Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1861)
, ' m mi iniiwwww "' I"1""1 iri it J- - '' 1 1 1 "" "" : : : ': ; i . , .... --' ' """" ced est, 70,000 APPLE TREES . AT FAIR VIEW KUllSERY. HALF MIT r -WEST OF SIDNEY IOWA. A MILL " tcf lL,ir.?etobefUBd These trees are te,e,. u lhe soil and cliinte . ln th. ui chiice. 20 cent, each 25 003 4 joaroU trees, W5i"o3l2:Stecs( Ic.o)it 10 "SoiTiear IIoMn 009(-bCrT7' fU of fruit tad," fgti, fall of fruit 800 2 yearoU Kd- iuu.u w lVo'o01Vi,oi Ked and TOto Daub Currant,, ei Flour at the Sidney mar t rnce, or 7 LumrAT,Cab, crsiow cote tea t tefst . . Vive a wet season .". OREGON NUKSERY. '. .- k'n: BCBCHES & co Oregon, Holt Co., Ho . , .:.. heeneonvim .;.ryiutb.W ' TREES SHRUBS, FLOWERS, &C, i. i iI,7Aoorclhnateand foil. In view of V. . h. e"iubh.done at tbi. place, Th". eotnln, Wge and well .elected .toe. suited to this climate, of Apples. standard . - rears,standardanddwarr, Cherries, standard and dwarr: Peach e'l, . Flam., - Apricot., Nectarine., ' . - Quince, Grape., Current., Gooseberries, IUspborries Strawbcrrle". dTnacVbcrries ,AC'' to call tbe attention To wbich we would beg leave to caw in of tbe pele of Western Missouri, ebrasa, n. WtariSUr willbe Mlow a. any reliableeast trS;V.hl;ii.f of u. tbeexpenseof transportation from the east can beMjed. d and Ar n-pkape. onboard stenmooa .. rery or phages on . relge(i tothe undersigned All comtnunicatiousaiaresseu - will receive prompt attention. BURCnES 4 co wuXovTcreekZ- MOOO 8t.nd.r4 Apple tree., of tbe mot hardy and r. iri,ritr.n'i 4 .WW Strawberries.- Nec Pine, the best rariety known McAvory No 1 . . e i nitir. trlmson Ltwton Blackberry, per doxen $2 00 Fr.DconlaEaberry f' SVh n'rbrld Pie Plant, none betterJ.M ildDu'tch Currant, p. doien $1.00 6.00 Black Kapi Cnrr't " 2.00 in ICuraerie. IKioto Creek.. Lee Co., OHIO 1ITJBSERIES, 60 75 1.00 1.60 2.00 1. 00 S 60 1.60 6.00 16.00 25.00 J 00 .l..llnl is u season is now approacniu K . aoSlnotbelrouod. 3raS-Oni,fl rms Gre Kn. Shrubbery, Roses, ft'e. ' AUo: all the leading Tarieties of Currants,- Gooseberries. Blackberries, . Raspberries, Strawberries, &,C.7"-8i.C.t" . . ' . . t.. atnek and we offer thera very n.VmS won solicit tbeorder. . Ohio y nnerlea. Toledo O. ' J .i.-ii- nono Vmea ' Strongly Booted Plants, 3 fo 4 years old, Man? f them already fruiting in the nurj-cry, a're differed at $10 pc'r hundred or $75 pcrtbou- "Dl The ricncU Raspberry. At S4ier 100. Large quantities Ht greatly re duced rais' It needs0 no' winter protccUon and beats two annual crops of fruit. . , . . 5t Yonn? CaUlp, 4 to 6 feet Si lr bundred , a to 7 Hardy Cubing Uoses, Fragrant Honey Suckles, and nursery -iTin gcner.1 at the lowest ratej. RICHARD M. CONKLIN. Eccrgrcen Xursery, CddSgh gbor 80,000 Wilson's Albany - Strawberry Plants for Sale. Trice per thousand $5;' 500 for $2,50 10 J $1. Larg er Quantities th vn 100D at reduced rates. Theso plants are of superior quality, bang grown upon TddrWM JCSTICE.BO- 1001. Chicago, 111 or feeder, with WILUEK, EMEllY CO., 5r7 204 Uko St.. Chicas;.. TT . a TERRY, - Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Garden, Field and Flower Seeds, ALSO CUATE VISES, G00SEEEUEIE5, ' Currants. RasDberri. Biackbmes. CUKSC KN TCITY, lOYVA, "GRAPE VINES, Too Large to Send by Mail T C Llaxwell &. Bro's, Geneva,!! Y INVITE particular atteation to tbeir extensiTe stock ot NATIVE GRAFE VINES, ene and two yean old. strong plants, frown I ntbe open cord. Rebecca, UarUord Proline, etc., la quanutles te uit purcnaers. i Extra I,rce Plants at Moderate Prices. mifMen. "vinoO For cultivation under f , of the best sorts-Golden Royal Muscvline, Golden Cbasselas. and thirty other new and old sorts, one aud to year. old. at t really re !ncedpris. A fine lot of extra Urse plants grown in . m fruitillK. Acuantlty of thwe. KaUve and Foreign, are In the .-..r-.j' v. w. hinnedat anr pleasant tirot dortcg Winter or early Spring, with sale y. Pr- tlcnlar attention pTen to paction imnro..w paru or the couniry. ;";V,fc nnni T. C LIAXWELIj & BROS., f Av5c5J-Fv2u3l Geneva, Ontario Co., I . I. LOOK TO Y0U3II1TRESTS ! STEAM FERRY BOAT AT "Douslas' Improved FRC3XIt73I SVG All Muskingum Works. Zcntsvxlle, Ohio. VTt are now prepared to manufacture our Premn Tullrl'cne AW.'. either Vertical or noruonui, JrtU bVa'le tol supply tbe demand, however large win o "' ".:,' ,,,,, n.M!Pias ImDroved Et.d reprepareaiotttiuiruj manutacinr Tr maces anu Fporio " f ,. ,. uruace uu fnrnished on application y Atienacaio. v w ... nujA .i i- Z-incssnlie. OUiA "sTrvftiine:" Grauo Vines. "" Orders for Vines of this really deticiou and early fiSd cm year Vine,, 5fic each, $ 4 rer doien. rVi trrft rear Vines, $1,00 each. $7 per dozen. Good trrojear we , ' QUWI v K0 -03 Kingston, Luierno to., i a. Hubbard Squash Seeds. . s raited forr-T of ot this celebrated variety A L'f er joo ,Pt.Af. by free of pot- ' "Uv-rr -( : J rjuriT Order, rhonld be fent in e.riy. .C. V.rr-.tJFt"P- n. A. TERltr, jsu. CrwcLtClty. iswa. Brownville, rJ71 IVcbraita. Totboieia tbe SUtes contemilatiog golig to theyeKraVs and Ksnw GOLD MINES, The undersigned desire tosj . Ld in so doiag will not practice da:eption;tLt there are adrantages to be secured in Crossing the Missouri river at Brownville, and outfitting at, and startii-j frctn tbat niiit,n,t to be fuund at any utberpla:e on tbe 51ieoun Ki ror. In the first place, on botb side, cf tbe river are large extents of bottom lands in wbich grass makes a much earlicrctart than on the uplacds,acd is much more abundant, being itexbaiutible the entire season. Here, then, is a lesirable place to recruit stock before st trtirg on tbe Plains. Slock can alfobe purchased here on very favorable terms Tbe Drownnlle steam terry boat, being tut nest on the Kirer, olers pcculiarinJuccmentr for cross ing at this point. It islarge and commodious: wun powerful machinery, wbich enable, the proprietor, to ferry emigrants and others in tbe most expedi tious manner. IPor OoxtxlttlraG? We undertake to say tbat the tusinefs men oi Ilrownville areas well prepared toserve those wish- in? sut)r,lies. with a. urerkr quality and on as fav orable terms as can be found elsewhere. Everything desirable can be purchased in IIrownville,such as Provisions, i;iothmj, mm Jinpie nents, &c, &c The Tioute from Rrownville to the Mine. i. uni versally admitted by those who have traveled it and be superior in every respect. Brownville is about midway between fct. Jo. ana umana. a. to distance, an examination of tbe map is all that i. necessary to prove to any one tbat it i. nearer from here to tbe mines than from any other point on tbe Missouri. On this route wood and water abound tbe entire distance.while on many others. wood has to be huled for many days. The foreroine facts are fully and satisfactorilyes- tablisbei by the immense travel of last year, and thoe who adopt it the present season will hare no cause torcrret having done so. Tnerefoie Cross tne Missouri mverai ana siari from Brownville. JOII CODDINGTON & CO., Proprietors Steam Ferry Boat. Oregon Nursery. We hex to call the attention of the public to the Flo ral deptrtment of our Establifhment, which we now have In fall and snccesfcfhl operation. Our stotx of Greenhouse, beddiiiB and Flowerlnx Plants, ShruU, fc.c, consisting In part of lieraneumn. erDenas. van Has. Peloxes. Peonies. IIeliotripei. kc. we offer for sale the coming Spring at lower prices than usual, there by placing them within the reach of all. Mot of these p antsflowerallSummer, and forMie, color, form. and fragrance of flower cannot be excelled. liaving the advantage of a first class propagating house and its appendages, which afford us facilities for increasing our stock to meet any demand, parties sho'd have no fear of getting what they want by handing in their orders early. We attend to the Propagating Department ourselves, and warrant every article purchased of us to be good, strong, hea'.lhy. well rooted plants, and true to name, Our descriptive and priced catalorncs will be out in April, anl will be forwarded by mall to all applicant.. J. A. VANARSDAI.K.& CO., at. josepn Agricultural House, and R. W. FURNAS, Farmer Office, Brownville. N.T.. are our authorized Agents. All orders left with them will receive prompt attention. R. II BURCK3 & CO. P. S. Having forcing pits special Iv for the pnrp.e. we will have SWEKT POTATO E plants for sale by the million, at reduced prices. E. H. B. & C. Oregon, Mo. Feb. ISM eoii Mammoth Cabbage. Those who decire to raise the largest enbbage in tho world, should procure the Marblehead Mammoth Drumhead. The Uabbace averages 3" pounds t tbe plant, and plants havi been grown weighing over 60 pound and measuring 70 inches around the solid bead. The heads being a good deal larger than a two bushel basket. Onerackngeof Marblehead Mammoth, 25 cents, five packages one dollar. I do not sell the M immoth by weight. Dealers supplied at a libernl diocount. 1 warrant all seed sent to reaoj tho purchiiser. JAMES J. II. GREUOKY, r.37r5 Marblehead, Mass. ORBG O 3J 23 iiiipim now mis TO FARMERS Of Nebraska and N. W. Missouri: AQAIN I would call the attention of the farmers of ebrabka and Missouri, to tbe fact that I have on hand and aro constantly manufacturing, at my Plow Factory, ln Oregon, Mo., wagons, and every pattern of plows, to-wit: FIIAIRIC PLOITS, One and Two IIoisc Plovis, suovei l'lows, llocs ,lIarrvs,o Corn Planters, And Harrow Teeth Together with everything in this lice used by a farmer I take the responsibility of saying tbat my two horse plows will do better work. In stubble or any kind of rough ground, than any I manufactured or sold In this upper country. My two-bore and prairie plow, will be sold, for cash on terms, such as will place tbeoj in the reach of every farmer. My Plows can be obtained from my agent at Iowa Point. C. T., Brownville, Nodaway county. Marietta, Rush Bottom, Uolt county, Brownville. X.T..and For est City. MARTIN HOFFMAM. X. B. All kinds of repairing done with neatness and dispatch, on liberal terms. Oregon, Mo., May, I860. Theodore Hill, Agent At Brownville, N. T., keeps on hand a general assort ment of Huffman's Plows. Brownville. May, 1860. It joujauii SUsoriation A Benevolent Intt itution ettablithed by tpecial En- aowment.for the Relief of the Sic end Dutrettea. effiicted with Virulent end Epidemic Ditratet and especially or the Cure of Ditestet of the Sexual Orqani. MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis, by the Acting Surgeon, to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (tee. occupation, habitsof life. &c.) and In case, of extreme poverty, Medicines furnished free of charge. Valuable Reports on Spermatorrhoea, and other dis- esse of the Sexual Organs, and on the NEW REME DIES employed in tho Dispensary, tent to the afflicted In sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. Two or three Stamps for postage wi" be acceptable Address DR. J. SKILLIN IIOCGRTON. Acting Sur. geon, Howard Association. No. 2. South fflntn Street, Philadelphia, Fjl. By order of the Director. EZRA D. HEARTwELIj, Pre.. Gro. Fairchild, SeCy. October IS. 1S60. nlS-yly SIM CADE LULLS EVAPORATORS I HAVE made arrangements with DOUGLAS BROTHERS, Zanesvllle, Ohio, tbe only establishment in the United State, engaged exclusively in thejmanu facture of Sorgho Sugar Mill.. Evaporators, tc , by which I can furnish the farmer, in this region with (hose much needed articles. The DouglasSugar Mill and Ap paratus were awarded the First Premium at tbe Ohio State Fair; and tbe highest honor at the United States Agricultural Society, a sliver medal. I am confident Farmers ot Nebraika. Kansas, Northern Missouri and Southern Iowa can find no other to suit them better either in price or otherwUe. Capacity and Price of Mills. rnrte Iron Rollers in Strong Iron Frame. No 0 One Horse Vertical Mill presses from 25 to 30 gallon, of juice per hour ; price do I One horse Vertical presses from 26 to 40 gallons of J nee per hou ; price Same as Ko 1 ; extra heavy. do 2 Two horse Vertlc. l presses from 15 to 0 gallons of Jnice per honr; light drift fio S Twohorse Vet tical (donbie reare 1) press es from 35 to 50 gal Ions j ulce per boor, heavy draft do 4 Two horse Vert leal (singl e geared) press es from 50 to 75 gal Ions of J ulce per hour heavy craft do 5 Four horse Vertical (single teared)capa city from 100 to 125 gallons per hour U4 To hore Horimntal (ba k geared) suita ble to attach to Threshing Machine or other power, preses from 40 to 0 gallons of . juice per hour do 7 Two horse Horltontal, with vertical shaft to apply lever to. worked by same as Vertical, presses 40 to 60 gallons per hour to 12f do 8 Four horse Horixontal (lack gesred) suit able to attach toThresMuc Machineor other power, presses T8 to 100 gal Ions per hours I5 do 9 Six horse Horixontal back geared) calcu lated for water or steam power, reaoy for tbe belt, and with capacity to work off a crop of from 15 to 20 acre of Cane. 15 it. vir. rrnsAS, Ast. GX it 80 8 100 140 100 100 Of lai kinds, tor tale at uus office. i n N bo J. u SER 5 MAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE,. N. T. Takes pleasure In announcing ing that he has now on hand, a'large and select stock of every art el'e la his line. Of all tbe improved patters; Tlx : Plymouth Rock, Charter Oak. Valley Forge, Elevated Oven, Ac, Box and Parlor Stoves of an endless variety, some of which are ent.rely B1d"nJ;;TU : Acmblned Cook and Parlor stoves, something very nice indeed for small families 3MEi$3colloL33 eons. HEAVY SHEET IRON FOR SUGAR BOILERS And Large Cast Iron kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal and Lard Oil Lamps Brass Copper, and sheet Iron Ware; Lanterns Shovels, fcf JAPANNED WARE, 1 have procured the right to manufacture i late simple and Improved "n ' P"J 'terms.! attention of the public. All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates and on as accomodating terms as any other establishment in this region of the country ' .AF,M, .a i. . I am prepared to put up gutterinir and spouting and all other work of my line atthe shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which 1 warrant io give satisfaction. tistskr. Ipledgemvself not to be undorsold in the upper country , g.v. Brownville, August, 30 1860. ' 1 ' ' ' ' ' WE LATEST MEWS. PV 0 I PJ IUI i 5 ElTIl CMOICE BOTTLEP LIUOKS, Catawba Wine, Champaigne Wine, Claret Wine, Old Rye, Old Bourbon, Irish Whiskey, Porter, Gin Cock Tail, Saddle Bag Whisky, Blue Lick, Bokers Bitters, Pale Brandy, Curraco, &c. 3 Gm ir WAV Pishes, Plates, Cups e& saucers, IBowls, His Bar Tumblers, Decanters, Gtllets, Wine Glasses. Fruit Dishes, Pitchers &c, (r fr i cc CsMsaZSiuMsal J E WE LE Y . Ear Rings, Shirt Buttons, Finger Rings, Bracelets, Breast Pins, &c, &c. Come and see and Secure Bargains. THE ifflllLIU Brownville, August, 30, 1660. I. r i ! ! ? m X To Your Real Interests! Citizens of BrGWiiville And tho Rest of ilankind LOOK OUT FOR THE COME AND BUY CHEAPER GOODS AND ill ore of Si Ijcm, Than was ever before offered in this Market ! 1. J. ffl AT THE IPioneer Store B OW NVILLE, We Have Just Received and Opened Most Magnificent Stock of Goods ! LADIES DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, ZEPHYR HOODS. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR-, UNDER SHIRTS, DRAWERS, SHAWLS AND SCARFS. Cutlery and Queens ware, Glassware, And Choice GROCERIES. a Largest Assortment of Readj 'Hade Clothing Boots, Shoes, Hats, Caps,etc. Ever opened in Brownville and no mistake ! Caps from 25cts to $3,50. We can Fit Gents in Suite ficm $5 to $5u Willow Ware AND FINE FURNITURE. Saddles and Harness, Oil Cloths and Carpeting-, $mm books! BLANKETS FROM SI 50 TO S7 50 Iron, Hails and Castings GLOVES Ladies Riding. Kid and Silk. Gents Gauntlets, Buckskin and Driving. Bent Qualities of SMI1 Mi Willi EVERYTHING Needed or IDcsired Can be had at our Store, and on terms as favorable as those of any other House in the West. All Kinds of C0TJ1ITRY PRODUCE, Will be taken ln exchange at current prices. ComoOno! Coruo -A. Ill I We are determined to sell at lower prices and give better bargains than ever before. D. J. MARTIN & CO., BrownTine, Oct. 18, IS8 9. y 4-15 JOHN A- PONN, I in tknoved FrcmhisO.d Stacd cu tho Levea to WHITWET'S IJEV7 BLOCII. MAIN STREET, BROWXVILE iVr. T. Where be has opened up a FMESM STOCK ConaicitiziG or STAPLE AXD FAXCY DRY :GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family Gr x"G c eries , C0.V8ISTIX0 OF Flour, Ham, Bacon Sugar, Llolasses Cofiee, Tea, Salt, Cheese, Candles, And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc. ALSO, A well selected Stock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. $ueexsvai:e, d cL 1 ir "y 9 Boots aud Shoes. TTjS knowledge of the trade and wants of the people or B-svwnvilie and vicinity enables him to make judici oDi urches cxprelr tor thin market. He asks an examiiiatl- n of bi- Stink, feeiins: asure he will be able to satisfy in quaity, style and prices. -IT m iff II'TfO WHITNEY'S BLOCK Dissolution- The partnership heretofore existing nnderthe name andtyle of taishbaosh St Carson at Brownville, Ne- DaKv, was, on the argt day or November. dtssilved by mutual consent, by tbe withdrawal of a. F. Lut-bbaash Julm L. Carson will settle the unfinished businees of the old Arm and contine the Banking and Real Estate Agency business as heretofore at the old atand. B. K. LCSHBAGn Nov. 1st, I860. JOHN. L. C ARSON'. In severing my business connexion with my late nart ner, I deem this a proper opportunity of expressing my thanks fur the pntronage bestowed upon our firm, during the period in which we were engaged ln busings. It affords me nuch pleasure also to commend tothe favorableconsideration of the friends of the old Arm my successor in outness. Mr. Carson, a eent'eman In every way worthy ot tbe confluence and support of a discrim inating puunc. B. F. LUSnBAUGn. 50,000 MIS WOOL WASTED, ST. JOSEPH, MO. Two Extensive Woolen Factories are in SUCCESSFUL OI'RRAIO.V. ONE NEW AND FITTED UP With all the Latent Fine Improvements. We are jrejami to manufacture to order, and nave lor sale the loilowing Ooods: Satinets. Heavy and Light, JEJA'S TWEEDS, FLJ1JVJYELS WHITE, COLORED, STRIPED AND l'LAIN Fulled Ifnscjft, Colored TThlte one JUixed, 1 1-2 lards wide. FULLED CLOTH. Blankets of ali K?nds and Qualities. YARNS OF ALL SIZES AND COLORS. Warranted all Goods of the best material. JSfWe will exchange the above Goods for Wl orcHeh. Fancy Djlnsr to Order. We will pat cash tor any amount ot WwI, ut Market rnecs. Flour constantlj on handfofsale. The best pticr psi'l Tor wheat. N. DUEL SON. DUELL4 PIXOV Augu.-t. 21, l"0. True Dele ware Grape Vines PilOPAGATED r'ROM IHjci OHIGLNAX STOCK. Strong. Wtll-rooted One Year Old Yinet $1 ; Tiro- yenr old $1 oo to A few extra larqe latere with bearing wood, $2o$3. Smaller layere, to $1 60. ALSO fine vines of Al len's new white riybrld. Anna. Clara, Cncord Clinton. C?j. Diana, II ut frd. Prolific Uigan Le L1U. luifa, On tario. Hebecca R.icers i new Hybi ids, Taylor's Bullitt, T-KhIii Union ViMce Sc. Compactly grown Delaware, with abundant fine, fibrous roo's carefi'l'.y p:ickel in mos. enveloped in oil silk anU fent .ii paid, tu any part of tbe Union, on receipt oi $1 each Isabellas Aiui Catawbis of one and two years' growth, foreign vines f r Ornperie Rjispbirries Blackberries, Sirawberries. Ko . all at the lowest rates, J3"Send for a Ircular GBO. VT. CAMPBRLL. Delaware, O. Oct. IS 18C0. nl5-3oi. FRUIT s ORNAMENTAL TREES ciaVs LL'2 Til' AS! TT!2!"f til . 1 : ". !"ri. c ?r la restjring Frfpf, ho...u .' ' ' i a :. Uw.KS - lillk . human di.sea In wbi. h ih lrmt Vl'f!l' V??. ixutiinuLL L1FP "frrx. Are wen tlMMrB to b. Inf-,. JlLDlCl: i. . 1 '' tfT-.f.,'. 1 'I on,l .u nueh. and eie.,ne , i u ,h' Br" lntel..r the stale acri.i,in" ru ?,re:i!,7 peci.e.,?:l Anxiety, Uncuor. , Xn.U eral symptoms uf I'y.pepi, wu;! '1? r A, snllilt HlJ.e . "j.-'vauKing tne tk,,,.. . testiues with a solvent p,, 'J? all violent purges leave the bow ",,w n i,. dav. . 'SosUt Wai rnfrt. f iiivin . ' h) lar circalaiion, through tbe VSVfb?,1,w, obstruction n otbem. 8 6t s;i ,0l. '1 ,at.fi4i titm pernunently lu .bree t'u "r aving local inflJnill, ' t U., ts from the, gflfr' the m-.Z The Life Meliciiiehave befn t that time by renx cles and ligament rtrnn.i,. It .1 tht k,;l.,.ys and bladder j the, oper" ,,1. n1I:f ly on these inip-.rt.nt or?i.n. and hsnr u 'Mfa. found a .-ertaia ren:e-!y for the ".'. Doweis tne sumy matter to whkh ;h.J " oere. '"""Menu. Scurry. Uccriand Inveterate Sort, v purity which these Lire jleoibiaesL-.v?, I ,!l,9-ffo and all tbe hnm.,r. eMve.h)i1.t Scoibutic Rrupiionsand h.i o.hiMm: teruative effects upon the ci,is tB.t iV T'V" -the morbid Male oi which .vai. i-. Ir kin N plaint.. sallow.cluuJy.audotb.r.1,'. . Wlv " ion. -sTwaifd "PH. The useof thi nill. tn. . . ar, entirecureor Salt Rheum ..d . iu ment In the clearnesH or the ,im' r 'P' influenza will alw.y. be cure4uM;7r tbe worj cases. ""v'we.wr by iw.t PILES The original pr.-prie'on.i - , wascuredof plies oi thirtv.? TL' 'J ' B"-. use of the Ufe Medicine?. ?JnV ,U,'dl"K Fever and Ajue -Kor thu ' 0, th. Country, these Medicines wi:j be r.j' ' and certain remedy. Orher u.e,!!,, snbject to a return of ,he de.,e- Z t Z , cines is permanen tiy item be Jn l, D,f' " Bilious Fevers and Ure CZ lS WH bl.ity. loss of appetite. ,m bS' Pk Medicines have been used with tl-e nJ'il?''il 7U suits incases of tbisdescripti,n: KinS Evh m t. ulalnltsworMforms. yield. t the " l ful sctlonof these remarkable MHinnes x-vy??' Nervons debility. Kerv,,. c. niplaint,. r , it k'nwi ' l'' pitation of the heart, Painter' Colic, .e ptHi't' Mercurial Diteaset Person. wh..t CMn,tBl. , have become impaired by tbe n-e f kV will ond these Medicines a perfect cure iher iJ fail t. eradicate fr..m the system alUhe efcu Ji!! Mercury, inHnif ely sooner than the n.t wfn, arationsof Sarsaparllla. W n J(oKr,T 335, Bruadway. vw u4 Jnly 5 I860 ly T,Tl 1861 McCUKMlUKVS Uoirer. Eeaper & 2V AXX-ULX,otxxr ocl- try V. II. 3ICCOU31UK & Htus CHICAGO. ILLS. ' Twenty-fie Tl.r.n aid Suli! Uinu Xrvo"t ei2L years, A Aerra jr ,,j ,,rt, 4 ' VU r- ) &, J.,,, iucnateJ front Ifii O m j t tu j,"u k. -gi ANU Small Fruits Cultivated and for Sale IT TH OLIVE BRANCH NURSERY Sixteen miles east of Cincinnati, CLERMONT COUNTY, OHIO 100,000 APPLE TREES 5 TO 7 FEET HIGH. Lending sorts at $50.01) per regularly assorted to the trade : selected, $10 00 per hundred, retail. Peaches. $12.00 per hundred, retail. rium, 40 eents each, retail. Cherries. 25 cents each, retail. Quinces, 25 cents each, retail. Gooseberries, 75 centi per dox ITonghton Seedl'g Pear trees, 40 cent each. SUndard. Pear tree,30 cents each. Dwarf. IJiacV berries, $1.00 per doxen, Lawtoa. Strawbcrnfi. $2 per M. Rhubarb, $10,00 per hundred, Linnaeus. The above named trees are now crow in upon our own grounds, and we consider them verj fine. 1 he proprietors attention has been given for the la.-t fifteen years almost entire! to the propagation of Nurseries, the cultivating and marketing of Fruits : and during this tine, hire made it a business to collect from the most correct sources varieties tspe cialled adapted to this climate. All orders, accompanied bj cash, attended to promptly; ami, if r.eceary, delivered in Cincinnati, and forwarded free of cort, except moderate charges when orders are boxed or baled. Address, W. C. DOLE. Olive Branch, Clermont co.t O. Ai a Reaper, the 'M.-r.M-tui. " bJha W.n tha m 'ricao public for the lust fwerwy jnud during that time has gain..-J a rejiuudun it World- Wide." Not wit hstanjin the jMirlj ia creaiing cnmjetition, an l thn liontnf inv-mim. gaged in the development of ktapm M hin, the ".McGormick,,lels the van-(he si kii-al,, w. perior of all iu tbe nnuih for pnctical iuiprtre ments. The re) resents tions made by oTher" mm'tr-ur-that the McCormick was "onc"' a d-iU-1 j;-;r. but is now HHti'jHiitrl,i injlv rtdicoN-u. f the in creasing demand will prove. .V.i eing!o esWii.h ment in the WURLD, uina":tirn so Urx-j f these implements, and nons execiU eutl iciq time or talent In rAiaU improve-nonK Many changes have been rffcted diw'.rj the pa-t season, and for 135 1, the -Jlcl'oraucli'' ,rrentrl greater attractioi s than ever Leiore. AtsKenp-r ita SIMPLICITY, STRENGTH AND DU RABILITY command it to the farmer, WLila its espaei'y fit work, with economy of potcer, giro it theprefr-o-s over all otLars. The compacting the frame, thus eernn'tijaifc perfect balance to the machine: the p;itis f il raker, in the rear cf the driver, thus placing t' weight where it should be, and nlieria: lie wti erpai'sof the machine; the decrvtJ weiV'it rl slight indentation of the sicklu. the Csjb-Y whffl, and other improvements add'd,hTe matfrinlij l--ened the direct draught, and so cbviatei taHt.'i dranght that many assure u. it doc n.ij-. vxist. The draught .f the Keeper is soliht'fui in numerous instauces tbe largs four-kurio inj.Lia is worked with but two horyes. As A Llower, The machine oi 18'1I will be found fal!y eql to ny test that it may be suhinittel to. Th indentation of the S ckl , i s lih- n i sa l ma." nation with tbe beam and liners. allow a i of in itiu not prsct all- in ntler mu-liin. enablingns to ogond wort, with a a flow Unev en, even, working well. Our Improved Guard aud Potent Cleivtr. effectually prevents ehoking.- no nutter e!i:ttb condition of the gras. while our new dii!-r mt separates badly l-Mlg,-d ami tangled cUer trp-". where other machines fail. . . There is also a great adantie in uf W" sickleedge oter the smooth. as it d -rer' sharpening so often, thus Saving 0"f'tk'' will frequently run through an entira barts-t cut onc grinding, while the smooth m""" ground onceeach day, if not oft. nr". Wuhan's edge the draught incrcrses n the knife ba--in w Oar draugut is uniform, and in tcJ tn"" ring the season ot IrtO. v tar ligh'e' lh.t gle Mowers.cuttiagat the same time lrouti-. " eighteen inches wLler. . . Our Mower esn be wiib or wuhout ib this is important, and without ih reel, wciii t abont 670 mnd. . . In addition to the wen libpwl j Z. all pt-rehasew. we wohM'ssj- i he-ret-for. tn i. mers who miv desire it. are at liberty machine thro'.igh the harvest, w th aaj oir,er' fcireji. md iy for the one preferred. .,! P;irojhleis with full d rii.'i-n f iiht'" BM testim. urn',. ,.j n h I hv ""n THEODORE HILL Asent. Brownville, NeQitwka April 18. 11. SAD D LEES. Saddles, Hrfdlcs, ioHars, tlh'?' Lashes. Lines, Gvths. Surcingles, Stirrups and Leathers,- Snnp, . Curb and Port Bills, Ri"S .' Bradoons, Buggy . Trimmitg Plastering Hair Constantly cn flav in order to silt all, I make narne tn . per set. I have collars from eentstc$2 sack Halters from T5c. to wlLIi ' SELL AS LOW. oct than anj one norta of St. Joseph, - it to wishing anything in roy wul ,. h.rQT9 W their advantage to gire necw " ng elsewhere, . JOHN w. middleto; Dec rr 1360. rfTfTTPrN-k; ""SPANISH MERINO HL' i Bottum, Ifreeilem of pure blood At the Hammond stock. Shafti0'7, Vt- Fnll . irtd. dollar. Bees for sa.e by , wlU Prl Giass honey Vdd-es. . Urasent toall appu-- Qri V T- ywtii'''".