:u)WVle! Nov.. is,, isco.
:?C"Kt-braA Advertiser" havirz
clar-pest circulation of any paper m
-ilritory. .Wholesale. Merchants m
rj. Juncph, Cincinnati raid otter asi
r' k5': I.'clWxa merchants pur-
,11 And nolettcrrjTcrtiains medium
5 Wr'.ltrn country... 3
"" ..... , ..' t, v or
. .... I .r mm. a
. r t V Dcos; Mori scar"
.5: lyT,dV lda Irr.IJredB.
. lo T) Aft?. Notes, etn . etc.. tc.
. Y. 1 alW-:.ri n of tl..-tili need.
.,,. , P tnI r' ZZ.r.Art-a .n.i.y Prt f
untry .
. .. . men in tli
-..rk evidence.
mens oj " " '
and ui-'iyi'-r'siu
VlYinlir- .Material nf all Kinds.
o Vrw York, an ! Brown'-Iron
Farmer arJ Advertiser.
. - t rt nn
cJ .Stairs and cwspnpcr
Advertising uuy,
j,a M:miASh.A l ai.mi.l.
ThC HorSIcaltarlSt. This valuable
Horticultural monthly, for Novcmler, is
before us, beautifully ilkutrated, with
colored plates, and filled with exceeding
ly interesting matter. No lover of hor
ticuhure should Le. without it. Terms:
t-2; colored edition 85. Saxto & IUr
kek, Publishers, 25 Park How, N. Y.
Lock Out for Your Clothes.-
Several clothes lines in this place were
stripped by some rogue the other niht.
Somebody will et caught at that business
yet, if they don't look tharp.
Tafccn at Par We will take Tcr
ritorial and Nemaha county orders at
their face in payment for advertising,
subscription and job work from now until
the first of January next.
IniprGTCmcntS. Extensile prepar
ations are already being made for im
provements in this city the coming Spring.
One if not two flouring mills, and a num
ber of business houses will be erected,
ani no doubt a large number of resi
dences. Well, that is what we like to see
The more the better.
going on.
ir titjT The future of Brownville
(t W-M more flattering than at present.
is ma wind,- healthy condition;
or huVing retrograded an iota in con
Jcnce if hard times. Her citizens o.
ef like" all those of other points, have
arreted; but have kept their heaus
"4 the ave.. Her business men are
-ad; in.M0 6ingle instance have they
Yd to meet promptly their,
as a uatur.1 consequence to-day enjoy
ettcr credit' ea?t than most others hi
, upper country who have not managed
affair." so sagaciouJf. We have a
it from the interior, west, superior to
t o! any other point oa the river; our
graph facilities are now equal to, and
rn perfected, will be far superior to
y other; -our position is such that we
ist necessarily be the first point in the
jrritory to receive Rail Road advan
ces ; capital is seeking investment here ;
; agricultural resources and develop-t-nts
of our county arc already ahead of
:y 'other ; and our population, a year ago
urth, now second, will in another twelve
onth be first. Altogether our town and
mhty are certainly in a flourishing con
Ition, and have every reason to rejoice in
heir prospects for the future.
ri;u frt P o. HlKl. We are pleased
- announce to his numerous friends that
:x-Mayor, 0. IJ. Hr.wr.TT, has returned
"rom the mines "safe and sound." He
cached this city on Saturday evening last.
tVe have had time to converse with him
,it little in regard to the mines. As the
Judge has been pretty much all over that
ountry, and is withal a close observer
.nd ready writer, we shall insist upon his
iring the Jldnri iscr readers an account
. f his wanderings. .'
BrlSlv. On Saturday afternoon last,
we counted from our office window, sixty-
three wagons and carriages from the
w 1
country, llow many otners were scat
tered around elsewhere in the city we do
not know. Our tradesmen are doing a
handsome business.
Ill TOWIl, Our old friend Kob't
Wood, of St. Louis, was in our city "just
a minute" on Monday last. Mr. Wood
is a capital good fellow, excellent business
man and a reliable accommodating trade
man. He is of the house of Bast, Al
exander &, Co., wholesale grocers, St.
Louis. Those of our merchants who do
not already trade with him will find it to
their advantage to do so.
Wc Mean Wiiat Wc Say. AH those
owing us, by Note or Account, not paid
up this fall, are notified if they are not
paid by the 15th of December next, we
shall place them in the hands of the pro
per officer for collection by law. No
respect to persons ; all will be treated
Tclepraph at Nebraska City
Ve are pleated to learn that our neigh
?rs at Nebraska City, have finally se
ired a telegraph office at that point.
Ve. are glad they have concluded "dis
retion the better part cf valor." They
v ill feel much better now, in "full com
tuiion". with the world "and the rest of
r.ankiud" than they did when engaged in
utting wires, and being isolated from their
.cighbors. '
Brownville, Oct. 31, 1SG0. 3t
A large Load Mr. J. n. Hill, of
Ft. Kearny, left this city yesterday morn
ing with a train laden with supplies pur
chased in this city. One wagon, drawn
by two mules and four horses, contained
seventy -three hundred pounds of grain a r. I
groceries. 'That is the kind cf ' s
freighters can haul over the road Ieing
from this point to Kearny r.ud Denver.
a t i 1 0 x a p ) i c .
TCo"omGl5L- y.civorti?3or.
15 j the St. J.j?qh, Krownvitle and Denver Tclegraj-h
S T li ii B I N S LI N F ,
OJlce corner of Main and Firtt Street.
South Carolina Acting the Fool!
Portions cf Georgia and Alabama Dis
posed to fellow suit!
Treason Kauipant!
OM Buck said to be in the Plot !
Law and Order Meetings
in Georgia.
Keitt tears his Shirt !
Wintering Stock D. D. White
& Co., freighters from Atchison, Kansas,
across the plains, brought in, yesterday,
one hundred yoke of work oxen. Our
farmers in this county are prepared, and
have already taken a large number of
stock to winter. More can be accommo
dated, as we have a handsome surplus of
hay and grain.
Hon. S. G. Daily has given Morton
notice of contest. There will be no doubt
as to the result, when the outrages and
barefaced frauds perpetrated by Demo
cratic tools in this Territory are brought
to light, as they will be.
W. R. StcbbillS Esq., Secretary, and
General Agent for the Pacific Telegraph
Company, was in our city this week.
He was on his way west to makearrang
Lectures. A course of Lectures an
'er the management of the Brownrille
Library and . Literary Association will
eminence at the First Presbyterian mentg for tDe lmsty completion of the
church, in his city, to-morrow evening. nQ
Dr. Wm. Arnold will deliver the first
lecture, 'We are not informed what his
.ilject is;' but a. knowledge of the style
f tho Doctor's Lectures warrants us in
aying it will no doubt be interesting.
The Northwestern Evangelist i
We have before ns the prospectus cf a
monthly periodical bearing the above
title, proposed to be published in this city
by Lid. Joil M. Wood, of the Christian
persuasion. Mr." Wood has a fine field
for operation, and we doult not he will'
be successful. . We will publish the Pros
pectus next week.. We call the attention
of the friends of that church hereabouts
to the enterprise, and urge them to ex
tend a liberal patronage.
n THEM! im
DCilS'S Bargains -Den is most as
suredly holding out rare inducements to
purchasers. We are at a loss, really, to
know how he can afford goods at the fig
ures he does.
Gotley for December. Here comes
the queen of the monthlies; make up
your clubs ; now is the time. The Jan- We have learned through nrivnfn" ind
uary1 number will commence the sixty- viduals, that John McConihe, Private
second Tolume. Terms, one copy S3 ccrPiary or. me uovernor, becoming
uvn rnn iVroi ,r,niM a .,.. P-"1 ai uie puliation or certain test-
inilmr ml in llm.K. Da..I I
W..v-r-, , ir Hie store of Lacy 5c McCormic wher
S3.-50 : Godey and Harper $1,50 ; Godey, Webster (the editor) was sitting With hi
. . I m J
Arthur and Harper tG. Clubs sent to teet on the stove, and comin un behind
any Post office where subscribers may re- j linockeJ oim and his chair over,
side. Address L. A. Godet, 323, Chest- 1 ,? Pa c McUrmic.
nut St., Philadelphia, Ta. lhcm for a momon, ci0.J thJ.
' Advertiser and Godey $3,o0. locked it, cleared a place near the stove
1 I m 1
ana tola the combatants to "go in."
ti,. rn, . ... ... . i '"-i " im-u his revolver, uui ni
WUlxai. ine citizens of this city, ouiot!v Iet Jown lh, tr- ,rpr n . ' ,.n
f. r .... I SO " Hit-
ui jiuiiiuscui icLfr.ingaeiaueaeicc- weapon in hisocket, remarking that his
lion news by Telegraph, subscribed and antagonist was too small to shoot at. He
"yaW the handsome sum of SS5. What tlien ritcIlcd iu" anJ Save McConihea
other ni1ir.. A o. severe drubbing.
v nui, V.,1 1 l -It . .i .
iukai;j uus ye; oeen saia aoout tnisan-
nir In fitV,ai f . 1 V...
vufmuuwa ah ASSCCiailOn have it on good authority, and consider
See the advertisement for the Seventh l t0 G00 tc? e lost- Webster, we
Year, found in to-davs ranrr tu i:,. understand, is now absent from home
r,f t:.: c,-. 3 .i . . . v,un.a-u. ii. is not saie to atiaci
u.uu.Jo,, uuvawoiaer works of Pdhnr in" h? tth r.,.v.;
. . . . .. , I - - - - ... vuuun . x luw W Ui (U.
uiiiiiuuuii uiia jtiir is ;anre anj
The weather is exceedingly fine.
The bark James Gray, owned by Cush
ing's Boston line, is lying at our wharf
under Instructions from the owners, has
hoisted the Palmetto flag and fired 15
guns. . -
Edward Ruffin spoke last night. He
said Southern independence had been his
life long study, and he thought it could
only be secured. by South Carolina's se
cession. His speech was rapturously ap
plauded. Other, stirring speeches were
Efforts were made yesterday to wait
for southern county operations, but p. State
Convention is to be called and secession
is certain. 1 The election of delegates will
probably be ordered the fourth of Decem
ber,' and the Convention meets on the
17th prox. .
Messrs. Boyce, Bonhami & Keitt urg
ed the call for a Convention and imme
diate action. A large body of citizens
called on the resigned Federal officers
last night; they were greeted with enthu
siasm. The officials returned thanks in
spirited addresses. A dispatch in the
"Courier fays Buchanan .will resist nul
lification, but not secession.
The Speaker of the House last night
received a dispatch from Virginia, ten
dering the services of a volunteer compa
ny in the event of South Carolina seceding.
Milledceville, Ga., Noy. 8.
Gov. Brown in a special message to
the Legislature thinks but few States will
meet the Southern Convention and does
not recommend r.ppm-ment of D-?lcgatis
from Georgia-he thinks conditional riLus
of the pvjopk- r.f Gecrgici have been vio
lated by several ron-slareliolJing States,
to an extent justifying in the judgment
of civilized nations the adoption of any
measures necessary for the restoration or
protection of their rights.
Savannah, Ga. Nov 9.
The mass meeting of citizens to-night
vas the 'largest ever held here. Cap't
John Anderson was chosen President, and
Charles II. Way, Secretary,
The following resolutions were moved
by Cap't N. N. Barlow, and seconded by
Col' H. R. Jackson, and supported inan
eloquent and patriotc speech by Hon W
Law one of the Bell Electors of Georgia,
and were adopted unanimously amid great
excitement with the wildest unthusiasm.
We the citizens of Chaham, ignoring
all party names and issuest cordialy unite
on the following resolutions:
liecolved. 1. That the election of Lin
coln and Hamlin to the Presidency and
Vice Presidency of the Ucited States,
ought not and will not be submitted to.
U. That we request the Legislature to
announce this opinion by resolutions at the
earliest practicable moment, and commu
nicate the same to cur Senators and Rep
resentatives in Congress, and co-operate
with the Governor in calling a Conven
tion of the people to determine the mode
of measures of redress.
3. That we respectfully recommed the
Legislature to take into immediate consid
eration the passage of such laws as will be
likely to alleviate any unusual embarras
ment of the commercial interests of the
State, consequent upon the present politi
cal emergency.
4. That we respectfully request that the
Legislature take immediate steps to or
ganize and arm the militia of the Stale.
5. That copies of the foregoing resolu
tions be sent without delay to our Senators
and Representatives in the General As
sembly of the State, who are requested to
lay them before the houses of which they
are respective members.
Augcsta, Ga., Nov. 10.
A large meeting of citizens was held
in the Council Chambr this afternoon.
Mayer Blodgett, presided. The "Mayor
stated that he had received information
that two of our citizens had been notified
to leave by unauthorized persons. The
meeting was called to consider whether
we should protect ourselves by upholding
the laws and the preservation of order,
or allow an unauthorized body of men to
take the law into their own hands.
Mr. John M. Jackson moved a com
mittee of 21 be appointed to prepare
business. The Chairman selected a high
ly respectable and influential committee,
who reported the following resolutions :
Resolved, That we live under a Govern
ment cf law and order, and it is the
boundenduty of every good citizen to see
that all rights are respected and wrongs
speedily redressed in the form prescribed
by law.
Resolved, That the genius of our insti
tutions forbids the punishment of a cm
zen without a fair trial by jury.
Resolved, That the assumption, of in
dividuals, however respectable, of any 0
the powers cf government, is subversive
of civil liberty, and its tendencies fatal to
the vital interests of the community.'
Resolved, That if the existing laws are
insufficient for the protection of the rights
of citizens, the proper course is to apply to
the Legislature to amend and modify them
as the interests of society require.
Acccsta, Ga., Nov. 10.
A large meeting in favor of southern
rights is being held this evening. The
Savannah resolutions were unanimously
adopted, with an amendment, declaring
it to be the sense of the meeting, that the
only remedy for Lincoln's election was
immediated secession, amid loud and pro
longed cheering. The following was
adopted :
Resolved, That the meeting pledges
the citizens to submit to an increased rate
of taxation, to raise a million of dollars
to arm and organize the militia cf the
A further resolution was adopted, con
demning the action of the citizens' meet
ing this afternoon, and declaring that the
resolutions adopted there did not express
the sense of the community.-; The news
of SenatorToombs'f resignation was hail
ed with great enthusiasm. This evening
a great crowd of about 2,000 of the Con
garee Minute Men turned out and march
ed down Maine street with a grand dis
play of fireworks.
Judge McGrathsaid he hoped South
Carolina would not be in the van of her
sister States. He was not there to prove
to them the right to secede. He said she
had the right to secede. The people say
she has. The Legislature says she has,
and Heaven w 11 say she has the right.
If the Government at Washington should
say she had not the right, then let them
prove it by. taking the right away; .
St. Louis, Nov. 12.
In the South Carolina Legislature on
the 10th the Speaker announced the res
ignation of Senator Chestnut. A mem
ber offered a resolution that his resigna
tion be accepted as an act of loyalty to
the State. The committee on Federal
Relations reported an amendment to: the
Senate bill calling a Conventian, fixing
the meeting in December instead of Jan
uary. A member offered a resolution to
empower the Governor to raise ten thou
sand volunteers which will be considered
to-day. Senator Toombs, cf Georgia,
resigned I113 seat on the 9th. An elec
tion of United States Senator was laid
on the table for the present. A bill was
introduced taxing manufactured articles,
wares, &c, also, preventing citizens of
offending States from suing in the Courts
of Georgia. Adjourned till to-day. On
Saturday a meeting w zz held in Augusta,
the Mayor presiding. ""Resolutions pro
tecting against the expulsion ef citizens
without trial, and in favor of law and or
der were adopted. At night a rampant
secession meeting was held and violent
speeches made. A delegation of Minute
Men was appointed to the Military Con
vention at Milledgeville. Saturday the
military companies of Montgomery, fully
equipped, tendered their services to the
Governor. The "Dispatch" says, the
citizens cf Mobile opposed secession.
Nine-tenths of the country are for disu
nion. The plan of secession will be ar-1
ranged this week. The Governor, Ju
diciary, both Senators and all the Con
gressmen but one, are for disunion. An
immediate Convention has been determin
ed upon. The Minute Men of New Or
leans are for an extra session of the Leg
islature. An attempt was made in Phil
adelphia to form the Republican Clubs
into a posse to support Lincoln in the
Presidential chair but "was defeated.
Resolutions expressing good will to all
sections was adopted.
Charleston, S. C, Nov. 13.
Legislature adjourns to-morrow noon.
The Bank of Charleston has agreed to
take $100,000, and the balance of the
$-100,000 loan will be taken by ether city
banks. Senator Hammond has resigned.
News has been telegraphed that the Gov
ernor of Mississippi will call the Legis-
ature together.
The secession excitement continues in-
tense. . lhe people are aeterminea to
send Delegates to the Convention pledged
to get the State out of the Union at any
cost. Volunteer companies are forming.
A great demonstration is projected for
Thursday, to welcome back the Charles
ton Delegation in the Legislature.
Jacksos, Miss., Nov. 13.
The Governer has issued his proclama
tion convening the Legislature cn the
26th. .
Washington, D. C, Nov. 13.
Private accounts say that the Charles
ton Light Infantry have taken charge of
the Government arms in that city.
Many letters have been received from
leading politicians," of all parties, in the
border slave States expressing decision
against secession. The Mechanical and
Mercantile interests are also making
themselves heard, and are unanimously
in favor of standing for the Union. Vir
ginia is l;y no means favorable to the
action of ' South Carolina. Senator Hun
ter is against the secession movement.
Nashvilxe, Tenn., Nov. 13.
Georgia and South Carolina Bank notes
are taken at 5 per cent, discount.
Columbia, S. C.f Nov. 13.
Mr. Keit was serenaded last night at
12 o'clock. He made an exciting speech
urging nromnt and decided action. He
said Mr. Buchanan was pledged to seces
sion, and would be held to it ; South Caro
lina would shatter the accursed Union. If
she could not dD it otherwise she would
throw her arms around the pillars cf the
Constitution an ! involve all the States in
common ruin. Will somebody hold Keit
and South Carolina.
Milledgeville, Ga., Nov. 14.
Hon. Alex. Stephens and Herchal V.
Johnson made Union speeches this week.
The Bill appropriating a million of dol
lars to be used at the discretion of the
Governor for putting Georgia in a State
of Military defence has passed the House
RicnwoND, Va., Nov. 14.
The Enquirer urges a State Conven
tion at an early day which might" peace
ably settle the dangerous question. It says
it was with a view of concentrating public
opinion upon a Convention, as well as to
prepare the people for any unseen em
ergency that Gov. 'Wise inaugurated his
minute men and contemplated a raid upon
the Federal Government.
'' ' Boston, Nov. 14.
W. C. Wood, a graduate of Harvard
University, arrired here this morning in
the Steamer South Carolina, from Char
leston. He had been ordered to leave
the State. Mr. W. was In South Caro
lina to fulfil an engagement as a school
teacher in the Barnwell District.
Charlton, S. C. 14.
The booksellers of this City and Sa
vannah hare returned Harper's Weekly
and Monthly publications, and a move
ment is contemplated to return all North
ern Books and publications unless known
to be sound. The Mayor to-day notified
agents of Northern steamship line3 that
they would not permit tho landing of
strange passengers unless the company
guarantied their mantainance. It is said
South Carolina will not be in the Union
after New Years; 'Scat, you b ch.
New York, Nov. 15.
Letters from "Louisville say Union
demonstrations are soon to be made by
the Bell and Everett men in every county
in the State.
St. Louis, Nov. 15.
Missouri returns to date: Douglas
56,1 15, Bell 55,166, Breckinridge 2S.266,
Lincoln 16,660. 16 counties to. hear
tog Btom in
cJ iiii i Al
Uas Just received
And, perhaps, tho
Ever brought above St. Joseph,
Which he is opening ont in th
Splendid Nny Building,
Corner of Main and First trects,
M i In i 1
. ',, f
ly vis)
To Your Real Interests !
Citizens of Brownville
Ana the Rest or Manklntl
fit ore of (Ll)cw,
Than was ever before offered in this
I J.
t annum 0 nn
illiuiilJ- 1 IU.,
Pioneer Store
We Have Just Received and Opened
Most Magnificent
Stock of (Sootls !
Cutlery and Quccnswarc,
And Choice
1 jl ; -? 1 1
' v - z - z
r - 3
5 -z J
- Z ZZ "
-4 3
f. :": - - -z i. 5 ?
1 V "
t t ' r
J v. - . : ' i : . 1. - . .
r-1 - 0 Si T. --. w - - - '.
c zl h ": ;i - -; s - ' 2 1 i ? 1 -1
- -3 -c 3 fc 7 it r
f zz - z 'J:-r-r-2
H u - ZZ ZZ z 1 Z 1 t 2.
'-' . .'afSS-S2r;i5 5 - J 3 -
w. 4, j. --2 r , - a - -
-euj .- - 5 r'w . a ;
rj .-; - - fc-s k-:4u 3ios
C2 -e" i Zi Z ' 3 f zz
auy z. zz w t ' - -( j
3. a 3 O,
David Sciel anJ ILcrjCrccnlauia,
JameaS. Cliamocr'in, John W. Llusaal Th&aau II.
NOTICE ii borchv giren that by virtue of inci
ciition unJ decree oi court, is.-uoj fntu thi ollico
of theclcrk of the D'utriot Court fur Ncmahacounfy
Nebrti!ka Torritury. p.ainst Jatne. S. Cbi.iuor!in,
Jtha W.BIi.-i nnd Thomas II. Ma.rliail and in favor
of David iStigt'l aud llcnrv Uroenbanm, fr thu tnm
cf two hundred and sevntj-four dollars &wl Cftjr
cent j, I, J. . Well., Sheriff of mil coant,hav
levied upon, rvl will c!l at publics auctioiv from
the do.)r of tho houjio in which the hist terii cf
tho District Court was held, in Hruwnville, in said
county of Nemaha, on fcuturJay, tho 31st da
November, A. 1). lGt), at one o'duck I. to thti
highest bidder for eah in hand, the fallowing de
wribed property, to wit ; west balfof tho
qanrtur and tho eaitt half of tho nort!i-wct qus
ti!r, of section No. twenty, town.-hip No. sisrtknh
of rano Na. fifteen. ca.t of the ciith jiriiKiI
njpridiiin containing Io0 nere, with all the ppur
fuminetH thereto attached, us the property f TUotuat
U. ilarjhall.ia jatiifao ijnof aid cxe.-ut':oa.
ShcriTof Ncmnha conntv, !.T.
I? LE.NJ. 15. TllUMl'SUN, Vntr.
Rrownville, Nov. 1, ISCO. 17-5t
Largest Assortment of
His stock consists of the f allowing articles, which
will sell cheap for cash:
Pure White Lead, Castor Oil,
French Zinck, Cod Liver Oil,
China Zinck, Sweet Oil,
Red Lead, Putty,
Venitian Red, Glue,
Raw and b't umber, Figs,
Spanish whiting,
Chalk, Linseed Oil,
Cough Candy, Tanner's Oil,
Copal'Varnish Costile Soap,
Fancy Soap, Toilet Soap,
Tooth brushes, Litherage,
Patent medieinos, Let.paper
White Varnirh, Ink,
Iliair brushes,
Tooth brushes,
Paint brushes
Steel Pens,
Gold Pens,
Hair oil,
&c. &c.
Also, a Splendid Assortment of
Per Xul m eries,
Comprising Lvon's Katharion, Cologne, Pommade,
gemiine ox marrow, bear grce-e, ami oils, musk anl
ceccnces of all kiuds, and of tue Caest quality.
vnoiscnt) rawer, fancy letter paper, gilt edged notes,
ami envelope'' plain, fancy, aud etntoFed, pens pencils
and ien-holilcrg, inks of all kinds, inkstands, wafers
and sealing-wax.
riolland Gin, Irish Whisky. Bonrbon Whisky, Ringer
Brandy. Cordial. Port Wine, Madeira, Wine, WLitf wine
aud Maiaga Wine.
Mr. Vinn being sn experienced practical Drrpfift,h?
patrons mey rest assured tbat all medicine procured
from Una arosc'lli'De tvunout rearer mistakes.
JyPfcrsiclan'8 Prescriptions attended to at all honr
botU Is ilay and night.
Erownvrlle. Kcv. Ut, 1S60 ly.
C. M. CLAY, Breeder of Pure Shcrt
Ilorn Cattle, South Down Shoep, and Essex aad
Full WhitehaU P. 0 Madiwn Co., Ky.
thorou-rnbrrds, consisting of Balls, Cows, Calves,
c- Drea irom me Desi unxoricu bioc.
full East SpringSe'd, OUeo co., N. Y.
Caps, etc.
Evr opened in Brownville and no mistake 1
Caps frora25ctsto $3,50. v
We tan Fit Gents in Suits ftom $5 to $50
Willow 'rUVeiiTo
and rim
Saddles and Harness,
Oil Clotlis nntl Carpeting,
Iron, Hails and Castings
Ladies Riding, Kid and Silk. Gents
Gauntlets, Buckskin and Driving.
Best Qualities of
Needed or EPcsired
Can It had at our Store, and on terms as
favorable as those of any other
House in the West.
All Kinds of
Will be taken in exchange at current prices.
Come Ono ! Como ! !
We are determined treM . lywer prices aad give
better bargilus than ever before.
BrowBville, 0. 1?, 136 J. 15-4y
I. T. WMto & Co.,
v s
T. n. E!rrar!.
Xc.tW Is hereby given tfcat by vtrtc of aft eiecMtot
liriueit by the clerk of tbo Uiariet Conrt of 'ciuha
county, Nebrka Territory, atfiitist T. 11. Kdwards and
In favor of 1. T. White for the mm of
ilolUrs and eility-one cetts, 1, J. 11. Weil. Sberitr of
Neuiii'aa County, Nebraska Territory, bave lovieit upon.
und will otTor fcr sale at pbUc aurti.n, t tff dnr of
the bouso in which the last term of the Uitrls-i Court
for N'emsba county, Xcbraeka Territory, was held in
Brownville in said county, on Saturday. tbe ist day of
December, A D lSUO, at oneu'clock P 31, of tTiesatd day,
anil uit I Kntl In thf. hilipt liiitilnr fir r.tti in band iliA property, to wit: C'lnnicncing forty
rods east of the sontb west corner of theouthwet quar
ter of section number eleven iu twnbip nuinberj Hve
north of rainre number fifteen east, thence" runninnesst
on section line forty rN, trrence nortti forty rods, tbeitc
W est forty nxls, thence south forty rods to place of be
ginning, containiiiji ten acres more or leu, w ith ail tti
improvements thereon levied upon the property of T.
II. Edwards and will be sold to satisfy sard execution.
KberirT of einba coiinfy.
oy a. i. luu.nii"''! iTii;,
Brownville, Nov. lt, ISCO. 17-5t-$9
it, i
ite, y
Thomas J. West,
Thomas J. Whit
The defendant in the above cause wfll lake notb-p that
on the ISth day of September a. d. lSfit), an attachment
was Issued against yotir good and chatties by J. D. N.
Thompson, a Justice of the l'eace, within and for lb
county of Nemaha, Nebra.-R Territory, for tho sum of
fifty-four dollars and fifty-three cmts, tbat your oro
peityhasbe?n attarcl to pay tlio same, and that joti
are required to appear and answer before said Justice at
his office in toe city of Brownville in said county on or
before the 12th day of November, ISiiO, cf jutUutent w!ll
be rendered aieainst you and your properly will be sold
to satisfy the same.
Brownville, Oct. ISth, lo60. 3sw-$l.
J. Q. A. Smith, Plaintiff, )
R.J. Whitney, Defendant, J
By virtue of a decretal order Issced from tbe Ci k's
offlcoof the District Court of Nemaha county, in the
2d Judicial District of Nebraska Territory, upon a decree
made by said Court at its September Term, . d. ISrtO. In
this case : I will sell on the i3d day of November, 180V.
atttedoorof Homer Johnson's Hall ('.be place where
said Court was last held) in Brownvillo In said county.
.. ..- ,.,. ,.i it i.'i-i.v s in tho fiiltn iii2 dci-cribed
real estate situate iu said Neruaba coun'y, N ebrask
Territory, to-wit: The northeast qiarter of section'
twenty-five in town.h:j 5 norlii of ranxo fifteen cast of
the sixth principal meridian; exepn'i' twenty acre
Conveyed to Uiram AMcraian, April l'Sib, 1SS7; also,
ten and 67-JtW acres, couveyed t Davidson riasters
leaving as the part conveyed by Mid nnrUae deed, one
hundred and twenty-nine acres and 33-100 acres.
Terms of sale: cash in hand.
J.4MK3 S. UEDFORD. Vaster Cora.
Brownville, Oct. 13:h, lS'iO. nl5-6w-7.
Master Commissioners Sale.
Chloe 2 Tburcr, by ber next '
friend L . C. Johnson,
SamucJ It. Bennett and John
S Vav.,nt. I
By virtue of a decretal or itur Issued from the Clerk'
ofii'.e of the District court in Neniah i coun'y, In the sec
ond Judicial District of Ncbra.-kaTumtor?, upon a de
cree made by said court at it September term, A. V.
imo, in this case, I will sell ou Friday lhe I4itt, day ot
December at 11 o'clock A. M., of sail day, at the Joor of.
Homer Johnson's Hall, (the pl ire where the said CiUrt
was last held) in Urowuvilie. Nemaha ri.utny KebrsfEa,
The following described real estate t. -wit : Lot no. 10m
Ibxk no. twenly-two, in the City of B.uwnviite, Siama
ta county, Nebraska, Territory, tatlct,ehe'ttJ'-UIerf'r
caa in baud. .
i. 3. BEcroat).
November 8, i60. at as ter Cora
g. n. wiicox, prrr,
Davidou Plasters, et al Pef'ts )
Kyrfrtueof a decretal order issued from the Clerk's
. fli ei f t!ie I'istuct Court of Nemaha county in the Jd
Judicial Disttict of Nebrslc Terrltor. npofi a iletrest
iiMdebysaid Court at Sept. Term a.d. I 'SCO. in tbiscase:
I w lit selrrn the 23d day of Novemuer. i-.oj, ai iopuoit
of liotaer Ju:m,n's Hall (tbty-lace where said Court
was last held) in Brownvilie in said Conrty. at the boor
of 11 o'clock, a. m., the following described prfjerty
and real ctate , 'oale iu said Ner.:jl; i onuty, to-wtt :
The ea.-t bait -t tot no. :s in tdoti no. two, fronting
on Main street n foe city of fcrowi-viTlp. Semafca county,
Netrk- Territory, ar.d al- a ou stnrjr office buildis
ii.rluJins tbo stuiie underpin: t!,o:e..f, s.tuate n the
ej t ba.f of lot n . 12 iub!'- E n . 5 in Mid City of
Brownville, Svii 'inin; i:ers. Cre-ie it Hill's store lot.
Tercts of saie : !. i i h .r.i.
JA.MKV lF.Dlr.n, .Master Coin.
Brownville, Oct. ibih, IjCO. n lj-j-.v-fj7.
Dissolution cf Parinership.
Notice is bere''V ?iveu taat ths mcrchantile business
heretofore carrie'i on by the undersigned, under the tlrni
rianieof Sei-'Pl and ;rcnbai;m was this day mutnally
dissolved. David 3?;sel is authorized to settle up the
bUfines of the concern.
All persons kiawius themselves indebted either by
note or account are hereby noticed tbat unless they
come forward immediately at.d pay up, the notes and ac
counts will be placed ia tbe bands of an erHcer for col
Sept to, 1360 tf KKXHT GRgEygACTl.
Koirr. v. fluxas,