Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 16, 1861, Image 3
f I IE APyERTlSER, R0WKV1LL1:, MAY 1G. ISG1. jov, con & co. IdLxrpr ti Ixls . AKonta - and I'rintlns Material of all Kindi ' Trib""' Em ldin,;, New York, and Brown's Iroi j j'.ml tines, I'Dil8''.cip!n. V-tlpt retb.Tit(Hl Af-enti IrrtJve . 'farmer ana iavmmr. MTfi-ssnTiS TO II (i KLV. J-iJ.SfalM xir..d .Foreign -Newspaper Ad vertisin g Agency, a rroadwav. new York. R-vna 'KI! ItASKA VAUMKJt." f 'verti'riC Atrenls in . St. Xiouis. Mc?r, 1 v1 r -vr.-.ivin Asf-nts, 45 OHve St. lni, !' -ro'lif 1 arnit iy that city, cti-I' t !:ey a tp an ,,..,5 t re im- a :0rti-e!orr,t f r the.d?t?fr rin,j fccr'ifr. iii. '1 c !! t bit I r r the same. jCcownviilc Iloinc Guards A sub- iniYwy-Cazqiny has Lccn forra- ia" this ;i'ce. called tLc "Brownville rne- Craid?' . The Company . ccn- ;nr'.hc vnixinuni number cf men ; CI, '!u'ir:'T c-ftccr. ' The ' following arc r-f i ' 0 f - . ().. llewctt. Captain; I'. M. Martin', 1st ..Lieutenant; W.!II. H.-crvor, 2nJ Lieutenant; Iac Ilildwin, ltt Sergeant; Lewis 1 1 12-1 ' I). H. M';Lau2Ulin. .Id" X if. Mtfrriio-j, 4th M." Ilajlannn, 1st Corporal; J. O. Hamilton, 2 J II.' T. 'Raiaty, 3J KWcrthir.?, "4th ' R. McDaiik.1 ) ;r W. A. Polock S The Ccuiranv is- underpin? rcrrular i ; o o ri thorough drill hy Serjeant Raid win, f'ate.of'the U. S. Regulars. . A requisition. has been made for arms, und all the necessary accoutrements. The object of the organization is spe nt i call y set" 'forth irr its name Home - j j " trcicciwn. 5 'Go in panics have also been formed at Nemaha. City and Peru, ..Iuiuiediate-fettjis will be taken to form i:i this county, a company each, of Dra goons, Artillery and Riflemen. Ladies Dress Oois. The Sprirg Stork of I.adicis' fr..a r.ulfl fiihl t.r Tin r.. 1nnt tint. inuL'in:? f.-u:u t!,c cr.,w4 ut iaJ.c who ruhh tlicre ami iurcha;e. ti k . bicians. Improvements, are progressing rap idly all through our city. is pushing "along his large brick store house which he i erecting, next door to our ofiice. A new house- already occupies the ground where Matthew &, Medford's Fanning Mill . establishment was burned a few weeks-ago. Dr. Gwix has near about completed his. residence on the hill side 'in -MidJle iJrownvillc. Stkixkle ispre- , paring for th erection of his.large Flour ing Mill on the levee; and many other minor improvements are going on. Some- "hciw things wont stand still in Urownvillc. Ull.l.'g Cii-pl-ty of Dry GimxIij i abcaJ of anytiiing of le kind ver oirnrp.l in this country. TO-Correspondents. As our read ers, are aware we have been absent from our post a couple of weeks. During that time rjuite n "correspondence has accumu- lated,' some cf which demanded immedi . ate re ly. .Wcwill endeavor to "catch , ' up'' soon, and hope our friends virill consider this explanation satisfactory. . ' Cash ljlX.SlHe.SS. In the future Tiieo. Hii.u ill il g.iuds iuT Ca.-li or good produce in LanJ . on!j. ; lie rctixhs tbank? for past lihcral pntronno, nnl informs tlie J utlic that Lo isdetenmned toscllguod? At price's ro jxr lliiit 1m fenrs no competition. Call . and examine bU lurgo stock of goods cf all kinds. 'Neighbor Reynolds,- of the Acrs, after a silence of .over two weeks, comes al.-us again about that ."Hymn Book'' 'affair. We have only to say it is a mat ter . of too little importance for future newspaper controversy ; but we would like to Jnoi the motive which prompted you to pen the first paragraph, brother - Reynolds. District Court. The District court for Nemaha county is no.vv in session in this- place. Judge Miller presiding; Alles Blacker Clerk; T. YV. BrmcnD D.-pu.ty. and U. C. Johnson District At tornt') There'-.hds. been nothing important before the Court. . Somebody the publisher, we reckon has sent us a map of . the "Routes to the- Pi'kcs- Teak Gold Region." As to the Geography of the country cn the Missouri River, it is a most bungling af fair throughout. For instance, Brown-ville-is placed about fifty miles off the river on the route from Nebraska City to Ft. Kearny.. It is a St. Jo. and Leav enwonh a flair. Those XMiics' and Mise' Shoos at Hill's arc of the lalcft t-tjlc, best material, and cheapest prices, and Cannot fail to suit. ' What Does it Mean? The steam- er Emilie, which touched at our wharf, last week, on ah upward ' trip, we are credibly informed, is distributing mu nitions and arrosfong the Missouri riv er, under the ,-tmploy of the "Southern Confederacy." The object of this distri bution may ere long become known. . V.TirS3s IIiLLis not celling goods luwer than aj e'.brr house above St. Iviis. Laws anil Journals. To Hon. A D Leer, Territorial Librarian, we are indebted for a copv of the Laws and the Journals, passed at the last legislative assembly. Ercrjhody pts to Hill's to purchase Pry Gjj' Cr.jccrics, Q':oe:'FT are, Hardware, Viol. Shee3, Hats "a?s, E;-,c:tK, we, Ke. VALUABLE GIFTS V. Mil 71 CTD (T AT GBORGE G. EVANS' Original Gift Books Enterprise, Permanently located ct 439 Chnlnvt St., SivtlT gear f ' Ik enterprise! C A R D HAVING p.nrchnjed tfco paciens Iron Baildin", o. 43'JChtftnut Street, and t ted it rp with every corivenieuep to (?t i. jtatc try t u?ire?", parti"n!ar! that l ran.-h devr tc l to Cointuy Onvtr.?"; And Lav ing a larger capital than any other partv invetted id the Lucincss, I am now prepared to offer preaur advactflscg, and Lcttcrgifts tLaL ever before to izr cuL'mt'r. . I will furnisa n-y ((,f a mtral cha-aVr puba-htd in the I'cited Stairs, the ret " ' which i one dollar or npvard, and pive r. present worth from 10 cts to JUO with each book, and puarantee to give p-rfoct satifactiou, oj- I a in de tcry.ncd to mahj'ain the reputation already Ic ptowed upon i-tj c.-laU-!.'Ji.t. Stmr r vi-:tirg 'h.e. lelphia aro inTitfd to ra.laud jnd-cr.r thtia.elvcs. C. G. EVANS. Tf T'.ti r-.Tr.trnv bv.-:-, "r.d to CEO.C.KXAXS' Ktrl r.V.c Gift ok Knterprise. V.'hcrc .i'.J hoc k ara fo'J at the I'uLIlkhtr's lovrest I rice, and you lnre the -. cl rex.-eivii.g A Handsome Present, worth fr..n M.-.u t 1 doihr with on,.h i..ok. C G J AX.S Orijin: 1 Gift IJ.,ok Knt'-rpric! hat beer, tn-lor. rd by the Uook Trade and nil the l'fiviirpcity aj.d country pa ler; in tho United Slates. G G EVANS I'm-tinl busine?? transaction bav r.fivfd the sjiprol ation of itw ''.(. 0.(03 of tho Unifjl i-,it -fo ri ( r W ti'iii hurl) r'Tcivcd Fub tur.;! cvid'-n-e ti tho benf ts d rii ed by T urcli-iin,'? books at Uti G G EVANS l!r G -? t!ian nnyothor p".t- li.-'.'-r . r 1; . !;-'lkr in the Uni-n tc vpl l:!Tn-'ir' knowledjro t the j eople. l!v his s-y.-tem many bool ureroid that vr uid not bate f und t:..' ir way th"bi;iid t, reader. '-'i nl: A' .V- iryji'ipi rn. G EVANS V-s i oi!v hai.-i the mot tsten.-lve s'ock, th" rert"t 8rt rr.ont of I.,V.--, and eiri-ulafes free to all who n-.-iy aj.pty. tho tnot eota eata'o'Ufl! of I look 3 and Gifts in the United States. G G EVANS In alvnnta-'-s IT. -red to him by other publisher and manufacturer which enable hi:n to furni-h his ra trons with a finer qunlity and act;rtmcnt of gifts than any o Ler e-tablis-hmcnt. G G EVANS pub!i-he neiirly two hundred poy.u Urand iiit'-rcftin books, therefcre, n n publisher, he is better nble to o.l'T extra premiums and commis sions. G G EVANS guarantee? perfect ?nif faction to all ho tn.iy send for bok. G G EVANS' nv (las-ified catab-ao cf books embraces the writing of every stan dnrd author in every department of literature, and give all the informa tion relative to the purchasing and forwarding by mail or expresp, of books ordered from hi establishment, ' together with full directions hew to remit money. G G ENANS Catalogue of Rooks, will bescntgratis and free of postage to any address in the United States. G G EVANS' inducements to Agents can not bo surpassed. The most liberal com missions are offered, and by soliciting Fubscriptions to books in the manner proposed, twenty books can be sold in the same time that it would take to sell one oa the old-fashioned subscrip tion plan. Send for a classified Cat alogue, and every information w i'l be given in reference to agencies. Se lect your books and enclose, the a ineur.t of money required, and ono trial will satisfy you that the best place in tho country to purchase Looks is at tho Extensile Gift Book Establishment OF GFOItGE G. EVANS, No. 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. Where you can tjtt Looltof all l indn Hooks of fact ! Hooks of fiction ! Hooka of de votion! Hooks f amusement 1 Hooks for the Old Folks 1 Hooks f-T the Young Folks! Hooks for Husbands! Hooks for Wives! Hooks for Lovers ! Hooks for Sweethearts! Hooks for Hoys! Hooks for Girls ! Hooks of Humor ! Hooks of Po try ! Hooks of Travel ! Hor.ks of Hist ory ! Hooks ofHi ography! Hooks of Adventure ! Hooks about Sail ors ! Hooks nV.ut Soldiers : Hook about Indians ! Hocks about Hunters! Hook about Heroes! Hooks about Patriots I Hooks for Farmers! Hooks for Mechanics ! Hooks for Merchants ! Hooks f :r Phy sicians! Hooks for Lawyers ! Hocks for Statesmen! HiMes! Presentation Jijoks ! Hymn Hooks 1 Ju venile Hook! Annuals 1 Albums, etc., etc. ' Cecil H. Hartleys Inernsting Hiographie! Rev. J- II. Ire-nun's Scriptural Humar.ces! Smacker's Lives of Patriots A Statesmen ! J. T. Lauren's Rev olution St-rios ! T.S. Author's popular Tsles ! idr. AleotV Familv Doctor! Mis, Hentz's Novels! Mrs. Southworsh's Novel JDieken's Novels! Waverlv's Novels ! Irving's Works ! All the writings (f every standard author of every department of lit-, rature, in every style in binding, at the publishers l. west price, and remr mber that ycu j.aj- no more than yo'i widd at any other est ab IWnueiit. ut 1 you have the advr.r.t.'go of receiving n ele-".nt. pre -r.t. nl.ieh oftentimes is w, rth a hun dred f .11 rr.'tinn the anv".nt paid f.-r tlse book. SEND l )i; A CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE OF HOOK.S. order any b-.k that you may want, remit the retail price, together v ith the amount required for postage: and i.uc trial will assure you that the best place in the cuutrv to pun hase booksis at the Gift Hook Establishment of Gi.omE G.EVANS, Originator of the Gift Hod: Enterprise. AWJ Chestnut Stteet, l'hiladelphia. AGENTS WANTED. To whom greater .inducements than ever arc offered Any person, either male or female, who is desir ous of encaeing in an IION0UAHLE an PROF IT AHLE EMPLOYMENT, requiring but little time and na outlay of money, and by which they can ob tain gratis A Valuable Library. A Fire Gold Watch and Chain, A IIsn!o:n Sirvioo of Fl.Uo, An Elegant Silk Dress Patera, A Splendid Sett of Jewelry, , Or many other choice articles enumerated in our List of Gifts, ran do so by actiug as au agent for this establishment. Anv ar-T rartof the country, can be an agent, f imply by forming a club, sendin' a list of books, and ramitling tnc amount oi mar.ey requires for the same. Sest fok a CATii.nnrK, which eontsins all tho desired informstion reafire to agencies and the formation of clubs ; and to insure prompt and hon orable dealing, address all orders to , Tnu Head Quarters ok GEO. G.EVANS. Proprietor of the oldet andlrrgest Gift book En TEKTKISE in the world, rcrmanant!y located at No. 439 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. PARTICULARLY TO RANCHMEN. I desire to say to Ranchmen anywhere between the Missouri river and Mountains, that my ftxk for wholc Falinf: to them is now complete eiutrac!iin everything desirable or profitable to trate ia, nd at price unheard of cheap. Call or Fend your orders, which wi: I meet with j.rompt attention. TUEO. HILL. Lrowuville, April C5'h, 1?61. . . Furniture ! Furniture ! ! The most complete stock of Furniture ever f ffjel m thU upper country just received by. T. HILL. BrownTille, April ?5:h, ISG1. Boots, Shoes, Hats and Gaps. My supply of B.t(, Stioos, nat an.i Caps never was so large, nor was I ever prepared to ofl'er such terrains. TIIEO. HILL. Brownvillc. April C5th, 1SCI. Onion Seed ! Onion Seed! Larrc Kcd Onion 75 cents per lb Largo l ellow Kound Flat Turnip Yellow Sweedih Yellow Kut.a Haga Cucumber Early Short Long Green Short Green Heet Seed Early Turnip Long Hlood C.,li,...n tT.T,,nt-r.o.1 1 The above Seeds are last r.iuviKr s crop, and give sptif:ict" n. All orders nddrcf to W M. tn w auds, Sugar Creek. Walworth Co., Yv"L??onsin, Will be promptly attended to. 4d 40 40 40 40 40 40 40 M H M U U Probate Notice. VJt!ce UherebrventhatSnrdrfy,.V3y nth, 13GI. a n o clock, A. M., is the time set l,r terin? the p.icati .nof JimeiA.Titus a-lminihtrator ct Xitbamel h. TUns, iteeeMed, fur tlx month extension of time, to mare Cnl tettierient tf aid estate. M ltne.-i myhani anl the sea! of the TroU! Ccsrt 1. 1 cmaha county, bri-ika. Territory. ! r.-3?r C. W. WHEELER, prcbate Juije. SWEE'ITrISTO narine the ajency f r r. Tesbeook ia thit locali ty, I win be prepared to furnish plant Lj wholesale and retail and at reduced ratei eariy in the SDinz tJ'OZ.DLVLS SOLICITED. , ,r. It. FTRN'aS, rcb IS51 Brownville, Ifehraiia. Valuable Tract of Land IPCjtlL -V T T"r7 f I AMautLoriiot ti sill a valuable tract of land f.d joining the city of Hrownville. There are 150 acres in the tract, mostly heavy ti mber, and 2d acres under cultivation. A rare bargain can be had in th;s i iece cf land. Aj ply in penroa, cr by letter, to H. W. FURNAS, Hrownville, N. T. Arrll 11th, IS'l. ttO-tf GROCERIES. A select stock of light Groceries constantly on hand and for eale at redaeod ritites a'.the new store of J.J. THUUMAN, Hrownville, April II, 'CI. nlO-yly o o CO Ou A o 2 Xi O o ' s - 3. 5 W O t- n (A - c - JZ - m Z, i a V- j; s g r r .3 Z C r K r T. s c -r x o r 3 - x "3 i: i c I'fi-. - - T i. c : . c r. Zl a - c. V J. V. J. 5? '' S IS c X ?- i; 9) Z " t- 6.X t - h -a "? 4. 1 -Or? t c 5,:ic, S3 Z S, s W c x i- o 2 5 tr. - s. r a '5 3 X Douglas Improved Surar 3II1I. Tlie atteiiti ni -of rarmera in Xehraska i called to the following coriificHtc (.f I). II. Eilis, who last reason rjia a N"o O 1 )i!?iai mill in N'einah County where I bad it on exhibition. The price of this eized mill is $.0 freight added. Xem aha County, Kehrasia. April 10th, 161. R. VT. Fi-nxAS, r.i . Sir: I takepleture in fcrnish in? you with the following information as the result of my actual experimenting with the small Douglas im proved Sucar mill. It mnt-l he recollected th:it the sea-f-on was extremely dry and the cane by no means pk1. While I used it I made from 30 to 60 gallons of go.jd, molasses Pr day 12 pounds to the gallon. From one piece of caue, the only one I. measured accurately, 60 (quure rods I made 65 gallons of No 1 Molasses. Thijis over 200 pallonn per acre. I am quite sure of a gxd t-easou, when the car.e is rich I can make 300 gallons from an acre. In my opinion no farmer or at least neighbor hood In the west should be without one of these or s.m ilar iron mills .. Tours llespectiully. .. 1. H ELLIS. Pffcrcnce is also made to J. VT. Hall, Mr B.igley T B Edwards, A J Richardson, Jno Cole, Rev S L Collins, J Eas-tridge and many others la Xemaha County. as the cultivation of the sucar cane in the West has proveTan entire success, and as an extraordinary a mount will this season be planted, it is evident farmers must have a more expeditions and economical mode of manufacturing it. Those wha have been using tbeold wooden mills can compare the result with that above and see that the price of a mill is saved in a smgle sea son by the use of an iron crusher. Where it is not convenient for one farmer to purchase a mill, a neighborhood often clubs together when the cost to each is so trifling as not to be felt compared with the advantages de"nved. Farmers will do well to send in their orders-early as it is desirable thatthe mills be shipped In thecarly part of Summer when freights aro low, and also by shipping a number together the charge will he still lets. Address R. W. FURN'AS, - Agent. Brownville, Nebraska. P. S. One of the mills can be seen and examined by calling on the Agent in Brownville. CITY DRUG STORE. SICX OP THE MORTAR, Corner of Mala and Second streets, BROWNVILLE, N. T. DR. JOHN- ORIM AXXOrXCES to the public that he has purchased of R. l$roro, the City Drug Store, in Brownville, and has also added largely thereto, " - THE REST SELECTED And, perhaps, the LARGEST STOCK OF DRUGS Ever brought above St. Jcscpli, His stock consists of the following articles, which he will sell cheap ior ca.-h : Pure "White Lead, French Zinck, China Zinck:, Red Lead, Castor Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Sweet Oil, Tutty, Venitian Red, Glae, Raw and b't umber, Figs, Spanish whiting, , Turpentine, Chalk, Linseed Oil, Cough Candy, - Tanner's Oil, Copal Varnish CAStile Soap, Fancy Soap, Toilet Soap, Tooth brushes, Litherage, Patent medicines, Let. paper White Varnish, Ink, Hair brushes, Tooth, brushes, Paint brushes Stationery Steel Pens, Candies, Gold Pens, Nu's, PencL's, Raisins, Hair oil, cc. &c. AIs?. a Splendid Assortment or o2Tua.rn eries, Comprising I.ynnv. Katharion, Cologne, Pommade genuine ox marrow, bear greese; and oils, musk and esccnccs of all kinds, and of the finest Quality. STATIONERY. Foolscap paper, fancy letter paper, gilt edged notes, aud envelopes, plain, fancy, and cinoossed, pens pencils and rcn-holders, inks of all kinds, iukitands, wafers and tcalicg-wax. PURE LIQUORS. ITollandGin, Irish Whisky, Bourbon Whisky, Ginger Brandy. Cordial. Port Winc,iladeira, Wine, White wine and .Malaga Wine. Being a regular graduate and practicing rbysician, the public may ilepeud upon great care and accuracy in comjwundint prescription. Brownville, April 25. n40-ly. Lime! Lime!! Lime!!! The undersigned whose kilns a-esituated nitiemiles -.f r.'ri.n ville. on the road lesdiaptoFt. Kearney, Keeps constant. vu "" "-.'v - . ing The Lime will be delivered at thokilu or at a:j othcrp. int in thecounty.asdesircd. Trtv Feb.!?, 1SC0 6in E. M. LOoJ- HEW MIS-SMI IN - .--J EROVI. V1LLS, "Whitney's Block, llain Street. LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF THE ELK HORN and MORTAR J. J. THURMAN, ANNOUNCES to the citiz?n. cf Brownvilla and vicinity that Le has removed his Drug St re from Sidney, I jwa, to the City of Hrownville, aa l bavin- added thereto au extensive etodc cf Fresh Drugs, Chemicals, Dye S luffs. Paints and Oils. Pure Winfs and Liquor, For Medical Purposes, Hair and Tooth brushes, Perfumery, Fine Toilet Soap, , &c, Scc, Sec. Invites the public patronage. ET-Phy-ician' Prescriptions attended to at all hours both by day and night.' Hrownville, Ar-rii Ilth.ISjI. nlO-yly CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CLOTHING Ever offered in this Market. XO DOl'BT ABOUT IT! CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELVS AT THE Baltimore Clothing Store, BROWNVILLE, N. T. SIISSUISIffllllEfl Announce to the public that they 'khave opened out a stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR, &c.,&c.,&c. Unprecedented In quantity, quality and prices. They arcdetermined their prices shall correspond with the times, and therefore offer here In the West, at just as low rates as such goods can be purchased anywhere in the United Slates. As a sample of our prices we will mention that we sell Coats from $1,25 up to $15, Pants from $1 to $7, Vests from $1 to $5. Boots, Shoes, Flats, Caps, Fancy and White Shirts, Sus dcrs, Neckties, Socks, Handkerchiefs, &c, in the same proportion. The proprietors embrace this opportunity of returning thanks for past patronage, and promise to spare no ef forts iu the future to give entire satisfaction. Civil nxxd sco txe. SEIGEL, GREENBAUM & CO. Brownville, April 4, IS61.-ly HILL'S .SPRING GOODS HAVE AERIVED, AND ALL ARE SOLICITED TO Call and see Them. SUCH SPLENDID BARGAINS CANNOT BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. 'Having been long and ex'cntively encased in the mercantile business in the West, I flatter myself some what on knnwins: the wants of the community, and thus being able to purchase such Roods a will suit all. I call particular attention to my present spring purchases, which have all been selected with trreat care, and with an especial eye to the times. I will not attempt to en umerate, but Fimply say my Etock aB usual eonsisty of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Furniture, Jewelry, WOODEN WARE, iDilluuj lUarc, &c., Which I offer for cash or Rood country produce, at price so low that none who desire, can be left with an excuse for not purchasing. I ask but an examination of my stock. " TUEO. HILL. Brownville, April 25th, IS6t. THE OPORTO GRAPE. The Oporto is a very string grower, and is per fectly hardy, having fruited annually for more than ten years. It is very prodaetie, oJd vines hav ing produced from five to over ten bushels each, ina single season. Two vines, two years planted in La Salle county, Illinois, were uninjured by the cold, and fruited last' season. The wine finds a rea dy sale from two to four dollars per gallon. Read what the public say of the Oporto. 'It is esteemed by Physicians a good Port Wine. It is somewhat astringent, rich and of fine body. The vines aro unfailing and good bearers." Kev. Dr. Lonnshury. I have six different kinds of Grape, and the Oporto is the best of cither of them for wine, and better than any other grape that 1 am acquainted with." A., in the Rural. "For several years we have made wine from the Oporto Grape, and find a ready sale at one dollar per bottle, selling 50 bottles for single orders." Sylves ter Clark. Stron- vines $1 to $3. For vines or circular address E. WARE S WESTER' Lyons, '. Y. n37v5-tf. AMERICAN HOUSE. BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. P. J. HENDGEN, w i .:...ihannh!ij.thif )i tin rtnrrhasfd the lit": l : ' v liuimrstuu - - . Nebraska Houst in Brownville, X. T., formerly kept by T. J. Edwards, and nas remoaeiej, reuowiru nu me rely chanced the whole house, from cellar to garret, with an especial view to neatness, comfort and conve nience. Having had many years experience as hotel feels safe in warranting iheboardin patron age of Brownville, and the travelln? public, that, while t thP American, they will have no reason to complain ofthefarein anyrespect. v . The Hotel is situated immediately at the Steamboat Lan iinc foot of ilainstreet, and consequently aiT.rd pcculiar'advantaFCsto the traveling community. The proprietor asks but to be trid,nd if not found worthy discarded. January, 19. 1S60. Oxen Wanted. The subscribers are desirous of bnyinz three y -Ve of i i r nr Ht oxen, ore-third c.h. and balance cah In six months, cr rayabie n goods on deliver of Ca;te. Or will take Cattle on debts. n u D. J. MARTIN h CO. CURE adache '2?V0USkiS CURE X By the ne f fiee PHls the periodic atta- ks of Ai rr out or Sick Ilcaizcht maybe prevented; and if t.ken it the coninienceicent rf ai attack imuie.'.ite relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They n'id , in fail ia rem jviau Hie A'jaiffl and lltai' &che to which femjles are so (subject. They act geatly upon the bowels removing Cotltve titnt. For Literary Men, Studtntt, Delicate Fema'es, and all carsons of ledtntarv habiti. ther are valuat-i as a Laxative, itnrrovins the ervtt ite, civirg tone and ti aor to the dUestive orcns, an I resti-rins the natural elasticity and streneth of the whole system. The CEPHALIC TILLS are the result of long inveti- cation and carefully conducted experiments; havinz been In use manv years, darins which time they have nrevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and of fering from Headache, whether orieinatiim in the ner- vout system er from a deranced state cf the stomach They are entirely vegetable in their compoMibm. and may be uken at ali times with perfect safety, without making any change of diet, and the ebtence of a' y dit cirreable tatte renders it easy to cdminiiier t.lea tc children . Beware of counterfeits! The genuine lave Ave sisnattrcs of Henry C. Srldin3 on each box. Sold by Drnpsists and all other Dealers in Medicines. A box will be sent by mail prepaid on recciptof the Price 25 cents. All orders should be addressed to HENRY C. SPALDING, 43, Cedar Street, New York. Dec. 6, 1SG0. n2My THE FOLL01V1XG ENDORSEMENTS OF SPALDING'S CEPHALIC FILLS, Will convince all who suffer from HEADACHE, THAT A Speedy and Sure Cure IS WITIIIN THEIR RE AC II. At these Tcitimonialt were unsolicited by Mr. SPAL DIXG, they afford vnquettionnhle proof of the efficacy of thi$ truly scientific discovery. Bivcrbj, 3fas.t Dec. 11, 1SC0 II C SrALDixfl, Esq. I wish for gome circulars or large show bills, to bring your Cephalic Pills more particularly before my customers. If you have anything of the kind, please rend to mo One of my customer?, who is subject to severe Sick Ileadache, (usually lasting two days.) ."-o cured of an attack in one hour b if your Pill, which I sent her. Respectfully yours, W B WILKES. Ii'ynolJbnrrj, Franklin Co,, 0 January 0, 183 1 f IIexky C Spalding, No 4S Cedar St, N Y Dear sir: - ' Inclosed find twenty-five cents, (25,) for which send box of "Cephalic Pills." Send to address of Rev WmC Filler, Rynoldsburg, Franklin Co, Ohio. Your Pille icork like a charm cure Headache al most instanter. Truly your, W31 C FULLER. Mr. SrALDixc Atisonville, Co)in.,Fcb 5,1 Sol, Sir: I have tried your Cephalic Tills, nnd llle tJiem to well that I want you to send me two dollars worth more. Part of these are for the neighbor?, to whom I gave a few ont of the flrrt box I got from you. Send the Pills by mail, and oblige Your ob't servant, JAMES KENNEDY. Mb. Spalding. JIaccrord, Pa., Feb. C, 13G1. Sir: I wish yon to send mo one moro bo of your Ce phalic Pills, hace received a grcrt deal of benefit from them. Yonr?, respeetfnl'v, MARY ANN STOIKIIOUSE. Sjyrnce Cr'el; ITuntinninn G., PaJ January 18, 1361. J II. C. Stalling. Sirt You willp'enpe send me two boxes of your Cephal ic Pills. Send them immediately. Respectfully yours. JNO. B. SIMONS. P S I hare used one box of your Pills, ami find them excellent. Belle Vernon, Ohio, Jan. 15, ISol . ITf-nut C. Spalding, Esq. Please find inclosed twenty-five cents, for which send me another box of your Cephalic Pills. They are tridy the best Pills I have erer tried. Direct - A. STOVER, P M. Bella Yernon, Wyandot Co.,0. XST A single bottle of SPALDING'S FRETARED GLUE will save ten timea iti coet annuallyj SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SAVE THE PIECES ! EC050MY! DISrATCII ! ZST"A Stich in Time Saves Xine J"JZ As accidents will happen, even in well reflated families, it is very desirable to have some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crock ery, f 3 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meets all such emergencies, and no household can afford t. be without it It is always ready, and up to the sticking point "USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." N B A Brush acccmranies each bottle. Price, 25 cents A lJres. - HENRY C SPALDING, No 43 Cedar Street, New York. CAUTION. As certain nn principled person-? are attempting to ! pn'm off on the uanspectin; public, imitations of my PREPARED GLUE, I would caution all per n to examine oe.ore purchasing, ana co mat tne iu, name iTS PALDING'S PREPARED CLUE.?? is on the outside wrapper; all ctherj are swiadiin coucterfeiu SEEDS AUD MACHINES, No. 1 1. North Main Street, ST. LOUS, 310. Sign of tht Gilt Phir. And K.. 13 X..-rti F.tirtl rt.. or2U Brea !wr. PLANT & BROTHER, ARTJrtECSIVIirO a Uree asrtn:er.t or J" lUrriiwii, CQlnviUii, Hc-e. Rjke, Fh ;vci, ?paJ04. P;vks, Aie. UaIi het. 5c;.-tl.e. Sia:!is. Cr:e:. F. rk, i;;iii.!!:''( Cahoon'c Broa Vs.! S'ed ireed Dri'.:4, Hay, Straw ktvI C"'a Sr k Cutter, Thicfhers, Cura Spellers, rump. The Union Ilust and shall bo Preserved !" - AND DEN WILL SELL GOOD3 ON SUCH TERMS AS WILL SURE XY BRING ABOUT THIS RESULT. FRESH ABIVAL Soots and shoo:.;, Miss Hit?, Kirbj's American Iron Harvester. Revel rin; and Srrirff t .h Tf re !Iiy RjSci, Krauser'a C.dor and V.';-.e Mills .th Prcs, 5t;arCr.e C udiers an 1, M .'tl's Kiirra.-o a-id Caldrons, Portable K'-ine an I Hore P.- er. Portable Flour od C-rn UojI Mil., Word and Ir.-n Vo:k;P2 M .ubii iTy, Mortising sn I Ter...iiir,,. Jiacbtne, Lithers, B.dt I'mters, 0.v:!i 5vre, I::'e--, Qieea's P.rt-t:i Fi'r--e R". ! Bellows, Leather and Rubber Belli"-. Lace Leathf-r aod S'emi pjckir.r. Frenetic's Washing Mjchine. .V:-o! vir !, ft.-i'cs, OJHDr.V, CRASS AM) UTIlLll SFEUS. ' rJ"-?n3 for thrcu'ars.,f 3 Orders solicited and prrmnt ir executed ov i'lai.'t & iiitornEi XfarctJ, ret. (ll-im-AnK-lai) t -r"3 2 3 v. 6. - S V c C 5 A ; L t - - - cog CO CO- O - X n ? 5 m Ol a r - - j. -2 a, w ia 3 oiJTa s -"3 A .r - c e - a v. a sa 0 . - . . r: ' : " w o 3 Jl 5 U Z m X a a - e 3 -j 2 r. - 5 - 5 iSa 1 s- 2 Sf 2 ? ?. i . -i. - u;, o ?. - 2 "2 a,u no Z - s - j'u-; u o z a a 7; S s 5 3 O 3 Bargains! Bargains! GREAT SALE OF TOWN LOTS, ' . BUILDINGS, STOCK, &c. IN PERU, IIEBRASKA. TITE undersigned will on Monday, the 6th day of .Vay, 1SG1, in tho CITY OF PERU, N. T., OSTer for sale, to tho highest bidder, tho following property, viz : 100 CHOICE LOTS in the CITT OF PFRU, One BJacKsmitZi and yVapron shop and lot on which the same id situated. The un divided one third part of a CABINET SHOP, and tho lot en which tho paina i fituatcd; alio a HORSE POWER which i. attached to the same. Alo a largo and commodious Wr A R E II O U S E in the town of Jlount Ycruon adjoining the City of Peru, said to be tho BEST WARE HOUSE on tho Missouri River North of St. Joseph. AIjo, a laro lot of CATTLE KITCHEN AND HOUSEHOLD Furniture. I havo nls about 100 Acre." of CHOICE FARMING LAND, Adjoining Peru. Which I will sell on easy terms at private sale. lermsof sale: Une third Lash in hand, ana the remainder in six and nine month, with lejral interest. Sale to continue from day today until ail is sold. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of fit id day. R. W. FRAME. Peru, March 2oth,lSol. mli-tf and Flowers, Fruits, &c. JOHN A. the Grov Nur?cry, West NorthCtld, 111., has ready ford-.'ivcry : Lulo.-t, especia.iy tulips. 9 ln!j low rate of 52. 50 per loO. and $20 per thousand for lar'e root. Mriwberrio of all the m'"t arr roved vnrietie. from 2 to 4 dollars a thousand for most, a few ?irt like Wilson's Albany, higher Evergreens 20 to 40 cents per foot, according to variety and form--ave-rae 25 cents. Fruit Tree? in p;ood variety. Aple at from 8 to 15 dollars per 100 and the -mailer the cheaper and better for distant customers. Small Fruits Currant.', Houghton Gooseberry, Raspberries, Blackberries, Ac, much lowcrthaaever ffered before. Ornamental Tree?, Roses and other nardyShrub bory. in reat variety and abundance ; and 10,000 smnl! to large plants of Upright ll'.neysu jklos, Lil ac i, S pi reas, Deutiia Scabra, Prim, JLc, at frora I to 10 per hundred. And the beautiful Uidytra Sycc ahnlii and other choice pereonials at from 1 50 to 2 per dozen, and common things ail desirable at about half price. Catalogues by mail en application ; and every thing aafely packed for distant transportation ; and aj a rule most things soi l at about ten per cent, less in autumn than f pring. f-no-l-vl Pure Bred Faicy Poultry. For ?ale Black Spanish, Vbita Dorkings, Golden and Spangled Poland., Sebright, Blaek African, red and white Bantam.", white and wild Tnrkeys, Pea Fowl, white and brown Hons; Konj, Bremen and wild Geese, White "Crc-ted" lylejburgb and Mus covy Ducks. Common and Mad,x,;a.-car RabtiU. All animals sold will be rartfuily boxed with the noce7srry feci, and delivere-l ai the Eipreps office. Address W. A. GOODING. Oak Lawn n37v5 Loekport, Will Co. COLORED PLATES OF FRUITS AND FLOWERS. WE have artists eonstnily employed In painting peciineusof all kinds of iruit, baruh. Frergreena ar.d FlowcrH, and can supply nr.rsery a.'ent or othert wah any quantity, either h:'in 1 or in Oar lxund volumes are intended to fttiin ail tUt an ageat will rei'iirein Keiii.'. a list of teoerul Nurery p-o-Incts. V.'e offer tLem mncU u:. ler the us'idtl priee, and cn fnriiiiih the lound volumes very l-.w; ai.l we have no he.-itanry in siring that the etec:;U.jn i f t'ac art:t anl I:kese4 t nature are n t J ty ar y iu the country. Call at the Advertiser :V, :o ar.d .-e fpeci torn btk. KN S'.r.s TOP.D, v5r.33-Fv2r.3 Ci.. Xurseric?, TUd-j, O New Sup pin of 0cucs COOK ivi a ti" s !v of rovEs Ut rns, which I Of the l.itf.. tr.d mos jrrpr proje ti ;.! at ?u !i j i ed t ff. The puM; are in l: As uuai uv st'x-k of Iio, VT. i . i r " ic ii oirc aiia ti my twu manuia ?r". J.C. DUES sr.. April 11, led. vrd ! eniiiot h.- ein.p!ain l t:.a!i and f.i?:nir.e. hc-t Ir. n and Clttt s, (Groceries, HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE. CUTLERY, NAILS. IRON, c A General Assortment cf all th: ftlorc. IT.iv.ns determined ti er.ri; Ir. yeeral inerraan ti!e bnir.cs. I hive thl 5pr:'".r lrou',t cn. ao.1 uprn ed oat an extensive and varied aortment tf evrythin4 neelel by purchaser ia t'u.a or any -ther cotiiitry ja.n. sis'lt: c f B'ts, Sh ii . IUt. Cji . lk.n:iet ot ry (trac e and style ; iry ; mU la endl-' viiir'y, si mers. Cl.'th., ? v tiT.ets, Twee !. Vti-ie. CU c, I.wth, Merino, CJintric. tr ia and blu.b inw lm; ;roceries, f.ncy and aupiS lrvn, Iljrd wre, Queensware, &.C I .itn determine.! to rj en up a ' new en" In L'c-can-tile bi!ine. aixt U the.-cf.-re ell at fr.rea ucpra cedeuteuly low, for cash orcouutry prlnco. CUSTOM WORK. I have on hand a ap!endid a?ortmeat of French Kl and Calf Skim for home nianuf leture. lo order, on the meat rcoua0ile ttrma. All wotk warraaial or no pT. WANTED i TTides, Tclts and Fnr, for which the bluest prlei at all times will be paid. To le Brief, If yon wish to purchase (t.xxls Jn the m.t fivoraVa ' terms, or dispose of yottr produce to tho tat poailSla' advantage, lie lure and call at DE1T.S CHEAP STORE. Brownville, April, 4, 1S6I. SHERIFFS SALE, I. T. Whyto iCo.,1 va J. James Entwistle. ) Notice is hereby (riven thlt bv virioe of an cita tion issued by the Clerk of tho District Court of mahA county, Nebraska Territory, atinst th de fendant James Entwistle in the above entitled cau . and in favor of tho plaintiff therein I. T. Whyte it Co, for the sum of one hundred and thirty-set ea dollars fnd aeventy-fve cent, and tho cost of. uit amounting to eleven dollars and aiitj-Cve cents ; I, J. B.Wells, Sheriff of mid county ia said Territory have levied npon and will offir for raie at palli auction, at the door of the house in which Ihelaat term of the aid District Court for said ounty wa held, on Monday the I3tU day of Miy, a d, Is!l, at the hour of 10 o'clock, a m,of said day, the following . discribed property, to-wit : The southeast quarter i t. . northwest quarter of "ection number ":), township numb.r 5, cf rone I, cast of tho Oth prinript . meridian, containing 40 acres; tho above jr;-erty situated in Nemaha county taken as the property t t James Entwistle. J. B.WELLS, Sheriff By J. II. Mor.Kio, Deputy April II, ISoI. nl0-5t-i'i Probate Notice. WlIEREAS.Wm.B. ITjilip ndmiaiitra'oT cf t:j estate of John Noy,de"ewcd, hu mad 5 apViciti a to the Probate Court of Nemaha county, Nehrank Territory, for ono years extension of t'.ii ) t e U'x:i tho assets of aid estate and pty the J.LtJ 1 1 cies chareablo aaint the sainf. Notice is hereby given tht I have set the 221 day March. ad JO o'clock, a tn, as thetinio.Tj hearing said application at my office in Br iwnvilla in ?aid county, when and where all persons interest ed may attend an t show caue why tho said exton sion of time should not bo allowed. Witne-g my hand and seal this 2d div.f M.trcU' adlhol. (ni;-S:-J3) C. W. WliL'Kf.EK. SHEUirPS SALE. 7 Notice is hereby Riven that in j ur:..-;a r.f. twa orders of sale issued by tin District Coiirt o'Nosaa ha County, Nebraska Territory, on two judmTit j" in said Conrt,onein favorof (Jiivrr Bern Jt Com pnny, and the other in favor of Willliaat F. En ters' A Company, nnd both splint t Anustine I.jf rd and Isharn P. Horn, partnerj under the nam? tf LykrJ Horn, I will offer f of in!j at pablia aa:tion,.ln Brownville, at the door of the l.uso in whici tha last term of tho District Cjjrt wahld, on Jindaj tho 13th day of May a d 1!I, at half pai' ten o'clock A. M., of said day, tho follow ing described ral estate (c-wit: Lot i.umber C ia block number 109, with th j storehouse an! all th improvements thereon, Situated in tho Townof Pe--ru. Also lots 6 and 7 of the northeast and n-irtwe-it fractional quarters of section number 31, in township number C, north of rane number 1, east of th 6ti principal meridian. All the above described provcrty situated in said County of Nemaha, taken as th pro perty of said Augustine Lyford and lsham P. Horn. J, B. WELLS. ShcriiT. By JOHN H. MORRISON, Deputy. . - April 10, IsOJ. nH-iw-O Administrator's Sale. PURSUANT to an crbr of tho Proba'e Court of Nemaha county, Nebrnsk i, mvl ? or. tho 2JM d.iy of February A D B3I, tho undersigned, a-L.-l'-Utri1. or of the estateof George Enlthar lt.J. cen c T.t.ti Sat urday the 6th day ( f Jum A Dotl, at 2 'o'clock T M, in front of the office of the Probaco Judji of Nemaha County, in Brownville, will offor for aat public vendue the following dew-riU-vl real property as a part of the estate of Lie said Ocorgi Enleharjt to wit . tho west b!f of tho Pruth wet quarter of section No. eighteen, in township No. 5 of rinro No. thirteen, eajt, titaate in said county. . Terms of payment : Ono half cash in hand, ono fourth in three morrths,and one fourth ir aix mentha from the time of sale. JOSEPH SIIUTZ, itarch 7, ISol ,n.'i Ad:ninlstritor. ION A VINES. ' MT Stock of native vines comprise all tlc? rsrit- . able varieties with wl.i h I ara a"Uftinted. Tbp plants have been produced with create ire, -undergo . most favorable cireurnUneesj f..r L 'althy develop-. nent,and surpass in excellency aay that 1 hVe E-cre-VAr to been ablT to offer. For tho fan trade, only a lirr.'tel imp ply cf Union Villa 2", Lenoir, (Lincoln,) Pauline, E'tnbur, Tay lor (or Bullitt.) an 1 A!. en's Ilybril is offrcdV Of beat Delaware layer, ah, tho supply is. not Jirg, but quality unequnle l. Tho stock frota Delaware, sfngie eyej grown both in house and open air, islaro and fine. Forvins yard planting some stron? vines, grafted ca Cataw ba and Isabella stock, are offered at a tow price roots very strong. Very large lajcncf DlaTnorberrt. nr.i Cos cord, grown with enecial care for im-xedi.itbea. irr;. Good layers of Anna, R. -rcrs' Hybrid, VI kinds also Clara, Cassidy, To Kaion, Rebecca. il.ller'A Lonisa, In, Emily, Canby'a August, II idn, ti. Prolifi?, Cuyahoga, Ac. A general assortment cf forc?n var!!:.i f:r vi-' neries. ' Of I)own:n;'s Fverbesrl'Jj M.l'-.erry !. nir,'j . is not larg. and a gre it pari of tho l.-t t ; aJr'dr oricred. They aro tery v:-..rou, at.d the wtoj well irown and miture-1. Wbo!ea' descripti ve list sent to tho-! whe wl: j tofrm clubs, on arplrration. List also, sent to dealers. Fourth edr.ion of Llutra;- J ('atan sent for two thr?c cent tirrs T: ii d-jred '?b a full and ccmjreher.sivo tres'.i-e on tLe na:-i;c-" meet of the vine, giving S':h inf.rnjaiic--i a pur chasers and growers ar snpp-ised to need. Partic ular directions are gi ren fr tho f -reparitior rf tht" sciianl T'inltn. ail the u.r f'.ifin f. are illustrated by nnry careful i ri - The d-?cri ti r. cf tho var -'.iei wl'l f.,nr.l accurate and tru-tr.- .-tor. leini irawa fc-.m r.r-.r.- - - . i - - etici: f.,r trfiiift. 7 prrpr: !?:- al kno velod , ai-i very ev- n- oo--rviti..a. IONA, NEAR PEi;SKlLL. IV'-stcIacilcr Co., Titw "tcili, nr: BOOKS AND Fran exetdlen; acd th?- acd shc-Allat t!i new t-,rs cf J. J. ErownTu,.jii: II, 'CI. ti SASH. :Ai ft" l';na Door in: .'AN. wsinirjjEJTHrasrr'