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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1861)
ffrJ !,1 ADVERTISER: IU V. I'UIINAS.EDITOII. T-liIll.SDAY.lIOrC.'ISC, JAX. 2i, 1 S", t . 8 4 Do In rrs o f o r Lcgb ! ;t u r c. ; Xa cinhf r-coluum to fcin-lni? nr . iJ, vNctucha lielepmon to their Cn:-- .riuiditi.? llo r3iil to oilier nets thnn t ilimli jdTerreil to, wi: cull frcr.i Oirnha 4 ktjianos, dnu oldain information from V"if uiC-mlcrV ' rAh act lo provide a. bounty cn rugar lrpo! the prpsentaticn cf five pounds of ,?!.!?.r, ty ihc person manufacturing it, to the clerk of the county within which it iinae, tie clerk is authorized to issue on the county treasurer for the .-f ;.;.rof tvo hilars, as a"f remfuta for the manufacture.- " ' ', ' , ' " ' "An act to encourage the cultivation of f fruit, forest, and ornamental trees.This u'ct ricm;Ls fifiy dollars from the valua tion of real estate, for ercry acre of land ;i.pon whicHlhrre is ari orchard, a grove ; cf ornr.rwci.tai trees, or four hundred fo rest trees i-Ucd and cultivated by; the ttr.vncrcf it. . : .'"1 ' 1 ' '; "An act to establish the rate cf interest !i t-ioncy and cn contracts." . Frovidc3 1 1 . a t interest Ly agreement may be fifteen . .per tent, per :mu;n; if not contracted for, t ta per cent; - Interest on accounts, to be "'ten per cent., after six months from the datecf the last item. On suits for the .recovery of money loaned, if the tlefen idant proves that illegal interest was de "'tnandci or taken,' the defendant may re . Vovcr Vcoct, and the plaintiff only. the niuoiirit of the principal. '; "Any .person kbarjed kith taking illegal interest, may le" required to "answer. touching the same . vn oath in any civil proceeding." Interest i n 'judgments and decrees, ten per cent. from the rendition thereof. ; " . " '"An act' to provide for the election of precinct assessors." ". Frovidesfor the el ' t-cticn of an . assessor .in each organized precinct, and fixes their pay, to any am ount kinder eighty dollar each.1 ; -"V'An act' to provide for the funding of the territorial debt.'.V Upon ;the presen tation of territorial warrants to the Sec rftary-of the' territory,' he may issue for tlem.lo the owners, bonds in sums cf 150 or 500 dollars each, to bear seven per rent.' ictetest; payable semi-annually in, and to run ten years. ' ; " "An act to dfme the power and duties cf - county - commissioners ; and county clerks.''. .This' act defines, the ;dutie5: of those officers, end merges the 'office of nis'ter of deeds into that, of county V" ;.: t' Vi ,' J : ! :"Aa act to create the office- of prose cuting idtorney," Trovides for the elec tion of a . prosecuting 'attorney; in each ccan'ty, to appear for tho territory in all cases in which the territory is a party, within the comity, before the dislrict'and pTobate courts, 'and before' the 'supreme court in all cases arising within the oun ty, and be the attorney for the county commissioners. His fees are limited to one hundred dollars for each terra of- the - court.' The net abolishes ' the . office cf district attorneys. , i - . . - . V.'Aaactid proride for the assessment and valuation of real. and personal 'pro perty.". ? It will correct. mxny abuses ari sing out cf .the inefficiency f the laws now in force, ; ': . . "The "doctor -clause" in the homestead " law was stricken out. '.'' ' 1 '. "Au ct relating to jury trials." , Pro vides that the' trial docket shall be made out by the cleric twelve days before ' the firWday of each term, and that the cal " enderhall be called on; the first day of ." the term, and the parties interested cr their attorneys shall say whether they desire a jury .or net; and the cases in which juries arc asked for shall be dispo sed of,1 "except the making up of the is . sues in them," before any other cases are taken up, and then the jury shall be dis charged for the remainder cf the term. .'lAn act for a Probate Code." The code is that cf Ohio as modified in Min- iieota. - ' J , An act providing that plaintiff and def- endant may give testimony in all cases 'civil and 'criminal. ' - ; ; . An act to provide for the publication of laws in county newspapers. It provides that the county cemmisiioners'may publish any law in county newspapers that ihey think riCcessary, such laws to be publish ed will i a iix months, after their passage. An aa to incorporate the 31issouri;& Western Telegraph Company. 'Ifpro vid'es'thit if any person breaks cr intcr i ypts the working cf the line, he shall be lialli to a fine cf three hundred dollars, together with the test .cf repairing the line. -The property cf the company to be from taxation five; years. , V"e regret "that epace will not per inir us to 'publish'' several very excellent s-peeches made during the recert session cf the Legislature.. .Th. speech of the ses.-ion was '.undoubtedly, made . by our Cou.-.ciirrKiu on. the parage cf the Slave prohilr.cry bill over iha Governor' tcto. It v,3 a r.Kiiterly and scaihir.g effort. Our qucr.dcuu political asscciite, Stkicellnd, it .is said we have rot read hi3 peccli nad a most 'glcric-r.g trvcdv iiV-cppoiition to. the Governor's .We '.'.MVav,,wc weic Ilit'ir Condiments, To enable the citizens of Nemaha county to more fully understand the ac tion f the last Legislature, r dating to 1 1 Canity Revenue." at J. iiepre;eii'ativo the ' f.JIuvirig itatv- the Territorj-'i t their Council mar, respectfully suli.. tner.t : tticl .narJson Pnn i.jus'to th: vc-ar lS-5rJ'soine tf the counties paid into th'j territorial treasury a portion of the territorial taxes; other counties refused to pay. and, during the s-essioa of 1BJ9-60, a law was passed di recting the county treasurers to pay-to the county cutmnirsioners of their several counties, the taxe.3 due the territorial treasury which were levied previous to the year 1S59. Whereupon, the territo rial auditor opened a new set cf books and charged the several counties, the le- vje.s otjiy ox loov ai:a i&iaj, ana crcoifeu i niarij3 the relief. td on former levies. Thus Wahin Sarpy Pawnee Dakota Hurt " Platte Ccdr Gnge '.D'aX'jii o 913 CO 177 42 60G 62 197 OS 574 127 91 47 no 5G 09 1 game of 19 j talis." SI Leaving the ternt'l revenue 14.408 From which deduct liabilities 8, CO 1 Nemaha County Tlcv7ofl853 ' 180J Total ' . .' ', " ' ' Cr.'' Jnna 16,18jC. Dj ami pai l tirag. $ 23 Vue-2S, lSjti . 44 . V -. 117 Da. : 11.431 53 2,1 00- 00 CO S5' 95 Amoimt duo from Xctri.La coontj ' 13 58 Thus ty crediting the payments made previous to 18o9 to th? taxes cf 18o9and 1600, it would leave the amount so cred ited in the hands of the county treasurer. A bill was therefore introduced at the last session, by Matthias, of Otoe, entitl ed "An act to equalize the taxes hereto fore assessed," and it became a law, which directed the county treasurers to pay -: to the county commissioner?, for county purposes, the amount paid into the territorial treasury, previous to 15-39, by their respective counties, whereby Nema ha county1 will receive S167 9o. - Mr. Lockwood, of Dakota, introduced a bill for an act allowing the fund in rr of tho indebtedness of the Territory, which was passed. It authorizes the issuing of bonds payable in ten years, with interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum, payable semi-annually in money, and provides for the payment of the interest, together with one-tenth-'of the principal, annually., Therefore by bonding' our territorial warrants, amounting to about $42,000 and drawing ten per cent.- inteiest, we save to the Territory four per cent, on that amount, making S1,6S0 annually. And in order to induce the holders of warrants to bond them, it was considered advisable that there should be no. other means of payment provided, and that, therefore, no more territorial revenue should be raised' than was necessary to meet the current expenses of the territo ry. But the territorial taxes of -1859. and 1S60, yet due from the several counties, was more than was required fcr that pur pose. Therefore, on motion of Mr. Ba ker of Nemaha,' a committee of five was appointed to. inquire into the expediency of refunding to the "several counties-. 'a portion of the territorial taxes of lSGO.--Said committee reported to tho House a's follows : i i '" Your special committee, which wa3 ap pointed to, inquire into the expediency of refunding to the several counties a portion of the taxes1 of 1SG0, beg. leave to make the following report: "' 1 That according to the books of the ter ritorial Auditor there is due from Cass county Dodge ' ( Nemaha Otoe Douglas . Richardssn Johnson ', Sarpy Dixon i '. ' Pawnee ' Dakota Platte Cedar ; in; Wash rton 5,882 76 ' -449-42 2,236 5S 517 59 5,G34 00 i.913 1? ' 7 27 1.S06 67 " 117 39 410 37 GoO 93 ,237 57 ' 170 3S 141 24 1,040 17 Total am. due terr. treasury 627,397 3S Liabilities. , . There is yet due for the past year To District Attorneys 8200 00 M Ta School Commissioner .100 00 To Territorial Librarian 100 00 To Territorial Treasurer 100 00 Total am. due for the past year $500 09 There will be needed for the present yta." ' " To pay Territorial Treasurer $300 00 1 . .IV. ?! Auditor - . 600 00 . Lib. to Oct 1, 150 00 ' ;.. Scocl Commiss. i 450 00 , " ! for office rents i :.. 300 00 ' District Attorneys . . - 2,100 00 ' V -Incid't pnnt'g for offices 100 00 Legislative Expenses. ' ' Enroll'ff and Engross'g Clerks 1,000 00 Pages .;.'. 300 00 For copying Journals' : 400 00 -Memorials 100 00 Probable exp. of nest Legisl'e 2,000 00 Total demands upon treasury to close of the session cf . . ' f next Legislature. . . SS.300O0 Thus leaving a surplus terri-' torial revenue, of 19,397 00 ; If two-thirds the territorial taxes for the year 1SG0 were, authorized to be paid into the sereral county treasuries, instead of paying the whole amount' into the ter ritorial treasury, the amount reverting to the severalcountios would be as follows : Cass, county. ; 2,000 00 Doigc . 161 26 Nemaha . -. . 1.400 00 Otoe 2.9S2 71 Douglas - . 2,000 00 Richardson ' - .' 1,000 00 Johnson . 122 C7 Washington : 802 75 Sarpy .; : : i -1,000 CO Dixon CO So Pawnee . ' 213 29 Dilcota .I-:-. - -12 CO Part - -307 35 Platte' '-110 43 Cedar ; " ' : 76 19 Gage . 04-16 Total : S 12,704 31 Baker, Cltburne, , Dowis, Ghiffik.' ; Leavinga ler. conting. fund of 6,503 47 Your committee are therefore of the opiuion that it is net only expedient, but highly proper, that two-thirds cf the ter ritorial taxes of 1SG0 le retained by the counties respectively in which ihcy were levied. That the resources of the terri torial treasury justify this measure and j the monetary 'condition of the people de- And, to this end, your committee ask leave to introduce the fol lowing bill, and earnestly recommend its passage. . . . r ; J. P. ... Ww. II. P ' ; J. T. ' . : ,' Louden Mullen. ."An act refunding a portion of the ter ritorial taxes of 1860," which , provided that the county treasurers should 'pay in to the territorial treasury one third of the territorial taxes for 1S60, and the. other two thirds to be paid to the"- order of the county commissioners of their respective counties, for county purposes, to be used a3 other county revenue. It passed, and was approved January 11th, 1S61. Nemaha county will therefore receive SI, 67 95 of the territorial taxes, and under the law providing for the re-levy of the taxes ot 1860, it will enable, the county commissioners to reduce the' coun ty taxes a corresponding amount, (should they deem it expedient). This, together with the additional property that will be listed, by assessing the property that had before been missed, dividing the' gross amount among a greater number, would make the taxes individually much lower than they were by the former levy,' and afford'to some extent the" relief so much needed at this lime. . The great reduction in the fees and salaries of the territorial and county offi cers (it is hoped) , will be' an effectual guarantee against excessively high taxes in the future. The reduction in the ter ritorial expenses are as as follows: District Attorneys fees were $6,760 School Commissioner's sal'y was ' 1,000 Auditor's; salary was ' 800 Treasurer's' '. . 400 Librarian's ' : '"' ;; ' ;: ; ! . 400 Rent for three offices, 300 Interest at 10 per cent, on warrants 4,200 "Some" TcnTIaS.--AnewV noVel, unprecedented," and hard to beat feat was performed cn Worthing's Ten pia al ley the o:h?r evening. Ben. Rogers I j everyuouy knows 'JJen was piuju a cocked hat" with the 'p-.uv:y. He ' played" cn Marsh; 4, .ir,- rcmed" i-n Wyait, and "pod'ded" :J oe Schitlz! ViTcru'i Phelan, Doe Si:;k, and "them other fellers.', NCW BaSlnCSS'IIOCSe. The indom itable Dex has purchased the lot . on Main street, between the old Bank BjU- ding and cur office, and is already having j the material delivered for the purpose of erecting a iarre brick business house ear- r. A ll k V A iNl ii ii II L The Groat National Ikncrc Weekly Joxiriivl. JED Bt C02P1T".NT JUI'iKS TO ST. TTTK There would still rC.rr.air. dee tlie lerr. - V Total ' ' ; ,f 13.S60 District Attorneys fees reduced to 82,100 Auditor ' ; ; ;'. .'. - 600 Treasurer ' V 300 Lib. and S. Com. offices abolished S42,000 at 6 per cent .' ... . , ,'2,500 Rent for treasurer's office, the au ditor to keep his in the library 100 ; ; TotaP ... ;- : 5,620 Thus saving annually to the territory S8,240, a sun more than sufficient to pay the interest on our bonded debt.'and one-tenth of .the indebtedness annually as provided by law, thus providing-for the liquidation of the territorial debt without an increase of taxation. ; Two and a half mills to the dollar will be am ply sufficient for all territorial purposes. cnaer inc. operation or tne,new:iee bill, it; is supposed that the county ex penses will be reduced at least; 40 per cent and w;ill not require a county levy of mere than three jnills to the dollar, thus . savfng to the - tax-payers of., the county about two thousand dollars annu ally on their territorial and count)' taxes. For agricultural interests, a bill was passed for the encouragement of raising timber. Also exempting one thousand dollars worth of improvements on "land exclusively for agricultural purposes. Also extending the time of paying taxes to the 1st of June, which affords the far mer the. advantage of the spring1 market before he is required to pay his taxes. Vfx-zn. cr,:n:rjc. ;otici;. ? --at t:i Xe-v i. ' ribf r -. rr-1 Vi-n t e rcco.. 1 ; Hi' 1'AIii, f - one ye - ; n, ,rt!t fr Os e U-.-i--t.vj ; Tnir. ly ia the spring.; stories. Size 22 , by SO, two IIOHIC AsaIn.-r7.C0l: , C.X PL Smith, Receiver of the Nemaha Land' Office in this city, and La dy, who have been east, the latter since last fall returned last week. 'They are welcome back, and we are pleased to see them both .looking' so well. " The Col and h(s wife are almost the main-springs in social circles. , . . X r f " t -in' ii 1 mm ; GOIIC T. W. ' Bedtord, .Esq., - and CoL G. II. Nixok, left this' morning on a visit to their old homes in; the' States. The former to Pennsylvania, and the lat ter to Tennessee. Pleasant trip, and safe return, gentlemen. . ; 3l0re GOOll IlOgS. Mr. Alexander Handley, of . Atchison county,. Missouri, slaughtered .ten.: hogs .this season, !; the lightest of which weighed 361 'lbs., and the heaviest 516 pounds. : '.', ' . , "' Tlie Clnclnnatus ana Journal or the AID. Patent CO,'-We find upon our table a verynealand interesting monthly bearing .the - above tile,, hailing from Cincinnati.., It is a consolidation of I the Cincinnatus and Journal of the-' American Patent Company, heretofore two differ ent publications ; ',' one .agricultural; and the other scientific. It is.jan: excellent publication : . 48 pages ; terms, 2 dollars. Address, -'American; Patent Company, Cincinnati, 0 ' "'' " ;! Boys and Girls Own JIasazine The very best exclusively juvenile maga zine we know of, is the Boys and Girls Own Magazine, published byWJ L. Jokes, 152 Sixth Avenue; -New York, at 75 cents a year;,', or ten copies , for r 'six dollars! ' Boys', some of, you make'' up a club, V;.. -'.;.'.':'": 'V; ; : ' .' ", : GOfley for February .is-already r, upon our ' table ; always "in time."; Our.dady folks say, "Ob, .what a splendid fashioh plate !" ! and j then er'ery thing " about; the book is as "nice as can be " ' The en graving" "No longer a baby" is all- life. Who would be without C6dey this year!? Godeyand Advertiser $3.50. : ;G6dey, Advertiser, and Farmer. $4.25. 1 y Ilome Correspondence- t ' i . , - Peru, Jan. 23, 1S61. . Ma. EDiToa: I notice our Legisla ture passed an act, a part of the first sec tion of which reads as follows: : "The sheriff of Nemaha county , , is here by directed to complete the assessment list of said county for the year lS60,"&.c. ,: , The next day the sheriff calls for us make out a second list for 1S60. " I see no rt-hvy in that or any other section of the act.' .Will some one have the kindness to tell us what this means ? . -,...'. '". M. Stoweli.. f LOO AL. . Sr. 0W- Since our last issue, this re gion of country has been visited with the heaviest snow since the winter of 1S56. It will probably average 18 inches.- This is quite a show for this country, ' The weather in addition, has been very cold and stormy; drifting the snow to . such an extent as to render it. almost impossible to travel about. Our mail facilities have almost entirely failed; numbers of persons have been badly frozen: in fact it is re ported that three men frcze to death on the prairie. ,' " ' What sleighing there will be ia a few --soon as the roadsare well opened! days i f. Extra Wiieat -Col. C. B: Smith, of t?.Li place, has presented tis with a speci men. of wheat, that certainly beats, any thing we have ever before seen. ,It is ah extraordinary whitq plump grain, and very large. of it - with We compared coi V0t' to fJiv. i'acC the m-JSiC so nu tcrJ tres-iiry frc.:: C-iss tcanty. Dcffft' ' - Ntr.iaha Dourlai i'SS 3"Jl crams- wa 1R Oi, i:iec T.v i IV CS' t oain i. a few crains the let' common wheat" we and the, 'result ' was that tqual in weight to 6 . iae coiouei -couia not a Mine cr where it came from. ; Arthur Home - Magazine. The February number. ve have received. ' ' It too keeps pace with tjie, progjess of -the age in every respect;1 its plates and matter.- ,,Inits particular, field of labor,' it is without a rival. 'Advertiser and Arthur 3. . - 1 - Taillly Fair. Head the prospectus of this "great and g-e-lorioiia" humorous paper. , Artemus l Ward writes for the Vanity Fair. !-...: .'- '--" f '-' ',': . , t . i - 1 ; - '- ." ; ' . See the prospectus of Peterson's Maga zine.' A club is being formed at the Post Office. ' Join it. ': 1 "' " :" v ritoxor: SPECIAL As si V -r:orI;::r.r i.ic? tbof Uo- : Prtrrlu,:.. ar? i( -e I ; -iT v;?j- cf V aii l . .y lit i nov I r-r :h Ur : Ove I ";Ur 4 11 'on'. tur VolUTi, a c ; r VAXiTT FAia, tor n 7ear. nl bonnI cpr of the Ki;-t Vulam. in a neat Cloth bimiicK, thereiil pr.cflof which ii Tiro TolUrs. These Premium Books ill bo wnt. portua free. for KC PoKari, a corr of VAXIT1 i".Aia, fxrToTie year, nj a Certift.-te of Subscription to tho COSJtOP CM.ITAJf AST AJSUCIATIOX, wliiU aliilt tho Voider to , . lrt. Tbe Snprfc S'etl TTr.fe ErrraVi-r, ' " TAISIArP IlUiIZT.i:?G ni3 lilCr-UTTS." 2J. One eery, fnr .pe yv ir, o! tie Elcsani.'y L:iutri- tea AH" JOUIiXAL' Li:e i a KrMvily, iie.itly Five Hundred wtrrks cf ArS, vii: Paintinc, ii irb'.e. Pri aQi, EWUinir, tie., 1T theticst ATt'.t-u ia Europe and A uifrlca, will be awarded araon? niemters truly iuas riiilcent aijJ ctiotiaZl)c:ieat.J lb Tn? m ill" be ready fr delivery on and aTtor October 15:h, ai-J win b i ved i ubcribT in tb irJer of tttir 5i liurip V.ot tboo coir.irg in!y -will ti.ertfor receive tt earliest lmpre.-iun. 'Thryiv.ll, la . sftit, pucked ia mill yiinf?ri, to ey pirtC'rtha "cotintry (CUTorn;a ez-ejtei) iostagc fe Subswribers ia California, in tbe Cnsda, tha Provin ces, tbe Wet In. lia Islands; ml la Kanj e. remit i'Uif Cent t'Stra to defray vxtra postap-j on th er.;r'i- ring. Tho "Art Jouhn ii" is regularly iu;iilel up. on each issue, vii : March, June, Sci tetuber, and iie eepiber. t - 'Ti ' '.'J : remitting ?ubscrirtLc, te sure to give yo ir name ia full; T.wn, Comity, ana Stite. , Seat all IettCT ecairely, ec1 direct S!inIy, t - , - ' '- LOUIS U. STKPU.1XS, ,f!GO,C scBtTSHEii roa jfaopHtrTORs. . 114 Xaisau S:rect, w l'ork. dTIjcQLCtbimc foe 1861 ' i" --' PROSPltdTUS.1 :' - 11 ThoXXth Volume of the Wtdlj Trihnne com menced .with the iisae or S'-'pUl. Daring the past jear the Tribune has beon ctblipe.1 to ttcvot'j quite a larg prt.porliaaof its space to politic, bat wi shall soou be able to forego political discussion ahaost en tirely, for months if not for year?, and devote near ly all oucco(uuq3 to 84lgcct3ofleMiriteise, bat moreabidiDS interest. . Among thesj, wo rucaa to pay e?peeial attention to '. i ' ' , I. EUCJCATION. Tl.o whole iubject of educa tion, both popular and general, will bo discucd in our columns throughout theyesr IS!) I, and. wc hope ta elicit in that ditji!usi.n ?ouio of thi) profoaadest thiJikers and the ablest fnstructori in onrcountry. It is at onuc our hopo and our re?olre that !ho cause of cdacation ?hall receive an impetu? from the ex ertioruof the Tribune in itj behalf durinj theyoar 1SG1. ' ? rt I'.'--- - 1(1 II. AGRICULTURE.' Vfc havo teen compelled tort-strict our' elucidations of this great throughout 18f0, and shall enchavor to atone there for in 1851." Whatever discovery, deduction, dem onstration, is calculated t- render tbo reward -cf labor devoted to cultieatitn more arnpla r more certain, shall receive pmuipt and foil nttent.ion. III. MANUFACTURES, Ac. Wo bail every in vention of enterprise whereby American Capital and Labor arc attracted to and advantageously employ ed in any depaitmcut of .Manufacturing and .Me chanical Industry as a real contribution to the Pub lic Ward, iasurins; ampler, steadier, moro e-nven-ientj moro rniunernting markets to the Farmer, with fuller employment and better wages ti the Lu orer. "The prorof'S of Mining, Iron-Making, Sicel "Maklnj, Cloth-W eaving.ic, ic, in our country and the world, shall be watched and reported by us with an earnest and active sympathy. IV. FOREIGN AFFAIRS. We employ the best correspondents in London, l'aris, Turin, Berlin, and other European Capitals, to transmit hs early and accurate advices of the graatchanges thero silently but certainly' preparing. .-In Sfdteof tlio pressure of Domestia Politico, ourNewsfrom the Old .-World i? nowvaried aaid anjple ; bat we ehaJl havo to ren der it more perfect during tha eventful j-ear just before as. - . . . . . V. HOME MEWS.-Woemp!ojrreguhtr corres pondents in California, at the Isthmus of Darien, ia thq Rocky Jlountain Gold Region, and wherever eli they seem requisite. : From the more accessible portions of our own-' country, we 'derive our information-main! j fronr tim multifarious correspondents of tlio Associated Frcs?, from our exchanges, and tho occasional letters of intelligent frienls. We aim to prini tho cheapest general newspaper, with the fuIL-jt and most authentic summary cf useful intelligence, that is aaywhere afforded. 'Hoping to "make each day a critio on tho last," and printa better and better paper from year to ycur, a3 onr means arc steadily enlarged through the ' generous co-operation of our niairi wcu-wfshera, we eolu-it and U ill labor te--deiurve, a eontir.ncneacC publiff Daily Tribune (311 iaifs par annum) $6 Semi-Weekly, (101 ) $3 Weekly,., ,.(52 ,x" r ) $2 TO CLUBS Semi-Woek! :'Tw6 copies $5; five for $11 5 ; ten copies to one addrcs for $20, and any larger numborat the latter rate. For a club cf Twenty, an extra copy will be sent. For a club of Forty ,"we send the Daily Tribune gratis one year. ' Weakly : Three copies $5 eight copio? for 510, and any larger munberat tho rate of $1 23 each per annum, tho paper to bo addressed to each subscriber. To elub3 of Twenty, we fona an extra copy. ; Twenty copies to one addres for 2i, with one extra to bim who sends us tho cLab. For each clcb of One Hundred, Th Daily Tribune will bo sent grans for ono rear. ,. .'.' , ,, When drafts can be procure J it ii much safer than to remit Dank rills. Tho name of the Fosfc- Office and State should in all cases be plainly writ tcnt Taj mcnts always in advnnce. I AdJrcs? THE TRIBUA'E, V j . I- -JTo. 15 4 Nassau St.: N. Y. SHERIFFS SALE. John JIcDor.oujh, vs. --nj,.T hiE. Tyson and iii.-il! ly thr.Distri-t C-urt i. Tit., at' the Sop'eu.btr he a'' - entitle I cau, an J i ,: I ?h:i,l ciT-rtjr sjIc '. u- f ;hi n.'ii-o whore , a: I ': -vnvi;!e in -:iid C.un :,r;. !--. lSj 1. between tie :., m.. cf i:d ibtJ - orty fo-wit: Atwa Story House, u'-in i.ij t o :i on.c 1 1 rjuinuuu, Situated upon t'h3 Missoaa River iatho County and Territory aforesaid. v' . 1 J. D. WFLLS, Sher;2. Rt RENJ. U. TKOMI-iON, Deputy. Jan.19.liol, n27-lw Fm Trnnsisco Town C- Ilrirtuo f an or - : cf -N'cuisL.w County, .N; '. Ti'ta ti;T'f,li'-i, i" : t,, :zi iV. -..: ! to be at -..".VI o v, . !u, at r : .i.'tCurt ashiM 1 ' ty, tha '' -'i - -' Is': rs tf ton oVIo :k A . . rTTT.T. ir, the ft '. Wiinarn.?-.3.W Ctlh) Civil action. District Court v Ne-.naha County, Territory Gurdln II.' V.;:cox. ) of NebrVat - -The said dolendanl GurJm II. the Ter ritory of Kansas; will take notice that on the 21th day of September; lSf"0rnid plaintiJ Williamson li W Cobb diii h;a petition in siiid District Ccurt, in and forsaid County of Nemaha, toxethor with hi nf: iavit f-rn sttachrsent in the ab-re nid ' ac tion, and caused a u:ni:!.rn and an or lor cf attach ment te be issued thereon ag iinst slid defendant. That the shcriiT of n I eonnty, by virtue cf said order, on ?a;d 24th day of September, according to law attached the following as tho jr-iperty cf the 8a! 1 d.-f.-'tdiiat, U wit : tho ua Rvi i : l Ulf j art of lot No. 4.if South. ca?t qr.artoraal aou;h west quarter of south fractional quarter of sec tion ltf, townshinNo. 5, Evft'j of, raga 16, cast of the Cih prinvipai meridian, in Nem-iha county, Neb raska Territory, all containing i 1 ttorcs more or loss. That the objoct and pr.iyorof whi-h wild poiifa is toobtain a judgment a: iiast saM d-fnd.nt ia fav or of said plaint iff M tueurn of $2 )1 00. with inter est from A uzu it 2i:h, and fur th farther nuui 'of '$33 C3 with interest, from tho Firao dato for mo ney collected by said defendant, as agent for said plaintiff, of one Thomas .Macfcey, and which laid cjoncy !ni 1 dcf-n.l i it ne! cts aa I refuses to py to said tlainti.T. That tho siid defendant is hereby required to appear ndanwcr cr d-.-mar to jail pe tition on or bef'-rothe 18th d.iv cf February. 13?L' JOHNSON A SCnOKNHK'lTT, Jan.S. 4w-$l0 Fcantiff'Aifys. -'Trust Sale. TVhereas m tLe C.ti ri.i.-r t Ai:;ut, a d Vi!iiJ;H Gcrk.i, f.r the pn riso ot ecuria' tn.Tnon-.aa J. lv-wirr or bearer tl;e saia ol twj liun.l: i-l fl'ty rt..Jiar, ai cviUeuced Ly hiiprotnihst" '?tc be.iriii'; d ie a- re sjl !, firat'le twelve i;i taLs after tlaie, cuvo)e l to the nnieii.'ii4 ?. A. Bowler in trnt,t, Hie f-j! ;owi:i,!ecri bed real estate ia f uulia County, Ni 1 ra.-.Ka Toi ritory, to-iritr northwet (rurter f section fourteen towacbip sisnorth cfrnse Uurteen east of tbiClu princivjl ;ne Jidiati. iV' j i i ) , 1 ! ' . '. . . i v.a . Andv.herea.sit is prnvi Jed in s;tid Teed of Trixt if the sum so FPcured to said TL.iiia J. Uovier or Jc irtr was not paid tiiai by t!ie 5J Jay of Ancu.-.t, a l HoJ, the un dersisuc t was asiloruei to sell t?. pror-ertj therein conveyed, a.ivertisiui: t!is.noe so-rty jys ia some newspaper printed in tl;cTcrri:ryof el.raka, at pub lic am; t ion at the door f the- tl'ce't f Itoaiscer of ike is of X.-niaoa ci'iinty, i!i Hrownvilip, Xrl.ra.k i, o eecue a doei to the j-iuciiaeer ta pay o3" tt.o a;;). mi l I'.'ore a ecured wish interest, costs expose and a re.icn.!ti!e v torn.y'H fee; !)i to hol;i the reaiain !0r Si.Sjcot tj !h order of ssH (ierks; '""''" And whereas xLq said TTiinam,Gersj has failed to pay said note or any p rt tiiere )f ; 1 1. e rt f re : Notice is hereby pveu that ly vtrtne of theautt.i.rify t-j nie piven by a;ii, De-1 of Trust I will -on il.eiday, JaBaary iSih 1861, -at thed.xir of theoi.-s cf the Contitr Ciesk of Xe nuha cownty,'Jn Br-onnviile, Xeornka.. buvween the hours of S o'clock A M and 6 o'clock P at of mid day e!l said real estate at public auction to the hUUrit LuMer for cabh ; and upon siichsala a.-ut paymouic-f ttie pnr-cha.-e Bioney win niafce. execute and deliver to tLopur cUaRer or purttjstrs thereof a ae-! or deeds fcr haij real estate. y. A. DOYVLEli, Trntce. Decem';er Sflth, 1S60. ' " , - 2o-6t-$10 RclISloaS,---Ic- Tiptox will preach in the Congregational church next Sab bath at 10 12 o'clock, and - aUo , ra; the evenmjr. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. .Estray Notice.' :: Territory ef Nebraska )- i - ''-1 : Nemaha County : ? . ;-. -; , . , ; ; Personally abpeared beforo mo Robert E. Oibbs, who.beinj duly fworn, deposes irnd eays that be id on tho I5th day of Jan a d 1S61, take np a certain pony ranro cf tbo following dctcription, to wit : of the medium sizp, ray dor, no brands os mark Vi sible, supposed tdbe pino or fen yean old. .Said estray was on his premises at the time, takenup In township 3 and range 14 of this rountv. , ' . TMBE RfB. GUI BS.- Sworn to and subscribed before me on this 2lst to Way of January A DlSCl.' - . ; f , , ): ' jrt.Jj.WLUAa, J.r. -We, tho undersigned .having been duly appointed and ?worn, do hereby appraistj tho above estray at twenty-five dollars. ' ' ' . : nExurnxKMox. : -' ' , B.L.BALDWIN. Tho aboro were appointed and swora'ty tao this 21sidayof January ad 1851. . " n29-aw . S. L. COLLINS ,.T,P. LARD AND BUTTER. 1 Being desirous to buy ''.. ' , ; . BUTTER 'AND LARD,. ; 1 We will give 10 cents per pound for nice lard, and TO cents rxn-jwnnd for lice buUer, delivered at oar, store, payable in goods. We will take all of either broaght us until the 20th of February .I0lt , Jan 19 - D.'J. SLA BIO 4 CO. - PEASE' S; FOWLER, V BLACKSMITHS, "ViTfxtor C3tiroot " BROWNNILLE, NEBRASKA.' - - Have receitf lr locate.1 ia this place and solicit it share of public ptronafje. Their ori and prices carutot foil toprve satisfacticn; Prices for lniiig torses SI 60 for iJioeiBg all rouctl with new shoes, f . Cec 30; 3a Vt will en-fcavcr tJ 00 j wrke xin. . . - icarn ir.orc oi" Jocepa Sclilltz, AJmUi:trator of Pfota!e Court ' George Kagiehardt, Oeceai-cd IPetUiea te la ' ' vs' - C -John PIdiipEr-.irlehirut ) ' '- i ' To John I'hiiip KnU-hsrrit zijj ihe unkno-arn b2irs r.J lecal rerrstcntatlves of ' ieor?e!t d e.i4--l. Ton are tereb? infornje-J lhat vu tbo 12th Uy of JaiiH ary IS61,. -rtid (iiii!i;isirt'..r fllefl fci f PUiioa in .tie Probata Curtcl Kenw C""n!f. ?."cbrata TerTitfr-. Hip olect aud rfjterf whicii ptHio'i is to oLm f on er of mM c-.urt f.r the ca'e f h ft-llowifts tt m! i Utaof whlcklbe OJid Ooorae K!brlt liet Mire-l MV Hip iloMKnf sail! :'e-fclrut. f.'it : t'rte li rt'l h ill f the south -west jn.trtr ?f se t:-n eichfetu tw n.-hip five raiies Uiirreerj J'etna!i o,tint?', Nclraska Territ.-rr.i K-jiice i tierpif given t'j a 'I yer-tiu-j, c..--err.Mt t!:at JTbruarr M lS61,-t H ei"!? A 'T ':'?.' -r briryi( inT.:k-.-'in t vf '- f- .tf .the. 1'fvt-att J i-.Ae i' lnvv'iviiie hi V-1 Si'r, v- tr? U l itiiefts'ftl tifc? tlw-.l atl .! '"'!' why at sSoriM r..'tle granted to ia 1 a-tu'r a'..-r fi-r ( je ft r' e: .... , V. tiei Uy kani 8K1 Eil tl.if t-i'-'i 'hi;" ' " Jit, y.ry A ni.-t. . c. y. vt ;nrr.j.::u -r.-... -a'.. : rVr(y-r tha t!-e a-v.; re p:t.:-hft bix i "Uve weeXi.' '..-. r-5 iiimyrJii-4iiiiLiiMiji - Best and Cheapest ia ttc .World for Indies! This popular montbiy will be greatly Improved for E56I. It has new a circulation of obor.t JOO.OCG; or ten times as mul ae r.y otasr Ivto- dollar Masine. It contains 1000 pajtes of double column reading matter yearly; fromS-i to 3aiteei Kates anaroont Afm Eivraviups.. M htcli is jr jj-ortiuitatejy. uiuro baa. anj perfoplcal,at"any pri(.c,Ki'ei. TLo newspapeis very pencrally pronounce it ujerlor in many respects, to the threedollar Magazine.. SnWrllie forit,'and ', , SAVE A DOLL AS. The stories In "Peterson" aoo coiicidere.1 to be the best published anywucre. There will be iveii In 1261, several 1 ' ; : 0HI0IHAL C0PTEIGHT NOVELETS; Equal in merit, at least, to thosefor whiclt ' this Mafta xine bas alreadyatti'laeit StiCU celebrity, and stipperior :totbme Ufoind anywhere ele. Morality and vir tue are always -inculcated. Clerpyraen recomend this Maeaziue. lis pictosial embelishments are a:so nnri vnied. It Sh'PKRB MEZZOTINTS and other STERL ENGRAVINGS excel the in any other Magazine, and and at lea jrlven in every number. - COLOSZa FASHION PLATZS la advance. II is the only Biagazise whate fashion plate can be relied o. Escbnuruher contains a Fashion PIa?e, enj'aved cn jtteel, and ccJored ; niso,aCoxcnor more Xem- Siylen, eiigravedon wixxl ; also.a Patternjfron which a lres, .Mantilla, ar Child's Otuiiie can be cnt, witaint the il ofa mantaa-maker so eoeu Number, la ih'u way, will save a Year's Subscription. Engravings of nev styles of C?ps, limine! s, lled-Drcsscs, .Maii'.illiis. Cloaks Cape;, Ur.der-GarnviiUis, 7x.c.f Kiven ia griitt profTi fu:i in every nunjbc.-. - Also, a Plate of Children's Fashion evcrv m.-n' I-. - . , COLORED Elt2xl0IDE!lT PATESU3.. . S;te(rk Tjb!5 Popirtn ent mi this JIiEn7.i:i9 it flx-Iy t:r.riva!e-l. - It is ftihted ly airs. Jane Weaver Who tur-tii-hes fernaob numicr, beautsjii! Origvofcal- Pjter!!S. Every iBmer e:nrains a Kizen ormoreTiaternf In every variety of Fany Work ; Crvchet, Embroidery, Knittiiip, T.ea;l-Work, Shell-Work, Hair-Work, Wax Klowerb, Mplned Glass, Leather-work, Pjintin?, Photierapht, Kc., ic, with full Ief riptiuiis- Every numter .will . contain aSnie:bColoreI Pjtrrn f. Siirterj-rsre. Cbair. at, Kaku&eitbief, iibro'.& y, C.iar ut Cuir, or! some other tisefni.orornantentai article. 3hese-can be had in do other Jiiericaa Maatiae. v - -1 v Receipt fd th ..'. .t . . i r . H . TABLE, TOILETTE, SICZ E005I, &C, &C. Will be civen la every '".rciber. !y"A Piece of new and FASHIONABLE MUSIC uTil a"pcr each month. Also, articles on the Flower Garden, and Horticulture geucraUjj atJ tins tun all matters intererUusioLatliea. , . ' 1 iillWAY3 IAXjVaXCE. ' " ' OneCopy tor One Year. - - - (2 CO Three Copies for One : Year - -. .fi o .:. Five Co.pies for one Tear - " 60 ' EixbtCoppies for Oae Year - - J OO , TwelvcCi.'pies ftir One Tear - . ' - 15.00 I Sis'een Cfies j,-r One Tear - - i.0 CO . ! PSEJIIUXS E02 GETTING TTP CLUES.' 1 ' 1 ' Three. Five. Biht, Twelve or Stxteerj enpiei. make a C'.'ib. To every person et ;::!j cp a Club of Three arid remitting $5.00 ; or a Ciub'of Fivfl and raTfiitt.p47.5C; or a Tob of Eisht and T'ii!itti;)p $10 CO; we n ii rend graHt, wr'(-j.ent;il M1.7.OT1NT or an ALBIMI, at tho c!:i K.e of tfce'pert.-ii ettitic rr tbe Cub. Toetry per-s- ii FeUinitvp a Ci:ia of TweJve an.l retoittir.K $16 CO; r.-f -itt ..pv-l ci:her a' extra c?py of t!ie 3lazii!e for l.CI, or the Jtermtitit or Aton the rcr.iitter r.i.iy . t , . AN ACT . .... To authorize tho County- Commissioners of Nemaha' County tto re-levy! ihe .. .Tilxes of safJ County fcr tho year 16C0. Sic. 1. Be it tnartei hy the Covncitand House of Representative of the Territory of Nebraska, Thar the sheriff of Neradiha cijunty, cither in person or ty depaty. is hereby direottKl to complete the assessment list of said county for tho year JS60, so as to etnbraco as nearly as possible all tbe real and personal property of said cuuuty, subject to t.ixati n. and r.iahe Tetura of the same on or before tho flrst MoinJay cf March, 1SCI. Sec. 2. The cum iuisoners of ?aid County, or a r.i.j orityof them, tosetherwith the H-esor, shall eonni tute aboard of e',tiaii2aH n for said en:ity, arid sh ill hold a sestion of at least three days, commencing on the first Monday in March nest, at the county seat, for tho purpose of correcting the assessment roll in said .-ounty. in accordance with the provisions of the 29Ui section of an act entitled '-An avt to provide f- r the valuation and a.-ossrnrns of the real ar.J pernis( srop.orty,.nd lot thi levying and coll'cctiju of tsxes in the Territory cf M'hrak, approved Nor. I. Mod .'?'. -A . : SEC. 3. Tlio board cf couutjr Cyinciissiorors f aaiJ connty ball inmiet-iafely, after tho Uiara l equaliwi tion fcjs arUon. proceed to levy the taxes for tho- year 1860, 'ordi!z to the ri'ovijlfu of th present revenue laws of the Territory, Provided, however, that the a Kresale amount the territorial tax for 1SG0 shall not bo less than the amonut reported to the territorial au ditor as due from said county by the former assessment and levy for the year I3'!0. ' Sec. 4. As soon as practicable after tbe taxes are le vied, the county clerk shall make out a tax list in ac cordance with the provisions of the 31st section of the present revenue law of the territory of Nebraska, aud deliver the same t the county treasurer on cr before the first Monday in April iicxt. Sec. 5. The county treasurer shall then immdeiately proceed to the colic jtinn of taxes at bis cilice, at the county seat, and all taxes not pai l cn the first day of Jnae next shall Iconic (leliiinccnt, and ten percent. penalty shall t e a.Med r'jereto, together with Interest at the rate of ten per cent, per annum from the date of such celinq,t;ei)cy until paid, and tho further proceedings in the collection of the taxes shall ho g jveruetl by the re venue laws of this territory then in force. SEC. 6. Any person having paid taxes in the cocnly of Nemaha fjr the year lfctiO shall he entitled to a credit for the fall amount so paid, tube applied to the taxes assessed and levied against said person by the levy pro vjocu lor in mis act. it it shall Le ascertain! on presentation of his receipt for the fcixe paid for the year I860, thut he has puid a greater amount than shall be dui from him for the taxe for tao year lGO, accor ding to the tax h.-t made according to the provisions of this act. then the treasurer cf said county shall refund to such person the excess so paid, and la all cases whero trie taxes levied according to the provisions of this act, asainst an) person, aropreater than the amount he may have paid uti theioi uier levy, his receipt for the amour, t so paid shall be good and scWcient for that smouLt, and ne oniy De rcqmred to pay the balance according tv tie provi.-inut er tnu jrt. , , Sec. 1. Assoti ax the coaimiplnners nf said county pnau rerpiea cercueu copy or this aot, they shall have the same published iu tac newspapers of the f o at least three successive weeks. - otu. o. n nen ic ix usi ror tno year ioto. made ac cording ta the provjeion of thi!atf shall be ptsced fn tne nanasor tr-.eireasurriie -shaHcollaot nu u.o.-o taxos on the former list made or the tamo year. bEO.s-ihe oonipensiiiioo of ofu.ern of tho rcutitv performiint the duties herein reo;tiireI shall bo the same aa for similar service, oocvrdien it Ihe laws of tbe ter ritory, ip force at Uie time, re.-ulutim tho fee in snch cases made and provided. - - i Sec. 10 This act to be ia force L"otu an4 alter Us passage. ...... ,, ApprovclJanuary 4, USt. lUving carefully compared tho forczoirg with tbe original rolls now on 0!c ia my offlce, I certify that it :a a true and correct tran ript from the arw.- Ia testiBMiiy whereof, wltnt-ss n;y hand and L. S. tho ijreat seal f the Territory of Nebraska hereunto i-l..' ; . - -Done at Oulaha. tu tUa-thaSth day f Jaooary, laQX. . ' - J. S. lilOltTON. - r.. -Se-re(ary of the Terrtory erNehrafka.r -j prefer. tvf ty to f au.i i . v a Mjiitiai'crU- . au a '. j errsH f 'tis-a-C"! t:x;'o t ) t- wk 7 t I. ei:ra cvjiy f o- i: !. CI An J rr: . :. A'. V-'3 fX V-"l Sr H P: j j3 A" M id-: :s.ur;i;.u:e-J iak eaS.MheA 3osircl.f. 't ' " REAL ESTATE " . ' : . A X D .' oIIeclioD Office Tky Ajti:.(; litAT. ; :i- of La tiiostcTT r-iva Worls of ,,t h -r ! t. . 'Hit neor; orate tbj L :ai fr -ra ' a V...-; X.., w-rlCq!; -:.-r t'.. I t'ccti'-a uu .uf. .s; a!i; Jr. tut it Till S'X.fJ hB.. aa 1 t.Vi r ! t i,,. Kl-x-trotype aa 1 ii;acy ctbr fwrein .v-i i.r-ii 1 n j I ; . a . -i uatii the soetuMaa:ire a-1 ta tie ci- y rtw.'' J 'cac v iu au a rrst-ia 'eacacaa tr i iato tsfl i-jr-.t-s h:.r..l M,, man, "Can yoa heditmo tf&a 'eaJi,;.1 liticlie 'ar l, says 'e. !ieeii?i t J .v.. r. v.,- ",,.'.! .T ' it curoi rr.a iu .-.i;vli iLii I 'aJ 'ad an 'ea-lacho. "Hi i vi, tu:;fr HI wlll't'l!i Is-. . lose benef-3 will le ex-ricnoo.J br i- r J" tflitj li'Jr t-irui.-'covcrtri a; . Orxvt Pipcotest. Amon tuo-, o a.i ia 3 ftcai Kc.oai u.coveritrtof '4 heconsiierd the system of va,-iTit;,-,a tia ffnm ticaU l t!.e t'eTS..'-. ! Ik'I of lloa.l.icae, either of wli.-h who ma a . V. ' V..' - . ri7"no.v!acl;9 is tbe farorits s'ri by ' tare umkes known any doviatioa waatW. n.itural state of ths bra!::, ar, 1 vifire j ia '" it way be K-oke-t on as a saf. vuaralste- i.j! notice of J'sea'o wbk-h mihu.therwi'e ' tcntion.t;;! t.!at.j f0 toremei.'ei i aaJ r tion sh.-.uIJ never be isowt!. II.-s U ' beclasciiltvl umief t4 imaies: Snrjm" iaiopathic. jrapUmaiic HeaJ:he u tiZ commcn, aarl m tha precursor of t frestu disease, amon which sre Apor.tejy Goot'" mtism,ai1i all fftri'.i disease.' latnm-', ib i rj uituc a a:sefi.o ol 1 3? if ...... v.o. ..v .. ... .c, o uc-;aiC d disor ! :r tclic '5S COUlt; . aii'i!; :. ly attcn-Icl arc a'. . i'' a:l:. I ja'h m.ij VLtc.i'.'.j i-U of ar; art:.; Ir so fftbetr-wc!, aireMMfesii.o.f t; !'h r-?i i v. JI.OUJ ri-H'.. V, c: frixincii!, m vry tt-.. '- .1 ad r. J oc-,-i,.b. 1. 1, . ..'... ..... ..... . .CrjCO!-S1S ,.:i'acu cy toe cams cf .1 h' a'.i'a a:,. I p-, i Stances .U oines on elowfy, t-ra.. od by .1,!- of ? pints or .verify of UK;rr. In xnu i,. the a:a is m the lr:-r.t. of tiie overcs - For .h treatzaoEt of oitber clusj It IleaJ.. Cej Lalic 1'illa haveb-.-wn fon- snfotnd rarC e iy, rt'lin h 5 the most aeut rth.i in ft tes, and by its .uV.I' jiowereradL-nticj th of which hoadieha U the naerriag iulei. '7 :r-ir. . . .. . ri:Uo;rr. I!i.-cti5 wants yc-a tiien 1 h.-n! Cephalic J!u, no, a loilla of 1'rc ir-d ?.:,u a:u tainMnj that'sjsi't it naii'.cr; bat perh.ipi beaf:.L.'r knowing wht it is. Ve iba aho't Li;-1... anJ wish tire Si -k lle-i.!,ich. ar.J waa'i Direof ihr.t sRtnc tis rolaivcd her bef. ra. ' v )ruqrit. You tunst aean S"'r!uijr'f C"-1 r;n. " lridjn.t '"-b !i ! tare bow rril ya'v o i1U.V, the (junrth z: aaJ giv me iho 1'i.Lt, and doa't a. day about itaitur. - CoiisJIpallon or CostlTcncsj. No one of iho khj s 2sh is heir to" if ot raletit, iu littlo un ierstco-J, al if maoh trj1. as C'ostiver.oss. Ot'ien oriinatipjr ia ear-lr-sw or sedentary habits, it i rcaJ A as a si Yjiij dor of too !i! t!o consequence to ticite arii..Tf in r"ality"it is the preen rir and ci rrrnniun .,f n of the u-it fatal ar.J Jar.-r..udieaos "4 : lesseariy eradicated, it will fc-n thosu.r-"j, unt'me'.y grave. -Ais:03 tue ligltof orJi Aix costivenesj ii the u-ual atteiidnot arellnd Colic. Rheumatism. Fvul Dre.ith, J'ilcs nr. I e'. cf like natcrr, rLil'i 3 Jon,; train ef frVM i '- ?oS saoh as 3I'Jcani Fevers, AU-. V :-' l)i.trru.v3. Iyp!i:i. At'i'Iexy. t ; " "I'ty, l''sn. Hysteria, Ilyj eh..r.Jriifis, iieiiac;.. ,y and !: ty, rt indiokit their jirwnce in the syitetab; t alarming syuip'oni. Sot sr.freeuentiy tbtiiiw named ori:r i.ateiu Canctipati-iO, btU takaoa h .. depoudt nt c.xitcn- n !iks th) eaus ervlia. inaa early s;a?o. From all. tfcsa eersiden'iiisi, follow that th disorder houIi receive iaT.c.-' attention whenever ft ot--irs, snl o rer?'," k -CC-;-vt to get box vt C- La'.i; 1111 co C r appearaace ef th complaiiit, ai tkci tiut'ij Will expl tbe insijuuus ;-iruariiM nt WCU9, to hnujaa l-.fe. destroy thiddattjerous f- i t i T f ' rhyaician. Well, Mrs. Jjnos, how Ij thalin Bcher ; JrK v')n.-Gone t Doctor, ail 710 I ths f-' yon sent, cured mo fn jut twroty jninutsa, ia wlh you would send tri so that I caa ban li-. handy. ' - - .' . , . J'liyf-xrtH.-. -Tob ean jtt th:ri a any iTn- Call lor Cephalic Tills, I find they never faiU rcceinmend them in all cases of bidaohe. ' Jr. Jutt, -I shall se:id fr a box direct!, shall tell all rjysut: .Tins friends, for thejafts- TtrrTT Mnr.:oi o I)or.f.B3 aavrf.-l Snaldirg Lasso! I two millions of bottles A bi cbratcd i're; arcd Glue.and it is estimated that or bsdtle saves at l-ut ton dlars worth of bf,k! niture, thus making an aifrcg.ite of tTn7 ft lions of dollars reclaimed. lri.-i totsl los r u , vnlaableinTf-rition-. Jlvi: Blade r'iCl;li sehoU --Td, hi r -w prrroes i da tha w;rd gTeater fervii-c by all t'.o nchio Sc-a-Jj -hisCcrhtli.! Tills, nn l if they'aro a putd w GIuj, Headaches will soon TaLi.has inow ia J77"Ote ExsiTTfMffNT, nnd tho tnr.!i)ws anxiety incident to close atteakioa t bUfia study, aro a.-uun tho nunrous of Headache. Tho disordered stnte of tniud rni incidcAt t' ' this diifrejisin ct p'f Fsint ; is blow 4 ail energy ai ambition Safferero ij r disorder etin nlays rltain TIf fn; thw tre.s.siiij; attiiohs by sinone. of 'tho C'e;bsii whenever the symptoms j-iear. J t fju icts tho j": tasked braiu, and tini.the stra.iK-d and js nerves, and relai'-i thi fos4 jn of the stona.-B'M always arrr-mf:inie.ici ararattj" the I'm If condtlpnc the brjin, '. s L "'' 1 Fact tviitti - kxowivq. SpaMimfs Cst-I' Puis are a crtair enre fir Sick ' U.-ilarte, Bi IIon.Ieh, f errous 11-jadich?, CctlTeK.- aiil eral Debility. IlniVVVIIIP MPIn.iCL'A Vain, Bjirttn,-Lcv?e and First-Sir eels.-. Particular attention glvn to tlie Purchase and Sale of Ileal nutate, Making- Col , lections and Payment or Taci lor rVon-HesI-dents. ' ; LAND 't ARRANTri FOR SALE, for cash and on time. - . LA"E) WARRANTS LOCATED forEastorn Cap itolist?,orf land? selected from jKjrsi uil exatninatioD, and a complete Township ilap, showing Streams, Timber, Ac, forwarded with the Certificate cf loca tion. , .. , , . .. ' Brownville, N.T.Jan. 3, 1S51. " ' yl t ..' 4 f -4 - THE ; t'fT-N 1 KEIAIIA- CITY, IVEBKSKA., CrsjIi lor "Wliont, ; ..IT CURS si Headache a "Oh .1 B Ihff us of tbe Pi! Is the pefralie attack r ' out or Hick Jlradrcke r.:.i7 te revent e-1 i arJ if tt l'ii coninicrK:e;iii, oj ,it U,v k iinBie-lii5 ' ' from paia anl tkki" w.ll le i-t sint 1. . Thcr sel-l t.i fii j:i -:;; ;t., .Va-'isr a"1-1 , ' sri W tJoli !?ru:.j .-f - '.f.rtt. i tthey ; stilly np-jii tt a- e.s-i i? ( rtctt. . i .i Kor Liiernry Mm. Srid.-.:, r lr-t ..; at I perss-n of teL Mary h-.iiU th.'-y are vVr.i! .f Localise, iin&rovira t:.." e.vvt:tt. z.-.i l"t '- ctr iie iitFie n'j.ik, el -' i.T S'rcn -.-"i i tr met x.ri l i : nr.f. n- ;n..i - .-'- V r , , '. r Vi - ? ' i 'J-iistt CJDi:C&r, l'.UL i- .felt.-. TrV : , . ,vs. - tNfr;.La 'i4e!J.'ii..X-lii.Jir-) .rrt; ''NOTARY public; IJliOW;VII.I.H K. T, A -T:.Ct-r. .. V. i -4 J.--V .I o I1EV ETT A TH ildA.S, Vtt'ys f r F; Junu'tfV-ii. Iri Jtlj. ' w -2, iv I-t7.J Mitt 4.4. r ,r - t ! i v -1': : e . : ! I " t.-. i u v.jl.h J. 41. MI-.LYiX- 1 i.--!c;ri. 1 ' "In ''ij r f I i? .T"i rn crd' r ( i f-r ihOfta;-i i f i.' n f - . i.C'J SU iil i.lltv-11, ) - ' .5 1 j v. roi: & i . ..-. ' 'AND Dr.ALLIIS IX cjNriii i-r.t!i :;if;.u ro'.tr.'s Irr and.rrl , tTtt '-.n-' l'M.S : a..-.. 1 - .-- wr- ; .v .. ; ' ri I . -r - - - - - a j Of ail' ki-d5 i - ( . ' - I.I iwiiw. r " il,'. T'..C r 11 ' e! y 1 ; ..( y -. it j. j t J. . r .-.A. ar y fcr sale at this t-I;-t:. a t cr.f if.;;.ir ff i r i GZO.C !.-"-f'. .Ch. ii"' t s ' I i. 1 tr -. (-.; I l I f ' : -r