IP- .!-': v AN' aperient and Siomicnic preparation cf IRON penile I or Otvaen audCirD.i by c.iin'iuii jT in II:-lii'o-ren. Siociunsl by tha lufhest MeJ.cal Authorities. bth in Kii-up.iuJ ihcU.mei Slates, aud prcsc.ibed la their practice Lie ;)irie'ne of tbmsmd daily prove that no preparation of Iron can be emulated with It. Ini,i'ui tie of tan bbfsl. dep esionuf vital c:te Jty. pale and cthe-wie nckly c imji'exiii indicate lU ue.essity tu aim t every conceivable ca-e. In i l iu in all m iladie iu which it has been trie 1, fci- p- .v(t a?j. iiutely curative in eacii or the following la IJcbiinr, r.crrous Affections, Emaciation, Ijpepsfa, Consti pation, Serotinus Tuberculosis, Kilt UIicuui, Jlisiiiciistruatioii, .White, CliloroUs, Liver Jom-iI;iint-. niicumutiKizi. Clironic llcartuchcs, Inlcrtnittcut fevers, I'lixiplcs on the race, &c. la caewf GKXERAL DEBILITY", whether the result cf acute disease, or of c m tinned diminution of uei vous and muscular enersy from clronicounpiaint. n tria of thj restorative has proveJ snccsf ul to an extent wh'ca oo fiecrip:iin mr written attestation would reader credible. Invalids o ..i.z bed-ridden us to have become for ttcn ia their ova Detirhb.i! hoo is. have ud denly re-appeiucd in the busy w..rld a if Just returned from protracted iravel in iliH.mt land. Some very sicnal Instances of this kind are attested of temaie aniTerers, em tented victim of appirent nurasnius aaattittiejus exhaustion critical chanse. and that com- tiiciiin of ncrvou and tyDPuUe aversion to air and exercise for which he phvsicia'i tia uo name. Ia NERVOUS APKKCTHIXS of all kind, and tor rek'n familiar, to medical men. the operation of this rre-aration of Iron must ne charily be silutary. for voliketbe o.d oxide, it is vigorously tonic, without . heiniexcitiirz and ovecheatitic ; and gently, regularly aperient, even in the mmt obstinateosesof coKti verier without ever beinz a cahtric Duriuttre. or iun;cunc a iarreaWij eiraiion. It 1 (bis latter property, annnjf others, which makes It an mraarkabiy efTectn! and perwanent a remedy for Pilet. up n wtiich It also appears to etert a distinct and arveiflc nctioil. br disieriiiz the Ijcal tendency which forms tfcero. In DVSPXPSIA.tnnnmerabless are ltscsne. a sinple box of thee Chalrbeate Pills has often guffl red for the moat habitual cie. inclndin tte attendant LotliVtnttt In onc'ierked DiARRIIvE. even wheu ndvanced ts DrSKXTARV, connritoed. emctatinn, and apparently .i2nint; the effects have been equally decUive ann aUiui.liing. In the local paIrb. loss or flcb and strength, dcbilli iatiec.)tifh, imi remittent hestic which general ly iu Oicite IKClPltN'T CONSUMPTION, this remedy has aUaye 1 the aUrrn f frieud and phyiciaas. In several Ht'f (tratl7ylntin I Interesting Instance. In SCROFITLOUS TU1JERCUL051S this medicated Iron has had far m re tb in tlie soh!s effects of the m t caotionsly bilnL-ed prepiratl mi of iodiue, without any cf their well knows liabilities. The attention of femile ctnnit be too confidently In vite 1 to this remedy aud rettorative, in the caaes peca llarlr afftitinst them. In RHEUMATISM. b-th chronic and Inflammatory in he latter, however; more decidedly it has been invari b!y well reported, b it h a alleviatinc pain and reducing tte fwilinc and utiflTflesi of the Joint and mnsclc. Ia INTERMlTrf.N'T FEVERS it must necessarily be treat remedy and enereetic restorative, and Its pro gress In thetiewnettlementsor the West, will probably be one of hUh renown and nsef nines!. Ka remeir has ever been iicoverd in the whole his toryiDf medi-ins. which exeits fuch prompt, happy, and fully restorative eflcts G d appetite complete dice lion. rapid acqulmtion of atrenpth. with an unusual dis position for active and cheerfnl exercise. Pat up In Cat metal b xe c mtaininz 60 pilH, price 60 cants per box; for sale by druzpisu and dealers. Will be sent free to anv add res on receipt of the price. Al! lettfrSf orders, e'c, shonld tie ad'lel'ed to R.n.faociic&co., -. GEN'.AGEX TS. 20 Cedar St., N. T. Act nst S. 'CO ly. Flowers, Fruits, &c. JOHN' A. KEXXIUJTT.at the Grove Narserj, West NoUhfiold, IlL.hiieretid.y fordeliverj : Bulbs, especially Tulips, at the low rate of $2 SO f er IfcO. and $20 per thousand for lare root. Strawborricn, of all the tu ?t approved rrtriettc. from 2 to 4 dollars a thousand fr taost, it few sort like Wilwn'i Albun.T.'higheT Evergreens 20 to 40 ceatf per foot, according to varietj and form--are-xa?e2Scents. irnit Tree in rjood rriefj. Applo at from 8 to 15 dollars pr 1.0(1 end the smaller the cheaper and Jbctter for detent customer. Smll Frnjiu Currant. Houghton. Gooseberry, Kaspbcrrle?, Clackberrics, Acmucli lower than ever tlTi-red beforei OrnatneuUl l'ree(,Tlo!es and other ITirdy Shruh bory. ia great variety and abnnd:ince; e-nJ 1O.C00 ftntil to large planta of Upright llonejsuckloe, l.il Spirea, Ucutxi.t Scabr. Pritn, Ac., at frotn 1 to 10 per bundred. And the beautiful DULytra Spc abnlU and other choice perennials at from 1 50 to 2 per d"x?n, and common things all desirable at abo'it Ixalf price. Catalogue hj mail on application ; and every thing ?&f It pickcl for distant transportation ; and at a rnlo m?t thin sold at about ten per cent, loss in ai'iimn than fprinjr. f-no-l-vl LOOK TO VOalMTERESTS! STEAM FERRY BOAT A Pi AT Crowiivii! :t.ite! cm -litonij !a t i yiit to What Everybody Wauis. THE FAMILY DOCTOR COKTAIKIKO Elmplc Ucmcdlcs, Easily Obtain- .f or the Cure of Disease in ail forms .PRQF.' HENRY TAYLOR, M. D. T TELLS TOU How to attend npon theslck.. and hov to rook for them; bow to prepare tfrtnki m . Poultices ac. and a Uo bawtopuaid acalnkt the Infection from CouUiuus Disea-es. IT TELLS TOTJ Of the varions disease of Children, and five the bei and simplest ntodcof treatment darlue tietUinc, cnvul- siont, VaccinaUou, W'UoopLLC-cuush, IT TILLS rOC The dymptom of Cronp, Cholera Infan- tnm Ch Iic, Diarrhea, Wormottcal led ' ' Head Riosworm. Chicken-jox. Kc, ' and rives you the best remedies for their cure. IT TELLLAO? The symptoms of Fever and Acne, and . . Bijiou. Tellow, Typhus, Scarlet and oiLer Fevers, ahd Rive you thebext . ' simplest remedies for their aure. .ITTKLLSTOU The symptoms of lufluenta. Constmp r . tioh Dyspepsia. Anhma, Dropscy. the . . Goat. Ilheumatism. Lnnibago, Kry-- aipelas. itc and Kivesyou the best Remedies lor thdir cure. ITTELLSrOU The spuiptoms t.r Cholera Morbns. Ma . licnant ch !era. Sinall-P .x Dysentery Cramp. Diseases .r the BUdder, and 4fth kidneysand Liver, aad the best remedies for their cure. ITTELLSrOU Th symptoms of the JIump. Neural Apiplexv, ParalyRU, ihe various " Diseases of the throat, teeth, ear and eye. and the bei remdjes for their Cure. IT TILLS TOU The mptoms of Epilepsy Janndice the Piles Rupture Deae of the Ueart. .. Hemorrhace, Venereal Diseases and . Hydrophonia. and jrives the best rem relies for their cure. XT TILLS TOTJ The best and simplest treatment foi . wounds, broken bones and disloc.it ionH prains lockiaw. Fever Sres, W hite Swel lines. Ulcers. Whitlow, BoiU, Scurvy, burns and Scrofula. IT TILLS TOTJ Oi the various Diseases peculiar to the ?emtle Sex. and civos the best and sim plest remedies for their cere, toseiber ith many valuable binte for the pres ervation of health. The work Is written ia plain language, free from med ical terms, so as to be easily understood while its situ- receipes may soon save you in my times the cost of the boot. It is primed in a clear and open tyi; is il lustrated wtih appropriate entfrviiiBs. and will ie for warded to your ad.tres, neatly beucd and postage paid, ea ttt receipt of $i.oo. 81,000 A YEAR Cm be raade ty enterprising men everynhere. in sel tlcjt the above wjrk, as our Inducements to all soc are ery liberal. For ainsle copies cf the Bock, or for terms to agents With other information, applv to r address JOHN K. POTTER. Publisher, No 617 Sansoin Street Philadelphia, Pa. oruait! SVssociatiou iT A.PT!TiI?: A Bentvolent Ir.tt itution tttiblishtd by rpeciai En dowment for the Jiff f of Ihe Sick and Distretsed, i mj".icted w.th. Yiruirnt and Epidemic DitraiC. and t'pcciailj for the Curt cf Vaeatct of the Sexual Oraant. . , IliZDICAL ADVICE Flven pratis, by the Acting Surgeon, loatl who apply by letter. wi:h a descriptiun cf tbeir c itidiiioii. (.se, occupation, habits of life, ice.) ini in csfcn of exuenje p.-verty, Medicines furuibhtHl free of charce. Valuab'e Reports on Sperm at orrbeca, and other dis es of the s.eual 0-fran, and ou the NEW REME DILS eiployeJ in ihe cwsary, sant to the aSlicied in f j!e J ietter euveii'pes. free of charge. Twor three I ;,- r-s for p mtace Wil I lo a -Tptstile yU;Ts DR. J. S-aTlM.JX HOCGriTOV. '.rtinjr Snr r..n. U iward AJ i i- u. N. 2, South Ninth Street, 1 ' Ui!!."U:a, Pa. ty fMer .f the Di'-ectur. K2RA D . HEARTWELL,rres. rrs. riKrrt r:.t, Stc'y. L.Alr Id, li!-J. . , nl5 tIt . pi.,-! v er.ic --rk jt't pnb.t.-bed. Xvui tirine ::it. Tor salef.y t m K.-ii cv tfj!:?.. c tc-.t tJ til t; :e swarni w mi ltlia:) y iPi'tl i.C. C-coIars with patlicu- ;act. Ad.lTKS 11. QI I NliV. 8 JcL-tille,K. T. rs. 'a. To th c i n tho t ae . o.r i, ka ii ikI 1mi-hs MINES, The undrrMiln ii t!(in tiMi . nt.d in ? iloijf will it t tir ictice Ui-tM'tii.ti:lhr t LiT-j arc udtMn tiics I to be eeu rd i n Crossing the Missouri river at I'rownvillej and ou:fiitiu itt,:md stnitii-j fn v. tlmt j ii t.ii-.t 1 1 he f.i'jiid at tiny oilier ji'-nct in the Missouri lii vcr. In the fir.-.t p1ti"c. ii Loth -idti i tlt-nvcr nrj I ir-5 extents t b it tt. in lin.ds in nl ii h f.rn'3 m iku a i:ia h c.irlicTstHrt tlmn i n tie nj In i t's .m tl is lu'l'h mote iih'in Luit, beirjj inctliiiustildo the eatire seay ti. IK-re. then, is a sosirtivlc !;tce t recruit stock l.cfori sisriii g m lie I'lrii . Stotk can also be pan l;:v ed In rt' n very fn vurtihlf tetinn Tho l!r twnviile Steui Fern boat. hcirg the be?t on the Iliver.otfcr!' poculiarinluucnuiits Lr c r ing nt this point. It isl;irc and comtnodious; u iih powerful machinery, which ciiHblcs the pr p delnrs to ferry cinigrantuvnd other.' in the uost expedi tioua ru)it nr. Vv'e undertake io. soy that tiie iu;-iiie-s men or Urovrnviile areas welfprepured toserve thos uis!) in Fuj-jlies. with a superior qutlity nn3 n n. fitv .rah!c tctm'as can he found elsewhere. Kverythiug Jojiralle can bo purchased in lroniilr.such u ProriMons, ic:Iii Mining Implc ments &c, ic The Ronte froin I5r..wnvlle to the Mines is uni versally admitted by tin fp who htivc traveled itimd othprs.to !? nrior in every recj ect. 15r bville is about midway between St. Jo. and Omaha. As to di.ta ce, sn examination of the limp inall that is necessitry to pr.vc to nny one that it is iicnr from hcrj o tho mines than fromauy other poitt on the Missouri. On thin route wol and water abound theentire t istunce. while on many others. wod ha to he hauled for miny days. T!te fore joinj; fct are fully and i.atUfiictrrily e tnhlished hv the immense travel t l lust year, and tlu.se whoadi'i t it tho present season will have no oaue torepret hving done so. Thcrcfoie Cross the Missouri River al and start from Brown ville. JUIIX CODDINGTOX A- CO.; l'roprietors Steam Ferry Boat. Fifly Thousand Copies Already Sold. everybody"7 lawyek, AXD COUXSELIaOU IRLSIXESS, BY FRJXK CROSBY. OF THE PHILADELPHIA BAR. IT TELL TOU Uv to draw up rartnersinp rapcrs and gives cenerai forms lor Airree mentsof all kinds. Billsof Sale, and Leaser and Petitions. IT TKLL TOU How to draw up U.uds and Mort?aees, Afn lavits, powers or Attorney rotes and Uilis of Kxcbauge, Keceipta aud Heleases. IT TELL TOU The laws for the collection of debts with the statutes or Limitation ana amount and kind of property exempt from csecution in every State. IT TELL TOTJ Hjw to nuke an assignment propetly, with forms loruomposiiion witncreu itors. and the insolvent laws of every State. ITTELL TO'J The letal relation existing between ttuaruun aim waru. n tsier "r a; prentice. Lmdlord and Tenant. IT TELL YOU What cj utitutc Libel and S:auder, and the law a to marriage u.wer. the M'iff's rishtia prowcrty. Divorce and Alimony. IT TELL T07The Liw f if XI : unici" L-an in every State, ana the Aatnrauzati.in l.iws of this country, und bow to Comply wiih the same. ITTELL TOU The Law Concern ins Pensions wd how to obtain one. and tne pre-eniptiuti Laws to Public Lands. IT TELL TOU The Liw for Patents, with rnde of pro cedure in obtaining one, wun inter ference, Assignment and Table of - - Fee. IT TELL TOU flow to mike your will, and how to ad- mi ni-ter )i an fctate wiiniheaw and the requirements thereof in every Stat6. IT TELL TOU The niemins of Law term in peneral use. and explains to you the Leeisia tive Executive and Judicial P.mercot both the General and State Governments. IT TELL TOU IIjw to keep on of Liw. by showing how to do your business legally, thus savinint; a vast anvoint of property, and vexatious litigation by its time ly consnltati'iii, Sinstlecopieswiiibesent by mail, postape paid 'o ev ery Farmer, every Mecbanie. every Man of lttieiness. and everybody in every State, on receiptor $1,00 or in w style of bin. IinK at $1 2.1. 1,000 Dollars a Year. Can be made by enterprising men everywhere, in sel ling the above work, as our imluccineu.t. to all such are very liberal. For single copies of the Bwik. or for terms to agents with other iuformnttnn. apply to vr address. JOHN K. POOTTKR. Putlillef No6nSansoni Street Philadelphia. Pa ORE G ON N URSERY. E. II. BIRCHES & CO., PUOIUIKTOKS. Oregon, Holt Co., Ho. The unUerirned have Ions since been convinced of tho waut of a firt class Xursery iu tbo West TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, Lati bo adapted toourcltmateHiid soil. Inviewid thes5 facts, we have c.tb!i.-lu-d one at tins ita and li.ive nuw in successful eultivutoti. which ire of fer for sale at Wholesale or Retail, The coming. east.n. a lirireand well selected stocl suited to this climate, of Apples, standard and dvrnrf: PtiarsjStandiird and dwarf; Cherries, itaud.ird and dwarf : Peach e?, Plums, Apricots, IVecturines, Quince, Crapes, Currents, Gooseberries, llvipberrier Strawberriesaadniickberries. nvcrjreens.Ornamenttil Trees, nod Shrubs. Greenhouse and Ik-ddiuj Hants, Uoscs, Dahlias, Ac., Ac, Ac. To which we would bej leav? to call the attentioi of the paople of Western Missouri, Nebraska, Kan sas and Iowa. I5T?Our terms willbc aslow as any reliableeast ern Nursery. 15y purchhsing of as theexponseof transportatioi from the east can be saved. All trees and plants are carefully labeled and pack d in the best manner for any part of the Unit ed States, for which a charge ot the actual cost onl will ba made. Xo charge will be made for the deli very of packages on board stenmboa s. All communications Jdressed to the undersigned will receive prompt attention. E. II. BCRCriES&CO. :EL 13 Gr O TXT E IRE Ml' WORK TO FARMERS Of Nebraska ami J IV. Missouri: AGAIN" I would call the attention vf tbc farmer, of Nebraska and ili-souti, to the ract ihat 1 have on hand and am constantly manufacturing, at my Plow Factory, in Oregon, .Uo., wasous, and every pattern of plow, to- it ; ' . I'X&AIUIC PLOTTS, One una Two Hoi sc Plonvs, SIiovcI lious, . liocs ,lIarrTs.o Corn Finnters, And Harrow Toel li Topether with everything in thio line used by a farmer i taaeiDe responsibility or ruviiik that nty two b.oe plows will do better work, iu stubble it any kind .f rouph ground, than any I manufactured or sold in tbir npper country. A!y two-horse and nrairie niown wil! be sold, for cash n terms, such as Will ulace them in u, reach of every farmer. My Plows can be obtained from mr aeont at lowa Point. K. T., Brownville, Nodaway comity. Marietta Rush EottoHi, Ilxltcouniy, Brownville. N. T. and For est City. MARTIN nOFFMAM N. B. Allk'tndsof repairing done with neatuess and jispatcb, on liberal terms. Oregon, Mo., May, tSGQ.. Theodore Hill, Agent At Brownville.. N. T.. keeps onhand a general assort ment of II liffin m's Poiws. Brownville Msy. lGU. v S PA AiEIU N U SHEE I. N N Holt ttn, Ilrjedcrs of pure Hood At word Sheep r .t,. i! ,!.t .', 1 Full Eh&fUbary, Vt. vzs J"t) iL3 To Your Real Interests! Citizens of Brownville And i!ic Rest of 31a::klnd ! LOOK OUT FOK THE 'A 5 JOHN A. PONN, ILti ili:iWV'.d Frcm his Old biaad en the Levee to I I c tl N fu ij D V7HITN1TS ivr tloci:. MAIN STREET, BROWXVILE S. T. Where he has cj er.cd np a D c. ,iib U El A CO' 5? P i t'm ' u r Mia A li, ' Q E ttf: nro rI'in-d to f,, 1 I i' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ? i" "sl ra MAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE, N. T. COME, A NET BUY CHEAPER GOODS AND 5 ,1 ore of (L 1) c in , Connaiatixi.; of STAI'LE AXD FAXCY DRY GOODS. Takes pleasure in annjuncin? th t ho has now on hand, a large and select stock of every art cle in his line, Of all the improved pat'ers; viz : Plymouth Hock, Charter Oak, Valley Forpe, Klevated Oven, &c, Box and Parlor Stoves of an endless vr.riety. some of which are entirely new destpns, vtx : Cook and Parlor ttuvos, bomcthinti very nice indeed for small families A combined Than was t rer before offered in tin's Market! ALSO Large Stock of Choice Grrocer Family I. J. RT & AT THE HEAVY SHEET IRON FOK SUGAR B0ILKRS And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal and Lird Oil Lamps ; Bras Copper, ami sheet Iron Wa r; Laa e n-, ShoveU, &r JAPANNED WARE, IP ioneer Store B OW N VILLE, We Have Just Received and Opened Most Magnificent Stock of Goods ! t'(NtsTi.t; or Flour, Ham, Eaccn Sugar, Molatscs Cofiee, Tea, Salt, Cheese, Caudles, etc., etc., And a fine assortment of LIGHT CROCK R IKS country who i:,j 'lu riciin Frti) ,ccs::e r"'N. th--..-. i .. eir them at ,uL; AlleuVruraUrcbiticluie aaiB,a:'. Allen on th'? g-pe. ' lUrrj's Irnit -..nlen, l'dtn-nt s Am. lron. field h,h,k ' r . ' '.5id,ni',g:1rij,nersa l.retk s b,H.k of 2 r.vers, ' Duists fl-.iwer jpinlen, ' do fainily kstchen svdm CanfitM ?Ij(;er, Culrirafor,',,,,!,.!. rcrv,!UIn Ui..r tou j e growers g;j,. Da.itl's m'.U.'rti hor.-e d.-ct?r d 'A:ut;rican cattle d.-. '-4 LAI w ini i .Muck :.l.,nn, r tie, j).rlin-,-sWeed,a;inPr,.jFtar,, U-wnmg. fruits aud fruit tree, Jvtwoou i cratih-rr? cnlti.r.. K;n ni I m i,'-trl..'iiii) ": :'ea:ii I, Such as S pice, aiiBi I have procured therlght to minnfacitin a late simple and improved self-ealinp Fruit Can to which I call the attention of tbepiblic. All of w hich I p'ede niy-elf to cell a a fair rate and on as accomodating terms as any olbcr eitabli.-lniieiit in thii' resnm of ihe c mniiy I am prepared to put tip jnitferins and p .iiting ami all other work of my line atthe shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which 1 warrant i nive atisfactilll. 1 pletlce nivseir not tn be midorsoid in the upper country J. C. DEUSER. Bruwn ville. A urii-t 30 I SCO. ILATEOT MEWS. eFTETQE3 IE 0 I I Hi! PIS 111 1 i sal II; Via v,v af-A u Uu2 1 (51 '7 A r" rn t i i ... 5. MOEE EBOTTLE0 MUOIffiS, Catawla Wine; Champaign1 Win Claret Viti. OKI Rye. Old LADIES DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, ZEPHYR HOODS. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, UNDER SHIRTS, DRAWERS, SHAWLS AND SCARFS. Cutlery and Qaeensware, Glassware, And Choice GROCERIES. Largest Assortment of IleadrIj2Ie.Il!3iug. Boots, Shoes, Eats, Caps, etc. Ever opened in Brownville and no mistake ! Caps frcm 25ots to $3,50. We can Fit 'ents in Suits fiom $5 to 30 Peppers, Soda, Saiaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc., ALSO, rr? eiiitun- II. V lir.in . L l'... I. I.' " . .. " -"-u.il. I rr.MiK1(.rrursn.jrjciaAlaji r i in ' oil r.i,-;; t Flint's .hhh (J, w Herbert's hoiv-k"eper llotili's f.irui r"-',r'.l. -Inhnsti-n s it 2 i Kemj's l.m l- a l.j 11-1 roth on tj,- LiihiV rel.ui..n,.f -i: e u Lin-! v'." .M- r '.in II,. r.-, , MioorV h-p io,rt-r m,iul Mttiiii'.- t in I clr:nrnr, .Vi.-h j.r.-f;rv.-..ivt f;,rn r KfillN ?' . r i -iirr's c .tii! . rt n'- t li nnr!'. . f ;t r I a,' 1'iinl -c ifiih'Mfriiili rrv, Quiub.vV iii:"... ( hjt-ii Uural aii n, 2 v 1.4. I S;cw.,rti. -iHbl . bm,V, Tin tu . t;irm i.ii,n.em-3n"nt Tiiiiiu ir frui' rulruritt, NVarih-rV li. iljt an.lever-reen', atyoii'c honiij jjtirJcn, WhiteV inh-nini for the sooth Vale lecture. looO. ' Voii.itt ami .Martin on cattle, Vou.vtton the h Tie, do on sheep. do ionej btj 00 the hog. etc. A well selected Slock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. QUEEXSWARE, Sebci calory. Boots and Shoes. Ad,ire FAKLTEB OFFICE lwnville,.Nek Llcfat's Life ?a:s ire.v.D2 Tarietraf MEDICLNES TIlS knowledse of the trade and wants of the people of B-M.wnvilie and vicinity enable him to make judici ous purchn!-es cxprelr for thl market. He ck an examineti. n of hi St.-k. feelitis aMire1 he will be able to satisfy iu qua'ity, style and prices. WHITNEY'S BLOCK kLzJ al Xl i7 ili2l uiiu B CITY LIFERY ST ABLE AND Bom on, Irish Whirry, Porter, Jl Gin Cock Tail, SadJle Baij Whiaky, Blue Lick, Boker's Bitter?, Pale Brandy, Curraco, &c. V7"ilio"Vt7" Ware AND FINE Pishes, Plates, Cups s& saucers, JBowls, 1. ASS WA iTS) Bar Tumblers, Decanters, Gtllets, Wine Glasses. Fruit Dishes, Pitchers &c, GOODS, asa dl a iD B Ear Rinsjs, Shirt Buttons, J E WELE Y Finder Rings, Bracelets, Breast Pins, &.C, &c. II R N l TUIiE . Saddles and Harness, Oil Cloths and Carpcllng-, mmi books! liLAJNKtTS k liVM SI 50 TO S7 .0 Iron, Hails and Castings G LOVE S Ladies Riding. Kid and Silk. Gents Gauntlets, Buckskin and Driving. Bent Qualities of sin 111 mm Meeded or Desired Can be had at our Store , and on terms as favorable as those of any other House in the West. All Kinds of COUNTRY PRODUCE, Will be taken in exchange at current prices. eea store BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. ROGERS & BROTHER, AXXOTJXCES to the public 'hst be has nnrchase.1 lb Livery Stable ami Siia:k f rmerly ..wnel b William K..e;i ami a.Mpti rbereto fli. it. k ami is n.w prepar ed to aciToinniixlate the public with C .1 ri. grs, Sulkies. THE TRAVELLING PL'BL'C Can Ami at hi Stable horses, tn tiles or cattle. BENJAMIN BrownviMe., Oct. IS. I8C0. ample accommodations for A. JO.VnUA ROGERS nl5-yly Dissolution. Come and see Brc;vnville August, 20, 1G0. and Secure Bargains. TIKIS. Tmsn ComoOno! Comoikll! are ileterminetl to sell at lower prices ami better bargains than ever before. The pnrtnerslup heretofore existina under the name amltyle of L'inbauuh & Carnon ai Brownville, Xe DraK. , was, ou the flrni nay of Xoveniber iliH..lve.l br mutual consent, by the withilrawal of B. F. Lusbbattgh Juiin 1.. L'arHuti will rttle tlie unfliiheil husineMi of the old Arm and confine the Banking ami Real Estate Agency businena as heretofore at ihe ld stml. B. K. Ll'SIIBAnn Kov. 1st, 1S60. JOUN. L.CARSON'. In scverinjr my bnsinesi connexion with my late nart ner, I ileem thin a proper opportunity of exprc-Mn my thanks for the patronaae bestowed upon our drra.dui ing the period in which we were euiraced in bioon.-. It afTonU me nujh pleasure nU to commend to the favorable consideration of the' Iriends nf the old Arm my successT in Business. 31 r. i:arsn, a gent man in every way wormy or ine connaence and support of a disci im inating public. B. F. LCSnBAUGn. JOHN L CARS01T (Successor to Lushbauch & Carson. -3 .L JJ" - JrS- y LAND AND TAX PAYING Dealer in Coin, Uncurrent Money, Land Warrants, Exchange, and Gold Lust MAIN STIIKKT. EKOWSVILLE, X EUR ASK A. I will give especial attention tobnylntr and sellina ex- chance on the principal cities of the United States anil Europe, Gold Silver, uncurrent. Bank Bills, and Go'd Dust, Col lections matte on all accessible points, ar.d proceeds remitted in exchanse at current ratPM. Deposits received on current account, and iuterest al lowed on special deposits. OFFICE, 31 A IS STREET. BETFTEEff THE Telegraph and tlic U. S. Land OHiccs. ASl) PIKENIX BUTE US, These medicine have nor been herw ie pni)jc a periml of thirty years, and during t, Iln,e ha5 maintained bijih tharac: er in alim.ri ftPTr pjr, , ( -Gl. be. f-r their extraoiCinaiy ami immfii p. wiBf rest..riii(r iitcci health to per-.,i,sM;fl,-rii:XBlMje, W4r. .'y eveiy kind ..f disease to wuku ihe Uun trnneij liable. The followuift are some of the di hum m iisrases in hi. h the VEGETABLE LIFE Are well known ti b ittf.il little. Djt)ept a by th.ri.m:hly cteansinr the Ilrt tnlfc otnl sit-uiarb. and creatitn: a 11 w .1 mirs HmI-Iit t.ii. iuste.til l thetale aciid kiml, Fa.uIencj LuiiA peei e Hear burn. Ueariache Resilesana-, ;i.tfa!r, Anxiety. Lancuor ami ilelanib.Jy which are the km eral symptoms f LpepS'a, will vanilj, aitsatuil Citisronence ff It ; iire. Costiv itei, by Cieatisinji tig wioielerp'bnf tJiein testiues with a solvent prices a.Tt without rii-leuce; all violent purges leave the bowels rsstvT wi.Lu t dav. Feveri, of all kind, by restoring the blxl toareca larci (iila.ii ti, I Itrnn'.'li the p!iee- f Mrpirsri.u In such cases, anil the thorounh oiutiun ui aU iine.'tiril ohsiructi.-ii in other. The Lire Medicines have been known to otrsSilraws irn oermnTieiif ly in .brre pfk anl Cm In lull tint time by reiii..nt:i liaiiiifljnniiatnitilrtunte mus cle atid ligaments fri.m Ihe ji-itits Dropsiet rail kind by freein: and ft-etiettienins th kiilney and blailder; rhey operate bi- kI if ii.'htfnl-' ly ou these imp ranl orpan and hem-e bi verleri found a ertain remcly for the wnrst ca-f"t Grarfl. Als Worms l.y flisl. rijfir p lr. m t! ti.t i-ire til tae boweis ihe siiii. matter to which tLe-.e creatures U bere . Scurvy Ulcert M Inveterate Sortt by tj perfect parity which these Life M e.ibinesgiTe to lae bunal iiJ and all the immors. Sc.iibiitic KrnptinaRit bad comp'cxl T hrhefr' tentative efiecis i.u Uie fluvil vit lerc tl.eil'.a t"l the m:i bid state nf whiih . -cra-i- lis a 1 1 rt nptive m ie jilaint. sallow cio !y, atidotberiiisa?reeil fci n.p:ti ion. A ' The ns'eof these pill fnr a very furt tlmn wHlffTect ai. entireciire of Salt Rheum ai d a .mkn? B'P'i-ve-metit in the clearness I the st:n Cnitf. n C. M. afld Influenzal ill alway.-be cui ed ly u.ie Jus or by lw.;a ti e w..rs ca-rs. PILLS r.ieori-in.il proprietor of the!me!icinf. wascuredof piles ot ihirty-tlve years standing, S useof the Lirw Melicine alone. Fever and A ne For tbi .onrj:e ( the We-tera Country, these Jlmlii inrs will be r..i:ed fe. 'I'f( I ami certain remedy, ti l er medicines leve!i'fr"''" f nbject to a rci tu n ,f the .liseasc a nur I t lf'e nc i cines i VPriiMiicr' 1 y il.em le s:ttoficd it (I tecti'H ! I i.ills frj i ,,I I ivfr "i.lnI)Ll!llts (irnfil r bility loss of appe t t. urd Di.-cae f Fm:a 'e the Medicines have ! 'ii nsrd with tie nn-t Nr;rnt l suit in Case ..f ibi.!ecripti. n: Kit csF.vii and ?r. N nla in it-worst f..im., vie ll tde i' ';d ?et pff ful acti. nof tbe-e r-r.ii kable .Vn'iviiies. . 'i.lif.irj , NervonsdebtUty Xerv..?i.- C mpiaintst.f Ci r' pitatioiir the heart, Painter' Coltc ate spfr-n J tr ed Mercurial Disc nsrs P b e c n- have become imiMired hy ihe r j:'''ii n'd tsf will Ond tl.ee Medicine a pert.ct cure, a '"vl'fV' fail t.,eradico-e rroiu ihesy'enr all 'he efli-c's-J -t Mercurv infinitely ner ih in ttn- w- f f I1 arations of Sirs.ip.it ilia. W II JH)F2T 335. B oa iwiy ' July 6 1FC0 ly 50,000 LSJS ll OOXa .Y.IS.TKD. ST. JOSEPH M0. . ' Two Kxtca.sivr Wi:c!en YmKm crc u SUCCKSSFL'L 01'FRAinN twr ivrriv Avn rrTTED IT With all the Latest Fine hnproreMevti. We are ,.reiml to manufacture .t wdcr,"J hare f r ?!e the following God-t Satinets. Heavy acd JEAjYS TWEEDS, FUWi:LS white, c i.o i n d, st m rn aMH'Din LilnsoyO' wrM'e Fulled IInscjS Colored and Mixed, 1 1-2 Yards vide. FULLED CLOTH, Blankets of ali Kinds and all YAIi.Vrf OF AM. slZES AND CWi:S, Warrantetl all C..kJ of the be.-d material . - ISTWe will exchange the above CU lot or cash. Fancy Djln? to rde', at We wilt cash for auj aowiunt of Market Price. hestpricc Fh.ur c..ntantly or. hand for. a. Tte "".ScK'tastw. . BCEUtprsw- Aal?t. 2 t. lHt0. BROWNVILLE NEBRASKA. P. J. HRNDGEN, rtt notitlestbe pnblicthafhe bas ur;";rj,f 1 House in Brownv) le. S.T., r'""' , ., cb'i irds. and has rem xieled. renovnieu- ' rP;, SB, tu f 1 TTereby Nebraska T J. K.lwjril - ..nr rely changed the whole house, rrom tri- Aext:irf with an especial view to neatness, comfort s , II1PIIVC. fl4TIIIl 0u mioij .. - tinPS' keeper.he feel safe in warrntincibeia''"' ' f.,ie aseof Browrville. and the traveims pnuni... , j;a at the American, they will haveno reason i of thefa'e in any respect. . jm-11 liateiy ai , ,ro t coitsc'ine""- m:t ci-nunuD"-'- jucuu give TT D. J. MARTIN CO., ExowaTu: Oct. i?, isee. ! jt-n REFERENCES: Lind & Brother Philadelphia. J. W. Carson .Si Co.. niser Duk & Co. 3a: i i in TiMnm it Car..n. Je . TIioiiiiioii M isoii. C..'r of Port. ' wm T Smiths, n. Ea.. II inker. H.ii,ii-f..o n r T. Suvf'o-. E'i-, Atl'yai L.w, ' i. S. Ji ..diet, ..ate 3,; Av.il r. s. T. " " Tarlor K: i';h, Bti.kei o, McC e land P e Co.. Tti-n. Thoma G. Pratt, Hon. J t. (). Carson, P. B Siuili, K.kj., Pres'tS. Biak, C'd. Geo. Schlry, Atl' y at Law, Coi. Jim. IIamnietonr Atv'y a'. Law, Jude Thss. Perry, .... Prof. u. Tutwiler, Pa. i e, ii-l. Cbi-a?. III. St. Louis. M. Annapolis, Md. Mccersbui i: Pa Ilajtertown, Md. ,. Easton, JId. CumbcrLind, MJ Havana. AUbma. Xov. 5, IcvO-t. The Hotel i nitttated immcl Lacdintr. foot of Mainstrect, and th rravelir-; proprietor asks but to be tri?d,i.nd if no! I iscarded. January, 13. 1S6!?. 2S-tf VovL'-lzs' .'nrprcved iT Jluskin o- u in l arks . We arc ivivr nrepirrd t-w t.--w cw-af? tr.eswi' t nnn- fu ture '',,, wililebie t.si.'p:r"5e !,-'. ! b-v. r , fvt. Wf ie list. M.tr.iifM-tM'-iif "- 'J ' , r f nr,tr and also P.-rC s """ 'r'1 ' rr nre prrpired f f'irni-!i pvfv ..'t: e , ' tv. at-d !! rtc-.'f !"! ' ., ... pnt 5 ; ii sti-i - S:?to:-": : en in i ' . :!! If ,'.-i.rilH i t .: .ll'i'. - w ... iftn . n.r'W I it-. " Ml 1' If r!,--.'i' r i'i1 P.t JOES ?''' $ 'S-1" Fnriiacr.s a:. (I Kvar-T ri.rnia'- ar.d r.f f All orders add; escd to U " ly att ltd 10. a.VJ-l.T ni- i .PITS. 3- at one d.Lar ami Cf y een-s r-;r tt h fail ;:o.CQllB?,iL4a-'c, i j I; Li In l: 7i 1.03 I.OJ C3 Visa 1.05 U) 1-St l.9i 02 Lj 1- l.!8 Hi 1-1. l-'a, la i n i.i-i M l! " fiV I. 'Ill I Hf I ll! 1 l. .IM ,l!j li 1.25 fi i!