!! ! I 'J ilIE rlVr;:' Mara;:! cf si! K:::. 'J'fcrner end Jldvtrtutr, ADVERTISER. . Trim ' f VtJ cs raj-fen Xcjcr 'Ydrcrtisinp .Arrcncy, . . In I t. Lou.-VfM", i"- r."m(''""r ' ' , L.,er,,tirft. r-T h-.ih v.tAdvtr .'VSZrr u collect ti: for the TllfIt tr HAITI. u ""'"'f u ' . t th Advertiitr n1 JVr- If "l.w.ll.Wllr i.:t Ser.cii.e.f..rthe c ntrsct t" ccr name Sn tsri- rtin oonertel wit our Pub:i" . ;TaGS & ENVELOPES 4 The AdteniscrM OfSce Las provided 5C!fnh Flaj cuts, tad ebo, those for . " lind$ d National Envel- riourg: various kiw" " inJiina prepared to Cli order. Volculecr retail. Arr!y ante Ad- eraser ce, w.. Ccrcser's Inqncst.-On Monday ut JeaJ body of a man was discover d is the river rear the steamboat land "in ilia city. . "Coroner Hern being Iscst. Sheriff Coleman f ammond a jury '.liUi tn inquest. Verdict," Accidcn- al drowning' Xbe deceased was about five feet six ncleilb; mpposcd to be from twenty otwetity-five years of age; lipht beard. :sd (lark lair. Had cd mixed cassimere roat tad pants; light vest, white shirt, md red trp loots. There was found in LiipxletU.lOiri cash, Ir&fs lajrjae hecV R.arUd E. H. 20" end several sm!l Lpys- Ue n$ turied on the bank cf the river -car where he was .taken out. rroralllc Clothing Storc.-A tl&r.se Las recently taken place in the "&!:bore Cluthir:? Store" in this city. Jrecdaumfc Co., retire and leave David Sei;el sole prcpriftor; Mr. Seigle has always been the business man of the con cern here, and has long since become a Popular and accommodating tradesman. He enlarges his Hock, and will give bar faint to all who will patronize him. "ECfCSllCfl.'lWe learn from reli t"., , ' tf " L?; r B'MT daily income of the F rry B..at, and prove bt-ntficial to the physical rxt-rcists cf uuiiieroui pairons" and jxrhapa the pockets of practicing M. D'rf. ! -l "touke lir Jtiwo to ibe 5a;r-tctr iaw n Kof tu birtbe Puifhumn ting' isjue r.e ' ; c trip ta tl.;' v . steamer Oir.ah-i. and - t'; for the upper 7 ! has been rur.ni; TL j 0...i!.a!..:' , I, i 1 e . ;uri t: u!.'! r tlit for tl - -ve ye j r-I'.'.aj-s tea f;.r;-:.;.:e hi having experi ; -c .!, accrrmciitirg atrl gentlemanly c.TIcc-rs, sr.d as a r-iiural consequence they v;cre prpular witht t!i3 travelling public. ICover Las the lenn mere fortunate in this rcip-tct than x.y Cup:. KtJtcnirAL', Chief C' rkEj Dtr, sr. i Asiii'.ant Jin Maiis Live r.- iz pericrs. With them ive Lave enjoyed a long pencnal intimate cciuaintance, and take-rcat jlt25jre in re-te;.tifying in their favor. 2w n.an, v. cm an cr child ever traveled with tLc--e acccmplithod tflicers and were cot the recipient cf us- lJ ij if I V 1 " f , ;-. Cr - "s: remitting a 1 1 1 n u o r. 3 . Kotwiiht'.anding ths Omaha steps at every intermediate pc:u: even between points when hailed maks the tft time cf any beat on the river. Her hit two round trips between St. Joe and Omaha were both made iniide cf six da)s. She left St. Joe cn the 13 -h and reached that point oam rs turniriC cn ih bccooJ trip cn the lOdu That uno: only good but iall running on ti e Musourt river. Some evil disposed ptrons have been circulating the report that the cfHcers cf the Omaha are secessionists. It is a base fabrication. Sounder Union men never breathed than the whole of the officers and crew from captain down to cabin boy. P. S. CiiAHLrr, who has become a permanent fixture ca the Omaha, still compounds, claret punches, sherry coo lers, mint julips and sich with "neatness .JA A . t ' .. ... ,' c ri 1'. '"T.Ji tr v. r"::'3 1 1. 'I" 6 1 . ! if, I ' v ! ! I ; J anu tliipatca. Man Orcrboard The wme even ing our volunteer company left here for Omaha one of Capt. Boydstoa's men fell overboard at the Peru landing and was drowned. We did not learn ni3 name. He was from St. Joseph and cn his way to join Capt. B's company at Omaha. WCSt Wind- This steamer has been chartered by the general government, and is at present stationed at St. Joieph ready for any emergency. Hon. S. G. Daily. Delegate in Con gress from Nebraska, went clown this week on the Steamer Omaha oa Lis way to Washington. We hear various rumors as to distur bances along the river in Missouri; at Savannah, Kansas City, Booneville and other points. The Til cruph lines are 'hi ''Mi' k m . Ui ' J I Takes pleasure in announcing to thf citizens cf ErcTHville and vicinity, that he has j-aj.: opened ft t.ev LlVERY STABLE, nhere lie v. ill always bo ready to furnish gentlemen with T!rJ-lc Morris::. ZEiiLrtmocJ- CHARGES REASONABLE. JOHN A. SMALL Browaville, June 19tb. 1SG1. (nGO-ly) St; - . 2 . s 3 . ? 5 i. 4" ft. Pi m .s t- z t . 00 t a. rs 2 4. s; i ? J; . j - a n 3 . t. J 1 2 J .5 a . s. c - ; - " . I . j ; - i i, i. -o 0Q CI (I ? 7 - - .5 iiSiT MB 6 Si IN . v BROV7IXVILLI3, .VTi-itrsey's Block, Ilcia Ctreet. Op f p r-r- ie-r.5i j j'!.ei2l!i-52o i . g, .s c j2 M"isr,tzUi-- - " a - 1 " " " " -5 m LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF THE ELK HORN and MORTAR J. J. THURMAII, AXN0UXCE3 to the chitons of UrownTille nd vicinity thnl he has removed bi J)rii 8Ure from Si lnoy, I .wa. tothe City ut lirownrille, and baring aJ'Ji-J thereto h exteaaivo stork f . Fresh Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Taints and Oils, Pure Wines and Liquors, For Medical Purposes, Hair and Tooth brushes, Perfumery Fine Toilet Soap, - - ' Ci t-r Ueath untie pre- ; r-I if t t! c-n.n-.er,cut!tt f ts ;tJnS iuau'it rt..f Tty ; ,4-. a fl ta r . tsjv.r ; it .V- in "-t XTc r cr la v--tr !i tens' e " ct; t. :y u;-i i tie we T.v,ey jt fi. Tor t.'frc-rj r."v rf'.;.-s T(T:i'-t. -it ".l tr ici'nc",' sci-',". tU-y T9 viOit.a iUr...i?i..i:-i;.-vvir,;r i .'i 6'J'r'. g;r J.;-e enl if yor w U.e tf.twnv .Rrpju;, TetriT til t.uil elttidtv n ! tren'?j f tie iTttta. TitCLntALV riLLS a'e.er'' of I- lvfrs'-l-tic-o a4 crtl3ll)r -ttiil 4 : -rir;t"i -4 fcvtt teea in te K.my years, Uariajt Ltt!i ts3i tify fc prevented ari relieved vit ammrnt of pl ferinttMni Ilsa-l.irt. wfce;i.tT risBti: la tteser cut ytem er from a iiernee-l tte of tLe t'o-n&sk Tlsey ar entire 'y veretilJe la the;r eon;?-ita. an4 tnayteUXea at U '.-. perfect alCT.witb.ml tna&tne any cfer.re orc.et, ii tht e-enr cf er frf.t c -Tej; 3 f e ft (Tl t' SJjr r c : .--.lifer (' ft e.,..Jrci. . ' I'jwaru cf counterfeits! S'!l ty rrr-rSstmnd all otier D:e'la Ke.nc'.cea. , A be via t (jat tj niiill prepaUca reccljt&l IU v V Www Alt ordsns1'."!' 1 te ' treteMt HENRY C. SPALDING, 13, Cc.?3r Street, New YcrL Djj.6, 1 :d. c22-1j SPALDING'S 3 u.t ai . .! J hit V.'iH convince All who auiT?r froa - ! T-fe i ' A . E 1 . ; I ' YI2AT A Speedy and Sure Curo IS WITHIN THEIR REACH. Ai tit fat Tettlmoniatt tcre uttfnticitedly Mr.SP At UIXG.iy fJTord vnqutiionnhle prvof of tt e'"cacy of thi t'uljf tcientifie ducoctry. II C FfALr. Beverly, 2fat., -Dee-. 11, IS - rr revolve : am: " ?: r.-re Uy r, i , S -rsr C..:.a Ci ' ; ttur 3. e -rui, 3 f :.rri--e a'.l t; -r z , rvTi.-(' :e " I it j'"' r ':-. I-jft..-t: i i ,i;r- ! C..-ra Uoat .::, a-.-l I f -;k:r.s it .rM-,sry, 2;:.sT"..-i- r "l Tc n -r-U t, ll cu .".e. Csee-.' Pft e f.-f and LedtSer an 1 E ut" " lt;i. -t, t jr n i"- t .: r :'i r.i'" f. SO" -uU fur ttircr.-.ATs -J.I iirrh, i::t. rt tH. kiMtJf . !Lrvjs cr.i Lc;i:rs, Crb c-.l Peri T:'Js, Rir-Era-Jovns, i'y Trimmings. IIa:tering' Hair Constantly cz Ui:.l. 1 1 Jer to i'j.t &!, I ir.ae fcartjes frota $ 3 I kaveeotUrt froa C5ce&tate 2 e.3. I.taUcxs frc::s 73c. fa CI.S c::.c'h. 1 WILL tlZLIi A3 I.QY7, if x. :t U ;ra th.ia euyeno ncrthof St. Jcscrlt, tad thosa wislir f.rythir.3 la cy lis will Czl It to their ad7it.i;sj toe'ra na acaU tefcra buy Inn elss-horfi, JOUN W. MIDDLETON, -.1.- t A.jiu) f-, w 15 Probata Notice. n, M. r.eynoMi, hi k-'M ETT''""! General Airiin!tr:iir it ifia ete .f J',,.t . 1. 3ecaet, late of U ue Ouuaty notice la hert"-v mvea tHat I have apiMltitod TueJ.iy the tfiirteer-ih (!3)diy of 4.Egat A, P 1211, ai the djy f jr he-.tri 4 ctitt:a KCC Wlicat We hare a small sup ply of Nue Whiat rtctn'ly pti-curt J Ironi France b-y the Patt nt otl'iee unJ tent oi;t for dbtributicn. We will fur tii'u a tmall tupply to each t-f our farm tr$ in this county who will experiment with it and report. Stairs Livery Sialic See the Advertisement cf Jons Small in ano ther column. John keeps pood fast horses and nice buggies, and will rig" Vm cut for you in double quick time, Zouave There's where you get your money tack.' Secretary raddoefc. While at o- ttha, last wcek.tf course we did cot kil to visit cur old friend Han. A. S. fEt)0ci, the newly appointed Secrttary of the Territory, end for the present t-r.; Governor Gov. Sacnders being fist. Although Mr. TadJock has been the cfT.ce but a ti.ort while, he has fe ry thin ia the mot complete order. Me .is enrtiiiiuiti-r in his attention to t lo$e havinj business in that tK partmpnt. tt J ,! alretdy popular with all parties, ai de:md!y o, fur iheclHce ha never been LIU d n-nh so prompt, energetic and an officer. We predict a bright f-are for Sec. Taddock. Malls. We have had no mails frora St. Louisfor near a week past. We -vise tbose here desiring to send let ters east, cr those east in tending letters l iulrika, to direct via Iowa routes. There is no certainty whatever that mail tatter will go tafely through Missouri Jrescnt. It has been reported above and 1 ciukv us that in this town ue hare had didicul ties with Missouri secessionists from the county opposite us. Nothing of the kind has yet occurred, nor do we apprehend any difficulty from that source. We shall nut meddle with their affairs on theirside of the river, and have no reason whatever to beleive they will rnule.-t us. Our policy here is, and thoulJ be to mind our own business, and to take care of and protect ourselves against any invasionists let them come from where they may. This we are prepared to do and shall act accordingly, Ihc American Freemason. We hail with plcaMirt? a new Taper bearing this title, the first No. of which dated March, 1SG1. has ju.-t been received.- The appearance of this sheet is handsome, the articles welf timed and exhibiting a very creditable degree cf literary ability, and the price well, the price is fo ri diculous-ly lew in Clubs of serenty and upwards being but forty cents each, per annum that we can conceive of nD rea son why any Freemason would bo with out a copy of it. A single subscription is Ont Dollar a year." A very satisfactory endorsement cf the Editor appears, from the pen cf Mr. John W. Simon?, the present Grand Master cf Masons cf the State of New Ytrk Each No. of ihi paper contains natter equal to fifty ordi nary octavo pages, much cf it criginal all cf i: entertaing, moral and instructive Yalualle premiums are cHered to those who may desire to make up Clubs, to each cf whom a specimen number am printed fubscripticn paper will be furnish ed on application to the publisher, J. F. Brer.nan, B x 4217 P. O. New York. t Jcscpli Dally Papers. .A bomber cf our business men and chert have for a lorg time been tub. , fibers to the Daily St. Joseph Gazette. iat paj,r now eu or?an of felf!.ia,l.h!lt localityTdou'i suit thislat y VieaJvjje ihcse wishing a rood fi!y raper, and one too, loyal to the 'ceral Gorernmeut, to fend for the Jrnal It j, ( JU, J ty ex-Gov Stewart, is One Bcllur. Get your money tack with compound interest, acd spnd One Dollar to L. J. Voigt k. Co., New York- See their advertisement in this papar, it speaks for itself. a tuost excellent pper. "? CUGl. The ihermcmH' r v"?ter- 1 103 in theihade. Cu.n..W Jr!3 that. Wa nro rfl.,.. :. , , ! LU er.j Create at reaped niet a. ! a cepoiit in our watir pail, that W0r tr.? rf "it , r;. f-i i- -"i u:aun i; yet SUppjj U good -article" cf cocMce. HoticeNcw Firm. The rjiler-ipned dvirr l uii'r.v-i in the r;ry cf ismwriviue. .hrslis. oiJrr cn3:e Rni f'tlfl SKIUFJ. l:F.ES.'.LM 4 CO.. Late U their en lire intrust in lha Ci. tLier Sti.ra to IhiTiJ Siit rlio wilt Berteficr carry n ttn I -usirw f.t the t.U M A K K G!;rf"M;CM, Jer.e :Cih,lSl. JOSIII'II SMITH. BUTTER WANTED. ' e j ay ten rt is a per f tu-it, 5r rrn ? ni'.e i.r tie ii bum-r. D.J. :AtaiN .f-( U 1 '.r w . r i I .. J , 1 C ; j . jiii'f Sutler y Irirg U3 a fit: w;:i. A fetert f!. k -f t'iiht Kn,-r m ...nst?!nt1 on . n-w itore J.J. TlirHMAS, n-y!y .. . - t C t " - r :: - fv'j .ilSS'.K-licT'-.? : Farm cure ! Furniture I ! The rn.t c (jiip'rtc St- of F'lrnitui e ever . fforel ta tlitn iipr o-iieitrv jut rice vel ty T. II ILL. Brownville. Apiil S5tb, I56I. Fcr Sale. The machinery, &c . bei.mckusf to. the Steam Ferry Boat -'Oie " consUtui); of one enlae Complete and part f the machiuery tr anoilier. Apply to II M ATK.1X30X, Receiver. Rruwnville, STay 3D ISSt. Notice. Tlmmr'n Owens l fully au'vhurUed t act for me, j 3 i sj: amtin my name transact alt bu-lue-s' connected with K - - ' . ... . r f ... k .. n . t . . . ... t t . Illy lattil on uj; iiiui3cc ncitc, A:iri urtweru the Xeiashs includum the -S.ui franc c claim, awani e'l atnl c.'titirnieJ by the Si'cretary uf the Interior to Win E 5!.)n ant t-.y htm t-'ilit to fije. NcwVortt N' vl lSGOtf BEJ. TTOLLADaT. Ntmahtt City Herald c.j.y 3 week u4 senj hill tu thlf afMce. iTIio Union Must and shall bo Preserved!" AND DEN WILL SELL GOODS ON SUCH TERMS AS WILL SURE LY BRING ABOUT THIS RESULT. FRESH- AQEIVAL . Boots and shoes, Authorized Military Books. ruhlixheJ by order .f the U. S. "ar Departuacnt Instructions in field Artillery. Prrparedfcya tMarl of ArtiUerv Offlcera. v 1. BVO. i CJ. Baltimorb, d. January 15, 1953. CVl S. COOTER. Adjt. Uen. U. S. A. fiR: The Lulu Artillery Ifcmrd i.Menihled by pmal Order .No. 134. t 1S5. and Speciai Order Ku. Ii6, cf of lbi3. haihe honor to nubmit a revl.-el ytcm of LiKht Afti iery Tacttca tt Uega.wtiou rccoinuaeuaea fur tUt arm. ... Wit. n. FnENrn. Bt. iiaior, Ci'trttn Pirnt Arli!!ery. WIlXlAlf F. iJAKUV, C.ip'fin Second Artillery. IIENRT J. HUNT Bt M O r, Cap'ain Soc.md Artillery. IIATlXiKK'S TACTICS, Rifle and Light Infantry Tactics, lor heexercie and i)iua'vrif tro.' nen ai tsnn ki muniry or Riflenien. Prepared tinder the direction ! the War - Xepnrtrrenj. ty Brevet Lieutenant Col. VT. J. n.R DKB. V. Ji. A. Vol.7 School of the auliiera and Cirupony. Instructiona 'for Sklrtniahera. V"HI. School of the Bala i lion. Two vol, complete: &t 63. "X Act ta ftnllith hk Khif'trm mo-7 of BiciiJlne a4 fuli LjCtrtttti Jor muuum ikiw fd Slut'. 5 "StCTPJK 1. Tbatthe yteni of ditcipliae and Held etereis wluon la anl fnan t'P iu-rnru vj mv n-.uiar Amiv of the t-'nitcd States tn the cm-rent orpsortn- fantiy, artil!e-y. ami riflemen th.nl a!o to vb-erved hv the mi. iti.v. in the cxe' cite end dir:p!'n "f ld corp. reiectivelv. throughout the United Sutea." ApprovitI, Wasiiington .Mr ia, i;u. Cavalry Tactics. ' published by order of toe War I1e?rtn-(it. Itryt prt SV.-tn.xl f tr- tpr; or jitie PiatiM.p ai: l"t the Ss; t4 rott itotitiiod Third p tr Kvt ri n of a re.iiueul. - Th'w v..u. tk-.n . f3 S5 . WiEDmaTMfT WAJHfSSTOX Tet'yf'era rf Cavelry T..cU; ad.iptjsj to the the or- ranisMioe f Druon recitnent iiviii wen apprv-e-i bv tte Prei lent of tte Unite I S'atei i nnr pub.i.n- eJ fcr th P ve Btncni of the fnitt'd Sta:eU w p-jl i.---hed ft.r the p verninet vt u-t 'lco Accddi iKiy initri!cti m la the anie will tepiren after the method pdnte-t out there.n and all aild-.:iona t., or denarttire fr.tn the ext tci.-es h:.d uiai.ieuvre laid don ia thi fystein arep-i:tm y r-jroudeu J.R. POsiiiT, Stcf War Mclc3r.s-Bavcut EXercVcs. ifinuiltf Bjynet Exercises j-repa-el for ti e r.-ocf Kivins rto'e-rr.Tnif to e-ce lr. fentrtl meretan the Army of Unfed S;a:es. By i0. B W. CLIX- tile bm-ine, I hive thi f prinj brotiht on.andorn- B.nncts, Misses Hit?, I ! 1 e'-r Qjioous a (Srrocerics, HARDWARE. QUEENS WARE. CUTLERY. . - NAILS, . IRON, &ey A General Assortment cf all the above. LAX.CP'fttn tt""t reciinent t Cialiy, U. S. A. pri6- te4 ty wider cf the Wjr Ie;)rtc;ent. )! i ro'. 12 . $1 25. HtAi) QrAHTEaj or the Amir. ) vriiitwtfti uecetu'er si. Kit. $ ed out an es'en-ire a'vd varied awrt!nent of everythinz nee-1l t y parch.era in this or any e4her country MKtinjE T B.it. SJie. iit- vai. j,.nnet" j wcrj j:r4eand tyl; Dry Cbmi ta eodh aa variety. cksI- iner. Cloth Jeana, sviireia. iweea. v eiir.r, u i s.o .if-ti-rmiried to cien tip a "uew era" la Merchan ti : hiLie-s. and will, therefore aell at decree aapre- ceJe:i!J:y lw, fur casa or eontry produce. CUSTOM WORK. I MroMi tsnd a ererxtM "orttnifT!t of French &9 nr.td'f sViMforbun nunuiacture, to ortier, oo the c,vS.t i U .i-le terms. All wots wrate4 or no fr GROCERIES. Drownv;;, A; -!! If, VJ, HOUSE AKD LOT FOR SALE 1 HI. un.Ii-iitirJ t v ' 1 r ret lioui-e n i lot tn l!-oi tviUe. Fcr urtu!r en ,j:i ,f liiobard l.rcovr.lin. wsmr.e. II. S. TH'Ji.i'il Ajr',1 IT, i;i. tiara rrr.-ltp l hvetho h..n .r to mt.init atlrm r..t I Sferin.. Carnbnca, orowa and Diuia tr.n- afH.iy!it Ks-rci-ie. translate I f re m the Freort, by j :; r.nKerie. fancy and etaple" Iron, Kaiia, Uard- tt'ili te. B sicCSe'.un torp a.utnrera. t . t. A. 1 Mroiigly reeoinnieiwt ta tei p'iitteii f jr din . Un In thn Army, that it be made If regslatioB t -rt of the " Jtrtem t i t-truci -n " The eneui.ed eitracta trvm tetti cf tie Is.; cttor Germrt. t . r their Vj'ue. ' I have the boiior to le. air, wr.h tlse hi:l.e t te pert, X'Ut tuoat ,'.e.!eo erv.-.r.t. 1 prir V"li"I I. JLD S1. IT. e;-eury of V?at. R. JDXE5. A;nt3Bt General. Ar.y at Uot i . ve trs.rt f..rard.t by ruitl. fsee of ptse, r any pirtof tie Ui i:et ! tbe re ceipt cf the pubitied pnee Rtuittauces iua t made ia joid (i'Uar and potafe taolp5. J. H. I IPPIN'COTT &. CO., Sookltetter. rnb'lrher. and Sts'l.o.era Kos. ?2 and 21, Not IU iVart a Street. PUi I adelph-. Well Buclietscnd Wheels J. J. Till" II MAN" h.u ca Ltci a lot of No. I Well Hukfttsfl4 Wheel. . !'- r:vi:. A; Hill. ''T. rf-v'v Valuable- Tract of Land .... ;,, . t , ...... .. tcl Lwi. ilc.pC'Hfu!'. ynr. i li WILKES. ilrjnoMtlHrq, FranlU Co 0. jWearj 9, IS31 ) IlKNKV C PALCISG, No 4? Cedar Si, N ? Denr fir: Tneloed' find tenty-five cent, (23.) for which aenJ hos of "Ct-plistlio Pill. Send to nd.lrew of Rev WtnC Filler. KevnfMbarjj, r runxnn uo, unm, Your fills icori lilt a charm eure Headache ef mod tMatanter. Truly yriort. . W M C fULLKIl. MioneiUe, Cciirt, Feb ft, 1 851. Mr. Spalding. Sir: I Vnve tri"I ynur t'etha!io Pill.. and tile tnem n well that 1 want you to send me two dollars worth more. Part r.f these ars for the neighbor, to whoia I give a few ont of the Mr't box I g-.t frota yoa. Send the Pilli by mil, iind oblige Your ob't pervant, JAMCS KENNEDY. atriinit '. :l e- !.,.', f ' J ' si1!1 AM P''M i huri" i i .a t ....: - r .:a : ? -t -f m t i a iaa V. t ai. ' ' 4 i.. . - 4 :? n ii i a I T.' x 0t r . f lo!4 ca i,.,'r rr; l Ci.. ' -. ii I'll,; if: : . 4 hJ a, U ill iilj w Cv C - at a tl. at 4 T ' ; 1. j i t 1 ItJLX.liXJ VaL 4 Ti.lmt rL'k.t FULL P. a, a w . .in tJ tl 1 a- To j-;;f. SilfV.'w'.crj aUtfirj to C n n r aa a. n a1 r. . t . TSe partner?.!? herelo.'-ire ex;.. x v- '-- v..t ;.f bra'Sta. w. v tie fl;'t tf of J. -rf: ' ;r :, o eon.oM, y t : 3 r ?. l- f t,. t . I ,v . 1 J 1 L. Cart '.i will H " ; t ! t: . 1 ,i, 1 t- ... 1 tt.oit firm and c-;n;:ie tse ii - .... ; r. i . . At:;:y t-Ja.cc.-a aa LteM .rt at :. hi t 1 U.P p i- , - I V.J t'-'a f . . l:. ".ii (..i,i:t! : . ' : r; !.i -T . ..ft -.., ri.' 4 ViK. Spaldixit. IJjvtrford, Pa.t Feb. 6, 1S31. I wish yoa tn ead me one more bT rf yoor C phalic Ftll. hact reCeited A 'jrert denl of lenrftf frum the st. v . , l onrS. rrf rxcttul!V, 11AUY ANN STOlSnOCSE. Spruet CrTc, TTimtintnn Co., 7V..I Januaty 13, ISol. ) It. C. Spalxiko. Sir: : Yoa will j I,ve send me two boxes of your CejAial ia Pilla. Seai thsai immediatelv. Uejiiectful!? yntir. . JSO.K.SIMOX3. P S I nr. ued ont lax of yamr Puit, am find (S excellent; B-Ut Vrot Ohio, Jaa. 15, IS31. ITFXXT C. SfALEISG. Vq. Heae f nd incloncd tweny-ve ent.. for which sertd m another lv. of your Cephalic P.JJa, They ar trull the Itit Pill I la ft err tritd. Pirwt A. STOVKH. PM. Ee"3 Vernon, V.'yaud ot C 0. ETTA -tne bottle of SPAIXIXG'S KIEPASED ULUE will teatiases I u cal acs.,-ariy-.2 ... sicr; or ran rioaTAr, . BROWN VILLE, N. T. BE. JOHIT CRILI AXKOCy CKS to the prshlic that ha ba pnrcbsei cf R. Brorn. the City Drne Stvre, ia iirowtv.lie, aad Laa a!j added Urg jly thereto, tiic nasT seli:cti;i Ani, ;ertpi, tts LARGEST STOCK OF DRUGS Ever bract: aboro Gt. Jc::b, It j.r 1 -i i' i ' i ' 1 j ' a ' 1 ' ' fjvv.ec-... T,v....t uf t .c fw;..:. t , ' 'is. J a-i... .r la l-u....-"-:'.. ilr. C--- n. M--; . r v.y way woitny of t-9 c.2 2lc-.9 a-i '- ' "-f ';! a Isatina pubUc. . .. .. . Eil iS!oct eon'tUtacf tht followisjr artlcl, wUci Le will e!l cheap furc.i: Pure Whitt; Lead, Castor Oil. French Ziuck, Cud Liver Oil, China Ziuefc, Sweet Oil, Red Lead, Putty, VenitiaaRed, GIjs, Ratv and t'turnler, Fis, Spar.i-h whiting, TurpeDtine, Chalk-, Linseed Oil, Cou'h Candy, Tanner's Oil, C0p.1l VarnLh CAlia Scip, Fancy Soap, Toilet Scap, Tucth Lruiher, Lhherae, Patent medicines, Let.paper White Varnish, Ir.k, Hair brushes, Teoih Lruth?3, Paint trj.'.:j Sieel Gold" Pens, Per.ci.s, ILnir oil, Siaticnerj'i CanJie3, Nus. v. SPALDINGS PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. I AV nt .mr,f. .1 t iM-il It V 1 u.t r tra-l rf Hnl aa- j-5fctf tht city i f UMwnv;'.'". '1 ter r IjO res in th tract, tawtly heavy t i n let. rd aerv riir ruUsva'.ion. A rare bar ji;a tan le bad ib tb '? tioee .f Ur.l. All-'! a rtri,:' or b-ff. ta "llf nville, N. T. Arrlllllb, ICL s-tf t r-t r y . J X a. a. , TT' Pe't ar.d Fn. t ' ft-ldt te fc lib est prkesat all t..eailtte pail. . If yno wish to pnrchi-e ot the mt favorab'e trW., cr di-rkei.f your pr.j-e U the bet possible D3IT,0 CH2il? GTOSS. Er.wnrille. April. 4. 1-51. SPALDINGS PREPARED GLUE. FATE THE FIICTS I icnxo'tT ! ms?ATcrj ! tIT"A 51-m 37-r 5?t 7r33 At a., cid-?rf j w-.i tir--3, even well r :... j'1 fAxI.ie.U i Terr Ie.irable tf btve srtn ebeflp sr.J eocrenient way frrjriiiriaj Furr.itarc, Tijf, Creek cry. A 3 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE Ci?et til eajh etar !.ci-", tad 0 boa.aeholdi ea:i a J.-rt ta le wi.b ct is U ia rctdy, aval si to lb e iticUj t USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." N D A Lru: b ev m;nie ea?h bottle. Price, 1IE.MIVC SPALDING. 2o 13 Crdar Street, New York. CAUTION. A e-riaTrt ttnf rio.-);-lcd ferTi ere attfre-irn:j t r-mnf"" t?t nnjrt!r z pibl'.e. Irritat'on'tf my IS! ' !J i j Mnn t Also, a Epics 213 Asiortir.c:;t cf "H"' -r1-t! -t--'H rTk '"-? ' '-.. Vu. aiM. .i. y C- T-'lsiz? iyrn'a Zi'.lzr'.t. Ccl'r . T-aJ i'l'-.'.ecxru'rjv, t!f rtf'J, ar.i v;'., c:.S sA e-:cr.ut tf all i..iJ, aa4 tf tie Sit q j. ' ' J ! si i t 1 I i t a . rylj piper, ftscy letter psrr, t'.H eii1 not, avi eve...j.", p;aii. f.nry, n1 e-u-rwl tu pci:.: a4 pen-ii'':';ea, iss tf a-l kiaia, laata2:C, wars; tzi aeaUes-wjjt. PURE LIQUOHG. v. r:.r; t c-.-: c. ctr!; ?. rr.'.cy. ) .. , , . l'r virtue of tcal'.ot to :, j J r?:' -1 f t a D'ntric C...urt of Oce c-onty, :.'.'h-a,. Territfr, i will o'f. r f -r :i. al '."s .!:.',., ,--. t'- - r f 'J.'s'aeenV .V'-re iitn, t',s -ca ' i-e V'mtria Co'trt of X mnh-t Cou'i ' i i: l.t t'.r:fl, in the tot a 15r jrav.i.j, N-.:r. t c . .j s'.y, ?: , ' C.i SuturJay Vit ZT.ih da-j of Jit 11 IX f ffe boar of I r,V!--k, !' '?., tl 9 f - ' 'j ard ter fne::, Irrf 1 3 ar.4 te ' . t. p' -tr cf Cr.arx . li nicy, t astry u -i f ; .4 r-f han-N 13 fiver vt 3. P. N u- ;.', t lha H'.u'.Lw. q-nr'.- r cf s "i L S ! 1 t - ' nort'i if m;5 I.T:.-"), eat if t:. ; ; ... ' . -1 r. lot: L0T3 1 2 4 4 0 2 3 10 0 5 1 : ID 43 70 72 51 f.0 C3 10 3 CD Si 47 c v a 1 4 5 2 3 5 C 8 G 4 G 12 7 7 4 7 8 28 10 12 2 1 c3 frc'i of 51lG 2 4 5 6 10 13 10 12 13 frac. 1 2 0 9 10 11 12 13 10 13 15 10 10 1 2 G 0 0 10 11 13 iii3io n 10131110 4J tracf 3 4 5 7 0 1011 12 n ia 10 7 10 123J 1 2 3 0 10 - 13 v a 4 J CI t 7.ri . r c frac ff 2 3 41 r, f r 1 u u u 13 13 10 11 12 13 5 7 II 12 1 frac 4 15 237 0 12 13 15 2 3 7010 12 13 1 1 15 11 4 9 10 '1 C J 17 ZZ C7 X0 25 27 C 7 10 11 13 IV f" : ' t 1 0 itzz cf 12 n 2 5 7 10 O 6 ' i . A r o 12 n Aw a " 1 CI 3 71 3 Utz cf 2 o 11 G 7 12 0 frt: 10 CI TbeaVvteseJ anl -". t! t- ,r,(J i fii"it1'tift il !: i mi ti I,?:. . J U - ! ' ' " ' j aa 1. i-A. . ) J w t 1 -' . me iiiNuvi uaug:' ii ! H t. 1 t..,n r- ; ' iT t.j a -1 - '" - ' rf rt PlUTirULAlILY 7) RVXiIIMFaN. 1 4;re to - t. r. anywhere hstweeti t PI.KPAnTll) I IXF. I w S vtvr w V -Bnt-in. tht eiy rtit fr wfcote. eS:inj:ne t cf. r t iircLA.-;a tl tie tLit tbe full K'iii.jt t.v ibej-n i c jnn!fe--etsibrari!ii everyjhjf.a: e-irsh'e or p'--J table t tr.le la. ami at priee wn&eart ',-jtfntw pr-rotrrn ff T" rr ! .Wij. Cdl rr ae' J y ur ctitrn M 1 wl l wet . l A;-i-" 1 1 ULy.JT? trc" sT-.f.e. April ?5 , t-Jt. J eatterfiia rr .Van t rt 1 irt vrt r. -.. tr-..'.v ! Tr..4T itrf-".i p vi'i-.'tr -1 vr r. j. v.-V'.j, . M ' ' r ( '." . -.-'t - .. ....... . rf .... - . , 1 1 . r : . t - 1 , - t . r :- - ... -, j L. I. t j l.-j a i rs ,."-1 ? aA a ' - - . t - " V. '''- V.- ,! I i-V-:l , . the p c mi f v;-e.:-l tp-ia f:ct care :xt c.ir:y 13 j " -'- ,J ' ' " ' " ' ; " s-" "'-r -"t?ri' "i" "ir-f w. a. toa. afe.rn.QaN. mm. m w.a a trtns ft ifra'ar fai-ia' an-! pr-r".f n; rtyW:?. tf3i.., j:-r;i ;j. it-:y. t ",!. 1 II