Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, May 02, 1861, Image 2

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Andrew Talcolt, tf the U S Tcp
graphiczii engineers, a na'ive of Conn.,
Lai gone to llicttncnd to ajperinUnd the
manufacture of arms to be uicd ty the
r r . j , ... .
iiUSt.JowrhfUrowB1::.4C(ilri,trrer11.b , -n.tutraie nuiumem.
. 1 ' 1 t i . r t:- k..r.
iSTlIlililNS 1,1 N22. Ji.o.i uiui ,.a.,
"-tt n&rtr cf ?fj. S Fxrtt S.rttt.
j chased 1G riiled cannon of Wet Point f or
the use of the volurteers.
. tr. Lot Apr. 1 rt, A. i.
7.arr cc in camp i . Du us lev SJ.
li it laid every iYli ;s la the i ,u;j;a oa ; 13
t 14 L Co. .'. J.
fi ateara in - l'e fr a Ncrfuk bringa
c-f itediftrufUa of ue ;ary Vat4. All veutla ot
eae.t ttKC'ub rUi.d are now at Ft
lfc b.aru.ercf u. yard and I'a are no due
It U eU.ei that t'Ttnnent tu direct! Com.
tiHH to chanrr 23 ,u-aa,rt cf Lht d.-aught Icr
3 BMutii errits, arathtsa vi.h b ice-It pivot juna
u.i tt for
Ai vVeLic'c defensive wcrki have been thrown
tp I.r lHa pr-.' of the c, :Ud balding, barri
caiii have ais Lc-en comu tuud urr.,iii..W:g the
In m Dep.
Th ccerrLa fesl'cg !i itror. at Attiaudri, a'!
tv.i.rt n upviJeO, cpe-.ii y trade ca tbenvir
txi fiiioni ar tctyiiiiu atsrie zi Har wpeciaily
Latedt laced. - '
ILt ruti autW.n'ei cf N T tare ctJel to
w-ierinlo jtsjjf-duiie ervL-e the whole of 3J,C3;)
. jclctrj ty the Lgi!atare.
Tie ettr.ia icur.Ci! of N V dry Live votd 51,
C3 J OOtl U trin aril equip r'.-gl;2.L!f, axl J5C0,O0Q
rrfmllii '-f vur.ttra.
Tee city Wheem.g Va.ii a freat a'ate cf excite
tH L'.. tt LVi t fier.'.irner.t ii be yar.t.
A lirg? rxe?:n ta hed in woo-burj Mob lay ;
Er.zravcd notes f. r bond and larks for
I.-ac!utisi wc:c d.-pi.-d tvi-:a.'.j c-rictrvlr. tt
ua'i bcirgfar.:tied Ly Gt. Lo'xL' r ani tno
V.r,j.t.:..fci. 11 J -'cj&U'J a; -".tLtiJ ty taut
U!f'.n frm al tL r;r.h-we;i-rn cousti-s Pt
.Vi.te.iciJ lUy 13;h,tilfteru.iue Lti; c.urrerhcM
l kc j ii Ui f-rciist cac.-eccy. The facl.;:.ts
ft tbuia.:i; tr. ar terjr in :a'ff, tut r?,rU thw
fr rocelrai ip-jik e3:-jurt:r.'jr cf lUe Uci'.n teiii
Lt, is wTtt-ri Vr.
?w Gr cf Ix-uii'tsa has re-!ret ii.ramili'-n
ttil,5i0 Tatsevac ere oa wa; tojvia tie
Cvr.fjcnt9 arry.
Le reaa'ir irqu!a de Ilulara hajbcn jTir.
chuti hy tlie C ti, aci w;.i oo ta Clt;-J cut ai a
war ateawer.
OjrUjustsr; f y ko at Oa!.r;ton I nt Fr!3.iy, when
ta dtniJ e:cpbatieal!y hatir.jj comruuriiate-J iih
Mr Licla'i vera jz'-, ar. i u!sn dnj jj that be
claftnei trill to b9 tLe Uuvornor cf Texis.
A private diipatch nt lyc-ntiiJa rnvt thnt Carlo
IU., it isrf U-i 1 j 1,CC J fii;.-il trijt uui tLat 4,CvO
laort ar xpc.c j.
Hn i-'otigiat fpota at ln2:arnj '...s to cn Ixxcdeo
jtudierce,te ta'.J: our courry ii in d-tri'-r, our oj.i
tcl besfcif s4 ani f:ray invited to prc-y upon our corn
roerca. Tliat lh north wc-t cu aet-r Currerjt t;
hre tk fir a;.;c.:-t to the uc an in any dircti"n cut
by tbt States; that It 1t tho duty i,f our ci:izjn,
di'aiorratt at w!1m rfpulliL-an. to ri.-e up ati un
heita the tnerd in nrh-nv) cf ur Coi.Btituticu'il
lihtt and novtr tLenth it uLtil they eulJjd.
Ka woali tot liifringo cn tho rihti cf tL) S ut'a,
be had never urfeoifd them, he Lai done cvcrjtLirg
ia hit powrr to averi tbit, fcat it is forbad upon
i., it it no timtt tocotT into nice di8:uE-.ioni of the
c-i-M.4. It ui viiijtcnteourrigbt? frstonl difus tlie
tait cf nr troullo-s afterwardrf. 11a called n."n
h.coun'.rya4?n U ro cno rr.aa nr. J d j L ittle for
i ur cor.ttrt-tic.Tjal and in-'ilinub'-o rib.l.
.'i'je St.JCM Leir.vrrnt of this xn-r&ir.g eayt C?n
Htrrn-y, Ci.ura-itd'ir.g cfT.-.rr ff th5 d;-'.rt
t'trnt, it-rl ibitriiyon Iat Vcn;r f:r Vash
i.ijiouin cLd.eLw to au crd?r received t'rea 'JLo
cf Var.
Ft. Lens. April 2 I. P SI.
T.'i; ttcarn-r Viu.'ice wLich arrived at N V yci'.cr
dy rrKirtttlat sLo r:-i.v'bi orfc'.k in the cftcrncca
and t idiag a inorc- ;.nt t tcize h-'r laced hcrsolf
nuder tLe gun of i'..o yard, the cuatcra cCker d?
iiuoied ber but the co:a:nanier of tbo yard rcfa?ed.
Tlin Vnkeo tctd the Cumberland to Ft Monroe.
Tne l'awnco alto arrived there. The dietruct'.on at
NvrJoik wat oomplote, crewt and murine t Lave beca
mnt to NVashirgUn.
. TLe guTurnmjut ba purcbated S ncre etaaatcrs
fvr jtua Coul.
lae tti-am-r Dibb ttSanJy ITxk ia watcb'.ng ves
tolii. A number of other stealers will eacn cruue
iff .-'acdy Ilook.
The cejebrated barqua Grnpo Fbot is lyinj ia tbo
buin au ubject cf iuj icioa. The captain aaeertt his
ut:rttiinati'jU to rte.'eud bis to tue last. Gov--rtueot
will iftuk sharp aftr nun.
A fr?m Charleston Saturday Fyt it was
th intention of the Southern Confederacy to mar-h
North with Mer 60 tLouEur.d men, expecting i0,C00
" taore from V.
Aa attempt wat made Monday nibt by tho capt.
; ff the turyeyingeteamcr Varina to run her cfT south
from the thvj yard, tho ere Euypectcd tomethin
wrcc and infortnod tho commander cf the "crtti
Carolina who put her under bis cunniission .
boreral ateanoori sailed yesterday from N Y with
tp;opi from various points.
laniel 8. Dickenson in bis ppcenh of Monday
r'ghttaid be hoped wo would rfrike down in our
taight ani if neocsury w:po the South from the face
of tie earth.
It it ttatei tbe rceionists lave erected batteries
3 trt;!t below Mt V rnon and at ludianhcad and 10
t-rlea lower down tbe i'otomaa.
A letter from Washington in tbo Times says Gen
Bcctt aent orders to Ft Warbington to destroy tho
r-L J batteries b'low Mt Vernon at all hnnrd.
. Letter from Baltimore and Washington arrived
t lbiladeh,bia yesterday ui tornoi'D, tho di fonsoi r f
toe putlio build ni at Washington Lavo been
ftrrr.gthene-J ur.d capitcl turrouu.iei by haftily
inr wn np df nsct.
Ii it reported ia rtilndolrbia t! at news cf th
eitnrpf Vi fi:kcns end furious loss cf Ufa Ltd
r..-bed BnlMuura v. a An-iiipolit.
I tit roro'r.vd that martial law will toon be pro
elimd in Wabicton.
On Friday last a lot cf beys frra V7aliir,.on cap
tor4 st?ar at Alcxar.iria and brcugli t 1(t ti
W.faiagtco. Uiera wro 2,10 J ftiiid of f.r.ui aboard.
Lteat M'ury dlsirp-'.irc 1 fri Wnsbington cn
iy an 1 Lit'ut Stt i ia his p'aie.
Tae Statj Tre i?-.r. cr M . ra oatai to Palla.klpbia
y :ttrday in r!atim t tbo bait' million k na f. r tha
wr, & banks U:k it all ot par, dou'olo tbo nui;'iinl
n iCered.
A general crier froia Gea So t t u toi tbe 19t'u ex
trdi the military di'Ti.'t cf Was'-ln-ton to IMi
re and 'nrtt)iran:a un ler N'uj t-a 'attrr- n,
hois ordered t- fst Tlun'-vrs of l'.i nil alor.c tho
railroad from V''.n t.,Vi'i ;t n ia fviT; icat
umibers to protect the ra".'. s :. 1 ;?l;rit h v.irvs.
Correliui Wn.Ia'.l h.n arriv.-i fr - :i I: l.irv.',o n. 1
yi when aomeduiiace lruia tb j c.'y bo bord Lavy
. tiri.-.g.
It it raid Srott feoli rcrf.-if-n V. at yuCV-ient for-o
eanaet be bruht to o ipt aro Wa!iia;t n.
Merchant have arrived at Han Uh'ir, fr.ra Haiti
nnre and tKy that r.o utt-ik b-nn male on lrt
ilollenry and thiuk tbat fad "rai troops can j a-.
thrcngb tbe city bm -l.stod. Th-y my ihtrc will
not be a tolreat rarjbant in tto city ia a week.
Virgir.i ra' qv it eighty tvr e.-r.t disoaaut.
ItUaaii tbifre arena Va tro:ps oa Arlirgon
Marylaci acn-y it rcfussd ia Uirrislurg at any
A dispatch from ITivr de Grc?o y??tt'Jiy tays
the tteamor Jaciat fria tt a to J-it:!s K 'k l .'s
beenseiiod; alj at (rha '-.t - a a lar.; J -t rf
alt trier arJ triuist:.:; fr.ra PitU-bar. to C:ue:uca
ti. ro prcriinn ny kind aro all;wci to be
t-nsfrred frora l!"lt4-u re.
The goTcrrTteui br.s rc?ci'-e.l ara;ft' fron the
Oovernor of Tenu?-Fe '.a r;-i'.y t. th.t J. mau l f t r
tha qoota cf troops be f.-.vs he will iu.t c.uioit, but
wjnld rather furnlbh 6O,0Ci iiicn ."jra't the north.
Considerable exoitem' t v a. rc i'el s Cairo, 111.,
yetteriy oa aoonnt of r . arrival ,-f L" S trumps.
Oct Yatea pirea aurane s th it no orders Lnre Leen
iaaei to cbttruct Ibe river ccmmcroc at Cir-, Ibo
tXvopj were tet thera merely tt a prerauti. nary.
St. Locis, April 3, A. TJ.
The latest news frotn Anapc'is stales
lhat the road is open o Watliington.
The Portsmouih, Vn.. Transcript, cf
Tuesday, says dispatches received last
nujht say Ft. Ficken? was taken ly-the
Southern troops with a loss of 2,000
The Baltimore Stia tay3 cn authority
of a private dispatch that the report cf
fighting at Ft Fickens is incorrect.
Fassecjers who arrived at Ilarrhburg
yesterday by the N. C. It. R. jay all ii
quiet ia Baltimore, all the wholesale
houses closed, all clerks over 11 years of
age were required to ealut, rr.any were
lvaving ia consequeuce.
S cars arrived at Chamberug filled
nih families learic? Biltitnore.
The efectioa progresstd quietly aod no
' opposition to the southern right ticket was
The tchooner Lucas was into ty
- ichocners which had t;o colors, tut escaped.
A gentleman who passed through Wi!
A ur of feeaaur Darr, of Del. Laa suscl aeon
rj r I takra ube&ath of at!oiranc.
At WiiCi.Dgtva, Vv'., tba axcact cf Svor tela ed at
Xerj-tcwa ly tie gorernn.?ut it 2,5(0 bbt, they
are atllii-t it to the L-ocr at 17 it IU the r:et prk?
ia $15. . .
Advice frca Trtrlck, V, aj .-r'.'a ar.i AI.
gbar.y eoeoti'!, MJ,tL'.w tb: a :r..-g fr th Unlca
aol d:lr that tbey will re-t gIxiJt tbe tite if
it s-octdl frta tb l"..i n.
Ttere are s:d t Ltf 3 iej'iocit at rTr.'rg
U.n, IM. ilr-zji tley b-va'iir.-i Ur.ica Tol-'utccr
ccir;c there,
Gvv Lt-:bcr,cf V. 1 i L-r.iol a rro-rn-.tLa j Tj-
hibitir; the cyportati--r, if ur to n-nbtraritiit.
A letter from" tbe w;f cf Hubp IV k, cf la,iy?
ncrbuw wat b jmsd crer t-:r head ca :ho ri-h: zi
April L2thby ntrit; Isj rtzid.nre J Li.-Lp
Elliott. ' '
Several grntlcrara arT:rtd f.rr m ibi C-.-u'b report
that the pple are trming ecrywbere. A u
Lar.g ia v C aal anatber iirrisuael for Union ea-
tiuicat. . v
A d'-pta'im of iO Indian! bare arrive! t- tender
wnrrirrt of the 5k-jx a4 Cuippawa Indiana -to
tbe rretdnt'
It is rfrrtrj V "rre oeuraea ia at an ctuc.
ilrcater.! cn Ft Mellcnrj tefcre Samrday Li5ht.
it is faid if it ia done theV " "txasra a. A
number of cannon are tta!ion'-d Pcrryrille to re
cn Ilavredi Gra-etbccli Maryland troops make their
apresran to-day as apprebi.'ndel.
Three citiier.t cf Uaitito ire passed throng'a Perry -Till-;,
Md, ye-t':.'day for the 'ort'j, conurmin tbe
amounts cf injuries luSercl by tbe Unioo men cf
Ealtimors. Tl ey bad been waited oa ky a suad of
troops and ord-red to leave at ence.
A epc-cial difrafh to the Herald elated Havre de
Gra-ro 25th tay sou lb en troops are hourly expected
ti appear ca Gocretown br-,bt3. Sperial tralr.3 are
tew cna'-uLtly racains f.m Aaaapolls to Vah
in'en. A letter rry s tb? Cvu'L'.Utioa was to tail for t-e
C.uli ( f tbs Prolap-lro to bl.-x'ha 13 P.altim'.re.
A f?or,d ditaolm'ini cf 5,000 roen was to move
f.fra', the troops march from there to
Wa.-hirt-ton. So. fur to armed ot-poition to the
troops is rrpor:ol.
Tbe oCitri of tha Baltimore and Ohio P. R yetcr-
dny received dlypatcbcs by their line cf telegraph
from Annip.li3 junction vhich announced that a
larg'j burly cf tro"ps vrero a their way to Washing
ton aud were a!tin alcnj at nn ordinary time una
witbi-ut m-i1erHion.
At Ib.t'-n iut.nuia'.ion is receivcl from head quar
ters that Col Lawi dice's command, embracing tbe
5th and a p.riir.n : the 7i,h Mas rcgiment3 of in
fantry together with Gapt Cock'a light artillery and
Maj DureanV rlaa battalion, havo arrived safc-ly at
Annapolis without resistance.
The Keystone fc'tata left Washington Monday
afternoon, she brir.g3 t imi 40 or 50 bags of mai,
matter for tho northeast in charge of Gen Twitchell
She nlro: brings dirpafehes instructions frora tbe
government to'Mr.'Adaras Minister to England, she
i3'woIl armed and provided to rtsi.-:t any attack that
nrght be mads on her, lut she mnt with to inter-
ferenco: . . i '
A gcntlemaa ho luft C'uarl-.'stoa oa Tuesday say3
Gen liyaurcgari was then mpc-riatcndir.g the repairs
cf Ft Sumter, with tho expectation of aa irameliats
attack from tho North ca Charleston; that there
wc.3 then no movement of troops toward the Nerth
and he believes there will he none.
It is currently reported that Ex-Pres Buchanan has
dinpoped of bis farm nnd g)no to Canada, in conse
quence of threatening remarks from the Chio troops
quartered in Lancaster.
Han John Sbermaa las joined the Ohio troop3 as
a private.
39,0C0 Pcnn'ylvanians havo thn3 far responded to
tha call for volunteer?, and the Governor says he is
literally mobbed with oSfers of more, ho has excepted
Largo numbers cf persons arrived at York, Pa.,
yesterday from Baltimore from whence they had
(Joy It Bartin, of Del, has icd a proclamation
cilling cut troeps to defend the Union.
Lino down between Boonvillo nnd JcfTciSon City.
St. I.OCIS, April 27, PM
Dispatches frora Balt'iiioro via Havre de Grace
state that Gov Hicks and most, of tho members of tho
eastern section of tho- State rtrred fer Frederick
yesterday morning, the Legislature was to meet it
noon, tbo Union m"n appear to bj moro hopeful.
Bush river bridges wns fired Thursday eveningand
totally des'.royed. ,
It is reported that Gen nirney was taken prisoner
at Harper's Ferry by a do .aehm 'nt of Va. troop?, he
left Wheeling for tho purpose of r porting at Wash
ington. Before tho train reached Harpon Ferry it
wai stepped and a number cf troops mounted tbe
platform and tho Gen being pointed out ho was im
mediately taken into custody. Thero is no doubt
that as soon a3 the exceut'rve of Va is ma le acquaint
ed with tbo facts Geu Harney wilt be relea ed as was
the case vrith an ofucer of tho U S nrmy who was
poized a few days since in Richmond.
Tbe f tenmer Louisiana arrived at N Y yeslcrdiy
from Norfolk with U S nr.iils, no news cf an exciting
claractcr, the fort:S?aticn cn tho cast of Va es
pecially the npprache3 to Norfolk and Portsmouth
were advancing rapidly. Tbe obstructions near the
entrance to tbe port cf Norfolk remained t'no:ili
vessels drawing from S to 10 feet water pasccd freo'y
in and oat. Lilia n were mahirg to raise tbe steam
frigate Mcrr'in ic. sloop of war Plymouth aiid itnotber
ve?.-el, which it is thought would prove successful.
The HiTit'd h 's n cli-;iatch fr in a special corres
pond nt sMit to IViis irola. wh'ih.ts not been allow d
to reach there bur woo bid I'-crivcl authentic inf.r-
the Confederate State hare teen tt ized
a trijraricj fttnLlisinei-.ta in Wall st.
A corrt-s.'.w-ijdent of the tXram-rcial
AJvertiacr arrived frum Charleston on
Saturday. Gen Iioaure-ard had not then
ttarted. tut rumor raid 000 troops would
Icare thai niht to march cn the capitol.
Citizen cf Wilraington had teiztd the
steamer Georgia.
The Keltic, Columlia, Ilarriette Lane
and C-tler were seen ia the CLesptak
It is stated that the shop Sunshine 3
f:red into oil Ycrkiown, ud ia carrying
sail to escape enpsi'.-d.
The t-chotjner Alice was seized.
Advices from Norfolk s'atethat Capt's
Borers and White were prisoners in the
hands cf the authorities. The Delaware,
Coluitibus, I'lymoth zz& U S were only
partially turned, cf these however the
FiytiiO'Uh is the enly cne that can be cf
service to the retch, a:.d to get to sea
will have to pass th 2 guns tf ir t Ionroe, the ris'.r. cf teinj sunk.
A pentlersaa frctn Washington via
Uilay House reports that the secessionists
have ph:.ted a tattery cf 4 guns at Harp Ft rry c;:rirr.iL ling the bridge, trains
tre stepped and examined, ari the rccd
for a tn:!e was lined with soldiers.
At Wheeling a strong Union feeling
prevails, 12-5,000 men were under arms.
A Philadelphia di:-patch of yesterday
says Gen Lirr.on from Waihinton re
ports the reply of Mr. Lincoln to the
Baltimore com-riittee asking for peace.
coticlud:t:g thus: Gentlemen, now go home
and teli vour neor-le if thev wont attack
us we wot.t atuck them, if thty attack us
we will retaliate several)'. Troops uuit
must ccrne to Washington and that thro'
Maryland, find they snail.
Gov Hicks ha3 issued a proclamation
convening the Legislature for to-day.
In consequence of federal troops at
Annapolis there is a probability of' re
opening travel to and from Washington
ty order of Ge n Scott.
It is reported that over 2.C00 southern
troops arrived at Norfolk on Monday, des
tinnicn secret.
Every effort has been made with the
nuthcri'ijs cf Baltimore to permit the re
opening cf telegraphic commurieation,
tu so far they Lave teen umucessful.
A proposition has been made by the
Gov of Ky to the Gov of Ohio that the
Gov's cf the border States propose to the
U S gouernment to become arbitrators be
tween the contending parties in the pres
ent difficulties.
A portion of Col Duncan's regiment
about 400 strong under Capt. Desso left
by the Nashville R R this afternoon for
the Southern Confederacy.
A Wheeling dispatch of yesterday says
the Bell and Everett men in this Congres
sional district met in Convention inthis
city to-day and accepted the-nominee of
the Dougla? democrats, W G. Brown, of
Paxton county, as their candidate for Con
gress. A Resolution was adopted ap
proving of the Harrison co. preamble and
resolutions which condemn the course of
eastern Va., and recommend all north
western co.'s to send delegates to a Con
vention at Wheeling, on thy 13ih of May.
The general opinion here is that there
will be a division of the State.
In Boston over 812,000 has been raised
for Fletcher Webster's regiment, which
will be ready to march in a few days.
Lieut Brown, resigned from the Niaga
ra, has been arrested for uttering sediti
ous language end cenfmed in the leceiv
ing ship Ohio.
The oath of alleigmcc to the U S was
administered over to the officers and crew
cf the Niagara, nil tut 2 subscribed to it
and their names will be stricken frcm the
The cities cn the ccast cl N. II. nrc
putting their hr.rborsin a state cf defense
aiid from the White Mountains to the
ocean New Ilampshireans are ready for
The Legislature of Vtrmrnt unani-mou.-ly
appropriated " cne miHi.'n dollars
for military pjr;v-;. Throughout the
State enlisting and organizing is radidly
gwiii.T on.
N 'W Orleans dispatches of yesterday
say the tr nnier Caiawta of the NO&
N V line was seized at 1 o'clock yester
day m- rninir. tut was subsequently re
leased by order of the Mi ntgomery gov
ernment. Acc '55 0.1 s from the tipper par
ishes say the military .excitement is in
curring r.r.d vrtur.teer d.'s are forming
rapidly, the phinicrs are oiforing money
Rumors from an'Mitir sourc-1 have
reach J Brazos tl at the Mexicans are j , ,r jeal.og 2.0P3 d.sreradoes ia citizens dress to
wat tilled lj the pA'tM ca tha Delaware riter U.ii
20,CC0 msa are aew drilling iaFailvi lphi.
A " V dpalcb cf fvi'.trlzj taj gTeriiaect bai
cbartcrt1 vral taore teraer.
bra Witon b. bei cwnaiitlonoJ by the rt'tm
ncct t cUainfiatfwr tb &.Uine vf Asaap-olit and
tju il.t:v!.l rcguu-uu fn zn M-st.
The Ui.?: fcvicrt fr-.a. M l a. that is:si wenu-r-fl tf t6ati.t bu Wixa place at II grt.
to-d;y t.b35'.-j ci Tif ers raised nl
ex?cns:a j reparaii-u irlcig :i.dt for a grand
CcLn J.ri.tij ration.
Ali-ghcy cu-, Ml, a3 ianruitti iU represcnU
tivt tha. if tiny rle for jeej5i,.u ibey will be hung
va lblr rttbrn L'huj.
The Jiari.aod lUii-ci are waring ever Frcde
rki. city. Mi.
The bvine jjuarls refuae to parad tiniest anJer
tbe start and ttripes and to the tune of yankee doo
dle, i At tie Clfae Spring Hotel the ttars and ttripen
wero wavit gund the miner hare tworn to rtij.ts
eessi-.n to tb- d a.h. The Uniuai-tt will raise a iail
itary ccrpi at !Iig :r:owa at once.
At Uar.ii jirg j eiterdiy a largo number cf Vir
ginians arrived mostiy from Fairfax co, escaping
rather than taka the tt oath or impri? jemeat, thay
iay there ara fuliy 15,000 armed trocp3 in Va.
Perfect tcourity Ucow felt in Washington.
. . Ft. Keaksey, April 2"j.
Coa:h C O C P ? Ex. pa??:d no. n yes.eriay.
Denver, April 25t!i. S.riuut aj prthcasiens of In
diaa diS.-ult.c aro, they caa ca-lly cu".
cJcUthi pl.a.J.3 trav -1 ar.d trad C-l D.aj Ia-
encrtor imr-edei ia their cCScialdotiet without l-gl
prcccat, ty'pras cUUaiai tj act endsr tbe aatiior
itietof Va and N Carolina, a a eScient bl.-wkaJa of
the tcris of theie SuUt will bt established.
Rcgalar Wjhing.oa dispatewt tay some ex:it
CKt beea raai ia dipnmi: quarters iacca
;uea: cf C:o Pr.?ll6:'t irtcl.oaaUoa direotiig
tha blc bads cf thaaoaihera portt.
C.titaen frora Vataj tbceriisnce cf iK-suioa
w,U leccauraicd by over ICS,-.!) nij.
To-iayt Waib;n5t..nd;'pae.h .y
bnteries b d beca erected at tU V. hlta H.a near
Mt Veruon by Virgimaat is fi-?-
Tbe Cbarlestoa Mercury earnestly prt-ts against
the advieof certain libera j ,-rt.-: wbkh urg
IU) immediate a-siuit upoa WVhingtvaaaJ iu occu
pation a3 the caj ital cf the Cocftderate States.
The AkxamlriaG-iintt mw Go ired
tbe release cf Gca IUrr.ey. And menti ons a a ru
tn.r' that Jeff Davif is ti covaa to' L'ul-a .tiu tut
week and that Vie fiWtm La rttarne-J'to
lIwi.tguicrj',M. ...... .-r-- -.- - -
Troops aro c- ctinually pas-ing through Wiloilng
tva frcu S C A Ga for liicbm t.d. "
. Ga L.-.aheai and jtaiT hi J .irt.vcd at K "s :mu :d.
Gor L;iibatci.ll-dfr f.i.ty tbou-ar.d luj.tcer
additivaal to tho regular mil. :a-y,a:.d all iTg..aii-il
corps are cvtusxaaici to b-J ia readiness at an bout
iti-hiuond papers enta?n nh-jproelamaticn cf Gov
L.twb-rt.rdri'jg tha rctura '.-f ail vess :li cx..pti!t
the stjaia.-rs .laia-stwji o 1 Vurkt-'.vn to thri-
vaer, arl p.J t '! to the "pl-j not to ioteif.-i-
end Gcv ttdd Lira ii was the purpose of
the Southern t.ates toattack Washington
at once. He has dealt that the attack
will le rntde very scon and at several
points at the same time. Every little
village was bristling with bayonets and
pxpie were pnVtly frantic. He says
lutlher that Gov E.iis showed hi;n a dis-
natch frum Feiacjla Jttea Lbtn irom
n.v,M-ur.Nvs, tnxroHT
TIILT.SDA V M O liX I . G, i; AT27T
W e give in this curr.lcr cf xC'T
all the Dispatches received C''i'
i wee;; : oonse.iuor.l v t:,Hr?
1 . ... - I. I . I ' 'I . .
f''3- -"1U o k' -rj 1 hft fcr editorials tr ether n.a",T
eus up to that time had-Utn ntaue and 1 tr.
it uanotLispurpotoanaokitforsomej the rreuDt Criv J
lime. - j events are transpitiug jo vlra ly ;0v. i
Intelligent gentlemen from western V a ,ant to lhe w:f ire ; j
diaa Agtset; courier t Ft. Wiso yesterday wi:a a j ar. 1 ri;s;v-ULton nice ad f iurv.s w:ha legil u-requL-iti-.n
for 2 v -r. i..ict cavalry toboii th.-j;- j tb- rify, atd apa.ots i.S.-i rs f..,- tJeciaVr ntritert to
teives in reaiptesi to oaaroh hither at an hours notice see tbe fr.-lui vtioa carried Vi cJ--ct. . .
should indications continac uufvurabli tb?y will hi i The N Y ILraldi di pitch to-day says Gen La-j
ordered up very Soon. j it gu udifg tho r.avy yard against resigned
y r.avcl ttHt-ers arid hn c:a.Io several sc. utlng ex
dltions into Va, during one of wbi-h bo captured
of ::.T;rr. flu-re to tho 2Lt
m it ion ot tl
Ta-r- ha I b '-:i , n, an I (lea Brag has Inti
mated hi.- in ih li'y ti, n 'toco F Piehens, Brnggays
he will n.-t f ur''-y 'i, tl e .'ofenive. Th'j U S ves
sel Wi?re t fT Ft IV-k-'in 011 tbe 21st with thrir guns
ready for immed ate a?t . n. it is b. lic ved they would
ret.ike the navy Yar saollor.'s. The crrepondent
pis-sed tl; rough M-iatgotacry on the 22J, Uavis was
j nahing vuire jrej ara: ion to atuv k Washington,
i lie fuw trK4 ts cn route to Itkhm ond, they received
j :rms nnd cui tr.cut3 at, Argusla. Gea Uenoa, o
lcti. at .oontg' ra?.ry c iuluving armrjctaents
1 1
c,;err..i i
itl.t.'. I
celling r.p nnotniT
again.-t the citizens on the Rj 1 Grande
about Erownsvill the town Roma has
hv-en fillagd and burnt r.r,d many Ame
rican fun. Hies murdered. Browni-viHe
also has been threatened. The number
of federal trccps left in Texas is about
1,000, they are abundantly supplied with
provhiens and means of transportation.
The number in the vicinity cf Indunola
is about 500.
The III. Legislature yesterday passed
a bill for the organization cf 0 reci:-:ents
as called for ly the President, and it wa
signed by the Governor.
St. Loci?. April 2. A M
Ths In!, leg'slataro cnver,d ye!t"rliy. Gov.
Morten utlivered bis messsge in tbe affrncca. be
reeomaiecaed tho appropriation of 5I,C0v0o0 fir
tnilitiry purpose?, aad the passage cf a law defining
at.d juniihing treason.
St. Lons, April 21, PM.
It i? rumored that tbe government has a detach
ment cf trtrp? pretcc;!rg the workmen who are re-pa-irirg
th bridges on the Puiladelthla R U east cf
the Sasquobaana.
A aebtoner from N T towed by tag was brought
to by a bct frcm fortrc? Monro which went thro
tbe tug, and tbe enrgo wasteitod, it consisted of thent without referen.-o t Uwnr order, ib"yhive
cillUry atcrcs fcr Va, and a full lilt artillery bat- driven o:T miny peipl?) ho d nt sympathise with
ter.v. tn movern-ot. and had tLrf.x:oiwHl 1. .1: V.v t. ni,.U
U.ltiurre urd V.'a.-birgtca to secretly cptrate ia an
attaek n?ar Wasbi:-.gtori.
A Itiel.taond disrtch f the 13 J s?.j3 T7 DDcllia
of 5- I r?ginv nt arrived la that city the night beforo
and rejr:icctel that there w.recr.'y 1(9J0 trr.j s ia
Washingten. 6C0 troops arrived a: Richmond from
S C on Ud. JeT Davis Wi3 in Morgoraery ca Sun
day evening last.
Geu Butler, cf Mass, remains at Atcapoli., be has
plant ?1 a battery cn tbe heights opposite the town
which caa destroy the town at an hours notice.
A V.'ashirgtcn di'pno-h of Weds lay to the N
Y Ti:c: s.ys of Virgitiian md Marylanders waited
o the President and lfoinljl a cossatio cf histil
ities until after the session ef Congress, iho Presi
dent's answer was prtspt. d .vided and in the nega
tive ; oiio ef tho deputation taid 75,000 Mds would
contest the pas-ge vf tr:ops ever ner soil, to which
tbe Preiidcr.1 replied lis presumed thero was roota
enough in htr toil t bary 75,000.
A Washington correspondent jays Dr. Garnett toa
ia-law of Gov Wise, h:vs removed his i;e and family
to the north j r safety. A largo number of Vergin
ians aro in this city, who ha v.? l.eeu driven away be
cause they would not take tbe oath cf alleigance to
the Su.te.
A gentlca.aa who was compelled to flee from N
Carolina says the sooesinists are cirri in all before
The Petersburg Va. Etpre?? rays thero aro 10,000
trc-pa at Biihmon!, -1.300 at Harpers Ferry, 2,530 tt
Norfolk, iucluiirg 2a ) frr:n Oa.
It is stal 1 thrvtJt.'f Davis w il! rot issue letters cf
rnarjr.e until after tho meeting cf bit Congress ca
Gea Jibnscn, rf Ter.n.. was ru-lbed at Lynchburg
ca Sur.uay, on Lis way fau Washirgton to
mingtoa.N. C, ca Saturday learned frcm t,n ' "7 " v usrarg.on to t3a,
the R R conductor that arrangements a tc a ffif ytallr- tlu eca
... - e h.''U.j fvrr.1-5.-1 ber cutta cf rccn.
were being made to Convey trj"0S frctn 1 be .-trtes and fnisa cf Waabirgt -a bat ra.pend-
Ctarlestcn to Ri.hmcnd, 2003 were cn
the wav.
1 lo pec, jo ys
' cHee if A to t
rg to dra-diih tbe
an-l tacg Ex-G.-v Giluiore who is pcrii.teu'lj reiiit
ing thij raid of passion.
Gov's Hicks and Letcher proposed to tho govern
ment that the rouid jointly guaranty the safety of ! com?.
tbe capita!; the govcrt.raent dc lined such protection
Sen Mas vn, cf Va, is ia rhila lelphia, ho say3 he
came to srttle tho ctita cf his relatirrs. but it is
hocght he is a-fing tho part cf af;y, and a secret
ccn.ajittee is watching blm.
L. Loyd Pirnc!!, t' S N, shot Limelf yesterday
at the Merchants n.'tt! ia Piilla.
A S' h-r;rr with provil?ai fcr Savannah feeling respecting tho war ia the States
prevails throughout this country, a littlo tcc-.;o'a
rag was displayed by a busine.?3 honso horeyca.crday
evening it was so iasigniaeeat that no notice was
t .kon of it. Union 1 igi wavo in all parts of the city
and Union fooling aim jjt unanlmou3.
Military express to New Mexioaa forts beca dij
continued. St. Loins, April 20,4 A M
Gov Hick messngo on Saturd ty to the Md Legis
lature briefly details tbo startling events which in
duced him to call ittogcthor. Jleadvises Mdtopro-s-jrve
a nutnlity betweea tho north and Eouth and
act as mediator.
The Senate adapted an address to the people: of
Md, stating that the Legislature will not pass an act
cf fipcession but if the people ue-iiro it will give them
an opportunity of declaring for themselves their fu
ture destiny. The House has not acted thereoa but
has appointed a comiuittee to report an act callin a
N Y dispatches of Saturday say the steamer Nash
ville ha3 been taken by the authorities of Charleston
bat it is not known whethor eho waj seized or par
chased. '
The former Lieut of tho Harriet Laao has bea ap
pointed to command the' Nashville, and he intends
using her to interrupt California stealers. It is po5i
tively statai that ho has received letters of rairerne
from Jeff Davis.
There is no blockade of Washington, the city is
quiet, flour $15 per bbl.
Private advices from N Orleans certify that the at
tempt to negoiate the Confederate loan wai a signal
failure, only $16,000 were taken there n'tcgether.
Montgomery advices ttate thct only $12,000,000 cf
the loan were then taken, Tbe soldiers wore unpaid
they had plenty cf provisions but were short cf iau
nitionsof war.
4 privateers from Mobile have already been author
ized the Mobile papers state that Col II Brown, com
mander at Pickens, has 1,000 men.
It appear3 that tho Capt General of Cuba snubbed
the Southern Commissioners when there, he did not
recognize such a power as tho Confederate States.
Beauregard wa.s at Charleston on Tuesday. The
war feeling was subsiding, and it was thought no
more fighting would occur.
5 carloid of fugitives from tho South arrived1 at
H.irisburg2rrh. 22 Pbiladelphians from Richmond
hnvo also arrivd. all h id been workman at tho shell
and shot fo'in lr; in t'Mtcity. They went thftro 5
weeks since ani 'io'.v return on a piss given by Gov
Letcher. They report a Philadelphia isengagodin
mo leranizing three thousand old flint lock muskets
Reports of Travellers from Baltimore indicate a
strong disposition among the conservatives to rise and
take the power iu their hands from tho ntnb. The
restoration of federal alleigance is confidently predict
ed by Baltimoriaus.
It is said that on Friday evening a pr-p-Ilcr with
boats Ac., reinfsreed Ft Mellon ry. Tho U 3 receiv
ing ship Alleghany is now at the Fort.
St. Loi-is, April 20, A. M.
Four vessels withoat the necessary paper, vrero
overhauled on Thursday on attempting to leave the
harbor and detained fr .examination.
Troops fr ni II. ward coounty were called cut oa
Friday an! went 4 miles from Annapolis junction
wheivTJ S troops are pa;-iig,
A dis put eh from Perryviile, Md, 27th. says J 8
P.-tter. of M-ns. bearer of dispatches from Gen Scott
arrived and says tho commander at Harpers Ferry
had given assurance that Virginia would not allow
nry nttnek on tho Cnpitol from her -oil. This is
confirmed by gentlemen fr -m Richmond a3 being the
sentiments of Gov T etcher.
A Hairisburg dispatch 27th says the forces at. Har
pers Ferry believe that Gen Beauregard is in Rich
mond with 7,000 troops.
The Virginia ordinance of secession just published
i3 received accompanied by a schedule appointing
the 4th Thursday in May for ratification by the peo
ple, also prohibiting tho election of Congressmen
required by la on tho fame day. Tho Oriianco
declares the C S Constitution o longer binding on
tho citizens of Va. It is to take cfeet wbea ratified
by a majority cf the voters.
It i3 said there is no doubt about the reaction in
Baltimore and that a b -M movement cn the part of
the government will rccive the earnest support cf J
the Union Bin if properly crid sited.
Gen So-jtt in answer to the statTJtr.t of GfnTTr
pr that va will notsaC:ran attack from her noil on
the Cpit-1, slid be would be happy to Lave it con
frrrd but would not advise the government to de
sist fmm is present conrse in providing for i. safety
Advices received at N Y frcm Savannah report
several vessels waiting privateer eommissiona which
were exicted shortly.
The surveying -choon-rllowell Cobb Ian ld troops
and two cinnon at Ft Carroll below BaltitncTe.
The Herald says the British Minister sett a Secy
to Montgomery who carried information aa to the
arse England will purao towards the Confederate
Spates, it is yretty certain the Cijmrai-ai-.aerj wLU
not be receive I there ( fne;a!!y-
Gen Butler tnyi n;akct are guarding every rail
between Annapolis and Washingten. The Sap t
of the road was arretted on Sa'urday for taking up
the raiTa.
Gentl fmen who left N" Orleans Friday mcrn'n far
nish tho following: The whole country tetwea Jack
ton. Tern, and N Orl-vms is in arms at every station
along tb read o! were seen drill ir , they ap
peared detit-it T n" P-;ng old mj-ke'-, shut
puns a-d r!2 . L-. ; "ionist in N Orlears
w re in hourly ex. r .1 a f new of tbe capture tf
All troo: s exiep tboe st Ft Pic-kens wri birg in'iv-d N .rth. the host of thie tro p-s d
tined fi r tbe r d-;cti.n f that f.rtrr-s have been
withdrawn. It i not believ.-nl at N Orleans
any attack on Ft Pickens wl'.l be made f:r weeks to
a secession tlog.
A Philadelphia t'the llerftlJ Vnyt r-a-seK.5rs
from ltlchm ind' say ( Jvu Green cf N- C haJ
arrived there and t'niered thirty thousand N Caro
linians. Floyd haiaa iatervieifiil-.Go.La'ehcr, tho fu.
mcr has armed atul cqnipped ls30 tacp. ,- ;
ElT rts arc makingat Witshington to havo Cassiiij
M Clay and N Bniiks appointed Maj Generals in the
Troops cctitinao to arrive at WassiDgtcn. without
obstruction.- ' 1 ''. - '. .:' i
Sen Mas-jn wasserinaded at Frcdtrid, Md, Satur
day right.. :. . :'. . . '-' . - t u t ; . ;l
The Senate cf the Md LigisUture has hitherto act
ed as a unit, but in the liou;e thero is coa Jderuble
diversity cf t-pinioa with reference to accession.
A Cairo dispatch say.-, the steamer Wcsfiaorhand ar
rived there last night, sho reports having been attack
ed oa Thursday evening at Napoleon, Ark., killing
Mr. Hamner and wounding a fireman.
A Cincinnati bounl steamer tho Mara wu3 seized
at Helena on Friday lat by tha peopie. -
St. Louis, April 30, A. M. ,
N Y di; patches state that a Grocer has
arrived ln'that city lias was impresses in
to the service of the Confederate States
and escaped by concealing himself in a
vessel. He reports that at the bombard-;
mentof Sumter at least 1.000 reLels were
A Presbyterian clergymen who left
east-Mississippi near Mobile last Monday
arrived at . N Y yesterday, reports ISO
passengers coming North.-fleeing from
the Gulf btates, saenhcinjr ihronh tick
ets to avoid coming through Baltimore or
Washington believing both cities vnder
martial law. He' saw troop? at every
station destined for the north; and tVard
that their intention was to attack Wash
ington. It is reported that none but secession
flags were, flying at Frederick, .Md. and
that the ordinance of sec &non would be
submitted to the people.
Col Ellsworth's Zouaves Ielt N Y yes
terday. Three stand of colors were pre
sented to them previous to their dpanur-.
It is said three ship have been seized
at Rappahinock, Va., and thd crewa im
pri3orl"l, and required to take the oath of
allegiance to the South.
It is stated on undoubted authority iL it
Sen Mason, of Va., was arrested in M l.
on the 2Sth, by order of Gen Iuiersoii,
and taken to l't-rryvdle.
A privaie dispute!) from Baltimore' says
that s-c-s-ion i defunct and that the
Unionists are aain tri-tmphar.t. , the re
nciicn is overwlieiming iu all parts of the
A dispatch to the Charleston .Courk r
states that privateer commission: are
being prepared foc.issui as soon as Con-
will undoubtedly do. -The instructions
contarn a prohibition against the tciznrc
of coiton on either British" or" Arny'rican
ressds. ' ' 1 '
Five etifployees at "the Washington
navy yard Lava been arrested,' th3y were
found - fiilinsr .the shdU with sand, they
will be tried and if convicted they wiil
be thct.
St. Loui, April GO, A. M.
Government has formally decided to
receive 40.000 of tlie To, 000 volunteers
for a term cf three years and 2-5000 reg
ulars for a term of rive year.
An armor.' will be t-stabli-hed at Rock
Island iu place of . Harpers .Ft-rry.
It is slated that the naval acudtmy will
be removed temporarily to fto-wp-rt. III.
The steamship IJ.vuien lias arrived nt
i 1 trmgmg L.;:.'Jon auvices to Apr.i
It is denied in the n-cct positi-; f-. r.-ns
that Austria intends granting an inde
pendent ministry to Huortry.
A fearful inundation La 1 occurred a'
Java, many tho Jiand pr.-sons w-re drown- !
wait, d on the State ad.nim.iratm yeter- T , - t j
oiy invoking it itvlu-noe with the ration- " . trt w-di c,
al Administration to procure arm to de. i grtatest mttrr-st. .
f-!iJ ihemlve? They say west of the f r ' . '
B uo Il.d.e can be held if L necessary j ' to the 0:,
a -'.ii re t rn I.e u.:
't- 1 .1 t. r''riMii.iii
amis Mere civen in time. im y ?aitt ui-) ;
were endorsed by the nblic arnmnent of , an account of his ''travt-V 3;
that purtiuu U-Va. The Staiadiuui . Inr dventurfs' amerg the
trattoa lui. com: lied with th-ir rriu-st. . 1'""
A Wariingtoti di.-pitcli of yt.-rd.iy ( FrC3 St'M Piuplc IaliC ctl'.
SiVS the troop call, d u:it by lh osd.-r )f j , '
;c.'day ,axvudditi.-uil to th 7-3.L0J a!: : At aa irr.n.ense :nrt rngM 1 v c,
r. ady d. the ul.t-h- uu.ub- r -ah-d . Jt.5i. fo , -:) tlCO'h a
rcrlycoVei...m t;t VoUO vol. ' ! i r o-! j 'X' ' ' "
ihJKi. 10.000 vol- lor a years. ihU'CO . " --)
t, r r, vttr-sMrri;1-at,l IS ObO . f-r find-the f,::;.
9 . 1 a 9
i-'in.. .uisiuun was scttl-J Vv
slaverv I cpulatu :i. , Tts '
theiiij-clvc.s a-gmvi .! ly t!: ir..--;-
.ui u ) ur o, 1;. A,"r:i lii
they teen ar.h;.;it-d iv
!0 (f.! ,.f n. .
. ) ars making a total of- lot?,0( 0 nuai;
-n this lalU ti. -rt'cf the real number
a several States' "si ltd double the number
rv quired.
A s:oiiian'-nus Uni:-:i meeting was held
ia Hi trim jd-, about :u,000 p-o- j a:.d if jo,t;c they ivuid h.t,- r, '
1 ' a - - " ! 1. 1 . t -" t
fie attende-J. i"'"4t' --nere, wen :o.v .'.. .
Trains run from Baltimore to Wheeling ; terference v.i:!i v'av-s r.r. 1 t::;, :X:
Lut are searched at Harpers Ferry tys is . nureiy: gratvirem, al.d 4. 7
crsiuts w ho are wli.aiunj the route. will deport tli-n. selves' as tj t:. 2''
"Aprciit luojsengchJai!? on th- n:st lyiil ty tho Suit.1 ' '. , 1: "K
Livefpl stea'ae'r to p rcha-e SJOO.OOO That is. to -ny: St. JvSr'i dnj.
worth of anwsfor th,; State of N ,Y. ; . northern n.M.rle f r Z.i'1
The tTime. sric al crrei-p, nl. nl from ' " - 'h
FrVdricV. Md., iaysad.reet v.-ie on Ve-! lT Ia r' U pace, ar.d tht
cession in the IIoi;s i stood & ajain-t nnd "Late '.Nctih.! ' th,-rc 1
13 for it. The Striate has put lis e! an bt-iier. That i the plain-Ln-b of -j
al uvu rc-o!utn.n. Let thos.y i;lterj, . i
cni'iiv-Mn Afi' MM t-rin I n
v a c i con ii ui
The Union men are cocrcinir, Eastern
Virginia where heavy depredations are
made on private property by aa armed
rabboll. id. ) ' . .! :l
A soldier vho escaped from Charles
ton and who- sorted at the guns during
the fight at Moultre says, nearly every
shot from Sumter killed somebody ; be
tween, three and four hundred meji .were
killed ami a large number wounded there
during the seige. The killed were in
tercd at night, on the rotter's fl Id; many
also, were killed in dwellings outside the
Forijhe soldiers' were threatened with
death, if thr-y disclosed the facts about
the killed.
Another who was at Morris Island
says, 150 men were killed there, and 40
at Sullivan's Island; they also state that
the negroes only want their leaders to
give the word when the slaughter will be
ternt le.
A, Cairo dispatch is rumored
that it is ihe intention of the Missourians
to plant" a battery of heavy ordinance
immediately opposite Cairo, on the bank
of. the Misiftfippi. - . , .
The Croton acquiduct of JCew York,
was this morning guarded by ihe Polic
take ucd goiem th ;ae:7'jt.
cord i ugly. .
Head Qvautius 2o Baicirt. )
yVdraA City, April 20, 1S31
Cols. II. H. Hardmg, IL IV. Fura
and George L. Seyl ult u ill-take the
cessary Meps to see that tile comrades s
tueir respective l-oaliiie-t are iilej uprj
fully cflicered, atd (if fti;.-.d recca-'
to or
now ii.rrpar.i-s wherv.
one3 cannot Le found, to the fclh-:;
standard: 1 captain, 1 lieur.a-1
second iieutonant, 4 sergeants, 4 cur
rals, 2 musicians, 60 privates an! rf -tlieir
compliance with this ord-T to it
Adjutant General, II. H. HarJrn- t;&
out unnecessary delay.
It is deemed highly important at ii
time to have a thorough organization
it is expected that th; President vv.llk:
C . l.. f r . -
ioi ont Laua.K.n irom
Let ra-hi it)
companies of which. wdl b frun S.i
of the Piatt. It is thought that ; i
companies ran be formed at Brounv.1,
Nebraska Cny. R.-k' JJlnfl's arJ.I'h-j-mouth,
and it is hoped it mil I i
at once, and ih troeps put tmder c' -
in roMsenoenr,. .f fnnr tl y -um avir, .u,!.3 wmie;,.-
may be made to blow up the pier ,f iL Uli"'1 7'""" t,"I'I-li;,rS ar U,
high brjdge , , ' a' oirn.r. .-l.ri,.L
., Jas. Tracy, a native of , CI. v, Jand P- , V)' ,
whoVamo from Churn-ton ly .T. ani. , ulit-r (j u. o mdg. 1 J Hu;!c
er Nahv.lle, de Iarnl hi". I,,--i. io, o' Tl"' nlov" (,n,,r ' -;s ' a r
Itecoine a eitiz-n of ihe Uin' d snti. : tho .'ac that the r cdarc l.aye i e.i '-u.-.a
and Iiad a small farm whic. uas t.nh- , fr..tu iht- frontier F-rti in thi, Ttrr.-. p
cated hecinse he ref'u ed t' fiht njiio-t'i ,t T' c: ,i , .
n , , 1 . " 'y Vj a.ii.'iorities, ar, I tf.- rr. v
tiw ilaey he liiul .-wern to 'jt wn r . '
seiz d. ti, d to the f. n-e unh l.f,, ; ' Ji,,1' l!;' Secretary of ,,.i
ov.-r LL L- ad and civ, n live- Lni.dr- d ' a-l :"r v-.Iont--ers frora the TYrrii .rp
lashes, his wife w.tskiok. d an-! o'-lier vvise-iii-iv.-td.
From r. liabb mfnrrrnti n rc-'ived nt
Annnp li. it appears that lit. 000 iroep-.
from th- C"iif, derncy are now
i:i Virginia, nn ! more arriving.
Omaii , Miy 1st, A. 31.
Gov. Black hai isoued a proclamation
rec Tiiinon litiT a thorough vobmieer or-
ganizati.,n through -:;t th-; Territory
has already sop ii d Cf; with anus
anil -'joip:iif-n!.-, ano seems determined to
place N' l'raika iu the ted pj-ible ton-
dirion f defens". ,
Tl is siipp-;s--ij that at 'east one regiment
of NeorasKl vohinteers will miitTed
toth.e ;;1 rvi-:e of the U S fer h 'tneef.
N,'br.-i-l:a is a unit (t the Constitnti -n
and tho Uni )U.
. It. is n. mured tLr.t Gov Elt ! will ir.i-mediatt-ly
on ihr arrinU of Li si.ctf
return to Pa., Laving F--n called th r,- to
assume an i:iipor'atit miliiary co-mm-md.
St. Lol-is. May 1st, A. M.
Gov Curtain's in Lis message, to the Pa
lezidature yesterday, says the slaughter
of northern troops in Biiiirnore f,r ih-'
pretended offeure cf marching at the call
the Federal g .veroiont poacenhly ovr
the soil of a State admitted;-,- iu Union
lak- th ir;l,ace. It. is important to g;rl
aeai:sl any prulr.Ie ;r poisoU r hi u
invasion.. If r p. pe riy armed, dnh-d:i
prepared fur any t m rgenry, l!v I:.f.r.y
may not be Jikf-Iy to ui any ::.-'i-oliier'A
ioe th y may.
?rAJon Axr,Lav,,:i. Tl.e-H r
ter has accept tl the invu.itivn .f U - C"
men C,un:d to receive Lm i ri- r. i ia h"
( iovertsor'.s roor.i. City .Hall, cu T-'i?-fr'irn
I I a in. to 1 p. i i.
Ti e hal itbes ot the. Art -r H
somewh tt :.rpr.-! (! y serd iv r. )T:,:i:-1
th,- nppe, tranc e i;f AT i-r ,r -r i 1
Li- nt. Dan.. ,,f U, rt Sji ;t.:J :a
tleir mi i-t. a,-,-,,,;,!-;,,,,, ,j y (;,.. J!1 i.i
Wiinl H N Wild. -TL-y i:ri
irr.o nd tl r y a l tre j r .ud.
pr. .,, ,f l(j,.,(J i'ti. ;; ,.,y vuref-t 'l
to b a v.- wuli th- ir -.-.t:..rt.
The b.eyi of (Jruir, e'-hoMl
I' a . He,! fn Scvt r.teeuih sir, . t.'nearh--avenue,
bt arin a li r.t forest cf li--n
vi-it,d, .the Major yeit play rr,:r-.::
They wTr drari Uj ia fn.r.t , f -';-ati-J
ty th -ir cheers for th- Ma::r.'-!
Constitution cf tho United Stat-:. -'
the so;l of a State a-.mitteoiy mine Union j And-riuo. and the Star-S'-an-J--J H '
with th-'oVect of ..'..fnL'rigthe common ! one of whi h nearly" w-ryl V C--1
mpral cammn be st.tmitt t! to avh ther showe.l ih u their hearu ar- re ' -i
Maryland ch:rn.?t- be loyal or c,thrije. i the Uni ::.
Hi r-'comrnr r. L a in-e loin ani the rais-
Ti.o :.r
aj..r arro ar-d nnd n: d: 'Z r-L-i;n.-r.t.i cf cavalry an 1 in-1 I thank you frcm the bettcm cf rr.y l'
fantry exciuiivo cf tho.2 already called j for your call open r.a thij mvra.'-
I::': "tv,r , your tru-t In God and he will Ci
Forts Madison and T'onseose near An-
napoljo are occ .j.ied i ; U S trxp.
Tl)- National Intelligencer says both
Hou.-s pjs.vd re.-xd aliens cffirming the
ed, whole. vjUasrea destroyed and oO.OoU ri.h. cf th, gt.rj,ral g,V(,rnrii.nt l0 irch B!u e. "and HaifCuIuml:' uli I
FeS t.esU.tuttt'- . - tr.o j.- rhr -o-h Md wuh.ut LinJranoo to I stir f' v.hile th- lar- c
and protect the tli? cf our country. 0 1
bh-M y,.j. " . .
Major Anderson, wis vii:!y 2-r"f!';
by thMr singing cf the Rd. s':
The Stcilim diet h'rrvr I- s-f.-ov r:i ' i
rnent for r.rt of lVhind. . . iTIic i.-mp1 ..r. .' . a ''I
m- t L- - i Tho Vir:- iis ar r-Tiv'ra l t --tc..ers were t..en pre?- nt-'t-.a-- i
Tne Arabia iro.n Livrp'.- 2!.i: via ! 44' v .rr ...i ..,s nro re n ...i Uie . ,- , . r;,r tn ( . i . . V
,.vvn orri-,.,1 v IT - , v - , - ,t.. : mu'enery irto Harpers Ferry to llich- ! V'11,1" :'l3J)r ia 1 ,ri- 1 " .
JamestOAii arri.e.l aMI.4.a1ue.,l..iu.i , f 3 these toys-by the Lji.d," and
In the Houso of L.rdi it ,va sU d . ' ' , i among and di l s,,, tonsta.vly 5aj :
mat the government, wa? n.M,-.-l ia t.o J A sp. cr-al o.sf acn to the Po.t s ays .. (i A . yfiU ,,0,v G 4 v
negotiations whatever toward rc nlm-j !' UJLi'i Sr.n uis battery at Jik-, With inor cLrs"af,l wav.r- cf
the King of Italy-and the Pep-. Th-sr j ildcnatccu; it CwrnraJauy fou lh.r Uy4 to-,k up their lm- rf o-ir-A '1
policy was not to interfere with th Ho- I sece-icni ts t Lih-.ji men. j al, ti ,K. . - ,.,tr,
man Catholic tplesttons
7t T.nrra A nril .10 P T ' more.
The N Y Herald Las a dispatch from I Tr,)' P arc already Tr, W, t rn V... and
a Philadelphia 1 saying that a g-'n.! ! Federal trcp v;ll soon le- J 54,
has just arrived froo Vilioiiijte.i le.a ii.i: ! f'' r-"'- - ' - - l
there on Friday in Richmond mi S.atur-1 Gjv L- fch- r La? ! .en noMfi 1 ;a a-.y
day, states that the peo;-I-. .f N C are in . apj roo !i Cmf. -iMa r. p- !,.
iroops are concentrating ah ut Bal i- they uscnvr,d Ua,h aiei
trrti.i m-i.'s ih-iu-e r'tt.rriiu.r iol'!'r
i t
,-i k
J :; rr-rr -n
b,,y attract-! rt-nt n:n'i 11 Ti-U"1
arms and preparing to come n irth w ith ; W ::di:n n w r'l I- ij .- ; , f ,1,, t
several thousand tre-'p for th" p tack .o II;.; .m .-.d 1 1 X ,n'.,l i.
Gov Ellis inform'-d him, of n. kin an : A Wsi.hi 'j .ri di jri'.J. .-;v i;..u 'u..
attack cn Vvasf.in4tv.-n. Tne d.Uh- I It vote - .--i n m 'h Va C'onv.-n-Gav
E showed him a t'i--rat:h whi-di he; ti y.i wa loll lify a. I not sitr-en a re-
Ordinance, No 1.
K O Ci ise;i- IV. ,.. -: S. ' '
n i o 1, , . - i- - i . . t t
C- tcr c.r.e: bj tU C t Cjia..;.' -
' r-'-i- a -,t TerMe rf
Ft. I.on. April 2iPM.
Therre?:d?nt t -:el tb- f- 1 -wlr-g : '--a-
tln : Whereas, for re-.- :-s r. 1 in c;y prxlama-
ing that .50,000 tro ps were on their v.ay ;
to join thoL. .t" N C abou to leave fori
tL-aof thelSth ins.riVt vkaJo "f the frN of tbe atta-k without a m n-M d-la
e statin-!)? p:d oo.
Itii.asrt-d tlat rr:artial law wiil b-
Itichmand. and 'hit it was tho purpose of pri-d.; i in.rfi. drttcly ihe-Dit trii-t of
! the Ccnf-'d ? Dr-rn:neat t a make an - C- fend -n. ' - - - ,
ay.' that if i Sena'or Huntr-r, W C Bivs, W Di
i. . : Pr. ..' , i r ,i r, r . ... i ... . ,i T . i
th! iet..:-t ' O, r.. ..r ) -i H,r...f Vtr. f" r sy
u-l iti alt ixO p'nterr -e-'l "r :""' j-
ll i.l-.4 ih ra,f il T-je
t-i I. :U muii ;uiv- a.Ufc .'''' ' ' - k
p-'. iii'.-o
! C'-;.'r r' t the r . r -, e !
Ci:jr C ;ucil tu tto it ti f a i i e A P '
feeeedSrg State, w't, ohhl. And . he re as, pab- n alt:iCii 11 il l" -; Fr-Ml and Jo ,--s C.tmder, and Brerk- Oici V7i!lCT7 CuttLJS
lie iropty ha, bem sei-d. tbe c .'.iv-ica of tbe j fore the fe ieral government Lad cor.c-en- inn ije have be n appointed ty the Va ; Th, , ,t T17i?.T f ,r iUt S!Vj t :.rp ut
revenue cb-tra-tel ad do' esmaisjacl ctSren ' trated a larjo f-KCi at Washington. He j Convention as delegates to the Southern ' p- p P'i-e 3 n j-A.-i. rsr:;.;f
while executing c-iers have beeaarrj.tcd.hellpn,-1 conversed with Gov Letcher on Saturday j Congres?. ! 'V.'TaV ' P" "'v?Itt -v? '