i . t ' - I ; t i L 4 ? A? J.pcr':t i! ?' " m 1 :-. :C r reparation of lT.N" p i. i 1M jf )rviri and Crt ti by c .iiio jU.iii in l vd: -fl. .''I'r-'iLii'l tr rn.-'iP-l l!Mn-i Aut'ui.rilie', I 'h i-i Si-'cs ai iha Ua.iel States, and profited Ifi r ;ni ;:i :e Tj fv- i i - of thnsarts t'aily pr..ve tbat no l-rcv-i--of lrn ca re coMprtd wr.li it. Impjri tie of tueblnd. ifn-e-i:)n of v4tl cffTi rie t'i( :-e i j c t:i:r;ex:-Mi incite its Levc-i:y in air". -t fi'ry Coii'f.vj' f tn. I i i in m in ail milage ia whirs it has been triet, ti ji' in l i'ii : aie'. Ctirtti ve jo e ach o! tliefoi iu iis c j u .iiai i's, it : Z:: If JjlIHr, " crvons AtTectlons Emaciation, Ilj sprpsla, C'oitvti XalJci3. scioliiltrw TnhvrviiUfl, Salt llhrv.m, .Tiwiirnsiruatlon, Vft!lr, c.iiXorois. Lhcr Com- plaints, minimal.::., Chronic titMuui lies, latrrRiIllent Fevers, I'imitles en tlic race, ic. In ca-nof UF.Xr.itAL DECIt.nT, whet!,erthere?r!H or a-u'.e un-ce. or i-f c n:i j;e I d. uiiaj'.iuii of i;rvoa an ! ttri.c-ilar cnr?r frai c'irvtiicr ..m;;air.is. one tria' f ih' rr.-aoraMve b i proved sm.--.-cs rul to an extent v!i' h na de c.'ip'i n rir writse-i ate-'atir.n woc.;j leudrrci-ediolo. I:ivj:; l3 so long bed-riiif-a j. to have for? t:cn i" t'iCircwn !)c;p'.!j'jrhi.) !., Lave ?i;i iiojIt rc-aj rJc J 'U te biy wjrl i s if Jal rtturrnvl fn.ra' i r"ira';tel travn in a liUnt lanJ. S.me rery i,-nai inunce -f thi ttiul re !tetelcf female -.tr"e rv, c;:ij:it-il vicuai f ppreat nurasmas, iii-;ui!ic-u eibJti.-:i')u. trjiical c!.?.nce, aud that corn-fij.-ii; n 7 tifrr.'i: and dy.jpiic avers-i ta tt air arji pjfri- f..r which f tn-!rin f.a no rniC. Iu NKHVtH'5 AI'FKv.'TKJXS ofail kinir and tor reaw.u liMiiiar to mriicl mt-n, tl e operation of tin i.tepi; -i .n of iron i.)-it iiee--arily l-e salutary, tir- n:iae tb? o.d -i'le, it U Tijroa!y tonic, without tern? cxcitiiij a-.J o eri,euii!.g ; and petitly, rezaiariy 8;'riut. even in the i-ioet t'btiaatecabescf cotivenesa with .ut ever be.r;? a citric purzatire. or iaictinz a It i ibn la"-er pr.'r.-rfy, in j others, wticli mates it rp:uirkli!y e:r:ail ani jr-erwanei'.t a re:neiy for I'tUs, ujV'in wliicU l: alo a;'j?ar to exert a ii'tinct and apec.ric cii n, hy dicpersiuz the lixral teuileu' y wLicli (urms tlien. In IJt'SPrS! A., innntnprable as are itscanne, a sir pie U:x of tfce-e Clialvteate fills La often sufl-el for the wn-l ha'iitaal c.ve. inr'n '::s8 tte att eaJar.t Cfifr;eai 1-! r.-e kel Di AK!t!I .K, even when advanced ts rVSESTAUT, c-t.arrai. e:iiaciatmi;, arid apparently . laiin-ist, the cSetta Lave been equally dccisire ann la t!ie lo l pina, lo? of f erb and ttreacrth, det illi atia?Ci.uih, ati'i remittent horiic, whu'h generally in dicate INCIPIENT COXSCMPTION', this retneJy has liiyel tbe aUrm of frieti 1 anl pbysicians, ia atrveral very praiifriTZ in l intere-tinn inntania. la Scaori'L:H'3 TL'BERCTLOSIS. tbi meicate'J iron has bt i fr in re than t lie g.vU etfects of the ruot cautiti:f!y t alancel prepirati ins of iodise, without any of their well known liaNiizties. The attentiiti of female cannot b too eonfiJently in vite J to thi remedy and rettorotive, is the cse pecu Jiarly mtrjviiTir j hem. In RilECif. ATlSa, botb chronic and inflammatory in tha latter, however, more decidedly it h.s been invari tly.we'.l reported, b ithas allovintinz pain and reducing the fwe! imu n i tifl ie of tLe joints and mnsele. Ia lXTLuMITTEXT TEVERS it most oesri!y be a great re:nody and ener;etic restorative, ard its pro tre3 in the new settlements of the West, will probably be one cf hixb renovrn and u.ef ulues. Ko remoiy has ever ben diovercd in the whole his tory of Diedirina, which exerts sucn prompt, happy, and . fnily re-' rtjve efTi-cts Gk1 appetite complete diges tion, rapid ic-jul-iti in of strength, with an unusual dis- ;tt f.ir acive and cheerfnl exercise. Put op in flat ruetal boxes contiir.ins Wpil'.s, price 50 eants pr box ; for na'e by iiru?it and dealers. AVill te aerit free to any address on receipt of the price. All leUers, orders, etc., shoold t-e ad-lresei to K. IX. DOCILE & CO., G EX. AGENTS. 23 Cedar at., X. T. Aoznt '63 ly. Flowers, Fruits, &c. JOHN A. KEXXICOTT.at the Crove Xurserj, "Ve.t Xorthiicli, II!., La; readj fordclivery : r.uH, e?()e'iailj Tulips, at tbe low rate of $2,50 per 10'J. and $20 per thousand for largo roots. Strawberries, of all tbe most approved Tarietie?, from 2 t.' 4 d illarg a thousand for most, a few sorts like Wilsnn'a Albany, higher Tverreens 20 to 40 cent per foot, accordiug to varictjr and fur m--average 2iccnti. " t'mit Trcein jwJ raricty. Apple at from 8 to 15 dollars per It'J and the Etaaller the cheaper and Letter fcr di-?nnt customers'. 8ni".l IV u its Currants, Houghton Gooseberry, U-pherrio, Uiackberrits, Ac, much lower than ever tfered before. Orna:n?nial Tree.,R se3 and other Ilirdy Fhrub tory. in great rariety and abundance ; and 10,000 mail tolarj" ylants of Upright Ioneyncklos, Lil a.t,i?pirik, Doutri.i Scabra, l'riui, Ac., at from 1 to 10 per hundred. And the beautiful Itiebylra Spec-aji-ili and other choice perennials at from 1 50 to 2 cr d;z?n, and common things all desirable at about La'f pri? c. Citaloruc I y mall on application ; and crcry " tlticf safely packed fordistant tran.'f'ortation ; and as a rule n ?t things sold at about ten per cent, less in autumn than spring. f-no-l-vl What Everybody WiLts. THE FAMILY DOCTOR CCNTAIMSQ Simple RcmctUcs, IlavIIy Oblalu lor the Cure of Disease it all forms IT TROF. HENRY S. TAYLOR, M. D. T TELLS TOU II w to attend npon tbesick, and horto oiv.k f.T thenx; bow to prepare drinks Poultices &.C., and also how to znard aei!it the infection from contagious IT TELLS TOU pt the various diseases of Children, and pivea the besi and simplest mo'ie of trf-jiluieut dariuz tie'.hinp, convnl imis, A'acclnation, Whoopinc-couh, Measles Ke. IT TZLI-S TOC Tlte y mptosns f Cronp, Cholera Infan- tn:u. Cliitic, Piarrteit, Vorms seal led Head, ltinzworm, Caiikeii-poX, k.c, ai.d fives you the test remedies for their care. IT TELLL AOC The yynipti.nis of Kcver and Apne, and UiliuUK. Yellow, Typhus, Scarlet and otLer Fevers, ahd tive you the best si niplet-t remedies for their Dnre. IT TELLS TOU Tbe symptoms of Influenza, Consump tion Dyspepsia, Asthma, Dropsey, the (rout, Khcuuiaiim, Lumtiapo, Kry ripelas, Ac, and Rives you the bef t Remedies tor thdir cure. ITTELI.STOU Tbe spniptoms of Cholera Korbcs, iTa licnant cholera, Small-Pox Dysentery Cramp, Disesses of the Bladder, and of the kidney and Liver, and the best rcruedies for their cure. IT TELLS TOU Tbe symptoms of the linrnp, Kenral r;a. Ap iplexr, Paralysis, the various Diseases of the throat, teeth, ear and eye, and the best remdics for tbeir cure. IT TELLS TOU The s mptoms of Kpilep?y Jaundice the Piles Bupture Disea.--esof the Heart, Hemorrhage, A'enereal Diseases and IiydrojihoPia, and gives the best rem dies for their cure. IT TELLS TOU The be-t and simplest treatment fot wounds, broken bones and dislocations sprains lockjaw. Fever Sores, White 5wellic.es, l lcers, Whitlows, Boils, Scorvy, btirns, and Scrofula. IT TELLS TOU Of the various Diseases peculiar to the TeniileSex, a;d pives the best and sim plest remedies for their cure, together with many valuable hints for the pres ervation of health. The work Is written in plain laripuape, free from med iral terms, tj as to be ea?i!y understood, while its sim ple recoipes may soon save you many times the cost of the b.H 1. It is printed in a clear and open tyx; is il lustrated with appropriate engravings, and will befor warded to your a-idres, neatly beuud and postage paid, on U.e recoipt of ft.oo. - - $1,000 A YEAR Cat! be made ty enterprising men everywhere, ia sel ling tbe atx e work, as oar Inducements to all suca are very lit eral. For sinzle copies of the Bock, or for terms to areata Willi other iutoruiation, apply to r address JOIIX E. rOTTEH, Publisher, Xo C17 Sansom Sirect Philadelphia, Pa. jowaxb Cls0oriatton A Benevolent Intt itution tstablited ly t"cial En dowment, for the Ilelirf of the Sick end Distressed, e'.icted vth Virulent end Frulemic Difase. end fperiaUg for Hie Cure of Utseaict cf tht Sexual LIEDICAIi ADVICE given gratis, by U,e Acting Snrzoon, to all lm apply by letter, wit a a descri;itiun tf thoir Ci'iidiiion, (.ige, ociipati'n, hatitsof life, c.,) and in cases ol csireme poverty, JUediciues furnished free of chaT e. Yaliiit !e i;p ports on fpermalorrhaa, and oltrr rssonof ti e Sexual Organs, and on the NEW KEME 1)1 KS ct' "T'l 1" the Dispensary, sent to the icted tnea'el letter envelopes, free of charge. TwoortLree Siani:s f'T p 'sa:o v.-iil t'O a roptaMe. Adiress D.'t. J. Mi. t I.LI X HuCGHTOX. Actirg Sur- ciV'ti Ji iwiiru ASr i.i ; iu, io. i'iuij .muiu once i Ptiladeli Lia, Pa. Ey orrfr of te Piroct-'-r. F.r.R.V D. L A ltT W L LL, Prcs . cm. TMV.C mi.v, 5 cc'y. O.wU: is, J. i-I3-y!y ::cc-Ucc: :r:r Explained. T! e test rracti. -1 Vt-t pt.'o.i-bc-.!. 5eat for ore 1 m ;.ir, JX'S t ; ti e .warn j i;i.m uwu . ft., AC. Circulars v. .a j-.uv.tu-li-abts. Aridrcs 3 JcLui ilic, X. T. (,. 1. ncy ti 'xrs. . . . . . I . ' I r. - LOOK TO 7Gunj;:TEreT3! STEAII FEP.RY II OAT AT illlulilll) iU.iUi..IM TotSifoln t':s St!t ccriter-t U"it rr;r?to i taei'i' r ska ar.d Kf-ti-i GOLD .3II1ST23, The tr:ier.r!?r-J df;irf tofST.std it to d"i?wjil mt pra-.-ticc daccpicc:lLt itere are a-drauiigea t'jbe f ?curcd in ' Croisiug the r.riiscuririrer at Hrownville, anl ot:ittir.-at, arid slariir- frt-m that poii.t.not t' b f and at any otbor j hice en tbe ilitsouri Hi rer. In lbs r-t ; '.".cc. tn loth eiucjt-l the rircr arlare citents ' b trcm landa in which grara tna'tcj a much eariiersta rt than on t'ac of. lane's, and ijtu'-b more abuiJaii-, btirg iceiba JftibJe the entire suson. Here, tl en, is a .-.-:rable jlaee to recruit stxk beforettat !;rg cn tbe I h.zt. t'trxk can al be parcha-ediK.-re oa very farorable terms The Hrowr. i.le Steara Fcrrvbt3t,bc:Lgtbe best J cis the llivcr.oilcrs peMi'.i.irindnceumnta lor cro;s- ir.gat this point. U nlarge and com-nouiou: : w.jiU powerful muchinery.wbit li enable t be proprietors to forry emisraattand uther-in the raost espi tions marnt r. W ns.lirtiteto Sir tnat tile biis;ne.-a men of lirowr-rille areas wt !J prer ared to serve those wish ing supplies, with a snjrior rjaality and on bs far orable tcrrosas can be IVord elsewhere. Krerything desirabiecan be punl nsed in I!rtwnri!le,such as rrovhions, :!a:hir, Mining Inplc cicnls, ;c, fee. Tbe r.cnte from r.ro'fcrille to the Mines is uni versally admitted by those who bore traveled it and others,"to be superior i a every renpect. r.ruwnrille is about midway between St. Jo. an 1 Omaha. As to distance, an examinltion cf the map isall that is neccsary to rrove to ary one that it is" nearer from here to the minesthan from any Other point on the Mi??ouri. On this roato wood and water abound theentire distarce, while on many others, wood has to be hauled for many days. The foregoing facts are fully and satisfactorilyes tabiiibed by the immerse travel of laf t year, and those w ho adopt it the recent season wiil hare no cause toregret baring done so. Therefore Cros3 the Missouri River at and start from Brownville. JOIIX CODDIXGTOX - CO., I'rofrietors Steam Ferry Doal. Fifl'j Thousand Copies Already Sold. EVERYBODY7 LAW! EE, corxsiTLiaOR ixursixcss, BY CROSBY. OF THE PHILADELPHIA BAR. IT TELL TOU How to draw tip Partnership Papers and gives general forms for Agree ments of all kinds, Bills of Sale,and Leases aind Petitions. IT TELL TOU How to draw tip Bonds and Mortgages, Affidavits, Powers or Attorney, Notes and Bills of Exchange, Beceipta and Release. IT TELL TOU The laws for tbe collection of debts witn tbe statutes of Limitation and amount and kiad of property exempt from execution ia every State. IT TELL TOU How to nwke an assignment propetly, with forms for Composition witbered itors. and the insolvent laws of every State. ITTELL YOU The legal relation existing between Guardian and Ward, Master arv Ap - - prentice, Landlord and Tenant. IT TELL TOU Whatccnstitutes Libel and Slander, and tbe law as to marriage Dower, the Wife's rlsbtiu property, Divorce and Alimony. IT TELLTOUTbe Law far Mechanics' Liens in every State, and tbe Naturalization Laws of this country, and how to comply with ti e same. ITTELL TOU Tbe Law Concerning Pensions and how to obtain one, and the pre-emption Laws to Public Lands. IT TELL TOU The Law for Patents, with mode of pro cedure ia obtaining one, with inter ference, Assignments and Table of Fees. IT TELL TOU How to mate jour will, and bow to ad minister on an Estate, with the law and the requirements thereof In every State. - IT TELL TOU The meatlng of Law terms in general nse, acd explains to you tbe Legisla tive Executive and Judicial Powers of bolh tte General and State Govern- nients. IT TELL TOU now to keep out of Law, by showing how to tlo yonr business legally, thns saviniii a va-t amount of property, and vexatious litigation by its time ly connltation, ' Sins?le copies wilibe sent by mail, postage paid to ev ery Farmer, every Mecbsnie, every Man of Business, and everybody in every State, on receipt of $1,00 or in aw tyle of binding at 8 "o. 1,000 Dollars a Year. Can be made by enterprising men everywhere, in sel ling the above work, as our inducements to all such are very liberal. For single copies of thBook,or for terms to agents, with other information, Kppiy to or address, JOIIX K. POOTTEIt, Publisher, No 617 Sansrn Street, Philadelphia, Pa. OREGON NURSERY. Jao. 'CI. E. II- illliCHES & CO., PROPICIKTOUS. Oregon, Holt Co., Ho. The undersigned hare locg sinci been convinced of the want of a first tlass .Nursery in the West, where TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, &.C., Can bo adapted to ourtlimateand soil. In viewcf these facts, we have established one at this place, and have now in successful cultiraton. which we of fer for tale at Wholesale or Retail, The coming season, & large and well selected stock suited to this cLm.ite, .f Apples, standard and dwarf; Tears, Ftandard and dwarf ; Cherries, standard and dwarf: reaches, Plums, Apricots. Nectarines, Quince, Crape?, 1 Currents, Gooseberries, - Raspberries Strawbemesaad Blackberries, Erergreens, Ornamental Trees, and Shrubs, Greenhouse and Iiedding Plants, Roses, Dahlias, Ac, Ac, Ae. To which we would beg leava to call the attention of the people of Western Missouri, Nebraska,' Kan sas and Iowa. lfOar terms willbe aslow as any reliableeast ern Nursery. By purchhstng of n theexpenseof transportation from the east can be saved. All trees and plants are carefully labeled and packed in the best manner for any part of the Unit ed States, for which a charge of the actual cost only will ba made. No charge willbe made for thedeli rery of packages on board stesmboa s. Allcommunicationsaliressed to the undersigned will receive prompt attention. J E.II.DUP.CHES A CO. O G O TXT TirTTiTTiri nTnt?r mnTiT7i iiiiiiiii im mm TO FARMERS Of KcbrasJca and N. IF. Missouri: AGAIN Iwnnldciill the attention of tbe farmers oT Nebraska and Misuari, to the fact that I bave on hand and am ct.nsUfctly manufacturing, at my Plow Factory, In Oregon, Mo., w agous, acd every pattern of plows, to-wit : PIMIRIE PtOTTS, One and Two IXorsc Plows, SliGvel Plows, iloes ,IXarrws,o Corn Planters, And Harrow Teeth Together with everything ia this line used by a farmer I take the responsibility tf eayirti; that my two borse plows will do better wotk. in stubble or any kind of rough ground, than any I manufactured or sold in thia upper country. My two-horse and prairie piowg will be sold, for cash, on terms, tucb as will place them in the rencii of every farmer. My PiuK-s can be ot I ained f rem my agent at Iowa Point. K. T., Brownville.. Nodaway county. Marietta, Kuh Bottoia. Uoit county, Brow nville. X.T.. and For est City. . MAETIX UOFFMAM. N. B. All kinds or repairing dune w.tU neatness and dispatch, on liberal tem. Orea'on,M., Jiay,l6tiair - Theodore Hill, Agent At Brownville, X. T., keeps on Land a general assort ment of Huffman's Plows. Brownville. May, is:o.- lT SPANISH MERINO SHEEP. N.st X l ittutii, Breeders cf ru.ro blood AtwooJ Sheep of toe Hnmmccd stock. Pall SLaftibury.Vt. i i r- V- r. i. j. J ijJLm n Hi n n ): p P 9 T. iMAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE, N. Takes pleasure in anno -anciDS that be has now on band, a large and select stoci; of every art cle in his line, COOEL STOVBS Of all the improved patters ; viz : Plymonth Bock Charter Oak. Talley Forge, Elevated Oven, Ac, To Your Real Interest;;! Citizens of Brownville Ana tlieEcst cf21:inlil:.a LOOK OUT F0K THE Jr.. COME AND BUY CHEAPER , AND GOODS ii -a . i -i - .i JOHIT A. POITIT, u a rr. -. Frrn Lis O.J E'.ai en tlia Lctcc to ;main street, BllOWXYILE S. T. Waere he tns opened np a IT - I i . i i u i 1 1 C. i:o..iTicuLTu:::: ANIMALS, 'is , Li T - O.iAi U. 1 - N E vo ill ore of uTijcin, Than was ever before offered ia thi'3 .Market! Box and Parlor Stoven of an endless variety, some of which are entirely new designs, viz : A combined Cook and Pirlor stoves, sometbin very nice indeed for small families I mm. wmm HEAVY SHEET IRON FOR SUGAR BOILERS And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons . Coal and Lard Oil Lamps Brass Copper, and sbeet Iron Ware; Lanterns, Shovels, Ac JAPANNED WARE, f, - ' a M t'Cly a i s; , i, ,j i ij Llb'Cia i.WtaiikJ..J-:.:-'i I 3 Sua Km rvtn rj sTa 1Mb Wia.i.lna I bave procured tbe right to mannfacture a late simple and improved self-ealing Fruit Can to which I call tbe attention of the public. All of which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates and on as accomodating terms as any other establishment in this region of tbe country I am prepared to put cp guttering and spouting and all other work of my line atthe shortest notice, and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant io give satisfaction. I pledge myself not to be nndorsold in tbe upper country '' J. C. DEUSER. Brownville, August, 30 1300. f L i u ILATU3ST-- NEWS- cr-ra lAi rkuv :?. t"-s s "roi -a !' ! . t 1 ! ! '.. J .J U OIL 9 J Lkl ii iaial '-S 1 C OICE BOTTLED' LlUOIIS'Sj Catawba Wine, ... . ... .... Champaigne Wine, . . ' . ' Claret Wine. ' " - ;': ' Old Rye, - - - Old Bourbon. . s...'. ; . ..... Irii-h Whiskey, Porter, Gin Cock Tail, Saddle Bag-Whisky, Blue Lick, ' '- " Boker's Bitters, - - Pale Brandy, - Curraco, &c. K?i IF Pishes, Plates, Caps saucers, .s, - owl; m ib A S 8 11 Up Bar Tumblers, Decanters, Giblets, Wine Glasses, Fruit Dishes, Pitchers &,c, trl .J H al 'jj J- fJJ wkj Ls3 ) a J. iiiliiilliJ 0 AT THE IPionecr Store BK0WN VILLE, We Have Just Received and Opened Most Magnificent Stock of Goods ! LADIES DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, ZEPHYR HOODS. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, UNDER SHIRTS, DRAWERS, SHAWLS AND SCARFS. STAPiaE ir;: fa:.xy DRY GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Farsily Flour, CONSISTING 0? Ham, Baccn , n r - W ai wV W w W Coflcs, Tea, Salt, CJXfcO Ca0 i And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as . Spice, Peppers, Soda, Salaratus, Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc. ALSO, Oil f 3" w.ji re ' e i r.: t .. '-'a. w I . r in. girle-i. A tcell selected Stork of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. Boots and Shoes. a 'j I'r A'.', n'-i A": r Ai-.t-a's A::,::i'i run! a. Alien on t!- j t i 3 fru.i trj;n, r'o a I. ...i b'. of rr.a.i.;;.j ""' n:j;ni:i i tn -. a -- I':r?cks ,.. k ,'f c i rf) a-:'il;t S il j W .' r ' t r 1 - z do fi.TulIy k-', Ca r. 5! i , zi ? ;. Culilvavr, . I ;i..r.t..a.rr,;e -. -fi gtj-j.. L'.t 1 i s ny- i rn L...r-i'? 1 t do Am.-iieaa cattla IjcU,t, d i di-' .t.-cs of catiie. T).jn'si!-ck;:l3u.l, Ii trl I rutin's weds anl u?cf a! jli I)Mtiir.z'j! fruUs at.-1 frait trtej E;t.-tr(l's cr.iii' rrr c-Uar? ' F.irra Drain.-. i I l. F. I'rcra h,) Irjtik Forreft-.'r'i II ro ia Amori-a Flint cn m.- .p, " ' Flint's M;:,-a Cow, Herbert's horc-ko'.:r?, II ia's farm r.,rj. J..hnt...n"s a "l.-alture cherr.'iirr Kemp's bnJi.;are rri-jc!c- L.r-tr-,ta on the hive ani beney Laeh.ir's h-1 houjes, " ' 3trjtaar- . Ji :y s ay..ses of lee-!e-;8, I a.ir?, '2 v,.U.,i ' ' i.'-C! r 3 re., in. .a s r.r cb J.in -ley's rm II r-jes illc.r'i Lee kc-er's ai 3. ana s land dn.z-r, Nt.-h's pro-:resive f.'.mer, rci'.i's g.tr loner's c-mranion, Xvrton's e'.etncnta cf o -ri-u ur t . . i i va i.i zmt orry, Baral Stewart s st.iui u-.k, Tbomrj tarta ia-.T'.oineatj, Thomas' fruit cultari.-t, Varler's he ! ar. i everrifs, Vatscn'a hor.w srirlen, "White's garJ?riin lr the sntb, Yale lecture, Jr-oJ, Youatt anj Martin o?i cattli, A'ouatt cm the hors?, do on sheep, ca tbo Lf j. AJ-lra rATXHIl 07 T.I LIcfTat's LLf3 PiTj TIlS knowlel?e of the trade and wants of the people of Bwnville a inl miiniy enables btu U make judici ous purcbasej espresly for this market. He ik) as examination of bi- St. k, feeling al-sure be will te able to satisfy in quality, style and prices. iJHHJbi iiiiilJill Cutlery and Queenswarc, n i ,uiaBBVare, WHITNEY'S BLOCK : And Choice GEO C E R I E S Largest Assortment cf r ir r-'iii vj . ' Ocadj Me Clothing EITYLIFEFiYSTillB AXD Boots, Shoe 9 U L J E.ir Rings, Shirt Bjttons, J E T7 E LEY . Finger Rings, Bracelets," ome and see Wvnville, Aujust, 00, 1SG0. and Breast Pins, &c, '&c. b c cure Uarffams. 5 'AifiililiiJ iLiiLL Hats, Capo, etc Ever opened in Broirnville and no mistake ! Caps from 23cts to $3,50. We can Fit Gents in Suits ficia $5 to $50 t AND FITfE FUBIITUES. Saddles and Harness, . Oil Cloths and Carpeting-,. SCHOOL BOSKS' BLANKETS FROM SI 50 TO S7 50 Iron, Hails and Castings GLOVES Ladies Ridin?, Kid and Silk. Gent Gauntlets, Buckskin and Driving- Best Qualities of EFijfflill Mill Reeded or Pesired Can be had at out St ere , and on terms as 6 favorable as those of any ether House in the West. - . - All Snds of -j BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. HO GEES & BROTHER, AXXOUXCES to tbe public that be has parchaed the Livery Stable and Stink formerly owDel by William Res-ell and aMel thereto fine stock, and is now nreDar- ed to accomni'xUte tbe public with Carriages, Buggies, Sulkies, Saddles ITcrses kc. &c. THE TRAVELLING FUBLIO Can end at his Stable ample accommoiiations for norses, mules or catt;e. , B-XJAMIX & JO.TOUA B.0GEH3. Brownville, Oct. 13, 1360. n!5-yly A.0 PIKEXIX BITTERS, Thpe meiiicice bare cow t e. n tcf"re:!, p ( a peri.l cf tbirty year, and canr; thit t.w' mairitainel a hish cbaracter in ainint every ptp ' Glhe, f'-r their extraordinary aid lnimi.;.ji. restoring perfect fce.iitb to vers. t:irreruij v.r.r . ly every kind of d.-eiie to wbi'-b tie bumaa t iUl.ie. The following are some cf thw distressing tu p bnmau ijisai.se in wbicts t"e VEGETABLE LIFE IMEDICirj Are well krown to b-r infailible. Djtptptia, ly th.roi:'rbly c!etns;r.g tbe 8rt nt. onj st.ji-.nebs, and creat;";; a 2r w of p.tre!ii.tiTj. inte.td f the :a!e acr: i ki:i i , ."atuify, Lt peei'e. nearibarn, Ke-ii?ic:ie. R-stlesresi. Anxiety, Lanvtuir. arnl ile in b!y, h:ch ;.!. eral mtuins of Dyscti'a, will aai;h, uiu. C'jnseqnejce cf its cure. Coir Tiffs, by cleirin the wiole ler;S if U tesiiue with a solvent process, and wtts-it t all violert purges leave tbe bowel coUe dayj. Fever t, of all kinds. by restoring ta uv. lar circulation, thro .x tha proee:- f per., :i:; sschoses, an 1 the thorough solution of a.l ia:... obstruction in others. Tbe Lafe ile.iicineahave been known to c-:rtl . turn perciancntly la three weeks, and V iiV tbat time by renn-vinsf local iarlamaiation fr.-ai -ts cies and ligaments from tbe joit.ts. Dropi$ )f all kin-i, by freeing and strrr- tht ki'lneys and bla.Mor ; tiiey oj-erata nicst.it t . ly on thee impjrtant oriran. and ben.- ha. ? foaitd a crtaiu remeily for tiie wort ca-e Also Worm, ty diii,'.2ing from the tum.'wi; bowels the slimy matter to which these cm'.cms bere. Scurvy, V:certtr..l Inveterate Sortt, ly tUjr parity wtich theeLife Mca-lnneigivetoths baA,n and all tte hum or. Scorbutic Krnptiuns and bad conpieticnOr'.'Kirii ternafive electa opon the fluid that f ?J ii.a the morbid state of which cecaH-.n all erti::t.v o plaint, sallow, cloudy, aadothar diiigreeaSJaocir.; e ion, Tbenseof tbe.e pill for avery fcisrtV.tne.wttf an entireeure of Salt Rheum and a sitii.ng n.r tnent in tbe clearness of the si n. CvmnunCi lu Influenza will aivray be cured by onedce,or by tbe oi caes. PILLs The orizlnal prcprie'.or of tbi meS.;w act:reiof pile of thirty-Cve years sta&'Jiaj, j i eser. the Life 3(e.jicine aicne. Ftxer t,4 Aixe.TjT thi scourge of the T" Country, these ifedicines will le found a .'. and crrt.n remedy. Other medicine leave the w aub.'ectto aretiivn of tbe disease a care ty t!ii cir-es is p,rmanertt try them, ts satisfied ami t"'' Bilioua Fevers and Liver C.'nitjiaiat. GtsM tility. Io of apretitt, and tii.e cf Fexir- if e-J.cinea have been used wfa tbe mot benf:'. suits :n Cases of thisUescrirti. n: ic? Evil, aiii cla ia its worst forms, yiei ! to the tniM, yt ? fnl acricnof these remirkjhie Jle'iicine. X i"- Xerron tletnlity, Xervons Complaint of all .r.J pitatioa cf tbe beart, Painter' Colic, are pee:i I -ed. .Verrvr-iaZ Liteate$ P?r.r!H whoae ciast.K'-- bave l-ecome Impaired by the irJ-;ioi.as u at ar- wilicnd these ifedicins a perfect cere, a tfefyt fail to eradicate from the system, all the efe-n iferenry, infinitely ?.v-.ner than tbe mot -.r',i aration of SarsapariHa. W. B. KCFK iT. 315, Sroadway, Xe i July 6, 1S60, ly Dissolution. Tbe partnership heretofore existing under tbe mme and ntyle of Lin4.bauit A Caran at Brownville, Ne braska, W3j, on the first u'ay of Xovernber. dissolved by matual consent, by the withdrawal of B. F. I.nshbausb John L. Carson will settle the unSiMshed bnsines, ,,f the old firm and contine the Banking and Real Estate Agency Dueine a Lerctofore at the old rand. B. F. LCSHHAGn Xot. 1st, 1S60. JOHX. L. CARSOX. Ia severlnir my bT-tne conneii"ti with my late part ner, Ideemtbiaa proper oiT'ortunity of expressing i:iy thanks for tbe tfronaKe bestowed ir.n our firm, daring the period in which we were encased in businn. It affords nie much pleasure also P commend tothe favorable consideration of the friends of the old firm my successor in busine. Jlr. Carson, a gentleman in every way worthy of tbe conn Jeuce and support of a dijerim. inating public. B. T. LCS2BACGII. J0HII L CASS0IT (Successor to Lubbau;h k Carson. LAA'D AXD TAX PAYIXG 50,000 IaES VCOL, lYi.UTtD. ST. JOSEPH, .va . Two Extorsive TVcclea Factcries sri- successful orssiioy, ONE NEW AND FITTED l? With all tht LaleU Fine Imprcrtr YVe are prepare! to raana'ictars to or:,w hare for sale tbe f iowicj G-joJj: SatiaGt3, Heavy and L::--, JEM'S TWEEDS, FLJ.Y.yM Vt'niTE.COLOT'.ED.PTP.irED AND VL& Xs laaoysi Tiilled linscys, Colored and .Mixed, 11-2 Yards vide. FULLED CLOTH, Blankets cf all Klr.ls ar.I a!lQ:::- - YAILVS OF ALL SIZES AND COL'J- . . V.'arrante.l ail Gi..ij of l-e best mater. h My'Vi'e will eichan-? t'.e above Goods ff''' or each. . Taney Djih.? to Order. . We will par ca;h for any aaioont of Wvi JIrk:t I'rices. Pio jrc-jni'tantiy oa hasj forsale. The be?;'5 p3i 1 f r wheat. .N. lilTL A SO.V. -DUELI. 4 August, 23, laCa. : jGl C3t IBS TT H? Dealer in Coin, Uncvrrcni .Money. Land Warrants, Exchange, and Gold Dust MAIN STREET. " BUOTT.WILIaE, XEUXIA SKA. COTJIITEY PEODUCE, ITill be takes ia exchange at current prices. ComoOno! Comoilliu We are determined to sell at lower prices and cive better bargains than eser be'ore. D. J. IIARTin u CO., Brownrille, Oct. i, I3C3. j ii5 I will give especial attention tobnying and sellina-T- cban?e on tbe principal cities of tb Vnited States and Kurope, Gold Silver, nncm-rent Bank Bills, nd Gold Dcst, Collections made ca all accessable points, and proceeds remitted ia exchange at current rate:. Deposit received on current acco'int, sad interest al lowed on special deposits. OFFICE 3IAI STREET. IJET1TTJE7 THE Tclerapli and tlie U. S. Land OHices. REFERENCES: Lind A Brother Philadelphia, Pa. J. W. Carson A Co., " " Kiser, Dick A Co. Baltimore, Mi. Youmr A Carson. Jeo. TTicrup s,,r. iTason, Col'r f Port, " wm. T. Siuithson, F.?T-. flanker, Waihicuton, D. C. J. T. Stevens, I'.s i . , Att'y at La, Jno. S. Gallaher, Late 3d Aud. U. S.T. " Tarior A Krie-:!i, linkers, Chicago, III. .McClelland, Pys & co., St. iAnn, Jfo. Hon. Thomas G. Pratt, Annate.., X I. Hon. Jss. O. Carson, 3iercersours Pa P. B. Smali, E.-1-, Fres't S. Bask, Hisertown, ild. Col. Geo. S- hlsr, Att'y at Iw, Col. 5aia. Ujni'iletcn, Att'y at La', Fa-Inn, 3TJ. Ju!pe Thi.a. Perry, Cumberland, ild p-of- -1- Tutwiler, h.vjiu, Alabnu. Xev. 8, lioy-tr. ;el BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA- P. J. -HENDGEN. neret.y notiSethe puhl.c that hebas pckLj Xetrsia House in Brownvi II, X. T., fortneriy T. J. Edwards, and has rernodelo I, renovated as-' rely cbanied the whole tt u-e. lr;ic cellar to i' with an especial view to ceatr.e, comfort an4 nience. Uavin? had many yearH experience a keeper.be feei afe in w3rranti::2hehoarlir. Pls , a?eof Browoville, and the traveling public, ti-"j at the American, they will have ao reason Cut'' of thefare in ary rerpect. - st The Uotel i it'iarel immediately at tbe S:fJ Landing, foot of ilaia street, and onsenat'" peca!iaralvantazeto the traveling cmmnr.;'f proprietor aks but to be trid,u.d if not f-aaaa" ' discarded. Jnoary,13 ISO. C3-tf . ' Douglas' Improved PKETIIOI SEG All .Muikingu:n Works. Zar.csville, 0 "We are now rrared to manurjeture onr S:inir-t'ane either Tertical or Horn n'a- wilibeat:e V supply the liemand. bowever Ijrf.1- VTe are also raattuf a. tnrirj I.,t;;:ii' Iriip.'oT?-i - orator, an-1 also Donila S:c'. furar Iva.-a-ww'; . are prepared t f urn. .-.a e-. ery art. cle cf tte t": ty, rr. I at m.:""''f rstfs, rf ;':ired in fs" B'.a',;' j PRIC25 S'O H). J, :,o. ! ..). aud !rwaru- Furnaces and Evapirrors, $;o to .;C0. , . j Circulars and Pamphlets fjr!-i..he4 en arr''-'"", . . . . . . . : i 1 h. nf a ii onier a.i-jreisea to t e r :.. . :. i ly attcn J.J to. ap'I-ly M '. P T s. i; :.' ' L'OUULAsiLIiOTruA-J. PEACH PITS 2o Bl at one dtilar anl cents rr tu-btl, t? . fall O'LO. COM IIS. 21 J Lake stfb. U II