Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 21, 1861, Image 3

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i-jiownville. i 21. u-ci.
J j O C .A T,.
i.j tio JiT(t cwo'nt.oa ar.y r cnr 1".
t,e Ttrritory, V.'hr.;e.!o M'.rcLr.r.'a in L't.
iJ.uu.M. Jok?ph.C tinr.&ti ir.Jf ' Int
ern mar s w JiTC r.VJvrft! i r.i-rchi.r.! rur-c,.-.-.
v;:i. '.n i no better t-1; t;U:rij uicJiuiu
in l '.VtV.crn ccurtryl-S
Ilbnks, Hlanks.
rl.( ,:j i-A, 1 r.'' ! In :;.rr:.,f s'O J r
i. f ' ' '' li ; : J '
Trj'i Dun, U'-r.-i i r D - is.
j um r, ) '- n'.T fcn'l Co'i''.ij;o Can.?,
ijjn-'u J'rr t i i'.-r ' 1. . .
I;r;i', J"ctr. etc., etc.. tic
! 1 we :l t i.i r.i m: f'i"r f t .- i. ''!.
,'". n ie !'! :"' I 1 "'0 1 :rt ,f
t,,c ' ;!. Hi. V V. -1. - r -W-
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Atlvortiwliic; .rVproxitr
h- . 1 1: ''': ' !
l'anntr and 1 Ic- rlt ',cr.
' c i .c n
j V ( 11 ,jx
j:.I'C:;::j i:.clu.:iylly j on 7ur.
s link.
CSf ff Mi.r
A:jiTr.TfT, Feb. 11.
JIjvh. A rctclutbn wai prcr-'ntcd
I :.t nut acted tpon to Lave Yabingto:i"s
Fa row ell AdJreia real in tl.o Houie ca
tho 'J.'3.
On r::v.ion of 3Ir. Pryor a corntnittee
of 3 was appoir.f-d to crjuirc a
!.nr,c tn:i 1 ty correr;? jiilciit cf tJ;2
N. 'i'. Tjiik's cf fra-j 1 relative tj a liS
rary for the Souiliom Cjufcleracy ; v.:!i
Ifove to tf-r;d for j -t;-: ns ani ripers.
.Ir. llon-a.ra Ircio tho Sc.tct L'j:n:rtit-t'.-e
of o, rf.pjrtfi ns to thi r.!!cfl tc-n-!
iray, if tlio purpose' was ever e.i-f-rtainrd
t frr.-ai:. ari ora nizatio.i to
m iz- t!i District, attack th? Capitol, or
j-rt-vt-M Fincolii's irj.T.juration, it
to Lave ! n cor.tirr' nl o:i the 6eets..on
f Marvlarrl a:. l 'j.-'rinia an 1 tho .an'
a:-v cr v.r.r.t prctcctirn at t!:? Lar.ds cf th- jbad n.vcr at
fcu'T-1 g:'vcr:r!-:eo:. Tlic- r rcjj';.t .Irnje 1 Sc j.h. WL
ly cJocv'i' TL'y toUl Lira that any at-; resist.
tv;;ipt to Lo.J a ti'.er ty fcrce cr to held
:rr. r-'-e-l ti
.n it
: m of cr.-
,f tiiri.i.
CVrtain .orijar.iza-
. r m T li Kf-V,
Advertising Agency,
A r 'i'i.'.r.7" l I r !. " I' i'.K AS K ADVE3
;iJ.i'm. 1 M.JillAMiA rAi.iJlit "
Alvprlixin Aff-i.1i In t. IiOui. V rr.
ki Ml l( K U'll ,M)OIIM, (.!. frl A :V'!l-irri.
t.r., ' ,iu!i..: .1. A.'.'tit, 4 (liivp."t. I.i ih,
r out i--:.;J fcK-jt- in :ut t;r. '' ii.eyu
fj iru- ! I-. -! -rti4.i4.i f.f l""U llje.Ut'er-
February 2 2d, A. D., 1801.
Trrr: nitowNvrriLr: LiiinAnv at;d
LITUItAllV Ab;?OClATIUK v. i;i ctr.'.f itt
On rviiiit.g of the 2iJ nmt., t ll.e rrtI'jt?riar
1 n ii.i. 1 l.av ff ii Mjilc f"r mi A.MrP' l y T.
H'.T i-i ; ttntl.r.tot W-Ui!iluit' 't-i 1 A-Mi t
T: i i-n ff i fT. er f"r tlio .S iIt i!I !' lak
U.t C f r.ii.j. Jijr U.-'UT of il, o !. . ( .:).
i;. v.'. Tiio.y as, .''.".
tious, in t.'iij I;-tnct an 1 Maryland, that
l .-vvion'i to th',' ti ;ctio:a i,eer
f . I i ti a 1 tv;ji, Liv; since assumed
t!.ata;ter oC niiii'nry organization)", rnd c-rnment, and clears for Urazos, Texas
u too? cr-n
any oth'r furt tculd unite the w!
Hv-'.h. Tl:"-y n'.so prefers to le rum cf
two north'? s t!;.it v, ill ir.aic ccm
i:on taue v.ith the South where cofrcion
r .nu. TL? fc:::i'on;sts here prctci;d
pri'tt;3 t':at Zlij Ander-on and Lieut
Mead, L .a at Sjniter tv;ll thro-.v up their
co;nu!is;ici:s the tnomert taeir Slates, Ky
and Vn, teced ;. Yhat 13 called the man-fe-.ts
cf Mr. Lincoln at Indianapolis cre
ate? nic.-;t ititcniie excitement here, it is
feovived ia all ssrts of waya; according
to the arecedont cpinion cf men the
straight Itep'jblicans hiil it r-3 a scurj,
ianly, iir.teitnaidike arpeal to the sober
fcriie cf the people in behalf of. the in
tegrity cf the government and the Union
of the nation. The moderate republicans
are afraid lest it tend to cbse the door of
reconciliation ; secessionists are glaJ that
the President elect promises coercion say
ing it is nil they want
New YcnK, Feb. 15.
The Journil of Commerce states that
the steamer Dan'i Webster will tail frcm
this port to day with lo'J troops and mu-
nitions de?ignel to reinforce fort Pichen;
Fla., t-li'i i.i chartered by the U S gor-
coercion cf the
The Presidential party arrived, hero
to-day. Their progress and recepticu
al.-noit same as at ether f!ace. TIr.
L. made a similar speech to those made
ca p. rev:ou3 occasions.
IIamiltc.t, Canada, Feb. lfl.
The decision in the fugitive sdave
case cf Anderson was gixen to-day. The
Court instanced the decision cf Queen's
If-nch. The court was unanimous indis-
resent an u.:
ane travsi,.-. r.
FATrTTLTiLtr, Ar'n. Feb. 1?. tJ th Kcrth-rn btit??, sr:J tlx a 1 b
i r'.i-ii-n f r S'.trt f.nrpntion is - rrrrd which rh? wiil r.:t s:.! i;
-. - ,m.w4l V - - . - -- -- -- J - -LJ
n A 3
g the prisoner cn technicalities in
tue commumcnt. Andersen ii therefore
free. Great joy ii manifested especially
among the colored population.
Ft. Smith, Acs, Feb. 16.
A terrible tragedy occurred here to
day. Last night a fight occurred Le
tween a grocery keeper and his friends
and several stage driver. One man cn
each side was killed. Several men were
arrested, and were leing triei to-day,
when a moo cemandeii them, and shot I
bing held. A large cumber cf vote? fail. thend;e f!.-!J ue iters u secure!
having been Tiven against a Convention,: her just rirhti crt cf the Vmcrn j
the f.:;r was unfurled above Va!xctot, Feb. 19 j
the Court II: r.:: I the itars and stripes The mail r mtractcrs in the seeding
were greeted with cheer after ch-:cr ly a Satca are continually ashing whethe r
1 with more enthusiasm they wnl le pa:J,as hereto! ore. io taeir
fore civen inthecountv. ! inoirics tho pes: cL;ce department rc
Ntw Yeas. Feb. 17. ?ronds afHrmatively ; itati::g that drafts
The Africa, from Liverpool arrived j will be? issued to them cn the postmaster?, j
-day. Victoria cpeccd Parliament in ! to le paid frcm the "postal reveaae col-
:-rso'n cn the 5th, and Napoleon the lected within the s'ate. The postmaster i
l 4
larger crowd and
- . . ,
taan was e ver i
XCW AdVCrllSCL'lcntS In to-day's
Wii.'.Vn 1 1 a, rrra f..rF ilo.
W.C. Iiu.K,0!ire I.'jiinch Nnrrrj, OJiio.
It. K. Vires, Wi!! w Crf f k Nur.-ory, M.
7. ". Miir, ei.l 1 A:os., Cr;j o Viii-., G'.ticvh,
.. .Tnn'T.Jnrd'-n Pf-J.-', Crcdcr-nl CIfy,Ti'.va.
I5.K. i:u. l,r.vr -, S;r;n-r,.;!J. Miw.
r.N-i x A I en1, Ti'l'. u j Nur- ri , fJiiiu.
1 L. IU:rn', Will n Cui tin-r, Viefcr.v, X. V.
1. M. ;onr!7f A 15nfi Crcvilir. (.'rniif, K r;--
lir.TA'T A Srv, Nurrrj,m',n, 1 rii.rpNin, III.
S am mi' I!v?wir.r, I)ta!r in Tairj- l'oij, n
()rt'T ! ft for nnf cf I'.ie ubovo f .t.nLii-'!i-
r.";'.i Li f m .irJoi iiu.ut clirn.
i. n.
We are surprised to learn that there
erf those who evince some dissatisfaction
1 ecaie we do not publish all the tcle
grnph rrjorls. VC never so promised-
ncviT dreamed of 'so doing; in fact it
would be impassible for ih to do so. Some
times the reports in full would make three
it fv.ur Ih.lletin?, and the matter be of no
inten.-t at last. What do our reaJers
are nb- ut a lynock down between a couple
rf New York builb-s; some man in Phil
i; bdj hia falling ffuin a t-talfold and break
ing mi nun or a lg, together with hun
dreds of oth'T j'irt such unimportant re-
p rt. J.vcn were we so situau u mat we
c.vjM p'it ititype and print all the reports,
o..r y.-lM-riptiun hi would nothing like
d i. fray expenses.
. We merely proposed to give in a con-d-ii-rd
hnu all news from various sec
ii ns rf the country in regard to the
ciisi.-i. This we have done, and given our
readers tu a lrance of any yoint choc St.
Louis. What news the llrownvilie Ihd
letin readers get before bed-time each
i.iirht. St. Joaejih, Leavenworth, Nebras
ka City, Oiiiaha and all oilier intermedi
ate piriis get the next morning.
If any one wants the j;b of publishing
uV I ; 11 tin we are anxious to '7 it oi.."
Wc'il c;ree to double any individual or
frta siibscription ever on our list and turn
tho concern over to any one else who may
ivsire it.
are rrr.v driilinz, txpeetiri-' to.rrovidi
themselves; with arn.s s nic from State
authorities others from private subscrip
tion ; but so far as the ommiitee is alle
to b-arn their j irp j.-es, while they sym
pathise, with secession, there ii no proof
of their intention to attack the Capitol or
J)i?iri':t unles j a surrender should be do
manded by the States; to which the pro-fe.-a
a higlj decree of alb-igance. Suine
f these companies in Uiltmiore profess
to be drilling for th sole purpose of pre
venting other military eompariie-s tr tn
passing through Maryland. Where these
reprcseniati.MiS are correct or not tne
committee failed to diacovr satisfactory
evidence that tle'se organizations have
any purpose whatever, without th;
of lii- S'ate authority, of attaching
the Cajiitul, or public property in the Dis
trict, or of seizing the District. If it is
admitted that any of these organizations
were hostile to thrt governm?nt or enter
tained unlawful purposes they are in no
proper sen.-e secret, and are not there-
lorn contained in thoe contemplated in
the resolution of the House
Tire. Yesterday about noon the large
r.uv building of Judge Whitney, on Main
street, ua. discovered to be on fire. It
ttas fcTiunately extinguished wilheut any
Jerioas damage. Inexcusable careless
ness was the cause; having ashes in a
tvojd'.-n bex, sitting in the house.
Lumber- A number of delinquents
Lae 1 eon desirous cf paying us in Lim
ber. We can now use that article to ad
vantage, aril will lake on indebtedness
llovrin;; 12 trd 10 inch boards; season
ed preferred, but green will anwer. It
rauet, howover," be delivered within two
are having pleasant weather " just
non larring the tnud everything hav
ing a spring-like appearance.
XcVTSpaptT CliailZC n ibertson re
tires the Omaha JWjras'iian an 1 M.
II. Clark assumes the entire proprietor
ship and editorial management ef the pa
I r. We xvonler that as good a man as
Clark is could have gotten along with
ertscn as 1 ng as he did. We may
lv'k for a more liigh-ned paper in the
: ! reiki un now.
The com
mittee is unanimo'i-ly of the opinion tliat
tlic evidence before Uiem do?.s not prove
the existence of a socret organization
h'.-re or elsewhere hostile to' the govern
ment, that his for its objtct, upon its own
responsibility, the attacking the Capitol
or any puhlio property hero, or any inter
ruption of the functions of the govern
ment. 7 he committee submitted all the
evidence and ak that the same and the
report bo printed, and the committee dis
charged. Mr. Uraneh submitted his view, con
curring entirely with the mijonty, he
says it appears from the testimony of Gen.
Scott that seven companies of artillery
arid one ol sappers ana miners nave ueen
ordered to and encamped in this citT, un
der the mistaken belief that the public
property was in danger; und aJcs the
passage of tho following :
KexohcJ, That the quartering of troops
of the regular army in this District and
around th Capitol when not necessary
for their protection from a hostile enemy,
and during a session of Congress, is
impolitic, and may become destructive of
civil liberty, anil in the opinion of this
House the regular troops now in it ought
to b.? forthwith removed therefrom.
Mr. Branch demanded the previous
Some conversation fallowed as to tho
right of Mr. Ilranch to propose a resolu
tion to a report in which he had substan
tially concurred.
Mr. Kuukel was satisfied that the whole
investigation originated with the War
Department or Gen. Scott, he believed its
object was to furnish the country a pb us
able excuse for the concentration of a
military force at Washington ; or ebe it
originated with the Governor of Mary
land, or some othor emissary h.vl super
induced the mow ment, because' he was
the only man who know such combination
to exist in tho State of which he is the
unworthy chiof magistrate.
Mr. Wt bster said Gov. Hicks acted
from patriotic motives; his conduct was
approved by two-thirds of the people of
Tho resolution was tabled 12-3 against
Sciu'r. Resolutions presented from
Michigan Legislature expressing the ad
herance of Michigan to the Union, olfer
tho military of that" Slate to the Federal
Government, and asking that no conces
sion be mad to traitors.
Mr. ILnghom said these resolutions
had passed with great unanimity, and he
thought they expressed the feelings of
that S:ate., , ...
Mr. Foote offered a resolution that a
committee of 33 Senators be appointed
t make arrargemen's for th' maegura
tien ef the President elect, adopted.
Mr. Green, from the Commit te-? on
Territories, reported a biii to organise the
territory cf . Neva Jr., anl provide a gover
ment for the territory cf Daeo'.ah.
The nri'.r 1:11 was' trken no.
Mr. Hunter oppos.. d it contending that
tho revenue from the public lands and the
present tantf is .vol!: -ion! to carry on the
government if properly administered.
Pittsscko, Feb. 11.
president eb ct Kit Cob
thus at
CCIT.V IOU MAIiri!. iK-f-r u. Thu ls.lj
Mvifn rsni . t f.Il t-. W-'.i.-Ui-J nttt, it.
-tt fiirwi.Yn r.?!,i.i.i!.-. f,',,. n..;.;,,.i(l;ili' wu.i ot too approval of tarce
eigiit u cloci tins morning, lie was re
ceived along tho whole route v.ith a great
deal of enthusiasm.
W"as;i;xgtos, Feb. 11.
Th sss:cn of the sub committee of the
Piace Convention lasvd till midnight,
last night, and was at times stormy. Mr.
Guthrie. propisition was substantially
that of the Ken'.tj. ky Legislature, and
was finally carried x;th the nrovission,
no tiTri'ery shall hereafter be ac-
-e Lift : .-ir.- u '".'.at
rt Uli-icir c riimun nij lr J. L Curi;
fourths of th- S"
The torr. -pondent of the Cin Com. says
Messrs. Tyler and Guthrie cn the part
The Times' Washington correspondent
says it is reported that Ex-Sec. Floyd be
fore leaving Washingron &ent to his horn?
in Ya. remittance in specie amounting to
&TJ3.0C0. '.
Tue Seriate to-day prolonged its exec
utive session over the nomination of Mr.
Petit as Judge cf Kansas, the decision
was po"poned. Senators Douglas and
Pogh are opposed to both Petittand I3!.ick
and their confirmation will be defeated in
a lull vote. " - .
Ti.legmms from N. C. say the contest
there will te very close, bat the chances
are against secession.
Mr. DoJarnett, of Va., is mentioned
as the person who abstracted from the
House library a largo number of the books
which are now missing ; the expose in
the limes has had the eliect of bringing
back large quantities of books that have
been for a long time.
Col. Dualaird, chief .clerk of the War
Department under Floyd, is dismissed,
Mr. Potto, who was chief clerk under'
Sec. Conrad, fills the place temporarily.
Reinforcements have started for fort
Tortugas and others, relief has been or
dered from Texas.
The New Legislature Ins appropriated
50,000 for relief of Kansas sufi'erers.
V.srn5GTOx, Feb. 15.
rrirate advices from Montgomery state
that arrangements have been made for a
loan of 61 1,000,000 by the 1st of March,
at which time the Confederacy will have
50 regiments of troops for the field, for
the. puiposc of resisting coercion, and in
case of a blockade marching upon Wash
ington. It has transpired that a committee of
N Y Bankers waited upon Mr Buchanan
last D..-c and informed him that, the gov
ernment loan would not be taken unless
Sec. Thompson was removed aud a Union
man substituted, they named Dix, and
also stipulated that he should be an in
mate of the White House.
A fracas occurred to-night at the Na
tional Hot-1 between Messrs. Kellogg
and Woddle, YA. Chicago Tribune, Wed
dle was knocked down, when the bystand
ers separated the beligerents.
Richmond, Ta., Feb. 1G.
The Southern Commissioners were in
vited to address the Convention on Mon
day. A committee on federal matters
was appointed.
Mr. W ise vindicated himself from com
plicity with "the reported attempt to invade
Washington, Feb. 15.
The Commissioners appointed to pro
pose matters for the peace conference
has rt ported a plan of pacification. It is
understood to be composed of. Critten
den and Guthrie's propositions, and the
border S'ate resolutions. It proposes the
Missouri Compromise line, exclusion of
shivery norm and popular sovereignty
south of it. Every elfort will be made
to carry this plan through this week.
Rieh.uoud advices state that a conser
vative fueling pervades the Virginia con
vention. The army supplies seized at Napoleon,
Arkansas were destined forTuxos, which
is there solely to protect the whites from
It is said assurances have been receiv
ed that neither Sumpter nor Pickens will
be attacked. As &oon as Davis is inau
gurated President of the Southern con
1'edcracy he wiil send a minister to nego
tiate. It is certainly ascertained tnat
Maj. Anderson feels perfectly secure
ond should he be assailed could success
fully defend himself till succored by the
RicnMOSD, Va. Feb. 1G.
The Va. State committee reassembled
to-day. ' Mr. Ilayer introduced resolu
tions declaring Virginia devoted in at
tachment to the Union, and will make
any sacrifice consistent with her honor
to restore and maintain it; but protests
against coercion, and was determined not
to submit to any administration by which
her rights are foully assailed, and not
fully protected and if the Union cannot
be reconstructed on terms honorable to
all parties concerned, then it shall be di
vided. Mr'. Carlisle introduced resolutions de
claring that since the decision of the
U. S. Supreme Court in the case of Ch's
Holmes against the State of Georgia, and
the adoption to the seventh amendment . babtize in blood the principles for which
to the Constitution, we are at a loss to ! our father's lied in 'he revolution, we
undtrsta id how the impression that the ; ia;i spCw that we are not undutiful sons
Federal Government possesses power to but wiil redeem the pledges they gave,
coerce a Seceeding State obtained ere-1 the sccred rights they transmitted to us,
donee. j show that Southern valor still shines a
Mr. Richards introduced resolutions j brightly as in 1776, and 1S12, and i
hat the compacts between the
cne of them dead.
Wasiungto.t, Feb. 17.
Special agent, Jones, who was des
patched by Sec. Dix to New Orleans, has
satisfied himself that the revenue cutter
Rob't McClelland, was surrendered to the
authorities of Louisiana through com
plicity between Collector Hatch and Capt.
Brushwood before the ordinance of seces
sion passed.
About 00 speeches were delivered in the
House on the crisis, nearly two-thirds of
them Cvcre Republican, there are still on
hand at least cnojgh to in ake an even
hundred, the great' part were written out
in advance of delivery, and many of them
read to empty benches during the form
ality cf night sessions.
The most hopeful end beneficial results
from the Peace Conference are begining
to be seen, and som3 of the Commission
ers have advised their distant friends ac
cordingly. An effort is being to avoid
Congressional action on all poace propo
sitions. Another despatch says it is un
derstood that delegates from North Caro
lina, Virginia and Missouri will vote
against the report of the Peace Confer
ence committee; Maryland, Kentucky
and Tennessee will go for it. It xvill
probably be accepted by a majority of the
States represented. , '
Representative Niblack, of Ind., has
been nominated by the President for Chief
Justice of Nebraska.
February 1G
The Congressional causus to-night
unanimously approved of Bingham's force
bill which authorises the collection of
revenue outside of insurrectionary ports;
it will be pushed to a passage next week.
Ilovse. The House adopted the report
of the committee of conference on dis
agreements or amendments to the Legis
lative, Executive and Indian appropria
tion bill ; by this bill the Secretary or the
Treasury is authorized to discontinue re
fining at the mint whenever he deems it
expedient, but leaves the place for coin
ing rs it now is.
Senate. The tariff bill was taken up
The question being on Mr. Sewards
amendment, extending the time when the
duty shall be paid to three years the el
feet of which is to leave the system as it
is now, after discussion agreed 2o to 18.
Mr. Seward moved to strike out all in the
bill relating to the warehouse system,
which is mainly the tariff of 1S1G.
Many amendments were offered but
nothing definitely agreed upon.
Montgomery, Ala., Feb. 17.
The trip of Mr. Davis from Mississip
pi to Montgomery was one continued ora
tion, returning thanks and complimentary
greeting to the crowds of ladies and gen
tlemen and military at the various depots
To a committee of Congress, the Mont
gomery authorities, military companies
and an enthsiastic crowd, who received
Mr. Davis, he said : he felt proud to re
ceive the congratulations and hospitalities
of the people of Ala. He briefly reviewed
the present position of the South ; lie said
the time for compromise is passed arid we
are now determined "to maintain our po
sition and make all xvho oppose us smell
southern powder and feel southern steel ;
If coercion was persisted in he had no
doubt as to the result we will maintain
our right of government at all hazards;
we ask nothing, want nothing, will have
no complicity ; if other States join our
Confederation they can freely come on
our terms ; or separation from the old
Union is complete, no compromise no re
construction can now be entertained.
Mr. Davis, on his arrival at the Ex
change Hotel, was waited on by a large
and enthusiostic crowd ; being called, he
appeared on the balcony and said : Fel
low citizens and brethren of the Confed
erate Slates of North America, for xve
now are brethren uot in name merely but
fact, men cf one flesh nm bone, one in
terest, one purpose and of an identity in
our domestic institutions : xve have hence
I trust the prospect of living together in
peace, with our institutions subject to pro
tion net defamation ; it may be that our
courage will be used in ihe midst of
storms, it may be that as this morning
opened with clo-uls, nmt -and rain xve
shall encounter inconveniences at the be
gining, but as the sun rose it lifted the
mist and dispelled the clouds and left the
pure sunlight af heaven, so will the pro
gress of the Southern Confederation carry
itself into the harbor of Constitutional
liberty and political equality, cpplausej
Thus we have nothing to fear at home,
because at home we have perfect unity.
We have nothing to fear abroad, because
if war should come it we must again
ceneral removed the route agent between
Grafton and Parkersburg, Va., ca the
ground that Le Lfl his businss-j without
permission, to engage in the secession
movement in that state. Several post
masters in Kentucky and Tennessee have
been removed for a similar cause.
Mr. Brown, late editor of the Consti
tution, has been deputised by the seced
ing states to inform the federal Govern
ment af the election cf Jefferson Davis.
He will not be recognized by the Admin
istration. Mr. Lincoln will occupy temporarily
the dwelling on Franklin Square, lately
occupied ly the Sauth Caroiiga Commis-
A number of Democratic Senators in
caucus to-day resolved to make no fac
tious opposition to the tariff bill. -
NEan.vssA City, Feb. CO.
Great excitement. The chiefs and
warriors of the Otoe Indians arrived here
last evening, and made a peremptory de
mand for the payment of their annuity,
due in November, stating that their xvo
men and children were starving, and their
payment they weu!d have peaceably if it
could be got, forcibly if necessary. The
agent took the money last evening and
secreted it.
A large meeting of the citizens wa3
held, taking measures for self-defense if
Later Ve learn, by private dispatch,
that a large committee of citizens waited
on Agent Dennizen demanding that he
should give some guarantee that the In
dians should be paid. After some parly
ing he delivered the money into the hands
cf a Banker subject to the order of Su
perintendent Robinson, of St. Louis, who
has been telegraphed to come up and pay
off the Indians. En.
French Legislature cn the 1th,
Senator Seward's speech is published
at length and its worth fully canvassed.
The London Times applaudes his argu
ments, that Carolina is guilty of rebel
lion, and says they are principles which
should have emanated from the President
Nothing is known relative to Garibal
di's reported departure from Caprasis.
The seizure of Gaeta continued suspen
ded. The cause assigned is insufficient
to carry it on. It is reported in Rome
that both sides are arming with vigor.
Francis the second received a letter
from Napoleon counciling the King to
Garihaldi'desires to go to England to
thank the people for their aid and sym
thy. The Italian troops are pursuing
the reserrectionists, and have entered in
to the Roman States. '
Sardinia has demanded the restoration
of Soldiers made prisoners by the papal
authority, and seized by Bishop Labant.
Parliament has proclaimed Victca Eman
uel King cf Itaily.
Washington, Feb. 19.
The Supreme Court of the U. S. re
cently in a California land case establish
ed an important principle to the estate as
to the effect where the claimant has ob
tained a patent and confirmation of title
and possession the adverse parties cannot
under action resist the title cf the paten
tee. The committee gave as a reason for re
porting the bill authorising the President
to cad for services of volunteers is be
cause the regular force is wholly inade
quate the forts, arsenals and dock yards
and other property of the U. S., a large
portion of the army being necessary to
protect the frontier. ; '
Jeff. Davis' inaugural speech is bitterly
denounced by the Border State men.
The Senate committee on post offices
reported without amendment the House
bill discontinuing mail services in seced
ing States.
February 10.
Gen. Wool is lying critically ill with
an attack of pneumonia.
The order to Commodore Baron to take
command of the San Francisco navy
yard is revoked. He is ordered to the
Light House board.
In the Peace Conferrence Reverdy
Johnson's amendment concerning the ac
quisition of new Territory, was adopted.
All the Southern Slates excepting Ma
ryland voting nay. -
Nebraska City, Feb. 19.
Old Ft. Kearney was taken possession
of by a party of secessionists, aud thi3
morning a Palmetto flag xvaved over the
fortress bearing the motto, Southron
Rights. Great excitement prevails and
efforts are being made to take the fort by
the Union party.
Later: An attack was made on eld Ft.
Kearney this morning at 10 o'clock, and
amid great excitement the Palmetto was
torn down and the stars and stripes raised
in its place.
A very silly hoax, gotten up either to
give certain sections a further excuse for
"doing likewise ;" or to get up "a name"
as extraordinary devotees to the country.
In either case unwise, uncalled-for and
productive of no good. -Ed.
St. Louis. Feb. 20.
The average majority for the uncon
ditional Union and Republican ticket in
St. Louis co., for delegates to the State
Convention 4,702.
Washington, Feb. 19.
The report of the House proceedings
nn tVtp: m-h n heretofore riven is entire-
IV incorrect in relation to Stanton s torce ..j.,,. f ft) rr-frut o,n -t -t Xfmi, Cui.n:r. in the
bill, authorizing the President to receive a'W'-Micui District or Nciji HiTcreorr. iitH,n a4 re3
i rrt i,'a !.v Jill r. iirt'it'. f,i,in i.Vn Tuf :.i ,1 1' - i n
volunteers for the garrisoning or the lorts, ! the an... ve entitle.! f.n: i w-m ,n Thurvby, the
a vrtp ua? taken and the biil nased bv ';nuy"r a i icm,i n,e t.,ar m ii n k, .
a vote was. latvtui auu tuo out pisstu oj, ......, ,,.. ... h ...... j ..,,, !T,,,
yeas 110 nays G7. The following north- j ( i"? i't nfr MiiC"urt w.nim tcui) in t-own.
ern members voting against H : Cox. V al- ; in .rrii., rPl! ,.,.,.,,,..,,,.,...
t 1'ieintr, twit: Thp nnrt,fat qurtrr t rfctu n
no. 10, iii l inliiy ru. 6 n .rti of r-true co. 15, t of
th-ix;h princij il nifili n, I :i Nm ih t r,iuty, N(
r.k4 Ten i'. ry to flip hinh-t bi.i.'cr f.,r c.t-a in h it. I,
JAMF." 5. BEDFORD, M.i-'pr in Oatc-jry.
B-f.wnvl!!e, Feb C.h, r.JM-r-?!,
Stirrvr-s end LticrS,
Crb arJ Tor LiUt, ThV
LraJocns, Evgpj Trivwdngt.
riastcring Hair Constantly ca Ila
!i or ZtT t ia.t ::, I Hiit strsca fro a $
per cs.
I tTefol!r from Cjtcoti$l ttc
Halters from "Sr. to Sl.TScaclJ.
I VTILL SELL A3 LOW, If not lowar
ttan tzycQ north cf Et. Jos?p!i, aa l tacs
wisMr. j anything in nj Una wCl Cai it to
thatr advantage to cIto taa a call befra buy-
Dec t
1S0O. S3-J
rrrxv stock or
Farnuel South
Sams?' A. TroTon.
XOTICE is hereby given toas by virtue of an rx
ivution iaiue 1 by the clerk t f tho Di-trict Court of
Nemaha count;-, Nebraska Territory,nint thede
u tidant Samuel A. Tn l?n, in tho aboro entitled
ci-up, and in favor r f the jitaintiif therein Samuel
South, for thn sum of one hn rbed dollars and the
vstdof sait, a moan tin; to tlii:tc?a JjIUrj and i.'ao
ty cent.'. I, J. U. WeiiJ, sheriff of anid county in
said Territory, have levied u;nn nnd will otKT for
sale at public auction, at th d"or of the hou'io in
which the Iat term of the paid district rourt for eaid
county was hdl J, on Monday th 11th day of Mreh
A.D.lSGl,atl oVIoek, p. it. of said day, and will
stll to the hifrbe.-t bidder fur cash iu baud, the fol
lowing deseribed property, to-w it : the northwest
vuar erof tho northwest quarter of section thirteen
in township six, north of rane twelve eait of the
sixth principal moridian , e:ntairiin forty acres fur
the satisfaction of said execution.
J. It. WELLS, riheriSr,
by J. II. MOKllIaO.V, liet uty.
n.1 1-5 w-S9
Theodore XV. Bedford, ;
Stetson I.. Suran
Isaac T VVhvte j
' J.B. XVells ant I
Russell R. Lewis )
By virtue of a decretal or !pr IsrrM from th? c!eii'
nfll.-e of the Di.-trie Court in Xe-raha Coiicfy, In ihv 21 Dit riot of Nclo a-ka Territory, Uim a lcrree
ma le by mv court at i! S ptemtier tirm A D 111, In
the abor entitle ! catn.l win sell on Tlnrd iy tho I tth
day of AIjrUi a o I36l. at ll o'clock a M of sai-1 ty,
at the diKir of IT mer Joia.son' Hall (the place where
paid court wnl liht hei'l) in Bn.wnvilie. Xo'tiaha cotin
ty. Ne'jru'-k.-i Territory, the following dec
ta'e. to-wit : the ouOiei t oinrtr i
quarter of kectii.n 2.', towmliip 5, north of ranee 14, eat
of tiie 6ih priru ip it mei i-lun, in Xeuulii county, Neb
raska Territory, to the hiiO e-t buMor for ca!i iu j.
J. S. lUmroUD, Master la CLaucery.
Feb8:a,lSGl 31-6w-$sD
IBoofsaiHl Shoes.
rraose thit ocT like hot cakes )
Groceries and Dry-Goods
3Iorc cf that Good COITE!:!!!
(Ttt best la market.)
Currants, Candles, Cutter, TorV,
Beef, Sugar, Molasses,
AtA ladies' Goiter Boots.
Com ri?ht ilorj to the Ctiep Cb Store! Ilere't
the Fl:e tj et your Dioiwy btk. -Hjuuk tale tu4
imall proflu" tho -'nlaibia pcuny" and "ticn," tre
zorsrT'a ssottoi
XVho turchase B.xiti, Shoes, Orocerle u4 Dry-jcxxtf it
rrar. Fur$. FtJlt. Com. Wheat, Oait, Kjt. Uutttr.
Kjijh Bacon, Beff Barley, nd County Product,
ukeu in exchange for good, nnd will te kliowed the
hi):ei markt p"-.ico.
J,inuary 10, fSOO.
Jackson Ljnca i
P.irh Whyte f
XV m II. MitzeM ar.d J
Martha ir-.b:i!zell J
Edited by PETEIt B. MEAD.
Anew volume of thl tiandard and avoriteerio'tical
t'f wti !i with Janaxry IbI.
iriJe.i re.i ei- j The numerous and beautiful illustrations
the . in heart : Comt-lna to render thU one of the cheapest and most
valudle works on either sidoof the AiUotic.
TrnM3 :
One c py one yir payable In advance . t
F ur copie, one yesr - - a
aix copies for $0 aud a copy to the getter up of the club.
One ctpy one year, payable la Ivaar - $8
four copi5 ie yer - - - 14
No. 'Jo, Park Row, New York.
declaring t;
eon rcrea:euiv vioateaan-
stites have be
repudiated by the North; therefore they
a-e nut binding on tut other parties ther-
lo; that a rraceaile xnthclrawal of the!
v as ia i0, ana ji, ana in
every ether conflict. Applause. J
I was informed my friends that yoe.r
that your kindness only required I should
appear before you. Fatigued by travel,
and hoarse, I am tinatle to speak at any
andingham and Howard, of Chio; Clark,
Cochrane, Sickles and M'Lean, of N. Y.;
Burch and Scott, Cab; Enzlish and Neb-
lack, of Ind.; Robinson, Fouks, Logan
and Morris, of 111.; Florence, of Pa.;
Larabee, of Wis.; and Stout, of Oregon,
all democrats; Allen, dem. of Oiiio, voted
for it, so did all the republicans without
exception, the only southern members
voting for it were Davis of Md., and E'.h
ridge of Tena.
Congress passed an act admitting free
all breaJstutis, provisions, munitions or
materials of war, living animals, agricul
tural produce in the natural state, aho,
Toods, wares and merchandise from the
U. S., if purchased before the firt cf
March and imported beforo the ISth of
March, Texas to be exempted from the
operation of the laws.
Nexv York, Feb 13.
The President elect reached this city
yesterday. His suite occupied 11 cars.
The crowd that turned , out to meet him
is estimated at a quarter of million.
Mr. Lincoln was formally welcomed by
Mayor Wood. At the City Hall this
morning the Mayor's speech and Mr.
Lincoln's reply were both brief. The
former appealed to the president el?ct to
save the Lmon and restore harmony.
The latter avowed his devotion to the
Union, and declared that his object would
be to maintain at the sacrifice of every
riGce of everything except that for which
the Union itsulf was made. He said the
"ship was made lo carry the cargo, and
the ship should never be abandoned as
Join McDunouh,
Sr.n Franslcci) Tvn Cun- any. Jo'ua D. Tjnn and
JiHPph ib il.inl,
By virfu-i cf an or 1 r unde by the D'.er'ct CVnrt
of .Ny-anti i C'ocn'y, Neb. T'-r., at the Sepf'tubt-r
T;rm thereof", KsrO, ia the olve entitled rune, and
to nv dire -t'd to le executed1 I cha.'l lT---r lor ?i!J
at public vendue, at tho door o f the II u: where
?ai.l C jurt lu ll la-t. at UrownvilTs in said Coun
ty, on th C.h d iy of February, 1? 1. between the
noun of ten oVt-k A. M.,:md fooir H. M.. cf a'.d
tiny, th" fi.!!-.'in,i d-'eri l-'-d prp'-rj to-wit : A two
Story lloui", cpn b T..wn S;t of SanlVun. -i-'-o.
Situated np'.n th? Mi-ouri liiver ia th'j CuUtifyand
Territory a,;!:e:-.ild.
J. H. WFT.T.S, Fh-riT.
f!v T1EN.I. It. TUOitl'jO.V, D.;puty.
Jan. 1 lo'l, n2T-iTi
Southern States is i.utifyatle, and that i length. I came merely to assure you of
we will not assist mthe coercion of sucn my gratitude lor inese mamtestationsci
states that it is the dc.y of the North to I your cood wiil. I cone with diffidence
1 T . v
, tifioilcrs wa..j CTl the rre?idont to ascer-1 concede .uch guaranties as wU prevent j and distrust to the tliscnargo ot the great
ZZ::: "Z";Z rnd the Governmental recurrence or our wrongs. destiny devoting on me oy tne ttna-
,,7AJ;n;: to the f,rce tiu 0., etc. They I Mr. Montgomery of Roxburgh eppos ness and confidence cf the citizens cf the
tttinu.-.tij tut eu '.emeu: ia the si;e, i a.-kt d tin"e iho g Jvernuteiit Lid been i haste; he would not be driven by the ) ccmcuerate States I t-ac you fnenus,
-ccr-i,. :i,31:uvs Linimert n.-t n in j lak n. in its last commutucdtion to C1. ! north, or draed by the Cotton States, ' fcr your kind mam.estauons exhibited on
VZZ Vv n? T k'!' V-the portion that it was lwblin? i who ncted without consulting Virginia, j tbs.cccaca. .. .
-phff' ?-!aV "r-rt. Suiter u rrM,-ct Charleston nJ ' He wai erased to creba.4 but if sece- S - Utica, N. Y. Feb. IS.
t forts let them 1 Tae president elect, arrived -here this
- .... . . . .. ..1
ttj-ia .dra-v th nrnr. bcau:e. thev dil not conceded Ir savmz lint the Uovernrncnt ticrj'ri fcosrss irora much speoing
C " 4 l w w a '
n. ve. o. i.!r,ri, ..-., . r ' , CLarirrn the jrovern:.iient ding S: at ?s choose to assiult forts let the:
utuia.ttuuae'i j.i C: u on tte I would listen !j S C's rt"r5est to rx-ith-1 tc he "Tie consequences. " Mr. ' Carlisle I iteming. " . Jle is hoarse end much fa-
TTew Eating Saloon.
IIa o'yn;l a r.CTEi'.'nr ITi'e en If.i'a re,.
long as It COUld be savf-d Without throw- next d or t tae L.S. Laa U:r3 m I;roflnv;;v,
if tT-i? r- A v.-c r rr da xini.At . faiC'r
" ''RicnMOSD, Va. Feb. 20.
In the convention to-day the speech of
Mr. Frestsn created intense interest,
lie said the Union could nevei be recon
structed, and expressed full confidence
that Virginia would join the Southern
A resolution was itnduced that Vir
ginia ha3 the Ifcal right to secede; tlfat
the election of Lincoln was not a sullic-
iect cause, but since -a. portion- of-the
S?uth had seceeded, leaving th bcrdfcr
States in the minority in Congress, Va.
should demand alditicnad guarrantees, !
and prepare amendments to the Ccnr.i- j
tl k"r.Jj of gaae fcrrsJ up ai d.slreJ, at tho
rtcst notice.
Oyster?, Qnils. Prairie Chicken.
Fi.-h, Venison, Pies, Cakes, Hot
Cuflee. Sweet and B .ttr
Milk, Muanmilk,
cr THr
The undersicreI he eomnaencM la ibi city the ra
llied' lou of a uewspijer, cileU th Nation! Kepubli
can. It i printed cn a larpi? ihtrt.Tl by 43 Inches), and la
f nrninhel t the low prlc t'ite-1 belw.
It win contain theoriitlrMi ruat'ar of the Dil'y V
ti. nal lteput,ilca:i, with the exception of tae local aew
not toc-ipntry nubfcribera.
It will give reports of the prucec4ing f Corfres.
andof the other departments cf the 'aikmal Govern
It will con'aln the newiof th laT, fore'.jn tad dora-e-tic.
an I o'lsiml corrMp. ri.tence frctn all prts of the
co'itury. The ml.cetlineons department win receire
rpe iil afen-i'n. nl erT rts made to eUblla thectia
racier f the 'stional Republictn aa a
rviivv NEWsPArnit.
Tn piitic, the paper Is Republics, s'lftalniDg th
lno nni; .nnini.t ration of Mr. L.nco!n, but d.acUInw
t'ii, h ,wever, aoy preicnklon to be th org aa of th Fre-
suierit elect.
It i D.t of ly berw n;l vicinity thst the projector l r.f
the Xj'IoiuI hop t make It txeful. T
the who; country they cfTer a Jonrnsl which d)cn
national poliMm from a nstloni Ur1pint, ami whUU
will r eer l.c swerved from ptrlotis auty ty any ever,
powtnii? presen-'f I'liminM.
OieC py for t.'t.e I i-jr. - $100 Copies for One Tear A OO
five C-pies for one Ter ".Oil
Ten C-ppie for (me Teir - . 12 oa
Ten'y c pie for One Tear - - JJ GO
One ropy ror ix montha i.ou
Ten cpie for tlx months - r
Tweoty nies for n ni'-cth - 13. Ca
P .y hie iwiji in avnce.
When aclnhof suWrihers has teen forwird;!, a
(titions may he to It on ttesanje term. It Is not
r;e-'ary that the subv-Tihera to a club sIlouH receive
thir paper at the same p-t tfTice.
Mr uey may be f -rwr.!e4 by ttiall, at onr risk. Large
srrionnts rnn be rwmiffe In draft on B-xton, w
Toik.or Btl'imore; tnai:er asioauta la Cold, cr la
iitesof solvent hanit. Al-rx
Xatiowil Republican, IVatMnfto, D. C.
Has epeced a Nw ratlsj Satoca la tia
UrovrnvlIIc, Xcljraslia,
i VTherete is r-'in'M te gerve cn"nitt at .! honr
tie Jei.ciOies of tie evB."
rrcsli Oj stenj, Tralrlc Clilccm,
Venison, quallf, Jic,
Fresh Rare Liquors Kept at the Bar.
Cec-c.ber 3S, I'D.
a i
a lid a.i such.
Como n,2icl Z2
F.b.7, IjCI.
living T-. I I.. I gr
K wi'.l ?i ve I ) cents per ponn l far nicetnH, acl m3
:c-nupercecn.if..r nice ft b Ktter. d-l v.-i at
our t.-r. ptrabl ia z.-ii. Ti' w oi t.v. . i
eiiuer oroaSi; n Bio. lit 2?:h of Fi-kr-.sry I-.;i