J mgEADVERTISER .-,'v. -Avftrtiser" baring mUcb the 1rB'" . e uerch&nta in t. lh, Territory. J f4 other East i.oui.. St. J,ie;CSSlt merchant, pur- blanks,-Blanks- - M ,, , ,, fin. v-."- Vlats. Cula aaiDK. jjraiw. those in need. . . . ii ti H(etii '""' ., ..,twl la v .i rp in . . . . - ji tirti iin I x t u -- ui - . -nt vjr; . f,b I-nntinr ' V produced in any p." v. .ft, inferior to. ec.irr. 'W"7 ,r wort as evidence here, nu - . t New Veart ilop.-A ' . ' War's evening, ille House on.INew 1 e .hich for attendant oc.ab.l.ty .enjoy .en and -ooJ order we have not known xC,liod in .h. cny. -M.ne host and HeV Dr. McPhebmh and Lady, rere unrvn.it.in? in attention and efforts have mry ihinff gooff pleasantly and for.tJy. The supper wa. gotten up -i Mus. Mc'i own and peculiar good style, . abundantly evidenced by all 5 60 ' I. , rcimtiea !). tV. ,trolIaUe circumstance ;ker',.prcj'en5ities, or Eiii!iTs '-pedal ex- a combination of r:;- forced to sue- EEP Oil TED EXCL VSIVLL Y THE Jo"to2TfvoIxja, c2.xr crt or. i - . , . . By tbe Si. Joseph, Brownvi.iaa.iKl Denver Telegraph STEHBIXS LIN JZr CJici corner cf $Ia,in Ad . Tirtt Street.., b. MaSOnlC 0n Thursday last, the fol wing persons were installed as officers f Nemaha Valley Lodge A. F. A. M. j this city : . R. W. FcR5AS, W,M. . G. W. Bratton, S. W. j T. W. BDronD, J. W. R. T. Raiset, Treas. . J. L. Coluapp, Sec'y. - J. Aylsworth, S. D. D. Seicle, J. D. J. Beet, Tyler. Panoramic Views of llic Gold ?lOIr3. Randolph & M'Cxure will ve a Panoramic Exhibition of the Gold fgion, at the Brownville House this vening.- Showing Gulch mining. Gulch :.d Lode claims, Quartz mills, Spanish irrastra's, Lc. The views are taken om nature. We see that our exchanges ;.cak in the highest term.3 of this ex-llition. GOOd EnOUgll. Those prairie chick ns afid quails, "filled in" with fresh bi lves,"kept constantly on band" by Bob. Iorrisox, at the. Union Eating Saloon i this city,;-ar. "some," and no mistake. jr all V.ich;" a cup of good coffee; :n and eggs, etcetera," Bob's is a ;nihiy good place." P. S. .Spracue, the "clerk" of the jstitution, is "one of 'em." Chaklistok, S. C. 26. There are rumors here that 'several hundred troops are en route foj Charles joa fort. AUo that Fort " Sumnter was re-enforced on Sunday w ith marines ua- dej disguise of Jabcrers. .", .f Postal mailers continue here as for merly; -.MM ':.) i . i The Convention sat in secret session, and passed the following ordinance : ' An ordinance to make permanent ar rangement for the coirunerciarfacilities of S. C. That no abrupt or sudden change be made in the rate of duties on jmports into the State, and ; Whereas, it i? now desired by this State to secure advantages in trade to her own ports above those of any: other of the tlave holding States, her-late con federates, and 5;.Ci Whereas this ordinance is designed to be provisional, therefore Be it t rdained by the people of S. C. &c 1. That all citizens of , this State who at the date of lb ordinance of; secession were holding offices connected with the customs under ihe U. S. within the limits of S. C., are hereby appointed to hold under the government of this State ex clusively, without any further connection whatever with the federal government of the United States, the same to hold office u.v:l crh'.'rwie ordered, and that they rtr if il i i.-v.f: ny for their services. .' : r w 1 . provided, the C. Ti 'it c.;!-rwi: Govcr;.., -..-ili :-r-p-r.i i 1 ithich feL;; 1 o" 'ur in tf.ii u revemie.'collection aLd n-uu:: .i .' the U. S. are hereby adopted anJ u..: the laws of this State, saving that uo du ty shall be collected upon imports from the States forming the late federal union known as the U S of America. 4. All vessels built in South Carolina or elsewhere, and owned for the amount of one-third by citizens of S C, or any of the slave holding commonwealths of North America, and commanded by citi zens thereof, and no other, shall be re gistered as vessels of S C under author ity of the collector and naval officer. ' 5. All official acts of the officers afore said in which it it usual and proper to set forth the authority under which they act and style cf documents issued by them or any of them bit in the name of the State of Some Carolina. G. All revenues collected hereafter collected by aforesoid officers shall, after deductiug the sums necessary for the compensation of the officers and other ex penses, be paid into the Treasury of the State of South Carolina" for the use of said State, subject to the order of this Convention or of the General Assembly. 7. The officers aforesaid shall retain in their hands all property of the United States in their possession, custody, or con trol, subject to the disposal of the State, who shall account for the same upon a lull settlement with the guveoument of the United States. Done at Charleston Dec. 2G..JS60.. , " Signed: B. F. JAMISON, Pr7 Attest; B.varthek, Cl'k. The obligation of seceracy was wijh drawu. ' . Great Falls, N. II., Dec. 27. Mr. Fanesworth, the last survivor of the battle of Bunker Hill, died to-day, at the are of 104 Washington, Dec. 36. An address has been- prepared by au thority to be signed by Congressmen of the border slave States, requinno their rer-pective States tu "appoint Commission u r 7 tA iiiLut at ti i in titPii tn thu l.tn rtr ! we are p faseu 10 u now. nas con- r- t e "t 1 .- ". .u . 1 . ' ' Ireb. for conference relative to the eces niea to pive a course 01 nmsir lessons p n ,kq . f 1 oiii ui ait iug wuviuu stales 1 11 vuov ui this ciiy ; ihe first of wiu'cli will be gi- such an emergency. a this evening.. ngnt, as he was , now m a pesitnn he colt! a rr.amtain, which- n as not the case at tt. P.louhrie. where his small fcrre could have been overcome in a short time. It remains to.be een whether Mai. Acder sonjjLr.3"acted cider instructions, or upon hisv6wn responsibility. ' " " "" '..It, has been ascertained with certainty that a majority of the Pepublican mera- beri of Congress are ready to guarantee the repeal of the personal liberty bills. If the South is indisposed to meet this compromise, the Republicans contend that it can only be through a determination to reject everything. It is understood that Gov. Brown, of Ga., has solicited and obtained from the Sec .of War a years leave '.of absence fcr Col. Pardee, late commandant at West Point, to go to Europe to parchase guns and munitions of .war for the" State of Georgia. . Charleston, Dec. 23. The Palmetto flag' was raised over the Custom House and Post Office. The Palmetto flag is raised at Castle Pinckney. . .-. A large military force went over last evening to' take, possession of ,'Fti Moul trie. Later. Castle Pinckney and Fort Moultrie were taken possession by theS. C. military last night. - The Governor has been tendered the services of Uoopsfrom Georgia, Alabama and different portions of Carolina, and many companies are expected here to morrow. Baltimore, Dec. 28. The meeiing at Barnum's Hotel last night so far from being a secession, was an informal meeting meeting . to "de vise measures to preserve theintegrity of Maryland. - It was' composed of conserr 7. Union loving men.. : '...I .Locisville, Dec. 28. A liirr? rc -tiun cf merchants and vnriiing u. NCW BlacksmKll. See the adverti Mneut of Pease &. Fowler who have H-ently located in this place. They ap ar to understand .the true secret of suc- :ns in business. viz: advertise. Right. Kcejfstothe new firm. SillIns;. Mr. CriArux, of Nemaha heli !f,-f right. Strong the investigation is pending concerning the officers of the Interior Dp. in connection with the abstraction of the Indian trust bonds, an investigation which he asked fcr the vindication cf his own honor and integrity The report prevails that Sec. Thomas has resigned. Ft. Kearset, Dec. 29. C. O. C. &. P. P. Express Coach passed at 1 1-2, P. M. When the ccach left Salt Lake city the weather was very cold, reported that one driver was frozen to death beyond Lara mie. " - Denver city, Dec. 27th. Christmas passed pleasantly, only 2 or 3 fights oc curred, and no weapons used in these. " . The secession news produced little sen sation here. An affray occurred' at Canton city a few days ago, in which one man was wounded. " " ' ; Later advices from San Francisco report a vast extent of country with placer dig- gins that will pay gold. Little can be done there before May or June. A pro ject is on foot to open a road from Cali fornia gulch direct to the new diggings, which will make Denver the nearest trad ing point to them out of the mountains. The mountain roads continue good and open, daily coaches running full to and from populous nining settlements. ! ' 'r 1, iji J PfD J MARRIED On iba iOthinst., at'tb residence of the bride' fatber, by Rev il. Prilchard, Mr Wtmak K.EST to JiiS3 CATHAKIBX UAE5ES, both Of lbi County. At tbe residence of the bride's father, Dec. 27tb, by Kev. 11. Burcb; F. A. J. Mter. of Scott county, Iowa, and Mi Amra R. Shvcx of tbia cuuety. , List of Letters Remaining In tbe Brownville Pwit Office on tbe SOtb of October, ISflO. - . c. ail f at the School House. , Lceturc. L. . Thomas, Esq., will Lecture' fore the Brownvill Library and Lite- ry Association on to-morrow," Friday, cmng. Dye's Sax Horn Band. wTe under- td that the Sax Horn Band, at Nema i City, under the instruction of Prof. e, is making rapid progress. Glad to ar it. The mip-ttehiutut of Mr. Floyd, SeVy of War, is freely talked of to-night: in ahe hotels and political circles, on acccUn of the recent fraud developments..., Further revelations s-how that Russell, Majors & CoV contract has two years to run. The alleged acceptances of the Ssc'y of War are t-aid to consist of me moranda stating that so much money would be paid on the execution of certain service under the toutract for the trans portation of army, supplies, which Rus sell used from lime to time as" collateral security in borrowing money, Such me moranda has heretotore been civeti by the other departments under liba circumstances'. Bdilv, in his letter of confession to Sec Thompson says that no officers of the coverumeut had any complicity in his Isles' Repository. The January bcr of the Ladies' Repositor y is up- our table. Three fine steel plate en- having attracted the bonds lvings: "The ten commandments" The condsuien for Baily surrendered u one illustrated; a sweet likeness of nim to-aay, ana ne is now in au. as RRIET E. Hosmfr. the triilr.tnrps; 10 lue uau rt'4u,rti: ivusaeu. 11 uaiuj; 1 .r- M rr-, 1 beti-agreed to-take . S200.000 .of ;the ........... "M'''J UmnnnnmU, f im . r Url ,rl ..n of " t hi wt u.-uiy tuunuenuru as a court. Senator Green aud Ileuresentati - - ;h-tone, urst class, moral and religi- ves Woodson and Barrel of Mo. have i periodical. Terms .2. Rev. H. Burch Sone nis security. ; S300.000 is- being nt for this countv - II,ad up by the citizens of C:virleston. -Haklestox, .,jjec.. J1fyrrira irAntt.iw. --l t r iouuer was evatua.ea last nignt, .va jiuuiiiij me January previou3 l0 vvhic h aU lhe ,Min, :ri!. oiber is upon our table. "A peep at m0ved. The fort is now h.-i, ,lp,olih. ashoe," by J. Rr?s Brown, illustrated ed by fire, only 4 soldieis were lell in ? characteristic drawings, describing life charge. Ihe soldiers having. bee4i -con California nd Orpcron i tUiD. ' eyeu 10 ft. oumpter. miens, excite vi , lununcu vji v-si Rav in j am-1 in 1,1. i a," alsO finely illustrated. The Peh. rriPt nn nffrr nrarPp nnrl tKo rnrti.,v.,F -ry numoer win commence a new story tne journal, the president announced the ?Thackeraj', to contmue throuh the resoulon why yesterdays proceedings ar. Tprm- cinMp mnr c. . were riot prented in the journal." " - --ti-wv'A a . tin ic ijii k. m ;...;mW, . Mr. Middleton here moved that th --.. iv . -j-r -- w VV V V KVVVwlUU till mediately. Mr.. DeTrevile tried to introduce a resolution decLtrin. that thf rnvernor nf . . . ' . ' . . . ----- amy is, that yon U'isj ihe lady as you outn Carolina te anihonzed and rp nng corners. Exchavet. qnested to take Ft. Mouhre. u-Viph hi n We have always considered our "pedal I"1!" !l'.e Ae. a,,JKlh T1 Vn They have a new style of cotillion in e Nv York dancincr circles. The pe- w a I 1 f if v . . . !.:.!. l. J - . ft,l-fc. i ..... -.i.wu.num, liau iue Huan.c, du umiuiiy Las precedence. 00 clock, P. M.Muj.-Anderson $tate? lhai he evacuated Ft. Moirltre "rn order to allay the diseu?sion qIkhiC the 'government and . at the same time to. strengthen? bi own position. W a .11 in r "toy . Dec. 27. Gen. Scott declares that Mai.' Ander ,... . - . 1 " J 1 er smothered our . desires to encrae in "v"o 0111 11 iu jjetuuaruy acove 1 nuoneo prevailed in ihis community, a would bealmost persuaded" to lam dance. was 1 reo; .tuns nassed. lavon 1 r for a Iiii;;;.: V...rkjnf-Mtn-Convf n tion, and di.countenaL.cg' ultra politician both rsorth and bouth. Charleston, Dec. 29. The Convention this morning passed the ordinance authorizing ihe reception of .the bills of the banks of the State by collec tors of the ports, provided they are not below the par value of the State bank of S. C Convention adjourned till 10 o'clock Sunday. The Committee on Constitution have proposed an ordinance trari-ferring ihe powers lately vested in Congress on the Gen'l Assembly, except during the ex istence oi the Convention. ' An ordinance concerning the judicial powers of the U. S., vesting them in the courts of S. C. as the Gen'l Assembly may direct. The Charleston ciiy court is to have adjudication in admiralty and maritime cases, and also in cases of ap peal where the amount exceeds S200, in cases affecting public minister the powers are the same as in the U. C. courts. The Gen'l Assembly- is -to " appoint judicial officers. The act of Congress to provide more, effectually " for ihe punishment of certain crimes,' approved March i 1825, is substituted oy the State for all offences which are subject to the adjudication of the courts on the State. The Convention will take the subject of treasoji under consideration. New York, Dec. 30. The Herald correspondent telegraphs : Washington 29, the Cabinet has just ad journed, after a protracthd session of six hours. Charleston affairs were the sub ject under consideration. ; Sec. Floyd stated to ' the President in '; the meeting thai unless Maj. Anderson was withdrawn he would resign. Sec. Thompson and Thomas were understood lo entertain the same views, but evpnts to-day changed their rr.inds somewhat. The President, after full deliberation, determided not to withdraw Maj. . Andersont and Floyd's resignation was therefore accepted. Among the persons namd as Mr. Floyd's successor is isem. r. liut.'er, or iuass.. who has been in confidential consultation with the President for several days. A serious division exists in the Cabinet, and a break up at almost any hour is antici pated. Secret and highly importent in telligence from the South received by ihe trovernment may precipitate the event. The Sec. of the Treasury has just receiv ed a dispatch from Charleston stating that the revenue from ihe ports of . Charleston had been seized by the authorities, and that the Capt. had resigned. This intel- gence was immediately cammunicated to the Cabinet. " ' The Navy Dep- at 2 o'clock, received a dispatch from Lieut. J. IL Foster, corn- mader of ihe. slaver .Bennita.. which was conveyed into Charleston, staling lhai his prisoner, captain of the slaver, had been taken before a State jude upon a writ of lapeus corpus, that the judge remanded 1 mi hack on the ground that he had no jurisdiction, and that on his waw back to the Bennita his prisoner had been rescued by a mob. -; . - . . . Dec. 30. By the arrival of the steam er Conark, from Nassau, N. IL, on the 24ih, we have accounts of the wreck of the American ship America,' on Cape Lobes, with 500 Africans aboard, destined for Cuba. The . ship was commanded by Capt. Cuas. Brown, who wiih his crew seized upou the schooner Libby, of Nas- au, and compelled hnn to render assist- a r- - t a ance. Ihe Uaraualdian says a detach ment of 60 soldiers was despatched by the governor to Cape Lobes on the 19th but thai the slaves had been carried to Cuba as well as ihe ofiicers of ihe ship by. the brig. o ; W?Asm.VotON, Dec. 30. . The Sec. of the Treasury has refused to accept any of the bids for the fire million loan which demanded more than 12 per cent interest, thus less than two million is accepted, about sufficient, it is said, to pay the interest on the public debt due on the 1st of January. As it has never been slipulaled: or ajrreed by the President that the "troops should be withdrawn from the Forts around Charleston harbor the administra tion considers ' itself under no obligation q uo as rpiiuestea ty tne . u. iimtnis- sioners for ihe restoratfon of ihe military posts. This is considered by the larger portion of the t. 'abinet-a impossible. Sc Fhy.l Thompson aud. Thomas..who hwd to the Corjstitutijrral riht of seces- Amick Gileon ?atcly Wm B-ituts ICer George W urnard Mrs Ahncrva Lire ban Mrs ME r Cummii gs Isratl R 2 UUrkL O 1 - , r. Cooper ILitnilton I'u.t.n.Mi-s Lftura, . K idler Ik-Drjr - tollow-Andrew KintwS JH 2 Uauitner U SI r-rln S-r.ib E Jne John W 2 KimllnKH Kennedy Leonora Jane Kinney Ur Charles Lane Caleb Lee Benj A Maxted Levi .MurUtt Fredrick Petti t Snmuel Siiga Willterson Shook John II Sampso i Kussell 11 2?rown 'Mat end Z?ojrlaWiu Ejix is Cutler David 2 . liehereui lieruiaa Car in. lien F Crane Mits Mary : Cox -Il.SM.l Cushin MiohaelP Envies Williutn 2 , Foley Cbrlcs - " Farurworth James B Haywood Mr. Auiiinda Hai bUon riuml Jenkins L G Kerr Win U Kunr Aaron Kelly Mrs U E Lvarille Elixibeth lA)tendal Z O Miller C 11 Jliirr J C 3 Porter Ambrose Stites Mr Emiline Smith Mrs A K Sharp H S fttnuh Mr j Libby i To Your Heal Interests! Citizens of Brownville Tiiiil tlic Ecst cf Ilanliiad LOOK OUT FOR THE 3 ! J Ji,., w,-..-l ' COME AND BUY CHEAPER GOODS AND IBorc of Ei)nu, Than wa ever before offered in this Market! 1. J. HUB- AT THE Pioneer & CO., to BE0WN VILLE, We Have Jmt Received and Opened Most Magnificent Stock of Goods ! Koireri Williams Messrs Kubertson James Sichardson Win Ituth William l'arJ. vilio Caroline Tiiu James A Tibbelta Joshua A Tato Win Trimmer Tbadeus nd'-venter M II Vanscoyk Andrew WikosT Miner Wyatt fc A JULLN 11. ilAU, I'. 1. JohuC. Deuser, Plf. 1 before Jesse John, J. P. of T.i. JNemaha County, Nebraska J. II. McKamy.Deff. J remtorv. Ontbti 6th day of Utcember, A. L). ISfiO.suM Justice issued an orderof Attitcbinentin th above action. for the sum of ninety-five dollars.- - HEW Elf THOMAS, Att js for fl'ff. JanuRry 3. 1350. 3w Largest Assortment of 1 BeadjSIade Clothing, Boot LADIES DRESS GOODS, CLOAKS, SHAWLS, r ZEPHYR HOODS. GENTLEMEN'S WEAR, UNDER SHIRTS, DRAWERS, SHAWLS AND SCARFS. Cutlery and Queensware, ft! n. r r th n. rfi. . I '' W A V f And Choice Th CATun TKirl nf nnrivullAd mvtM attending the N W 1 W nnn mm nnnw , T I 11 m I fin Ant NITlltl I JwV ' - - X JLI t-SJlUt UL11A-. Attl AOaUllA-lU-l, have wade it a household word throughout every auarter of the Country. Under the auspices of this popular Institution, over th ree K aud red thonmd hornet have learned to appre -iate by b autit'ul works of arton their walls, and choice literatureon tneirtauiei" toe great o.ne titi" derived from becoming Hubscnbcrs. Subscriptions are now being received in a ratio unparaleled with lhat of any previous year. TERMS O-T SUBSCRIPTION: Any person can become a member by uubscribing three dollars, for which sum they will receive IH. The large are superb itell engraving, 30 M . inches, entitled, . ' 'Fahtujf Mustering His Recruits!" 2d. Onecopy,oneyear,of-thatelegantly illustrat ed magazine, The Cosmopolitan Art Journal." 3d. Four admisious, during the season, to Tlic Gallery of Paintings; Broadway, N. Y. In addition to tho above benefits, there willbe given to subscribers, as gratuitous premiums, over Five Hundred Beauliful Works of Art ! comprising valuable painting, marbles, parians, out lines. Ac, forming a truly national benefit. The Superb Engraving, which every subscr.bcr will recciue, entitled ' FuUtaff Mustering His. Ile cruits," it one of the mont beautiful and popular en gravings ever issued in this country. It is done on utecl, in fine line and and is printed on heavy plate paper, 30 by 3S iuches, making a most choice .rnamcnt, suitable for the Wallsof either the library, parlor or of3ce. It subject is the celebrated scene of Sir John Kalstaff receiving,' in Justice Shallow's office, the recruits biih have been gathered for his ragged regiment." It could not be furnished by the trade t r le&i than fie dollar.". The AUT ;JOCUXAL is too well known to the whole country to need ctunmcndation. It is a mag nificently illustrated magazine of Art, containing Uesnys. Stori??, Poems, Gost-ip, &.c.,j tbe very best writer? in Auat-ri. . The Engraving i. sent to any part of the country by mail, with safety, being packed in a cylinder post-a-e'ptep:iid. Sub-criotions will be received until tbe Evening- of the 3 1st of January, 1651, at which timo the books will close and the premiums be given t sunscnoers. person is rc-i, ...... 1 . .n-N.r - r--v .n rn Those remitting $13. are entitled to five member- ljlAiMJ i S r liUiil 1 OU 1U 5f O- bins and to one extra Engraving for their trouble. , . . .. m lt:i- . V. O 1 . A uDSc-ril'lions iron vninorum, iut vnu9, miu i . . 1 Foreign Countries, must be $3 50 instead of $3, iron. 1.3113 HIlQ IjaSLlnSTS In nrrlor - rtpfrav Tfri ri(-fitt Tt etc. I J For further particuuirs send lor a copy or tne ele gantly illustrated Art Journal, pronounced the hand somest ma gnzne in America. It contains a Cat.i- b.gueof Prcmiumsand numeron-"Superbengrav ngs. Ileiilr price 50 cents. rer number. Specimen cojic!, however, will bejsent to tbNe wi.hing to sub scribe, on reccij t oi l- Ci'm., in P'Hmpsorcoin. - . , v . . Art.tre!, -C. L. DERBY, Actuarj C- A- A. 516 Unwd way, Xew York. Shoes. Eats, Caps.etc. Ever opened in Brownville and no mitiake ! Cap3 from 25cts to $3,50. We can Fit Gents in Suits from $5 to $5u 3JL wmE "Villor "V7"s r AND ri5X FITI-NITUBE . Saddles and Harness, Oil Cloths and Carpeting, BOOHS! MiuiaiBiiJ. KEW GOODS :T N E V7 PRICE Sf , Boots' 'and slices. r-o and . oip.c; ry Goods and Groceries, A7 REDUCED PRICES! CALL AND SEE I BROirjmLLE.XEBRJSKJ,- II-iJst received hi FAI-Xi TTIXTEIl STOCIi OF BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, CAPS, DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, CC, ., vC.CC. ' ; CC, &.C. TThich he oblip.tes himself to tell at lower prices frr cah, or country prodnoe than lice foods can be b-d at anrotber honse bbe t. L uts. All ho ak la for the public to call una satisfy tbemselve Hi p ds are purchaxed for cah. and will Cut be toll on credit. By the aJi'ptit a of this mt.31, wich Is the only correct business pmn the public can lwy ecure better bar gain, than where dealing at bou.e- -injr a credit bual nefs when prompt customer are compelled in the -y or Increased prices to pay tbe losses by n.:?-pa3'ii)g cus tomers. Gentlemen's Boots.. Of every grade from $1,60 pet pair upward. BOYS BOOTS, Of all kinds and sine from $1 per pair up. L-ulies' bhot'S, 1 Of every variety from 60ceutsper pair tip Children's and Misses' Shoes. A large variety; In price from 20 cems per pair up ward. Hats and Caps: A very choice selection. HomoTn -vclo Worlx I am prepared with the best rf stock, and Jonrney meni to manufacture Boot and Shoe of the Uie.t aud neatest style and at Azure? the lowest possible. Hides, Pelts and Furs. The highest market price paid for bi.es, pelts aid furs, HARD TIMES: As times are hard I am determined that my prices shall be o low thai all cn purchase. CALL AT DEN,S Be sure and call at Den's with your produce and cask, and set bargains you c.nnot flud nywhere else. . Brownville, Noveiuter, 8 1860. GLOTES Ladips Ridinr. Kid and Silk. Gents Gauoileis, Buckskin and Driving. Beit Qualities of - t m n a-i 7 BROWNVILLEE! IE. ISMOWN Has just received THE BEST SELECTEE And, perhaps, tie " . : LARGEST STOCK OF DRUGS Ever brought above St. Joseph, Wblch be Is opening out in the Splendid Nrw Building, torccr of Main nnd First treeti. Xlrownvlllo. His stock consists of the following articles, which he will sell cheap forcaab: Pure White Lead, Castor Oil French Zinck, Cod Liver Oil. China Zinck, Sweet Oil, Red Lead, Putty, Veuitian Red, Glue, Raw and b't umber, Fig., Spanish whiting, Turpentine, Chalk, Linseed Oil, Cough Candy, Tanner's Oil, Copal Varnish Costile Soap, Fancy Soap, Toilet Soap, ' Tooth brushes, Lhherage, Patent medicinos, Let.paper White Varnirh, Ink, Hiair brushes, Tooih brushes, Paint brushes . , Stationery Steel Pens, Gold Pens, . . . Penci.s, Hair, oil, &.C., Candies, uts. Raisins, CC O s-S t --..V..:.v : ' ' W s-r -;- ---. 2 -f --- .-ZZZm - 5 zi't .r I- Z'Z H 3 -,f-HBe.:-2- f , H--)Cfia-eifi? -T---'---.s'.. C 3a ? ----, C . t ..... " 0i'-"-r?'8- -,-3--is -30 .-- - . - -. c - . -i i..:ii;-r,r" rj - i - ? 5 - - " . j m v, 2 ; -5 ?-- ri - S --"" i'-i,'"t-- r i-ic3i!.J-i -"' --r tr .-ri5il2i!j!-S -;i-l!Jf25? , J t- iZ w a f-.-s.:ti- W E-,-:J.r - - - 55 a OM fe--.-- r','t-r.;e !!.. S- ii2il. o ,;.--ii 5r- s -.! .S-; c.; -" . - . 1 t' .' as "3-- w-zc-J J - - - - . l - f " c - O .!i--i:- -H-3i2 . e- cc 3 i ---5fe-.3 2-."c .-."S.. S ? S- Ic-.-.-5.'- :' 5.: -i .I5.- ; .1 J, . as ,5"- h !s&.iss.-' -?!:-' -- - . .r-S-:e"e.a5-c Sir .'-iS"o Sc"------w"2-;i:"- ;--'-e:---r-c-3S:5 s,rv --:-- i :r - . a - itt .- . . . . ft. SSSSs -SW --5&"iJ25 - -f-' O cu S-J.'- :Uc lo :-5 - .h rn ""i-.--j.- - - -wi'- W : e A - - rc-"p'3 . A3 3 ,'-' .e.-0f-I- ' r s X. . - . lli"rtl iiir -r -, . - - e5w5-.-S?- eS3Z: 1 ;V(ry Patent Portabh FIRE AND GARDEN ENGINE AXD FORCE PVMP. THE HYDROP ULT. Easily carried and worked ly hand. LIuch the Simplest and Test. 1. Hand FiBKEsnsst.-Ready without minutes delay.atthe outlet when the lire can be cuc'ru'.!d. with ease. It prevents damage by water as well as by tire. Its unequalled tVrUbility m ikes it inval uable in en so of tire, in every IVivate llouso, in Ilu tid., in every occupied building, and upon every Steamboat. It is atrnngly rcromaicndtd Ly Insur ance Companies, as of ine.ii.lie va;uo as a pro it c tion fr.im fire. 2. Gakdkn. CK7?EnorsE am) Ntbseht E.VCIM. To aptly water, solutions of sap, liquitd ir.&nuro dressing, Ac. (lioweer dense) to ilant., lawns e1 (hrulbery to frcelrees from insectsio sprinkle side-waik, piiths and yardj,ad towa.h carriss and windows. 3. Fokcb T.-rfor ei.nc.ns, for wel s, for eaty inj fior;ded cellar., and tor house and f.ira uses gee rUy. Itsaves four-!'ibs tbe siace.beirgicgeniou!' ly compact, and harin; no awkward brakes So ac'es It need.i no "gwlvaniiiug "a3 it is entirely of ct j jcr ad bra??, and having no iron about if, cannot ru;t in anj positton. It is durable. of thorough ruak, and cannot get cut of order. Its va'vcs are thi simj let and most perfect. The pump has ft-rbctirt worked efftctively ut a fire after pebblestones bad been pumped through the valves iaio tb. exhaust chamber. It i. in appeara.ee icSnitelv neater tbia au other cngiue or pump. It weighs but eijbt pound? ; jel it will with ease throw forcibly 6 gal lons a-minute 50 feet high. Itcanbe ne t!y caitd, when used as a sta ionary pnmp, in a sj aco . iccbes broml, 2 inches wide, and only eighteen inches deep; leaving only a grasping place for the hand visible. It can accoiupiirb equally well all the above purposes, and all like purposes, working with entire tatiMae tion. Intelligent Agents will be offered rea;ocat!e term. tSrExc'usiva I-iht for ili.sonri, UHnoIj acd Kansas .ecurrd. Depot at 45 Olive St., f MoDonoogh 'a EuilJiBC near 1 ost CEce.; ldJrcf., Fnll E. L. PARKER, St. Loi i., Uo. OEU. H.-M.. O. C. JlASWAKI.sa. Also, -a Splendid Assorlrncvit of ermm eiiea, ConipriKinK Lyn' tatbarion, Cologne, Poniuiade genuine ox ni arrow, bear prees5. nd oils, mu.k and etcence of all kiuds, nd of tbQ finest quality. ;jcvnmnH rr0cvrj, HUSHMAIItl MAIIWARIKB, PR0B1ET0KS, HERI.IANN, I,!0. Having much iccreasedourbusiuess, wetaep!es sure iu caliiug tbe attention of our friends, and tbe public generally, to our large and complete assort ment of Fruit and Ornamental Trees and tibrubs, comprisiug the choicot varieties of Apples. I'ears. standard and dwarf; CherricP, stand ard and dwaif; iVaches, 11 urns, Apricots, Al monds, Quinces, Urapes, Currant, Uoose berries' Kaspberries, Strawberries, lilaekberncs, hhado and Orna mental Trees and Shrub., Ever greens Vines And C'reep ci5, Rcsc?, Dahlia, aud other f lanfs, 'scions of FruitTrccs.Cnt tings and SccdMrgt er Ornamental Treos, Shrubs, ie. Urt of the varieties were testci bere ard liv provel sueeefnl in our soil and cliJte, SLd til ar warranted true to namo. V" wu'.d ca 11 the special attention tt Crape Cro w er to our l.irg asHortmtnt of tiative'bsrdy grapes, coijijin)5 over sixty of the cnoicest varistip,wbich w hava spnreU do pains nor cost to procure from tb moi-t rcliiiblcs source. 31any cf them bare be tested b.rc, and nil will le tested in tbe opea vice yard, nd wo shall rccomrxierjd none until we have fovi4 themsucccrfful. Ibis we may now cr.r.dent ly dD with successful. This we may now docSicntly ,io with Norton's Virginia, ITerbcmonf, SlIsouri sol Uoncorp, they b.iviug been tested beyond a doubt. Descriptive CaUlog-cs sect gratis to all appli ennts. Orders directed to as persnnsl'y. er to ear local agents, will be pr mr tlv and carefully Cld. tnll IlL'SUMAXN i. Jl A.NWARIXO. Jf. B. iiMcnption. received and rorwarded by rm TTTTT TTfl BROWNVILLE, and vic-rnity, were specimen Engravings and Art Journal can be seen. November 15th, 1850. mm STATI0HEEY. Fo'.gp paper fancy letter paper, rilt edzed not, aw' enveljie, plain, fancy, and enuue-. pens pencils nd pen-boidera. inks X all kinda, it, waXers and eaUng-wx, DIDlBElTYfflS!!! FLOUR, MEAL AND LUMBER GRAIN AND LOGS PURCHASED. JEfSSE HOEIr, Feededor Pesired Can be had at our Stotet .and on terms ai favorable as those of any other House in the West. All Kinds of ... COTJITTTLY PE0DUCE, m n, ... A -W IfiM III Alley. -WoRTrti-c sou moveme-s at Charleston had- be.n ; sioiVtere s?pra"fd on ihe S C cuVaiioii recently made thft ad.liioo of another maae w,tf10llt cum-tiltatioij with hurt, ana I A though lhe--pre.nect certainly is rrot ey in his Bwlin? Sabon. said to be m act;orJanCtf Wllh insirucumu. faroral le,.to lb Cwtmissionr this faci Jch superior to the old one. Evan keens i J r,dVnl hH cou!d not SP Ht I w rergeii.d by -th- resi-nation of Sec. s eyes oDen - ; - " ' lUirl that m a .tratemcal point of ; 'loyd. . It fs.saJJ tht Sec. Thornpson j pea. , vct' Maj. Arwlerson.Lad doue perlUy Uvoald xii- TPlll be taken in exchange at current j rices. Come Ono 1 Como All S K .... - - . - - - - , : vTe are determined to sell, at loer prices tad liv formerly of tbe Brownville Mills, announces to his old rwitrons and eitin generally that he bas port haed the Nemaha City MiHs, ren.tel them in ttmi'let-' order, and i prepared to serve the rni-' r with Finn- '.foal mTA fjumher of the ViTV best quality. - llring on your drain aud Logs and I j better bargaius than ever before warrant yon shall bftisfi"d. I D. J. MARTIN & CO., .JJ 1CmA- WlkV .--. Pues.UiCaU. 23-tf I r.wUC-.M,Ui. - lMy PURE LIQUORS. Holland Gin, IrUb 'Whisky, lluurbon Whit-ky. Glnrer Brandy. Cord al. Port Wtne, iladeira. Wine, White wine and italaga Wine. tj-Pbykiclan's Prescriptions attended to at all boor both by clay snd nl.bt. C AS H I N V A RI A b JY ST. LOUIS, f 1 1 1 J ..1 . s ! i t - ' 1 ' ' ' 1 t, -, , L l J O MELVIN MILLS. Tbe citizen- of Brownville. and others interested are hereby informed that I have mad8arrnj.ments for keeping a constant Fa pply of th. Ecst Quiill-jr orFlotll -;... at the city sis.o372r, . IN BROWNVILLE. Where iteaa bo par-based by those wii-hinci J. O. M ELVIS. Brewntine, Anjnst, 23.lftfi0. DISSOLUTION. THE Co partnership f Ni el. Lak- & Eraero. heretofore existing, and tra;ctirp business at Brownville,N.'T..undTtbe name and styli.f Noel. Lake & Co.. is thi day dis-olved bvmatal conent. U. C. fi.hnsoo will adjust all ut settled busines' bf tbt aii firn.. JESSK NOF.L, HEXRVKMEKSON, , tlENUY LAKE, by - . O. F.LaXI, Ajront. ErowuTLUe.. ay 1st, 1.3. .- ti-tf TO PLANTERS DEALERS The undersigned bav. for sale tils fall an anusa : ally large and tine itcx k of FRUIT ti On'JAf.'EnTALTilEE. " Siruls Evergreens, $., Of vigom-s growth and the best varistier, a jari r.f which are ino.000 AppleTrec, 5 to 7 feet higb, 50,000 P.ch do do .lO.OtOPcar & j stac dard and dirarf, 5,0 no PI am d. do d 4.C00 Cherry do do d. i 0,000 Currants, red datcb, white dntel sad Ittt varieties, 20,C0O Rhubarb, Linnaens, Scotch, TlybriJ, ic. 10,000 Gooseberries Uougbton Seedling. Raspberries, al! tbe newest aed test liad. 10,000 Evergreens", all tb. hardy varieties, frtai cn to six feet Ligb. 23,000 Grave viae?, in.ladis Delaware, Diaaa, Anna, Concord. &e. lOD.CeOS-r-wbcrries, yil3on'3 Albany, and tbe larg.st collection in the west. .ALSO: OR IT AX.IEIIT AIi TnUI! 'Shrubs. Rosts, Grcnihou3c Plants, : &e.t &c. j'c. In Qnantity. Pun:hacr will p!e'e tf ar in rfiind Ibat the abore are n.t gnn f the Ea.-t nd brought here forsie, bat are yrwrn lit r ttiCH nrrj. ' . . On the Olive Stmt Road, Fve rhiles UVr.f ihe Court I!.ne, St. I.rui. Vn. Drtiem almr.lj be lft at the Valley Farmer t-Zlce, Z3 Chestnut St., or ddre-d t- - . . CAKE W, SANDERS A CO.. St. Lou;., y.o. P. Send for cata!i ;ae, eocUlir vriei:( prxc, ic' Fill