Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, April 11, 1861, Image 3
j j O o j m ''t roc & co... 1 i NT... and Brown'. Ire ATlrs to ij o r.vx. Jsnd Fun-ign tourer . T1 W 1 I I LL iiKWiiJ iTW-M LA C7 . r.. t it nif ! k L -TTTn St. Louis.-McFfr. T-'ortislXtt Af", ,rt General Advcrii.iiiR. ,C ..-!" ', city. M.d they arc an trA ... r-" ve ;r. cuilect tllli for tte same. .nortant to Advertisers :oSe who have commodities in the 1 wal or Ideational line, to dis I g offer Vantages not to be 'tin othr establishment in tins rv We will insert such Advcr X'n's a are applicable to the Agn 'll and Education,! wants of the i0 loth onrweekly aod monthly is- very reasonable rates, and will ;8-riee thus an aggregate circulation larer-and daily increasm--;aihato any other .establishment in te and conlracts c" -,d into on rphcation Wtner Wanted in .the Printing ,.wr.,.'yun(J..r.t..n,Nl.o,.r1n,; , .'.upprfi -i.l k--- ,f ...l.-r d.i.e. devolv j rrint,-i.lent .f a welt conducted Allf "1 '",r,"n,'iy knwn' ,n"?C We," Klirjrii-u!.r.WroM-i4frertir, Known- " ilir-k- i . . - 1 Xcbralicrap. 13 lwotn foriy rd fifty tons of hrmp, dressed and rca- for MYll ua d JlVerod in lhis 'ace the wt'.-k! It was raied prin nally in rawoftu County, and is pro iuiw:d !y judges to be of very excellent n.ainy. This,. we bt litre is the first de-jvi-ry. and will .be the .ir&i shipment of j fto!vi:ltar.i!ing those who expen sed with this new. crop last season, tnd to conn-lid with the unfavorable sea f n, 'dVy arp greatly encouraged to re s wr t-(Torts. In :h" Ian-h ivnn''er of the J"tlrasha, fjrwrr will b' found a dt-tailed account i; li- n.p raiMiiij in Nebraska; its culture, rofn, &.C Another AcquUillon It s with j insure that' we announce the fact that Mtssrs. Ciam'bebs '& Noves, manufact trti tiid wholesale dealers in every de tcription of household Furniture, have rade their arrangements to carry on that business in this city. They have been ex tming, for some time past, other points in -his f ection of country, and finally and wisely too have concluded this to be iht point for their operations. This will be not only a valuable acquisition to our town, but to this region of. country. Success to ibein. Still Another. Hon. Jr&sc Noix, bo some time ago purchased and has since been running what is known as the 'Xemaha City Steam Mills," has made Lis arrangements to remove the machin ery to this place this season, and erect cew and extensive buildings. This is a wise mpove on the part of the Doctor, for ; there is no point in this western country j where milling business will pay better than it this. There is a great surplus of corn l nd wheat raised in this and counties "est, dependent upon this point, and that surplus will annually increase, whni it lan be manufactured at home. The Dx-tor's iljotvugh acquaintance with the ciui.try, the business and the people will gr.hily in. bis favor, and enable him wjii.oii: dju' t, we are confident, to make i Uie buiiuess a paying one. Rev. A. S. Billiscsly, who has of ficiated as Tastor of the First Presbyte rian Church in this city for two year past, has received and accepted a call from Denver CitJ', Colorado Territory. He left this place cn Monday last to attend the Presbytery at Bcllevue, in this Terri tory, from which place he tv;ll go direct ly to Denver. "Westward" u, appears to by Mr. B.'s motto. May health, pros perity and success in his vocation attend him, that, in the end, his labors tr.ay re sult in the gathering of many sheaves into his Master's garner, beyond the tkic-3. Uncle Ben Whvte has moved his eat ing Restaurant into Judge Whitney's new I building, cn Main street, where he is pre pared, as usual, to serve his customers with a Tit plus ultra cup of Old Java CofTee, broiled steak, ham and eggs, oysters fetewed, fried, or raw; or. anything else "good to eat" one can call for. Hon. S. G. Daily has of late repeat edly placed us tinder obligations for valu able documentary favors ; supplies of new seeds from the U. S. Patent office, &.c. The vaughly Ferry Bjat the other day pushed itself oft from shore "Say, don't let the Jldveriiser's 'Local" get hold of of that!" without ringing the bell, or Mowing the whistle "Look here, keep still now, won't you?" qnd the result was "I'll treat the crowd if you'll be mum!" was an almighty good joak." and as we jromiaed to "keep still," we'll doit; but its moJ too good to k' ep ! Matthfws MtDFoBD who have for ?omy time pa:-t been engaged in the man ufacture of an improved style of Fanning Mill in this place, have just completed a n,jw and commodious work shop, on sec ond street between Main and Atlantic, and will go into the business on a more extended scale. E. C. Stickney, the accompli:hed tel egraph operator at this point, and who has been ruralizing for a week cr so past in the village abce, returned this morning on the steamer Florence. We understand that Hon. E. S. Dcndy, of Richardson county, has been appointed Receiver in the U. S. Land, at Nebraska City. Tiieo. Hill has gone east to purchase his Spring Stock of Goods. Col. Nixoy is making extensive and valuable improvements, putting down sub stantial stone gutters, excavating his lots at the foot of Main street and filling up and Itvelinoflf the levee in front thereof. Rain. Within the past ten da 33 this country has been visited with refreshing rains. They were just in time, and fell slowly; the hitherto parched earth receiv ing and retaining the benefit of every drop that fell. The heart of the farmer everywhere is encouraged in the belief that Providence will smile bountifully up on his labors the present season. D. Pon-, of this place, made, on Wor thing & M'LAUGnLia's table, the other day, the handsome run cf one hundred and fifty'-six billiards. Lake Sa West have re-opened their meat market on Main Street. TIlC Rher is unusually high for this season of thp year. Within the last week it has risen no less than six feet. It is near about "bank full." Of course i' is in most exc-ll nt boating order. Hon. John Taffe passed up on the "West Wind" yesterday. He is direct from Washington- No further appoint ments ha;! been mad when he left, for Ntbr-iska than those tlrady announced. Another New easiness House Our old friend, Richard Bhown, who a few wetks since sold his interest in the city Drug Store. , has been east and pur chased an entire new stock of Dry Goods, Groceries, &,, and will in a few da3's feD out in Sirickler'j? new building, on Wa:o street. We understand "Jacob, the County Treasurer," is to officiate "behind &e counter." That'll" do ; he is a popu lar salesman, and a good "clever fellow." The new firm will be Brows &, Strick Li' May they prosper. .lecture. We. neglected last week to notice the Lecture of Rev. A. S. Bil Ukcsly, before the Brownville Literary Society. . Although the regular course of ctures had terminated, Mr. B. by special tavnation lectured on Monday evening. fce 25th ult. Subject "The Mission of Pioneer." The address had been prepared with great care, and we consid tr it 6ne of the "Author's best efforts." Neighbor Reynolds of the Vctrs, as sumes to be the nucleus arouud which is forming a great conservative element in newspaprdom in Nebraska. Thai's cool The best smoking tobacco in town can be had at B-fry's. We have, and do hereby "puff" it and know whereof we speak. XeV Drug Store. See the adver tisement of J. J. Thcrman in to-day's paper. Mr. T. lately changed his place of business from Sidney, Iowa, to this city, and has opened out extensively in Whitney's Block, Main Street. We hope he may meet with a liberal patron- re. Cash BnSineSS. Iuthe future Theo. Hill will sell goods for cash or good produce ia hand He returns thanks for past liberal patronage, and informs the public that he is determined to sell goods at prices fo lev that he fears no competition. Cull nod examiue his large dock cf goods of ail kinds. Oxen Wanted. The subscribers are desirous or burmg three yoke of ftood, Lesvy three four or rive j-cr-Hl oxea. onc-thlrJ cat!), d baUnce ca-b in tlx wombs, cr payable in good on delivery of Caiue. Or we will ute Cattle on debt. n S9 D. J.MART1X &. CO. Ha7a & Sox have lately put into operation an extensive steam shinMe Manufactory in this place, and are now turning lout, at a rapid rate, an excellent . article of shingles, and at greatly reduced .prices. " W fc post,iTelT will sue every man owinr us br note account due, if they do not come forwnrd iia- ...Cotl. m.A ' .1 uiciiiiti; uuu jmj u?, us iDooiT we ttui nave. D. J.MAP.TIX A CO. March 27th, 15C1. n33-tf C. G. Dorse y, Esq., has opened a Law cSce, on'Main street, opposite the Post "WE will also be in receipt cf New Goods in a few days which we will sell very low for Ch or good U. J. MARTIN & CO. Countr Produce. March 27h, ISf 1. n33-tf Dissolution. The f.nn of II. Nuckolls & Co., is dissolted by mutual consent. Those indebtcoto the, fcrm will make payment to Houston Nuckolls. Those having claims gain?t tao rm will h pnid tv him. HOUSTON NCCK0LL5, S.F.UCVOLlS. St. Stephen, Ntl.riu', Hsrtb 4th,lS?l. r?a-4w Ayer'sSarsapariUa A compound remedy, designed to be the most effectual AUeratits that can ba made. It is a" concentrated extract of Para Sarsaparilla, so combined "with other Eubstancea of still greater alterative power as to tSbrd an effec tive antidote for the diseases Sarsaparilla is reputed to cure. It i beliered that such a remedy is wanted by those who aufTcr from Strumous complaint, and that one ihich will accomplish their cure must prove of immense service to this large class of our afflicted ftllow citizen. How completely this compound will do it has been proven by experiment on many of the worst C03C3 to be found of the following complaints: Scitorii.A Axr Scnorrrocs Complaints r.ucrnoNi and KutrnvB Dise.vse. Ulceus, lV.iri.r. Ur.oTciir.s, Tcuoim. Salt IIiiecjt, Scald IIkad, Stimuli axd Syphilitic Ar rccTioxs, Mkhcluial Disease. Duopst, Nec k a lgi a 0:1 Tic Douloureux, Dehilitt, Drs- TEI'SIA AND iNDIGE-tTIOX, EllTSirELAS, IIosb 011 St. Axi host's Fiue, and indeed the whole ells of toaip'oiiiti ari-iiig from Impciuty ok tjik l.o:. Tlii compound will be found a great pro motor of hiUi, wh?n t:i!i'.n in tlu spring, to expel the foul humor which fjstor in th2 bhio I at th:it sc:io:i of thi year. 3iytli2 time ly expulsion of tlior.i many rankling di.onbrs are nippi'd in th j bud. Multitude can, by the aid of this remedy, Rpare them:lves fro-ix the endurance of' ciuptioiu and ulcero;u sore;, thro lh which th? system wid strive to rid iUelf of corruption, if not awitcd to do thU thron j" the natural chanm-l of the by an alterative medicine. Cleanse out the vitiated whenever you fin 1 it impurities bur,!m;r through the skin in pimple, eruptions, or K)re; chime it wheii you Ibid it i ob structed and slnuh in tlie vein ; cleanse it whenever it i foul, and your feelini will tell you when. Even where no particular di ;ord:r is felt, people enjoy better health, and live longer, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all i well ; but with this pabulum of lifj disordered, th?re can be no iatin health. Sooner or later something must go wron-. and the great machinery cf life i disordered or overthrown. 4- Sarsapaiiihi has and deserves much, the reputation of accomplishing these end. Hut the world h;n been cgrt'-jiouly tleceived by preparation of it, partly because the dru alone ha nit all the virtue that i claimed for it, but toon? bfcnue many preparations, pretending to be coneentra'c.l extracts cf it, contain lut little of the virtue of Sarsaparilla, or any thing cLe. Dining late years the public have been mis led by largo bottles, pretending to give a quart of Extract of Sarsapai iila for one dollar. H0.1t of these have been fraud 1 upon the utk, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsopa rilla, but often no curative properties whatev er, llu-nee, bitter and painful disappointment lun followed the use of the varum extract of Sarsapaiiil-i which llood the market, until the name itself i justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call this compound Sarsa-jarilla, and intend t supply nicli a remedy a thall rescue the name from the load of obloquy which rests upon it. And we think we have ground for b.iieving it has virtues which are irresistible by the ordin:ry run of the disease iti intend ed to cure. In order to secure their complete era lieation from the system, the remedy bhould be ju-licioa-sly taken according to directious or. the bottle. r:iE!vitr.i cr DIE. J. C. AYEB & CO. LOWELL, MASS. Price, 91 per LSottle Six Bottles for $5. Ayer's oli eny Pectoral hns wm for itself such a ronown for the enre of every variety of and Lung Cmnpl iint, that it is entirely unnecessary for us to recount the evidence of it virtues, wherever it has been cm ii ;.'. As it h.ts long been in constant use throughout thin section, we need notd more than -sine the people it quality is kept up to the Lest it ever In liren, nud thiit it may le relied on to lo fir their relief u!l it hm ever Uen fjund to do. Ayer's Cathartic Pills, rem Tax: cxtre op "oifircnm, Jauiilicc, Dyspepsia Indigestion, hfirueri, I'onl Somtici, iCy-i'pe!as, l!cadctchct ;V-'. t, ll',tiiimiHn.i, l-'ritpious and Scit Diseases, i.irrr Complaint, Draft i, .Teller Tumors and t'l lilirir.ii, Worm':, (J.iut, Xt'tr'alyia, as a Uintvr rill, timl fur Vurifjinjthc Wood. They are sugar-coated, so lh;:t llie most sensi tive can tahe thr:n p.lensnullr, nml.tlicy arc the host npor'cit in the world for all the purposes of a "e.iiiily p!iys:c. ir'.-isj 25 ceatj per Po; TiTi hzz-ii for 1.0). Great nu'idirrs of Clergymen, riivsici.-ins.States-men, ami eminent personages, ltve h'nt their namf to rertit'v tiic unparalleled i;s fulness of ther;c remedies, hut our sjiace here will not permit the insertion of them. The Agents belo-v named fur nish is our AmkuioaS A.I.M an ao in wliiththey arc given ; with also full descriptions of (he silmve compl lints, and the treatment that should he fol lowed for their cure. IX) not he put olf hv unprincipled dealers with ether preparations they make more profit on. Dcinind Ayku'k, and take no others. The si-k want the best aid there is for them, and they should h ue it. AU our remedies ore for sale by For Sale by J. J. THUEAN and john cam, BroWnvillo, Ap il 4. JSGl. ly THE FCLLO JVIXG EXD 0 Jt SEME NTS Or SPALDING'S CEPHALIC FILLS, Will convince all who gaffer from MIAPACHIS, THAT A Speedy and Sure Cure IS WITHIN TIIEIR REACH. Mil Spalding. JUiionviils, ConiTcb 5, 'S31. ;sir : I h.tve trie.1 your Cephalic Till', and Ills firm o Ktll that I want you to send tao two dollars worth ti5fr?. Part of thee are for the neigh hor, to whom I gave a few ont of the tirt bix I g .t from yon. Send thi Pills by miil, r.d obligo Your oh't nervnnt. JAMES KESXEDT. I iliterfora, l reD. o, I33i. Mb. Spalding. Sr: T wish T"ti to ?end mo one more box of your Ce phalic l'i!N, hace receiced a grert deal of ben'Rt rum litem. Yours. i"?pectf liny. MARY ANN STOIUnOCSE. Spruce CreeJc, ITuntinrjton. Co., Pa., f January 13, 1831. ) II. 0. SpLDING. Sir: You will p!ea.o send mo two boxes of your Cephal ic rills. Send them immediately. Respectfully your?. SIMONS. P R Ihnre wed ont box of your Pill, and find than cxctllcnt. Ble Vr.rnon, Ohio, Jan. 15, 1831. ntxnY C. STaldino, Esq. ITcaro find inclosed tweny-five cent?. ffr which send me nnothcr box of your Cephalic lMls. They are truly the best Pill I hare ewr trifd. Direct A. STOVER, P M. Belle Vernon, Wyandot Co,0. Legal Notice. In tho Distrii-t Cuurf, Neiuaha. county, Nebraska Territory : lioratio Vi. Worrall.Francii Prenat, John W. Mul len, William Ddnywnd Iliinnah Delay, his wife will mke notico that Abncr Davison and David S. True, doing buiac9s as Davison A Truo, have filed a poti- t it'll nud oltt-rwarus iin ninondcu petition in too Court nioro.said ngninst them, the object and prayer of which is to foreoloso a certain mortgage on the northeast quarter of section six, in township six. north of rango thirteen, east or tho sixtn principal UK-redinn. in said county of Neinr.ha, inado by the aid Horatio G. Worrall in favor of George L.uck- obp, that the said land be sold and the proceeds ap plied in payment of a certain promissory noto for fj20 with interest at tho rate of five per cent, per munth-fn.rn Jnnnury 4th, 1659, niado by naid Uora tio O. Wiurall in favor of one George L. Nuckolls and assigned to faid plaintifs ; and also to delara null and void a certain deed made by uiiatn ueiny a ud Hannah Delay iu Octobtr, ISi' said Francis l'rinat ncd John V Mullan, and to debar, exclude nud forever foreclose said defendants and each of thctn of all riirht, titlo and interest which they may cl.iin to said lund; said defendants are required to auswer on or before tho 13th day of May. a 1331, or the Keveral mat ton therein stated will oe tatenas true and decree mnda accordingly. I1EWETT & THOilAS, Att'ys for K'ff. March 27. 1811. ri33-4sw-i750 SHERIFFS SALE. White ItassclA Co, j ts J Predtnoro A Dryden. J NOTICE is hereby riven that "by virtue of nnex- ecutu n issued by the clerk of the Di.trict Coort of Ncuiaha county, .Nebraska Territory, against uie de fendants Albert i'redinore & T M Dryden in the above entitled cause, and in favor of the plaintiffs therein hite, Uussel A Co, lor the sum ot one bundred and two dolhm and twenty-live rents, and the costs of suit, amounting to fit teen dollars and eighty -five cents. I, J. li. Weils, sheriff of said cuunty in said Territory, have levied upon and will offer for sale ut public auction, at the door of the house in which the last term of tho said district court for said county was held, on Monday the 23th day of April, A D IX 1, between he hours of I A 3 o'clock, p. it. of said day, and will sell to the highest bidder for rash in hand, the following described property, to-wit : the Miuihwesiof northwest of tho northwest quarter of section twenty-nine (2SJ.) m township five (5), range sixteen (16), east of the sixth principal meridian, containing ten acresof laud. tven as the property of T id Drden to sat isfaction an execution oginst him and in favor of Whito, Kus?el! A Co. J 13 WELLS, Sheriff, by J II Mosktsox, Dop'y. March 27th. 1851. n33-4-$7o0 Probate lNTotice. Philips administrator cf the estate of John Noys, deceased, lias made apnJicAtion to the Probata Court of Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, for one years extension of time tu collect the assets of raid estate aud p-j the debts arid lega cies chargeable against the same. Notice is hereby given that I have set the 22d day March. d 1851,at 10 o'clock, a ra, asthetimo for hearing said application at my office in Brownvillo in said county, when and where all persons iatcrest ed may attni and show causa why the said exten sion of time should cot be allowed. Witneii my haxd and seal this 5i J7 of March adlfcSl. (nS-6t-i5) C. W. WHIILLR. CURE KepvousHeadache CURE Ji By ttio riie of these Pills the periodic attacks of A erv out or Sick IJtadache maybe prevented; and It tken it the commencement or an attack Immediate relief rrom pain and sickness will be obtained. They seMum rail In removing itie Sautea and Heaa cche in which females a- e so subject. They act gently up n the bowels removing Costive ness. For Literary Men. Student, Delicate Females, and all persons or sedi ntanj habits they are valuabie as a Laxative, improving the appetite, piving fOJte and i ror t. the dicestive organs, and restoring the natural elasticltv mi l strcni'b. of the whole system. ThffCEPHALW PILLS are the resnlt of longinvestl eation and carefully conducted exueriments; having been in use many years, dariiic which time they nave prevented ami relieved a vast amount of pain and mU ferina rrom ITead iclio whether orisinatine in the ner vous system er rrom a rteranned state of the Stomach They are entirely vegetable in their competition. au! may be taken atall times with rerfe-t Mfefy. without miicine any chance ordiet. and the absence of a y dit aireable taste renders it easy to administer them ti children. Beware of counterfeits! The cennlne lave five signatures of nenry C- Spalding on each box Sold hy UrneeiPts and all other Deile's In Medicines. A box will be sent by mail prepaid on receiptor tao Price 25 cents. Ail orders should be addressed to HENRY C. SPALDING, 43, Cedar Street, New York. Dec. 6, 1830. n22-ly lfae Tentimonialncere unsolicited by Mr. SPAL DING, they afford unquestionable proof of the eficaey of this truly teieittific discovery. Beverly, Ma., Doc.ll, I860 n C Spalding, Esq. I wish for sorno circulars or large show bills, to bring your Ccphalio Pills more particularly before my customers. If you have anything of the kicd, pleaso rend to mo One of my customer?, who is subject to severo Sick Ilcadache. (usually lasting two days.) wm cured of an attack in onehourby your Pdls, which I sent her. ResnectfiiHv vours. W B WILKES. Reynoldsburg, Franklin Co 0. January 9, IS8L f LTenkt C Spalding, No 45 Cedar St, N Y Dear Sr: Inclosed find twenty-five cents, (25.) for which send hox of "Cephalic Pills." Send to address of Rev WmC Filler. Kevnoldsburg, Franklin Co, Ohio. Fbtfr PUli tcorl I He a charm curt Headache al most iustanter. Truly yonrs, V1 C FULLER. -A single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE will save ten times its cost annually. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE. SAVE THE PIECES I ECONOMY ! DISPATCH ! 2T""A Stick in Time Save 2V7i As accidents will happen, even in well regulated families, it is very desirable to hive some cheap and convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crock ery, f-c SPALDING'S PREPARED GLUE mets all such emergencies, and no household can afford to bo without it It is always ready, and up to tho sticking point "USEFUL IN EVERY HOUSE." N B A Brush 8ccomric' eflch bottle. Price, 25 cents Addren HENRY C SPALDING, No 43 Cedar Street, New York. CAUTION. As certain unprincipled persons are attempting to palm off on the unsnspeeliP" Wie. imitations of my roEi AliLU ULLi, wuu.u iduiiounti persons v i examine before purchasing, and see that the fall J nam's ETSPALDING'S PREPARED GLCEJ is on the outside wrpFr ; all others K9 iwiadlin ev:r.rfiis SEEDS MID MACHINES, No. 14, North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, MO. " Slzn cf iht GiU Plow, AndKo's. 203 Xortii Fourth St., or 213 Breaiwy. PLANT & BROTHER, ABE TtECIlIVINO a lrse assortment of Plows, Harrows. t'ii;uvtor, JIcs, I'.jies, -ftovels, Spades. Pk-o, Atm, liilfhct. Scjthcs. Soa:bs, C'raU :. K rfcs, G i:S::es, CaSirn' Broaoc.ut See.! S.c'S. J'.-Ci Luili, Hay. Strasr and C-rn St xk Cutiers, Ttireibers, Cjrn Se!Se:, Puirs. r ' ffBiriTTTi ' i mi ' 4 Kirbj's American1 iron Harvester. Revolving and Spri'ip t-oth Hirse Hiy Hakes, Kraiisrr' Cider ud rir.o Mills wi;b Press, SnsarCane Crabber aud Evaporators, itoti' Purtable r.irn.ce and Caldrons, Portable E isiiies anl H.jrseP.'wera. Portable Flonrund Corn Meal ilills, Wood and Iron Woikins itaclii cry, AiortUing and Tencmiig it..cliinc. Loihers. Kolt CutterR. Coach Screw, Lanterns, Qieen' Portable K-rs:e and BellJ'3, - Leather and UdU ing. Lace Leather and Stenm Puckinz, Frenche's tt.,s!i'n:e Machine Sreelrard PcTfs, GAS.DEX. flRASS ASD OTHER SEEDS. C5"Jend lor !irt u.ars.a Orders solicited and prompt 1 v cxecatea oy I'll ANT & DltOTHER. March, 1SGI. (Fn4-4m-An?3-4a) SHERIFF'S SALE. j- District Conrt. Lashhiugh & Carson, vs E. M'Cann, By virtueof a writ of ialo to ma directed from the District Court of Nemaha county. Nebraska Ter ritory, I will otfcr f;r sale, at the door of lb nnr Johnson's II ill, t!io plao where said Court held i:s la t term, in tho town of Urownville, Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, nn Tucsdav, iheSilih day f April, ISol. ut tho hour of 2 o'clock. P M., tho fol lowing lands nnd tenement, viz : tho west half of tho southeast quarter of section tun. in t-r,vnhip five; north of rang' fourteen, east of tho Cih princi pal meridian, in Noma a a count y, Nebraska Territory. J.IJ. WELLS, Sheriff.' by J. Il.MoKRisox,Dep. March 23th, 1331. n33-tw-$3 Fiske, Knight & Co.) In the District Court, Nc vs mnha County, Nebraska Tir- Moorc A Smith. ) ritory. Farlow S. Moore and William N. Smith will tike notice that James P. Fike, Augustus Knight, W.l liam B. O'arrett and Oliver llcnnct, oing business under the partnership name of Fiske, Kuight A Company, did on the 1 5ch day of December A D 1330 file their petition in said Court agnnst them tho said Farlow S. Mot re and William N. Smith, doing business under the purtocrsbip tame of Moore & Smith, defendants, setting forth thattho said defen dants were indebted to the said plaintiffs in thesntn of $520 80, with interest on said amount at the rate cf ten per cent, per annum from March 23th A D ISCO, as evidenced by a certain promissory note dat ed St. Louis September 23th A 1) IS53 for $'2d 80, due six months after date, mado by said defendants in favor of said plaintiffs. Said defendants are further notified that tho nec essary affidavit has been filed and th it an order of attachment has been issued against tho property of the said defeudant', and that tho following property bas been attached, to-wit: tho southeast quarter of sect'on 18. in township 5, north of range li, cast of thofith principal meridian, containing I'jO acred, si tuated in said county of Nemaha. Said defendants arc further notified that they are quired to nppear and answer said petition tn or beioro tno ZZd day of April A u 1351. IIEWETT A TflOMAS, March 4. 1361 r35w4 Att'ys for Pl'lTs. Administrator's Sale. PURSUANT to an order of "tbo Probate Court of Nemaha county, Nebraska, mado on the i d a iy ol February A u iS'l, tuo undersigned, nammistra tor tKoOflsh A iv .f A II IBriT. at. 5 n'l lnnk P 111 k I J IUV .tI J " ' ' ' " - - - -- -- M, in front of the offico of tho Probato Judgi of Nemaha County, in lirownville, will offor tor saleat public veuduc tho following described real p perry nan r-i'i to wit tho north half of tho e. uth west quurtcr of a.? V - .,,AU V-v i s.f .r,rt f PRC Linn iU- trilltUCIlj III ti lj.lj A.w. v ta-iiw v Tpm c fxF rn vmpnfc Onn li;l!F f:ish in riflnf'. frG AllUCV I J " " ' - ------T fourth in three months, and ono fourth in six months from thetimo ot t-ale. justrii mil ij, March 7, 1351 ,n35 Administrator. Isabella Grape Vines- Strongly Rooted Plant, 3 to 4 years old. Many d' them already fruiting in tho nursery, aro now offered at 10 per bundl ed or per thou sand. The Ticncli Raspberry. At S4pr 100. Large quantities at greatly ro duced rales. It needs no winter protection and bears two annual crops of fruit. Younz Catalpa. 4 to G feet SI per hundred; 5 to 7 feet $ per 100. Hardy Climbing Hoses, Fragrant llonoy Suckles, and nursery stock in gimpra! at tho lowest, rates. RICHARD M. CON KLIN. Ecerzrien Nursery, Cold Sprirg Harbor L0IT3 ISLAND, $5 Com Planters, Farmers, Look io your Interests ! Save time and unsure good corn crops all seasons, by plantinz with HUGH'S PATENT PLANTER. It is the only perfect hand nnchina in nc. Can be used in rod or elsewhere. It can be set to dr n any desired numher of grains. Drops and covers to per fection at ono operation. Forsalo at Dr. Hoover's store, Nemaha Citj', Th. Hill's store, Brownville, nnd at Peru. S7"fravelin g Aenl3 wanted, to whom a liberal discount will be made. Address, K. A. STEWART, 35 Nemaha City, N. T. SHERIFF SALE. D J Martin A Co, 1 vs District Court. D L McGary, ) " V.r virtna of an Order of Rata to tiie dimm ed from tho District Court of Nemaha county, VKrualia Tprrifdrv. I will otTer forsala. at tho dor.r of Homer Johnson's Hall, tho place where said Conrt "It . X"" l nc.d its Jasi term, ia xrowcviuo in aaia icmaaa county, On the 29ihdav of April, 1661. at 1 o'clock, P if, the following proporty U-wif tho . . . 1 . A . 1 .1 .1 . . 3-04 ncQividca pari oi tao souinwcsb souio east quarter of tho northwest quarter, and tho south vpst nnnrtpr and tho southeastauarter of tho north east quarter, and lots 1. 2. 3 and 4 of sccsion twenty, and lots 1 nnd 2 section 17, all in township four, north of range sixteen, east oi tne sixrn pnnaipni meri dian, Nemaha connty. Nebraska Territory, and the whole of lot 4 block 60. lot 2 block 63, lot I block 31, and lot 9 block CI, ail situate ia the town of Brown vi'Io, in said Nemaha, county. j li u t.LiiS, cneni by J U Moaaiso.s-. Dcp'y March 27th, 1551. n53-4w-$7jO LEGAL NOTICE. Thomas Heady, 1 Nemaha County Dis vs. ! trict Court, of the Sec- Henry Neimicr and fond Judicial District, Caroline Neimier, J Ncbnska Territory. Th hoTe named defendanr. Uonrv Nciuiier and Caroline Neimior his wifo, will take notice that the above named plaintiff, Thomas Heady, has filed a pe f t tha (Tnurt aforesaid Dirainst them, tho ob- bibtuu ' - - ject and prayer of which is to i.buin a dscrco for the sale ol t-e loiiowing reai estate suuaiea in saia county of -Nemana, lo-wn: ico nona cast quarter of section sixteen in townsaip six, north of range fifteen, east of the sixth principal meridian, and to have the proceeds of said sale, or ao much as may to riecssary, applied totho payment Of acerMin jalg ihent rendered at the April terra A D, 1859, cf said Court for I3l 82 atd costs of suit, in cn action wherein said Thomas Heady was plnintiff nnd said Henry Neimicr wasdifeadant ; and also todebarani exclude said Carolin? Neimier of all right or title to Eaid land which she may claim therein teparate from her husband. Said defendants are required to ans wer on or beforo tho 13th day cf May, x D 1331, or the several matter? alleged will be taken as true and decree made accordingly. WM. McLENNAN. At'jr forPin'ff. March 27, 1331. n33 4w-,759 MAG X E3I IIOSUJI SQUASH. The subscriber bsa fair supply of seed cf IMs very desirable variety of sqnasb, wbicb be will send by mil to any adJrei post patd at 15 cent per pacxipe. Iu quality It Urulfy eual to the celebrated nr.bMrd, and in size and productiveness it fsr exceed tint variety. Taken altogether it is one oXtbe best. rpT. 1. A. LiJil, Marih, St C-tteent City. LEGAL NOTICE. Satnnei Ca".m, 1 lair.IT ) ts V Ia Clas:?ry. FicMinzII. J hn k 0i:r. deffts.) Said Ftclau gll, John tf the Stre cf Mi 'four?, is l.:roh? not;::-1, thr.t thi 15;h day of Fvbru ruary. !s-JI. S .::i:n.l C;.i:-in f.l 'L in the Ck-rV ff t, i f the Di-.ricC Court , f ihc s cor.d Ju In :. l dis trict T the TerrU ry of Nebraska, in and for. "ii.i ha County (in a petition against LiaiHii 1 cfher.t, wbioh willt? ir hearing at tho r.xt Urn: cf y'hl c whi:!i pc tiU.n(amongMhcr things ; said CVlian cfiitasand d'.'macds'cfrtain right tt.ia and to the j Dj-erty (, r pi'sjeeris t'-croot ) Uttly con siilutirg the s:?aai I"erry-b.jt "Ote" and a--'.. t . r ib appoiutiacnt tf a receiver nnd fur the state ment ot an ao:;.Uut batwea hirn an d sai d John, ai.d that bo is rc red to a.-.swf r said j -jtitij ca tr oo fra the23:h diy of Ap.-i!, ll. BCLDEN A T. V.. T1770N. S .Hcitors f;r Cwi:pt.untr.t. March 22, D. J. Martin A Coin;.my "J v. lath'? District Corrt tf Sanucl Cfillan. Wil- J. Nemih county Nehr.s liam P. lies an ! Marji- i Territory. Ia CLaa rct J. IL'js, ;f wif.'. ! eory, William P. H"ss anl f.rgrrt ITss bis wipc. the above namod ('t'endants, : 11 tik'. notice that Da vid J. Martin, Stephen V. N -k .lis and ll-'ath Niu-V-olls .d bnsincss as D. J. 'I irtia A Company, did on, tho lVih day of Mar-h, A r IS U, ill. his a curded p.;titii n in thcabtve ramcd Ncnnha Cbiir.ty Dis tiict Ci nrt against ti e Faid defei-darst-, Sanael Culhm, Wilii-.m P. Hovt, and Margaret J. ll.'ss. tn f..roclode a certain m"r' a - ni i Ij and recorded on the lth f f April, 1-60. by said Samuel Cd'an in f.ivorrf the said j lair tiff--, cn tho fi.-!lowir' describ ed real estn'e, situated in Find county f Nemaha, to-wit: tho Northwest quartrof th-s south west qaar tor of section 22, town-hip N;. G, us-rth of rango 13, east of the C;h principal meridian, in Neinahacoun ty, Nebraska Territory, ct staining 40 acres. Said mortgage was given to fceuro a certain promiaijry r.ote made by said Samuel Callan, ia favor cf sai l t-Kintiffs. dated April Bih 1:59, for tho sum of one hunlred dollars with interest: from that lira;, at tho rato of twenty-five percent per aunum. The pray er of said petition is to sell said mortgaged land to satisfy said claim, and tocxnlaJa and i'oreetoso said defendants cf all right, tilla or interest ttcy may claim therein. Sai i defendants further notified that they nro required to answer saTJ'J."3l!Tlon oa or beforo tho fith day or Mny. a T 1SSI. HKWET'T A THOMAS, Att'ys fcr ri'ffj. March 21, 1351. 4t-5l0 Fiakc, Knight i Cu.l In tho District Court, No vs. maha County, Nebraska Tcr- Moore A Smith J ritory. Notico i3 hereby given to Farlow R. Moore and William N. Smith that James P. PUk. Augustus Knight, William D. Garrett, and Oliver Uennot. partners undjr the name and stylo of Fi.-ke, Kuigbt A Company, did, cn tho 1 1th dty cf January ar 13(51, !J tbeir petition in siid Court against tho said Farlow S. Moore nnd William N. Smith, part ners under tho nam j of Mo-are A Smith, defendants, sotting fur'h that the said defendants arn indebted to the said plaintiffs in the sum cf $'.0i CO, with in terest at the rato oftix per cent, per annum, from the 27th dvy of July A i 1310, for goodj aal mer chandise by tke raid plaintiffs to the said defendants beforo that time s;ld and delivered at their special instance and request. Said defendants are further nti2ed thattheneo cssary affidavit having been filed. an order of nt'a?h tnent has bcon issued against thoir property and tiiat the following real estate bas been attached, to it : tho southeast quarter of section IS, in township 3, north of rango 15, cast cf tho Cih principal meri dian, situated in said county .f Nemaha. Said defendants aro further uoti5;-d that they arc required to answer said petition on cr before tho 22d day of April AD 1331, UEWETT & TnOMAS, March 4th, I3ol n35wl Att'ys for Pill's. Sheriff Sale. V Distri let Court. Lushbaugh A Carson, vs R B Stout A J W Co'eaan By v;r:uo of two writs of salo to mo directed from tho District Court of Nemahacounty, Nebraska Ter ritory, I will offer fur salo at tho door of Homer Johnson's Hull the placo wheio said Court hel l its last Term, ia the town cf Erowcvillo, Nebraska Ter ritory, on Tuesday, the SOM day of Jpril, 1S61. at tho hour cf 1 o'clock. Pit, :ho following lan-Js and tenements to-wit: north wct quarter of sction thirty-two, township five, north of rango sixteen, cast of the sixth principal meridian, exeept 32 acres off the west side of the northwest quarter of said sec tion, Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory. J IS WELLS Sheriff. by J H Mount-SOS, Dept'y March 27th, 1S51. n33-4.v-Si - a S3 COt m to C5 i- t --r - s ? ? a a 4 Si 'Si im. r- - f; H J: o d c o u M . J 3 c rr - o i o j o r c s, o D C. -r z. Tl ? - J4 - C ' S is - a 2 i 5 '2 y fl ct i - 2 Z - 4 . "- a - tr CO - . 52 T3 " S L si a t " a - Z a i . u ' - 2 0---2 : . - r ; : ? x 5 " - a z a . u. V; T,oO t ? "2 5 2 .B. S u$f o p , a o h x - c i i. X i 2 I Z ' e - e v. 2 - 5 --. "39 O x. 1. r 3 o .- X " a J3 OS o M ri m (!, W - .i ' 1 fJl t " r. I 4 w7c. 2ao . i 3 . i i: u o i T i ; - - . o t ? t . ; - 3 t- "T -z - - " c r o " a k - s - " "S - S - 2 fjci-j: c - f 2 - 3 - -5 Z ? C - - w c - I- w M O t- H J " A . e - - 3 o . " " e " - - - c z. - Si : 2 , 2 6- if r S x a J3 s s 9 - - Oargauis! I3argahis! GREAT SALE OF TOWN LOTS, BUILDINGS, STOCK, ko. in PERU, I7EBF.AGHA. THTJ undcriigned vr"l on Monday, the Gift day of May, lcGi, in tha CITY OF PERU. N. T., Cffr for sale, to tho hight bidder, tha followij property, vix : 1C0 CHOICE LCX3 in tho ciTr or rrnr. One niaclismitli ana Vr'agon sliop and lot n which tbo same is siluu'.cd. ILo un divided cne third pnrt of a CABINET SHOP. and tho let en which tho sirr.j is si'cated; also a HORSE POWER which is attached to tho earns. Alio a large and commodious WARE HOUSE in the tewn of Mount Vcrnoa aijeisieg tho City cf Peru, said to be tho BEST WARE HOUSE on the Missouri Hiver North of St. Jcscch. Also, a Ur 'e lot of CATTLE KITCHEN AND HOUSEHOLD Furniture. I have also abont 40a Airn3 cf CHOICE FARMING LAND, Adjoining Peru. Which I wiii sell on easy tcrsn at private sale. lcrmsof sale: Dae third Cash :a nana, and tie remainder i a six aDd cine months, with lrg a I intoresi. SIa to continue from day today until a!L is toll. Salo to coaiocaco At 10 o'CttfCc of i lid tly. U. W. r itAME. Pern, March 25tb, 1S51. t33-tf Osier Willov Cattisrs. The te-t variety trr rairltct irA tcr live in.;e (Sslix pa.purej) ?-ico J S per th;.ti?a.rad. Byrrii;! stofud, tor esperis-.enr, $i pr tuc-ied. I). L. HAUvKir, ilm.h, riri Victory, Ciyu; Co., N, Y. VALUABLE GIFTS Willi .Si 5 i ' rt GEOHGE i. EVANS Oriinjl Gift I3cc!i3 Entcrjrirc; Virmamnlhj locct.-d at i2(J CV.f,.';.t it, CV' J l U.:! 1 i i L. iultUi . r ji R D ITATINQ purchase d the srr-.d. cs Irr-n T.V-Vi, No. -I 'M Cbstnut Strict, and lilt, d it cpwith e-ry rer v?a;cnro to laci.'Hiir uiy i -t: j ;i.- .ru.i 7 Kriincri ( I .- .1 f .1 Ct , v T ; V CcMH! E:,i!.V. irg a I'-grc.?p!t-i thnti rry iiicr psrtj iu the Ius:r, I am r.o ; p v.-' I t. e :". r grcate-r rt.!v.'cteg"a, ual L.-ttcr g:f.s tLaa ever befer tD taj castr-insr. I wiii furnish rry bi (ef a nonl rrarctr piiMi-hcd in the United State, the rs'ail , whi.-h ione d.-llar or ttpwnrd, and p;v( aprcsrnt wtrth frcm JO e?3 to SlC with ci-h b--k, end (-11 '1 r"i Tf r J. in r-'iVf T.Tt't ! - f.t-: ! . . It . 11 f fin i - s ........... - t .... ... , . . ... teniiincd tocii:r.:ain th? rirutatl-.a already be stowed upon m ' cHab'.isiimcr.t. S;raies vi"t:n 1 !i:adv. " :a are invited t call aiiJ judga fur th.Las.lvcF. u. u. i. AJs. If yon w intany lo'd.s. send t GEO. O. TOWNS' Itcriiabla Gift Dock Ln'.er;ri, 415 Cb-stnut S:r, ct, I'Li'i dci; hit. Where nil lckare ?t !dat the ir'uL! i'iiior'a icw;t j-rijc, and you have- tho of A Eundsonio Present, worth from 50ju to I dollar wu'a ei'.-.-a bok. G G EVANS' Ordinal Gift F.ntir-Tice hs.s been endued by tho P ek Trad.jao-l c'l the b i.'iigriry ad c-jutry p pcrs ia ths Lr.:ted Sta.cs. G G ETAN3' Pttn-lual br-.-ii:e3 trnr.?a.;.-nrshn received tho arirre-b ttioil tf CT"f f,0r0,000 citijcVs tf fie IV.'r-t State?, ech of wht-r.i ha"" rceMvr.t rubs:ar.t.;r. cvi. cc of t' -J ber.--t. iii - Iwo'ai at bi derived by i -ar; establishment. G G EVANS nasdor.- more than a-y Cher p'ib lichcr t boolnciier in tin Union 1 1 wards diffusing ka-jwiedg-j tr th propl?. Ly Lis sys'eun mn.y books srcreid tb-;! not baTO f und their way tho bin ?! of rcadirj. FranZ Le,l! X - 'r. G G EVANS keeps constantly r:i Lut i ti.e tr.rt cxte.iaive stock, the gre:'.' r f B)cks, and cireul i'-es fr:o to a',1 who mny apjly. lhu-ra..t r-n-rlete catalog--'. cf Vu:i and UiftJ in tbo United Sut.". G G EVANS has advantages eff-rel to b!ra by other publishers nr,l ianifvturci vhich enable hi.a t furr.i-h hisia tromwith a Gr.rr qui'liy nnd bct'.cr o?(.rtm:nt cf gifts than auy o her cstabli.-hment. G O EVANS publishes nearly two Lntdrcd popa J'irand ir.tert:ng hot ks. therefor, os a pnbli.-hcr, ho is hotter able to t-er extra Trer.-.iums a:.d commi:: tions. G G EVANS fruaranleesrcrr.'ctsaftirixlicatoa.l who may serd for bo.!ts. G O EVANS' new clas-ilicd c-itulogj ef becks embraces tho writirn f every star. dard nuthoriti every dpntmcnt c lRerature. and gives all tho informa tion relative to the purjha;r.g ar. I forwarding by mail or express, cf book ordc rf d fro m h is cs t a b 1 i h rr. e n r , t -ether with full directions how t- remit rac-cey. G G ENVNS'Catalognet.fDooltswillbe'iTtjratls and free of p''tr,g3 ta any adi.-cn in tho United S:nc.. O G EVANS' inducement.' to.Agrrt.osn r.-jl surpassed. Th? mist librr.l roni missir.nsare i.fftred. an I l.y?..,.!ci.i.-'g subscriptions to Ivnlu in the manner prcpiscd, twenty bookscfic te Sf!l In the sure time that it woald taku to I clloneoa thor.ld-f iui mcd ut vrip tion plan. Send foraclasdSed Cat a!r"ue, and every Information wi'l b given in reforence to cjeneiei. Se lect your books ar.d eo :l '.e tho a moutitof notiey rc-loir'-d, and cr trial will sali-fy vu that the b'vt tlaco in the country to purchaa botiks is at tho Extcnslrc Girt Boo!; Esta'jHoSncnt GFORGE G. EVANS. No. 433 Chc-Mut S r. bjlr-clsihla-Whert von can rjit of n'l I " Ucv-jksof fact! Docks f fi-tio.i I Ilor .s of rV votionl Ito-.ks cf amusement I llooba f. r the t'i.l Folks! Books for tho Young Fo'.l.i ! Do-.ks for Husbands I P.oofcs for Wives! Do!:s for Lover t. Uoohs for Sweethearts'. Dook'for I'oji! Dock for (iirls ! Hooks cf Humor 1 D io'n cf Poetry ! Uooks of Travel ! Hooks cf llit.ry 1 ilorki ci Hi ngraphy ! lirol.sof Adventure I Pochs abt it Sail ors! Itooks nbe.ut S. ldirrs; D -fh? rJtnt Irciian t Lccksabout Hunters I Looks r.b .ut I! i.-s! Cooks, about Patriot-! Cooks for Far.T.'.T3! J'.wcka f r Mechanics! Ducks for Merchants ! Do ksf-r Phy sicians! Hook3 fir Lawyers! hf ksfor Statcsrsrr, ! iSibbjs! Presentation D oks ! Ilrmn Locl.s I Ju venile Pv,ks ! Annuals! Albums, ef;., cts. Cecil li. Hartleys Internting )i"VTphi-.' ! Cev. ' J II. Ingram's Scriptural lbnnarcel Smuoiter'a Lives ct F'itr!otA Statesmen ! J. T. Lauren's Krv olutlos Stotics! T.S. Author's p- uh.r T', I Mr. Alcot's lamily Doctor! M-s, U.-ri'z's N'.yt-!jl Mrs. Southwirth's Novels 1 Dickon's Njvc!I Waverlv's Novels ! Irving's Works '. All the writing? of every staudarJ author rfvcry " department cflit'rrature, in every style in binding, at tho publishers lowest prices, nnd tht you pay no rncro thin yeu would at ny'.h,reckr' l;shiuont.rr.d yet have tho advfar;" of rccit ir..r on e'egant present, whiih oftcnt.m "? is- v: r-'j a han ded fold mora tl an tho ntr.ount pai 1 f r bortk. SliND lO't ACLASSIrlCI) CATALv'-l'i: Or' COOKS, order any look that jen l.-'V rctr.:'. the retail pric, together wirh the mi iuat "quiril for peytaje: ar.d one trial will s '-'are yi u i!-'t t;. best place in tho ecu a try to pur.-hare. vl tha Gift DjoI; EalatliaLiacnf. -T UilW.r. Cr. EVAN?, Originatcr cf th Gift Cor k l.rt-i r r.-c. iZ9 Chestnut fjitt, l'hiia-i-hl. AGENTS WANTED. To w?:om greater tnJuccai:ntj .aa tvcr ara offered Any person, either rlo or foa;a??. Hh-. it (?;. .. nns r.f enffpreing in n l!ONO.'tALr, as"4 Vi'Mr 1TACLE EMPLOYMENT, reqnirirg tut time and na outlay of L:jicy, a:;d bj-Tihi.h they cas ob tain rrat:s A Valuable Library, A Fipe Gold 'atch and tliain, A JL-neV-'Ei Service of I I at-, Ar. Elegant Siili D.-cm Patcm, A,Sp'.oadid Se'.tof Jewjlry, Orniay other choice articles et!axur?.;cd ia enr List cf Gift.', can do so by acting .s aa a-?t fcr this e?tabli?hnent. Any pcr.'m,in any part'f te c"tm!ry, c.r. .? n agont, tirr.piy by terming a c!'.b, s.-r.diig a li.t cf bov':,and raraiiticj tb. aa-.dat of mmoy rr-;c:resl ft r ths snma. Semi fob a Cataloice, wh!;h -:ntaia a!! the desired information relative to agT.cics and the formntim of clabs; anl fo f-nro prorar.t aad Lea orable dalitg. cl'J:C--s a!! crlirj to The IlA3 QrASit.3 os GE0.O. EVAN".". Prrpriefcrcf ihrs o'dest nd brgo.-t Cirr eccz Ly tebpriee in the world,!7 locate i at No. 439 Chestnut Sfrorr! Phi la.i.dr-Mi. - Tlie German Ltina:r:c Taupii?. Louis Wjlcr pr.-po!ti to epn a :.!-'-.f--V - 1 f- gl-e inf.trn t!en lr, tha Gormin. All wto w-i r j r .a of ttis slnd win )eve their oaoicsa: ihePt-CS.:e. February 21, '61. Of Ui kin-is. tor sie at tn:? orfiC? To All lVIiom it 32ay Concern. All person j icdsb'.ej to Wru. T DEN, cither cn bock account, cr fcync to.sro ht-rcby notiSed to eiJl ar.i peya-ion or before tb; 13-h day of Mar?h H31, acd thereby save themselves trouble ard fcv. Crownvi'de.Feb.n W.'I.T.LEN. MRS. HEVETT, MAIN STREET, Ar.r.onrccs to the 7vcs si 5:e-mr.;:o zzl v'.J.'r ttj.1 kia ii is Just ccrciveu ter STOCK GIT1 MlLLLNEltY" GOOD To wa'.ch sie ct','.s psrtirn'sr st;-r.'lr. rr ?-! are o: te orj ;it; : if 3 .e ti'icvl i.r. it.y !dw r- ic'i- 0 0