Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, June 20, 1861, Image 1
.'TnB 'ADVERTISER, fORNAS L7ANNA, J ct;ry5trickler'. Block. XIaIn Street, iter-'' HIX01VSTIM.X:, 5. T. " will farm.tfd t $1 60 pr Y,m f 'J "J r,.'e'b cc-Kpoit tbt orfier, not V if ! M i 7 f f v "s M TflE ADVERTISER, 'Tree to Form nml Herniate ALL tlulr Domestic Insilfcflons In tlielr otttts way, subject only to the ConstltnUon of l!ie rnltccl Slates." rvArxin or ADvajitTrnrT.' )a art(ia 1 ift or !i..fl.a-!-o, Sm:S J-!:iaOAlinirti-B, --- Ol i3rf, M IE r.lS, BiilnC:.:s if miiaatar let n7'. ODtCilffmattiTtir, . fn(-ist:( rj!T?)iiT"fi Oao low.S C I'.atna cr r''. " " Oaa.':a Colatoa ooa tar, . Oae:BiaTi alt cv-mrit. Oc Balf Co!an ai m"B'M, - - - 034 f.arta C!r;?iia til Knlfn, Oi tV C'!'kiii . . . . Ot4 Crania tare 0'tb, - Oe. C-i'natfcret -.. . - O-na f oarta Culatr.a thr wioei St, OiiafUot a Colstna tf nj."tii. .-ivaaciag iaai.Ja!:r Ue (!3 1 it i i ff V J M t IS ; ii n )- I I vol- v. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, JUNE 20, 1861. NO. 50. C A It D S . A. icnoritiiiiT i; u H I N ?: . ri l 1. ; ATTORNEYS AT LAW, M...K'TOnSANC.IANCr;IlV. c ,,., i-'ij' v,,,riiun ). !) GWLN, Surgery, ten- , the alUicltd. rr - or.:lv boated in ..J.W-'jjK.' NKUltASKA, M rclJ, obtcirlc, iu receive ; r,;;,,vi,,ne:'o1l''l'Uru"Sl,'r tTv. tiptoh Attorney at Law, -j. D; N. THOIvIPSON, justi,.K .f the IVacc and t ;.ine list, P.M JOHII L CAESOH tt 7 ir .HL 33 LAAD AM) TAX l'Al'IMd trai ls, llxchonje. avd hold VUit BUOH UlY-M:1, AlillUASKA, T'l etf ePfl' ''t.m tol.-iylnn an4 MllinR rx ;V'rV k, Y . UMcurre... H-..H W.IU. '"' 1)1- I' 1 1 . .. ctfm'i-t. mrrtvi:n Tin: i: ;; v j: u i: xc i: CilAUTEIl OAK Life Insurance Company, nartrbrd, Conn. Incorporated ly thf. Slate of Connecticut. Capital Stock $300,000. WitliUrgean i iricreaiiis j jr.:ufrect-i-t,i-ure-I7 InWfU d u trior tli jaucin n and uj j roral uf the Comptroller of Public Accoucti. OI-TICF.RS AND DIRECTORS: JMi:sC. VAf.iiM-:v. iTc-iicut. JOHN" IKCr), Vise President. L. D.DICKtKMANiencralAgfnt. DIilECTOnS: Alfred Gill, Daniel Plii!lij., JohnTi.Harce, U. l'.K..l-ct, .1. A.!'.nMT, K. I). Mi V.e iran N.WLcaton, Xel-OB Uj'.linUr, JamcC. Walkley. S.D. nreford.M D. (Tonsultinjr r'hyMc!an. A. . IIll;il:i J, M I). Modical K mi D-r. A r.r.l ication i rcccind I J H. W.Fl" UNA. A n't . Johns & Crosley, SOLE Ji A X L' K A ( "TL" It K H S OK TUB IMrUOTUD (.111 E'i:;uisi CEMENT ROOFING, Is the Cheapest and most durable Hoofing in vse. IT IS FIREJ1XD WJITER PROOF It run l-e 1 l t new nI oll rM.f of ai I ki'idn, and t. .hi title r'.t itt.tit reniovlnif ttie tl.lnciM. Tlicrost Is only one-l!ilrl r Tin, and isttvicc us dnrahlo. Gutta Perclia Cement f,.r p'f-prviup ami 'Cjwifina tin ami fiber tucUl roof .,f i-pii 1P-C':l"f. r"1" i! 'as'lo'y it; l,"t ln- Jiirf.1 l.y UiC ouiiMi'l'ii aiil eapjUMuii or n.eiHi, ami Will not crack in cold or liun in warm u-calhrr. Ttife matrrla' hnr bo:i t homely tpf tM In Xw Toikand all iarn .f tbe Mouibern and H'eMerti maten. id e cau give abundiiit proof of all we claim la tbelr f s Vir Tiipr are readily applied tT ordinary laborer at trlfl- "NOIIEAT IS REQUIRED." Thne mahriuh are jn t vp ready for use and for Shipping to all parts of the Couutry, with full printed directions for application. Full descriptive circulars will le fur nished on application Ly mail, or in per son, at our irivcipal office. 510, BROADWAY, f,rpolie St. Xi. 'n.N- It. tel ) XF.W TOBtt. JOHNS & CHOSLEV. 1859. 1859. IliWIIJAL & ST. JOSEPH U.K. I"tjr TT T" Pf" " i-J ' J ii L Jk' 4 ? - ' c y:-v-M'." i' - -r"""--. FALL AKKAX(iBMKXTS. M irnlnjTr-lu le.veSt. Jwerh at - - 00 Kve-ilnx Trin ltTe ;. 1 - - St. JmfphU reacbrdtr le We-tcrn Suse Line. PienK( i' t ivetime ul;lre..nie .ta2lnc tjr tMruute. D.H.t c i!iaectiot made a i lli imo.l with all'Eaatern r.ud 5nHUj-rfi Rat lro.'! aiid P Let. J T D Haywood, Sup't., HanniLal. D C Swi9 General Agent, St. Joe P B Gboat.I?. Ticket Agent, Han'lal Turn. Hill, G. T. Ag't, Brownville Xoreirterai. lt. " KKAE ESTATE A X 1) Collection f f ice o r Ii O N 'l L LI-:. IsEIiRASKA. .l(?'n, Jii ween Lew and First Streets. Particular alf ontloii plvrn to the Pure liasc and Mile ol Ileal Hfitiitr, lakln? Col Ircllons and Payment of Taxes lor .o n -Reside ntn. LAND W AKHANTS rUi;SALr,for cash and en time. LAND WARRANTS LOCATED forEa?tcmCap itoliht!,on l.ttid.s felsct" 1 1'rinu iKT.tir.l eiaruination, and eotnpl-te Tonnstip Map. ahowinj Strani!, Timber, Ac, furwardtd with Iba CcrtiCiiate of loca tion. l!rr vnr Mt. X T Jn..1. If P.I. Tl f ..- , .v v. . j;;"';:r; ,c.i-r.'.rrrt. , T s,,w,.. K-.J.. ATT a I.--. j . S ( i i i. tie 3d AuU. L . 8- T. Tirh.r a, ltnikera, aid' f "d . ll:i Tli.'in i. Trait, JI . J . I' K s..i. K-i . I' e.'tS. Bmi, C ! S. hiry. A y Lj' C i l:llMrt..Ull Itw 11. TuitU'r. t iia.Uiuora, aid. WaOiliiBtoii, D. C. CbtraRrt, 111. S;. L ui. Mo. llll tH.l, Md. le cribiiri: Pa IlaiiiM l'n, Md. K-tnn. Md C'iiiil,rl 'I'd, Wd 4V1II . A I tMl!4. K..v 8. sfi-tf. TCmi.s s. ni:i)roKD AT TO UN K V AT LAW, -LRiWIiVILLE. w. t. PEASE '&' F07LER,. BLACKSMITHS, "VVntor Stroot, RROU NMLLE, :HliAKA. nvf reoently l..cjilrd I" thin filarc ai.d .lirit a brf ft puMic .,U.-naL'.- Their r.oik and prices rann t -t t. r. il-f rtirn. P ifP f -f 1iTiiik U-re $1 Itf? b .ruitf aJI round with new b.P. loc 3"; 3 in n. . A. c o s T A n I. n , IMrokTIH AM I'KALLR I ! IRON, STEEL, NAILS, CaSI'INT., VIIIN(SS. XLKS,F1LE heliLO w , .BLACKSMITH'S TOOLS U): llus. Sp.'ke, iwA Bent Stuff. Tlilrd street, tntopn Feii and E linviid, SAINT .lOSKPII. ,IO. v,' InrU be el I at St Lnn pi it-e for c ash . Uuti xt ri Paid tor rfcrap Iron. JVT orryAdvnucorl on PIKE3 PEAK GOLD! 1 lll rc civp P,ke V Poak G -Id and adv..nre ln..T on'wi ; lie tuie aid pay vev balance of pr.tol ''.'! Mini 4. turn t. hail In all c.-r. 1 l' Hie i unci reiurn of ihe I'ntted Staien.MiL ty i r: e. I v r t r a T q n V BILLION AND LXt HANtJE VAXOXTAl BltOWKVILLC, MHRASk. no20 4 MRS. II.EWETT, MAIN STREET, nnoiT.wiM.rj, xeiixiasila. Aunoinicra to tbe l.iuioiof Drowuville an.l vicinity aliC Ut.JUt ici'civeU bor SPUING STOCK AllLLlNEliV GOODS, - t . - ,rtipnlr Attention. TTff Khm1 are ..f the vei y latest M les a"d are offurcJ at unusually low p-ice Api it 4, 1M50. ievv iico licp. UROIVXVILLF, XEBRJSh'J, vni.uiy that be b.. c-.inii.eM.Ksl the niii.nt-cio.y ..r t. t, and xb..o in " .w.iviilc, and b .pt-s by attt-iition andc.ret.. me it a .f patr.oi ue Hi tik i all . f tbe bet quality, and bi work an wr- rantrd to - cive Ktiiljc:i..n r no p w fr..m . V . 1 rln( calf fkln t .ot. t. a coarse brown, ai'.d ut prlcca ao fc.w that l.onj can c'"Pljin- . . v tiive me at my ibop. on urn iiitv,w" Maui and Wairr. lirownvllle. May 9. IPC! ly FEED YuVHXbL VES I New Eating Saloon. EENJ. WHYTE, Han opened a nw Eatin,; IIono on Main street, next door to the U. S. Lud OlSco in Drowuville, H'Lcro "Warm ISoals CA5 BE HAD A T A' Is ts II O IJ It . AU kimh of Jiase scrrcd up as desired, at the kIhji test notice. . Oysters, Quails. Prairie Chickens. "Fihh, Veuison, Ties, Cakes, Hot CofFte. Sweet and Butler Milk, Mush and Milk, and all such. f3oo Mo ! ! nit Cozuo and r . i. 4. ifxil. . L w'. CITY LIVEBY STA IL1 AND T. M.T.lir.nTT, DENTAL SURGEON, iUvin !.H td bimvlf in tn nvilU-. N. T ten pr-Si .r -rvioc to t heroin inanity. A 1! j.i'm rran' cd. Clocks, rati:hcs& Jewelry. J. SCIIITTZ lotntiT that hp haa Incited biine! in ontd nanre;o lh- Mtlrena of Br?wnrH!e ta vuimiT that hp haa Incited biine! in k-v.3rcvr nville. andinteii'W keeling a full ort. ueiii of everything ia ki. !.ie..r buinr which will ol l.w for c-b. llewi; aiaoiio al I kiinU uf re- furin; of clKt. watct e and ieeiry. All war. vJnlSU lUIIR BOOK BIITBERY, COUNCIL BLUFFS. IOWA. WILLIAM F. KITER. Vy 17. 1SC0. FAIRBANKS5 SCALES a - 1 0r ALL KINDS. FAIRBANKS & GRKHLEAF, id corner of lioirj & Walnut Bts. St. Louis lifEt:V 0.NLY TUE CI.LI.. John liHrncit. iliiiim rviiin. Jlc' 1 Itlundi-n. (the lntti r, lts hcmImiihii in tbe rin ploy of Mcrs Landrcth & Son; hava untUd uuder tbv firm of JOHN GARUETT & CO. r'R the rnoi:cCTios or the Agricultural Implement AND SEED BUSINESS, They will connautly keep on hand a full cnpplj of Land ii th's War ranted Garden Sicds, a'.l frevh. and of the List yo-ir's pruwtH. To b obt liiifd .t t ie old li'.u-'M at I' nnd wi'l ronSn? their f.ilcs tf tltrdon Sj-d ixolu- i-. to t!.o-.'. il.OJ- A..Uui' -i Vl J .Ta'' shvk 'I 111 Implements and Machinery in Use, KMBRACINU ALL TIIK LFAPISO AKTICI.M IS TDK TR APK. OF TIIK B K.ST M M" K ACTfKE. They mIi.mi th oontiu i- I cii.-it.iin of th'tr friends and of all thoe whu h oed lt at tho branch 1 om or I.ANPKKTn A Sov. at St. Ia'u'm. Uur price bVi! bo rery acoo. dance with tho t"uue, ftnJ wc hope to ati"!y all wb-. eall on u, as to the superior . r . ..... 1 i, quauiy oi uur,iM iuc nvi. Our Trrmtnre CiA, and pricn f. eorrfpoud. JOHN GABNETT & CO., v2.t ST. LOUS, MO. CjiiJiNTLiiaMlUiN'5 WHi&lX JACOB MAIiOUN, MERCHANT TAILOR n ro x villi:, x i: uii s x , Has jut returned from St. Louii wi;h au tntire new tock of LATEST STYLES Of GcHnla fi.r ticutlciiin'ii wear, which he will mike t. order at. abort notice, and id a manner be arrant to be aati-faclory. Hi t-:k coi.l,ti in irt r.f black, e .lored and ruiaed cl-.lh ; bl--k. ir.,l an.i 10iXed 4okin: bUck, colored, tan.-y and mixed 'afimers: fine Kentuekr Jvans VUe k'. s l inens, dril ling, duo, atins e5tin,UnailiJ button., cord X,- lie reliirtia thnnka iili. H w - - - - - ii . ivu ua kills plareand Tu-mtty f. r their rv.ibtd.crl itronare. and rvsjHTtt'ully invites th-in t'. call an t examine bis new utoe k. IK fwN cotifi.lri.t in the fu ture a in tbo past, be will be able to give entire sat- t.actia. lirownriUe, March 21. 1?ril,-1y HELVIIf WILLS. NEMAHA CITy, NEBUSKA. Cxsilx for Wliont. TPO pui,ic are iiilornuM it al ilA'.i.u'i Ati'.lathat 6'to8v)Tentcah i hem? paid for rvii! merchantable mbeat. Al wbeit atuU Crn ground lot toll a nanal. No-22,1S50. J.U. MELVIN. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. ROGERS & BROTHER. i wnrvrrs to . tMihlic that ho ba Ttnrchaed the I.ivery stt.lerd !t.k formerly owned by William K itoVil a-d ale-l tbereio One stm-k. and it ugw prepar ed to accommodate the puui.c wun Busies, Sulkies, Saddles Horses THE TRAVELUHQ PUBLIC Cm find at hi S'atle ample accommciiations for horse, niule r c.itt'e Drawnville. Oct. IS. 19C0. til5-yly Care of llarncss. Leather is selJcra injured by being wet, if hung up to dry, instead kZ beiug left iu a mass ou the tlour or in a cur ner, where the drying is do slow as to create mould. ' For geueral use harness should be fairly oiled, and for this pur pose either pure neatsfoot oil' should be used, or the article known by the cur rits a 'daubing;! and this should be rub bed in w hile the leather is moist, but nut wet. The harness should be wrapped in a wet cloth one day before the apr lica liou of daubing, or iieaiVfoot oil ; this thould be rubbed on Hiiortly witU the truih for a sulficient length of lime , to insure its entrance into the leather, rath er than leave it upon its immediate sur face. If the leather be positively dry, this substance cannot enter, and there fore the necesity of its being moist and pliant, at the tun : of application. Var niih should never be applied ; it fills pores, and prevents the necessary access of air, causing the leather to become crisp and rigid, aud in a short space, of time it is rendered tender, causing it to crack, break' &c. Before applying any oil substance to leather, all dirt should be thoroughly removtd lrorn Us surface, and no other material than lampblack should ever be mixed with oil where it is uece sary to Llacken the leathei. Shoe black ing is sometimes utd, and always with inmrious etiect: it frequently contains j mm sulphuric acid, which, wtieii brought in con act with leather, rapidiy destroy it. Where the Kainer is very ary, us wiin boots and shoes, tbe injury is not so great Vegetable oils should never be applied to harness of any kind, lor alter a while ihey harden tue leather and destroy its uselulness. Leather curtains should nev er be varnished, but ahvavs keot Drfec- , j m ly pliant by very moderate and frequent application of the oils we nave nameu. Good Advice. Those who wish to do rrood, hesitate to do it, would do w til to read the fol- niti. Ti e reason may be suggested ly the perusal. "Dj not delude yourself with the idea that 'you c.iii pltnse everybody. AY ho ever knew i.dy that waj worth any thing that had nobody to find fault with him? You will have to do evil in many cases to please the evil ; flatter to gratify their pride; indulge the selfish; submit to the tyrannical; be a tool for the ambitious, and be careful not to have any thing as good as thos-J who desire to have everything superior to their neigh bors. If you are a public man you sho'd be must expect to have ma ny st cre:ly dislike you, and talk against you for y Jiir s i :ces. An 1 if ycrj ac complish but little, though many show themselves friendly, it often leaks out that some who appear pleasant to you can do thus because they do not fear your rivalry. They may smile on you outwardly, and yet entertain contempt for your inefficiency. Always do that wnTch is right, be dillisent, do the most you can, pay no regard to fault-finders, aud vou will find as many friends as any sensible inaij uetu uesnc. llcrry Old A sc. LiTta. It is not known ho v many were killed or wounded in the unfortunate t- . fi. 1 lo.!udiedGreekaieihiy;CharIeKera-!coIlionpf the Kderai troop previews une. or rather -brushed- to marking cn tae ureai -ucti. . Hh d d iLe same up," his old Greek when he was nearly as old as Cato; Cibber. when still lder, merrily replied to ot.e who declartd that he looked well, that at "eighty-four it was well that he looked at all !" and there was the Countess of Desmond, who was, perhaps, the merriest of them all, for she - Liel to the ago cf one bondred and ten, And died f a fall from ft cherry-tree Ciea. American Generals- Washington was a surveyor, rind, in after life, a farmer; Knox was a book Finder and stationer; Morgan was a blicksmith: Gates, who opened Bur Coyne's eyes to the fact that he could not imarch through the United States with five thousand men,'" 'was a regular-built soldier," but, after the revolution, a far mer; Warren, th3 martyr cf Hunker Hill, tvas a physician, and hesitated not to exhibit to his countrymen n splendid example of the manner in which Aimr can physicians should practice when railed upon by their country. Marion, the "Swamp Fox" of the South, wis a cow boy; Suniptef, the "Fighting Cvck," of South Carolina. ws a shepherd's boy. i m m a I I Hope. Hope wrlfes the poetry of n try, Vat memory that of a man. Man looks for ward with smiles but backward with sighs Su-. h is the wise providence of Gol. The rup of life is sweetest at the brim; the flavor is impaired as we drink deeper, nnd the dregs are made bitter that we may not struggle when it is taken from our hps. A boquet is a rose-bush, frcin vfhich every young beau plucks a leaf, and the thorns are left for the husland. Don't run in debt on any account. Ins was however inconsiderable. The fire of our. troops on masked battery did apparently Tcry little execution. Our artillery being composed of small field pieces against the rifltd cannon of the enemy. The figbl lasted but half an hour when the retreat was sounded and execu ted in good order. The troops through out this trying atfair behaved well. The estimated number killed was about CO. -Major Winthrop aid to Gen UuMer and Ci.1 Grenael of theN Y Ut regiment are mining. Among th killed is Lieut Greblie of the U S artellery. He was struck on the right side of the forehead by shot from a rifle- cannon which tore away the tipper part of hi head. Still Later New York, 11. Tha Herald's account of the affair at Great Bethel states that after tho unfortunate mistake was rectified the 1st, 2rd, acJ 3d N Y regiments, joined ty detachments cf the 4th Massachusetts, 1st Ohio, othand 9th N Y regiments with two light tit 1 J pieces, under Lieut Gntble came upon an advanced guard of the rebels, defeated and drove them back taking three prison ers Then they advanced cn Great Bethel m York county where they came upm the enemy. They were iu position protected by six heavy tatieries moutitingr bix and ivftlvt pounders aud heavy rifled cannon. B-th DurytV Zouaves and Hawkins' regiment' charged right ip to the battery but could not puss the ditch and were compelled to fall back. The Tribune's report says all but cne rifled run of the tnemV were siltuctd, and that when the Zouates charged the if.;i- 'IMkc's 1'cali, or ISu&t." SEW How the Chinese Pay their Physi cians- There is a custom which pcrvails with the Chinese that strikes us as peculiarly sagacious. The people aeree to pay the doctor an annual stipend so long as they are in good health, but the moment tney fall ill ihe pay ceases. The idea is a good one, and would put the doctor to ins utmost curative skill. We apprehend fe vers would have their quietus iu a short i time, palpitations cease tneir quawtns in a jiffy, agues gladly doll" the white feather, arid consumptions be nipped" in in the bud. Peorle would o about in the very redundanry of health, and they and the dot-tor live till thev would be asham- red to look e arh other in the face. Then a physician would to confess to a patient, and to have one die would sub ject him to the contingency of legal iu- AKD DRY GOODS HOUSE. ISJo. 11, ZVCciixx stroot, BR0WITVILLE, IT. T. J. BEiair & Co llira I it a a.rn Main Street, near tbe U.S. Land Office, la Brownville where they hive opened out and are utter ir g on ice moM favr-ratile term Dry Goods. Provisions, or an huki. FLOUR, CON FECTION ARIES, CSECJ A XII IHIICD FRCITS, Choice Liquors, Cipars, And a "thousand and one," other thief eerybo?y need. CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOCK Br..wnrii;e. Apri' CS It THOMAS DAVIS, ECLECTIC PHYSICIAN SURGEON, TABLE ROOK, NEBRASKA. HeiVrencc, Dr. I. Owin, Lrowimlie. Apr.l II.T.I. bU-Ij A Double-fjage Map of the World, OX ilERCATOIVS PROJECTION, T.Vl'!! li !rm f r-e aTT" irtiK i Prl nnmVer of ti nOCSEilOLO." jprWXL, w zndr J. lll. 'x" .-. vestigation. The Philosophy of the Beard. The vain man curleth his beard with his fingers, the conceited man stroketh his with his hand gently. The choleric man hath it short and crip; the sensual man thick and coarse, the man nt sen timent haih it soft anJ flowing; the tim id man spare. The bv.y is beautiful with the "down upon Ms chin;' the wane, flowing beard of a Nestor is magnifi cent. We never think of the princely Abraham, exefrt with a long w hite beard and turban. The fine old cavaliers of r.limhmli' time were brave and court eous, because of the beard ; the Romau inquisitor is cruel because he is shorn Truly, there is philosophy in a beard. A writer m the Southern Planter says If vour hocrs are lousy, ro to their rub bing place, or what is better, take a log tPnVir twelve feet long and ro-.igh. place it by their feeding place, and keep it constantly smeared wuh tar. No 5pan iel ever ljved water better than a lousy hog loves tar, and he applies it himself, to the most infested spots on his body, so effectually that th lice speedily dis appear. I have seen 9-5 out of DG hogt smear themselves with tar in less than thirty minutes after tney had access to it ; and not one had erer known its use before." , St. Locis, June 12, A. M. TV.-Tr MonroJ- June '";. v!. F - - - wore. 11. Gen Butler haw. , - it:.- ihnt tho rebels were fortuving a camp with strong batteries at Great Bethel U miles from Hampton on the Yorktowu road. He determined it necessary to dis lodge them. Accordingly movements were made last night from Fortress Mon roe an 1 Newport mews. About midnight Col Duryea's Zjuaves.and Col Touipsons AILinv regiment crossed the river at Hampton by means of six Urge Baitrux manned by the naval bngaue anu iook up the line of n arch, the former some two miles in advance of the latter. At the cm limp Col Bendix's regiment and a detachment from the Vermont and Mass. regiment at Newport moved forward to form a junction with the regiment rrom r.inrts.s Monroe at Little Bethel about half v'ay between Hampton and (treat Bethel. The Zouaves passed Little Bethel about four 4 o'clock in the morn iror. Col Benlix' arrived and took up a position at the intersection of the roads. Not understanding the smgai tne uerman a a I 1 . regiment m the darkness ot tne nign: fired upon Ul 1 hompou s column. Marching in close order and led 6y L.ieui Builer, son and aid-de-camp of Gen But ler, with two pieces of artillery. Other accounts say Col Thompson's regiment fired first. At all events the lire or tne Albanv regiment vai harmless, while that of the German was fatal, killing one man and wounding seriously two or three others, with several other slight casualties. The Albany regiment being bark of the Germans, discovered from the accoutre ments left cn ih field, tint the supposed enemy were their friends. Thy had in the meantime fired nine rounds w ith small arms and a field piece. The Zouaves hearing the firing turned and also fired upon tli .2 Albany regiment. Al daybreak C,A AIUmi's and Col Carr's regiment moved from the rear of the Fortress to support the main body. The mistake at Little Bethel havirrg been ascertained, the buildings were burued nud a major with two prominent secessionists taken prison ers. The troops then advanced upon Great B-Mhef, but. our three small pieces of artillery were unable to ccpe with the heavey rilled oannoa of the enemy. The rebel battery was completely masked. No men could be' seen; only the flashes of the guns. There were probably no less than a thousand men behind the batteries of the rebels. A well concerted move ment might have secured the position, but Brig Gen Feirce who commended the ex pedition appears to have lost his presence of mind snd the Troy regimen! stood for an hour exposed to rr galling fire, when an order to retreat was at Its! given. Lieut Grebble of the U S A in command cf the artillery was struck by a cannon ball and instantly killed. He had spiked his gua and was endeavouring to with draw his command. CaDt W R Wilson after the order to retreat was given took possession of the gun and broatht it off the Field wuh the corps of the L.ieut. Both were brought to Fortress Monroe this eveuing. There are probably 2j d and 100 cf the federal troop3 enemy scattered. Not more than half the force was brought into action at once. Lieut Gribbel's body was gallantly saved by being brought oil" the held on his own cannon. The Fost's special says there is great excitement here over th news of the con flict at Great Bethel. It is tho general opinion among military men that there was gross mismanagement and l ad lead ership of the xederal forces. The seces sionists are looking up emboldened by the rv pulse of troops. A prominent Btltimorean now in this city, states that there are several seces Hirrj nrrnin floating in Baltimore and ' that Gen Banks is needed to keep tho rebels in cnecn. inn ooruer wariare oe tween Maryland aud Virginia tettotu- ing very bitter. VASni.GT02, 11. The Fresident to-day called upon the Gouernor of Indiana for ix additional regiments. The forces under Col Stone have concentrated four miles from Wash ington. The cavalry went ten miles fur ther. The regiment of mounted riflemen aud four companies of dragoons have been ordered thence probably here. It is reliably ascertained that the Fed eral tioips have been moving from Har-per'a- Ferry to Winchester, thence lo Manassas Junction as spetdily as they can procure wagons. Leaves worth, 13, P. M. Serious hostilities are threatening at Kan-as City. Reported to be a session force of twelve hundred near Indepen dence waiting reinforcements from below. At Kon.-as City ihere are now six com panies infantry and three cavalry, all regulars corrmanded by Capt Frinco of 1st infantry. They have two field pieces. Seven companies of the" 1st reji'meitt Kansas Volunteers recently mustered in to service are at Wyandotte two miles from Kansas City to act as reserve. Maj. Gen Stone of Kansas Slate Maltia last night ordered the regiment in camp at Lawrence, in command by Col Mitchell to march to Wyandotte to co-operate with the Govt forces. This regii.ient is armed but not otherwise equipped. Capt. Jen neson's company of three hundred tnouut ed men armed with carbines and revolves also left Lawrence for Wyandotte this morning. The Telegraph wirei have been cut Eist of Kansas City, lea-ing us without .virp rnrnmtinication W th St. LoUH. An affray occurred in our streets this between D R Anthony, proprie tor cf iht Daily Conservative aud It C Satterlee of the Daily Herald in which several ahots were exchanged, one severe ly injuring a bystander. Satterlee re ceived a ball in the riht side and died in twenty minutes. A coroner's inquest is beiug held this P M. Springfield, 12. Hon O II Browning of Quincy has been eppornted by Gov Yates of 111., Sen ator of the U S to fill the vacancy caused by the detth of JuJge Douglas. New York, 12. The Herald's Washington special dated one o'clock this morning tays a special messenger arrived an hour since from Fortress Monroe, brings intelligence that Gen Butler th: morning proceedel with- a large reinforcemeut to Great Bethel and after a severe fight and cap tured the rubers batteries one of seven and the balance of fcurteen guns and also look 1,000 prisoners. The Time's special di. patch says Gen Blair states that Geh Butler list . night rssaulted the enemies works at B;thel where Pierce was repulsed, and captured theua by storm. Within the limits of the capital there the city. At Alexandria cri leyo-.i tho bridges ten other full regiments amcur.u ing to 2,000 including re-u!ir u: dcr the command cf Gea McD-vrell making 10.000 men besides thess sent foruari. yesterday and these stationed at tha Ra lly house and Annapolis. Thty ara co: petcnt for any preseut emergency in th: quarter and anxiou fcr busiucis- Prof Lowe the balloonist is h?re. Ila has proposed to tha government a sy t?rr cf reconno:terbg that will to tcs'.ei tD . marrow. . - Thera is encthsr r.eTcrr.crl cf :r?-;i to ta.43 pace in the raornin. Fiva rai ments are under orders ta kave and will do so at once. Iam authorized ioitauj that the government will receive any regi ment that till como 13 Washington. If the regiments coma cn their on resrcr. sibiluy they will to received whcihcr thev have the authority or not. Gen can- ford sent back some fugitives slave? ti their masters which causes a great deal cf dissatisfaction. The Propeller Resolute which arrived . last night had seized two schooners down the rivtr vhic had lecn carrying pro. xisions for the enemy. B-jthcf tism wcro burned. . ' The Tribune's special irtvj tha CcL'rr.m of Gen Pattefsoa marching fenvard mil add to ranch strength ta the defenro cf Washington that to assail it wita any ferce at tha . eemmand c! Bcaurtgird would be madness. The convention at Wheeling will girt a fresh impetus to tha Union sentiment ia the Border States, and the re-cf eair.g of the Baltimore and Ohio H. R. will supply facilities for tnnsporuiioa from tho weiu The Herald's dispatch fays cur infonu ant who was ia tha firt engagement at Bethel states. I haro no doubt that 100 were killed on our side. When tha dw' tailed account is received thcro is ua doubt tho heavy loss of lifa will appeal due to the fact that tha troops Lad liicral to act without a leader. On tha receipt of tho news f rem For. ' tress Monroe a meeting cf tha Cabin-1 was immediately called and remained tu session nearly ail day. . , It is reported thatt-ero arc 3.60O mrn in arms ut Baltimore who are rmo) to rise ihe moment tho Federal trocpa me.! with their first defeat. Baltimcrc, 12 The ttcamor from Old Point has ar. rived. The account of tho Inttl Teter- dav at Great Bethel is all that has beer. received ,a nti'i''iw.'-y''t' !. ture of the teamer. No lurther milfary movements have taken placp. The ret-l cavalry and infantry followed the retreat ing troops in considerable force as far as Newmarket bridge thi side of . Littlo Bethel. rYibumanly charging ia cne in stance on thoso bearing the dead atJ wounded. rhi!ade!phia, 10. A yoi:ng man who left New Orleans on Wednesday hist rrpor's that stet.-n two botts were preparing for privateers. It was reporwd at N O 40,000 con federate troops were encamped iu the neighborhood of that city. Washington, 12-. The eecpsion pipers of Baltimore nr monstrnsly lalsifymg the affair at Beth I. The Sun says 1,000 were knlcd utl wounded Ihese misstatements arrt doubtless to the Congrcsicn4 election in Md which takes place to-nior-row. The povern'Det.t :s fully prepirioT to check any outbreak at Baltimore. In . II Wii.ter Davis1 district the vole will b- , elected. Private advices from Eait Ter.n if the Unicn rren are fully determined to resist secession and lake up arms to t fend the government. . Six steamers are notv at Washington navy yard fully armed, with steam up ready to start at a moments notice. Federal troops are gradually their way in the direction of the Fairfc courthouse, strengthening fheir line- of communication as they go. Washington. 12. 00.0C0 cartridges were sent to the Relay House to-day. Reports from Kentucky sty the t sionists there are fully confident cf driv ing that Stale out of the Union at th proper time. Washington. 12. Tho President H wg accepted five regiments under G-". SicUeV. An order wasto-dty issued by the Secretary of war to muster them into service fcr three years or durir thu war. The State cf Missouri haviug teen added to Gen MtClellan's department, the fcerrd'juarters cf the department cf -th-' Wen are removed from St. Lciris to Ft. LeavenAorth. FatciaxcK, June 11. A returned Bahimoreans from Harpr' Ferry informs me that the rurt.ber rf troops there hi3 teen under estimated. Additional numbers wtrs arriving by every traia and they were to distributed that their presence could scarcely ba no ticed fifteen minutes after their arnva' The probability is that they were forward- ed to other po:n:. Thi;y have atunianee of Artellery which is posted zs is hise? tiraation to render the phre imr-rgnatlt 2,000 troops were expected to-day and to morrow. A Baltimore regiment :s'n camped at Bolivaf, armed with Ter.nesee The Kentucky troops are regarded wuh general suspicion and dislike and are in almost open mutiney. Proviiisns were abundant and th? strictest discipline wa nfnrr-(!. The B 1 1 ittiore ci t v iriiards kre e. Great indig-1 equipped and provision under the super- j s'ationed at SuJolk near Poatmcu h. "amst Brig Gen i vision of Gen Mansfield. Ia addition The Maryland heights are t be nl u-J .-n I ihre? are stationed onhfi-h'? urrouniir-g , el. -:ti A 1 aiiicu ana iwv . . - - r i . . . wounded. Lieut Butler d?erves the j are now encamped and quartered 17 regi rreatet "credit for bringing c-lf the kiil-d ( meats of volunteers numbering fully 1S. and wounded. Several of the latter are COO. Picked men thoroughly armed and now ia the Hospital here. nation is mamlested a Pi ere riies. It