Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 21, 1861, Image 2

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- : We ha7e before cs thecuicial
j'cf ilie oncers End acting Kii.-LLir man of
T'JmiiAY ''iORMNG MAH. -J, l-' riiicI Slates 2 aval Accueujy for the
---r-- - ; year 1SGQ. It ' J3 grktiry:r;j Lot only to
TfcC Evac::aUc!i Cf FcrlS Sur.tcritl,. iaaiJiatc friend Lut the citizens cf
V - HIIll rU'LCHS. . ; this Territory to knew cf the progress
Man people in to:h the North zvA : and ttaadin j cf Nclr&a&'s MidcLipnno,
South', r;p. doulileis, more cr Ie3 as-; Ha etlitt J. Cecmwlll. Ha entered
. t -;nis-bed t; k-ara that the prescr-t Admin-! the AcaJer:y Sept. 2lH, 1S37 ; is now in
irtratic.ji i-.aseciJtd cn withd rawing the the first class cf CG licxalers; and his
forces from For Sumptcr and Picker.s. order cf tr.erii recorJed as follows: eea
ThoScniiherii 4,a5iitcra,, are, perhaps, tuansLip, 17; theory of guanpry, 23;
fcoih attorJhcd ar.l aggravated at the ; geometry and cakulu?, 22 ; surveying, 24;
fxidden dir-af pea ranee cf "Othtlj's ecru-1 genera! astrcnomy, 17; cp'.ics, 19; me
pdti5o!" Ail iheir hopos of "precipita-! thanics, 13; infantry tactics, 11 ; artil
licu" and- conf-ict" Ly uhich the whole j lery tactics, 15; ethics, 17; f re rich, 15,
cf the tiara hoJJinj Slate's were to le and demerits for the year, 0- The merit
figures in th e 11 first named orders are
far alcve an average, and the demerit
stands clem; the next lowest Leing 10,
and the highest 155,
Midchipman CaoMwrnn i3 a ipn of
Dr. CaoMv.-'rtt, cf Richardson county
thi3 Territorj. -
IlOH. J. P. Eakcr, III tllail AgCHt. Ute nation, and the wo
rears s 20 New York was an insignificant
acrayzd in deadly strife against the Gen
era! Government ii unexpectedly quashed,
and the press-lire Lrought about ly Seces-il-'-n
will hasten a reaction in the Southern
n.kd uhiVh uii'I sweep the traitorous
a a w m
ington is'lhe ktclligenee that the Hen. j ville, and pr.laliy its wealth did not
Jons P. Bakes, of this comity, has leers! amount to cna million d.Jlars, cow it has
.-us cf niiilicns
arpomteU Ager.t-fc-r the Otce and Miuo- i a H3a 0i Ui-aLi
minee Indians. Mr. Ji!;er uil! make an j l7 tie l;u
excellent "c.uehl," and no fears w hate re r j dollars.
need he entertained that he will "follow I T-o hundred years ago, Jamestown
in the footsters of his iliustrioai r-rciie-' was iha most ficurirhkg city ia our land,
cesser" Maj. Denniscn.
the capital cf the Old Dominion, and the
centre of wealth and luxury, but the peo
ple have long ago forsaken it, and with
the people the wealth disappeared also,
and it is now a place of worthless ruins.
As a country cr district increases in
wealth and in the comforts of life, in
leaders into otiii ion.
It is an 'old faying "there is policy in
r.-ir," and, perhaps, there was never a time
when. surrounding circumstances seemed
nw're imperatively 'to. demand t!i2 exercise
of. policy, to a great extent, at least. All
parties,; save the traitors who are seeking
iho' overthrow cf the Government, feel
'that an internal war ii freighted with in
calculable calamities to each and every
tection of our beloved, and hitherto pros
perous country, and are ready and willing
to sustain and endorse any course calcu-
latcd to prevent Uocdshcd and bring about
again a hcahny ftate cf affairs. The ac
tion of the Administration must be ad
mitted a "master stroke of policy." It
wi'l'not suit fat.aticj in either the North
cr the South; but Union men must admit
its correctness. It may be misunderstood
for the time being in Europe, and have a
'lad effect; Lut its practical workings in
the future, "when fully understood, cannot
fail to be appreciated and approved at
heme and abroad.
In speaking cf this matter the Wash
ington ' correspondent cf the New York
Times says :
Gen. Scott advices that reinforcements
c'an'iot now be put in without an enormous of life. Of course his views on
the subject cannot be known officially to
the puuic, Lut lie is understood to tay
that we hare neither military nor naval
force at hand sufficient to supply, the fort
iigainit the threatened opposition, which
it would require twenty thousand men iu
overcome. Besides, if it should initiate
civil war, in addition to uniting the South
aiid overwhelming the Union sentiment
there in the waves of passion, it would
require two hundred and fifty thousand
, .Government soldiers to carry on the ttrug
gle, and a hundred millions of money to
begin , with. In such an event, twenty
thousand men would be needed to pre
serve Washington and the Government
The . New York Trilmit, a paper we
would naturally suppose wcuid be the last,
under any circumstances, to agree to such
concession, says :
But lft it be borne in mind that this and il died next day, and the remaining
humiliation comes, if it must ccme, not yoke proved to Lave been stolen before
Don't LlIic It.
We have an exemplification of the con
sistency cf certain newspapers editors
who, during the crisis, have declared
themselves for the Union with an "if,'
and have been clamorous against coercion
and in favor cf concession. Since the
Administration, in withdrawing "the forces
from the "obnoxious fort3," has done pre
ci;cly what they had the assurance to de
mand, they have the impudence now to
raise a terrible howl cf indignation. The
only question in regard to such men is were
they ever, or are they now friends of the
Seme people, it would seem, are so con
tracted in their political course that they
can see, cr at least will admit nothing cor
red done by an opposite party ; that their
only duties are to first ascertain the post
tionof an opponent upon any question: and
secondly to lake a position in opposition
thereto. To use the expressive and clas
ie quotation of Parson Brownlow, "hell's
full cf such politicians."
Speculating at tlic Mines-
From a private letter from the mines
to a gentleman in this city we are per
mined to extract the following, from which
it will be seen some rich speculations oc
casionally piesent "themselves out there;
especially to conductors of n-wspapers.
West, the fighting editor, we believe, of
the Jfc-vrJaineer, recently enjoyed a
"huge" "spec."
"West, the Editor of the JKouuiaineer,
sends his campliments to Fc bxas, and
says, tell hiui my forte iz not in trading
"He took four yoke in part pay for his
printing office, which he recently sold,
and summed up his profits on them thus :
One yoke died ; one strayed eff" and were
stolen ; one he traded eff for a pony
he purchased them. In attending the law
suit, growing out of the latter trifling cir
cumstance, he i3 $35 or $-10 cut of pocket
in cash. He says, however, one thing
reconciles him to his trade : that is, get
ting rid cf ihe Jverliser as an exchange.
He is an exceedingly modest man and
were terribly shockad at
recent wedding notices in that paper."
We sympathize with ycu. West, both
in your financial and moral afflictions, and
promise j'ou, if you ever visit thi3 region,
an application of "sod corn" as a "solace."
Our "phunny fellow" "propels" the
following in regard to the aforementioned
gentleman and transaction:
What far distant region would an East
erner name to express the condition of the
aforenamed speculator ?
"Out West 1" (Out, West.)
from any necligence or feelleness of the
present Administration ; that it is not an
. evidence cf a retreat from a well-defined
and strong position; that it is a conces
"non neither to the rebel power of the
South 'mr to the timid expostulations of
the Jew in the North whose counsels are
weakness; but that it is one cf the last
J-itter drops in the cup left in our hands
by the Government which has so long
v.-virhed us down, and which has now
. hardly passed cut of our sight. The evil
which Administrations, as well as men,
do, lives afterlhem, and .we -must expect
lo feel llecurte. The duplicity, the mean
cheming, th inconceivable baseness
xvhkh have brought us to the present com-
"plication of our national affairs cannot
lose their poison a; ence.
No rr.after. if the treason which has
voven around u3 its toils compels a step
v.hich no cne wishes to take ; no matter
if rebellion seems to have advanced its
" 'banners, or if treason turns more confi
dently toward us it brazen frcnt. The
policy cf the Government remains un
changed, and its firm foot is just as im
movable as ever cn the Constitution and
the law3...
In cae the predicted event happens,
the people will place on the proper heads
the responsibility of the act. They will
follo-.v the late President to his retirement
with a sharper indignation than they have
before ft It ; they will, moreover, ask,
.' with an earnestness which calls fr a re
ply, why the repeated assurances went
: forth-from the beleagured fcrt that the
, commanding officer ueedtd no aid, no sup.
plies; they will demand from all . who
have bofne a part ia the transactions of
'the paU two months with relation lo this
important place a strict account cf their
ste-wardthip. They will none the less
renew their confidence in the power they
have set over them at the Nations! Capi
tal, and will by-jhat confidence strengthen
the hands of the Administration for vigor
ous action in the future and forward.
The Yat ional RtjmlHccn, Washington
City, says :
This'measure lias been taken as one cf The Telegraph announces the appoint
conciliation lo the border States. The mecl cf jj Qnrzn, of Ohio, as Gov
lort has no strategic importance, and it; . T . , ... . ,
may have been supposed that the yielding j f or of rasa. V e are inclined to
a point' of pride to South Carolina could ! dcult it from the fact that we see no account
very well be hfiorded by a great Govern-1 cf the appointment incur Washington
n.ent, vvoulJ satisfy the country generally i rapers Mr. Cr.rter, however, would
of the pacific policy of the Administra-1 , ,T
lion, find enable it, without the appear-! n!ake us an ""Lent Governor. He is
Lincoln's Cabinet.
The new Cabinet as received here by
telegraph we find was not correctly ar
ranged. The following is the Cabinet a3
confirmed by the Senate :
; Wrn. II. Seward, Secretary of State, proportion as it increases ia population :
Salmon P., Secretary cf the jet us examine the Census returns and
Treasury. ex. t see what part of our country is increasing
Caleb B. Smith, Secretary cf the In- , : , . , r .
tcr;or the most in population, and, of course, m
Simon Cameron, Secretary cf War. wealth :
Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy. The frozen region called New England
Montgomery Blair, Postmaster General La3 47 ng tQ he e miJ MdS.
Edward Bates, Attorney General. , , - . , , , ,
, ... . J sachuselts,- Rhode Island and Ccnnecti-
NCIF Territories. cut ICS to the square mile ; Massachu-
Three new Territories were organized setts alone has 16-1 to the square mile;
by the Congress which has just adjourned, New York has S4 Pennsylvania has G3 ;
Colorado, Neveda, and Dakotah. Colo- New Jersey has SI ; Ohio and the other
rado comprises a portion of Kansas, Utah, free States have a larger population than
and Nebraska, and lies between the 102d their Southern sisters of the same age.
and 109th degrees cf west longitude and. The Northern. slave States have (in-
the'37th and 41st degrees of latitude. It eluding slaves) 22 1-2 to the square mile ;
contains 100, COO square miles and a pop- while the seven cotton or seceeding States
ulation of 25,000. have 9 2-3 persons ts the square mile.
Nevada lies between California and Florida and Texas have each 2 1-2 per-
Utah cn the east and west and Oregon sons to the square mile, cr a family of 5
and New Mexico cn the north and south, persons to each two sections cf land. Yet
A portion of it is taken from California, I believe -they complain more of being
provided that State gives its assent. It crowded than Massachusetts does with
includes the famous Carson Valley. her 65 families on the same space of
" Dacotah is bounded on the north by ground,
British America east by the States of I am one of those persons who believe
Minnesota and Iowa,' south and west by that a freeman is of more value to socie-
Nebraska. Its length from north to ty and the nation than a slave.
south is 450 miles its average breadth is The eight northerly'slave States in-
about 200 miles and it has an area of creased in the last ten years 1,271,501
riT Two hundreTlxinY A D Y E K T I S E 11 E N T S .
Kiiovrs villi:, sech
Has jnst rutiiruel from St. Lcui wiJi aa cntiro
new stock of
Of Good for Gcnilemon'a wear, which he will
make to or Jer at hert notice, -i ia a manner ho
warrants to Ire satisfactory.
His stock eociisti in part cf, co!:rel ani
mixed cloths ; Hick, eoljre-J an-J m'.xoi d oe-;i;ni ;
,rV r:.!-rp,L tan-v aul raixoi Crimen: Sna
Kentuiky J ata, Checks, Cottozmdcs. Linen?, dril
lings, ducks, Satins, Veiling, Braids, Buttons, cords
.t,-. ITri.iupnhi3 thanks m the rect!etnn cf this
platband vicinity for their past liberal patronage,
and respcctfaily invites theui to cfill and examine
his new etoefc. Ee fels cnfilfnt thitin the fu
ture as ia th pait, he will Lo abla to give entire sat
Erowaville, Marth 21, ISoO.-ly
Tiic"2ellGV7 Ifansc-incad, 1 70,000 APPLE fn
Onion Seed! Onion Seed !
Lare B 1 Onioa
Large Y.!!ow
Bound Flat Turnip
Yellow Sweedijh
Yellow RutA Eaga
Cucnmb:r Early Short
Long Greea
Short Gr en
75 cents per lb
C5 " "
40 "
Beet Set J Early Turnip 43
Lorjr Blxd 4)
Cabbage, Drunibeal 1 6i)
The abve See-is are la?t so miner's erop, .nd will
rive fatisfacticn. All orders adire? to V if. r.D
WAtfS, Sugar Creek. Walworth Co WL;ouiin, will
be promptly attended to.
Mammoth Cabbage.
Those who desire to raise the largest cabbage in
the Wcrld, should procure the Marblchead Mammoth
Drumhead. The Cabbape averages 30 pounds to
the plant, an i plants ban boen grown weighing over
CO pounds and measuring 70 inches around the solid
head. The h oals being a rood deal larger than a
two bushel basket.
One packags of Marb'ehead Mammoth, 23 cents,
five package one dollar. I do not sell tho Mammoth
by weight. Dealers supplied at a liberal discount.
I warrant all seed gent to reach the purchaser.
e37?5 ; Marblehead, Mas.
80,000 Vilson's Albany
Strawberry Plants for Sale.
Price perth,)n?anl:500 for $2,50 100 SI. Larg
er quantities thaa 1C0J at reduced rates. These
plants are cf superior quality, being grown upon
strong lcainT soil.
vu.uuu square miles, it was tormiy a iree persons ana ii, vov slaves, or more or leave orders with wilier, emery co.,
nirl nf Turrltrr f Hflnnocnl, llisn 7 frPO rorwnc t,i nnp sUra Thp T5n37 201 Lako St., Chicago
was detached when that became a State, seven cotton States increased 694,154 Plire Ereil FailC)' POilllrj.
I: ia at present chiefly inhabited by Ind- free persons, and 579,002 slaves
In a recent speech of Hon. Andrew
Johnson after s serenade in his honor in
Washington, he made use of the follow
ing language in regard to three of Mr.
Buchanan's Secretaries:
For sale CI a -k Spanish, White Dorking?, Golden
. ,1 Qrnnn.1a4 P..I..1. W .U. . 4-t ...1
elaware, Maryland and Tennessee aud Whito Bantann, white and wild Turkey?. Pea-
'have less slaves now than they had 10 K?1'!' whi tVi"! hrZn ft-" 01?' Hreme,?nd
J wild Geese, htte "Cre-ted avlesburfh and Mus-
years ago. in me same time ueiaware covyuueni. uommon ana Madagascar Kautits.
, , , -i-ii AH Btimals Hold will Ve i-nrefully boxed with the
has increased to the square mila 14; neces.-Bry feed, and delivered at the Express office.
Maryland 11; Missouri 8; Kemucky
and Arkansas each 4 ; Virginia, North
Carolina and Tennessee each 3. Cotton- ?H3 OPORTO GRAPE.
strong grower, and is per-
. . 3 -V,,"':-5;V;
- i -; -' t
: - -r. " -
V x
; - v
v r
Fcr I3a!
ity. I wul te j rc -rc t Li f'-.rrj-a plant by w..esale
a:i'i retail ar..l at re l'.r-l met e.r!j-ia tie S;nag.
Feb 13ol
r. vr. rrr.N'AS,
Brcwnville, Nebrai.
Too Large to S:nd ly JfaiL
T CLIavrell c: Bio's, Geneva, IT r
IIXVITE partkuiar attention to tneir extensive
stock of
one and two yer-jc:i. strong pUr.t, Rrown ia tb?rrea
ir, atid in iaree V'ti i:nder gisss Delaware, U.jna,
Ck-ncord, KeSprca, Hartford Proliflo, etc., ia qaantitie
to suit puc!laers.
Extra Tjarga riant3 at Moderate Prices.
For cultiv:in nn lor s of thebet s rt3 Go!dea
rtiiiibura, Boj xl il:si-at. Btaek llimburj, Linflndal,
Ruyal Mo.c-Jine, Uoiden CLa.-f.elas, and thirty oiber
new and old sort, one and two year old, at greatly re
dnee! jiri'es A One l"t of extra larse plants grown ia
extra Lirse pt fr lmmed:ite frniiius.
A quantity of thes-e, Na:ive and 1 rei-ru, are ia the
cellars, and may b packe t and snipped at any pleasant
timedarmtc Winter or early Sprin, with safety. Par
ticular attention civen t p.-u-kmc: Tine secure! fc;rail
parts of tbe country. Snd f r Catal--?ne9.
Av5n33-Fvin3 Geneva, Ontario Co., X. T.
These treej ar3 the !.irrt cf ,v;
in the Sf v.3 thfj ar lu'C' 'i''v
2.G03 I year til tr.-ei, J.t :
21 lo ccrstj ca--a '" 4
i 5.C 0 ) 2 year el i tre?i t!-r
cent each , - :-i .
4C3 2 year old IIj-j-Ltva r
fu'! i-f fruit lad.'. 1 i ea-. a. h "'" 5 -
J-'.j2yearc:i U.-h Cumt..
bil-. 1 etn: i.h
1C.: J 1 y?ar:d r.ed anlVTi;;..
at 1) conn each " '
1 year 1 Con"ord Gr-eT-.
CHc'r., thi.i i th knowa j-'re "''
2 lyrtli liatV.U Orari Vic, v
e-ra .
Standard andDarf Pei-s it 5) fUa
Li" f .r th; aVii, I w.I! Lk.'r
Fi-'ur at the S".dr.y mirket pr.oj, or v H''jr, Cash, cr f!ow ny-.ea wiii tea
I'lc tn present ir: dV.v.i. nj 5t:;;v,r
nl th.-ethat wi.-h to set it Oru'u ''
U come and z'-t trcc. ' ""t h li.'ril. n.;.-tf
J ohns cz CrosleT
GIT i ii:rcih
Is tht Clearest cr. nest dxralJe
in use.
It ci be arp'ied to reir a.-tfo' J r f r,f 4 .
t. s' lc; TK-ci wittint reniovini t:, ,..'.M
Tliccovt Honly onc-third'crr
nntl Ir twice n dnrai- J
Gutta Pcrcha Cem-w
For pr;H-rvi: - an! rcr-iir:n tin an-KthVr
of everp :e-:r;i -;.n, fr...n its nret e'' -..
jurp'.by the c-, !:. a aidx;.aaswa of
Will net crack ia alder R.'
Stone Mason Cabbage.
This is the standard Cibba;e lathe E-tua uariet
being an improved variety on tte alason in Mie of tee
bead. Itniiybe pron either as a Fall or Winter
Cabbasre, beins lair than tbe Jlastn. It heafisvery
hard, ii very rich and sweet, and ii unsurpassed for
One ounce cf see.!, with fnM instruction for cnnira-
tion, 33 ceutj.: f ur i.uiire 31.CC; or.e i-ocnd $3 CO, all
post-paid; or $3 to tfcoi-e paying their own freuht. A
Jibrral dioiu:it tydeaiers. teed warranted to reach
all who purchase.
JAitKS J. n. GRE'JOP.T, Marblehead, Mass.
Thes RMteriaJs hare teea thornai:h! (,f
ir'i. a:id a!! it.r'i of tLe S.i::tern tnd'v-J. '"
Tree Belsvarc Grape Vinos
Strony, K'tU-roottd One Yezr Old t'inct 1 ; Tico-
year old to J.vJ. A Jew extra larye layers,
with bearing wood, $fo$3. to
SI -50.
ALiSO fine vine? of Allen's new white II;. brid. Anna.
Clara, C.n:.rd. Clia'tn, Caai!y Piara, Uerbeui.-Dt,
narti ri, vr jii;:c, i--pan, L ir, LjUia, Jyuia. On
tario. Rebecca. Roj-r.i-s new ilybiiJs, Taylor's Bullitt,
and we caa give abundi.1 prctf of tllti c .
Ti-ey are reaii!y appUedbj- ordinary laiorsri t
TUse materials ere pij up rti-.
vse and for Slipping to -all parU or'
Country, cith fall printed dindk-ji,
Full descriptive circulars vulU
nished cn application ty mail, cr w'j
son, at cur principal ence,
(Opposite Si. XL ho' i lei ) srv rrr
w - h U - ; . - a
- Q- J r f r - f 3 r c - J ? ;
iis -Hi:;-: -;
3 z - - - - s .;
Ai - - I - 5 S : 3 -'I--Ok
Q Z 5 -Z Z 2 - ? r J 1 '.-'
JtZ3- r::i2 - 5 t: !r J - i - : .
To"n. L i. lo ti sue, a.c. - - f; w r K- - x i - j - - : .
Compactly grown Eelawsres, with abundant fine,! "p. y -J Z 3 I 5 - - f i : -.'.)
fibrous roots, carefully packed ia raos, enveloped in oil i. h JSr?'?:- - - s-' i
silk. anJ sent p-ist paid, to any part of the L'nion, on -5 l - ' i - J Z - -"'
receipt of $t each. i z 3 " -? 1 Zz 1 ?-.'
Isabellas an! Carawpas of one and two y pars' prow th, -r:- '- '.' " r J . Z h i. -.1".
foreign vines fir Gr.ipfric. H.ifpberries, Blackberries, Jl 2 c K 5 - "" " - ' """!
Slrawtierrien, Xo . all at the lowest rate, . w r '
jr3"cend for a circular. rj r! 2 - Z , 5 5 . r :;;
Oct. 13, 13C0
Colb remained in the Calinet until the Lk : a. au The Oporto is Tery
Treasury was bankrupt and the national 7 r , r tlJ hardjr b fruited annuaIIy f,,rmor3 than
i- i- j i j i i i Lama 3 1.2 Georgia ina Eoaisiana each ten jear3. it is very prodnctire, o l Tines bav-
credit disgraced at home and abroad, and 1 foroiaantt oauiana eacu . 'roduced froH1 fi0 'to over le'n bualie!a m.
i w i a.- .i m i i rw. . i r i i . '
then he conscientiously seceded: Thomb- -?ouia Carolina ana lexuseaca , ana m & single senwn. To vines, two years planted
sen staid in until , he poor Indian we Florida 1. Florida is .he oldest settled ."."iaV!
roc oeaouioia jarge portion or tneir place in the Un on. and 13 a rrroat countrv. d7 sal t wo to fvur dollars per gallon. Head
patrimony ond he conscientiously seceded; I , , , , . a n , what the r-ubiiu say .f the Opvrt').
L.A VuJ mnro l.nno.t t,n ,Ka roc of ' d &11 at Sort of 'It .3 estcemeii Ly Pbj,i,iM a good Pert Wine.
waited until he and his friends had taken l-mn2 Yet sne nerer fias aa population The vine3 are unfailic'r and cowl bearers." Ker,
some ei"-hi millions of Dubhc and envate enenrrh to entitle her to a reDresentation Ur: L-ounsbnry. maha River ; ccnt. of itj acre?, 100 or which is under
0 , , , .. 0 r " 1 have six different kind3 of Crapes, an 1 the an excellent state t cr.itivatron ; jtood drellln? and
money, ana tnen ne, plOUS SOUl COnSCien- jn Congress, neither at the time of ad- Oportois the best of either of them for wine, and " houses.; an i nexrumuble supply of poud stock
tiouly seceded too. mission, nor at anv subseouent annonion-
I A Xi
The Galreston Texas News says that ment-
I Til "1 MIA s -s
thfl rrnrprtv smzp.A hv the. Texas troons imnois nas increased bjy,b3.
r r J J
I WILL give ir;y m in 'iesiririi a Xo. 1 Farm the rarest
bargain ever oC'ered in this country. The Farm is sit
uated fix miles vet from Br.wnvi!!e on the Little Xe-
at San Antonio amounted to 855,000 in
specie 35, 000 stand of arms 26 pieces of
mounted artillery 41 pieces of dismounted
artillery any quantity cf ammunition and
other raunitious of war and a large
collection of horses, mules, wagons, forage
New York has increased 754,109.
Pennsylvania has increased 604,232.
Iowa has increased 4S9,7S3.
Wisconsin has increased '453,094.
Ohio has increased 397.5SS.
Indiana has increased 362.3S6.
Michigan has increased 356,737.
California has increased 292,173.
better than nr. rW r-.. W T .m ...ntp.l water ; 3'J acres of gi.o.1 timber nioetiy hard -.d.
with. A.Deverenn.iathe Jlural. Eiinnir of theunderMsne-l ua.beorMii. or r. tt.
tL-n. I ; , r I . . .
iwKicim vcari we nave maje win irota me i Pnrna at rht Ailvertiter office. WU. WKUDI.E.
Oporto trrape, and Una a ready galo at die dol'ar pr
bot!lr gelling 5 i) bottles for single orders." Svlves
ter Clark.
Stron vine? $1 to 3. For vines cr circulars
address E. WAI'.E S Y VEdTEP.'Lvou. V. Y.
February 21st, I36I.
ll;33v jJt
O - - tT3
t J - -
r i - .
LxJ 2 - ' - f
Samuel Callan, Tlaintiff 1
va In Chancery.
Fielding TT. John A others, defTts.)
Faid Fieldin'' II, John of the State of Mirouri,
is hereby notified, t' on tho 15th day of Ftbru- io the trade : selected, i 10.00 per hundred, retail.
Saall Fruits Culiirated and fcr Sale
Sixteen miles ead of Cincinnati,
Leading srts at. iO.U') per M., regularly assorted
lion. Thomas Corwin, of Ohio, has
been appointed and accepted the position
of Minister to Mexico.
Cajiu? M. Clay, of Kentucky, has been
appointed Minister to Mexico.
David Wilmot has been elected U. S.
Senator from Penrylvania in place of
Mr. Cameron.
Waldo P. Johnson is elected U. S.
Senator from Missouri in place cf Jim
Green. Another traitor overboard.'
Gcv. Houston, of Texas, refuses to
recognize the Convention. He considers
that its functions terminated in submitting
the ordinance. He opposes Texas joining
the Southern Confederacy and is raising
trccps cn his cwn account. So we may
look out for the "irrepressible conflict" to
first manifest itself ia the Lone Star
State. "Wait for the wagons and we'll
! all lake a riJe !M '
John George Nicolay the private
secretary of President Lincoln is a Ger
man and was born m 1S32 in the village
of Essingen in the Palatinate. In 1S37
he came to this country rath his parents
Massachusetts has increased 236.8S0. ilLcSSf SSM
Missouri nas increasea OlV,HU. trict of the Territory of Nebraska, in andforNcuia-
Arkansas has increased 230.S78. a County (in thon:ery)a petition against himand
Tpv hn inrrpa;pfl aSfiifi'? others, which willbu forbearing at the next term
1 ex as nasincreasea of sa5d conrtia wbich petition (amongother things)
JMlSSlSSlppi has increased i2t:Q,132. said Callan claims and demands VerUin righta of,in
Miouri has more free persons thin a!?d to- ther,roPrtJ( r proceeds "thereof) lately con-
iVisoun lias more iree persons man ptituting the eteara Ferry-boat 4-Otoe" and asks for
who settled in Cincinnati. In 1842 his
mother havindied his father removed any other slave Stale ; but Delaware and the anointment of a receiver and fur the state-
frtP;i-p rnnntr THInm vPr vnnnrr Nirn. rnrTrl?,r, hnr-a mn n ,ha enn, rv,;t, ment of an account between him and sa?d John.
lay wasapprenticea totne printing dusi- Thus we see that the free States in- solicitor for Cemt.iaiaant.
nes:5. He subsenuently publisne-J a paper . , . .,, . . jiaren ji.iji w-$
, - . . r-.; -it 11 -j -,i trtase in :opuiiiuon more raniuiy inaauie
at the county seat Pittsrille, called the 1 r 1 3
Pike county Advertiser, from which he slave State3' The border sIave States L T
was caiieu to a position in me Oiaie muie rapiuiy man iuc luuuu otatcSj.anu
Legal Notice.
Martin Sl Comoanyl
r. 1 in tee ujsir.ct L-onrt oz
Peaches, S12.0J per hundred, retail,
1 lams, 40 cents each, retail.
Cherries, 2i cents each, retail.
Quinces, 25 cents each, retail.
Gooseberries, 7-5 cents per doj., Houghton Scedl'g
Pear trees, 40 ceu'.s each. S'atvlard.
Pear trees, :tl) cents each. Dwarf.
Illact berries, $1.00 jr dozen, Lawton.
Strawberries ?2 per M.
Rhubarb, $10,00 per hundred, Linnseus.
The above named tree? are now growing cpon onr
own grounds, and we consider them very tine. The
proprietor' attention has besn g-iren for the last
tit teen years almost entirely to the propagation of
N arteries, the cultivatii.g and rnarketin;; of Fruits ;
anlduriag this time. Lave made it a business to
collect from tr;e most correct sources varietiej espe
ciailfd odjpted to this climate.
All orders, i'cc..mpanjeJ by cash, attended to
m TT - 1 1 .1 I ... . . I r-. . . . . , - . - - . I
ireasurers CIIlCC Wliere ne lOCIC an Florida, the extreme Southern State, camuel kalian. il- eLiuna county el ras- promptly; ana, if n-es.-ary,dt;:ivere-i in Cincinnati,
active part in ferretinOT OUt Governor 1 . t ll ' liaal l' 1Ie?s aml iIarS- i k Territory- In Can- and forwarded freo of co?t, except moderate charges
r.-! , ,1- Slowest OI all. ret J. lies?, his wifj. . j eery. when orders are box id or lcU. Address,
JUattCSOna delinquencies. n0nac;nnM.MlK.n. V. Willinm P. Ileis and Margaret Heps his wie, the r f T)()l P -
The question naturally arises, what are above namcJ d.;fcndants win take notice that Da- . nr t X, , A
There is no antagonism whatever" the causes? I answer, slavery is the Zt:Z Branch, Cler nior.t co., O.
? -
a: - " - ' fcl
- - i " J-4
. U - taw
- - j- .j -
? - 3 - -7
j -
r - - ; j
1 - 1 .
" ? f t 1 i
" are advancing at a ramd ratf. V hil thA tallan, W iliaam l Hess, and Margaret J. ile.i. to Notice is lureoy given to rariow h. joore and
$m . ... . , foreclose a certain mortgage mad' and recorded on William X. Smith taat James P. Fisk. AauMoi
Slavery ridden btates Of South Carolina the Cth of April, 1S59, by said Sumuel Callan in Knight, William IS. (Jarrelt, ar,d Oliver l5nnet,
: tlie saiatlaintitts.on toe fuliowini describ- partners unuer me name ana styi.j 01 r i.-ae, ivniDt
suce of coercion, to be more stringent in
the enforcement of the revenue laws.
a sound man, conservative, yet very de
cided in his political principles. He was
a Democrat ur to the rereal cf the Mis-
Iilllf LrCt'll TitlCS. ! scuri Compromise. It was he who fought
Maj. VA.r-inM.icr we learn has dii-, and whipped cut Giddings on his radical
tribtttf J Patents to ciaimants of ca ' istu in the Chicago Convention.
the Half Breed tract between the two!
t-mahas in this Torriiury. j The weather, the past few days, has
This is thought by some, a rcogniticn been quite wintcry iudeed. At times the
ti.-il the Half Ea cd t:nct is a portion of ' river has been filled with floating ice, and
theTeniioiy of Xcbraka. We .'caunit'on Tuesday night a tlight skift cf snow
tie how it tan be so iewi-d. .
says Prentice, between the Kentucky great cause, ine mere nominal slave on, the K'th day of March, a 0 iSoi,io bis "amended Fikc,Kni-ht A Co. In the District Court, Xe-
interestS and the Indiana and Illinois States. Delaware. Marvlandnnd Minnri P0'11"? in tkeabove named Xe.naha County Dis- . mb County, Nebraska Ter-
.t i . i ? ' ' J trict Court 82aint the said defendants Manuel I .noore . .-mua 1 ruory.
But there is a very serious antagoni
between Kentucky interests and t
i . . . . . , . . I i r"! :a T.. . 3 ..! lavorol
COltOn states interests upon mat import- iiuwuauic uca.ij at a mwu mui. ed rea, egtatef nitna:ed in said county cfXemaha, U Company did, on the Ilth day cf January aD
ant subject. Cottondom ha5 2,713,116 free Persons, to-wit: the Xorthvrestqaartercf the southwest quar- tsl. Lie tritir petition in Court against the
-. . . . . . 1 ter of section 22. townshinXo. 6. north of ranie lr. Uaid farlov i. Ji(ore and v i.Lam . mith. part
rpt r ' ' kt .' i en f uu ,ivii v uuiiunu ciac e!i ci iue om nnncipai mcria:iiii, id eiaicacoun- ul" uumi tuc uju w jt'wrti Dian:i, ii:iiiiuuij,
iuc v!iuou iwciuuaiB 01 idiis nas - , ty, Nebraska Territory, containing 4) acres. Said setUngforth that the s:iil drfcndantj are icdv.-i.ted
published Mr. Seward's speech and 8163 flaVe -).0-iVJ0U lree rer.OXlS, ana mortgag, waa given M feeure a certain promissory to the said plaintiff in tho buui of $101 20, with in-
pronounces it the greatest effort of ora- l,0US,bo7 Slaves. ot? made ty said s.-iniacl La.lan, ia i favor of said " " n"Vj .i NC?f p-r annum ir,aa
r,,.bllf , . 'iet i plaintiffs, dated April 9th 1359, for the-sora of one the 2th d.iy -f July a o H 0,. ff.r giots and mer-
tory tnat has been made before any de- I saw an article, a fewdays ago, in the hundred dollars with interest: from that time, at the chandise ly tkesaid pTafntics to thesaij d-fendants
liberate body or modern times. St. Joe. Gazette clairuinir that the slave "te of twenty-Eve percent Pcraao. ihe pray- 't ,:ra,i " "r eFec:ai
- i rr oi saia peiuion is to sen saii moi rg-igeu tana io i u.?,,- w iv-iv'i.
StatPS Tirnrlnrpil mnrp (rrnin nrrnrdin"' tr satisfy said claim, and to exclude and foreclose fail Said defendants are further 3'.ti5;.l thatthene-
Mn. EDITOR: I i u v c , defendants of all right, title or interest thy may esary ft..-.y.v.t hanr-g b.n f... d. an. rd.-r of attach
popiltatlOn taan tne iree CtaieS. Any claim therein. tiid defendants are further notified
Mr. DelJow, who is a Snith.rn mm. nor
i - j i - v; ia . I" J avw y iiiVj I . -
and bupenntendent oi the United Mates sissippi or Illinois rivers must know that
uient, has bon i-;3,jed a-iin-t their property and that
Census, says:
'Statistics are far from being the bar
ren array of figures ingeniously and la
boriously combined into columns and
tables, which many persons are apt to
suppose them. They constitute rather
the Ledger of a Nation, ia v.hich, like
the merchant in his books, the citizen can
read at one view, all of the results
of a year, or of a period of years, as
compured with other periods, and deduce
the profit or the loss which has been made,
in morals, education wealth or power."
I think, Sir, that every person will
agree with me that population is the source
of wealth, or, perhaps, I ought to say, is
needed to develop the wealth cf a coun
try. We need go no further than our
own county for the proof of this asser
tion. For untold ages the fertile soil cf
our prairies produced their annual crops
of nmritous grass, which were destroyed
by the autumnal fires, or the frosts of the
succeeding winter; but ia the last six
rears an industrious race of people have
beea settling here, and now every, year
thousands of tons cf wild grass is made
into hay, and fed during the winter, and
the soil is also mad to produce hundreds
of thousands cf tusheb cf grain and
vegetables ; thus adding lo the wealth cf
immense quantities of flour, corn, bacon,
whisky and other articles are every year
taken down those rivers and sold to the
cotton and sugar planters. W. A. P.
MARRIED On Manh IS, at the residence of the
bride's father, by Iter II Burch. Mr CouNEi.irs Iiob
LtTznix and Sliss Amanda Combs, ail of Xemaha
On the 10th instant by Kcv. S L Collins. ?dr.
Charles P Wars and il ss Catharini Beown,
both cf tins county. . -
On Monday evening, the iSth instant, at the
residence t,f Jude Wheeler, m this city, by Rev. T.
W. Tipt.n, Mr 'F.tan Woktbig and. iii?3 Ada
Betigg.s, both cf this place.
Evan has for some time been snspected of matri
monial predelictions, and eure enough, he has "oae
andUidit." Well may the new relations assumed
byU.e new married couple b through, all ccmin
life as "happy, joyons and free" as now at coannenc
ment. an I when their sojourn on terra jlrmat shall
have been completed, may their exit be accompanied
with assurances of a reacioz. in that "better land."
The superintendent of this department cf the
"AiJvertiFer" the deril is not di.-posci to preach
a sermon oa this occasion, because he is not suf
Ceieatly posted ia regard to what is oriAcIox or
jaioualle to esable him to eater to the r-'fmed re
ligious notions of some per pie. Xeither does he
intend to alTow himself to be "fanny," for in thus
doing he m'ght "put his foot ia if a;ain, and shock
tho modesty of the fattidioKt He will therefore
desist, renounce, abandon, desine, quiesce, furcease,
suspend, cnt short, stop.
P. S. He hopes ha has not, paid an "trnwronj
word ; one that possibly could be misconstrued, how
ever, la itudintus might le the imff nation.
at they are required to answer noid petition on or the foll'.wtnrv'iil et.uo ha. been attached, t wit:
lore the 6th liy of .Mar. A D lSSl. 'he s.iu?hea.-t quarter s.-ti..n 13, in f-wnhtp 5,
JIEWEfr & THOMAS, Atl'vs for H's. n,,r(h oi' rm-e 1 j, t.-ut cf the Cih principal meri-
March 21, 1351. 4t-$19 " dian, toat...l i a said cost.y .f Xu;h.
F It E S H
(Darken Btths
And Raised
IT Om SOII. 15D clluati:.
P'or Salo
PEACH FITS. 2-5 Bushels for sale
at one dollar and fir cents per bushel, Y,r
fall CEO. COM3S, 215 Lake it.,Chka-
TSaia defendants ar farther iioLiicJ th t the are
reqnired to answer tai l p titi a ou cr befjre ths 22 1
day of April AD Ib'JI.
March 4ih, I5T1 n33 w 1 Au'ys f.r P.a"s.
Dwarf Broomcorn Seed.
Tae unJeriistievJ crTs a very u'ejirable v.trietr of
Dwarf Br(Km corn ece-J fv.r a!e. tl.n st.ili of nt.;t.b,
on an average, are n.,t mure than IS iacties to tw-jfeet
!iifa to the bna. an I the rri'..-ti i of about the same
ler;:h th wii.'.opi jut be:i.j only three or four feet
hiph. The ii lir :ii c ri-..r to the old tall rarieir
winj mncti nner in E!,rean.J muclj more elastic. It
wi:j yield felly twice the awinir f tiruumi fr jin ta
acre of Ua.1 than the oM tall variety !. On acwtiDl
of 1U lwarf hit its it btars closer piaotir.r. and wi: 1 re
sit the severe-t :..rm, and isnever tlwn d.-wn. The
brtth is wrappel up about half it ieritthin tbe top
leaf, which obviates il from !D-licst d; wn. rire-qnentlyke-
p the troor.i fir aitt . This dwarf variety
will prove i'..'isr.-:-.isab:e to all cultivate? this vlnshi
crop. Price 15 cn: jcr r.i,,- packie,or $1 per lb
Sent by mail po'-'pii. Ad 'rs
Jan. 'SI CUXS KAVilO.VD. Staw'i Tviut, 111
A Splendid Novelty.
Zinnia elegans, var. fore pi no.
THE subscriber U bat-r-y to informs hi natrons tht
be has jnst receive! a Rii..;.;y t.f eed of this new and
defiratle an.mat, direa fr-;;. Jesr. Tilmcria & Cj.
.f Paris, which i thus deMrrjfce-1 by lr. Liadley ia tte
lnd. n Gardiner' Ciir-ck!' ; "A b 'X fn.ta Pans
rO r 3 , C I ii at I . a ' V ar A til;., i ;.W A - a. - : .
MY Stock of native rins arrts !i thv-i
able vr.rietips with whirh I ti acjuairited. :4
I'lanti have been produced with reatcare.ual!'-2'
. most favorable cirrumtanoe4 for healthy duvei".'?
tncnt.and surpa.ji in eicei'occy acy that I har!lr,
tof.ire been able to ojer.
For the fal tra e, ol!y a limited mff'T cf Cn-'
Village, Lcno.'r, ' LLicln,; Pauline. El iin-'burjr.lV-lor
(or Dullitt,)' nn-1 A!!en'j Hybrid ij ovT-.-red. tt
be.t Delaware layer, also, the 'eupj'y ia ct l"!
but quality snenale l.
The stock from Delaware, sing! eyes grown V'-i
in hone and or-n air, is Iar-9 and fin. r' -rvsa
yard planting pme strong vine?, jt-rafted on C'a
ba and Iiabe.Ia uwks, are o2'e:-fd at low price
root. very !trrg.
Very lar hycrsof T)'..i na, ITerl'm-'Bt. anJ Cos
cord, grown wiih erecial enro fjr i rmil af e bir"
in?. layer of Anna, li ters' HybrrJ, li n!l
aU Ciara, C'.-idy, T. Kai.i. IicO-j-va.
Ixui, l.f in, Emily, C'nby' aVuuit, Uail:a, I
Prolific, Cuyahoga. &i.
A general a.rt m of frcia varietiej fr Tl"
Of Downing Everb-arin llulbrry th f'r'7
U not lare. and a rreat tart of tho tree a.'!6
ordered. Thtry cm very Tigrom, an the
pilipi?n in l tn itur -J.
Whd!'.-lfl dt-crii'tive li-t f!t.". to C :.e
to form c'uba. on a;. plication. L;t io rat w
dealers. Fourth e-titicn..f lit j.-trat -i Ca'aJvfW
eent Ter t o t'jrers c it t :an:p3 It ij ned t-J !
a fall ani ci mja-th'-n.viro WaCsn na ' mtt9'
reent t,i the vine, jr"rr?J such i-jfrrn.ti-ia Par"
cha.eM ar:d growers ir Iup7;id to ned. I'af.K:"
nlar directiin are given f...r tb9 rr?pantion (it
oil and planting, and tbe d!rrin fr t-a-"5
are i::usirat..Hl Ly luany,::? re oared tn
The des-rrfpti.jn? cf th; v;r:ot:3 w"I be twl
ae-urto and trustworthy, br i.-iwa f.-' 3 rrr-
ai K2owen.-Je, aci vry exten-vi-1... vrf icn.
ioNA;ra:n feekskill;
"Test Chester Co., :ier York
Isabella Giapo Vins3
Strongly Raol-d Tl inli, V h -1 years clL
M3y cf thrn t!ra.Iy fnj:::n;r In the n-jrser?,
are now oilcred at $'v) per hundn d or $75 jer thou
sand. TLcI'jcarli napberrj'.
At 5 per lo ). Lr- q-j!rit:Le atjr 'r
da -ed nut. It n-x la no" winter protects
b"ar? tws acsual cr; of frait.
Vour.; CVa'.p. i tod ftutJVptr hundred;
7 ftet $3 tcr 1CJ. fi '
J!.roy Ciimbin; !l,.sc, Fragrant Il .-ney ?nc'il'
and nursery i;-k in z"fr st t'j,, n?'-"-
Evergreen JS'urscrv, Co' v-rintr Iforlcr.
LOT, 0 IilA5
Probate Notice. -
ppearw to te a re v rce of l).-bi D.ibli-,. t,n i wnEHEAS ,V.m. IJ. n.:.:itaJa VruVff tb
b-ir.; un-a-tel, L cr, t he bvx d;.y laye-1 a c.dleciiun ei--if-f f -, v, .. i , '' ," 2 ..
of J,ub.e Z:t.t.ia. cf th- r....,t Oe ami? a! l,rB! anJcotJt j ,t- 1 r . , art--1-
Four and twenty C,er head were thee, tbe w-Zitn t t,,Cr: 'f Nere-h thrv
tart a ct.iD'et.-:v di.&j.e a.- th R-mB.i.ri,r.. ! frntTy, f. r one yean et'.ni.,n rf tiia t- c..--'
:h:e aci l-
1 ChrTrj.
themcru iu tly 3 i:. fce- in d:-.3ietir, soii:j 2 I -2 in
ches, a few b it 2 ii.cVe. Parole, derp n.?;-. I:,ht rose,
roe atriped, re-J, orar.e re 1, biT and various hid of
theexl'.r, f.-Ttn.-d a bouquet f f insular bemty. TL:ey
di-piaye.1 a bn lliancy whk u n'.iie r.f oi.r aaruntn fl wers
can ejua. racfce:c r.t jib:i UJeed- tity teuii cacti -
eai postpa.-J a.i part oi tae ci.un'ry.
ad.?rt B. K. BI.T5S, SpricrtaM, 3f.
rTHis new Cataloene is Dvw ia r.e! r. t J,'. i k i.
itie-l at-nttrte 2..ifcnf Pchruirv, ad n,:!M tu'l ar -car.ts
cr:c,-;: a 3 teat eiaaijv AIr.33-rTj:.31
ine a .ta ct wii ci'a:; aci jay t.a: d
ci- c-risr.;eao:e Ciruin't tlo
NfMee ii h Tclyven fiat I hare set U.eUT
.-.area, a i Id 0V;.-cV, n, a thetirj 'f
hea-ir. jaM apiieatiin at cy ,; ia P-wbvi
in Sit.J, when r-l where li rer.i. ia:ere?t
td ciar r.,.t-n 1 and h- ci why the jsiJ exua
ii s f fee uiilj rrt be a" ..ttJ.
Vv;n-f ay hand rd al thi 2 1 Jit f M"h
a d l?-U. . tiivj-St-f i i C. V. '.VULELLlw
i! .