Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 02, 1861, Image 5
70.000 APPLE TREES ' Xcx Sal' AT FAIR VIEW NUIibERY, HALF MILE WEST OF SIDNEY IOWA. Tt.aa tree, are lb tL'ir U .K0',4 24 use. tSccaU each .....( ij 4S.C03 t 7 ear ulJ tree. (tT '9 cceO ",7 .41 n-lto Setd.ln GocKUrry. 1 W i WliuDatcb Carrot., at 19 rant rcu !00 t year '- Concord Crepe Vine at .0 cent. bl'iUWlUUc. at cent. I.Ur,C-b, or .lew w UD r and tbJT that wish totKUt Urcbard. wiA do wJ to com and ret tr'!- , orrr rro v?f. ir.i tie, io OREGON NURSERY. E. IT. BtiltHES & CO., nrrron. Holt Co., HO. wu. ...ik.r. loPff tinei been convinced iu niKiun"--- urerT in the f ib want t-f tt c1" ur'cr ,n TREES SHRUBS, FLOWERS, &C. Can M aspi ., .ataLliahed oa at tbn place, fact., w. b-!! " "r'" Hivaton. which we of- ao-1 hart now in f.x . , . r . ttecma...,., Iarca4 well ..elected . lock ..A a k. ... 1 i est at A. lif .4 riie. standard and d warT, " 7w,sUndard and dwarf; . tailar J aud dwarf r W a Peach ee, - - - Aprlcoti, JiectarJnei, ' ' Quince, 5 Umpet, f - . - Correntt, Gooseberries, Raspberries Strawberrleiaadmkberrie, rvrrens OroemenUl Trcts, sbr, OrMha ani ddins PU.u. IU-. 1M. cif the people oi u 1 rr U'm. wiilbe Ml,. J reliableea.t. TSri-f of o. the-.pen.eof transportatJon .rU.SuTi carefally ladled and III r.i. prompt BUHCUES t CO. M000 H.nd.rJ in ' ,n,"t "!"nJ 8irbrrie. Ktc Tint, k bt varletr known UfAvory No I I.amton Blti'rr. P" " Krancnnla RavUe"y " J Woich Hybrid Pie Plant, none better! 00 RedDuUb Currant, p. doxe n $1 00 6.00 BlaxkyabtctCvrr't " . tl.kll.. PhlfiTC. &.C.. &.C t.rra.TT, --7-.. E.K.BACCN. ' H'iiotp Crrrk. Lee Co.. in. 1 L w r TT1 Tl TTI O OHIO liUitoxiAo 50 75 1.00 1 50 a. 00 s.oo I 63 .& 6 00 15.00 25. 00 1 00 " . t ,M.on 1. now for tran .pl.nUnB yrZiiandOrnarnntal Trees Grape Vines, Shrubbery, Roses, Sc. AUo : all ttt le1'11" rarietiei or Currants, Gooseberries, Blacklernes, IUtpberries. Strawberries, . Sec, &c, &c. , .i..tock and we orTf r thtn cry arTai'.diou.d ,Udi the.r-.r. . ,-.11.M.11 Ohio N r,enw. Toledo. O- i " : ronry Kooci Pan, 3 o 4 years old, M"f of Vbem alroadj fruiting in the ..ur.ery, ara noi offered at $10 p hundred ort-r thou- "al Tiic ricncli Raspberry. At 5ir 100 UrS quant.uea at greatly re auied$riS: no winter protcctM,- and .6 r-r Wred;Mo 1 ftidj cKb SW. Fra-nt Honey SuckJcf, LOOK TO YOUIIITERESTS I STEAL! FERRY BOAT AT Brcmil!e, ' Tothowla tb Sutea oattai!atipf jciuj to the cbratka aad Hr-a. GOLD IINES, Tie ctiJri;l d dir . and tii v dwg will but pr&ciite d4:eT,tLn,tkat tbere ar JrabU lob K.urtIin Croiiing the iliascaririreratl'rowiiTille, and 00. Siting at, asdatartirs frcm tkal i'Jtt,nit be fatsd at any jtberjlit: on the Iiouri Hi rer. Is the Cr.t place, tn bolb tidetcf the nrtr are Urge extent! vi bvttom land in which jrra. tnakei a much earlirt'.ari lLao cd the uj ILd,an4 ii njdib more a'-atj'iaot, ttifg ictxhauitiLle the entire ieajMti. IKre, then, is a aetiraUo flaee to recruit ttotk teforeateriir.j n the Haiti. Mca can aim be purtLared ber in reryfarvratle termi The Urwnri'.le Steam Ferry, being the beit en the Hirer, oUAri peculisri&Jaccaeatf for crori inj at thii point. It xrzt and cotsiotxiiuu: with powerful iwaebicery.wbi'rh enablca the proprietor to ferry euigranti and otbtrtin the muitexpedi tiout mar n-r. We nnJtrLskelO iT til Hie lU Diner. ineB f Urownri:i-arra well pref.tred terre tbe wili Inr aui t'ltee. with a .arricr oualiij and vn fur c-ralle termai can be fonnJ tliehere. Krerythiug deiirablecao be purchael in nrownviIle,oeh At Provisions, t lothin. Mining Imple ments, fee, &c The Route from Mrownrille to the Mine is nni rer.alljadmilted by thoe who baretrarcled itand be inperior in ercry respect. Ilrownrille if about midway between St. Jo. and Omaha. At to diitaoce, an examination of the map isall that ! neeewarr to pr to any one that it ii nearer from bere to the mines than from any other point on the Missouri. On thla route wood and water abound the entire distance, while on many others, woodbasto be healed for many days. The foregoing facts are fullj and latisfactorily es tablished by the immense trarel of last year, and tbore who adopt it the present season will bare no caue torcgret baring done o. Tberefoi Cross the Missouri Hirer at and start from Brownville. JO UX CODDIXOTOX CO, Proprietor Steam Ferrj Boat. . Oregon Nursery. We be ft l't call the attention cf the public to the Flo ral depkrtment of onr EtaMlsbment, whicn we now tare in full and acceful operation. Our stock of Greenhouse, bedJine. and Plowcrin Plants, Shruba, ac., conin!ltir In part of Geraneumi. eroena. uan Hax. Peloaea. Peoolea. Heliotrope, kc, we offer for sale the coming Sprirmat lower prices titan usual, there by p!cinf tbem within tbe react of all. Mci-t of these p anti" flower all Summer, and for-iie, color, form. and fragrance of flower cannot be excelled. Having; tbe advantage of a flrt class propagating house and its appendages, which afford us facilities for Increasing our stock to meet tiny demand, parties sbo'd have no rears of setting what they want by banding In tneir orders early. M'e attend to the Propagating Department ourseires, and warrant every article purchased or ns to be good, strong, healthy, well rooted plants, and true to name, Oar descriptive and priced catalogues will be out in April, an I will be forwarded by mail to all applicants. J. A. VANARSDAI.E.& CO., St. Jotepb Agricultural ITouM, and Jt. W. FURNAS, Farmer Office, Brownville. T-. areour antboriied Agents. All orders left with tbem will receive prompt attention. K. U BURCHES fc CO. P. 8. Ilavlng forcing pita specially for tbe purpre, we will have Stt'KKT POTATOE plants for sale by tbe million, at reduced prices. K. II. B t C. Oregon. Mo. Eeb. HW1 Feb 1861 Mammoth Cabbage. Thoce who defire to raise the largest vn bbage in the world, should procure the Marblehend Mammoth Drumhead. The Cabbace arerages 30 pounds to the plant, and plants harj been grown weighing orer CO pound and measuring 70 inches around the solid head. The heads being a good deal larger than a two bushel basket. One packare of Marblebead Mammoth, 25 rents, five packages one dollar. I do not sell the Mimmoth by weight. Dealers supplied at a libcrnl di.-couiit. I warrant all seed sent treaj the purchaser. JAMES J. II. GREGORY, r.37rS Marblchead, Mass. O IE. 23 G- 80,000 Wilson's Albany Strawberry Plants lor ale. . .. j Ktn rr " 100 $1. Larc !Swf thTD YOOO at reduced rat.,. These UHr of superior quality, being grow0 upon J 7 0t Lake St.. Chicago. "-:iBrTTiRSY, " " Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Garden, l lcldaml rioucr Seeds, A X.f.0 " GRATE VIKTS. GOOSrBEaEirS. Cirrants RaDb.rrie. Hlackbern". ciu:sci:n r ci ty, ionva TGRAPE VINES, Too Large to Send ly Mail' T CLIarv7sll &Ero's, Geneva,!! X INVITE particular attention to their extensive stock ot NATIVE GRArE VINES, e At two yean old. strong plant., t'own In the epen wr and la targt Jer gUt-l)elawre. P'aua, CXnoord. Reoecva. Uart.'ord Prolific, etc., lu quantuies Ws-iitpurcha-ra. , . . Tlxtra T.ree P'anU at MMerat Prices. Soroisix Viuoo For cnltivati.m under t aw, of thebet ortaGol.lea Ramburg. Bowood Atuscat, Uek Ilaaiburg. U"floJl, Royal Vdina. Golden CUawelaa, and thirty other new andold sorts, one and to years old, at greatly re tloced pri" A fln ,ot cf ,x,r ,,r,e VUnU f10 10 extra Urge pots for immediate rrutttng. A auannty or thee. Ku' and Forelcn. are In the tllar. and iny ba packet and shlppet at any p easant .. daring Winter or early Sp log. with li T. Tar Ucular attention given U packing vine, secure. y ror an nana of tbe country. Send f r Catalogues. T. C. MAXWELL BROS., (IrStSi-PvSiiSl Oeneva, Ontario Co-, N . X. " "Douslas1 Improved rrtEJiiTMsrG.ut 3 . Mutkinsutn Works. Zanesvule, Ohio. W ar now reprd manufacture our 7Yfai SQr-Cnt MiliM. either Vertical or Horixontal, . wtilbeabla ta.crpiythe demand, however large. W are aUo mana!actnmg IKugta Improved Evap orator, and ato Douela.SKana Ranar Eraptrator, and art prepared o rurmsb every article of tbe bet Quali ty and at ni"derate rates, required la tbe luanmacior fltlCES $!0$53. S30, tlOO. and upwards. Price cr Fara;e.aadKvsiorator,i0totl0O. Circulars and Pampbleis furui.-hed on arpllcatUn 111 orders addres.ed to tl e un1erif r.ed wl II be prompt lj attended to. DOUGLAS UliOTU? US apl-lr Zanesrille. Ohio. . Crevelins" Grapo-Vines. Orders for Vines of this really delUifi amd earjr Grp-acccc:rBic4 by Cah will recede rroapt attestioD. mm . . , Hood one year Vines, 5e each ?4 rrdoren. -Cood two Tear Vines, $l,C3each. f 7 per d.-ien. Gooa two year t;0ODWlN k CRO T2aS Kingston, Lnieme Co., Pa. BQPIEE FLOW WORKS TO FARMERS Of Nebraska and N. W. Missouri: AOA.IN I would call the attention or the raruiera or Nebraxka and Mls.ouri, to the fact that 1 have on band aud am coiiktantly manufacturing, at my Plow Factory, in Oregon, Mo., wagons, and every pattern or plowa, to-wt : FllAIIlIC PLOWS. One and Two Horse PIotts, anovei 11 o s, II o c.i ,IIUkrws,o Corn Plnnferff, And Harrow Teeth Together with everything m this liae ned by a farmer I take the responsibility cf saying that my two bre nlowa will do better work. In Ktubble or any kind of rough ground, than any I manufactured or fold in this upt'er country. Aly two-horhe and prairie pinwi. will be sold, for cah on terms, such as w,ll place them la the reach of every fanner. My Plows can be obtained from my agent at Iowa Point. K. T., Hrownvllle. Nodaway comity. Marietta, Rush Bottom, lloltcounty, Uruwnville. N. T. and For etClty. MARTIN HOFFMAM. X. B. Allkirhlsof repairing doue with neatness aa4 dispatch, on liberal term. Oregon, Mo., May, 1569. Theodore Hill, Agent At Brownville, X. T.. keeps onhand a general assort ment of Huffman' Plow. Brownville. May, I860. Iv otucitD Association ' Hubbard Squash Seeds. A limited supply of seed or this celebrated Hety t tqiart I? Wceni. per 100 i"1'. t!,t Warranted put. 0;Ucrsldenuneariy. an, mi. CitKtnt City Irwa. A Benevolent Intt itution eilnblithed by tpecial En dwntnt for the Relief of the Sick mud Dittrested, ejlicted v:t Virulent'and Epidemic Ditfe$ end eipeciall for the Curt of Dueaitt of tht Sexual Organ MEDICAL ADVICE given gratis. b7tbe Acting S'irceon. to all wh apply by letter, wrtb a description or their condition, (ige. occupation, habitsof life, &.C..) and in cue oi exiieme poverty. Medicines fornUhed free of charge. Talnab'.e Reports on Spermatorrhea, and other dis ease! or tbe Sexual Orgas, and on the NEW RF.XK PIES employed in the Diieosary. tent to tbe afflicted Inaealed letter envelopes, rree ol charge. Two or three Stamps tor ptace will be acceptable AdJre 1R. J. SK.ILLIN n0CGIlT0!ff. Acting Sur geon, noward Asciatl n. No. 2. South Ninth Street. Philadelphia, Pa. By order of the Director. EZRA D. HEARTWELL, Prea. nto. PAiacwiLD, Sec'y. Ov.u.ber IS. IS60. nlS yly Sill JIB CM LULLS EVAPORATORS I IT AVE made arrangements with DOUGLAS BROTHERS, Zanesville, Ohio, tbe only establishment lu the United State, engaged excluf Ively io themann facture or Soreho Sugar Mills. Evan,Ttors. A.C , by which 1 can furuifb the faroierfia this regiu with thie much needel article. Tbe r.gia Sugar Mill and Ap ptrst us were a wanted He Flr.t Premium a the Ohio State Fair; atxl the highest honor at the United State Agricultural Society, a llver medal. I am eQont Farmer ot Nebraska. Ksna. Norvbern Misaouri and Southern Iowa can find no other te suit them better either ta price or otherwise. Capacity and Price of Llills. rnree Iron Hollers in Siron.Iron Frame. 0 0 One Tertlcat SfHI presses from tS to 30 gallons of Juice per hour ; price o 1 One hore Vertical pre-e from 24 to 49 gallons of juce per hou"; price Same as No 1 i extra heavy. 4o 3 Two horse- Venice 1 presses from 15 to 60 gallon ot Jnicw ier hour; light drift do I Twohort-e 'Vertical ( b.uble.-eare 1) press es from U to 50 gall jn juice per hi ur.heavy draft do 4 Two hors Vert lea 1 (single geared) preM es from 60 to 'Sgilloa or juice per hour ; heavy dralt do S Four horse Vert:cl ilnt!e gearedjea pa city from 100 to 11 gaiin per hour do C To hore Ujrix.Kiul (ba k geared) suita ble to attarh tTIefc!tig Machine or other power, pree from 40 to 60 gal ions of juice per hour do 7 Two bors.e IX.riiontaI. with vertical shaft to apply leverto. worked by horses ave as Tertical. presses 40 ta 0 gallon per hour to lit do S Focr horse no'tonta! hack geared) nit able to attach toTtre-biL Mackmeorother power, pr e TSt 100 gallon per hours 15 do Six horse llorliot.tal (back geared) calcu lated for water or steam power, reaov for the belt, and with capacity to work off a crop of rrom 15 to20 Hce-of Cane. 15 6 80 SO 100 140 100 tot Of iai kinds, tor sale at Uus odlce. '"'I M J I N p If V 1 l! i' ! S . ; 1 To Your Real Interests! Citizens of Brownviiie Ana tbeCestor5Ianlilnd LOOK OUT FOR THE l, . i-, v r, h ' vi v : t ; ; j MAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE, N. T. Takes pleasure la announcing that be has now on baud, a large and select stock cr every art cle In hi line. a COOH. STOVE3S Of all the Improved ptKers; rix : Plymouth Bock, Charter Oak. Valley Forge, Elevated Oven, .c, n V ee"- llllioP.V-ajr Box and Parlor Stoves of an endless Tariety, some of which are entirely ew vlt : A combined Cfot and Parlor stoves, something very nice Indeed ror small famine IIEiscolla;X2 eons. HEAVY SHEET IRON FOll SUGAR BOILERS And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal and Lard Oil Lamps; Brass Copper, and sheet Iron ware; uuis.n, ouuvc.., i JAPANNED WARE, t nrwmrarf vrtirTt tn Tn.nnfaetnre a late slmnle and Inrprored self-sealing Fruit Can to which I call the attention or the public. All ..r which 1 pledge myseir to sell at as ralr rates and on as accomodating terms as any other establUhment in this region or the country ..... j . I am prepared to put up guttering and spoutiug and all other work or my line atthe shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which 1 warrant Io give satisfaction. I pledge myself not tobetndorold In the upper country Brownville, August, SO I860. bit mEMmMm. ILATEOT MEWS. THEO. HILL 5 Bali &I COME AND BUY CHEAPER GOODS AND iXi oxc of (HI) cm, Thau was ever Kfnre offered in this Market! i j. Hiirai & co AT THE Pioneer Store B 0W NVILLE, We Have Just Received and Opened Most Magnificent Stock of Goods ! LADIES DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, ZEPHYR HOODS. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, UNDER SHIRTS, DRAWERS, SHAWLS AND SCARFS. Cutlery and Queciiswair, Glassware, Arjd Choice GROCERIES. Largest Aasortmentof llcadv.ilndo IolI)inr JOHN A VQini, Hi AW i ;'' 1 it-..-. i-i'M k"' I - f WHiri.l-Y liEW ELOC1I. MAIN STREET, UUOWSVILE A. T. Wlie.e he has i-ered a; a FiEEse stoces. Conoiatlnn of li: 4M r DRY :GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family G-roo irios , " , i' . le t i i rf-' ' .1- ! v rv e J k.i e.;i:t.ah!; A ' w "j t ! l.iiK U: i Flour, COMMUTING or Ham, Bacon Gnar, Llclasscs Cofiee, Tea, Salt, Cheese, Candles, etc.ctc., And a fine assortment of . LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc. ALSO, A well selected Slock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY Vjiheii fnl liit e i.I . f ! l.e i e I k ffere lli,r bi:rr I.V.i.n, ANirT. LiM" ii 1 X' eral i f i-iJivi-, C.t:euoer.c f I r"., e Cotv 1M. by c.ejir.t ti let iue w i: b a e v ail violcal vrt- leat ti. , ti V Frrers. f all kind-, by re-r.,. ..j l,i n ca .4 '. ttitw (U tbe ft,,, - . . . . . . ------ wb-TIH't). M til other. . The Ijfe Mcli-:i.ehav Vee b.. i ermaiieul iy i .hree e tT. 'T'l lb tt tune by ren'Virii l.w.i ma .w., cie Uvtneni. from the ), im, " v l)rot t$ t alt kit!, ty f..1M tht and biailer ; the 4''4 ly t ibee lmir'nt nrm nj k.fct k" found a rprtasn reme.y f.r tbe mr,, , Al. XVarnt f.y 4i.i.-dii:,g fr,.,, . . here. Scurvy IVrertand tivrtmtt . i purity wbith tltei-e Ufe Ali;tmei Ni, ; and all the hi:nir. ,'k.i Scibaiie Krnptiunaar.d bd o ,i?n. ten:uve effect. upn the flgi.t, tw i tSe morbid tateof which ht, ,,. ' u i plamtji.. alIow,ciuly, andotitr luu'S'-" ..n. i Tbe use of the?e pills for a verv t mm t' v. . . Bliruni'iO a ' 1. ia ment In the e'earsesj of tfce kia InflaenaawiM always be cured by c,tJ Ibe w. ri caes. . . " riLES. The original proprietor r it. I wamcuredof pile of thirty.dv yearifj.j ue..f the Lire At edu-ines alone ' ": rtver and Jyue For th, rr ,1 -s. , ' Country. thee AledKinea will be r. o- i , ml certain reme.Jy. Other me-Jinn subject to a retura of the 0ieae. c nr. . cine is permaoert try tbem. be 4ii.8., Biiious Keversand Liver JJ bllity. Io of ane!it. ana V. .., S7Z U..l,nn.l hi,. .... . . 'l , ult In does of thii1e ripii,.n. Iir,, e, Uli In Its worst fornis. yield i it, a , , -fulacrl. nof thee retnai kbie )lrii,i5f, . ."1 Nervuns debility. Nerv..C' Bipi, in,f, ,L pitation or tbe heart. Painter'. CoIk an ed. Mercurial Diseases pr.m ,, have become impaired by ihe imuil:, , . l win Kim tnee aieiK-ine a perrm tnr, u fail to eradicate fr.iiii the iem all , aiercury, innuueiy .'iir inn tie m... . arstions of Sarparlll. r I 133 B July 5 ISC0 ly , i ' i 18G1 McCniiMh'K'.s . iUEEXSWAUE, Boots and Shoes. Ecnper & Iiloiu V. II. .11M 'OIMlli Ik ;r ( Hit M'.n. '.i.v Tw':rj-rr T t n n 1 n:- i !. lvt ai.2 yours. .la Aeermji; of net I.i C'J r.i4 ) y - t'iriflfi from Vlf ., rt m paces, dtzc, CMOIICE BOTTLED L5I0OM, Catawba Wine, Champaigne Wine, Claret Wine. Old Rye, Old Bourbon. Irish Whiskey, Porter, Gin Cock Tail, Saddle Bag Whisky, Blue Lick, Boker's Bitters, Pale Brandy, Curraco, &c. h 1 m . i ii jm " J b&i'UJ SJ 2J mU -m(L Dishes, IPlatcs, Cups e& saucers, HJowIs, &b p Bar Tumblers, Decanters, Gtblets, Wine Glasses. Fruit Duhes, Pitchers&c, Ua J J ii . UJ V i a BOOTS jGi.rr33 SEHE03ES nrs i yS n w u w aw Boots. Shoes, Hats. Caps, etc. Ever opened in Brownville and no mistake I Caps from 25cts to $3,50. V;t can Fit dents In Suits ficm $5 to $5U 9 "Villosr Ware JEW EL E Y . Ear Rins, Shirt Ikiitons, Finger Rings, Bracelets. Breast Pins, Sec, 2ic. Come and see and Secure Bargains. THE HELL. Brownrille, Acjust, 30, I860. FUR ft ITU KE. Saddles and Harness, Oil Cloths and Carpeting, SCH001 BOOKS! BLANKETS FROM SI 50 TO 1 50 Iron, Hails and Castings GLOVES Ladifs Riding. Kid and Silk. Gents Gauntlets, Buckskin and Driving. But Qualities of BRMMES M3I WHISKIES EVKBYTMJiG Needed or Desired Can le had at our Store, and on terms a favorable an those of any other House in the West. AH Kinds of C0U1TTEY PE0DUCE, Will be taken In eichaaceat current trice. ComoOno! Como illl!! We are determined tesell at lower prices and five better bargains tbaa ever before. D. J.-MARTIN L CO., n3 knowledge of the trade and wmts of the people of Ii wnvihe and vKtnity enable him to nuke judn l- 1 1 1 1 luirrhu... n v u.... I ,... Ih I. m . r lr u , It. . b ... examiiiati ii ot hi-Sii-k fee I ills' amre-' he will be aoiv io p.iiij in ffn.'jij, ij ir auu o itv. 1ITTFBEET Ti IW ny . .)' m , II ' ' ' ! l I v r licul ,. ." N ..;, )'. V I WHITNEY'S BLOCK Dissolution The pirfnerKliip heretofore pxixiinx under tbe name and -trie i f l.ibii muli Al Cur..n at Brownville, !'e bra-k . w i, ..ii i he tl t iia "l November itiK.vel tr lliiiiii ilc.iieiit by ihe with'lra al of B. P. fvn-hbaiicb j.ilm i,. carin will ettle the unnnixbeii bn.ine of the old firm and ciKitinei the Banking and Real Ctate A Kent) buniie heretofore at the old tnt. B. P. LL'SII 8tnn ov. 1st, 1S60. JOHN. L. CAKSOtf. In everir ny boine. connexion with my late paft tier, I leeiit tlii. a proper iii(Mirt unity of expressing my thaiikH for the pitrotiane betowed tiiin our firm, dailnf tlie periml in wtiich e were etijiaged in biim. It rr.r.i me n-iirh pleanure al tu Cotniiiend to the fdvorableconpider4tion of the friend ! the old Arm my ucce-w-r in hntne ilr. t;arxr, a sent man In every way worthy Hie Confluence and aitpporl of a dicrlm inatiim public. b. p. ixsniiAi on. As a ne-iter. tSe "JM',m !i" thrf J raiTicuri pu!!io l.r thi l;r-t ui time bil 2tini H r-i.u;. ia i Il"rc- HVf." .Vol ith'nt ilir r ' ereain oi tii 'titin. an I th hr.t i.f in-,, pi'i in the ilreebii-tneut of llmnui' , i ,.!ilorraitk''leli ili VHtt- iLnnUit i pi-ri'-r of nil m thi mirth f.,r yr x ': Ul'-llf. 1 fi- r-l r 'fr-.'li'-r rri i-l. that il' M '.'r-ii. but i fl'i W oil) 1 if, l. i .. tri cri'M'tn l uiiiil Ii (r v -, 111 Mil III th l.l. tn-n I th" itni'l' tn -n', in I n- r time or t i!"it. r i iiVf mi , . Munv efiSiftji l.inn Wi, . i- iri, jifid f ! I -t 1 1 , ti.? (',;;.; (jre it'T altnitli. i s il .i. ';v( r I ; r ,..' n . t simplicity, KAHILI fY rumm nl il to the lirw r. wlnV i e'..- orW, with rc iHttmj ,,f yer,( ' it ih f-!. x r all i.f I r. Thi' e mi wtitrj the fmrrje thus torurit 'ii w-rft et b.i'ance t' the niiu hiii" : tfn i,.iU- rkr. ii: the r-r of the driver, thus weizlit wht-re it shouM he. and n-lie;oi c. erjmi'sof the ipsihinv: ibe iKvr s J rliht imlontatiori ot the 'cklo..l!i. ('- . i nl dher improvi mf-n's Jt l,hr mnU-r,' eiiol the direct draught, an l so . Lnii u dnmlit that many assure ns that it i fx'Kt. Thelrtuht 'f tbe tUtp-r is nl in nuarnuji intu-es the lar lour-b-r is worked with but t bors. . 30,000 I.IIS UOOIa WAITED. ST. JOSEPH, MO. Two Fxten.sivr Wuolcn Factories arc in SLTCnssFl'l. OI'ERAltiN. ONE NEW AND FITTED UP With all the Latest Fine Improvements. te are treiarnl to ininufjcture to order. and have lor sale tbe following Utxja: Satinets. Heavy and Lieht, JEM'S TWEEDS, FLA XX E LS WHITE. CflLouKI), TIUPri) AMD I'LAI.V Ta InsoTii. Failed IliiKCjN, CoiuieU lYhltc and Mixed. 11-2 Yards vide. FULLED CLOTH. B!ankfts of ali K:nds and all Qualities, VAKNSOF ALL SIZES AND COLOUR, tVnrrantel aDOiKxtsnf the bcf JJfWo will exchange the above Uooda for ffwl or curb. Fancy Djlnir to Order We will ii.i. cah lr any aaount ul Wool, at Jlnrhct Trices. Floarci-M'tantlr on hand forsiile. Tbe best iii-r for w heat . .iilki. a ij. i;lki.i.a uijs" Auu-t, 21. nf,n. s'' A- r ' J r BrwTiIl6,0c.. IS, IS! 9. ?i-15 Trus Delewaro Grape Vines rHOPAOATED r UOM 1 11 OE1U1WAL BTOCK. Strong. Well-rooted One Year Old Tinet $1 ; Two- year old bt) Io 1 o. A few extra Inrqe la-jrrt wit bearing wood, 2 to ti. Smaller Idjert, 41 to $1 SO ALSO fine vine r.f A lien' new white Hybil I Anna. Clara, Oforil Clm'on Cdy. Iiara. Heibenvrit Hif..r1. Prolific Ion lV.iir I.iflia. Itua. On tario etefca new lltriU, Taylor's Bullitt. To-Kali-n l'nin TilU.-e lie. C-Hipaetly r .i lUwre. w!b abundant fine. flbrouF rou'a carefrl.y p.ickel In nia enveloped In oil tiik anl erit t pud, toauy part of tbe CtiioB, recen "f earn l-ttlj aiwt t'i'ibi nt nvie and wo yer Cfnwtn. f-.reiifn vine f .r Ritihj'rle Blackberries, Sir'wlrtie N'. aU at the l,. rales. J3enl for a 1-c'jUr ;wi W CAMPHXIX Delaware. O. Oct. 13 19C0 nl-Jm FRUITS OF! JAMEMTAL TREES. Small Fruits CultivjiKd ar.dfuSa'e T TUB OLIVE BRANCH NURSERY Sixtten mie.t eit of Cincinnati, CLERJIONT COUNIY. OHIO 130,000 APf LE TETL3 5 ID 7 FELT HIGH. !"" l"!r It'f v rn Tji!irly n.yr'ni io thf tr l' : f-I'Ttel. 10 if p r liunlred r;tai.'. he. SI2 0-1 rx-r hi I, r-tail. I'lnm. Ill i-ri h. r'.nl. fh- m" Jic: i 'ta. !i,r'-!.l. Q'l'nir-'. 2 en tn'l r-'a'.',. Im -l rrie-. 7 ' e -r i j-r x . TTni'ht'.n 'redi' ! r r-s. It 'en pi. in lir J. IVr tree. :SH ren xa-la . I) mar'. IUjm-I lirrri-', $1 0.1 .-r l n, Liw'.on. Straw b-r'i- . f i rer .M. Kbub.irlt. , r hun l'ol. L'tmius. Tin m ri nimoi ti ar n.w ;r.wii) en nr i vwian'U. iil woroii'i'l'T tli'ts frrr fin". "I r y.n.rifti r' atr-ntion has leen Riven for the Is I fit t--n rears atio'i-t entir-ljr ti th .rfi--,rati..n ,f Nurerie. thr eulnvatinj and inirketin if Fruit : and during thu tins-, have mie it a buios to eol!e f fr n the mod correct ou rue varieties "! eia! ltd adapted Io tbi dim tte. All rder, ace.rjirnied by e.b. attended t" protni'tlj: arnJ, if ne-e!'rv,delireriii in Cincinnati, and forwarded free cot. eii-ej.t tlerte charges when orders are tvied or ba!ei. AJ Ire. W. C. DOLE, Olivt Branch, Clermont co.t 0. As A Mower, at. -.a. .... loemv-Qineor ism wj;i be foond U ' ' to unjr tet that it may be sabiniftl t i. Tv '. indentation of the Sickle, its 1.1 'hf n t sal " - nxtion with the beam anl Cnzors. ai!ow an -an', of rn dion nol practicable irt- other mvbin enabling us to- ooW rrrrf, w;ih a a rlv ' en, even, srorkin well. Our I Improved Guard aud Patent Che effecfuHliy trevenU cbokinr. do nutr ' condition of the grass, while our nw dini" ; separates badly lfd ao,J taclcj e!sf T, w hero other macbines fail. I There is a! a irreat afrant.i2 in "or s . sirkleele orer the smooth. as ii dit'l sharpeninu so often, thus savin time. Our ." win irerjoently ran tbr..oh an entire tsrv.i ' ; cut once jrindinK, while the smooth etp k" ! gt-oond enceeaeh dij, if not uftrner, W : b ' ; ede the draught increr'e a the knife b-i j Uur draught u uniform, and in reth-i ,r " i rinj the seaM.n of Ihi'.O. fr lirht-r iv jle Mower, etfitrajf at tbe s.ime t:;Do lr..ia!' " 1 eighteen inches wider. Oir Mower ran be o-d with or i h ' 'v i this is iiot,rtsnf. and without th; rv-1. '.' ' S about r?70 rfun. In addition to th- very lib n! wir-mt -- ." all perehaers. we w.w!.r,,' at I. r - I t k f rrw-r who mif !fr it, ari at !.-' ' rwicbin) lhr. tiX'n sh i.rv' -r. )'''' krep. ttid inf f..r th it tr t I'jMt bkta with full .1 .nii n f im ' ' leatiia.,i,iat. A.. r, K . s . I r. .. i i, m' Til EO DO HE II ILL. .1-rr.l SADDLEEY. Suddles, Hrldlrw. ( oKara, Wr Lashes, Linen. G.itt. ..rrt?'! Stirrups and Lsuthers 5j' Curb and Port EilW. Ri!Z Bradoons, Bvpgy Trimmir Plajterinj Hair Con. -n inly on Hi i 4 i In D'dtr l peraet. , sail ail, I make ksraes f-sa I bavt collars from C5 cents U 1 Ilaltrrt from 75c. to $1.73 1 wlLI. Aii LO' l1' ,t than any cae north of "t. 2sc;S. wish xg aajth cg in mj linowiii zi th Ar aaranta9 to kito m caU be5 ic elaewhere, JOHN W. MIDDLET0N, r- T7 io - S PAN iSlTM Ein 'NO'S 1 1 KK X R'ttnn,, lireeders of pure tlovrJ Ata '' of the llauimond stock. r. ! Foil ShafubaJJ-J i The bet practKI work yet pob.jsbe'l- j Adlar. See for sale ty the iti'm witb ,tJ ' G a honey biixe. C Ac. Circulars wita 9 ney lars sut to all ap;UDta Jaa. 'II.