Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 29, 1860, Image 3

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    i i
' BKomuiKO 20. 1S6&
r;'" Aa,crtlr - bavins
.Clanks, k11;,-,,, ,npCrior tyie, and
Tow-nil. V-:--s-ctc.t etc.. etc.
joh matins cf "." ,t,0, pruUwea li,.r ! f
another social hop came off at JohESon s
c H H is city. Owin .to rreous
element," ve did not as usual enjoy
theVere cf .'drorpinff 'f a mom(;nt
bein- cf Quater origin yre do not dance
,.iJt we are informed there was a good
time. Lots of handsome ladies; good
social g.iherW;50dan?iaS;'"d!he
'murfc-A No. 1. Leonard, of Omaha,
the "Loss" bugler, there: and then St. Joseph, and oar townsmen
Back," Marsh, Berkley, and Berger,
were oa hand, and altogether they are
..Lard to heat," thaVs so. Speaking of
Leonard : if he don't toot a lugle, there
is no use looking any farther.
' " On Saturday evening the Band delight
eJ eur citizens with a "series" of screna
'.fing which was very fine. "Do so more."
' TlicIIlnstralcd Pcglstcr. We are
indebted to thD publishers, Lctiieb, Tu
cker k Sox, .Albany, New York, for a
" ccny of their "Illustrated Annual Regis
'fa of Rural Affairs for 16C1," by John
J. TJiomas, author of the "American
- Fruit Culturiit," &c. In contains prac
; tica.1 njggcsiiontfoT the Farmer and Hor-
ikuliurist, and is embellished with 140
illustrations. The pithy and appropriate
hints for Vie month, which appear upon
" the Calendar pages, embrace in the most
concise form many valuable suggestions ;
the article on working men's cottages, con
. uics ne,atand useful Designs ; those upon
roses r,nd greenhouse structures, beautiful
illustrations that upon poultry the most
. complete chapter trson the subject yet
presented in equal space, accompanied as
-it is by so many engravings and that
upoatrcfc and their destruction, presents
just the infermation which every farmer
requires, with cuts by which he can com
pare the "most common and troublesome
of thes intruders, aud appropriate prac
icab directions how to get rid of them.
Trice 2octs, or. S2 per dozen those
ordering paying the postage.
Tbc Dallj A'ebraskian. We see
that our neighbors of the Omaha JVe
Iraskiari have been compelled Trom a
Jack of patronage to discontinue their
daily jiaper, If there is any point in Ne
braska where a daily paper ought to be
sustained, it is at the capital. We are,
however, only the more confirmed in our
opinion that such an enterprise cannot yet
be made to "pay.
TllC Banks. Just now there is quite
'."Bank commotion" throughout the
country. Everybody is inclined to shove
fT all kinds of bills: Our latest advices
are Ney .York Nov. 2G. All banks
south of .Washington quoted at 10 per
cent, discbruit. Illinois, Wisconsin, Mis
souri and Iowa, 10 per cent, discount.
Maryland and Pennsylvania at from 3 to
5 per tent, discount. Ohio, Indiana and
Kentucky, 3 per cent discount.
Lost Numbers- We have lost ; had
feloniously abstracted, or something of
that kind, two Nos. of our file papers.
Who has No. 14, of the Advertiser, Vol.
5, date,.Oct. 11, 1500? We will consi
der ourselves under a "thousand oblia
lions" for two lumbers of that date.
TllC ItlTCr. ' Big Muddy" made
sundry efforts tho past week to "close
vp," lui thus far has been unable to do
o. .She is a sorry looking affair, how
ever. Low, very low,, and bars, and
banks covered 'with, ragged looking ice.
She'll' -make the riffle" soon, without
LCCtUre. Avccstcs Scnor-MiriT,
: ' Esq., will deliver the third lecture before
the. Brownville Library and Literary
Association at the Presbyterian Church
in this city Friday evening. Subject,
' Gone tO Omaha -Our Councilman
and Representatives left for the Capital
yesterday morning. We hepe they may
have a pleasant time and do much good
for their constituency.
lc If :0i'.n.p'ij x
p.sronrcD exclusively. ron run
SjtleSt. J.t?i, Drwnvii:caD Denver Te1?;.h
OJlce corner of Mai and Virtt Street.
In order that we may all observe
Thanksgiving, we issue our paper this
week a day in advance.
w "CockS-" H. M;Atmk605," as will
- , e 8Cea has money to loan.
s . The Prince of Wales was to return to
Oxford immediately upon his arrival in
. England, where he will remain until De
. ceraber, reading at Frewen Hall, when,
: having finished his academical connec
lion w ith that Unirersity, he will go to
Cambridge and become a member of that
Southern Affairs.
Jllssourl zivl Kansas Troubles,
Jackson, Miss., Nov. 23.
The Ccngrc??mcn from Mississippi met
and unanimously declared for a Southern
Confederacy. Great enthusiasm through
out the State;
Waksaw, Mo., Nov. 23.
Col. Snider, with some four or five
others, left Bolivar yesterday afternoon
for Nevada City, and the border, to ascer
tain, if possible, the state of things in
that section. He left the Polk County
Rangers, which he commands, in readi
ness to march immediately upon receipt
cf orders from him so to do, and we may
soon expect later and more reliable infor
mation from the scene of disturbance.
An agent just in from Oceola informs us the citizens cf that section were in a
great state of excitement, apprehending
that Montgomery would push on to that
place for the purpose of taking posses
sion of the bank and contents, which
would be easily effected in' the present
unarmed condition of the inhabitants.
Norfolk, Va., Nov. 23. ;
Gov. Wise has offered his services to
the Governor of South Carolina, if not
required by Virginia. . . :
Augusta, Ga., Nov. 24.
A resolution was offered in the Legis
lature demanding the repeal by the
Northern States of air laws obstructing
the rendition of fugitive slaves. .Alsoan
enactment by Congress removing obstruc
tions by territories to the introduction of
all property, such action being contingent
on Georgia staying in the Union. ' ' '
St. Louis, Nov. 24,
In pursuance of orders received by te
legraph from Washington, Gen. Harney,
commanding the Western Department;
will leave this morning for Fort Scott,
taking the North Missouri and St. Joseph
Railroad, and thence with all expedition
to carry out his orders. He is invested
with full powers, we understand, to pur
sue Montgomery and his brigands wher
ever they may go. The troops at Forts
Leavenworth, Riley and Kearney are
quite enough for this service, and are
composed of the different arms of the
. The Governor cf Missouri has called
out the Slate militia to defend the border.
Gen. Frost's brigade five hundred strong,
will leave in a special train for the seat
of the border difficulties. . r. ",.
Washington, D. C, Nov. 24.
The position of the President is under
stood to be, though the South has just
cause of complatnt against the North, that
no State is justified in seceding or revolu
tionary movements until every Constitu
tional measure for redress has been ex
hausted. No State has a right to commit
acts having the effect of precipitating
such a condition of affairs as would induce
or compel other States to join her in a dis
solution of the Union, and defeat the dis
passionate deliberation of peophj which
may result in restoring confidence and
preserve the integrity of tho Constitution.
It is apprehended here th?t the question
of secession will have to be practically
dealt with by the present administration.
It is stated from distinguished sources
that South Carolina secedes as soon as
the Convention so resolves. "
ClIAKLTOX, S. C. 20.
The city U quiet to-day; the members
of the Legislature here mostly gone to
Columbia. The regular session opens to
nirht. The Governor's message will be
read Tuesday. It is rumored that troops
are coming to Fort Moultrie, but it is now
evident they will be sent to the Conven
tion uuhss strongly committed to seces
sion. Columbia, S. C, Nov. 27.
The Legislature has just read for the
first, time a bill to arm the State and
raise 8400,000 for that purpose. Offers
of aid from other States continue to come
to the Governor, and so stron and uni
versal are the feelings that the moment
that the command shall have been given,
75,000 soldiers, within boundaries from
mountains to sea, will come forward to
the defence of South Carolina, and ihey
all would sooner die than 4,ee the State a
subjugated province and quietly submit to
the continuance of northern impositions
on her rights. The Governor will send
in his Message at 1 o'clock to-morrow.
He will recommend that the Legislature
should to some extent devise direct trade
with Europe and the continent, by taking
upon itself a pqrt of the losses which
might flow from the establishment of di
rect trade. A proposition of some 1 citi
zens of Charleston to establish a line of
steamers between that port and Liver
pool is favorably thought of. In the event
of traitors arising in the State after she
shall have asserted her sovereignty, it is
probable he will advise some legislation
more particularly defining treason .td the
Stale and setting the punishment for that
effence. It is believed that he will re
commend that a law be passed punishing
with death anv person who circulates in-
cenuiary "document?, cr la any way eilJtu
vors to incite slaver l: ir..: irrccticn or in
subordinatbn; r.i.J that SoJth Carolir.i
shall bind bcr.iclf to take SSO.COO ' worth
cf arms annually fcr are years, from
Maj. Ripley, in accordance with the pro
position cf that ger.tbrmrr, and that ne
gotiations be entered into tetween South
Carolina, Georgia and Alabama, to fix
upon a site for an armory, - He probably
will recommend what th.2 Legislature has
already anticipated here on, that is to
arm the State at the earliest practicable
period, so as to prepare fcr the first act
cn the part of the federal government.
Richmond, Va., Nov. 2G.
A grand mass meeting cf all those who
are in favor cf the Unicn, will be held
on the second Monday in December. -
Development of the Teeth of Cattle,
and Moae cf Ascertaining their
age hj the same.
The following useful information we
copy from that excellent periodical, the
American Stock Journal: 1
, - '.'Persons acquainted with the dentition
of 'neat stock,' can form a pretty accurate
idea of age, from the period of birth up to
that of adult life; and this method'of as
certaining the age of an animal, is, prob
ably, more correct than that which applies
td horns, for by means of a rasp applied
to the rings cf the horns, any amount cf
imposition 'may' be practiced, when it is
well known that uhe same liberties are
not to be taken with the teeth, without
the chance of discovery. It is possible
that some slight variations from the fol
lowing rules; in the -development of the
teeth, yet such variations will not embrace
a period of more than a month or six
Weeks," which at maturity does not amount
to much, and may be considered as purely
accidental out of the ordinary course of
nature. , The front teeth . or temporary
incisors are f ound in the lower jaw; there
are eight of them, all prominent at the
age of four weeks. The calf is usually
born with three temporary grinders of
molars; the fourth appears six months af
ter birth; the fifth appear:; at the age of
fifteen months; and the sixth is to be seen
at the age of two and a half years; now
the animal has a 'full mouth' of tempora
ry teeth, numbering thirty-two. At this
period a very remarkable change is about
to occur; the temporary ones having an
swered the purposes for which they were
intended, are to be removed in the follow
ing order, so as to give place to others
which shall correspond to the increase in
the size of the jaw bones, and prove as
durable as other bones in the body. At
the aje of two years the central or mid
dle incisors (lower jaw) are shed and re-1
placed by two permanent ones. At the
age of three years the two incisors known
as the inner-middle, -undergo the same
process. At the age of four -the outer
middle are shed, and replaced by perma
nent teeth. At the age of five, the corner
incisors are also transformed in the same
manner, and the animal has a full set
(eight) cf permanent front teeth. The
first and second permanent molars known
as grinders, appear in the upper and low
er jaws on each side, at the age of two
years, and at intervals of one year, the
other four are successively cut; so that at
the age of six years the animal has a full
month of permanent grinders.
The Cattle Disease.
When the cattle disease that had pre
vailed in ihe vicinity of Brookfield, and
in other places, suddenly disappeared in
the early part of theNsummer, those
whose faith in the fearful character of
the disorder was fully confirmed, asserted
that it would reappear more extensively
in August and September, with the cord
ing of cold nights and cold rains. This
was predicted with the more confidence
as that has, been the experience with the
disease in Holland. But August, and
September have come and gene, and we
are now in the last days of October, but
with all the fearful anxiety of the cattle
raisers of the State, not one case of the
disease has come to light -not one symp
tom has been discovered. The opinion
begins to prevail either that there was an
unnecessary alarm upon the subject, or
that by the thorough manner in which
the commissioners acted the disease has
been exterminated,, cut up, root and
branch. It is yet too early to be fully
assured upon this point, but certainly
there is reason to hope that the dreaded
calamity has been avoided. Boston Tra
veller. . .
Seed JHTo:re.
Engines, Sato and Grist JUills,
ViUiallkltwisGf Machinery und Implements.
Ho. 53, North Second. Street.
. ...... ST. LOUIS, MO.
KEEPS always on hand a lrge stock of Garden ud
Grass Seeds, all warranted fresh and pure
Our tock of Agricultural and Horticultural
Implements and Machinea is also largo and selected
riia prr:it care..
We invito an examination, and knew tbat we are of
feriris a ?wd stock as any Louse in the est, and at as
low pi Ues.
Tasrrxrs cash.
Cataliucs luiuifiiuJ gratis tti applicant. 42-Ot
Devoted to Agriculture, Slock Raisin
Horticulture, Mechanism, Education.
Published at Brctunvillc, T.
On .the first of every month at $1 a year for it
p!o copies; Six copies, 55; Thirteen copies, $ It
ienty copies, $13.
The volume began Oct. 1st, IS.SO.jBpecimen min:
ers furnishodgratisondpplieation." liackniinlbci;
san bo fumbled.
Will every friend of Agriculture and EJucatiot
in Nebraska. Northern KD?a, Southern Iowa, and
Nwthern Missouri, tend a helping hand, to establish
and rci.iatain a journal devoted, exclusively to the
interests above named. There is not a post oEce
within the region named but can and ought to
furnieh a club cf at least 10 subscribers. Send
along witheut delay. .' . .
-Terms in Advance.
One copy, one year, ' $ I CO
Six copies, .. - 6 CO
Thirteen copic, one year, 10 00
Twenty copies " J3.00
Four copies three month , 'i.,1.00,
Kates of Advertisements.
Card ot 6 lines or less, one ifisert-.on, $1.00
. , eacnart'lit'nluisertlon 15
one year -W
One FnnrMl ColCUfi, " 10 CO
One Hdlf Column, " - 20 00
One Column. " ' 35.00
Payable qnarterly in advauce. Tcarly advertisers art
allowed to cliancethetr advertisement qaartcrljr. -
Carpentry 31ml s ICa'sy.
"Thirty-tight plates; two bari'lred fljnres. The most
practical and valuable bonk for farmer extant. TeUs
liow to t uild F.arns, acd Ko-jses, IM.ices, &.C. &e.
Price S,3; esuiple copy $2 by ioU. postpaid by J AHZi
CHAL1.EX ft. SOX. Pisilaletpbia. .Agents wited.
To Your Ileal Interests!
Citizens of Brownville
t!:o "r.::t cr 'Ianlilnd
S i s Z- ; i - " - ' - - 5 -
r J -
i l . i ..
1 O
.5 v. - J
IT ore of jEIjtiH, J
Than was ever befote offered in this
Market ! - - -
I J.
IfflO k
We Have Just Received and Opened
Most Magnificent .
Stock of (G-oocIs !
' - 7" ?c " 't. -
i ri 5 - - s- ' - , Z -j. c s z . 2 "
i h 1 i ?. - ? .r: B ? z 1 h - s 2 ? - fi s J
w Z.j S & Z 3 " Z-2i M 1 1
q -- ;J J r - - - z - 5 I -
. C m J - T C - 2 . S
,j tt c. O n i-. r- E . ?;
11 fl - f - ? - 5 "- - r - a S L .
e i as U"os2i . a a - &
I Sinde -Ccj-.ie3 S2 Two Cofics fcr S3
j Five Copies for o.
! The Chcnrcst rr.-l ::t Family Gcr.
! cral Nc.v.- Purer in t:e UuilcJ State.-;.
will ccu;r;;?r.c
i. , J . 1 v. S .i . . - -J I'
iMrcri:MS to cs.
c. ur.e c: ic r
cn ih? Ir5t cf
t i . L Ail
Cutlery, and Queensware,
And Choice
G E O C 'E R I E S .
Largest Assortment of
BcadrMadc Clotliiog,
Ever opened in Brownville and no mistake !
Caps from 25cts to $3,50.-
We can Fit dents in Suits from $5 to50
Saddles and Harness,
Oil Cloths and Carpeting,
$mmi .boom!
Iron, Nails and Castings
Ladies Riding, Kid and Silk. . Gents
Gauntlets, Buckskin and Driving. .
, Best Qualities of ,s.'
Frcctlcdoi esired
Can le had at our Store, and on terms as
favorable as those of any ether ,
house in the West.
All Kinds of
Will be taken in exchange at fnVrent prices.
CompOno! Como 1.11!!
Wc arc determined toncll at lower prices an4 give
bttter bargains than ever before. f- ; ,
Erownville, Oct. IS, I860.
, ": ,, ....
IS I j
David Seigol and Henry Creenbaum,
James S. CUamberlin, JohnW. Dlissaad Thomas II.
XOTICE is hereby eiren that by aa ex-
cution nnd deoree of court, issued from the office
of the clsrk of the District Court for Nemaha county
Nebraska Territory, against James S. "Chambcrlin,
John W. Bliss and Thomas II. Marshall and in favor
of David Seigel and Ilenrv Greenbanm, for the gum
of two hundred nnd seventy-four dollars and fifty
cent?, I, J. R. Well?, ShcriflFcf paid eonnry,havc
levied upon, and will sell at public auction from
the door of the house in which the last term of
the District Court was held, in DrowDville, in Baid
county of Nemaha, on aturdiiy, the tt day
Docenrbcr, A. D. 18'iO, at one o'clock 1'. M., to the
highest bidder for cash in Land, the following de
scribed property, to wit ; west half of the north-east
quarter and tho eat half of the north-west quar
ter, of section No. twenty, township No. six, north
of rane No. fifteen, east of the sixth principle
meridian containing lflO acres, with all the appur
tenances thereto a ttached , is the property of Thomas
II. Jlarshall, ia iatisfac i jn of said execution.
Fsberiffof Nemaha county, N.T.
tif BEN.f. li. THOMPSON', Deputy.
Brownville. Nov. 1, 1C0. 17-at $9
I.'T. Wbite & Co.,
v a
T. II. Edwards. : .
JTutice Is hcreliy Riven that by virtue of an execution
I. -sucd by the clerk of the District Conrt of Nemaha
c-unty, Nebraska Territory, against T. II. Edwards and
in favor of I. T. White for the bum of iseveuty-cicht
dollars and clshty-or.e cents, I, J. B. Wells. Sheriff of
Kcmuha Comity, Nebraska Territory, have levied upon,
and will offer fcr sale at public anciion, at tho door of
the house in which the last term of the District Court
for Nemaha county, Nebraska Territory, was held In
Brownville in oaid county, on S.itnnlay. the 1st day ot
December, A D 1SG0, at oneo'clock P M, of thesaifl day,
and will sell to thu highest bidder for cash In hand ihe
following described property, to wit: Commencing forty
rodseastof the southwest cornercf the fcouthwest qnar
ter of section number eleven in township nuniberj live
north of range niimber fifteen east, thence runninseast
on section line forty rods, thence north forty rodn, thence
west forty rods, thence south forty rods to place of be
ginning, containing ten acres more or less, with all tho
improvements thereon levied upon as the property of t.
II. .Edwards and will be sold to satisfy said execution.
J. li. WKLI.S,
Sheriff or Nemuha county,
by B. B. Thojjpson. Deputy,
Brownville, Nov. 1st, 1SG0. 17-5t-$9
Thomas J. West, 1 -vs
Thomas J. White, )
The defendant in the above cause will take notice that
on the 13th day vt September a. d. 1S60, an attachment
was issued against your goods and chatties by J. D.
Thompson, a Justice of the Peace, within aud fur the
county of Xemaha, Xebra:ka Territory, for the sum of
lifty-four dollars and rifty-thrce cints, tbat your pro
jicity has been attached to pay the same, and that yon"
nc required to appear and answer before said Justice at
his office in the city of UrownvlMe in said county on or
before tbe I2rh day of November, 1S60, or. judgment will
be rendered against you and your property will bo sold
to satisfy the same. '
THOMAS J. TVEST, Plaintiff1.
Brownville, Oct. ISth, 1360. 3sw-$t.
J. Q. A. Smith, Plaintiff,
II. J. Whitney, Defendant
By virtue of a decretal order issned from ths Clerk's
office of tho District Conrt of Nemaha county, in the
2d Judicial District of Nebraska Territory, upon a decree
made by said Court at its September Term, a. d. 18(10, in
thisc3se : I will sell on the 23 1 dny of November, 1SC0.
at the door of Ilomcr Johnson's Hall (the place where
said Court was last held) in Brownville la said county,
at the hour of 11 o'clock, a. m. tbe following described
real estate situate in said Nemaha county, Nebraska
Territory, to-wit: The northeast quarter of section
twenty-flve in township 5 north of ransc fKtctm east of
the sixth principal meridian; excepting twenty acrCs
conveyed to Hiram Alderman. April IGth, l!:i7; also,
ten and 67-JSo acres, conveyed to Davidson Plasters ;
leaving as the part conveyed by said mortgage deed, oao
hundred and twenty-nine acres and 33-100 acres..
Terms of sale: cash in hand.
JAME3 S. BEDFOED, Master Com.
Brownville, Oct. ISih, 1S60. nl5-6w-$7.
Irlaster Commissioner's Sale.
Chloc E Thiirjer, by Lcr ccst
fricud C. C. Johnson,
Samne! IT. Bennett and John
S. Favorite. J
By virtue 'f a decretal order Isincd from the Clerk's
oflJi.-e of the District court in Neftiaha county. In the sec
ond Judicial District of Nebraska Territory, upon a de
cree made by said court at its September term, A. t.
1SCO, in this Case, I will sell on Friday the I4tb, day of
December at 11 o'clock A. if., of said day, at the rf-wr of
Ilomcr Johnson's ilall, (tbe placo where the said court
was last held) in lirownville, Neuiahacouniy Nebraska,
The following described real estate to-wit : Lot no. lOin
bk,ck no; twenty-two, ia the City of Brbwhviire, Nema
ha county, Nebraska, Territory, to the highest bidder fur
cash in hand.
November 8, IS CO. JiasterCom.
g. ii. TViicox, prir, 1 . v
vs -
Davidson Plasters, etalDcf'ts )
.By virtue of a decretal order issued from t!i Clerk's
office of the District Court of Nemaha comity i;itbc2J
Judicial District of Nebraska Territory, ujn a decree
made ty said Court at Sept. Term a: l. 18t!0 ia this case:
I trill sell on the 23d day of November, 1SGO, at thedw-r
of Homer Johnson's Ilall (the dace where siid Cp'irt
was lust held) in Brownville in said Couniy, at the hour
of 11 o'ciuck, a. m., the following .described property
aud real estata situate iu said Nemaha county, to-wit :
Tlic east ha:f of lot tio. six m block no. two, frontins
on Main street in thechyof Brownville,Nemahaconaty,
Nebraska Territory, and aisoa one story ofllce builsiing
including tbe stone onderpinins thereof, situate on tbe
east half of lot no. 12 in block no. 20, in sa:.d City if
Brownville. adjoining Messrs. Crane &. Hill's store lot.
Terms-vf a!e: eash in hand. -
JAMKSS. BiiDFOaD. Jfaster Com.
Brownville, Oct. lS'.h, 1S60. nl5-5w-$7.
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice is hereby given that the merchantne business
heretofore carried on by tbe nndersigr-ed, urMioJ the firm
name of 3e!?M and Greenbanm ai this day mutually
diso!'M. Davil Scisel ia authorized to settle up tle
business of ihe concern. . ;
All persons knowiMB themsflves indebted either ty
note or accoriit are hereby iiotiSed that unless they
come forward imoiei:ate!y and pay up, ihe ixtes and ac
counts wi',1 be plaue-J iu the hands of an i f?'i:er for col
let! ion. DAVID SKIOKI
Sept 20, 1369 tf UKN'HV GRK KNJUUM.
alar-'C afd elviitly pr-.ntttl i"arti bt. of f.M
j f.jrv-ei :t c ,;:ia' -lievruxl !j FKjtir. Lit
cratorrand General News, and Intended t be t- 1,KT
a well as the CJEaPEST Family New.d'.er iu tb
I'iMicl Stall's. -
The nrst aim of tie TIMES is. snd win always be,
! keep it reader thoroughly and reliably l'M up,
ns to cverthit:l-whKh miy hapj-en, of ;e:-.crsl inter
est, in any piu-s .;f the world. It om:iit-nts fu! iy Rid
rreely upon ail toi.ics if impt-rtam-e in every :e;irt
nierit of ju'b'.:c a-r'ioii, and alwsys ia ti;e i .terc.-t of
Freedi.m, Order and tbe Public ;.!. V. l.iif its intiu-
ence "ill It n:.t. i in !r conservative, it ,t-Jv e evrf-y
nn-.u-Givof jnt iind teneJeiei.t l'nvts. a id rrtM
the ifcrcje, exleiiMoii, ir perpetuation i-'averi, a
of everything else incortipatibip wuh wel
fare t the whole r'mnicr.i'y. . wi.i'.o it rcprts prompt
ly all intelMgetic? or ;eiiorr.i interest in evary depart
inrt cr hitman- sctivjry, it never pand.irs t- vicious
tj;ps, and exIti los from i: colutun ex erytliiiu tint
mULt render it unsafe ur improper for gc tivi i.iuiily
perusal. Itseel.i to promote the general ci.'.ire by
urging the claim of
cpou the m isses of the fertile; awl ia all itsdici:i
Mns, it endeavors constantly to be guiucii aud couirvll
ed by tlo t iri; cr - .
In its correspor.detice. both Foreign and DinipLic, the
TImes is cnfcsod to be superior to any oiher American
Journal. Its Hearts of CoogrcsMoi1-1 ai:d Icsis'ativ
proceedings, of Financial, Commercial and
of important Legul and Criminal Trials, and of WfcatSve?
may have special interest for tbe great body if the com
munity, are full, pri-mpt and reliable.
ii.-pcciai atteiithju is devoted to full, accurate and
trustworthy reports of the
for wUi'-h a corpj cf Ecportcrs is
Will 2l5 to kept, embracing
and miscellaneous-selections cf the highest interest.
lscompilcd from a variety of sources, many cf them in
accessible to tbo American rcaier, and furnishes valua
ble information to the Farmer and Gardener.
The WEEKLY TIMES will bo sent to cubscribcrs la
any part of the country on the followlnj terms : . ,
Single Copies ' - $2 a year. '
Two do - 3 d.j
Five- - io .-. -... ft do
Any person xchovill tend u m Club of TiT.V r
tcribert, at $1 each, thall receive an extra copy for
Aij or may retain One Dollar a kit compcntalton.
Is published Every day except Sunday, and Is seat to
subscribers by mail at SIS DOLLARS a year.
Pnblished on Tuesdays and FriJays, and containing eight
pages of reading mattecin every number, is ent to sub
scribers at the following ratei : .
Single Crpies - - - $3
Two ,ilo 6
Any perton utio ic(7 tend ut & Club of FIVK imJ
teribert m.iy receive an extra copy for htmtclf. or r
tain Txco Dollart and a Half at his compensation.
TEBMS Cash invariably l-t advance.
All letter to be addressed to . J. RAYMOND St CO.
Proprietors of iUo New York Times, New York City.
it.ire a;.J E.Kicaticn, rirticuUrly in :
lras!.a, will ice lhat cur sulserijica li.t
h er.!argcJ. Yc ctfer t!:d fc!i.j-. Ir.g in
ilnccnienis t.) cI-jI.
To tho rer.ou scnuin us t!n.. larjrrst
club cf 1 sulocritors, ty th? first cf
January 101, wo will iivc l'0 tl:rco-yoar-oM
af jb trees, racut-J rt:; 7 :;r
tliippiiir. tlelivcrc J a: irAs lace. ' "
Fcr the next largest cl'.b, 7o apj !u
trees Jc'ivereJ as nlcfi?. '
To any person sending us :1) cf 10
sulscril-ers at SI each, we wiii give an
extra copy cf the Ferrer,- a ti J upv cf
either ,lThe Fruit Garden, M l y lUrry,
"Western Fruit Uook-," ly Hooper; "Ev
ergreens ar. J HeJvs," hy Varufr;
"Mysteries cf Bee-Keepir. Explained,"
ty Quinby, "Ilcnie Dock cf llcahli,'' ly
Mr. Alcott, as may .le selected. Thtf
baoL-3 are handsomely lounJ ia c! :th,a:nl
contain from CCQ la .300 pae readhi
Single copies Gl"; a:z Z; ... In
ly copies Gl-3, and fifty copies
For the largest addition to tiiher of the
above clubs, at the rates peciiiet i5
in Flowering Shrubs will be ien. ,
llrownri:!.', .. T.
' victorious oveh faut:
EO. BCsaaAN.v. '
ijcnnanu ftuvocni,
Ilavingrcuch incrensed our business, we tat ojI en
sure iu cailinthc nttcntion of our fneml.i, and tho
pullio cncruUj, tn our lare and comjilete a-ort-meatot'
Fruiu nnd Ornamental Treca aud Shrubs,
comf risiu the choicest varieties of
Apples, I'ears, tt,indard and dwarf ; Chcrrie., staud-
ard nnd dwarf; I'enchcs, Plums, Apricots, Al-
monds, Quinces, Orapei, Carran's, Gose.
berries' Kaspberries, Strawberries,
Ulackberrici, Shado and Orn.
xacntai Trees and Shrubs, Ever
greens Vines and Creep
Ct?, Roses, Dahlias
and other planfs,
Scions of
Fruit Trees, Cut
tings and Seedlings -cf
Ornamental Trees, Shrubs, &o.
Most of the varieties were tested here and havo
proved successful in our soil and climate, aud oil aro
warranted trua to name. '
We Would call the special attention t;f Grape Grow
ers to our b'.rg assortment of native hardy grapes,
comprising over six tj of the choicest vnricties, which
we havo spared no pnins norcostto procure from the
most reliables sources. Many cf them have been
tested here, and oil will be tested in tho open vine
yard, and we shall recommend none Until we have
found them suceersful. " Thiswemny now confident
ly do with successful. ' This wo may now donfidcnily
do with Norton's Virginia, llerbemonl, Missouri and
Ooneorp, they having been tested beyond a doubt.
Descriptive Catulogucs sent gratis to all appli
ennts. Orders dire:tcd to us personally, or to our local
agents, will be promptly and carefully filled.
R015T. W. Funs' AS,
Hortiadturc and Domestic Animals.
The followirg rcrccnt works are for sale at the office,
of tho Qjuntry UtntUman- and will be sent, postage
prepaid, at the'priecs annexed:
American Farmer's encyclopedia, $1,00
Allen's American farm book, . 1,00
Allen's diseases of domestic animals, 75
Allen's rural architecture, 1,25
Allen on the grope, 1,00
Barry's fruit garden, 1,25
Dcment'a American poulterer's compaDion 1,50
Drowne'a field book of manures. 1,25
Jiridgdman's gardeners assrstant, 1,50
15rock's book of flowers, 1,00
Duist's flower garden, v- 1,25
do family kstchea garden; 75
Cnnc!d on sheepj r l.CO
Cultivator, bound, pcrrolume, t, 1,00
Chorion's grape grower's guide, 60
Dadd's modern horse doctor 1,00
dd American cattle doctor, ' 1.00
do diseases of cattle, 1,00
Dana's Muck M-inucl, - J,00
Darlington's weeds and useful plants, 1,50
Dcwning's fruits and fruit trees, 1,75
Eastwood's cranberry culture, 60
Farm Drainngo, (II. F. French, 1 1,0J
Frank Forrester's Heme in Amsrica, 1 0,00
Flint on grasses, 1,25
Flint's Milch Cows, 1.25
Herbert's horse-keepers, 1,25
Hough's farm record, 3,00
Johnston's agriculture chemistry, 1,25
Kemp's landscape gardening, 2,00
Langstrota on the hive and honey bee, 1,25
Lnehnr's hot houe?, 1.25
Licbig's relation's of chemistry to agriculture, 25
Lins'oy's Morgan Horse., 1,00
Minor's bee keeper's manual 1,00
Munh'slan 1 di-airler 5j
Nash's prorrs.-iro farmer, 50
Feiil's gardener's companion, 1,00
Norton's demerits of agriculture, CO
Pardee on th strawberry, CO
" (Juinby's myste.scs of bec-kwpinj. 1,00
' Rural affairs, 2 vols.,) - 2.00
Stewart's stablo book, 1,00
Thomas" tarm implements, 1.00
. .Thomas' fruit culturist, . 1.25
Warder's hedges and evergreen, 1,00
Watscn's horns gardja, 1,50
; -White's gardening for the icaih, 1,25
Vale lecture, I3C0, 25
Vouatt and Martin on cattle, ... . 1,25
Vouatt 011 the horse, - 1'25
do tin theep, .75
.- -do on the ho, " -,''"" .75
t a, ' M . - . a V
Willselectlands, inveti;ite titles, p.iytaxes, &.c'.
either in Kansas or Nbra) bay, rel, and enter
landsoa eommissioi!; invet In town property, huyor
sell the same, cud will always have on baudcorrec
plats of townyb!ps.c.jTiiities.&.c., showing aillandssnb
feet to entry, and where dew red will furnish parties liv"
insin the states with thesarue.
Being the oldest settler ia the cf nnty will In all
cases he able to give fnl land rgliaidelrfrs-matiijii.
AddressA- L. Coste,eUhrat Browavilleor Nemaha
City,Nc'i-a-kaTerritory. 6m-4J-v2
r.Ioueyilclvaiacocl on
We will receive Pike's Peak Gold, and advance
money up-m tlie same, and pay over balaixeo! proceeds
a S4nn as ,'iiut ri-tiims aro had. In alleges, we will
exhititthe printed retoru ct the United S uses jlint,
or Assa v ofti.'e.
i )
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ACIII-.'i.f TtifilM ACI1K Un
ti!ictl nitii 01 1) n i :. Siif-
,3 frliii from l'l:l li. Sri?AIN.,
I,-.-- CUltNS, Mi:H I.V, III.KS?
-Tim akctic uxys::T
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r.Z i.crj iiu -:y li, jiii In
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' H U erd!e f r tl. ta
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fc--..'' arnre. Hi
It lii a vrrr!;"ii fm
tho V :i ri.Mi iii..rtiK' lili
wliii. li Ii.h m sr aptirtrd, ?nr
I11? lie nl. 1 Hill., rwf - i.f
I l.l ls-l. Sl ll.MNS .-i! lv(.-
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I .-j. s v, n n v r a 1 n , 1: 1 m ;
J.OM-". l:i-ft? Al, IflU
K'll, Ae. ' fiii-iiir, liiry
aliilib k..i'r, ur nr on
onriii'L' i;.iirrH&. IIUJIpIS,
(.M. Ih uilwub lint ImI.iIA-
hlo mm'"')'. '
!1 lriipiil' ! IVrt'era
23 rrnlii. 50 rra! and f 1 p 1
cuntjiu-. at Rinc'.i J iniuivulaa
ilea 1
For saIo ly all rpsporial
Prices of tti fjiiiiiM-iit,
lie. A ono-ih.!!:ir !m! tl
eight twenty live cent bol
Fr fHr. l.ii rf U.lllv nf Ihe .1("H''.I I"
JMF..VT nt Ir. Ilril-' -r"'M- tfielM'!H
STAT Jtd i:AU of Nuf - Vik. 1 m:c rur. V-
Joiirnul is a l:u:! iHitn'ra'.nl :ii i-.i. h immUrr ...
hulling iti--ii piii-.. Iicaul .fully prinl'd 011 cli-ur ? lnt
pajier, and tili-d wit'u on-mal lustn-r Iku the iiN.t ld
liant writers id the count ry. Vi-ti!i"ilv mh-cripta t
and full pjiriicuiiirs of tl u-ui-l bm pliii;iiliripie
loi'pr'-e. of nliiclj thi o'.lcr f..niis a j iirt,
each' Wttlf.
t;iT WAVTKD in FVI IIV TiiW.V ami tlM.AilH
JlItAtitJ t niKIiOU 'KS. fit. iAtttit, ?I
Xkw Yk 0kk. No ::;i i:i: A V-
Cfnin.ini.-ationii should ! ad lr-t to M. Joidt
ANKOCKCK3 tb public tSat to b-i rtrehaseJ the
I.Ivery 5:at:ea:id ? formerly owtipU hy WiUUiu
Hosseil and j.He! thereto flue at.t, and is iuw prepar
ed to acconrmijdate the public wuh
Saddles Horsr3
Caa find at tli Stable ample accommulations tvt
horses, mules or cattle. -
bkxavin j'?;ir r.OGEcs.
. Erownvilie, Cki. 13. ldGov nli-v);,-
Clocks, Vatclies & Jewelry.
VTivnld innonnrf. X 11 t h r i f 1 isr nf
ilV and vicinitv tbat he hit t'att"t himse! in
fc.J-jI3rOTVnliIO, andmlend.. ce:;ir v ! i..rt.
lucnt of everything tn hislineof rt,-inP-, -;irh will
be sold lew tt caia. lie will a;.j i!.i ail Vinds f re
pairmsof checks, watcbesandjc-.rcr'ry. All w.:rk war
rztnteJ. rnlSlr
N Il.ifcm, rree-l--ri of pre I.'o.kI Atwood Sheep
of tbo Hammond sUick.
Fnll FIiaft.-r.i-.rT.-VK
THE Co-par tners'. up cf N'cct, Lake i EmersMn,
heretofore existing and' transactin I at
Hrownvi'.ic, X. T., under t'ie twice m. .1 style ..,f Noel,
Like A Ci., is this day dissolved by e.-.n-put.
L C. Johnsoa will adjust a'l nnwtrlM -x---i of
tbo said firm. - JKSSE NOSf, -
- - n::v::v vios,
; ' HICXUV L h ;. br
.'(). K. .Vr -nt.
Efcwnrinj.j;,?:!.',!?, Vj-tt