Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 08, 1860, Image 2

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    a . w .run : ; a s ,1 : n i to i : .
IS" A ftartnj- of rajxr con
it ue a l.alf t-hct-t ilii week.
3 t:v to
Tfcs People Again Sviadled!
Laslifcangli & Carcon.
In our adverti.-ing column will le found
ihe announcement of dissolution of rart
nerthlp heretofore existing etween J
Mesjf:i'. IcsHBA Vcn Carson, tanker?
5 Si.Ltj:rEJ
i jL.uit:. -
HCSUlt or (iJC-rrCSlUCniiai WCC--;r;illva,4ers aarJc-d to .Mf. Mortu. tlie
" ' fl'i" '. . . ! ... )" v .
Certificate as Delegate lotxtiigress ctcct
," .We!!, render, the Trefidrritul flection
i otct; the di is rait and Liucolu ii ihe
preeiicr.t. WeTrophe?)' one of, the
full of
'entcrrnse and .he splr.i of western go-i-
As announced hrt week, the loard of , head-a-tivcnesV,' tecar b ideatia?fl wi.a
tUiV.ace ahOtke Tcrrkcry .ycirs ago
and have ever since been alive :o their
interests and prosperity. Every enter
most conservative, harmonious and useful
'adininiftrations ever The Demo
cratic party has beccms . most ..awfully
prcf :-ate and corrupt, and the people have
' cVrci.Jned ihat a change 1:1 aflnirs was
' ifn". ? to lT-.A rf inftlli'V of the Lnioil!
. i i j i
and in (heir own uaI.ave risen 7n thtrTr j
might apd l-rcuglit it about in calling to
th Executive chair an honrJ man, one
of "tuenofcles! works of God.' ; A!l fears
.of tfcestion or disunion may, be put, to
' rest. 'The vote throughout the Union ;
even In the "cotton ; growing; States,"
fu'nces beyond any doubt, that there is
'fait in the earth" the savor of which is
sucient for any emergency,' thougli
traitors houl and miscerants seek to over
throw our glorious fabric. Should Southren
fire-eaters erer Inake au attempt to bring
about internal hrcjls, there is a conserya
tivt element" heme which will promptly
check and put it down, and if need be
"hang higher than Hainan", the infamous
rebels. The tpotto of the country yet is
'the Union must and shall bc-maitrtaincd."
However apprehensive or tenacious our
Southern hrethrcn may l-ein regard to
their rights, they will never Attempt, to
cut loose until an "evert act" is commit
ted, and well they know while "Honest
Abe." f tandsat the helm (his irifl never le
done; c predict that at least' three of
Mr. Lincoln's , Cabinet ;vi!l be from
Southren States, andjhal one, of thegrcal
aims of the coming Administration will
be to "idiow to the world" that while the
Republican pany drives for the accom
plishment of a 'great principle, it will
never trample under foot, the, rights of
even the humblest citizen.' The people
ff this country have great reason to re
joice: let them dS so "with joy unspcaL-al-'e
and full vt glory. ".-'7e govern
ment in the hands of ABRAHAM LIN
COLN will be brought Lack to "first prin
ciples," and harmony and prosperity once
imrri reirrn. - . -
'Ho v.' do joa Seen to Like It hoy???
Since the certificate has been awarded
to Morton, vj'e are 'munerou.sly' asked the
above question. ' "
Somebody was; once. . asked a similar
question after an election at which he
had been "hornswcggled," and answered
by raying, he ,feh like Lazarus'did on a
certain occasion; that he had been "licked
ly dogs!" To abreviate a standing re
ply, we say: "Lord, themV'iiiy senti
Brownville the Telegraph Tcnui-
citizens of this city and all o',her3 inter
ested in its future welfare and prosperity,
that arrangements have been consnmatetT which Brownville, Nebraska, is made
the western terminus of the St. Louis
.and Missouri River or Stebbins Line
of Telegraph, and the eastern termiuus of
the- great Missouri. River and California
Teleirrarih line chartered bv Concrress. at
its last session. Another office will be
established here immediately, after which
all. dispatches from wet of' ire ging
cast, and .all cast, going west will'le
tranferrcd at this point." , - , - r
Tor the present, the line already locat
ed via Omaha Columbus, and Vf. Kearny
will- terve ihe Company, As soon, 'as
completed, and two w ires are needed, an
other line will be constructed", running
due west from this city, in order to accom
modate points south of the Platte River.
' : . .
' Stopped aem,
VThry say" a special messenger was
dispatched to I"t. Randall to tell 'cm to
stop votin as the "lasi return" from that
point was sufficient to secure the certifi
cate for Morton. Wonder if ihey would
have - teen '"voting yet," had they not
been "officially' iuformt d that the.'' game
was up." '"Heaps jj kureoiis hopples in
dis world." J : . i
on u "constructive" majorty of fourteen
While the "surroundings", remain as
they are, it appears ustdess almost for.lhfi
people of Nebraska to attempt through the
ballot lex to secure"' a'man of their choice
as Delegate to Ccngress ; They -are de
nied even this right it seems,' 'until such
a time as they may assemble .oral form a
State constitution.' Thank - God there
is a higher tribunal to which the people
can appeal than Buchanan's "officials, and
the corrupt tools who obey their "wink
and nod. " There's1 : a "better day at
hand. - " ,
There are stuborn and stngidar "facts"
connected with the Delegate election last
year and this, which cannot fait to stare
all in the face, and to .which we w ill here
refer. We allude , to jhe fact that both
Estabrook and Morton, recejved the Cer
tificate upon incredulous majorities nay
unanimous votes, said to come from por
tions of the .Territory" where it is well
known there was Dot population sufficient
to effect, or even desire county .organizai
tions.. Last year there was returned for
Estabrook, iro huntlrtd and sevcn1y-njne
majority, all the votS said to-be
roLLtD from Buffalo County, which se
cured him the certificate. It was known
then as now, that that county was at the
time of the' election, unorganized.' . Since
that time the county has been organized,
and undoubtedly has ;more population
than it had a year, ago; and yet, at the
election held this year Buffalo County
polled, but . 42 , voles all ; told. Where
have the inhabitants of, Buffalo .CQUnty
gone to? That's the question.' ' i "
. .This year there is i returned for Mor
ton, from a single precinct at Ft Randal
said to be established out side the boun
daries of any organized county, one hun
dred and tiicn1y-lwo majority all the
and he gets the certificate. This, fellow
citizens of Nebraska, is the manner in
which your boasted rights.'to secure and
retain which Jon have recourse to tke
ballot box are trampled .upon by ruthress
and unholy men. This is another one of
the ways you are graciously permitted to
"regulate your own domestic affairs. in
your own way." ' How long will the pat
riotic people of Nebraska - tamely submit
to such a "galling yoke of bondage ?"
We opine the lime "when patience ceas
es to be a virtue" has" neir about been
reached. ' . ' .
There is yet another very singular
"fact" connected with the late election,
which cannot fail to "have weight" with
every' henest man in Nebraska, and else
where in making up an opinion as to the
(rue and legitimate result between Daily
and Morton. It is this.' Take every or
ganized county in the Territory where
the bonafide inhabitants and voters are
and Daily's majority over-Morton is 228.
In every unorganized county or precinct
from which returns were said to be, made,
Morton had heavy Majorities in fact, in
most instances a unanimous vote amount
ing in alf to two hundred and forty-txeo.
"Strange" is it not, that Morton's
zea)ous su porters should all be on the
"outskirts." It may, perhaps, be, how
ever, ihat as his journals and. speakers
claim, he a "pioneer" in Nebraska; the
most of his friends must' necessarily be
so too. bhomdn t wonder. ' T
In Jhe language of David the Psalmist:
Let his days be few, and let another
take his office." ; ' '
'St. Louis, Nov. 7, G, a. r
IT if V T. V.S fninn rr i -f -. , " .
Hunter, Lee co
CO. . I'J iusion umjui. .
ahoat 500 fusion; in, Ad-
Population Cliangi
Tl;p Iitavy Democratic population lo
om d at Pt. Ivcr.tny last year,- removed
it" terms, to p. Randall this year.
Strnnge how people "do congregate," in
t-lose pri. i.-.iity to United S'iatcs military
pDsts in Nebraska, isn't i: 1 v; -
Why nidti't" tiiic let a Ilmuirea?
' Tiiec finda Surc'TIiliis?
Why be ccVitcnt witL only' fourteen ma-j-
ri.y ? It mihl fi3 well have been fmr-t'-rn
hundred. You had a "sere thin"-.'
jrciulemen oil in your cwu'Land., and
ih-n the 1' f majoriiy-would have been
suui a "l.aVidy Uiing to Lave about
the hcu." ' It would have looked so well
io' theppfrs." "Timidiry of unfledged
The Elements Frovrncil.
In tea minutes after the dispatch rench.
cd l;ere frrm a.onrxui-iiug that the
certificate had U-en awarded Morton, the
very dements became disturbed ar.3 burst
forth Uh vehement indignation. The
firtnovcf the reason made its appear
ance ; it "sr.ew,V rained, blew and 'friz;'
la fchc.t, resulted in cne of the most win
ly. stormy, and disagreeable nights ever
nrize calculated to benefit and advance
the cit j."ccwn:jvbr Territory-; they-"have j
been found in me jutwi!9i; " v"
a .wiU.and ohe .ability .a )Ve are
gratified to know they have never had the
feasl (cause; t6 regret (oca ting here and
that"tuey "have" "done well."
IT F.'Lcsh ba 'ii GinTs.TR'wllI be 'seen
retires; but inso doing he irt co wise
looses his identity "with and interest in
Brownville and .Nebraska y. but on ihe
contrary becomes perhaps more . closely
and extensively. allied-with both. : He will
as usual spend the most of the whiter at
Washington1 City," where liis intimite and
extensive acquaintance .will . enable hnn
to do much for Nebraska, Success to him
in the future. ;" '- - ' ' 1 v i
Jso. L:' CARSb-t, Esq., continues "th?
business at- the old stand. 7 We ngied not
say a word commendatory of Ir.4 Carson
in' this community wherc'ief is so 'wefl
known for business and social, quahfica
tions. ;jIe has erer ibeeajhe ;actiye busi
ness man of .the Jirmni-ihid point arid
has' always been characterized: fori 'his
promptitude ccuracV .and 'gntltnanjy
deportment. W e take great pleasure-in.
rc coir rt ending iIr, Carson; rp .the. business
ivorld. ii'All having husiriessln "his line Co
transact may, entrust it Jo hin-with every
assurance that ii will be expeditiously and
satisfactorily.attcridcd; to. j ; : ;; ,; .- ,i ir.
The way H jvasiiRecelTCd. The
official news of Mortop's election va$
received at; Brojvnville, ye .understand,
with loud demonstrations :bf rejoicing, .:
Guqs were , fired, : . canons discharged,
speeches made, and, the wildest enthusi
asm evinced, in which all parlies seemed
participate more are less.-1. ; : )
The above is from "the. Nebraska City
Xcks. "We venture Morton men; he'ref
will. bear us out in saying it is decidedly
the "coolest" paragraph they- have ever
read. The 1 facts are, one solitary lad
touched qff three twine balls, and one of
the flags used, on election rday was hung
tit. The Morton Men, ; here, don't feel
inclined to "holler", over any such victory.
They like to beat, ofcourse, as well as
other people ; but' they want an A one tri
umph.' ' "
: ; Coronaratlrc' TaMe. , 4
e publish below' the official vote this
year compared with the official ;Vote of
last year, by .which, iti will: be seen that
TU ssa tia Jt;aT e rrflricolr tTA
same as that "of , last '; year 5,900. ; "We
also j. show the. majority of, votes in each
county, together-'witli the-increased or
decreased - votes' in" each,f '.It 7 may be
usetul tortuture reterence:. ri .. .,.
It.will be seen that Nemaha county has
increased inore votes than any other coun
ty in the Territory "and Richardson next.
Out of the twenty-nine counties, eighteen
have decreased in votes," and ten have in
creased... 1859 ' : rlSCO I ;r :
:, ,- ' i .
M '
I ' 5
: 2 4 2 ' ? -
k. a s f.
!292 292 f 2M A 3( 39 4336
35 85120 t 60M.3S ?3U6 iiO
4' 23 2t 21 r . 1 .
40T23.r640 274 , 416 276 G321 140
Wirt f
Cedar 37; 45 82 t 8,1 43 33 7e
JakoUH ;,j ii . lh S62 t. !l 'm!2T22i ' . 33 f , i
,fi:8 .tij 4n! 4ai so; no
401 SiH) 9fli t?S i33-i;41i747 TS3'. Jttf
43 7; w 42 I1 66,46 ioo, 10,ii 46
31 34' S7:-83j t-29! 39- -f- 5
3 2l54t 13 I' I ' - J - I 21
The uaj It was done tn Brown
vtllc. Wc venture the assertion that the citi
zens of no other place in the country was
so promptly and faithfully served with
Telegraph News in regard to the Presi
dential election as were those of this city.
First: the Telegraph. Line was in excel-
K 10
ji.nnnon. ... 61 317 M 30 59 23. ft
June. -! . J ,.'(;s;- 84! 42 :t
Lincactr r.8 9 j$ rtic 1 J2 10, ft' 2
--ivearny - ( r . u 3108 tll.10&
L qu court - 12R1M fI29 1 35 '62.197.tl2l
.Monro , ll!2S'39M7'v l: i 39
Nfnialia. '' W3254 -20' 14 445 jrr ICS ,160
Otoe, ' ; . 474483 957 t 9 -463; 8 .101 . 25 i I 66
Pawceo 124 221I6 102 ''140, 4o 180, 100 j, 34; ;
Pitte 19' 63 , 87 t 49 jl 43, 96 144' 43 I ! 67
Rirfaardion - 251 286 &.T7 t 86 . 296 65 660 70 l '23,
snne ' , I 10 lot 10 I I Ii 10
Sarpy 131 167 299 t 36 124 162 2! f33 i 12
Washington - 126 101 227- 25 163 10: 270j 56 43
Countip nnorfrnlzcJ iast roar,
year. Democratic tJiajoriiy.
'L'norcniicl ttjis
First SnOlF. On Tuesday and Friday
lent working order, and Sir. Clowrt, Iastf quite a 8n0W ftn jn this region, for-
the Superintendent, had made every
necessary arrrngement for expedition and
promptness. Second : the proficient,
efficient and gentlemanly operater at this
point, Mr. E. C. Stickxey, was unremit
ting in his attention to his business; from
dark on the evening of the election until
day light next morning, he was at his
seat, giving an car to ihe instrument and
rapidly transcribing ihe messages. And,
third: the Advertiser issued hourly bul
letins giving ihe'citiens the dispatches
in print. Great "Institutions" the Tele
graph and Printing establishment.
Plaltc Yallcy Herald w are in
receipt of a new paper bearing the a
bove ntune, and hailing from rialtsmcuth,
N. T, It is edited and published by Al
miD Tnovrsc:, Ksrp, formerly cf Pa
cific City, Iowa. In politics the Herald
is Republican. Mr Thompson enjoys
the reputation of making an exceeding
ly interesting paper, and , we believe he
is justly entitled to the complement.
cibly. reminding U3
that "Winter ap-
III11 has just returned from the east,
and a new stock of goods' will be. here
on "the next boat."-
Corn. As we have net mentioned
the matter for some time, we . take occa
sion to say that ; we want 'some corn, on
. Chess Problem-
Read hy regular Chess mooves.
tparJ J t j -were'riouft t ty Imijjht tot-
I I t ! ! .. .
j ; j - j' 1 i r-
'; t - 1 ! -r- 1 . ... ! ;.!. ,.
Iea,, jiicrd price rals J, plo j ler I vie Ibon
1 V J ' - I , 1.- . k i
III ' -f! !
cb et j won of cn j by .. thin f le
j - ., ,
ry up i-ar: y bi,Kl! rin ( ty
- - ; ' i I
Ij 1 ; 1 1 j
wh;i mor j ! j lore tin ; blccnl j na
hall on cn J ttion ; phy po ! a, cer
' ' ' 1 I ' .
If Government Ofiicials are to elect
our Congressmen, we suggest that it
wcud Le a great saving or. expense to. 1Ifln. o .' r .tv.i,ril
the Territory to dispense with formal j Congress is in this city at present' He
clocnens. They don't amount to anything locks .RCne lhe-woe for wear" by reason
hy eontmuethem? Will the Legila-f of the laborious canvas through which he
turo take this matter into consideration? 1 ;5t pj,,.,
I uinmerr.:
Wartren"' co
rian's district S'ill Dem is elected. Mid
dlesex co.500 maj for fusion.
Boston, Mai-The defeat of Bariin
game somewhat depressed the enthusiasm
of lhe Republicans last night, and charges
cf. raiim 1st warJ are tow;iiivesu
frated.' " Mr. llice who is re-elected in 4th
district rcceircd quite-an ovation from his
friends durinir the evening, lhe itep,
are jubiku.t ever the result, and 10Q guns;
-A-dispatch from Columbia, Scauh Cr
olina.'says'that the Legilalure has -poai-
penedactioii diith'e Goremors ivggcstion
i ' " " -i ' . " 1
l arm me- otaie uam -n j asicuaiucu
th"at Lincoln "is'really lected." . An ovef-
wheLuiing.4Tiajority are in , favor of calling
a. "convention. A resolution for sending
commissioners to Georgia will be intro
duced "to-morrow,"',-1 ! -r--i
. New York, State election, Madison co;
L'incob,3333ri;f Yul yASL ,.
Minnesota, St..PauI, entire republican
ticket elected in, Ransey City and Saint
Paul. 'L .The Republican majority in Min
nesota is about 3,000 as far as heard
from5-:-::" ' '
Fulton Comity -Penn gives a maiority
of fiOOOifor iht? Reading ticketZ
1 Wilmington, Del., the electoral vote of
Delaware will be given; to Breckinridge,
but the Republicans have elected Fisher
to Congress by 1000 majority. -
New Jersey has gone, the Fusion tick
pt ' . .-' "' !
The ''Albany. 'Evening Journal claims
New York for. Lincoln by "40,000, and the
election of Cuming by 1000. "
Wisconsin ;'Sauk co., Twelve , jowns
70S maj for Lincoln.; ' : ' ..
JMdwaukie city and co.. Wis.,- complete
give Douglas 180S maj, Republican gains
in all par's "of the State far as heard.
Dane co., Wis., estimated about 3,000
for Lin. Stata doubtless gone 10,000 for
Lin. All Rep Congressmen elected.
Illinois, Lee co 7 towns give Lin 1000.
Rockford city and 5 towns, Lin 197G,
Douglas 477, Br'eck-S.. . .
Springfield, 111., gives Lin Go maj, Rep
gaiue 164,
Fiatte, 111., official, 166 Lin over Doug,
over all 36. .!
South Ottawa, III., Lin 3G.
Ottowa. III.,' Doug maj 146.
Rutland, 111.. Doug 85.
Eagle, III., Doug 97 maj. '
Dayton, III., Doug 119 maj.
.KeKalb tsp, De Kaib' co., 111., 237,
Doug 129. '
Square Grove, 111., Lin 133, Doug 38.
Henry city, 111., Lin 83 maj.
Marshall co., 111., 1SS Rep mai. En
tire Rep ticket elected.
. Mr.DonoughVco.. 111., has gone 100 maj
tor .Lin. v. -
Knox co., Cedar township, 111., Lin 206
Doug lod
" Springfield precinct, IllM:Lin 886, Dug
Bunker Hill, 111., Lin 21S, Doug ISo
Ten towns in McIIenry give Lin 1247
majority. ... ; : ' . ;-;' :'.
Kendall co., 111., official, Lin 1242 maj
Walnut Grove, Knox co., 111., Lin over
Doug 89 maj
! Greerr-Lake co.; ;Wis:, Bolivar city s$z maj. ;. ' : ..; v . ...
Brown co., 111., Doug 442 maj
ermillion co., . 111., Lin and State
ticket 662 maj.
Lasalle ca, 111., 2000 maj. - ; ; ;
Ggle cd, 111., 5 town Rep maj 307.
Aw York, Nov. 8th.
lhe Southern students in lhe N. Y.
Med. Univ ersity held a meeting last night
to consider tlie question of secession, there
was no action taken, but the question was
lett for discussion at some future meeting,
A dispatch, to the World say. current
rumors "of the seisur of fort Moultrie, at
Charleston, by the secessionists were not
credited at Washington. The prominent
South Carolinians are said to be in coun
The Astor House was damaged by fire
this morning.
.... r St Louis, Nov. Slh.' .
"CaVlweli co.; Mo.: Bell' 410., Breck
lSG.'Doug 2J3, Lin 44.
Otage co, Mo.: 2 or "3 precincts to hear
from, Breck 271,. Doug S09, Lin 189,
Belli 17A ' y V- '-I-
Report says lorris co. Mo , has gone
for Breck by a small majority.
Polk co., 31o.: official, Breck 47, Bell
7.IIJ:. JJQU? 1JU. L1I14. .. 1
Calarra co., Mb.:: official. Bell 1306,
Doug 814, Breck 472. Lin o.
Pickeray co., M: official, Doug 226,
Bell 190, Breck 143, Lin 15.
Bnisalo co.'; .Mo.: is . expected 1 to' go
largely Bell.
Augusta, Ga.: but few counties heard
from and they indicate that Breck has
carried the State. ' ' ", i-.-'-.
Newark, N. J.': State probably gone
Union by 3000 maj; asf a straight Dong
ticket was run it is thought it may carry
four of its electors in 1st and 2d Con. di$.
Speaker Pennington probably defeated by
small maj; Essex co. maj for Pen. nearly
600, Union co. 200 maj for Peny, Hud
son co. is reported to give-Perry 5 to 800,
some say only 300, if this is so Pennirg-
lon is ejected. .
New Albany, Ind : Ford co., Doug
S2 maj. s . . . ' .
G lark co. Ind.: "Doug 500 maj.
Wabash,; Wabash co. Ind.: Lin 143
majority. ;; - . ,
Carroll . co. led.: Rep maj 12-7. : ...
Warren co. Ind: reported 700 Rep maj.
Loganyport, Cross co.; Ind: Rep 154
majority. . , j.: . j ,. :.;'
WMmington N Cv' Breck- rains frV.
heard from, probably carry the-State.
New Haven gives htm 10,000 majority.
Cleveland, O: 23 , counties give 7,507
Rep maj. '' '' ' '
Columbia. S C:. Joint resolutions were
adopted in ihe'S C legislature' Thursday
to call Convention of the people of ihe
State for regulating military affairs and
preparing for defnese. of State. .
Georgia: 15 co's official; Bell G665,
Breck 5267, Doug 421. ,l
Virginia: democrats are encouraged by
gains in 7th district..' State still doubtful.
- New York: from figures ree'd it is
thought Fusion ticket successful bv'4 000.
Republicans have elected 11 senators and
democrats 10 assemblymen : at brespnt
.... - i
vote nana even.
"NETrTDTE R T 1 5 E 31 K T S .
Tee partnership heretofore exlstinj nnJer tie name
andttyle vt l.i!slib; )(h & C.ri.oa at Bnwnvtll, Ne-l-rak.
was, on the Bfi-t day vt November, d i -... I ve-1 by
mutual C'jti- ut, tiy tte witb!rajl i-r li.t. l.Qhunnu
icli Dnlfcons ilcoio
x 15 John Mri-ct, Xrw'Iorlt,
Five j'Jit roteiv-i-i in a i iirin to their general
'he !!oin- noveltiMof tne aea
unitualcns- ut, by ilb wun.irawji i-i n. t . i.aQf.aiii;Q i ar .? jln .N.rttiim 'tie . '!oin- noveltiMOl ine aea-
teo!d fim udevnti-!a ti.e l 4 ! ? ' ' i 1 vu"-n , "I ,i u -each-.- 35
Agency t,u-r e hBietfl-re ; t tl. oM tat..'. i ). ! llJ ;,UL ,",n' - "aca , 0
" ' - U. r. ICS III r,n ' Li ;m t fu! : ii!-. in.'. ,'Hr.i!JL, each "
In Tpr!o my ! r'if-HN ftmii .'Xi- wiih m;. be!art-; 1 iJt-eui iUn a i -i.per tw r. u.ii-.jy of -x.; eMii iny , for ine patn a m el s-ti n;oii our ui,u,n
tbe periol in e cre eijpe-l in bi.iiisv
It affords me niM!i plei-tre o t cvnimen-1 t,- the
f3vrIeconiiieration f the iriemls i-f the oi! !iitu riy
iicccwor iu bui-ine.N- Mr. C.irton, seutieniaa i:i evrry
way worthy oi" ttie coii!MeiK-e and upp,.ri f ilicriiu
icuriK iullic. -
b. r. LrsnitAi'tai.
3 50
5 00
A -
(Succesor to k Carvin.)
Dealer in Com', ' Uncurrcnt .Money, Land
Warrants. Ezeh'ange,irnd Geld Dust
-1 trtll Bive enpecial attention tboylngand gelling ex
rhange ofi the principal cities vt t!ie I'nited State and
Europe, . Gald Silver,, wncurrent- Pank Bills, and
Gold Dast, Collections mil! e on all accessal le points,
and proceeds remitted taext-ltans&'at current rates.
DcpoMts received on fcurrenl account, and interest al
lowed on special leposiu.. , ,
T , .....OFFICE, ... .
Telegrapli and .. the V- S.
; ,! lAhil Ofilccs. ' -
,iS.:rcc . . .-.v. r . .
, : .- o REFERENCES: -; '
' Philadelphia, Pa.
J .. ...' r H
. ' , Baltiniort, Md.
Lind & Brother -' -
J.,V. Carson Sl Co., ' ; -
Hiscr. Dicfe & Co.
Toons & Cars..n, '' ' . '' ' '
Jeo. Thompson Mason, Col'r of Purt,
win. T. Smith-n, E.-'q;. Hanker,
J..T. Steveos. Ejo.. Att'T at Law .
Jno. S, JallBher-I.te 3d Aud. LVS.T.
Tarlor & Kriech, Bankers,
McClelland, Pye & co., .
ITon. Thomas fl. Pratt, 9 "-fw
ItuiC Jas. O. Carson, ; ;
P.'B. -Sni!l, Ksfj.', Pres't S. TSsnl,
Col. Geo. Schley, Att'y at Law
Cm. Sam. namblctonr Att'y at Law, Easton, Md.
JudKeThog. Perry, Cambcrland, MJ
Prof. n. Tutwiler, navana, Alabma.
Nov. 8, 1360-tf.
Washington, D. C.
Chicago, Til.
St. Louis, Mo.
Annapolis, Md.
ir? Pa
, Md.
Boots aiid shoes.
IDry oods and
I Int:r
Lii.aui Tlni. ..Ti:!!uu. .,T-!l.iS rum
ii l.o'.-iii. ji.-nhu crii.rn, '1 feot
I.i; .iiai-'!' h cui:i.(Sj ..-i: ii:iturn rar.aJcJphi
cu in. j ri'b pc'.luw an fiAtdt -4 feet
Liiiuui j-unt-reum thi w variety btu just
brH-ii nir-j.hio -d Wy 1). icbjld & d V'riese,
aij'i Ii"HTibJ .is this moat utani Scent of tho
f the Lily sjwiej 23 CD
Sraaticr bulfi of the ? 15 00
Tu!ii ctuiiiuii, briliiaot crimson scarlet-- 25
Tulin cornati. i Chinese tuliu. carioa?-- 15
Tnlin.1 wnneriuLi. verT Ure. bnzht erimsoa- 15 i
sijHjnica. new, (si!erijid free bW.rrr i 5
Ins Ktfciiif fert, splendid novelty Irom Japan
Hardy - 50
Rrnnf-vifin Jose hina-.-- 8 00
lirun-irigia mult'flora 6 OU
We also bos to recommend the following choico
" Collections of Hulbous Hoots: '
- ' ' Assortments of -
.6 Fii:e tamed IIjaciatn3,fur pot., glaj.scs'J . .
or open bvriler j
1 Polyanthus arois?Ui $1 CO
2 lioutlo Tulips - .
7 llixed CfAiuj j
, Assortment cf
6 Fina named Hyacinths, for poU,g1&sjs1
oropen border--..
8 Fine Double tulips
12 Fine Single tulips--25
Fine mixed Croons-
3 Double tarciayad
5 Mixed iris
2 1'olyauLhuj ca-cusaj
Assortment ofs
12 Double and single fine named Hyacinths "J
5U Jlj.xea crocus
12 Double named tulip
12 Singlo nuaied tulips-.
3 Hidyanthuin.ircistus
'6 DuuMo narcisauj
6 Mijud iri
3 Criiwn imperials
2 lJuIbocodium Vernams-. ;
1 Fancratium luaritimum--
Assortments of.
100 Varieties double and lingla fino named
f7yaeints-K- 15 00
ICO Doublo and siugld fine named Hyacinths,
in 50 sorts 14 50
100 Double and single fine named Hyacinths,
la-25 aorts 13 00
12 Our rery best named Hyacinths, for pots
or open ground -. 5 00
12 Extra fina named Hyacinths, for pots or ' "
pon ground 3 00
12 First late named Hyacinths, fur glasses or
earth - .- -..
12 Mixed double or singl- Hyacinths, for
open gTc-und----- .
60 Varieties fine named oarly tulips, for pots
er open ground-.
50 Varieties fina named late tulips, for open
50 Variet ies Cne named double tulips for pots
or epen ground . .
15 John St., Xeio YorJt,
Oct. 25th,. 18(50. Fnll :.
To, Your .T
" ' Citizens of
Ana the L I cf 2!:rAI:j
rM am ' l'jJm
$5 CO
2 00
1 CO
4 00
5 00
5 Oo
come a:;d
Move of
f i
ij C 1
Thau was erer bfre c;7sred ia'
1 J.
AT Til
IP ioheer
-7 A.
. - 5
We Have Just deceived and 0pa
. v..'.: 1 -A v
. ; Most jMahniilccnt'
Stock, of ;3oods!
Has just receive-1 his
BOOTS, . .
1 SHOES, . V
&C, &C.&C.
&c, &c.
UTak-a he obltsate himself to sell at lower prices for
rash, or country produce than like gools can bo had at
any other house abobe St. L'ni. All he axlci Is for thff
public to call and sau.siy tuerueUcs. llu gordt are
purchased for cah, and will nof be KId on credit. Bv
the adoption of tbis system, which is the only corre't
business plan, the public can always secure tetter tar-
gains than where dealins at bou.tcs doing a credit husi
nes when prompt customers are compelled in the way
of increased prices to pay the losses by non-payiug cus
tomers. Gentlemen's Boots.
Of every grade from $1,80 pot pair upwards.
.. ; Of all kinds and sizes from $1 per pair op. .
Ladies' Shoes,
Of every rariety from BOcents per pair up
Children' and Misses' Shoes.
'A large variety; In price from 20 cents ner r.alr to
wards. -. ;
. . - ' ' ' 1 " . - - - -
Hats and Caps:
.,. A very cboice selection".
ZXomo-mado "VLTorlx.
Iam prepared with the best r.f stock, and jo-imrr-
meni to manufacinre Boots ami Shoes of the latent and
neateat eijiaudat nures tae lwett poafciUle.
Hides, Pelts and Ftots. ;
The highest markat price paid for hides, pelts aid furs,
As times are hard I am determined tht ri.
Bhall bew low that alf can purchase.
,gall At deh,s :
Be sure and call at Den's with rr.n w
and pet bargains you cannot find anywhere else.
iM-vwuvuie, ovemter, 813CO.
Thomas J. West,
Thoma J. White
The defendant in the above cause will take noUcethal
on the ISiq day of September a. d. 1S6D. an atUcbraent
was isbued against your goods and chatties by J. V. S.
Thompson, a Justice of the Peace, within and for the
county of Nemaha, Nebraska Territory, for the sum of
flfty-iour dollar and flfty. three ct nta, that yonr pro
peiiy has been attached to pay the came, and that you
are required to appear and answer befo.esald Justice at
his office in tbectty of Brownville iu said county on or
before the I2th day of November, I860, or judgment will
be rendered a?aint you and your property will he oid
to atUfy the haaia.
- - THOMAS J. WEST, Plaint! T. J
urownTiue, uci. iam, imo.
.',; t ' , '
' " ' ( '
Master Commissioner's Sale.
Chloe RThrocr, by her next
ineau t. cv JoUason. !j. ,
-. : ' ' t. . h '.."
Samuel IT. Beiihott and John I " '
3 Favorite.' " i ) ' .
By virtue of a decretal ordpr ls;ntvt frnm th rtrv
tCi-.e of tte District court in Nemaha county, in the ec
end Judicial District of Nebralia Territory, noon m de
cree made by sail court at iti September te.m, A. D.
.u, in uus case, i win wen on Friday the Hth, day of
December at 11 o'clock A. M., of said u..y, at the door of
Homer Johiison's Hall, (lhe place where the .aid court
Was last held) in Brownville. Wnnln ronnir 'l,rki
The following described real estate to-wit : Ixt no. loin
tloca n,K tweiiiy-two, in tae City cf Brownville, Kema
ha county, Nebraska. Territory. toihbiirhist b",MT rr
Ca.h iu band.
- jr: s. BEDFORD, . .
November 8, ISM. I . . Matter Com,
o. n.vriicox, prrr, ....)
vs .
Davidson Plasters, el al Pcrti ) ' - .
By virtue of a decretal orderiisuei from tbi Clerk's
office of tbeDistri-t Court of Nemaha coontv in the 2d
Judicial District of Nebraska Territory, upon a decree
mdebyid Court at Sept. Term a. d. 1SSO, in thisca:
I will sell on the 23d day of November, ISfiO. at the door
of Homer Jnhnwn's Hall (the place where aid Court
was last held) jn Brownville tn Mid Counry, at the hour
of ll o'clock, a. m., the following decr:bed property
and real etate Mtuaie iu said Nemaba e-jtinty, to-wrt r
The east half cf ljt uo. six in bWk no. two, fronting
onMainKtreet In thecifyof Brownvi'le, Nemaha county,
Nebraska Territory, and ali;o a one story ofike luiiling
inchtdinp the tone underpin ins? thereof, situate on the
east half of lot 12 in block n-. 20, in naid City f
Brownville adjoininsi Mes-rs. Crane & Hill's store Ivt.
Terms ,f sale : eah in fund.
J AMES S. BEDFORD, Jfacter Com.
Brownville, Oct. ISih, I860. 6l5-6w-$7 -
J. Q. A. Smith, Plaintiff, 1
va - i ' , .
It. J. Whitney, Defendant, ) - J
By virtue of a decretal order iued from the C.'erk'i
office of lhe District Court of Nemaha county, in the
2d Judicial District of Nebrahka TerriUiry, upouaducree
made by said Court at its September Term, a. d. 1360 in
this case: I will 'sell on the 23d day of November, i860,
atthedoorof Homer Johnson's Hall (rtie place where
said Court was last hehl) in Brownvitle in said county,
at the hour. f n o'clock, a. m. the following described
real estate t-.t'Mte in said Nemaha county, Nebraska
Territory, t .-nit: The northeast quarter of section
twenty-five ia township 5 north of ranee fifteen east of
tbet-ixth principal meridian; excepting twenty acres
conveyed to Hiram Alderman, April Hih, 13.57; also,
ten and 67-100 acres, conveyed to Davidson Plastera ;
leaving as the part conveyed by said mortsage deed, one
hundred and twenty-nine acres and 33-100 acres.
Terms of sale: cah in hand.
.... JAJiE S. BEDFORD, Master Com.
Brownville, Oct. 18th, HSO. nl$-6w-7.
To Ladies of Brownville,
Announces that she has just reeeired from the
East a magnificent stock of
Consisting of
French Flowers. Straw Trimmings, Ribbons, etc.,
To which she inTitesthe attention of the Ladies of
Urownville and vicini t j, fueling assured bej cannot
uo ucui-riuiieainstjie, quality or price.
April 12,1860 .
' Cutlenvand : Quecnsware,
Ani Choice
G 11 O cVr I E S.
V i
Largest Assortment of
David Soigol and Henry Grecnbuam,
TS i
James S. Chamberlin, John W. Bliss and Thomas II
; : .- Jfaria!." '
NOTICE is herebr given that by virtue of anex
cutionnnd decree nf court, issued from the i flioc
of theelerk of the District Court for Xemaluf county
Nebraska Territory, against. James S. Chamberlin,
John W.IUiss nd Thomas II. Marshall and in favor
of Duvid S;ijrel and Henrr Greenbaam. f,.r the mm
cf two hundred and crenty-four doiUrs and fifty
cents, I, J. Q. Wells Sheriff of said county, bare
levied upon, and will sell at public auction from
the dour of the houjie in which the la-t term of
tb District Court was helj, in Drownviile. in ai!
county of Nemaha. ,n Saturday, tao 3bt d;iy
.OTimuer, t. w. nrj, as one 0 cl'CK 1. to the
highest bidder for cuh in hand, the followin-r d-
scribed property, to wit ; west half of the north-east
qnartcrand th east half of the north-west- quar
ter, of section No. twenfy, township No. six, north
of rane No. fifteen, east of th-5 sixth principle
uituuiauiuuuiiuiuii ii.u atrn, wna an the appur
tenances thereto attached -as the nroTrtTf.fTiw.m-.
II. Marshall, in satHfac ijnof said execution.
Sheriff of Nemaha county, N. T.
E BENJ. I). THOMSON, Deputy,
ille, Svr. 1, lC0.17-5t $9
B00tS, I V . :
iTi'cr opened in Brcv:rxville and no miilakt !
Capa from 22ct3 to $3,50.
We can Fit Gcnls in Sulis ficn $5 to $50
Saddles and: Harness,
Oil Cloths, ami Carpeting,
Iron, Nails and Castinrrs
. k - - - - w-
Ladies RldiaKiJ and Silk. Gent
Gauntlets, Buckskin and Driving.
Beit Qualitbi cf
root, : .TT. "FraXAS,
I. T. Tbite 4. Co.,
V 9
T. IT. E'lwarl.
Notice ia hereby gives that It virtne of in ttiMa..
lauel by the clerk cf ihe District Conrt of Nemaha
county, Nebraska Territory, against T. 11. Edwards and
la favor of I. T. M"hite for tho om of fventy-eiitht
dollar ami eighty-one cent, I. J. B. Wells. SberifT of
Nemaha Coarrty, Nebraska Territory , bare levied upon.
ar.d win Jcr tr sale at public auction, at the door of
the house In which the last term of the District Court
ror a etnana county, .ebrafka Territory, waa held in
Brownville in Mil County, u Satunlav. tha 1st da nt
December, A D 1860, at one o'clock P it. of the said dav,
and will to the behest bidder for eaaa in hand the
mi, owing uewntKM pp perty, to wit: Commencing forty
rMseast .f thejiitlinrest crnerof the outhwe.t Quar
ter of se-ilin number eleven In township nnmberj Ave
north of ranee number firtcen east, thence rtmninaeaRt
on ec'i-n line forty r.xls, thence north forty ro1s, thence
Wl forty rod, thence aoutb forty roda to place of be
ginning, containing ten acres more or less, with all the
improvements thereon levied, upon aa the property of T.
II. Ki ATui aad will be aold to itaiisry said execuUun.
Sheriff of Nemaha roomy,
by B. B. Thommos. Deputy.
Browavir.e, Nov. 1st, I860. l7-5t-$9
Dissolution of Partnership.
Notice hereby given that the mcrchanti: business
bereUjfore carried on by the undersiaue-l, under the arm
nvme of S?icl and Greenbaam vm tbis day mutually
dissolved. David 5ei?el i authorized to ettie up the
basines of the concern.
All per knwin; themselves indebted either by
note or axotjtare hereby notified that aniens they
me f-rwarl immediately and pay up the notes and ac
count win h pi'-cd In the hanJ of an mer for col
lection. - Tvwm,
Pieedctlor ITeoirctl
Can le had at our Store, u .-.d cn Urns ct
' f '
fatorahle as those (rf aw cihtr :
House in thi IVesf.
All Kinds o!
Will fc taken ia exebanj, a curriat y r::.
Como Ox3.o !
We a-e deterrr.lnc l toell i
better barjains thia eer befo'A
Como -lllS
m an! rl
D. J. lilARTINuCO.,'
B-9Wivil!t, Oif. r, Hi.