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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 20, 1860)
m -i mmM THE ADVERTISER. n.'YV. FUIlKAS.LDITOi:. TTJR3DAY MORNING, DEC. l&GO. Uo.TtlU this Crisis Terminate? 'j)VEat will te the termination cf ex niii); fefclional" difficulties," is upon the t;puC3-cnd " cf' every anxious well fisher of the country. We are upon ths eve cf a revolution"' has become a istefeciyped- expression as 'familiar as household words," wiih the over-timid and the plundering ccbemi&t. We ore among Close who believe that wiih prudent,"-careful mangement the present "Crisis cay bemsdetoend ia great and lasting good to the whole country. If the picplelforih, South, East and West, will ;ake up, and enter ituo a scrutinizing examination vvhich we believe they are dc'iug- of , the real state of affairs, they will find that, on both sides, "many tbiegs have been left undone which ought, to which can be supposed necessary for all purposes. Each man cost the United Stales Government (including military armaments) $600 per annum. The new Confederacy, thcr. n?:t pay $3,000,000 per annum. We ban, then, an aggre gate of six millions' cr annvzi to bt rai' scd by direct taxat. n, from lss3 than 1,500,000 people. We.jpaus? here. This is the very least that secession will cost in taxes, after having caused the suspen sion cf payments, the loss of one hundred and fifty millions of dollars, and the proitratioD of all business." This will be a dear whistle, so dear that no people whatever can stand it. We know that excited passions will commit almost any folly. But the most furiou3 the passions, the sooner will reflection ccme. The Southern people have been the very first to cry out against tariffs, and taxes; and we here predict that, if any one of these Siaies levy a taxi for ( Secession', three months will not pas3 before' there will be meetings of the people in every direction to repeal )t.' The men who are undertak ing disunion will le put down , by their own people. .,' - . ,". ', , An unwavering confidence in the inle- cucht to be ' undone. upon statute pools, will be found "Personal Liberty Bills" which may not be strictly in accor dance with the letter of the original fe deral compact. Also the severest enact ments "suppressing the right of speech and the freedom of the press directly in conflict with the Constitution, and at va riance With the genius of our institutions. It'will be found too, that the first states' man or even clear-headed calculator i3 yet to be discovered raising his voice for se cession or dissolution peaceable or other wise. We know men in "high places" $re among the list of agitators. Their positions however, are accidental attain ed by chan:e; not by worth or merit. The negroquestion has foisted more one horse men into places of "honor, trust and profit" than all other issues real or imaginarycombined. When the attention bf the -people is brought impartially to ihese facts, they will not be slow in de vising a remedy. , In' the South, more particularly,. the "cost will be counted." A Southern Union exchange has already presented an insurmonlable : array of ligares in regard to the four States most prominent in the secession movement, viz: South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama end Florida. Of them it says : ".' T, "Population is deemed by economists ks ' the greatest element of strength. yhat have' they to begin with?.; Here it js: . - . , . . Free. 'S. Carolina 283,523 Georgia Alabama Florida 524,533 428,779" 4S.136 Slaves. 0S4,yS4 3S1.CS2 342,834 39,310 Total. C6S.507 906.215 771,623 87,445 Eare "beca done; and many done which grity and patriotism of the American people warrants our belief ..that we are not only "upon the, ev;pf a revolatibA.V. but in the midst of one. We are not yet prepared to believe, ' however, as some express ".themselves, that it is to be a .'bloody revolution'j" one that will send into fragments the only free government upon the face of the globe, and cause a kindred people, whose interests, .history and ties of consanguinity have 'been ce mented by the blood of common forefath ers to "prey upon each other'," merely because "traitors may lead on." We do believe though, that the "revolutiou" will be a spontaneous uprising of the honest masses, and a ; hurling from . place , and power wicked and corrupt men, who nev er had the country's good at heart.' And that men imbued with a love of, and de votion to country ;, the true spirit of pat riotism and Christianity, will take their placej and we again march, on as the guiding star of the whole world. - " : The result of 'the ' recent Presidential election,, together with an under current movement, steadily but mightily working in the South, are the strongest -evidences ia our mind, of what is' "in 'store" for those who, of late years, have. beenv"ru'n- ning after strange gods; stoning the, pro phets, and laying waste the kingdom.''.: "Fond, impious man I ihink'st thou yon sanguine cloud, 4 . . ' ' ' " ' '' " 1 ' Raised by thy breath, can quench t"ue orb ef day t To-morrow, it repairs in golden flood, "''."' And warms the nations with redoubled ray V' !- "After cic the Dclcge." : Whether President Buchanan actually intended. at the time of his : elevation to the Presidency, to practically demonstrate this expressionof the old French monarch Louis XV.. matters but little. His whole course has not only bad that appearance ; but tended to rapidly bring it about save the fact that Buchanan ;has no son i to behead. ;i '''"' - ' . - He was elevated at a time, under cir cumstances, and: by the advocacy .of a most popular and cherished principle ; with a full treasury, and strongly sustain ed by both branches of Congress. ' The country, irrespective of party; were 'al most persuaded" to say, "all right." No man. since the days of Washington, ever went into' the Executive chair with brighter prospects; a fairer-opportunity of making the most popular administra tion. Yet, in a few short years, he de stroys himself; his party," and well nigh, if not.eritireljvhis country. , ' It was thought by many who were ,yet disposed to adhere to him, that he would redeem himself in his "last' Message." But, alas! what a poor, weak, miserable milk-and-water affair it proved to. be ; suits nobody. , The secessionist Cobb, of his Cabinet, resigns because it does, not favor Southern fanaticism another Ca binet tnenber, "Secretary Cass, resigns because die President is not sufficiently denunciatory in regard to' the. secession movement.' Even those who'lead him astray" how spurn him "loving the treason but despising the traitor." ,-, llis name has become a synonym, for all thai is weak, vascillating and traitorous. The very clowns incircuses treat him and his actions as they do those of Sayers- and Heenan, and others of that ilk.',': The fol lowing witty and truthful "conversation' between clown and ring master,: took place in Philadelphia the other day: " Ring Master. Well, sir, have you, read ihe President's Message ?. - - ,.' , ,- Clown. .Of course 1 have.' Every in telligent and influential gentleman, like myself, ahvays reads the Message of the President of the United States. ... Ring -Master j . Well, sir, what do you think cf it ? - . ;, . .. " Cojrn. Sir, it is a great message; a powerful message; an unanswerable rnes- , , ; , ; 1,284,9701,148.820 2,513,890 a ' ' Here are four cotton States, with an aggregate popula'Jon only equal to that "of Ohio alone, and of this number half are negro slaves. -These slaves are coun ted as wealih, and since they perform as much labor as the same number of whites lit is fair to. count them as 6uch. Suppose 'these States out of the Union, what is the value of that property ? .The protec tion of the national government being withdrawn from the outer boundary, 'where is the safety of that property 1 . It is said there is a cordon : of slave States jn the rear, this is true. But since there .is no protective law of the United States, .and since these States, in the Union, can make no foreign alliance, there can be no .protection against fugitive slaves. But ,what of the coast? These States have, and can have, no navy... The whole coast .will be preyed upon, for the United Slates .will not interfere. To say that slave pro perty there will fall one-third, is to, un derrate the effect. The first commercial .effect will be the loss of one hundred and .fifty millions of dollars in slave property, and this is inevitable. Nothing can pre ..vent it.. . . 2. Lei us jook a little at their finances, banks, etc., etc. Two years since, the banks of Georgia, South Carolina, and '"Alabama presented this result : ' 1 '' Specie and Bank Notes S 6,500,000 Circulation and Deposits o-',uuu,uuu " Their immediate liabilities were five Sfrtftrif. und thpir condition now i3 much 2 ; vorse. - The banks are on the point of suspension, and the whole Southern' coun j try in a commercial crisis. - If this politi cal insanity is not soon cured ' there must soon be universal suspension. In the Amidst of this, however, their State patri "'oiism rises so high, that they propose to ' raise volunteers, arm the militia, and set f themselves in a state of defense. There ' is nothing so costly as military armament. ; The firstffect is war loans, then heavy "taxes. To supply their financial wants, tbey propose (the only thing they can do) -.' taxes on consumption, that is, to drain the ""people's' money on what they eat and 'Wear. ;This is the exhaustive process by 'which a people are destroyed, both on the .'outside, and the inside. ' Not a cent can r be raised frpm foreign commerce, for that 1-is'alI in'.tha. ban Is of' the; United States " GoYerrjpnu -Lfct.."Mee how much they I'mus't pay.loddcll this. The State taxes '.'of these foar States are now as follows, .' viz: ' :"' " V . - - . ' ... '. Alabama South Carolina Gecrria; ; Florida eGoO.OCO 400.0C0 S00.CCO 100.GC0 . Total.. 1 :";:';;:';V.S 1,950,000 ' This is n moderate tax." Now Jet us look at the demands of the new state of things. A new postal arrangement must be made and paid for. The United of to Slates Aill withdraw all post cfficps, "course. The Union . will not agree Eurply post offices to people cut of the Unicn. The cost cf carrying the mails by the United States in these four States is 500,000 per annum. In a small po pulation and extended territory, it cannot be cone nearly so cheaply. Ilie rost sa?e. - Ring Misti-r.- Alo it that," sir, there is some difference cf cpbioa. " . . ' Clou-ri.- No, sir, there' is no' difference cf ..pinion ; there can be no difference of opinion ppon that subject, -The President is perfectly ngniperiecuy ngni, sir. He is in favor vf all sides of the qvts: iionl : - The Xevr Administration Org A further, and one cf the best erid ences in tlie world, of the conservative and national course of the coming admin istration, is the fact that the Jfutional Intelligencer is to be the organ of Presi dent Lincoln. The Intelligencer has ever t ' -.-ii . ' J leen considered a pattern cf nationality, per annum. But this is small, ccmpareoi - - - - ' ... with the Military Department. Suppos ing secession to be peaceable at first, yet there wul be constant dangers on every The telegraph reports of last nighf are issued in tae Advertiser this morning, i-id-e, &nd .000 men will be the least ' and E-lletia sub??rilert TurmsheJ. Oar Delegate. , .Wf have heard it said repeatedly by the enemies of Mr. Dailt, within the past two weeks within a very few dap that -he is bung!: -Z arou: 1 Osiaha while Ctrgress is in ses. ; ;n." o are "tharitalle enoh to beheve" thattaose we heard, have cnly tal.n up thi howl uttered by the principal of "the only two papers in Nebraska" in an editorial of two weeks ago. Mr. Daily is now in Washington," at b'isposti - He vas, however; detained ia the Territory about a week after Congress convened, attending to some mattere con nected With the, contest between him and Mr. Morton. Those who swindled the people cf this Territory' out of ihe'marlof their choice," by securing the certificate of election for one they repudiated through the ballot box, need not: ezpect to hide behind so weak a defense, or scare Mr. Daily from discharging his duty his whole duty, in defence of his own and the peopled rights. Mr.'D. will, as be has thus far done, attend faithfully to : tlie demands of his constituency; and " also not fail to expose .the outrageousV frauds perpetrated against him in the last election.- -Had it been necessary for him to have remained' in the Territory ontiltjie 4th of March i jText, tlie 'people' of.. Neb-, raska would cot have" held . him responsi ble for any neglect ; but rather : the in famous connivers at, and perpetrators of the notorious election frauds,' by which he was deprived of the. certificate; honestly due him. r .The . people -.understand this matter1, gentlemen. "Face the music ;" that's 1 "the question 'rnowi before" the house. ,: :. ';-... ..- TIic Committee or Thirty-Three. 1 The following is the committee of 33, raised by the motion of Hon.' A. Ri Bote ler of Virginia, and appointed by Speak er "Pennington; and to whom' was .refer red; that portion of the President's Mes jsagejelatingio ' existing difficulties be 1 ween' the. North" and the South.", V. ,. r cThe Philadelphiai Press, speaking of the appointments cf iMr.. Pennington, says! "He has chosen some of ': the best men of.the Republican patty,' . as well as some.c the most moderate and conserva tive' of the general Qppqsition, , and has also recognized the' leaders of the':Seces sion movement.'. 'There; is, in fact, scar' cely a name iipon'the list to which reason able objection could; ;be urged." ;. ; . ,: ; Ohio ' vi.. Corwin I Virginia.:' Millson Massachusetts Adams . North Carolina; New York i South Carolina - r,l . i Connecticut Maryland . -Rhode Island Delaware! i New Hampshire New Jersey " Tennessee ; Indiana ' " ' Ldtisiana l' - "-- -Slississippi ;; ; Illinois ! Alabama' ; .; - ' Maine Missouri Arkansas ; ' " -'"' Michigan" Florida 1 Texas ; ' .Wisconsin ' Iowa " California - .WinsloWi ; j Humphrey - Boyce 1 . j:h Campbell" . .. Love .s. . Ferry::; ii l.'Daris ; ' ' Robinson ; .. Whiteley a Tappan : Strat'ton 'Bristaw' ' t Morrill: -. Nelson .'ii:1; Dunn - Taylor - Davis i : Kellogg : Houston : Morse '- Phelps' '' Rust- -' '" ! Howard : Hawkins : : Hamilton - Washburn' Curtis B.irch : Windom - Stout . , .Rep. Dem. ' Rep. ;Dem. j Rep. ; Dem. ' Rep. , Dem. Rep: ; . Am. Rep. ; r.'Dem. Rep.' Rep. : Deu. , Rep. ; .-.Am 1 .Rep. : , Demi DeroJ "Rep. Dem. Rep. Dem. ; Dem; : Rep. 'Dem! '."i Dem. Rep. Rep., ' Demi Rep. Dem. ' Nebraska Legislature. a- "Why don't yon give "us more' news from our Legislature ?" Without intend ing, to be abrupt, but brief, we reply for the same reason "Jack wouldn't . eat c his sapper." We get none 'of any - conse quence, "consequently can ' furnish our readers but .little. We "canV alfbrd to procure lelegraph reports, and the mails, novy-a-days, we "are told," are Carried by ox-teams old.oxra at that so 1 that what little we get is valuable only as re lics of antiquity. . Joking aside ; and we do really think our contemporaries at ;the capital are rather: nslow coaches", in re gard to disseminating the doings of :our Legislature among, the ' people ". While we would be the last to urge newspapers experiments vre cannot but. believe. that, hy proper effort, a daily paper at Omaha, could be made to pay during the session cf . the Legislative ' Assembly, especially one containing correct and , impartial re- pons.i ' : - - '; ' : . If this cannot be done, we suggest that for future sessions of the Legislature, there be formed an " Associated "Press" in Nebraska. Let every newspaper es tablishment in the Territory contribute toward the emploj'meut of iwo'competent LeghlativetReporters. 'Let the reports be printed daily in slips and sent eff by each morning's mail to .the press - outside the capital. - 'r 1 :" " 1 t ! Or, let the "Public Printer' be requir ed to print the. regular Journals of both Houses' daily. The latter plan would greatly expedite the public printing.- ECCOTCrln?:. Hon. Johx P. Bakir; one of . the Represeniatfves "frornythis county, and who, for a few days' past, has been, considered by his physician as dan gerously ill," we. are pleased to announce," is convalescing A pressing demand far type in other work, compel us to issue a day in advance, Corresr .::acncc from the Capital. Ommia, Dsc. 12. j!r. Editor r ' i'Le'-luilaturc is work- irg very smoc 1.1) there has been a large number cf 1 .1$ mtrtduced, ani the second n'ing, and several hav: . pas:ed the usdauJ been sent to thf Co ncil; a ong others a bill to aboli?! thi office c. Mjc.v"t3 in Chancery, and r bill to l-rohib.rt-'ila'vry in Nebraska., , which bill passed the House with but twoj dissenting votC3.--.-Actjn and Purler, both j rr. Fiiher introduced a bill to amend the Criminal Cede. Read twice and re ferred. ' . Mr. Get :rne o.Tered n resolution in- t a Tprriuriai AuuitCT ana heainc.a; c; tries s3ed yrly i'a e .li t unty si. ee it: organization; th- ai; ;unt pari ia'bv es :h ; the am.rjnt t W -ol-i x pvl Hr ea-;h; and the aiaount" of school aichla apportioned to .i.i eucn. Auopieu. d a owl nd Tr Ct-rL- infroii-iced a blil tO am of Richardson. !,), n,. Imv. Read twice and re- ttested-agorrrst tUe bi'l i?1 - "'"Mr. "Acton pro- prohibit slave prot'esf s'read was a-verjr-lo or fes ry,.and. whed to hare, his lr ,H ,:f.Mr. Clnrk. on ihe journal ri-ut as-n; ... . cgoncernaccntainiag , T; r-. , Iar TreaSarer three stump speeches) the House re- . UUUI . . I journal, zua.lleA.agv.,. w Tr7 Baker; has; been very sjck Jcrs seve ral days, but is ihoughUo,be recovering. Mr. Hacker has introduced anai, 10 build 'a bridge across. 'the liitleNemr.ha, near Neiuhity iPx a fctiricrialaud joint resolution for a mail route from Ne niaha CtVrtoJ3lu Springs m Gage Co. i MrWevhas'ntroduCedJjiiUl to amend a bill. &c, for opening, repairin ing and locating- county roads ; also, a memorial and joint resolution, relating to School" nau"3s';reIso,:imenf5rial acdjoint resolufion for a Geolcrgical Survey t Ne braska: Mr. Fisher 'has introduced a bill to amend -the.rJleyenueLaw; also, ,a bill againsVburnihg 'prairies ; ahoVd "fee bill. Mr. Parker of Clay;. has introduced a bill o. .apportion the Territory for mem bers'3 of" the'egislalufe."1 If'"1 th5 lill passes Nemaha, Johnson, Clay and Gage, and '-pfbba&y Lancalter will He'nd 'vf& Councilmen. Nemaha alone will send five Representatives ; 'Jbh'nsoii and Gage one' r t;rfr;p . ,r. .rf r:r , f, V ' cThe1 JVebntskian, of last weWk' in speak ing of Dundy being allowed hisseat in the .CDAinijilcmamed.ihe folloving;,sep tence: "That SQtmePrTayJorand.Dundy for instance, should sanction even greater frauds than the one referred to, occasions no surprise, but that Tipton, Thayer and Taffe, men who. have some reputatiori for moral honesty, should connive at such a wrong is arnazing. There a re' some men so1-vehalahd corrupt that'-they-would barter 'the'4 virtue of:their -wives' and mothers for gold or political power." 'Mr. Tipton arose in his place'this morn ing.and drew'theittention'bf the Coun cil to this infamous sentence, and, among other things, said',1 'If-1 this charge is true, I am associating with' men more degraded than the inmates of our jails and :pene teritiarfes',; &c.' t.'.uvin !- - :3Ie'( Tipton) then read aistateraent of facts showing that Dundy's certificate was all correct, and that aH : the members of the Council,- wiihoui distinction of party, were satisfied '6f; that fact, and that there was no opposition td Dundy having his seat in the Council. Mr. Belden,(dem) of Omaha, follow ed Mf. Tipttn, and said that ' he Uid not rise .to apologize for Robertson,' that Rob. had : done wrong, and had stated that which' 'was not true; thar he-(Belden) was one of the committee on credentials, and was. satisfied that Dundy was entitled tq the seat, and that the charge of the Nebraskian re fleeted on the character of everyineinber .tih'eXJduhcit die 3ug gested that they turn Rob. over to the clergy, in hopes that they yould beable to improve his morals. .-'- ' j - Each member of the Council arose and denounced Robertson for his mean and slanderous , conduct. Taffe said, among other thiipgs that ,hT was'sorRob") had spoken" farorablyxf ''him,' (Taffe) for he considered it a disgrace for any man to be praised by 'Robertsoh' vn "- -'X,, Strickland said that last winter he-had traced up six of Robertson's lies; and now; did not think it worth while to pay any attention to him, for Rob. was beneath any man's notice. r T "TtT"rC7 . Little'ahd Cos3,x(derh)"both spoke in pretty much the same strain, in fact there weae "none so poor as to do him rever ence." ?7-V: -k:-'it'-! I never heard a man get such a tongue lashing, and unfortunately he deserved every word of itf ;,. Rumor says .that Rob. had better keep within doors for a few weeks.'1;" - '-: r From 'all the evidence" we can attain here, it seems that the Half Breeds tract , is, to .TlLinlents Shd: purposes, .the same as an Indian reservation. INbvV, I think", that we oughVlqTlaJje" immediate aciion to bring it WthiVthe jurisdiction of the Territory; '"arid"'! suppose the. proper way would be'by a peiition to the President, setting forth the facts, of ' the. case,1 show ing that' many of the 'inhabitants of that tract are white ' person's that the land is bwned by individuals, and that it" is rap idly passing into the hands of -citizens of the, United Slates, that we need the taxes front that land, and the inhabitants want the right to vote at our elections. ; '; X, ', ISEMAHA.' ' a commi'.tee the ' bo.os 'of iockwood introduced a ioint reso- elatire .ta coilatir;i tne laws. . rc23-la Uusxlty, TOsia? Pec. w,. months end ii Jt'iiS mUi ol JO-uX au El.LEJfilAUN. -r . -,. ,-- , - . - . ' ,f J ' . r m f.iri my i - - - , - , WvjJ 'i V"""a""' Gro'trtHdrVfis office; see 'those :spleuilid jngr1iyiiig31J of 'the' Cosrao poIitaiiT'Art sjpeiction,', and sub scribe immediately. Try tlie"Xebrasli.a Faimcr" the coming year. .It is a home paper, devoted exclusively tQ..the.Agricujtural and Educational inter ests of the great nd growing Far West. Address, R. W.. FURNAS, Brownville, Nebraska.; - Term's SI; or 15 copies, S10 BroTrnVille Mail Arrangements. EASTSntf MAIL. DfKxrtrt) aily ( Sandays excepted ) at nine, a.m. Arrive Daily ( Sundays excepted ) at to r. M. Closes 4a(J.inio?A.Ji. . . Arrive Tfi-wfcekly.' on Mondajs, "VVednesdajs and Fridayi ak 12 o'elwik u. Depart On Tuesdays Thursdays and Satur dayiat 1 o'clock 51, ( .. ... ( . . r .... t j f f "SOUTHER " MAIL, ' , yr ArriceiCn 'Tuesdays,' Thursdays' ani Satar diiys. at 12 o'cKick M. Depart- On Mondays, "Wednesdays and Fridays, t,Us!cV)qkMf j 4? ,,-;; ; :; r prr;cx-kours. From 730 x.u. to 1 o'clock P. m.; and from 2, P. JOHN U. MAUN, f. M. J 30, CaitlSTMA3 '.SERMON. .In tha Presbyterian Chuxcn nxt BaJjIitath morning, at 10 1 2 by EeT A. A; Billngsley, , , , v , t;. ;. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. yvyvA bbl ; Civ Nem ) ofN. William Cobb) " Civil Action. District Court 'i ' tsj' j v. . 'Nemaha County, Territory Gnrdi II. Wilcor. ) of Nebraska. , . , The faid defendant Gurdmll. the Ter ritory of Kansas: will take notiee- tb'as on the 2tth day f September; IS60, said p!aintiff William It.W Cobb die file h:a petition in- raid District Court, in and forsaid County of Nemaha, toirother with his aSdavit for ah'nttoebmantin. tBe aboTd named ac tion,.and caused a summons and an order of attach ment .to. bo issued thereon aatn3t said defendant. That the. shend" of paid county, by virtue of said order, 'Ori said 21tb Iayrf September; according to law.Atlaxbcd tha ftJUiwjng as , the property of the 'said dafendant, to wit : the undivided half part of lot No. 4 of Sooth east fractional quarter and south west quarter of south east fractional quarter of sec tion 1 3, township N 5, north of rang 13, east of the tb- principal meridian, in emaba county, Neb raska Territory, all containing 3-t acres more or less. That the object and prayer of which said petition is to obtain a judgment against said defendant In fav orof snid plaintiffforthesumof $200 OO.with inter est from August 2 tth, 1859, and for the further sum of $30 00 with interest from the same date for mo ney collected by said defendant, as agent for said plaintiff, of one Thomas Mackey, and which said money sai l defendant neglects and refuses to pay to said rlaintilT. ' That the said defendant is hereby required to 'appear and Answer or demur to faid pe tition bn or bea'cre'tha tlth day ff Febrmirr .1861. ' ' JOHNSON &, SCHOENH EITT,' Dee. 20 -4w-$lA . Fuaintig"' Atfys. J r - ! r;.T :Nel)raska Legislature. j 713 f A n .7wT)ec- ii. : CorycjL.r.:-lr' Tnayer introauced a resolution praying foranLappropriatipn to tompletc'tne Capitol.5" -Referred. "A- Mr. Ddndy irjtfpdiced a bill o change thVjiameof Richardson county to Lincoln county. Referred'.. . .r j r .A-cillivas Inffoduced tb"airpwrViarrjed wemfen ta hold property', .and sue and 'be sued in certain Cases: Read firit time. , r The bill to' amend tb? homestead law was read second : time and' referred. A message was., jeceived.. from . the House announcing the passage of a bill to abolish the office of Master in Chancery. ;s;Tfie.' above' bHI,fra'$ 'readnmce and re ferred. " '.V-.-V?vi".-::;' r:';;'c!v-' ' The House! slarerybiil wa3 then taken ppr apd:r?ad jhe first-time.:T(rf Xittle oj)ieptjn2 to a second reading. ,h was' laid over under, theje,n?. t Council adjourntd. K House. A number of settees of bills were given. .... , r , . , , Mr.,Grebe gave notice" pf a- tillto amend the act relating to real estate nd the alienation thereof.' ; ' " .'V ;' v ; ; .' Mr. Mathias Introduced a bill to define the powers of county commissioners and county clerks. Read twice and referred. Or. motion of Mr. Acion, the cemmii- tee on'minesa'nd minerals were recuest ed"tp report all -the information -in their passession relative to the: subject, : r j "Mr: Co'wles introduced a bill to amend the Homestead law. Read twice and re ferred. AmeripaQ StockrJpurnal. The, third Vol. commences Jan.. lstt I860. Devoted especially to matters relating to domestio ariinial3. Th? largest, and cheapest payier of the kind.jn tb'e world;! fnbnshed Monthly, at No. 25 Park, llow, New Vork. Pric, $1,00 per year in ad Vance.1' Specimen copies gratis - i"-- D. C.LIN'SEV, Editorand Proprietor. OTIS l'.R. irAlTE, Associate Editor . Papers giving the above advertisement three in sertions, and sending a marked copy to A. G. Hatch, Windsor, Vt, will receive a copy of the piper ono year ire. , - A. O. HATCH, General Agent. Doc. I860. . f-3ms. 80 Acres of Choice Land : . jL ' ' "'" '' i Including TUB WOBBOLTOiJ HOUSE The subscriber offers at private sate 80 acres of Land, Ijing in Nemaha County, being the north nt the southeast quarter of section 6, town 6. range 13. with the buiidinrs thereon erected called the Worrulton Houe."- There are about 25 acres broke and under fence.- '"Possesion can be giten next Spring. 1 " For Terms which will be easy apply to Wn. S. Boreli; ftCWfley for E. Mechtel, No 2Ji N 4ih St, Philadelphia; B.iVV. Furnas, EiL Advertiser ; or, Rob iYnjjht, on the premises. - .December 5, lM0; ? i , J-n24t: ; FJEMMil CITY IiLILS! ! ! FLOTJR. MIAL AND LUMBER QRAIN' AND LOGS PURCHASED. '.iiv. JESSE Ii OE It , Formerly of .the Brownville Mil's, annonnces to bi.n old pfttrons and citizens geneniMy that he has purchased the Nenmh City Mills, refi'-te I them in complete order, and is now prepared to serve the public with Flour, Meal and Lumber of the very best quality. Bring on your Grain ind Logs and 1 warrant you shall be satisfied. Don't Forgd the Place r7 . Nesia&a City Llills. ' :- Deceoibr GtIS6,h0. n22-tf SIIERIFFS SALR;;;- , . . , . . ? Theo-Jore Dill, 1 1 - Lewis KeaTerr , NOTICE is hereby given that by v'rtne cf writ of excutim to me directed and delivered frm the office cf the clerk of the Di.trict Conrt for Gage county, Nebraska Territory, I have levied upon, and will offer at public sale at the d wr of the court house in the tuwn of Beatrice, G:;re coanty, Nebras ka, on Saturday the lOch d.iy tf Jacuiry, ISol, be tween tb5 hi urs of 9 o'clock, x. M. and 4 o'elocV, p. M. of said day. all cf the riprht ti Ie and Interest vf Lewis KeatTer in and to the following described real estate, to-wit: lot five ia block sixty-four, in tte town cf Ileatirice,' county, Nebraska: taken, ; i lvid-M--ani's4 a-the prorerty of Jho said Lewis. Kfaffer at tle suit of Theodore flill. Terms C'b.- -. ? fheri3s cEce. Car o county, NobnL. December 12th,18i,0. E.'ll. IT5NDiIE, Bberiffo; G3gie-.?TN. T. 23- 5w-T50-pd Important to Steel: Grc . Jhz Third. Vcluxxt of the Aniorican .Sioelc Journal. Coamencsi iT7 lit, 1221. l U -..rote f e illusive!: t,- in.V.t ' rs'.atieg to the c -ea- l ni.r - -aentof t dm-? r-ic animals ar. J fir the tar: ;t,chc,: t widely cir o ,,'atel paper ot kinJ t- w li. No S.otK "":wer; an akfc : 0 to be without i:. - 12 h---eect!iro raj:S, Hndwrncly II las;..:e4V I'uviishcd Zljnthly, a', Yrk Row, New $i,C0 per verrin ivnc. specimen eopics gratit. D. C.LINSLE1, LJ. and Pro. yi lor. .u. it xx k lj, j. Newspapers givin? the bove advertisement two tr. A O. Hatch. Windsor, Vt., will receive copy of the paper cne vesfre. . A. G-tiATCil, General Agent. - In puwuaiwe of aa order of the Probate Court of Netn.h Coun'y, Nebraska Territfr, , iaade on the ninth dayof November, 1S50, aecordinto thacVject and prayer of the Petition filed in said Court by Michael Earnabay as Guardian cf Wra.' ET.trnby; the said Michael I5,rnabay, as ich Gurd.'n, will on the 3 1st day of December. li;'0, at the hour of ene o'clock, P M, cScr at public sale the fallowing de scribed real estate, t-wit : S-;uthod3t quarter of sec tion.!, township four, range sixteen, east 8th prin ciptmertJlais, ia Xeaiaha County,' Nebraska Tcri Soxy. Jfjd iil take j.lis cn sull (r?:es and the terms cf sale casa in hand for the whule premises sold, . ..:, " J'UCJAEL DATtABAT,'Gua'r2ua.'" Johnson fc Scuoeaukit. bis Att's. ; November 15th. ISS'J... . - nla-tww-$7 . - MASTER COMMISSIONER'S SALE a. W. Frame ' - 1 ) ; - . - ' - V v JosnuaG. Abbe By virtue oX a docretai order lr,? 1 froca' the Clerl'l oiltca r tbe litti:t Cy irt cf Neamha countr ia tiie 21 J4i(liciiil Piirict of Xeirk.i Territorv, up-jit decree lmdetiyfaid Couriat Sept. Term a. d. IStiO, iu the above came 1 will ell on Friu;y, lt &a cS.iy ut Jauary,A. D. ISot, M I o'eUck am vt aid day, at tee lxr vt llnmer Johuson's Hall (ihe place wbere sai't Ornrt wu last helJ wi-JM-ownviue, NeniU CKsn!y, Nebra?k. tbe filwiu do.iUoJ rel estate, with ine rynrie Dunce tberctu lielongiiij, to-vi: lots no 4 ml 5 tu blocH NvSZ loU ana liu bl(ick Xub5v lots 5 au.l 6 In block No 139, lot 3, 4, 9 ami 10 in biuck No 69, lots 10 1 tin bloc Xt.6&, rti 12 In bljckl WS lots3.7nl 8 In block X bS, lots 6 aul 9 In block No le, lots 1 t a 2 in block No 57 lots 3, 4 S and 6 in block No 61 lot7snU 8 In bl-jck. 107. lot 9 i i block Ku 115 lot It in block No 117, lot 1 in block No 107. and block No I number ed a ud described in the published and reconlU plat ol tbe towu ui Peru, lu N ouwba c-'uofy, Nebra.-ta Territ.r ryj to tta highest bnliler lor cali in band. . . - JAilEi' 5. BJCDFPKD, ManterCom. Brownville, Dec lOvli, 13tiO. . . i.23-6w-$9. ;' Master Ccmmir-zionci's Sal 3. Joseph T Mitdiill Vi Russell Peery, Ainiiniatrat'r of tbe estate of William Gil niore. deceased, et 1 By virtue of a decretal nrder issued froca tbe Clerk's oflice of tbe District cuurt in Nemaba county, kn tbe second-Judicial Distinct of Nebraska Territory, npn a de cree made by aid court at iu Svptember te.-ni. A. I). I860, in tbe above entitled cauxe, I will sell on Friday tbe 13tb day of Jau-ary a d 161, at 11 o'tt.Kk A. X sail day. at tbe 4uor of Uonter JoUuion's Ilall. (tbe plat e wbere tbe aatd court wjh lat beid) in Brownville, Ne mabacouniy Neora?ltH. Tbe fol lowing Jecribe4 rta) e taie with tbe appurtenance thereU beloiigiug to-wit: tbe south half of tbe nornbwest quarter and tbe north west quarter of tbe southwest quarter of aectloa no, twelve, township 6. north nf rante 14, east of tbe kixih. principal meriilan ; i . said county and Territory, to tbe highest bidder (or ca in baud. - J. S. BEDFORD, . . . December 13, 1360 23 6w-$9. Master Com. Jackson I,jne v I TWhyte Sarah Wm Hob Marfb By virtue of a decretal order Issued from the Clerk's office of tbe District Courier Neman county, in the 2d Judicial District of Nebraska Territory, uponadecree made by aid Court at its September Term, a. d. ISto'O In tbe aqove entitled cause : I will sell on Friday, the ISih d day of January A B 1S61, it tbe hour of 11 o'clock, a. n. oi said day, at ihe dor cf Homer JohDson's Hall (ibe place where said Court was last held) it Brown ville, Nemaha county. Nebraska Territory, the follow ing described real estale. with tbe appurtenances there to belonging, to-wit: The northeast quarter of fection no, 10. in township no. 5. north of range no. 15, et of tbenixth principal meridian, la Nemaha county, Neb raska Territory, and the southeast quarter of section no. 10, in township no. 6. north of range 16. east of the 6th principal meridian, in county and Territory aforesaid, to tbe highest boder for cash iuh.ind. - ' -JAMES S. BKDFORD, Master Com. Brownville, Dec lXh, ISiO. ; n23-6w-$9. hyte.. , i Whyte . . f . r . . . . Hoblilaell and J , jaHoblitzell J Emil Bterne V9 William L'Swaa ' By virtue tit a decretal rde issued from the clerk's office of the District Court in Nemaba county, in tbe 2d Judicial Dlstrictof Nebraska Territory. upn a deciee made by said court at lis- September te-m A D 1560 in the above entitled can, I will eil od Friday the I8t day of January a o 1681. at 11 o'clock A M of said dy at tha tkwr of Homer Jonhtujn'a nail ('be place where said court wan last held) lu Brownville. Necnabacoun ty, Nebraska Territory the roHewins; described reai e late, with the uppurtenances belonging thereto, to-wit: lot no. 6 in block no. 116 jn the town of Peru, In Nema ha county, Nebraska Territory, a represented by the original recorded plat of said town, to the behest bidder for cash In hand. J. S. BEDFORD, Master in Ch'y Dec 10th. 1SG0 23-6w-$6 . . CITY LIMY SIAMI AND BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. ROGERS. & BROTHER. ., ... AKXOTJNCKS to the nubile that ha fcii narrha.l .. Livery Stable and Suck fornior! owned by William Kosseii and added thereto fine sttick, and Is now prepar ed to accommodate the public with (Jarridges, . , " . . . Buggies, ,y, ". , V . Sulkies, - " . Saddles Ilorsss cc. &c. TaT Ail ALOAllAtlO.V Cf LAN-jtrACt!-!. T'- i grcwinj tendency ia tbi a3 a;prj.ritt ti most exprrssive Woris cf other lAn-niz,an1'. while to iz!uT?ts.:s ihu j e tna , ii-ji word Crh3'.;", which is from the (.3 r k. sri;fr'- "forth t" !.'i.' oM-jrer-p. alir.; j,' nection wiu --.r. o.a.. irwt 2j r- dy. but it wi.l fxn be u'cJ in a Eicre g9cnj Xr and the word Ct't-h.'.ls w,!i boc"ii i at eiaatcj Electrotype and u.nay others whvse dijUociioj forijn word i s.ii tvcr wirnawijtTta.ninoj,,, aatil they sseci "natire ani t tad uiaor fcora." 1 XI i 'ad 'n 'erriole 'ecci' t h i is '.flar-oW Lrf I stepped into the h!pothf?iris hactiiavi ti t0 ta mr,CiT you hnj rn of aa 'eadarha "Is hache'a.-.J, s.ijs'e. -"Ucxceedin y," sy ;t upon that 'e gve rae aCephilic Tiil, hazni 'pn, fcf 'unor it cured c53 soo iio that I 'arilr ru'..A i 'ad ai aa 'cacLe Cstat Discovert. Amor j the moitiipijr of all tbe great roodical discoveries ef th: ljr be coniidered the system cf vaccination f.r protaj'. tion froa aill I'-x.asi tha Csphil':3 .i'illj f;r" liof of hadc;h, either cf which is a surtfp. whoso beaeS'.s wi'.l te experienced by,ufsrinh oanity afJer their discoverers aa fcrjottea. l-r,n"r.chfl ij t5o fivorit? 3;nVy wVrch a. turo makes known any deviation whatever froa natural Ut f f!.3 Uiin.aDa Titled .in thi , it iny bJ f oed cn a? a sifejaariintendi tj notice of dinea.-e whioh might otherwise t.capt , tentioa. till too late t bo remedied aa 1 ij iaii tions shoul i never be neglected. Ilenujchct. a,, beelassif.! und tw nasi$: SyajVjnUa a:i Idi)pthic. tympt- iaatio Ueadacte u excocf.sf, cooimon, and iv the prcarir of a rt vrifj diseases, amor; whVehare Apojtlexy Uoat, Ritt matisiE.anJ al frbrile di??.. In iu nrvvciii it is syrnpathetia of (iiwase of i.n st aaci cf nifi ting tick hm.faehe, of hpathio die- constitut q biliontheadacke, of wora, ccrstipatioD ui t,; disordersof thebowe!;1, aswcUivt reafnd ucr: aSToctions. Di'esjes of the hc?art ar very frevjrl ly attended with headache; Anaeaiia and p, aro also alfoctinna whic'i frequently occa.-o ka ache. IJiapthic head iche U alio very fomaioW inj usually dis-tin jjui.she-1 by the nam of fm headacke, soiaeliccs couiiu j on luiiccTj iaa iuu of apparently sound health and priirrvung; at oi the uiental and physical energies, ar.d in Oibj? stances it comes on slowly, heralded by dfiim. of spirits oracertiy cf .temper,.' In mt icxtntq the pain is in tbe front of the hia.i,ovrmof bc-j eyes, and sometimes -prcvikiri vomiiicj u; this ela. rcjy also ba nmo J XtHriljiit. ' For the treatment tf either t-laK sf Jlca latts tj Cephalic Fills have been Lund s iaTj and tais fs dy, relieving the most acuta gvaici in a fw mist tes, and by its subtle power endiiaticg the tl'.S'.u is the nnernn? index. of which headache i 2RirctT.---Mirsns wants" yoa to send h.Tahox; Cephaliij G!u, ni. ab ittle of 1'ropareJ Fiils; bat i am thinking that's jait Ltnaitlier; but pevbspj?-'. beafiher knowing what is Yesbe sbo's r and gone with the rfiok llml wh-). and waafs scr more of that same as relaived tor l-.-fure. Drwrrj .---You must mean paluia's CepU Pills. . BridyA Och ! sure nw and you've M i, hn tbe quarther and giv me the i'wli, and da't fc day aboat it aither, . . . . Ccnsllpatlon or Costlicncss. Xoooe .nh many "ills 8eh r.a he;r Uj" ii to valent, so little understood, an-i si much B-g'stn. asCo5tiV'Sn34. Often oriinatln ia carclcarB or soientary habits, it is regnrled as a sl'hi J ' derof too little wneqaence tc-'scitfl anxiety, ei in reality it i the precursor and comraiiiua tfia: of the most and Janruus disea.Kt, tedt less early eradicated, it will brin tbe sufrerton untimely grave. . Anwng tbi tcr vi'sofwl costivene. is the usual attenilitit aroHesdac: Colic. Kha'imatism, Fool Dieath, I'iles and mr of like nature, while a long train of f rightful d ses sui:h as Malignant Fevers, AlH:e3.-cs. Dfj' Diarrhoea DjpepBia. Apoplexy, Epi'epsv, l'ari;. Hysteria, Ilypticbdndriasis, Mal;ncho!y and Is ty, first indicate their presence in the sjjtembTii. alarming symptom. Is'ot nnfreqnently the &$nn named origiaateia Constipation, bat take on ; dependent existence unless tht eause is e:aJ!.-i;-in an early stse. From all these censideriticw followf thet the disorder should rceejve han-.cii. attention whenever it occurs, end no pen-in negloct ti get a box of Cepualio VilU on the -Mrpearne cf tha eouojjaiot, the'r tiniflj J will expel tbe insidaou apprnaehe J iU.u, destroy this dangerous fa to h amaa life). - ' THE TRAVELlinC FUBLIC 1 Can find at hit Stable ample accommodations for horses, mulet or eatt ie. t BENJAMIN A. JOSnrA EOGZZ3. IBrewiiTllle, Oct. IS, I860. nlS-yly Notice. . Whereat one Thomat Walllarat bat dnrinir my tbsence falaely repreteutcd biruself aumyanent and attorney, nd bavins lllreally t-btaincl isoeMun of certain bookt of accoMnta.tnd papers, and other propertj belonring to me. and fraudalefitiy converted them to his own us e, by laid representation. All persons are hereby notified that laid Williamt is not and never was my authorized aser.t,- and that no act of hit at inch will be acknowledged by me. . S. WTATT. Midileport, Jf . T., Nov. 19, 1S&J. THE - iiEiYinmiis. EM AHA CITY, NEBKSK A. Caab, for Wlaoat, Tha public are informed that at Melvin't Kills that 8ntoJteQtscaih is beinjpaid for if.jod mercha ntable wheat. A Wo wheat and corn ground for toll naual. Not-22,IS5(). i. G. MilLVl.N. - - Notice. Thompson Owens U fully authorized to act for me, and in my name transact all buines oniwcieil wjtii my land on the Kaif-Breed Reserve, located between the Jemhas, including the ho Franciw o claim, award ed and confirmed by the Secretary of tbe Interior to Wui E St9nn and by hi in snid to tae. Xew Tork, "ov 1, 13(30 tf BEX. HOLLADaT. Nemaha City Htrald copy 3 weeka and terd bill to this affice. .' 1 Real LIcssIni. , Phyiieia. Well, Mrs. Jonas, how is thtii ache? . . ' - , Sir. Jone. Oone I Doctor, all gone ! tb : you sent.cured me in jut twenty micates, i:. wiih' joa would send lucre so thai I can ban . handy. - , 'AyiVtTn. -Torrcan (ft them at any Pra Call lr Cephalio Fill.', I find thev never foil. t. recnmend them in all c3 of bead iohe. Mr. Jonet. I sWl send for a box direct!?. ' shall tell all myiufferisg frieadj, fvr they .- lit fin j. Twenty, HiLitov? or Tollass satt. SpaMinx h)s soW two millions cf bott'M ff ebrated Prepared Utae. and i; is estimated th! bottle save at Iet ten do.'l trs worth cf brAt niture, thus making an aggregate of -liona of dollar recl.tiraed fVoia total lew b; valuable iovention. Having ma la bisC'.n sehold word, be now propij to Uo the wj'. gteater service by curingail the aching bet J) his Cephalic Pi IN, and if they are aa god GIoj, Headaches will aoon-vaniil as snow i; tZfOrr. ExciTtEHT, and tha msnta! anxiety incident ta c!oe Mten.ion to bo.' r tudy, are among the nunerou c.ites oO ' Headache. The diinrdcrcd state of mid aa" incident to .this d;streirp complnint is blow to all energy and ainbi'.ion. .Su?cre"'.' disorder can always obtain relief frou tb' treeing attacks by oii-j df the C'e ri- whenever the svmpt"!D' ufjH.'ar: It quiffti tanked brain, an i soothes ih-j strained arul ,' nerves.and relaxes the tension of tbe sumach" alwtv a"cmpaNiesand aggravates the d--' condition of the brain. "Fact wosTrf.. iowrrfe. SpaMlng't C Pills are a certain core l.r ITeadticbe. ' flen'Iiithe. Nervous Ilcaiache. Ccstivensa erat Debility. . . ... STRAYED. ProTi tbet'ibcriber un Wednesday. Dec. 6, 1S60, near GlenRoTki Neniaba ouniy: oue roan mare and one twyh're. about ix reart oM; f.iict mark of W on one of ber tips, tljrje licbt!y wbrteinthe face and about It year aid. A literal reward wit I bi paid for their recovery or any information leadini t it. Lime! Lime!! Lime!!! The nnflerilrned whose kilns are i'uated siuemilet wtof Brownville, on ihe road leading toFt. Kearney, le'p eon'antly on band at verj uerior article of Mroe; towhich he invite the attention of thoe wib In: Tbe Lime wiit bailellvered at thekiln cr at any otbr point ia theceun'y, stdetirtd. r., i?o x. at. Loxa. C$ CURE. Ke?vousIlBadaQl J r - w.i ; I i flj. Cr th. H ft tfc.ta PilT. ih. MirMil- S'.tft out or Sick Utniiacht aiaybe prerented; . tthe corumenceruettX of an attack troonr-" from pain and lu kooi will be obtjm'vi They sold m rati in reraoin Statue " arts U, which female are o'luect. Tbcr act gently upon the bowels reme'-'' net. For Literary Men, SUIen, Pe'.kate T5 aI perk, nn of ted ry habil they art Lasntive. irnprovicg the Cfpetite Rivin?'1 gor to the diiretive Tia. anl resuirint tla-ticitv nl itrtnjrh of tie w'aoie nyt.i . TheCZPITALi : PILLS fre tbe result vi katiin.ani carefully conducted exrennir been in use many yeart, d;rinz whi-h ', prevented aid relieved a vi ani-xint fif P f-inu from Headache wbtrther o'l-'lriati"' . touvyvtem er fri.ia a dor mp. staie th re entirely veMo in t'.ieir Cocj maybetiken at ii time wiH, infect , makini auy chmfr of d'C. tht altc' vrreobie ((Me revert it city to dni,s cUdttn. Ba-are cf counterfeit- The (tijnln Jave five siffaitoret of Hn'7 " on each b- x. v . &.ld by DrB?3zt and ;t ether Ertale''9,, X Ha will te hy rrai i rreDai fon rectf" Price 23 cents. Ail ordersc'i'-mi l h. i!resso! to ... HENRY a SPALDP; 43, Cedar Street, N 1 Tee. , 185. 2ly