Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, February 07, 1861, Image 1

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    I. -
--MH M I im ll'W I HUM Ml I
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THE .il; rE'.ii )ER,; .
' fi,rVstrictler' Block, ilain Street,;
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Trcc toTora ana Reflate ALL liiclr Domestic InstHallons la fclr otth uaj, snLJcct only (o Hie Ccnslltnlionior ilic Ualtea States
or A.zavririTxrrrro
Cut-U .-..ill.UAl 1 i'r f-i lif -- w 4 W
Die Htiare. one ff: ru h, JfrJ
Btitiaf scfiiijf iiljnesof 1 Ji,en Tf uT, its
oiifC'iumni.iieTtar, UM
oiie-hi!f Coiiaun - . . . - - - S3 tJ
One fi'!-th Olnnn 01:;! y?ir. Sat
in!iit:h Colnatni-Jieyir, - - 11(1
Oitcolr, .mix m-rr.fcM, 23 t
rut bt Co In run m DimlM, ...... u
O:iorourth(l'-:.iclxniciiihi. . - . . . J D
(tneei.-Mh iVktttnu six tr.ourfc, --..'
();ie C-j!'in;n thref n.i i tn, - - !3C1
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Or efourti Coiurtin tSrt tiK-tflii, - - 10 tu
Oceeishtlk C.2ui..n tbre, - - ( (.
NO. 31.
MoyAclvincod OXL
rtrhe prlUed return. ,! tb United SU.Ml
ami tffl , ',
J V O . L'." CA1SON, "
'I'ike's I'eaXt, or tSust.'
Master rcnmisslorcr In Chancery.
Jolinsbn & Bcliccnheit
"ImVD'.- GWINy
Havin" permanently located in
-r the retire of Medicine aSd Surgery, ten
' , hi (.rofMonftl servicee to the afflicted.
0ke on Main Street. no23vJ
pnoTision -mm
J-A 110 LL AD A Y, -M. D.- -
.inertfn'.lylnmnnKliia frimrta In Brownrtlle and
. -"MUU Tkcinlw that be ha. resumed tbc .if
-aicino, Surscry, & Obstetrics, ,tteni.t..n to hifprofes.inn to receive
neren patMnire heretofore extended tohim. In
u-iiere it t po1hie.retpelient. aprecrl)tlon
.n.willt.edone office at City IruR SLore.
KelT.U4 '9. 5 ly r
Attorney" at Law ,
BR 0 V K V I L L E ,
" L. "iL JOHNSON, LL D.,
Office at Z.JC.JuLwv't Office, "
rW at Street betw6u Main and "Water...
flare Jnt sopleted their new bngine h'je on
Jfain Strtel, near tlie C.iJ. Land OiRee, in Broanville
ulerc Uicy bave upeiici out auj areuITeriug ontlieuiogt
favorable tcrtiit-,
Dry Goods, Provisions,
1 . , . .) Of alt Kloda, - ' '
i '' . . . Choice Liquors, . Cipars,
j And a "thousand and one," other things everybody
feeds. . ' .' v.-
BrewnvlCe, Apri' 6, ly
May 17, 1S60.
U U 14 i.
Life ! Insurance Company;
Hartford, Conn.
Incorporated ly the fiiate of Connecticut.
Capital Slock .200,000.
Witt lrgeanJ inereaingsurplu.receipt.i .secure
ly in?cted qtider the sanction and approval of the
Comptroller of Public Accounts. ; .,
JAMES C. WALKLEY," President .
JOILVL. CXCE, Vice President. ,
i ELI AS GILU Secretary. , J , .
i E,D.DICKEliMAN, General Agent. '
" 1 J - DlilECTOBS :
! Alfred Gill, Daniel Phillips, JobriL.Dunce,
: It.Uiodet, J. A.Batler, E. l. 'Dickerman
y.Wheaton, ' Rara.Coit. Kel.son Ilollister,
;.. j : .. JaiaesC. Walkley, ,7 :. ..
S.B. Hereford, M D,"ConJulting Physician. ,
' A.'S. Holladar.M D;Medical Examiner. ,'
A pplicationsreceired by.R. W. FUKNA S. A't,' '
'.u. ..l.L-
.L'rovnTille, N.T.
locks, Vatclies &,Jewelry:
. 0 l.r&lMXZP L
roulrtanuonncetothecitiren of Brownrille
r.d vicimtv tlitt be has located hirafelf in
.iBrovrnville, and. men-ii. keeping a full assort.
-hi ..f eTeryUilimlnhUtlneof hnHnesii, which will
iM r rr caxta. H will also do all kinda of re
.rinpof cloka, watcbea and Jewejry. U ork war
fited.' ' , - " 3nl8ly
7o Ladies of Brownville,
Innouneeothat nhe bus jnst reeeired from the
t a Bmtuifioent atockT ' '
nll c3 Winter
Consisting of - - '
rench Flower, Straw Trimming, Ribbons, etc.,
wiikhnha Invitetbe attention vf the Ladies of
wnrilie and vicinity, feeling assured hey cannot
better miitedic style, Quality cr crice.
pritIJ,Ufl -
ilfilT LITEEKl
Ut every description, lor eale at
outii-east comer Main and Second,
'-pt.22d.1859. f-ntll
".IX practice in the several Coarts of the 2d Judicial
' irt. and attend to all matters connected with the
e-nion. Wm. McLemiaw, Esq., of Nebraska City,
"Mmfii iueproscutiwti t.f iutwrunt8utta.
I t. 10. '61-ll-tf
Vo. I, City Bnillingn,
NTI,0U1S. .- .. .. MISSOURI
No,. 140, Pearl Street,
roduce and Commission
WE .t.rz BT ftRMlStlOS to'
rjwfll.LfvyaUmon, - - St. Joseph,
TotUw &. Frle-.Rh, - - ,- . .
t. k j. cnr . . . , . t
ivr. .xci iru kyoj.. - t
!'nnel k. Sailau ' '-" - ' .
rJo"W" Hotel
' ITeTe'.'y TioUflci-tlie public that he has purchased the
Nebraska House In Brownville, N. T., fornierly kept by
T. J. KdwardH, and has remodeled, renovated anil enti
rely chanced the whole house, fromcellar to garret,
witbaneiecial view to neatness, f-nfoTt andconTe
aieuce. Having had many year experience aa a hotel
keeper, ho feelsafe in warratitirifttheboardirpatron
ace of Brownville. and the traveling public, that , while
at the American, they will havenoreason to complain
ofthefareln anyrespect. .
The Hotel Uaitoated immediately at the Pfea-nboat
Laodinf , foot of Jlainstreet, and consequentiy ifl'urds
peculiaradvantapesto the traveling community. The
proprietor asks hut to be trid,s,nd if not found worthy,
diKcanlrd. .
: Jannarj,l9; I960. 23-tf
Devoted to Agriculture, Stock Rairin
i Horticulture, Mechanism, Education.
' Published at Brownville, .' T.
On the first of erery month at $1 a year forsii
jjle copies; Six copies, J5; Thirteen copies, $11
Twenty copies, la.' ' ' ' '
.'Thevolume began Oct. 1st, 1S59. Specimen nnrrj'
crsfarnisbe.lratiEon application. Dacknrsciber
3an be furnii'licd.
Will every fricnJ of Agriculture and Eiacntioi
in XebrasUa, Northern Kana, Southern Iowa, and
Xorthern Mifonri, lend a helping hand, to establish
and maintain a journal devoted exclusiTely to the
interests above named. There is not a post office
within the rejrion named but can and ought to
furnish a club of at least 10 subscribers. Send
alon without delay. ' '
Terms in Advance.
One copy, one year, $1.00
Six copies, " .. . . 5 00
Thirteen copies, one year, 10 ('0
Twenty copies " , . 16. CO
Four copie., three months 1.C0
JlAtea of AdvertisementB.
A Card of 6 iincsor les?, one inertk-n, $1.00
" eacn adilU'nlinsertion 73
' " one year - . .00
One Fourth Column, " 10 00
One Half Column, " 0 00
One Column. " .. 36.00
Payable quarterly in advance. Tearx advertisers are
Mowed to chancetheir advertisements quarterly, '
Having located himself in Prownville. N". T,tcr.
ders his irofe Clonal services to thecommunity:
All jobs warranted.
Justice of the Peace and
1 Tnkes acknowledpements of Deeds, Marries People
4.,c Ofllce firet door south of Maun Co'a fit Dru
Store. - -
Brownville, June 21st, 8G0,
A. C O . S T A rt li K , ,
ot Hubs, Sfq-c,v .nr.3.Bent; SlnfT.
Third Strect,letween Felix and Edmond,
-uicn ntiisat6t. Louia prices for cash.
"&VX$l Paid tor Bdrap Iron. ;
vwiniL & st. Joseph n.n.
f5 "' f " pi. ' ji pi
uu uu 6
-eawr.P U 'fl,'dfcJ' Western Stace Line.
c ,n. ?;e"me "ltIr'rne taKinE by thixroute.
hlrl nnu m",'1e n""tfeal with ali:Eastern
, , ''rn Hallroada and Packet.
V SAWtir. fJpnPml Arron C
p "Groat, G. Ticket Agent, Harftd
i!! lI,LL' G- T AS'1' Brownville.
Merchant Tailor,
Adopt this method of returning thanks to the
gentlemen of this vicinity, fi r the liberal patron
age bestowed uprn him heretofore.and to announce
thatho hagjustreturned from lt. Louis with a
. Of everv article of
Consisting of
FOR M EX'S WE Alt, - " . J
Woolen. Ccttin.fclli Silk fnilrrshirre lnv,ri
Vesting, Half Ho?c, Supender, Ac. In short, ev
ery thine a gentleman eou.d desire to arrav himse'l
in the payest attire. He willtH thegood?" orwale
iuusto order in ptylo equal to any other Uoufe
anywhere. He asks but an examination of bis goodi
Correspond tcith the Present Hard
April llr 1F60. .
' j .j i.l it?
Land Warrants.' 1
- - A WJ
We re prepareu lo loan Lnl Warrsnts of aii (.ir.etto
"Uir "!1 " "ne a vtcy mar dosire lone or ehort
at the usual rates.
A constant supply of 'Warrants win be kept on hand
for file as cheap as tbey caa te bought elsewhere In
Birr ef rejrtilar dealers and beware of borns
All warrants iold by us will be guaranteed to be
Pennine in every respect and will be exchanged li de
BeinR permanently located in Brownville, we caa al
ways be found at the old .Uiid a few doors east or the
Brownville House.
Bankers, and Uealera in Land Warrants.
BrownTille, Nebraska.
TTOSceon Mam Street, one door above thePost
BrawuTille, Drrember 1, 1559 , ? ,
The partnership heretofore exlstine under the name
and style of Lnslibaush &. Carson at Brownville, Xe
brakt, was, on the firut day of November, dissolved by
mutual consent, by the withdrawal of J. F. Lushbaugb
John U. (Jarson win seme tue ununished business of
the old firm and contiria.the Banking ami Real Estate
Agency business as heretofore at the old stand. . ..
Xov. 1st, 1860. , , . JOHN. L. CAKSON.
In sever;n(t my busines connexion with my late part
ner, I deem tins a proper opportunity ol expressing my
thanks for the patronage bestowed upon our tirm, (luring
the period iu which we were engaged in businss.
It affords me much pleasure also to commend to the
favorable consideration of the friends of the old Arm my
successor in business, II r. Carson, a sentieman in every
way worthy of the conlidence aud support of .a discrim
inating public. ;.;
L. r. ixshbacgh.
- .;
t ! (Suceepsor to Lushhauph & Carson. ;
23 2lI"SS.3I3
Dealer, in Coin JJncur rent. -Money, Zand
Warrants, Exchange, and Gold Dust
T f, ' i'' !" I ' '
I will cive especial attention tobuyihsi and sellln? ex-
chanjie on the principal cities of the United States and
Europe, , Gold SilveT,. nncurrent JJank Bills, and
Gold Dust, Collections made on all accessable points,
and proceeds remitted in exchange at current rates.
Deposits received on current account, ana interest al
lowed on special deposits. 1 '
Tclcgrrapli' and ' the U. S.
Lind Jc Brother
W. Carson &. Co.; ' : t
Hiser, Duk & Co. . ,
Toumr fiw Carson, . "
Jeo. Thompsou Mason, Col'r of Port,
wm. T. Smithson, Esq., Hanker, .
J. T. Stevens, Esq., Att'y at Lav,
Jno. S. Gallaher, Late 3a Aud. V. 8. T.
Tarlor 6c Urieah, Bankers,
McClellanu, Pye fit co., ,
TTuU. Thomas G, Pratt, :
Hon. Jag. O. Carson, .
P. B. Small, Eso., Tres't S. Bank, -
Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law. -
Cot. S im. HambletoB, Att'y at Law;
Judpe TLos. Perry, :.
Prof. U. Tutwiler,
Philadelphia, Pa.
Baltimore, Md.
a" 'it
Washington, D. C.
Chicago! Til.
. St. Louis, Mo.
. Annapolis, Md.
Hagertown, Md.
'... . ,
' Easton, Md.
Cumberland, Md
Havana. Al.ibma.
Nov, 8, 1860-tf.
CaiTiasc ami Wagon
S. E. & J. T. BERKLEY,
':... ." ' -
AHTfOUNCE that they have commenced the
Manufacture of . .. ' ; j ' . . . , , ; ,.
CARRIAGES; ,M ''' ' ; '
1 WAGONS, ' '
: ; : : : . sitLKlES,
In the City of Brownville. They have both had
mnnv venr. r wrinn in.Rjistern Manufacturies.
j j .
and flatter themseves they will be able to please the
public Doin in worK ana prices, .
All kiadsof repainngpromptiy atteraea to
"77"o OLsls. ; 3C3 vit v Trial.'
T. E. t J. B. BERKLEY.
Brownville, May, 3, 1860. - ; y
1 i :.y i rn 701'
... .... r,-,-. r -"i -,
AXXOtTXCES to the pnblia that he ha pnrchase.1 the
Livery Stable and Stock formerly owned by William
Kosseil and addeJ thereto fine stock, and is now prepar
ed to aoeonitnodate the public with
Carriages, . ; . .
.... Siiddles Horses
&c. kc.
Can find at his Stable ample accommodations for
horses, mules or cattle. - . .: "
Brownville, Oct. 18, 1SG0. n!5-ylr
Lime! Lime!! Lime!!!
The unlersjjnedwhoVe kilns ire situated Bine' miles
west or BrJnrnvme. on the road leadinp t'Ft. Kearney,
keeps constantly en hand a verr superior article of
lime, to wt cb he Invite tbt attention or those wish
ing The I.iTiie w-iUbe delivered at thekiln or at any
oiber p i-Tit in thecounty, asdesired, -
Fc,9, 1S0O 6m , e. jr. L0X5.
Written for the Nebraska Farmer. '
; .. , Sweet Folatocs. .
Ilann' had one season's . experience
with the sweet potato, I will rjire 'it for
the benefit of those who have never raised
them ,in . Nebraska.': I purchased the
Nansemond variety of ; C. ' B.: JIurray,
Foster's Crossing Ohio: ' They arrived
here about. the. middle of April in good
condition and were set in a 'hot ted pre
pared in the following' manner .
I dug a trench si.x feet, wida and twenty
feet long, and filled it with ' stable man
ure,;.;let .t lay. until it commenced -heat-ing,
when I comraenced at:jo'ne end and
forked it all oyer, and let "it. stand until
about the time I expected the' potatoes to
arrive, when the bed was leveled off, and
three or four inches of the top soil put on
the manure. It required several pails of
water thrown on the manure to cause it
to'heat up good after being handled over.
When the potatoes came op, it was in
good condition, and they were placed on
the dirt in rows, nearly as close as they
would lay, with from two to four inches
of soil to cover them. It was so dry last
season that the bed required considerable
T '
watering. In a few days the sprouts
commenced breaking through, and the
bed was covered at night with hay, when
'there was any danger of frost. ;
" When the plants were from four to six
inches high, they were pulled 'carefully,
so as not to disturb the : potato; and . set
twelve inches apart, in ridges made, by
throwing two furrows together and finish
ing with a hoe. Two persons' can set
tfiem very fast, one to pour a little water
into the place prepared by the other, by
thrusting. the hand into the top. of the
ridge, -deep enough to set the'pltfnt,1 and
forcing the dirt one" side a little, iust
enough to set the plant conveniently.'and
hold about' a half pint of 'water. The
plants are very hardy,' and I.did not lose
one plant out of a thousand last summer
by transplanting.' " The only care they
need after setting, is to keep the weeds
iuown;' and if set in suitable soil will well
repay tor cultivating. I succeeded best
with those set on very deeply ploughed
creek. bottom. : But my neighbors who
lived on new land;4 and near the bluffs,
succeeded better. The season was ' very
unfavorable for most crops : but, with my
last yeur's experience, I am encouraged
to try the sweet potato again.
: W T. Paiicel.
Oreapolis, Cass co., J"eb. .
Liquid Glue.
; As long ago as 1832, Dumoulin pub
lished a notice in the Comptes Rendus of
the French Academy, with reference to
the preparation of a liquid glue. He was
led to the discovery of a method of , pro
curing it, by considering the long known
tact, that when a'solutiou of glue is fre
quently heated and cooled, or kept a long
tune exposed to heat, it loses its property
of gelatinizing by cooling, "'and remains
liquid. Under the impression tha't this
change might be caused by the action of
the oxygen of the air, and, if so, would
be induced more speedily by some vig
ous oxydizing agent, Dumoulin tried the
effect of dilute nitric on glue, and shortly
found that by its use the product he de
sired was easily obtained. His method of
preparation was as follows: The best
Cologne glue is dissolved at a gentle heat
in an equal weight of water, contained in
an enameled or glazed vessel, and when
the solution is completenitric acid of
36 Beaumeis added in proportions, and
at intervals, to the amount of one-fifth of
the weight of the glue employed. NitrouS
vapors are abundantly given off, and a
glue is obtained that is perfectly fluid,
and may be kept in open vessels for years
without alteration. Already in 1852, this
preparation was sold m Paris as inaltera
ble liquid glue, (colle liquid e and waiter
able.) ' A better liquid -glue than that
just-described is made , with acetickacid.
One pound of good glue is -dissolved
with heat in a mixture composed cf; one
pound of strong vinegar, one-quarter of a
pound of alcohol, and a very little alum.
According to Cavallius, however,, alum
destroys the tenacity of glue, and should
be avoided. "In order to make. the glue
white in color, a quantity of sulphate of
lead is acMed to the solution. . The liquid
glues now so extensively sold in this
country are made with acetic acid, and
those we have tested are very excellent
preparations. A glue that is liquid at
low temperatures is not so adhesive a3
one which requires gentle warming to
make h flow. Solutions of chloride of
barium, bichromate of potash, and some
other salts, as well as all the various mi-
.neral and vegetable acids, also have the
property of holding glue in permanent
; A good archer is not known by his ar
rows, but his aim. .
- Barley was found in the mountains of
Himalaya." " ', . . .
, . ' Zliracnlons Cabinet.. .. -; . .
- One of tha most extra jrdiniry exhib
itions of 'mechanical, skill has. recently
been presented in a mechanical gallery iu
England. It is the work of a Mr,! Na
dolski, a Pole, and has- excited the ad
miration; and astonishment'of all observ
er,' .-. : ' ) I;; ,!; ; .'
The cabinet is constructed: of a very,
beautiful rosewood, and its dimensions
are : High:, -five feet; breadth, '.three
feet; depth; 'one foot "six" -inches; 'being,
consequently, little larger thaa' a full-sized
traveling trunk; yet, by a moat; inge
nious mechanical arrangement, it is-, made
to contain no less than one hundred at;d
fifty pieces of furniture',' and these5,' too,"
of--' the ordinary isize, and Jof'SufSeient
strength. for everyday use; jTh4 catalogue'
being too voluminous to give, entire,, we
may observe that'among the articles con
tained were an elegant chandelier 'with
twelve wax-lights ptttb large tables,, one
about ten fuet long,' and the other twen
ty, the latter being, spread with a damask
table-cloth and an electroplated service of
half a, dozen full-sized dishes, .thirty
drinking cups, six salt cellars, and plates,
knives, forks,-and ' spoons, for twenty
four persons ; and surrounded with the
requisite number of. seats. A dozen oth
er, fuli-j-ized tables, comprising t card
tables, toilet-tables, ladies' work-tables,
&c, a full-sized bed, bedstead, and crim
son hangings ;; an immense number " of
candles, 'candlesticks, and candelabra ; a
craddle.' four : music-stands, a throne and
throne chair, and ava?t number of other
useful articles.' Legerdemain is not re
sorted to, the whole marvel being confin
ed to the wonderful mode of manufacture
and 'packing;, and to give -an idea jtf.the
ingenuity with which the .whole is put to
gether, we may state that, it takes one-and-a-half
hours to unpack the furniture,
and nearly three hours to'repacVit.'. ' '
Wily Fruit Trees "Winter km'." '
Fruit trees "winter kill" because their
wood is not " sufficiently matured in the
fall." The mild weather through autumn
continues the growth till a pejiod past
the time cf hardening, as it is termed, so
that the rigors of winter are. latal. ; An
oak does not winter kill, because the tex
ture oflhe wood is firm. The. same is
true of .seeding fruit trees, to a consider
able extent.' Our choice rarieties'of fruit
have been produced in many instances, by
high, if not over cultivation, and it is an
old remark, .that the hardihood of a. tree
is saennceu ny tnat culture wnicn produ
ces a superior quality of fruit. We need
not expect to procure trees that'will bear
the first year of as hardy a nature as
those which : produce an inferior variety.
Yet we may do much ta increase the
power of endurance in the tender varie
ties. Whatever is attempted must be
done during the period of growth. The
point to be aimed' at "is - to check the
growth of the tree early in the season, in
order- that the wood maybe rendered
hard and firm before winter. A dry au
tumn presents this end. When rains are
abundant and the weather is warm, veg
etation goes on rapidly, often till arrest
ed by a cold snap, after which there is
time for. the process. But we can not
trust to the weather.
! : cIIow to Trap Gophers. 7 -
I used to be cf rhe opinion that people
knew how to'calch the gopher if they de
sired to do so, and that those people who
have their fields overrun with this pest,
were either too lazy, or thought the go
pher did no barm;, but finding mytelf
mistaken, I will give you my way of
catching them, which I have practiced for
many years, and exterminated them from
a thirty-five acre farm, and have only, oc
casionally to set my trap for some emi
grant from a neighbor's farm.
All that is required is a common steel
rat trap, a spade, and a board about 18
inches square. Dig a hole about a foot
square between' two of the gopher's
mounds, or just inside the outside one,
so that you strike the gopher's hole,
which a little experience will enable you
to find with ease. Dig your hole an inch
deeper tbanhe bot'om of the gopher's,
set your trap facing one of the holes, and
cover it with fine dirt "o'that he cannot
see the trap, then put in a small piece of
sweet potato, horse radish, or a few
trains of corn ; cover the hole .with the
board, and throw some earth around the
edges, so as to perfectly exclude the light,
for if this is not done, the gopher will
simply close up the hole you have open
ed, but if all is dark he will go into the
hole to see what is the matter.' 'It is not
necessary to put anything m the hole, but
it is better to doso for it will often tempt
him to go into the trap when otherwise
he would not. - '-
This work can be done by 'the boys,
who will find it good sport, beside? keep
ing them employed; and it would. not be
a bad idea I think to pay them a trifle per
head for the gophers they catch, and let
them earn a little pocket money, which is
much better than giving them money in
any other way; the boys will feel better
o know that the money they spend wa3
tarned, and it will teach them the value
ef money, and give them habits of indjs
.try. E. A. R. Valley Farmer.
Comfort for Cows- -
.. Cows shouU be well housed and well
fed. The stables should be just modera
tely warm, well , ventilated, clean, and
provided with suitable 'bedding. Aside
from the- mere fact of food and drink, the
animals should be kept comfortable. Thi-i
matter can hardly be . over-estimated.
Then, as "to fodder,, part - cf this, cf
course, should be straw, and hay, ah!
corn-stalks; but to expect cows-, to give
much milk on such lean fare, is folly.
FaTor them with messes of chopped
roots, of cut straw, 'or; stalks mixed with
meal of some kind. A. favorite "mess"
with a friend of our?,' is this: . Cut tip
hay, or straw, cr stalks, in pieces not
moca than an- inch,- or' -and a Inlf
long, put the provender in a tub or. a
tight box, and pour boiling water upon it;
then sprinkle on a .little salt, . and covtr
the whole with a little brnn or meal, to
keep the steam in. When cold, feid it
in messes of a bushel at a time. Good as.
this is, it should be varied from time to
time, for cows like variety as well as
men. Cows should be salted two or three
times a week. In mild weather, they
should range by day in a commodious
yard, protected on two sides, at least, by
cohered sheds. And this yard should
have a pnn-stock of running tvater, or a
trough kept full from a good pump ; the
first is the best.
A Blasting Powder from Tan EarK.
A French scientific newspaper says
that a patent has just been taken out in
Belgium, for a simple method of making
blasting powder from spent tan bark. It
says that while the price of this powder is
less than that of gunpowder, it Dkcs but
one-seventeeth. part as much to produce
the same effect as the latter. It is com
posed cf fifty-two and one-half, pounds of
nitrate of ,scda to seventy-two and cne
half pounds of wate tan bark, and twen
ty pounds of pulverized sulphur. ' The
nitrate of soda is dissolved in a sufficient
quantity of boiling water, and the tan
barkadded in a manner, to completely
impregnatei it with the. solution, after
which the sulphur is added in the same;
way. The mixture is taken from the fire
and thoroughly dried, when it is ready
for use, If it is wet, this does not per
manently injure it, but. on being again
dried, is as good as ever. If (ired in
the open air, it causes no explosion, I ut
is very efficient for blasting when confin
ed in the usual manner. It is not suitable
for use in guns and cannons.
A Mechanical Surveyor.
A gentleman in one of the southwest
ern States has produced an apparatus
which is intended for delineating the
course of rivers and analogous objects.
The invention consists in the use of a
'plotter" rotated in a frame parallel with
the frame of motion of the vessel upon
which it is fixed, and at a speed bearing
a certain relation to that of the vessel,
the said "plotter" acting to forward be
neath it the sheet upon which the "chart
is taken, aud the said sheet being kept
constantly in a position corresponding with
ihc points cf the compass , by means of a
table on a vertical axis immediately be
neath the said plotter. . The machine is
so placed upon the boat that the plotter
may be rotated by the engines of the ves
sel, or by clockwork. Each sheet of pa
per to receive the course of power, is
marked near one edge with the letter N,
to indicate, ncrth, 'and is placed upon the
latle. in a position parallel with the needle
of the compass, and retained in such posi
tion by rotating the table,' "as may be
needful to compensate for the turns made
by the boat in following the sinuosities of
the river. The model now on exhibition
is exceedingly simple, and has been suc
cessfully tested in practice by tracing the
course of several rivers, the charts of
which are with the machine. By chang
ing the width of the inking mncnine, ro
tating upon the plotter, the width of the
river may also be indicated.
! Dilute sulphuric acid and sugar, with a
little sulphate of indigo, and gum, is found
to make a permanent .writing-ink; proof
against fading and erasure. By holding
the writing to the fire, the -characters are
converted into a jet black by the carboni
zation of'sugar. -' t V -
The Best Breed For Swine.
Agricola who says he has had consid
erable experience with most if not all of
the breeds now known in the west, talking
of the best breeds says in the Valley Far
mer. First on the list, without hesitation I
place the Chester County White breed.
I have found the hogs of this breed to
be perfectly hardy prolific breeders, rnd
under cur management attaining a weight
of from 400 to 500 pound.-?, with good
treatment, at the age of twelve to eight
een months, and being, in fact, all that
could be desired of a hog. They are quiet
and peaceable, and good graziers, and
fatten very readily at any age r you
may desire. ;
The next breed on the list I would
place the recently imported Btrkshire3.
They fatten readily on a small amount cf
food, are good breeders,attain good, aver
age size atid are a great improvement on
the old imported stock;their color, black,
is an objection, but this is cnly skin de-p,
and some think that black hcg3 are less
liable to skin infection than white hogs.
If the Suffolks tiad a little mere hair
and the young pigs were not quite so
tender they would strongly contest the
first rank, we mean the lat importations.
This breed has been greatly improved
within a few years. The crosses of this
breed on the Irih grazier and our com
mon breed make a decided improvement.
The crosses will keep, .much, fatter and
mature earlier than the common treed and
an inexperienced person may go among a
rge herd cf the fnne a??, tz. ' th ?
same care, and very readily pick cut the
half Suffolks by their tebg in much better
condition. Tha E;sex are too poor breed
ers to be raised as a pure breed but cres i
well on other Iargr coarse f reed. But
taking all things into consideration i: will
beditilcult to find a breed pcrrcfjirrnro
good traits for Western men: than ill
Chester White. And thono who are rairirg
hogs would find a cress of this I reed cf
inestimable vab.:e. It would increase
their size, improve their form, hasten their
maturity and what is more important than
all else materially lessen the amount cf
food for a given numler of pcur.ds cf pork
This too would be the case with all the
breeds mentioned but none cf th other
breeds . combine: 'so
qualities. . -
iany: excellent
To Clean Tonato Seed.''
Put the seed with the surrounding pulp
on a piece of old muslin,' C or S inches
square, and sprinkle over it a small quan
tity of scouring sand. Gather the edges
of the cloth in one hend, so as to hold
the seed securely, and rub them gently
in the paim of the other for a few minu
te?, dipping thorn occasionally in water.1
inis rubt iug wnl cut the pulp from the:
seed, l'our the seed nr.h sand intn
basin of water, so that the pulp may bo
turned oiT. If the pulp is not all separa
ted, add more uater, and ponr off again
till it is clean enough. Now by putting
in a little more water, and gently shak
ing and turning the basin, the seed may'
be poured separate into a sieve or cloth
ready for drying.
A hew -Manure for Soil.'
The fertilizing properties of uric acid
are attracting considerable attention in
France, and well deserve the conidera
lion of such cif our farmers as need arti
ficial manure, and are . disposed to ob
tain it at a cheap rate. M. Couturier,
in a paper, recently presorted to the
Academy of Sciences, ftatcd that the
poorest toil may be made very fertile by
dressing it with ono pound of uric acid
per acre. Among the advantages of this
new fertilizer is its portability, one
man being able to carry upon his lack
enough for several acres. . Although, how
ever, this manure may be adapted to.
some soils, its constitution shows that it id.
not likely to suit others.
In many portions of this great land, it
is difficult to obtain cider for vinar :
hence we give the following reccipe,
whose ingredients are everywhere:
To eight gallons of clear rain water
add three quarts of -molasses ; put into a
good cask ; shake well a few timer; then
add two or three epoonfuN of gtcd yeast
cakes. If in the Summer, place the sun;
if in'winter, near the. chimney, where it
may warm. In ten or fifteen (fays add to
to this liquid a she;t of brown paper,
torn in strips, dipped in molasses, and
ood vinegar will be prouua'd. The
paper will be produced. The paper will,
in this way, form what is called the "mo
ther," or life of vinegar.
IIoss In Southern Iowa-
About a week ago a crowd of four cr five
hundred people was gathered together at
Ilioomfield, Davis county, to witness tha
fulfilment of a hog contract made a year
ago, according to vvnicn 3lr. . McLov
bound himself to deliver to Mr. Duffieli
r.f Eloomfield, iu December, 1SG0, l.COO
hog?, no one which should weigh less than
200 lbs.; On the day mentioned 1,013
hog were delivered and weighed the av--erage
gros weight was 302 lbs. The
result wa3 rather surprising as well as
gratifying, and we doubt if it could bo
beat in any other coun'y in this State or
in any other State. The contract price
was S-l gross delivered at Ottumwa, and
the total amount of money circulated for
this lot of bogs was ove r S12.000.
Our informant Mr. L. Bissell of this
chy, who saw the weighing says that the
hogs in Davis, Monroe, Appanoose and
Decatur are pretty much all seld, and
they were sold at high prices and money
is plenty in all -that region, and as a
consequence the people feel good. In Lee,.
ran Buren and Des Moins, the farmers
generally have held on to their hcg3..
very many refusing 83 when they could : In these three couuties it is
e?imated that there must be nearly 40
GOOhead yet unsold, and waiting for a"
rise in price while in the meantime they
are increasing in weight. Prairie Far
mer. -
. .. Bee Mollis.
A correspondent of the N. , Y. . Pout
says that he destroys vast numbers of mil
lers in the night, during the active sea
son of these insects, by placing a' well
stirred mixture of molasses and vinegar
upon a white plate, near the . hives, , and ,
on a level with the bottom board. In the
morning multitudes are found caught. A '
small class lantern, set on tho dish, would
doubtless attract" them, but it might at
tract many other kinds of millers.
Hargreave's jenny i sai l to have been
suggested from., seeing a one thread
wheel overturned upon the floor, when
both the spindle and wheel continued to.
revolve. The spindle was thus thrown
from a horizontal into an cpwrfgbt posi
tion, and the thought sems to have
struck Hargreaves that if a number cf
spindles were placed upright and side by
side, several threads might be spun at
once. " ' ' '
. t
" ' 5 ' '