.OKECON liUKSEIlY. -"li. il i;n:nii:s t co.,, "Oregon, Holt Co., Ho. The, tMd nit ro4 Uri Ur r fir "-nricreJ efth. waotol itmtU'i r7 TREES, SHRUB3. FLOWERS, tc, ,, uiaTu4ti,'","1''1- ?Tie.Wfcf Cr-., fa. is, we hv-ft :i'hH om at ibi pace, ..ni Ur.icio ju.e.-f"I Ci- a'.-fl. wuica Cl- UtUT"L )nhicU cr RJall, The t'-nnr ata, a Urge and wa.,1 specie J bock iCttei I tui tl--- j-pl. ibWl and Jwarf; I'tara,undari end dwarf ; Cherries, sia-Jrd aal dwarf: . Apricot, e, Grar-, Garret's, F.tnirrriMM irMactbeiri's. Tiergrtcn, Ornaments! Tret?, er.d Shrubs, Greet tonse ani I1iir Hants, liases. Dahlias, Ac, &e. 7e ehlz-Vw oiH bg leuve to ca'l the attention of the p. I-! of Western Kirsouri, Ncbraika, Kan sas and Iowa. f Y5"Oar t"rai wi.Ile as low ai try reliable cart em N'urery. Ily r artLhuSr of cs theeirenseid trenirx-rU-ioa from tie eatt en be ureJ. All C-( aad plants are carefully labeled ar.d j v kd in thebet manner for any pert of the Ln.t i SUUi, f r which a charge of tie actual cost only wii b cj le. 5o tbare wiilbc tuado for tfcc deli very of pa ka' s on board itearuLoa a. All c'-:arricr.i nU'jti'e J Jrvrci tcithe nalersljned w ill receire prorr.pt attention. K.u.r.ur.cncsico. LG0: TO YCUn INTERESTS! STEAM FEEHY BOAT JIT H. -A TERRY, Wholesale uwl Rdail Dcakr in Cardcu, ricManJ I'loucr Seeds, - - , ALSO ciiapz vxinu, cccr-i:nii:r3, - Corrttjts, llp-irbrrif JitacltberTief Jiottt and lirMiutnlai .VirvAirrjr llrnrraitjf. OltKSQKNTOITY, lONVA. " GRAPE VINES, Too Larpt to SmJ ly Jlail. T CI 'asTrc 11 &Ero's, Geneva, II Z" IN"V1TB particular attention to their extem-ive tk ef ' NATIVE "GRAPE VINES, one end to yarg o; 1, HTr.; l.in:, F'r.wn J n tbKpn ir. r)5 Jr !ro j-ft t5ti!cr f Ie!werc, fin, Owt'tt-I, Uchercu, iUttfora Proline, tc, in juniiUe loen C purtlaer. iUxtr Jar?P'int8 tt Tlerate Prices. . . i'.or'oirjjT. Vinco For cnttlritifin undfr g , of thbe.t or!P fJoldon Tlmb?rf , Huwoo UchiL, Ma k lUtaburg, Liufindal, iiu4 ijir.e, fioJiini ( Lah-fljs, M.4 thirty cttitr new nrtt.l1 r,.rU, one an 1 to jesri r1l, et trreatly re lnrvl jirlrr. A ftne lt f emra larr planti grown In xtre Wrfce pot" f' Immcilat friiitinK. A jua:iii!y of tlief, Nailve ikI Foreign, arc In the rtlUn. aid may It packeJ a4 n'uippt at any llewe:it lime durln W inter or early Himng, iih safety. Par-lirulrau-nllMai;ivcu to jeAi:)ff rinr- fecurely for all Irt of Hit wniry, Prni f.-.r Cata1"pnr. T. V. HAXWKLL & BROS., (A5rt2J-FTVn.''J ' (ieticva, Ouiailo Co., N. T. Douglas' Improved rnrrtiir.x fygu iiLts. JTuikivguui Works, Zantsville, Ohio. W( irf now fropsrM to inanufarlure oor Premit 5v"or-('r Milit, either Vfrtlral r Ilorizoi.tal, ! ; I t'p able to mip!y tl.e (Icinand, pver larj: e. Vr ar almi rnnufa'-tnr!:ig l)ot:pla' Improved Krap at"r, and ali Puuelaa Steam f aar Evaporator, and ere prepared u furiuh every article cf ttie best ifall tr. ant at wxlerate rate, required in the tiiaDnfactur PRICES (SO$r,t), $40, lOO. atidnp rda. Price of F ju, . ana F.i.ratot, 50 to $100. Ciiciiara and PampMe'e furnished on application A 11 nrdcri ad;lrcfed to the H'1er1encl will l prompt y att-n-l-dto. DOUGLAS DKOTIIt-KS np'J-ly Zancville, Ohio. Mammoth Cabbage. Tfcof lso desire to ra'iFe the largest cui.Lae in the wnilJ, ihoiiIJ procure the Marllehc 1 Mammoth I)rutuLeaj. The Calbapo avcraa 30 pounds to the flint, and i.lantsbavt been pruwn weighing over fO pounJnl masuring 70 inch'-a a round tbeeoliJ fc'-ad. The U U-irj a good deal Urgor tbaa u. Iwi I'OSbfl Li-iiet. One pacV-o cf ,T-TlleTiP.ad J!arr.m-(, 25 cnt, f re jicktt .- d, ;..r. I do not e!i tL ilamuioth y weight. L'tblert enpplied at a liberal discount. 1 warrant all feed ent to reari the purchaser. JAMES J. ""Wj . . iarliUead Mas. Tot;.o5a le ?at ccnteKi.'trj joibj to tLe S:1 ra'ta eni Kaa.-ae TLe o 3r;i t d I lire to t ij, and in jod fie 5 will r' t prart.c ierej :i.a.tast ti.tre are adrabUgea Croir.' the illejouri rircr atErowctille, a'; ou::.u;l at.ar i t ;art irsF from tiat r--,it.t,not u 1 f lU'cl at any o!l,r j ;.ic m tie Mis.cori Ki Tr. la the frit ytirr, t.a L.la aides tf tbe nrer ar Urjs ex Ut.tsi f U' t"ia lar. j sa frl.-h jra n.ake a nia Lcariier! tart t :an 00 the cr!ar d,acd is nia "a u jre aVfULiiiut, ttinj icxlatut:Ue the entire f.an,n. Here, hfnf U a iciiraLIe jltce to recru;ttrl tifcritrtir.:cn tbe Ilaiaf. -uk can a be r arrhasre. hcr on rerj fanrai.!e terms The l.'rairLville .un Ft rry boat.tc ic? tLe teat on th1 liire r,r. S"cr rvf?u!iarinia;n:ati for crosa irat tbts 1 '.rt. It iiiar-iand coiriTUfdioos; with powerful nrLir:ry.bi'ju er.i'u'.n the projri-itora f) fcrrjr eri'prantF acd oth -Tiin the moat expedi tions raar.r,r. I'or eOxxtllttlMr; We tir It iA.c 10 y tuat iiie buaibtsi tnert of rrosrtTi'Je areivs wcl! prepared toserre thc-se isb lc s'jTTlitJ.witbaicpritrqaaiityatd to asfar erab'.e terror a a cun be 1 : nnl elsewbere. Krerythicg deiirilie can Le pnrcr.n.'ed in nrjWtTiIl,sach as The r.-ate from Iirorniille ti tbe Minei is nni Ter'aily a lciitted bj thofe wbobafetraTeled itand ctber.,to be superior in erury respect. Iirownyilie is about ei; iway between fct. Jo. and Oniaba. As to distance, an exan.inatoa of tLe map is all lb at Is necessary to prove to any one that it is nearer from here to the raines than from any otber point ontbo Mi.'ouri. On tbia route wood and water abound tbentire dintnrcc,wLi!e on many others, wood Las to be hauled for mariT days. The foregoing ficts are filly an J satisfaetorilyes- tablifbel l y tne itninecie travel cl iaat year, ana those who a'loj t it the j rerent season will bare n cause torcrrel ha vir-j dino so. Therefore Cros3 the Missouri Hirer at and start from I3rovnville. JOHN' CODIJINGTOX & CO, I'roprietors Htcatn Ferry Doal. , 1 ' sum cm EVAPORATORS I HAVE made arrantfements with DOUGLAS SltQTIla&S, Zai,eville, Ohio, the only estehlisbment in the I'oitcJ Statti, enci?e.l exclusively lu thclmanu- f,ll Fvaixirator . &.C.. bT wht' U I can fari.ifn thefar-nersinthU repinn with thoee much rieccJt'i articles, me wukihouhh ai " v paratus were awarded the First Premium at tbe Ohio S'.ateFalrj and the highest bormr at the United States Agricultural S.cicty, a MWer medal. I am confident Farmer of Kebra.ika, tan?.i, Korthern Jlisaourl and SotitLern Iowa can And no other to suit theta better eitbf-r in price or otherwise. Capacity and Price of Mills.. Tnrcc Iron Rollers in Strong Iron Frame. 50 oOne Korse Vertical Kill presses from 25 to 30 pallon of juice per hour ; price do X One borse Vertical presses from 25 to 40 p allocs of jnce per hour ; price Kame as Ko 1 5 extra heavy, do 2 Two horse Vertical presses from 35 to 60 rallona cf Juice per hour; light drirt do S Two hore Vertical (double (reared) press es f rotn S3 to 60 gi 1 lotib j ulce per hour, heavy draft do 4 Two horse Vertical (ilnKleKeared)rreaa es from 60 to 75 gallons of Juice per hour ; beavy draft do 6 Four horse Vertical (single geared)capa citv from 10U.to 125gallona per hour do 6 To boree Horizontal 0rk geared) suita ble to attach loTbretbinii Machine or other power, presvea f roti 40 to 60 gallons of Juice per hour d0 7 Two borse Horizontal, with rertical shaft to apply lever to. worked by horses seme as Van Irs. 1 nrosscift 40 La G3 E&l Ions fCr hour . , r - i do sFocr hore Tlorlznr.tal (T'sck geared) sell able to attach toThreshitu Machine or other pow er, presses 79 to 100 gallons per hours I5( do 9 Six horse IIorisont.il (back geared) calcu lated fr water or Fleam power, reaay for . the belt, and with capacity to work off acrop cf from 15 to 20 cr-s of Cane, 150 II. IV. FXJIIIYAS, Ag'I. t .. -.a ImA u tU WILLOW CREEK l-J 25.000 Standard Aprle trees, of the most Lardy and approved varieties, three and l.oir jeara old, Xruw flv to per 100 p.TfK) plOOO eiKhlfeot !iin!i $10 (K) $10.00 $60.00 C .srtrrr:e, IJfiifbtcri'a 4 00 Mawterrle, Ne Pine, the beet riety known fo l.fW) 2 f 0 MaAvOry o 1 75 2.00 J.fX) . .'eiooi's M ei'g. Genesee, crlmon 1.00 8,00 6.00 1 awt,.n Ulailbrrry, per ciuzen $2.00 Fiaoi'ni.i JUsi berry C'J t --ntch it) brld Pie riant, none better4.00 15.00 25.00 Viria .c Jd Dutch Currant, p. dozen $100 o.ut) I'.Uk Kplr furr't 3.00 One ear old asple eed!ip;s 3.00 A lo nuuierciis other articles rontalncd In Xnrseries tenerally, Uokis, Dahlia. Phloxes, he ,hc. Ad're, K.E.BACCK, HV.'ots Crttk. Lte C o., il. 70,000 APPLE-TREES For Kale, AT FAIR VIEW NURSERY, HALF A MILE WEST OF SIDNEY IOWA. These trees are the largest of their a;ro to be found In the State they are adapted to the soil and climate Si.COO 4 year eld trcos, 1st choice, 20 cents each 2J tiso, 15 cents cuch 45,000 2 year old trees (they art nice ones) at 13 cent each 4U0 2 ycjvr did ITooshtoa Beedlinj Gooseberry, full of fruit bu J , 15 ci Gts ea h rao 2 year Id lied Dutch Currant, full of fruit tud, 15 cents each K'OO 1 year old Red and Whit Dutch Currants, at 10 cants each JfO 1 year ld Coneonl Grapa Vines at 50 eenla, a h, this is the bet known jrrapa 200 1 jearcll Isabella Grape ViLes at 25 cent each Standard and Dwarf Tears at 55 cts eaeh In exchange for tie aborc, 1 ill take Wheat and Flour at tht SiJney market price, or young Cattle, Lumber, Caah, ortiow note with ten percent in toroyj Fromprcscnt icd'.caUons wewillbarea wet season and those that wish to set out Orchards will do well t rerae ard fr?t trees. ' Marva 14,'til. L:5-tf HHXRY Isabella Grape Vinci " Strongly IlooieJ Plants, 3 io -1 years old, " Many vf thm a'reay fruitin"'; In the nnmery, ar now tiered at $10 p r hundred or $75 perthou cacd. TIic Ticnch naiberrr. At ?4pcr 109. I-are fiaautiiies at greatly ra dntJ rates. It neelj no winter protection and bear two annual crops of fruit. Yours CU?p 4 to 8 feet I per hundred ; i to 7 feV $5 per IC3. Hardy C:iultr.g Koje. Fra;rnt Honey Suckles, . od nursery stock in general at the lowet rates. RICHARD M. CONKLIN. Evergreen .Vurcry, CoJ Spring Harbor long Island. 80,000 Wilson's Albany . . Strawberry Tlauts for Sale. iYe )erthon?anlS:500 Tr f2.:9 100 $1. Larg er uanUtias than 1C0O at red a ced rates. Thrte j'lauu ara of uperiur quality, Leinj grown npva an lcaair soil. AddrwaWM JL'STICE.Hox lOC.t. Cl.iosro, III orleaTa orders, with WlUiLR, EMF.KY CO., . i5n37 204 Le st Chioar. "Crcvclir" Grape Vines. Ordcri for Vines cf thi.ival!y deliciou aJ early irun accoatjiifiicd Ly tuh will recn-ire prompt attention. : woJ one year Vices, 50e each, ? 4 per d?z-n. . Good ttro year Vines, J l,C0earh. $7 per doicn. 1. M. GOODWIN A DUO l Hub tVard" Squash Seed:;". ' A llii.ltcd sui.j.:y if ciM tf ttil ccirlratcJ Tarlety f iiiiMKh at SO ceul per loo ncJ try mil, free of pst te. VarrauicU pure. Oilers 1-ln.ulJ I e f ent io eirly. , H. A. TtltKT, Jq. 15CI, Sns-rtr.l CieweM City, Iowa Oxen Vanted. . TVif A'ci i .fs are dCM-oiis of luring three y xe of '", b v- f.ur or 1. y e year-old oxen, o;.e-tt.ltd iti.. :. ; 1 . ... c :, tix UiiuvL. .r riTtie in " i:i t.Kt Crf'UC oi. 0.l is. P. J. XI A MIX & CO. j in r ISER5 MAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE, N. T. Takeaplcaaur. la announcing that he baa now on hand, a large and select stock of every t cle In his line, Of all the Improred patrers J rlz : Plymouth Eock, Charter Oak. Valley Forge, Elevated Oven, Ac., Box and Parlor Store, of an endle. rariety. acme of which "Ly "1 r.S?lwTU ' AMmMn Cook and Parlor stoves, something very nice Indeed for small faimliee LI I LLS $50 60 C5 80 80 100 140 100 100 A U ocvxtxon 'T aT 1 i - 1 S-. A Ttntvolent Intt itutian ettaUhhed 6y rpecial En dowment, for the Relit of I fie Sick and Dlttrtued, ejflicttd xctfh Virulent end Epidemic Vitratet, and ttpeciaUy or the C ure of Vitcatci of the Sexual Ortjan. IJJJDICAIj ADVICE Riven gratis, by tbe Acting Surgeon, to all who appiy by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupa tion, habits cf life, and Incases of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. Valuable Iteports en Spfrmatorrhcra, and other dis ease of the Sexual Oreaiis, and on the NEW REME DIES employed in the Dispensary, sent to the afflicted In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamp rr ptace w in be ac-iplaMe. Adores 1J1. J. SK.ILLW HOUGHTON. Acting Snr trei.n, II. .ward Assiaiii n, X. 2, S-iuth Ninth Street, Puiladelphla, Pa. lly enter of the Direct. t. LZRA D. UK ART WELL, Pres. Geo. Taircttild, Sec'y. October IS, I80O. nT5-yly IMLlSjG&TlBhXi eons. HEAVY SHEET IRON FOR SUGAR BOILERS And Largo Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal and Lard Oil Lamps; Brass Copper, and sheet Iron Ware; Lanterns, Shovels, &c JAPANNED WARE, lS-3alSsaa Frails I have procured the right to manufacture a late simple and Improved self-sealing Fruit Can to which I call the attention of the public. All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates and on as accomodating terms as nf Athrr tahliKtiTnknt in Hit reMnn nf Ihs mnntrv I am prepared to put up guttering and spoutiug and all other work of my line at tbe shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which 1 warrant io give satisfaction. I pledge myseir not to be nndorsold in the upper country J. C. DEuSEB. Brownville, August, 30 18C0. LATEST NEWS. p 0 I iWTaSa IF, 0 To Your Real Interests! Citizens of Brownville And the Ecst of Manklna LOOK OUT FOR THE -J ski JOHN a. roini, Has Removal rroa tin Oil S:aad ca ths Ix?re to wni: --MasasssssasssssssafWsssBSksssiMsssssMMss ..JM,MM.M,MMM,MMjJlitjjssjMsjMsjsjs ; zzr; .-r nn i ' v1 ; i n " : - I ! ' i ! !H i Hi 1 : N " 7 ' Niy lyvk) COME AND BUY CHEAPER GOODS AND SXott of oTljcm, Than was ever before offered in this Market! 1. J. lllTlil & CD., AT THE IPioneer Store B 0W NVILLE, We Have Just Received and Opened Most Magnificent Stock of Goods ! LADIES DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, ZEPHYR HOODS. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, UNDER SHIRTS, DRAWERS, SHAWLS AND SCARFS. SEEsrcliaTiT-aLsro, Cutiery and Queensware, Glasswai ELOC HAIX STREET, BROWXVILE X. T. TTnere be has evened up a Ooxix3i.tx2.c; or STAPLE A5D TXSCY DRY :GOODS, A. ISO A Large Stock cf Choicij Family G-rooeries, 5 e, And Choice 1,41 !i mi.- dJ Li J ffcal !i i i n . I'l-sta Vs) f?r ry G 11 O C'E K FE S" Largest Assortment of O Irw3Z5 G- O 3NT wm m woks TO FARMERS 0 Kcbraslca and N. IV. Mssourt: AGAIN" I would call the attention of the farmers of ietr''ka and ilii-i-cur;, to the fact that I have on hand au t am conhtantly manufacturing, at mv riow Factory. In Oregon, ilo., vagcua, and every pattern of plows, to-wit : PU IIIIIE PtOlTS, One and .Two llorsc Plows, Miovcl Plows, Hoes ,IIarrws,o Corn rianfcr), AsiI Harrow Teeth TVcr tber with ererrthicg in thi line used I y a farmer 1 tke the Teponsihllity f ;ij lng that iny two bore plow will di better wrk. In. stubble or any klml of rouch grouad. th.iu any 1 matt uf art urett or sold In this tipper cviin'ry. Uy tw.-hors and prairie piowa will be sold, for cah on terms, a ach as will place them la tbe reach of every fanner. My piuwa cn be htained from ny agent at Iowa Point, C . T., llrownvllle, Nodaway eonnty, Marietta, Rush Kottcin, Holt cjunty, Bi awnvtlle. X.T.. and For est City. MARTIN BOFFMAX. N B. All kinds of repairing done with neatness and dipatch, on lit eral terms. Oregon, if o., May, 1SC0. Theodore Hill,,Agent At BrownTiUe, N. T.. keeps onhand a general assort ment of IluCinan'a Plot. Brownville. aiay, IsOO. Oregon Nursery. We beg tu call the attention of the public to the Flo ral cepsrtment of our tab.l&buient, which we now nave in run ani uccetki operation. Our stock cf t.reennou-e, tcv. :mc aiul riowering Piantn. Sbrcbs, i"MMun, iu jitri oi ut rniif unu, 1 erteoas, Dan lias. reU-xes, reon;e. Heliotrope. Ac, we ,rTer fur sale the onung Sprint at I rr prices than nual, there by plarir.g ibera will.. n tte recn of all. xtct of these p:acrfl..wrr all Sta:rn?r, a-id forme, celor, fwrm.anJ frrancor n.wer c.;;not Le excelled. IUviti tbe alrautMe Br,t claaa prcpagatlog boue and Its appeo ls.M, whish aJT-rd us facilities for Incre a.inf ow trk l,jntaiy aeniand. prtiebo'd hare Dm fe i- of Cf lt;:.g wt,t Ufy Wil t Landing la :.":t o' . ri er V e a'lf n l t t:. T'' ; r r;r T'"irtr-er.t oorieltes, aM warr.f i t trty ".. j " c I. a e-4 of tit to be good, strong. In fhr, tef ! dr)! anM, aod true to r.ame, O'lr rtr ;--.; ir r. ji-i t rt!.?re wUlbeoot la Ap-il, B'.l ri b f .rwartd by mail t a.l arTittatita. J. A. VaNAKMiu . ft ( , St. Jccph Acrcaltnral H ce. a&J P.. V.'. I I n.f . F..T;.et OSIcr. Brownville, N.T.. i'-.i.r auUf.r X .l. AU utnett left witn tLeui l ,1 rpv-n j roibpt i:;n!i'-i. r. m rrrcrrrs & co. P. 5. TTavlr f-r-in Tils nec:a'.!y ftf the pnrpcee, we will Lav Stt'EKI lol AZi.ro, jU.t: for sa.e by tne ciiliton, at reuorel pr.ccs. . H. B. fc t. Orvcou, AIo. i eh Feb 1S61 lasses, (I 9 CHOICE ISOTTLEB jLIUOMS. Catawba Wine, Champa igne Wine, Claret Wine, Old Rye, Old IleafljjlaileOofliing Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps,etc. Ever opened in Eroxcnville and no mistake I Cap3 from 25cta to $3,50. We can Fit Gents in Suits ftom .$3 to $50 Bourbon, Irish Whiskey, Porter, Gin Coclc Tail, Saddle Bag Whisky, Blue Lick, Eoker's Bitters, Tale Brandy, Curraco, &c. LTU VLiaLbaVii UU U J US COXSIST1KO or Flour, nam, Bacon Sn-tar, Llolasscs CoCeo, Tea, Salt, Cheese, Candles, C C i C t Oo i And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Teppers, Soda, Salaratu. Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc. ALSO, A well selected Slock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. QUEENS WARE, si cl die 37" a Boots and Shoes. ITi3 knowledge of the trade and wants of the people of Boownvllle and vicinity enables him to make judici ous purchases expresi-ly for this market, lie asks an examination of his Stock, feeling assured, he will be able to satisfy In quality, style and prices. lOHT'TFBlT IS flW r- "ir". : w k Sd.a Dissolution. arc in AND FINE Pishes, Plates, f &9 OHIO I7.UBSERIES, rroxjturcso, omo. AS the es n is mv a-', iMachii for transplanting tree. we tali atteuua of Tree IeIers. Fruit Grower, and otters w il.ir.gto leaui.fy tieir grounds to our t-.k of Fruit and Omatr.crJcl Trees, Grape Vines, S.'irxibltry, Roses, Sv. Alo: all the Ks !tng vatie;ie of Currants, Gooselrric?, Blarkberries, Raspberries, Strawberries, Of w bic we tinve a la-so st-k, and we cTcr tbem very low tor r,e Fsll Tr.i le 11 . and wcuij solicit tbe orders of tbe wi-ho? t putvht '. i: iK t t .tamp, au ! ol4 I-r C b.rne and Pice Lift. F.VStUN FCRn, f A5Jw5-F2i3 Ai N'..rhtr:- . 1. -!!., O. Cups & saucers, owls, 6&C FURNITURE. Saddles and Ilaraess, Oil Clothi and Carpeting, SGH001 BOOKSJ BLANKETS FROM SI 50 TO S7 50 Iron, Hails and Castings GL O V E S W A S Ladies Riding, Kid and Silk. Gauntlets, Buckskin and Driving. Gents Bar Tumblers, Decanters, Gcblet! Wine Glasses, Fruit Dishes, Pitchers &.c, 0J liuJ r sSs iJ W LuJ W 3 a a Ear Rings, Shirt Buttons, JEWELRY Finger Rings, Bracelets, Breast Pins, Come and see and BrcvmTillc, August, .10, 1SG0. Secure Bargains. THE. M3ILIL. Best Qualities of mm m wm 'DIM Reeded or esircd Can le had at our Store, and on terms as favoralh as those cf any ether House in the West. All Kinds of C0U1ITRY PRODUCE, "Will be taken la exchange at current prices. ComoOuo! Como All!! ice are determined to sell at lower pnres aid rive better bargains than ever before. D. J. LIARTIH & CO., ErflTTCTiUe.Off. 1-S IMi), y 15 Two Extensive lVcolcn Factories SUCCESSFUL orFRAlO.V. ONE NEW AND FITTED UP With all the Latest Fine Improvements e are prepared to manufacture to order, and nave lor saie me loilowing uooIs: Satinet3. Heavy and Light, JEJJS TWEEDS, FLA '.WYE LS WHITE, COLORED, STIHTED AND I'LAIN Xj I xx a o y a , rulled linsej.M, Colored ".Tliile and .Mired, 1 l-'J Yards wide. FULLED CLOTH, Blankets of ali Kinds and all Qualities, YAIRS OF ALL SIZES AND COLORS, Warranted all Goods of the Lct material. KTWs wul exchange the above Goods fcr Wool or cash. Fancy Dylnj? to Order. We wi.l pay cash lor any amount of Wool, at Jiarket i rices. Flour eor.UctIy on hand finale. The test tcc pail ior wncar. DUEL 4 SON. CtTLL 4 DIXOX. August, 23, 1SC0. par Cs IT0iyG? C. 11. .Ileioii MIL U CHICAGO, ILLS. AH -LI. Twc A - i. lrtsT ajjsi 7onri ATijrm tf rr J.fv "i ea'k J'ftr. j.' inrrtuMj fro l'CJ " 'Si ft, i Tj As a reaper, ths .T CcrTcicV . I . l - t - . V I . toe Aisrri.ai puo..c i-.t ine ni tcf tkr daring that tiuie fc ga'n"-l a nptit-',, Ti la, i. i CTcajicjf.O' a: ti - a ion, ao i tld fcr i - 1 in thA tltfvelt! nurit .f Ilarin- V. 1 -iicCwra.ick" leals tha vsa the aekviwf!!:'" pericrtf a.1 ia tLe march fr jra::.cj u.1" mrntj. . The retrentitt:cr, wade other evV that tbe !.; rmlck wis "onca a o- ud j " but U now ia't-vofiJ,is i-sjlj ndlcolvB; u ereaIr Jftaand will jrore. 'a i;C-; s- " meatiolSe WUIILD, jnsnafacturrs la-. these imtlment, acl c n e.t ri, e-'' ' tiirt or taient in r-.aV iaj-ros e'caeaU. 7 . i l . nintwi e-'c e-i Jar;-. v scs.n, ar-d for I tli "JItO rsa:ck t g .S yM a tota. , its SIMPLICITY. STRENGTH ASDtr RABILITY eomran 1 it ta the farmer, wli' its ea"v: work, with ernnomj cf porf g illhstrti ever all othe:. Tho eotnt actir t'he fr-irr: 7t perfect L:.tr.i?e tj the mac Line : the raker, tn the rear or toe Uintre th is srar'-f - tbus lU'iM v.. ti,ui iitii i. r;iuun uc, u i nilCTinj l&a . erjaitsif the machine; the d trrstftl tt.,y y slight tr J-ntatioQ of the sicVIe. the an 1 othif irvrrvrrrient4 a ! 11, h tv Bwtra2 ij cr.ci tto clirrr dmuht, a J to obtialii,H. drangLt t jat many a--ur us tL.it it d.Ks a t a.1 vxi.it. iLe draught of the Reaper is aol".!;) la numerous in.-tin-cs thalar; ;uar-hcrM x . is wvrkel with but two lM-rta. ,J WHITNEY'S BLOCK The partnership heretofore exit.;ng under tbe name and style of Luithhaugh At CariHn at Brownville, Ne- Drasxa, wa on me nr; oay or Aortrnf er, dinf-olved by mutual connent, oy me wiimirawai r ii. W. LiiMibaugh jonn l.. carson win oine toe unnntinef businers of the old firm and contico the Banking and Real Estate Agency business as Heretofore at the old stand. B. F. LCSIIBAOrf Iov. 1st, 13C0. JOHX. L. CARSON. In severing my hcsintM c.nnexlon with my late part ner, Id?emthna prupor opportotuty of exprecsinz my thanks for the patrunaise bestowed tijxjn our Arm, during me peri.xi in wmcn we were engaged in busings. It affards me much pleasure aito to commend to the favorable connideration of the friends of tbe old Arm my successor in business, M r. Carton, a aent'.eman in every way wortny of the confidence and s jpport of a diwrim- tnaiing public. b. r. LcsnBArnn. 50,000 mis wool iva.ti:ij7 ST. JOSEPH, MO. . As A I.Iower, The rmrbine of 1S.1I will le f.ur.d fY. . n I, m.M ... V I . w. , iiidoi.'rai:., ,T the S cW!, i'i lijhtr,s anle'tj. nation w .'.h tho be. tin atl C' -rrv, aiiuwi ta isr.- ofmrtioan- t fr.ict-calle ia o' her uiach sn1iil enabling us lo;o govt ic-trl, wiihaa ,kw Ua.afij. en, iv. :i, w-rkin wei!. Our Improve! (Jvard avd Pj'int Cd-rr, cfTVcf.iIiy prevents cb. kin, no matter el'v, condition of the jrrasa, while our new 4ir; jr tf aratcs bw l!y I -I ; d and tanked cluser ci ab're other machines fail. . There is a!' j a crcit .lantar in oar irvi4 eicklee.lje otcr tne sm-ioth, it fi..es not rn:n sharj eniti sa rflcn, thu s saving time. Ouri, will frc'i'ici'.tly run thr. uh an en-'ire larvet tut rn"f rrind'n-, while the sn.ith el; bsk ground oneeea- diy, if r-t cftencr. Wi.aa..B.(j cdi the draught intT-ros a tho knife becnia, Our draught is unif- rru, ar. l In rrjc.ifd tri jjl rin the season ot lxtO, proved far lighter :iijBj. pie Muwtr.cuttiux at the saaie time t'ruta itm,'4 eighteen inches wider. Our Mower can be use 1 with cr with' tit tts ri thi-i is iir portant, and without tie re!, wei-ss ht abfut 670 pounds. In addition to the Terylibrrtl wtmntes rs all jTirhasers, we wnuM ;ty as hertuf .re, tba-' Iw. nicrs who may dcxire It, are at liberty to w ri w tii.iohino thri 'irh the harve.t, with. any o!hr,i4 keep, aud jMty fur. the one pre fe-red. l-mtMcts with fall d.cnpti',a of ire; r-,ra tesiiuiouia.'. A ..can bo hid bv arr'lica'i to TIIEODOKE HILL, zrl rjrownTll'.e, dVctrajika, April 1MM1. I O N A V1N ES7- MY Sto-lc of native vines cornpri.a all tha"v. able varieties with which I am ac-pialnted. Ti lints have been prfxluccd with great i."are,ur.J-ri ntt favor.iL! ctrcumstiaccs ( r health J,, s uient.nn l s jrrt' in ecellCn'-y any that llarsbr tof' re been all j to o?r. For tho fill trade, only a limi'ej ;tpp!y r.f Cni.s Vi;!i2' Len.dr,( Lincoln.) l'auiinc, K!.i nr o'-j.Tit-lr (or Uuliitr,) and Al.'ei's Hjbrid is Jen4. Of bet Delaware layer, also, th supjiy is net larr but quality uncpnled. The stock from Del tware, s'm'9 eyes growak .i in hcn and open air, Is !ar and rn. Frv:3 yard plaBtir x KQia stre.c r,r,- grafted t-a Ca ba and Isabella f tocki, ar cl.'rtd at a Ijt rr:cs -"-y irf,t f. Very l.T-e by-sff V ."..T! tVh m?, inl C. cord, Tv.i j, wUii c. I r : f r it.x-i.a!sb in. Good layers of A una, K. i s' iirur;j,U k aii al.o Cl.ira, Cacidy, To Kalo.i, Inhere a, M.;:r i Inui.'a, I.nn, Ftm! v, Canby's Au-uf, ilali.a, U. rrolific, Cuyahoga. Ac. A general asAortmeat of fjrega varieties ff si ncrioi. . . Of Downinjr's Everlyariu' Ma'.berry thsror is not lirje, and a great part T the tre-s a'tsiuf orJercd. They are very v'r'.rju, and lbs wi well grown and matured. W bo'. ja!o Jcrriptire li't ect to thee siiowji to r.rui cluli, )n application. Li.'t a!i ter.t is dealers. Fcurth ed.ti n of L'.mtra'.ed Ca'ai" f.s ent fr two three-cent stairjs It is dc:pd U s a full an 1 comprt-heifdro treatise on the ruantj ment of tin vic girin such Inf'matifa a j-t-tha'fM and growers ara S'lj r-oeJ M neJ. ulardire'ti n ere given f. r tho prepsrtti'-n '-f t' soil and j.lantin', and the" directi-ms fr :( are illustrated by many ca.r?f i!ly prepared srjtr in'. TLe descriptions of the varieties still bs .'C-J accurate and tru'tw.jrthr, bein,; drawn fr m p-v.-al knowt-Ic J?, an 1 very etten tire i i,'rrf;t.fl. C . W. GKAIJT. IONA, NEAR PECKSK1LL. T5rc!cliclcr to .cu l'ork. PiLUi FRUIT & ORNAMENTAL TREES. a sr I Snail Fruits Cultivated and fcr Sale AT TH R OLIVE BRANCH NURSERY Sixteen miles east of Cincinnati. CLERMO.VT COUlVTF, OTTTO 100,003 APPLE T2IT3 5 TO 7 FT HlCn. I-ca-iin sorts at per M., re-ularly assorted to the trade ; ie!-c?e l, ID. 00 r-r hundred, re taiL Peache'.S.COpr-r hundred, retail. Plum., 40 rents rvh, rttail. Cherries, 2i cen's ea--h, retail. Qoinces, 25 cents e.vh, retail. Gooseberries. 75 eents per dox., Iloughton Seedl's; Pear trees, 40 cents each. S'andard. Pear tree,33 cents each. Dwarf. EIacV berries, SI.CO p-r dozen, Iwtoa. Sfrawberrie. f 2 per M. Ilhubarb, JI0.C0 per hundred, Linnaos. The above named trees are now growiD uron cur own grounds, an 1 we consider theia very ne. The prcprietor's attention fcas been jriveo fur the 2at ftteen years !iet entirely f the preparation cf Nurseries, the cultiva'.irj; and marVetin of Fruits ; and during this time, hare nj.idj it a bu.ine.s to eooet fr'.m the mo: c rrect snr.'es varieties ep eial)el adapted to this climate. AU orders, accompanied by ca?h, attended to promptly; ani, if nece.iry.dj.ivered ia Cincinnati and forwarded free of cor t, except moderate charge, when orders are boxed cr laJed. Ad lre. Y. C. DOLE, Oire E ranch, Clermont co., O. Llollat's Lilc AND rilCEXIX BITTERS, Thee roe:!cices hare now teen tef';rthi p-it'-f f w tM KftftiriT year. acd dorir.a th,t ti-.a tis nulntaified a hihcharactcr in a!ixt e.e'T i'x I be.f' r their rtlr.nl.hnirT r ,1 Imnihlill. .? re toriog perfect health to rer- t suffer n.a t inter ia" ly every kiud t,f Cuease to wL.cli the huan Uts The f'illowira are 1001 of the il.trs;r.f ir ! ' hum in rteea."e la whi h the VEGETABLE LIKE MEDICIW Are well krn,wn to te Infai in,:e. lWT.a. by thoronrh'r cnir t 1t end kt' iimeh", and creating a i,t nire !. t.r inle.d of the Male acnl knd, F'.a' tutney, l" tet-l'e, J.'er,.b.irn, liea-U--I.e. Be .1 icwenv. I-Ix'''-Anxictv, Irjtu.,r. and if e! aorh, . r . wii. b a:S i J"1" erai jniptom, of Vy . ;,t-i,, tl will a.'-.--li, aa " J coii'eotience ef It, cure Cosiiv :n'i, by cean-irx the wiot ieri'h ll " tet:ne wt'b a sirenl vrrr,. nnn wiia-m'' '"' all violent pargea leave U bowtl cosUTt w ' dar. ytvrrt, ot all kmd. br reitori'. i,a !i4,''nV lar circuUn-yn, thrwijU the jr,e- tf p'fi , S'Ki,caes arl the th .rocza ,o.aiio .J i.l ohitrocti in In others The Life MctiCii.e have teen krown to tn'W . fi.s rern.ar.rntty ia vfcree wei ai t Urtt 13 that time by removi-,j iueal lrjflar..:a"a f-ooi lis ete arif tlam-rji f,",i. rhe j. in Urontt Of all kini fcr fnnXn4 trei"- th kt.iuey. and b!.v!Jer 1 the-r o -iriie Bint ttX-i-'--1 ly oo tbexe Important orxana. aii S-oce 6as tr ' vr tuw Wbil ta ' . Or- Tmo Dclowarc Grape Vinc3 PHOPAQATED FHO?T TILE OIIIGLN'AX. Strong, Tf ell-rooted Ore Year Ohl Vine $1 ; 7Vo- jror old to f I X. A ft extra Urye layer. vxth btanng Kood, $3 to $J. S.naiier lajert, si to f i.oo. AXjSO Cnevines of Allen's ow wbite Hrhrll. Anna. Clara, Concord. C!mun, Caaady, I'lana, Ilerbemoot, Hartford, Proline, L-fian, Le Suit, L.rJia, LoQia, On tario, Re Leer a, B. er new lirids, Tay lor'a Ballat, Tj-a:. n. Tcioa Village, Ac. Compactly rron le!awirc, w!ia abnndant Cae. Corona roots, carefary racket In nwi, enrei t-ed ia oil silk, arvd sent fttl pa; 1, to any part of tie l'u;un, cn receipt of $1 each. ltellas and Catawhas cf one ml two rears' (row la. f(-re;sn vines t r ijrsperls, B.ipt rnes, ;acktcrnes, J.:raw t erna, Vj., all at the luwett rates, 3end for a cirestar. GEO. w. CAiirPittt.. Palawart. O Oct. H, IHh tt.;ta. foKO-j a rrtaia rtiiiKr t-, bowe:, the suty matter u ..i t-' ,l ! here. Scurry. f,er, 4rl laveterutt Strt. 11 tfcf' por.ty wti h bee Ljf il .-bines jits t.l- '-' and ail tie hrirr.r. Scorbutic Krcpuon and bad e . r.'eviona, if !-r , ternarive e Sect a upon :& C j;.J, tit feed u T. the tirtil i.tateof wbwU occaMon i!lfr!l;" SI. plamla, sallww.cio-ily, and ;ber 4isareeatcct3-; The ceof tbec pi;, for a very short time. r' . at. entire c-r f ha.t R: n:u aoJ a tr. r 'tlr j ment tn t5 c;ijrnes t the sk.a. Crainua L'", j iMIaeeiawiti a. ways tecureJby isi ii,f the r..ri Cae. PILLS The ri;:-.i! pre?rie' r ef lh : wj,fnre.!cf tt.e ' f ttiii-'y-cre years sta-.d-ffc " . u r f tLo Life Me-I.tioM aIo:.. . - Fever e,tU Anut i,r tLi iniarri ef the - C -'intry. the Jledi.-ii.es wi!I f yond a , and eertaia rr::c!.T. cri.er me.litw ieae sn to ariuru ite .;.i.e.'e a cura r in irrr.i ar.ee'. try tLe-n r is'icei ' - , !... severs an I Liver r-nrii.j;'.-'" . . . vi .i'i'1 . a'.j :-eyr v. - . . . . - r. l ?ei I" if c!;eir.rs hare bee'i g eJ wi:b tl e su.'s ia cue tf tLidcvriptj.,o; &.r.' otimiti (!it f ni..i, jie, :t' f. c S'J ! k.3i'.. '4 ss rpl act, -j, of t.e- reiiiark",:e ifet. Ner vrti defci i.I w. . ' rr iue '..t-. -i . n! "f piUti..a f tie heart, pa.nter's Ci. Trrrt.il Ti)jiL. r . . . na rnti.- har imruired bv ih in-!i.u.--.S r I- will On.l t.'.e- tres a prUct fire. fail to er J;--a',e fr.im the .T.fern. atl tbe ilerc-iry, inriute'y v- r.tr tija t.u n:ot aratin, of Jirtariiia. W. B 333, BrosJwa Jaty ft. !.. I v lce.":arc:lriyr 1-iplaineJ. Th t?t :ra. ii-al w' ji-f. E-i.hc-l. f -l a d it t:tr. B .' .-r a!e t y t.- r at i a I! - -ia , ir r;.a koney b t?. tc, t.r.-t;;r, witi eir" lars setil t aii ari'j.-aats. jt.J.tre-. H. QHXBT. ,JaUa iiie. Ji. 'II. Vcll Buckets and Whcej; J. J. THUKNTAN L- on band a 1 ,t of w ' F.i.-k.tend Wbetl. Fj. Tn.:i . Apwl II, ril. ri'M-r