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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1860)
"3 v. J 10. J MANUFACTORY! f R i ; i f ; 1 i .H , i :. xT JOHN W. MIDDLETON, J&iV.V STREET, n n oYT villi:, r. t. "--v ' ATrNOTJTTCEStbsthe ts jnttrecelved " . from t. Loms, with a f :eb stock, Dd ha A- -ovwon band principally cf t; ta bjbu factnre, Fine Gents and Ladles Saddles, ETaST ad ITagont Harness, Cellars, ' Rrldles, . . Halter, TTliJpf, . PIKE S PEAK WHIP LASHES, PLASTERING HAIR, "A" good supply always kept on hand. :Y7c: I'iniifacturcd to Order. CALL AID BEE FOE YOURSELVES. Browaville, ipril l, 1SG0. HlLT AKD Zoo"Croaiia. onlooiii BROWN VI LLE, N. T. sflLiBELiisDnr.inusacG Announce to their old customers and the CK'.zc-hs of Brownville and vicinity, that they have fitted cpatiew tand, with' all the convenience that ladies and gentle men cio winh to make them comfortable. Their stand lion Fint Street, between Slain and Water, where they are prepared to serve customers with the Cliolccst Qualilj ofKrcaa, Pcd, Sponge, Gold, silver, and every kid cf Cake, SODA-WATER, ICE-CREAM, Butter and Eggs, Picnick crackers, ' All kinds of Summer Beverages, Coafectionaries of the Best quality, &c, &c Toong ladles and gentlemen will do well to call tr.d jet their fancy be art candy. Fartle, Families, and Tick-Mcls Served on Hit Shortest J'ci ice. . . Cold Lunch at all Hours, . The Farmer of Nemaha and the adjoining counties will do well to (five ns a call. We also invite the trav eling community todo the fame. Wewill accommodate tbem on the most reasonable terms. Our motto is "small profts, n,uick sales, and keep the money in the Territory," as we are permanently located in this county of Nemaha, Nebraska. Our experience In catering to the tsstaof tbe citizens ef Brownville, warrant us iu the belief that we will be able to Eire eutire satisfaction, and that we will receive A liberal patronage. Brownville, Jane 1S60. - N E BRAS K A Carriage and Wagon M AJSTUF'lCTOII Y. . nnoirxTiLLi:, r. t. S. E. & J. T. BERKLEY,- r aUwIOUKCE that thej hare commenced the cf CARRIAGES, WAGONS, BUGGIES, . . SULKIES, Ii tbe Citj cf Brownville. They hare both had many years experience in Eastern Manufactures, and natter thernsevea they will be able to pleaso the puhJic both in work and prices. All kiudi of repairing promptly attended to "CITo ilals. XSixt rv Trial. T. E. & J. B. UEUKLEY. .BrownTille, Hay, S, 1S60. MELVIN MILLS. Thecit'uens of Brownville, and ethers interested r berebyinformed that I have made arrangements for keeping a constant supply ef the Ucst .Quality of Flour at tho . IN BK0Y7NVILLE. -Where it can be purchased by those wishing. J. U. MELV1K. I&rewntilla, August, 2S.1SG0. THE UNION SAFE! rror: ZPXrr jin Its. , . . . , PERU, NEMAHA COUNTY, X T. R. W. FRAI.IE & CO., Having enmytd in the Merest tile Business, would rerpectfully Vnvite the citizens of Nemaha, and ad joinim; counties in NcLrshka, Atxbwn county, Mo., and Fremont county, Iowa, to cull and examine tueir stock, coniiiUBg of Dry Goods, Groceries, 1 - - Hardware; Qucensvrare, Hats, .;; J.- -, .r - Caps, Bootc," :- - Shoos, ; Medicines, Drugs, ' " Paints, Oils, - ' ; " Dye stufis, And all other articles usually kept in All of which we will sell on the most rea sonable terrns' for - CASH OJl PRODUCE. All are solicited to call and examine oar 1 a STEAL! FEExlY BOAT BrcTsviile, -V- are We expect to keep a full stock,- and determined to maKe nine ' interest cf : ZT" iv r tx o sr: TO DEAL 1VITII r-US. , We also wish to Purchase ' 00,000 . v BUTIELS OF CORK For which we ' will pay Hie highest R. W. FRAME Sc CO. Peru, Feb. 1,1 SCO. ,7, ' " : Bntcli CiiIIjous Boots ;Jr II. THORBURN & CO., 15 Jolm Street, New Yorli, Have just received in addition to their genera large importation the following norelties of the aea- sonin lnnitcl quantities: ic i ew loletlijacmtn. "Lunique, eacQ. .ilium Cfulens, incomparable, each $ 1 50 Lilium Thunbergianum graniiSorum - . . Sieboldn, orange crimson, Z t eel a au Lilium eolcbieuro, (Szoritxianum manadelphi- . cam,) rich peilow and spotted, leet---. : uu. Liliutn runiceum this ncw.Tariety ha? just been introduced by V. diuDoia sae v neso, and dercribedasthemostmagniSecntof the ' i f the LIIt snecies '20 00 v l Tothosela th j'piates ccttiinplaling goi la theS'ebrsk and Kan3E8 GoiiD-.-iyiiiSrEs,..,. The nnders'gced dcgiretofay,td inso doing w;il not practice d-wej tionjltat there are adrantsjet to be aeouredin ! ; ! . , Crossing the Mlsscuri river at Brownville, and outfitting at, arid ttartirg from that point, not tn ha fnan.l at ar.T otb;r t.-iace on ths "let. :ri I'l- I ' : - . .. w t I . ,.-..' " t Ter. In the llrst j'c-?. c n beta sest f t' a ri: ef arelarge exttntsof Lottoia Und3 in whic:i graa makes a much carlieratart than on the uplands,and ismuchmore abondant, beinj inexhaustible the entire season. Here, then, is a iesirabla place to recruit stock beforestarting cd the Plains. Stock can alsobepurehasedhere cn yery faTo:-s.tIe terms The Brownville Steam Ferrj boat.beiDg the best on the r:iver,tfors peculiarindacenents for cross ing at this it,nt,, Jt, is' vrge and coiacvuiocs; 'ith powerful roachinery.which enables the proprietors to ferry emigrants and others in the most expedi tious manner. ; . 3?or Oi5.tlltti33.r; . We undertake to say that tte business men ci Brownville areas well prepared "to serve thos wish ing supplier, wiih a superior quality and on as f ar crable termsascanbe f ound elf ewhere. Everything desirable can be purchased ia Brownville, such as Prcv&onsy Uleilfc&r- 3Iin!cj -Isple-. cents, &c'.;'&cv The Eoutefrom Brownville to the Mines is uni versally admitted by those who bare traveled it and others, to be superior in every respect. BrownTille is about midway between St. Jo. and Omaha. As to distance, sn examination cf the map is all that r,,.. in Ann thit. it ia nearer from here to the mines thaa-fosa any other jn-int on iae juspoun. vn mis ruuio nwu " " w, abound the entire distance, while cm- many others, wood has to be hauled for many dajs". Tbe foregoing facts are fully and satisfactorily es tablished lv the Imtaense travel of last year, arfd those whoaJopt tt the present.season. will have no cause toregret having done so. Thereore Cross the Missouri River at and start ' ., L j frbm I Brownville. 7 i JOHN CODC-INGTON & CO.,"" Proprietors Steam Ferry Boat. To Ladies Of Brovmvillc, : riRS.MAnY.HEVETT r -jf ij ...... U .iu Annonnceslhat she baa just reeoired froclthe East a snaaifieot etoak of J 1 f TT T TAT T7 O T IT i C T C? j - -7 n Consisting of r STRAW; 0 U J FRENCH CIIIP.U ; i, GIMP LEGHORN, SILK, - J CRAPE- ! . BONNETS,.. T ) . ; French Flowers, Straw' Trimmings, Kibbons, etc., To which she invites the attention of the Ladies of Brownville and vlcinnyfeeliri:r. Ssaufed they canaot be better suited" in style) quality or' JriceY v April 12,1850 ,:).) TTT3- , it, Li 1 i i " 1 i ' 1 i" r. a n t J; n 1 A i i AV, ! 1 1 h - 1 .LVD QV A .TORS ( . D '. Y C t i . . ' " t -i .r in lb j i. .T-r.i-crs, .;:., tr . rc ;i-tiwi:li t j.. 3 o -ur ar.J Ap s : : ) ;it f.e t : -I. I s-n c..'3"Ji;;t ;':c-rn ili-"ouri ard ; I SIAIN 'STREET, ;BRO WN VIELE, ' Ni T. Takes pleasure in" announciag that be has now on hand, a large and select stock of everj art cle in tls lias, ? : : .1" 3 : , : ' ' ' Or all the improved patters J f is : Plyraoota Eoclt, Charter. Oak. Taller Forge, Elevated Oven, .o., . , 1 rdwM uc b . . Box and ParlortoVes of an endless variety, soma of wMch are entirely new de$ins,vU: Acotnolned :. -.. - - - Cook and Parlor atovea, something very nice Indeed for small families i . i . - i - - - : l - J j I ;.;'. ') , ' HEArfY SHEET; IRON FOR" SUGAR EblLERS AndiLaf geOast i Irbri ;Kettl:'rorri. 8 to 22 gallons. : v '". r Coal and Lard 01! Lamps j Brass" Ccpper, aaa tbeet. Iron Ware; Lanterns, Shovels', fcc . . -if 4 t Jj7y Thousand ' Copies' Hready 'Sold. EVERY if 0 DTS 1 L'A W Y t: COUKSELLOR-IX BUSINESS, i?Y FRANK CJIOSDY. '.' Dcuglas' Improved . -'PRCmi'JISl'GAR jluskimrum Works. Zancsrillc, 0'iio. witf dow prepared to manufacture our Premium Sugar-Cane Mtii. either Vertical or Horizontal, and WillbeaMe I0 upjiljlin urmauu, uuitici "iff. We are also mauufactnring Douptas" Improved Kvap rator, ami also Pouclas Steam Suear Evaporator, ard are prepared to furnibh every article of the best cjuali tv. and at numerate rates, required in tlie manutactur PRICES iOSea. SSO. !0. and upwards. Price of Ttirnaces and Kvatortors, 8,00 to $100. fk Circulars and Tawphlets fnrnilied on application All orders addressed lo tDev.nocTt :r,rnwiii rf rronpi lj attended to. JJOUULA.S BR01 lib JiS, ap'l-ly Zanesvi'.le, Ohio r r j r - ST. LOUTS, t r; " j TO PLANTERS' DEALERS The undersized have f0r sale this fall an unueu sr.y largo and line stock of FRUIT d ORNAMENTAL TREES . ' Shrills, Evergreens, 5'c, Of Timorous growth and the best varieties, a part of which are - : - - 1C0.000 Apple Trees, 5 to 7 foet high, 0,P00 Peai-b. do do do ' " ' J8,0t0 Ptar : do standard and dwarf, 5,OCO Hum do do da S.or.n CLerrT do do do lCjCCi C'arr.ttJ, red dutch, white dutch and best varieties, Kbubarb, LinnetiJ, Scotch, II jlrid, Ac. 10,003 Goo.stberrie, Houghton Needling. -15.000 Raspberries, all the newest and best kind. 1 oc C 0 Evergreen, all the hardy varieties, from o: to six feet birrh. r?,C0O Grave vines, indudirg Delaware, Diana, Anna, Concord. A c. ICO CCD Strawberries Wilson's A'.banr, and the lar-eit coILec'won ia the west. ALSO: Struts, Roses, GrccrJiousc Pla::h, . JiV., iff., In Quantity. Vr-1 asrrsw'n t'""-? I ar in n'r.d that the above , (,.,fPf: j i and irou rbt here fsr sale. " but tre ' "!! ii o'.r rirn " 0:1 i'.t. Olive L'lrcci Road, rrerr,:-stre-tf tr.eCVnrt TI Ft. Lctis.o. n n "-i n r tt t'.e V. r t-.ce CM... - r ' .." , j - r- -i , 1 1. Louis, Uo. e, coctjitlrf vane: jt nil 15 00 25 15 - 15 75 . 0 6 CO 6 00 V $2 00 Smaller bul'os of the above Tulipa clusiana, brilliant crimson scarlet" lUlipa cornuia., a. viiiueso luiiji, vuiiuuo Tulipa gepneriana,very large, bright crimsoii' Ins Japonica, new, fj lendid tree bloomer- Iris Ksempferi, splendid novelty from Japan Hardy - Brunsviia Josejliina.. Brunsviiria mult.' flora ' VV e also beg to recommend the following cnoice Collections of Kulbous Itools: : 'Assortments of.. 6 Fine named Hyacinths, for pots, glasses'! ( , , " or open border . I 1 Polyanthus Narcis?U3 $100 2 Double Tulips.-.. j ' ' 7 ilixed Crocus VJ Assortment of 6 Fjne named Hyacinths, for pots, glasses or open border 6 Fine Double tulips-. 12 Fine Single tuUps-- 25 Fine mixed Crocus. 3 Double narcissus-" 3 Mixed iris 2 Polyanthus ha"cis;us . Assortment ofs 12 Double and single fJne named Hyacinths 1 50 Mixed crocus p - 12 Double named tul'.pg..'.. 12 Single named tul.p 3 Polvanthus naroistus- 6 Double narcissus-- 6 Mixed iris 3 Crown imDcrials 2 Buibocodium Vernums-- 1 Pancratium niaritimum -J Asiorimenis of " ICO Varieties doubl and tinsle line xanied fivaeinu $15 00 100 Double and siuelefine named Hvacinths, in iOsorts 11 50 100 Double andsind-J fine named Hvacinths, in 25 sorts 12 00 12 Our TerT best named Hyacinths, for pots or open rround 5 00 .12 Extra fine named nvacinths, for rxits or nrten rround 3 CO 12 First rate named Hyacinths, for glasses or earth . 12 Mixed double" tr singlj Hyacinths, for cpen prennd---' 50 "Sarie ties fine named early tulips, for pots or open ground 50 Varieties fine numed late tulips, foropen rround 50 Varieties fine named double tulips for pots crcnen rround - J.M.THOKBUnN A CO? 15 John St., Kite lorZ" Oct. 25th, 1S50. ,; - Fnli - - - $5 CO 2 CO 1 CO 4 00 5 00 5 Oo O jEZ. jUS C2r O' 1ST mw-Ewmm. TO FARMERS - AGAIN' I wonld call tho attention of" tbe farmers of .Nc'..r!-ka and Missouri, to tbe fact tiat I nave on hand and am coostaM'.y manufacturing, at ray Plow Factory, in Oregon, Mo., wagons, and every pattern of plows, t-wit: T Cue and Ti o IIotscI'iotT.!, . . Shovel Proxy, " IIocs ,Cu.rrvrs.o r . ... crn Planter!:.-- . - And Ilarroir Teeth T. xeM-er wi'b ererytMrs In ttis Iinen?e.l ty a farmer. I tike he re'p"0'-'.ii.y ft tayirp tbai my tio Lorse plows v i. 1 (I) totter work, in stubble or hny kind cf rorsh pMnr.d, t.n any I manufactured t-t toll jn ttia upvf r c-jtieiry. Ji.'y twj-horie and r-rairie p i a ill fce so id, ferntfii nn Terms, tucti as will plaets Lheai in tae reach cf every farmer. i . . , ily Plows can be ol taine-1 from my scent at Iowa TVir't. K. T., Brownville, Siawav eoorty, HarietU, lit: !. Bottom, Holt county, BrcnvUle. S.T.. and For e: City. . .'-.ART1K UCFFMAX. - .V. B. Allklr.dsof repalritsg done with nstcesaaad -i.Uh, f.n ILl.PT-sl li'nns. -' jre;)e,o., ilay, ISS9. ' ' -. . : 1. tw prior o Hill, iAgeiit XI :' oTvnviiie, X. T., Veeft onhacd a jtaeral aisort lue it cf Ilufi'inan's Ftws. trcwnviile, ilsy, 1E6J, ly : QF THE PHILADELPHIA BAIL IT TELL TOTJ How to draw np Partnership Papers ", r, -, r - and gives Uenoral rforms-or ABree--j ; -. i f inenuof all kiada,-Bills Of ale; and Leases and Petitions. IT TKLLTOTJ How to draw up Bunds and Mortgages, Affidavits, rowers or Attorney.-Notes 'and Eilis tf ExchtSge,T.eceipts and f iReleasea. v ITTELLTOU The laws for the collection of debts with me statutes or Limitation and amount and .kind of .property exempt from execution In every State. LLTOU How to make an assignment propetly, r rr with forms fcr Composition withered f" ,' itors, and the insolvent laws of every State.' - - - - - - ITTELLTOU The lesal relation existing between uuaraiau ana i ara, isierni Ap .prentice, Laun6rd and Tenant. IT TELL TOU "What constitutes Libel and Slander, and - tne iaw as to marruge- uower, the " Wiff 's right in prowertyDivorce and Alimony. IT TELL TOUThe Law for Mechanics Liens in every ' ftate, ana tne atnraiuatioa L4ws t. ,. : i . bf hi-country, aiui how Xo -comply with the same. ITTELLTOU The Law Concerning Pensions and how to obtain one, and the pre-emption Laws to Public Lands. . . ITTELLTOU The Law for Patents, with mode of pro cedure in obtaining one,-with Inter ference, Ashiimmenti no Table of Fees. IT TELL TOU now to make your will, and how to ad- ministeron- an Estate, with the Saw and tbe requirements thereof in every ''State. IT TELL TOTJ Tbe meaning of Law terms in general use, and explains to you the Legisla tive Executive and Judicial Powers ol both the. General'and. State Governments. IT TELL T0U.(How to keep out of Law, hy showing savinicg a vast amount of property, and vexatious litigaiion by its time- ' r.k ?' lyconsnltation, ,".r ,. - : Single Copies will be sent by mail, postage paid-to en-' ery Parmer, every Mechanie, every Man of Business. and everybody in every State, on receipt of $l,COorin aw style or omaine at yi.o. ,1,000 DoUars aYbar. Can be made try enterprising men everywhere, In sel ling the above work, as our inducements to all such art very liberal.. . ' . -Por sinclejcopics'cf the Book, or for terms to ngents, with other information, apply to or address," JOHN' E. POOTTER, Publisher, Ko 617 Sansom. Street, Philadelphia, Pa. 2.IoCat's: Life Pills t PHCENIXRITTERS, . There meiicines have now been before the public for a period cf thirty years, -and during tbt aimo . have maintained a high character In. almost every par; of tbe (ilobe.for Iheir'extTaordinary und immediat. wer of restoring perfect health to perons suffering under near ly every kind of disease to which the human frame is iiabie":. -JJ hrr. ::ici 5 ;:; Tbe following are some or tbe distressing variety of human diseases in which tbe VEGETABLE LIFE '"MEDICINES Are .wallknownio ba infallible. s. Dyspepsia, by thoroughly cleansing the first ahd sec ond kWinaclu, and creating a flow of pure healthy bile, Instead of tlie stale acrid buxi Flatulency , Loss. of Ap peeite, Heartburn, Headache, Jtestlesnes, Ill-temper, AWety, Languor, and Melancholy, which are Hie gen era! rymrtoms it Dyspepsia, will'. vanish, as a natctl eoiiseaoeticw i tw cure... . - j (..., i', I- i.', Costiv '.nest, by cleansing the whole length of thein testines with a solvent procesH, and without violence; all violent purges leave the, bowels costive within two days. t i- v' Fevert, cf all kinds, by resUring the blood to a regu lar circulation, through the froeess of peTsptratipn in such eases; and tie through' jolution ot all inlitinal obstruction in others. 1 . ' The"Life Mcdiciaesbave been known to'enre Rkevmi tum permanently in .bree weeks, and Gout In half that time by removing kcal i inanimation from the mus cles and ligaments from tbe joints. " Dropsiet Of all kinds, by freeing and strengthening the kidueys and bladder; they operate most delightful ly on these important organs, and hence have ever been found a certaia remedy for the worst cases of Gravel. Also H'orra, by dislodging from the turning of .Je boweis tte ill my matter to which these creatures ad here. - - ...... .... . Scarry, E7cwtand Inveterate Sores, by theperfect parity which these Life AieOibiBeegive to the blood, and and all ti e bu nurs. . , ; ScortMUcgEruptiona and bad compleslons. by their al ternative effects upon the fluids that feed the tkin, and toe moroia state of which occasions all eruptive com plaints, aal low, cloudy, andotberdisajreeaUteconiplex kr. v !.. -r U( uv i - TheflseolthefPpiiig fr avery frhortUnie, willefect an en tire cure of Salt,Rheum aud a striking toprove ment in the clearness of the skin. Common Colds and InflnenaA will always be cured y one dose; or by tw in tbe wursi cases. " ' ' ' r..o PILES. The original proprietor of these medicines. wascuWHlof p-U-irof thirty-five years standing, by the uf" oi aicciicincs aione. - - - - ' Fever and Ague For this scourge of the Vestern Country, these JHedi .-ins will be found a safe, speedy and certain re'ix.y. Oilier mfrJUciaes leave the system subject to a return of the disease a cure by these medi cine rs rermau:nt try them, .be satisBed and be cured Bilious Fever, and Liver. Complaints. General fe bllity. loss of appetitt, and Diseases of Females the- Me'licines have been nsed with the mot beneHcial re ids in Cites t"a.descrirLlo5: SHnz Evil, ail Scrof tla ia Its wort Jforms, yields U the tuild, yet power ful action of these remarkable Jiediciaes. h'igMSwett Nervous debility, Nervous Complaints of all kin Is, Pal pitation of the heart, Painter's Colic, axe speedily cur ed. . .JlTfrcwri.iZ Dite&se Persons whose constitutions haeteoBte iiniuu.-fa by theinjnikious jcref Jfercury willCndthefe iiedicities a perfect cure, as they never fi! to eradicate from the system. aU the effwu of the iiercury, iiifluiiely sooner tcatitte moit prep arations of Sarsaparilla. " tr. B. JIOFPa'... - - -335, Broadway, New Tork. . .ifiolsiT.-ry-V- ' ' v r. . C. "M. CLAY, Breeder of Pure Short Horn Cattle, Sonth Down: Sheep, asdMiex and Spanish Pif s. full . Whitena'J P. 0 Mri;o Co., y.- JAJrAJNJNED VVAKili, r c U i. J.:il r. ' j i i. ' ....... i.-. ..... , . 1 ' i rr xvz: ci'3 m " n ' r--vii:j, t is tL-3 I -.-t'i en, : fjr.-;r cf a.'r.;ho r whi'-u I furnish tie f irn--' rz. :--h rf ;.v-l article. Tl;e I r rit !.s w?ri a A-r.:?i t:.e V: ...! Yit a. 1 th hi et U . Afitc;turl S-ckt, asUvtr ... a : f Vi'.n.t. K.i:1, Sonthera I-wi ca.t find ao tj -U t'ut te'.io; either ia j.rle-? or ctherwUc- ; ' Tnnd Iroa Kellers-ia Srrr-IrcaFrar.e. C Oinre ert'.cTl ill:! pi -e-res fr.a 23 to galloi-i ..f juice per Iwur ; irice--. $ da Uvse Vertical :tS- -'to.ii S to 43 . - . gsllor. of jriv-e per to'i'j pri:a , , '. , iime as No I ; eitrahsvj-. do S Two fcjri? Vertical prassc fro-i 15 to 3 rations of J:ice jer hur; l..:!.t dnfi 4., 3 Two ! Tern l-ub".e jtared) press es from 23 to id gi Hons J -ice per h.-ur,hoavy ' " -" drsft ia4TwahorsVfr!;cal v';;nc.e r;3re.1 press. 65 S3 es from 0 to 73 gallon of per liour J . heavy drilt do 5 Four horse Vertical jingle reare-')ca?a- . eitv from i'0 to llos'ilhrns por hour do 6 To horse lljriznit.t! (L-a- k f:ATa) n'.ta ble to attach tot'irpshiiii Mjciiira or;ber power, presses I ruui 4 j to ejgjlioi.sci u Jr-ice per hour - - ga7 Two horse Horizontal, with vertical shaft , to apply lever to. workt'd by burses same as "Vertical, presics 13 to t J gal. tns per hour 103 IiJ i:c 1C0 to li do8 Four horse TTcrironts! (ha-rk geared) suit- able to attach to fhre-?:ic? Michme or other power, pres-'PS Tito 100 gallons p-er hours I5C Co 9--S.x horse Hori-iontal tack geared) calca . iated for water or st?aai fcr, rcaay for . the belt, and with capacity to wok ciT a crop of from 13 to 20 acres of Cane, . . . . : I5C "Land -Warrants;. , VTe are prepared to loan Land Warrants of all siieto settlers on such time as they may desire long or short at the usual rates. : A censtara supply of "Warrants will be kpt on bartd for sale as cheap a i.ey can be bonht slsewhere in town. -'' ' . . ; ; r , Buy of regular dealers and bewjreof bogus wsrrints. All warrants sold ty us will be guaranteed to be genuineia every respect and will be exchacgeJ if de fective. . . - Being permanently located in Brownville, we can al ways be found at the old stand a few doors east of the Brownville House. . r - a . LCSHBArGii &'y, ' s. Bankers, and Dealers in Land Warrants. GreiitBargaiiis! ; ' LUMBER ! : LUMBEll ! ! Cjicapcr than Ever - for' Cash'xr : ;.;' '. on Tim's. . ; ; attention of Iam prepared to put up guttering and spoutir.R and all other work of mylmeatthe shortest noticej and in a workmanlike manner, which I warrant io give salisiaction. . i '' ' ; - r-ow I pledge myself not to be nndorsold in the upper country ,. - . .. ' '. ' J. C. DZ.jai-iu- - Brownville, August 30 I860, , , .-, ,- '. ''- j1 .1 : : j 23 a3T 3C Z -I l-ii 22. i ; ; LEWIS LAWRENCE, . .,, Vell known ia this region a j a successful anJ ac commodatinsrlnmber dealer, has sjain taken tie ' ' Mill on Snnnrti Ilrn.-1 I have procured the right to manufacture'a late simple and improved self-sealing Fruit Can to which I call the And' Is prepared to fiirniab every desirable qoilltj ,tentionof tbe public. 'All ot which I pledge myself to sell at as fair rates and on aa accomodating terms at of lumberfr fencing cr builiic? purposes : deliver- ea at iae .uui, or at ( .'. .." Brownville '' Landing, ' ' Or at any point on the river s may ba agreed upon Xla.o Pricca Are as follows AttheAliii. fur cash, frnm . . 30 cents per 100 feet to SI per 100 feet. On time,say three,six, nine, or twelve months, ' from ' ' - 45 cents per 100 feet to 81.25 per 100 feet, with 10 percent. interest from delivery, note to be secured by unincumbered real estate. , . , The lumber will ba delivered at any point on the Mifsonri Kivcr wilbin 53 miles down stream, at 25 cents per 10 J feet ia addition to the ubove prices when sufficient amount are taken tojustify the con struction of a raft.' . . . To those wishing lumber, particnlas attention is z& toepe propositions, which cannot fail to command coniideration. Come with; or send your orders, and they shall be filled without delay. . . : ... . -: : ; 100,000 feet of Lumber on hand, " And more .making; every day. ( t ; : ; L. LAWRENCE. -..March 1st, 1850. 6a. . ; ' I i ; f rrrr- i' j . . . . v -t . . . .-. . .. . : . . : " , - - - - .i : 'kbrJ r. tiia sr -dJ iSu il ij-D i ,r - - .cri ci.. :r,.i i .. . - , - -.1 u.. j'.-r: h ,yi-i. - . I : '. j1; - v' ; .. ,- : 1 i . What Everybody WAnts. , n, Catawba Wine, , , Charhpalgn'e -Wfn e I'-'' Claret Wine,- . ; Old Rye, - i -,':( ; Old BourDon, Irish Whiskey, ::. Jrorter 'Gin - Cock - Tail, i ; Saddle Bag Whisky,' .; Tl....".'BIut' "Llclf ; "" -.Bckir'8 Bitters, V ; Pale Brandy, .r.';;1 Curraco, fee. ! i "i .T .v. , : . v. fl Lr -mim,l 3 4-: ; .-i4-!i -j f- f- Plates .Y .K . J ,;3 ! c 10' '., i : 0 ups-sdiicers, ';V:;:;:;.iV;:Ii3owIi i r; 4i ? ! .. ff. Bar.Tumllcrs, -' i Decanters, Goblets, Wine 'Glasses,' Fruit Dishes, Pitchers Sec, l-VTT : ' - T " - f" ' j i j . i. j Er Rings, : v Shirt Battcni, Finder Rbgs, , .;k ' Bracelets,- - ' - ' Bceist Pins, tc, &.c. THE iFAMILYiDOOTOH CONTAINING , . Simple Hcraetllcs, Easily Oblaln- lor liic Cure or Disease ia ' I all forms ; . ' L--. PROF.. HENRY S. TAYLOR, M. D. ITTZLLS TOU How to attend upon the sick, and hot to - cook for tbem how to prepare drinks Fouitices &c, and also how t guard , aerain?t tho infection from contajiou . - i':.- Diseases. ITTILL3 TOTJ Of the various diseases of Children, and gives the best and simplest mode of .: . , treatment dunog ttethinir, eonvnl sion3, Vaccination, tVhiKipinj-couih atmt), .. ' . IT TELLS XOTj The symptom of Croup, Cholera Iufan . turn, Ch.jlic, Diarrhea, Worms scatled 1 - . Ilead, Binjworm, Chicken-rox, he. . - ' and pives you the best; remedies for ' the.r cure. - IT TELLLA0TJ The symptoms of Fever aidAgus, and . ( Bilious, Teliow, Typhus, Soariet and ' " "' other Fevers, ahd K'.ve you the best -i simplest remedies for their aure. - IT TELLS TOU The symptoms of Influenra, Conscmp- tion uyrpepsia, Asthma, Dropscy, the t . . . Oout, fcheuinatisrn, Lumbagi, Ery sipelas, S.c,; and fives you tbebe - . , Keniedios for tudir cure. ITTZLLSTOC The sproptoms of Cholera Sforbus, Ma- i ' Uftnantchoiera,3niall-Fox Dysentery iramp. diseases or ite llla-l.Ier, and ; r of the kidney and Liver, and the best - ' remeuies for their cure. IT T3LLS TOTy The symptoms of the ilumps, Neura!- , Ria, Apoplexy, Paralysu, the varioun ' Diseases of the tbroat, teeth, ear and v eye, and the best reuulies for their - .cure.. ... IT TZLL3 TOU The symptoms of Kpilepy Jaundice the r rue Kupture Diseases i-f the Heart, r - v i nenwrrhasre, Venereal Diseases and Dydrophoou, aod rives the best odi .. ediea for their cure. IT TELLS TOU The best and simplest treatment fot i ' wounds, broken bones and dislocations '. sprains lockjaw. Fever Sores, White .'i T-nweninps, Llcers, Whitlows, Bolls, . Scurvy, burns, and Scrofula. IT TELL3 TOU Of tae various Diea.e. pocullar to the tt ema.eSex, and givestbe best andfirn- , plest remedies for their cure, tocether - i r;itii many valuable Linu for the prcs- ervati.n or neaith. Tbe work Is WTitten in plain Iji Ku.i?e. free from med (cat terms, so as to be easily under. ood, bile lu sim ple receipemay aon save you mny tini(i the cat of the book. H is 'printed in a clear and open type;.'! 11- i cstraiect. wuj appropriate ensira vinsr. and will befor- warded to your address neatly beucd and postass pid, on tte receipt of $i.r,o. . 1,000 A YEAR Can berrude it emerprisinr men everywhere. In ael. Unit tbe above work, as our Inducement to al! aur ara very uoerat. .. . k For singie copies of the Bok. 6r for terms to- azenti with other information, arplv to tr adrJresi JOHN K. POTTKH. PutlWier, rr . .t Ko 617 Sansom Street Philadelphia, Pa.' in pec tine. ,r Th8 'Persian Fever Clinrk For the prevention and cure of Fpvornrf iin. r4 Bilious Fevers. This wonderful reme-ly wis bruht to tbe knowledge cf tbe present nreorietoVs hv frlnH wh has been a great traveler in Persia aud the n0!r Land. W hileaoina down therever EuTihratP. . a ed a severe attack of Fevor and f'tifl. fin n r..rim hiscondnion, oce of the Kcarmen too from his pocket an Amulet, layinj. '".rear this aad no Fever will touch yoa."- Althcujh.incredulou as to i's virtaes j tew ta pUed.acd experienced immediate relief, and has since alweys found it aa effectual protection f;om all mala rious cowplaints. - , . - On fnrth-ir investigation he found that tf, hmtnon attribated toita5iraf Blocst4,wor4.",1nri ul,! iht iiir coold be obta lied from the priest of the run. Sometime afterward, the gentleman in convening with a Priest obtained f amhim the secret f its preparation, and as certained where the medicinal herbs were fond, ol which it Was coom poo iwied. The wonderful vlrt'4f this article h;ive indmed a fall belief in tbe mi"' of theatives ia the miraculous he-ilicj power of iheir mco his retnrn lo America. It Y. the haipiet etTett br f event lSAe iigh character, who hav ;iven it tte mot uaoualj2ed paoise. This remedy bavin been a speciac in Persia for hundreds of years, for the prevention and cnr Fever and Aguear.d C.Ilious Fevers ia nw oiTared to the Aniencsn People. It will b t!Dtby mail, nrsaaid. wit?i fa! f d'.rv.finn. fowss, on rec iptof M4 dollar. Principal Deaotond mannrsctorv. JS8 Ifaia Stot Richmoud. Vlr?inia. Branch Uf.ce, Rank tf Ceameree BuiidiDtr, ew Turk. Aildresss; . " ' JOHXr WILCOI A C.n July, 6:h ly JOHII' A. PO . 1 r"n .'. .j C .i . 1 c .i t . T v -a t - r -, . -3 Where h hi; .-? a . Conj r ii:a or DRY GOODS, . At' 0 ' A Lar-o Suck ci Cl..r;3 FanHt h4f - CONS laTI.Ni T'I ,r.4 - I CF I .44 .4) V " 4jp C rr - -4, , W . i , And a asserts erJ cf LIGHT GROCERIES Such as Soda, .laratuj, vjir.rer. A 11 4-4.V, C 4 ' ; A we! selected S!:c!c cf. , IIARDWA R E A ND CUTLERY Q VEENS IV A R Ei ' CEL C Cl J. 3 -ZT 37" , n . "f- r rl ?. - TIlS kDowiei;9'of tie Irada mi wants of thepj' of Boownville and vicinity enable tirn t trn'o ous purchases expressly for this niriec, h att u examination of hi SUxk, f.'jne a,- jurd be will b able to satisfy r.n quality, style aid prices. JJiJiii!ljliii..iiii WHITNEY'S BLOCK . ' r- t i -1 r ' ID, uiivt'i ' 5 i r A'. . . v V f J ; Ar aper!er.t and 5-tomach!o pr?rrtion of UCI purified of Oxy;en and Carbon by cna,sU(iwQ Is Ej t- geo.- Ssnctioned by the htshest Ale ticil Authont; both In Europe and the United States, tad pfc:iic4 In their praciKO. .. - ' ' .. The experience of thonsanda dal-fy "hrsvet Ihid as preparation of Iron can te compared with it. Iaipari. tleaof the blno'I..' depression of viral enerxy, ps'u4 otherwise sicliiy complexion lnd;.;at its nc;i.:ya almost every cunceiv.ib'e case. ' Ioooxiou ia a 1 1 mJaiiie in wblcb it In ' i it: 00, has proved absolutely curative in each t tie complaints, vn: ' In Debility, IVcn ous AlTcctlczY emaciation, Ujpepla, Cocitl patlon,. '.'Scrofala.i ; Tiibrm!r !Sa!t .Jlhctnn, 'Ilsmcasiruatica, ITliitcs, Chlorovl!, L.lvcr Ccn plain 4, Illicuxiiatlrni, llironle IlcadaclJc, Intornilttcnt rciCii, I'iniplcs on Hie X'acc, c. In casesof GEXEltAL D2UILITT, whi ther therwaS of acute disease, or of continued d.aiau'.ljn-ol Berrotss and muscular energy from chronic complaints, oos tri of this restorative baa proved succcssf il to au ex'.'si which no description nor 'written attaitation wwA render credible, so Pong be 1-ri J.5mx as to 5m become forgotten in their own heih&orh o'i, Lars i' denly re-appeanetl in tLo buy worm as if Jsit rsmrset from protracted travel la a distuut lar.d. 3umvr7 signal Instances of ttia kind are attested of femrt sutTerers, enraciated victiui of apparent msriuiiii. sanguineous exhaust ion, critlral changes, and that com. plication of nervous and dyspeptic aversion to air aal exercie fir which the phvmcufj ba no-Bsir.e. In NKRVOl'3 AFFKCTlO.N'ii of all kind, sad toe reasons familiar ii medical mea, .the cj ration f this preparation of Iron muijt nefesarlly te salutary, for unlike the o.d oxides, it l vis-iro'isly- tout:, wi'-hoat being excitiatr and overheating ; and gently, reguiar'.y aperient, even in the most obAtmat capias of otiTn without ever bein a gitr!c-purgative, or IcSictiag disagreeable sensation. It is this latter property, smon? others, wtich ml it so remarkably etrectual and perwurject a reniedy V FiUi, upon which it also arrears to etert a d.ttioc? sad specific sction, by diipersmg tl.e local teuJjjcy wSist forms them. In DYSPEPSIA, innumerable a are lUcansiH, a sing! box of these Chalybeate Pi'.l has often iulT!ed for m most habitual cas. IncPjins tte attendant Cottivtnet In i nc Ticked DiARRUZA, even whio advanctd M DTSEN'TABV, cona:acd. ernwi3.iD, tnd aparsaiir n:.i?nant, the effect have teen e-iaUy decuivi c aatomhing. In the local pains, lass of flesh and strength. Otilii tatingewrtsh, and remittent beetle, whu'n genorslij t dicate INCIPI&N'T CONSTJIFTION", th ia remedy tt allayed the alarm of friends and phy:ciat, in sevtril very sr-atifyin? and intretii;i instance. In SSCROFCLOCS TCbXRCfLOSlS. this meu'icatei Iron ha feadfar more thm the g.HKis erre:t of the nl eBtionly balanced preo iratior. of iodise, without aaf of their well known liabilities. The attention of female cannot be too eonfldently l vltei to this remedy and reitoraUn, ia the ca pe liarly tTcrt in thPiu. In RHKCMATIoAT, chronic and icfa.Ti?nalnrv.i tbe lafier, however, more dpu,;i!y it 6 been iavsrt bly welt reported, tota as alleviating poia and Tedua'.g the swellins and inrns of the J.: rus and mmclM. in l tfcKillTTt.VT FEVEr.i It r;.ut n?rf.,r;r1rt a great remedy and erierRetic reVjrtuvs. and 'tuer. gress in the new settlements of the West, will probaa.'f w oiiu, bud reno-vn ni n.:raine4S. o remedy hs ever t"n d. -covered in thewholsM tory of medu-in- w',,, h exert uch proanpt, bappr, " fully restorative ef'ect Good appet.te eumplet di tion. rapid acrioinili m ot strenzth. with n nnunaai -tA- positf.m f )T active and fhecrfnl eer:;4(j . Fut up tn flat metal boxocna a;r.i.ii i) ctllj. c;ie cants per box; for sale by drc;:?iV. and deaier. bo sent free to anT adftres n at tie oru;. Al letter, orders, e'e, fchouM te a !-?reM to " ' 11 !- l.U CI IZ CiX.i 7 ''"" -GK.V. AGiNTi, 2J Cedar U..X. T. Acfrust 2, '63 ty. ijonmi-I) dissociation L ,,nrtr' - . k.iixi iili iav.. jHU diUlLiw r r -r Dissolution cf 3Partner?3ii. . Xotice is hereby given that tne- merchants businwsa heretofore carried on b ihe nr..'.orsiu-J. under th .rm name of Seizel atd Gr.nbanra wti this day matuaiiy di-wolved.. Dvid Seigelis auiharuei to settio up the btissntss of tbe concern. All persons knowinc themselves Indebted, either fc nte cr aooonnt are bcrchy -r.vtiSed tsat vnt th; 1 eo3ie forward immediately ar,i pay up, the imtes andac ' cr.unta win terlac! in the tn-i t-i an p"w-i. w legion. f'AViD 2Er.-;:i-' Sep M, 1151 tf L'SXKT GREEKS kVyi! A Sentvolent .Jrat ihilion tetail.t I Jj r"cia a aomevi.jtr ft Relief of fne- Sick o4 lulrettt. eJT.Ute-i v,th Ttrilent and Friidemit Ciirue. ftpccLaily far . Cre of ' h.ieuM of A Stnn ZlD IOATj A DVT CT1 siveneratij.tsvthelctlsl Surseon, to ail who spal j by letter titii a desrriptu of tUeir condition. (..e. o.xupatiifnt baNrtof life, Ax., and la case cf extreme pevert, ilco.Jaes fjnishe free of eharv. . , , Vainao.'e Report er. SpermaloTrhea( e f tter tt.' eaecf.le Sexijai Organs, and on the N E7T JtExl" D1EA employed i'l tte p;.-pensary, tent to the Xi.cxM in reiied letter envelopes. freci itiarge. ' Ttaroor thri Stampa for pota will be ax-epCthie - A'l lrxi VR. J. SKlLLI.s. KUL'fi HTCN , Act-1 1 Snfr tree a,. Upward AjMM.'iatioa. 'o. 2, nta Ktcth Stret Philadelphia, Pa. Ef or lr of t'.ret..T. , EZHA D. UXAKT T?il.L, FrM. rriro. Faicrtt. Sac j. . , Octteria, iS'i-J. , tilS-yly ' " . The ITebrasIia Parmer.- ,- 16 PAGES QUARTO MOXT1ILT, . , . sn: -c j: hi r: ron it. ' is iht only Journal devJsd exclusive? h t.UAgricvfhral arid Educational inU rests, of Oibra'sJcs, Kar.szs, .Ytrtiert Missouri azxi Sii.herrx I.:v:a. Fcur Copies, G rr.or-ds fcrSl -Twenty Ccpiss,! Tear SL5 . ' : One Cop, 1 ynr' : 51 Tt:KNA T.YANN'A. i