Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 02, 1861, Image 3
; t k.v. U U- C4J 1"4;iV(l!'i .:t. that not lb ' 1 ' ' f-l '"' 'r "t :I atf- -m-! In 1L eld Cu'jn- of n.ed.cine J. xi : ;' .1 c 2 '....U. : .e... iul bere ILry know lit iiif u.'.cry -f J. j" ut e rt cow io Lave a alterative, wtiKh f.D L re- wli! fi -t ned te anred ATER " ' worthy ot ttrtr t-ia f w jc.n e rei ia enum i . ' .urr- ' wj Icb.h'illdaddtLecroWD- i" ', " lurk .Vie reputa'ioa. Aneri- ii.r in . ? i.ut I , ....-I r . v.4 m -d cine,!, of ccur-e f t anyiaiog wu;en t, ii it J L Cartii' Kam- ,.1,- if our k,tical friend (, rlievd d-.f.t ojvin I,,. r..W.;il"l to "gie in." C ...... ilr i another fj-. .,''y n.sdf Th" linn; h', f i. vf" thirg in con;!., . ,1 Ivrti 'rti-r.t. ,7 A, ( l'-r '. r.'r? iT H4THi:" AflHOTT, S v-,tf.. ;t1 rrt Nf;vr.p.:fcr Advertising Agency, : f ' ;n '.i:ff , i I. A '" .. . .-' I1 ' ' -1. St." I.ioui. Mefri C r-'nl A '2 "r ( i r., ., 5 l);fp St. L- .i c i J . rn-1 f t u m i .r 1. 1 Mi te A liver t t r lie t:ne. 'farmer W;mlrJ In Hie Printing i!. Vr vr.ntrr ts It- ? 71' Hj firirlicrl printer , .U'vr.a-'.J ur.JtrcUnJ Ilia rltticg n'l ; r.t,t mere! a corr.4'.;ur ,U k r, ; do of oiLerduci 1pto!t- t, i fu'iinWdfBt of A well conducted ,r.-. . it.!'., if r' 1 f 'r na'.'j known, raut to well r -:.:t!-u'fcrB & 2icuuA-hertiter," Iirown- ui Ulinii Jt -TIay I'onrcrn. r- r ..... rt J. ! -1 I in. I 11.., ;llT n 4 " u&t, c,r t)' :i.n . re l. r I y Lxlif.'. 1 ti pall j uj.i.ii 'r I--!' r" :'-' I 1 y f March Ihfil, J v.,fte l.'.iuftit8 truuH" at. J ci.ft. 1 ,.,' ?1 WM. T.UKX. OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE ;,iK uri li t'nnl dfr-n to t .1 or rrnt hi bnj.-e f iin lrnnl!e. For irtiiularii enquire of J"Mlr n.Kr. wr.TllIe. H. . TH0K1 E. jl, ::. J ?io :n DOkS ON ACULfURE ifuiiiici iirui:, i)o.Mi:snc ANIMALS, &c. &r. : : .ii-5 I't.TiJWUATJOKJ: or M MT0, IMIIKLIt & CO.. ' N W Y O H lv . VALUABLE GIFTS WITH 23 o o n?x s ? GKORGH G. EVANS' Original Gift Books Enterprise, Permanently locaUd at 439 Chntnti Si., rixilzvclolilxin., Jr,. Sh Qtz: cf ih C5nltr;rist! C Jl R D HAVINfJ j-un hfd tbe j arir.n Iroa BuiUipf, 4.HCh-(f,ut Sttvt-:, f,d d it up with ercrj C"nTnii',n'c lo faci! its ust buir.eM, partifotiirl that t.rnn'-ti dt-Ti.ierl t..Cii ntkt UhfR; nd Jiav" injf UrTt-afnUl tlifi ry hr jr?j inTf-!d In the buiricn, I tn ri'i rtciiart 1 ti .C"-r jrtT lrnntn'-i. .nd b-lt g.:s t!.mj .vr btfufe V xrj cuct'inicr, . I nnj l'.i fT a nvrnl cbtrar ju1i!ihid in Hi I'iitv.1 S:at-, t fjHjl .rii whi. h i f l. i.m i.r g;nii-d( jife prttn" wurth 50 . $100 with ech bv,k, und ptirinti Vt n'.vr (t ci I c it iff.n-ii,n, I am dr tcrinirird ti ma'nfaifi Ji T'-pifaliou lrrd Lc- cl oj ri tny "t.i!.li!.:n -i:t. 1 f 1 i . r!l uJ judg fr th.amlreg. G. G. EVAX.S. If r-jri wir,t i " v K'.f.V., fvj fo (;rO. C I NANS' i:-r;;..'LI ;.ft UW Enfrprite 4.11 n.'trut Sfrt. Phi!.vlrhia. v,-r nil k am . 1 at the I'uUi,Ur' 1 jweft; utiJ 'iu Lave lh i.l fi i ; , g A Handsome Present, w- rlli In. m i') in t.. I il-l!;tr with -.n h bok ' ( a b'-pn i-nrl.,rv d Ijciifl I; A Trad at: a'.! ti. l'-n'iir-fify nr,d c.-untrj j,a-j-ri in th Uuitrd S:tf. EV'A3 I'ur.'fnn! Jc;ir,'' trar,i.icti'.r$ lia v r'-iiv'.l tho 9;.f r.lnti..n of ow .000O0 -iiix-i. ..f t!.e Ur.i Statp", h f w ln ra bur rei'ci itilfritii! i v in-e rif t!io b !V. 'ii a g a g a a G G ; g G G d'rivl ,arr!i:..-ir2 booVi lit f :!.t:4tr.t: ' E7ANS H i- 1 r.o JinliT .r l- ki JIiT in th Uni' n l wrj diLruiin knowleJo tr Ih' j.Po.'e. l',y hifj"tciu innny rer"ii thnt wi.u' I r.i t knri; f ,,um: their wnj irtr the kxtdi of reAitrra. f'rant Lolle' Xcwjiipm. EVANS kcrrm r.nKt-ifitjr i n hand the mr.M exfeiiHire Bt'k, the i-fatrgt assort -nirnt i f It K'k, and cin-uUtet free t. all wlio imjr ij'f'ly. tb moft coin j.Ji'te c!nii"i t.f.Uo'Ai aud Gift in tbe Ur;ito l Stit. EVANS hs fcdrMitaircB oir-red to Mm hj other publishers and manufacturer which cn.'ibie him to furnii-h hii )a tron with a finor quality arid beter an'ortinTit f gifts than any o her rMiilli-hrorut. EVANS i-ubliK" n-.Trly two hnndred poym Hrui.'l iiitiTi'.-lin Inn ki. thfrefure ai a jibliiii'hcr, he ii Iwtter hli t( fi'-r cxtru pre mi 11 in and commi--r ii n. . EVANS pcur ittif perfe?l -t isfjict ion IA al! wiii. hi iv fend f,.r bn'.ko. EVANS' new vuiM'ifioJ -tli.ue of boolr Hibrnf(ptlie writings of every Ftn danl author in ery department of ' . . .1 I.. ! .iu.iJi lh .-. 1 -a. in .1, iiiiiu ni j ul'li i n .-mi Krin.-r'.i vi' -v t.--. Iirt. m'n'r A iit. f : n tin 111 b ui, .'!.' di-H .f .1 1' in. -: u- n 1. i inul" III' 11 rural nr. liii p 1 ar, -A ln llii I'ruj. i ry' Ii lili t' ll'ii'Il. '1IJ u 1. ri,' I II " 11 I 1 1 "I' ' !.; Ii ...k .J' ui n.iir r ir I 'll- r r-: iut 1 M I' II, v k N j irj..'n. ;n 1. j.. 1 V " .,r r -1. I 'i- ! ( .1 .1 i n f ' , c 1 ; .in u 1, 1:1 ! t: r 1 t n i.l f 1: r 11 ! 1 ' rill! 11 in''., ..! r" r. -f I 1 ; d, 1, inti. n-ii, j ill V 1 1 1 : 10. 1, ''1. ( V 1 !.', h-r.v- i-vl, k - I in.i r-. '.i.l, ? i.'r i i. ur.' i-i.t mi-try, f n "rJii::'i;. ; :..: .ill (.. t.0 Sittt bUCJ beo, ' r'.- i.. f ut, ' m liti .ii'. f to agriculture. V. ..ran H r , r V I. it I . r; Ui.UiUii ;.'k 1 Hi 1 fl' 4" tr, ir l n r r 'in 0, ' ,'i t !; :iii'!:,. 1 f ri u'.uit. 1 p 1 a th tri Li rry, i ? of L.j-Kccr log. firt ta. 1 bock, iV :u4 tlna-i;n.;riarnti, !,s" fruit r ul; m i-f a l';tV hi.!,;"!! J.n I ' i'ti -.j' 1.. ix. - ur J V - r. r. i v,. tabl b(, 1 . . ! V:V t..r". evergreen, :n. '.iv fvf the ioutb. .1 Mi.rt.u rn ctU'.e, TJf, n ti.c ,l ihm WOrttTIi i.T j riot 51.00 I..0 75 I 1.2 1 .00 iinii.'n, l,iU 1.2j 1,60 I l)U lit 1.00 1.0(1 C;i t.Oii l.iu IM I.O.l 1.5 I 5 t'2 t.O 10.. i 17 I.H2 l.iiu 3,00 1,2'J 2.0j 1,2.. 1,20 o - J l.C'J 5 ill 1.0.) C;) I,0J 2.00 I.ou 1.00 1.2i 1,U 0 1.50 1,25 25 i,:5 125 75 75 titm reUtiv t the j on. finding and Tor warding ty man t, 01 biH-k-'T'J'Ti d from hi..!tablishmi;nt, toethiT witli fall direction how to . remit natir-j. : ... (J G ENANS' Chtali'fjueiiriJuokiiwillbescrtprRtii" mi l frcir .if j- 1H141: t" Mr,y addresf i?i th- Iri.:t-d Slater. ii O EVANS' in 1 j t"f'" t Aciit can nut b iirj' i'd. Th iii.Tt liberal cum jjiriini nro fT-ri-il. and by icitiri ?ub-fi iiitinii" b' in the 1. 1 1, ( ('(; ..-xl, iivei.iy uic km-ud ne noia 111 the naim- lime that it would take to g.'U one on the old-faahiuncd ubcrip tioT plHn. Stud classified Cat aloui', iid i-vi-ry informatinn wiM b Riven in Tcfric to ngin'ie8. Se lect your Imm. Li .uid cnchxio the n m"iiiit of m"ney required, and on trial will Hti'ly i ibc be1 p'ae io t h- i"uatry to purchas hik i" at the Extensive Gift Cook Establlshrncnl OF GFORGK G. EVANS, No. 1J9 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia. Where yon em rjrt I ool $nf all hind IJ.n.ks i.f f.ict I lb'.ks of fif-ti-ci I Hooks of de u ! I'.i..ks ol aintih' tnent t IJook f ir the Old Folks I Ho. ks f..r the Yoiin Folksl Houks for Husbands! li....ks for W'ivesl Hooks for Lover ! li....k f.r F-cthrarts! H(ir.kt'ir Hojs! Hooks f.Ti.r!.! of Humor! Hooks of Pcetry! Hooks ofTrivc! ! H . ks f History ! Bo ks of Hi ijriihy! lb k? of Adventure ! Hooks about Sail 1 H.m.Vk nK.ut S. l liTS : Hooks about Indium ! :U linb.iutlluriterl Hooksabout Heroes I H.joks .ih. ut I'atriots 1 H ."ks for Farmers! Hooks for ! '" ks for Mcfchnnts ! Hd Itsrirl'hy i i inl H u.ks f..r Lawyers! H..-;ks f..r SUtcpint n! Hibl"t! lVt-M-ntHtion H o.ks ! Hymn Hooks ! Ju vtmie H'H.ksl Annual! Albums, etc., etc. IV. il H lUrtlysIi'-rnsfir- Hi'.grnj.hie! Rer. H. Irpncn's Si r pMirul Ii i:.anc(j! Siaucker'a LivvS of F'ttrlitsA S'nti;. ra' ii ! J. T. Lauren's Hr v-"hiti.-r S .ritsl T.'. Author's p pular Teles! '!r. Alcot's hntnHv It trr! Mrs. H-nti's N Ml i m --trf i-Jnitii Probate-IToticer VIoe heretf fi-enti.t SatarUr, Mr Htk, 1SC1, it 10 e.rl t, A . U., I t!. time let t n :urirt tbe tp j!tiiif Jaue A. T.t, aiiniu'airavx' atba.el a. Titos, 6eceel. Icr tlx tscrtht extcs!cs of u&, to ak 1 iet::tnent cf ail etaie. ,tii- tnr bnl anl the eai cf tfce ?rt4'.t Cc-rt cf CoXJi'T, N'e'r"!! Terrifonr. rt2-3w C. V. Wnr.ELRrbttc:f. SWEET -POTATO Barirr iLe aireney f r Mr. Trxiaoot in tat lv!N Mr. I will fce preprel to fartu.b plant tr w(j')'eaie an-t rUi: ani at rel'J rate eariy in tte firrj. 30UC1TD. r. wr.rrp.SAS, FetIS5I Brc-wBT:!l. Kebraika. Valuable Tract of Land I AMaethorit i di a tiuaa ir.i4 !aai a.1 joinin thiic-ity u( HrownviHe. ' Titer are 150 aereu in the tract, tntUy heavy timber, ard 2 ) acres unlrr iltivatloD. A Z2J b&roia can L kU in th j pir ifltr.d. ll 'S in pcrjcoer bj letter, to C V. FUIirXAS. Hrowsviile. $. T. April 11th 1.?!. v, utO-tf GROCERIES. A M.-'.eft uk of i:;-ht Ortrei cooiUnt'y on tani and for aile at rtdaetd rte i th new tore if - . . .j J. J.TTrrrcMAS, Bfwnrir!e, Ajnf II, 'CI. nO-jtj 1 - - -5 - r i ""-"r;; - o? DouIasi Improicd Sugar Mill. The attemi n f Farmer in Ketir-ka Js cjl!e-1 1" the following ceri1cj?e I . II Kihs. w i ldt cs.i r.n a NaO JH'Ujiia nidi ia Veinjlii C.'iinljr' whore f Iwl i' ..n eatiioitiun. Tbe irire of toi sized mill i $50 treit.t Jemha Cnntr, Nebraska Ayril tOih, I i . Jt. W. FfRAi, Tsq. Sir: 1 take pterure in furnit iiic you wlin the lolluwiiix inloriiKti u h the renl ! my aclu.i! ex;eriiiie'itin2 witli th Hinall D.'iigUs Im proved Stip.r mill. ' It mini be reevtiectel the rei Mn was e xrremeiy dry ani the rane by no mein (to xt While I used it I male from 30 to 60 pal Ions of good, molasses par dy 12 pound to the gallon. From one piece of catie, the only one f measured accurately, 60 iqu&re rod I mt'Ie 65 gallon of Ko 1 BJilaseK. JhiU over 200 Kdllorw per acre. I am quite Mire of a p.xd eason. when the cane is ricli I can make 300 ea'.l ins frurij an acre. In my opinion no farmer or at least tieightor bo'xl iu the wet nOuiilJ be witnotit .r.e "f these or sim ilar iron mill. Your ReKpeclfullr , I'. II ELLIS.. neftrrnct is also mile oJ. , Hall. Mr baley T 11 K.luraid A J Uioii.irdni,- Jn-. (?nle Her S I. Collin",4 J Kihtride and many other in NemiUia County. as tlie cuiiiaiivii uf the FURar cine In the Weft has proved an entire t-nrce.vs. and as ;i extraordinary a mount will this season be planted, it is evident farmer mut have a more expedition and economical mode of maoDfaetHTinir tt. Tmse who have been usine the oM literature. Mid jrivea all the inform- tjvooden mill can compare the result with that above and ee toai tne price or a mm is avea in a aingie se Fon by tbe use of an irou crutsher. I Where it i not convenient for one farmer to purcbaae a mill, a neiphborhiHid often club tr ether when the c.-st to each u j trlfltn-f aa not to he felt com pared with the advantages Oertved. Farmers will do well to send in their orders early us it i, desirable tbst Ih mill boi-bipped In. the early part I Summer when freights are low, and alo by ablppii.g a number together the charge will he still let. Address " - R. W FURNAS. Aent. Broirnville Netkra.ka, P S. One of ttieToilliCan be feen and examined by calling on the A cent in Brewnriile. -'- ' ""' CITY DRUG STORE. SIGX OF TUE x-MOllXAai, (. orrcr nf Main and Second streets. BROWNVILLE, N. T. . x,v is ! Mrs S -jih w. rt! N.'ve'.s! iJi-'-lfn's Novels! Wavcriv'a Novels I Irvii.g s W'rrks ! AU the wrttir' rf every sf.nudard author rf very dot a-rtment f'fltterfiture, i" every ft vie in binding, nt tbfl tub'.i.s'i' rs 1 iwr.-t priei t. and n'tjertirxT that y.-u jay u ture t!i:ui you wnald Rt any other eptab; , .Itid you hi.vrthc advartiii ( f reoeivjj;j Li Ir:g TAnilEIi OFFICE. Lrownville, Nebraska, TIIH OPORTO GRAPE. is a x crv f 'r, r ' rn- 1 wcr, ar.J 5 -r- . ... . .... . ... ir .,uj ji:, . j 1 r rar: .:;:u I r: d " 'i IrcL. : r t. over ta bushel e:r-h. ' -'.if: !.:'! " ' IHJ "MIVi linn.' M rer n'.!nn. Ura.I tx e uL:'' -V f the Oporto, r ." " """med by I'hjsiciars a g-e Vvrt Wine. - is Muv. n-tr.tvo rich and f bodv. ;-V!nrr niifailmj and good bearers."-Lev. on t l.'int prexc-nt, wMJi ofttn times i wortha hun drc 1 fold tn.'re than the nramnt paid f..r the Y .ok. SEND FOR A CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE ; OF HOOKS. orJcr any book that on may wtnU rt iait thert Uil pric, t..oth-r v. it!i the nm .unt required for poTe: nnd nc trial will Assure yuti that the best place in the n antry to j tin har? boi kf is at tbe Gift Boc Estatlinhmrnt ef - ' ' " .liiiOiliJE G.EVAN3, Origicatcrof tbe Gift Hook Er.tcririse. 433 Chestnut Sitect, l'hiUde!ptia. i :r. , tw.) v.wrs t . anted ULirj-tred by the i'.,iiL Th wine f -i,li 11 t.-h- tn ui tWO ooV.r. X diJi-rrrt k"n.? rf nt I !. " l-tof fither if tbm t.r wine, and i-i arr , ri-..T cra,. o. 1 '. r. a . i-.i t ary . 1 r., 0 1 1.1 tlio ikunil. wr r- rn i i.: i.! a re .:io -A rln-l - 1 ain ne.juaiuted wln fr..tu the at one J liar l"T Sylvcs ' '' $ For or citrul-ir W A,.i::-VVI SfEii-Lyot-s N. v. ell Buckets and Wheels r Ti l ,vaN cn Uud a U of No. I Wli and Vbla. :'e. April 11. TI. Ei-yly Oxen Wanted. ix .""in't ae dei.iroi ef btrymg th-ee yrkef "T I S . 1 ... . t-. J, c'h in mx w..ntli, r pyble In ' on ;ue. k" CiMIe . n detd. D. J. M ARTI X& CO. "II ' r ' IV, " tl iS Jw?riaan Lansaasc T;is!it. "''MiM,.., w. V. to i pn a nifht-(M-b4. to rive A11 who wish lo.ioin aclasn .i. 1. 1 .. . " "'r ''filun eir uameat Ibe Post-OSice AGENTS WANTED. To whom greater enducernents than ever are offered Any person, cither ma!e rr fem-ile. who is des'r ous of enraeine in an HONOUAHLE ani 1'EOF- ITAHLE EMPLOYMENT, requiring but littie time and ra outlay of money, and by which they ranch tain gratis A Vr.! 11 able Lit-mry, A Fine (JoM Wutch and Chain, A llanNotn S-rvie ' of I'late, An Ele-art S,l!; Dies 1'atern, A Solon Ed S.-tt of Jewelry, Or many other etoie artKles enumerated te -our List of liiftn. ean do to ry aenug us a a agent ret this eatablibLment. Any r-ersnn , In acy part of the eour.trr, can be aa fizent. imp'y bv ortninc a c'.nh, sondin a Iit of b oks, nnd ramitting the amount of Juaney required for the sauio Skm fok a Catalogc-, which contains all the desired information reafire to azeneie tind the formation of clubs : and fo in;re prompt and hon orab'.e doalinj:. ud lre-s n'A r-rders to TUf IlAl Ql'AKTEKS OE GEO. 0. EVANS. Proprietor of the ol let iitiiI !rf.t Gift Pool Es- T"'KPK1SF in the w.old, r-rnan:nt!y boated lit No. 419 Chestnut Street. Fhil .tdid:hia. PARTICUUKLY TO HAM ILMEN. I desire to y to Ranchmen anywhere between .the Jti url rter aivt M anlim. Ibat my stock for wliote sahud to tbeiu i l. w ..nulie enibracir.x everytldoi; desirable or profitable to trade in . and at price m. heard f ihe.iD. Cli or send your orders which wi'.l meet with prempt attention TUKO HILL. Erowuville. April i5.b. S5l. DR. JOHN GRIM - . 1 ANNOCNCKS to the public that be bas purchased of B. lironr, the Cityfrng Store, in Browuville, and fca also added largely Hereto, THE 12 EST SELECTED And, perhaps, the LARGEST STOCK OF DRUGS 1 - Ever brought above St. Joseph, Hi tock consists of the following articles, which he willeell cheap Icr cas-h : fure White Lead,- French Zmclc, China Ziiick, Red Lead, Vcnitian Red, Castor Oil. Cud Liver Oil. - Sweet Oil, Putty. Glue. Fi Raw'and b'tnrnher, ' Spanish whiting, TurpemincV" r ; r ' " Chalk, VJ x; Lihietd Oilr" " ' Couh Candy . . Tanner's Oil, Copal Varnish CA?tile Soap, . Fancy Soap, - Tuilet St ap, Tuoih brushes, a, Tatent medicines, Let.papei White Varnish, ktk, i Hair brushes, ; ' ' Tooth bruhe?, . Faint brushes . Stationery, r Candied . . Nuts. Raisins, . - sec. St-el Pens, . Gold. Pens, Penci.s, H:ir oil, ! .1 Also, a Splendid Assortment of eirru-Tn eries, C'lmrrisini! Lr.n's Kathirion, Colopne, Pcminade enume ox msi o. bear creee an4 oils. mu&k and escence of all kind, and of tne fines? quaMy. llErMUfiTUHE I2 TThitxier'a Elctk, LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF THE ELK H0RX and MORTAR J. J. T HUH UAH, ANNOUNCES to the citiient of Erwnvin and ricinity thf Le ba resuved bit Drug frMB Sidney, Iowa, to the City cf BrownvUie, and fcavicg ivi Jed thereto an exienxire at.k cZ Fresh Drugs, Chemica'3, Dye StufTj, ' -Paints "ftr.d Oils. Pure Winps zrA Liqncrs, . For Medical Purposes, Hair and Tooth brushes, Perfumery, .. Fine Toilet Scap, ! fee, &.c, &.C. Invites the public pitronaj. tJ"Phriclan, PretcrrpUoaa attended t at all honn froth, by day aad nU'ht. , Hrownv-Ile, Aprii Illb.ISSI. s40 yly CLOTHE YOURSELVES. CHEAPEST CL0THIHG 1 Ever cfJered in this rIarJeL. 1 1 . XO DOUBT ABOUT IT! call:akd sec for yourselvs ... , . ' - , ; . , i AT THE BaUimor;;. Clothing ? Store, BROWNVILLE, N. T. Anneunce to etoikof the public that they have opened cut a CV.i I ' 0 ' Ii STATIOHBRY. f w i Furniture ! Furniture ! ! The m t complete sl.-k of Furniture ever ffre! iu thl tpper cuntrv jost received ty t. DILL. Browuville. April C5 h. ISCt. Boots, Sliors,' Ihits andCaps. My'.y i.f Jl mt. S!n es. Hits and C.ip never wis o Urge, nor wa? 1 ever prepared to off. 1 mi bAri-alns. TiU.v). HILL. Brownville Ap'-il -";h, ISCt. Poolscrp paper, fancy letter paper, gilt edjed note. and envelope, plain, fancy, aud emoofrsed. pen pencil and wn-hoi.ler. ink of all kinds, iakttand.-s water ani elit S-wx. ' " . , , f . ' IE;V.Cn rITS-25 Ba.hels for i fnl 1 I c t T. . ; i " ' ir. 1 f f v ,.. r I V ''id r(tWlt4 LiAI.L.f Cn a!e U'SffO. CLAY. T of "Utb D wa Leer. Purp Short and Easex ard Whfba1! P. r.. fCv. Co. .000' Silver-maple tuiJBOLO. t lo fe-t b'.uh Ten d'Uar per ve counts Onion Seed! Lnre Un1 Onion ljtric Yii' t.T U. tind F!;it Turr.ip Yellow Sweodish Ye'.b.w K' T'Mzx Curnmber Eariy Shcrt L'.njt Orren Short tJren Peet Seed Ear!y Turnip Ijoo l'lrwvl Cslbare, Drumhead Onicn Seed "5 cents 4J " 43 " 41 4T S3 1 per lb 0 4. k4 Tree, i to 6 feet f.5 rr knndrerl A. IXTAKT &.SON. rrtLeeton, X'.Xt. m u The rVoto S-ed are las nitm'r'j rr"?." an l will pive itifact".rn All rdTj r!Jrf- tv V.'jt. En WAKra, Scar Creek, V.u'.v.-?r Cd., V'iict nsin, will be pr.'EaptJy attccl-. J to. t3Tv5 ' . - PURE LIQUORS. a1 he ;2rvous!s2adacne ! Ci n f-- ; ' g-y JH r- ty t e f tbe Pills the p-rlixlie attacks cf rrr cut or SUk Ilea licit ray?e p'eeated and tf tkeu t the -trMe-efit aa tta:k lsi-is!lte reuef from paia ani lckne will be tbtaiae-t. They e:dj7j fn! ia remoTir? tne .Vtua aad lUsd ache tu wb'.'h feaie are j tt;ect. Ttey .ct icntly upjn the bjwe ria jriitf Cottitt nttt. Tor Literary .Vim. Student. Pelicate Fetsa'e, ar.d all rer' n rt ttdtntcrf Aattfs ttey are il'JiM Lcxtzf.vt. Snjpruvia; the spfetUt, siviot fn ar.3 t ecT Oa tre Ciiretive . ran. a4 re'. ric tte taiurat elticitv nj ctrear'h f itt wh ,ie yttm. The CEPQALT' PILLS are the result .f tn-flnrf m ratkn ar.d carefully condfted exe'o.en; biT:i: taenia ue many years, diij: tire t?y hrre prevented arl re'.. evei a -!t am .rnt of pia an t n? fe'isijfr. m IIe3djche. whether orinnatir i i the -roxtt system er f r ra a f!erarr?! sts'e ef tke iNsatc They are entire y rcj::.i!)'.e ia ticlr eoap .uton. :i,J nvav btaker al U 'inn wuh ye:fe-t ssrc'y. wir.h wakirur ai.y cun L.t. &i(-. alinfe of a ydr crreille t ait rt-iitrnt tuj to adn:r.u:er t .t n tc children. - . . B.Avire -f counterfeits! are 3ve iicaatcresf HinryC Sa'. I'.cji Tie jtrn:;ira cn eitb b-x. f14 hy Drjr.-iit ant tV nther Te'.e'ia MeiliiRC A b'.x win be ta. ty mail prcn.4oa re-eiptof tfce Price 25 cents. . Ail orderriT.ld be ddressedto - HENRY C. SPALDING. - 49, Cedar -Street, i'ev York. ..uc Cisco. c::-iy a y T . THE FOLLO WJXG EJDORSEXEXTS PF f ' : SPALDING'S PHUIC PILLS. : . Will convince all who suffer from ' MEAD ACME, u ii rfulUnd Oitt. Irisb Whisky. IVjurbon Whisky. Cinser Brandy. Cordis!. Prt Wino.ifadeira, w'ine, ta'bite w4ne aud Jls wiue. ' - ' PREQCniPTIOND. ... Bein a ven: tar reidsate atid praeto? nit Plykin, the may depend tp. n great care and accuracy in pre.M:riptioc. Br own vi lie, April 23. . 40-Iy. Lime ! Linie ! ! Lime !TT T' e uniertisned whose ki'.r.f are situated cite mile we:of Hrownviiie, a th.j r.u4 iiaJias tf Ft. Kejraey, keps consuntly on v.tzi. a very super! r article cf lime. which he Invites ".he attention of those wish Ins Tj Lime srir.Mtf slivered a; tie ktta- or at axy other point la tlasoanty, jerret. feb.. a 1. M LOXS , READY-MADE CLOTHING, BOOTS AND SHOES, HATS AND CAPS, CARPET SACKS, GENTLMEN'S UN DERWEAR, &c.,&.c, &c. Unprecedented in quantity, quality and price. TLey redetermined their prices Kha 1 correi-pond with the times, nd therefore offer Lereiuthe wet, at just as low rates as buch goods can toe purct.ae4 anywhere m the Unite-1 State A a tample of our prices we wiil mention that we so: I Coats from $1,25 tip to $15, X'ants from $1 to $7, Vesta from $1 to $5. Boot Shoe;, TTaU, Cap. Fancy and White Shirta, Suj ders, Neckties, Sock, Eandkerchiefs, fee , iu the tamo proportion. The proprietors embrace thl opportunity of returning thanks for past patronage, and promise to spare no ef fort In tbe future to give entire satisfaction. Call and 000 us. SE1GEL, GREENBATJM Si CO. Brownville, April 4, 1661. -ly NOTICE is hereby given that under and by virtue of an assignment made and executed to me by I. T. White, and recorded in Miscellaneous HoO' No. 1 of the records remaining in the o(5coof the Uegitcr of Deeds of the county of Nemaha in the Territory of Nebraska ; I will, upon Saturday tbe 16th day of May, A. D. 1801, between the hours of one and three o'clock, proceed to sell at auction, in front of the office of the County Clerk of said county in said Territory, the following described real estate and personal property, to-wit : East half of northwest cf southwest section 20, town 5, range 16; 20 acres. Southeast of northwest section 3D, town 5, range 15; 40 acres. North west qr. section 3, town 5, range 15 ; 160 acres Northeast qr. sec. 10, town 5, range 15 ; IoO acres. Southeast qr. sec. 10, town :, range 15 ; ICO acres. West half of southeast qr. section 22, town 5,range 1-1 : 0 ncre - One lot cf land commencing forty rod? cast of the s&uthwcyt corner of southeast quarter of faction. 11, town 5, range 15, cast, thence running on sec tion linp forty rji?, thence north j'orty r.nL, theice west f irty rods, theneo south forty rods to place cf beginning, -containing ten acre cvife or l". Lots li and 15, bU:k 21, Middls Urownvillo. Ijot 12. Ll K;k 35, IJrownvilK I..t l. l!"-k 2:. l'.n.wrivillo. Lots 15 nnd I '5. bl.-ek 42. with lion?, flrownvillc Lots I, 2. r., 7, 3. . 10. II, 12, I.), II, 15 and 15. in block A. Western Division. Lots 1.2.3. 4.5, fi, 7,H,0,I0, 11,15,10, 17,13,19, 20 in block F, Western Division. Two stoves, utie block nnd t.ickle. . Tiie above property t.i bo sold by mo forcaihiri band to the highe.-t bidder. , S. L. SWAN. A'fignccof I.T. Woytc. IIOTICE. All' Jnving eluMii n 'tin.-t the late firm of I.T. Wbyte A Co.o- I. T. Wliyte. are li-r by noti fied to present the ftiujjoa or tho 17tu d.iy of June. A. I)., IS0I. S. I. SWAN. As-ignT of 1. T. Wbyte. , April II, 1361. niQ-6:.$17-tl) - II ILL'S SPKING GOODS HAVE ARRIVED, AND ALL ARE SOLICITED TO Call and seo 'Them. ! . SUCH SPLENDID BARGAINS CANNOT BE FOUND ELSEWHERE. IXavin? been long and px'emjvely endued in the rifrtiiiiile buiries in the Wst 1 !UMer iiicll s. me- ht on knowm the want ul the c niniui.iiy, and thu I . ii... DCir.K able to p'lrcrmse sucn (r"""" " ""n iciu priicu!ar utiention n my pre-enl sp.ini: Hirer -e wliuh have all teen selec.ed i;b mil crc. and wi:h an e-pecial eye lo tbe limes. 1 wiii iit attempt ! en uBieiaie, but timpiy y my to.k a. utu 1 coLoisty f Dry Goods, ' Groceries, Hardware, Queensvare, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. - ' Furniture, .. . . Jewelry, VOODEJnURE, , tUilluuu tDare, c, THAT A Speedy and Sure Cure IS WIT USX THEIR, REACH. Altlet' Teitiinim'iltrrere nneo'.ici'ed by Mr. SPAL- OISG. th'y nr.rd tnqtirtiinille pru'tf of the e'i' oj l.'ii truly tcientific discovery. Bzverly, J.W, Deo. 11, 1SC0 II C SrALnvc, Esq. I wish f.r m lirenlars or large showbills, to bring your Cephn'.io Fills more p:irticul:ir'y bef.-re my customer. If you have anything of the kind, please rend to mo One of ttiy customer, who is subject io severe Sick UeadaL'he, (usually asting two d:iy.) mrt J an affacfc t'n one hour ly your PJli, which I sent Ler. lvespectfullv yours W B WILKES. 0.) EeynolJsl'itrrj, Frnnlll Co January 9,1831 FIenry C SpALriNO, No 43 Cedar St, S Y ' Dear bir : Inclosed find twnt v-fivo cents. 25. ) for which send box of "Ceohnlio Fills." Send to address of Rev WinC Filler. K'vnoMsburz, Franklin Co, Ohi i Your Pill', icoriiibt a charm cure Jhadache al molt ttwtaatjr. Truly youn. , WM C FULLER Mr. Fpaldino. Uiionriue, dnn., Fob 5, 1 SCI. I have trI your tphaii5 "ill, and lie t;.m ko if." that I want you to send mo two d Ili.t s ivurth rcre. Tart of the.-e for tbt nei-.bc r, to wh cfla I gve a fw ontr f the fir'l b k I g t fr ra you. Send thi IMIs by m til, nnd obligo Your ob't S'?rvnnt. ' JAMLS KENNEDY. Mr. Spalding. mttrfird, Pa., Feb. 6, 1351. Sr: I wish von to send me one more box of your C jihalic Fills, hate received a jrert deal of len'j't fr'jtn t'lewi. i our?. rPTectiuiiv. MAliY ANN STOIKIIOUSE. Sprvre C''erJ; Huntinftnn Co ,P..) January 13, lb "tl. i FI. C.Fpalpic. ' i.., ?'f : Yon will please snd me t wo b'.xcs of ycur Cephal ic Fills. Send then immediately. liespccif'illv V'.'ir; JX. j:. ; SIMON?. P S J irr uted nnelox of your 'iu, and yTo7 trm excfllent. ' ..." Belle I", CMo. Jan. 15, 1351. IlfNRT C. SPALPINO. FiQ. Flease find ineli.snl cent?, for which send me another box of your Cephali-; 1113. TTiey are truly the lett Pill Ihar erer tri'd. Direct A. STOVE U. Y M. ' Belle Vernon, Wyandot Co,0. Which 1 effer for cash or (rood country produce, at price o low that none who detre, can be left with an excuse for not purchaicg. 1 a but aa examination of my stock. tueo. mix. Brownville. April 2jth. I5C1. 5prin5 p!antin bulbs, consisting of Amtryll! For-mos:-ima (Jac. -.r-ean hiie)iidM4ua F;rit.i.jJ&4, Ga (Uvenus. and Psittacfcinnu. Mexican Tiger f,ower, red and veilow Tuberose and Miideira vine Doabiedah Iwft tfce choicest nin.H vanetie at $3 per d. n. Tie Le-t bjcic oapouiuy. tittleo. gardcair.g, CuIUva. li m cf fruit Ueea and fl .wor. Order may be sent hy mll 0e they ever so small) tr.ey will b pruinpt:y attended to. ar.d causae of cy wiwle colleaioa forwarded. Addre. A.ORXEifAV, r I3CI Teixllek.WoricUotCj Kr-J. M sine bt of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times its cost annuAliyJ SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SEEDS ahd r.:Ac:::uEs, No. 1 3, North Mi'a S;rec:, t e" -: ST. L0UI3,:i0. f. . .. cf iU Gilt P.'rtr. -A3 tZZ N'.rtarrt St.. err B-r,.Sre. PLANT Cz BROTHER, a nr. itrcziTTT.'o i-r v-tair.t l'. i li r t.-.:n r 4s. T-axea, Ste'. 5:- P'ck. A. n'-tf. $ ytte. S. ;h. Ca: r k. Odns:ir'j, Cal xn' fcrj'-ol r-a. SJeD.iUa. 1ty. S'riw i I f 3-fc C utrT, TrtiliCr. Ca Sitilera, Pij. "S JZfi v ... v T-.--' -v 'y Elrl)s Auicriwa Iron Harvester. FedviBg nd fpr!.i t:i) nrse Uy Rakea, Elrauser' C t'er ii Hi.i wt.h P.fcaa, S var Cre Oi tr asi Ep T.jt. Uou't F .iUi.i F-ra: a-i Ca Cr&s, P.rt.ble n .p .ic aa I II. r? P .wwr. Prtabi f- -u .-. J C :a ii..! il:i., Wjod ar.-.I Ir n T.U;i -J i-M e-y, M..vtit3 Te: g U c.-..":e Ljtne-a. iu.:t C-Jtter. C 'jti i-i, Laater&a, Q.-.eeu' P.rub F nj kui Sal.owa, Let'.ier ar. 1 Itr.t-rer Bv.:tr L.e LettM-- : J S'e.:.-. Pjfk'nx. rrr-"!' Wie.-r !!i"'!-' - QAS.2ES. GHASS .l.VO OTXEZ STF.D3. E3-.i tor t5:r..u r Oricrs;n;: ;v exec'.ej u kr v. ' M " . T T. r- . Zi X 3 e t- 2 i -r - l- -a " - 2 5 6 r LxJ Sl9. U-I - 1 z . id K s z. r- - . o I -e ! i o j v k S a -o v s - - - a t v - r --.i-isriKU. 5:-- :-" a. i- . 5 ? - r . r f - is ml LO rm LrJ J - s. r": s - aw I i M -t ; ? " 1 E-t 2"' U. - " " f I- t - -3 S o : C s " " r - e. 3 l fl'. m M 3"- 2 ' t S C 5 4? ? 3 Z xt ; - o : -? ; s - i -z " a e : x S r i 2 -rA5"2 em se; f iS T" i iicsi ii?i: ? ? - j o J. - - r c j . 3 C Cmw Bargains! Bargains! GREAT SALE OF TOWN LOTS, BUILDINGS, STOCK, kc. IN PERU, NEBRASKA. TFIE undersigned will on Monday, the Clh Jay of Mjy, 1SG1, in tlm CITY OF PERU. N. T.. Offer for s;i!e, to tU Liht Lidder, tho following propcrtv, via : 100 CHOICE LOTS in the CITT or r E K u , One RIaclLsnilUi and Wasron shop arid lot on wr.n.i t.;e tiutj 1 s.luta. iu un divid.'d one third p'irt 'fa. CABINET SHOP. . and tlio lot cn whi-h the wimo is situated; also a which is atlAcLed to the same. Alio a largo and CjHii-jiiicii-i v; A RE HOUSE in the town of M"U'it Vernon adjoining the City ef i'jru, s.i 1 1 r f-.i tne ni:sr niRE house i n t'.o Mu'i'.-uri hiver North of S:. Jcseh. AI, a laro 1 t tf KITCHEN AND HOUSEHOLD Furniture. I have s!jo nhont 40:1 Ac-r-s f CHOICE FARMING LAND, Peru. Which I "ill s:'A tu c:i-y lerui at privalo .ie. Torintif sale: Cna third Ch the rcai-tindtr i: ix and ni.T im-nths with interest. Svie tu continue ft tn I vy t-idy until all i he'd. Stile to c ,u.meii.;o at 10 oVljtk f a' i iay. Ii. W. F.iAME. Te-J, Iirc!.26ih,lS.!l.- ' ' l33 tf SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SATE TIIE PIECES ! economy! dispatch! - t5ruA StiJi i Tim Si4 .Via ; A aecilents will happen, even in well rguhtcd is very desirable to Live some chra;anl convenient way for rejiiricg Furnitur,t Toys,Cruck erv. f 0 SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE in"cta ail S'ach emerjneii-s, and no ho U4thn! l can a2".rd to bo without it It is always ready, and up L) tbe sticking p'jicl ''USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." N l A Lru:h acci manie each brittle. Price, 25 ceils AIdro 11ENP.YC SPAL'MNC. No Street, .Now York. CAUTION. As certa'n nnpri-: j !4 persr.n ar at7.Ing to ptlraoT on the nri'ctic pcbil.. iri! Uinpif my Pt.EliAP.EU GLCE. I iu:i caution pe.ons t rTho Union . r." nail bo Preserved i' "1 AND DEN WILL SELL GOODS ON SUCH TEH MS AS WILL SUI n LV EIUNG AliOUT THIS RESULT. FBESH AVJVLL or Booto and clicca, i. .. mi t v fcw W. w -m" .u.wij Jii.-J a. A.iv- EDrv Goods and Groceries, HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, CUTLERY, - -NAILS. IRON. A Gcnsnl Ass3r.s:est cf til th? V:t. It..v1at !" te next r pwsaral tsnn. n: b ;.ne. 1 f;ri brrh wa. aa4 -i r i out aa tx e .ie M vj-iad aortail cf ry,i.if ifs ty frrt.ti la l'8 or ay iitr et:iry .istir'f .f U.'. Me. Jlata. Car. Boa:u cf :.-j.'e'v! tj!; C-f O 1 n nd:.' rt: y, ci r er,. Cloth. Jtra. S'lir,tt, T Va'i. C.l c ... Lwi iiertno., C.T erxwa s4 H iuj tti r,rKos lar sy and tp!s lrs. 2-l. Tir iff. C iecr-wte, jta. I a;n oeierou-ed t cett rp a "ce 'a !a Ifs-tSae. 1 e b'iti.:e. and wl.l. t:rr?. ;e nat fl.u:ae t:-;t redea'.ed.y Iww, for ca ur o-tuiry ;rvC-dO. CUSTOM WORK. ' I Mr ci ha1 a p:e3.JU awortceat ef Trewft O id C;f ixm for h .ca niacuoture, to rtfr, 09 lt4 .ot rcswua'.la te;su. Aa eu.wuruiM of ! rJ. tl'.de. feV nd Tn-e, for irhlcJi t &tUs tZ$ S3 ill tl&t wUlt pa! t. 7b ts Krvf, If rs wish to pnrcha fn. oa tie rocni tiwrtV term, or diTe .f yonr prxJxa to toe tsrU .;; !vir.tre. &e cure a4 tail at DE1I.S CHEAP ST0E LliW ft.uwnvii:e. April. 4. 1361. SHERIFF'S SALE, I. T. "W bywA, Janes Entwistle. J nir. i. k.ptlif iirr thatbv e'rtte rf aa tTc" tl. n ii tied bv th j Clerk t f the UUwiat Court ef 5e- mh ei.nnty, NVbra TemUry, aaiari the de- fet.djnt Jamee Lntwutie in theaiv enui:! tti-, and in favr of the ilain'iT f.enjia I. T. WhyVe Cvftr the nm of eno hand rod ani lhifty-vfi doliare mi icventy-Lve cent, acd tbe coU of 0't umountirg t j eleven d a&d il'j-2ve ec3U I, J. K. Wei;, Sbt-riir of S4.4 cmuty ia lalilamnf-y Lave levlod uronand will ijof fr sale at pt:bi . auotion. at the d-ior of the houin In which the Ur term of ihe ii Jitrirs C urt f. r eald econr w- held, on Monday f io I3:h diy of My, d. IS'.I, t the hour cf Il)u'tlr,k, tn.o) a.J iiy. 1..0 io.iow:rx .lieribcd property, to-wit: Tae outaat tjua-'ter t f n Ttbwcst quarter of wtion nuajber 33, UWRilpi nutnb.T i, if 13, cait of the t. pt'.3:irl mprl.liin eon'ainin:? 40 acre : tbe abuTj tjfoprty situited in Nemaha-county tk--n the pryery cf Jairts Entwistle. J. H. .UL. nner.a Ey J. II. Ji03H:o, Vtyatj. April n4J-5t.f 'i Flowers, Fruits, &c. .T0rl.NT A. KfO'NlCO rT. .r th; (Jrive Nursery, West N-rthfield. LI .h.irMdy f..r.liliv ry : P ilbj. t.j ' -iully Tulips a' the low ra"? of JZ.SO per in1), an 1 t2d ;:r th. us.vnd f .r I.r.'c root. Sir i-vberri:, ol' ull tr. j .11 .t a;'pioVt l v.irii.-'ie. from 2 to I d .i;.ir uth on.ini forrn'f. n f.- w.rr liko WiU 'n' Albnr. higher Everk'r--'ii 23 t j4o en's p"r f f, ac-ordiiig to variety and fi.rrn--ve-wz" 25 crr.ts. Froit Trcfsin g-.od virin'y. Ap;l! it frrnj to 16t!.i.ors p.rlOiaji'1 the ui v'.let lutt cii'Mper nd better f..r d :tanf. cu-toai"r. S'.tmM Fruit--t.".irrnt. II fig-ten O-o. berry. It.-; i-err'c. lliackbtrri"?, Ae..m'ich lower than ever J r.-J bef.jri. OiiiuiouUl Tree. Rose." and other IIrdy Shr-;,-bory. in great vxrety ar. I a jund 1 -; ; r, 1 13, 1.-3 sma'il to Urge p'.ar.ti r f T'rri?. r tl' -eyi'.ckl' , L.l ai,Spire.v. D:utti Salr. Prim... at fr n 1 to 1.1 pr buulred. And th ben.i'.iru! Pie yen Spc at'ili and (,tL.r c'j Iu p.r'.!ir..aa ut froi 1 12 Ui 2 per dten, and cjsr.'.-a thic ds'.rat'.e at iboat ha'f prire. Catalovea 1 y mv.l n arrjl'.-'tion : ar i evry- tbirg sf-d v pa-ke ! f r d p:slI trr'f' rtr.Vr r, ; and as rule tn"' td'ng 11 at about ten pr c n. !- in autumn tlian spring. f-r.o-l-vl Pare Drcd Fancy Poultry. For sale l".vT Spar.:h, Y.'hlto Doj-kirg. G. '.ten and SjangVd Pi.Und. S brlgS, l".i Afrit-, n. re J a:.l white P.anta', hit T.--A wild Turkty.. Pca Fowls, white and browu Horg K"g, Prem-n and will Oeese, White -Cro: te.l" ?l-burgh an-1 Mas exvy Duk. (lumm'.n ani M vli.'ir Itbfi'. All ai irrali cl 1 wi'l h,; ran fully h..xe4 wi'h the necrs?k.ry lecd, an del; vt-r'-.l t the Emon c2;e. AddreM W. A.C".M)I)IN.;,().k U-n d37v5 Lock port, Will Co. COLORED PLATES OF FRUITS AND FLOWERS. 1 I WR tave rtiM coit'i-.Vy rr',r?"-cl i pii'.ti-t ! specimen, of all knd if rr'uls & F.'e-i-e:. j an 1 F'. wer, r1 rri "ipry ru r.e-T .-r.' r e' wi'b any c'ljomy. e'.er O-oiod ... i- t .-n d Vvii.r. ei. are intfn.ied 1 - c -. 1 ' i " 3 . v.-;-; refj'iireii scliir a li-tf i'f"ri! Ni '' 5.-J--ct Vi r.r' f?ierr Hirv.h nndr tl.'0'4ll j-". " f J " fn-'.nh the b..;:rid v. 1 itio ? "1 !-.r? n he-iMncy in .i-irs th .t it er .t. n t tt e r?rt r.i hkr,e- t.. it'jr ar- t ir;i"-1 tr aiy in t:,o e-unt-y CaM tthe Ad?trf-e n-"t ee pei- nr-l.a tNsiirSip.'O. av5r,33-FvCi3 ' - o Kt -sees. l-), O ZCcdj Buppin of Biovtv I Lave icit p-ciei a r.e v sur; i r f COOK STOVES Of the Utc nrd n ir-pr-vc 1 pattri;, wh:-h I rr- f 1;.. at :.-h a' c.--n Probate iWotico. Philip aJiflici:rtor of th- esUteof J.h"i '.iy,docaeil, ha m ide aprrfi tlc tn e Pr bute Court i.f NotaaL coun'y, NoL-f'.tt. TernU ry, U r oni yuar extuuaiti of tirni U the aou of raid ts'ato ut.d piy the dlta as4 h--eie cbaronb'.e against the lamo. Notice i hereby given that I have gat the221!iT March. ad I0uMb,ft n, aithetlrst f hctring said nppliintion at oy effij-j in Urowari'ia in stld c ur.ty, when ar.d where all penoa latere!-- .l rn-y att :a I and -how eeuie why the laid tztea sicn of time should not be alliwed. Wirnour my bund and el thi 21 1it nf Mrei ad 131. (i.33-5t-JJ) C. W. wllEELhR. ' SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice ialcrobygivrn tbat in fn'i-in cf twr orders of ia! iunt ly the Dli'.ritt Conrt of N'ern h. C cnty, Nhraika territorr. on two jtid-n'e in raid C lavcrof 6'..vf r Eonet A CVai- p ry.nnd thotherin fivrrof Willliara F. Ei:dre A Compinv, auJ bt'h f!g-int Ausustiu Lyferd as 1 I-laiu i'. il rn. rurfner nrvl-r I uaas cf LjL'rA .( Horn.! willoTsr lor rale at pull.o a:ti. n, ' Hnwnvi:;. at th-ed 'or tf th lLtie in which tbe last term rthn Ditfit Cjurt wahtH, cn Mndiy the l lth d.iy of May a O 1331, at half parf ten b'cUk A. M., cf A dy, thi fJlow- ing docr;o"d rral etA!e to-w :: I-.-t romber 6 ia LI K k nua.bcr 1C3, with the ' urv.a ar.d all th. , tlo r?on, Sitjtt.-I in tbe Trwnef Pe ru. A'. lot 6 cd 7 f the n ; r-d t-rtwe frti. ril qunr:crof S''i-ri r.u -.bir 31, In t.iwnhir number fi, north of rac nuab:. !3,eatof the prim-ipal mrid.i. All ihe ah 7e d'j-rr;bd propef s.tu.ite I in .ii 1 C'oun'y 1 f Neu.aha. tiVfn as'b-pro-1 trty of Mid Au-ujtias Ly' "5 lb-2 . I-f. ' .1, It. WELLS, Shar.ff. -Pv-'OHNH. MOuP.I.'.u.V, D.puty. Aprinn, luI. ri.3 &w-J ---r Administrator's Sale. - PLIC.-UA.NT to an orlrr wf the r'.-oba'e L'mrt tt Nemaha c ur.ty, Nfbra.k. tnwlj ou the 2Ji diy ( Fvbru iry A D li'.l, th- ur.dcrs'grc I, adx!titrV r of tliccsiatcef Ua.rn Eogl ..'.ar i'-. .!eca-e.l. fti Sal urliyth Rih d y I June A 131"!, 6t 2 n'tlr-k I l. in front of the fH.. f the P.xa.o tud' ef N-naha C.'intv. ir lr.wLvlle, w.'.t of if f.r : . j ublic vsndne be f 1 wii-g di-cr'hed ren'. V i a part f the e.taU of theii C-ra Lzi'-ttTii to wit . the wait half of the i.ti'.'a w '. quarter tf s-etion N... lijjhteea.intjwMbNo. 5 cf nsje a. thirt'-en, c..t, fituata ia said c iun'y. Terms r fpaya-nt f kalf -" ia fcsJ uf.ii in three u,-r.ti,a.a4 ore:- una in ix b-jbim , rt 1 - r-..f --.T.-T fr..m the tim cf sale March 7, Is3l,n35 A.J'.-li-.ra'.U'. I OK A V1I1E5. - MY S: ck of native vtiM c r-?r?? all ti vJi ahla viri!';"e wi'h whi'-'i I am -qu.'sUl. Th pV.rti bare b-capr 1c :el wi g-eai.are.undefU nt fav.nblj e.rciT.UiiCti f.r L al.-J djvc!e tr.?n?,anl nr;vi in exc.I.tccy any I tiveiirt- tot. r r ;n ar..o to c?r. F r t:.o Ul tra I , r.'j ft r.r:!!e-l w-;!y t UrJin) v::ag-, (fti ir,(L:r.:t:-t,:iv.i:r.e,::. vv.Te. b (or -loi A'.;-:u' ll;hr i i '.-jred. Of b-.-n Dt'.i-r- ;.iy r. a:n, tie 1 oot larj", but rjilj'v on-pi'd. Thj stack frva Dt!wr, ri-g'e tv-e Rwa bot'a in ,fjv.t and opn air, is biri and 11". irve- yar 1 t iar.tirz rn? 'r rg vn-. era', te-1 03 CaUw ba abd L-b'.oA Kk, are tJrvd ai a low rrwe- root very tr rg. Very Urge Inyoriof D:-..a, !. :l.T5,1 ar.J C-t-c-.rd, grown witii rM''. enr- fr im n ilarebfar-in--. ixd lvcn f'f An-w.JL.g-T', 12 kiatlJ al'o Clira, C dy, T K'- n. P..:bece. Miittr'l Iou;.a. L'gae.,' A-Jjrjt, liaiara, IF. Prolific. Coyab'ga. A 3. A gc5ra.laior'Ea':ui of f-reia Tari:Le f:r l rer:e. Of Dowring' Evarh:ri2g Malb-r-7 tbe r-sf? T i not l-arg. ao-1 grat j..r. tf :-e t.-?:s lro'v ..'! -rd. Th.:y i'J T?ry ri--;r, and th w well gr.-wn and n it !. Wh..! -.i'e dscrij tiv , 'l't ent ts thoae wto 13 tiif u ct-t? a n r - Ih L'.t a'ani al tm .a c. Fur'. u e j I.l. t-v. ; Ci- examine befsro parchaslcg, JTSPALDING'S PILE PAT. ED CLUEc ica the catiida wrapper; all c'Jier are 'wii-.llng caantrfii , . ani tc-3 r.hit the fa., ri ". 71? -.v:;c are ir.,iu 1 t . ei.'.l tr.i r---.:ri4. I A usual rr.v s ok tf Tia. .Iv'-et Ir. n 1- I Co- -.r Ware U Irje ai.1 cf iiy orn riaiur.--t-i'. J. c. ErnT!. Ap-llll, t-:i. t3 jl; i cr.t fr to threa ter.: t'.x; 1 Jrv-rrd X? bs : a fsll and e-ccj ri bf-nsi ve f.:! a tl. i;as'g? m r.t of the vin-, gpvmg j j. : if'rraa::..a tu p ur I eha-er ar. i rrwers are t. pf-.rtd to nl. Prti - 1 uUr dir-retiyi. ar- g! vt f r tS.j prpi-etion rf th a.-.d plati'.ljg, ar.i th ir-r'.. '.j f r traiclng- arA i..t;S'.ratai oy iiauy ca.v.i.. .r-prca egrv inz. 'i he d?yr'ciior.e of t'j v-rl'!- will he found a.umte an 1 trust wtr,ty, t olsg irwrt fr ia p-jr.u al knowelede, and vtry ex'.i n.v t C . V. GRA1IT. IONA, NEAR PEEKSKILL.' Vi ctchcscr Cc-'.'civ Yorit. DOOXS AND SASH, i F. r an if f a. id r'i ip if j ili l'-f i aid cjaL. ciit 1 th new .'-r-v cf J.J. I.irr.'.!A?f.. Xr- rr.r::'. Arrll II. tiO y.y . . ! I)