Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 21, 1861, Image 4
I ? . "- -4 b ! ; l . :'V U- - t ; i Ja f """" -" - ' - j Si.: in IiU:o- -tl tT t ft-oet Jtel.-.-at A'.;h r;.iir. :,;., ai.1 prec. .jtfJ i i ia E';tjJ lie Ca.iei r ice;r prr-.:e T-.e er;-.-.t-e o? tVc'tvi tf.l'y rrsves ttat ro Jr-iTu rfi of I--?n cio te c r; J wuh it. Itnps'i t:fcf li?t''i. .f vita! ei.erjry, tl ctterw.-, nck'y er-ji?.cxi-3 ioi.e;e it ie-e.'r a'.31'.nt re-y c. -,e'.r ji e rae. I'M.uoim:; nj t;a : n wtlcb it t te-en tr:4, fcs pr .tsj :.. -:f-; cjra:.i e ia eaca oi In Dclillltj", "Scrvom AtTccUon, Emaciation, lTpcpla, Concil iation, Srrafului Tubcrculo'--, halt Illictim, MUiijcuslrnalifjn, Yt'lilfc, CrtIaroK Iicr Coiu-plaint-.. ltheuma(Im, Chronic Headac he, Inlerniitlcnt Fevers, Pixuplc on t lie i'act',c. i c!-. ,f Gz:;r.zu vz.nLnv. wfcf.r.eTtterestr.t of accte ii -eae, cri! cii'.'iH (J.siai.uncJ rervea anj tniic;:r t?,-zj f- :n c'i ..: cvs.?;ia:. o-e tria' f tt; ret-ra:i e o 1 p-vvf-i.-u-:-f..l T'2t wtca do :ec'.p.4 a i. -r wittei afe-t:-.u w.c;d render c-rd.t .e. IriraM d i..r l-.i-riJJeo as tohave -e"-o f-j.'st:'! l-?iri,c jjeiC'i U. r ie til Sa:r r-i; jxfiif J la !L b ij wrj a if Jutt ri:rneU f 'na f,rir:ii l.'iin ij .jE liti. S-(ca Tfry :f;n .! tb. k:-:J are attested tf rene faJre'; e."i': 'el .: ipjreat d irijc: i. j;ixatraf ter v, aM u7.:c rt'.i-,a U -i exerc.i f.-,r ih pv.Ti,-a i tt.) nj j. Ia -NfJiTOCi i.FftCTlO'i M aa1 t ?r Ta.ti. lim, t- tien. cjtv.i.'ti! ti-:i prft-a'lj3 tl :rfjr t;-' t-ii. ; t be l:i::jrT f .-r-ce'.te teo.4 cx.1. it i r.z ronily t--'.i"t Upicjt aul orerLei int ; ari'i cer.: y, r-.. Ztj ?riat, eta in iL 12 t .t.-tiniect5 vf c!iveTe lUisut erer a (ji'.r.: purinivt, or i-i.e:;;; 1 tfiu;reeab:c te&&:;o-i. it i :h:t U.:r pi-rrtr. tiot otte-, -hici rnitet It M reu'iii T''x-.;! Ml ff rrjsr,l 1 rmii Ij Pile, apon-irticiTit ai' PT'f toCTrt arfitiiirt n1 I jre ibn. Ia Dr3PZ?3TA.ifn-n'V.e ire itci"c. a fii-:e Ik,x of the- t'ta:-2e P;:; ta of; en jt:? for te ' m':fcbi:-i!cjr.!"Cni ertieaf.eiaiCof.'rren It n-e-Vel lnR2;Ii;. cvea 'Lrn ivdr;:el t rrsZXrAKT. er.ari!jel, -n u'.ir.r, ail apvteat y ii,'gmt,' iietiTixia Lre ti'a eiAliy ietisire aua Iat'e pi'. liMff ff-"i aai l-e-:r:h, !e- ! i-a!;r.;-fi.-TTrh. an f remit'eit ic. wSk-b general :y iu Lc: IXCiPItKT CON'SrJtPTiOV. t!i! re-iie-iy hi aliiye-J tbe aUrm f fries Hail riTirta, ia tereral jrraf.fr1" an I in'-tir in-tavce. Ia SCl'J CL'H'S TCBE "'JCL'JSIS tl mIiia'el Ira Hi h-i ttr m re tU? tr.e ;j-j-J ee-:t tf the n ; ' titt4'sn;y tUr.:ei p'e.'nr".. ;L4uf iji;ae, without a-y f turir we! i kr. jT-a hail' Tie a::ea?i r-.f feu !e ci mt be t ycon2ieo:!y in i;ei tti retted j aaJ rcttzr&ive, to tbe ce peca , Iiarly acf 14 Ia RiICX ATISa. b3th rtr itie tnd inamrct.'ry ia tte iatteri bowever, m jredrct lei'y 1: ea iaTin tiy well report!, b."h a !icvii'.!".i pi.t ani re-larinj tte wei i::if i 5 !. .-f tt.f J in;. il miic:e. Ia INTEitJIlTrZN'T f etkrs tt num nece-'i:r te ' a ijreat femdy aul e-:'re-;; rc-t-ra;ive, anj it pro frf la the new e;:'.ejip-i: cf tte wet, will pr.-O'jiy Le roe uX bish rca-a i"..! cfri ,:.e. . So reaer bu ere-3 tf.iTerei ir the Wsoe ti tory of meli.ic, wti-:U exe-" ach jr 'mri. b?;-y. aril fciiy ret-rue "?:'fGwl ; ;-e"i:e c iu:p:e:e J.2e tln. rapil Cfji..U ! ot ;rc".r:ti. wrvi ia uouscii a; Tpyi fa tr active a- 1 c;,e?rfnl exrcie. Pot C0 in Cjt tneta! b xe c v.inuiuz 50 r:n, pricrW carta per brj; fw' ta e ty J' a:i l di'e-s. Will be ei. 1 free to anr mi reipt -f the price. AH lUert 4tier. e-c . i-e 1 !re-e t u. is. r,ot'!i:&. co., G Kj. AG t NTS. O'.ar t., X. T. Acrsat l. '63 !y. Flowers, Fruits, &e. JOHN A. KnN'.N' the Or .ro Nurcry, T7ct Korthfi! 1. relr f- rd.-!irrjr : ' r-j'h, ep;::j TuHi ". tthe ! .w nic of $2,-0 jver 10D. tui SiO p'frr th'.u.-ini f r Ur rK,t. .. Sr-trri';, of all t':.o m a; .reJ rrittiw, f roa 2 V4 d.'arj a ibousml f-'rm t, a few ort lik Wr;tt A'anrLiher rcr-recrs 23 l- 40 ceaU perf'jct, fcc-.d.t- to TrieW iLi fraj--ate- t ,; T,.. . : - ' ln-.'f at f r- rn S t.. 1 d!h m - r tl. Jv. 1 iv.. . . ; ... - . lSdo'.Uri per s.c-1 the isii'.'.kt tae cLeapcr ar i J better forl'?ac: cnV-a-.?r. f Sm:i Froit Currar.L-. Uji'.Vn (j -J-vebrry, , Bajpb?rr;e,D:awt5rr:ei, iciaac'a lower tbia erer tffcred before. Ornamental Tr?e,T.;? ar.l o;er Ilardj Shnsb bory.ia gret rarle'r an 1 ne ; an 1 10. 000 . m:l tolare r'ar.t f Tpvzht II.,r,eTocV!o?f av;i,Sp;rea. Dutiit ScsVr.t. I'r-m. Ac. at from 1 to ' 10 per bo ad red. An 1 ti.e l.-atifl iU'l'fnt - ab'Ji oi othr cboi-je pcrr.r.'.als at fruia 1 53 to 2 p-r d x?n. til icuiva tilths ".l de:rable at lttt Li'.f (-rice. CaUl-2tJ -y n'l or. ay.;'iraiiT: an erery- tain? Ic1t i'kvd f.jrd:-tt trsa'-rr'ation ; a r.l ' i a rule ttfyt thin-4 fo'.l at about ten per cent. 1 e in aatutun lLan t rir. f-co-l-Tl LQOX TO Y2U3JHTERESTS! STEAM 'FERE-y BOAT AT - Tot3i4ta tbe i cosscfxp'at'cs gcirg to tie "e.i',ka r;.i Kar s-a GOLD IINES, TLeLdnii.ltdr-;rttcta3,ax.dino doiejj w;!l Ljt pr:ti-e oe -r j iit a;:h t tere are a4rauuge CVoiric.r ii.e jliii-ouri river at lirowiiville, ; al c o.itti c at, ai; 1 :artl s-r fr. bi t pcict.Dit t-j Le f airfl at 32T vt. br ij-ice 'fl lL i;riri Ui- 1 rer. Io the trrt !ce,tii boil fieetf tiie nter arelare exteitof ljotuta latij in wbtVa grata eh ke a taicb earlier f tart iLjd cd tbe j law!, and it tsab rooie aboLaat, te:c ineiLaasTitSe the ec'.ire Eta o. Here, tt-en, i a iiirable place to recroit f:k tcforetartir cn the Ilairf. Sitk can a.lf be r arebaei here a verj favorable tertn Tbe Browtril'.e iesai Ferrj toat,birf tbe bet on tbe KiTer,ofer peculiar in lucetneat tut erow irat tbif p-iat. It i!are an-1 ct-n:ra.KiioBi: with powerful acLiEcry.L;ci ecallM ;'oe prtprietora to firry eaiiriiitfaad other in the mct eij-cii-tliiai wr.'f. 2Tor- Oxxtfittixas VTe ss'ertakeio f)y tai tiie ujriac.-s men of Bixtvi:;c area tti prepared toierre those whb ic op;liefwithai43frirq'aai';ty aci on at far cratie termf as can be f-and elsewbere. L'rerytbia de;ra!,:e can l e pu.ftaed in Hrfjwarir.e.f neb m Proviiii;, t killing, Minlrg lnp!e ccr.t5, :c, SiC Tte Hocte frora TIriwj:Tt!Ie to the Micef i oni Terai:y adaiitied by thefe who baretrareled itand other,to be f uperior in eTery rpeet. LrowuTi!le :i ut inii way ber ween Jit. Jo. and Omaha. As io dist"ce,n exi inatu.n of the cap i all that i n;.'e'arj to f r re to mj ore tbat it is nearer fr'.ra here tohe m-nthn froa any otLer pciot ntbe "i'fcri. On thif route wyjd and water aboand tbe cattre tiiitanee. while en many other. wol hai to be hn1ijl for many dy. - The for? r inj fact are fo'.!y and atifaetrnye tabii! el by the itnrnenc trarel of la et year, and tb'rfe wtoa'i' -t t it t"ie rre:nt wiwi) will haye co eane tortret having d'jre k. Taerefi Crc&s the Missouri Rirerat acd start from Brownville. JOHN CUDUINOTOX A CO, rro;rietora Sleana Ferry lioal. Fifty Thousand Copies Already Sold. EVERYBODY LAWYER, corsci.r.or: inrsi!ci:ss, BY FRASK CROSBY. OF THE PHILADELPHIA BAR. IT TELL TOU fO II w t-o draw tp ParttierpLip Papera a-t glre cerseral f-nnf fur Ayree- icectsuf k:i kici. Eiii of Sle,aw4 Leise ndPetiti-n. IT TU LL TOU nw to draw up aJ and Mjrtze. A3 iri:, Pjwer of Attorney. Xotea anJ u. Kiiage, Eecupt and Eeleaes. IT TELL TOCTie taws for tteellectim of dett with lie tutn'.ti of Limitation aril a re-in: t anl kin-1 of property exempt from exe:u'.iin ia every State. IT TELL TOC Ej t" mite at -.-i?unient pmpeily. with farm SurC nip -titivn wittcreJ itr, il tbe insolvent lw of every Sta-e. ITTE" L TOU Tie if-il relation exi-tins between Go ir liinan l Wl. U t-ter a Ap pf ei'ice. Ltti"! l-rd and Tenarit. IT TELL TOC Wnii s; t-!titnte L:be! ! S:au-ler, and tie Uw a to marrUse X wer. tbe VTi' rishtin prowcrty, Pirarce and A LLnvjLy. IT TELL TOTTTbe r U?rinio' L'eii ia every State, aal tbe Naturalization Lw of C'untry, and bw to comply wi' b the rioe. IT TELL TOC Tte Law C nceriiiiig Pension ind bow to Miia Mit. and tbe pre-eoiption Liw to Public Zjt.. If TELL TOC Tie Liw f -r Patent, with m de of pro cedure in nre, witb interference- Ast;;iimeaU and Table I Fee. IT TELL TOU Uuw i. mile yonr will, and b"w to 1 ciniteron an E-ta:e wiib tbe aw t1 there-iturcuient ihereoi ia every Site- ITTELLTOUTte ueinin; or Lw term in eeneral ne. an l exp!:iin t- yon tbe Lecila t:ve Exec:-i'ive an 1 Ja!tcial P erof bjth the General atd State Gjvern- in3ti. IT TELL TOU II w to keen out f Liw. by hr.winc be w to d yrr businewi leealiy. tbua iricint a vast am -cat of property. at4 vexxtiniH li:i;aiion by its time ly c.jaottatin. 5:".r'e er.pie will ! i-ent by mail. p-tipe paid t ev- er Varnier. everv Vechaate. every Man 1 Biine-r an! everytj-yfy m every State, on receipt of $1,00 or in aw i-tyle of bir.-!:'. at $1 05. 1,000 Dollars a Year. Can te rr.a le by et terpriir,f men everywhere, in !- iz.z tte above work, aa our inducement to all aucb arc verv liberal. For in;le cop:er f tte Bv,r, or f jr ternm to asenu, wi:t otaer infurmt!nn. apply to r addrea. JOIN' K. PfKiTTETt. Publisher, So 17 Sausoai Street, Ptiladelpbia, Pa. BROWNVILLEE! Eaa jest rece.veJ THE REST SELECTED And, perta; t, tbe L-ZRGSST STOCK OF DRUGS Ever brcraslit above St. Joseph, wrtici be If openic? out in tfca SPANISH MERINO SHEEP. N.& X Uottuit., 13reeltr of rare blood Atwo4 Sheep 01 tee ii4Uiiujna ttoct. Fnll Shaftshnry.Vt. Notice. Tbiwpvn Owen It I nl!y ai3ib.-rt7ed to act for tne, atH iq bit name transact all Lu-iae connect ed with iiylinlun te TItf-Breed Re-erve, locate! between t.':e Neinxlij. mctutf'.rie iheS-n Pranr rc, mui el and c rt;Cm,ed t the Secretary of tbe Interior to VTui K mi anl I t tun wld to Hie. Xew Turk. Sari, 1SC0 tf EEV. IIOLLADaT. N'eciataCi'y Iletald 3 week auai tend bill toitti a Ere. Splendid Xew . Building, Corner fif M iin and First trcets. ICrownvIllo. .Bia atocfc consita of tte f-A'.owiap article, wtica be will aell cbeap fur cb : Pure White Lead, Castor Oil. French ZincW, Cod Liver Oil, . China Zinck, Sweet Oil, Red Lead, Putty, VenitianRed, Glue, Raw and b'turnler, Fjs, Spanish whiting, Turpentine, 'Chalk. Linseed Oil, Cough Candy, Tanner's Oil, Copal Varniih Coile Scap, Fancy Soap, Toilet Soap, Tooth brushes. Liiherage, Fatentmedicicos, Let.paper White Varnirh. Ink, Hiair brushes. Tooth brushes, Paint brushes Stationery; Candies, Nuts. Raisins, S;c. Steel Pens, . . Gold Pens, Fends, Hair oil, lie. Also, a Splendid Assortment or !E orl'nin o37ioc3, Oompriain Lyon'a kwtnriou, Cuite, lVnmue fanBAne oa marrow, bear rreoe. and oil. taius and awcencM of all kuixU, and vt tbe finest quality. STATIONERY. Foo'.aeap paper, fancy letter paper, itilt eJjtel not, an4 envelope, plain, fancy, aud emwsed. pec penci: and pea-boider. lot of ail kinds, icktaud, wafer and aeaUuz-wax. Butch Bulbous Roots J. M. THORBURN c CO., 15 John Street, Xew York, Uavc jeft received in addition to their cecera Iafe importation thefoIJowin; novelties of tbe sea- ton in limstei quantities; Xew iilctUra.-inth.LtJti'ine,'Tenca--- 3a I.ninm L'fuI'Ciss. ineorananible, each $ 1 50 Liliutn TbuLbTrr aauin erand.S.rain Sieboldii.oranre eritnson. 2 feet 3 0 LUioruc.ichicun.' Sioriliianam manndelphi- cam.! .-ich rt;iw and rotted, 4 feet i 00 Liiiutn t iniceua? tbi new variety ba. jn?t been introduceJ by D. Siebold k de Vriee, and described ai the most magnificent of the if the Li'y rp:ie 20 00 Smaller buloa of the above 15 00 Tn'.ijva cluiana.brilliaot crimn carlet--- 2a Tu'.irct crnuta, a Cbiues tulip, curiou-- 15 Tu!i(agenerian.i,very large, bright crimson 15 I.-ij Japi.nica, new, j lendiJ free bloomer 75 Kjemi-fcri, fjlendid novelty Iruin Japan lUrJy 50 nruntvij.ia Joe bina 600 Lrunfrigia rcult d -ra CO We ao b-Z Vt reconmin1 the fi-IInwine choice Collections of Ilulbous Ilools: Assortmeis of 6 Fine named Hyacinth", f rpotj", g!ae' or oro hi,rl-r - 1 Poly.tnthu X rjii.uj lf 2 lloubie Tulire I 7 Mixed Crucu.i J At sort merit of 6 Fine named Hyacinths, far pct,g!a.;csl or opea brdr j 6 Fine Double tulip j 12 Fine Single tu'.ip ! , 2 Fine uiixed Crns j 3 Double nxreiffus 3 Mixed iri 2 IMyanihu aixiseus Assortmer.t 12 Double and single fine nameil Hyacinths') 50 i:ited crocus 12 Double named tulips--12 Single mral tulip---- P.ilyanthu.-'nin.-i.itus-- Double narcissus ?dixed iris Crown imperials Hulboco liuna Vemums-- i'ancratiuin mariliuium- SI CO 52 CO J ofs 3 6 6 3 2 1 PUKE LIQUORS. Eolland Gin, Irisb WLisly. Bjurbou t"biVy, Gineer Brandy. Cordial. Port W ine, Madeira, Wine, Wbite wine and Malaga Wma. I-Pbvfician's Pres?ripUors attended to at all tour kvui by day and nibt. CASH-lNVAUlAhL Rce-Ii.eexIns Explained. Tb be't Practical w..rlt yet pt,b,.-bct. Sent f-r one i ,Tur Bee lor sale by the warni witu ltal;n Q -een iars stut U all sppaLU. 'rvKKT. B Jwiuif iUe2f. T. aft'Cl. ! 0 H I 1 I U 0 ia a ii a a art 11 v ULUdlL 5 MAIN STREET, BROWNVILLE, N. T. Takes pleasure ia anojunciBc that ha has njwoa hand, a large and select stock of every art cle in his line, COpS, STOVSS Of all the improved pat'ers ; Tix : Plymouth Uock, Cbarter Oak, Valley Fur;e, Elevated Oven, 4x.t r 5 Assortments of 100 Varieties double and single lice named ITyaeints 15 CO 100 Double and sicgle fine nataed Uyacinlhs, in50crts 14 50 103 Double-. nJ single finenauicd Dyacinths, in 25 sorts 12 00 12 Our very bm named Hyacinths, for pots or open ground 5 CO 12 Extra fine named Ilyacicths, for pots or open ground 3 CO 12 First rate i,aaed Hyac'imb, fur gaes or erth 2 CO 12 Mixed double or sinl riyacioths, for otvu pnutid ICO 50 Varieties fiae named early tulips, for pots or open gn end 4 00 10 Varieties fiLt ratted late tulips, for open pround 5 00 50 Varieties fine named double t ulips for pot or epsa ground " 5 0o J. M.TlTOTlTlUrtX k CO 15 Jom ,Vft l'url. Qeyitht ISiO. Fall Box and Parlor Stove of an exile variety, some of wbich-are enti-ely new dizn, vis : A combined Cxk and Parlor staves, .rneUiioe; very nice indeed for small families Miscella32 eous. HEAVY SHEET IRON FOR SUGAR BOILERS And Large Castf Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal and Lard Oil Lamp; Bra?s Copper, and steet Iron Ware; Lace n', Shovels, &c JAPANNED WARE, I hive procured tberirht to manufacture a late simple and improved felf-ealir-fr Frnit Can towbich I call tbe af :;ti Ki o ibepnbtic. All of wbtch I p e-I,re myself toell a. as fair rates and on as accomodating terms as any other eibiib&ient in tbi re?i.n of ibe c-'iintiy 1 am prepared to pet up prmerin: and p.iiua; and all other work of my lice attbe shortest notice, and in a wnrtM-titliVe manner, wbichl warrant i:. give atlfacti.Jn. I ple-Kre i ae'.f not tube mil Jtl ia the upper country J. C. DECSER. BrvWDviMe, Anjust. 30 1S60. si LATEST NEWS. ov ti cn Mr D I i Hlub hill. "FRESH GHOGIBIia3 aJ s 7fai Bilges, as3, n CHOICE BOTTLED lL53UOim, Catawba Wine, Chanipaigne Wine, Claret Wine. Old Rye. Old Bourbon. Irish Whiskey, Porter, Gin Cock Tail, Saddle Bag Whisky, Blue Lick, Bokers Bitters, Pale Brandy, Curraco, &c. . 1 W WAV i Dishes, Plates, Cups & saucers, Bowls, (p5 A S ciU Bar Tumblers, Decanters, Gtblets, Wine Glasses, Fruit Dishes, Pitchers &c. c Vaar jtj - ra TOG Ear Rings, Shirt Buttons, JEWELRY. Finger Rings, Bracelets, Breast Pins, &.C., &.C. Come and see and Secure Bargains. THEO MIILIL. Browaville.'Acjust, 30, 1E60. - OREGON NURSERY. E. H- EtRCUES CO., PKOlMill.'l OllS. j Oregon, Holt Co., IIo. i The Bi,ier!jned hav locr sisct been e nvitcei ! ef the want of a Em clais .Aurierj ia ie TREES, SHRUBS, FLOWERS, &C, Can be aJjctcJ U ourclittate and soil. Ia view of these facts, we tave established one at this jtace, and havenowin suetessfal caltivatoa. which we of fer for sale at mdesale or Rdail, Thexm!n?eaioa, a Urje and well selected stock suited to this eliraate, .f Apples. standard and dwarf; Fears, standard and dwsrf ; Cherxiea, sla&dard and dwarf: Teaches, Hums, Aprieoti, Xttclarines, Q jincc. Grapes, Currents, U.?ebrries, rtaipberries S trawherric? aad niicibcrrsei. EverrTeeiii.OriatneataI Tret.iid SLml.f . Greenhouse acd LeJJicj IlanU, Iwses, Duhlias, ! Ac., Ac. I To which we would be leave to call the tt'?nt:oa I of the peop le of Western Missouri, Xebriiha, Kaa- ', sas and lows,. ; J5?Oar tertxs will be as low as any reliable east era Xursery. i By purchhsicj of us theeipe&seof tran?prtation frora the eat can be saved. All trees and plants are carefally labeled and packed in thiiest manner for any part cf the Unit ed State?, f'r which a eharjre of the actual coft only will ba mads. So ehsrje will be mide fjr the deli very of pac-kag-es on board st earn be a s. Allcomtnunicati insaldrejjed to the undersigned will receive prompt attention. E. II. ccncriEs A CO. GreatBargainsl LUMBER! LUMBER!! uneaper man juver icr uasii cr cn Time. LEWIS LAWRENCE, Well known in this region as a successful and ae- eommodatin; lumber dealer. hasa;ain Uken the 3XU1 on Sonora Island, And is prejar ti furni-b every desirable noality of lumber fr fencing or building purposes ; dslirer ed at the Mill, or ai Brownville Landing, Or at any pinr in the river mny be agreed upon Tlxo Prices Areas folio i-. At tue ii.l t..rca-ih. frrm 30 cents per 1C0 feet to SI per lOOfeet. On time, say three, six, nine, 01 twelve months, from 45 cents per 100 feet to SI. 25 per 100 feet, with 10 percent, interest from delivery note to be secured by unincumbered real estate. The lumber will be delivered at any point on the Mi?onri Kiver within 50 mik-idjwn stream, at 25 cents per 100 feet in addition to tbe above prices when su Select amounts are taken to justify the con struction of a rait. To those wishing lumber, particulartf enticn is called to tbesu propositions, which cannot fail toi e-mtnand consideration. Cine with, or sendyour orders, and they shall be SI-d withnr delay. 100,000 feet or Lumber on hand, And more making every day. L. LAWRENCE. March Irt.ISCfl. 6ra. What Everybody WAuts. THE FAMILY DOCTOR COJtTAIXISO Simple Remedies, Cailj Obtain f'or llae Cure or Oisease in all forms PROF. HENRY S.T TAYLOR, M. D. IT TELLS rOT n w to attend upon tbe,ick. and Imrla enik f-jr tbetn ; h-w i- prepare drink Ponltice iic . and a!-M Ikw t :ard azairii-t tbe iuXectivu from CtOUgioUit Die-es. IT TELLS TOr Of tbe V4riin disease of OiiMren and pive the ti d). sinip.-t m-def treatment dnn.iz l-eibin; c nvcl ion. Vjcciutkn. Wbjopiti5-c.csb, lteale. au:. IT TELLS TOC Tbe symptom .f Cr-np, Cholera I Ef m tuui Cb lic. Diarrhea Wurni !ed Head Rioirworni. Cbi-.kea-;ox. s.c. and ?ives yu the oet remedies for their cure. IT TELLL AOC The symptom. of Fever and A true, and Biii-u Teltuw. Typhu Scarlet and otter Pevers. nhdirive you tbe text it;!p!e?-t remedies r.r their jure. ITTELLSTOU Ttie syniptoin of Innuetiza. Conump-ti-n Dyspepsia. Asthma, Dr..p.ey. tbe Gout, Kheamatim. Lnn;tj;. Ery sipeias. 4lc., and eiveyou tbebe-t Reniedie for ibdir cure. IT TELLS TOCT Tte spniptom of Cholera Morbus. V j- iimiiiu ch.dera, S.uai l-P -x Dyentery Cramp. Die.e cf the B a-l ler. and of tbe kidney and Liver, and tbe test reiriedie for their cure. ITTELLS TOC Tte nymptonis of the Alamp. Nenral eia. Ap.pleiv. Pr:yis, the variwn Di-eeor ibe throat. t-eth. ear and eye, and tbe bes-t retudie fr tbeir cure. IT TELLS TOC Tie ymproms of Epilepsy ja-,ndi-e the Plies Rapture Die-i.-e of tbe Heart. Ilemorrbaze, Venere! Diea-e and IlydrijplKjt.ia. and eivea tbe bet rem edies for tbeir cure. IT TELLS TOC The bet and rimptest treatment foi wounds, broken boneand li.-!uc.itini sprains lockjaw. Fever S.rer, Wbite Bweinns:. l icem. vnitlw, Boils, oenrvy, ourns iki scrofula. . is iLLa iui ui me varKus uiae peculiar to the emi.eSex. and sive the bet and iiini pest remedie for their cure, tore'her with many valuable hints for the pre ervaii.nof bealta. Tie work is written in plain lanzuaee, free from med ical terms, so at be easily uQJer?: l while in im ple receipes Eiay soon ure yua m my time the ot of the book. It U printed in a clear and opea type; i il lustrated with appropriate easravinzi. and will te for warded to your b)re-"', neatly beut.d atd postage paid on tte receipt r $i no. 81,000 A YEAR Can beaxadeby enterprising men everyw here, in sel !ins tbe above work, a. our Inducement to all ucj ate very liberal. For single copies of the Bor.k, or for terms to agent with other infomiation. appiv i.r t lrfi JOIIX K. PUTTER PubMher. ?o 617 Saonom Street Philadelphia, Pa. Dissolution or Partnership. Notice is hereby piveu that the nierchintile buinesi here'oforecartied on by tbe nnders-incJ, uiider tbe firm name of Seisel and Greenbaum t thi day matualiy di!Kilved. David Seisel is authorized to settle up the bcsineof the concern. All perrons knowing therne:ve indebted either by note or account are hereby notified that an!ethey wm forward immediately and pay op. i t.e nie and ac count wffl be placed in the hand, of an . fflcer for col lection. D A VT D 5KIOFL. Sept CO. I9J tf IIKXRT GRKFXB trif JOHN A- PONN, Hit Rem or (J Trcm ti Cli Stand ca the Ltvee to MAIN STREET, BROWXVILE S. T. I-"- -- T FIKEXIx"LlTTzr, Tte-e ri.. i ;r.e bar? c-. ii. , i , '-. ...... . . ,a--r,v. . 13: ! There te tas cpe ted u? a ii1 UXx. Coneistins STAPLE AXD YXXCY DRY GOODS, ALSO A Large Stc-ck of Choice Family 3r2ro c eries? coxmst:g op Flcnr, Ha Eaccn Sc-rar, LIo!aCs Cofiee, Tea, Salt, Candles, etc., etc., And a fine assortment of LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Spice, Peppers, !trl tl It :r:y ei,-. J q j.:i ai'.-e-l a l.-'L r.Z. jt cr B t iULe f- r lir.r j &i- - ' ly ere y tf .l.ztit tj . . 1 f- ! : wirr s;i f j4 ,r b yn ja i! in '-.! Ii tie VEGETABLE LIFE At well tstva ! be cf.::ji. -14 s Mri;q: " .a. . . rlr i. is-tei-i ! ti-e sia.e k.rj. ptc. e, lifiriti.-u, Le:-t.e, I, ABi,ry. Lar jJ- r, ar.J M.e lra erl rL.:-tvCi j i-7-pt-j-.'a ( ti.'a -ne t. ir e.ea?.2j tie v,,.v a:; v. jir-it parr Stave lit bi.-e;. tj. ca-. J"e r ?ri, cf a!! k;vi. ty'reftir:-.i t t lif c.:t-:a.i-ti, tir.;t; xi, pri-,, a 't. sttihe-es. sul tt s-j:it:-.a ,n vi-:r-cii-.u in .:i.r. " Wt T. , Tie I:e 3Ze.-..e In teti ti vi te r. cfN r.4 -:a: '-a: -u ; 'ii- vrt.3ft.t:y ;a .Lree tht ti - e t y re-.r.s ! . j: i:: '.-cp..ri t'i t. tyjre' r.ji- tL s..--; 5 t.a ; er ; tt,rj , ly -'! tie- ir-iV'1-'- -'TE. tu-i tecrv. fwutrti a r:ti3 ie j v-Wl Tt t A:o "tri. by !:,-.--.'-.:. rr.,m tie f Lere. i.urr. r.'rcr-i j Untitle Sr?t, t i, at Jail tte ti;ivf. . -. ac.b.:ic E ' yu- r.sar.i b.4 r, n : trrDi.iteSt, s;.i Httiij,t'.a; tie ci t-1 --tJ-e -f k"jh 'J ,Lt .iiv'V.C-U Jy, ICtwp, ''' 1 '!. Tie cfeJ tree p; - j f r -ery ,b.j ; . . a tr.tilf " e Salaratas, Ginger, Alkpice, etc., ALSO, etc. A veil selected Stock of HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. ! UEEXS IV A 12 , Saddlery Boots and Shoes. ai. t;.;irf cure tt 5.t ...rt.n and rifu". n tlf f ffbf-s ift't '. o. !:.t.-C:-ia w;;l liijr. te C -' : tte r C4. w ciii e-i -.i t..o. i:-..oj.;i yer i u-e. f ti f L-:r Mef e-J.e. Vrrr Jja-f :-i- .. q-re ,j t Co'iutry te- at w4Jl.te:-.d 't -; Ic-rii!a re-iie-Jy. Let i e-;ns ,Te J b.evt t- aretsis f i'-e a uU't i-j iN ' cir.r- i pe' tfy.ti.e-s.'. te ia, F.ean-1 L.ver t'.j;.-ji3i vSr t-iiity l" t.f art eu:. I:e,evf 1.,' t-c.:-e bate ttta ud lii: i. t'. . t i-e . i .rc: ;ut: a s, u.4 in t s ''it. t-.rr.i-. j .i i i- ie t-i ac:i ii- f tie- rn.-j;t.!le ltec-.Ee. j... en -ncei-i i'T x ervj tp. j(uif tiia.ka ,f tie beirt. Pa::ei' Cv,:, ed. Kermrial V.testrt P?r,e wh. t. .. ba e Uvi-uti i s 1 -y t;e ir,l, j, wiiil-ud it;e-e Xecir. ajerfectcr w f,. fjil v era.;oi:e irt-ta tie j!-iem ai ie er, ilercu-y, ta :-.':y rer t.a tt. i;.Vi r J arit.ucs f ' Jn:f'i;, II", 8cKfi, New Li Js!y 5, 1?C3, ly , . First AnnuarPa: Si. Lcvii, t 2 t 1 1, ISO First PrcinicEi A-; aided ta GROVKK & BAKEIi: riMiLY SEVsiAc; uicuiTr. HtS knowle-lie of the trade ar.J wants of tre p P' of H - wnvil.e and vKm;ty eni.t-'e- kin t ni ike j'-'i-. i ou purchases expre--iy tor tbi roa-ket He .-k a:i exaniina;i-'n .f bi St-k. feelius aure-' be w;!l be able to satisfy iu qua ity, style .nd prices. X. I. e il:i'?t. Ia il.ijir' a w i asaf L irj' r ; : Ms ty ni-iry :hs t--.r.. Tue (." o-n-trr vr;-vt!! n!tt-l,i oe tirv,- bcs mil jir--il.c cs"r.t' .t tt rn 1 ui i. . . Tv-n rre i ijtt rJ f. r :':, jv T Ue (. 1Tj31' -. ali-r hT ii- fir' V aivi -a,yi - :d t- tu.-r i tuiUbiu Utv-i Wb't!rr x a. 1 1. Th Ci ts tittce ther, s,.-; a tu ; Dc. t lav Ua cr. t :-!.ai.-l (Jr'cr tt' X". 4 Cifvver A Ujler; Cri trcaiuat,' ai4 J.t). X'. if WhcJerA Vr..';n, j-ct c ijr' rih tr a-. Ja;. . . ' COMMITTEE : - ' J.Pl J. H V'co j Siriitl lint, fjj . i f- ' anj euiinent.y ei! ii Tit waaaixiij!j .r3i to Grcvcr &Eal" a ' TttK LEST rAJSIL J rd .V'7 5! A OWL WHITNEY'S BLOCK 5 UUU a?B oiuavt) dissociation VANITY FAIR, The Great Nannnal Huaorcus Wteki PROXOCXCED BT COJtPlTEXT JUDGES TO BETH E U3DEL ILLTJSIEAIZD PAPZ2 0? A2H2ICA. SPF.CIAI. NOTICE. As an Estrirdiuarr inlocenent to Xew Sabcriber. tbe following Premi Bins are offered l";i ibe receipt of Three Dollars, a xpy of VAX ITT FAIR, for one year and any new novel or publication, worth from Oae Dol lar to One Doi Ur d Twenty-five Ce'iir. For P..ur Doltarf a oy of VAX1TT FAIR, for one 7ear. and abound copy of tbeFiri Vutucie in a neat CWb biuoing. tbe retail price of wbich i.-, Two Dollars. These Preratutn Boks wip be ent purtee free. For Five Dollar, a copy of VAXITT FAIR, f t e year, and a Certificate of 5i.bcnpJi.,n to tbe COSJSOP ULlTXJk ART AJ&OCIATIUX, which entities tbe buider A Bentro!e.t Intt it ufion rtltbHthed by tecil Ea doicnent for the Relief cf the S et an i LXttretted, rjfiuted sr. fa Yiritirt and Ep-.demtc Intratet d ' eiecta:j jor Lie t ure oj Unease of Iht Sexa-il MjlIDICAIj ADVICE Jtiven rati by tbe Acni.s S-irse-n. to an h- j pty ty letter. i h a Oe-K ? ip. i. n f tbeir c.M:i;i..!i ( se ix:.( fcj!.;i..f iif &.c. ) ana in ca-e : esueuie poverty, Jle.'it.:ue9 IurniLeu free jf chire Vaiujb:e Rerrts on Sperra ttorrLei. rd -itber ea'CS of tl. Stml (-riti, H f n tT.eXKW RKKK- hies empi.-yed in tne Diiniy. tent t.. the a.'Hine-l m-eaTe-t letter en vet-1 e. free ! harce. Twwr tLree btaoip for p tjie i: I be .Tp', A.iJ.-e- 1)2. J. KILLIN RuCUIITOX Acrmi S ir zen, Howarl Alviui;. u Vi. 2 S.uih Xn!b street. Pbilale!pLia. Pa. By rer ti-e Di-ec.-r-. EZRA D nEAUT'AELL Pres. firo. FatitcniLD, S-c'y. Oclite-13 l56o tl5 ylv The Nebraska Farmer. 16 PICS' QCIRTO M05TIILT. srstcRiiic ron it. il lh oiily Journal derotef exclusively io the Agricultural and Educational inte rests of O.braska, Kansas, .Yorthern .Missouri and Sovthern lovra. Try it.-iXid it. Four Copies, 3 months for SI Twenty Copies, 1 year $15 One Copy. 1 year SI A 1 l'e. FUKNAS .1- I .V ANNA, Drotenvt.'lt, Stirl. X.nT pile. "Sett. Ii h.H Atthe Tennee Stte Yr-.r driy the a prvinmsi was a war 11 t. ti (.rvrr A K-tr ir. .Machine a? the br.-t f- ril' rl.wvf fa.a; A'stt wa a irrtciuTa asr-.:el Pi.the j.rtr A liJ on the J--ut. p iin Ur'rj jrior'i Luttl.- i.r l-k ti-h Icr I 3-? aui -,'aTie. pre ta : u m were warded oer t e VY ,..:! I. M. ic-er. aid ILe Lines, i ivx:.i Sale Rocm5. 124 North Fcur.h S:::c ST. LOUIS, MO. . . Fnll 50,000 Llljj CJOL, AT.4TIS ST. JOSEPH, J0. , Two Fx!cr!vr lVri'on' fct'frei - surer: sfll opfk a . ONE NEW AND FITTED Ti are ti uJ " With all tt Lctci! Fhe We have f. are r i rj r--l tii e Ult'l- Satinets. Heavy, and Liih', JEA.VS THE EDS.. FL.LWVL white:. colored. ste:-.-:i a. ru: Xj In s o y , lulled llnveis. Culnrrd VI' and .Mixed. I 1-2 Van' vXc- FULLED CLOTH. Blarkfls of ali K?.ils2:J all Q:i" - YA!;XS Of ALI. IZF.S ADCOLtrJ. YY'arrarsttd all Gxj cf lit bft ct:' UfYY'e wi'l eT-rhi: - tie above CaIi orcafh. Tancj Djinc to Order. We wi! iva.cah r,.run i-- t uf Market Price. r b-cire.r't-nt'y en rst'd f. r rer. cah f r ny am- ast w hacd fors!ts. Th bti-: d "StL jE2 i mm m 17 MB X.r.l FL SOX. An;u. 2".. I-" 0.-' EUE!.Lt: It. The Scperb Steel Piste Enrravins. "FALSTAF? KTJSTESISO HIS liZCSTJTTS." 2d. Onec'py. f.r ore year, of the ElevaMly l:iiiftr ted ART JOCRX.tL' wiile a a erratnity. nearly Five Hundred w.Kk ft Art vii : Piuf ins- Jfirble, Pri- ac. Eulhinv. &.C . by (he best Art ft? in Eirui and A- merica will be awarded im -ui meiut-er a truly m: niOcent and natiunabenent. Tbe E'izravia; will be ready for delivery on and after txtuber 15 b. and win be served io ttbc-iheri in the order of lieir cbunn- tioo tbe coniins in e-r;y will therefore teceive the earliest impressions. They will be sent, packed in sma, I syliuders, to ecy part o tbe ouuntry (Caiifum-.a eicepted) pri;e faee Saberibers in California, ia the Cmi'li', the Provin ces, tbe WM lnlia l.-laa-L. and in Europe, win remit Fifry Centa extra to defray extra p tar a ..n the er.zra- vmj. Tbe -AET Jocsssi. " rezuldriy mailed up on eacb issue, vis : starch, June, lepiern her, an-J De cember. In remitting suhecrlptitn. be sure to rive your r.ame in full; Town, Cinnty. and State. Seal all letter securely, and direct dlainiy. t LOCIS II STKPnEXS, rCBLISKEK roiriofmiTORt. Hi XaSsau Sueet. Xew Turk. n-29 PEACH PITS. 25 Bushels for sale at one dollar and fifty eentj per lashtl, by ls.ll t.UilS, 213 Lais st-,Uiietjo. TO FARMERS Uf jScbraika and iY. IF. Missouri: a " . .t . ..... call Ibe attention of the farmer of ebra.-ka and Alixnri, to ibe fact ttal 1 have on hand and am citni!y run ifjcturiaa. at n:y Plow raiioT-y, in wre;..n, Jio., wl;uU, ,u1 every patteta of i'lMIItli; ploits, One and Tho Horse PIoits, Miovel IMovtK, Uoe ,IIarrT- Corn Planter. And Harrow Tcetb Tsether with everytbii . iu thi- ced ly fjrmrr i mute rei-p-fD-iauiry oi aaynix mat my tw. b-re piww win u letter w.. re m ii:bb:e or any kind of upper country. 41 y tw -bor-e .id prair;e pi.w, i t i te Mid forcar-b n terms, ucb as (nl place theai ia tbe re.i D ,.r evefy ,f T i . ... . i. . : . . j . v s mi vw i-vnuinj iioiu my aceni at la Puint K. T., Brownvi! !e. Xlaay tonnty. Marietta nuo orfcicui, uvi . louui j, i. u, pti i ie t . m rni For etflty. 41ART1X IHiKFXAJI. o. aii(!nirr repairing une wua aeataejiand Ti'Vuo,-n uoeral terms. Oref en, stay, IS6Q. Theodore Hill, Agent It B-wwnvi:te, X. T.. keeps on hand a general a-sort -uient of"i' P!--ws. BrowuvilJe Hay. 1560. r SCGAD Mill Mil! EVAPOilATOIf p. I- I tiAVi, m'le irrinr,iui , a- in the li..;ed State-. fcm-e of 8. r;b. S-tar it. :t.' . whib I can fnrtu-b t he f a'm er' itki- e " aud a.-t;c;. The l v; a-'-'' 3lr,y pr,ln, frt ar-:e4 f h It,i r-fti,-.i 'V siate F!r; the fc-ihe WH.r at tL .;f!fi ,,1, It'a'- Farmer..! Xe.rj-t Kai-t Xorsaer s - ''' S-'f.'ttiern 1 --i cud n .,tsef ait lie's f ' n:kMia :!!, Capacity aad Pnco cf 1 TEnc in n Kd'ers in Sirmlnnr u C One IT.irv v.niV w f. a J u 30 rill..n tr i .-.v V...-. -rV o 1 One Vertical rre-f e tr. a 2 . sail. i, ,.r jiR-e per b, prKe t 5. me at X I ; extra beav. o J br. Vert x. I t ree f' Ji w i ?ai:.-o .f j.;i- wr b..,ir; l.ibt e-'t do 3 Twbor- Vertical f...abieea re? ef-vm JJ t.-W ii ioj nice per t-iir i d-ai da 4 Tw.. h;jre Vertical ,---irr!f eeirt-' e frcai SO tj t3 sal lull of jatce rer ' ' ( keavv drft do 5 Fur fcore Vert-rai-ijnf 'e rrffi i Citv fr-m UO i., 123 I' or k ur d TkfHT.e Ur i ntai u k rea're; ' " j attach tv Tt-e-l.ii 4la.-hir.e " ! P"wer, prte fra 4Dt Wfi jure ter bttr do 7 Two h -rp n.-rnr r-t , l n: toapply lever tj. wor tft bv b..r-f ,., Vertical, pre?e 40 to 63 u! Ivt) fr .tit Notice. Wheres one Tbomn Wiitiami hat durisz my aVence fairly repreei.ted Lir,-e!f niyazent ard attcrner. ani having iiiez.liy obtained .n-&-n,-n of rertjinb t of accoir.f aid piper, and o'.her pr..;ert te:urs;a tj me. arxl fraoda!ent-y converted them tw his wa use, by aid repre-ntati.-n. All per-M.ix are beret y n'-t.'e-J that aid Willijm is not ail never wj mv auth- riie.1 acent. aal tbat no act of hi as such will be aiksurie!ed by r e. s.'irrATT. 4fiddport, X. T., Xov. 19, 160. da ? Poor hr-re n.M7 -""-if ft'-- 5' ' da! atrxa t'Tllre-. power, pre. -ji l x f:-on -5.x bo'e IT, Tia nta .1. i a-' la 'ed f ,r wvt nr ; tbe te:t. and i of 1 :. 14 ' 20 It. Tf. m . .-r.r h CIC!f IO Mi-.i ice- t f on KM. To Persons ont of Emplnjrnenl. AGENTS WASTED " e: I the Ellis SE a"iG ilACUINK We will give a Ct mi-M-.n. .r ,ctw , from $i5 i., j-r n n:i expece p. i f. Thi i a newilachme. a'-l -i ipte i-i it!ruc:i..n tUat a child or 10yer?cje !ero lavr-era'e it ty Latf a:i b-.r- iastruci-n. Itic;nal in , j Fam !y ea ini in u. ar,1 the price i bit Cfte3 doi :ar. Persons wi-ijj aa Ajency i 1 1 d lre , m IS. BOTLAX-. Er:ary IrU wii.i Machine C. 7sst. . ailLAXdHlO. Ctscbar 13, 1S50. -alKa. TJoulas' Improved , PR C31 1 1 .11 S 1 11 4 11 ?l 1 1".. r u -' We ir linw o-rrare-l t i stT;f ct -re 5c"-'i''c X.:'..t ei ic- Vert .a: r I! ii i be s. :e s- j-opf- y k, i -j fc- f ' W'e a-e a!. run..! j.v:.-; I k.- a-' r::-;'"'1 uri'.'r. ifi,l iSj D i e'-- S;r,J 5 star IT'." sr p-er-a-el r, f rr:--i e--' tf t:e f" ty. - i t r;. ce Ts-rrajes ail Err "a-. r iO l JMw. Ci:cu:a.s arj PTrti.r f. i:.-Jed All ordsrs a ';etJ Us r-.i:r-t:Mv. i7auecddt9. apl-ly aUnfrr:-. f.'er.'e carf-t i" 'te Sic-i.w.. ;.er tt.-it.-l-ed 'St.;...l t er ;rcv: w.. tU-tii-AS.S:-. ii