tte s.ars .jJ. :nr. 4lv i.tAbi.0 from various p'-jm's.- New Vert, 2-XtIi- The news cf CI. t'l I V, (, nl Tpotpil Ititfincfl lTfl'f'. merit here. R grct at his loss is mingled with a feeling that he must be avenged. St. Louis, May, 25, A. M. A strong fechnz seems to prevail here that Gen. Harney will Le obliged to use the mili tary, against the secessionists in Mo. not withstanding his treaty with Gen. Price. Union men f ay that the treaty so far has .not been regarded by the cccessioniit, and that'thev have persecuted the Union rnen more than ever before. Gen Harney, Gen Lyon, Col Blair and others declare that this persecution must cease, or Gov Jackson and his friends will be made ac quainted with Federal bayonets. Washington, 21. Intense excitement was created here by the assassination of Col. Ellsworth. Dells are tolling, build ings are dressed in crape and Hags are flying r.t half mast. Col E. was shot in the back by one Jackson, proprietor of a hotel in Alexandria. He died almost in stantly and only said, my God. Jackson v.-as immediately killed by Francis D I-rorrnvtll of Troy, a member cf Ellsworth Zouaves. 'President Lincoln who was a warm personal friend of Ellsworth is deeply affected by hii death. N. Y. 25. All 13 quite in Alexandria. .The N J troops 3 miles from Alexandria were fired into by ambushed secessionists. The latter were routed and two rebel captains captured. The Times special says, 3.000 troops are now on Arlington Heights. . It is said that Gen Sanford will command the advancing troops in Va. Altogether there ' 13,000 trocps in the advancing army. New Orleans, 21. A Delta dispatch says, a letter from Mr. Yancey says, he had no doubt of the success cf his mission. ' . Waah.,j21. It is reported that the next' movement will be on Harper's Ferry. Fight ' at SevrclPs Point 300 Traitors Captured A Skirmish at Arlington Hights Hostilities at Harper's Ferry 'PribaUc Demonstration on .Memphis - Ycw latteries erected near Norfolk Gunpowder scizep at Baltimore North Carolina tahen Prisoner Engagement at A quia Crcch The Zovavcs rcvenrc Ellsworth-25 Tcxanc Captured. c: r.i:oi-----c tl.o rtltlo atUin; leJ to turn tLc lor 5 IriJ.-L-, Lut were frustrate-J ly tic activity cf tLc ji.lvar.-co caaiJ. 'iVtlay ( Friday he csiclJs art C'jnnoi?ancc several Liilc? up the the Tenriala Ikj Iwoen James acJ Vork rircT3. The Harriet Lane Lis gone to Charleston. Tie LWliuz suaJrn of Ft Monroe, con.- i.-ttJ of Ibo Minucsota, CuiiijoiLand, Yankee, Str. Qaakcr City anJ other ma!l craft?. Upon the arrival cf the frigate llifsteipi'i it is ex pected active eperfttioa will Le un-ltrtakir against ScwallV I'oint. Ia the action of last Saturday 3 of the 4 guus there were dismounted and at lca.?t half Jcrcn iiicu were Li;ltJ. The Lattery waj to contain 13 gun?. l'jitcn, 2j. The f leaner Sonth Carolina- failed hit n'Lt ftr Tt ricktni taking a crow of 137 ncn. Al, HiO teamen fr the Heel to rup'r!y the place3 of tho. e who0 enlistment has expired. .She a!.so takc3 out several ten inch dorter?, rilled cannon and other war ixur.Il.5on3. LufTalo, 2j. Flas are floating nt half tnvt ia this end ail Eastern cities for the death t f Col. Ells worth. Great indication and forrow ii expressed for hi murder. Leavenworth, 25. Tho U. S. forces from the Ia dian Ountr wef tof Ark., comprising six compan ies of cavalry and five of infantry under command of Lieut. Col. Emsry, are within a few days march of this city. On tho Texas frontier they made a rapid rctrorale mireh and captured 25 Terana who had Lcen do-gir tho troops for tome time. They were held as piisonir3 one day and diicharcd. M. T.Conway has Lcen nominate! for re-election to Congress from this State. Bird's Point, opposite Cario, occupied U. S. Hume Guard raised in Missouri Traitors fortify i g Nutnassa Gap llh N. Y. B.(ginvnVs time vp Con federate Commissioners no recognized in England or France. "Washixctox. Hay 25. The Tennc?cc arrived from Fortress Men roc Lriiirr tho report that Gen. I3utkr had takca Scwull'b Point, with a Ios3 of 81 killed and wounded Many pri?onscr.3 taken, perhaps eix hundred. It is reported that 300 secessionist were lulled. On Thursday evening tho cnimics pickets near tho fort were surprised and 300 taken prifioncrs. The War Department has information to tho same effect. - No doubt a shinnifch took place Lctwccn the Feder al and Secession rickets near Arlington Height to day. . Col. Ellsworth's funeral took place this morning. The hearse was followed by tho Zouaves, among whom was tho avenger of Ellsworth. IIo carried the identical flng torn down Ly tho deceased. Then followed tho President, Secretaries Seward and Smith, OCicers of the Ztmavcs in carriages the Mili tary etc., nil tho bells were tolled and all flags at liulf-mrwt and draped in mourning. liaTtimcrc, 25, 1 M. Western trains just in re port that the rumors trcru Harper s rcrry of hostili. tics are totally unfounded. St. Loui., 25, 1". M. Nearly nil the flags in this city and in Louisviilo ara at half mast in conse quence of the death of Col. Ellsworth, who was a general favciito. It tsaid that a regiment of Mo. volunteers wil ttart from the arsenal this aitcrnocn for seme point down the river, probably Cairo. It is, also, reported that a part of the furcc at Cairo, when joined by he Mo. troop3 will go to Memphis. AgcnU of the Government ate hero to-day pur chasing steamboats fcr an expeditton South. From present appearances it is altogether lrclahlo that Memphis will be attacked next week. New Vork, 25. The Herald's fpecial, dated Dalti inorc,2 Jth; say., the steamer Norfolk has arrived. Gca. llutlcr left Fortrc$3 Monroe yesterday, with 4,C00 troops in propellers and landed them near Lindhavcn.. An oOecr just from Washington Bays tho War dcpartmer.t received to-day an account )f tho occupation of Several new and formidable Latter ies near Norfolk. There wcro 15,0C0 troops between Norfolk and Sewnll's Point. Agcntlemr.n from Richmond eays there aro 12,C00 troops there and that they wcro arriving on every train. Two regiments from North Carolina arrived whilo be was there, and two from South Carolina lcit on the tamo train ho started on, but turned to tho left at TayluKvillo ; thi3 would tako them to Cordonsvillc. Two Kentucky regiments were ordered to reinforce tho Virginians at Points of Rocks yesterday. They last night. . .100 soldiers from Federal Hill marched through Baltimore this afternoon and seized a largo qnantity cf gunpowder, which was taken to tho inagazino in Ft McHenry. Tho ship North Carolina from Havro to Norfolk has arrived Lerc a prisoner to tho Minnesota. The schooner Tropic Uird under Eritish color3 and tho Iloecr ownca in r.iehmond havo been captured and are enroute here. The W01 Id's dispatth ays, reports havo reached the city that a U.S. steamer had an crgngcrueut to day with the battery at. Auia Crock, cou Ictcl v de molishing it. The men fio;n the steamer went on khorc and raided an American Hag. Thi3 is the only battery between 'Washington and Ft Monroe. The Timc difpateh dated midnight say., a gen . tlcman just from Alexandria says tho Fire Zouaves have rommenced executing their tu-catsof revenge. They have already shot three violent secessionists. The people at Alexandria who wcro sympathizers with Jackson havo been compelled to flee for their lives. The aggregate vote yesterday in Uniontown. Clarksburg, Clay ville, Grafton, Surdcs, lloseburg, "Portland, Piedmont, and New Creek, Va. was 173 gainst ratifying secession and 05 for it. The Stale Department has received no dispatches whatever from our legations abroad. Tho assertion that Great Eritiaa has refused to accept our recognition of the resolution of the Paris Congress respecting Privateering is a Action designed and published Tr the n.ost m'scheivous puiposcs. Washington, 25. Western Virginia is an excep tion to tho order of tho Post-master General for the stoppnge of the ia ilfin the Seceded State?. Every facility will be afforded for postal accommodations in thot section. There is no doubt the Government bos -sent out advance parties to taho such measures regarding the railroad bridges, and it is to impede the advanco of the confodcrato troops. Baltimore, 5. No trails were run ever thcEalti moro k Ohio R R., last Light or to-day. 11 engines and a large nuuvber of cars havo been detained at Harper's Ferry. 49 men employed on trains have ' Lcen arrested at Harper's Ferry and aro now in jail. It is reported that hostilities a:c now going on at Harper's Ferry, but there is nothing definite as yet. .Tho steamer Adelaide arrived from Fortrcis Mon roe this mornirg. The correspondence of tho "Associated Press sends the following: Fortress Monroe, 2 ith. Gen.EutUr suddenly uiado his appearance yesterday iu Hampton - vc?d of the Vermont regimcnL-. Ou a re- St. Lori3,May 23, A M Orders were recelvM at the arsencd yesterday fr in the Department at Wc T.inirton for the transfer-, ono the re;v'mcnts L" S Vo'ante-Jrs to Uird's Point, Mo. rrrsitc' Cairo. The -llh regiment in Gen. Lyon's ilriradc under command of Col. Schuttner will accordingly be sent to tho above named place to-day. Gen. Harney has ordered the immediate formation of a corrs r f Union Home Guards to bo sworn into the U. i. scrviro at each of tho following pl aces :- -Hannibal, St. Jor-eph, Kansas City end Springfield. New York,24ib. Virginia troops were destii but ?d along tho county ronds north of Harper's Ferry and also, on tho NorLhern approach to tho Maryland heights. Tho outposts and pickets extend much further. Gen. Johnston superintended theso move ments in person. 5,000 Va. troops arc at Grafton. 10,000 at Rich mond, unlcr cemmaud cf Gen. J-oo, and 12,000 at Frederick burg. Tho evening train just in rejoi afTfirs at Harper's Ferry unchanged. A special ircni Washington to tho Commercial says, the Lrulgcs on tho Orange and Alexandria It It and cf the Hampshire and London R It., havo been destroyed for twenty miles. The rebels arc evidently prcpnrir for action. Reports received this morning a, ite that they arc throwing up entrenchments r.t tho Manassas Gap junction, and tho secessionists in Alexandria c-e loudly boastiug to-day that they will soon bo rc lcasodty the advance of the Rebel troops from Riefc mend." The Gcvcrnmcnt is prepared at all points to cheek any forward movement of tho enemy. It is understood that any movement of Gen. Leo to ihrow forward troops Iran Richmond ia tho dire- "on of Minassas Gap or Harper's Ferry will immc " ately I 3 followed by an attack of Gen. Butler forces on Norfolk and Richmond is Butler's aim. It is reported that he intends to occupy it by the 20 th of July. The Times' dispatch says the inhabitants of Alex andra are sullen and disafjeted. The only ones with Etuiling faces arc tho "p"' alif institution. The force at Harper's Ferry variously estimated ot from seven to eleven thousand men about two thirds are equipped and armed. St. Louis, 29, A. M. Tho fourth regiment of U S volunteers under Col, Schuttner departed fcr Bird's Point yesterday on the steamer City of Lousiana. New York, 23. Tho Commercial Advertiser's Washington special says, tho 71st N. Y. regiment left the nay-yard thi3 morning in armed steam ers to tako possession of Aquia crock. Col. LcH'aits addressed the N. Y. 7th regimcn3 in forming them that their term of enlistment bad ex pired and they were at liberty to retain home if they desired, but tha Secretary of War would be glad if they would remain in Wai:hirgtcn3 day3 longer. Every man showed that ho was ready to remain for that timo or as much longer as tho Government de sired. It is understood that the Gove rnment does not feel at liberty to detain them longer than tho time mentioned. They will then return homo. The Herald's dispatch from Washington says: Ii i3 sad that Davis & Beauregard arc expected at Richmond to-day. Defence? are being construded outside of Rich mond. All the bridges on the Alexandria R R havo been bu.jcd. Proposals, will soon be issued for 40 steam gun boats of 500 tons riich. Brigadier Gen" McDowell takes command of the forces in Va in place of Sanford. Gov. Banks ivorod putting an army of 300,000 men in the field so that tho diHic-uUies bo speedily settled. Washington, 2Slh. The belief that the President has determine! to tender Col. Fremont a Major General-hip oiic'N r.vieh frrr.!r -ition. Governor l-..!;!;-' i lure by i. vitation of tho Sec retary tf war. Tho'nr.'ou City Council have passed a resolution of rc.pc ' t.: Col. Ellswotth. Gov. Banks ha been appoint -jd 1 mmissory General. ThcN. Y. Post's special s.iys, advices hero just received from Manassas Gap stato that tho rebels have been throwing up extensive entrenchments at that point for several weeks past. Baltimore, 23. A gontlemaa arrived hero to-day from Norfolk who tamo ihrough Richmond and Fredericksburg. General Butler has not commenced operations as yet, but an attack was looked for da;ly. Ho could not ascertain tho number of troops at Nor folk, but estimates them at 20,000. Troops are daily arriving from tho South. No apprehension is felt that Norfolk will bo taken. 2S cars filled with sol diers passed Petersburg on Saturday. IIo thinks there i? 15,0)0 troops at Richmond. An attack was expected at York river which is guarded against by batteries and earthworks. It is said to bo well sup plied with heavy art:llcry. Ho was informed that there wcro 10:000 troops on the hills about Frcderics burg strengthened by n amerous batteries. Manassas Gap was re-enforced Sunday night by troop- from N C and S C and Term. A special dis patch from Willhunsport saj'S, that mysterious move ments arc going ou there, and that neither friends nor foes are allowed to visit tho rebel camp. It was surmised that it was their intention to mako a re treat or to cros? tho river. Tho road and canal aro obstructed at point of Rocks tea miles this sido of Harper's Ferry. N.Y. 23. Tho Government has sat i -factory 12 formatioa thut tho commissioners of Confederate Stales to Eurcpe have met in En; ;hiiid a decided and ta; hitic rci'jsal to rcc-ogdza their com: Lord Jvl'.:i Ilu.-stU villi whatever uncertainty he may have expressed himself on ither jcir.t. made eocou ceidinoiit in regard to thic matter. Tho samo intel ligence comes lrom tho French Government. Tho information t tho forr-going effect has boon received by a diplomatist in and tho news is well accredited cud i a matter of diveussion diplomatic circle. A Washington dispatci says, tho rej:-'s that tho Confederate Commissioners had an h view with Lord John Russell andM.Thurvencl,rnd had boon told that they would bo recognized aro con sidered Incorrect. The latest arrivals from Eu.opo only brought news that they had not been recognized in London. Of tho same character is the report that Scwaid's proposition to aocedo to tho Paris declara tion abolirhmg 1 rivateerinu has been rejected.- - Three transports conveyed by the Harriet Iiane with 3,500 troops went to the month cf James river and took possession of a new point there and en trenched themselves. It commands tho mouth of the riv:r. Sewall's Point Buttery fire! on tho last ves sel but it was out of range. Gen MoKowcll is assigned tho eemmaod of Vir ginia, cast of the Alleghany mountain and north f of James river. It is surmised that Gen Mansfield will take command of the troops if an attack is made on nai per's Ferry. Frankfort, Ky., 23. In convention, to-day, Mr. Wickl'fTe's revelation was adopted, for tho appoint ment if a cvn":i!ttco to cocsiccr tho subject for which the convention was called, and also Critten den's original amendment, with such amendment as will secure tho Slave States their just an1 equal rights under tho constitution. ' Gov. Magoffin wa present and was invited te t-ke a seat in the Conven tion during the session. cut c ff. A well knewa citizen of Nerih Carolina reached here last light frm that state. II thinks th a reports of thu number, and condition cf tho Southern troops are greatly cxagger.if J. It seems that it is their det:ruiination t a st sei-jly on tho de fense in this war. The Sceond N Y regiment was sworn ia to-day, except about three hundred who refused to bo sworn in for three years. All their uniforms except their pant iloons were st-ipped from them, and they came iato the city frooi the cn';ampm?nt. Hon. Joseph Abhley arrived hero to-night from Fortress Menroe. lie reports all quiet there. There were some 10,030 troops under Gen. Butler's com mand ; he will nikko no advance into Va until ho has n t lea.t 10,uO'J more. The Fp- .ial to the Tribune, dated Washington 23th, say a eilijon of Paduraka, who was pres.-ing-ly invited to leJvo,reporU the fceession feeling in six western counties of Kentucky being fully t-iual to that T S. C. From the Tnn. river to the Mi3. riv-riii'jb-law ftcJ terrorism reign. An important movement is being made at Grafton Va. a largo body of troors have already crossed the rivr hastily to thoir rcrderzvos. Tho Va. detachment is at Grafton with consider able forco and it is believed that a coilission is ine vitable. Harper's Ferry will probably bo evacuated by this dir -lion .f columns without any direct de monstration being made upon tho troop there post ed. To-morrow a very important advance against the rebel forces at Harper's Ferry will take place from PhiladelpLi , five regiments go forward via Harrisburg. The first move will probably be mado toward Manassas Gap jurction, it being considered a highly import nt position, and when once in pos session of the Government will be the key to all tho operations of tho rebels. Washington. 23. Frederick nicker's Illinois regi ment will probably be accepted by the Government. Tho probabili y i3 that the brigade of Carl Shurlz who is now here will be sent to Forlre;; Monroe. Allen A. Buslon of Ky baa been appointed minis ter resident to New Grenada, in place of Gen. Jones of Iowa. Washington, 29 th. Tho following from Fortress Mor'" je, da '"d Monday evening, May 27, 13 from tho correspondent cf tho Associated I'rc-s : a forco of 2,500 men including a few regulars and 4 peices of art;i!ery formcl to-day an entrenched camp at New port near the mouth of Jame3 river about ten m:lc3 (, .1 Forlrc'3 Monroe. Newport commands to a treat extent the peninsular between tho Jame3 and York - i vei z. A Large forco is to bo atscmhled there and so important a movement is lii.cly to meet opp)sition. There v ;s evidently great ; -tivity at Sowa' 's point -t night. Hampton" i-t nearly descried. The long bridge there v a3 burn- d on Saturday. About 100 fugitives came in this inching. They were provided THE ADVERTISER. It. V. FURNAS, EDITOR. with r.' tions and :;et to v. Cue nati, 23. On I-.-comr i;d of the 1st r st ilioncd at Wheeling rt ,rk. "ay night Col. Kelly in ments of Va volunicers 'ved orders to march.- - They lcfi Wii .-i rcg at 7 o'cloc k on Monday morning, moving tow. .rds Gra on. Aflcr their departure tho 10th Ohio rej.'ment sf tioned at Bellair under com mand of Col Irwin, numbe; in.? 1.000 etrnnj, crowed .e Ohio and followed Col. Kc'iy'rf comrrand. Tho 11th Ohio reg'Ttcnt undcrcommand of ColStedman crossed the Ohi) at Marietta, about tho same time, and occupped Parker. hurg at rr:d-light. On Mon day the rebels eva3uated Grafton in great hasta. Co). Kelly is probably in possession of Cvafton this morning, Before cro ' lg tho Ohio Major Gen McClellr id issued a proclamation to tho Union men of Western Va., setting forth that the troops came a3 their friends and brothers, and that their homes, families and property were safo under their promotion and that no interference woud be mado with their slaves; but on the contrary asy attempt at an insurrection would bo c uslicd with an iron hand. The General's prcclamr.ion to Lis soldiers: Yon are o: i ,cd to crsss the G .-lo and enter upon the t y ' of Va., your misuon is to restore peace and confi dence to protect the mijc"ty of tha Law, and rcscuo cur brcthcrti, from tho 0 -asp of arml traitors. I phtco under the safeguard cf your keeping the honor of Ohio and of tho Union. If jour are called upon to overcome armed opposition I know your courago is equal t your task, but remember your only foes aro tho a. ued trait s to the U S Government, and show mercy even to them when they are in your power. Baltimore 2 9. A steamer from Fortress Monroe ! s arrived here, she left last evening at six o'clock, when a small s ,amer from Norfolk, with a flag of truce had just landed over 100 refugees on the Cum berland. They mostly aro the wives and children of laborers in tho tho navy yard. They report that there aro from 7 to 9,000 troops at Norfolk and Ports mouth. Gen Beauregard had not arrived. Tho La. & Ga. troops wero tho best accontercd and disciplined. Provisions were very high. 67 Union votes were cast in Portsmouth and over 20 in Norfolk. Several J ttcrics have teen erected between Monroo and Norfolk. Tho encampment at Newport point has thus far been unlisturbcd. Churnls1 nrg, 2?. It is known that the sece3 sionis . at ' illiamsport and llagerstown aro contem plating a plan to enablo tho Virginians to inrado Washingt m County. St. Louis, 30, A." M. Washington dispatches 29, says, Col Butler, brother of Gen Butier, had a long interview with the cabinet to-d?y. Gen Butier de sires instruction.'! n:ay be sent to him regarding tho way of dealing with fugitives. It i3 understood the Government fully endorses tho previous course of Gen. Butler regarding slaves. Tho Post's dis" tch says great interest i3 manifes ted in the Baltimore habeus corpus caso. It is thought tho Government will resp.ct the Courts civil powers. Secretary Cameron is ill. The President has accepted 4 Illinois regiments, who camo to hiai rather than await State action. They include Ellsworth's original Zouaves, and lit iker's German regiment. It is said that Maj. Sballcr's has been tendered the Colonelcy of tho Fire Zouaves in place of tho lamented Ellsworth. It is unknown whether he will accept. An advanco columa of tho grand army wili bo pushed forward to Manasscs junction. Tho 71st N Y regiment have returned the Wash ington i.avy ytirL A false alaui took them down the river. Tho Government is satisfied that it-3 naval prepara tions are in such a state of forwardness as to effec tuly ble.kado every Southern port by tho 15th of Juae. Election retu'n3 lrom Va show that tho voto in AeeotKk precinct near Mt. Ye: cn wa- 70 for Union and O'J f-r scesrion. Wetzel coiaty givc3 CF roaj. for Lion. Washington, 20. The S -rotary of tho Treasury, 'el-graphed to-day to ihc ce icctory in order to fa cilitate supplies to loyaosts i 1 Western Va entering at the p-;.t cf Wheel:. lg, .... - :ion being except from tho rslrictlons of the ocl.ade. The President lif3 delCM Led to appoint Hon. Mr. Schcnck as ' . igadicr Genero'. Col. Andersen h. s beet, assigned tho command of Western Military Depr.- trnent. Tnronnation has rer lied Wash ire;, on that the Sect--1 .n forces hive thrown up err hwork3 perhaps i'Oo feet square at Manas -as Cap junction, and com manding tho track for p rbapsa nrle. Baltimore, 29. A ,vUileman Iron Norfolk says, Beauregard is expected on Thursday next. The battery at Sewall's Point is nearly destroyed by tho guns of tho Montieello. Chambcrsbur,, 13.--The latest from Harper's Fer ry says, there are 10,000 . oops there and 400 on the Marryland height, the latter without field-pciccs. New York, 2D. - The Harriet Lane has captured the schooners Catha.laoof Nowburn and Iris o Ealti moro, both laden with naval stores. Cairo, 29. A full regiment of St Louis volunteers undcrcommand of Col Shutiner ai.ived here this P M. rJ .-ey proceeded at o.:. 0 to sird's Point which they will , . rmaricntly hold. They arc supplied with Minnie rille, camp equipage previsions f-.r 30 dnys. Two batteries will be s..".t from here tomorrow. THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 30, 1S51. Circumstantial Union 3Ien. We have heretofore spoken of men and papers who support the Umon with an "IF," showing that they were enemies in disguise. There is another class of men and newspapers not much better, who of late are Union men because cir cumstances compel them to be such. We like lo see men "convinced of the errors of their ways," make an "open confes sion," which is said to be "good for the soul," and change their "course of life. But we are disposed to place very little reliance in men or papers, who suddenly change from sympathizers, at least, with the rebellious movement against the gov ernment, to supporters -Supporters in word only. We dislike to see men or papers in this, the critical moment, stop to accuse this, that, or the other political party with being the instrument of bring ing about the unhappy condition of our once happy and heaven-favored country land claim that this, or the other party is to be the sols instrument by which the Government i3 to be sustained and per petuated ; or to spend words, ink and paper, in finding fault with an isolated movement of the Administration; the gen eral policy of which they must necessa rily be ignorant in regard to. Intelligent and patriotic friends cf the government have long since lost sight of party dis tinctions in the present contest. Men who six months ago were arrayed against each other in political contest, are now fighting side by side in support of the Constitutiun and Laws ; not for one mo ment inquiring into political antecedents. All know that political issues have had nothing whatever to do with bringing about, or continuing the attempt of trai tors to overturn the Government. At the time of entering into the oricri nal Federal Compact, there were those who opposed it : were opposed to a free republican form of government. Cr cumstances, however, compelled them to acquiesce ; but they and their progeny have ever since lived but to finally bring about its downfall. The traitor, Burr, first made the attempt; Calhoun spent a long life in endeavoring to dissolve the Union ; and the rebels Davis, Cobb Floyd Toombs, Rhett, Wise & Co. are but fol lowing in the course marked out by the earlier instructors. The New York Herald, St. Louis Republican, and many other smaller light? have of late "changed fronts" in regard to sustaining the Government; but Instead of giving a manly support to "the powers that be" in the attempt to enforce the laws and thereby sustain and perpetuate our Government, they spend most of their efforts in raking up dead issues and denouncing the Republican party, and harping upon the "inherent ri-ht of the freedom of speech." We re peat, if such journals design, or desire to be useful to their country they had better wait until the contest for freedom is decided, and then "settle old scores." The man or press, who "with the lights before him," will "tarry by the wayside" and content himself with a simple decla ration of loyality to the Stars and stripes while his every word and act is to find fault with the political party that happens to be in power, and with which he dif fers, is either insane, ignorant, or at heart a sympathizer with the rebels. Old political parties are lost in patriotism, and after "the contest is ended," it will be a long time before party lines are a gain drawn. The issues which have for years been the "bone of contention" be tween political parties will be annihilat ed in the struggle now progressing, and when political parties are re-organized, the basis will be more akin to the prin- : ciples of the "Fathers of the Country," , than we have been used to of late. Mark that prediction ! Eriuri!U3 Unnm. ET CA1XAIN G. TV. CCTTEB. Though many and bright nro tho stars that appear In that flag by our country unfurled, And tho stripes that are swelling in majesty there, Like a rainbow adorning the world ; Their lights aro unsullied as those in the sky, By deed that our fathers hare done; And they're leagued in as true and a holy ft tie In their motto cf " Many in ono." From tho hou when tho?o patrio' ; fearlessly flung . That banner of starlight abroad, Ever truo to themselves, to that motto they clung, As they clung to the promise of God. By the bayonet traced at tho midnight cf war, On the fields where our glory was won, O, pe '.sh tho heart or tho hand that would mar Our motto of u Many in one." '2Iid the smoko of tho contest the cannon's deep! rear How oft it hath gathered renown ! Wh'lo thoso stars were redec-ted in livers of gore, When the cros3 and tho lion went down; 1.1 - - Yet the hearts that wcro striking below us that the Stories alleh- p 1 iSarcs Had God for theirbulwak, and truth for their power, accepted the secession fV 33 And they stopped not to nu mber tho foe. j fact accomplished, do hira re-t Fro-n where our green mounlaia-toTs blend with the stU prochim3 L13 a'PHi '' sky, United State?, tr.d maintain that j. And tha r-iant St. Lawrence is rolled. the duty of th j UnioLL t f)f ' 13 To tho waves where the balmy nesp eride3 lie, Liko tho dream of soma prophet of old, They conquered, and, dying, bcueated to cur care, ican citizenship 0'l tL: first' p,. all because the Government has avowed its objects to be to recover property from which it has been fraudulently and trait orously ejected. Surely it will hardly be distinctly avowed that treason and robbe ry are their favored institutions, which they are apprehensive will be assailed; that the fortresses, mints, and custom houses of the United States, are their domestic firesides; that the military stores vessels, and money, which the disunion ists have stolen, are their beloved chil dren whom they will die to protect from recapture by their lawful owner ? Pay Boll. A pay roll of officers and privates in the U. S. service has been going the rounds of newspapers for some time we published it in the Advertiser in which t And though few wero tho lights in the gloom of that the pay of privates is put dowu at $20 per month. We have taken the pains to ascertain from Adj't Gen. Harding, of this (2nd) Brigade, the correct pay roll of those in the U. S. service. The following is from the official Army Register of 1859 : MOUNTED MEN : Captain 870 per month 4 rations, counted at 30cts per ration per day. Lieut. 55 33 1-3 per month rations same as above. 1st Serg$20 per month. 2d, 3d, 4th Sarg't 817 per month. Corporal 814 per month. Privates 812 per. month. Each mounted man including officers is required to furnish his own horse, for th8 use of which he is paid 40cts per day, officers commuted rations if they wish. ARTILLERY AND INFANTRY. Captain S60 per month, rations same as mounted captains. 1st Lieut. 850 per month, rations same as captain. 2d Lieut. 845 per month, rations same as captain. 1st Sarg't 20 per month. 2d, 3d, 4th Serg'ts 817 per month. Corporal 813 per month. Musician 812 per month. Private 811 per month. The above is taken from official Army Register of 1859. I am not aware of any change having been made since then. H. H. HARDING, Adj't Gen'l 2d Brig. The Nav Orkau D cost cf mainuirJalr th-S Fort Pickens is teQ theu y; also, that the time fcr old seat of Government, at V,V-tU without a desperate tattle, U 1"?' gone by. "-ily VU4 iaat. iuieiugenc-2 f-,-M Jonnson rerire?prt b; . , mi.j j. s ccr,:-'-: his labors of stuapir ii V""1' Tennessee, surrounded bv hundred armed, friscds, V;h0 r5 v he goes, and by that m?a23 "r' against the success cf the sche r assassination, which 'it is well Lr,!"4 been prepared by the disuiv X ''"4"aT8 rious quarters cf Tennesson V3" A gentleman who heard T Sam Houston, delivprp l cf l exas, two or '1 1 .. .. . ueterrr m0.l . assert their liberties ?.rA rights cf w ply to bide their tir.i-; Not th's boundleis dominion alono, Cut that banner, whoso JoTcIincaj haMow3 tha air, Aad tbe motto of " ilany in one." Wo a' o many in cno whilo there glitters a star la the u'ue of the heaven3 above; Ad ants shall qu.vl V'd their dungeons afar. When thoygazo on vhat motto cf lovo. It sha'l g'eam o'er tho Bea, 'mid tho bolt3 of the storm, Over tempest, and buti-'o, and wr :k ; And fiamo where our un3 wuh the:r thunder j,ow wr j, 'Neath tho blood en the slippery tkk. sion.- JVash. ccca- Somebody sends us an r,r letter from Tesnessee, threaten assasmate us f-r what v;e have sJ t John Boll. We hope ha won't"" ir.' want ttie use cf the whole remnant cfo-" three score r.nd ten to repent rrc-Wf f-r our vote for Bell last August La-tri Journal Support their Families. Prompt and efficient steps should be taken to provide for the families of those who volunteer from this county to defend our frontiers. We are inclined to the opinion that the better plan is for the County Commissioners to levy a special tax for that purpose. All are equally in terested in being protected ; and by . this plan all would proportionally contribute. Any way, however, by tax or subscrip tion, so the families are provided for. At several meetings recently held in various parts of the county a vote has been taken on levying a tax, and each time carried unanimously. We understand that the Governor can not ' accept any but infantry companies under the call for three year volunteers. Also that a company to be accepted must have S3 men, between the ages of 18 and 45. The oppressed o? ih Wherever its A ! ndtho cj:Io sba'; Where its stars And thoso stars sh. . Its millions of , Divido as wo va?" To tho rest oi .-a -ih to thatstandard tlx-. ! fly, hsll bc?p-cad j .1 Ys h's own native sh .'. Coat over his head .acreage nu ma lamest o. ..nao -s has ; jn ; our own native land, ..'o: ld we are one. Then ujp with on: Though our l'j T'uey Lad hails that cor And their s.: ; ! let it stream on tho fir ! . avccold in their grave?. : could strike, they had i o not born to be slaves ! Up, up with that uinnc: ! wheie'er itmaycuil, Our millions shall rally around ; A nation of freemen t'uet moment shall fall When its sta;-3 shali be trailed on the ground. ouls AKcnllon Corjpan); The "Brownville Home Guards'' are hereby nctifit-i to attend a business meeting cf the ccmrar at McPherscn's" Hall, on s'tuN day next, at 5 o'clock ia the'af. terncon. The Committee ca Ihle? ar.1 Regulations will report at t time. Tne r.rms for the company hav? been received and will be distributed ta that occasion. A punctual attendance cf every member is indispensably necessary. O.B.IIEWETT, Captain. KEUGIOI'S.-'i'ie-o H bo - :.;iuuii ,:f. u the Coagfeatio -1 Cha-ea,oa XsViuh; Jure at 10 1-2 o'clock, i.v Mi. i'i-ton- The 21 V, P Regiment sirorn in. Part cf them refuse to take the oath. Gen. Beauregard is expected at Norfolk. Four Illinois Regiments accepted, etc. St. Lons, May 20, P. M. Tho New Ycrh World's f racial d itvd Washington Sth says, tho 71ft regiment only went i"3fr as Alex andria. The first mid second Ohio regiments march ed across the bn r bridge this 1 M. and are encamp ed near AilinpU'ii Height. Tin-general iinpreieion that a inrtveiuont wiil soon bo iidi'S-i f.-vr into Va th-t a" rc':f of 'jc b.. - at Li . ,V lry w'.'X be A Vcice ffGin Wectern Yirgini a Correspondent of the Baltimore Patriot. Faiuxouxt, May 7th 1SG1. We had a great day here yesterday. About three thousand Union men assem bled together who have resolved to stand by the Union at all hazards let the east ern part of the State do what she may. Two of the Union members of the Con vention Mr, Burdet, cf Fowler, and Mr. Hall cf this county, were here and ad pressed the people at lenght on the various questions cf the day. Their speeches were of the highest order, and frequently applauded by the immense concourse of people. The speeches were made iu the main street fronting the Court House which was completely block ed with pe:ple. The Disunion party were holding a meeting in the Court House which they had to have guarded in front of the build ing by armed men to defend their little band of traitors. H. The "Washington correspondent of the Journal of Commerce, says that the Southern states have been preparing for for war during the last iwo years and have organized and trained large bodies of men aud obtained large "quantities of of cannon and all other enginery of war. And yet the organs cf treason pre tend that the war for which the South ern States began to get ready two years ago, was commenced dy the Administra tion of Lincoln. Safcjsgation. The cry most relied on for the bene fit of the disunion is that the design of i the Administration and the object of the North are the subjugation of the South. This has roused the spirit and feelings of those to whom such language is ad dressed. Few, indeed, are reasonable enough to ask to whom or what they are subjected. Now, every reasonable man at the North knows that no other subject tion is either contemplated or desired than subjection to the Constitution and the laws, to be equally, fairly and im partially administered. Such subjection has heretofore been yielded by all the North adhered to it when the enactment of the laws, the administration of them, and the enforcement of them, were all in the hands of a Southern Congress, a Southern Judiciary, and a Southern Ex ecutive. They yielded this obedience and loyally freely and fully. All they now ask of the South is the same acquies cence. They wish no more, and from present appearances, it is clear that they will be satisfied 7?ith no less. Is it not what every community must exact from the citizen, and without which no gov ernment can exist ? The Southern feeling is excited by the incessant cry that '-our institutions are endangered, our wives and daughters to be ravisned; our children butchered; and our hearths to be made desolate," and Military A company is being formed in this county under the call of the Gov ernor, to enter the U. S. Service for three years unless sooner discharged. Meet ings have been held the past week at Nemaha City, Peru and this place, for the purpose of obtaining names. The company will most likely be filled up by Saturday next, at whr time a county meeting will be held in Brownville. There are enou gh young men in Ne maha county to form a company of S3 men who have not families dependant on j iJia.i. ' lowa IIow Virginia was Wheedled oat of the Union. A Mr. Porter, who was a delegate in the Virginia Convention, representing Hancock county, gave in a speech to his constituents, the following modus oper andi of getting Virginia out of the Union: After the ordinance of seenssinn tvns .33 ,1 i ttieso scales Lave, a.'ler nw e or less :j.l, ir-! voted down in the Convention the seces- mpMy ont of n?e Fairban.k5, hav9 ,,e ,.ej, sionists aetermineu upon some new ooject to accomplish their arrangement. A committee was appointed to visit Lincoln and ask hi:n whither he meant peace or war. As the committee left for Wash ing Roger A. Pryor left for Charleston. Pryor went to Charleston and made a speech to the secessionists. He told them South Carolina must strike a blow and Faiubask's ScaL3. It U a ;f. art fact, ..oa toe public wilJ ai.'jreciaie, t lat wLei ever nr m-.'m are pin upon tho uiarte!, as lar;e nomucri Lae teca from lime to t;me, tfo irr tbe lusttU.ij ye.krs, it eern3 to be ihe first and cmeJ o' ttie uul. t sliow Jhat tiiey are the same as Fanbatii,' o u t'aem. orhavetaten premiums over hieni, liit; reo j Dmng the latter as the 7ur e-ce'.Tice, a-! B'aowi 5 the Bt"ong hold (hey have upn fje puiic rn- nVence. It is a W5'!-knowa ;act wni.'e mMt i, ward, increasing in public f.iv .r y?it ti r'yci-, ai a e now much more Reneraily u.-t't Ua. ...i o ti, only in tbU cuunt y, bat Le ever Auie' ic mni- has been ca ri 1. 1 i-s c-uM iwt be?o .1 .eve-e all i hat is cl?inicl for tiie-ii ei".:t '... ;ho:r i lli.y, as well as oiiveuieuce acl ui.y C u"; T,toune. Move on. Sm-h is hc n,o t'i . 1 !. (", valuable rani'cinci. 'iev never ica-e i.' .t S", J 1 dv'ss rorwa . relievtns ie rk a"d c. : 1 t" n r 1 Virginia would go out in one hour by the a nu urease. The ui tu ei yt- e"o "Shrewsbury Clock." Pryor knew and b? Crr i3' Syrcp cf SaHa' ai a 0 'C3,,y vc''t--those who appointed the committee knew, ; Coi'3bs' coUls' hoarse'?C!f.3' ufaslcs cvea Cunun.'--J that upon the attack of Fort Sumter, the goon ibe Uea,.0ly i4 loo eic,L c,rt : Administration would be justly incensed,! Uaimenti .'am liarioeverr .ami iU.Ue , r and that the President would give the' 'ueuia 'y beoefl.s ihey bavercc vrl f out : i u-e. H committee a hasty and unsatisfactory an- u weii:or every ra.j.'y to tr 0v,;.iieyca-4ui.t.: wl-?t honr thev m.-y rein e its uc. ' e m. ' c rr, .. i c- i j i s.ardbith w' arc csr-i by nnn-.f- : able r-' '' - The attack on Sumter was made and fe..en,;vep..K.Ve. Sceau.r.. ,e.t m after two days firing seven thousand men iamn. succdedd in takingthe fortfrcm a starving . . trarnson. me mob in Kicnmond siezed , UHinu JLUUC Oi L'JJiUMvua r ua.'i the artillery they ran howling through the streets. They broke through your State House they tore down the Stars and Stripes, and hoisted in its place the flag of the Confederate Stales. The ordi nance of secession passed. Tne War Population or the United SiutCS We find in the Washington Star the following table, giving the number of A The next anmnl niee'.iiu "f H-" 'r,: t .i -n ... vn,- ' i r .'i. A. M. ;:!? A ln P-.iUi-tnouM! . .wrro-i-ins tl9 flfit t-- V u'i l June. 1 -' H V. i 'P.V.V3, Gr;i-l5u-rit.-y. Sj-Tcrrltorlal p?pers f rif r.-t y willplea.-eo.-Fr. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. SHERIFFS' SALE. .Va.ol'.s 1 VH. F. II!ley. ) S. F. District court O -enm ution to rce J''ect' a 1 : Ch-les L vi; !ue of a white males, between the age3 of 18' will o3"er for s:i! . ;it ultc and 45 inclusive, in the States and Ter-1 clv!' - r, ' 'v h!-' ritories, as shown by the - census 1SG0. Tree States. 'o n a ' IpOiiCUt I10;S a 2. owa l . COTTOtf . 1 " ' .'o ita lu'r-iana Mitissippi Suu.u Carolina States It . JC 119 1 7' CO ,1 3, of business as to require any very great sacrifice on their part. This class of our citizens ought to respond to the call of the President, made through the Gov ernor, and we trust they will. Particu larly when it is known, a3it is, that Ne braska vclriteers are to be stationed at the forts in our own Territory. The Agricultural, mechanical, and bu siness pursuits ought not lo be seriously interrupted now, here on the border. We do not think matters suficiently emergent now ; but how soon they may we know not. All the provisions possible, should be raised this year, for they will be need ed if troubles continue twelve months longer. Thus far two companies have been ac cepted by the Governor. We think there j The total amount of money subscribed is no doubt but that Governor Sanders I to the aid of Government in maintaining can rely upon two companies from this the authority of the United State?, by in Land District. dividuals, corporations, and States, is es- ; r timated to be somewhere between seven- Mr. Uucnanan in a Ietter(31ay ouol , . , .. e , M . , Jr.7l. ily and eighty millions or dollars already. 3 J alional Intelligencer savs: i . . . , . , . . . , inis is entirely lauepnuem oi tne mo ney subscribed to the war loans of the Maine i'era3 si ;. Massachusetts T M:cb:gaa 1 -J 5Cl,bJO Jlinnesota New riampshhe Boeder slave statfs. New Jersey . -Arkansas 63 ( 0 "ew Tork . .. 'Jeiawaro 2! COO Obio ' . Kentucky 1' fit 00 Oregon - Va-ylanl I T O Pennsylvania J A 'surl 211 j R. Islan-i . X. Carolina 1. ) Ve: ont 'i'frnes',ce 1' ; ..j Wibonsin 0 Viiginia C:: . i rEHEITOE.ES Co'ii-jiio 6. coo Dairoiah 1.0')O Neb- aka 6,(...o Xeva ;a J .ruoj Sew j!c-"ico 13.oo. C a'l 8,oo'i V. .'si,;n:on 2,uj L.i. Columbia II o 6l,oxj F-ee Slate- 3,'.73.r 0 liorder S'ave slates Co; ton States 63t,m Te-ri'ories 61 lit Asresate 6. '34,333 in'uio 1 3wn of II rowavi' :e, Svx ib. ctf at, at tho liour of I o'M, I' y- v"' , , Z ai'diecerneo.. le'i I v.,a an.J : ' " ' ,UK i' ev y or Claries F. II-' e '? ' "Jv l ; " mv harnJs in ravor o S. F. Nuc1tn, - ; f . . On Saturday the 20! A denj cf Jin lue southw LOTS 1 2 4 4 8 2 3 16 9 tne j alional lnieiiigcncer say "rIaj. Beauregard when he discharged the first gun against Fort Sumter lighted a flame which will require a long time to extinguish. The people at the North are at present enthusiasticly unanimous. They never were aroused rntil that shot was fired. I often warned Southern gentlemen that this would be the inevita ble result. A gentleman just arrived at Pittsburg from Jacksonville Fla reports the people of the latter place as strongly Union. They have reason to be a3 their chief support is derived from the Northern in valids who resorted there. Government. Up to thi3 time, the total number cf troops whose services have been accepted by and offered to the Government for the present emergency, amounts to the extra ordinary number of 000,000. From facts within our knowledge we rest under the impression that by the meeting of Con gress every man of them will have been called into the field. 5 5 5 G S 1 4 2 3 G 4 G 12 7 7 4 7 8 28 101214 frc'l of 5ScG 2 4 5 6 10 13 15 12 13 frac. 1 2 9 9 1011 12 13 1G 13 L5 1G frac cf 2 3 3 5 G 12 13 15 1G 11 12 13 5 7 11 12 1 frac 4 15 2 3 7 9 12 13 15 O .1 7fl 1(1 2 LOCK 19 4G 70 G2 72 ei 90 G'G 40 3 09 yl 91 31 13 !2 '1 north of r.-e f "icen, e.v.i of l7 ''' ."V s'!"i ri'iian,irXeuu'iaeounty,Ne ur;.- z lc:;- . r r r 1 LOT3 1 2 5 6 11 15 10 1 2 6 S 9 10 1113 11 15 1G 10 13 UK frac cf 3 1 5 7 9 1011 12 4 5 76 12 13 15 10 7 10 12 15 37 1 2 5 9 10 13 lb 5 10 12 11 4 6 7 & frac of 9 G 7 10 H 13 1 1 5 21 I" & frac of 5 1 j ; 12 11 2 5 7 10. 11 IB 7SH 12 M s 34 9 11 U 1 7 S 11 12 1G frac cf 2 S 11 G 7 12 9 frac 10 81 47 83 95 92 30 40 11 17 8G 97 50 25 27 2 3 17 Ex-Governor Peeder, of Pa., has been appointed a Brigadier General in the U. S. array. 12 13 1 1 15 U 4 9 10 1 he ahuve rame-l a:i'l e: - . . r ...a i in . Con.ry. "f 52 39 91 C'G 71 4S 15 23 13 r-n i'i Cl - r JO " o I O. 61 71 o j e. . n ..,r " " ' 7j vr ro.:;.,-' Tr ot kiuus, lor saeai