Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 28, 1861, Image 3

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rriE ad;ertiser,
er0u7cville; mar. 23, 1661.
t7o 6 ai.
v AvriMW Material ct all Xir.d'.
:k aU . " KV,rrk. .hJ Browa'.lro
fanner, and- Jdtcrtner.
51 it " " ssurs T' B G ELV-
Slates and Fcrrfen Vctrspnpcr
TT rents in Ft. Louis. acr-.
A.fprt- - K05HUC, G?nerl A'lvertMnz.
tsi I;;.1.,,,.ueu, OliveSr. L...H.
.....j.mC n jil(tt C (J. ttt4 ,,,,.,..
,l,i,iC'-"J",,i.t...i.fllie,t, f.,rt-!li tti-.linT-
7.i t '
in.-- l-i : ; s f'jr ti.e 'i.if
We call the attention cf cur readers
to the April No. of the Nebraska Farm
B. It is well Elkd with able contribu
tions from various portions of the Terri
tory, on account of which it is a valuable
and reliable paper to send to friends in
the States, who desire to hear from the
far West agriculturally.
Cash BnsIllCSS. Io the future Tnto.
Uill will gill goods tot cash or good produce ;a band
lie rctaroi thanks fur pat liberal patronajr', and
informs the public thit he i. determined to sell goodi
at price so low that ke fears no Ill
and cnunine bis large stock of goods nf all kind.
npartant to Advertisers
' . r ' rT l' H .'ti 1' liiic.'to (lis-
XCtT GOOdS Dts who is determine
not to be ou:doi:e or uudt-rId has just
returm-d from Si. Louis with and is now
p' fiiu tr the L-ri atf?t variety of Boot..
Siiu s. Clothing, Hats, Dry Gnud. Gr.
c rip-, Jf tn!vHr-. Qu'irwar-, and
a! .Mi-. ; i j;rn;.; as Las n-.-vt r Lr-fore I t tn
.titri d i r j litis marki-t. .IS It
.'in -J '
. '
r.'.r-r j 1 v .1 ; i
1 1.
. a- or- H
. :! Kit-.
n "it t f '
ct in t!na
-y h Ailv- r-
t tli Auri-
A'.lh's' t' !'
. d tit .ii l.!y i.
Th- (jaiJ- ;t St d
1IAIXAJE, cinbracinj; s Lritf hturj of
tirjlerlraiu:n ; JoUilo: exatainatioa f 4:s
npt-rtK.B a ad .iraiitagci; a Uecrition vt
variuu ViLdf drain, ith jrcikl direc
tions for their constractioQ ; the uaoufacturec!
drtia tile, et?, illustrated hj nenrtj ID8 engmri
Ts: 4j fe!t; D Jju. il. KLirPAsr, .utlitr
of tlie-W hcat Plai t, nrx.oliu.rrrUr
. cf thtOLio ytate Card f Agrkul:uo. Ujscst
Clarke & Co 1'wUiaher. Cioctouuti ; butiu J in
We ore iodeLted to the publishers who hve . laed
J f theabure work oa our table. We bare
glrfoeed -T-r iu e tot biati! The aathorj
tiauie, however, i 5.3ent juarractee to us that
tbe b-.k is a valuable one n drana, a sulj-jct
eiijjrts.j.g theatt. nti. h.f nricuItnriiU eTenahcre
We will rf r the utj t auj bock anin.
The Frrr nmtl Gnnltmir, ai.J (he Mrriei
Ie Journal huTe been relived. Tbeje atandurd
j liblu nt en.- arc i.-u. d by A. il. Spanulkk Co
25 N..rtfi Sixth .street. fhiidI)bio,at price which
p!a-e them within r.acb f every Fanner al Aji
arin. IVilb of thru, toi ih r with a Latdjme
IVt it.ii.iu I".uk, ar! furnished at $i.iO jer aucum.
This we b-.lierc t be cIi jk.t thu any iimiUr pnb
li nti..n iu .he ouDry, and nh to!-ire fr ihetn
u "mm; tinultiii ii. Tbtjge ahi dejiro to
tlj. in ran Ataiu iui 'n pita without t-bar, by
Kii ln-in the uMi-brr Sab ve.
Notico to Pro-emptors-
XciuAlia Lnl Oi5 -p. I
UrowBr.Iif. A'cbnka. Jan. ). IS 1!. J
TnUn'tV. .'i,-kH. Ja" Tramni"lJ. A arm .
Ke'ly, Th. u.x E. Hasfr lt. John L. McKee. Jhn V.
Erans, Jo'sa Lirlett, Wi.liam, Andrew Shaf
fer, Xi.-bt.U-! Shid-;cr, John Won ell, Aaron B.
ileMahin, Jjaios IlaiiDoa, and Lfurii Lockwood :
You nra hereby D.tifil t af.pesra tSe Iind Of r.ruworilla X. wifjia thirty d. 7 fn-nu th
dila of tat notice, an 1 mike additional prof ia rc
Uti tn t y -ur .re-eta j-ti-.n entries, in tu--rd wtee
with io'tnit-tiiiM ftvm theCmmi.ui.ner t thetitm l acd t);3 Ht U'.-hini;t in,in dafault f which
wearsaLtb i d tj Ciiceet said eutrie?.
The fn'.towinz irifi an rejnirJ to arprnr with
in COd ty lr.;ii r tb. I UK I'-U : Wiley I I- H.niM .'I r.-'ta.'e ItciMi-k ll-.ra d'W-rd, .Jofej h K.
OH ad:n!ni'rsit"r f eafe -f Ein--ry IS. Leeder.
John W. Ci.k.-!y. Wil'tan Zcm W aif. l;i. hrd
Vancf, I'nry H-rin' Edward tl. SLaun n, IiIiu
S'rH'yf. jruiK. C.-rli..
The fc:ji-:nT i'-ns ae n.tiaed tw appear wl. Lin
3.iir rr..ui Ket '2i:
luvi.l Lt Ij i. irj $i ter. TTmr A K-pe!4 CH
r.';!e, 5t. wetl E i B W. Iul.t, l.iw.
ren e F.' rell Si utit-l itnleiar Ira Snilwrl i U Il'iii-ni(;e-c'
it itrf.ew D. V -hie Ge-.-te h Wii
IIiiuH St.jier J .me- Fx. V i'iel M .rifjti Will .in
Et th n c tbee PiiiS the perl.rflie attack f Jn- . , u, n ..ii ,.r.,
out or S:, I U-odacht Ji4jbep evened; atnl il ikeii "''.Y"'":, .,' ... ".;':;"- . 7. '. '
il i
(t r - j
i : .
To Your Heal Interests !
Citizens of Brownvillc
And llse Kest or Mankind
' in a.' .i i aai a 't. jiawm3 1 ''-
-1 SM''
!! iKI'Ei: (K AI'KIL.- V.- uron -,u- tabl ;
jo II. A. Tt-rrv ar- 1 5ir , r i. . r -T:,,.. 1
.-.i'.', it ;i !- r l.y ry un-, ahnu.-t. li. tl.H
n-i.-rf. Tn- y art- t..r .-al' nt .Manin'a.
H;!!-. and th- Advi r:i;. 1 ,fi'ic-.
Ill T0in. W. wen- J. lij.t d v.-
II . .!!!. . ... ...... ... .1. -..
i: ,v 1 1 iu.i i.i jut.-. 1 11. u v iiur sine i i 1
- . a;', ,ii.r -1 v.'"411 lYi ,1-1 J ..-!.' B B Fmzi h, ot Un -md,
r 'iiw larj'T and !ai!y iip rt-aM:.,: j J0. 'piie Ju lf was t.u-; uf th orii
3j 0f a.;y cth'T esial li:hiutnt in na prpriCtora" of Brownville, and is di-s-i-c
, ntitry. J poo d t ! qsi'.e a?toni?hfd at oiir rapid
' - ... "...I .-,,.trrrt ill. ! . T .. ill .
T riiia will -IV " vim...--.--- jif it's.-. w-ii u:uai, hiu -wnou tun-
r, (3 iii. on ap hliin
PeirCncr W'.-in!rd In I!iC Prialin;
A rareopp rrtuni:T u j
id in ttii Cce to
re ,a-artiei l ter fH.tan rt.,tn-.n.l a rr.n
, .m u..t ..r C-nt'tal. - "-'c.W K'"f'r
nt m.d :r,Uu. the printing
4T.eina'l it- 4---t-H- ; cidi-mut
.'. a IU--"rC. ilVnolLd;;e T other Uatia dtr.Jv
; ur the f-j-crintcmicnt of a : eoudaeted
,iit:nj Cue.
Api.tioant,f not rcr.n nil j known, rau.t be well
j. iaiu-r.lcd a ibusiDe-4uabnjaf.orw ai.Jtady
b t'. Kr .u-ti .-uturaad-ircs. Adtrtiier," Urown-.cbr-k.
diti-.n;" can l.itr" and.tfou't "join an
' exi't (ii:iciiM if n c s-ary. -
Allex Blacker. Eq., District Clerk
for thi Judit-ial D.ttriot, and J VMoohe,
Ei , ShoriJr of Otoe County, are aIo
in town. We understand Mr. Blacker
has or will resign the Clerkship, and de
vote hitntlf to the practice of his pro
fesion Law in the Territory. He has
made many warm friends since his resi
dence in Nebraska, and we wish him
success in whatever he may undertake.
Tj Cjrrponaenti. ;Vtf feel as-
reJ that koe iritimau-!) acquainted
,th u.s u ill bear witness that we are not,
r uetT were, picayuniah." and yet
e l moat respt cifully to say that we
iniot rtpiy to the "thousand and one"
-it'.Iar)' erju!ri'-s which crowd upon u,
i in whi.h we have no personal inte
nt whatever, unless accompanied by with which to pre-pay postage.
ritbin less than two months p;?t there
is accumulated upon our tab!e 203 k-ttcrs,
:t one ef which we are i:i the leas; dt-
NeW PIOVTS. Tnro. Hill, D. J.
Martin & Co., and D. Posjr have all re
ceived new supplies of plows this Spring.
They are ot the jnoat improved patterns
and up. rior workmanship. Farmers can
all now be supplied.
Terry's Garden Seed can Mill be had at
Hill's, Martin's and Advertiser office.
Great Sale of Property. By ref-r.
c :?':. to our adv-rti-iug coh.mns it will b"
seen that R. U'. Frame, of Peru, in this
county, proposes to sell at auction a larjje
ree interested, personally. Here at ; aill0ur,. cf reai esIate ,oth jn loun ail(-
ast four days hard w-irk, say S12; 8,couritrVf l0iraher wih stock, buildings,
jire letter paper, 200 envelops, ou
:s ; postage, 6G.0O ; total, S20.50, for two
:onths, or S121 51 a year. Tnree cents
;r a single letter it is true is but a trifle,
ct it is aeen it amounts to in the
:urse cf a year. Let tho;e who write
and machinery. Mr. F. designs going
into other Ix.sineps, and will in closing up
his present atTairs give gn at bargains.
Bcrrj & CO. "J'-m" has just return
ed from St. Louis whre he luis been
s on their own bu;:nes; xclosiv. !y, here-. j urchasinrr Spring supplies, md promises
iv o t ;'ih the th an thit g'" in tl e way "f ch ap
;y. ! t. da-Groreri.--, &c. Th y lave been
5:er, taLe nutue, arid
ui:i:eiv atii: iowls.
Ui, IS enc of ;ae h.-ii.-r., ..i. v r ! lil-.truini: th. it stor-- r.miii som. what and A w PJL' "f lM; re'eb ated varie' of fowl tnaj
i le ti il at $5 per piir on applicatiuii to the mvcitber.
;ir- 'li re'wr-. h:li!ij .p with a .arg:-r v-tcn k
r.i r. ty t'HiK. IUluCK. i.- ih: 1 a.jn.,; r;i it :
; i:.-nivly ill Uft rated A li-h f in ;" .
h;tT ii lli'ei," aitd "lUrt-y, the II .r-c Tim r,"
i!m j roi'urvly illustrjted. Ibo "t.a.i.r'i invr,"
'a uiiujiual.y iutt-rcetiLj.
t the c mineiK-iiietit ( ah attack iniutelite re.iel
frtn pxin ant -ick ie- will be b(int
They elt .ru rail lu rem viuK sfce Xamts and Head
re t wt.ich foiuie a e nbivct.
! They act seotly i-p.n the b we . em ,rin Coitivt
! am
j F .r Literary Me. Studmi Petira'e Frnia'e. an.l
, pe-- n -t tfdt ntnrj hnbit "tiey are valuable a a
Lixitive. imp ..vina ihe 'pr-e aiTinir tone and
gor t- ) 'tiee-ure ..'paii. -it :e-t.imi tLe natural
el i'i.irv tn :riir'h nt the wb Je ytem
Thoi'KPIIAbb: Pi I.LS re tte re.nlf if I up lnve-!l-
lrii.ii Mini rure'tjilr t rrf'icieU txi l-neiit trittt ;
teeti in u-e m y't. diirina wl.i.-h time they b ive
prevent el i l rr.ieve.l a -t am. .tint p. in aii'l -ot- ,
fe-inp ne.liehe whether rieinatit:e lu the fier. j
vou -ytfin r from r .nee.1 'a e i tlnfutnn j
i Tney en'i.-e S vsc able iu taei' c otp-i'i n ti
a m- . ni i be t iHa., 4- Hi ti .ie- iOi pe'fe'-t te r ith-.nt
TKAXSACTIOXS OK THE II.MVOIS i,y jj? .fcfnc .r c. b..i e . an-f aftteare 0 yrf't
n,,i.Ti(M-iTn,,.i ' m . .. ... ' rrable tatte render il eatj to adminiler them. U
llOKI ICLLTUKAL SO IKTY - T. A. 11 Wuir- children.
m:t. !!fS), we are indebted a -o;.y if j- B-ware of rounterft its !
:ttdinx -f the ll!in.i Stale II nituitu-l ,S ciety I The nennlne ave Ave i-iimatiirei of IlenryC Spalding
l 1 iu 1 , ; on rtrb Nx
at iu uu-etin held at LI.KiiuirtjU.u, Is. li, 4i a:id 1 s-W b prqeiists and all other Diale'i Medicine.
fJi-k'-ler. (i tie-r. J h-i. 11 Eimcr A. Graves, Jicie
W. Dt-p'fy UinJ II rer
Th--f l!' W 11 ifT-n pi 11 i5-d t anrt ar wi;L
in .10 d y-fnm M r tli lib:
Elii iliiu, Jvhn Uitin. Tttrt F. Cr-.n.
i; I!. NIXOX, Ke7it-t-r. SMITH. Ib-i-eirer.
VTC' w-
20, !&): cuibraeiiij d...Ut-i.iu, l.ts if ti
i-hrubn, fiuit, j laiji.-", fltwi-rs. uud th1.- ad lrt-y-n i f
Dr. Juo. A. Kksmlott hi ilisiakes in ll-rti ui
t'in aud Dr. J. A. WAtOitH on Culturr."
We bavo jru.jd tho jwiijLlvt withgrt.-t j.l-.i.are,
and fee! that vr e Lare dtrivtd much iufciuuticu
tber-'Xroin. .
Tbe attention of oyr rt-Hdcrs is called to the ndver
tifcuent of Plant & l!so., St. LouU. Mo., who are
prepared to furnish the truly superior Harvester,
Kirby'a American.
To H A Terkt we are indebted for a liberal sup
ply of Flower Seed.
To Dr. M. W. Phillip, of Edward, MLs., we tre
indebted for a an ear of Brazilian Pop-Coin, said
by the Doctor to be oneof the prettiest littlo tUng
now above ground."
NOW Firm. Evan Wobthibc and
David McLaughlin have purchased the
entire interest in the City Billiard and
Bowling Saloon, in Whitney's new build
in. Thev will entertain customers in
the most modern and approved styles."
Election. Don't forget that the cor
poration election for. the City of Brown
ville, takes place on Monday next.
SILs$!onary Meeting.
Th -re will br a Missionary w-tiig at the C' n
g tti nal Churvh n-xt SuMaib at it) ..Vlovii. a
a. Se m- n by lt-r. II. li ii-h.
A bx will boent by ' prepiidon receipt of the
Price 25 cents.
Ail ordeush ulii be a..UreeI to
48. Cedar Street New Vcrk.
Dee.R, 13C0. n22 ly
Will convince all who suffer from
Speedy and Sure Cure
Ath" T-titnnial wter nwtlir.llrdby Mr SPAL'y nffnnl tmqwtivn 'lJe prwtf 0 th
tjittry nf tlm f tj trieutiie Jiieorerg.
Wholesale awl Ihtail Lraler in
Garden, Field and Flower Seeds,
C irranM. ;fi,?"'loTTif. 'i-ickhrne.
Roet and Ornitmfntai Shrubberj Generally.
X. B. B x f sortet parden eed constantly on
h.ui'l anil lor hjle at the lowest rales.
SjK'Ciui 11 .:. 'Li:
Uiitll II-!. Ul
IV:. L'oiti. "(31 $
f j,'.;' a 1 Lit vU
1 t:i:! 1.:
. HlOVlii ' IvJ "i
M i I!
II. ... ' .
a.. :..-:.-"f ' i' r ui-ii uj un w si
ar- sere-.-, pi 1 . i : N.l
I ; -..J pron !omi in u (; -. cur--
'..n:t ' 1 f,X"- t t.) (.'.:
i 'r l!i-
r it. N. braska s-hod Si.b-
!.: !a 1'a 1. w 1 1? ; Ti i
' 1 -.1 VI
.'i.'y, at Browt.t ill-.
u.ij .'. . r I v T t.r.j n t.
r la re tlidy. u t thosH callage, h t--c',
ni.d itiion ced that have come ttp so
! iy ? T.V y are Irom Terry's, Cr sc. nt
', Iova, and can be had in Hill's, Mar-
a:,J A
dvt niser l)::ne, Browi.ville.
That Uutrilo Meat. To w. w.
1 k my, E-4 , we are ;h"'tfely"' liidt bt
l lor a aiip'j ly of a lrtle the ni st
' lueat our grinders hav.- lad
nnuiiity of testing.
11. n-.ift. r tfn-ri w.lll.i jr ac'in'-' every
f-abi a'h at 'If Cln tianC nnh at hall
j a.-t u n.
Territorial Fair. what ar.. th,-
Manager.-. ! the Ttrntorial Biard of
Agriculture d..inir in regard to holding a
air this fall? Now we do lnp.- fur the
ake of the Society and ilit; sigii.ult'.ral
intt rest ti the Territory ihty will tr.jAr
vp and nn airain anfiVr the AtiiiUul F;;ir
to "g 1 ly the brani." W'v know a g.toii
Fair can I t- l eid a. (J.n.iha, th. pi it.; ji--j'omh
d ;..r lart y jtr. If. iinwtvjr the
a. ti'- iii.--Mr.- y t i.vv- l;ard nnd tlie x
p 0 . t i:'ti ; -:r T.e tTo.jn-ls i an it in
all" ul.-o sent us for. taxidermic (-p- t o:
1 . - .1
u ill n.l l
o O.
t rations a lare whilt; swati. Nviwith- pr v t!i ; Farmers. It nf nVir
annual exhibit i 'M. j ti ; I ,-t-d ar. c
that it chul! a.'tn te ;iid ..t N. Ira ka
City, wle. re the ground.- ;ue. t udy we !
'anJmg our books and instruments pc--har
to teVidermy have hi en "on tt.e
-ttlf" for some years we could uol desUt
rom -.trying a hand'' on this Uautilul
Th2!l?r. Th. win! has been
ui a hili" "laving amund loo-e" most
e pas'. v k ; playing t.,e d. ucc with
' ' : ." : i. p-. .ay sttuks.
f t!
i!-" J :
hutJ up. Th iri'ial- in. rt u!u no
doubt le glad of it and render ev- ry as ntC'-ssary.
JananCSC Wfteat.U'e have re
ct iv d (jnite a nuti.l t r of U tters, at.d l et n
spoken to I y many others, to Lno.v "what
A. . I
. r,
i tih.h. a
" t
; a- n ere:. and Liking r un l
-.vd to iay "what arc yoi a-b-u t!'1
''''' ab,a t litis grt at Japanese Wiuat, said to
1" iUl,vv j yit Id CC0 busht Is to the acre ?" To te
.... it 1 -n. ubout the mattt r, we have tio
i.j 1 - h-si':tti. y wlattvtr in pronouncing it a
.... ... 1. te n, .. t mitjii igat, d humbug, and the vendor?
d i.p ' r .k.r r wiin!I rs 1 and ativl.wW Y.i t
- - j j
Eaisratlcn- Within the past week
't aJd.t:.a t-j t i norulation of tliis citv
.'.y his been vetv hutidsome in-
. a hi that too cf L'ooz su stan'ial
"' -" 01 r.t-ani ul. ) w:.t 1::.: v
t-.l "scatter the ch;Lk."
credulous enough to swallow the story of
' 3C0 lu-hlavhtat to the attre," is uot
to be pitied if thty are swindled, jasl a
litl't a -dollar in guld." for instance.
Tliev e t- bred from Bt..clt t-btaiiird at K iiply a pjrt
of which wa t lected bv ite in rft-j..n.
v3 n3 Offlcecf R.-t..ti Cnttiai.r U n-.
In tha Nurse y -nd Pu-ire?'.
T a !er..n wi'h from $300 t . $00 c.pitai, anrt hi
tli..: i.'i;:ri.y uttilertand. be bn.i'ie-- ( pr ptitaMiix
tre an.l pUnts a O t cliAtict' In ..ftV-ea.
He iniiKt be houest iu.l.islriou-at d . br F'Ti -ti-c-il
irs ailt e- 11 A TKltKV
Jiuuary 1S61 3m-v2'il de c lit t 1 y I wa
Tl.e mibcriler b4i" a fair M.pTi'y .f e.-d.f"hi vey
dirahle variety f tq'iah bt-!i te wi II en. by ni iil
l any ndlre- pta 15 -eiit per iikiae. 1't
qnltty i I- till ly ept.i to the CPti-bra-ed II .4oid and
in and pruritic ivrtie- it f r exceeds iht varie'y.
T.Vetialt. geiber :t H one of Ihe t e-t.
'Nreh. St C"- nt Hit it. ,irn.
Xititf i hiTcby -tv.-ii that in ur.-u it-.f t
rd f.f rain i-in-d by tl . !'ntri-t t! ;urt .i"X-mt
li t'. un'y. X !-hM.k f. rrtf..-y. .hi t- jitdtn-iir
in a tt. ur'. !, to lr r- t tiv r I'd it- A t' tti
1 tty..!n 1 1I1 rin f.iv..r i VV.Ii.nm V. Enlir
A ".,,n,. n :nd ir. h' A !. .)t id nid
l-:.:uu i'. il i-i. ;.ti..i 'H utia.;r tuu a uttj f l.yl' rd
( norm I vi.ii.!l..-r J. r tw'e ai u4ie anti.n.ln
itp.anvi.l. . -. t!.- d t 1 tm- II 11 in which the
let 1 1! in 1 i 1 h 1 1 1 ri I'.ttr' u b Id. 11 M uday
ill.- h.ii d.iy . f A; ril 'a'p 1 3" I b tw.-. n tl.t b.ur.- of
i - nn-1 to oV1.-k i. M of .aid day. tb- f ll-w-it:g
..vtr;t.d r-.rf--itv t.-w-.i : l..-t liUlo-. r tj in
.,k:K i.uihbur I9.'-th tb t:..Mf Uh? and a.l tb
i;:ii t vuu-mi? th. r-..f. tu.ittd in tt.-f Ti.anol' ! -tu
-o l--t - S :sr.d 7 f tilt-tioTth;n-f Mini l.ortHft
irj ti. j.i.l .iu iittr- l! .:tti..u ntuuLor 31. iu t.wn.-hi(.
nti;ab ?. ,!,. .rili of rnfi tiuia:.'r thu 6.h
r::xij.l lu.ud an. All to;' -r- dtfArribo'l pr irfy
.,;u i!o . lu i!l County t XfUtha. taken rsthe jto
t.. rtr tl faid Au-u.-tiue Lf..rd wt.d 1. II rn.
J.H. WEI.LS. Sheriff.
Man.b 3. lCl. 1.35 5
Mb. FrAi.rivc.
M-ietmtilU, Cow, Feb 5,'SII.
I h tn.d riir tVj.balW? Pill. nd f
o te-U that I wunt yon toi"en! me two d-lUre worth
Part of tboiMr.'..rtbefie;jrbtir. fo whom I gve
a few ..nt ..f t.h tir t )-. I a fr an V U.
Send the Ptli hr m;l. 'td lt"ii-
Vour "b "Mnl.
Mr. Sr.LriNO.
n,r,rforJ, Ft.. Ft b. .
S r :
CODFA F0.1. An;iL-Co.IT, in bi- .LadjV
Ho k, is rnin ut uitb of h: mT
r ,T r.l ..5-rl1yeoIrd dtiuble inaaiaiocb faah-
' -- 1 v:n Sc insra.-
Administrator's Sale.
PI K-t'Ar to ai. rdvr ..t tue Pnb to ' urt .f
ctii'.ha ootiiity. Xvbraka. ra tdwon tbe2U diy ot
l-ibruarj A l ISI, th, adirini-trat r
f the e:atM.f tleore Enlehardf ilwJ..n Sat
ardty ttu 20 h d i .a Apiil A Mi8oI at 2 .VI.a-k P
M. iu front if the offi-e of the Pr. btvo Jude of
Xeuib Otfiity. in l!r.iri.ville. wit' ffr for -aleat
public retidue the f -1 .win decrib-d r-al j-.i erty
a piirt f the estate f th-s.iid -ore Eiiglelnrdr
t-. wtt . thu n .rth half of tha uth we-t ipt.rter of
i-CK'tion X". igt.tecn,in t..wie.Iiip Xo. 5 cf r ing ' Xt.
thirtet-n. -wst, situate in s'sid county.
Teriu of pajtn jtit : One bittf c.-h in band, one
fuurth ia three iu .nths,and .ne furh in fix tn n'L
ir. w th-tim. of JOSEPH SI1UTZ.
Marib 7. 1631 .n3i Ad uitiitrt...r.
Probate Notice.
WTtEREAS, S. A.Chitnberp, cxecut..rot the es'ate
cf Willi Hill, le-e.!-ed, haKtiiid.y m!i apptieu'i .n ;
tc the P.-obaieConrt of Kent. ha Comity Nej. jfti Ter- '.
iltory for ne yer extenl n time to .lieoc the at
f said e-tate ar.d pay tlie di-br and ic-'jctfl- clu-s iU'o .
taiut the same; Notice l berehy ptvoii !hat I nave the I6:h day or J4 rch A D 1561 at tea
t-'cl.:, A M.a the ifmefur het top sail ppac:l- n t
iHy.fBorat Brownvilla la said coanty when and whero
all per- Interested nuy attend and tlow cau-e why
the il ex-ea.i . f time rtontd not te a!lirr.1.
Ciireu i.u-ter my h uhI .ml ihi tbU IT h aiff Fehn
aty A. I. lSet. C.VT. WOEKLF-R Pr... J tke.
I wit T..n t- nd ne n w.r? "vt i f i nor C. .
nTtIi I'ilN, A'-e r?erd a -jr r - ' h-m-ft
Von-, e wffii".
S -rvr". Cr-1 '. U'nntnn C,P-:)
Jau.m.y , IS31.
V ti wi'l tit-a" a n I tn-ob"Xe of your Ceptia'
b.' Pills". S.-nd fbo ti 'mtn.' I'" !.
I'njw.;fi'1'T T'.nr.
J(). -SIMHV.
P S J "it uoeii on-httt nf yr Fill, nn-i find
th'itt exc-''.
Tl'll l"-raoa. Ohio. Jan 15,131.
IIfnut C. ? Ksq
I'l -.- find indod w-ny-fr cnta. f. r wti-h
nd m n ti er t.- x f Tour tVphsli- Pi 11 Thry
mr tfli the l"t FUlm Ihfit err frtW
Direct A. STOVER. I'M.
Belle Vernon, Wyandot Co.O.
B rerlj. Ji.,, l-'O
II C Sr u riNG. F?q.
I wi-h f.r fcom-'-irentara or biiU to
brn y ur "ej-ibalie IMU mo t i'i il rltr b f.-r-my
cti-'onvr. If yu hav-j anyh'tn of the k'ud,
.-end t" mi
One of mv f nt- tn"r. who is nbjeet tt "y-r Si.-fc
n;nie'. f nntlv la-tin-f fw d i v.'' e..r- of
na attack im oneluurhv Vor . whieh I ent her.
Ke?;wtfulltr vonr.
i we I:k? to ecc cotr.e.
'iv .:iv.'i.ii .'ii. cajv, ,
V.? "j ' bray ar.J
Reynold Jri, FrnmWm Co 0.
January 9, 1811 f
IIknuy C PrAtrixo,
No 4-? Cedar St, X V
Dear t-ir :
ln-lHMsl Cnd tweny-five -ent. f25.) for which
aend box "f Coj,hIic " IMl-." SnJ to a-ldn-w f
Rer WmC F.lle-. Itetm-.l lh-iri. Fr.mklin to. Ohi-.
Y'txr fill' Korl I He a chnrmtre Headache al
m'tut iuetauler.
Trutj ynra,
57A -;nttU b.ttleof SPALDINB-S PRE PA WE I)
OLUE w.i: tare tentini" its cost annually.
economy! - J BMPATC!
A. twid-nta will haj j-n. etrn in well remitted
r..;n it :vr de-inibte to h Te .m t-heap and
c uvea tent way f. r n.iinns Furuitur..T-sCpa,-k- I
err. r 9
iatatl pnch emertK'.f. nl n-hin b.M rrr
alf ird to be without it It i Jyi tVJdy.aud uj
New Eating Saloon.
IIa.- opened a new E vtinj H.rtii'e cn Slain street,
next d xr to thi C. S. Liud Uf5c3 in! Bioanrilte,
"Warm, monlo
AH kind of gaiaa serrcd up a d. 'sired, at the
ortvt notice.
Oysters. Quail. Prairie Chickens,
Fi.-h. Ventson. Pies, Cakes, Hot
CoflVe. Sweet and BuUer
Milk. Mm-hand Milk,
and all such.
Como and Qoo ZVIo ! !
K.b.7. Lift I. n3l
Collection Office
0 r
Muin, Bt-iween Ltv-e and First Stretis.
Particular attention given to the
1'urcliaKc and Sale of Heal
Estate, Martin;; Col
lections and
Payment of Taxes lor .on-Kcsi-
LAXL) U AUItAXTS FUU SALE, rcr ab and on
I.A.MI WAltlt XTS LOCATED f. EtteraCap
ifoti;t,on U .-l.-l-c edlr m e.'rtial extuiiuation,
and a i-oliij.b tc Toii-il.iji Map, !biwin Siruaui",
Tun'n r, Ac, d with ih-j Coriifi.-att of loca
ti't. llr.,t v bV.X.T. -Ian. 3. 18l. yl -
The. d re W. B.Hli rd ")
vs. j
II.l'lxvl. Ge-.rae J
8 I.. SjO
1-J cTWhyto
J U We it nd I
R'i.-.eii R. LeU )
llyvliiueof a il.crtai oriler isnM from the c!erk'
' fit e ot 1 he Ii t.ictC-'it 111 Nem ih 1 c .i:ty. Imhe-I
J i.Itu-i ti On' ' ic ' Xtb-a.-kt Territory, ttp.ii a ir-t
mule byailc urt at i Sekiiember te 111 A O 186J. in
the b .ve entioe-l c m-,I win e.l u Tii. fd.y the I4:h
l.iy f Min li A u ISG1 1 1 ..'cluck A si ( paid d .y
at the 1 k.r ..1 II oner J .nh-.ti' II OI ( He plate wlinre
jiid c mrt wr.i u.-t heidj in B -..w.ivii to Xeiu ih cun
ty NVIi ika Ter it.-ty the toil 'Wint de-t. uel tn
t,,-e i. -wi; : the ..'i q-i i-ter .. the ...U'lieait
q ur.e f .etti 11 -.'2, t.. nhtp 5 nor'- rotee I eaM
ot the 6 hpii'icip.i nieridian in Xen. t'., county . Nh-ra.-k
j Te. : itory r the htshe-t bidder ir ct-h in hand.
J. S. BKDKOHU Master in Chaucery.
Feb 6 h 1S61 " 3l-6-$3
Jjck-.n 1.3 ne "
I t wi.vte
?-.h Whyte .
Win II t.uuell and
M i'ti. il .b rteil
Bv virtueof a decre'ai -.!er iHtie from the Clerk'
ftVe of the District Court it Xeiuabi c. i.i.ty. 111 the
2 I J 1l1c1.1l Di-trict ! Xeb-.k 1 remfnry. up..n ad.cie
unite t.y ni'l Court at its Sep'e nber Term a. d. IS60 in
the ai ve en:itlel cm.-e : I will -eo op Th'irnljy, ihe
U li d.y of Ma-ch A u 1861 at the h ur ! II o' a.
m. i naid d-.y at tne d r .. II .me J -hiion'H II ill
(he i.Uce where I C"'ft wi lat heio) in B ..wn
ville. N'em .ha county Xebrai-ka Terilu.i the l.dl'.w
inp de criil re il e-t .te. woh the pp 1 ten ince- there
t. bb'tipitip, t.i-wit ; The ii-.ritew qt i. ter -f eci. p
no 10 1.1 t..wn-hlp it'. 5 ti i. th ritKeno 15 e-t ot
Health pritiCiptl me'idi hi itiXennha o.nti'y Vh
tmrtt Ten ilory r. the hit:h bidder f..r eati In hand.
JAMK S. BKRFOKU Ma-ter in CbaLCiy.
Brornville Feb 6'h I06I- n3l-Sw.A3
jht A U.i Iii 1 lis Uioru t l.nur,
nnha Coun'y, XebwskTjr
Stnith. J rir.ry.
h i.-k. Kiitht St Co.
. oie
F'urb.w S. Mo. re and Willtntn X. Smith
notice th;it .l4tnt-i (J. Kike. Aaanu Knight. Wil
li .m It. Uurrett and Huv. r Iteuoef. oin luiuea
nnd-r the rtnerbip nama id Fike. Kni'it A
('oijjjmny, lid on tht latli day i-f Ileceinbor A lIaD
tl their j-.-tition in nind t'.urt nj'10"1 tbeui th
.-aid Fariow S. 'd.-i re and Wiiiiam X. Smith, diu
busings utd-r thr jn-rm. rbip rime of Mn.r-A
Stnith, d. fend inf. iM-ttin forth that the yaid d-rten-dauts
were ind.-bted to the s--.i l i.laiutiS" iu thsuiti
ot 5-0 KO. with iuteriMion said amount at the rate
of tu p.r cent, jier annum from Mar h 2Stl A I)
ISO. as evidenced by ac rtain jj-. ioiry note dat
ed M. Ii-u:8 Sept 'tutrr 2-th A Ilj-5'J f. r $i-'0 88.
due six in mtln nfter A te. uiiJj by said defcndiOUt
iu favor .f Mill piinti3V. -
Said dfletidnts are further notified that the nec
essary affi Invithaa be'n t;l -.l and thit an orjjr of
attachment ha-been iju-d against tho profwrty of
the s ti l d A nd mf. and thit IQ ftd'o win irp-rty
ba bj 1. attao'ioil, fu-wit: the ;.)U-haa-t 'ftarter of
s-fti.-n JS. in'-bio 5. r.rih of ranw li, eas of
thefith j.riLt-ial me'idian. containing lit) acres, si
t tatd iu faid county of Xemab-t.
S nd defeLd tuts an; further n.-tiSed that they arc
A iirt.1 to v; er and an-wer aid TMHition n tr
Uura the L'2 I day of A-rt-il A D I3H.
March 4. ISJI t35w Att'js for Pl ifi.
e ,
to the xtiekin p in
1 arj '.formerly ef Sprin5-lJ,
i ,
a mis wecK tw-;'5 .in? Lijr
K- : n 1- ! r .'l- bics a?:.! i;.-.rss.
I ' " ! r "Trr II.''.) fr.V fr.r'
Probate Notic
VThfrcaJ J.-ba W. l5na;k and Eton a-l:nl-ro:nif
trat.-4 of tha eatite of William Mi-Xeal 1 t of
Paanao County. Xebrtcka Terrifyrr, deceased, in ld
ai. Itcatb.n tn ibe Pndmio Cnrt of t'awn e Coun'y,
X. T . fir iDi' ye-r"s riira-'oi of t.tne to collect the
aet t ttii ;i'hl eiatii and pay tha d jt.f and
c't-iro- chirib;- aaint tii i:a . n tic.- i h'rj
by ;rti that 1 hee rt Aionday theB h dv-rAjiriI
AllS31.t tj i-Cj iu Pawn-u CJity in aaido"t:iiry
at 'be time Ur tha bearing of said 31 lii-s.ts.n. when
and phtiK tl p-rr !" intr.-te.I rniy aj p ar and
sb.-w iau v:.'y ald eitca.'.ja s'uoaM not b aliww
ed. nnd;r icy bin 1 f:t- 2 1 1 day of f trs'j A D
IP'I. liEMA 1. f.C.KE.
,i.vt . I'ft bats Jul ?.
W' I I ..V
I r. t :
r- - -
l 0 x c 0 f al I) c m ,
Than was ever I efore oGVred in tins
s. j. mm & eo.,
Pioneer Store
We HaveJusl Received and Opened
Most Magnificent
Stock. of Goods !
Cutlery, and Queciiswair,
And Choice
Largest Assorlmert of '
flcucIvJlade fot fiios'
Evtroptntd in Brcvcr.viUt a-4dnomiulit !
Caps from 25cts to $3,50.
We can Fit i-cnk in Suite fun 5 to oU
Saddles and Harness,
Oil Clotlis and Carpeting-,
Iron, Hails and Castings
Ladi-s Riding. Kid and Silk. Gents
Gauntlets, Buckskin and Driving.
But Qualities of
IMIES Ml f Hill
M ceded or Desired
Cart le had at csr Store, end on terms as
fuzoralle c those of cny ether
JJjuse in the IVat.
All Kinds of
Perur.ruijhczi-Ut AZ'j C.: . ,
f!:Tt JT rf ----
mo r
i 0' ' a. a ii i
c j n d
ITAVIXC psr:be4 tbe'ryariot: In a Fa J i!.--.
Xo. Zi Cuestnut Street, and Cited i; op ; tverr
cwuraniene to facilitate fay bu!ses., lari.t' ; 7
that trattfii dcTt.ted toCoOTliT OsriH't; :: i 1 h"
iaj a I tr-r capit tl than any fiber fr? i..M'i
iu the bti:nes., I aca cow preparri tc t retUr,
.tdvantjjej, and bUcr tiua ercr l:...a :w z.j
1 will funsl.h any-boo (cf a rsoral cr-.7:.T)
jcblirtcd ia ita Caitsd Sutts, tia rtir. cf
which ii one duilar cr cprrd, ini pivts j..fc.
worth frora 53 eti to S I CO w!:h escli b-k.eai
Rtj.tracteo to Jtire perfeet s ltii.'et!'-?-, t I r, ;!?-.
tsnulncd tonAin:ain tbo rrptit;.a a.r ij -stowe-l
up?n lay stbli"brceat, ' r
Strarjrr visiting Pbi!ait!-LIa ar ini'il ti
call aoijuj-i for ticssc'rtJ.
. 0. G. tVAX
If Ton want any Nk-Ii, t
GZO. G. KXAXS ItertittS G'ft Pa.-k Y.z'tr;?,-
l l j Chestnut Street, llailai-!;
Where all bi ks are sold at tha PtiUi-.vr'a iLrtii
j rico, audyoubiva iha
of reiicj
A Handsome Present, :
worth, from 5!:ti to I d. lUr with eac-b t-- '.
CO EYA'2' On'zintl Gift ie.rc En-eTt.:- l
ben end rsed by tha Dcok 'f r zJ.
all the leadinireity and & ut-.uj
era in tha United States.
G O EVAX'S Pan;taal bttyfnejs transT;.; 3.3'9
rwtirct tha apjobstirn -f vr
R000.CC3 eitina of tia Uo;.'l
States, each cf whoa Lee arcs. frvi
robstautial eridenee cf the'
derived brfarcbiri-; I-joKj at ia
0 O EVAJS II xs dona nora thsa anTo-lier p-- j
luher of bookseller ia t te Unsm to
lrards difTastri know'fdr t' tl
reople. By his 7:ca tti-'T t Vi
arareal tbAt wca'.i net let f .cr.i
their way into the haa ii tf rcir..
Frn ml Lel!' l iViff;f P'r.
0 G EVA2n"3 kea consUnUy oa hard tha raoet
extensive stock, the n sort
cent of B k, ni eire-i! ttet fre o
ail who cj t'.ie m-.'- n,- ;
flete eiulone vf Boo' asi Gifts
a the United Sutea.
O O EVAwfS ha., adtrantaj? nfared V b'ai br
other pubhNher and tn .nifj. rT?rt
which entle tijt to f!jr-''-' t:t.
trons with a Caer q-a'.L'7 a- 1 let'.ir
aj-ortmat t f gli tisu as 0U1
G O EVAX3 rublUhe-. nearly two Bacdrrsi vr.pu- .
Iiraod tntereftlos brxa. tae-t,
a publisher, he Is tt t'er U U
cfier xt-- prexlaai cc-'t-
rioa. ,
G EVAX3 f-uaranteei rrf Mt it i fac:!oa to aJ
who noty ind trt books.
G G EVAXS new c;jjd5ed catatc; . rf boo
etcbracestha wrturp' f erry ,AT
dard auth&r la every t!errti, ?r.t cf
literature, and jirea a'l the iffwnoa-
tionrelrttiva to th nr-jin-ir:, and
forwardir.?; by mail or eyp-v, cf
bk ordered frora hi t ee tut i i h men f,
t.pether with fall directivos Lew to
rfmit money.
0 O EXAyS'Cittalogtie of Hocks w:il be it?-. rvr '.a
nd free 01 posWS r-7 la .
the United States.
G O EYASS inducements to dh ..oi t-
iurpad. Ihe moti i-vcii a
miKnionsnra oltred, c 1 17 g
lubffriptions to bocks iu 1L3 nunrier
ITorred. twenty boA c n 1 b- s i 1 i n
K ,mmm time that it Ou! 1 tk ta a
Itllonoatheli-f4ab.i .nedub.orpj- .
tiotplan. riendforatUt-ifled Ca:- .
tr2'Ae,aod every iarur:3A'.ion wi l be
;ivea in reference to eg --viei. ba
led your book aad e.ic!'s9 the -mount
of money requirJ, and cn
trial wiilatify you that too be?. .
plaw in tha oouaVy to purvj: (
W.ks V at th
Extensive Gift Bool; EstaUls
20. 433 Ctestnot S'M,
WlerewH tin net l acitof Uli'--
v.iti. nl IW.ksor arauiementl s f -r t..o I A
Folk-1 Book fr tho Youn Fo'.k.J B-.ks f .r
llu-bandsl liook fofWiTeal Bx-?i for L-.rcril
..ok f. r S"eethcflft: Hooks fur Bvv! Pvs.
f.rirls! Ilooka of Ilumoi I Books of Poetry!
lJ.a.ka of Travel I Book, cf Ulrtcry t Is k of Hi-
..u-rmdiT! hiokfof Adventartt no. ?k st s
nr.! Lh abi.nt 5.1dien? Hoki r.b .C. Ia
. t
I 1
t -
!' . -t.-..i
v tt.t
Will te taken in exchange at cntreot j rices.
v. ..
UlS, i'..
& .i - r -
; i- x - c . . :
:- :- s.r
erl lis-. 12.1
i 1
- I '
. - I
Lu t ') i
t - ."t i
. i i t
. -- V- i
lloeksabiutHuriterii BooksabouSL?croei! b:ks .
about Patriot-.' Bot.ks for Farmeri: aooST r
Merharlo; Pok for MertbanUl I'.o kUi'af
aiewa-I Rooks for Lawyers! B .ks f Sf-tc-rn- o.
P.iblert Presentation Hks! Hymn LWJ
rcnile IJooksI Annnals! Albums, f.c , rfl.
(Vil II. Hrt!eys Inttrnstirj Biog-i b' .
I-II. Ingram's Strpturat r.can-! m.!cker.
Liv.s ol Patrt.-tsA fttatesmen 1 J.T. .au-.-i s r.ev-oluti..-Stoiies!
T.S. Author's Yy-r
Mr.Al.ot's family IoeuI IJ.s, IK t.! .X e., t
Mrs. Southwortn'a Xovelsl ln.-k-u's ovj..
Warerlv's Xovels ! Irvin j's Work I
All the writiraof every sUudar lsutborrfev-ry
department of literature, in every -'jlu in tind-.a,
at the publishers lowest prices, atvl rrmen.bef t..Ji
you jay no more than you woutd a' ;aay .t:ieretv
1'ihmcnt.aad you have the advaB' Jf f r-Kremrr
on elejpnt preient, which cftentitr"-' i t-r; n
dnd fold mora than the amonnt r -pd f.r b..oV
lMKS. order any bo-kthst joa l-.kJ wr.t. ra;iV
thorotail price, together wi:h the a j urt r.ti-red,-for
pttserind one trial will esfc"; y.u tnst tbw '
best plaeein the eonatry to T'Oreh-i?'.- boikiis at ti.
G2f!; Looi EitaUiabaenf of '
- ----- GEORGE O.K7AX3,
OrJiloator of tha Gift Bo k Enttn r;.
433 Chestnut Sttees, fLiiAlalhlA.
:ia er-r in
To whom crcater sadacemeatj
offereJ ' ' ;
Any person, either ms.e rr fe:rV Th it .e-'r-..
onaofeniraeninifinan HOXOiUn.7. hi "FOF
ITAlil.E EM PiOYM5T, require - but I'tIV tiiro
and na outlaj money, aai bjTixa ti-.- caigl-.
tain erati".
A V,,ble Lib'ary,
A Mrs Gold Watoh and Civ?,
A Hnd m Service nf Ft' r.
An Elegr.t Silk Dress t s: tz,
A Splendid '3e't t Jew-.-;.-r,
Or many other ebafea arttela e-iwi9tcd !c err
I.i-i of tiifs,caa do so by actug ts ia atufv for
this e-tMbiisljiEent.
Any rKn,ia ny rarttf the c-t'ry.-an be ia
agent. limply by .oimirg elcb,t. riir j a I.'it o:'
bM.k,scd raEiUiLjtic tmouiiof acy re'i.'ti
SexP r a Catalogue. wi?-'.; e.sta:- '.' :ho
desired infonaattoa reJatire tc -rrcivs sritba
formation f club: aad fo iri.-9 p.wit ii iii.
orabte'lealiuj. ad Itta II oris:
Thi Hsao Qrutma oa
(jZO. C. EYa5?.
Proprietor of the c!det and Irri-i C'.rr zotz Ej'i
TtkFSISlin tbewor:d.verniar...L:t7 rft'cd at
N.41 Cawinut tft'--:. ililxiitil. i
Lnnis Wa!dterr"'P''- to ' Pn -a-.l to slrt
lnrn fte nto the Gtrraan. A li V- r:-o oJ. is a c.asi
of tt i kinil win let a. a..-. ?v:-C:S. .
Febmart . , - , i
To i4Il vniou-if -3i - y
A'A persons UJttjJ tu V.'a. ." r
h !c account, cr ty c t. am '. "
and pay upon rr bet ra the 10
and therebr sara ti?xil7J$
HrownviLe, Feb. 21
Sat ray ITi.Cc
Terr.fcry nf XtbrasKA )
h'eirjaha Oiity " e a
Pcrcn-.!!yf:pccred be. "".?
wHn. fceln' del , fa'ii, drp , . - .
or. tha U ia day o." J t - a j I -: . -pr-ty
laira .f tLe I , - . -.
tLa ced;aasaa,r: .-
i'b'c. snppwed tj -
cirsy wf sen - "
tswaitip S ati :. -. i i
? w? to ar.d - . .
day of Januarr ... : r
... .i
T, the at).!"-- - .- -.t
rd sworn, do i '
twettj'-5r !,: ...
C .sff ;-. trr.
t 1