5 to $50 AND FI5E Come and see and Secure Bargains. TSBEO EMILIL. Brot-nTille, Angtist, GO, 1SC0. P URN I TUBE . Saddles and Harness, Oil Cloths and Carpcfln?, SCHOOL BOOKS! BLANKETS FROM SI CO TO S7 50 Iron, ITails and Castings GLOMES Ladies Riding, Kid and Silk. Gents Gauntlets, Buckskin and Driving. Best Qualities of BMIlfilWJll Needed or JDesired Can te had at our Store, end on terms as favoralle as those of any other House in ihe West. All Kinds of COUIITEY PRODUCE, TTill be taken ia exch.ixge at current prices. ComoOno! Conao TFe are determined tosell at lower prices and give better bargain than ever bufore. D. J. MARTIN & CO., B.-owxv.Ze.Oc. 13, mi. ji 13 V . . -3 IT .'. 1 1 1 Pure Bred Fancy Poultry. For sule I'.l:ick Sj ani-'h, White DcirUin-, (Jcljen anl SpanteJ IVI:inl, S bricht, Hl-tck Afriean. red anl white Uanfato?, whit( hi.I wili Turkev.s. IVa Fowl, white and brown lln ' K.n . llrenu-n nnl wild eoc, White "Cre-te l" AjkMhurh and Mus- ci.ry Iuck.. Common unJ $L1 i-t-ir li.ibtitft. All aiiinnN s Id will hi? rnn fully buxnl with the nccesi;ry IccJ.an l delivered at tho Kxi ren tDco. Ad lre.-a W. A. COODIXtJ. Ouk Un n37v5 IaM-kK,rt, Will (. 4 'a - . , j i ' f, ? 'i AV aperlent an I Stnmichlc preparatkn of IROX pirirte-lof Oty-'on and Carl..n by c-tiiilj iftioii D H.ir. gen. Sim.-tfc n"! by the hiirliet H.1m Anti rine. both in Ejr-p' .mj tUu L'uitel States, and prescribed In fheir practire. Tbe experience of thonsands dally proves that no prepirati'-n of Iri;n can be o.i;i;,ared wi!h It. Impari ties of tbe bl.jud, i!ep'ei.u nl ifal ene-gy, pale anil otherwise s,ritiy c iir1levi'n Indicate Us btcoiijr id aim )t every on eivaii.e cae. Inoi xi.nn in all mala lie in which It has been tried. has proved ai)v.iuie;r curative iu each or thefullowwig complain: s. viz: In IJcli!I(y. rrvnf2i itTrctIon, i:nialnIIoii, l)j ix'pki, loiisti pa.ion, StTorulu TuIicrriiloslM, Milt Klictiui, 3iiHi2HUstriialioii, lIiItc.H, ClilurnslM, Liter Cum plainly lUiciiiiintKm, C'lironlc Ilcadac vh, liilontilttent I'cvcrw, IliiiiI( H on Ihe I'iHT.&r. In ca-e'f KM Kit 1 1. liKBILITT, wteiher theresnl of acnte diea , 4.r f c'iitiuuei ji mi action of nerrons and iiiu.tcular enerzy fr.,tn cfirooiccunipiaints, one tria' of th) restorative has pr.jveJ ucfesrul to an extexit wh'cfi no le rrij.ii..u n.r wiitten attestation would render erehbie. Invalid so L.iit bed-ridden as to have become fri:.lien in theirown neichrxirhools. have sod den ly re-pi'eaned in tLe bu-y w-,rld si if jut relrirned fr..m protra-lcd travel in a !i -t int land. S-me very ! signal riim es i.f this ainj are attested .f fpmaie sniTpr-r, e.'.i-i ia:- 1 virions of arrsrent nijrj.n"!, j ijr:C'!!i:e"n eihanstin. rn'i-sl tLanres, srt ihit f p iiMUvn of v.tk,u and ly ppc aversion luair aod eT,er-te f whi h ih phTt-ian has no name. Is XKKTtiLS AKKKtTlON'S of all kinds, and for re n f jrmiiar to nud.cat men, the tperati .n t t hist preoaiau. n of iron tuat tieiestariiy be saln'ary. fur nohketbe o.d on; !es. it Is visoron.ly t ,i!ji-, without beina evcitmir ai-d . verLeatui ; and gently, retoiarly aperient, even in tbe m t ub-tttiatecaoes of cosureties, without ever beii.4 a gastric pisrgative, or iufiictiug a disareeible sensation. U is ihls Utter pr.-perty, arji -) others, which makes 1 so reaaiijb'y efftlnal and pc-rwanent a remr-:y f.,r Piltt. whirh it also arrears to evert a tfi-Unct and speciitc adioo, ty diSerMaj the local ten iesjcy which fjrms !hm. i:iiiwtrn innnmra-iieaaare itscane. a sinstie b .x f th-e tbaivbcaie fi i is has of ten nr.: el fur 1 he rno-t batnloai ca. ifirirntjof u.e attend .nt Cittivenei i'i 11 r iw ri 11 r.iiii . s. eve'l n'i tdvaii'e-l l vi .-!.. 1 sr. 1 . ciumw, m?-tal t: 7, aiI apparently icii. in. theeiltt is have beeu equally oecttre aun atru-iiin;. In the I al p-iins. I' f t flch mrA s'.rnith. ijrbllil 'iin.i"i..ii a 1 , r.-iii n iiPfic srnKTi ffneraUy 10 dicare ISt'IPlrST CNat'JifTUN. tMs remedy has "rei ineaisrm'.r rrtn.' aift ( iiv-u 1 in, lu everal very gramyioe and .n-e e-tio insisiK-. in mhiihliils TL iJKH.l UJslsi t bt msi,cael Iron has I. d f it ni -e th.m ti.i,.-i. ef e-. ,f the u..si eufi..niy hji.ir.re"! pre-.r ,;i .i..,f .3u.e, without any vi iiirir writ ciifwii i:si-: ith'S. The aitcnM not fTnii r..m .t hi trs eonfldently In viteJ to this rcmedj aud retlorattve, i:i the ca.es peca Iiarly a7c:iii iiim. I i RIIKfal VT13. b,'b rbr r.lrnrlinflimmat..ry in the la'ier. however, more de-iied y 11 t, i.-en levari, bly well retried, lth n al'evi atio; raia ai-l r e-i'iriug tii swel lias ar. s'iT rie s f U,e j. luls ami i:iurls. II INtKKJIirrKNT it wnn CCvfs.a, i:T be a treat remedy ari l ener-ewc re'orsfire. arid it pro gres in the 1 e ::ltmi".i of 1 e West, will probably be nrie f.f huh renown I n-rf ?i I r.e St reme!y ha- ever h-en di-eovere I In the whie his 1.x ,.f ntxli in wnt h eieri sorh (ifi.mji. bsrrT. and 1 fnhy ret 'ruve eCt-is i -4 iJs"ile e.ou;ie'e tli.-es- tion rspi 1 aoi;.;ii.ti ip of .t-ea;i.. i' 1 ait uuumtl U.s- ' r-,:ti- ii f..r acme a.i cheer .''i I frerji-e. fal upin fiat roei.il b' xe on: j 11,1:; 3 W pi II. prir 5-J cant ier b-x ; for s.jie hy dftf.--its and dealers. Will I f e eni free to aov .; !re u re- it't 'f the ptite. Al ; et:e;s, orders, e'e . h-.:d 1 e a-tirevel tt laocii in, to., C.tS. A'j EN ti. 20 Cedar St., Jf. T. Ansrnst 2. 'O J v. yt 18(51 ilcCUUMlCK. . 1 , C. 11. t sili.'ln; CHICAGO. ILLS.- sassssavssss rre a sa a. . . J. ti n t Am Antra j oj vi iueriand rum 1 t si.l.j k. Y , 3 i.t i,;:) ,K the rreri aa o. -Vi t .r tia't 1 i-jri g tbi lima h - tir(l f, -Y.U- ii'i'..'.-." Ltv.i".,-,fi i,.,'. tre-u mi 1 t .n-'ii. act u "s-i in t i 'i-ti! 'i tiieet if slri-i-. i Li kf -a U a "''il 1.5 i-ragj ' p. ri -r of ail iu tlie ta mnt.. Tl;e re recent tl.-n r?n I e by thst tie y. J' rrr.k. wn .w bat Is nut ifi..f.- 'i.i i.'ji ! n crea!ii:)j J cu.!:.;i jrv.-. tnent ia lie tiUl.Lh, kia:i ; these imj !rmt;t., an! Don i time or taU-nl in r-linUr inn; n-v plilR.I Lit, Ia. si ... I t season, aud f r Ihb -J.'.C nn c , ? t! "r.'t. i t) 23 tVtr It. J. .-. preitcr at'.r u 1.0 1 a its SIMPLICITY, STRENGTH s, RARIL17 V eomra'Ti l it to t be fsr-n- r, wl.-,', j , w. tk. wite"omf of j-oxtr, j.vt , . " t.rer all ft! e-. ' The c m; t;n; the fmttf, thus' eei.- pstf.ct t.i'ai co t the mirhir.e: the j ." ' ral'-r. in tl.e rear f tbe dnrer, is r :w Wft'.t wnro 1. s.io'U I he. arsi rk i.ctir; er jl s r f tho msrhinc; tho fjecrravdi eliht in ientation td t'ie s t k!.i. the t'.; and ..ll.erir.lj r v, m n , ,.j , ,f r,, .': send tho di.-ei t 1, a:;-l est . s,. drsnjiht thai niwij a-'ore ihit i. j,, txist. 1 he d.'iulit f t.ie l.r;t is' in tuni'r..U iika'aocts tho !rj f.vtfl-fc is wotted With lut t hofiH. 1, t I 1 l-a, a is t i, As A I.Iovrcr, Tie mv-fiine or I' ll bo fuitr.j f.tf, to uj test t'jtt it tn .y be ubui 1 1 -J to. 75' ' indentation of the S.ckl-, its lijjh. nation with tbe le;.t:i and r'jr-r. a',.)-., ( . " of mtin not jracJ-rablo in o'lrr a.'; r enHblmus to o i? xi o'f, aiii a a ; en, even, w.rkin well. Uar Imrrottd Guard aud Patnt Clrrr effei'tuallj ireventj chi-kin. co faafs-r cotidition of Ihe grass, while c ur nvw d.v j-r.. s ej--arntc lad.'j I and Uncled clovtror-n wli.'ro it her ni Lines fail. There is also rrrciit a!rj-tj-e ia nqr ki, sii-kteedo oier the smulh, a it d.ran t e.,,, aharj-enin o ot'tf n.tUus saving tiae. Uyf? t will Ircijuentlr run thronh an entire lnrTM j j lut once g;riniiii! t, hi!e the iW'i el- I ground onceeaeti d.y, if not id'tenee. W',rJt.. I ed -e the draught iniTrrses as the knif 4 Our draujj'ot ta ntiiform, and in. rejest i tr , js rin the a.f.n id l'fl. pruvi-d f.r Ii'hr 'Ai; g!e Mower,cuttinj at the sumo titee Iruau .,, eighteen inrhes wider. ' Our Mower ean be ue l with or i h. at tin this is importaiit, aui without the r:il, mr.-u about f .d cumls. Ia addition to the very lihr-ntl w:i-nnt g-r , a!! pcrrtaMrs, wo would ij' as hei-idor, tin tf ruers 1jo my di:sira it, aro at li'or?y w ri m.-u-hine through the harvcrt, with aoyhr,ia keep, an I pay for. the one ref.Tr"l. i'limj hletj with full d' rij'tion of i:c; r-Tt: testluioniAls. A.., e-in b h I bv .111 1m s?i in to TIILODOIIi: HILL, A;c:l CrowaviHe, iebraska, .. April 1. lyd. 10 FJ A V I NES7 M tixk nl nativs vioes com; f ;-o ii-lis r.-i a'.le vri:i.'s stiih whU h I am a 'i,i.'n' I. j.I;ints h ivo been .r.lii--'d with gr hi , 1 e, v.:i.l tnot favorable i-ir. ufi-t.ific s l. r ;hra.i I y J went. an. I stirj'iiss in exiv llcn. j ai;y dial I ba- lot. r b -ni a'olf t t 'J r. F. r the fall trad-, u'.v a limit,. sop; t; t.f I' 1 j Vi!!.i.', l.-ii"ir,( l.iiwo'n,") r.titl-.K, !''!-.u;'.'i- r T l..r (.r r.ulit',) an 1 Ate II) U d . .f .. be-t ! t ! 1 )r.j I ji-r. a!.., tl.e u j j.ly i u bsit i i'.ity an. i 1 .1.1. I J ; j rt' k Iroiii II. . i !!"., s.n; ry j" 3 v I ia lo.ws .n.l c uii ir, i)ir' a, f on'. ' f r yard j Inntir, j oi,i tr. e v ."-, ? kr!. ..ti l.,ji end I.-iih. l!. !mic!i., art) u.'.i ,i ala Usi , .7 r.'i very fr ej. ' Viry I tri: l.iyrsof Pi int, Ilr'ti nt, sr-jCi eord,ir.wn witli ' i;il euro ( r Im'iiel l' iuz. ti.Mid biy-rs of Anna, U n-t' lljrt'tid, 1 ' k u al-) C'Ura, CiiJ'idv, To Kalon, Uthe.vs. I! r'i l.uisn. Ia.jin, Kmily, Cnby's diijiid, a,l I'rohfu-.Cuyaln'n. Aj. A general a.-jrtuioiit of foreij! varieties f t a nerics. Of Ilowtiin's Kvcrbesriuj Mulberry 'hn: 1. not lari. nod . grrnt jurt of the lr-rin' ordered. Tlwy ar v.-ry vi .rou, aud t!is s-a well ifown nod uiitiir-d. Wh'desab jo.st'rij'tive list soot to those w'iss to form cli.bv. on a;.i;catinn. I.i.t al-o , dealers. Fourth edition f I.iur.t-l ( a a r sent for two three rent stamps It is J. ''.' a full and ei uij ri li'-iisive trca'i.o on ih ni..-'. rri'.'litof tho vine, giving sU'.-h inL-nu ilioa s, : chner add growers aru sof t n--- I. !''" uUr direct ions are gisen f.r Hi jr-jr.i: i.m soil and planting, nnd the d.r.i-ti.ihs f.r are iliusLrato.l by w:ny caroful! j..rv;r.d s ins. . The d'-s-rij. 'ions (if thi vari.-ii.-s ;H"U f a.'.-iirHlc ami iiu-twortl y, b.indr 1 ! m y' ul k now i-It J,;., and v.ry evti nsv ..!,. rva'.-a. c . vv. cra:.'?. ION A, NEAR PEEKSKIL.. lVrsilclirsiti'r Co., Xru York. -If f I-lcLat a L110 Fills riKEXIX BITTEUS. . These me:ir)nes have now I ern lef.-,rel.e y. ' " .eri-l i.f thirty years, enrl i r, r in K tJt n i ' ' nia.ntaiiied a bi-h 1 ha rat te in alniwu t eiy ' J il. be, f. r tl.eir extra oil, nar and mn.e.liai. J'''' restoring perfect heal'b to pe'ron Miffeni. t un.:e- -'' ly every km4 of Ci-ease to whu u the humaa f'c' liable. Tbe following ares.meof tha i!:s1r-itr v::r'T' human disease In v.h. hth VEGETABLE LIFE MEUrCiV Are wei 1 known to b-Infaiiihle. Vnpepi.a Ir thoronclitv r:-aiiini the B't ond siomaeh', and erea'lnif a fl..w i f' pure h instead of the staie amd knxl , F'.a-uttntj L peelle. Hear. bum. Ilea-laclm K.i ans s I Anx,etT, Ijosiior. and eiaru.hol r. Ubub 'e il" i'" eral aymut iu of iy.H'S 'a, win jm.t, cotisHjiienre of Itarnre. tosie rne.s, by c,eni.'g the w .,'".'" lt testiue) with a solvent p'ocesa. er,! . 1 bo o t all violent purses leave the b.,weis cos- (JjT. t'eteri, f,f n kinds, by restores t"ie b' larcirruta wit, through the prosss ef p4?r-ii': snrh cj.-s, I the tturou.ii aiu-ia cf ai ot-iru-tioii in others. The Ll.'e Me-iM ines have ben kinwti to nr l. litv l erioatpnt ly In .hree ek mI Cwl ' that lime hy rrin..:uz I.m-a I i nfl , rn rr. slion f 1- rles and lijranientt frooi tr.e Joints. Droptiet jfall kinds, by freeing tnd'suenrfj' th kidneys and b!ai.;er ; they H-f ate Bt if ly on these important organs, and brnr be " ' found a rprf .iin reme-!y f.r the w't r-rs f '' Als. ll'iirtsi, hy disl'-difiiig fru;a t e tu'i.,.iS " b-iwers the Siiuiy matter tj wbi.b ;t.e '" " btre- " - .. Srarpy. LVrersand Inveterate Sirrt. by ? . parity w hi. h tl,.e Lile ile. i.Les: esJottftk-" and all the humor. v . Scot hatic :rnplioos and bd eomp'r-ak-es. if ,t tenia! 1 r fTj-i . . i i -l "t r? t II.. .tl M .or. ..1 . ) ; 1. .. . 1 1 ' 11 1 ' r . U iri sa! loW,c.oi .r, and dLer Stee. Boots, Shoes, Hats and Caps. Vy sepply cf IViots, SVes, Ilats and Caps never was so lar;e, nor was I ever prepared to cTcr i-h braiLS. . inro mi-L B.-j-a-&r;::e Arril '351. ,1 ( U.rils ions. ,: Tbe oeof 1 hp., pi 1 for a vry shirt iff T:l ' '", ar entirec ire of Sa.t l;b"ra i.d a .iris.' " r iitent i i en iie I ihe .km '.' " '' "n '" I nil .!. n mill always be cure 1 t-y t d uT 11 ' tt.. w .. ca-es. . ., PILLS Theorlrin.l p'. priet-e of bec - U. f Ihf h( If .-.l.ro.s al..o t'ttertul AMtf.e thi ""' ,h " s Country, loe.e Mc!i. n.e "id b ' lr'i "v rf iwl rertan reme-ly O.uer s-1.ci:i leave h,T" . l.,ert I., a . ,, ..f the .liaea-e-a ' bv ciiifiLiniitni-ti' in l,mI rtH'rtw, r- Bi.i.ns t-f. ml Lavef t .m' .;'"; , bili y lo- ..f ; ; r'l'i. :1 D.-e.e- r'UJ''. Ji.-ncir.es t.ave l-ren u-r.i sri'ulie m t I w 'H '. suit In ease ..f thistle- :pti n: King-Evil s-.. ula In it. worst forni. yl.,.!s l. t: e 11 i d. "''j.,, fril aeii. n "f t he-e remar i-Me lledu." ae. ' j . Js'pi v.tis d.t,i;,iy prvon C-up ..i:.t ..fail"'' .. pitaii-.ti of tie heart, Pa:uier'a C.X, a Merevrtil Ditenei lrsn wl."e "'' .... .... i . a !i,:, i..tia tl e ' 'S v m v ufiniir iiii.hi 1 1 i- .... . . - ---w- VIM lin.l ti . 14 I Pfffirtr IT as l'r fail to era-ii.-ate f r. in t! ? stem all 'be e ''' li.,fii, is o'i:v a... nr I .ua Ihr rrosf s. i-'f l arati-.nsof Sir.aparl.la. w. Il Moffr iZi, Eroa.isray, N ' Ja'y 5. Iv 1- Ilrc-Uerpin? i;xiii;ilHfu 1 .iv ur.i 1'iaciitai win jri rtio.ii.. d liar, tees tr saie ty the swarm wu-h It J H (i ass honey b-xes. e.. Itc. C.rcn ars wi;J- las sent ts ail ai bLcaiiU. JJ- t j.itas ii.e.-- ' Jsi. '. DOORS AND SASH, Forao exae'lent aci cheap az:i:l of lae and tfush callat . f fn paw st.-.r r,; .1 ,. iin r.wa:::.i.A;:: ir. "'I. n y7 F