TUB ADVERTISEI i.i. it. v. nJHN'AS, i :d itoh. TWiur UOKMXU. war. wt. '..The Tlojd.BoMicrj. ttV Are 'rcr4uc-tcd'- Ijr ome of the ecil fneniiiruhl j.Iace, cf Ct-r. Hoy J, .'to tnaouace the fact to. our refers tUt the iorJic'mcnii; f-sainst Lira have teen Jirtnfsted.at tnizr.allt. We hereby do o; cd hcje it is c;nii-iercd we have made the amende hcfioralle. fut we claim the privilege cf ttatinj Aou? litis "dutmlal" wai brought about. Floyd' claimed innocence (?) is not ei ulbMcd as th(; remit of investigation, which tho ex-Secretary to tcactinsly courted ti-.t Ion kinc3 ! Bn by the 'LcoU end crouU" cf law brought into req :Uuion to throw the case oat of court ti-A avoid investigation ! The ijidictmeuts ere in both iuitancesquathed by the u-.c cf technical advantage. The telegram itself announcing the reiult of the case, lays: "The act of 1S57 prohibits prose cuting while the party indicted has testi led before a Committee of Centres touching the matter charged. This has been judicially decided net a privilege cf a vrhnets but a mandate of law, and the .caute would have come to an abrupt ter mination on the fact appearing in the course of the trial." So the real fact is Fbyd has dodged out of this thing by the public instead of being in anywise impresed as to his innocence, are the more convinced cf his guilt. The whole affair reminds us of the fel low arraigned for trafficking with the In . dians. A law in Arkansas forbade whites purchasing anything of Indians. A " ven turesome cuss," however, purchased a whip of an Indian, for which he was ar reted, and on triel swore he iiole the whip. A nolle prosequi was entered and the "indictment dismissed as untenable." He was thftn arraigned for ttealing the whip, when he swore he purchased it. Thus both indictments were quashed because ai own testimony in either case could not according to law, be used against him in the other, nor could he be tried twice for the tame oflence: and thus the "indict ments" against him were ."dismissed as untenable." Appointments for Nebraska. -Bui few appointments are yet made Tor Nebraska. The telegraphic report last week, was that Mr. Carter of Ohio had been appointed Governor. The re .pert now U that Abel SAurtDmt cf Io iva is appointed. We are inclined to be lieve the latter report correct. The Eame telegram announces the appointment of W. II. Killv, Chief Justice and J. S. Miu.rn, Associate Justice for Nebraska. We kern by private letter that Al mcD.MATTniAR.Ceq., Editor of the Pco ;eV JVm, Nebraska City, has been ap pointed lie gi&ter of the Land Office in that place. Matthias is deserving of that or f.bmething the in the way of "distribution of rpoils," and we arc glad n know tbat he has recured the appoint tnrnt. He will make a good officer and give general satisfaction to all parlies. , As we o to pre 5, we learn that J. E. nuBBAiK, of Kichardson county, is ap pointed agent for the Sac and Fox Indians. The Agua (fi a) ' Chronicle , says: , Some of tha people of SjuiH. Carolina uppear to be getting , sick; of seperate Ktate secession and forced loans and Wiving from ths state with all possible haste. .'Messrs. Farr, Cotter. and Burns, with their families, thirty five negroes twenty horses wagons carriges &c were found on the Admiral last evening on their way to a new heme near the mouth f the Arkansas river, There are said p be many others in the Palmetto State who will follow their example and leave as soon as possible. In the tariff the Southern Confederacy the following articles are exempt . from duty: books, maps, charts, mathematical nautical, and philosphical instruments, religious publications, paintings, drawings bullion, coins, co.Tee, seeds, models of in ventors, bacon pork, hams, lard, beef, wheat, flour, bran, corn, barley, rice, oats, living animals, meal, gunpowder, lend, rajs, arms of every description, cotton, ihipj, steamers, and dredging, machinery. The "National Republican" cf. Wash ington City, of the 20th instant cays: "It is said that the confederate State Cemmissions do not expect an answer to their official communication - for ten or twcjva days; and further, that meanwhie thero is uo reason whatever to believe there will be a collission, or any change ia the uiilitary- uatus in the sececding States. Th?y have telegraphic assuran ces from Montgomery that ample ar rangements have been made to avoid ah' trouble fur the present at Ft. Pickens." Bids for carrying tho mails cn nearly r.ine hundred routes in New York and in New Erjland will be opened cn the 31st ir.it. The annual cost cf carrying the mail in the:e states, under existing con tract?, U Sl,002,CC5 cf this. C7C3,7C2 " is j v.:.' fcr the transportation of thonyult cv r 5,114 tr.i!es of railroad. The Treasury Department has rceiv. re iafcrr.atien that the Texas authentic -,- t;t,' ir IV.-rr-d States vrscl Getbrie. whitb supplies, disci frov&ccs j t j th !ig!;tho--4C ca the ecu t. f Ccrmpfjniencc from the Hints. Coivlv Citt, March Dili 1601. Dear VvtsAt: Having en opportunity of sending this direct to you I embrace it with the cer tainty cf its being received ia due time, which is wot always the fate of corres pondence passing through' the ponderous machinery cf "Uccle SamV wail ser vice. I have rothing of interest to write, and hardly know where to commence telling what little I hare to say. Everything here and in Denver is excessively dull. Eutinoss ii at a standstill, and with the exception of cawing an occasional load of wood, work is not to be had on any terms. Many are working for their board and t-orae who are rtct ivins: wages do not get enough to cloth thern. Ilowercr.all are looking forward to the opening of tpring for brighter prospects and better times; but depend mere for this result upon the coming emigration than the gold mines. A tmall bar in the old bed c-f Clear Creel:, about four miles above Golden City, has been struck lately, which pays largely. Four claims, taken up by the discoverers contained the whole streak, one of which is now bein worked at an average of SJO per day to three hands. Much excitement prevailed throughout this region, when the discovery became known, and tome hundred or two persons or prospects for diggings equally as nth in the vicinity ; but with the exception of the four claims spoken f above, nothing was found to pay for working. Some quartz leads were discovered tome two miles above, but have not been tested as to their richness. A gentlemen in the mountains has dis covered a method of saving the gold con tained in the pyrites of iron which' will prove exceeding valuable to quartz min ers, lie keeps it a profound secret at present, but the result of its working is truly astonishing. A cord of the pyrites were run through a crusher and only 814 taken out. He then took a pan of the tailings and subjected it to his chemical process three times. The first washing yielded in lound numbers 813; the scc ond SO, and the third SI, making some 2G from one pan of dirt. This is vouch ed for by persons of undeniable veracity, and is beyond doubt true. .The weather here is decidedly more unpleasant just now than it has been any time during the whole fall or winter. The winds have got cn a general "high" and throw themselves rind objects not anchored to the ground, around with a perfect looaencss. Isolated buildings, all through the city arc strongly propped by poles firmly set into the ground, which is not always sufficient to prevent the "fall of that house.'1 Your correspondent, not long since hung his only extra "linen" outside of the houso for the purpose of "freezing out," and was much distres sed to discover the next morning that that necessary article of wearing apparel was hopelessly non est. Several days there after, inwardly cursing the thievish pro pensities of his neighbors, he mounted the roof cf the domicil for the purpose of brushing away the accumulated snow therefrom, ard with pleasurable surprise discovered the missing garment, held by a projecting nail, which had fortunately caught' iu -j i ,1 V. I will try and keep you posteu.as re- gards this country, but cannot promi$o to write every week: There is so little doing now . that it is impossible to get enough interesting items to fill a letter; but I will write as often as anything cf note transpires. Yours, ' CHET. Hcmduo Gulch, U. T., March 1st, 1S61. Dear FcitiA3: Secession seems to bo the principal topic with, your Eastern and Southern honorables, now-a-days. It is also occu pying considerable cf our attention at present. Humbug and American Gulch es are trying to secede from the Judicial District. But there is no fear of their succeeding, as thero are too many con servative persons interested. But in an other character, and in an altogether dif ferent form, (Typhoid or Mountain fe ver) the is beginning to make it tell se verely. Tho conservatives do not seem to have much influence in this, matter. Already her miserable influence has caus ed three of the most promising men in tho Gulch to secede from this glorious Union. " This country is becoming, njoro devel oped svery day. -. New diggings are be ing discovered every two or three weeks, but are f ncrafiy," os was the case last season, pronounced pauperish. And why so? Simply because they are not half prospected Seme would be rash enough to say that such a statement Was without foundation. I have not the least doubt that it is contrary to the cpinions of oth ers. It wC'Jld I e rather against nature for every one's opinions to correspond. "Great mea will diar." Let us follow some of these- fellows ia iheir rounds of prospecting, and &ee how far find in what way they prosecuted their search for the precious metal. teli, fcero is cno fel low digging a hole; gets Iowa two feet and tries a panfuil of the dirt; dees not gat a cobr. Is badly discouraged and begius shouldering pick and shovel to so into can:p; but .stops aad .studies, before rkir,g a s-'cp that way. His all spent in an outfit 13 brought into remembrance, and the support of Betty and the brats, if he has any, if cot, of the support on his return, back cf seme s'.vtet iu'ndtd. After revolving all these things in his mind, he beccor.es possessed cf enough courage to try it again. So he siuks the hole cne foot deeper, td tries another an, but Diry speck makes its appear ance. What then? He makes for camp and examines his stock of provisions and finds he has enough and perhaps a lit tle more, ti last htm to the Missouri riv en So he utters the universal cry "hum bug V "humbug !" and hurries away lest by a longer delay he should be cheated.. The supposition is that if the person de scribed tvhom I consider a fair sample of hundreds that came out here last sea son) had he gotten a dozen colors ia his pan not being accustomed to panning, would have washed all away. We next come across a company of persons sinking a hole, who are down about six feet. Well, boys : what luck? Do you get much of a prospect? .Well, no yes; I believe we've got a fortune; fifteen colors in the last panful washed ; but the dam water is beginning to both er so. A fellow might get sick from being in it so much, and I'm told sick men's chances in this country are not many; and I for one am not very desir ous of leaving my hones in these moun tains. What do you say, bys? I move we quit tni: waiery.place, and try it some place else. They try it some place else, but with a like result. What next ? Its well boys; I think that we had better try it some place where it is dryer, in the bank, for instance. The bank is tried, but the prospect is not rich enough to give satisfaction. Next a claim must be bought Time is too precious to longer waste it prospecting. One is bought. The next thing is to open it. A tail ditch is cut from fire to eight feet in depth, probably half way to the bed rock. Then sluice boxes are cut, and at it they go in dead earnest, to washing; the rifik'S are at night cleaned up, but somehow or other there is not much gold in them. Then comes the conjecture of the caue. The boxes are placed in a more level position the next day, and nearly every day af terwards there is some change made, but all apparently to no avail. They may take a notion to cut cross ditches if the gulch is wide; say they do so; do they find anything of consequence at such a depth? Of course not. What ihen ? The claim is sold, or, most likely, desert ed, 'and they are off" for home. Sonic of the more scrupulous would say that thy had dug to the bed rock. What if they had ? Do any of them sup pose their search is complete ? They worked like thousands of others, by the basis of California, and it is almost nat ural that they should think so. I say, as a general thing, it is not half completed. The gold in this country is found in streaks varying from one to six feet in width; not like in California, scattered promiscuously over the bed rock. And it never pays much more than wages cfF of it, (Georgia and Humbug Gulches ta ken as a basis, which are, without doubt, the best paying gulches yet opened in in this country,) hence the reason for so many Califomians "stampeeding" last season. Thev were amon2 the first to cry "humbug." If the miners had worked more to one another's interest, ; viz : helping one an other to cut the tail ditches to the bed rock.-instead or cutting: them, as was the case, half way, ere this, this country would ,havehad a different name. But the most of them were too wayward and selfish. They "did not come here to work for' the interests of others;" and too thick-headed to see that it would be a mutual advantage. I am very sorry to say that in the Geor gian we first see our exemplar. It is a little humiliating to the Northerners, who are so much noted for their quick per ceptions and inventive powers, to see the Southerners our leaders in this one im portant case. It probably is because the most of them are from the inina in Geor gia and that frcm long experience there, became convinced that the "Union Rule," as of old, was the only one to safely sail under. Georgia and Humbug are tho only gulches yet completely opened in this Blue Pine country, and. without doubt, pay best of any in all this Pikes Peak country. Is it to be supposed that these are the only ones that will be found, or rather opened, for there are many dis covered, that will pay ? Certainly not. Every one that was out here last sum mer, and staid any length of time, knows that the color can be got in almost every side hill and gulch in this country, and that too at nearly every panfuil of dirt washed. Now if such bo the case, is it not a good indication that there is some thing m the vicinity better. Who knows but what the French, Brown, American, Swan, and numerous other gulches dis covered are as rich as these. All pros pect alike on the surface. Who knows but what on the bed rock of each of the afore named there is a two foot streak worth forty dollars to the foot ? None but ha that knoweih all things. Man has not let his researches extend so far yet. '..He .is ''too inconstant; too discon tented and wtfak-sptriicd to push hir in. vestigatioas; too much dcv::ei to lead cl. A liv A l-- - . ,vfl Tp-,, rraof th2 secessiua-. men out here; Lut 01 wmi buuui iheir strength without a will without that firmneis tie characteristic of man? Such men have uo business in this coua tryr It would be much Utter for them 10 stay where thty came from. Ia sort (furl have already lengthened this letter more than was intended) thre is but one great misfortune that I can see that this country has; 'that ii it is too near home. If it was like California, situated in. a part of the country where emigrants coald not go and come so easy, the result would be much different. During the first three or four j-ears after the discovery of gold there, emigration rushed into it by thou sands. Such wa3 the case in regard to this last season. In California, nearly all, big and little, great and small, of little firmness or much, had to "root hog or die." Such wa3 their only situation; for to return to the States that season was out of the question. With this country it is altogether different. If emigrate start early they can get here in time to look around two or three weeks, and, if not suited, can return to almost any part of the States in time to put in a crop, or do a season's work at almost any thing. Galena Gulch was altogether deserted last fall. A large number also had been pauperizing themselves all spring and summer on the wrong scent, and fiually gave it up, and about two months ago, a company of Georgia and Humbug Gulch fellows went out there, jumped and or ganized on it, formed themselves into a company, and went to work prospecting in a hole that had already been unk to the bed rock, .irst digging on one side to the distance of fifteen feet to no aail, and then on the other six feer, when a four foot streak was struck, that is esti mated to be worth fifteen dollars to the foot. Blue Biverthe mother of this coun try, that last year pursued and put to flight so many; that gave so many the "Blues," and empty purses, is now be ginning to redeem herself. In the sec ond division of Miner's District, there has been a streak struck by the same mo dus operandi as in Galena Gulch, that is estimated to be worth six dollars to the foot. French Gulch, I see by the papers, is showing her colors very largely. One of them states that a nugget was taken out of it that weighed two hundred dol lars. I happen to be tolerably well ac quainted on that gulch and know there has never been any such a nugget taken out of it. The largest was seventy-five dollars,'' and the next largest fifiy.four. The only companies that have taken out anything of consequence are the Atchi son and Rogers, and they have not taken out quartz since last fall. There is no telling what all this tumult will termi nate in, as the gulch is not yet complete ly open. The largest nugget taken out on this side of the snowy range, was taken out of claim No. 5 on Georgia Gulch. It weighed two hundred and eleven penny weights, and was sold the same day for two hundred dollars. There was one other taken out of No. nineteen, that weighed eighty-five dollars. About two months ago, Judge Brown took out of No. one a nugget that weighed one hun dred and nineteen dollars. Four gulches have been discovered lately in this vicinity'- the' Union, Rock Island, Swan Creek, and Nebraska but they have not been , very 'well prospec ted.;; The following a re the assays of the different silver leads received: , Mount Sterling to the ton of ore, $4,800 silver and gold together, of silver alone S'2.200; Black Mountain S3.800 ; Bites. 83,000; Quandary, 82,400 ; California 82.300; Washington, 82.000 ; Powhattan 82.CG0; Wisconsin 81,800. Snow on a hvel will average six feet in depth. As a sample of the cold weath er had here the past winter, quicksilver congealed in the house. Winter i.ow ap pears to be broken, as the last twelve d;ys have been very pleasant. Emigrants a re beginning to come in by ihj hundred-. The road ovr ihe Range has been kept open most of the winter. Yours, Jnrr Fa vcuite. ihis hit at movement : There is no democracy in the action of the Southern oligarch. The people vere rushed out cf the Union without the privilege of being heard at the polls ; and in Georzia the idea cf the people having the nV'ht iathe last resort to shape their own destinies was sneered at by Cobb and Tocxabs. Such things cannot rw A revelation will take place. sooner or later, which will vindicate ihe majesty and power of the people, and sweep the oligarchs frcm the face cf the earth." 1 An Abolitionist having just been driv en cut of Petersburg, Virginia, it is in teresting to know who are abolitionists, according to Virginian standards, and with thai view we republish the follow ing description, from the Southern Litera ry .Messenger, published at Richmond: 'An abolitionist is any man who does not love slavery for its own sake, as a di vine institution ; who does not worship it as the corner-stone of civil liberty; who does not adore it as the only possible social condition on which a permanent re publican government can be erected ;and who does not, in his inmost soul, desire to see it extended and perpetuated over the whole earth, as a m-ans of human reformation, second in dignity, impor tance, and sacredness. alone to th chris tian religion. He who dues not love Af rican slavery with ihis love is an Abolitionist." n 1 the wi.jcf mtd c,aet.if.it tour--?, but if tbcre is aaythia wiwi ,-cieLinwient. If r osr iifpuw couU br those wh,m it L re'.kveJ deaat npoo i-1 merit. tbj would U eonM to ia" note ccot due. if tb do not ia BrifcUlj d , at') J . M AUTIN 4 CO. Mareh 27rt. I SSI. n33-tf YI (tiY wbkh lsclt Terr I" K,rz:r. r'f. I), J. MAUlw we wn Co" n try 1'ro.laee. March 27ih, ISM. n.l3-!f The Irrcpresiblc Conflict. The Nashville (Tenn) Democrat hav ing insinuated that Jefferson Davij is a great humbug the editor of the Atlanta (Ga) Intelligencer thus complmenti his Tennessee brother: Let the writer of ihf article in tht Democrat come to AtUr.ia and we plf-dj-t him our word and honor that l.e sla'l "pull cotton or hemp and stand on nothing.1 The native Tennesseeans of our city will act as musters of ceremony on the in teresting occasion. If Mr. Hurley will come to Atlanta we take ihe responsibility of saying that his tavern bill or his burial expenses shall not cost him any thin?. The only thing which strikes our astonishment is that the people of Nash ville would tolerate such a paper as the Democrat in their midst. Gen Jackson whose bones repose within twelve miles of the city cf Nashville doubtless turned in the grave when such doctrines were permitted to go forth from a Nashville paper. The Vote la Tennessee. The vote in Tennessee fjr uuJ a.jxin;: a State Convention to give an exprion of the opinion of the people on the pre sent position of our national affairs, is thus classified: East Tennessee comprising twenty eisht couotL'S, vote.l: For Convention, 7,500; against C invention, 32.517. Middle Tennessee comprising thir ty three counties for Convetion 26,439; against 27.S65. West Tennesee comprising eighteen counties for Convention 20,1117; agiint G.918. SEEDS AND MACHINES, No. 14, North Main Street, ST. LOUIS, 310. Sisn of the Gilt Plow. AcdKVs. 23 Xorfh Fonrth St., or2:3 Bmy. PLANT & BROTHER, A HE BECEIVING a Urta a.rftneui or p.,w. llirr: ('jitivttors, n.e Kjke--1, Shjves-'.Sraie-. Picks Axe, n'chets Scytte- S uthH Cn-i V tS. O m-Rtones, CAfc'Kn' Bro4'lcst3el S-we-a. SeclDiili, Hjj Str4 nl C -m Stock Cutter. Xtj. csier- C .'n SeUer. Pump. Klrbj's Aiuenca.i uon iiarvester. Revolving nl Sprirnf ith H.rse If tjr Kjkes, KraiiMT'a Csrfe-nil Wine Mill wiih P.eaa, S-wiT Cine Crusher ih1 Evjp rafor. Al iO' P.-rtable K .rnjre :il CaldfoUi, Portable E IK lie an I 11 r-e P wi. P.Ktabie Kl 'urwii'l O-ira Weal Mill, W.mxI nuil Ir in W.itkinz Jta-hi ery, M.rtisins nl Tenonitis JJcbine. I. ither Holt Cutter Coach Sce, Lantero, Qieeii'n pjrt.ib e K irao au-l Bellow, L'tiher ii l Rubber Beltinz 0 l.e.ilhr Mild Seni P.ick'mx. French WiIiiii M icune SelTrd. Scale, GABLES. GRASS ASD OTHER SEEDS. Sj-Jind tor ' !irt u ai s -C2 Or Jen solicneU ud pr..rapi Ir execuieo y 1'liANT & J3HOTEEB. March, 1351. . (Fn4 4n-Aii33-lin) Bargains!- Bargains! GREAT SALE OF TOWN LOTS, BUILDINGS, STOCK, &c. Ttt L-a t H. .a-A iSBtQal tori:. Tins .K j mke pajEn-i to Hrii'ta: Y' ehltfu t!u Ira wr-'i-'1. ' St,?tejh. lf.iri4U"F'SC:V Hr.a4;if l:i. D J SIIEHIFFiu D L iicGary, " tj virt39 cr a OrJer 5 ed ln.ni th D'wtrict Coort r IT f 1 , C-e' f. Cf BtVtJ, On the29ihc?3ycf u S-64 uocliviJed rrt of tieV eKt qawter cf the northwett etj, '!1 west quarttr und the tov'l' ' eust qmrter.mci lots 1,2, 3 .oJ i j nJ loU I eJ 2 sx:U,a I7.:i i3!)t r rase i;itto, et.t of tt Wl - ' dlaa. N,m.iha rounty, Nebrui. hol4 of I t 4 bWk tO.U 2 bUV,TW" :.! l.,t 9 Llork et.m itBim,"''' Title, ia Xeiaaha cf)Ua'? .. JJufc jtjar rt xt . i. mi. t lv: a r v; . t , - Thorau UeaJ, ) T.tal- IlfDry Neiauer xni food Canjline N'eiuiier, j 'ebv'1',' ' The itxT nac!et uireiHlin', IIT Camlin Neimir hi f will iboTe named p!s iiiif.Tlr ra i , " tit'.oo ia tb Curt f..rt--r,j N ,', ject ol p-rt yer -f l i. h ?. (,'.;"" tb of tLe fiiili.M in r S r ... ' counijrcf Xeiuah.i, ' ni;: TU iff tectii n iitrii ic u,-f fifteen. t-t -f lh rx'h 'o.-t.i v h ire the j r"r--d- f -,i d w. . ' nccf Siirv . ;;!'; d (.ti: itviu .i: in-ii! r- " tf. A , ri tffl, , . ( C-urf f ir tf,..tv f . . " Hen-j Xi-iuiicr -X-l !? nr-uite rttn:--rf a. t&'d Jni which ?lie tn.ir clsia l'irri h- r La b rJ. m t oit r lefwre 'liiii 5riuii.-r.Mf i r j,. iV. r.k I . . r t. v irrwiirgiM w;ii Jetkj :or.in?fT. WM.AlcLKXSA5.A-.v 27. 1351. n23 4-trt iJHElUH-d SALT Dtftrictur. I ib wTi-rul mitter ullfgil will fcetii. PERU, NEBRASKA. Soutlicrn Dissatisfaction. We find the following paragraph in the JVorA JllaLamian of ihe 8ih of Murch: "Our neighbor of the Constitution in a pettish manner suggests that if ihe ed itor of the Jorih A labamian is not sat isfied with ihe Government of th? new Confederacy, he had better leave it. If all were to leave who are dissatisfied, we fear the remainder would sooa hrive to leave or do 'worse, for 'they would have few left on whom they could rely for self protection.. It is a remarkable fact. and why it is so we know not, that ihe substantial, physical force of ihe country the hard-fisted, hard-working men ev erywhere, who are expected to da all the fighting when their couuiry cilU were from ihe beginning cpjoitd io the ordinance of secession, and are becoming daily more and more dissatisfied with it. io a while ihey were disposed io ac quiesce, but as they watch the further developments of that measure, the mut tering thunders of their indignation can- John II. Shersnou has been elected U. S. Senator of Ohio, in place of Mr. Chase. Inducements to Subscribe Tor the Nebraska Fanner. While we feel cratly ollUel for ibe patronise al ready extended to ihp Nebraska Farmer ami umlcr l;itiiK bli;iilnii to kind frif.uiU wi, bdvp itseJ their influence In Its boha'f, n-c areanxioiH io til! extenj ir circulation art'l fhcrtbv increase it useru I iic.". To tbl -end we prep e to h:d tu uch iudiiceiueiits an may at le.si be om-itlered partially coiupetisdtory to those who nmy feci inclined to l ib. r. We have made such arrancenicnts as will enablo us Io furnish ;ih preniinivM Field, iS irden mid Flower seeds, C-ilored Fruit and Flnwer HUte-i, Atiriciiltural imple-nieu-H, Sew inn ildcliine, Fruit Tr e, rae Tinti, Flowerinte Mhmbs, U.i.ik-", dc. U'e d not prop e io i ffrr preininniK tor ctnpftit:on ha: ach prt-tui mil f.r tpcvijitd number or b'lb-c itie'i", tlnt n.i.ne re niunei xti hi wi I In jnywi-e b rontiment np.m whit Home I'tbcr ,n is d tiw. K.irh !! worknu fi r.., nrenii urn will know just wii it he -r he I to Kt-i. N i4U if fifty different praoiii are striving r tho p cmiu.ii each will pet it, provide! hey eciirt! the rrQtii.- kc uiiui- ber f Hiihscribers. We enmit enrmie-ite pvf-yni'i we Tr a rfo niiiiniv, but will ay (hey tii'-..c a. mot! :; j tninx in tho luip'enienf. Fruit Tree Siirn'i a.i I si m"I iiiip. We wi'l place Vilue up-m the prenuniii and let Ikou ob- tuioing them inaKc tin ir 'ii -e i'i:ii.,ii. Our Iii!rnieii! and Field Seel iiirh,t fd of Plant ibEO. and johs UAkr.iT a Co s.u.ui.-.; Our H.x ks f C. M. Saxtos it Haksih, New Y-ik ; Our F nit Tree-, Sliri.i-- r c f i h.-i- H. II BCui il ls it Co., t)n ..n, .. j U. P. IhomSwN .t'u.a.-.i C v S. T i.IIU.HY 15HOWN. S -l'H-y. i.w. ; T. It FlMttRorti. W. UHATTON. lt:oWuriili; l;ir PI ve lit K.VSIGN & FoRl, T t'dr, l ii.; O ir (ieileri iml r''wr S'fln.l II . Tl.nn v, C. e rriit City, l i'i-i. in il It. P. Tn MPsoft Nelirki Ct' t)ur Swiii!.' M .eii ii.r- troiu it I. nit. ; ('ir urapp Vt m v' i from ! c itbrarei! rnliiv, tr l.-. C. W. .hant. Inni iu:id, near Pc-ekvil e. New Y'TH. HI . II. I CR.C11L S .V CO., OreRtHl, ii..., mul It. P t no .ipsux, Xeurjoii., Ct),as ui-iy bo p.ie rfi l. lb l.-f HO I l.l-f p. t'llll lll.K P; eihinuiB nn:-t b r '.tciflC'iily -ked f..r, a.t we h ive iii.'U inciid.H li'i will t ike ii .iic .iid i!ieieiore. tewui li'.i k'. w whether !lu-y a'e .'o-l.rd nr mil, iiiik'i-s Ibe f ici hi. moot n i.ed lii-ii tb" club are fiit. Ti.e t.i.-h tiii.rt il,T .no mt...y it"" h kI if U i.k r :ii I q i inii;it'-i r See I -ucli j uri o... c i-d to be bent bv hi nl itid c-ilured Ki nit Plate- are di -sired. taiiipN i.fll.-ieir t" p e-py fi.preoii. ,Lire p u W.iie will be iit'iivi rrd at the Kirc . til f . in uib ihoj siail ImiMiienrx Trie i.c. i ub.a d S ejin 1) or railicui cait lulij picked v b- Xfl 1N1jTJCF.JJE:TS tc CLUES : I To ench lirt e n-.b-criber reuri:ili f X we will tir.A 4 papeii. U.trdeii or KL.wer ned 2' 'Tn the pervi.ii en 1'iiK c a club if 3 unbscrlbern at $1. e will j.en.1 16'papei fj ir.'em.r Fl wr s- ed 5. Six ub-C.-kber and $t Inm i ii l rn: it 'e tbo pp. f n ieudi!i: the club ti -iO papers Garden or Flower ecil. 4. Twelve rum-crtbpr nd $!0 in c i-li will entitle Ihe setter tip i.f the club 40 papers, ail (Jinien Flower, or arrted ecl tuy te dexiirinTf"! 6. Twenty hiicrlber and $!5 in c.ih n i;i entitle ihe j ert-u eniiiiu the c!::b t.. wjrib ot Setd Piutes. Plants Uo..k, r Impiement. 6. Fifty mb.-ci ifce- ! $'5 in cjh will e:iti:'e ti e perwn sfiii.'iiist to $m wtiyrliinx he m y o'e-:t. In m.tkins up the b .ve p.'p...-i:i- n: thec.ub p-itv, it wiii be i.ierved. re at led ci. rn es the ef..re il.e premium i riot large. I', i i.j.ti..na.y with the pr-..n peilnif up tic club be! lor he pr. vis; es tne eb-cri:.e i uie ciuu raics t.r hi ii.eraie r-.r nr.fi e iib u-ilfr TilE unlijr-ignsd will oo Monday, the tiA day of Mjy, lSGi, i ii th CITY OF PE11U. N. T., OJir I'm Mile, tu tho Lih-at liidJer, the followic i ro.iit, vix : 100 CHOICE LOTS ia til 3 CITY OF PERU, One Ulucksmlili and Wagon shop uiiU iul tli tvuiiU lliu MilUtt llUatfU. Ill Uu Uiv ia :tl one IU ird .n rt i,l a CABINET SHOP. and tbe lot en hIji.-Ii tiio imiuj is ii mated; also a HOUSE POWER whiuh H ntl.iclicd to tho same. Alio A Icrg9 and CULULD xliuu-t W A REHOUSE in ".be towtiuf .Mouut V'cruoii adjoiaiu the CitJ of 1'cru, said to bj the BEST WARE HOUSE on tho Mi.-iou.j liivcr North of Sit. Jueph. Also, a iare lot of CATTLE And KITCHEN AND HOUSEHOLD Furniture. I have hUh uoout 40!) Acr. .f CHOICE FARMING LAND, Adjoi:iin i'ci u. VLici 1 will tell ou viuf lefuji at private sale. i'cr;u.-t of s;i!e : On 3 tlurd Cuah ia hand, and the remainder mi ix und niuu incittliK, with Ietl luturest. .Si!e to coiifiii i fioiu -Jay tod.iy uutii all ii sold. b.iio to Coiulucucu at 111 uViock f tid ujy. It. V. FiiAME. K-rn, Marv.li 'iSih, 13.51. n33-tf IIKUIFJ 6ALE White l.u i A Co, i I'rcdin .ro .t Drydjn. J NuriC'i- ii bcrui. ivui, that hy virtue oi tun ciui'ti i.--u.d by iuc clerk ui iu. U tiic; tuui t . I ,'icul t.. i uUu.J,.vUf.i.-il i ci r.n;r) , aftl mi ilic.ic- f..-nlj;i s Aibcit i'lcUiui.iA T j, i. u ta lib-.vo kli.,iKuiiiiin,m.a iu jittui ui ine j uiui.ia iUctc u i uln , IUj.m;1 ilk Cl, '' lii tuuiit ultv iiuitdi'ttt Mud Uu UullnK alli llVUiilV liVO .tctiLli, iUli vllj CiitU bt lull, -IU.Ulil.ll ' to Il.H.il 0.j.lr l.d t I L. I, . -L0 CJilto. 1, J. Ii. Cl!.", UCl i J" Oi MlU COULiiV, IU ria iin limy, pat e K- t,-4 uHia uud Miii ua'jr lor uk ill j.uijltc .iui 1. Oil, ui. tho duor cl tbe itoUae iu Hu.cU tie i.i--t lerui oi ln U.-lricl court lr aiU i.u.iij w.i.-Uela.ou .Wi.iitiiiy I tie U'Jiu tiy ol Ayr A, All liol, ujio u luu. ur.t-i il .lo .lu.i, p. u. 1. 1 miU Ji... .ild Mil. cil lu I be bl0Ucrv Lldxt f li r ca.-ll Iu ti.i.id, :tie t .iii.Wiu Jiscr.li.ii properly. tu-iii : iu m. tiui s. hi o .i ui .vut oi tho u jfiUrtc:. i i trier ol oe.-n ii ien y-n ne i.j t.,Wiisu,j, fiv , rue a i ecu iG;. ..st. i ibe a.tU riucipii ui ruia.i, l-cii;:i ii ;s in uiif. l.iuu. l.iKen a .lie ,rop.liy 1 A IT lien io pa IMutl.i u i-U .i cUili'li JlU't . l.li . I.il lu ia.V r ut U uu.', iu3 Il A U... J 1 VV i.Lii, .turiif. LasLb.iuh i. Cnrfon, . K. M Cinn. Br Tirtue of a wrf nf to m .r. the i)i.trict Court of Namnha eountj.5- ritnrj, I will i.ffVr f-ir iale. at the i.f , J..hnj'Di IJiH,thj I'lnee where wid Cv l.i t Irrni, in the taw f Hr.nri!le,.X a,.1 NebrmVa Terri ry. i n TuelT, th:i April. 1451. ut ihn hear .if J i'.-l.'(, lowing Und and tenement. yii : th the ont.h(n4t ,arter of ti(m Pa, ii Eve: nrth f rn f u -fwn. eat -f ib,i; piil incri lim, ia Netna ; acnuntT. NVhiHuV It J. II. Uo; Jlireh 2S;h. It.. , nrAitfc LEGAL7 NOTICE Samuel Cul!:i, t LinuS" 1 Lf. Ficldrnf IF. John A other, deSTi.) Said Kividirs II. John of the -.t JJ ii hereby notifi-d, lht on the U;hdnj.' ruary, 183!. Samuel C&thtn C!id, in int ficsof tho lNirict Court of the seei.niJii . iricf. cf the Territory of Nebraska, in Ml' h C?unty (in chancery a petition agaiatt:. fiher, which will be for heaiinj a: ties; of Hiid curt. in which petition (a own;. : (Aid Callan claitnii and demand jceruin r and tu the property (r prcced there, f i.' ptitutinjr the fe:n Ferry-bHt "Qu"ti the appointment of a receiver and f -r .it ment of an account between him ani;lk; that ho ia required to answer raid pti:ix fore the 23th day of Arri!, 1551. S. UELD'EN A T. W . TIPTC5 Solicitors for Cbjaj' M.irch 23.lS8i-iw.jr D. J. llartin Company .v. j In.theD'itTt'.Cr Samuel' Ca'Ian. Wil- )."etnAhtoatT.' liaui V. lies. anl Jlarji- t ka Territory. Ii ' ret J. His., hi wifa. J eery, . Wiilinm P. He.- and Marsriret llvt Vj ' abore nam?d defendants,' will take ni't et'S rid J. Marfin, Stephen t . Isuckoil and ollj.doinx busino.-ia IK J. Martin Jt CtiL"' . on. the lilih day of Mnr-h. a n Hoi, ale !.'' T.f if i-n in theabie named eiuiha C-i' triet Curt agam-t the" ?a:d del i.iln ;! . v Cail.in, William I'. Himh; a.nl M:irg.rot J.ii f'.recIiHe ii certain timrfijHjr- nmd' iml r"r the Sth i.f April, 1-5V. ky'.iid S.iaii-1" farorof t hi sa id pl.iititiI--.i fli j !i.iii.: ed real estate, Miu.ued in tnid count) ( V: lo-wit: the N'.rth we-t j irt-r.f th a'1" ter of aet-titio 2i. towji.hiii y. 3. ii"r!' 1 f eKt of the ffrh pr.ncij 1 tin riJ'i. in ' ty. etrn.k T- rn'. ry. c n in lit iu tnirtcj'ign "mm givrn tu ceu. a-irm r note ninde by .md J- tmui l mi!hii. hi ' :"' r liin'Tlfi. d.tf .l Arrl 9 h l,-i'.. t r ti. hundred dni! im wirli inte.-.i: fr. iu i!i- Pile of twenty tir:- xv .-ent per auiinm. V' er id -Hid iifi-n i t fM .! m rtr' Hti.-fy ..HidcUim.a'id ttx-iud- ami I"'"" de!Vud.wi'i of all rt-kt. itrr.r iulre4 ii'! ciiiim th.-r-iii. S lid direuiUtib arefurtlnf fhiit Ih'-i are r-ouir'-d fianar!r iwid pri'i. b. f.j-e t. e fit i il i i.f Uy. i n 11. IIKWKTT A TH'kI IS. A .if''-Mun-h 21. Hi!. 4-.f4 Ki.-ke, Ki,iht JL tV i:ict Jt C.l y. X Smith ) .Mi.Ji .Tta. Hil. I li '..JH.;ISU, i..ici 1. -;7jU 1 Legal Notice. Iii the !)i.vi..'i wuuK, .Ntiuh.i ....:. Krrit..r) : iloi;:io rt'rr.tli. Krsin i., In i. ;r, J . i, ,' "i . -ieii. i i! 1 1 in lc!a. Mud II ii.il ui It I,,, , u . M; i.ik- in tit e l..iu .oi, r liiii.-uii aii Jjv a . . i , i ii, Ou-i.ic. i i'4Vuii.ij X Im , Uiivj n.-i w t.i n uud utiirouiu'.i mi ii ui i.a u p.n it ii, Cuil u ireiiid Hmnit ,iitui u.e. btei a ..a .iyci o. Willi h i t f.C.vhu l cciUm u. rl.ie mi, me li Ui t. id ej iJi tcrol oee.ii.ti six, lu :tt ll'y X. u.tt.i ,l rju.i l..irtoc.i. et-t ut I bo .aiu j.r.u-ui-r-'diiii. iu it.il ei uuiy i.i . uialiit iu.iuc by ln-j n.d lloii.l;.. o. Worrnil in I.iV.ikI u.Mre I.. u W- f, IL.il the Mild i.iud tuid Mini .lie .intl np p d in ui lit i.t citimiu priuiii.i.ry u. u lor - j mm iii.iru; ut tUu i'te j ijve jier eent. uiou.C trout jiiu i'y lib, iSiy. in ,de by id il wi L. ..u;i i ii; tiivor vl hco tin o i,. .VucStut; and n.vl'l.dJ In ald il .lu-ij : and xIm. to dtf,r Ti th Oi-tni. L'yJ tnihf.in'y. S" JIoire i Smith ) ritorr.. , William N. Smith that .iiuti V. Ki-k . Au-Kwi-ht. Wulmirt U. Barrett, am! M:'-f pr;iiT. uml3r the nam aad v!e of Fi A uiiiiDy. did, oh thtt llth d y uf J'"'" ISl'if. Cl tluir putition in km I C"rt na:d Farh.w S. Jd.re and Wi-liaui N- "f-" nr under th- niini of M n.re A .-iuitii. J-'"3 c'tin f..r h thtt the aid defemlan' to the ?aid plaintiff. in the um of $'01 J1.' ter.-t ut the rate uf ,x per cent prt'li3-r the 27th dy of July a l I3 5D. I'ur "'Vfl' ehundie -y tkemij pUintitT to the:i ": before tbat time sold and deiivercd at J nit.-iriiH. rin.l ri'iitt. S nd dfi,i.iiif are furthem ti5-l t . s-wtry Ci ! vit baring leD fii.d.aiiorJ1''''1 iii.'it s be.iii i.UL-il it lirut th 4r i.moertj j tl . t. II. wingrval enfare b bn uttath"! j t- - u-he-1 quarter ..f aection H. ' !ir-...l r.mij 15 e,wtof the 6-b pHoci?" : ! -ui. - ui.tr. I ui -ni l i-ountyif -iuha. I 1 -tVndarif r further i.inlf"'' th u ... -i.oin il i, nn..T .!d lifinn it Iwf J-'" ' of ,, nl to IU l . I .. fSt! I1KWETT iTlW- l' pvr Probate Notice. Wr:i. V.. P.Tr:i .fm f1' V.. .ili.. f. iii.TT. d . y iiul! n.ii void uuv-iiaiii iicni ui'nU ly Wiili im l-lcUy .tod Unr.ci:ib UUf in (-t- b.r, lS:',to ejid fraucia l'r. u t ..1.4 1..-L.H V Mu!.uo,a..l to dhMf, ex'.-luue $1. It her bleia.kc.-. uptlieclnk t tl eai h. mrh ! '"u r,Vt'' lori:ei...-je su.d tict'cMianta i.ii c,i:li ui' lernnn i. eiiitfiii Li the marKi.i i cm ei lier rca'.n it t:,eti. ; ..! r.:it, ti'ie und iuierejt which tho mar M.r a...I i. .u.l.mAIJII.. i; ' .f... .1 . , . . ai!;ii'jon i.tho iireniinni in ha:ever nnr te orde:ei to the am -tint. The fall. .wins inl.i-em"tit are (rere.I r-r clubs a! tbe ra'ee.f in1r!s mb-be. -. $l e...-h : I. Fie ,ib-;ri)i' ami $5 iiica-h will eii!it!e wp ernJine ihec'iult t 1 in wimrcver ni:y l.e oi.'r'p,!. Ten !iosi:riuer u $! in i-n-h wi'.j enritie t. v! tJ in wh-itei-er may lie ;eir1. 3. Fiftcjn ir.hcriuer mul $15 ia r.v.ney will ilrw $i In sn?t. a ui.iy l; o-cle.-r.i. 4. Te:i'y Hubcrijera aad $10 eatit'e t a S7 riCer. 5 I'.t'.T acb'crltera r.l $.M wil: en-ire f Mr !er. not be IonfftT sunrressed. Would vou ,;,"''- .o,vtu cuutiet., lave them all leave, and thus nl andon Th" 'e -ttainins p-eniiTi.;i ie pcTiiMei to rp-e ihe secession ariiccracy uf .he South to I rrupl r'AQl !'" the tender mi rri'.-s at ?lr. Li:i.ilii ? : 13'k atwi Pi wi.h ih,f ces w.n ber .nnd i-! i.v- T!ni.r-,UI. i ' j s'l.-e'-Ti ijrr. i.r. O -:-! ei e, -f ir p e,,ien'Mi:j j. " iiKi.iu iv unii. .j..i i.iii.i; s:ii'i il'tei,d ilit.4 lire roinirc:l ii. tu ..." b;:. re tbe l3Jid.iof Jl.iv. a l - - - H!l. W.T or i ic everal u.aicrj tt;crc:u si itcd will be taken a true uti J decree m.ir! nci'ordiiiyiy. IIK'.VKIT A TllOi;.V.,Att" for Vl'I. JUrch 27. 1SJ1. uU hw-iTiO wiif :,r. e-int" ..t .1 h th- I'm.U:i- C..r T-.'rr.Ujry, 4r nnr v-jf. x th--m-ct uf i. i--iie N, N"fk,is i hrpfiy ii:T-i! th.ii I b.'''. ".v'urvii.n d !"l,t t'J --ui. i , u: i nnnnj irn.l aMiti-iMi-:i itt k,t .: in 4:, i.i ... iti, I i .kl ... :,! til may til ml arid l,im cm-e by ifc-' ui.. n of time iJioiiI 1 iv. f bo 'i .il. , y Wifne.e n:v hand aad a! tbi- J,r'i -i. d 1331. ( n35 S;-S.i ) C. W. Vli- " OHIO HUESE'BIE' -V- IV m -rt-j. t , - f..r Sheriff Sale. Lu -hbsa-:i Ji Cjkoo, i District Court, an.) R n i the Uivti ii!- ry, 1 v. v. t & J W y V'.rtue f Iw.i writ of ta The prapjsitj.j ) f.n- ;i Vim iias, fee, wtc ventioa mtrolucen in urs Le-'ulaturt of Iudina on the tint day of th 3 sssio-j passed jit before the r.Jj jmrutnra: Ly a t decided majority" bcu noasfr-i , ).. ti e r c-.r, :!-. 1 h0 i.C. . -t'f-1 I." -U k-i. -"i-t tu - r i . p-e 1 .y T. e--, V! 11,- v..::irt cf Ncuv.ih i county, 2ivbTvni-Tt:X' ! ' -T-r for at the do .r :i !I,.mr l.ih. -t.ti'a !,i.- ij.u-e t. he. c i ill l.'i.mt I: I.! ;?j 1 ci 1:1, iu tliolowuiif LiiA cville, Nviirnoiui Ter- r.' .ry, 1, Currants, Gocsebt-rriei. Ij'--8" 11 z ;. terries, St ra he r:: Of wliieh w bate a li-ce i-:.c,I w tt r.t l.r' t ie dOA duv of Jlvril. ISol - cf tix-e ,-.h.t tu 5.., ,e. I- ilovTiii Uuda and - aua t-i f .ft' - f...! t '"- trees. Ac. w rII f!i : ...n i T. r Gruwers. anl otter wisLiajto teili;) la mr st"fit of y Fruit and Ornamental TrrfS, Cr"? Shrvl f-trv, Rojfs, .V .1 1 1 ; t ih- i.i.ur .1' 1 iVt 34. -u.irter oi o. :..j ti.--f r-i-. - Mlf u. t-it-t 1. , t. I a - ! .e: : .