Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 28, 1861, Image 2

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    ik r '! - a
"If tUOMn-'ije'.nuk to C
&r.t r.o t : jrious xvir.axr.p;
Iha tax's o Letter or more hcr:;-,-
f;rA?e than to L3 ;th tLa Union."--
3 C'cund, I
the it thsn
F UI1N AS . KD1TO 1 1 .
3, I5l.
, Arc Co nip remises Needed?
. , We ask in all candor, v.hal is there no.
..really L:forc iLe' country demanding, cr
evea ftdiniitins of compromises ? Those
tLo rretcrJ to a-dc for ccmprornisos say
cce lhin the principal one is, in ie-
gard to the rights of slave-holders to take
their peculiar property into the Territor
ies; that they are not alLwed to do so !
' Now, these tame men have claimed, par
ticularly ever since the Dred Scott de
cision, that the United States Supreme
Court, the highest judicial tribunal in the
land, and from which there 13 no appeal,
. then and there decided that the Constitu
tion of the United Stales carried slavery
into, cr protected it in, all the Territories!
What stronger guarantee do tbey want ?
Suppose there was a direct Constitutional
provision to that effect, would their cause
be iircnthened? Would their rights,
of which we hear r.o much, be any more
secure ?. Have they not already taking
their own position and argument all they
are now pretending to demand as a corn-
' . promse ?
.Again they claim that the Fugitive
Slave law is net enforced; that Personal
Liberty Bills Lave been passed, and are
constantly used to prevent the faithful ex
ecution of that Law. Now we undertake
to say, and chalenge contradiction, that
there has not be en, since the passage of
the Fugitive Slave law, fifty instances
where opposition to the recovery of slaves
' under the provisions cf that law, has been
encountered, and then not with the pro
visions of any Liberty Bill, but by lawless
mobs composed of individuals acting upon
their personal responsibility ; and further,
that not even then has there been a half
dozen instances where the slave claimant
has failed to recover his property. While
these few, to-be-regretted, instances of
opposition have occurred, there have been
thousands of fugitive, peaceably returned
in accordance, with the law enacted for
' that purpose. . .
And, still again, it is charged that
northern people go into -the South, steal
' and run away their property. This, to-be-sure,
is a violation of law, and the
'offenders should suffer the provided pen
alties. Have they not? Have not the
Slave States hung ten northern men
" mostly on suspicion and innocent for one
real negro thief who may have invaded
their borders? We think so, and yet
there has been no serious complaint.
The general opinion in the North, as
elsewhere, is, if John Browns go into
the South offending their laws, they do
so at their own risk, and must suffer the
The fact is all compromises ever made
Wiicn t!:e People Srcali.
It is a consolation to those who desire
the perpetuation cf the Union that in
Tote la Atcliisoa County, Ho.
To Z. RcssELt, Esq., we are i
for the following vote cf Atchison county,
J f J r-V,
every instance where the people have had Mo., for Delegates to the State Ccnven
an opportunity to express themselves lion
during the crisis, they have spoken
thunder tones in favcr of the Union. In
the States which have secceded, a direct
expression cf the pecple has been avoid
ed. Even in the election of delegates
to a Convention the aggregate vote cast
is shown ca an average, to be not over one-
third the real vote of the- different Dis
tricis. In New Orleans, with 17,000 voters
the vote cast was about S,000, and the dele-
Johns C : Crosley,
sole jJAxrr.tCTrnins of ins 1'j.j'hoved
fc. M. i4. i. V
Is the Cheapest ar.d nest duralh Roofing
tn use
It can bo applied to new and oM roofs of all kinds, and
to aliicgle roc.'s without removing tee suuigies
Tiicccst UgtAj one-llilrtl of Tin,
and Is twice as durable.
Gutta Fercha Cement
For preserving and repairing tin and other nieial ro ofs
--., T .- I : i , i , - J u;0f of everp description, from its great elasticity is not in-
from Indiana, has been appointed Lilief U-edbT Uo contraction and exp ansion cf metsis, and
Terojdcton, .... -172
Wilson, - - - - -ICO
Vanbuskirk, - 223
Baiter, - - - - 310
Hudgins, - - - 307
Burns, - - - . - 2-53
Wm. E. Ni black, member cf Congress
Justice for Nebraska vice Judge Hall, Will not crack in cold or Run in warm
I a 9
i deceased. The-appointment has been - - .weather.
"V citcivvi i yjjjgg materials have been thoroughly tested la New
iiates in fa"or of secession c
v tifir 100 rr-orifv Tn TfnrPtiPP anrl wnnnneu 'J IUB OKI.aiU. MO auow York and all parts of tbe Southern and Western states,
L,) nurow inajoni). in Itnct.see aiiU ' Und we can cive abundant nroof of all we claim in their
1 favor.
f, Via I mey arc reauiiy appaeaoyoroLUBry laooitris, t inn
iliv rwiuvu. i leg expense
Arkansas, where the question has been
submitted directly to the people they have
voted down even a Convention to consider
alledged grievances. In Texas the se
cession ordinance is submitted to the peo
.A U xuii. These materials are pnt vp ready for
ine iouowing we cup irom me jener- iuse and for Shipping to all parts of the
son City correspondent of the St. Louis Couutru, v:ith full printed directions for
pie lor raiiucation cr.rejecticn. ue oe- j)emccrat, t verifies the prediction made application.
Iievc they will vote it down; we have hv nnp nf RflsVa neighbors, in onr hear- F.uU. decnptiK circulars will be fur
, . i -j o '
private aavices saying sucn wm sureiy De irr not 0Q(r since .
tne reUll. I A rrrrA c 1 1 rt fnn nne ri,fti f o In tTi a
I mis lar a tew aspiring disloyal poll- House, to-day, over a little "general pnv-
ticians in the southern seceedinq: States ilege" introduced by Mr. Rhodes cf
Kir. fs,viv "i.'-pn tf.mrr, h ctnrm."stn- Madison county. It appears that Mr.
,. , , . . . Thomas M. Rash, who came here some
uiuuc0 uuuuy 44W1u ljme sin.e tQ CQDtest seat of Mr Ar.
pie. There is every evidence of this. nodt the representative from Atchison
Such being the case will not a re-action county, has been victimizing a number of
t-.-n riico? Wa lioiipva it tvil! and the members, araonir wnom llnode3 is a
nished on application ly mail, cr in jper
son at cur principal office,
(pposite St. Xicholaa notel,) NEW TOHK,
Feb. 23,1851. AGENTS WANTED. 6mo-
Notice to Pre-emptors.
uhen it does there will be a "fearful
heavy sufferer. The document read to
. Nemaha Land Office, )
(J Brownrilla, Nebraska, Jan. 3 J, 1 S51. )
To John"W. 7?.ickus. Jacob Tramrncll. Aaron C,
Kelly, Thomas E. Russell, John L. McKee. John W.
E? ans, John Lardent, William Cobb, Andrew SLaf-
the House contained the following items fer, Nicholas Saideger, John Won ell, Aaron B.
TIlC Coining Season. "Weather
prophets" are nearly unanimous in pre
dicting that the coming season in Nebras
ka and Kan?as will be a favorable one to
the agriculturist. The Italians had an
old adage: "Anno divene, annodi bene,"
that is, "a snow year, a rich year." And
we don't know, but there is truth in it.
of Rash's delinquencies :
Kerr (Virginia Hotel)
Rhodes, borrowed money,
Dorris, do do
Shultz, do do
Barkeeper Virinia Hotel
"Bootblack," do do
Washwoman, do , do
$43 00
30 00
20 00
10 00
15 00
1 25
1 75
3 the abo
At all events, as the two past seasons have amount, left. The following resolution
not been as productive a3 might
ably have been expected from our
McMahon, James Hannon, and David Lockwocd
Ton are hereby notified to appear et the Land Of
fice at Urownnue ri. 1 within thirty daysfromthe
date of this notice, and make additional proof in re
lation to your pre-emption entries, in accordance
with instructions from the Commissioner of the Gen
eral Land OfHceat Washington, in default of which
we ire authorized to cancel said entries.
The following persons are required to appear with
in 30 days from Feb. I ah. I3CI : Wiley II. Horn ex
ecutor of estate Keddick Horn deceased, Joseph E.
Ord administrator of estate of Emory II. Keeder.
John W. Cokely, Willian Zum Watt, Kichard
Vani TToniTr Tfarrnn Tl arn rl H T?IT
iiaiu, aiiti luuuiui mueui iu iub auuve i airaage, uyrustt. i;orlis3.
The following persons are notified to appear within
not been as productive a3 might reason- expressive of the sense cf the House on pJid Lnu, Leonard spitzer, wm. a. Encciv.cbas
crvii f,r,A tne meiancnoiy occasron was reaa : r. uavenagie, Marun &towen, jcuass. wngiit.Law.
SOU .anu . J I renceFarrell, Samnel Bideiar, Ira Sutherland, Hnd-
i- , . ' -,i mpl... ,1.-, . """'"i JJ "-" "u .titcu- sod ueorse, Mannew jj. rooie, ieorge L. Turner, wii-
ciimaie, u is natural, pernaps, mat we tajves that we learn with sincere reoret 1Um n-storer, James Fox, Daniel Morgan, winum
hope for better crops this; and, therefore, o the departure of the Hon. Mr. Rash, SSSSTf, i&FZZ&StSZU
matft IhP nrrpirv nrpnn rat inns. So far and Wft do hprphv PTtPnd th mndnlpnco ,er'. to.e?n. nxuon, timer a. Graves, James
j L - i . j i w . veputy, luri J . Hoover .
as our information extends Nebraska of ""s body to his numerous victims who o. H. NIXON, Renter.
t, ii 1.1 H....!1.J 11 .i J It C A. SMITH. liflnpScPr
r . i .... udvtj uckii u. --iruneu. "SUCKKU 111. i
tanners particularly ars -laying out ,. , j ,, , , : ,
"u,& iciMcijr. iiit toe aforesaid Kash.
in the world why ISebraska may n9t pro
duce a surplus sufficient to supply the de
mand at her outlining points for tne The National Intelligencer recommends To All YOiom it May Concern.
ATV.nnim'r-is: Onr firmsp nlnnp. in Hrnwn. a Convpntinn of Hplprrntps from trip I All persons indebted to Wm. T. DEX. either on
.. ....i.- .i.. -,....t. - - RnntWn Si.Ip, fnr t hp Mlm intor.Knnrro DOO account, oroynote, are nareby notiftea to call
vi ii p. spn:i.s tne iirst wprk in iiiarcn. io - v - " " w..... ..v nD(1 Damn nn or heror th luth Haw r.r Unh ihst
, , .. . r. .r . .
n,. f v 0.,,f ct U1 aenumenis wnn respect to meir posi- ana meroDysare tnemseives Uouble and cost.
Denver, surplus of Nemaha county, 8o,- . & nndadds- BrownTiiie.Feb.2i WM.T.DEN.
000 pounds of Bacon; 15,000 pounds If lhe verv DrosDect of a pacification.
of Lard, and 10,000 pounds of Butter. as likely to grow out of the proceedings
we commend, should disincline the people
A Hint to South Carolina.
The German Language TaagUt.
Louts Waldter propwes to open a nipht-scbool tc Kive
lnstrnctlen in the German. All who wish to join a class
of this kind will leaTe their names at lhe Post-Office.
February 21, '61.
TIid Fonrtli ofMarcIi.
Next Monday, March 4th, the Ex-
of any Southern State (which we do noiJ"Ztr ""f
apprehend) tO look With favor On its ad- and Flowers, andean supply nursery ageDts or others
nrtion ivp havP onlxr tr, ;iv irint in nrh n wUh lntlty. '"r bound or In sheet. Our bound
Option, We nave Only tO Say mat in SUCn a volumes are intended to contain all that an aeent will
ecutive term cf James Buchanan ceases, determination her Southern sisters would re2?lrin 8Uin of general Kursery products.
, . , We offer them mnch under the usual priee, and can
iilS administration Will COntriDUte tne ic niuiuauuii vi a semuueui as uiuta mrnisa me oouna wiamcs very low aud we have no
. . ' . nvcrco tr tom afn iha TTninn itself hesitancy in saying that the execution of the artist and
darkest and most treasonable page IU Our ,,"T likeness to nature are not surpassed by any in the
, ,. - . , &UCn a GeCISlOn WOUta Cieany snOYV tnat icountry. callatthe ray'armeromceandReespeci
J t . tne impenain'r agitation took its motion rAv5n23-Fv2nai ftwnvi,n..ri t..! n
I .1 . f . .1. - 1 1 I J V.
Le tne xuiure oi me oncy nappy auu prui- nnd origin trom no desire to preserve tne
Dnirnr gatit: ro'.ixs.
A few pair r,t th:. ceUbrafei variety nf fowls rr.iv
beltad at $5 per pair on vacation to thj sutwrriber.
They were fc re 1 fror.i ptocs ottaincd at Knssly, a part
of which waj heiecie-J by tlje i-'jt-eriter n person.
v3 c3 C.-c! of IWsu-n Cuitnatcr, Mas.
23,000 Standard Apple tree's, of the me st hardy and
approved varieties, three and
Tour years old, from five to j per 103 p. 500 p I0C0
eight feet hi eh $10.00 $IQ.VQ $C0.CO
Gooseberries, Houthn'f 4. 00
Strawberries. "eo Fine, he best
varietj knoim PO 1 50 S 50
HcAvorr Xo 1 7 2.o 3
Jennies Peeill'f. Genesee, crimson 1.00 3.00 5.00
Lawton Blackberry, per dozen $2.00
Fraacooia Raspberry ' 6 )
Falstaff " 60
Scotch Hybrid Pieplant, none better-i.OO 15.00 23. CO
Victoria ' 6.00
Red Dutch Currant, p. dozen $1.00 6.00
Black Xaples Curr't 2.00
One year old apple ieed!ine3 3 00
Also numerous other articles contained in Nurseries
generally, KvSes, Dahlias, Fhloxes, ic &.c.
Address, E. E-BACCX,
ivuloio CretK, Lee Co., ill
cllovj ITcnccmcnd
; 1-j
-. :
A Splendid Novelty.
Zinnia ekgans, var. fore plena.
THE subsirriber Is hippy to Informs his patrons that
he has just received a supply of seed of this new and
desirable annual, direct from ilessrs. Vi mcrin -& Co.
of Paris, whicli is thus described by Dr. Lindley in the
London Gardeners Chronicler "A bos from Paris
reached us the other day, fil'ed with what at first sighi
appeared to be a new race of Doubie Dahlias. I'pon
being unpacked, however, the bos displayed a collection
of Double Zinnias of the most beantiful form and color.
Four and twenty flower heads were there, the greater
part as completely double as the best Pom ?one Chrysan
themums rjKSlly3 inohes in diameter, some 2 1-2 in
ches, a few but 2 luches. Purple, deep ros-e, light rose,
rose striped, red, orange red, buff and various shades of
thesecolors, formed a bouquet of singular beauty. They
displayed a brilliancy which none of our autumn flowers
can equal." Pacteta containing 20 seeds fifty tents eacii
sent postpaid to all parts of the country.
Address B. K. BLISS, Springfield, Mass.
53H"is new Catalogue is now in press and will be is
sued about the 20th of February, and mailod to all appli
cants enclosing a 3 cent stamp. I Av5a33-Fv2n31
Bavin tbe asency far ATr. Tinbrook In this locaH
Ity, 1 wnl be prepared to furr.i.-h plants by r.oieilo
and retail and at rp'SrirM rates ear;y in lue z, u.s.
rr-oanss solicited.
Feb 1351 Brownville, Nebraska.-
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in
Garden, Field and Flower Seeds,
Currants, Kaspberries, Blackberries,
Roses, and Ornamental Shrubbery Generally.
N. B. feoxes of assorted garden seeds constantly on
hand and for sale at the lowest rates.
Golden Cassabar :.nd Christiana
MnsAniclon Seeds.
Two of the finest sorts in cultivation. Sent by mail
at 15 cents per package. n. A. TERRT,
March, n:5-2t Cretcent City. Iowa,
The subscriier Las a fair supply of seed of this verv
desirable variety of squih, which bewiil send by mail
to any address post patJ at 16 cents per packaze. In
quality it is fully equal to the celebrated Hubbard, and
in size and productiveness it far exceeds that variety.
Taken altogether it is one of the best.
March, 3fc . Cretcent City, Iowa.
New Eating Saloon.
lias opened a new Eatinj IIon?e on Jlaia street,
rext door to the U. S. Laul 02'ice in Drownvillc,
All kinds of game served up as desired, at the
shortest notice.
Oysters, Quails, Prairie Chickens,
Fish, Venison, Vies, Caes, Hot
Coffee. Svveet and Cutter
and all such.
Como and
Fob. 7, 1S51.
HVTo ! !
Joseph ScbiUi, AdminUtrator ofJ Probate Court
George Ens'eoardt, deceased I Petition to sell land
John Philip Enijlehrilt J
To John Philip En iehanit and theunknown heirs and
Probate Notice.
TVTIEKEAS, S. A, Chambers, executor of the estate
of Willis Hill, deceased, has this day made application
tc the Probate Court of Nemaha County, Nebraf-ka Ter
ritory, for one year extension time to collect the assets I legal representaWves cf George Er.glehardt deceased.
of said estate and pay the debt and legacies chareable I on ar hereby tnfornHKl that oa the llik day of Janu
against the same; Notice is hereby given that I have I T 1S6I. said administrator filed his petition in the
Eet Saturday, the 16th day of March, A V 1SS1, at ten I Probate Court of Nemaha county, Nebrata Territory,
o'clock, A M, as the time for hearing said application at I the object ind prayer ot wbica petitiou is to obtain an
my otneeat Brownville ia said county, when and where I on er or saia court for the sa e of tue foi'.owinit real es-
all persons interested may attend and show cause why I ta'o of which the said George Eaglehardt dieii seiieii to
the said extension of time should not be allowed. pay the debts of said decedent, to wit : the uorth half of
Given nmler my hand and seal this 17th day cf Febru- I the south west quarter of section eighteen township five
ary, A. 1. lSb'l.
C. W. WHEELEK, Pro. Judge.
in regard to the
'vexed question" of
slavery have been made at the instance
cf the South, and they are the first to
find fault with thetn. The repeal of the
Missouri Compromise and the passage cf
the Kansas Netraska Bill, were southern
measures. But it has not, ly any means,
worked to suit them, and now they are
loud and long in their complaints.
The truth is the "institution" is an ag-
, gravated cancer, eating rapidly into the
moral,-social, commercial and political
system, and cannot fail, if not arrested
in time, to destroy the patient. Hence
the intense efforts for "more protection."
perperous country, that the people there- rights guaranteed by the Constitution.but OHIO ITTTIiS2IiIES7
Cf may never again te Subjected to SUCh iui a ueuueraie purpose w cieayc utmu rroriimo
wav of .nhipcfa to wnirh Virjrinia IS as trees, &.c. we call attention of Tree dealers. Fruit
xi xur. Lincoln to jiBaueaoiy iuauu- much opPoseci a3 Massachusetts. The ra .ticirf '"'c"e'uu
rated; the reigns of government - passed State which should thus put herself in the Fruit and Ornamental Trees, Grape Vines
into ins lianas, we Deiieve, lr sucn oe ius uy iuiuunu uu uu ui Shrubbery, Roses, eye.
possible, peace will be restored tO yt"C1SiaC" . U - Also: all the leading varieties of
1 r l ho t flfTr n rt ha r - c-n Tm on rr oil ToTro r 1 f-t 1 . .
.i uk v uurrants, uooseoernes, JJiackberries,
IU IIllUIK U.LIV UlllCS IUA11 UC1- 1 k . f. 1
. . .1. . j i . w - - i iidjuucuicj, oiiixvvut'rries.
irt -,tt nttnmnt r, (hot onH ha mnrlf I .-U f - ' '
ii : i , .w. 41.. I I
we may wai cuaiiuer tuai jic umc nCu - --- Of which we nave a lape stock, and we o(Ter them very
fnrr.pnr-inf rpaPS to be a virtue." AZ$ Tni FARMER. Ulir tnankS ana a nail iowioriueauxraaeiabi, ana would so ncit the orders
. . . ' i in r . i i i y-t I oi moce wiruiii io purcuase.
nPr;rPf? nrl "tliP iimir that trlpd mpn's are Que r urnas, OI me CUTasna rarnier, Enclose stamp, and send for Catalo-ne and Price List
, i uu for a copy of his Agricultural journal re- ' k- ?G3LF0Jf?',
SOills" are a-rain UDOn US. we shall have I- .j L ,r.. tb tt. u i , I tAT5nW-Fv2n3 Ohio mrsees, Toledo, o.
Q - 4
ceived by Mrs. II. Having heard her
.ost all hope in the American people frequently point out its excellencies and 1,000,000 Apple Grafts.
'North, South, East or West if they declare that it is the best paper in Ne- we offer one miiiicaroot-irrarted Apples.
tamelv submit to the assassination of a braska (always excepting-the JSews we
man whom they have, in a constitutional
manner, through the medium of the bal-
Twenty thousand or upwards at $5 per thousand.
than tWpntV f Iinllfiftnl Lt nnr ihAtinH
have come to the deliberate conclusion also
that it is a t?ood raoer. for our "familv" VJ?i ?!us?e!- ppiesced $cPer
, o . i DUBuei. j-iuiu pn, a per ousaei
is aecioeaiv tarmer-iike. ana can aDDre- bush
lnt e:p1prf n-5 thpiT Chief KxeCUtlVe . ri'ofa rrnA ,V.c-' C A ,.,.;! 1 T3 n2 Ohio
w.,w., MH I tlUIC VAAVj UWU 'UliiiO Ul CLU illAUilU- i
ral journal.
bushel. Cherry j its $5 per
o Nurseries, Toledo, Ohio.
The Grcwtli of Cities.
For the Union "IF.?
One of the great difficulties in the way
'of an adjustment cf affairs between the
two sections of country is that Southern
Politicians are Union men "IF." So
long as men are for the Union "i," there
is not much hope of anything being done
for ' the relief of existing difficulties.
. With such men'"iTi" means just anything
they may dematd. Men must be for the
Union without any "if 's or and's" if it be
saved. Any other position is against the
'Union, and there is no use looking at the
matter in any other light. "7"'" are
mere shielus behind which tlisunionits
hide while tbey are undermining the
"fair fabric."
Under our system of government there
are peaceful remedies in the Union as it
is for all real ills or grievances that are
at all likely to arke. Those that cannot
le settled in the Union, cannot be settled
out cf the Union, and dissolution, because
cf grievances, peaceably though it may be
at drst, will eventuate in war and total
annihilation of one facticn or the other ;
perhaps, both. If there be a real conflict
of interest between any two cr more sec
tions of this country, so that we caa no
longer prorj;er together, then a separa
tion, with proper treaty stipulations, vcuIJ
be for the best. There are, however, no
evidences cf such a state cf affairs. But,
cn the contrary, they are abundant, yea
unnimou?, that net only "in Union is
there strength" bat prosperity. No man
in the least degree posted in regard to
this country can -honestly come to any
ether conclusion. We repeat if the coun
try be saved it will be by theso who are
for the Union without any "If's."
Oar Delegate- Hon. S. G. Daily L?j
t,..,r. I lv,! i nc nriiT t.ift i:air ; orce-.u-r
Breed Tract a part cf the ierrjiory a
Nebraska. It should be so, and we hope
Sir. Daily's Bill will rcs.
Too Large to Send by Mail.
TllC FlOjd FraUU. The above select compliment ia from
We have before us the report of the Bro. Reynolds, of the Nebraska City tc Maxwell &Bro's Geneva 17?
Select Committee appointed by the House wcts.
branch of Congress, to inquire into and
IETVITE particular attention to their extensive
sloe or
electing three school directors for said township.
Brownville. Feb. 25th.
B. B. THOMPSON, Exofflcio Clerk, B. E
report the facts in relation to the fraud
ulent abstraction of eertain bonds held by
Government in trust for the Indian tribes.
The committee was composed of men
from different portions of the- country
North and South, and all parties. The
report was unanimous, and shows up a
great robbery on the part cf Floyd, Rus
sell, Buchanan, Baily and their associ
ates, unparalled in the history of the
COUnlrV. Six millions of dollars actual- Guttapercha Cement Roofing offered by these gentle-
ltt cl.i'on "Tr vrmif lh (Tftrprnmpnt I laen"
.jfu. j. ...... rossesslnc. in a sreat degree, the features of elastic
totters under the Administration of Bu- hty, (which is a qualification of cement xtooang
I two years old, strong plants, grown In t
1 in larce rots under class Tic in warn
beld in Brcwnville, Xeniaba County, H. T.,on Monday, Concord, Rebecca, Hartford Prolific, etc.. in quantities
the 4th day of March, A. V., 1861, for the purpose of I to suit purchasers.
RrVhnnl "Wntinf
I one and two years old. strong plants, srown in tbo nnpn
Kotice is hereby given, that there will be an election air, and in large pots under glass Delaware. Plana.
Extra Large Plants at Moderate Prices.
SPox-oiexx Vinos
For cultivation under g ass, of the best sorts Goldrni
ITamburg, Bowood Muscat, Blaek Hamburg, Linfindal,
GvTTA Percha Cexext Roon?o. "We invite Bo Muscsdine, Golden Chasselas, and thirty other
tbe attention of our readers to the a-vertisement of 2!lf!!i0!?.wrti
ii . a uuo v v ioif;c iiaalL9 5 1 U Wit 111
extra large pots for immediate fruiting.
column. I A quantity of these, Native and Foreign, are in the
The numerous exDcimenta rnada for tfc lact f- I ceilari, and may be packed and shipped at any pleasant
Tne numerous expe.imenta made for the last few time ,jnrin Winter or MrIv SDrinir. with PaT.
years, to produce a substitute for tin, slate and shin- ticnlar attention given to packing vines securely for all
gle roofs, have at last led to a perfect triumph in the I Pr of toe HP'SJ- Sen1 ,or Catalogues.
Av5n33-F-2n3J (Geneva, Ontario Co., N. T.
Osier Willow Cuttinas,
Tbe best varietv for market and for tire rnr NiHr
..n . , - v. . . j i.ii i ...i , z . i-""
iua;ij unewarj tuu ions miuui aci,j uiu.wm.j auu purpurw) price 8 3 per thousand. By mail, postpaid,
cheapness, combined with the fact that it is weather " experiment, 91 per nuuurea. w. 1,. uaulit,
at. rwf t. rn-ral adontion c.nnot too ear- March r2n3 Victory, Cayusa Co., N, T.
nestly urged. Their Gutta Percha Cement for coating
The returns of the reccr.t census will show that and repairing Metal roofs of all kinds and for preserv-
thc increase of population in the principal citics,da-
ring thelsst ten j-ear?,haf ranged from 30 to 200 per j
ccntoni. We annex a table showing thir increase,
sodas'iGodas to give their rank ana thepercoiiUof Devnawtrdel bT the Araerican Institute and many of
lng all metals from rust and corrosion from its great
durability and cheapness, Is fast superseding paints of
every description heretofore used for such purposes.
These materials (for which the First premiums have
incrcrae during the lost ten years
tn6. C 1 7. .
I Now Yirlc
New Orleans
7 St. Ijou?s
8 Cincinniti
J Chicago
10 7;a."alc
11 I.ouisiiiio.
12 Newark, X. J.
13 Snn Fmuuisco
II WaMf'on
lo l'rovidence
15 liothfstvr
IS Milu-rt'.ikio
19 Cleveland
0 Charleston S C
21 Troy
22 UichmonJ.
21 Iwcll
21 'ew It."ven
2i Ze i-ji'T Citj
2d j!ai-if.r-l
i: Casabri.1;
f i.CfO
4 i,8Ji4
37.0 ;o
SCO? 4
23 CLarlestou.3Iasa 2 5.120
Kt.r.r 2tC:
Actual Ine R'k
lT.o. Increete p. e. '60
14,277 515,147 2'1,7M 53 1
C3,034 4nS,Sfi2 155T.27? 34 2
273,125 9 5,833 176,5S7 1S2 7
214.!:7 159.C54 4,9S.l 27 3
177,902 131.SSI 41.021 SO 4
170,706 115,37 51,8'.1 47 6
182,179 770.81.310 103 8
K0.0CO IIS, 435 44,f25 5
1PD.420 23.1.3 79.45S 2C5 18
4i25l 41,733 J9 11
43.194 32.002 74
3.S94 3 ,161 85 14
5t,S7() 31,130 83 16
43.C0O 21,400 53 13
41.513 9.15G 22 12
55,402 1133 32 15
l.Pl'.l 25.815 J23 21
"Creveling,, Grape Vines.
Orders for Vines of this really ddiciout and earht
Grape accompanied by Cash will receive prompt
Good one year Vines, 58c each, $4 per dozen.
Good two year Vines, $1,00 each, $7 per dozen.
T2n3 Kingston, Luzerne.Co., Pa.
the principal state Fairs throughout the country,) are
rKnmmmiiail in thahichfxi. Inrml Tiv the NW Turk
& Erie R. R. Co., ad many of the principal Railroad 10,000 Sugar-maple Seedlings
North and South, and also by tbe.ofacert o the leading
Insurance Companies throughout tlie country.
32 fading, l'a.
3" Salem
31 New lied -1.1
35 D.ivtor., Ohio
22.3 C a
20,0fl) 25.2
17.034 2J.516 153 .
42,Q.-; lo92.7gI 10
IS.7.v lO.NiS 35 19
I'7,75J 10,3S 37 0
,V..r.S.l 3.CSS II 17
20.315 1S,392 90 22
6.853 22.4 DO 327 35
K.t-S'i IIJ202 C2 23
1315 10.1!59 71 S
U:iM C.773 37 2 i
17.218 7.90i 43 27
17,01) 7.C14 41 21
10.155 13,550 133 34
15,713 7,420 47 31
20,255 2A'22 II 23
I'.,H3 5,1(5 3f5 30
:';V'"r So 33
JTEE JOURNAL. "We have upon enr tatle Xos
land 2 of the lice Journal, a periodical .recently
started in Philadelphia, by A 31 Stangleb & Co,
OXB TBABOLB. 1 to 4 fet high Ten dollars per
thousand. Trees, 3 to 5 feet $5 per hundred.
Princeton, Ills.
Roses, Roses.
A large assortment of Perpetual. Tea, China end
Moss K(KM In P.t thirty rpnl A.lrh. A!! fif) Tor divon
uvroitju wauujwm exclusively to me Dee mieregi?. io per hundred. a,isiam h. su.,
Terms f3. ' V3n3 Princeton, III.
s w s-3J otas'z-ii
An S Sis 2 3 .5 k-
5n S --2-3ecs;at's4 - 2 5 a
Cfl( A a 34 3-7: e ; ;S-5.t
j4 jjs-:iO'5i Ssf-
t si sjsc; "5
rane thirteen, Xeniaba county, Nebraska Territory
Notice ii hereby given to all persons concerned that
February 23d 1361, at 13 o'clock a m is the time set for
hearing ?aid application at the office of tbe Probate
Judge in Brownville in said county, where all persons
interestel may attend and show cause why an order
should not be granted to said administrator for the sale
of said real estate.
Witness my baod and seal this 14 day of January A
D1S61. C. W. WHEELER, Probate Jiiue.
Ordered that tbe above be published six consecutive
weeks. n23
T v . ,
i' .'li'lTi'x i.
Tar a
a rvwir tt
r.jtex;,-.. ,-
a k h i ', - t j i -wt
r i (.'
ne-:t:oa wit :i
Jr. lit it w
ve..rlir,f c-ii..'r '.4r ..: '
:r; -rat--? th ei i-t '
," ii no b-sc est -
;-r. :i:nT-H?re.u
1 tbe wc-r 1 t"
IQ a
w:;i beom.
LliJirvtxx-acJ L-.-tny othn wt-e d --1'
frt-!n wor-J has been won awij -ostll
they iasa"cat;re and tj tia ti-5 -
Hi 'a 1 'n 'crri.'ij Vaeni h this haf'o
I sterol iato tie hipotuwiries bacj i,',,-Can you heas me cfan 'ea.iin.
hache'ard, says e. IIrr?-j.lir ; t," '
of. niUa; o "ire meaCeulic it!. h4-i'
Vi:Or it cured s-jciuik. tiat I 'xIT1. "
'ad il an 'caiacLe. "4-
C?.3 1T D:.-
C?.3iT Di.'.'otkst. Axons t!eo?t
of a II the Treat d:?ii.Teri-s ef i'--te
co a 'lie re I the fjitora of Ta oir.a::, 1 1
tion frt-i-i 'aiiU t'ae Cer hsUc'V ' '
lir-f of lleaiiche, either of whki i,, '
whose boncflti will bo tj erieueed by $5
oaaitylcsjaft-rr tbeirdut-cyereri aref
Pills are a certain enrs for Sick U-i-K.
.Nervous IJealacbs, Cmir.
li vi.: i
cril L'
J-t,- Hea-licha is tha favorite sijnty
tore ix-ikes known any deviation whatfT.wJ,
natural ?Ute of the brain, and v.ewei i.i '
it m.iy be looked on au Faf 'uarJiatea.j 'I
notice of disease which mi'hl otherwi9 V--'
tention, ti.'i too lata ta-te remed.ed ; aai -,
tioQssh'iuIl never bo Eo-!ected. Ifeali,-""'
bo cla.J.siScd under twa mnn.'i: i-c :
Idiopathic. tyiarton:3t:c Headache
comwor!, an I ii the rr'vursorc.f f4f
di3ea.e?,a!::.TS which are A.-ofIv, (j, ,?f.'
matism,an-i all febrile dii-eses. la ivj at-rC
it is fyoipatherio of di.v of thest-'-mata.'
tins !' h'-tiche, of bepa'.hie disease e.-.t-t
liliout hen I n h,', cf worta eonstipatLin
disorders of the bowel., a, well as renal aij t-'.
aff.x-tions. Ui-racsof ih s heart are r-rj f ,
ly attended with headaches: Ana-uiia
are also ail-xtmcs waica frejtieatly x.u.
ache. I iiopathic headatbe is al.-fj verjcjcj.,1
ins usually d:;ti.'iisheU by the a.tais f
A(::t'Jc.W,soTr.etimescominscn suddeniv bj,
of apparently sound health ar. 1 pristrit.s u
thoiuent il ac l i.hysioal energies, acJ in r
etar'-os iicoaps on slowly, heralded by
oi spirus cra-.-eroify ot temper, in m( it
tho ain is in tbe front of the hea j.over oa "
eye?, and sometiaies provrkin Tmiiinj; t
this clas m3y alio be TiwiiXrurut jlu.
For the treatment cf eil herclas It ITa!;.
Cephalic I'ilis h.ire been fjunda safeanl .pC.
edy, relieving the rr.' -t acu'e pains in Um
tc, anil by us suttee power cradicatirho
of which headache is the unerring index.
Ertpot-t. Mi'sns wan-s yon to send ,
Cephalic Glue, no, bottle of I'rerared Pii:-v
aai thinking th-tt'sjust it nait'ier; but t.
hjafther knwins what it is. Ve she siio'ia
and gone wiih tuo Jick luad vcho, and wisu i of that smr.e as rlaiurd her bv're.
Urugyut. ou must caoaa SpaIJIg'i Cr.,.
Lrilizi Och 1 sure new q.1 you've scJit.V
the quarther and giv caa tho I'.ils. aud da't
day about itaithcr. -
t . 3 9
5 U J
m O r3
e s t;
a Si -"a -5
yrj "
r r s
a a a, s - :
- ? i-. 2 . 2
s M 5
' OCS I b
r, r, -- Oj i -
c S J
A .V 1)
Collection Office
o r
7. "77"- 33ocLSTocl,
jMain, Between Levze and First Streets
Particular attention given to the
Purchase and Sale of Heal
Estate, JIaliinsr Col
lections ana
Payment of Taxes for Xon-Resi-
LAKD ? ARRAXTS FOR SALE, for cash and on
ltolists.on lands selected lrrra personal examination,
and a complete Township llap, showing Stream?,
Timber, Ac, forwarded with the Certificate of loca
Urownville.N. T.Jan. 3, 1351. yl
r-. rt o a
M a .
vj5 :
. i- o f -T
H y I. ' 7 O
2 "0? 532
oc v v
80S. ri -e
3 iS S - S 5 g
?a '- a S x ?
,S J
s't:? a
u ?2 c 5 -
ntor Ctroot.
Have recently locate-! in tbH place and solicit a share
cf public pitronase. Their r-ork and prices cannot f ill
to grve satisfaction. Trice for ibueiug hores $t.0
for shoeing all round with new shoes. tree. 3u; 3tn
Trne Dclewarc Grape Vines
Strong, Well-rooted One Year Old Tine $1; Two-
year 01a $1.00 fo $2 0Q. A few extra large layer,
with bearing wood, $2 to S3. Smaller lanert, I to
ALSO flnevine ot Al len's new white rfybrid, Anna.
Clara, CoiiCor'l, Clinton.'y, Diana, ITerbeinont,
Hartford, Prolific, lojn, Lo Xoir, Lydia, Lonisa, On
tario. Rebecca, Rogers' new Ujbrids, Taylor's Ilaiiitt,
To-Calon. Union Vill-itre, Aic.
Compactly grown Delawarcs, wltb abnnrlant fine,
fibrous roots, carefully paette in moss, enveicped in oil
silk, ami sent post pai.l, to any part el tbe I'nlon, on
receipt of $1 each.
Garden, Xield. ana XiOTVer OCeaS foreign ir.esf-.r Graperies, R.ispborries, Blackberries,
m . " - a
for 1861.
Strawberries, Jo., ail at the lowest rates,
Jend for a circular.
GEO. W. CAMPBELL, Delaware, O.
Oct. 13, 13C0. . nl5-3;u.
Dwarf Broomcorn Seed.
Thenndersigned offe's a very desirable variety of
Dwarf Broom corn sefM for sale, the st.ilkh of which
on an average, are not more than IS inches to two feet
high to the brub. ami the brush i of aboct the sinie
length he whole bcit 3 only three or four feet
high. The broom is far duperior to ll.e old tallvarie'y
being mnch finer in fibre an. 1 much more clastic. U
win yield fnlly twice the amount of brwnn from an
acre of land than the old tall variety !oes. On account
of its dwarf habits it bears clof erp!antir7. and will re
sist the severest Rt.;rm, ar.d is nver bl'jwn down. Tho
is larje, and embraces all that is deemed worthy of bruh l wrapped np about haif its lens-th in the top
ieai. wuica ooviaic 11 rroin oendinit Uown, and ci:;e
qneutly keeps tbe brof-m siraiht. This dwarf variety
will prove indispensable to ail cnif ivjtins thi valuable
crop. Price 33 cent a per oonce package, or $3 per ia
Sent by mail postpaid. Ad.ire.xw
Jan. '61 CH A3 EATilON'D. Shaw's Point, III
The sah:cribers haye now received an entire
Xcw Siocli. of Sc?il,
of the growth of I860, which they take pleasure in
offering for salo at
And at prises to suit the times.
"We feel confident that abetter or moro reliable
collection of seed was never offered to a North
western public.
Oar Stock of Garden Seeds
Constipation or Co.?tlTen?&
No one of tho many '-'ilVi eh is heir WU
va!ent, so little understood, and no nach c -
s Costiyeness. Often or:zinaiin in car.
or sedentary habit, it is r''-;irded as ii -i 1
der of too little conerjuence to exeit srxic'T
in re.ility it is th9 rrecori'T and eommnii.n
of the moat fatal and danrroui disevc,i:;'.
?s early eradicated, it w ail brinj tba?-rru
untimely grave. Anion tbs liitcr evil ) .
ostivenes is tho usual uttemUnt srfl'ai.
Colie, Iiheimatism. Foul Treath, Files tni s::
f lue nature, whi.9 a lonz train cf fri-'brfii :
sos such as Malignant Fevers, Aborts. Ds
Uian-ho?a l)y.pppia, Apiplexy, Epi!ep-y,?w
Hysteria, Hypchondri;si?, Melancholy tni !m
ty, first in licatc thoirrr'nce in the jj-itcB
lanning symptom. AoC urifreaentlj tl J..-.:
amcd originate ia Const.' p.itk.n. but Uksoa k
dependent existence nn.'is t h ij cati.i is ert Z -x
in an early sta-'e. From a!) theea eeiwii-ru-
follows that- the disorder fh-juld receits zm'-.
attention whenever it ('iir, and roterstiai!.
neglect to get a b.-x cf (Jerbalij Fills on tie
appearance of the com';ti;;t, a their tit".'
will expel the insiduom a j n-nchccf diieA
destroy this dangerous foe to human life.
A Rcai filesiinpr.
Phyiciaa. Well, lln. Jones, howr is Ibi!;
ache ?
Mm. June. Gone I Doctor, aHjrme! !i
you gent cured me in jmt twentj mina'e'.i
wih yoa would send nino so that I can haM
I'hynicinn." -Yon can th"m at aej Dn;
Call for Cephalic Fill., I u.d the? never fail.
rwfrnniend them in all cshps of headiohe.
Jfr. Joan. I shall tund for a boxdiW
shall tell all my sui'-rir frieadi, fr thejii
TWEN'TT Z1lL1.10S3 0 DOLLAS f ATI?."
PpalJin? h;is.d 1 two millions of boffl -j of iw
ebrated 1'rer-tred (ilu", and it is estima'e-1 tN'
bottle saves at least ten d J.'l.irs worth of br i
niture, thus in ikin? an arfgate cf tw7 '
linns of d.illars recl.iimcd I'roui total l"
valuable invention. Uayirmsde hisGiiif
sehoM word, he nw prop jies to d ) the w-
greater er7ic6 by cur in r .1 ! the achinj twJ' '
his Cephalic Fill., and it'thy are as g'x d
Ola;, Hiala h es wilisoou vanish 83 sno H '
tT'OrK E.tcttemzn-t, an 1 the mental
anxiety incidmt to clojii attonuoa to bo''
stady, are awn tiie numerous of V
Uendache. The di-iordofi 1 state of mind
incident to th'u distre.- ir ecaj iaint ii
blow t all encr27 an i an;! i:ion. SuTafr X
disorder can aiwajg obtiia relief front1
trcwin? attacks by u-ia7ona of th Cftby
whenever the symptonn nrear. It naiea'
tiwked brain, and soothes the sTaincd and f
nerve?, and relaxes the tension of the stoKi -'
always accoirp.iniesand arravates the i-':
condi tion of the brain.
cultivation ia this section.
200 Varieties Flower Seed3
Consisting uf Choice Annuals aad Ferannials.
We will rend by wail, post raid, upon receipt of
ono dollar
30 Varieties Choice Flower Seeds,
Of FIELD SEEDS we have a lar;rc variety, con
sisting in part rf Lare and Medium Clover, Timo-
TVT" 1 Tl A TTSfT T7irT H A T Tl
DENTAL HEdlSTEK. This -periodical beln? is- JLV-r. X J.' liXXltd- JL? VXi. OiJjIli.
o I
sued monthly is always fresh, therefore indispensable AN EXTRAORDINARY BARGAIN.
w mo praciuioncr wno lesires to seep posted np I WILL pive any man desirsns a X. 1 Farm the rarest
With the new inrcntlons and irsnrorements which bargain ever offered in this country. Tss Firm is sit-
are daily ilcTelojied. Articles are illustrated with
engravings whenever they add to the interest er as
sist in explanation. $2
Tolasp, Cincinnati, O.
Address Joes T,
uated six ruiles west from Brownville ca the Little Xe
niaba Eiver; consists cf 170 acres, 100 of which is under
an excellent state of cu'.tivacou ; g kxI dwelling and
out bouses; an i nexhanstable supply of pood stock
water ; S3 acres of good timber mostly hard wood.
There is also an excellent Xn l Site .a the Laud.
Enquire of the nndersiencd on . te premises, or It. "R
Fornaa at the Advertiser o2i;e. V.'M. WEDELE.
.February 2lst, ISCl. no33v53t
THE Medicine compounde'l anil sold bv J. I, Curtis
bavebeensto lonj; sei;that their virtue and healing I
iea!ities are conceded to be alci.t miraculous. Ttiu is
oing totbelr speed in mat::: a permanent care In the
preat variety of diseases tor which they are recommend- 1
ed. Ton can scarcely t!n5 a settlement la the State,
where Curtis Iilitaoluke Liniment is not used in
all aaictions where a remedy of tfce kind is necked.
His Uompound Srrup of Sassafras surpasses
an remedies mi ended 10 scion, cor.pos,
onscraption, &c. See tte advertiet!ent, and buy no I to&3C0;erj(s casta is telnsrail f'r ?cd merchantable
moviiciucb tlist have not 1?jC name of J I.. Ci'.rti on the wbeat. Also wheat and corn ground for t .1 novil.
wr?i.per;. k-Ti-im .pT ;2,l?.ii J. (1. M EL-Y1N.
C?a.3lx for iioat,
The public are informed that at Meivin's Mills that
Oregon Nursery.
We beg Ut call the attention cf the pnbhc n the Flo
ral depsrtment cf our K -taoli.-bment, which we now
haveiafuM and uc(e-ifkl operation. Our M.k-z of
.1 t- . 1 rt 1 ' n . 1 t t 1 l . ... .
my. eniuoh.j W'au vjrraa, ivea mp, vrca.iru onus, lireenhonse, he l..i:)C nr.. I Hovrerlns F!j its. Shrub
. TY C . '
.Mi.iec, unnganan .rass, nincsa oogar vane, ar-a 1 etc., consuming 111 pari 01 i.ersneums, v erDcnaj. Dah
iSeed O rains generally.
50 bushels Osage Orange Seed
Jnst received direct from Texas.
We have also a complete stock of the mot approved
Jlgricidtvral and Horticultural
A . - m m. . 3 A.m . . m u. m. .
lias, Peloies, Tc-'Uict-. Iloiutropc. Uc. we oZr f'r
sale the coming Sprinfjat lower prices than nsuat, there
by placins them wi;l..n the re.u-a of all. ila t of thee
p-ant? flower all Summer, and f.-r size, color, funa.aiid
fr:?raace of flower cannot t( excelled.
Havina the aJ -inr.ue of a rtrst cia-'S p-Apaatina
house and Us appendage;, wliK'U an".)Hls us r.u'iii!iea for
lacreasiac out stock toraeetany demand, parties sho'd
have no fears of getting what luoy want ly tiLuinz in
V e take this opportunity to return our thanks to their orders early,
our many friends aad the pub'.ie geni rally, for tho We attend to the Prop.isratlna Department onrsolve,
ve? liberal patronage heretofore btowed upon us, Vl
end we ho-e that ty a stnet attention it our bun- frtriA,..n,ir, Bri c-i?ai-.n-... tl
ness, and a doire to meet the wants of tha North
west in the Agricultural line, that wo shall merit a
continuance of the nma.
All correspondence and orders promptly a! tended
to. Full Seed and Implement Catalogues sent to
any addrc-s on receipt cf stam-?. A idress
Feb. Ii. n"2 2U, Lake st. Chicg", III.
G.-ows only tiree t f our feet hio'i. Tar 'i-erior to
theo!dt ll grov-inj ,ort. Sent t y ir.all e. 2" cents per
ounce. 11 - A. TETXTtV,
March, 2t , C:t 4. l"i.
April, so l will Kf ") mail l y a'.l ar;.cai.t.
J. A. K, it C-.St. Joe;,a Asrucuitnral
IIone, aid XI. W. FC11N AS, carrier 0;lUe, B.-.;wuvii!e.
X.T.. arnoorau'lnrj.M AgeiM. All orders le.'l i:h
thea wili receive proaii attention.
n. n. ECKCfiKs t ca.
P. 3. ravinsor--'-, t.jecially for the pu-p. e,
e will hive SWEET PuTAroi: plan? for .al? v the
niiKioii, t reduced prices. E. II. B. & fo.
Oregon, JIj. Ecb. 1; tit FehlSJl
Japan Appl e-Pi Melon SecT"
Sent by mail jK.ipjid, at " j :on pr 10O rr '.-.
II. A. TKIlttr.
Jan. I'-H 3,n-r2n ('r?--e-.t C;:y, 1- a.
By th n-e of t?r--e pi:;j the period "r! j
ou or Sick ll'nilvhe rruj be preve:ited; 't -t
the commeri' eisii' it f an art;wk laiiii
from pain aui i.-Li.ea wi.l te r.Uj.ned. , ( J
They sU.-ra f u) i-i reiii th? .Vi.'"'"
.. . . - ...... Mi'-
.7. if ' -i ..;., re. ca r ,.(
'ntary wiii.'-. tl;ey a' T p
!V..'l " .
ii.ey ac-, gef.tiy upon iho bowe.
al I tpt' n- of s"
ITdJfiire. imrr vi-t.n a tucixtr.
eUt ;-iT an-l rei rh of t:. w".. la syte s
Tlit?(IAI.I : fll.t.S ar :.e re-ni p
?sti..n an I cirv.'-.ily o rVretel etrri'n',;
teen in nnr v . :r rj which tin-
trven-M a" I re:'ev-i tin jst.iont of P8t ;;
fer. ::if.-..:; i i.r ;;..-'. ... whether ot:i.-i:o1, ',' v
Mitt system -r f r r a 1 ruvJ ? it vt 'J . .
TLey are entirfy v.-.-p- 4-j tn ir c-n'? ,
may be uken at alt t i.e- wifi r"-'c ' J
inai ri atiy cha'e ; --t. and the !',',''t i-r
c-.-ren'ile t if 'e rudest it e iy fo a-T"!j
B?waro of cc.;r.t;r:Vi-?- .
ture; of Henry-- '
in e i h b' x.
A bi.3 will be ty n -l p.-efsi'l a ft-'-'
a. - - , t.J C - -
All u:cr -h -', I t .Mi c-eJ
I?, Celzr. Street, 2 l"