Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1861)
RA . ...n IT.loicdLUH.bm7. tilt OaI aS j-ieJ jnll.clcaliiig art, that r.,ltheS i-xi Jly ars&pa- Lut tbe i. . blamed f-r this conclusion ' iiw-" jn" Vf -t.rililest preparations which contain about I' afhof llP ,r' virlues lhPJ s r 001,(1 dui-t' j1'1"' .niniertUl faJt lht alnust a'.l if theSarsapa jIM" (,.p.iiniNe world is consnued in tbe old c.iuti- i' r-irupe.' wlie: p the science of med'Cine Jia ..,e or i' ' ' i o. Lifbe-l l-ifCvUoii, aul where they know f -ffcjie-l I t.t mli1 P-rnp'ny for tl.e inatery of (!.Ka-c f'v . r . . ... . re are gi;i J nai e are bow 10 lsvc ... tM excellent alterative, which can ti. .a?"" .... ... - , I nrtbin.' Doctr ATKK makes is w..rtfcy of tbtlr nff. . Ho h t tn for years e :pa?cd in elimlnat """"iLi renidr (ee adverLsinii column,) dc-ifming to f,at"tHfi'0UVT ' which sbonp-laddtliecrowt-! b fiw"toi ,rJ'7 euibie reputation. vtrncri-. ;f ,'- jlCr-1-1-w"J'-.,r m""Tcines, Is. f course in.p.'W'!? ,,ut if bere ij ar,lh'n5 b'eh , Ae a 1 npi""""-'h ' 5t l "? Ccrtis Mam . v.. 1 ii.annu If "ine f our akepiical friend frnli hartbi-te wbotn it na relieved d'nnt upon . IB --ril they V"'a o compelled to "give in." 1! -V' rup'-f Sassairm is (mother prep. !,ti..n con :!!.' wlljr made. Trie many who . it'tviril it us a sure thine in -ovhr. '"t'-"1;"1"'"r" - "rerh-cmcT;!. jtii, cot; to. Arronta J) D . - ? IN IX , Ki'n-n Muii rial of nil K;nd TnLiin BiiWinR. KfwTrk and Brown's Iroi ; ' HiHlilm!-, Iltiladolpbla. fj They are aotLorirpd A(teit lor the Fanner and Advertiser. 3X4THCII & AISIIOTT, Vn'tfl. b:atcs and Funin Newspaper Advertising Agency, 333, liROADWAV, NEW YORK. it T.tbnri7p1 :evf fr Hie r.BHArS.A ADVril TlSLa" :iJ "Xt'l'-HASKA KARMKIl." A4rprri5inS Arcr.ts ia St. IiOui3. Mrsfrs fr.nxiiiV t )'l)..oonrE, General A'lvcftirir.r, Cjiieri''1?'"' C .r-.niii-i'n A?ent?, 45 Olive St, LouU, re our arrP1i:o-l ocirt iri that city, tM tbeyareau fli'ir.irI ti receive ailvcrfiiwnipnts for IhcAdver. t.irr anl Farmer, a::d collect tills for tLe anme. A Partner Wanted In the Printing Business. . - A rcre or-portuntjr is j regented in this oKec to .,33C pratil j ruater ho can command reasona ble amount of Capital.. I?j practical printer Is meant one wLot!iorouhl7 underrtanij the t rinticg Inf'mrw in aH its details ; not uicrtlj & compositor alth asupcr&cial knowledge of other duties devolr irg djkp tbe. ulperinte.nd.eEt of a well conducted printing efScc. , , . - ' .' Appricantfjif net personally known, must be well reoommonded us To tusinens qualiSattonslu'id steady hsljits. For pirt'..: ulars adire&s uAhertier," Er'own riile, 5tbraka. ' ' ' r To All IVIiom it Ulay Concern. All eroni iu-l:hidio Win. T DEN, t t ier on W k aceouct, or ty note, are hereby notified to e;i'l "slid pay op on or Lcfore the 1 Ot L day tf March 1S01, and thcrety tarff Ihrusclvts trcuble and coit. nrowi,vi!Ie.2b.21-J J WM. T.UEX. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE llih uaiieiMgncd desires to t-tli or rent his huu.-e and lul In .Uruwnville. For jiarlic uhiro entjuiro of Rulinrdnrown.UroWLViilc. JI. S. TIIOUl'E. , ' Ai-ril IF. n40 2n BOOKS" 0 KRGhfcULT0r7c no'.; i )cl :! vui:. domks nc . NiM LS, itc ji. MTt)i DAItKEU & CO., Y O K K 7 . T T O - . - u mi "T ' , , t , " j. at Gi:ORGFb. EVANS' Gift Ecohs rTr.tcrr fTIn nitt 1,1 it lr.-,i1 I X o hianenily local ;! .rj Chninvl .i. Kiir c i:t A., .. hat Katr -.t- ta i neta, ;, f.,r . lr,; 4 CJ. ,,a - ,; iKt-CMlt:ie:..-nt.if ..aiiu:, ' V. .t'.OMi inrlia:. ! ar.-l t'. e seal . Mn F. i lite Cv -. r v i J.iJ-3- lit: irt SWKET POTATO nan-! -j the Vr. Ttsui;ooK In tr.:s. I.. plan! Ly Loleal. C .1 II D 'Nu- JCh(;fnt,t Mri-.-t,a,:.1 fj.d i. i-h . convenience l)-f;M-i!itiiUr mv Im-ii,, .. . V.Htl t'iCut'NTKY Ol:f-n': AUJ ing a larger capital than ny..thor part inveted in the bumnc.. I am now prepared t. offer tt-r es. una better ;ti tlnu ccr 1 1 f..r.t f,. i -r iidrnritu cu-'lf ::cr. I v furni-h ny lic puhliihcd in the United (of a moral character late ll.i. n (.ill worth from if) rcen! els to I (j J witli ench Inx k. sin I guarantee to ve. ,,:rft, t ti.f.u-,;. n,-.- I nm de termine! toritnr.i!n th.s r j utaiu already be stowed On-'U HIV e-:t:'.!i-1iir.fT,t Stra..S"T Vi-f I Vl-.iUis-h hl:k'ar 'invM call a?i.J ju.jgulur thoui-:cles. - " 0. G. EVAXS. ir;g L'jois Client at I, ! a n !!.-:ier, ti? i iy (.fier extra retiiium- U 1", t'- ; ni( to f uriii-h tlo i.i this M"est re iimiitry lio ut'f 6rr.- Mi. 'in ;i' j uhliln rs prie t Wineries n Fnrm "f"" i tir ' ! di j, $1.C0 AllenV Ann net ti faiiu h k, l,iO AllenV (Ji-'-.i."!;-"I. d' aiiiuuili, .., 75 ' AlieuV rural rtrcliittr.mix, ' - 1.25 . Allen t.n the -rr'iijW .; j." . ..'! 1.00 . l'.:irr) I'rviit : ni.'tj, r .'1.1:5 Item "tit's Am -ri;".iu poullcivrVr.oinpauiuB, . 1,50 V.f iifV i 1.1 lc-.l; .it' ui'iiiiire). 1,2j i.-:(fJ.ji uiV ir:irlm"."r aar.xant. . . 1.50 l!r.-ik'.h....k.. Hivcrs . -. 1.00 'Iinjft: r er jrd'.-u," 1,25 I'.i.a.'v k-klioo garden. . 75 ' kT-VI :.Vo ..).." 1,00 ' ! : r, ... 1 . per v..!uin 1,00 '' .. i' l .Vr e '-T s gui'le, . CO " -luV 4i. s.rn h r--d.-t..r 1.0i A-i r.oau eat til" doctor, 1,00 .. -ir-ii-fK f cm tie. 1,00 , I' at ;.Ju",k Utuuei, . I.Otl THiiiiifm'n weeds nud U.-eul plants, . 1,5, I) nini frolt." ntid fruit trees, 1,05 liiW weMKl'ti eruiiherrv nl lure, , 02 . hum Drninug.i, H. F. Fren. h.) l,Go . lrk Koin'Kter'ii Ilc in America, 10.. 5 Hint on jrntfe, 1,27 .11. nt' -Mh h Iv.wo; 1,02 ih-rU-n'a hoM.-kecrs, l,0o llvugh'n (urin rcnrd, 3,0j ' J 'Luton'a agiioiulmre ehemiitry( 1,20 Kemp' laniiscapa gardening, 2.0 j Langhtroth on tbe hive und honey bee, - 1,25 Luehar's hot houc. 1,25 LieLi-'j; relation's of chemistry ta agriculture, 25 . Linsley's M-Tgaji HorreF, 1,00 JiruT's bee KeeK'r'8 manual 1,00 -, Mnuijj bviil dru'.ner, 5 Nazi's pro;-rcs.sive farmer, 50 Feill's g.trJoncr's coiuyanion, 1,00 Norton i'lttaciits of agriculture, CO lVrdce "on "th straw berry, 60 Quiiily'i" liyste.sis of beekeeping. 1,00 ' Kural aCairf, 2 vols.,J . 2.00 Stewart's stalb book, 1,00 Thomas' taria Implements, 1,00 Thomas'lruit culturibt, 1,25 Warder's hedges and eve rgreen, . 1,00 Watson's boma garden, , 1.60 White's 'gardening for the south, 1.25 ' Talc lecture, I St'nl, 25 Yoiratt and Martin on cattle, 1,25 Youatt on the horee, 1'25 , do on cheep, 75 do"'ca tie Log, 75 . Address - TAltiHEIt OFFICE, lirownville, Nebraska ,nO.(.. I;AN.-, Ueiv,i,,c (;ift u.)(,k Unt rf Ciiestnut !r.o I1.t1...l-. 1.:.. - W here all bo. ko are ,IJ at the I'ubliibcr'. lowest price, and you l.Hve th ... (t rtcei vi g A Handsome Present, , worth In.m In ;U t, 1 Hi.Mur -;ti. .. , : QU LVANS' Orizin il (Jiff Vn, "i... been er.dur,.d by the H iok Trade an. nil the lendirgciry nr,(j c..untry pti pcrainthc United State. G G EVAS' Punctual bii Mness Iraiifftcticn l.-n . received the p;r..baUon f 'ov,: . f.ftnO.OOO citiz-tis of tho. U.i-f., States, ea. h .f wh.nn have reeeivi . sui-rantia: i vi ot the benefit d'-rivL-1 ly pj . crtablihinri.t G G LYAS Has done than any other pub - lishrrr .r bookseller in the Union to Wrtrr'i Jirnsing knowledge tr the peojile. My his system many book arereud that wm!d not hate found ' : i thvir way into the band' of readers. Frank Lc'Ue Xeicpajxr. G G EVANS keeps constantly on hand the moi extensive toek, the greatest assort ment of 13x-ks, and circulates free to all who may apply, tin most com-tk-te catalogue of liooks and Gift? in the United Slates. G G EVANS has advantages offered to him by other publishers and manufacturer which enable him to furni.-h his pa trons with a finer quality and better . " i , assortment of gifts than any o her Cr'talilirllUJl'tit. G G EVANS r-oblishcs nearly two hundred p-nrn-lrntid ioterestin bo k, Uiercftie l.i.r I.., w V.'.tfor ..I.., t. iid eomini-- ( G EVANS (rtiaV;ihe irfA." -iiM-f;i'"ilon 1 all Wi in:iy s ud t"r ) ks. G G EVANS ii'jw thm-ilhsl ej' of b'MiL.- ' embraces the writing of every st jin dnrd author in every department o! lii rtturo. nnd give nil the inftrma fin relative to the jiurehaint; and forwarding by mail nr exyires", of lxokord'"rcd from liisestahlishmant, - . together with fall direct ronfi Low to f-- ; rfmil nvini'v. - 'u j (j ENANS' ffl"ij'i- "f l'...okp will oesenti'ra'ie mi l t'- f p.-t:ge t" tiny nddreio ir th- Uii.t'-'l States. i O EVANS' iiidu. uii'.-i.ts t.. Ag -uts an not b ,urMvol. Tli' in -st liberal coui . mi--i :ii-"siri i if. r d. jind hy s..lititing guh-'criptions t books in the inannei . . . iroptscd, twenty be Moid in jlic nam" lime that it woi;M take t. , -11 one on lh ohl-fiisbi'iried ubs"rip-- tioaphui. Sep-1 f..r a clarified Cnt alog'i". Mod i.'Vi r information wiMbe r u 'n'i Vff".fene- t r.ig -n. ii a Sh- ,rt your li.4,k i o.l t-.u-I.KS the ii- r.ioiiiit of ni 'io'v recjuipd, and one trial willsiri-fy voir' that th lesr place in tins jjuntryltn purchase books is at the Extensive Gift Cook Establisliincnt OH ! GFORGC G. EVANS, ';' , .N.:4:J0 Cliestnflt Street, - Philadelfihia. Il'flTe you enn art I nnl tof all kind li.Hikx of fact I IJiMiks t hetton I iiooKs ot de- . . . . t i i -iia votioii: Hooks ot amusement l I'miKiinr moia Folk! Hooks for the Young Folks! Hooks for Husbands! Ho..ks for Wive-! Hook for Lovers ! Book for Sweetheart?! 5ooksfor Hoys! , Coolis fr Girls! Hooks of Ilumoi 1 Hooks of Poetry! of Travel! H.ioks of History ! . Hooks of Hi- graphy! Hooks of Adventure ! HcM-ks about Sail- rsl. U.K.ks about Soldiers; Hooks ab.ut Indians ! Hocks about Hunters! lokabout Heroes ! Hooks about Patriot-! Hooks for rarmers! Hotks for Mechanics! P.iKiks for Merehants ! HoksforPhy- t THE ' OPORTO GRAPE. Tbfl Oporto is a very strong grower, ana is per- fectTy baidy, having fruited cuas!y for more than ten rears. It is very rrouuctivc, om vines fcav ing prcduecd from to ever ten bushels each, in a single se-lson. Two Tines, two years planted , in Ii Sal'.c county, Illinois, were uninjured by the eld. and fruited last ra?ori. 1 ho wine finds a rea dv tain from two to four dollars rer callon. Head lat tLe jHibliifsay of the Oporto. - ' : "'Iris esteemed by l'hysicians a good Port Wine It j sonc e w ha ti stringent, rich and of tine boiy. The vines are- trnfailing and g-xxl bearers." Uev Pr. Lounsbury. I have six difTerent kinds of GrM-es. aad thi Oport i the lv;t if ei'her i.f them lor wine, and Vttcr than nv oih. r erii" that 1 am acquainted wi h. A . in th" Huial. , -p .. , ,-. v.h.v mid wine fn.iu lh. . .1 v -.ll ;i! . II U U;: r l I i .. ' . -v i 'i - i-r ia0'. t.rJei." - Sylvcs t i t it 1. Stroug .vines $' to $'$ For vines tr eireular address E. WARE SYVESTEU' Lyons, N. Y. n37v5-tf. Well Buckets and Wheels J. J. THUHMAN has on Laud a lot of No. I WMl Buckets and Wheels. Hrownvillc, April II. 'CI. n4(-yly Oxen Wanted. TLe subscribers are desirous of tnying three yeie of food, beavy ibree f 'ur or ne year-.ld oxen one-third -fc. and balance cab in six mouths, or payable in f'Kidn on delivery of CxttJe. , Or wewili take Cattl debt. 'n 39 D. J. MAttTlX &. CO. The German Lnnztthirc Tnnsht. LdiiU Wnliter irop ive- to oten a lli:tlt-cllMl to Rive 'Oiru tiro in the Cerajun. All who ih To join n c1ns r tlii kind will leave their names at Ihc Post-Oftlce Februarv 21. '1 , - - - PEACH PITS 2') Bushels for sale atoned Hir tnd f f'v r"r;ss per bstl 1. bv fr,ll ' t;F.O. l'oMlt 2l s.-rhienjo.- C M. CLAY. BrVede'rof' Ptire Short ' - l-'UU(U y U It '.'.V J') a.aJ n. Fall Wh;thall P. O.. Madison Kv. Co O.OOO Silvcr-mnpls Seedlings ttu 'B YLAIt OLD. 1 to 4 Icrt Lig!iTen ullara aud. r-er Trees, 3 to 6 feet 5 oer tiun.lrct. A. E?,VAXT &. SON. rjiiicetcn, Ills. iiy. I -;il t,re;ire to f arLi-li ari'l rt-tii: an J at re! ,fvl rate driv Sr. n c .. ; ErownviMe, 'ebraka. Tcb 151 Valuable Tract cf Land i i m f. C O .XjXJ, I A. I autioriii J to ,tli a vaiuab. lr:i 0f j ln j joiting tha city if Hrvwnv.lle. There are Mb arrt- in the trv t, in-wily heavy timber, and 20 acres under tiliiVHUon. Ararabar- Jrt caafc-jhiiin tVt.i of !,;,.. ( Ar i !j to tra;r., or t j Irttrr, ti n. v. fuhttas. . ..... Hrowntilie, N". T. Apnlllth, 1S51. E0-tf GROCERIES. A select stm-k .f tight Gnercs constantly on hand and for eiJo at reduced rate? ai the nw store or0-'" r f" , ' '. J. JJTIILTJIAN, Erownville, April H,'CI.! ' n4D-y!y " ' ' K'' i i - - , ! - J J 1 1 r : ;t) ' i x ' . r- . - : i t s-z a " . r . I . fc. u K " . : " i-j - j 2 . - . " - " - t' - r- ca ? f -l - T tt-a " .' ' . S "- i - fj s--'-i- -- i2J5sJ . 5 5 - - -4 1 t l1 - - " . . vjr -- - i : & !!-.S'Jzs22"" tctjij -T-k J c: t i- - - - c - Z t-..-a.- " r K Douglas Improvctl Nugar 31111. The attenti -n .f. Fdrniers in Ketra-ka s railed jte slie following; certificate 1.JI. IJMi fni litrt ea...n rjn a No O U.iUjtlar lull! in Keiitdha Comny where t iai i n exhibition. TLe mice of this sized mil! is $50 trdxM added. Xetnaha County, Nebraska ' April tOih, 1SGI. R. W. FCRJas, Esq. Sir: 1 t:ike oleture in f urnlsh inz you with the follow-no: information as the rpMilt of my aclua! experinientinir witUihe small EUiiislas Im proved Sucar tuitl. It must te reelected that the sea win was extrcnielf drr anI the cane by no means iroxl While I used it 1 made from 30 to 60 callous of jiood, uiolasfces parday jg povudfito tbe gallon From, ne piece of case, theonfy one I measnred accurate' f fcO sqtiiire roU 1 nui lc C5 eaiioiis t.f No 1 m ila-ssas. Tins is over 200 trallotw per acre. I am quiie sure of a srnd ean, when the cane i ricli lean mate 300 gallons from jo acre. I" my ip;niou no farmer or at least neinlibor I..h! in trie wet iU"nlU Be with.oi' one f these or sim ilar iron mills. Your IleKpctfu!lr .... . - ... . ... - l.41-KLLISr , KrfercKce is to ma1o'. V. ll.tli. .fr Buier T B h.i t n ' a J Kitii.inKrtn.-Jn ' Ie Rev Slt'CwliinsVJ K.-M i.It-'e a ml in.i'iy otliers in Ncni.tlia County. as the ciiitiat(..n of tbe si iut cano in tie Vml has proved an entire .-i.eceo'.. and as an cxtraordiiiiiry a uiount will tins seahon be planted, it Is evident farmers must have a ninro expcrtitjotis ind economical nnxle of manutiicturlns It. Those who li a ve been usingtheold woooeu mills can compare tbe result with that above and see tbat tbe price of a mill is caved in a sing'e sea son by life use of art Iron crusher. ' ; Wbere it 1 not convenient for one farmer to purchase a mill, a neighborhood often clubs together when the cost to each is so trlfiing as not to be felt Cumyarsd with the advan tapes derived. Farmers will do well to send In their orders early as it Ik desirable thit the mills bohiuped in tbeearly part f Summer when freights are low, and also by slipping a number together the cbarpe will be still less. Address It. VT FURNAS, A pent. Browovllle. Nelmiska.--" P S. One of the njlUs can be seen and rxaniitiCd by calling on the AkCiU iu Itrowuville. CITY "DRUG STORE. ( of Main and. Second streets. EROWNVILJLE, Nv T. I ioiaim ! Hooks for Lawyers ! Hooks for Statesmen! Hibls! Presentation H oks ! Hymn Hook I Ju venile Hooks ! Annuals! Albums, etc., etc. Cecil H. Hartleys Iuternsting Hiograjihie ! Rev. II. Ingram's Scriptural Uomanccs! Siouckcr'a Jves of Patriots Statesmen ! J.T.I.aunn'jiBev- lutior Stories! T.S, Author's popular Talcs! Mr. Alcot's Family Doctor ! Mrs, Hents's Novels! Mrs. Southworth s Novels ! Oicken s Novels! Waverlv's Novels ! Irving's Works! . All the writings of every staudard authororevcry departuient of literature, in every style in binding, it tho r ubiishers lowest pno s. ana reinernncr that you juy no more than you would at any other estab- lichmcnt, and you hnvetue advantage ot receiving on elegant present, which oftentimes is worth a hun dred fold more than the amount paid for ths bock. SF.Nl) FOR A CLASSI1 ll.l) CATAlAM.l D Or HOOKS order any bs.k that ou iuay want,' .remit the retail pirice, together with the amount required for jostage: and one trial will assure you that the best place in the country to purchase bookiis at the Gift Hook hstablishment of - GEOIIOE G.EVANS, Originator of the Gift Hook Enterprise. 439 Chestnut Stteet, Philadelphia. AGENTS WANTED. -To whom greater snducetnenta than : ever are offered Any person, cither male rr female, who is desir ous of enga?eiU)r in an HONOliAHLE an PKOF- ITAHLE EMPLOYMENT, rciuiring buflittle time and na outlay of money, and by which they; can ob tain gratis - . A Valuable Library, , A Fine UoM 'a.vh nd ('hain, , .' A lUii'h.'iu S r iiv of Plate, An Elegir t Silk Dress P.itern," ... . . A S;io n lid Stt of Jewelry, ., - Or many other (-hoiee articles enumerated in our List of Outs, can d i so ty actiug as au' agent lor this establishment. ' . Any tcron,in any part of the country, can bo an arent. simp! v bv .otmin a eluh, sending a list cf books, and ramn ting tne amount ot in.mey required for the same. ' . Sknt Fok a CATALrwjrK, which contains all the desired informMion rcfafi't e to agencies and the formation I clubs? and to insuro promp: and hon Table limiting, ud.lri's-, ;U orders tu I'rif Htcau Qi'AKTi.Ks ok GEO.O. EVANS. Proprietor of the oldest ar.dlurget GiFf BOOK Ex- TKKTK'.SE li' ti e w..rht, pi intly loentcd at N.4-"i'3 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. PAUTIOUUIiLY TO KAMIIMEX. 1 desire to sy to Rsnchmen anywhere between the .MisM.uri river aB1 i.uit.iiis. tbat oiy stock for wbol satinp to them Is tvw complete enitiracins CTerythlnx desirable or profitable to trade in. and at price unheard of cheat). Call or M?ud your ordors, widen wi'.i raeet with prompt attention. TKEO HILL. Erownville April 25ih. 1SGI. Furniture ! Furniture ! ! The moj-t complete stk wf furniture ever . ffered In this upper country j ut recfivr-I ty - T. II ILL, Brownville. April 55 h, ISCt. ' - ' Boots, Siiot'K, Hats ami Caps My supply of II ts, Sin es. IT lt and Caps never Was so large nor was I ever prepared to ilTi-r such barcains THfcO. UILL. Brownville April 25ih, 1ECI. - DR. JOHN CRIM ANNOUNCES to the public that he. has purchased ot It., Jir.- n. the City Drug Store, in Browuville, aud has altm added largely thereto, - ; , ; THE DEST SELECTED And, perhaps, the LARGEST STOCK OF DRUGS .. " Ever brought above St. Joseph, Ills stock consists of the following articles, which he will sell cbeup for each: ' CiUto'r Oil. , Cud Liver Oil, ' - 'Street" Oil." i a 'nity. . Glue, Pure White Lead, French Zinck, .. China Zitrclc,- ' Red Lead, Venitian Red, - i . Raw and b'tuiuber, Snaniih uhiiiny;, Chalk, " Linseed Oil, Cough Candy, Tanner's Oil, Copal Varnish CAttile Soap, Fancy Soap, . Toilet Sodp, . i Tooth brushes, I . Liihrage, Patent medicines, Let.papet White Varnish.' r 1 Ink, . ; I ' Hair brushes,' -Tooth brushes, i? i PHint:bnihe! Stationery, - Candies. - - t.ts; v- , , . Raiins . . .. &c. Stetl Pns, ' Gold -Reus, Ponci.s, , ' v v' Hair oil, ' - i -. Also, a Splendid Assortment of Perfurr!,eries, , Comprisinp Lyon's Katharion, Colofie, Pouimade genuine ox marrow, bear isreese. and oils, muk and e.Nceuces of all kinds, and of the Quest quality. statiohe&y; Foolscap paper, fancy letter paper, frilt e!eed notes, and envelopes, plain, fancy, and eiBoo.-ed pen pencils and pea-bol ier, inks of all kiuds, iutitanJi, wafers and lir:g-wax. , - ; : ii 4 J it i J i ii . ' . . . ill T7" Vvo LOOK FOI; ' elk hoi:: A V j it: Wit lai J. J. J 7 1 Q ANNOUNC.-S to the citizens of Brewnrii' r. .. . vicinity thsf l.e has removed his Drug St-ire tr Li Sidney, Iowa, to th? City of Hrownville, aai having added thereto an exteasire sto-;k vf Freth Drugs, Chemicals, Dye Stuffs, Paints and Oils. Pure Wines and Liquors; :, For Medical. Purposes, Hair arJ Tooth Iruihes, Perfumery, . . Fine Toilet Soap, ... i. . fc. cc., Sc., cc. Invites the public pttronsgs. 5TJ"Physieian'r Frescrlptiuas attctded to at all hours oiu by .day and night, . ; . , f . Hrownville, Aprii llth.LSCI. nlO-yly CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST . CLOTHIITG v-c Ever ii.Te red in iLU Market. XO DOUBT ACOITT IT I CALL AND SEE FOR4 YOURSELVS AT THE Baltiinor - Clolhinpfc Store, BROV7NVILLE,-lL T. r r , i rJicllllrli, I Announce to the public that they have opened out -a sLotkof ., READY.MADE CLOTHING,, LOOTS AND SHOES. HATS AND CAPS, , CARPET. SACKS. . GENTLMEN'S UN- " - DERWEAR, J; &C, &.C., &c. Unpreccdentel in quantity, quality and prices. They aredetermined their prices sba I correpond with, the times, ml therefore oiler here in the West, at just as low rates as such goods can be purchased :auyrbere m the United States As a sample of our pricewe will mention that we sell .. Coats from $1,25 tip to $15, Pant3 from $i to $7,. . Vests from to $5. Boots. Shoes, Flats, Caps. Fancy and White Shirts, Sus ders, Neckties, Sucks, IlanilkercLiefs, He , iu the same proportion. . 1 . The proprietors embrace this opportunity of returning thanks lor past pi! rename.' and promise to spare na ef forts in tbe future to give etiiini satisfaction. p : COllaixd 000 us v SEIGEL.GREENBAUM&CO. Brownville, April 4, lS61.-ly NOTICE is hereby given that under and by virtuo of an assignment made and executed to' me by I. T. White, and recorded in Miscellaneous Hook No. I of the records remaining in the ofiicoof the Register of Deeds of the county of Nemaha in the Territory of Nebraska ; I wilt, upon Saturday the ICih day of May, A. D. 1801, between the hours of one and three o'clock, proceed to sell at auction, in front of the office of the County Clerk of said county in said Territory, the following described real estate and personal property, to-wit: East half of northwest of southwest section 20, town 5, range 16; 20 acres. Southeast of north v. est section 30, town 5, range 10 : 40 acres. - Northwest qr. section 3, town&,rangal ; ICO acres Northeaster, sec. 10, town 5, range 15; 1G0 ueres. Southeast qr. see. Iv, town i, range 15 5 100 acres. West hatf of southeast qr.setticn 22, town 5;rar.go 11: 80 acres One lot of land commencing forty rods cast of the fouth west corner of southeast quarter of section ll, town 5, range 15, east, thence running east on sec tion line forty rods, thence north Torty rod.-?, fhetce wost fortv' rods, thence south forty rods to place if beginning, containing ten a1 res m re or lass. Lots 1 4 and 15. bbu-k 2I. Middle Hrowuvilia. lot I2. bl ck .15. Hrownv ll -. Iit lo, Idook 2:1. Hrownville. Lots 15 and 1. blok t2. with hons, Hrownvillo Lot 1.2 0. T. 8. t). II). II, li, 1.5. U, 15 and 15 in block A. We-tern Division. Lota 1.2.?. 4. 5, fi, 7. H. 0.10, 14,15,10, 17,13,10. 20 in block F, Western Divi-ion. ,7 I Two s'oves. one bln-k and tackle. ' . - . The rihovo iir-.p -rfy t . l" so'd by U13 for oa?h In - ry t r. ,f tve"!9 fi'.'.t tie peri.-xsic attacks of Nm ous or Sici Jl'ninche in y be preveated; and if t iktn tte ecrnTn".C!':ietJt rf-an attacx iiuiae'aate reii.'f frci pain anl sick'!e trill te.tt4in'l. They se!J . n fail ia re::i ovir.g the .Vjaif a zzl Head ache to wS .oa fermles a- c snb.-ct. They act gently u?a that we is rexcv:-! Cssti't r.tti. Tor Literary Men. S.'n'rn's. rUnto I ?!, arid atl per.s -t itdfntarj hab::t. they a re v ! :.-5 : as a Lxttive. Haprvrin; tt. appetite, airinit l.vne and r: ror to the l:?etiTe ornn. and retucin; ti.a catural elastioitv n i strength f the wh le system. The CEPHALIC ritUSarethereuiiof l )t:3lnve'ti ration an-1 carefully ot.i.auv.;"! experiuvnv-v haviaa teen in ae'tiny fttts, dttrinfr which 'time tfty have prevented and relieved a va-t amount of pia and m I ferin? frutu IIea.'lj.-hc. aLethcr orijinatii;? In theatr vout system er frota a deranged sta'e of the ll3fiitic ' Tbey are entirely vegetable In their cmpo-iti'-n. am' nay t"ta&en at alt tlr",? wTfn . perfect sfe'r. uh-u' tn:tkiie nv- ctnwrcnf iiiet. end the of it y dia anrtnlle taste rendert it eaj to adminuter then ti chitdrtK. , ; : t lit? ware of counterfeits! The xenoinaive ftve s;snalrc f IleuryC. SM'u? on eveh n'X. i . f SoUt by lrai?is and 11 other De ili"i in Meiicinet. A box will t w::t by mall repaid 06 rd:cipi f t!.e Price 25 cents. Ail orders should be addressed to HEN RY C. SPALDING , ?-42,-Cedar :Street,-New York. - Dea. S, 10. 22-ly 1 . - THE FOLLOWING EXDORSEUENTSQF SPALDING'S itTi-n-1 h 1 Q fi LIC PILLS. - T'i;i c.nvineo nil whosafTorfro'ij, - Til AT Speedy and Sure Cure IS WITHIN THEIR RE A OIL At thftt T'ltinoniaJ wr unsolicited y fr. SPAL DlSif.thry np-ird Huqntntionnhle prwif of the rVoocy of thi truly tcieutific diicovtry. II C SrAi.niNC, Esq. ri U,Tcr(y, JAr., Dec.ll, 1S00 I wish for some circulars or larze sh(.w bills, to bring your Cephalic -Pills more particularly retoro my customers. If you have anything (;f the kind, please rend to me ( Ona of my customers, who !s subject to severe Pick Headache (usually lasting two days.) win cured "f an attack in one hourly your V, which I sent her. ltesiioctfullv yours, v , , W P WILKES. baud to thehi-best bulder. J I.. SWAN, I i. T. WMtr. A!; - ' I T,,iii: ti-'.v c. fivdV- ;T-.--;::t w. Juf.e. At., I-"'-"f. A r-T 1 IT. 1?M. -KOi'c:-!. r i "ig eia.tiis :i .-. ; EcynolJihiirrf, Frnnll'n CJ 0.' . January 9, 10 1 ' f IIexkt C PrALniNoy No 4S Cedar St, N Y !k- - Doar sir: ' Tnelosed find twenty-five cents, (25.) for which send fcnx of "Cephalic Pills." Send to address of Rev WinC Filler. Hcvnoldshurg, Franklin Co. Ohio. Your PVl: tcori liiea charm cure Headache ul mo't iuntanter. Truly yours. W.l C FULLER. Mr. Spalding. HannviUc, C'jun Feb 5,1S51. Sir: . I have tried ynur.Ccphaiic Pills, and I I He t'hfm no tn ll that I want you to send me two dollars worth more. , . - - Part of these a re for the ncighior, to whom I gave a few ont of the hrt box I g t from y(Xi. - Send tb-5 Pills hy mail, and oblige ,, . Your ob't servant, 1 ' ' JAMES KENNEDY. Mk. Spalding. Hncerford, Ta., Feb. ff, 1851. S r: I wish von to send ran one more box of your C(- phalie Pills fl'ie received a ijrcrt deal J Oeneja from them. I. hrm v i,, ; ti - i ! 1. T. , te. '..r- - H.- , t ... . Yours. rerectfullv, 51AUY ANN STOIKIIOU.SE. rr-.vry tM. . 1 -I'll 1.' 1 i a ceat3 G5 40 40 40 40 40 4) 4) 43 per lb 4. Onion Seed! Onicn Seed! Iairge Ti'l Ooiou Large Yellow Hi-rind Flat Turnip Yellow Swecdith Yellow Uu'a Bag Cucumber Early Short Long Green Short Cr''en Heet Seed Early Turuip IOPg LliK-d Callage, Drumhead u a u u u u 1. u u a u m u u tt u TI10 aV vo Seeuisre ";vc sr.ti.-faction. All last UE;j?r's crop, rn.1 will (rders addiress tj Wil. En- wakds, Sugar Creek. WalwortL Co., Vi "isstcfin, tvUI be prctT!' t:y attciiJt 1 to. r.j7v5 " . PURE LIQUORS: IIoHandGin. Irish Svhibky. Bourbon Whisky, Gin?er Brandy. Cordial. Port H'iue, Madeira, w ine. White wine and Malaga Wine. 1 ' , 1 . . . -. ... Reins a regular prliduate and practic ng rhysician, the public may depend, upon great tare and accuracy in compoundinc procriptious. , ,. . , HILL'S SPKING G0DJS HAVE AND ALL ARE SOLICITED TO .-;. ' . . .. . .. '....'.."' ' , Call and sea Them. i SUCH SPLENDID BARGAINS CANNOT BE FOUND .ELSEWHERE. 1 , IIavin3ncen l.,ng'and rxtcnflve' eny.ised In the niercjntile busi'iCM in me 't I fl itter niyelf ?.nic what on knowiint ibe wuts oi tbe Community, mii1 thus lieins aide to pnri-hae u:h a- will uit an. I cii! particular attention to my present !-prin;r puicha.-c which have all been !c;ec:ed wiih (treat care ami wuh an especial eye to tbe times. I iil not aitempt ! en umeraie, but simply say my stock as uauaUoDsisty of r Dry Goods,, 1 Groceries, . Hard ware, Queensware, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, - - Furniture, .1 . Jewelry, j P .x s of your Ctphal- i i. 1 .m.iit':i aieiv. -,'.tB"""f'ill v your. ' JXO. JL S1UONS. - 1'i-f - n"d ni';Ljt of ynr f 'ill, aad fiud thtr.i tjrc- .'fTvt. t .3 .v ,1 Lor ' ' n . .') OJI PLAITT C BUOTHBE, ill A. u Dl.i ( i . i 1 ...!.. ' ii L v. 1 i 1 a . . . . o . Jl ai::: -j ..:iv;:;g . s us -'tr, n; .? j;. -. i: (m . t"u ;-.. :,:t. a -s. UjI .'s, : ' -ve'-. !v"s. P..:i--, i: i-'t'p-. S -; tj ! i. . C" 1 :'. f l I '. C 1". ' t" ri3.-"i' it. i' -;u -..; -ti" k,:tt 'k ' " Ir" k a J i A i K!rl)j''s American Iron Harvester. Itevolvirs fi ! Srrinr t th n:;rie n r Ttakei, Kratser' C'i.-'cr ard w.i.e Mi!; w, a r.-Ci, S:t;ar Caia C-" ..:.r, .,,.1 I.v -..,rat.--wr l dt's P.-i-i f:? V'-re.A e ar. I Ca'-lrsuj, Prt.b'.e an-1 H .re P "era, PorUI .e i 1 -cr i t i." i n Jaal Xiill, Wowl ar.J l-u '.V: i k.i. ii i-hi c:y, Jlrti-:-! j! d To1'-.:: .cliir:s. Lathers. BoltCJt'.r. C.jca S:- , tasts:!:, Qri's p..rt V.e K rse .y.t I ISell-i, Le.ithcr aii I il iltcr '.:!';. Le I.c.i:!icr a:.d S .M:;i i'vi'X. Frer.ct ' 'A"jot z Km '.v 9. $ e'rtr X ?-tftt, CARVE. CRASS AXD OTIiZH SF.KLS. r"i?r.' tor 'hrcuiars Cvttt tuwitti and IT execute-J 1 1'LAIiT ii JJilOTIinn. ifarch, IC31. (?:.4 -ini-Aaaj. Iu) --- - i i ' r i 6- i - J art If S ' Ul -s a-JU - - n - .1 i - C V a " r. a o w c --.' - 0 - v 2 C ' - - : 1 r "- wi n ' !-. " .-, " - ii 1 - . - . . w - c 3 - . . 3 -7 . 3 ! i':6: n -f rf 9 3 - 1. 3 1 c " r - 7- , T" - j- z u . n, t - . - Z c ,J 5 i ? 2 u - U 4, U 3 iT t 1 5r - v i ?4 E 7 3 - i r : - i -? I o a j 12- ncrj s ti r- 'e. 1 r: c 'r -i fc - z 2 - T i " s Bargains! Bargains! GREAT SALE OF TOWN LOTS, BUILDINGS, STOCK, &c. in PERU, NEBRASII A. ' ' THE undersigned will on Monday the Cth day of Mjy, ISGi, . . 1 - i a thj CITY OF PERU. N. T., OTer for sale, tu the highest, bidder, the following property,"' v'u " ' '" " . 1C0 CHOICE LOT3 - - io the , CITT OP PXIiC, One KXac&saiHhatitl IVaonshcp ami lot (.ll tt hu ll the s;uriO is situated. Tll3 lia-divid.-d one third part of ik . , . i CABINET SHOP, and the lot en which the situ:; is situated; a!s a HORSE POWER- which is atiaehed to' the same. ''Also a largo and commf -diou : i W A RE IIO U S E ia the tdwaof Mount Veruon aJjuiuiug the City of Peru, wid to he I Lo BEST WARE HOUSE on the Mi.-souri River Noith of St. Jceph. Also, a lariiu lot of C A And B41 V-rrtnn, Ohio. Jan 15. ISoI. IIXKY C Spalting. K.SQ. Please find inch"d twen'y-five c(nfs, for which Send mo another l-x of your Ccphali-r P.ils, 77ity are trrh the leni Pill I hare err tri-d. Pirurt - . -A. STOVFR. P M. l- ' Belle Vcraon, Wyand-it Co,0., . : : , - . ' . IaTA We h.ttleof SPALDINC.'S PREPARED GLUE will save tea time its cost annuailyv SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE- Brownville, April 25. niO-ly. ' Lime ! Linie ! ! Lime ! ! ! - "Hie nndersi?ned whose kiln are itt;atet niiieniiles westof Brownville, on tbe road lea lin toft. Kearney, keeps constant lv on hand a very superior article of lime,ow-):eh be iavite- tbe a'tention of -those wj-b-tn;, Tfee Llns wiUbe dMiver.M at thcktla or at any other p.iiDt la thconnty, at JcsircJ. rcb.9, UCO 6m . . . P. H. LOK?. iDillotrj tUarc, :c VThich I ocr for cash rr gond country prclnce, at prices so low that none wbo desire, can be left with an excuse for not purjiasins. 1 ask but au examinat La of cy stock. TIIEO. mix. Brownville, April S5th, r961. Sprins plantins bulbs, cmsi-tinj of Anmryllis For-nei-sinia (Jacobean lilies) Giadi. Ins Flonb-.ii.dus, Ga and Psittachinnns. Mexican Ti?er er, red au l vcllow Tuberoses audMa-tcira vine Poiloledah 1. as cf t? choicest niicieJ Taneties at $3 per .I.xen. TtCtcVt D-M-.ks on poultry. Xitcten ?arder,inp, Cuitiva ti. n of fruit trees and fl.wors. CrJers may be sent by,fbe tber ever so srrnl!) they will Le r.jir jCy attended o, an-i catalogues of my Whole colleciija f&rwaxdtrd. A''..!re-. A.fc'.lXNKiTAN. Ft 151 Veni'csVrorjoiC Kr l-,kc KITCHEN AND HOUSEHOLD Furniture. I Lave also about Acr'-s of CHOICE FA R.MING LAND, Adjoining Peru. Which I i!l s- il on ca.'j tern-s at private sale,- . r f ; T : " ,- f - - Terms 0 sale? On5 third Co-h in f.ttid, nr.HI the remainder iu six and sine tanntiis, with legnl interest. S ilo to continue from lay to d sy until all is itdi. Sa'o to eoUitn-.-cvo at It) wVloek of sai 1 .'.ay. , . ll. W. FKAME. rPe-u, March ?5tIi,-l?M. . -.T.S-tf . ' - ' i . - . Flowers, Fruits, &c. J;)iIV A. KENNIUO IT. at the Nursery. Wwt N .rihfield, 111., has ready fordi-li very : - .Culhs, espxt-ially Tulips, at the low rt r of i2,50 per 1"0. and $20 per thousand for lar.ra root. Strawberri.'s, r f nil the nit aojirovI vrtrk'fle-i, 2 i-i I dollars a thousand for most, a few son nko Wilson's AlVtny. higher Evergreen 27 t4 evil is Jer foot, aocorjiiig tv variety and furra- -average 2 aeenta. ' Fruit Treehin gid Tariefy. Appte at from S to 15 dollar p"r 1V1 a;id h smaller the chsttper acd h-Tter fi" dxtir.t eu't-.mers. .n.i.;l Frai's- Ci.rrats. II-';; v n Or,.. rry. ia.-j.bcrr 1.-,i Li.i". kltrries, Ac.iauea lower tbaaever offered before. Orna:Benfal Trees, an-I oher Hardy Shm brry. in great rahey and av)rn-lin"; and 19.0-1 ma!l to iarge plants of 1'pright 11 ucym kloi, Lil a"i,Siri:a. Dcutjia S.Hr.ra'. Prim, ic, at fr ,n 1 to 14 fM'a- hundreds And th LaaLi.ri Ij.rl.ifira Spi nfftii aii'l other cbSco perennials at fr m if to 2 per 1 sen, a.-ii eotnnija tli'.js all d ;.-irbi J at ah-nif 1 -ii if price. " (,-t.iT 'uts by mail on ap plication ; and evtry t'uir. af.-T p'o-kC"l for di-tant tran'-'rtin ; and s.3 4 rc.e afio-t things' sold at about tea pr ecu", b s in autaa: t Iran t iirg. , 1 f-ao-l-I SATE THE PIECES ! xcosomy! dispatch! ZlTA Sti'X ' :77me Sire' Mae TTJZ Z " - As aeeidTits will harwi, evei ia weli regulated families, it is very desirable to hare som? eheapand eocvenient way for repairing Furnitare.Toys,Crock erv. 02 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE meet? alt such emergencies, an 1 no household enn a(o4 to L without it It is always ready, and up to the sticking point "USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." N D A Drash accor if anies ench bottle. Price, 2a cents A -Id re " - IlESltY C SPALDlNTr, No 4-i Cedar Street, New York. CAUTION. I A certain nnprineij led j-ers-on are stt"nrtin t i tt ha ' !T on tbe 11 r suspecting a'lte. i:; t- ' loos 1 mt rUEI'AUEI) IJLUE, I wou'.J caotton .'.'.I t crn-r..-' t- examine befora par;ha-ing, and sea that the fa'.i I cd ' .'J. T namo rTSPALDING'S TOEPAEED CLUE 4 . . -- rx o " "i " HARDWARE. QUEENSWAn.!:. CUTLERY. :;ails. IRON. iw. A G;:vt At.:r:r.:t c! all l: &t;r?. nTl-j ' .:e-r-'n! to r-.;! Is t - 1 1 ;c tuire, 1 t re "." . j . ; .: ri. i ; ed o".t 1 tve-.viv; a v 1 . r: . . every..-. 1 e.-:t-1 1 y M s-rs n : s rm-f --.-.-r " i-::. of , - ii.:. r.-c ef e--y :ra le .:d tj !c b y (i -U n -aj:cs c t-i r r,: .. . 'Cf, Cloths. J ' : . ' 1' !...."' T i" v' 1 V - C " . L 0 4. ;,.-t:.- , C.i". ' C. ' tr- " j 1 t "...h "a . -.-.! i,", ti i'.l o'.i; e .--. a. ".., i.' .re. Q-ieeti-ware. Jtc. I a;n .i."e-i:;!'ie.! t-. a rp ' r - !'i i e t ui.-. as; I wi.!, t' c: vf -re v!: -m - '.'! wtf. :e-icuu:y i.r ca5 JvCi'.ry .-a. custom won I inrf on biat a spier,:', t i-tr;r-.t rf r.-e-..:; X.' y tvA Calf liiis f.,r fc. me n i:n-' ' uru. t ar-:r, u t'i) uott Is terii. X'.l '-.: t " jr; tS'.o4 it ti V7 afi. . r-i Tl . TTUra. pelts and Tars, for i::a X3 f.t:i ;:V 1 tt ill ttaifc will l-e $-'''.. If ynti wish to p"irrti,ie (Mod Ta 13 r-t fi"-;.' te'ui. or tii-ivi-e.if yunr pr. i u-o u ia ti-'- ? .idvantace. BoKireai.i ci!l At DEII.G CIIEilP GTOr. C-ownv'.lls, Arrsl. 4, irl. I. T. UiijuiU. l Jime? EtitUtle. J Nctiea U hereby g'.vca t!.stbv virl-rf air.t-.-n. tion issued by tha Clerk ( f tbo I). irici C. i.t u Ne man county, NtbraA Tcr.i'-. ry, r-jn'n.k t::r fer.dant Jaiuos Eutwi.-.i-i i'i ilea . l ' - ; -' and ia fav r tf tl.o j'.aia 'T ihcrj!:. !. T. . hy Co. for the sum of ot:j ban 1.; i ai tLirty- v t t dollars pud seventy-vc cnts, acd t3 co.ti tf ft1 iimountir totlevcn iL-l'iJa ar.d $x3-ir nzxt ; I, I. II. Wei.s, She-rid tf slid cur.ty ia si limit--. have levied u;;njui l will 'J-'-t t'-f saia at ! -ll.l auction, at the d r of th houoj lz w''.h ti J '. term of tho said District. Curt t t 'A 5-un?7 wm held, on Monday taa li:!i diy of May, d, V- -I, i ilu hotirofldiMpck, ui saiitSy, thaf-llowu dis'-ribed property, to-wit: The saa' je-it 1 f northwest" rptarterof setioa cuir.l'-T C t: r.;t'.i numb.T i, of rarjre U. east of the c.'a ; :ir.;!p.l meridian, (' 1. taining 1) acres ; t'-.a' j.r -ituated in Neinah c-mut taken a t h-s rr-1 ;;:y 1 i Ja:.K Entwi.tlo. J. it. WLLLS. .wriT E J. II. i:. : y . D ;-ury . April II. TV,:. nl.'-y.-tv Probato iiotico. ' WIIFI.KAS.V.'ituE. Pi.'.liH d'2 n:-i-nt- t.t.Ue of Julij .' y-,u ; : -".j, li u 2; ; -a... to tho IV' b :' Ci'urt of N:iii ih.ii C un'y, .N'-.f r.. a Territory, for on. y-oars oxt M.i n tvu t en,'.' t iho nets of raid cstat a-ni pty ta civ ..J 1 1 cies char.'"ah!,J Sgtintt tho san:?. V..H.. I ...n '.t. f tiSKUfi tVi!l?.! J ...... I. J . V ...1 . wv - - w. ' - - y March. ad 1 0 oM e , h n, 1Ujit.n1 ff hearing sav.1 nppliatin r.t ir.y f.ij-? ia L'r iwtT'.l. in said county, when anl sWor.ll -rj-r.s iT.Ti' , ed may att-n'l and show eiso why tl.i :-il ej:j... sten of tirao should nv bo a:.jw-M. Wim-jsi my h-n l and seal thi CI -!ir rf ! (nswt-ji) c. w. wn:: u.i:. SHERIFF'S SALE, Notice is berebv riven that ia t srssticcs r f t ordraof SJila isued bt thi District Ce-nrt of 2'e:n hit County, Ncbrvka Territory, en tw-j jalT -r.' in said Court, one ia iaviir of Olivrr li nr;-", O-r. pry, an-1 tha other is favor tf V.M".n P. E.-lrT A Comp.-r.v. and both rg-iinst Aug'i -t'.-fj L?' " ? r-r I.-ba:u P. II- rn, I artnorf ui l.-r t'.u utiSJ ef L; f f t rfr ib.Tu.I will 1 Lr.-r t-.r r.:.j at r k li.-j i.u , la Uro'.Tuville. at th d- t-r cf tli h.-.u.w ia w: i:'. t last tenn of the Di ;'ri -t C-art wal,i-J. ts .'I . J iy tho 1-lth day if May A 0 Pill, at Liif n l tin oVi.'.k A. M, if aul-l day, t:.' f'-.-v. ing described real e-tito to-w.t: Lot i.u-i r i :i bl -ek number U'J, wt!i th s'o,-. .::-' "a .l i-iT '' unj rovem-nti th reo'i, Siu:a:.-J in th 7v-ifcf !', iu. Al-)l'.ts8ar.J 7 of the r.. r: i-t I i.r.r". t ? : fra di nal quarters of s-."-:tion tiiiu.l 't21, i.i t.-w -i 1 number C.i. rth vf r-ne nu'u'jr 1 . c -t f I t principal ru'.' Pa). All the ab -v- d cr-L.-d ; .1 :."". situttd iu Cotiury (-f.iii.i' a, v-rn as lit; -pcrty of said Auguiliaa L- ! id ar ! I ; n: j P. Pw--.. ii. Vf f.LS. Saj.'X. pr.TonN'n.Mo:::;:-(j:.', Lcp-i j. April Iff, 1V.I. ni : ') 'Administrator's Sale. y ITUi-l'ANT t-i an ord.-r ki t: e i'r.h'5 '.V';". .f Ncin.tha coui.ty. Ncl rj;,.i. ui ou '-La il u. r February A D 11, ?h " uadsixueJ, adubt.V r. ..f the estate of Ocer4pi Englift.ardi.-iecea' J,i-i urd-iy tho 8:h day 1 Jit .3 A Dl-v'-I, at 2 v !.-. 'i. '.' M, in fniut u( tla t-n-.-J of tU Trtha c' NemahA County, ia Drovnt i'.lc, i.l oC.r f. : i.uUiC trend ue the follow i."i dc-cr;be 1 rc -l t r-te..:p as a part of tho tat ti of thvsil U. " 5 :ars Pure Bred Fiiiuj Poullry. . For sale lliiK-k Sinili, Voit D -rkin', Golden arid Snz!fd Poland, Srhrigiit, PU k Ari:aa. red and white Dsintarn, whi a:;d wild Turkey. Pea F' wl. white ail brown If ng Kong, Prvra.. tml wild (bjese, WhiM 'Crc t -.1" aj k -ibar-h and JIa cevy Duck. Common c M.i.i ;i-jtr UaVrits. Ail!s old will be nrefai!r boxed wi:!i the tec sery feed, and delivr-1 at tin Erprer t5:c. Ail ircss W. A. G0ODI.'O.0.:k Uu n37ra - Lockjiort, Viil Co. COLOHEDLATES OF FRUITS AND FLOWERS. WE have ariii-W eoustntiy e.n!!j-e l in piintin? spetiiaen of all kinds ! traits baml. Ki rr.'roeo and Fli wers, and can. sepply ntrscry iitLtWi.;ii..r with any u.ouity. either booo.S ..r i.i :-f. c--t Oar Wind viiiHie arc iotefle'l co!;,in il aa aireuz wii! rert'dte in seiiinjt a li.t 4 et-ertt N i e-y pr i-,.-n V.'e cft.T tt.eiii T!in::ti ini'Ur ll.ev-v .j ro c, i:: 5 can fnrtiih the b'lund volume, very 1 u .-.i. hare r.o Irsitancy in j.ayii-3 tL.t tbe exeriiii-iU .f th j r:t ar d llSenfrs tr ret ire are J...t s:ir;,i,-(.i ly 7 in ;i.e fonntry. Call at iUe Advzrtite,' aod ee spc-t-taeii book. . j ' . LXSPJ.S &. Fuiil). xv3i :33-Fv2ri3 Ohio Narseries, Tw !:.. O to wit the wji: h:i.r cl tt9 a:a u: r, e."tion No. tightens, in toWi..-ip N3. i cf fira i'v. tlir:cia. uist, sjiaa'.-j ia said couaty. Terms cf pays jr.. : 03 ha'f iaja ll YiT.i, cz fourth ia tare ui-Ltiii'.iil ' ur:h in r. s.:u'X fen thetiijtof tall. JtJ-Li ;I ::IIUrT. Mjrui 7, l:i Aiu '.u.j .rat-r. " I 0 I! A V 1 1! E S .''' HI" St ick ef na'.irj vines c -ris ail ;ho t!ji able vari.).'i.n wit'a vl ic's I au ;. :;".:::..:.!. Tb p'.ar.ti have bsga 1 r-.'Iaee Iwi'h gre;tca.-s. i.n.i.r t.a mo.'t f.ivorab!9!e .4 lor baivLy d-v'. -j -mont.ani surr-.. ja e.Tr.l'.c v y a;:y thil I tofi r-j beer rhl4 t oj-.r. F,r tut fill tra i cn'y a-'tta a;v!y ef U:1.1 ' Villug-. T.c-olr.'fr-. In.S 1 jlire,E:iigaa:;, Tay lor (i.r'Ka:'.tf,)ar.-I AlN.a's l.'yiM u oiT-.rci. be-t' 1 l'.r', a! j.-, t'.o :.ip'y is c.ot lar-, but pu.Iiiy avoo-ij.-d. TLe ct-k ft-U D--a-.raf". '-;;'. ey n"i1 V !S ir house and i; :'i a'.r, h 1 i.vo " I r -, F r yard ;4antiit2 f.'nt 'Uvug v. , gr ifu 1 -;a Cita la acl Lab st.t s, &fj e-'..r. J aial; TV very strong-. Very larg'j layers', f Diar..t," "rbTn-.r., t-' l C .2. eorJ, grown w'.th e -:,:' i i t"rv f " ir--"..i..i ' b-r-ing. ti.xri layt rs of Ann . U .g f 1 1 y 1 2 k! ! also I lar, C-wsidy, i Ka.- n. I. hco:. ;:..:.r Iyuis.i, L' gan, Fi ii v, C.n'.' y'j Acsj'i.-t, lia L; v, II, Prt.I:;,Cuy-tbog. A . .. A general a. ,r:i-.i.t of fre'ju TiriuCcs f.r wi neries. - - - Of Dvr.;ng Ereeiritig T-fa'.'i-rry sie -rv'r ii nc, l ifge, and a gr .t .n, rf tb; ; -i ct n'rv-. orlsre-L liny nr? very ru, a.J tuc I wellg"iwn a;j.l ii .'ur.-l. V.'UoK-sale J.j-t:.-ii!'-".i-t :,; t.a t' ' '. ? " i 4 t' 1 . j t f rm c!uV-, o.i ...vcati-,". ! dcr.',T'. F..-r.,i 1 ::-n . : L! I -int f .r t-.7- t.'.r?? i f.. s: ':. ? ! a f-ill a':. I t-.-t.-; t". a- ! iset.t ot tfi-J viis: ' r -It . t'la-.-r acd rrv.r(i.-. :ire '' I ti; r d'rvtioti ars given f r i pr- irnt'.o"i of t.I. I ! an.! pl...t:.-;-. at. I tho ''' ei:-):- f.-r t.-i.:;::.g ; ar.i::ui:rate.l by LMrty car fully j rc:-.rcl ! 1- -'. J.:-r 1.' . -. t t 1 t ri ."!' : tr e Ua.vji: i. f : 1:' - 1 a r-;r-....1 t . ! et 1. P tf I 1 ar? j ,:-t r' J a r. T stir.'lr rf s t o v : r s The te-.r-f:.:: r.s rj t-.a r-u-. -s r: i... coo Of tire l.t".-f ar s nr. j ii on the outside wi"ap4r all other are s-aiai'.ir" 1 cuaterr;U '-'. " The j i-.l ' - - i it .-'.'r-d r'terr., vac 'a I s.l- ta.-n t b- eo'np'.aia- - 1 t i -'! ;ir. i er-i":i.'i?. , ? f;r f. I: n ana t sc.-urate ara tr-t Vv.r::.y, re :.g - ..-a -ii Sr. ir. p r.-..t-1 kavwelcdg', a.i I v--ry e. r.-"-. " ' z. C . V. 0-LAT?. IONA, NEAR PEEKSKiLL. Vi are i; lar" ac 1 1 f nv own ma 1 ; o-(, r. i Anil lb 1 M. n 1 r'j DOOHS AT F- r S. . X - ! ; .1 :.L aL J S 1. h tall '.t a-." . .-r .'. .-i .. it, . . n. . n tt IS .- a. . . '. 1-.- .f i i.rr