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About Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 13, 1860)
THE ADVERTISER, It. W. FURNAS. EDITOR. THURSDAY H0R3LVO, DEC. 13, 1S53. itcbraska Legislature. 8TA5DI50 COMJIITTtES. Council. Judiciary Taffe, Marquette and BA- The Presidential Vote. The following is the electoral and po pular rote fcr each of the candidates for .President: 150 12 78 33 Means Elbert, Goes, and Ld Lincoln Douglas Breckenridge Bell 1. S46.203 1,564,650 657,752 50,249 den Finance, "Ways and Dundy and Strickland. Education Tipton, thank. . Mih'tarv Affairs Thaver. Tafie and UntLank. Highways, Bridges and Ferries Ln lhank, Benuet and Tipton. the others, as the result will' certainly show; but in South Carolina and Georgia where the greatest excitement exists, the people are under the belief that their con templated rash and premature disunion movements are approved and supported by a very large proportion of iheir breth ren in the other slave States which be lief is induced by the constant cne-sided selections from the disunion papers, and by similar selctions from the ultra pres ses of the North, they are in like man ner persuaded that a' bitter and hostile feeling generally prevails against the South in the free States. All the mod- will recollect how FalstaS,' intrusted with a military command, has reached Justice Shallow's, in Gloucestershire, where his lieutenant, the rascal Bardolph, 'a&sists him in collecting men to sjrv.i in t:.e ar my, and for a bribe lets ii 5 TP. AYE D. 303 TfeSe and Expenditures Elbert, Unthank and rato and conciliatory articles, and all the Itrickland. . cublic declarations at the North, that no injury or wron is intended against the rights of the South, are studiously kept out of sight, and thus restless ultras, North and South, have the whole field for excitement and irritation at their com mand, without opposition or control. Public attention must, sooner or later, be forcibly drawn to the abuses to which the freedom of the Dress is put by cer- anH tain sensation newspapers, whose conduc tors seem in a great degree to have lost Incorporations Dundy, Little. Library Thayer, Goss and Unthank. Public Buildings Marquette, Tipton and Strickland. Elections Tipton, Elbert and Bennet. Counties Tafle, Tipton and Little. Printinrr Dundv. Marquette, and Strickland. Agriculture Unthank, Bennet, Dun 1UV, 4,ee6,5Si It shows some curious facts in our sys tern of electing a President. Douglas fMs 1,564,650 popular votes and but 12 .electoral votes, while Breckenridge with 675,782 popular votes gets 78 electoral rotes. This corroborates nn assertion of ours directly after the Baltimore Con vention, viz : that while Mr. Douglas was . i . en nominated according to me usages ui v,uu- r'UA nrA pn(rrrt., T!1 Thaver . ,t ,,Vht nr1 "rr,nr. and to be . I w v v u t4V i-it www. - J I U1C B,Lia VI lfc,AA wwv rentions, he did not receive m Convention jei$ea. alive onlv to the profitable. No stronger that strength which could aid in electing House, example of the utter want of sympathy him.- . Priri Wm and Elections-Baker. Da- with the popular welfare, ana or me rea- It ,W tnn the CnnPrrative or Union ,U T.nrl,r1. CUrl- and Hvde. diness to advance private good at tne ex- loviny strength cf the countrv. The Hays and Means Lavins, nnaiev, iteuicic, uowns. Judiciary LockwoocJ, Kediclr, Lavms, Whaley. Acton and Lleburn. Accounts and Expenses uaviason, Porter. Hacker. Barnum and Lowe Agriculture Griffin, Coleman, Heed, Cowles and Yates. Roads Barrett, Solcnberger, Chase, Fowler and Grebe. Militia Chase, Downs, Mead .Cleburn and Fisher. Public Buildings Beane, Barnum, Tis dale, Iledde and Itedick. w it n . . .1 t- : j i internal improvements iveeu, - i fl3ot,MOO ac- f Q.oto -A. Federal Relations Whaley, Gilmore, Matthias and Actnn. Engrossed and Enrolled Bills Parkerr Sibley and Clark. County Boundaries and SeatsDavis, Cotte'rell, Mead, Sbllenberger, and ureebe. ' Breckenridge vote, 675,762, may be set down as the disunion strength, while .against it stands 3,091,147 true Ameri cans. OCclal Totcsfor President. MISSISSIPPI. Breckenridge Bell Douglas Total rote in the State TrxnrssiE. Bell Breckenridge Douglas Total Bell's plurality INDIANA. Lincoln . Douglas Breckenridge Bell 40,529 24.20S 3,224 67,061 69,710 65,053 10.3S4 145,147 4,657 Baker, pense or puoiic gooa, couia oe iuraisueu tnan taat wnicn a, most uany utxurs iu connection with telegraphic news from u , the South. Fictions of the most exciting and therefore mischievous character are concocted for the wicked purpose of keep insr alive a deleterious excitement, during P. . i I . 11- . .L J- which pretended intelligence irorn me ais turhed section misht be freely sold. We cannot but think that for this class of pa pers, they "manage this affair better in France." Hon. A. H. Stephens, of Georgia, in a speech delivered at the Hall of the House : Representatives in that State, said : The first question that presents itsel is, shall the people cf the South secede from the Union m consequence of the el ection of Mr. Lincoln to the Presidency of the United States? My countrymen I tell you frankly, candidly, and earn estly, that I do not think that they ought ,e bale and strong fellows escape, retaining only the i ragaruuClas and weaklir gs. . Thus Mom- j dyand Eullcalf remain- at lusne, while j Feeble, Shadow, and Wart, are impress PiL tn serve as food for powder, lie.r T - From the subscriber on Ved :ies! y, Pec. 5, near G:vJ liockiu N'euwha o,i;nty: ra;i mare and ore bayh'e. Hare abo'ir rix jcr v-l; faust mark cf W on t.n,i c-f tcr tiv. Ujr-e ri.W.r -a Lite in tbe face sriJ s'j n:t I- vejrs oil. A lU vrjl reward will bo puJ lur iupiryvxvery ur au iafwf ia'.:.n lodJiDir to it. I.. BA'.LN ARD. SIljEMFltt .SALE. Tbexl- ra Hi !, va NOTfCK i.H hrt'ly ziym that hy rlrtue of a writ thev all are. FahtcfT, unctuous with fat. of cxcuUon t- dir-xte-Una uVinrercd from the sacii.ana cign spirit; lMtuoiyn, evCl , tfl,HtTfxcl,lft,kft i nose rko a relief thtt Vi i 11 " drnminin' The accessories fat Knight's sword be recognized by bis iiiimtnfO Master Shallow, the Justice, exactly man to be swindled out of a thousand pounds, as a loan to Sir John; the recruits themselves, very clearly mdivinualizod, me cf furniture and other 4,rirooerties OI Shallow's office are admirably worked in. The recruits are to life.' There is Fee ble, the tailor, with his shears; Mouldy, with a look verifying his name; Buliface, who evidently would be a braggart, if he were not a coward. In the background are miserable Shallow and Wart. 139,013 115,166 12,295 5,339 Total 271.S13 In addition there were a few votes for Gerrit Smith. Lincoln's plurality over Douglas 24,847 Lincoln's majority over all is 6,213 OHIO. Lincoln 231,610 Douglas 187,230 t;ii io id? Breckenridge 11,405 Smith 119 Corporations-Gilmore, Hedde, Sibley, Iq "7 j.ment the election of no man Barrett,- Porter, Downs and Redick. Library Ha6ker, Fowler and Hyde.' Banks Cowles, Tisdale, Coleman, Millard and Cleburn. Common Schools Mullen. Griffin, Tis dale, Lowe and Cleburn. " Printing Matthias, Parker, Fisher, Lowe and Porter. In the Council, after the Committee on Credentials had reported, the'uual reso lution wa3 adopted, appointing a Commit tee to wait upon the Secretary, and re- quest hnn to administer the oath of otuce constitutionally chosen to that high office is sufficient cause for any State to separ ate from the Union. It ought to stand by and aid still in maintaining the Con stitution of the country. To make a poin of resistance to the Government, to with draw from it beeause a man has been con stitutionally elected, puts us in the wrong, We are pledged to maintain the Consti tution. Many of us have sworn to sup port it- Can we, therefore, for the mere election cf a man to the Presidency, and that too in accordance with the prescribed forms of the Constitution, make a point o resistance to the Government, without becoming the breakers of that sacred in strument ourselves ? withdraw ourselves ; Total Lincoln's plurality over Douglas Lincoln's majority over all ' ILLINOIS. Lincoln . Douglas Bell- ' Breckenridge (aerrit Smith to members The camrnittee then retired, and after from it? 442,561 a brief absence returned with the Secre- Would we not be in the wrong? What- 44.3S0 tary, who proceeded to administer the oath ever fate is to befall this country, let it 20,969 171,106 158.254 4,S51 2,292 35 Total Lincoln's over Douglas Lincoln's over all 336, 53S 11,955 4,965 . Death or Judge B. F. Powers, . We are pained to learn, from the pro ceedings of a bar meeting held in Troy, Ohio, of the death of one of the promi nent citizens of that place, Judge Br. F. Powrns. Judge P. was one of our most intimate acquaintances and. near neigh bors, from our earliest boyhood recollec tiohj until we came West. He was one of the oldest inhabitants of that (Miami) county, in which he had filled many offices cf honor, trust and profit. He v.-as an elder brother of Hiram Powers, the eminent American Sculptor, now in Italy. - At the Bar meeting referred to, the following resolutions, among others, were adopted: Resoivzd, That while we bow in hum ble submission to the decree of the Judge of the Universe, from whose fiat there is no appeal, and in whose rulings there is bo error; we sincerely lament the final cepanure iroiu iue sui.iaiuuuiwitiuuui circle of our friend and brother, whose true hearted friendship, refined sensibili ties and remarkable social accomplish ments, have so long endeared him to us; and whose memory we shall ever grate fully cherish. Resolved, That in the death of our wor thy colleague, our tocial community has lost one of its brightest ornaments, and humanity a true friend. We have nothing important from the Nebraska Legislature. They have scar cely got to work yet. By our telegraph report it will be seen that a bill to pro hibit slavery has passed the lower House and is now before the Council. ' CH Cracfcej! We leajn by private correspondence that the Legislature and Secretary Morton have "locked horns" on the printing question-. 'Morton threatens to resign if he is not alJowed the control cf that matter. Now, wouldn't that be a serious mishap ? We reckon the Repub licans will not get badly scared at such threats. . The destiny cf Delaware is to become a.Free State. This is proved by the number cf Republican votes she cast i the Presidential election, and by the con stantly decreasing number of her slaves. The'clection returns show that Lincoln received nearly one fourth of all the votes cast in the State. In 1S56, Fremont re ceived there 3S0 votes, while in the el ection just passed, Lincoln's vote was 3.S22; for Fremont Sussex county cast one vote, while hr vete for Lincoln was 72, and one of her hundreds gave him a I'l.irality cf 10 1. of office to all the members except Mr. never be laid to the charge cf the people uundy, who desired to athrm, but the of the South, and especially to the people Secretary declined to administer an af- of Georgia, that we were untrue to our firmation, saying the organic act requires national engagements. Let the fault and members to be sworn in, and does not re- the wrong rest upon others. If all our cognize that mode. hopes are to be blasted, if the republic is Mr. Dundy. An affirmation is an oath, to go down, let us be found to the last Secretary. Well, if vou are satisfied, moment standing on the deck with the I am. ' Constitution of the United States waving And he immediately retired from the over our heads. fApplause.1 Let the chamber. fanatics of the North break the Constitu Mr. Dundv said: I have often been tion, if such is their fell purpose. Let sworn, and have never vet taken an oath, the responsibility be upon them. I shall It is with me a matter of conscience, and speak presently more cf their acts; but I desire to sav to the Secretary, that he let not the South, let us not be the ones nor no other man can cram, down my throat that which my conscience rebels against. It Is an insult to which I will not peaceably submit. to commit the aggression. We went into the election with this people. The result was different from what we wished ; but the election has been constitutionally hele Mr. Strickland called the gentleman to WTere we to make a point of resistance to ordef for -indulging in personalities. the Government, ana go out or me union Mr. Dand Sec. Morton, nor one of on that account, the record would be made his friends or admirers, can insult me nereaiter against us. "with impunity. But it is said Mr. Lincoln's policy and Strickland. I am not here to defend principles are against the Constitution, the conduct of Morton. and that if he carries them out, it will be Mr. Tintnn thpn moved that a commit- destructive of our rights. Let us not an tee of two be arnointed to wait unon the ticipate a threatened evil. If he violate Governor and request him to administer the Constitution, then will come our time an affirmation to the eentleman from to act. Do not let us break it because, Richardson. Adopted. Messrs. Tipton and Belden were nam ed as such committee. liis excellency, u or. lilac lc, then ap- forsooth, he may. If he does, that is the time for tis to strike. Applause. I think it would be unwise and ucjudicious to do this sooner. I do not anticipate that peared and administered an affirmation Mr. Lincoln will do anything to jeopard to the gentleman freni Richardson coun- our satety ana security, ror ne is douiiq bv the constitutional cnecKs wmcn are thrown around him. lhis shows the It is understood that the Legislature of wisdom of our system. The President of Virginia and North Carolina will act at the United btates is no Emperor, nolic- tator he is clothed with no absolute pow er. He can do nothing unless he is oack once on a proposition to send all the free negroes within their limits to the North, and perhaps pay their expenses thither out of the State Treasury. There is over fifty thousand free negroes in these two States. It is said ether Southern States will pursue the same policy. Voices from the South. ne mate a lew extracts irom our Southern exchanges, and speakers of ed by power in Congress A correspondent of the New Orleans Picayune says: I fear the true result has not been fully weighed by those who are now so clamor ous for dissolution, for if it was, they surely could not, as honorable men, push forward so mad a scheme. No ! the true policy of the South is to remain cool and calm. There is a Ruler over all who vrorks always for wise and beneficent ends, and he will not sufler a gross injus Southern States. Of existing difficulties, the jYaiional tice or wrong to be perpetrated upon any Intelligencer says. The course puVsued at the present cri sis by a portion of the public press of the country, iNorth and South, is a matter of deep regret. Instead cf trying to calm cf his children. If you feel that you can not trust iu your fellow man, ycu can trust in Him. The Louisville Courier, the leading as well as the ablest cf the Breckenridge excitement, and cast oil tpon the troubled organs in Kentucky, says: waters, a directly contrary course is pur- sued. lhat portion ot the JNorthern press to which allusion is nude, is continually pro ducing irritating articles, with threats and taunts to the South, alike indiscreet, re prehensible, uncalled for, and unjust; and We do not think the selection cf Lin coln itself is safficient to warrant a disso lution of the Union. Kentucky will not go out of the Union in cccseauence of the election of Lincoln. We do not suppose there is one man in it who thinks she will take such a step. She their co-laborers at the South eagerly wiU vt ait and hope, until there is no room catch at these articles, and reproduce to hope tnem in meir columns, in order to keep up the excitement at the South, and add fuel to the flame. Then agaiu, the dis union papers, particularly in South Caro lina and Georgia, seem to be sedulously Cosmopolitan Art Journal. The December number of the C. A. Journal is upon our table. A superb number. We. bent oa keeping their readers ignorant hope to make up a good club for the As cf the true state of feeling on the biect sociation this year. Call ih at Carson's. ot disunion in their sister slave Mates, Ly anj see spccimens of the Journal and en iepuL'iis.4iiu vuiy iuo5B articles irom me Southern press favoring a disruption of the Confederacy, and keeping carefully i Lack all the much more numerous views and proceedings of a contrary character. gravings. "talslaff mustering his Re crvils," is the engraving for this. year. Of it the Philadelphia Press says : lalstatl Mustering his Recruits, from I he Lmon sentiment prevail in an the Second Part of KiW Am iv I," . - . . I " V. 1 At", .IVk i i niiri.aui- iiiu jh; . iiul o;a in HIP J j - J - - - border slave btates. but alo i 1 The Different Grades in Corn. WTe have frequently urged our farm ers, in raising corn, to be particular, if they wished tc- procure good prices, to raise pure corn ; i. e., that it be. not mix ed, red and white. Some we know of, were disposed to ridicule the idea. To show that in grain markets, there are grades in corn as well as in other things, and that clean white or yellow will bring from 3 to 5 cents per bushel more than mixed corn, we publish the "following from an exchange in regard to the Chi cago corn market: The grades are now Pure White, Pure Yellow, Mixed, Rejected. As a rule mixed corn is not planted in the West ; hence it will not be difficult for farmers to reap a benefit from this change in gra des. For pure corn either white or yel low will bring from three to five cents more than the same quality of corn mix ed, under this new rule of inspection at least we are so assured by the Chief Inspector. He says also that this differ ence will be made by purchasers in the country, because it is made to them here. But in order to be graded either a3 pure white or yellow corn, it must be chan otherwise it is graded mixed, or if too dirty for that, ss "Rejected." In the eastern corn markets this differ ence has always been made between pure and mixed corn. But in Chscago, we do not remember that any such grades have been instituted before. All who regard their own interests will regard this distinction. TTcnrTT. A TTT-n. 7TFV I ANCrAC-ES.- Tbere is V Tut iWALGAlIlTIOS O? growios tandeiKj ia tl.! - - ,-s to i?ropriiit3 Ue moiteirrcisire worls cf larjjua?c?,aJfter tvMia to incorporate i ?m into ojf o a , thu tao wori Cephalic, which ia Iron tha (Jrcok, sonifying .ror tb hJ." is now becoming ro; atsriici iacoa n'ection wi:h ilf. SpaMic-'i grut ilca.Ucha reme dy, but it wUUooa bou--.-J iu a mjro genera! way, ui the word Cephalic w.:i becouii a common Electrotype and ui-tn j others wh-ve distinction furei rn wor ii bai b ?a worn iway by common osa uatifihfj ieia "catire and to tiia manor born." Terr.rorv.I have levied upon, and wiil f.lior sit public s:iie at tlie door of the -.ourt l.uuee in fbe t wnof Beatrice, (Jae county, Xcrraj ka, oa S.'.t-irday the ltfth day cf January, 1S61, be tween tlie hours of 9 o'clock, a. it. and i o'clock, r. A. of said day, ah of tlie right ti le and interest of Lewis Keaffer in and to ths following described real estate, to-wit: lot five, in block sixty-four, in the town of Beatrice, Gage county, Jfebrakka; taken, levi&i upon and sold as the property if the s.ii l Lew? Keafcr at the suit td Theodore Hill. Torma Cash . Sherds oSce, Gago county, Nebraska, December 12thflSS0. E. It. IIENbEE, Suerif of Gageco.,X. T. n23-5w-S750-pd 80 Acres of Choice Land Including . FOR S-XjIS, Th nVifrihfi ofTpp at nrivnfn .! A!) tw.rp-t nf . . . - - i' - - - Land, ljing in Nemaha County, being the north of the southeast quarter of saction 8, town 6. range 13, with the buildings thereou erected called the "Worralton House." There are about 23 acres brdie and under fence. Possession can be given next Spring. For Tera3 which will be eajy apply to TTra. S. Uovell, attorney for E. Bechtel, No 22ZZ N 4th St, Philadelphia; Ii. V,r. Furnas, Ed. Advertiser; or, iwo fc rignt, on tne premises. December 5, 18C0. . El2-3t - . - (ilUO 111 CITY 11!!! g FLOUR, MEAL AND LUMBER S O 2Li ID , GRAIN AND LOGS PURCHASED. 'ardlj Realized. Hi 'ad 'n 'orriolo 'eaoache this bafternoon hai I stepped into the bapothecaries hand s.tys hi to the man, -Can you he3a me of an 'eadacbo ?'' -Docs it hhe'ard, says 'e. LIv!xceeding:y," says hi, baud npoa that 'e gave ma a Cephalic Till, hand 'pon me 'onor Jt cure'l me so quick t.iat 1 araij reauiod I ad &d an eadacle. DiCoOlr.Mo: Tfee pari::-r--h;p hereu're . ;.:: r " r . ai2iltte of Lu.-Cbajjli i Carina al .-onfa;'(, bra?, was. on th flrst Jay cf "jvera ' . mutual con -sent, t-y the w.ta-iraw! t. f. L-j, . Jofcn L. Carson stt: t'-e u: . Ofl v-s n"". the old firm a:J .r.uun the i!ar,... ud Re1 'tofure at tb-jo 1 " Nor. Ut, 1303. JOHN. L. Ca , Aseavy busiaoi a s fieri! In severing my tclrtes connexi. r -:t!i e.j ner, Ideeratisa proper opporiu:.4. y or express Gkeit DxscovrRT. Among the most important cf all the great medical discovories el this age, may be considered the system of vaccination for protec tion from Small Pox.and the Cephatio Fills fcr re lief of iladache, either of which is a surespeciQc, whosa benefits will be experienced by suffering hu manity long after taeir ducovcrers aro forgotten. f7"naa-Jache is the favorite s'rn by which n v- tura makes known any deviation whatever from the natural sUte of the brain, and viewed in this light it may be looked on as a safeguard intendi to givo notice of disease which m:ai otherwise escape at tention, till too late to be remedied ; and Its in loca tions should never be neglected. Headaches may be classified under two names: Symptomatic and Idiopathic. Symptomatic Headache is exceedingly common, and is the precursor of a great variety of diseases, among which are Apoplexy, Gout, Rheu matism, and all febrile diseases, ln its nervous form it is sympathetic of disease of the stomach constitu ting tci headache, cf hepnthie constituting biliousadache, of worm?, constipation and other disordersof thebowels, as well as renal and uterine affections. Diseases ef the heart are very frequent ly attended with headaches; Anaemia and plethora are also affections which frequently occasion head ache. Idiopathic headache is also very common, be- nsnally distinguished by the name cf Hereout ache, sometimes coming on suddenly in a state pparently sound health and prostrating at once the mental and physical energies, and in other in stances it comes on slowly, her-ilded by depression of spirits or acerbi.'y of temper. In most instances the pain is in the front of the head, over one or both eyes, and sometimes provoking vomiting; under thi3 class may also bo named Aeurctjju. For the treatment of eitherclass of Headache the Cephalic Pills have been found a safe and sure rem-, edy, relieving the most acuto pains in few minu tes, and by its subtle power eradicating the diseases of which headache is the unerring indos. " JESSE NOEL, Formerly of the Crowoville Mills, announces to his old patrons and citiins .generally that he has purchased the Nemaha City ilills, rofittel them in complete order, and is now prepared to serve the public with Flour, Meal and Lumber of the very nest quality, tiring on your uram and Logs and 1 warrant you snail besatisucd. Don't Forget the Place ,EST Nemaha City. Mills. December 6tl85, hO. n22-tf Bridget.---lli?sus wants you lo send h;r a box of Cephalic Glue, no, a bottle of Prepared Pills; but I am thinking that's just itnaither; but perhaps ye'll beafther knowing what it is. Ye she she's nigh dead and gona with the Sick Headache, and wants tome mora of that same as relaived her before. DriKToj'tt. -You must mean Spaldiaz's Cephalic Fills. liridyet Och I sure now and you've sed it, here's the quarthcr and givmo the Pills, and don't be all day about itaithor. i "H m py Go to tho Express office, see those splendid Engravings of the Cosmo politan Art 'Associotion, and sub scribe immediately. To The Farmers. Try th "Nebraska Fanner" tlie coming year. It is a home paper, devoted exclusively to the Agricultural and Educational inter ests of the great and growing Far West Address R. W. FURNAS, Brownville Nebraska. Terms $1: or 15 copies. S10 liii nxr is "w aPTTTBIfi Tl7,PITTP.n? uloHilJtJ-liiiibilliJij. 7 T A U CTION. MaSOnlC Notice Saturday evening, Dec. 15, being the regular meeting of NemahaValley Lodga A. F. A. M.. next preceding the festival of St. John the Evange list, is, therefore, the time for the annual election of officers. Members are earnestly requested to be punc tual in attendance. All brethren in rood standing arc invite.1 to be present. B W FURNaS, W. M. T. w. Bedford, Sec'y. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. MASTER COMMISSIONER'S SALE B. W. Frame vs Joshua G. Abbe By virtue of a decretal order Issued from the Clerk's efflce of tbe District Court of Nemaha countv ln tho 2d Judicial District cf Nebraska Territory, up-jn a decree made by said uourt at acpt. Term a. d. I860, iu the above casue. i win Ben on i nuaytte 13th day of January, a i). l&bi, at it o'clock am of said day, at the door of uoroer jounson s nan ctne place where said Court was lastbeldl in Brownville, .Nemaha Countv. Nebraska. the following described real estate, with the tppurte- naucesmereio belonging, to-wit: lot6 no 4 aud 6 ln block No 57. lots band 7 in block No 85, lots 5 and 6 in ciock 133, lots 3, 4, 9 and 10 in block No 69, lots 10 11 in block No 66, lot 12 in block lia 108 lots 2. 7 and S ln block No 68, lots 5 and 6 in block No 140. lots 1 ar.d 2 in block No67 lots 3, 4, 6 and 6 jn block No 64, lots 7 and B in block No 107, lot 9 i i block No 113, lot i ia block No 11 , lot 1 m block No 107, and block No I aa number eu aud described in the published and recorded plat of the town of Fern, in Nemaha county, Nebraska Territo ry, to me LigLest bidder (ur cash in band. JAMES S. BEDFORD, Master Com. Brownville, Dec 10th, 1860. t23-6w-$9. Master Commissioner's Sale- Joseph T illtcuell vi Knssell Peer, Administrate of the estate cf William Gil- more, deceased, etal By vfrtue of a decretal order issced from the Clerk't otllce of tbe District coort in Nemaha county, in the sec ond Judicial District of Nebraska Territory, upon a de cree made by said conrt at Its September term, A. D. jisov, in tne aoovo entitiea cadse, I will sell on Friday tbe 13th day of January A D 1861, at 11 o'clock A. M.;uf said day, at the door of Homer Johnson'g Hall. I tbe ula'ce where the said court wa last held) in Brownville, Ne- uiamw)ui!ij rcuratKa, ine roiiowingaescnoeu real es tate with the appurtenances thereto belonging to-wit: the 6outh half of tho anhwest quarter and the nsnh west quarter of the ronthwest quarter of section no, twelv, township 6, north of range 14, east of the sixth principal meridian i said county and Territory, to the histeit bidder lor eat a in hand. J. S. BEDFORD, December 10, 1850 23 5w-$9 Master Com. " I i Jacknon I.jnes . v Sarah Whyte Wm Hotlitzet! and Martha HoSlitrell By virtue cf a decretal order issued from lha Ork's office cf the District Conrt of Nemaha ccucfy. In the 2.1 J udicial District of Nebraska Territory, cpoa a decree maae Dy saia t;ourt at iu September Term, a. d. I860, in the aqove entitled cause : 1 will sell on Frldav. th ifi;h d day of January n 1S61, at the hour of 1 1 o'clock, a. of said day, at the door of Homer Job n.oon' Hail (tbe place wbere said Court was last held) in Brown ville, Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, the lol low ing described real estate, with the innurtenancM th.rA. to belonging, to-wit : Tho northeast ouarter of section no. 10, ia township no. 6, north of ranee aa. 15 ict the sixth principal meridian, in Nemaha county. Neb raska Territory, and the southeast quarter cf section no. 10, in township no. 6, north of ranee 18, east of the 6:o principal meridian, iacounty and Territory aforesaid, to the highest bidder for cak in band. JAMES S. BEDFORD, Master Com. Brownville, Dec 10th, 1360. n2J-3w-$9. .ly in ihe J 3, Scene 2, is the subject for the present I for cash in hand, iu most of ; year. Every cue who reads Shakptare, rec lo.ito I Eaiil Sterne vs William L Swan By virtue cf a decretal order UsnM frnm id. -irW efflce cf the District Court in Nemaha county in the 2d Judicial District of Nebraska Territory, upon a decree made by said court at its September term a d ISC0. in the above enutlcd cause. I will sell fj Fnrf.i t, i4n. day cf January a D IStil, at 11 o'clock A M of said day, ' "wr oi u jtuer jonnson's Hall (the place where said court was last held) in Brownville, Nemaha coun- y, eorasKi Territory, the following described real cs ate, with tbe uppurtenances beloi.ffice thereto, to-wit lot no. 6 in block no. 115. in the town of Pern, in Nema ha county, Nebrk Territory, aa rtyirefented Lv tbe original recorded put of said town, to the highest btder To all whom it may concern : NOTICE Is hereby given that a New Thrashing Ma chine with all tbe fixtures thereto belonging, directed to one V. Shannon, and on which there is 70. 15 charges, will, unless said charges be paid before that time, be sold at the door of niy warehouse in Brownville. Ne braska, to the highest cash bidder, on Monday, December 17th, 1S60. THEODORE HILL, Commission Merchant, Brownville, N. T. November ioth, i860. ti9-6t Constipation or Costlrcness. No one of tbe many "ills flesh is heir to" ii jo pre valent, so little understood, and so rauch neglected as Costtveness. Ot'ten originating in carelojienoss, or sedentary habits, it is regarded aa a slight disor der of too littlo consequence to excite anxiety, while in reality it ii tho precursor and companion of many of tbe mcst fatal and dangerous diseases, and tin ier early eradicated, it will brin tbe suiJvrer to an untimely grave. Amon the lig'n ter evils of which costiveness is tbe usual attendant are Headacao. Colic, Rhe-jmatism, Foul Ureath, Tiles and ethers of like caturo, while a lnn train of frightful disea ses such a3 Malignant Fevers, Abcopses. Dysentery, uiarrhoev Dyspepsia, Apoplexy.Lpilcpsy, l'aralysis, Flysteria, ITypocuondriajii, Jlelancholy and Insa.ii- ty, nrst indicate their presence in the system by th alarming symptom. Not unfrequently the disease! named originate in Constipation, but take on an Iu dependent existenco unless tha cause ia eradicated in an early stage. Irom all these considerations, i follows that the disorder should receive immediate attention whenever it occurs, and no person should neglect to eet a box of Cephalic Villi on the firxt appearance of the complaint, aa their timely use will expel tbe insiduous approaches of disease, and destroy this dangerous foe to human life. tlie periud ia which a wers enned in fcu-:--.,. It aJTiirds me much piiure aIJ ta r -n at favorable consideration of the frienii.m f o-.n arr successor ia business, Mr. Carson, a ge i:.eann la wavyvorthy of the convene tuid s':;p.rt at a i,?-'-Ina.-ajt public. B. F. 1.13JSALGI. JOHir L CAEEOIi (Successor to Lusbl):gt & Croa j 1ST ZZL rzi IE. ' LAiD AND TAX. PATKG Dealer in Coin, UncvrrevJ Jhney, LarJ Warrants, Exchange, and Gold Dw MAIN STREET. ERimxVILLE, "SEURASKjI. I will jlre Csrcial attention tobnyinx and selllatt. change on the principal aties nf the J'nited Stalest Europe, Gold giuer, uncurrent Bank Bills, 2 Gold Dust, Collections made on all aocen' poj" and proceeds remitted in exchange at current, rites Deposits received on current account, and latere! , lowed on special deposits. OFFICE, ItIAI?S STREET. GETTTEE?; TEj Telcsrapli ana the r. g. Eautl OClcc. REFERENCES; Fhilartelptli, f, m . Baltimore, if Lind St Brother J. W. Carson St Co., Hiser, Di k St Co. Youn? it Carson, Jeo. Thompson Mason, Col'r of Fort, wm. T. Smithson, Eiq., Il.iiker, J. T. Stevens, Esq., Att'y at Law. Juo. S. Gallaber, Lte 3d Aud. IT. 3. T. Tarlor it Krlesh, Bankers, McClelland, Pye & co., 't Hon. Thomas G. Pratt, nun. Jas. O. Carson, P. B. Small. Ksq., Fres't S. Bank, Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law. Coi. 3-m. H.imbleton, Att'y at Law, JuJso' Tbos. Perry, Plot. II. Tutwiler, VTarhinton, 0. c CU( ai I',!. St. Loait, Ij, Anc ipolls, Kt Mertersbari?, Haartowa, Kl T.nion, Ml. CnmberUnd, JCJ Havana. A15e Nov. 8, ISrtO-tf. Guardian Sale. In pursuance of an order of the Probate Court af. Xemaha Couny, Nebraska Terriury, made on ti ninth day of November, i860, according to ttioorjsci and prayer of tbe Petition filed in said Court by Michael Bamabay as Guardian cf Vim. Daraabay; the said Michael Harnabay,as such GuardUn, will oa , tho 31jt day of December. 15f?D, at tbe hour of ess -o'clock, P M, offer at public sale the following d. . scribed real estate, to-wit : Southeaitquartero( sec. tion 34, township fcur, ranxe sixtaen, east Clb nnn- :. cipal moredian, la Nemaha County, Nebraska Trn tory. Ihe said sale ma take place on said premisfi ; and tbe terms of sale cash in hand for tho wools ' premiics sold. MICHAEL BARNABAY," Guj-diaa. Johnson Schosnhkit, his Att'yi. November loth, 13o0. n!9-6cw-$ m7 Z?tJd &mJ U?3jr k-l2i BROWNVILLEE ! CITY IIFBBY STABI A Eeal Blessing. Physician. Well. Mrs. Jones, how in that rip..T. ache ; Mr. Jonet. Gone t Doctor, all cone I the pill you sent cured me in just twenty minutes, and I wish you would send mere bo that I caa have them handy. rhyician. You can get them at any Druggists, Call for Cephalio Pills, I find they never fail, and I rocemmend them in all cases of headache. Jr. Jont. I shall send for a boxdirectlr. and snail ten ail my suaonng tnead, for they are a real oietixnfj. 3?eed Stoiro BROWNVILLE, NEBRASKA. Twevtt Millions or Dollies saVeI). Mr C? M . -fir . . . . . tipmiur u3!!)iu uio munons oi botues oi nis cel ebrated Prepared Olne, and it ii estimated that each bottle saves at least ten dollars worth of broken fur niture, thus making an aggregate of twenty mil lions of dollars reclaimed from total loss by this valuable invention. Having made his Glue abou echold word, he now proposes to do the world still greater service by curing all the aching heads with his Cephalic Pil!., and if they aro as good as bis f J! n 1 1 on Ad mr ITT onnn vnnt..V . ........ : T ROGERS 8c BROTHER, AN'SOCKCKS to the peblie that he bas purchased the Livery Stable and Stock formerly owned by William Bossell aud added thereto One stockaad Is now prepar- ri o actouimoaaie tae puuuc wim Carnages, Buggies, Sulkies, Saddles Horsss t5T'0vEB Excitement, and tbe mental cire and anxiety incident to close attenidoa to business cr study, are among tbe numerous cases of Nervous Headache. Tho disordered state of mind and body incident to this distressing comDlaint is a fatal blow to all energy and ambition. Sufferers by this disorder can always obtain relief from these di- trejsing attack by using one of tbe Cephalio Pills whenever the symptom? appear. It quiets the over tasked brain, and soothes the strained and jarring nerves, and relaxes the tension of the stomach whini always acoropaniesanl aggravates the disordered condition oi tue Drain. THE TRAVELLING PUBLIC ample accommodations for Can find at his Stable horses, mules or cattle. t, BEXJAM1X St JOSHUA BOGESS. Brownville, Oct. 18, 18CO. nl5-yiy f ACT WORTH KXOWIVrj. Sr1l;nn.. filial u. Pills are a certain cure fur Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Nervous Headache. Coativenss and Gen- Notice. TThereas one Thomas Williams has durlnir mr hAnr falsely represented bimself aa my agent at.d attorney. and having Illegally obtained possession of certain books oi acco'ims, ana papers, ana other properrj be!on(tin me, and fraudulently converted them to his own use saia representations. au persons are nerecy notiaed that sai,i rnii is doi aua never was my authorized aeent. and that act or ms as sucn win De acknowledged by me. S. WYATT Middleport, X. T., Xov. 19, 1SC3. i to w s .by - IVSitrtfi B-. 1 Ii 1 am. i-y THE HELVIIf ELILLS. NEMAHA CITY, KEBRSKA. Cash, fox- Wliont. The public are infornie.1 that at Mpirin' v;n. (Tf WWVCDIS Cash 13 Seine rail for e mtrrM.KI. -.1 A t 1 t U U . ". wueai anu corn eround for toil mnoi W22,lSCt). J. G. JIELV1X CURE ne?vous!l9adache CURE 1 rm "7i I :LJ n tTSN C- 1 1 gr srrs t Notice. luompwn uwens umiiy au'liorized to act f,i m. and in my name trangace alt business connected with mylandon the Haif-Breed Reserve, located between me .ciujjaj.iuiuuiu; ine aanrrancisc o claim, award- ei aua connrmea ny trie 5ecretary of the Interior to Wni r. aioan, ana oy mm soia to me. Xew Tork, Xov 1, 1S60 tf BEX. XemahaCity Herald cpy 3 weeks ana send bin tM. aur-e. JAMES S. BEDFOItD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, AND Master Ccmmissiorcr In Chancery. EEOTrTUVILIE, S. T.- J. S. fcr.nrGHD, ilAt: in Cb'y sa 5-a Gissolution of Partnership. Xotice is hereby given that the merch.'vntile business here'-ofore carried on by the undersigned, rt rider the Arm name of Scigel and Grccnbaum ws this day mutually dissolved. David Sj!ei is authorized to settle up tbe business of the concern. All persons knowing themselves Indebted either by note or account are hereby notified that unless they conie forward immediately and pay up, the notes and ac counts will be placed in the bauds of an ofil-er for col lection. DAVID SEIGBU SeptSO, 1SG0 tf HEXET GilE EN3AT7. rfiACH PITS. 25 Bushels for fa!e at one dollar and f.ft v cents ptr bu?uel, hv fnll GLO. COMD, 215 Lake it.,ttiice;'. Ur the ne of these Piili the ceriodic attacks of Xero- ou$ Or Sick Headache maybe prevented ; and if taken me commencement cf an attack immediate relief from pain and sickness will be obtained. They seldom fail iu removing tbe A'atuea and lit att ache to which females are so subject. They act gently opon the bowels removing Coitivt' nest. Pot Literary ?.Ten, St-identt, Delicate Females, and an persons or tea niary naoiu. they are valnabie as a L,ojeattve. improving tue appetite. Kivir.e tone and tt- por to the dizetive orzans, and restoring the natural elasticity and stre nstb. of tie whole KTstem. TDeCKFUALli; FILLS are tho result of longlnvesti- Kation and carefully conducted experiments; having been in use many years, durir.e which time they have prevented and relieved a vatt amount of pain and suf fering from neadicbe, whether orisiDstipa- in the ntr von system er from a deranged slate of the ttomacK They are entirely vegetable in their composition, and may be taken at ali tiniest witkr perfect safety, without makinz say chanse of diet, and the absence of a? vdt't- anreable tatte render it eavj to ad minuter thtm to TP the Has Just received " BEST SELECTED And, perhaps, th LARGEST STOCK OF DRUGS above St. Jcsspi, Which he is opening out lathe Ever brought Splendid JNtw Building, torccrof Main "and First trecta. Srocwrzx-vZZJlo. His toc consists of the followinir irtlc!. which as will soil cheap fofcash.' . Castor Oil, Cod Liver Oil, Sweet Oil, Putty, Glue, Fiji, Pure White Lead, French Zinck, China Zinck, . Red Lead, Veniiian Red, Raw and b'tumer, Spanish whiting, Turpentine, . ' Chalk, Linseed Oil." Cough Candy, Tanner's Oil, ; Copal Varnish Cos'tiJe 'Soap, Fancy Soap, Tpilef Soap, Tooth brushes, ' Litherage, Patent medicir.os", Let.paper "White Varcirh, Ink, Iliair brushes', Tooth brushes, Paint brushes' Steel Pecs, Gold Pens, PencL's, Hair oil, Stationery, " Candies, Nuts. Raisins. &c. is Also, a Splendia Assortment cf IS3 o rlum erleg Comprising Lyon's Katharion, Coloene. Poms genuine ox marrow, bear itreese, and oils, mask escenceaof all kinds, andoX ti.e Cuesi ouality. STATI0IISBY. Foolscap paper, fancy letter paper, adit eied so and envelopes, plat, fancy, and eoiiKsd, peas Fes" and pen-hoiilers, inks of ail k;adf, Inlutauds, vi'1 and seaheg-wax. PUEE LIQUOKS. Holland Gin. Irish Whisky, Borrbon Whi)rr. Girr Bramly. Cordial. Port Wine, Madeira, Wine, Wtite rtf aud Jdaiaga xildren. Beware of counterfeits! The Pennine lave five signatures of Henry C. Spalding on each box. Sld by Urucgists and all other Iele-sln Mc-licines. A box will to ent by mail prepaid on recciptof the t'xizo 2D cents. AVI orders KhtiM be adreosed to HKNRY C.SPALDING, 4, Cedar Street, New York.' Lec. 6, IS?). n2Mj ITr. Mann being an experienced practical Drus-fiit-jJ pmtrons mey rest sured that all me3iCioe proer" from him aregenuine without fear of mistakes. S3"Ptysician Prescriptions attended to at all bHi by day and night. CASH- INVARIABLY To Fcrsons ont of Employment AGENTS WANTED to sell the E21S SS JTl 3IACIIINE. We will give a Commission, or w from $25 to $60 per month, and expenses pa! a. Tt' a new .Machine, and bo ihnnin ! -t nmumniQii '.lis' 1 child of 10 years can learn toope-a'a it by half a fc,8f' instruction. It is cqnal to any Kaojiiy ?ewrag Jlaca in use, aud the pries is but flfii-cn dr.iiir. Persons wfftiuj an Agency will address Secretary Krie Sewicg Machine CompaoV. XitA Citra- t.:tertr 19, 1?0, ali Is,.