Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 18, 1861, Image 3

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im wu. - ' n m in.
l o c a. l.
I jov, coj: & vo.
Tribune Buildings, New York, and B.twu'lroi
j' b'niJ.n;:'-, I'liiU'lf !; t.ia..
' if y arr ulh. . r.ed AKrnln tor the
( farmer and Jldttriiur.
rCrur.ix ai:iott,
Vdvertising' Agency,
I nIe.r.iri-nt.. f r M,e NKBRAStA AlAfclt-
Arei't in t. IjOUis. Month
e .j i (,',. ii .r-," Anl. 45 Olive St. Lotus,
' f I .iprllt 111 111 it City. tflld tliey r nil
,V " e a-veni-finem ,,,r ilieAJ&er
i'j fgrmcr, and c.-; iec: Liil for the name.
partant to Advertisers
IS DcsIllCSS. Inihe future TheoJ -'7 ?S
1 tcil -..ods l'..r cull or - .ul v. ia li:md
lie r.turns thanks for past liberal patronage, and
informs the; that hoi-determined to sell good
at prices m 1.w that be fear. no competition. Call
and ixainincLis large &tw.k of goods , f ji'.I kinds.
HlLL HAS RFTUUN ED, and h'li Oi-ob
will lc hen? on the "next boat."
ther particulars next week.
Hon. J. Morton, the wouli
! D. Itcate. ai.d his family pass-ed upon
the Spn a.l Eirglr- cm .Monday hist. .We
w r- pi- a.M (I to st'H huih Su rlir- and hi
TO xl I.jily )oknrjr u. 1. B. tt. r Mii L- to
that -nice farm". '.Mutt." 'twill pay
yon letter thn:i the "wiM-.o-.e iLas-e"
aftr Duly; for he'll throw you toj.ih
you'll n- ver get down ngaia.
piu tht re.
Stick a
Sarza Wp Jiave ! n.' Mipp wed this celebra'ed dru;
'i thoS" wh' liHVe Cnnilliodiflt. j in the bad cmc- t-. u cxi 1 !! I.tnnt.u?, bat
cultural or Educational line, to di
of, we oflVr aJvanvjjs not lo t
J ia any -o:!ir tta! li;hnient in this
t.rv. 'Wn'will insert tuh Adver
se 4 re asnriHl by
theKkilip.l iu l,c'ir p url. that n-.t the Sirpi
riliaitfe!f is tu be blameJ lor thi c!:c:uiunJ but ibe
liiierklle w .rtLiex ,rci':ir4ttn which otitjin baut
as niHoh t its real vlrtuo a tbry ! of f.!d dust.
It is a c .timterciii fact that aim st all i f the Sji
ri!U Satlic cJ in tiie world is c nsuiiic! in ibe old Coun-
' l ,-n's a r iipplicahly t. the Ari-' tTie ,r K ir....e. i,?re the s iene tf lacaiclne bus
I' 'I ',, t f ' retcbcil ir- bibet rfeci..ii. an 1 where tbpy k-iuw
i.ral a;i l Ldurational wntus of the ; tlie t ,.hjt t cm,(UiJ fwr ,be w.itery (f iioe
'si in 1 'Ur Wec'ly lid lll;ihly IS- tl""cc wparcplail t fiia wc are ni.wr lobavea
U at v. ry rta.nal le rat, and wnl iu -n ur C(I!II11(mi;v wiI B it MMil to 1o ,irC(,
r'l !HAt I III till tliT i v : viituitiiicu uiai ji'iu;i I'ubii a i i'. a iii.ifc.c- i w .h l ny ii i ucur
L ),r,,r,n,l ,?nlv i r,-Fen i n.r c '- He b. b,on f.,rvcar.sC saseilln elimi.ut
f 11 . ' " . iu tbi renie-ly (-eo a Ive -tiiiis Cil'inm-) de.MSning to
i that of ailV OthlT eSlaLIlshllieUt lU rnakei:bU-chirfd ouert ' trl.ichNhoiiI.Jadi the cr..wn
J country.
Jvnus will Itf given and contracts cn-
d into on application.
Partner Wanted in the Trlnting
I rare opjiortomtT pre?cotcil in ih'i rffiee to
e jncticV printer wbaenn roinraami ft rennna
i m.ont f Cupital. I?J prtcti'ml printer is
' ot one who tborouglilj undursUnds tbe printing
new in &M ita detail ; not merely n compositor
li upertcial knowledge cf otber duties devolv
J upon tbe iuperuitcndent cf a -well cocJjctcd
.ting t'Cce. .
pplic&nt,if'not person all j known, trust be well
.mmended to bu-inesa etuaIiCcotionj and steady
' its. For parti ;u!ari address 41 A! cert iter," Brown
'e, Nebraska.
iCoantJ EGlIdinsS. The Commis-
nine cloi.v to hi al.'Pidy enviable rcutatiua. Arfrtri
ccn CiU. yew 1'ort.
A Ccke- ALU in the wiiyof in'-d'cino?. i. f.f conrse
an iin-cijsibilitj ? bat if there is iinyihiu which
uuike? :i il c appmacb 1o it, It i. .1 U Curti' Maw
a!uke I.innaicnt. If smno of our rk"ptiia.:il fricud
could lu-ar those whom it rt-Iievt-d dc-ant tiMn
its merit, they wouhl hi ccmp' llod Ut "give tu."
ilis Compound Syrup f S iufras is another prepa
ration eipially as bkilllully w ide. The many who
have tried it regard it as :i sure thin in coughs,
cild., cn?uuipti'n. &e, Ac See advertisement.
Cal)ba?c and Tomato Plants
I have a few iMstnmoth Drumhead Cab
bage, and Perfected Tomato Plants for
sale, now ready llor tranrlautin?.' '.
- - - -McCOiiMlCK'S.-v-
ners -of "this county decided at their
st session to erect the. present: year, at
'asta'jail baildin. The citizens of
lis rlace-me: on saiuruay evening f;Tl O T-'1
consider the pnrchase nnd donation of ; JCtttjJCl w Ju-lU 1 Ol
lot or lotsvrcn which to erect ihe ti.ii-
.'ngs. They nearly unanimously decid
d to ask the City Council to enable th;
eople-to vote upon a proposition to
?ry a special 'tax, -payable in cash, for
'he purpose , of purchasing lots and do
nating to the county. The Council have
':ot ypt acted on the matter, but will. do
at their next meeting, and of course
'.he pple vlli vpte the tat. Times ar
l.:ard, it is true", ypt the ( nTerpri.-im spir-
MttiiUfacturocl lrsy
V, IS. 3JcfOZt3alCi t$SC05J.,
TwT.y-flvc Ti.(.u ai;d Sdd During t'.c
lvst six yofrs.
A AttrmjK oj 4. bO fjJt )iur. Sule hae
iuercated fruvx lC('0 in 'olto ;','!0i) u 'G'J.
A Reaper, the ."ilcCrum-k" has been beri re
the lut-ri'-Hit pnliic for tin? lH twenty
durii iht l'ni!r l:i traiiud u ri -puUiioii w iiii h js
'iii d- Wi'le." .Notwiflisi.n.dii the year y tii-crx-a.-i:i
' e tnr4"titi . ;m I tii iio-tof inventors en-
I p.ird in th' d. Vol ; meat of l apiuj: M.t'-h':ui-s. the
, cf x p'are .will, not allow anything j .;c, i.rliiilu"ie i t! c v;-n t: e k:i .i.ig.'d
. , , i M'ri"i ot all iu the m..n h f,r it c.ieai )uipi.v
her to st,and .-till. -Onward," ha-: ev- r ,
trbeen ih watch Word.
That "E lit -rEi y Chair." from Hill,
end that v Et p' ,,tr fro,I) R,)n T-ar
will receive sjTcinf aMiitinii next week.
Gardener. The t i -es of Mr. Carr
an expri i- I ti'ir-; ry 'nnn and gardener,
can be had by those dnsirous. on applica
tion at this tTice. W'v vouch for his pro-
Seeds from Patent (Ullrc
t-. ids fr N ifotVa eiiun'y s-nt oi.i lyihe
Fat- nt Jf):r;c for ditrtb. tion. will 1 .-Mt
to th'S vr. tary of .the N u nl a County
Au i cm : I iral'?ciety - A? Mm a received
th- y ran 1 e had I y ari'lvinjr to thn under
signed. ?- R. Y FURNAS, Secy.
. Hox. Wm.. Arxolf, the aHe represen
tative cf Atfhison cutinty. in the Missouri
legislator?, has been in our city for a
week past. Th Dictor. we are sorry to
say, is not in good Inahb. . . v
Read the Advertisement of Tnco.
Hill, ee'ent- for the celebrated McCor
mick. Reaper and Mower, and then call
for a pamphlet, from .which you will de
rive detailed information. ' ,
"I he fi r.-n'tit tr.a-'o ty-.iher insntifnirtrr-
tbt the Mv:tJ runcri :i " c' a ii'. I'd lii.ip-r.
but is now (iNf ii united, i si m ly ruiicuh-us, as t lie iii--rea-is!g
u til u I will jroVf. N" i-iui e.-tahli.-h-ui'iit
in the v0!:LI, iiihii .t. tur-s m lar.-ly f
these itnplt in nij, tii ihii -X e. I etiual uioitey
tim r tliit in rtlit-Ue uiiM.viiteii.
Man chaises' luff been ff td diiiit:g the filr-t
he.'isun, amt f !- tbe -McLintll ck I prescuu-d
"re iter attrattioi s tn:ti tvir letore. A
rni w n n it ii q?rt!ii
n u li it u u u 1 u II
XThitney'a D!ock, Ilaia Street. -'
AX.VOL'XCn.S to th-citizen of Bnwnrilb snJ
ri -iuity t!i if he ha rem ved bi Drun; Stre from
Si In.y. L wa. tothe Ci;y of Hr.c.vnvil.e, ud having
adJ d thereto an extensive tUr-k of
Fresh Drugs,
Dye Stuffs,. . , , . , ,
Paints and "Oils.
Pure Wines and Liquors,
For Medical Purposes,'-
Hair and Tooth brushes,
4 Perfumery,
Fine Toilet Soap,
&c, &;c, Sc., 3cc.
Invites the public pitronte.
5j"Hbyvi'ijnit Prescriutiuns attended to at all noma
i by luy aud ni);bt. .
i.rowrville. Aprii llth.lSut. n40 yly
mum mi.
Will ctnvineo all w!:o sar;rfrom
Speedy dnd Sure Cure
MtnonciUe, CoaaFcb 5,tSjl.
M k. Spalding. - . .
I have tried yur Oephalto Pills, and We fS-ni
will that I want you togefcd me two dallars worth
more. -
I'a rt of theie are for the neighbor, to whom I gnve
a few ont of the firt box I y; t from yonf
' Scad the Pills by unit, and i.hlio
Your ob't pervant,-
JIr. Spalding.
Ilaccrford, Pa., Feb. 6, 1S31.
Ever offered in this Market.
Baltimore: -Clothing, ;Steiv,
eJlIUa:!!, UiltiiiiJiJiliJ iflii
Announce to tto' public tbat ther hato open ed cut a
' ' 4 ; DEUWEAR,
Unororedeiitod In quantity, quality and prices. They
eleterini niM-their prices ia I corrjpoiid with ttie
tunes, 'lid 'heretore 3erbcie in tiie Wet, at jut
as low ntes as Midi ? .is cn be purchased anywhere
m ihe L'nited States As a tauiple of our prices we
wiil uient!. in that wefC'L,. '." . . '
v Coats from $1,25 up to $15,
Pants from $1 to $7,
Vests from $1 to $5. 1:
R iotii Sh- es.n its. Caps. Fancy and White Shirts, S.i
der, Neckties, Seks, HamlkercUiefs, Ate , iu the fame
proportion. . . ; - i :
The proijvietors cnibrnce this opp-rt nutty of returninn
thaok-i tor past patrotiaze mid promise tu spare no ei
forts iu the future ti give entire satir.fac:ion.
Call and soo us.
Bruwnvi;ie. Aprii4. lRl.-ty-
The door of our sanctum Was, on last
Monday, darkened by the huge propor
tions of Major George West, formerly
the 'fighting editor,' cf the Mountaineer,
Golden Cuy, Colorado'; but latterly cf
ox and poney speculating notoriety. We
Lave, however, Lnown the Major "lo,
these many days' by reputation, but nev.
er before had the pleasure of a face-to-face
confab with': him.' The Major, like
most editors, especially western ones, is
'some;" in fact we rnay say a 14custive
fess." He is about to engage in the
freighting and passenger business to the
mines. We wish him abundant tuecess.
rnim nd it to the lnriiiT. while - its eapneify tVr
v..i k. with rcmomy of jwictr, it the prtTtTt s-e
.v. r nil ' . " . . . . ";.
The f-ini a-titijj the frntc, thus scuririg a nire
pt-if ct ha a ice t the m-ihine: tu? position ot' the
r.ik r. iu tl c r:- ir f 4ie-ir .vc, thus pluein the
eit nh reii lould he, and r li.-vin the wunk
er -(' -th :iMoliiH'?: ihe iK-er- n-d weight nd
liht iu li'Ul.Uion ot t!.c n'eVla. tlie "Justor ihivl,
and ot her iiiijir. v, incu s add l,lnve i:i;i t r i I i v
a. e I the dirtvt di.iujrfit, :iti 1 M LkiaUd theW
ilniiil.t tliiO luai.y ii.urc us that it thes Dv( iiovv
vxi.-t. The draught f the Uei is s.i biit, hat
in ti u in Tons intatircs 1I10 nrj l'our-hor;e in.ichiae
is Worked wita but t'! horse. ; )
Home Again. Hon. S. G. Daily,
Delegate in Congress from Nebraska,
" reached home on Saturday . lasux He is
"welcomed by a host of personal and polit
ical friends in this, his own county. Not
withstanding the pressure and consequent
anxiety of mind which he must necessari
ly have been. subjected to of late, he is iu
good heahh, we are pleased to say. He
.is makin extensive arrangements for
farming this season.
It is said the Land Officers at Nebraska
City closed their office? tinceretnontou.sly,
without waiting for their successors in
t cSce, and left for their homes in the
'Southern Confederacy. We have not
heard it surmised even,vy this jniriicvar
KoJe of delivery to their successors in
"ice, books, papers and Other Property I l "-irahte Hie tniiNboshTi.H in tr.eear'.ypart
,, . J . i Mm ler w t n iit'is-l tmre ! amt Wi i y thi;iUij.
a nuuicr tjeilcr the cua.-je I I be t-'.Hl :cs. :
n. vr. renXA?. ;
" '. ' AFCpt-
i' i ' Eroivnvll!", Ketra;ks. I
T S. Orseof lt-c nincsn be see-i a-4 ciata.xt by
cithc4jv6 ia rowovii;e; " '
As A Mcwcr,
The mirbin of l found fully oqual
to tiy Ut that it in b s -u' in To I to. The Ii.;ht
indentation of the Sickl , i s i.b n si an I eninhi
nation with tho beam and tiiii rs :t nw :m in rciro
of in itioii not pruet-i nt'li- in ! er in iihin'". thus
ea ib'ingus t -lo j-i id 'u-url; with a ;i rlov team, oi
en, eteti, working w:II. Our' r
Improved Guard aud Patent Cencr,
cHe'-MiaHy irevetit h- k!:i. no matter wh:it the
condition of the gra''. while our new divider jint
separates Imd'y 2 m1.-,1 .-ind tiiuled clever or grass,
where other machines fail.
There is aln a great advanhijjc in our serrated
sifkleedgo otr the smuotb, as i'. Js not repjirt
sbarcniiig fo often, thug saving time. UurSickle
will frequently run through nn entire bnrvest with
tut once grinding, while the smooth edge ccujt bu
ground oneecach d.ij, if not td' With asuioth
-dge tho draught increrse. n the knife boeomo dull.
Our draugiit is uniform, and in refloated triaU da
ring the Heas.n ot Infill, proved far lighter thn sin
gle Mowers, cutting nt the same time from twelve to
tighteen inches wider. ' '
Our Mower can be u-cd 'with or wiihi-ut the rei.d
th:is important, and without tho rd 1, weighs but
ubout d70 Kiuiids.
In additUm to the very liberal warrants given t
till iivhafer. we wuu!d say as heretofore, tht far
mers who in;ty dcir.' it, are at liberty to wotk ur
machine tliroiigh ihe barvt, w ith any o'.hcr, and
keen, and ty for. the one preferred.
.: I'ii iu pblets wit'i lull d' si iipsii n of improvrmctits
tciiiuii.tiia'.s. &.. f ia b In I hv nppiiualiou to
Brew nville, Iebi ctkai
April IS, lS'l. '. ' ,
Doupla' ir.ipic.vcfJ M:gar?nil.
The attention "I F " ioer ia Nebraska it caliel t" the
folicivrinj; cer;iriLMter 1-H. K:ii v la-t i.n -.m
a No 0 l-iiaa uiiU if Nemaha Coui.iy wtiern I had it
n t-thiL.iUon. 'lue v-ic ol tti tut-d mill i $50 Irr i?Lt
aJJeJ. - -
, Xeni iha County, Kcbraska.
a,oiI loth. iSSii
a. W Fckxas. Sir: 1 take p'eat uiein furnh
inc you wiib Oie toilowiiil in.'or:n:,u hi Hie result uf
niy acii;: c.ieriiicti;ij: witlrlhe i-niall D mias ini
pr'ori J Siiaur tut II. It nmt be ree ! tetie t lb Jt it.e f e t
foi v a- x:i em-iy dry sin! th -.uie l y no nio.iiis co-wt
W'liiie t i-r1 i 1 "ia i le Tr.-ni 30 l 60 pal ion or j: yxi,
m 180- 12 t-o", d to the paltoB :Fr.m!one
piece of cjohv Uie .miy i ne I meai.Mred lei-mr ite-iy . 50
fq;iare r.i I ma-le 65 palh.': of X- I ci .Lwse. This i
over 20vi Kalkun er aeie I am (jui e Mtre "f a
m.iiu when the c him U rich I -n mkeCOO i'il)-o I mm
an acre. In my upiiiioii ia mr i raf lfa1 neill ir
huod in the we-t tU .u;d be ,a' one l ibi r.iui
ilar ir-'ii mills. Vuur r.i'M!fc:fi;lly
- P. II KI.I.TS.
' Reference Is atso roa5e t 3, w. II il.i.eyjr.B
EIW4id. a J r.uh tn! n, J.i , e.,!e u-v s i. Cut mis, J
KaMriilfe and many o'l.O'" in Kem-iba t'oiiu'y.
A the cuiiivaiii-n of ihe cane in the tVctbas
provoil an entire Mtixes. and a an ext ra irdnnry a
ni. Mint will this season bepljiu.e.i, it isevi 't nt tartner
mu.-t hive a more exticditi' U and eci'iaH. 1 m-i'le f
maiiciai-liiriiis it. T!ioe h'i have Leci u-int tf.e old
wiKHlen mills can C 'tnpare ibe result with nb .ve
and ee tUat the pries t a mill is taveJ in a fiiishj sea
Hon by the uc of an iron crui-her.
Where it i not touvctient for or.e farmer to purchase
a mill, a iiei;.'l.borh.. d ottcn clubs tope'ber when the
ci st to e vn is i-o tnfiin? as tut to be felt eotnpareiJ wltb
the ml van luCOs derived.
Farmers will d i ell to send in their orders cirly as
T wish you tn pend me one more box of your O
phalirt Pill, hace rect ieed a ijrerl deal of Lenrjlt
from them.
Yours, rpspectfullv.
Spruce Ci'tvl; TTnutinton Co., Pa..)
Januaty 13, 1 S3 1. J
Yn will p!e.iescnd me two boxc3 of your Cephal
ic 1'i lis. Send imtuediaiclr. - ...
Kespectfullv yonr.
P S Air?e aefi onslnx of yr PUl, anifiud
them excellent.
P.lf rnT Olio, Jan. 15,1351.
IT .-no- find inclosed twen'y-fire or nt., for- whieh
fend mv nnother h x of your Ce;ihnlir 1'dls. 71ry
v.rr trul tj tht lent Pill Ihurg trr tri'd.
DirJet . . A. STOVKK. 1' M. .
Hello Vernon, Wyandot Co.,0.
ijj 1 (VfTTN 1 "PSN '
NOTICE i b reliy given that under and by virtue
of nn as.-i zmnent m old iind exwuted t mo by I. T,
White, and recorded . in Miscellaneous Hook No. I
of the reeoids retntiningin the ofn-otif the Register
td' Heeds .f theenuiity of Nemah in tho Territory
of Nebraska : 1 will, upon Saturday the I C : h day of
.May. A. I). ISiil, between the hours nf nnaand thre?
a litaj-tr 1 o'cl hIV, pruceod to sell at auction, in front of tho
I ntrtee of thu Gmnty Clerk of said county in said
Territory, the following described real estate am1
per.oii:il property, to-wit:
Et-tb.ilf .f northwest of southwest section 20,
town 5. range t!; 20 acres.
Southeast of n.rth est section .10, town 5, rang
15: Oaeres.
Northwest qr seetion 3, town 5, range 15 : lfiO acres
Northeast (jr. so-;. town"5, ratigo 15; 1(1(1 acres.
Southeast qr. see. 10. town i, r.iri c 15 ; ld() acres.
Wet hiiffut southeajt qr. section 22, town 5, range
One lot of Hi d commencing forty rod castrf the
south west corner of ouihea.t quarter tf section II,
towif 5, raogi 15. east, thenee ruiii-iiig cast m see
t on line forty rods, thence north forty rods, theicc
west, tort v rials, thence south fcrty rod to place of
bi-gi n ui njp"isu al d J? ten ai;rcj ui ire or le'ss
l.ts 1 1 ainl la. !. k -I. .Mi ia.e urownva.e. i
lat !2. hi k '". Ilcownv.llv;. ,. ., 1
; l,.t Id, block 2 5. Itrownville. " " j
hot l.i and I '. block M. wnn nnw, tirnwnviiio
Lots 1,2 H. S. J. 10. 11,12, I I, 1 1. 15 aud 16, in
bl -ck A. Vetern Division.
Lot I. -2.7. 4.5.0,,-11,13,13. 17, IS,I9.
20 in bl a;k V, Western Division. . .
- Two sii.ves. "tie block and tackle.
The bove fifiiperty t i biisull by ma for sash in
baud to the hi 'ht-it bidder -
S. I.. SWAN,
. , A-signeeof l.T. Wnyte.
AIlpcrona having vlaiuw ag kin 't the late firm t f
I. T. Whte A Co., or l. T. YYliyte.are h'r. by noti
fied U present the sains on or b jfor ths 17th day of
June. a. v.. 1531.
' ; Assignee of L.T. Why to.
April H, 1381. : nlO-8t-Sl7-3) ' '
. --- Legal Notice. ?
In tho District Courf, Nemaha county, Nebraska
Tenifcorvi - -
llar uio U. Worrall. Francis, John W. Mui
lcn,. Williain Delay and IIjiunab-DeUv, bis wife wi!.L
take notice that Al-ner Davison and David S. True,
doing business as Daviion;A IVue, have filed a ptti
tioti at-d afterwards an am-nded petition iu tho
Court. :ilorc-:iid against them, the object and prayer
.f whitli is t. f.irvt-4 se H certain ni'.rtg;ig .u the
ik rtit'enet qnar:crof seetiiHi st.v. in ovnshfp six.
iiortb nf range thirteen, cast t f tho siilh principal
uieredian. in said ci.uuty of Nemah:i. mane by this
?:i id Horatio U. Wurrall in fiiviirof lieorgc L. Nuck
d.s,that the said land bo sold and the proceeds ap
plied in paymeut of a certain promissory . note f jr
S2s(i wi,h iD:crtt at tho rate of fire per cent, p.-r
tuon;h from .Unu iry 4th. 135V. made by H-iid IJoni
tio il. Woirall in favor of mo Ueorge b. Nuekn'Is
a..d assigned. to said pjiiutil: and y to declare
null and void 'brer tii in deed mad- by William Delay
it ml D.hiy in October, lSj' said Francis
Pr- nat and John W .Muliaii, an 1 to debar, exelu le
imd 1'orcTcr "fofctlosc said" defendants nnd each of
tueta of s'd right, title and interest which they may
tLiui to said land: said defend nits arc required to
answer n or bef.-re the I3:hd.1y t,f-.tay.'A n tSW,
or the several matters therein stated will be tak.u as
true and flecrcs in;ido accordingly." ' r"
111' WKTT & THOMAS, Att'ys lor Pi ff.
Maren 27. IS!)I. ' ' ni3-lv-$7 50
tt!c::git;g to he General 'Government,
v,as resorted to; but we reckon it was
Ucause it suited the retiring cUicers Let
lrthan any ether. , " '-;
White Kussel A Co, ) ' , -
ts V
IVedmore A Dryden, ) ....
' NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of anex
ecut'Dn issued by the t lerk of the Di triet Couit of
N;ti!nha coanty, NebruskJ Terriury.agaiiiit thede
frdtn!s Albert I'rcdmoreA T M Dryden in the atM.vo
etitided ciusd.ard in favor of the pUin tiffs therein
White, A Co, for thasninot one hundred and
two dollars and twenty-f ve cents, and the costs of
suit, amounting to fi Ileum dollar and-tight. -fivo
cunts. I, J. H. Weils, sheriff' td said county in
taid Territory, have levied ujKin nnd will offer for
Mile at publio auction, nt the door cf the home in
which the l ist term id th 3 said district court fur said
eoiititv was held, on Monday tbe 29th day of Apn ., A D
PCI, "between be hours of I A 3 o'clock, P. M. of said
dar.'aud will sell to the highest bidder for cash iu
band, t he f .'.lowing disctibed property, to-wit : the
s..u'hes;of northwest ir the northwest pa.irter of
st-eti..n tuctity-nine in township five (o), range
jiixbecu (IG), cast of th j sixth principal taeriJian,
eo!,ta-.ii:.iig'ten aereji f land, i-ikea s.i tho prepcrty
of T M Drden to saihdacfoa an execution i.ginat
ti.a and ia fa.vt,r of Wtita, Iius.t'11 A C. ;
- : . , , i D WELLS, Sheriff. .
lY J u niusi.iv'., iyvp j . ?
Br the ne of these Pills the periodic attaeVs of Xerv
out or Sick Il'adache in.iybc prevented; and ir taken
it the commencement f an attack immediate relief
from pain and will be obtained.
They seld mi rail in removing the Nauiea and Head
ache to which females are s. Mibject.
They tct gently upm the bowel removins Costive
net. For Literary Men, Students, Pelicate Female, aid
nil persons of $edtntartj habit they are valuable as a
Laxative, improving the appetite, giving tone and ri
gor to ihe dicest i ve organs, and restoring tbe natural
eUsticitv an 1 strensth .(r the vvhle system.
TheCEPIIALIo PILLS arc the result of Ions investi
gation aud carefully conducted experiments; having
been In use many years, durins which time they have
prevented and r!ieved a vast amonnt of pain and nif
ferina from Heairacbe. whether orijinatins in the ner
vou system er rrom a deranaed sta'e of thesfowacA
They are entirely vegetable in tbwr comnitioii. am'
nny be taken at li times with perfect fefv, with-mi
nutinir any chmce ordiet. and the absence of a y di
&'renb!e taste render it easj to administer then tc
Beware of counterfeits!
The cennine lave five signatures or Henry C Spalding
on each box- -
Sold by Oruesistsand alt other Deale-sin Nfedicines.
A box will be ent by nuil prenaid on receipt of lue
Price 25 C3nts.s
Ail orders sh'nild be addreseito
4S, Cedar Street, New York.
Dec. 6, IS.10. n22 ly
,l thr Teitlnioninl wre nn'di:lted hg Mr. SPA t
D1SS, tlfTJ nff'ird iiHqimxtioiinUr pi-vof of the.
eicncif tf thin truly scientific discovery.
B :roiy, Jir., Dec. 11, 1S60
IT C Sri.TiXo. Esq.
I wish for otn!T rircnlar or lnrzo showbills, to
bring your "ophidic Pills tnon? p-irtieulirly bfor-
tny customer. If you have nnything of the ktLd,
ji("te rnd to mo
Oni of mveusti mT,who 's Fuhject to severe Sick
Headache. (uually lasting two d.iyO r.artd uf
an attack in one hourly t'r which I sent her.
Kosncctfu'lT your.
.... ,12tynulJhiiry Fro nil in Co QJ
, January 3, 1S31 f
IIenrt C,
No 4S St, X Y J
r- .... Dear sir:
Inoloeed find twenty-five cent. ( 25.) for whh h
send box of C"ph die ' Pills." Send to address of
Rev Wmfl Filler. bVvn il lburg. Franklin Co. OhU.
Yn'ir Pilh. icorh lilt a ' horin cure ll:ndtche al
most iuitiiMter. i
Truly Totir.
. c W'M C FPLLKP..
t?-A single b.ttlo of SPALDINr.-.S PP.KPAKF.D
OLUE will savo teu times its coit annually,
, .KarcbS7tb, IS31.
t33 iw-Jw3
I57""A Stick in Time Snt NineV'l '
A' acci jents will happen, even in .well regulated ivcry desirable to hive some cheap and
convenient way for repairing Furnitore.Toys.Crock
cry. f-s
meets all such cmergencieSt and no household can
afford to ba without it It is always ready, and up
to the sticking point ';
u Crush accompanies each botUs. Price,
n Address
seeds and machines,
-No. 14, Norih ?Iaiu Street,
ST. LOUIS, 310.
Sign of tht Gilt Phv.
And No's. 2:3 N'ortb Fr.rth S:., or2i3 Brcadxay.
ARE PvECEIVIirCJ ; Iarrr? asortmo:it of
Plows. Uirrows tuitiv.tiorsj t e. lUkCS,
Slv.vels, Spades. Pict, Aid-, Hatchets,
Scvti es. Snjifak. Cradeis. K-.rk. O-Indstoacs,
Ciin n's tJ.-o.,i!c-st Sf ( d S..wers. Seed DiltU,
liar. SUta ;.:kI C- rn i;...k t; jwe.-s,
Tu. esters C rn She'.icra, Pbyiju.
iV A
4 X j- . t
Kirbj's AiiieriL'ju iron ilarvestcr.
Revolvms end Sprinr tooth IT irse It iy Itakes,
- Krauser's Cidei' ami 'int.e Mills wi:h P.Csi,
S max Oane Ci n-hers and Kvatx-ratorn,
Alutt's Portable Fnrn..e and Ca'drous,
Portable E'teinca and Horse P,.wers. -Purt.-ible
Flour md Cjrn Ueal Jlilis,
Wood and Ir.m W.ukU, I Xachi ery,
Mortiin? and Tenoning Mscbiues.
Lithers. Bott Cutters C. ach Screw?, Lanterns,
Qieeii's Portable Farse ami BalloWj,
Leather an j Uubter Belting
Lice Leather and S'eni P.ickini.
Frenchf 's isiuticr .11 i:h:ne S.elvird S'-i'es,
ciaur.v. GRASS AND other, seeds.
E3"ond for .'mu a.rp.3
Orders soiiciteU nd p-ompt lv execuie-.i n
March, 1361. (Fi.4 4.ii-.Vn3S-4in)
j- Disti
strict Court.
Luslibaugh A Carson,
E. M'Cunn,
virtue of a writ of sab) torn: directed froia
the District Court or Nemaha county, Nebraska Ter
ritory. I will offer for saie. at the door of ib.iuer
Johnson's II ill, the place where said Court held its
la t term, in the town rif Hrownville, Nemaha county,
Ncbraka Territory, tn Tuesday, the S0;h day of
April. l$ the hour of 2 o'clock, P M., the fol
Uiwing lands and tenement, via : the west half of
the southeast quarter? of section ten. in town.-hip
five: north of ningo fourteen, cast of the Otli princi
pal meridian, in Neuii i a county, Nebraska Territory. WELLS. Saeriff.
by J. II. Moiiiiisos, Dep.
March 23th, 1851. 1 n:lS-lw-$5
Co l In tl
maha (
h." ritory.
In tho District Court, Ne-
ha County, Nebraska Tjr-
Fiske, Knight A Co
' More' & Smith
Fnrlow S. Moorn mtd William X. Smith wiil take
notice that .lames P. Fi-kc, Augustus Knight, Wil
limn 11. Oarrett and Oliver I'ennet, oing business
under the partnership name of Fi.-ke. Knight, A
Coin atny, did on tlie 15th day of December A D LSoO
CI ' llieir etition in saiil 'iurt agMiist them tho
Miid Farloiv S. .Mo( re a:il William N. Smith, doing'
business urder the rttn-rship i nn.e of Moure A
Smith, d lend int-. setting forth that tho said defen
dants v. ere imli.-bt .-d to the said plaintiffs in the sum
ot r52d 'II. wii h interest on s-iid jwiiouiit at the rato.
d ten per cent. jt annum frmo March 2Sth A D
1S V), as ivid.-nccd by a certain pn ini.-sory
cd t. Louis Sep mh. r 2th A D 1-5'J f. r $iJt) 8a,
due six months after d.-.te. inado by said defeLdauts
iu f.u'or of said plaintiffs. . .
Said defend int. are further noticed that tho nec
essary iiffi bi vit ha been hi -d and th it an order of
attachment ha. been issm d against the property cf
the said defendant, and th U the following property
tias been nttaehed. to-wit: tho southeast quarter of
section IS. in lowm-hip 5. north of mngo 15, ea3i of
theoth principal iu-'ridim, containing 130 acres, si
tuated in said county of Neman.
- Said defendants are further notified that they are
quired .t appear and answer aid petition cn or
betore the 22d day of April A D IS3I.
March 4. T3SI t35w4 AU'ys for Puff's.
Administrator's Sale.
PL'lt.-sUANT to an order of the Probate Court of
Nemaha county. Nebraska, made on the 2 d dty of
Ftbruary A D 18 1, tho undersigned, administrator
of the estate i.f George Fnglehardt deceased. on Sat
urday the 2(1 h day t" Aril A DlSr.1. at 2 o'clock P
M. in front ot'the 't.fiii'o of the Probate Judge of
Nemaha County, in Urownville, wilt off.:r for sale at
pullie vendue the following described renl property
asti piirt of the estate of thesnid George Eng'ehardt
to wit . the north half of the si nth we-t quarter of
section No. tighteen, in township No. 5 of rnge No.
thirteen, cast, situate in said county.
Terms of payment : One half cash in band, or.e
fourth in three months,and one fourth in six months
from thetitns of t-ale. JOSEPH S1IUTZ,
March 7. I S3 1 .n:55 Aduiiiiistrator.
Isabella Grape Vines
Strongly Rooted PlanU, 3 to 4 years old.
Many i f them already fruiting in the nursery,
are now offered at $10 per Hundred or $75 per thou
sand. The Ficncli Raspberry.
At SUpcr 1 00. Largo quantities nt greatly re
duced rates. It needs no winter protection and
bears two annual crops of fruit.
Young Catalim. 4- to C feet 1 per hundred ;5to
7 feet $ per 1 00.
I l.i rdy Climbing Uoses, Fragrant Ilnney Suckles,
fnd nursery utock in gener-i! at the lowest rate.
Evergreen J"vrns
TV, Cold Spring Ihirlor
$5 Corn Planters.
Fanners. Look to your Interests!
Save time and ensure g'xd corn crops all sea-ions,
by planting with
It is the only perfect baud m iehirio in use. Can bo
used in -.-odor elsewhere. It can be set to dr p any
desired number of grains. Drtos and cover, to per
fection at one opration.
Fnrsaluat Dr. II.Mver's store, Nemaha City, Th.
fliU's store, Urownville, and at Peru.
I raveling Agents wanted, tu whom a liberal
discount will bu made.
Address, E. A. STEWART,
35 NemnhaCitT. N. T.
D J Martin A Co, ) - -
vs r District Court.
D L MeGiry, J
Py virtue of nn Order of Sale to ice direct
ed from tho District Court of Ncmiha county,
Nebraska. Territmy, I wi:l offer for sale, at the door
of lii.tuer Ji hrsonV lla'.l, the place wberu said C .urt
held j;s la;t term, iu Lirownvillc ia s ud Ncmah.i
'On the 20th day of April, 1SG1,
at I oYIic'k. V M, the toiiowing property t--wie tlia
undivided ia rt of the south west and sotir!;.
east quarter of the north west quarter, and the south
west quarter and the soiiiheast quarter d the north-ea-t
quirtcr. and lots 1.2.3 and i of socii n twenty,
and b ts I and 2 section 1 7. all in to nsbip four, i;.-rth
ot' ranire sixteen, east of the sixth jaineipid meri
dian. N'emih.i cottn'y. Nebraska Territory, ai d ihe
whole of lot 4 nloek'bO. lot 2 bi.u k ri i, 1 .t I h!.K:k SI,
and lot 9 l lock RI. nit situate iu the town oF Lrown
villc, iu suirt Nemaha coiintv.
J i; WELLS. Sheriff,
by J II M iRKis iv. ttop'y
March 27th. 1S61. -n ;S-lv-$7;.0
Thomas Heady.
1 Nemnha County Pis-
! tnct Court, of the Sec- District,
3so 4S Cedar Street, New York.
As certain nnprinciplcd persons ara nttempting 4a
pr.'m (. 7 c.n the ansuspertiag yiubiic. iciitation of rnj
PIjEPAKEI) GLUE, 1 would caution all persons to
examine beforu purchasing, and see that the full
lion tbo outiiuo wrapper; all others aio wtud.icg
Henry Neimier and
Ciroime .Ncivmer, j ebr.ika territory.
The ibovn named defendant. Henry Neimier atid
Caroline Neimier hi wife, will take notice thi the
above named plainliff.Thoraa Heady, bus filed a pe
tition in thit Court aforesaid against them, the ob
ject and prayer of which is to obtain a decree for
the sale td thj following real ctate Mtuated in snid
county of Nemaha, to-wit: Tha ticnli ea; quarttr
of section sixteen in Jownship six, north ot range
fifteen, east of t!e sixth principal .meridian, and e
hive the proceeds of said sale, or so much as may I e
j pcceiaJiry, applied to tho payment Oi" a certain judg-
liient rendered at the April term A l, 185'J, of said
Court for $iol and costs of suit, ;n an action
wherein said Thomas llendy was plaintiff and said
Henry Neimier wasd- fendant ; and also to debar :;r.d
exclude faid Caroline Neimier of all right or titte t
said land which the may claim therein separate from
her husband. Said defendants are required to ans
wer on or before tho Lith day if May, a D ISol, or
the several matters alleged wilt ba taken as truo and
dccrcii made accordingly.
WM. MoLENNAN. At'y fr Pln'ff.
March 27. 1331. ... E33 4ir-$750
The subscriber haa fair supply of etlffeiis very
desirable variety cf ij.iash, bKh he will send by nu:l
to at:y aJ.lrcss i-ost pitd .;t t5 cci.U per pa.kize. 1j
qn.ihty it is tully euai to the ceieliraied lii!lu.n d. and
in ize an I pr.!'jn::ivrne;s it far exceeds tan vutic;y.
Taieii rfiteethcr it Is oue ol the test.
Maxcb, ii ' 2 '.. sr, t' ' CrttecHt City, laaa. t
Saircel Cai'.ap, I laistiff
Ia CLan.cry.
Field ir 2 II. Juhii A others, d
Sai l Fielding of tr.e Sfata ct .Mi-?nr,
is hrthy noiiiiL-J, thit on th j 15ih d.iy of Flr
roary. lid I. Sftmaet Callaa Hied, '.a th Clerk's of
2icof the District Court of thesecocd Judici.vldis
triet of tlie Territory of Xebrnjka, in and for Nju:
ha Ct uiity (in chancery a pet i: too against hira and
ethers, w jich nil! to f r hearing st tha i.ext term
cf slid eurt.iu whioii p eti;i..u (am mgothcr thlag )
s,-ild Callaa claim J ar.d ut'uiandi'certAin rights of, iu
and to the property (or proceeds there" f) lately cou
Stituticg tuo stcaia Ferry-boat '-Otoe" and as-.s for
the nppidatment tf a receiver and for the state
ment of aa a-jcuunt between hiia and snid John, ar.4
that bo i required tuastrer 'aid pdiiiva orb j
fjro ;hel"j:h diy of Anri!, 1-31.
. lld'::na t. w. Tiprox,
S-.! jrs fur Cttu'-.luiuiiat.
Mrrch 23,Bl--lw-57
D. J. Martin Company )
vs. It the District Cccrt cf
Samuel Callin. Wii- Net.i .h county Nehras
li'itu P. lies an 1 Jliirga- 'i k:i Territory. Ia Ch.n-
rot J. Hess, hi wife. I eery.
i Wii:i:m P. Ile.-s and X'argTet . lle?s bis wire. the
ah ve namod d-.d'vn lai.t, will take notice that Da
! vid J. Martin, Stephen F. Suck:.! Is and HUh Nuek-
olls.duing busine-'S as D. J. Martin A C: ;ap:iny,u:d
on, tho lSth d iy of March, a r 1S:J t. f.! : his amended
petition in the above named Nciu..L.i County Dis
tret Cetut against the s.iii d fi.dar.t , S:u;m:l
Ciilhin, William l. IIos, Margaret J. IIoss. to
foreclose a certain inor'gag mad a and recorded u
tbo '.'th of April, lS5i. hy said Samuel CVlIan in
ftvor of tho said plaint iff sen tha following describ
ed ret! estate, situated in said county i f Nemnha,
tc-wir: the Northwest qutrtcrof th southwest quar
ter of section 22. towns!) ip N. 6. north of rang 13,
cast of tha 6'h principal meridian, in Nemahaci on
ly, Nebraska Territory, cent. :ining 40 acre. Said
ni '""tgg5 was given to secure a certain prcrnissory
note made y said Samuel Calkin, in favor of said
pi lintiff. dated April St'a ls50. for the sum cf one
hundred dollars with intere.-t: from that tixne, atthe
mte of twen' percent fcr aunum. The pray
er of said petition is to sell said rn rtg;tged landto
satisfy said claim, and to exclude and forecloso said
defendants of ail right, title or interest they may
claim therein. Slid defendants are further noticed
that they are required to answer said petition on or
before tho 6th d iv or May. a i lS'il.
II K WE IT A Til JMAS, Att'ys for Pl'ffs.
March 21, IS3I. 4t-3I0
In the District Court. Ne
maha County, Nebraska Ter-
.1 In tht
maha Cc
) ritory.
Fiike, Knight A Co.
Mooro A Smith
Notice is hereby civen to Farjjw S."loor8 and
William N. Smith that Jimsi P. Fisl;, Augustus
Knight, William IS. Garrett, and Oliver liennct.
pinners und'jr the name and style of Fiskc, Knigiit
A Company, did, on tho 1 1th day of January aD
ISU, fild tluir p.'tltion in sdd Court against, the
said Far'ow S. Moors and Widiam N. Smith, part
ners under tha nam-) of M Hire A Smith, defendants,
setting fordi that the s:iid defendants arn indebted
to tho said plaintiffs in tho sum of $101 23,wit'.i in
terest at the rate of fix per cent, per annum, from
the 27ih day tf July a i IS J. for good and mer
chandise by tkesaid plaintiffs to the said defendants
before that time sold and delivered at their special
insfanee and request. '
Said defendants :trc further notified that the nec
essary affidavit Iiaving been Clod. an order of attach
ment has been ic-sued against their property and tha
tho following real estaiu has been attached, to wit :
tho southeast quarter of section 13, in township 5,
north of rung-? 15, east of the Grh princ'pal meri
dian, situated in sai l c:tr.tyi f Nemaha.
Said d :fendants are farther notified that they are
rcquirtd to answer Kiid petition on or bef jrc tho 22d
day of April ad 1331.
March 4th, IS31 n35w4 Att'ys for Plff's.
Sheriff Sale.
Lashbaugh A Carson,
P. D Stout & J Y Cvleman,)
By vinue of two writs of sale to me directed frora
the District Court of Nemaha county, Nebraska Ter
ritory, I will offer for said at the door of Homor
Johnson's Hall the place wbe.esaid Court hedd its
lastTerm, in thetownof BromviI!e, Nebraska. Ter
ritory, on
Tuesday, the 30A day of Jpril, 1S61,
at the hour of I o'clock, r U, the following lands and
tenements to-wit: northwest quarter of section thirty-two,
township live, north of range sixteen, ea-t
of the sixth principal meridian, except U2 acres off
the west side of the northwest quarter of said sec
tion, Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory.
J 11 WELLS Sheriff,
by J H ilouKisos, Dcj t'y .
March 27th, 1S51. d:13-4.t-55
5." " a ?
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Tnn nrderigncd will oa
JlonJay, the tA day of JJjy, 1S61,
in th)
Offer lor sale, to the highest bidder, tha fcllowing
protjorty, viz :
in tha
One Hlat2ks;;tilliaiul Taonshop
a:id lot on vt h'.ch the. iuiO is situated. The uu
tlivid;d oue third rart of a
and the lot cn whieb the sam j is situated; also a
which is attached to the same. Alio a large and
in the town of Mount Vernon adjoining tha City cf
Peru, said to be the
on the Missouri Hirer North of St. Joseph.. Also, a
large lot of
Furnitun. I have also ab-'nit 4 K Aeres of
Adjoining Peru. Which I will sell on ca-y ternis at
privatu s.i!e.
Terns of sale: Ono third Cash in band, and t3)
remainder in i sand r.iae mon'.Ii , with lega! it.rc;t.
Sal.) to continue from Jay today until u'l is iolj.
Siil) to couiiienco at IU o'clock of s i-id wi iy.
Peru, March 3th,lS31. uC3-tf
Ozicr Willov? Cuttin23.
Tic test variety for narltet ard for live tence (3s !;x
poriiurca) yic $3 per i!c.u-aui. Bnwl p,i- pU,
lur e.'.oei ir.ient, $1 per hunted. li. L. 'tlALSJ;)",
iiaviiii, v.ii V.ciory. Cay ugl Cj., N.T.
Of lal kiuas, for tiie at mis etnee.
v. , i 1 V , - ! "1
4 ts.
Ill R S. HE W T T ,
l,ii ii 1 1
i a J a . 1
tLi bLa li:t jt rccc. vp 2 Lor
To wVt:b catti yrtl!itir att-rttcn. Her
are or tao rer; Utest :yiei od arc orj.-cJ usiifc.:r
Ap.-in, r:cx
i;Tho union Llut and
shall "bo Preserved!'
Boots and slice
. cX ci!Z Oj ..1. Cw
- B;DEGtS, Ml3C3 Fldts,
pn f
A Gcrieral Assortment cf all the ab;-?.
Hiring Cetermincd ta er.ia?3 tr. crusrit t2.-;ia-lile
business, I have this Spring broutut on, and o;-:a.
ed out iu extensire aud Vine-i a.-.-rtiusut of ecg-j x
neeJeJ hy purchasers ia this or a- couatry ;c.a
bisting o li-Jois, Shoes, llati. Cay. Baset of erery
sr4deatid sty le ; Dry G-.l3 la euiiss v.r!ef7, ct.-i-mors,
Cloths. Jeans, Sat tinets. Tweeds, Vtatiani, C '.i
c is. Lawns, iterinos, Caintries, bru- a aud blaiiii nisi
Im?; Groceries, fancy aud stasia; Isu, 2iU, Hard
ware, Gueensware, Ac. ,
I am ueiermincd to open np a "net e-a" In il3.-c!n-tile
busi.ies. and will, ttcre-.'ore tcil Cires':o
ceuen'Nliy lu-', fwr caih or cuotry priuct.
I have on bind a sptendtd aisortBimt cf rreac t'n
and Calf Siins for borne manufacture,. t ordr, oa th
EiOEttts.uai.l3 terms. All vorX wairia'M or uo pa.
Hides, Pelts and Furs, fir which ths ti.heat pricei il
all times will to paid.
To U Bri'f, .
If you wish to pnrcbise foods on the rrnst fjrrrst)t
terms, or di.-pose of your prixlice t j tha oesi pvil
advantage. Be sure at:d call at
Erownville, April, 41351.
I. T. "Whyte ACo.,1 ' '
" f
James Entwistlc. J ?
Notice i hereby given br yirtao cf aneiei-
tioa issued by the Clerk e f thebistrt Court cf Ne-
mah 1 county, Nebraska Territory, aiir.jt thi d-
fer.-Unt James Entwittbs in tleatt v entitled ca 33
anl in f v."jr of the plaintiff therein I. T. V.'hyta &
Co. fir tbe sam of 0110 hanlred and thirty-ierc!
dollars snd scventy-Cvc cent, and tha cf s::t
amounting to el ere n and xty-Pr ee"tj I,
J. li. Wt-l!s, Sheriff of a iM count ia s'.tl I Territory
have levied npm and will i!T:r f r su! at fulii-j
auction. at the door of "C? huuss ia whijh tha !at
term of the s-t'd Li-triet Court f. r sal 1 e. u?y is
hold, on Monday the Mtii diy of M-iy, a d. 1 50 1, at
the bourof Ido'tl'ck, a m.o said day. the fo'.i .wiig
discribtd proj-erty, to-wit ; The sontu jat c ;"uter of
northwest quarter of seotioa number Z-l, Uwnahip
nutnb-T 5, of rangs II, cast r,f tha 6:h jriaoipal
iiKTidian. containing 40 acres; tha abort pr- pcrtr
situated in Nemaha county t iken as th property cf
James Entwistle. -- -- J. 11. WELLS. Sheriff
April II. isir.
JJy J. II. Moitmsos, Deputy,
Probate Notice,
iVIIEIiEAS. Win. li. Fhi;.:isadminitr'.t9r cf t's
etateof John N'oys.d ,'eea ed, has mile applie&tioa
f'i tho l'rohate Court of Nemaha county, Nobrvk
Territory, for one years ext ?nion of tini i t j cotKcs
tho aH ti of said ci'ato and piy the d.hti ar.J lega
cies chargeable ng.iint the sarne. " - -
Notice is hereby given that I h7e set the 22J diy
March, ad lVil,at 10 o'clock, a m. as the time for
hearing said application at my oiTieo in llrownvi!l
in said county, when and whers ali peroftiflt?ret
el miy attend and show cause why ths said extea-.
sion of timo should not be allowed.
Witne my hand and seal thU 21 dir -f Merch
ndlSdl. (u:;5-5t-id) C. W. WiiELLLli.
Iteference, Dr. I. 0:n, Brwarillj.
Apnlllfil. nl-Iy
Notice is hereby given thot in puruan? nf tw
order of sale issued bv th Distriet Cvurt of Nema
ha County, Nebraska Territory, two ji-Laccis
in said Court. or.ein favorof Oliver Eeacet A Com
pny,an 1 tho othor in favor of VTilili ata F. Endert
A Comp"E7. aud both again t AugutiD Lyf -rd and
Ishaux F. Horn, rrtners under ti.- itantie cf Lyf jri
& Horn. I will offer tor saia at puhiic au. ti.,n, in'
Iirownviile. at the dorr of ths H oe ia whieb tha
Ii?t trtn of the District Curt washeld, on MnnJar
tho 11th (Lij of May ad 13 3Ifc at L:f pail
ten o'clock A. M., of Jay, tho f.l.Vf
ing decri'oed real a-tate to-wit: Lot cum',? & ia
block nusitcr 1&3, with the storehouit! aJi ail 139
ircprovtrr.'?n's thereon, Situated in tha jown cf i's
m. l.o Jotsft and 7 of the n'lftsst nd t;i rtw.';
fractional quarters cf section muiberJI. iu t- wn.,1 h
number C,north of rr. rgi nnra'jer lS,c i-i of tha t,h
jiriiicipal nicridiaa. All ihe above dcs.'r. Led profjrty
situated in said County of Nemaha, taken as thp-
periy of said Augustine Lrforl and lihan P. li Vs.
J. Tt. WELLS. ShriT.
By J0HNn.M0:l?.Ii0N, De-atr. '
April 10, 1331. nU-5ar-$3
Irran ex:e!!or.t and chap "&rtici? of 1 ; L Hif
and Sash callat the ne sV;ra of
Drownville, April IL 'CI tia-yly .!
"Well Buckets and Wheels
J. J. THUflM AN has cn har.J a Ia of No. I Well
Dj.-ketsatd Wheel. .
Urowavi.1?, April II, '31. - ciO-ylr ,l
O 7 tn
1 cave just rceired a new arr!yrf
Of tho latest aid m.-st i:c- : . ei ra;:.r,, ws J
propose I sell a ueh y ri.- ? ,i car.!-, t b1 c
cd off. The pubiio are in-, ! i,i -u' ar-i er '.t.1;vd. my 8t.-k of Tin, .-j,ai Jr n aid Ct.-j per
Ware ii lar-o and ol 13:70--a E-.:'. "'" u- .
A-r;i ii,n:u' ni)-j:j
ii u u j l 1 1 1 s u l,u i run tiLu
. iliu ut!-a-jr.-g'it. i .tesiro tt 1!
land lot in I'jc
Ar-;: 11, isii." si: :