Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 01, 1860, Image 4
Life- insurance Company, ' , .".vilartrora, Cess'. IrvrcrvcrcUi h the State of Conuciicut ' , Capital fitocfc. C -OO.COO. Coir-s.rfc;;rcr rutUo Account. I860. 1800. ll-IE UNION SAI'E! ..J St fcplito JUL lur. :risrxrx iaa.'- OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS: JAtfErfC. WAT.KLF.t, i7e:dei.l. ' JOHN I.. CLWCE, Vico Pmiient. . F.LIiS (55LU ocreiary. rest. Alfred oni, jt.nieir. Jf.WfceaUn, BXjlIECTOES:. PtriiflVhl'.nti, JolinL-Jianee, Sam. Co'.t. y.Uon liollnter James C. Wa'.kley. S-lf GHBAUGH&OAESOIIj HANNIBAL h ST. JO. R. It. PER U, N EM AHA COUNTY, N. T. W. FEALIE CO., ...-.t.Ttnines. would TlDSctT-. .. ..r . v.mahs. and au- ison county, ., nd examine tbir 1 ! L CI LUMBER! LUMBER Chester tlin jvcr icx LEWIS LAWRENCE, itu , taken the juality iaiDing counties in ebras,;a, Atcb tuff rreuiUMv.uu.j,.- j the ..r.t f.ave been male, tT wulSt. Joseph Kail lftd Company, to mence with the opening cf navigation Banci- eom- for LU AND 'cHHHAIi LAUD AGENT3, Dealer, in cncurront Money. EchBe end Lind Warrants. 'rttihle point!. All Taret paid Ctllrt tit mad on o' And t?romS'l t r -.: "i A"t iia rr : ir'i rrvr-rrD STATLS EXtLSS r:'b! C3nirarr for Bieocy phases. Alia AteUs for the urlfor Fire Insurance Company 9t ErMorS, Connecticut. TBI-WEEKLY LINE OF PACKETS, to run in connection with .aid Road regularly fro St. Joseph to EroTTDTlIIc, Onaia, and allotuerintertntdiate pointa. The fo!lowii! new, popular and fst running packet boata cocstituU the line for the preient : stock, coniintingcf Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Queensware, Hats, Caps, . Boots, Shoes, Medicines, note to be STEAMER DrUgS, Captain 0 LI AHA ,r' 1 STEAMER -E III I LIE A LBAEQE- CO rr A XT, tht troimisituu of fT.ce to tbe tew tnildlRg cn Kaln treet, rtdnnr to.ineooie um S:tViSi.Si&Ba 0acLfsnBArcn & CAMOS. and fey J CALMEST, b. r. isHsarGH. JKO. L. CARIOI LUSnBAUGH i CAIISOIT, Ji.VXKS .VD CEATrL LAXD AGENTS Dealers i n Coin, rncurw.t Motior, Kxchnnrc fl"'l I."''! W-arranle, BROWKVILLE, NEM AHA CO.. X. T. r.ria1 attention will be pivci.o Bnyu.!; and Selling .iS c Se principal citi -f the Cnitod State., QM Saver, and nncurrent Kant N,te. A cnstant sup lr 'of LaJ Warrants on band for ,!. TOR cash, or en- tifeflor time for Pre-emptor. AU Arrnt soi.l by na .vVrrrMPect. Will li U neclaratoryState- L-'r.fir.tpnflr,n innrMBirt,! I'.r.-ari" Pre-emption . ,vr nntir. M.mpv loanfl i ' n bpt-t securl f. J, niN ftf Internet. nl Invf-tments n3e . nif .nortv f..r distant ra rit.x ,i t a. Collec- ,..r, n rnvntont points will t? prot, ; tlyattcnd ... .1., ,i., .r,.iUoi! in r-.'.liaii3C. atcurrent rate. sit.,.. f.A9nf in F.nirln'id. Ireland, and I rj ,c. ot' Uined at unsl rate, with est of Exchancc on tlfvEs&t ddd. PerohiU received on Current account andinici en allowed on fporial deposits. OFFICU AIainSt.,ncarU. S. Land Offlce. RtVF.RENCiS T.m.1. rrnifcer&Co.. Me-thiuii, Philadelphia, Pa. McNmicl.ion, Carbunii Co., " J'u-ercS luie, " Ealtimoie, fd. loui.f, Carlson &. Tryaat, " " " J no. T'louir" :"'", C.l'r of Port, " " K. W. PumUTi-nn & O. lft'::;.i.!-, " " y U Yeiic &Co. NV). IT. iiroa iuay, Nmv T..rk. V.'m. T. Si:.ulon,X-.;.,n,::kfr, Wa.-l.Ui:tuu,P.C. J. T. S'rvr:is, l'--!-, Ati'y at J.i'-v, a. Co. Mcrcl.atit, , M. Lo'n- Mo. Anuiiin.iiis, Md. Pcmi. Merccrs!mr?.Pa. Uapcitvv,'n, 'Ml. Keo'Ktk, Towa. CiUHi'il Bluff" Prs M-ine, " Vinton, " Ea.-tvu, Md. C'linborl And. Md. lldvuiii Aiao.iuia. Captain - ' - 0 ES L 1 0 1 1 1 i Captain For Freight or Fassaga apply to THEO. HILL, FREIGHT AXD TICHET AGENT, Forwarding & .Commission Merchant, EroT7avillo, ITebraska. Capt. R. FORD, Gen. Ticket Ag't. St. Joseph. J. S. K. HA WOOD, Gen. Supt. Paints, Oils, Dye Stufis, ail Oluer nii-""' " J All cf which we will sell cn 1L3 nost rea sonable terms for :, CASHORVnODVCE. And "VT'l known ia this rcsri j.,;,- ixn.v.. i!.-f. hasaeam of lumber Tor fencing or ouwuibs v-r ed at the Mill, tr at ' . Brownviilc .Lmaing, n. -f river 11 nitT uei4i-- - r- Areas fuliow. Ante Mia- urc,b J? 30 cents per 100 feet to til per iu.. 0atime,8ay three,sii, nine, or twcite mc uiu., 1 c nt, rpr inn fppt tn S1.2o per 1UJ teet, with 10rercent. interest from aeiiTery. The lumber will be Je!iverei ai any pv.u. v .-r u:.r: R'lrr within .SO mileadown stream, at J1H'..UU1 - . m ',a cents per 100 fest in addition to tne ootb 'P when suBicient amounts are laKen koj otrnrtinn r.faraft. To those wishing lumber, particular attention m called to these propwitiens, which cannot taa to command contideratioc. , , Como with, or send vour orders, and they anal, ba 100,000 feet of Lumber on hund, And more making every da3r- L. LAWREiSCE. March 1st, 18C0. 6m. Land Warrants, Por Caoli vx-cl on TImo We are prepared to loan Lnd Warrants of nil 'e40 ettler on (iKh 11010 ae inej "- . - A constant supply of Warrant win vt w. for aleaa cheap a ttey can be Dongai nnero w town.. . . '' ' . Buy of repuiar aeir ti ocwrw oo(osrr,m.. warrants eoltl uy us win oe guaranieeu io oe every respect and win be exebangedir ue- A? 13 DI Vf LT.7 b e-w'jlld.iii rir A BATHING ROOM, Fr tbe accommodativu vf tawf wa t : '?r eiwa.. f i uu BROWN VI LLE, N. T. MAIN STREET, rv. i..r u .n vnncinthsthehasnowoa hand, a large an Xmvm awM aa ttv Plymontb Hock, Charter Oax. ! select stock of every art tie in hi. lint, Of all the lmprore J patera ; Tlx : Elevated Oven, as., All are solicited to call and examine our Or 0 !0ES McC.e'.lasv:!. S rw Hon. TUo. O. J'wi'.i Hoa, Js V. C'.tn F.x-Gov. Kansas, Hon. J as, O. Caifn. P. B. SniH'.r. F.-i., i'ic -'t S. Bar.k, Col. Geo. bob'.cy, AU'y at Law, C!iarle Pa"soi:s is. Co. Udi.kers,. H. C. Sntt li. Co. " ;repiie, Vai e i.Kicp, " Doii(:!.is Watson, " Col. Sa;n llanil ie' vii, Att'y ilLaw, J'MZi I'lvs. Perry, prt f.U. T:'w.'i-. O'-t. U, 'iJ-v2-ii:5-tf JEW STOCK IV, . ' CANNOT FAIL TO PLEASE. .m-T-w 7 ,.. w t tr, t'ppn a full stock, and are deterriiined to make it the " interest of 21 a x m o i" o TO DEAL t WITH US. . We' also Wish to Purchase T : SQ.GOO- : . BUSHELS OF CORN, For 'hich we will pay tho highest i , .- )-- i TIIEV-ARI2 OP Kl't: HIT GIIADE, And LISde of Good Stock, RV W. FRAME & CO. Peru, Feb. 1,1860. - X. LTfOKlK J. t. nor.N Lvford & Horn, "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ' Dealers in AND : GROCERIES, " HARDWARE, QUEENSWARE, UOOTQ, f3HOEa, !TBllSiPIows,Stovc8,Farnlturc,&c 'April Sth,lS58. L r 3 Ml Good Shoes atfron 75 cents to Three Dol . . hrs per Pair. Good Koois at From 1,50 to $6 Per Fair: v Having Just returned with a new stock of BOOTS, .. : SHOES, HATS, CAPS, , CLOTHING, NOTIONS, &c, I invite the attentku of my old customers anuine purchasing public. I have never before been able to offer sueh bargains as at present, in either variety 6tyle. quality and prices. DO TVOTFAIIi TO STOP AT TBI BRVWIiVILLE SHOE STORE. "BALTIHOBB .Clottiink-.Store, ces a virtue. DISSOLUTION. C-prtnerrLipi'f N.1, lks: nraerinj,. heretofore exitic and tf-wctf x bu.-ioe$ u .rown?i'.:e.N. T-under tLe r.rr.a-i fjof Jo,) ,ake & Co., iJ thU Jsv d:-- i r. C- Jo'assoa w.:i a-ijast the said m. . v r uai,. 1 bcslcpfs of a;; m ' HEMiY LASS. by O. b .Lss, A?T.t.. rrownTiHe,. ,Maylsf,l?2. 4i-tf N E B RA S K A -1, tf 1 MANUFACTORY. A--ZZ that Manuf-wtur of thej'hare coraaenced tL 3 AU geonine in ''Being permanently located in Brownville, we can al ways be found at the old atand a few doors east of the Brownville House. 311 UAL till UAKSUiM, Bankers, and Dealers in Iand Warrants. Bex and Parlor Stoves of an endless variety, rri9 of hich are entirely rew deslrm. vii : a combined Cook and Parlor stoves, sune ihing very nice indeed for small families LOOK TO YOUIIITERESTS! STEAM FERRY BOAT Brownville. 'rw! Nebraska. AT HEAVY SHEET IRON FOR SUGAR BOILERS And Large Cast Iron Kettles from 8 to 22 gallons. Coal and Lard Oil Lamps; Brass Copper, and sheet Iron Ware; Lantern, aaov. , -SEIGEL & GREENBAUM, - Announce that they have received and opened their To those in the States contemplating going to thaNebraska and h.nrjsa GOLD MINES, The nndersieDed desire to say, and in so doing will not practice deceptionjthnt there aro advantages toba securedia Crossing the Missouri river at Brownville, and outfitting at.andstartirg from that point, not t h fnnd at anT other clace on the Missouri Hi- Tn th first rjlace. on both sides of the river are large extentsof bottom landa in which grass T,, . n. much earlier start than on the uplands, and is much mora abundant, being inexhaustible the entire season. Here, then, is a iesirable placa to Kforeatsrtinir on the Plains. Stock ln Vi nurphase dhere on very favorable terms The Brownville Steam Ferry boat, being the best on the River, offers peculiar inducements for cross inTfit this noint. It islarge and commodious; with powerful machinery, which enables the proprietors to ferry emigrants and hcrs in the most expedi tion, manner. V nndertaks !o sav thai tti ousliio.-S men of TlrownTiUe areas well prepared tt serve those wih- inr, iiTTiiie with a junerior auality and na as fav orable terms aa can be found elsewhere. Kverjthicg .i. i on hm rn Toh..sed in l,rownviiie, suca as Provisions, tlotnuii;, Mining ments &c, &c. Tt. Ttmif a fmm Brownville to the Mines is uni versally admitted by those who nave tra veieo it nnu JAPANNED WAKE, n tn fv .- I , I have nroenred the right to mannfaeturt- a late simple and proved self-sealing FSt Can wMA I Mn the tt-ntionof the Dublic. Alldt wnica i pieum ihjmu ....... -- anv other establishment in this region of the country - ... .vortes notice, and in a - .. j . an', i i nrnar1 wnr K ui ui w workmanlike manner, which I warrant io give satisfaction I pledge myself not to be unaorjoiu in me upper: cumin j Brownville, August, 30 1.800. " J. C. DKUSEJt- WW "I n r- t:n CARRIAGES, WAGONS. buggi::s, '5ULK1Z3, In the City cf l-rownvi!'.e. They hare boti W manT Tears experience in Eastern M anu factorial. and Batter themsevca they will be all to fleas iit publie both in work and Trices. ..... . ,i . . . . All kiuuJOl rera.nnjj prouip uj aesuM ia. T. E. i J. B. BERSLST.. ErownviHe, 3fay, 3, 1350. And will prom-e more g-ld than ar.y other 'digging yst lscovered, hT''1 m,m mm mum mi 1 mm v J cf tas City Boot a Shoo Otore, Will nw.eyou a superlvr pair of boots or shoes If y? call or leave your measure, or he will sell you a bet?t gaiter, a neater shoe, or prairie boots, and lady's ria gaiters or slippers, cheaper than any other hnw,i of Si. Louis. Emplnyinggood workmen, andkeepiaga variety of material and trimmins fi,r home m.niii tore, 1 b'jpe to receive tha' 'iberal pairon:iee hert.,?i:i bestuwedon me. Give me a call. W.T. DEX. BrownvilleJuly27. li BROWNVILLEE I: 'ILATEST -MEWS. READY-MADE CLO l!!?2Q. lints raws, and Roots & Shoes ' Gentlemen's Under Wear, Csrpet JScks, &c Thoir stock varies from the FINEST QUALITY TO THB Brownville, 4prll, 26. I860. WILLIAM T. DDX. JOHN -.A, PONN, . lias Removed Trorn hit OH Stan on the XjPvp to wniTiinrs new block, MAIN STREET, BRQWKVILE iY. T. Where he has opened np a ComaiBtinc of STAl'LLAM rAXCV DRY GOODS, ALSO A Large Stock of Choice Family cowauTihu or rionf,1-" 4 Bacon - - CI3 2 1 ' - etc., etc., And a fine assortraent of LIGHT GROCERIES . Such ii ; :. Cpice, Peppers, ' Soda, , . Salaratui, Ginger, Allspice, etc., etc. ALSO, : - -A veil sfUdtd Slock of ' HARDWARE AND CUTLERY. PATRONIZE HOME MANUFACTORY! HEW SADDLERY JOHN W. MIDDLET0N, MALV STREET, ClOTElilK A very fine stocji of Ik 11 ,.,tf fr.r n-vet nn.tmnaffo' they hope by future tpt5nn to business, and a determination to please, in style, quality and prices, to merit not only a con stant put increased patronage. ; GIVE US A CALL. Brewnville, April 12, I860, , ' to distance, an examination of the map is all that to tn nroTO to ot one that it u nearer the mines than from any other point h Mi.nuri. On this route wood and water Via , v abound the entire distance, while on many omcm. woodhasto be haulea for many asys. , Tho. fAm nir fncts are fullT andsfttisiactoriiyes- Ai.v.v-.e, n - - , t.hii.hei bT the immense travel ot la3t year, ana k'.a whn rhint it the oresent season will hav no cause torearrct having dona so. . Thereloie . m. t -1 I . Uross tne Missouri ltiverat auu siau from Brownville. JOHN C0DDIM1T0N A CO., Proprietors Steam Ferry Boat. ITYBAIKEimY AHD tloo-Croam 0aloon BROWNVILLE, N. T. "5)w 'Trfnv - - rui n n r J cm 3 1HS C3- O IN" SIISl MUSkU V j7gl ML factnre. . .THT(-kTT-wirr,n ti&t he ha Jnst received ,m St. IiulS. WHiir.n -- un band, principalry ol his owa mann- JHFHI PLOW WO TO FARMERS Of Nebraska and N. W. Missouri: AGAIN I would call the attention of the farmers ot Nebraska and Missouri, to the fact that I have on v . n.i . r, .m rnnKtantlr mnnf nctnrlnif . at my Plow Factory, in Oregon, Mo., wagons, and every pattern of lows, to-wit: Fine Gents and I-adlcs Saddles, nujr&y and Yfagon Ilnrncis, Collars, Kridles, Halters, TTliIpi, Of 'Every Style, PIKE S PEAK WHIP LASHES, '.PLASTERING HAIR, A good supply always kept on hand. I estcity. V7ork r,Iaimfactitred to Order. CALL AND SEE FOR YOUSSELVES. TllGOdOrG Hill, Agdlt PRAIRIE PaLOTFS, One andjtro Horse PIoyfs, Shovel Plows, Iloes ,IIarriTS,o Corn Planters, And Harrow Teeth Together with everything In this line used by a farmer. I take the responsibility of saying that my two. horse dIows wilt do better work, in stubble or any kind of rough ground, than any I manufactured or sold in this upper country. My two-horse and prairie piows will be j sold, for cash, on terms, sack as will place them in the reach of every farmer. Mr Flow can be obtained from my agent at Iowa Point. K. T.f Brownville, loaaway county. Marietta, tish Bottom. Holt county. Brownville. N. T.. and For- M AUXIN UUftaAa. All kinds of repairing done with neatness and dispatch, on liberal terms. Oregon, Mo., May, iboo. Annonnceta their old customers and tne Litnens ox Brownville and vicinity, that they have fitted np a new stand, with all the conveniences that ladies and centle men can wish to make them comfortable. Their stand ison First Street, between Main ana waier, wmn iuej are prepared to serve customers with the Choicest Quality of Bread, Pound, Sponge, Gold, silver, and every kind of Cake, SODA-WATER, ICE-CREAM, Butter and 'Eggs, Picnick crackers, All kinds of Summer Beverages, Confectionaries of the Best quality, etc, &e : CHOICE BOTTLED MIJ0mS, Young ladles and gentlemen will do well to call and get their fancy heart candy. rarties, families, ananca-nic! Served on the Shortest Notice. Cold Lunch at all Honrs. The Farmers of Xeraaba and the adjoining conn tie will do well togiveus acall. We a!o invite the trav eling community to do the same, we win accommoaaie them on the most reasonable terms. Our motto is "small profts, quick sales,, ana teep me money in the Territory," as we are permanently locaiea in this county of Nemaha, Nebraska. Onr experience in catering to tne tasisor ine hhkbi of Brownville, warrant us in the belief that we win oe able to giveentire satisfaction, ana taaiw win receive a liberal patronage. Brownville, June , isbu. Brownville, April 1, 18(50. 41-ly QUEENSWARE, mj v. w- p y . Soots. and Siiocs. r 'S knowleds ef tk trad and wants ot the people mt MwnvlUe acd vicinity enables him to mak jodioi as purcbaMt ly for this market. He ask an lamination f Lis Stock, feeiir? aurel hewul t (tuif ew; j - - ..:,..--- nm ni l .-.f.i i t J i ' t " t s ? it I k'U Uiil luii i.mi Sr ,f HB '1,'S' sat- mM t--JSS) fgf .mflHSMRMiaS WHITNEY'S BLOCK r 3 r SUI.II.IER GOODS AT LESS THAN COST!! 7'a wi'.l ae'.l oar a tack cf Ge-Hczies's Sunner Goods, Ecinictc, Etr&Yi Hats, :c, Xio0i3 tlJLv3a. Coot, Io exchture for cash. Wheat, Flour, SheilidCorn C. A Taeca. D J. M AUTIX Co. 3. S. Corse and see c as we are determined to Sail vb above Roods at soma price in preference to iu:s tlia crtr BAtU next srrinir. D. J. aU.HTEf, 4 Ce. NEBRASKA CITY Capital Stock 550,000. NEBRASKA CITT, N. T. THIS Company, under a liberal eharter, is now f ally organitcd, and theirentirecapital stock of Fifty Thouiaitd Vciiart, psr.a in anasecurea. iney are prepared, from this date, to grant open policies, and take risks, upon equal terms, with the most favored Insurance Company any where. Having adopted the mutual principle,it patrons, without Incurring anyliability, will share in the profit of the company. The operation of the Company,will be eonflncd, forth present, to maris a, or caxoo risk, with a maxitnumliabilityof $12,500 on any on bottom. , eis- tbe only Insurance OEce, on theabove pop u!srplan,Wet of the Missouri, it oonCdently ex oectsa renerous support from Western Merchants. We respectfully invite the liiisoari Kivr ps ronage. BiatCTOiP: i S.F.XuckolIi, Chas. F.nolly, ll.P.Dennet, J. L. Armstrong, Vf . . Ilinchnian, Miles W.rown, A. A. radford. orriciKs: CIIAS.F.nOLLY,rresident. J.QAitsiDijSee'j. St. Louis Aeent Col.W.P.IIoviard. April 2d, lie 0. 51- mnw Bmville, N. T., keeps on hand a general assort- v irnwnfTman'S Plows. i. 0.onfi6y a! BlteutSov. , ly Donglas' Improved PREMICrvI SUGAR 21 ILLS. Jiluskingvm ' Works. -Zancsville, Ohio. Tearenow prepared to manufacture our Premium Sutiar-Cane ililis. cither Vertical or Tlorixuntal, and wil l h able to supply the demand, however large. Wa aro also manufacturing Donslas' Improved Kvp- rator, and also Douifl8 Steam Sagar Evaporator, and are nrenared to furnish every article of the best quali ty, and at moderate rates. rqnirea in tne manniaciBr PRICES 50SS0, $30, 100. and upwards. Price cf Furnaces and Evaporators, .f0 to $100. Circulars and Pamphlets furnished on applicatlsn. All orders addressed to the undersigned will be prompt' It attended to. DULULAS USOTUziKS, ap'l-ly Zanesville,. Ohio. Fine Honey. Dr. U. C. Smith, of this county, present us with a beautiful article of honey, equal, if not superior to any thinz we eve saw. This honey was mannfactured ry Mrs. Smith' according to the directions siren in receiet which she purchased of Dr. J. P. Creaper, Baltinvwp City, Md. Any person can ret this receipt for making honey, and be independent of the honey-bee, fcy writing to Dr. Cresper, No.65S. We-t Baltimora street, Balti more City. Md , enclosing 60cent HatekimriSe (C) Jfulejiry Timet. : Card. The public are now respectfully informed thai the undersigned have procured fn m Cincinnati ana pot in (mention tmeof Homer Co.' flour mill of the latest patent, and the first brought to thi Territory. TheT were indnaed to exchsnue their former mill for this one. from the hizh character they ha ve gain ed in the east, and from the personal testimony oi milleri whohave tried them throuxhoutthe V estern Sta.ts. and ia t'icw of the increase! demand tor oTindinsr which will exeeed that i.l any prenon varin Nebraska, renuirinsr a mill th at willd the .. . . . . , 1 i r work better ana quiefcer man any neruwioro inopw ration. " . In addition to their fionr mill they will keep the Corn Mill constantly running, ready i.t all time to accommodate the fanner witaoni aetenuon, ana cy ririn? their undivided superintendence to the bust ness( assisted bT theirformer miller, Mr. Wells,) they hope for the continuance and increase ! patronage of their friends. Assorted Lumber, Shingles and Lathoonstantly cn hand. GREEN dt MART IS. Pern Mills, Sept. 1st. 1859. ISXIALirtEAVIS, ATTOENEY AT LAW, G00 SEAUSTEESSES WANTED. Lime! Lime!! Lime!!! The nndertiened whoe kilns are situa ted nine miles west of Brownville, ,n the road leading to Ft. Kearney, keeps constantly on hand a very snp?rior article of lime, to which be Invites the attention f those wict inp The Lime will be delivered at thekiin or at any other point in the county, as desired. Feb. 9, I860 Cm K. It. LOXG kTSO REAL ESTATE AGENT, Falls City, Richardson County, Nebraska Wi 1 sire prompt attei-U a to all professional busi- ess intrusted to his care in Cichanison and adjeining i eounlie;; also to the drawing of deeds, pre-emption pa- ,..,(. May ia, '68 n4-fim JACOB MARHON, MERCHANT TAILOR. uroiTnviiie, rcura..Ua, Will give steady cmploycicnt to from twenty thinly gooa seamstresses. Apply imoicaiaUlj. fcrowcTuie, April si, lssu. The Great Fcrnaie Pills. Da. J. P. CP.E.AGEE i the Genera: Agent. Whole sale and retail, for Dr. Wbeating's celebrated Female Pil is. These Pill$ are truly valuable for laditt : For they will rettore the monthly tetien t hey may ttop from any eaute whatever. They never have rail ed in any cane where the directions around the b'X con taining the Pi' Is have been strictly followed; Indeed. there is no case of failure ever lometoemr knowledge. uemg pureiy vepeiaoie iney are perfectly safe. aicgie Doxe, maiiea to order postpaid coon receint oi one aouar, ny J. F. Car. AGE tt. . Baltimore City, Maryland A liberal discount to druggists. 3 cent postage itamc Mm gooa as mcaey . Catawba Wine Champa igne Wine, Claret Wine, Old Rye, Old Bourbon, Irish Whiskey, Porter, Gin Cock Tail, Saddle Bag Whisky, Blue Lick, Boker'a Bitters, Pale Brandy, Curraco, &c. 5 C' is i HtL- ...J bwms2 Iffin iiana3 Pishes, IPIats. Cups St. saucers, IBowIs, t ASS All Bar Tumllers, Decanters, Goblets, Wine Glasses, Fruit Dishes, Pitchers Sec. -Titr ii UsS - iJ w-"-J -lJ itLs ") l 3 1 t UI it: 70 n k m) rj Ear Rings, Shirt Buttons, J E WELS Y Finger Rings, Bracelets, Breast Tins, Sec, &c. Come and see and Secure Bargains ii--jLi.jLi.aii MliiLiiLi Brownville, August, SO, 1&Z0. 3. Has Juit re;e.vd' Tlin BEST SELECTE25 And, perhaps, th LARGEST STOCK OF DRUGS' Ever fcrciniit abovo St. JczzX Which h Is opening out la th iNCW Building Splendid l crncr cf Blab ari First itzzis. El toek eonnUt of the following trtic!, ' , will sell cheap forcath: Castor OiU Cod Liver OX Sweet Oil, Putty, Glues Fip. Pure White Lead, French Zinck, . China Zinck, Red Lead, Venitian Red, Raw and Vt umber, Spanish whiting. Turpentine, Chalk, Linseed Oil, Cough Candy, Tanner's OH, Copal Varnish Costile Soap, Fancy Soap, Toilet Sea;, Tooth brushes,' Liihsrage, Patent medicino Let.pap White Varnirh, Ink, Hiair bnuhes, Tooth brushes, Paint brushei1 Steel Pens, Gold Pens, Penci.'s, Hair oil, Stationery, Candies, Nuts. Raisins, &c. Also, a Splendid AsscrtncnCcf For m erica Comprising Lynn' attbarion Clcgre, Pomm' cenuiae cx Oisrrow, bear (cree;e, arji oiU, mark escencesof all kiuds, and of the finest q,aaat.. STATI0ZEEY. Foolscap paper, fncy letter paper, filt edited 3! and envelope, plain, fancy, and emoossed, p"n VtriC and pco-h'j!ders, ink of all kinds, inkstaiida, and seaiioj-wax. PUEE LIQUOES- Holland Gin, Irish Vhlsky, BouTton "wTiltky 0' Brandy, CorSial. Port Wine, Madeira, Wine, Wait nd Malaga Wine. Mr. Mann being sn experienced practical Dr?riti' patrons iney rest asmed tla: all medicin. procs' from him arogenolne without fear of mistake. tj"Phyician' Prescription atUcde 1 1 at ail & btiih by day and night. CASH-INVARIABLY Brownville, May 24, lSCO ly. MELVIN . MILLS Tbeci'.iier.s of BrownviHe, an 3 o;r inter are hereby informed that I have arracr1 for keeptng a constant supply of the Dcst quality of Floor. at the ' . : m BF.OYITVILLE. Where it ca bs rsrzhaiei ly tV wUhinr- lanTki, Aarrt, n,irri.