Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, March 14, 1861, Image 3

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' B7tQwyVlLLE; MAR. M. 1331.
' ... .;Vfj)-Hin;r Mfi!er.;ii (-1 Jul K'.ega
NewTu.k. and Brov. n'ulroj
... .raiLl f,Oi ' "
ii,rY-'-.., atl JJrcrtiscr.
1 V ,.?-!-, s-4,LS To 11 KLV,
Advertising Agency,
" .l' ,1, f.rT.e -SrnXlf.iKX AWT..
5 -I
' - ' 1 I
. I mprn "" ' - " -
. t,.. ill the 4rfcT-
r ......n,.riiT
a::d tol'-ft t ii.s ror u:e mm.
V FarYctT Wanted In l!sc Prlnllng
- Hasinas. .
k rrrK.rtamt is presented in this office to
. ,i,.;-i rnntcr.i'.c can eororcnrvd ft rensora
.iiivji't of Capital I! practical printer is
. 1 trcr"!" i4r ncfr:uj-il tew piaiii
ills; COv incn." .uiiiatji
iV!-"f cher duties devoir-
- O ' .
i.dcnt pf wed ctiiujctea
. .-... ere M
i j ut-,u ibc fuj.'r.ntci.
-v i','J L'-t personally hnuwn, nint-t be well
i 1 .... U-.i-lnr-tW riM.l'
, ra-Va. . "
iS-ai?oi!S ni!(l ytrody
AlitrtUer," Rrowa-
; Ijji-Ie IjfJCiCtJ' The' annual meeting
lVcslyfcrinn Church on
rrxfFaUaih x.'lit at .7 oMock, AdJres
.;nii;y Is exiL-cifl Lirl reports from the
f;c:'.u (Ht-v. .Mr. ClIUhs and Judge San
trs) 3:-d c:7:ctrs'a'rpornteJ fur the ensa
i: g vtar. -
; "'- h. IlOApLEY, Scc'y.
; Krv. Mr. KiLMrsiEY Mill preach at
!i l-'J, a. m. at theTrcitytiTia'n Church,
xl Sallatli.
S e the cJ crtisciiiti.t of Henry Brown
Nurtfryman, Sidney, loya. He is a re
UUv dc ah r, raises his own trees in the
tril and climate of this region. Orders
!,:fl at' this ofrue will receive prompt at--.riion.
A fine lot of currant roots wiU
h'or dtlivcry iu this place this. Spring.
Leave yoi:r orders.
: C?.s!r BnMnCSiS.-In.the future Tnro.
i;i il fur cash orgcwJ pruducc in Laud
j 4 rcfi'rr:'t!inVs f r it librral fatrcaas, and
J- ..r:iji tbe jiCbil'.- tL'a t lie is dewuiiued to soil goods
r.; ' t-u low ibiit be fi;8T! no competition. . Call
cxauui bi Iflrg" sloe It erf goods of a'J kinds.
j LcsVtJJ MAI Wilter The Irldge,
dam,- nj tw nud p itt iuiil. bcin erect lnI at
J:rif', J. count vf by Fjrdyco, Uypcr and M.C.
Jicilr, nihl nearly fi iirjiletcd. were- swept away by
iLf rt'oent bi;rb htcr'iMbc iJi Vive river. Losu
timiiU'd at $ !W. Jc.;T.l!.i Iv, with eomtnenda
1 ic energy , are tanking j.rcjwrati'jns to rebuild tbe
1 rido, mill and dim. TLere will immediately bo a
I rry bot put is to accommodate tbo traveling pub
t.c until the bri'l,e is toiuj-lettd.
I Fire at Ecalrlcc.--The store of
?!c.iri. Stereai, in l!catrice, '! consumed by fire,
Mire'ijbt lat eek. The building aud etock of
f xids a t. tjd lds, Tho'firoia uiirose3 to bave
;i'iiiB;d fn; Cre left in tbo itove ia tbe store.
j From tlio .Vira7;ffffwe learu tbat tbe cott in
Mulnatof tbe"citj of .Orjkba is J 45,127,45.
riBIOSICALS.-Wa bave -Harper," "Godey,.
r Atlantio .'ioiitbly ,". f-ad'ui Ilrp.sitory "Artbur'e
Home Mr.r.ih:e" ai.d "rUorcu'e JlAHtine," but
r;'y Lave n-'t bd (ime to peruse tbem. V'e feel
v granted, Lowiver, in fayitg tb'c v are jooi, as
f nO"ST2 SLED'. Ti Ur. M'CLiF.a we are
aaaelfed fij-ten JiUvirtnt varieties of Cower seeds
ins. Wo prixa them bijbly and
Jrouj tbe moui
will cultivate vith great cure.
i Steamer Omaha. That ever popu-
litbit it tLi upper coan'ry, reached our wharf
n Friday. L'verytLixi about her appeared as "nat
vrl at life," Copt, KtciiaTiL, oce of your "tip
'"eimnsndT!"; Er. Day snd Jim Mali.', extra
aoommodatirg clerks; ClURLET KoRD, who knows
rery wed bar anl '-Look and c.-ook" ia "Dig ilud
jV: e Lanuel, al ibe w heel, and tbe renowned com
l ndcn.f gin ouek-tail Cn ahlev, all 'poricaneut
i txrrf" about tbe Oraaba..
! . ......
Cc!.'MxCK, Register in the' Land
e at this place, basjust returned from a visit to
nn!ive State, Tecnes.'e. '. He is "welcome home
New Firm. J
c..Devted himself in tujiness witb K. Browk
B tie lrc;l;iie. The new firm have not avtkoriied
us tj ;f;i for tbem,'bu we wish them success.
I Tbe Omiand ScrevepVirt were uniible to go
urtbwup tLt liver than the nioutb of tbe riattcvn
ou nt of ...
I We
e rc frcijneLily aiked : "WiU you take trade
nul.cripti..n, advertisirp, or jub work ?" Ye?
,witl laketrudu aud .rodue of aluiost every
iitid : fcm, l:t,e pretty mu h quit t4kinjrom.e .'
j ' aul iuc ej.uiun.ditv in Lan1.
j . TpH.m. VM. AuOLD,of che"Mi.ruri Legislature
;e arHudebUd for regular supplies of public docu-
Notice is L'-relv
) f.i
Sc1:j..-k TeJ'-
S. "Moore and
WiHiitn N. .vmah tbal James 1'. Fik. Au rutstua
Kt.ibt, Vi'iili.iui II. Ui.rrMt, nrd Oliver l.lccet,
Jr; uwier the naii; at 1ft vie vf Ki?ke, Knigl.t
C'ocipaay, 2id, ou tbe Ilia Uy ct Janu.iry x fc
It'il, L'.e tat ir petition in juid Aiirt ngninst tbo
fail i'arjvr S. iIo rf an 1 Wiilia'a X. Suiiih, part
ners ur. ! r tu ri tr,i of Mo .re i. Siiib, d?f-a i.a'.-tt
et:lugfi.-ri!i that tbe fuiJ CefodanU aro iaJ-bted
to thepoid ;ifio:ia in tbe fuia ,1 101 Si), with
torl nt tbo ruto ot' tlx per ceut. p-er annuls, fro-n
tbe "7i.ii c'jy of Juiy a i 1-o J, f.r jwt asi tn.r
cbniidi'O by tfaii p!;t!lTs to tbe. -aid defen liulfc
before that i.'rae Roi l aiii delivered at their poc;.u
in.-tancc and roojr.- t.
S-iid U"f,;i..lan'. are farlbrr not; Cod tbp.tibcne-j-erary
a"i bvit having been f:i:d.6a (.rJor of attach
ment bus been is.-uel ng.unst their projei'ty and tl.u
the fol'.w i;. (.lato bax bc n attached, to-wit :
the foul Lf'ii-t iju;utt.r .f f. ftion 1 in township 3,
n'.rtb cf r tne 15, er.-tof the Cth principiil ueii
dlan, riraated in ?aM county i f .
rai I di-fetiiai.U ara further notified th it they aro
r6irv.irt ltoar;-v. crt iidpctiLion n or before the 22-1
dy of Arril A ISI. '
March i:h, I5 31 nZi Att'ys for i'iifs.
Ea:!I Fisits Cu'iivatcd and for S.i!c
Sisicsn miles cart of Cincinnati,
100,000 ATi'LE TJrllS 8 10 7 Fr.ET IIIGIT.
Lcai-.rjfcrtsat per?:., rojuurty a-."..r;i
to tbo trade : rclected. $10.0!) hundred retail.
IVa-'-boj, S12.00 piT Itv.t. Ired, retail.
"luci.". 40 eenls eah, retail.
wumm'iwuuBw.Bu-.iiu.i-njmLW im mmi urn
V7e 1-cr; to cv'.l ti.e f.t'f a-i..ri f tin j-ufciie to t T'o
ral ic-;ri;i cut ot our K-ub!i;i.i:iO!it, wLku -e nu
hvciafull nJ aueres.'tt eppration. (cr stock of
(irecr'.iou.-e, be ltlin? suJ Flowpring P'enn, ""Stir-ntx,
a.c.. ci Girting part of GerannirL!, Verberas. Pah
Jias, Pel xrif Pe-nlee, Hellotrc-pea.- iC. we cfTcr for
6le t.l;e c-.ii,inj; K;rhi? at iuwer prtcestLin nvual, tfcera
pianos then wHL.a the re-tch of alt. ilcxt or fces
V n.ur. overall, ana forrtzo, ccicT, fortu.anl
fr?r:iuco of Iwwcr cau.t Le exiltei. .
Hiv-ifj; tie at'.VoiiLc'o of a liu-t c!;ps proacatiris
hout.c ar.J its ap;-er.Jui;es, wMtb aSi-ris u facilities f..r
incrca-j;:.g onr tlvtL to meet any de;nsiij, parties tto'd
fcave no fear of tetth.g vaat tLcy waxt Ly naxuiinj ia
ILeir orders earir.
We attend to the Prorfi?r.tiE? Depaitir.cnt oTirrelve,
an warrant f-very article inrcbased of us to be good,
st'ecs, I.eaUby, well roote-i plants, and tme to name,
Our descriptive and priced catalogues will tx cut in
AjtH, :iJ v.-i; l.e forwariied byrua'.t to all pplicant9.
J. A. VAN'AHSJJALE.ic CO., St. Joepa Agricu'taral
House, and ii. W. Ft'ilWS, Farmer Oilice, brownville,
X.T.. ;ireour auiU jnz-J Axsnl. AU cvders left ita
them will receive prowot attcntinn.
r.. n t.Yr.cTrrs & co.
P. S. Tlavi'i.s f -.reins pit rit-ciaVj- for tbe purpose,
ws will Lav SWEKT PUTATUiS lauti for aale ly the
miilii.n, at redoced t rees. E. H. B. &-Co.
Oi-e;o:i, Mo. Kcb. teci Feb 1S6I
Cherries, 25 cents each, re
X suv .., -u . - - .....
Joo?eberrios, 75 centi p"r dot., Uo-jghlon Sccal'g
1'iar trees, 40 cents cacL. S'.tnlard.
lar mis eaeh. Dvarf.
ir.;'clberri'), $1.03 per dozen, Lawton. , . -.
Straw ben i", (2 per.M.
lihubarli, f i !,(.; J hundred, Linnaeus.
The ab .v; t.autd trees aro now growing upun our
Own ground-, and we consider tber.j very tine. The
pr j-rietorV at! cut ion bus been iven for thi ltif-t
fittecn years' !mo.1 entirely to tha propnpttiou of
Nur.-trici,tbi; cultivating and tr..ukeiing of Fruits ;
an-1 during this time, L;ive lunic it a luisiuss to
Colle'.-t from tbo mwt correct Fourcs varieties eepc
ciiiHed adavt-ed to tbii! elhnnte.
Ail order, Kceoi!jpa;;ieJ by cash, attended to
promptly; and, if necpf.-nry, delivered in Cincinnati,
and f.'rv.'-trdjd free f t-o.-t, except inlerate charges
B-hcn orderi arc boxed or baled. Address,
Ollvt Branch, Clumont co., O.
Dwarf Ercoincorii Seed.
Ti.e umlerii'i.pd .fTers a veiy desirable variety of
Itvvarf Bro'.'i ioi n tecl for sale, tl.e bt-ilks of wldcta,
en an averji e.are nut more than loinctiei totwofi et
hitch t'. the hi ui h. ind tl.e hru.!i is of ab.ut the same
leii(-''t the whole plant beii.f: only three or four feet
liiV-'i. The h-i.e in is far biiperior to tbe old tall variety
bciiiR liim h finer in fibre and niu. h more elastic. It
will yield fully twice tbeamouut of brooms from an
acre of land tb.m t!ie old tall variety djes. (;n arcoe.nt
ot It-, dwarl lu;Liis it bears cloKer planting, and will re-t-lri
the neveicr-t t-t'.rin, and 1. uever Mown down. The
brui-h is wrapped np about half its IrnKth in the top
le.if, which obviates it from beinlinp down, and ccn.-e-quentiy
kcpj.s the broom blra ij;Lt . This dwarf variety
will prove i' to all cultivating this valuable
crop. i ice lo ctu'. t per ounco package, or $Z per !h
Scot bv mail pv st paid. Address
Jau. 'CI CUAS r.AViJJKD, Shaw's Tidut, 111
the most hardy and
1 60
8 oO
1 vruCQ 5.CC'JS.-JIr. H. A. Trnitv,
Vric ft Oity, Iowa, has font a lot of Garden
j ds to this city.-' Those wishing can ret assured
j a7 are No. 1.- Tbey are raised in our own aoil and
I '..mate, and on tbi account are prcicruble to any
i "--o.
1 Freight Trains. The past week
i street, froia tbe rivcf to corporation line al
j "rt, bM been blockaded with freight wagons load
j inj and leaving fr tbe mines.
J Ier. J. Stjcknkt 11 askflLou his way tobisresi
; otuee m Nbra,ka C'.tv. will (U,'.icer.' as will t,o s. r-r
23,000 Standard Apple trees, cf
imoroved vaiieties. three and
lour year old, irom five to per 100 p. 600 p 1300
eight feet hii;h $10.00 $40.00 6J.OO
Go jacbeiries, Iioui.htou'a 4 00
Strawberries, Xec Pine, the best
variety known 60
McAvory No 1 75
Jeniiies Seedl'c. Genesee. crlmon 1.00
Lawton blackberry, per dozen $2 00
FrancoiiU ltaspberry ' (0
Falstaff " t3
Scotch Hybrid Pie Plant, none better4.00
Victoria 6.00
Red Dutch Curratt. p. d. ren $1.00 C.oa
Black Najile Curr't 2.C0
One year old apple feed'Inss
Also numt-roiisoiher articles contained m Nurseries
generally, Itcsct., Dahlias, Phloxes, &.c, &.c.
Address, K. K. BACCX,
U'iUoir Crcfk, Lee Co., 171.
15.00 25.00
TVE have artistf r)ntTit!y employed In painting
specimens of all kinds of Fruits, Khrubs, EvergreenB
and Flowers, and can supply nursery amenta or others
with any quantity, either bound or la sheet. Our bound
volume? are Intended to contain all that an agent will
rcouire in f.elling a list of general Nursery products.
We ofTi-r them mnch under tbe price, and can
furnish the bound volntnes very low; and we have n
henitaucy in fuying that the execution of the artist and
likeness to niture Rre not turai.'.ed by any in the
country. Call at the Valley Farmer office and see speci
men beck. LKStGN" & FORD,
AT5L!?-i''.-?a2 ' Ohio Nunneries, Toledo, O.
A3 the season is now approachlrr for transplantini
trees, tic. we call attention of TTee dealers. Fruit
Growers, and ether witling to beautify their grounds
to our dtoclt of .
Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Grape Vines,
Shrvbbcry, Roses, &'c.
' Also; all tte leading varieties oi
Currants,. Gooseberries, Blackberries,
Raspberries, Strawberries,
- &c; &C., &C. '...-,? . .;
Of which we have a la' pp etoclr, and wo offer them very
low for the Fall Trade 1SG1, and would solicit theorders
of thof-e wishing to purchase. .' .
Enclose stamp, aud seal for CataUsue and Price List.
. KilSHiX 4. TORD,
Av5n33-Fv2n3 ' ' Ohio Nurseries, Toledo, O..-
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Garden, Field nnd Flower Seeds,
GP.AFE Vi:TES, G00SSEE32IES, s, Ka.5;3berriesi, Uiackberrief.
Roses, and Ornamental Shrubbery Generally. '
X.B. Bcxes of assorted garden seeds constantly on
hand and for rale at the lowest rates.
A few pair of this celebrated variety of fowls may
he had at $5 per pair on application to the fcubscriber.
They were bred from stock obtained at Kongsly, a part
of which was selected bv the tut sciifcpr in person.
v3 Ti3 Offlce of Boston Cultivator, Miss.
i30O?O06 Apple Grafts.
WE offer one millicn root-prattod Apples.
. Twenty thousand or upwards at &5 per thousai d.
Less than twenty thousand $5 per thousand
ALSu t . ,
Prime Ppcch Pits, 1 per bushel. Apple Seed $6 per
bushel. Vium pits, &5 per bushel. Cherrv piu 5 per
bush EXzZlXl- FOttl,
v3 n2 Ohio Nurseries, Tolodo, Ohio.
Cr eveling" Grape Vines.
Orders for Vines of this really d Uciou and early
Grope accompanied by Cash will receive prompt
attention. "
(iood one year Vines, 5Pc encb, $4 per dozen. " '
Good two year Vines, $1,00 each, $7 per dozen.
1'. M . UOUDWIN & UKO.,
2nZ ' Kingston, Luzerne Co., I'a.
Stone Mason Cabbage.
This Is the standard Cabba;e In the Boston market
being an Improved variety on the lann !n hizeoftbe
head. It may be prown cither as a Fall or Winter
Cat'basre, beio; later than the Jiat-on. It l.eadsvery
hard, is very rich aud sweet, and is unsurpassed lor
beading big.
One ounce of seed, with full instruction for cultiva
tion, 33 cents.: fiur ounces ai,00; one iound $3.00, all
post-paid; or $3 to thoe payiiit; their own freight. A
libor.ii Ci.-c.iiiit todealc-rs. Seed warranted to reach
all ho purchase.
J AMKS J. II. GREGORY, Marblehead, Mass. -
A larpe aisortnwnt of Perpetnal, Tea, "China arid
Moss Rosses in Pots, thirty cents each, $2 60 per dozen,
$15 per hundred. A. BRT A XT Ac SOX,
v3u3 Princeton, III.
The subscriber has a fair supply of seed of this verv
desirable variety of squash, which he will send by mail
to any address pott patd at 16 cents per package. Ia
quality it is fully equai to the celebrated Hubbard, anl
in size and productiveness it far exceeds that variety.
Taken altogether it Is one of the best.
11. A. TERRY", .
March, 3t Crescent City, Iowa.
The Yellow Nansemond,
Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of two
orders of Eale issued by tbo District Court of Nema
ha County, Nebraska Territory, on twe" judgments
in said Court, one in favor of Oliver Bennet & Com
pany, and the other in favor of Willliaia F. Endirs
&. Company, and both against Augustine Lyford and
Iibnui 1 . Horn, partners under the uamo oi Lytora
Horn. I will offer for sale at public auction, in
Urownviile, 8t the door of the House in which the
lust term of tbo District Court was held, on Monday
the 8th day of April A D 1601 , between the hours of
(lie and two o'clock P. M., of said day, the follow
ing described real estate to-wit: L-ot number 6 in
block number 19, with tbe Ftorebcnse and all the
improvements thereon, Situated ia the Town of Pe
ru. Abo lots C and 7 of tbe northeast and nortwest
fractional quarters of seetion number 31, in township
number 6, north cf range number Ifr, east of the 6th
principal meridian.' All the above described property
situated in said County of Nemaha, taken as the pro
terty of said Augustine Lyford and lsbam P. Horn.
i, r. n L.L.Lin, oueriu.
Ey TOnX II. MOKIilSON, Deputy.
March 3, 1SGI. u35-aw
Ravine the aeency f r Vr. TrVBnooK Ih this 1-icali-
itv, I wiil be prepare! to furnish plants by wholesale
ai:d retail and at reduced rate early iu tbe Spring.
r--oRD;:Ri soncnxD.
R. 5V. FfRXAS,
Feb 1851 Brownville, Nebra-ka.
Too Large to Send ly 'JITail.
T Clvlaswsll & Ero's, Genev
a, i.4 .
INVITO particular attention to their extensive
stock of " "
ore and two vpts old, strontr plants, crown in tte epert
air. and in iar;e rt urder pi. is? Delaware. I'i ma,
Concord, Rebecca, Hartford Proline, etc., in (juautities
to suit purchaser.
Extra Iarc;f Plr.nts rt Tloderrte Prices.
Tor cultivaii n ni. !er g ass, of thebest si-rts--Colden
rtamburs. IJ .w,.d .Muscat, B!ai-k Han.t-urs. LiuHndal,
P.oval .Muscadine. tld-n and iMrty other
new and old sorts, one s'ld two years old, at preatly re
duced pii's. A tiiie lot of larse plants grown iu
extra larce pots for lmniediate fruitii.g.
A qv.antity of these, Native and Foreign, are in the
cellars, and may hp packed an t shipped at any pleasant
t.nie during Winter or early t-pric?, with t-afr-ty. Par
ticular attention given to paUii'.it vines recure'.y for all
parts of tbe cotintrv. Potvl for Catalogues.
Av5n33-Fv2i.3 Geneva, Ontario Co., X. Y,
, 1? kdvettisement, bis great Lecture -Inside and Out-
de, in tbia city,- on MJm evening, March
"th. To PTtcak. c-f l.u t.n:.- . i
- oij ncro wouia uo tu-
ItHuoub. We cory from tba 7W,, Mi)tint Ploas-
j , W, where Mr. ILvkell lectured a short tiaie
j tha folierring ,
j ,'Ti;e Rev. J. Stickjiey iiiislrell, formerly pmtr.r c
unti lri Uiis city, but how a resident of Ncbrasba
j ;' -T-: has, with l is evJmr.ble ladv, been so
, . inR kome days with his c'.J friotds' here. On
I?"" v,,n5ng be Lwtured to a crouded audience
I fl .I'ty Uall on ."Inuividual Responsibility;" it
I r ,UsU,n' i repaUtio as a public
K'l i Hiseongre-aiion vr Very Urge oa tbe
'Th tn Mliy i.:ht be Loctured on the
! jjre, and tnoral tendpn'ycf the stage." It was
I W ' "T' n4 0Ver,ie'ulpS argument against Thea-
i -i -'"iiu cunciu.-ive.y mat iney are not only
j''" vice and folly, but ante chaniberi of dcih
I " a'-'struciicft tj A.L1 connected with or free; ken lit. g
! truly & graai aai cl?-m?u. c-f.-rU
It . .
True Delegare Grape Vines
Strona. n'tll-roctti One Year Old Tint $ ; Ttco-
vror old 8,1.60 to S-2. 00. A ftv extra I arc e 1 avert
with leering wood, foSJ. SinalUr layer, jl to
SI. 00.
AJjSO nnerinps of Allen'snew white nybrid, Anna
Clara, Concord. Clinton, Ca.-.i.!y, L'iara, lier-iemoiit.
Darttord, Pio'.itio, I.;n. I.c Noir, Lydia, Louia, On
tario, HebC'1 a. l'.cCi.'s s new Ii brids, Taylor's liuliitt,
lo-Kalon. Lun.n c.
Compactly frown Delaware, with ahnndant fine
Chrous roots, careti'l'.y parke-1 in moss, envclo;--ed iu oi
silk, ar.J setit paid, to any part of the Uuiou, on
receipt .i mu.
Isabellas and Catawbas of or.p and) two years' crowth
foreign vines for Urnperip. Ra-.pbarries, blackberries
Strawberries, No. . all a: laa lowest rates,
rJ-eud foracir?
GKO. W. CAlirr.ELL, Delaware, O.
Oct. 13. 1CC0. nlS-Sm.
1 WILL give ov mm rieirmst Xo. 1 Farm the rare
bsrcal;i ever oi'.crcd in this ciuiury. Tb1? fr'arm-is Mt
uited -ix miles west f.-..i Browuviile on ihe IitUeNe
maha River; cnsutsif id acies, UU of wkkh in under
an eaceiicut .tie of c;.luvai:cn ; ji.d dwelling &u-l
out ti'.us; au i kuppiy of t i stvtk
wmer ; 3J acres t.f oj.i tiLU er io.,uy hard wot-4.
There Is also an ex vilent iiili S.'-o ot the Liui.
Eo't'iire of the U' Chi-; e i ci .he priiufcs, or R. XT.
rnnusatil.p Aden-rWr iSi-e. 'Wil. V.'Z'JVLV..
Tcww.ii 2l:; Is' i . r.:S3.-Jii
Adniiiiistrator's Sale.
PURSUANT to an order cf the Probate Court of
Nernaha county, Nebraska, made on tbe 13d day of
February A D ISdLthe uudemgned, administrator
of the estate of George Englehardt. defeased, on Sat
urday the 20th day of April A UlSfil, at 2 o'clock f
M, iu front of the office of the Probate Judge of
Nemaha County, in I'rownville, will offer for salent
public vendue the following described real property
as a part of the estate of the said George Englehardt
to wit tlio north hnliot the sc Ota west quarter ot
section No. eighteen, 5r. township No. 5 of range No.
thirteen, east, situate in said county.
Terms of payment : One half cash in har.d, one
fourth in three months, and one fourth in six months
from tbe time of sale. ' JOSEPH SIIUTZ,
March 7, 1P61 ,n"5 Administrator.
' Probate Notice.
WITERK AS, S. A, Chambers, executor of the estate
of Willis Hill, deceased, has this day made application
tc the Probate Con; t of N eaiaha Co'iuty, Nebraska Ttr
ritory, for one year extcti.-ion time to collect the asset
of said estate and pay the debt and legacies chargat lo
agaiust the same; Notice, is hereby given that I bave
set Saturday, Use 16th day of March, A U 1861, at tea
o'clock. A if. as the time for hearing said appllcition at
hit ctUceat Iirownville ia said cjunty, when and where
all persons interested may attend and show cause why
the said extension of time shou'd not be allowed.
Given nnder my haadand se;M dis 17th duyof Febru
ary, A. u. Jobi. . nur.Ltnv, rro. .uusb.
t r" i .W- c : V 1 ; , L
. if ir V
By thP ce of these Pills the periodic attacks of Scrv
ou or Sick Headache may be prevented ; and If tkea
it the commencement of an attack immediate relief
from pain and sickness will be obtained. -
They seldom fail iu removing the Nautta and Bead'
ache to females are so subject. :
They act gently upon the bowel removing Cotlivi
nest. '
For Literary Men, Studentt, Delicate Females, and
all persons oi tedentary kabit. they are valuable as a
Larative. improving the appetite, giving ton and rt
yorHo the digestive organs, and restoring the natural
elasticity u l strength of ihe whole system. - ,
TheCirilALin PILLS are tte result of lor.glnvestl
gation add carefully conducted" experimentsf baviug
been in use many years, during which time they have
prevented and relieved a vast amount of pain and suf
fering '-m Headache, whether originating in the tier
VOUi system er from a deranged state of tbesfomacft
They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and
may betaken at all time with perfect safetj.withool
making any change of diet, ana A atfnc of ydit
aireahlt tatte render! it easy to tirrrinUtcr them tc
- Beware of counterfeits!-
The genuine iave five signatures of Henry C. Sraldlug
on each box. - - ' i
Sold by Drnggistai and all other Dealcain Medicines.
A box will be sent by mail prepaid on rcceiplof the
Price 25 cents.
Ail orders should be addressed to
48, Cedar Street, New York.
Dee.C, 1SC0. n22-ly -- -
"Will convinoe all who suffer from
' .
THAT A . ,
Speedy and Sure Cure
Aithete TcttimoniaUxcere untolicitedly Mr. SPAL
DIXQ,they afford unquestionable proof of the
efficacy of thit truly tcientijic discovery.
- . . JUitonvule, ConnTcb S,1&5l.
Ur. Spalding.
I have tried your Cephalic Pills, and Zie them
to well that I want you to send me two dollars worth
Part of these are for the neighbor?, to whom I gave
a few ont of the fin t box I got from you.
Send th Pills by mail, and oblige
Your ob't servant,
Mb. Spaldixo.
Ilaverford, Pa., Feb. 6, 1861.
I wish you to send me one more box of yonr Ce
phalic Pills, hace received a grert deal of benefit
from them.
Yonrs. rcsnectfullv,
$5 Corn Planters.
Famcrs, Look, io your 'Interests !
Save time and ensure good corn crops all seasons,
by plnntins with
It is the only perfect hand machine in use. Can be
used in tod or elsewhere. It can be set to drop any
desired cumber of grains. Drops and cover to per
fection atone operation.
For sale at Dr. Hoover's store, Nemaha City, Th
II ill's store. P.rownville, and at Peru.
"Traveling Agents wanted, to whom & libtral
discount will be made.
Addre, . R. A. STEWART,
33 Nemaha City, N. T,
Golden Cassabftr -and Christiana
Muskmelcn Seeds.
Two of the finest sorts in cultivation. Sent by taail
at 13 cents per package. H. A. TERRY,
March, nd-2t Crescent City.
Tn tVis TJurserv and Seed Business.
To a person with from S3'J0 to &5o0 ca;ital, and who
thoroughly understands the business of propagi-ting
trees and plants, a Hoe chance is o'Jered.
tte be h'.nest, iadustriou and sober. For part
culars address Ft. A. TERRY",
January 18GI 3m-v2nl CrpKCCnt City, Iowa
XJntor street,
BROWNNILLE, NEBRASKA. recently located in this place and solicit a share
of pi.h'.ic patronage. Their wort aud prices rannot ran
to grve satisfactjea. Prices fir sb.iciug torses $1.60
fr ihFin all r-iiiid with ne-? thes. - Lsi. 80, Jta
Spruce Creek, Iluntinllott, Co., Pa.,) . .
January 18, 1361. . f
. C. Staldixo.
Too will pleape send me two boxes of your Cephal-
io Pills. Send them immediately.
Respectfully yours.
p S J are vied one lox of your Pill, and Jind
them excellent. .'. : . .
Belle Vernon, Ohio, Jan. 15, 1861.
LTexry C. Spalmxg, Esq.
Please find inclosed twenty-fivo cents, for which
send me another box of your Cephalic Pills. They
are truly the lest Pillt I have ever tried.
Direct A. STOVEK, r M. .
Belie Yernon, Wyandot Co,0.
Beverly, 3"a., Dec.ll, I860
IT C Spalpixg, Efq.
I wish for somo circulars or large show bills, to
bring your Cephalic Pills more particularly bpfore
my customers. If you bave anything ot toe kinu,
please rend to me
One of mv customers, who is subiect to severe Sick
Headache, (usually lasting two days.) tea cured of
an attack t one hour by your wmcn. i sent ner
Respectfully yours,
iOtiCcJ lO
um mil igJ
JReynoldtliurg, Franllin Co,, OA
January 9, 1861 f
Hkjcrt C Spaldiko,' -;
No 43 Cedar St, N Y
Dear sir : ".
Inclosed find twenty-five cents, (25.) for which
send box of "Cer.halic Pills." Send to address of
Rev WmC Filler. llr?ynoldsburg, Franklin Co, Ohio,
Your Pfde tcorJ: like a charm cure headache al
most instanttr. . .
Truly yours,
Nemaha Lmd (u:e.
. Erownrille, Nebraska, wan. SO, 1 jI,
To Jo'-nY.'. 7--kr.V Ja-'-b Tramtne'J, Aaron C.
KeL2y.-Th' niaj E. P..-' :i. John L. MeKee. John W.
Lvaes, Job a Lirl-rt, Wiiliara Cobb, Andrew Shaf
fer, Nioh'.Ln Mii !--c;?r, John Woneil, Aaron U.
McMhon, Jaai-.s ju,jind David Lockvfw4:
You tprc-1'7 n.-t'.f,.'! b a-; rr.r ar-ho Itnd Ot
fee at Ilrcwsvi.l-j N. T., wilhia'thictj ''.3J f'Q the
data of tbia notice, ar.d niake additi'r..4 proof in re
lation to your -pra-ctcr ticn entric,' ia accordance
with instructions from tha Corcmi.-'sioner of the (ien
cral I Ai.-J U2-aat V"arh':rt-.n, iu default of which
we are nu'.horizod to cancel said entries.
Tbo following per3n? are retired to a rpesr with
in COd ivs from Ftb. iSth, li il : Wiley H. Horn er
eentcr of estate IlcdJi-.-k IL.ra dee.-.-el, Joseph E.
Ori aJmi&isfratcr tf ette cf L'tnopy II. Fi.ecder,
John . Vt'. Cckelr,'. W'illiaa Znia Wtt, liiehard
Vance, Hnry Harms, Edward C. iibacnen, Iloiin
Srarge, Cyrus II. Corliss.
- The following persens are notified to appear within
30 da-3 f.-otn l-eb. S3:
Fiavid Lu, Leonard Spitier, Wm. A. Enge'.k ,Chn.
P. Haveua,:e, ilariia Stowell, ElUa B. Wright, Law
rence Fjrrcil, Sam;i?l Eidelar, Ira Sutherland. Hud
son George, llitthew P. Noble. Ge rge L. Turue.-, Wil
liam It. Storer- Jamen Ysx, Daniel iforgan, William
Richardson. Andrew B. Baltm, Thomas L. Mackoy,
Benjamin P. Huston, Joseph Tene;U, John Hopkins Geo
GtkPler, (JiJe-in Johnson, Elmer A. Graves, James
V. Deputy, liirl J. Hoover .
The fcllowing persons are noliScd to appear with
in 30 day frita March 1 Irh: ,
Eliza Higgin3, John Btlfry. Jatne3 F. Catron.
G. II. NIXON, Register.;
- ' C. .SMITH, Receiver. '
y -s -
iO a.
7 L V-VO'iP7!
New Eating Saloon.
ITas opened a row Eafing House on Main street,
next door to the U. S. Land Oiiice ia Biormviile,
cro , i .v .. V . . .i 1
Warm TlLczxIea
Alljiindsof cams served up as desired, at the
shortest notice.
Oysters, Quaib, Prairie Chickens,
Fish, Venison, Pies, Cakes, Hot
Coffee. Sweet and Butter
Milk, Mush and Milk,
i and all such.
Como tixxcl Geo IVTo ! I
Fob. 7. 1861. n3t
Jllain, Between Levze and First Streets.
Particular attention given to the
Furc!iasc and Sa!e of Ileal
Estate, Maklx:? Col
Seetions and
Payment of Taxes tor Xon-Ucs!-
LAND W ARTwANTS FOR SALE, for cash and on
itolits,on lands selected from personal examination,
and a complete Township Map, showing Streams,
Timber, S.c, lorwarued tutu tlie Ccrlibcate of loca
Iirownville. N.T. Jan. 3. 1S11. yl
Theodore W. Bedford, )
vs. I
Hudson George J
Stetson L. Sw,in ,
J.B. Wells and
Russell R. Lewis )
By virtue cf a decretal ordar Issued from the clerk's
office of the District Court in Nemaha county, in the lid
Judicial Listrict of Nebraska Territory, upon a decree
made by said court at its September term A D IStjO, in
the above entitled catise.I will sell on Thursday the 14t.h
day of March A u 11 o'clock am of said day,
at the door of Homer Jonhson's Hall (the place where
said court wa last held) in Brownville, Nemah coun
ty, Nebraska Territory, the following descrioed real es
tate, to-wit: the southeast quarter oi the southeart
quarter of section 22, township 5, north of range 14, east
of the 6th principal meridian, iu Nem.iha county, Neb
raska Territory, to the highest bidder for cash ia band.
J. S. BED FORI), JIasteriu Chancery.
Feb 6th, 1361 3i-Qv-!t,9
Jackson Ljnes
I T Why te . V
Sarah Whyte f
Wm Hoblltzell and
Martha Hoblitzcll I
- By virtue of a decretal order Issue', from the Clerk's
office of the District Court cf Nemaha county, in the
2d Judicial District of Nebraska Territory, upon adecree
made by said Court at its September Term, a. d. ISS0, in
the aqove entitled cause : 1 will sell oil Thursday, the
Hth day of March A D 1861, at the hnur of It o'clock, a.
m. of said day, at the door of Homer Johnson's Hall
(the place where bai l Court was last held) in Brown
ville, Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, the follow
ing described real estate, with the appurtenances there
to belonging, to-wit : The northeast quarter of section
no. 10, in township no. 5, north of range no. 13, east of
the sixth principal meridian, in Nemaha county, Neb
raska Territory, to thehichcstt.idder for cash in hand.
JAMES S. BEDFORD, Master in Chancory.
Brownville, Feb 6th, 1361- - c31-5w-$9.
l-A single bottle of SPALDING'S PREPARED
ULUb, wili save ten times ih cobi annuai:y
economy! . - ' ' dispatch!
Z3TUA Slid i Tim Saves JV'.n rjl -As
accidents will happen, eren in well regulated
families', it is very desirable to have some cheap and
convenient way for repairing Furniture, Toys, Crock
ery, tte
meets all such emergencies, and no household can
afford to be without it It is always ready, and up
to tha sticking polat
N E A Brush accompanies each bottle. Price,
25 cents Address
No 4S Cedar Street, New York.
As certain unprincipled persons are attempting to
palm off rn tho unsuspecting public, iacitationstf my
PREPARED GLCF, I would caution all pcrsoni to
examine before purchasing, and gee that Ihe full
is on the ou tails wraff J all .Pcri are twiadUs
Fiske, Knight &. Co.l . In thq District Court, Ne
va v maha County, Nebraska Tir
Moore & Smith. J ritory.
Farlow S. Mooro and William N. Smith willtake
notice that Jamc3 P. Fiske, Augustus Knight, Wil
liam B. Garrett and Oliver Rennet, 'oing bu.inorj
under tbe partnership name of Fiskp, Knigh 4
Company, lid on the loth day of December A Vj iSGd
file their petition in said Court against t cm
said Farlow S. Jlooro and William N. S" th, doiu"
bns'.ness under tbe piirtncrship name 0f Moore &
Smith, dL-fend.iut.-?, setting forth tha' ,he gaij defen
dants were indebted to the said pontiffs in the sum
of 520 SO, with interest on ea'v umouDt at the rate
of ten per cent, per annum f'om March 23th A D
IS60, as evidenced by ace tin promissory note dat
ed St. Louis September 'Jith A I) 1859 fur $520 80,
due six months after, made by sai J'defendants
in favor of said pla'nt.fTi.
Said defendant further notified that tbe nec
essary aCUavit "naj been tied and that an orlor of
attachment has been Lrsaed against the property of
the said defendants, and that the following property
has been attached, to-wit: the southeast quarter of
section 18, in tewnship 5, north of range 15, east of
the 6th principal meridian, containing 160 acres, si
tuated in sild county of Nemaha.
Said defendants are further noticed that thy are
r quived to appear and an3wer said petition on or
bet jre the 22d day of April A D IS5I.
liLWlill" A 1 HUM AS,
March4,I3GI nS5w4
Att'ysfor ITffs.
Probate Notice.
Whereas John W. Brock and Elen Mc.Vcal, admi
ministrator3 of the estate of William Mi-Ncal late of
Pawnee County, Nebraska Territorr, dotes red, mide
application to the Probate Court of Pawuca County,
. T. , for one year's extension of t.roe to collect tho
a??ets of the sai 1 estate and piy the debts and
charges chargeable against the same, notice is here
by given that 1 bave set Monday tha Sth dar of April
A D 1861, at my ofoce in Pawnee City in said county
M the time for the bearing of said application, when
and here a!l persons interested may appear and
show cause wby said extension should not be allow
ed. Given un'er rn hand this 2nd day of March A D
3-3tr I'robaUs Judge,
V. ll li
To Your Real Interests!
Citizens of Brownville
, Ana (lie Kcst or 3lrntlr.a
i .1 , ) H a,.7:l f i-J
Osier Willow Cuttings.
The best variety for market and for live fence (Saiix
purpurea) price $2 per iI.ois.iud. By miii. postpud,
for experiment, $1 per huu-ii c 1. V. L. U ALSLT,
March, v2i.3 , - Victory, Caj ui;a Co., N, Y.
10.COO Saar-rnapls Seedlings
ONE YEAR OLD, 1 to 4 feet high Ten dollars per
thousand. Trees, 3 tj 5 feet $5 per hmi.i'ed. A. 21" A XT &. SON,
Fruicatcn, lili.
ill ore of I) cm,
Than was ever hefore offered in this
i j. wm & cs.,
Pioneer Store
We Have Just Received and Opened
Most Magnificent
Stock of Goods !
' ' '
Cutlery and .Qucensware.
. And Choice
Largest Assortment of
II tits,
Ever opened in Brcvynville and no mistake !
Caps from 25cts to $3,50.
We can Fit Gents ia Suits Hem $5 lo $50
r-V ,
gi:o::gi: g. i: vans'
Ptnc;:!!:, ha t:d C:!;.vl
Slxti vtit tl Ire er.!:r;i;:!
C .2 R D
HAVING purchased tbe fpanrua Ire n R ludii: j,
No. 4:i'J Chestnut Street, and ttted it up with sverr
c-mveni'Sive to fv.litat try ba-i-e, particular!
that brs neb devoted to Ci.orr.y OiiDf;:i: at lht
ing a Urg'-reajitil than any fiber pirty iro.'.. -I
iu the business i ara cow prt; .ir- 1 to .j"cr grta?r
alvaatiges, aci better i;u L.aa ever Icl'jrn to u:y
I riil furnish any b.H (of a cbracter
puir..-h d ia tho United State, th j retail J ri-.e r.f
which li on dollar c r onward, and give a j rts;n.
worth from Si) cU to $100 with etch l- k, a i
gaaranteo to tcive p'rfe-t su ?i-.fc:i n, n I am de
termined to inatnuin tbe rct.uia.iu already be--etowed
upon ray CctsbHhiuent.
tng T;itiCjC I llphia aro i&ritedl ta
call aid ju for thesacives.
G. G. EVANi.
If you want any bod., !"c 1 to
GEO. G. ENANS RcrlUblo G R k Enter-rie,
1-15 Cfcctaat Street, IV-l-d.-lphij.
Where a' I books are sold at the Pabiia'uer'i Ijw!
price, aud you have the
cf receivinj
A Handsomo Present,
worth from 50its t j 1 dollar with e::ch b-t k.
G G EVANS' Origin iHiiTt l ..k Eaten-rie has
beeu endorsed by the 1. ok Trade aud
all tbo lcadingeit y and Cv.uuiry pa
pers in tho Cuiud States.
rs have
Saddles and Harness,
Oil ClolU-i and Carrctlss'
Iron, Hails and Castings
Ladies Riding, Kid ami Silk. Gents
Gauntlets, Buckskin and Driving.
Best Qualities of
i i s i wm
EYANS' Punctual business trausuet
received the aprobatiort of o.r
, 000,000 citiscr.s of the Uciud
States, each of hcm bava received
substantial evidence of tho beneflta
derived by pnrcbi.-i.ij bo.liJ at hii
G O EYANS Ilisticno mre than any other pub
liohcr or botWller in t'ue I'uion to
wards di-us-it knowledge tf tbe
people. Uy bis sjstonv many book .
arcrcai that wou.d not bat found
their way into the b;.nds of reader.
Frani LtfHS Xttfp tV'r.
G G EYANS keeps constantly ou b.n.d tho aw
extensive stock, tho greatest ort
meut of U x.ks, aul tircuUtcj free to
all who may ap; ly. tbetno't cni -
leto catalogue cf Rocki and Gift
in tbe United State.
G G EYANS has advantage cl'crel to l im by.
other publishers aul n inuf.ieturcr
which enable bim to farni.-h bis pa
trons witb a finer quality and 1-etu-r
assortment of gifu than auy o her
G Q EYANS nearly two hundred pepn- .
iarar.d interesting V-fX'k.s therefore,
aJ a piilii--ber, be is better allo ts
tiler 'extra prcmiuiui aud cuuiaii-
fciotH. .
G G EVANS guarantees perfect .l)3Uct;on to all
who may scr.d for bo-.U'.
G G EYANS' new chvilicd cataie'g.i'' rT bocVt
embraces tha writing of fvcrj stan
dard author in every i,.cuvrt:jr.ut ,f
lirerature. and gives nil the informa
tion relative to tbe rurchasir.g and
forwardiug by mail or express, of
books ordered from hi c-ta!.!i 5!,monr,
t'.trethcr with full directions how to TTlnr.CV.
NS' CaUlogue of Rooks w ill be sent grtt t i
and five of postage to any aduf c tit
tha United Mutes.
G G EYANS' inducements to Arnt nn not b
urr,a3d. The v.,-, f.beral cnu
niiiiocs are t rT.r :d, and by siciting
?ub--eri, lions to books in the nunoer
proposed, twenty booUacnn be sold in
tho ame time would take to
idlcncon theohl-ra-hioncd subn p-"
tionplan. Son I for a classified Ca t
alogue, nr.d every iiformiition wi I ba
given in reference to ag'.ncies. Sa
leet yourbook3 and enclose thn -niaui.t
cf money ruircd, ar.d or.-
trial will satir-fy you that tho bo,j
:hieo in tbo country to urchai
Extensive Gift Eook Estal-Ilsliacnt
No. 420 Chennnt S-reet.
Where yon ertn net Pool'tof nlllindt
Rooks cf fact! Rooks of fiction I Rooks of de
votion ! Ho-ks cf amusement 1 Ro'-k for t.m G. i
Folks! Rooks for the Young Folks! Roks for
Husbands! Rooks for Wiv.s! li.k. for Lvor !
Rooks for Sweethearts! Rooks I'. r Roys! Rook
forflirls! Rooks of Humor ! Rooks f IVtryl
Rooks of Tra rcl ! Ro-Aj of History ! Ro ka ofRi
ograpbv ! Rcoksof Adventure 1 Rooks abr.t Sail
ors ! Rooks aboat Soldiers ; RV. about lad. ins !
BoeksaboutHuntersI Rooksabout Horo" ! Rocks ,
about Patriot.' I Rooks for Fanner! I Roiki f r
Mechanics! Ret ks for Merchants ! R ksf r Hiy- ,
siciansl Rooks for La -Jycrs ! R-'ok? for Sratcsm-i..'
Riblct! Presentation RoL I Hymn Rx.kj I . Ju
venile Eock! Annuals! ' Alburn?1, e..et5.
Ccoil R. Hart!ev3 Intcrr.rir;- Jiir-graphi-s ! Rcr.
.! II. Ingram's Scriptnral Romir-aei-! Smuel-er
Lives ol ' Patrloti A Statesmen 1 J.T.I-tureti'iKev-olution
Stories! T.S. Author's popular Tries'.
Ur. Ahot's Family Doctor ! ?!. Mentz's Novi U !
Mrs. Southworth's Novels! Dickon's Novels'.
Wavcrl v's Novels I Irving's Y'orks !
All the writings cf every standard author of every
department of literature, in every 'tjlc in binding,
at tbo publishers lowest prices, and remember that
you pay no more tbnn you won! I ut nny other estab
lishment, and you have the advantage of receiving
on elegant present, bieh oftentimes is worth a hun
dred fold o-)ro than the anwJr.t j? aid for tbe lvKk.
P00KS. order any book that yoa m..y want, remit
tho retail price, together with tho amount rco,u:rM
for postage: and one trial will as-ure you that V.
be3t ylace in the country to purchase boois w at tu
Gift Rook Establishment of
Originator ofthe Gift Rod; Enleri rise.
iVJ Chestnut t-ttect, Pbibidi!;hi.
To whoa greater in-lucern'jnta than ever aro
oScred , . , .
Any person, either n'le or femaX who is .'Sir
ous of engaging in an HONORAHLE an 1. PKOl
ITARLE EMPLOYMENT, requiring but litti t mi
and na outlay of money, and 1 y which they can ob
tain gratis
A Yaluablo Library, . ,
A Fine Gold Watch ar.d Chain,
A Han !ora Service of Hits
An Elegant Silk Drcs rater-,
A Splendid Settof Jew;lry,
Ormany ether choice articles enuraeru-Ud in cur
List of Gifts, can do to by adtiug a au agent for
this establishment.
Any perron, ia any pert of tbe country, can an
agent, simply by forming a club, siinding a list of
books, and ramitting tha arnoact of maney refpuired
for the same.
Se-i fob a Catalogce, which all th
desired information relative to arencits and th
formation of clubs : ani to inure pfcn;.t and hon
orable dealing, address all oriirs to
The IlAD Ccautebs oz
Proprietor of tho oldest acd lrrgest Gift eook Ex In the world, pcrmar.autly located at
No. 433 Chestnut Street. Philadelphia.
Needed or IDesired
Can bt had at our Store, and on terms as
favoralh as those of any ether
House in the West.
AU Kinds of
"Will he taken in exchange at current prices.
ComoOno! ComoAli::
We are determined to sell at lower prices and give
netier bargains than ever Lefore.
D. J. 'H ARTIM 1 CO.,
The German Lansaaze Taasht.
Louts Waldter proposes to open a ui.-rht-srhol to cive
Insiructlen la the Gcrruaa. All ho wit to a cla.-a
of this kind will leave their names at iue Post -OCce. .
February CI, 'CI.
To All ITIiora It yiixy Concern.
Ail persons indebted to Wm. T. DK.V, cithir en
bo.k account, or bynct. are harcy noiiis l t e.:i
and pay np on or before th- tDrh dny of Mureh IijI,
ami tnerebvsuv tnemselvcs trotio. ; n cw,
RrownvilIe,Fe!2l WM,
. T-DEN.
. Estray I oticc.
Territory of Nebraska f ,
Nemaha County $ ' -
Personally abpeared before me R. bert F. G'.bbf,
who, being duly sworn, deposes ar.d says that be did
oa tbe loth day of dan A D IS '1, tike up a certain
pony mare cf the following di.-c ri'i .n, to wit; of
the medium 3ize, raj color, no. bran Is o 41 r!: vi
siiile. tufcid to be nine or ten year oM. S.ihl
estray wason his premises at the tino., tken up ia
township A and rjnge li of thi.s-..n;!ty.
Sworn to and snbscrib"d before mo on this 21fc
day of January a n 1 S -5 1 .
We, the ar.dersirted .Lavir g biea d-'.y app icted
and sworn, d.) hereby appruiau the aln-va e-lra-at
twenty-five dollars.
The abeve wen fir-'.T' 1 " :i ',r:i by me f .
2 L.-t day ol January APlul.
S. U.
Er3Tji7LU3,C:f. 13, 133 D.
Writtea f:rth2 I'.r I
i I