Nebraska advertiser. (Brownville, Nemaha County, N.T. [Neb.]) 1856-1882, November 01, 1860, Image 2

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    : imsii nam wmva
teuksdjlt lior.risc, m.v. .1, iv :
Telesrapii WEcultlcs st Ncur-ska
The recent and repeated interruptions
. cf the telegraph line ty cutting the wire
t Nebraska City, Us become almost an
intolerable grievance. We Lad cot here
tofore been willing to believe that any
respectable number of the letter portion
cf. the citizens -of that place would pre-
tend to sustain ruch outrages upon tie
community at large. Recant develop
ments; however, compel us, to suspect at
least, that if the perpetrator . arc.xct
. cpenly sustained, their conduct i3 winked
at. We are not posted as to the detailed
difficulties existing between our neigh
bors of Nebraska City and the Telegraph
Company, which has resulted in that
' .place baring no office, 'as yet. ,,-This
' we do know, however, that there, has
been a-degree of .unpardonable selfish -
nes3 manifested by 'our sister city from
the commencement of the telegraph en
terprise until the present. The 'reason
her people assign for not paying up their
mubseripiion a failure to do which caused
the company to refuse them' an office
i, . iht the line was extended to
Omaha!.. Now, when . the line is com.
pletedr and they without an office; and
'after some of their: citizens have "divers
and sundry times" cuV'down the wire,
and thrown it into the river; thereby
causing the -company much aggravation
and expense,, and feriously interrupting
the. business of the community in gener
al, we understand t' r-y proper to capit
ulate with the Telegraph Company,; and
want to know how much they will be re
quired to .subscribe in order to secure an
office, and dispense with (he one at Brown-
rilk t .We have only this to say to our
neighbors. We are not cf these to"throw
stones in (heir way," cr anybody else's ;
are' not cf those who appear to think that
' to pull down rivals and build upon their
ruins is essential to suocess; that such a
course in this wide world cf ours, is even
sound policy or wisdom. We of Brown
villo .would be pleased to see an office
established at Nebraska City, and all oth
er points where their people dpsire it -'the
mere tho mcrier hepe it will be
dona ; believe it will, when the amounts
already) subscribed -are . paid up. . But,
in regard to that other little' matter,' viz :
drying up ine at Brownvule, 'permit
us to say with great respect,, and with a
full know ledge cf the august personage
we addrcs?, "it. isn't ii Vie Pins V1 Our
businessmen, assisted by the citizens gen
erally, promptly subscribed ths amount
required by the company, to secure an
office, and on fast call, paid up every
dollar: and the office here pays a hand
some proft.
We repeat kindly, aril r suggest re
spectfully to our neigbboss, that hi en
deavoring to prevent the extension of the
the line to Omaha, and since tc suspend
the office at Brownvillc, they have exhib
ited a huge amount cf selfishness; and
that. their correct policy now is to cease
cutting. the wires; pay up their subscrip
"ions; secure an office of their own be
fore "attempting to dryvp others ; go along
in company with other points; and bear
in mind that there is such a thing as be
ing "Toouf," and hereafter show more
cf a dupesiiiou to "live and let lire.'
It'll pay you better in the end-
Presidential Election.
Next Tuesday the Presidential elec
tion takes place in the States. With our
telegraph facilities we will be able to give
our readers the result in the next issue of
the Advertiser. We believe, however,
that it is pretty generally conceded that
one Lincoln I Ioaest Abfc" of Spring
field Illinois is Ae can whom the people
of ihes'e United States intend to place in
the Executive Chair of the nation. In
this event Yancy, Wisfalb, and other
Breckinridge bolters propose to 'tbust the
Union. We reckon, however, they will
"rosone "on aerount' cf the inclemency
of ih-3 weather." He understand it is
that in' the event of
Lincoln's election, Nebraska, wilWorer
tr be" shut out of the twoa-wui not
have even an opportunity of applying for
Emission ! Reason: there'll be no Uni-
. mI I
t fpp Kfirrvror reuraska.
The County Fair. '
As the Nemaha. County Agricultura
Fair did not: take - place as advertised;
and a3 .some who do not understand why
it' did not, are disposed to censure us, we
make this explanation. ' .
The Board of Managers, whose duty
it was to prepare, arrange and control the
fair, thought politics was absorbing the
entire attention of the people, and copse-
i que nil y that the Fair could not be made
a success; therefore let-it go by default
We differ with the Beard. We .-think a
Fair far surpassing that of last year could
have been held, even in the midst of our
little political campaign. The farmers-,
those who were not candidates were not
half so much taken: up with politics as
some people thought they were. - They
think more of their farms, and produc
tions, than all the politics we have in Ne
braska, The better plan, even had the
supposition proved true, would have been
for the Board to have met, and postpon
ed the Fair until the next week after the
election. We are but the Secretary of
the Society, and as such, -did, our duty.
We called a meeting of the board ten days
before the election" that some ' definite
arrangement might be made ; but not a
sir. jle member attended. ,, ;
. A failure in such things always begets
a want cf confidence thereafter; and we
venture the assertion, that the entire fail
ure this season' will result in there not
being as good a Fair as that of last year
for several years to come. .
We therefore regret the failure this
' t 11""
eason. Uiame jnouij not, nowever, at
tach to us. .While v.e,"cs before said,
differ with the Board, we are satisfied they
thought their acting was for thi. best. '
Ma. EciToa: . , !
In that very truthful and rigidiy r.gni-
eous journal, the Nebraska .iareri..j. -
the ISth inst.,lRnaiai".u,
H. W. Farker, Republican, ii'
C. A. Goshen, Democrat,
Thomas Graham, Democrat, m ,
The object of the Advertiser j.--
J.. .1 1. n.nnt believe
ant was eviaenuy w iun.e r Va
that the district referred to -public-an
majority on party issues m the
! vote. or Jlepresentati ve. .. -
" The above is an extract irom an bii.
clem'the Nebraska City' -Vetr. over the
signature of Democrat" We don't
know why the writer, evinces so much
aoarlisbness unless he be -'one of the slain"
nd feels sore about the head. Wc sim
ply published the ' figures referred to
"without note or comment," as the official
vote, kindly furnished us by one of the
canvassers. We don't know whether Mr.
Parker's victory was upon his personal
merits, or from his political afhliations;
it Was handsome a majority over both
opponents.' We hope "A Democrat" will
recuperate, and feel better after "it quits
hurtin'."- - ; .
Who Will get the CertiScatc ?
We were shown a letter this week frcrn
a Democrat residing at Omaha, andwrit-
Tiic Koasc tliat Sam Bnllt.
The following capital parody on "Ice
House that Jack built," is copied from the
TTiin! fX. Herald. It is one ot me
"There was 782 votes polled in Nema
ha County, at the late election. Je
Nemaha County polled 797 votes; just
50 more .rotes than Douglas county,
and yetDouglas county has 3 Councilman
and 6 Representatives in the Legislature,
while Nemaha has only a fractional part
of Councilman and 4 Representatives.
Anew apportionment is badly needed,
and we hope the next Legislature will at
tend to it among the first things done.
Anotlicr Valuable Addition to our
V Cabinet.; ,
. ,We were this week presented by Mr.
"I. N. Kelly with a huge bone, and also
a tooth of som monstrous animal that lived
and flourished "leng, long ago." They
were found on the plains, about one hun
dred and fifty miles westcf this place
Netvs rroralhc Mines-
There is just now nothing particularly
new from the mines as regards gold dis
coveries or developments. The mountain'
ecr of 'the 11 th, says : ' '
"Mr. Anderson, the Mountain Express
man informs us that some eight or-ten
new silver leads have just been discover
ed about three miles Northwest of the 4
mile house, on the road to Gregory's.
When he came down on Monday night a
great rush was being made to the new
mines, and "moonlight excursions" were
the order of the night. . One gentleman,
who- had started to come down to the
convention, on hearing of the new discov
eries, left his country's institutions to go
by the board, and immediately started
back to Mountain City for his pick and
pan, to be on hai.d for anything that might
turn up. . .. r .: ' I
"A specimen of the blossom rock shown
us by Mr. Andersen, looks as well as
any we have seen." ,
, Thd-Dekgate convention met at Gol
den City on the 9th. We notice' as del
egates, our old friends, Dr. Rankin, Gen.
Bowen, Slaughter, and Perkiai, with
whom we have had the pleasure of serv
ing in the Nebraska Legislature. They
retain their penchant for "high places,"
it seems. ' '
Dr. Rankin, we see by the following
! from the tlMauntaineer," had a "set-to"
' The Governor of Arkansas, Elias N.
Conway, has issued a proclamation to the
millitia of the State, directing them t0
"prepare for trouble and danger."
Gov, Gist, of . South Carolina, has is
sued his proclamation convening the Leg
islature of that . State in extraordinary
session on the first Monday in November
next, "that they may be present on the
Tuesday following, to appoint electors cf
President and Vice President, in confor
mity to the act of Congress, and also that
they may, if advisable, take action for
the safety and protection of the Slate."
Whether the actions above alluded to,
are prompted by a scare on the part of
the actors, or a disposition to scare some
body else, it matters not ; it will not pre.
vent the people of the United States from
making their own selection of a Presi
dent. ..: '
r The same Wind of talk was indulged
in during the contest which resulted in
the election of Governor Banks. It did
not, however, frighten anybody very bad
and the Union was not dissolved. We
had a repetion of sush threats last win
ter ; but the country is still safe. We
rather think the South will, not "tear a
board off the fence" if Lincoln should be
be elected, which is now about "a fixed
that Sam built.
8100 000. This is the malt mat lay
in the house that Sas. bunt. k3 been made to the State f-x re
J a mis Buchanan. This ii the rat that j - nrovi,ion,. dirv,u t ...
ate :he malt that lay m ie Louse j
... Kansas sufferers was landau, at A.
. ...
Mas. This is the cat that kit-
r 1 with one of his fellow delegates, aad as
circumference and is very much decayed.
The Uoth, tee is decayed to considerable
. Mr. Kelly states that while cn a Buf
falo hunt his attention was attracted to
a large display of white substance in the
distanct which resembled a - lime kiln.
On arriving at the spot ho found on the
surface, above a wagon load f decayed
bones,, evidently the frame work of
' a aingle animal. - . They were at the bead
''"of' a gulch or ravine, and had probably
' been exhumed t some extent by the
' ttreama formed by-heavy rains. From
appearances there yet remains below the
surface more of tha monster's botes than
wcra feen abeva
We are not a suffiuieii'ly practical nat
uralist to venture a dissertation upoa this
discovery ; but have no hesitancy, after an
examination, pirticu'arly "of the tooth,
in pronouncing the remains to be that cf
an animal belonging to one of the largest
terrestrial Msnmuliy elJ of the crder
Herlivora. '-
' " We uudtrsuni seme two years agothe
bones of a Jfcgctheriun were discover
ed somewhere in the interior west cf us.
We know net whether a scientific exami
nation was made cr not; and it may be
the bones found by Mr. Kelly are the
samp. Had we time to spare, we would
visit the spot; may do so next spring.
We learn that the certificate has been
given Mr. Dundy, as Councilman elect
from the counties cf Richardson and
Pawnee. Mr. Fleming will contest. We
knew nothing "cf the particulars.
is generally the caso with Ben, he got
the best end of the bargain.
"Dr. B. P. Rankin and Judge II.' P.
A. Smith had a friendly little set-to last
evening. The first nd only round is thus
described: Both came up smiling; the
Judge struck out with his right; and was
handsomely stopped by the Doctor, who
countered with . his. left, getting, homi
heavily on the Judge's sinister peeper,
and closed it. The Judge went to grass
and ended the round. . - . . - .
We'll bet a hat there's , no other State
in the Union, except Michigan, where
the entire Republican political capital is
the most outre geous and abominable lying
Grand Rapids Enquirer.
We'll take that bet, and name Illinois
as "another" State. Chicago Tines and
We'll ace that, and go a pair of boots
better, that the controlling Republicans of
Nebraska can beat both Michigan and Il
linois at cool lying. Jftbraskian
We'll see that and raire it a suit cf
clothes that T. ' II. Robertson, Editor of
the Nebraskian.can cut lie even the Dev
il; nnd will also bet S10 thatcobedy dare
call us.
Orciroa Senators.
The Democratic members who ran away
from the Oregon Legislature, to prevent
the election of United States Senators,
and who were pursued by the Sergeant at
Arms, it appears were "overtook.,r An
election has been held by the Legisla
ture, and Cal. Bakes, Republican and
Mr. Nesvith, Douglas Democrat were
elected U. S. Senators. So much for
Oregon, which before Buchanan Democ
racy had the management of affairs, was
considered "hopelessly Democratic."
Magnificent Swindle-
' Hundreds of the following circulars
have been received at the Post Office in
this city lately, and we presum? hundred
more are sent to other offices in the west.
We know not whether any havt been
verdaat enough to bite at the bait hope
hot. It is one of those "Magnificent,"
and tempting swindles sharpers in the
Eastern Cities get up occasionally for the
purpose of 'lining their pockets. All
they want is the $20, and that will be
the last heard of them. Hands off:
Wilmingtox, Delaware, )
October, 15th 1860 .
Dear Sia :
In consequence of the very great pop
ularity of the Havana Plan, of drawing
Lotteries, and at the request of many of
our correspondents, we have selected one
of those magrngcent schemes for your ap
proval, to be drawn in this city on the
24th of November, and of which we en
close the State Official Scheme. Being
desirous to . render these Lotteries still
more popular, we beg to effer you the
refusal of a package of tickets in the en
closed Lottery for the small sum of twen
ty dollars. The advantage of packages
in these Lotteries is that anyone can draw
ten of the highest prises, amounting to
$75,000, which is not the case in any
other Lottery now drawing. And as
these are drawn by sworn Commissioners
appointed by the Governor of the State,
you are sure of fair, and honorable treat
ment, and of all prizes being cashed at
sight, '
In event of the package we select not
dra-ving you a prize of SI 000 (although
you are entitled to all over that amount)
we bind ourselves to send you another
package in one of our extra lotteries for
nothing. ' All we desire of you is, that
when you receive the money for your
prize, you will usa your exertions for our
benefit. The State official drawing will
be sent oa the same day the result is made
known, at well as a draft for any amount
you may draw, payable to your order oa
you nearest tank.
Send the $20 either by bank note, cer
tified check, or draft, when the package
will be forwarded. Respectfully,
(Post Office Box 706.)
ten to one whom he supposed &ho to be me humors of tbe campaign
a Democrat, in which he said, "All par- , This is the hcuae
- -. HKTXliaX.Awwws'-
lies here concede the election of Daily ;
but who will get the certificate is ur.cer
lain ! . Reader, that is the way the mat
ter stands as we go to press. The Loard
of canvassers were :q have met yester
day did and Ave have delayed our pa
per in hope of being able to communi
cate their decision. But they remain in
statu quo. -
The following from the. Omaha Repub
lican will give an idea of the obstacle
preventing a prompt decision on the part
of the Board :.
'"One " of "the most audacious pieces of
villainy "ever attempted in any country,
has just come to liht in the notorious L'
Eau qui Court county. It was no 1-ss than
the deliberate forgery of one hundred and
twenty-two majority for .Morton, in the
"Northern precinct," by the notorious
"TUFFTS." This pretended "Northern
precinct" is about twenty-five or thirty
miles above L'Eau qui Court county, and J
does not contain more man mre men.
James W. Virtue, Esq., a Democratic
census marsball, informs 115 that while ta
king.thc census, during the latter part of
July, he visited that region and did not
find more than three men in this pretend
ed "Northern precinct." Thos. J.-Bi-ley,
a Democratic Constable of this city,
visited Furt Randall during tho last sum
mer on official bu;iness, and he confims
the statements of the census Marshall !
So bold and reckless has this Mr. Tufft's
become, that he had the impudence to ap
pear, in person, before the County clerk,
of L' Eau qui Court county, and insisted
that he should canvas's the forgery and
return it to the Governor. .. But that of
ficer, with one of the free-holders, selec
ted by him, rejected it. The other free
holder a Democrat, and a tool of Mor
ton and Tuffts, protested against its re
jection. In a letter giving en account of
this infamous transaction, the County
clerk of L'Eau qui. Court, says. "We
naturally felt outraged at the audacity in
returninsr or the attempt to saddle this
i county with another fraud in the shape of
122 votes for J. Sterling Morton."
Notwithstanding all this, J. Sterling
Morton, through the columns of. the Oma
ha Nebraskian, claims his election ; and
as though he owned tha Governor, the
chief Justice and the District Attorney,
aunounces . that ' vote of 122 will yet be
be counted by them and thai they will go
behind the return of the County CUrk,
and give hirn the certificate ? Could im
pudence go farther? We confidently be
lieve he mistakes his man this time.
But "we shall see what we shall see.
EggSince the above was in type, and
after our forms were on the Press, we
learn that the Board of Canvassers, cotn
ted the infamous Ft. Randall, vote, and
awarded Morton the, certificate by a r.ia
ioritv of 14 votes. A more hih handed
and unblushing villiany has never been in
flicted u; on any people. Our particular
respects to this matter next week.
aad do a fair amount cf work. Jules
should have nothing else, and cattle will
iresTve their milk and flesh much better
oa it than on hay. I have tried it thor-c.J'-'hly,
and speak from v ' it I know.
Ve learn from our excl.'.rges that ac
tual starvation has taken place in some
aces m ivansas. aa u,ai Ui.
M l !
1 j
last w
! rrn:
The Atlanta Locomotive, which is not
a steam -ngine, but a Breckinridge news
paper, published in Alabama, blows the
whistle of alarm in th following manner:
bince insyivania ana unio nave spo
ken out upon the great political questions
of the day in their home elections, it is a
general concession that Ah Lincoln must
be our. next resident. And this has pro
duced a different effect in different minds.
for while an overwhelming majority oV-
plore it, others in our very midst rjoic
over it as the consumation of their d
voutest hopes. There is a decided major
ity of this first class, however, and who
are the true inhabitants of the Souh. and
the real proprietors of its soil, who have
written upon their hearts with clenched
teeth Abe Lincoln, so help us Heaven,
shall never ve our President!
S. A. Dou
led the rat that ate the malt, etc.
Breckinridge. Th i s is the dog that wor
; , rhd the cat that killed the rat, etc.
Br.LL-EvERETT. This is the cow with
- crumpled horn -that tossed the dog
that worried the cat, etc. . . .
New York ExrnEss. This is the maid
' eji'all forlorn, that milked the cow
- thatjosed the dog, fctc -Joe
rn al of Commehce. This is the man
nil tatrp-d and torn that kissed the
iu;iid.u all forlorn that milked the
cow that tossed ihe dog. etc. ...
N. Y.Osservek -This is the' priest ail
sl.avi-n and shorn -that married tho
maiden all forlorn that miikid the
cow that tosed the dog, etc. : '
Independent. This is the cock ' mat
crowed in the morn that waked the
priest that married the man that kis
sed the maid that inilhcd the cow that
tossed the dog, etc.
Abe Lincols: This -is "the hunter with
trumpet and hern that owned the cock
that crowe.i in the mem that waked
the priest all shaven, and shorn that
married the man all tattered and torn
that kissed the maiden all forlorn
that milked the cow with the crurn-
. . pled horn that tossed the dog that
worried the cat that killed the rat
. that ate the malt that lay in the house
that Sam buii:. '
And will -clean cut' the rat that ate the
malt; , the cat ' that killed "the rat; the
do that worn- d th1. cut, and the cow
with crumpled horn:1
- "Rough GaniMlag."
Bailie Peyion. in his late Philadelphia
speech, talking of the Democratic party,
told the following story: .
"Why, sir, corruption seems to be in
augerated as part of the policy of the par
ty.' They have taken to what a man once
termed rough gambling in Georgia. A
voice What is that?! One of mv friend's
constituents-f referring to J. C. Critten- born determination of the voters of the
dn, cf Kentucky. )l don t say he was rural districts 01 our otaie 10 eieti ,m-
hnrn In k Pnfuf .v. hut he wa oshrt" in coin anu iiamnn. Aiunaersumoioou,-
Louiaville. and had friven the police a 000 is promised. Go ahead boys."
"reat d?al of trouble. His name figured The western merchants will probably
irenu mtlv tmon the criminal docket. At have to eontrioute taeir quota ot me sou
length he joined a company as a common 000 above mentioned, in the way of ex
hand, to drive hogs down to Georgia. In tra charges on the merchandize purchas
ing nmirsft of time the hos were sold and ed from the merchants of New York, who
all the other men of the nartv returned, are now engaged in saving the Union
But this centlemati remained. Tinalv. The New York parties will do well to
however, ha r.i-aDD9ared in Louisville, conceal their names from the public.
dressed well, with a gold watch in his St. Louis Dernocrai.
pocket, an i looking quite the dandy.-
The captain of police chancing to meet BROWN V1LLE LIBRARY and UTTERABY A3-
him one day. exclaimed in surprise.4 Why sociatjo.
o d teliow. when have vou beenr.' "Well"
was the reply, "I have been following At mooting r.r th Hp
rough gambling down in Georgia." "And tcrnry Association, Leld this vw,,
uhnt i? thnt?" ad-pd th nrhrpr. "Up! " Luther Uonaiey, fcsq., it wu vn nv
answered the other, 'it is cutting off
trunks from behind stages, and a pood
business it is. I've made $500 at one
FiiileaTorlns (o Scare tii
' The Charleston Jlhrcury. a? wl! r.
many other fire-eating uuo.t; pap. r-, i .
using its utmost endeavors to fngr.un tho
people of. the North into the support t-f
the Administration candidate for the pres-idency-r
Here is an extract from a recent
article in that paper:
"If Mr. Lincoln is elected President
of the United Slates the relations of the
Southern States towards his Administra
tion mut be settled by the present Ad
ministration. Mr. Lincoln will not be
installed in office before the fourth of
March next. Long before this time the
southern States will have determined their
course; and if this course shall be a se
ceion from thf Union.' by one or more
southern States, Mr. Buchanan will have
to guide the course of the General Gov.
eminent to meet it. If he thinks a State
has a right tosecede from ths Union, of
course he cannot order any portion of the
United Stains army or navy 'against a se
ceding State. If he attemps coercion, ev
ery southern man in his cabinet and in
the army and navy will doubtless leave
them.- Congress has no power to control
the President's views cf the constitution
and the duty it involves. He must, as the
Chief Executive, of the United States,
act for himself, and enforce his own con
scientious conception; of the rights of the
States undr the Constitution of the Uni
ted States."
To Your Heal Interests!
Citizens of Brownville
I And the Best cf Ilanliini
5 ) i !
Prcparatlon for Corruption-
The New York" Tribune of the 22d
ult., says:
"We learn that a leading regency poli
tician went up the river on Saturday, with
$50,000 contributed by our bankers and
merchants, under the auspices of the H.
S. & T. Committee, to overcome the stub-
COME AND BUY ; . . ,
11 ore of Iljcm,
Than was ever before offtred in this
irioneer Dtore
Vi Have Just Received end Opened
Stock of (Roods !
lietoived, That the Pre?? Jen' n;
of three to select and ir.Tite r -n- ' - . t
couc to of lectures in this city !L(. c.;.,-vii . ..
E.W. Thomas, Col. G. II. Nix,.o.itr..l .i. ',,
son, wero appoiotetl cmrjitfpn. : ... !,.. -
in?trnctetl Vi report nt !n aclj-.-irp. ci m :i.r
hcl on the 8th NVtem'ier.
n.W KL'
E.W. Tuomas.Spc'j.
CiENai:MKN vl:au,
Cutlery and Queensware,
And Choice .
Death of a Hcrrnit.
The McMinville (Tenn.) J"ew Era
announces ihe death on the"23d ultimo of
Danitl We.-t, the. well-known hermit of
thi- mom-tains at ihe age of seveutv-six
He had lived for a number of years in
the hollow of a large American Poplar
tree, 10 the opening of which he had fitted
a rude door. In tbe centre- of this hoi
1 t t a
1 nv he wo'iia i una ru tire in winter,
niid for rooking hi phiin uieah-. This
hollow al.-o .erv d as hi sleeninir apart
m'ent. and it is said he slept in a sitiinff TO Ladies Of Bmwnxrillp
rtnTiirt rfliniiwr i.itn.-t kn . ! I . C L " I .
, 'tuitmi uuiuai liic Willi iJL 1113
house-1. Adioimn? or near to this itpp.
ml ' ' - . .
On the evcDluj? of the 31th, t tbe residence of the
brltleV fihor in Nemaha City, by Iter. II. Burch, Kr.
W. c. Clare and Mies Hart i. Pavt.
Announce that she h.i iuat rA; rrnm iv-
East a maunifictDt stoi k of
he had manufactured a rude shed which
he ii?ed as a workshop, in which he made
chairs, boxes, cider mills. &.c4 &c. He
was a North Carolinian by birth, and
was a soldier in the war of 1812. lie jEPZZ C&3 WlHtei
New Orleans was fought, and heard the iMl-LLllN JtiK Y GOODS
uooming oi; me guns wrten nis old uen
eral was whipping the British.
Agriculture and Starvation In Kan
The following, in regard to agricultu
ral affair? in la.ia w? extract from an
article in the Oiii-j Tj,tm'.or. from th-
pen of Gov. S'hvku Mzdkiiy. The
Governor, to our personal knowledge has
always taken great interest in Agricultu
ral matters, consequently he has observ
ed closely in the Territory ovtrr which he
is the executive head:
"There will be a
asked East in rega
the nature of our d
French Fl nWCM. Straw Tr!mm!riM. Ttil.Knnt
To which she invitestha attention f th I.arlioa nf
lrownriHe and vicinitT. ffelin?a.i(nri.d th v fm.n ni t
.... r .p
u ucnii 4111 rH in stvlw. tiualit i,r nri
Diritl Seiel anJ Hanry (ir ci.baum.
lames S. Chamberlin, XhnW. UluaanJ Thomia II.
NOTICE is herebr ri?en thatbr Tirtaa of mcr
cuton auJ decree f w art, issued from the office
crreat manv Questions vlnc erV,rfhe Ul tnet Uou.rt fwr n,ahwuntT
. ' .c.rih. lurrnory, a nnst James S. Chamberlin
rd to our Territory. Jbn w. ar..i Th..uas II. lwh.ii J 1 ?- 5" .1
routh. CtC. which T of Durll SoiI and llenrv Greenbnum" f.r th
swered correctly. I 1 r n 7 . rvj;" f "'.ur t 0."a m fiftT
.-Jicria :l !.na ConntT. liar.
Tlie Jlarjland Free Ncsro Laj,
The law of the last session cf the Leg
islature, applicable to free negroes in
Baltimore county, Queen Anne' an!
other counties, is to be voted oa at the
Presidential election, each Toter deposit
ing a balbt for or against the law. It
authorizes the binding out of free negros
from, the age of fire years and upwards
untitrhey are thirty years of age, and m
case they run- sway or secrete themselves
direct that they shall be sold as slaves
for life. '
Harriet Hosmer ana the Prince of
The Boston Transcript has the follow
ing anecdote:
Among other notewothy incidents at
the ball on Thursday, was a pleasant in
terview betwem his Royal Highness and
Miss Hosmer. As she advanced with Mr.'
Everett for presentation, the Prince, turn
ing in that direction, immediately recog
nized her, anticipated our distinguished
orator by greeting Miss Hosmer with
great cordiality, expressing pleasure at
airain meeting her. He said that little
"Puck" ordered by him some time since )
now adorned his rooms at Oxford, and
still calls forth the admiration of all who After a pleasant chat, Miss Hos
mer promenaded with Lord Lyons.
Tltn Tnillnnn C nn n t n .V. t n
, , 7 aesire to nave an
ine mners nave oeen amnrr iha u -.. 1 n . ' . .
. ; ialtijf nacicu criiu nunureu miles uevioa Un, and wiil sell at publio au-tinn f,,
.uu.i u. iicnucsiui ii; irju. vjranam i over me lerriiory, irom r t, ocott to
N. Fitch. The Indianopolis Journal in wntyn twenty miles of the Buffalo coun-
view of tie manv sDeeulatinnfln..,! : lry oa ltie b Du'y Hill. The loss of the
j 1 - wuvuk L J ; a 1 . .
the folloinrr.- -v.v .0 u.lJf iui ine pres-
For the satisfact
bled with Senatoria
say that it is the
the Republicans th
ia ct,uu anu rejection m io3, nas ?ger ot its repetition here than in other
a strong claim to the vacancy in the Sen- parts of the United States. There will
ate, witch we believe Mr. Morion and j no doubt be many cases of suffering and
Mr. Smut will defer readily and in the j want, but there ousrht not, nor need there
best spirit. The statement that there is be, any general panic, or danger of m
any intrping. or managing among the j sufficiency for the population that will re
fnends of these gentlemen is nonsense, j main over winter. Cattle are everywhere
We he.r of an nld J.,rL-Mn m,n i 1 , uumoers; poric will be in
assigns the following leasons for goiu
for Lincoln : "1st. He was opposed to
secession, and so am I. 2d. He was op
pesed to nullification, and so am I. 3d.
He was opposed to the slave trade, and so
am I. 4th. He was opposed to the ex
tension of slavery, and so am I. 5th. He
was opposed to nationalizing slavery.and
so am I." .
Largest Assortment of
Ever opened in Brownville and no mhjake I
Caps from 25cts to 2, CO.
WeanFitrt:n-:.;:.:.- l. r? ;.$50
A5D riss
r .
.yr v. ,n non-o m winch the Ian term of
me ins.nci uourt was Brownville, ih gaid
county ul cinaha. i,n .Sitn. v- ,
.VoTcmber, A. 1). 180. .f on. oVCI? 5" "k"?
. . . " uu- iao lol.ow ngde-
f.r. ... K I . . . I .-. ! . J II I" h"-1 J " 1 . i WTJIb UJ&II r.T thm nnrfd.M.I
ion of all who are Iron- 1 -, f.,r .Hp mmiB u'. lZ 1)?''' th ".orth-weat ,Mf.
i , . "r. uuk uui i .ya iwretj, iowDnip o. tii. north
Speculations. WC inav '. had n hut .i 1.i KrinnnA A: f ranj-o So. fiftei-n. . f k.
general feelin? am jnnr rni,r.,.np flir fllt,lru.. fn r. mernjiaaeoDtaining ICO acres, with all the arr.ur-
at Col. Lane, in virtu , rMl lhnt . Z I !!h'FopertJ,f ThJma,
vie uau- i ,u ou5ij uavi gi.1 a ezeiriitinn.
(abundance but 'fr'enerallu thi'n- Tn,.t.o
. O J ....... v.iii,ui. i i o
HheriTof Xetnaha county. N.T
V ;?f v?EN B- TK03reON, fcputy.
ErownT.IIe, ur.l, j
I. T. Mliite k Co.,
T. II. f!-!wrrf
Xotica ii hereby (si vea tbatbrTirtne .
i-sued by tbe clerk of tbe Di:rici ..
. -uUlJ. .ujrak.a lerruory, aiits: T II K
In farorcf I. T. Wbite lr tbe r -t -e'.',
dollars and eighty ne cent. I. J b we ,
Xemah a Coiuuy, Xebrik a Terri 10-7 a . 0' . .
m win cner icr aie a( public a
- A
P Uil KIT. mi
Saddles and Harness,
Oil Clollm ai:U CarpcHnrr,
Iron, Hails and Gastin :; :
GLOY -' s
Ladies Riding. Kid i
Gauntlets, Buckskin and D.
-. ..
..... -
abound without number, etc. But bread
will be scarce, and, with manv. difficult
ill T 1 V f" r II 1 1 r 1 awvn ba . n . I 1 t a 1 w -
- . w vu tutu (-;- --v4 w . b icriii t'r trie L'i-:
the first settlers. Monev and labor hmh J'c ,
oeing scarce, will make it very hard for Dber. a d issa. at oaeo'ci rt pn' r
manv n. in r firmlia " TKu-.n aa-1 will sell to the Litest tid.ler f..r in r..
iiia.j) poor lamuies. liiese mut been- roiigwinarderibe-i property. u,w: c m. :!.:!;;.
rouragea and looked
after. Theie is a
j good deal of old corn in some i
! in many locations a trood deal of new,
' . - t 111 la
Mr Yt ' k t- j c ''. ' 11 ' loloer wou-t oread me people,
Mr. D-.Tight, United States Commis- but leave little for other purposes In
ntrfSpl 10 IIaraD l lak?nhe minr of" lh bollo,I,3 hay in abundance
monyof lotmaster Fowler, in th case a. h.hl'u if nil tk . i .
f .k, it j p . iuuuer is
of tbe United States agaiut Law &Cou- cui and preserved, which is much better
over, sureties on Fowler's official bond, than the grass, there will be plenty for
returned last week with the required tej-, the stock, if the winter should be ordiua-l,mony-
rilv mild. Hoi-sea will n U
4 - " -. ...w . w. vij
.... r i
' iue MiuiTfM ornerof i!,e t.n: h .; fn,;.i
ler of j:;ioti number eleven in c .md.p i: ...' j
nortb i r ranee namNer afieen ear, ih , i ce rini.n'ieejht
on miction nnerrtyr.Kl. ibenoe n.rtb f.-ty r vU tbence!
weft forty rort, iheiice tuurit frtr tkJ Ui i.ica .1 h
Kiuiiiii, conuiniii, irn iirci nvrp or les with all tbe
improvements there n levie.1 up. n m tbe property of T
U. warUs and will Le sold to a'isfy Mi, xecat'on '
Sheriff of Kenaba county,
... ir B- B- Thomfsojt. DeretT
Brownyille, Xor. 1st, 1360. . 17-fi!-$J
Best Qualities of
mm isi rasas
Heeded or iLPesired
" v. F had at our Store, and on term al
favorable as those of any ether
House in ihe West.
All Kinds of
Will be takeu la exebaegs n wirrent VTic9.
Como Oixo 3 0-Vli ! J
leueVbarJr?iae4 l,n PTM
csuer oarnius tija f-sr bsfore.